2016 07 12 PCVq, FUJI P Planning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: www.la-quinta.org PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING on TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS 1. Appointment of Planning Commission Chairperson 2. Appointment of Planning Commission Vice -Chairperson PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Planning Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of the minutes of May 24, 2016 2. Approval of the minutes of June 28, 2016 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 1 JULY 12 , 2016 PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Assistant prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project(s). If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. Beginning Resolution No. 2016-010 1. Continued from May 24, 2016 - Conditional Use Permit 2015-0003 submitted by Verizon Wireless proposing the placement of a 60-foot tall monopalm wireless telecommunication tower and mechanical equipment at Fritz Burns Park. Project: Verizon Wireless - Chihuahua. CEQA: Exempt from Environmental Review pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project can be characterized as in -fill development and Section 15303 (Class 3) for new construction or conversion of small structures. Location: 78-060 Francis Hack Lane. STUDY SESSION 1. Discussion regarding Equestrian Overlay District. BUSINESS SESSION - NONE COMMISSIONER ITEMS - NONE STAFF ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on July 28, 2016, commencing at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Wanda Wise -Latta, Executive Assistant of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting was posted on the inside of the north entry to the La Quinta Civic Center at 78-495 Calle PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 2 JULY 12 , 2016 Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78-630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on July 8, 2016. DATED: July 7, 2016 WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICES The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Assistant for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Design and Development Department's counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 3 JULY 12 , 2016 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chairperson Wilkinson. PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, and Chairperson Wilkinson ABSENT: Commissioner Wright STAFF PRESENT: Planning Manager Gabriel Perez, Assistant City Attorney Michelle Molko, Principal Planner Jay Wuu, Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney, Executive Assistant Wanda Wise -Latta, Deputy City Clerk Monika Radeva, and Management Assistant Carla Triplett Commissioner Blum led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Commissioner Fitzpatrick requested that Public Hearing Item No. 2 be moved to No. 1. The Commission concurred. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Fitzpatrick to confirm the agenda as amended. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, and Chairperson Wilkinson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Wright. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of the minutes of May 10, 2016. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Bettencourt to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of May 10, 2016 as submitted with the following amendment to page three, paragraph four and read as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 MAY 24, 2016 Amendment to the Condition of Approval No. 77 of the Site Development Permit to read, "Applicant shall incorporate a pedestrian pathway that provides access from the driveway to the front door of each of the homes." Motion passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item order was rearranged per the Commission's request. 1. Conditional Use Permit 2015-0003 submitted by Verizon Wireless proposing the placement of a 60-foot tall monopalm wireless telecommunication tower and mechanical equipment at Fritz Burns Park. Project Name: Verizon Wireless - Chihuahua. CEQA: Exempt from Environmental Review pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project can be characterized as in -fill development and Section 15303 (CLASS 3) for new construction or conversion of small structures. Location: 78- 060 Francis Hack Lane. Principal Planner Jay Wuu stated that staff recommended that the Commission continue the consideration of Conditional Use Permit 2015-0003 to the June 14, 2016 Planning Commission meeting to allow for additional time for lease negotiations between the applicant and the property owner. Chairperson Wilkinson declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:08 p.m. Commissioner Bettencourt asked that it be noted in the record that his wife is affiliated with a local real estate agency in La Quinta and has represented homes for sale in The Tradition, but not within 500 feet of the proposed wireless telecommunication tower. Public Speaker: None Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Bettencourt/Fitzpatrick to continue Conditional Use Permit 2015-0003 submitted by Verizon Wireless to the June 14, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, and Chairperson Wilkinson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Wright. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. 2. Tentative Tract Map 36817 (TTM 2014-1004) submitted by Essi Shahandeh proposing to subdivide approximately 4.6 acre site into ten residential lots. CEQA: Exempt from Environmental Review pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project can PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 MAY 24, 2016 be characterized as in -fill development. Location: Monroe Street, between Avenue 54 and Airport Boulevard. Principal Planner Jay Wuu presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Principal Planner Wuu noted that the staff report stated if tract homes were proposed, the project would go before the Architectural and Landscaping Review Board (ALRB) and Planning Commission for Site Development Permit (SDP) review. He stated that given the recently approved Development Code Tune Up and the efforts to streamline processes and permits, tract home review of Site Development Permits would be approved by the Design and Development Director with a cursory review by the Architectural and Landscaping Review Board. He also noted that a SDP for architectural plans would not come back to the Planning Commission as currently written in Municipal Code; however, the Commission could add a Condition of Approval that states that any future tract development for the site shall come back to the Planning Commission for review. Staff addressed the Commission's questions regarding the proposed community gate and turnaround area; zoning requirement for the perimeter block wall; public and private easement rights; the differences in the submittal process between production homes and custom homes; the existing equestrian overlay zone with regards to the site and lot sizes; landscaping along the buffer zone; and potential home and lot sizes. Assistant City Attorney Molko responded to the Commission's questions regarding the Subdivision Map Act. Chairperson Wilkinson and Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated that they individually visited the site and met with Mr. Ziegler. Commissioner Bettencourt stated he also visited the site. Chairperson Wilkinson declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:41 p.m. Public Speaker: Benjamin Egan, Palm Desert, CA - introduced himself as the developer's representative and as a civil engineer. Mr. Egan thanked the Commission and staff for their consideration of the matter before them. He discussed the applicant's efforts to talk to the neighbors. Mr. Egan stated that they have talked to the Ziegler's, numerous emails have been exchanged, and there have been discussions between the parties' legal counsel regarding conditions to assure that the Ziegler's' access is secured. Additionally, Mr. Egan stated that the applicant has provided stubbing of water and sewer utilities to the east to service the Ziegler's property should they wish to do future PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 MAY 24, 2016 development. With regards to the neighbors to the north, Mr. Egan stated he understood their desires and concerns about their views; they have had discussions regarding the zoning requirements; preservation of existing palm trees along the north side of the site; and engineering analysis of the existing block wall which indicates that the wall cannot sustain additional courses being added without having to be fully reconstructed with new footings. Public Speaker: Rick Morris, La Quinta, CA - Mr. Morris thanked staff for their efforts and leadership regarding the proposed project. Public Speaker: Tom Brohard, La Quinta, CA - introduced himself and stated he serves on the Board for the Estates of La Quinta. He said that the Commission had been provided letters from residents at the Estates of La Quinta; of which, twelve were opposed and two were neutral. Mr. Brohard shared his opposition to the project. Mr. Brohard stated his concerns regarding meetings with the developer and their lack of response to the concerns expressed by the residents of the Estates of La Quinta; privacy issues; wall height between the proposed project and the Estates at La Quinta; relocation of date palms; lack of a landscape buffer along the north side of the project; security concerns with regards to the entrance gate; lack of pad elevations for the Estates of La Quinta; traffic concerns on Monroe Street ; proposed lot sizes within the site; open space and retention basins within the proposed project; street width and parking along the north side street. Public Speaker: Lisa Hogikyan, La Quinta, CA - Introduced herself and shared her opposition to proposed development and stated her concerns regarding the loss of privacy and the loss of the landscaped buffer. Public Speaker: Roy Ziegler, La Quinta, CA - Introduced himself and stated that he represented his mother who lives to the west of the proposed project. Mr. Ziegler shared his concerns regarding the proposed project's percentage of open space and its placement; why the developer was not required to do a planned unit development (PUD); on -street parking and street width; cars stacking on Monroe Street when waiting at the entry gate; lack assurance as to when improvements and project would be completed and the proposed lot sizes. Mr. Ziegler stated that he asked Mr. Egan if he would broker a conversation between himself and the applicant and Mr. Ziegler did not hear from Mr. Egan. Mr. Ziegler stated he is opposed to the project as it exists currently. Public Speaker: Rick Morris, La Quinta, CA - Mr. Morris addressed the concerns regarding raising the height of the perimeter wall along the north side of the proposed project and landscaping issues. He stated that an effort was made to match the existing landscaping and to try to save as much of the existing PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 MAY 24, 2016 landscaping as possible. Mr. Morris said they did not receive an invitation to nor were they aware of the September 1, 2015 meeting. . Mr. Morris stated that he feels the project fits into the surrounding area and feels they have satisfied the Ziegler's concerns regarding access to their home. Mr. Morris provided clarification regarding the proposed vehicular and pedestrian gates with regards to security and open space; and clarification regarding the width of the sidewalk along Monroe Street. Staff provided clarification regarding the top of curb calculations and contouring related to several lots within the proposed site and in the adjacent subdivision to the north. Commission discussion followed regarding the impact of the top of curb calculations and contouring with regards to the existing landscaping along the north side of the site; the impact of the irrigation system and trenching requirements in the some area; and the impact of the construction and installation of utilities with regards to the existing landscaping. Staff noted that in addition to a grading permit, the applicant would be required to obtain an encroachment permit for the 40-foot easement section where the road is and would tie the applicant to a one-year time period to complete the grading, remove existing asphalt and install new improvements. Staff stated the applicant would also required to post a restoration bond such that if they were to walk away from the project, the City would have funds in place to reconstruct the road over the easement area as an incomplete roadway would be considered a health and safety issue. Assistant City Attorney Molko reminded the Commission that what is before the Commission is the actual subdivision of the property and that the landscaping plan is a step in the process that would occur at a later time. She stated that in the current revised Municipal Code, the landscaping plan would be approved at the staff level and would not come before the Planning Commission; however, the Planning Commission could request that it instead come to the Planning Commission. Public Speaker: Roy Ziegler, La Quinta, CA - Mr. Ziegler stated he had a conversation with the applicant regarding the removal of property belonging to the Ziegler's from the site as the applicant was going to be starting grading. Mr. Ziegler expressed his concerns regarding the encroachment permit process; the submittal of the street improvement plans; and his mother's future security and access to her property. Mr. Ziegler also clarified his involvement with the Monterra Estates development. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 5 MAY 24, 2016 Public Speaker: Rick Morris, La Quinta, CA - Mr. Morris addressed a Commissioner's question regarding ownership of the property and stated that he owned the property and was on the title as were Manuel Abarca and their spouses. Chairperson Wilkinson declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:43 p.m. Commissioner Blum complimented the Estates in La Quinta, but stated that the other three developments are more in keeping with the area and that the lot sizes of the proposed tract are consistent and congruous with other developments in the area. Commissioner Bettencourt said that the General Plan designation for the property and the zoning is not in question. He stated that staff has tailored the Conditions of the subdivision to keep within the confines of the ordinance and the details that are personal to the tract. Commission Bettencourt stated he would like to see a comprehensive landscape plan and a fence and wall plan come back to the Planning Commission with an Architectural and Landscaping Review Board recommendation. Chairperson Wilkinson said that if there are questions regarding the open space and landscaping and the Commission moves forward, there is no variable in terms of adjusting spaces as the map will have been approved. He said he is concerned about the space and the fact that the Commission will not get a look at the plans unless it is conditioned as such. Assistant City Attorney Molko stated that as the Code is setup currently and having been recently revised, it streamlined the processes and would not come to the Planning Commission. She stated that with regards to what was presented to the Commission in terms of open space, it does meet the minimum requirements provided in the Code. Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated her concern regarding approval of the tract map which would allow the project to go to grading and a long period of time could pass before those who are impacted and who have legal right to the easement are made whole. She also shared her concern regarding the lack of landscape plans and would have liked to have seen the project come in under the new streamlined Development Code as a PUD. Staff provided clarification regarding the placement of picnic tables on the layout rendering. Assistant City Attorney Molko stated that the layout before the Commission is a general rendering and not a final rendering. She also stated that the PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 6 MAY 24, 2016 subdivision, lot sizes, location of the roads and those types of things are what is before the Commission. She stated that with regards to r the roadway there are three different property interests. She said that one is the underlying landowner who is the developer asking for the approval and they have the underling fee ownership rights and there are two other easements. She said the City's easement is superior to the other private property owner easement because of the timing in which the easements were provided and the City's easement is for a public right-of-way over this area of the roadway. She said the private property owner to the west, the Ziegler's, have a junior easement to the City's that provides for roadway access. She said there is a relationship between the developer and the City and between the developer and the Ziegler's that the City is not a part of and that is the access easement. She said all of the conditions have been based on the City's property rights as for as the easement in the public right-of-way and not necessarily the adjacent property owner's rights for the easement over that access route. S The City's direct responsibility is related to the City's interest. Blum asked if there is a way to assure the Ziegler's access to their property during construction. Staff stated that there is a condition that requires the applicant to provide a temporary access road that meets fire department standards while the original access is being worked on. Bettencourt stated that the process would be well served by the Commission's review of a comprehensive landscaping plan including a fence and wall plan at a Planning Commission public hearing and would like to see such a condition added whether the single-family homes are custom built or tract built. Chairperson Wilkinson recessed the meeting for a five minute break. Chairperson Wilkinson reconvened the meeting at 8:38 p.m. with all members present (Commissioner Wright absent). Assistant City Attorney Molko stated that the Planning Commission could, if it desired, specify as a condition of approval that landscaping and architectural plans could come back to the Commission at a public hearing in conjunction with a Site Development Permit. Staff said that the condition stating that the "Site Development Permit consisting of architectural and landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved at a duly noticed public hearing by the Planning Commission" would be added and noted that the landscaping plans would include fencing and wall PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 7 MAY 24, 2016 plans that are called out as part of the tract map and would not include the existing northern wall. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Bettencourt/Blum to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 2016-0008 recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 36817 (TTM 2014-1004) as submitted by staff, and the addition of the following condition: "A Site Development Permit consisting of architectural and landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved at a duly noticed public hearing by the Planning Commission." AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, and Chairperson Wilkinson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Wright. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION - None COMMISSIONER ITEMS - None STAFF ITEMS - Planning Manager Gabriel Perez stated that applications are being accepted for the Planning Commission and the deadline to apply is May 30, 2016. The selection process will be at a Special Council Meeting on June 8, 2016. Planning Manager Perez stated the City Council at its May 3, 2016 meeting upheld the appeal by Mr. George. Bushala for the Tentative Parcel Map due to two new justifications which were presented to the City Council that was not presented to the Planning Commission and is allowable under the Municipal Code. The new justifications were that the Tentative Parcel Map was not processed according to what is required in the General Plan as a cultural resource study was not prepared for the vacant land and dimensions for each of the parcels were not identified in the Tentative Parcel Map as required by the standards in the subdivision code that requires those dimensions be provided on the map. He said that the Council direction was to refer the Tentative Parcel Map back to a Director's Hearing for the two items to be addressed. Planning Manager Perez stated that the Conditional Use Permit 2015-0003 submitted by Verizon Wireless which was continued and the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance will be brought before the Commission at it June 14, 2016 meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 8 MAY 24, 2016 Planning Manager Perez provided an update to the Commission regarding the first weekly report of the Staff Level Decisions as part of the due process procedures as a result of the Code Tune Up. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Fitzpatrick to adjourn this meeting at 8:46 p.m. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, and Chairperson Wilkinson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Wright. Motion Passed. Respectfully submitted, WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9 MAY 24, 2016 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2016 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Wilkinson. PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, Wright and Chairperson Wilkinson ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Manager Gabriel Perez, Principal Planner Jay Wuu, Associate Planner Carlos Flores, Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney Executive Assistant Wanda Wise -Latta, Management Assistant Carla Triplett, and Office Assistant Carley Votaw Commissioner Wright led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA- Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of the minutes of June 14, 2016. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Blum to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of June 14, 2016 as submitted with the following amendment to page 2, paragraph 6: Commissioner Wright stated his concern regarding the installation of landscaping not adhering to the approved Landscape Plan. AYES: Commissioners, Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, and Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairperson Wilkinson. ABSTAIN: Chairperson Wilkinson. Motion Passed. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 JUNE 28, 2016 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Site Development Permit 2016-0003 submitted by VTL Palizada, LLC for the consideration of two recreational areas, landscaped common areas, walls, and entry gates within a proposed 320 residential lot development, Tracts 31732 and 31733, on approximately 78 acres. Project: Bellaseno. CEQA: adheres to previously approved Mitigated Negative Declarations for Environmental Assessment 2003-492 and 2003-493; no further analysis is required. Location: southeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 60. Planning Manager Gabriel Perez introduced Associate Planner Carlos Flores who presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Commissioner Bettencourt asked for clarification from staff regarding whether the applicant was responsible for the Monroe Street median. Staff said that the applicant is responsible for one half of the Monroe Street median, but are conditioned to construct the Monroe Street median and will receive funds from Trilogy to cover the other half of the median south of Avenue 60 to the next adjacent development. A reimbursement agreement will be drafted to provide the funds from Trilogy to this developer. Commissioner Bettencourt asked staff to explain to the Commission the utilization of an existing Environmental Assessment for this tract that is somewhat dated and asked how the Commission is exempted from addressing issues such as greenhouse gases regarding the determination before the Commission. Staff stated that the CEQA document for this project was approved in 2005 prior to a requirement addressing greenhouse gases and at the time the CEQA document was prepared it evaluated air quality, but as part of air quality some greenhouse gases were analyzed and it wasn't analyzed in a separate section like is done today. Staff noted that the City Attorney was consulted and a legal precedent exists for not including a greenhouse gas analysis in the original CEQA document and it does not require a new Mitigated Negative Declaration or additional analysis. Staff said the City Attorney was comfortable moving forward with this project under the existing CEQA document. Commissioner Bettencourt asked if the proposed landscaping meets the recently considered Landscape Ordinance that was recently considered by the Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 JUNE 28, 2016 Staff stated that the landscaping material will be analyzed by staff with regards to aesthetics and CVWD will analyze the water efficiency of the landscaping material. The proposed landscaping utilizes as little turf as possible and is consistent with the City's existing ordinance. Commissioner Fitzpatrick noted that some of the non-native plants included in the plant palette, although they are water efficient varieties of the plants, they are not native to the desert. The Carissa is not a native plant. Staff stated that there are a few trees that CVWD identifies as meeting the threshold and citrus trees may not meet the water efficiency requirement of the Landscape Ordinance and the Commission may wish to look at more suitable alternatives to the citrus tree or any other inefficient tree. Staff addressed Commissioner Bettencourt's questions regarding consistency of the proposed onsite lighting and stated that the proposed lighting is completely consistent with the City's outdoor lighting requirements per the Municipal Code. It was also noted by staff that the Architectural and Landscaping Review Board recommended adding additional accent lighting along the trails. Staff addressed Commissioner Fitzpatrick's concerns regarding assurance that when the Final Landscaping Plan is submitted that staff assures that the plants are consistent with the plant palette and meet the water efficiency requirements set by CVWD. Commissioner Wright commended the developer for its plant palette and stated that he hoped the landscaping will be planted according to the approved plant palette. Chairperson Wilkinson declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:25 p.m. Public Speaker: Leslie Locken, Bermuda Dunes, CA - introduced herself and stated that she is the Project Manager for Palizada and is with the Rilington Group. Public Speaker: Sarah Jimenez, Indio, CA - introduced herself and stated that she is with RGA Landscape Architects. Ms. Jimenez addressed the Commission's concerns regarding the retention basins in the south tract of the proposed project and described the proposed landscaping, trails, shade trees, use of native hydro seed, drainage with regards to the retention basins and surrounding areas; and unguarded entrance gates and gate access. Staff addressed the Commission's question with regards to the median noting that generally the median is turned over to the City after the one year warranty PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 JUNE 28, 2016 and the perimeter landscaping is maintained by the developer and is accepted into the Landscape and Lighting District. Public Speaker: Sarah Jimenez, Indio, CA - Ms. Jimenez responded to the Commission's question with regards to the hydro seed plan and the seed mix. Public Speaker: Judith Collins, La Quinta, CA - introduced herself and stated she is a resident at Trilogy. She shared her concerns regarding the height of the towers and potential for flooding at the Split Rock Gate at Trilogy during heavy rains due to the configuration of the surrounding area. Staff stated that the height of the towers is 18 feet 8 inches and that with regards to the drainage concern, the developer is responsible for the street drainage related to the half width of the street adjacent to the development and stated it would be engineered to a 100-year flood standard. Chairperson Wilkinson declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 6:37 p.m. Commissioner Bettencourt said he supported staffs recommendation. Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated that it is acceptable to her to have the 'resolution amended allowing staff to make the final determination on the plant palette and would like to see an annotation indicating that the landscaping for the retention basins in the southern tract mimic the landscaping for the retention basins in the northern tract. She also stated that her preference is not to see lighting installed along DG pathways. Commissioner Wright said he would like to see a comprehensive list of what will be in the hydro seed mix and concurred with Commissioner Fitzpatrick regarding the lighting of DG pathways. Staff requested Commission direction regarding the Final Perimeter Landscaping Plan as to whether the Commission would like the plan to come back to the Commission or be reviewed by the Architectural and Landscaping Review Board. The Commission concurred and directed staff to bring the Perimeter Landscaping Plan back to the Planning Commission at a future date. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Fitzpatrick/Bettencourt to approve Resolution 2016-009 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2016-0003 with staffs recommendations, and with the addition of the following conditions: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 JUNE 28, 2016 1. The final decision on the plants in the Landscaping Plan as submitted will be made at the staff level, 2. Planning Commission will review and recommend for approval at a later date the Perimeter Landscaping Plan; 3. Condition 48 which requires the accent light along the pathways is to be removed from the resolution; and 4. There will be a notation on the landscaping plans that the retention basin landscaping in the southerly tract will mimic the design of the retention basin landscaping in the northerly tract. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, Wright and Chairperson Wilkenson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed unanimously. Commission Blum thanked the applicant for their efforts. BUSINESS SESSION - None COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Wright said he would like to recognize and thank Chairperson Robert Wilkinson for his ten years of service to the City of La Quinta on the Planning Commission. Chairperson Wilkinson thanked staff for their efforts during his tenure on the Planning Commission. STAFF ITEMS Planning Manager Perez stated that it is possible that SilverRock may come before the Planning Commission in August and staff will send an email inquiring about vacation plans that the Commissioners might have in place. The Commission indicated that most of them would be available in August. Planning Manager Perez announced that at the June 21 Council Meeting, Commissioner Wright was reappointed to the Planning Commission, new Commissioner Paul Quill's term will begin on July 1 and there will be an item on the July 12 Planning Commission agenda regarding the selection of officers. He also noted that the Council discussed potential consolidation of the ALRB with the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 5 JUNE 28, 2016 Planning Manager Perez noted that at the last Planning Commission meeting the Commission had questions regarding landscape plans and what plants are installed at the project site and if they match the approved plans. He said that there have been discussions regarding streamlining the landscape review process; possibly utilizing existing inspectors who are familiar with landscape plant palettes and irrigation; and utilizing a currently contracted landscape architect who is familiar with the landscape water efficient ordinance and who could provide an additional professional review of the landscape plans. Landscape plans would still be review by the ALRB. Commissioner Blum stated that he would like to see some methodology put in place to verify that the developer is planting those plants that are on the approved landscaping plan and is still interested in hearing how the theatre performed with regards to the landscape plan and what was actually planted. Planning Manager Perez stated that there have been some discussions regarding potentially having the landscape architect who prepares the plans provide a certification of what was installed at a project site. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Blum to adjourn this meeting at 6:59 p.m. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, Wright and Chairperson Wilkinson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. Motion Passed. Respectfully submitted, WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 6 JUNE 28, 2016 PH 1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JULY 12, 2016 CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2015-0003 APPLICANT: VERIZON WIRELESS PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST: THE PLACEMENT OF A 60-FOOT TALL MONOPALM WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AT FRITZ BURNS PARK CEQA: THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 (CLASS 32) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT CAN BE CHARACTERIZED AS IN -FILL DEVELOPMENT AND SECTION 15303 (CLASS 3) FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION LOCATION: RECOMMENDED ACTION 78-060 FRANCIS HACK LANE Adopt a resolution to approve Conditional Use Permit 2015-0003 for a wireless telecommunications facility and find the project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • This proposal was considered at the May 24, 2016 and June 14, 2016 Planning Commission hearings, but was continued because additional time was needed to finalize a lease agreement. • Verizon Wireless is requesting approval of a 60-foot tall telecommunication tower within the eastern parking lot of Fritz Burns Park (Attachment 1). • Twelve antenna panels will attach to the tower at a height of 53 feet and be painted to match the faux palm fronds. The associated mechanical equipment will be located near the base of the tower. • As conditioned, the proposed facility complies with the requirements of the Page 1 of 4 City's Telecommunication Ordinance and will increase service options in and around this portion of the City. BACKGROUND Fritz Burns Park is located on the southeast corner of Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas (Attachment 2). The park includes a dog park, skate park, swimming area, play area, and multiple tennis courts. Two parking lots are located along the southern portion of the park, off of Francis Hack Lane; a large primary parking lot where the majority of visitors park vehicles, and a smaller secondary lot that is infrequently used. PROPOSAL AND ANALYSIS Verizon Wireless is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a 60-foot tall monopalm within the secondary parking lot of Fritz Burns Park (Attachment 3). The tower includes a total of twelve antenna panels mounted at a height of 53 feet, and will be camouflaged with faux palm fronds (Attachment 3, Sheet A-4 - A5). The tower will be located within a new planter to the east of the large dog park (Attachment 3, Sheet A-1 - A-2). The total lease area of the facilities is 130 square feet. Mechanical equipment, including multiple cabinets and a backup generator, will be located in an existing planter to the south of the tower. The planter areas will be heavily landscaped with Yellow Trailing Lantana, and two additional live palm trees (42-foot tall, 36-foot brown trunk height) are proposed near the tower to provide vegetative screening (Attachment 3, Sheet L-2). The colors of the cabinets are gray/beige; however, they can be painted. Staff recommends that the cabinets be painted a medium or dark green color, which should help blend with the proposed landscape screening. Site Justification: The Municipal Code contains provisions for new towers to first explore opportunities for collocation as a means of maximizing existing tower facilities and minimizing the number of new towers in the City. The applicant has prepared a justification letter which provides an alternative site analysis explaining why a new tower is preferred versus locating on existing tower sites in the vicinity (Attachment 4). The applicant reviewed two alternatives, both utilizing an existing tower site in the adjacent City Public Works Yard, and determined both options to be infeasible due to access and/or cost. Therefore, the applicant has proposed a new facility. The tower is capable of providing space for future collocation. The proposed use will be compatible with all of the specific site location, development, and operation standards related to wireless telecommunications facilities. The proposal will not prove detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood or the general public with fulfillment of the recommended conditions of approval. In addition to those facts and observations contained in this report to support this request, it is not Page 2 of 4 anticipated that the proposal will interfere with local radio, television, or emergency reception, as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates transmission frequencies. Furthermore, the applicant will be required to operate the wireless telecommunications facility in compliance with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency (RF) emissions for all types of communications towers. Compliance with the above regulations will ensure that the facility poses no interference to surrounding land uses. Pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the City of La Quinta is prohibited from using environmental effects of RF emissions as justification for approval or denial of a wireless telecommunication facility. However, all wireless telecommunication facilities are required to comply with FCC regulations regarding the emission and transmission of electromagnetic radiation and radio frequency emissions that may result from the project. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Outreach: The proposed tower is located in direct view of existing single-family homes within the Tradition residential community (Attachment 3, Sheet T-3 - T-5). Staff directed the applicant to participate in outreach with the impacted homeowners, as well as with the Tradition Homeowners Association (HOA). In late March of this year, the applicant sent an introductory letter and photo simulations to homeowners and the Tradition HOA. To date, one response has been received (Attachment 5). The resident did not express opposition to the proposal, but did request additional information that the applicant provided. Public Agency Review: This request was sent to all applicable City departments and affected public agencies. All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Public Notice: This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on May 13, 2016, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date, no comments have been received. Any written comments received will be handed out at the Planning Commission Hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act as in -fill development and Section 15303 (Class 3) for new construction or conversion of small structures. Page 3 of 4 Prepared by: Jay S. Wuu, AICP, Principal Planner Approved by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Project Area Map 3. Verizon Wireless Conditional Use Permit Plan Set 4. Verizon Wireless Project Justification 5. Public Outreach Response Letter Page 4 of 4 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PLACEMENT OF A 60- FOOT TALL MONOPALM WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER AND EQUIPMENT AT FRITZ BURNS PARK, AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2015-0003 APPLICANT: VERIZON WIRELESS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 12th day of July, 2016, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, as continued from the regularly -scheduled Public Hearings on May 24, 2016 and June 14, 2016, to consider a request by Verizon Wireless for approval of a 60-foot tall monopalm wireless telecommunication tower and mechanical equipment at Fritz Burns Park, generally located on the southeast corner of Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas, more particularly described as: APN: 770-184-011 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on May 13, 2016 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.170.090 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan The design of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with La Quinta General Plan, which requires utilities and communication facilities to be available, adequate and convenient for all residents. The applicant has determined that a need for this type of service, in this general area, exists and providing such a facility will ensure that the public has access to such services. The placement of the monopalm tower at this site will have a negligible impact on the surrounding public thoroughfares and land uses. Planning Commission Resolution 2016 - Conditional Use Permit 2015-0003 Applicant: Verizon Wireless Adopted: July 12, 2016 Page 2 of 3 2. Public Welfare The proposed wireless facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The facility will provide enhanced communication services to the surrounding area, including emergency and public safety communications. The facility is located within a public park, adjacent to the City maintenance yard. The nearest residence is approximately 160 feet to the north, separated by two roads and a landscaping buffer. The wireless facility is required to comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions to ensure the antennas will not interfere with the surrounding land uses. 3. Visual Impacts The proposed wireless telecommunication facility minimizes adverse visual impacts through careful design and site placement. The facility utilizes a small footprint within an underutilized parking area, and the facility is proposed as a stealth Monopalm, which fronds should minimize the visual impacts of the facility. 4. Tower Design The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is designed at the minimal height to achieve the service provides objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. The proposed camouflaged wireless communications facility, as conditioned, to be a 40-foot facility with a concurrent one-time modification to include a height increase of 20-feet as allowed within Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, enables carriers the right to utilize a one-time modification to include a height increase of 20-feet. 5. Justification The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant's justification letter, to improve community access to wireless service. A significant gap in coverage exists for Verizon customers in this area of the City. Therefore, this facility is necessary to improve community access to wireless services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Planning Commission Resolution 2016 - Conditional Use Permit 2015-0003 Applicant: Verizon Wireless Adopted: July 12, 2016 Page 3 of 3 SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the Planning Commission to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15332 and 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2015-0003, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this the 12th day of July, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: , Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: GABRIEL PEREZ, Planning Manager City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2015-0003 APPLICANT: VERIZON WIRELESS JULY 12, 2016 Page 1 of 4 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees ("Indemnified Parties") from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit, except to the extent such claim, action or proceeding is caused by the Indemnified Parties' gross negligence or willful misconduct. The City reserves the right to approve applicant's choice of counsel to represent the City, its agents, officers, and employees in the defense of the matter, which approval shall not be unreasonably conditioned, withheld, or delayed. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), including Chapter 9.170 and Chapter 9.210.020. 3. The Conditional Use Permit shall expire on June 14, 2018 and shall become null and void in accordance with Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless the use has been established. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080. 4. Any expansion or substantial modifications to the approved plan shall require an amendment of this Conditional Use Permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director, and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 5. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • La Quinta Building Division • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • Federal Communication Commission • Federal Aviation Administration The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2015-0003 APPLICANT: VERIZON WIRELESS JUNE 14, 2016 Page 2 of 4 6. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall not be construed as approval for any horizontal dimensions implied by site plans or exhibits unless specifically identified in the conditions of approval. 7. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 8. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. UTILITIES 9. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 10. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for safety, practical and aesthetic purposes. 11. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlaying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements as required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located so as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. MAINTENANCE 12. Any disturbed areas including landscaping shall be replaced in -kind. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2015-0003 APPLICANT: VERIZON WIRELESS JUNE 14, 2016 Page 3 of 4 PLANNING 13. The proposed telecommunication facility shall comply with all federal and state statutes, including, but not limited to, FCC licensing, NIER levels, and FAA requirements. No wireless telecommunication facility or combination of facilities shall produce, at any time; power densities that exceed current FCC adopted standards for human exposure for RF (Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Standards) fields. Failure to comply with FCC Standards will result in the immediate cessation of operation of the wireless telecommunication facility. 14. All wireless telecommunication facilities shall be installed and maintained in compliance with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, National Electrical Code, the City's noise ordinance, and other applicable codes, as well as other restrictions specified in the permit and the La Quinta Municipal Code. The facility operator and the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the facility in good condition, which shall include, but not be limited to, regular cleaning, painting, and general upkeep and maintenance of the site consistent with the facility's original approval. 15. The panel antennas shall be mounted securely to the monopalm tower. All antennas and antenna arrays shall be painted to match the faux palm fronds and shall be shielded from view by the tower's faux palm fronds. The final design of the screening material shall be approved by the Design and Department Director. 16. Branches shall extend a minimum of 18 inches beyond the antenna arrays. 17. 70% of all branches shall be eight (8) feet in length or longer. 18. Antennas, equipment, and all ancillary components shall be stealth to the maximum extent feasible. 19. The applicant shall negotiate in good faith for shared use by third parties; an owner generally will negotiate in the order in which requests for information are received, except an owner generally will negotiate with a party who has received an FCC license or permit before doing so with other parties. 20. Verizon Wireless shall have a continuing obligation to respond to and resolve any and all complaints associated with any potential interference with frequencies related to residential and/or life safety communications and operations. Response shall be within 48 hours of receipt of notice of any such complaints. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2015-0003 APPLICANT: VERIZON WIRELESS JUNE 14, 2016 Page 4 of 4 21. The placement of the pole shall not interfere with the existing infrastructure and improvements at this location. The pole shall not be placed on a public paths -of - travel and must be located in the proposed lease enclosure. 22. The wireless telecommunication facility operators are required to notify the City of La Quinta's Planning Division within sixty (60) days of any change of ownership of the facility. 23. This telecommunication facility is subject to a ten-year review by the Planning Commission. The review will determine whether or not the originally approved telecommunication facility and accessory equipment are still in compliance with the conditions of approval, and that all radio frequencies are in compliance with FCC OET Bulletin 65. This report shall be prepared by a qualified licensed engineer. 24. The entire facility shall be maintained in a condition consistent with the conditions of this approval and, if the facility is not so maintained this approval is subject to revocation or other correcting actions as determined appropriate by the City. 25. No cables, conduit or other equipment on the monopalm tower pole shall be visible. All electrical work for the proposed antennas shall be contained within the monopalm tower cavity. 26. The entire facility shall be maintained in a condition consistent with the conditions of this approval with no visible deterioration of the faux palm treatment and all landscaping, including the required additional two (2) palm trees, in a live healthy status. If the facility is not so maintained, this approval is subject to revocation or other correcting actions as determined appropriate by the City. 27. The proposed mono -palm shall be approved at a height of 40 feet with a concurrent one time height modification taken under Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, for an ultimate height of 60 feet. ATTACHMENT 1 Proiect Information CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2015-0003 APPLICANT: VERIZON WIRELESS PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST: THE PLACEMENT OF A 60-FOOT TALL MONOPALM WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AT FRITZ BURNS PARK LOCATION: 78-060 FRANCIS HACK LANE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: OPEN SPACE - RECREATION ZONING DESIGNATION: PARKS AND RECREATION SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: PARKS AND RECREATION EXISTING PUBLIC PARK SOUTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY EAST: MAJOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES CITY YARD WEST: PARKS AND RECREATION EXISTING PUBLIC PARK I Ll .,r . f :tea �:�',°� +r ' 'a' � ' 7� " "�•�.`:4�r.'�1'±► * � �'� CALLS-DURANGO 'F� �- 77, a'r f � - . --- �' 'jI 1 t L , AVENUE 52 _ � •�_ _ -�.�� _ -. - _ r si NINE: f� f aec Will o woo A - Ff U �Iitl e I s o ij 07 f z :y. r_ .1 art F r t JL F.� Verizon (Chihuahua) ProjectArea Site Map ATTACHMENT 2 n n A 2 z May 23, 2016 N City of La Quinta Planning Division GEM gj'i c.DESEVU — Design & Development Department OVERALL HEIGHT 60'-0" PROJECT TEAM aI_L1,111►[5 COMPANY: SMARTLINK, LLC ADDRESS: 18401 VON KARMAN AVE, SUITE 400 CITY, STATE, ➢P: IRVINE, CA 92612 CONTACT: JIM ROGERS PHONE: (949) 295-9031 E-MAIL: james.mgers@smartlinkllc.com SITE AQUISITION COMPANY: SMARTUNK, LLC ADDRESS: 18401 VON KARMAN AVE, SUITE 400 CITY, STATE, ➢P: IRVINE, CA 92612 CONTACT: DANEEN WILDER PHONE: (714) 936-1030 E-MAIL: daneen.wilder@smartlinkllc.com ENGINEER COMPANY: SMARTUNK, LLC ADDRESS: 18401 VON KARMAN AVE, SUITE 400 CITY, STATE, ➢P: IRVINE, CA 92612 CONTACT: JAMES GONZALEZ, PE PHONE: (510) 772-7415 E-MAIL: james.gonzalez@smartlinkllccom PROJECT SURVEYOR COMPANY: FLOYD SURVEYING ADDRESS: 34006 GALLERON STREET CITY, STATE, ZIP: TEMECULA, CA 92592 CONTACT: DAVID A FLOYD PHONE: (949) 200-0626 E-MAIL: fsi@floydsuweying.com SIGNATURE BLOCK THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HEREBY APPROVE AND ACCEPT THESE DOCUMENTS & AUTHORIZE THE SUBCONTRACTOR TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN. ALL DOCUMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT & MAY IMPOSE CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS. DISCIPLINE: SIGNATURE: DATE: SITE ACQUISITION MANAGER: CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: RF ENGINEER: verizonl/ CHIHUAHUA (MCE DESIGN) FRITZ BURNS PARK 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PROJECT SUMMARY APPLICANT/LESSEE COMPANY: VERIZON WIRELESS ADDRESS: 15505 SAND CANYON AVE CITY, STATE, ➢P: IRVINE, CA 92618 PHONE: (949) 286-7000 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE COMPANY: SMARTUNK, LLC ADDRESS: 18401 VON KARMAN AVE, SUITE 400 CITY, STATE, ZIP: IRVINE, CA 92612 CONTACT: JIM ROGERS PHONE: (949) 295-9031 E-MAIL james.mgers@smartlinkllc.com PROPERTY OWNER: NAME: CITY OF LA QUINTA ADDRESS: 79495 CALLE TAMPICO CITY, STATE, ➢P: LA QUINTA, CA 92253 CONTACT: TED SHOVE PHONE: (760) 777-7131 E-MAIL: tshove@laquinta.org PROPERTY INFORMATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE 15-1 APN #: 770-184-011 COUNTY: RIVERSIDE COUNTY JURISDICTION: CITY OF LA QUINTA CURRENT ZONING: PR (PARKS & RECREATION) CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: AREA OF CONSTRUCTION: EQUIPMENT AREA = 130 SQ. FT. ANTENNA POLE AREA = 29 SQ. FT. TOTAL SQ. PT. = 159 SQ. FT. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-B (NON RATED) PROPOSED USE: UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY HANDICAP REQUIREMENTS: FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. HANDICAPPED ACCESS NOT REQUIRED. VICINITY MAP e'da Menfatoma G' a (n E Fonda A, L��uinra a Gommuniry Park. a 9 - GII Esteda CJl Fonury.. — — `—° Ave Nneshe n � ender alone n n ¢52 P CII Amigo Fntz 6um6PeNA4 4anYan Cr Y. � ;,eyale - Calleourangn Franos Hacl,i � Calle5anore 3 Calle Ensenada e .a 5 I DRIVING DIRECTIONS 1 FROM VERIZON WIRELESS OFFICE: HEAD SOUTHEAST TOWARD SAND CANYON SIDE PATH/SAND CANYON TRAIL 322 FT, TURN RIGHT ONTO SAND CANYON AVE 0.3 ME USE THE LEFT 2 LANES TO TURN LEFT AT THE 1ST CROSS STREET ONTO BARRANCA PKWY 1.1 MI, TURN RIGHT ONTO PACIFICA 440 FT, TURN RIGHT ONTO THE STATE HIGHWAY 133 N RAMP 0.2 M4 MERGE ONTO CA-133 N (PARTIAL TOLL ROAD) 4.0 MI, KEEP LEFT AT THE FORK TO STAY ON CA-133 N (TOLL ROAD) 1.0 ME MERGE ONTO CA-241 N (TOLL ROAD) 10.9 MI, USE THE RIGHT 2 LANES TO TAKE EXIT 39A TO MERGE ONTO CA-91 E TOWARD RIVERSIDE (PARTIALTOLL ROAD) 23.0 ME KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON CA-91 E 1.5 MI USE THE RIGHT 2 LANES TO TAKE EXIT 65 B FOR CA-60 E/I-215 S TOWARD SAN DIEGOANDIO 0.6 MI, MERGE ONTO CA-60 E 0.3 MI, CONTINUE ONTO CA-60 EA-215 S 4.4 ME KEEP LEFT AT THE FORK TO CONTINUE ON CA-60 E 18.2 MI MERGE ONTO I-10 E 43.3 ME TAKE EXIT 137 FOR WASHINGTON ST 0.2 MI, CONTINUE ON WASHINGTON ST. DRIVE TO FRANCIS HACK EN IN LA QUINTA 14 MIN (6.9 MI), USE THE RIGHT 2 LANES TO TURN RIGHT ONTO WASHINGTON ST 2.8 ME CONTINUE STRAIGHT TO STAY ON WASHINGTON ST 3.3 MI, USE THE RIGHT 2 LANES TO TURN RIGHT ONTO AVENUE 52 0.5 M4 USE THE LEFT LANE TO TURN LEFT ONTO AVENIDA BERMUDAS 0.1 MI, TURN LEFT ONTO FRANCIS HACK LN;DESTINATION WILL BE ON THE LEFT 472 FT, ARRIVE; 78100 FRANCIS HACK LN LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION OF AN UNMANNED WIRELESS CELL SITE FOR VERIZON WIRELESS. THIS PROJECT WILL CONSIST OF: INSTALLING A 60'-0" HIGH MONOPALM WITH (12) PANEL ANTENNAS, (12) RRU'S + A2 RADIOS, (2) SURGE SUPPRESSORS; AND (2) MACROCELL EQUIPMENT CABINETS, (1) 54 GALLONS DIESEL STAND-BY GENERATOR, COAX/HYBRID CABLES, WITH CONNECTIONS AS REQUIRED FOR POWER AND TELCO. SHEET DESCRIPTION T-1 TITLE SHEET T-2 PHOTO SIMULATIONS T-3 PHOTO SIMULATIONS T-4 PHOTO SIMULATIONS T-5 PHOTO SIMULATIONS LS-1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LS-2 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY A-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN A-1.1 ENLARGED AREA PLAN A-2 ENLARGED EQUIPMENT LAYOUT A-3 ENLARGED ANTENNA & AREA LAYOUT A-4 SOUTH & WEST ELEVATIONS A-5 NORTH & EAST ELEVATIONS L-1 IRRIGATION PLAN L-2 PLANTING PLAN L-3 IRRIGATION DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS L-4 PLANTING DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS I CODE COMPLIANCE 1 ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES. 1. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE - 6.2013 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE - TITLE 24, PART 2 TITLE 24, PART 6 2. 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE - 7.2013 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS TITLE 24, PART 2.5 CODE - TITLE 24, PART 11 12013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE - TITLE 24, PART 3 4.2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE - TITLE 24, PART 4 5.2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE - TITLE 24, PART 5 ATTACHMENT 3 one THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS 15 PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 QF 02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS z01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS QD 12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION CQ 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION Q10/01/15 100%ZONING DRAWINGS z-9/03/15 90% ZONING DRAWINGS REV I DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: W J R CHECKED BY: J B PROJECT INFORMATION: CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: TITLE SHEET SHEET NUMBER: REV.: T-1 F a a n x x m z W verizon✓ PHOTO SIMULATIONS CHIHUAHUA 781 O❑ FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QLIINTA CA 92253 "ARTISTIC engineering AEsims.com 8T/.BAE.slms on✓ THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS 15 PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 Q02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS Q01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS Q12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION Al10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION QB 10/01/15 100%ZONING DRAWINGS QA 09/03/15 90%ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJ R CHECKED BY: J B PROJECT INFORMATION: CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: PHOTO SIMULATIONS SHEET NUMBER: REV.: T-2 F verizon✓ PHOTO SIMULATIONS CHIHUAHUA 781 O❑ FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QLIINTA CA 92253 "ARTISTIC engineering AEsims.com 8T/.BAE.slms on✓ THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 Q02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS Q01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS Q12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION Al10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION QB 10/01/15 100%ZONING DRAWINGS QA 09/03/15 90%ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJ R CHECKED BY: J U PROJECT INFORMATION: CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: PHOTO SIMULATIONS SHEET NUMBER: REV.: T-3 F verizonv PHOTO SIMULATIONS CHIHUAHUA 781 O❑ FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QLIINTA CA 92253 "ARTISTIC engineering AEsims.com 8T/.BAE.slms THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS 15 PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 QF 02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS QE 01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS QD 12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION QC 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION QB 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS QA 09/03/15 9011ZONING HANGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJ R CHECKED BY: J B PROJECT INFORMATION. CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: PHOTO SIMULATIONS SHEET NUMBER: REV.: T-4 F verizonv PHOTO SIMULATIONS CHIHUAHUA 781 O❑ FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QLIINTA CA 92253 "ARTISTIC engineering AEsims.com 8T/.BAE.slms THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS 15 PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 QF 02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS QE 01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS QD 12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION QC 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION QB 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS QA 09/03/15 9011ZONING HANGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJ R CHECKED BY: J B PROJECT INFORMATION. CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: PHOTO SIMULATIONS SHEET NUMBER: REV.: T-5 F PROPOSED DESCRIPTIONS PALM DESERT LEASE AREA: � 10 T � V BEING A PORTION OF PARCEL 2 RI PARCEL MAP N0. 36329, IN THE 3 15505 SAND CANYON A VENUE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BUILDINi 1ST FLOOR PER INCLUSIVE, IV MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 233, PAGES 99 THROUGH 102 INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID IRVINE, CA 92618 COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SETOFDRAWINGS IS / COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF FRANCES HACK LANE N 1OD AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS; SAID CENTERLINE OF FRANCES HACK LANE PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS 52ND AVENUE F-125 HAVING A BEARING OF NORTH 89'48'30"EAST, WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN H I RELATIVE THERETO; THENCE, RTH 83'06'05"EAST, A DISTANCE OF OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT TO ANY UVERIZON 379.26AFEET TOPOINT OFOBEGINNING; THENCE,NORTH OC THE 8EAST18" WIRE ESS SSTRICTLY P PROHIBITSE ED L-599—Z'Z'0/ HENCE, SOUT00° N 8T55'10" E 167.98' I DISTANCE OF 13.00 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 8930'18"WEST, A DISTANCE - - OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTH 00'29'42"WEST, A DISTANCE OF 13.00 o LA QUINTA gvenue 50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. - SITE IN 44'S1'S8" E CONTAINING 130 SQUARE FEET, MORE -0R LESS. s nn a rtl i n. 46.72' I Aven ue 52 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE VICINITY MAP SUITE 400 to IRVINE, CA 92612 11.43' TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 CITY OF LA QUINTA Im APN: 770-184-011 o �N U) 4 IV Q m Z CO N Vw W �C m TRTP I 105.02 I Q Q C/L PROPOSED TELCO ROUTE N 00'30'01" W z SEE DETAIL 108.14' W SHEET LS-2 {2 > I LEGEND Q IN89'30'07" E 281.63' PRDNG ❑ TRTP2 125,76 I 0 At TRTP2 These standard symbols will be found in the drawing. N 55'20'15" W 88.54 2 11-16-15 LEASE AREA 43.98' TRTP2 0 BUSH - 118.75 ® ELECTRIC BOX 1 9-16-15 TITLEREVIEW _ _ _ _ _ _ 741.43 TRTP o IRRIGATION VALVE ----_ - -0687 -- ��SEF 141,56 - LIGHT POLE 0 08-16-15 SITE SURVEY O FOUND MONUMENT FR i SIGN ALMuous REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION CALLE DURANGO #70EOFPOIRNT SEE ITEM OF PTR TREE PREE - - ACCESS POINTS ES W UTILITY LE FLOYD A WATER METER BC BOTTOM OF CURB SURVEYING ELTR ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT 34006 GALLERON STREET FL FLOWLINE CURB & GUTTER FNCP FENCE TOP TEMECULA, CA 92592 OFFICE: (949) 200-0626 SCALE: 1 80 40 0 80 OVERALL SITE PLAN LIP LIP OF GUTTER EMAIL: fsi®floydsurveying.com 1.7_80. LP LIGHT POLE TOP NG GROUND SPOT ELEVATION PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 36329, IN THE CITY OF TITLE REPORT NOTES: TITLE REPORT NOTES CONTINUED: PS PAINT STRIPING LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF SW SIDEWALK CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 233, THE FOLLOWING EASEMENTS EFFECT SAID PARCEL AND ITEM #7 - Covenants, conditions, restrictions and TO TOP OF CURB PAGES 99 THROUGH 102, INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS, ARE SHOWN HEREON. SEE PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT easements but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if TRTP TREE TOP DECIDUOUS Dar1d A, nayd IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID NO.997-23068216-A-ML3 PREPARED BY FIDELITY any, including but not limited to those based upon race, TRTP2 TREE TOP PALM t 1� COUNTY. NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY AND DATED AUGUST 4, 2015 FOR OTHER DOCUMENTS (NON -EASEMENTS) EFFECTING color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, TW TOP OF WALL SAID PROPERTY. ancestry, source of income, gender, gender identity, expression, medical condition or - - BOUNDARY LINE ITEM #2 - Reservations contained in the Patent gender genetic information, as set forth in applicable state or federal - CENTERLINE CA laws, except to the extent that said covenant or MISC. PROPERTY LINE From: The United States of America restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth in MISC. TIE LINE PROJECT INFORMATION: Recording Date: January 5, 1916 the document ^ ^ Recording No: In Book 7 Page 96 of Patents RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE CHiHU H U H (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) Recording Date: February 20, 1951 Recording No: In Book 1245 Page 556 Official Records — EASEMENT LINE 78060 FRANCIS HACK ITEM #3 - Easements) for the purpose(s) shown below X. FENCE LINE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) OWNERS NAME: OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY LEGEND Granted to: Nevada -California Electric Corporation Purpose: Pole lines, conduits ITEM #10 - The ownership of said Land does not CITY LA QUINTA PARCEL NUMBER(S) 770-184-011 Recording Date: September 17, 1937 include rights of access to or from the street, highway,ASSESSORS 9 Recording No: In Book 344 Page 143 Official Records or freeway abutting said Land, such rights having been BASIS OF BEARINGS: (NAD83; EPOCH 2O10) (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) relinquished by said map/plat. THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED CALIFORNIA STATE PLANE 1) This is not a boundary survey. This is a specialized topographic map. The DRAWNBY: CHECKEDBY: ITEM #4 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below incidental thereto, in document Affects: Frances Hack Lane and Avenida Bermudas COORDINATE SYSTEM - ZONE 6. AS DETERMINED BY G.P.S.. property lines and easements shown hereon are from record information as noted DAF DAF and rights as ranted a g 9 exce t at access Dints as shown on Parcel Ma No. excep p p OBSERVATIONS, USING TRIMBLE 5700/5800 RECEIVERS AND TRIMBLE hereon. Floyd Surveying translated the topographic survey to record information Granted to: Nevada -California Electric Corporation GEODETIC OFFICE 1.60 SOFTWARE. using the two found monuments shown hereon. No title research was. performed SHEET TITLE., Purpose: Pole lines, conduits Recording Date: May 6, 1540 AS SHOWN HEREON -ACCESS IS AVAILABLE ( ) BASIS OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1988 by Floyd Surveying. Recording No: In Book 460 Page 475 Official Records END OF EASEMENTS ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON GPS OBSERVATIONS FROM TWO NATIONAL 2) Any changes made to the information on this plan, without the written consent (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) GEODETIC SURVEY C.O.R.S. REFERENCE STATIONS: 1) PIN1, ELEVATION of Floyd Surveying relieves Floyd Surveying of any and all liability. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY = 4129.76' AND 2) TORP, ELEVATION = 103.77' WITH GEOID 2012 ITEM #5. - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below CORRECTIONS APPLIED. 3) These drawings & specifications are the property & copyright of Floyd Surveying and rights incidental thereto as reserved in ❑ document; & shall not be used an any other work except by agreement with the Surveyor. SITE DATA SHEET NUMBER: REV.: Written dimensions shall take preference over scaled & shall be verified on the job Reserved b The Desert Club Y site. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of the Surveyor prior to FEMA FLOOD ZONE DESIGNATION: National Flood Insurance Program: Purpose: Utilities and incidental purposes commencement of any work. Recording Date: March 4, 1946 County: RIVERSIDE Effective Date: 8/28/2008 Recording No: In Book 733 Page 221 Official Records (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) Panel: 06065C2241G 4) Field survey completed on AUGUST 12, 2015. The Flood Zone Designation for this Site is: ZONE: X PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REPORT NOTES FEMA FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION GENERAL NOTES OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF SMARTLINK, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR OTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF SMARTLINK, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING. TC3 58�33 11"48' �11110111111i, � Bc 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE szel BUILDINi 1ST FLOOR F IRVINE, CA 92618 0 2 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ti ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED l i k CITY OF LA QUINTA �, /SKATE PARK " l/ ARM 770-184-011 �� s ran a rt n 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE BC SWs. SUITE 400 5E 71 55.88 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 BC ss.7n J x 4 X X LP LP 91,2e SWS _SW X X X X X X X 85.63 X X X X X X I 56 36 TW 5 BC5 62.97 56.43 55.10 X PS3 BC5 55.35 I Q 56.36 LEGEND X LIP3 56.92 These standard symbols will 2 11-16-15 LEASEAREA FNCP SW5 PS4 PS4 be found in the drawing. 63A5 56.93 56.15 55.71 PSS P BUSH FNCP 56.76 to ELECTRIC BOX 1 9"16-15 TITLE REVIEW - /DOG AREA ��- 6293 o IRRIGATION VALVE - LIGHT POLE 0 08-16-15 SITE SURVEY GATE / PROPOSED CENTER OF SECTORS O FOUND MONUMENT / i SIGN REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION d TREE DECIDUOUS PROPOSED EQUIPMENT AREA TREE PALM BC LIPLIPS LIP3 56'87 LIPS _W UTILITY POLE � WATER METER FLOYD 57,31 62.56 SIPS 5638 N 89'30 18 E 55.21 BC BOTTOM OF CURB SURVEYING 10.00' ELTR ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER BC LIP' 57,32 TC6 PC POINT OF BEGINNING 57_._13__1 EQUIPMENT AREA----_BC6 TC657.27 BC656 LIP4 56,78 56.42 58.05 PS2 55.52 LIP4 55.22 EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT FL FLOWLINE CURB & GUTTER FNCP FENCE TOP 34006 GALLERON STREET TEMECULA, CA 92592 OFFICE: (949) 200-0626 - TC6 57.03 LIP LIP OF GUTTER EMAIL: fsI®floydsurveying.com 37926' ------ E - asap i LP LIGHT POLE TOP N 8806'05" - N 00'29''3.00' NG NG GROUND SPOT ELEVATION -------- --------- FNCP ice ' _ j 56,68 flu FNCP P o 6259 N PS PAINT STRIPING SW SIDEWALK TC TOP OF CURB y 57g1 62.95 56,89 10./00' �^ BC6 56.43 BC2 56,39 TC6 56,82 TW TRTP TREE TOP DECIDUOUS David A, ni X X X X X X S 89-30'18" WJ TC5 56.78 6299 TRTP2 TREE TOP PALM - - - TW TOP OF WALL 5D TC7 56,81 EP6 S 89'48'30" W 741.43' ELTR2-78-080 TRTP s8.o4 TRTP2 FL7 56.31 RTP2 56,43 BOUNDARY LINE 8418 TRT12 1oa.a1 7558 BC2 5550 - CENTERLINE CA TC4 TC8 TC7 56.62 ERG -.56 TC5 56.00 MISC. PROPERTY LINE 5722 101,37 56.67 FL7 56.14 d 56.05 - I - - - - - - - - - MISC. TIE LINE PROJECT INFORMATION: BC2 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE CHIHUAHUA LIP7 FIE 56.33 5647 FL8 56,14 LIP7 56.17 55.91 EASEMENT LINE 78060 FRANCIS HACK TC8 56.82 FL7 56.04 TC7 56.56 X FENCE LINE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY LEGEND SEE ITEM #10 OF PTR ACCESS POINTS FRANCIS HACK LANE DRAWNBY: CHECKED BY: N 89'4e3O" E 508.29' - - - - _ _ - 1) This is not a boundary survey. This is a specialized topographic map. The - - - property lines and easements shown hereon are from record information as noted DAF DAF hereon. Floyd Surveying translated the topographic survey to record information using the two found monuments shown hereon. No title research wasperformed SHEET TITLE: by Floyd Surveying. 2) Any changes made to the information on this plan, without the written consent�1 of Floyd Surveying relieves Floyd Surveying of any and all liability. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 3) These drawings & specifications are the property & copyright of Floyd Surveying & shall not be used an any other work except by agreement with the Surveyor. SHEET NUMBER: REV.: Written dimensions shall take preference over scaled & shall be verified on the job site. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of the Surveyor prior to commencement of any work. 4) Field survey completed on AUGUST 12, 2015. L S 2 2 DETAIL SITE PLAN SCALE:7=. GENERAL NOTES OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF SMARTLINK, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR OTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF SMARTLINK, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING. ADJACENT PROPERTY APN: 773-184-020 ZONING: RC F1 1 I OVERALL SITE PLAN PROPERTY LINE N 89°55'10" E 167.98' I SUBJECT PRO �I APN:770-184.011 V al ZONING: PR Do 0 PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS UNASSIGNED PARKING STALL EXISTING WROUGHT IRON FENCE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT AND ANTENNAS AREA, SEE ENLARGED AREA PLAN (go EXISTING PARKING o M` PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A METER PEDESTAL o 46`ti EXISTING HIGH VOLTAGE 96 TRANSFORMER *78-080 56 'I o 4') o L EXISTING RESIDENCE (TYP.) ADJACENT PROPERTY ZONING: MC EXISTING COVERED AREA PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 12'-0" WIDE NON-EXCLUSIVE PATH OF ACCESS —EXISTING WROUGHT EXISTING EXISTING IRON FENCE COVERED AREA COVERED AREA EXISTING WOOD UTILITY POLE LL #1200570 AND PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS TELCO P.O.C. (2'x3' HANDHOLE AT BASE) EXISTING — 30'-0" FROM CENTER I BUILDING LINE OF PROPOSED LL MONOPALM TO PROPERTY LINE F F—F—F—FF—FJ 0 S PROPERTY LINE 89°48'30" W 741A FRANCIS HACK LN PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS UNDERGROUND POWER TRENCH (±70') FROM METER PEDESTAL TO EQUIPMENT AREA — EXISTING PALM TREES, TYP `439'-2 11 f 9 lo .i.. EXISTING ` RESIDENCE a , : (TYP.) 0 PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS - UNDERGROUND FIBER ROUTE (±400') I IN 5y'-0" WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT - J 32".W SCME: 1- _ 40' 11•M7" cur: V - W 11 20' 0' 40' ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS WITHOUT verizonJ THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smrtlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 ZL02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS ZL01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS ZL 12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION ZL10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION ZL. 10/01/15 100%ZONING DRAWINGS ZL 09/03/15 90%ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJ R CHECKED BY: J B PROJECT INFORMATION: CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: OVERALL SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: REV.: A-1 F N, Y OF IHE LICENSED PHOFESSIONAL IN WHIIING. EXISTING WROI GATES TO BE RI ON THE RIGHT EXISTING GATE PLAN EXISTING SWALE EXISTING WROUGHT IRON DOUBLE GATES TO BE RELOCATED HERE - 1 A-s PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS \ 60'-0" HIGH MONOPALM PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION TO MATCH EXISTING PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB L: AROUND PROPOSED MONOPALM n_. 2T-0" MIN. SETBACK EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED ' EXISTING SWALE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS I I ' EXISTING CURB TO REMAIN CABLE TRENCH (±20') PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 17"X30" ' I ' UNDERGROUND PULL BOX LOCATED WITHIN EXISTING WROUGHT IRON FENCE ' - z - - ' 10'-0" OF MCE CABINETS WITH (2) SEPARATE 3" CONDUITS (1) TO EACH MCE CABINET 2 2 EXISTING WROUGHT IRON FENCE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS i F - F�F�F FF-F-F F F- 100A METER PEDESTAL PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS I F�F-F F - - UNDERGROUND POWER TRENCH (±70') - - - - - - FROM PROPOSED METER PEDESTAL TO EQUIPMENTAREA ' ' �PROPOSEDVERIZONWIRELESS UNDERGROUND UTILITY FIBER TRENCH ' w ' (±400') FROM EXISTING WOOD UTILITY POLE #1200570 TO EQUIPMENT AREA E E E-E-E-E E-E-E E-E-E E E-E-E E E PROPERTY LINE S 89.48-7 W 741.43' ♦ " EXISTING LANDSCAPING & IRRIGATION TO BE w - REPLACED AS NECESSARY (3 TH) (40' BTH) �� PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A PPC w �\ Z �\ MOUNTED ON UTILITY H-FRAME �/) / EXISTING HIGH VOLTAGE w -_�- � EXISTING WATER VALVES TRANSFORMER #78-080 w �� ^ r 1���� � TO BE RELOCATED I \ EXISTING PALM TREE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED (MIN. 36' BTH) EXISTING SIGN J Lx w LANDSCAPED PARKWAY I EXISTING CURB PRO POSELIVE PLM BT REE EXISTING PALM TREES, TYPTYP. OF w 1 A 4 PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS UNDERGROUND EXISTING STREET GUTTER SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS POWER ROUTE (±110') FROM EXISTING UTILITY w POLE #108113 TO PROPOSED METER PEDESTALS w N w w FRANCIS HACK LN 1 ENLARGED AREA PLAN 22",34'SCALE 1/4 - 11'xi J" SCALE: 1/8" - 1'-0" 3' Z' 1,p" «rr... w.,•r EXISTING SWALE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT PLAN 1 A2 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS 15 PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 QF 02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS QE 01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS QD 12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION QC 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION QB 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS QA 09/03/15 90% ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJ R CHECKED BY: J B PROJECT INFORMATION. CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: ENLARGED AREA PLAN SHEET NUMBER: REV.: A-l.l F REIN. AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. ARE THE PROPERTY OF SMARTLINK. LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED. IN WHOLE OR IN PART. FOR OTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF SMARTLINK, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DR' EXISTING SWALE Q / PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS CABLE TRENCH (±20') EXISTING SWALE e I I ¢ I I I I I ¢ 1 1 PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION ' I (MATCH IN KIND) I ¢ I ' ' I EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED ' Q ' AND REPLACED SEE A-3 e c z wET I --�--1 t- -- -- -- I C I I IEXISTING CURB TO REMAIN PROPOSED VERIZON I °P _ WIRELESS MACRO CELL EQUIPMENT CABINET PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION TO BE REPLACED AS NECESSARY (MATCH IN KIND) EXISTING WROUGHT IRON FENCE � o - 0 O a io PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS a UNDERGROUND POWER ROUTE (±70') FROM PROPOSED METER PEDESTAL TO EQUIPMENT AREA PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A METER PEDESTAL MIN. d E [E4 E- PROPERTY LINE — EXISTING HIGH VOLTAGE w TRANSFORMER #78-080 s'-0 z w x w w i ENLARGED EQUIPMENT LAYOUT I F I F-F F-F-F F F-F-F- PROPOSED VERIZON I I NIRELESS MACRO CELL EQUIPMENT CABINET 4'-0" (3'-0" MIN. CLR) PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS F —JEV UNDERGROUND UTILITY FIVER TRENCH (±400') FROM EXISTING WOOD UTILITY POLE #1200570 TO EQUIPMENT AREA PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 17X30 UNDERGROUND PULL BOX LOCATED WITHIN /w 10'-0" OF MCE CABINETS WITH (2) SEPARATE PROPOSED VERIZON I 3" CONDUITS (1) TO EACH MCE CABINET WIRELESS 54 GALLONS STAND-BY DIESEL / GENERATOR w � I PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS / 100A PPC, MOUNTED ON PROPOSED UTILITY H-FRAME E—E E E— E� — — — J PROPERTY LINE / 4'-2" 10.1 EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED, SEE ze 5'-6" PROPOSED VZW CONCRETE PAD 10'-0" N VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA / 22`.17 SCALES / . — i'_ c' 1® ,Arm IV THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS 15 PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861_2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 QF 02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS QE 01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS QD 12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION QC 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION QB 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS Z 09/03/15 90% ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJ R CHECKED BY: J B PROJECT INFORMATION. CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: ENLARGED EQUIPMENT LAYOUT SHEET NUMBER: REV.: A-2 F J OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. ARE THE PROPERTY OF SMARTLINK. LLC AND ARE NOT EXISTING WROUGHT IRON FENCE EXISTING SWALE LANDSCAPED ISLAND O O O O O O O O O O O O v �, tD z � x �^ � w J J Y a F I EXISTING vat DOG PARK ID z I I Iw I I EXISTING WROUGF T IRON FENCE i I w r-I E E- E E EXISTING v LANDSCAPE Z C �/ 2 ENLARGED AREA LAYOUT PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 60'-0" HIGH MONOPALM z PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB g AROUND PROPOSED MONOPALM zz 0 9 N a > u PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION, o p SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS g PROPOSED LIVE SHRUBS, a SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS Fb EXISTING SWALE PROPOSED LIVE SHRUBS, SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS EXISTING CURB TO REMAIN PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION TO BE REPLACED AS NECESSARY (MATCH IN KIND) PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT AREA PROPERTY LINE i PROPOSED LIVE SHRUBS, SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS PROPOSED LIVE PALM TREE, TYP. OF (2) (MIN, 36' BTH), SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS EXISTING DRIVEWAY- PROPOSED LIVE SHRUBS, SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS N 22".34' SCALE: 3/8' = V-D' 11"x17' SCALE: 3/16" - V-0" 1 1 ENLARGED ANTENNA LAYOUT PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 60'-0" HIGH MONOPALM PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF (12) ANTENNAS, MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOPALM PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS RRU'S +A2 RADIOS, (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF (12), MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SURGE SUPPRESSOR TYP. OF (2) MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOPALM A"SECTOR @ 110. PROPOSED VERIZON ANTENNA N 22"x34" SCALE 1/2" = V-0" 11"x17" SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" V THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS 15 PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 QF 02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS QE 01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS QD 12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION QC 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION QB 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS Z 09/03/15 90% ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: Wi R CHECKED 8Y: J B PROJECT INFORMATION. CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: ENLARGED ANTENNA & AREA LAYOUT SHEET NUMBER: REV.: A-3 F AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF SMART. SMARTLINK. LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DR,' PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF (12) ANTENNAS, MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOPALM PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS RRU'S +A2 RADIOS, (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF (12), MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SURGE SUPPRESSOR TYP. OF (2) MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOPALM PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 60'-0" HIGH MONOPALM — PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 54 GALLONS DIESEL STAND-BY GENERATOR EXISTING WROUGHT IRON FENCE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A METER PEDESTAL EXISTING HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER #78-080 1 1 SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED TOP OF PROPOSED TOP OF MONOPALM FRONDS MONOPALM FRONDS ELEV. ±60'-0" AFG ELEV. ±60'-0, AFG PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA CENTER ANTENNA CENTER ,oB i.Ili uii . — ELEV. ±53�0" AFG ELEV�+53 0 AFG — I: "illi : lii piI IIpill I III 1 iiP I PROPOSED LIVE PALM TREE, TYP. OF (2) (MIN. 36' BTH), SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A PPC MOUNTED ON PROPOSED UTILITY H-FRAME TOP OF STAND-BY GENERATOR ELEV. ±7'-0" AFG. PROPOSED LIVE SHRUBS, SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS, TYP. !!! EXISTING CONCRETE CURB TO REMAIN FINISH GRADE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SURGE SUPPRESSOR TYP. OF (2) MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOPALM PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 60'-0" HIGH MONOPALM — PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF (12) ANTENNAS, MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOPALM PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS RRU'S +A2 RADIOS, (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF (12), MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS PROPOSED LIVE PALM TREE, TYP. OF (2) (MIN. 36' BTH, SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS EXISTING WROUGHT IRON FENCE TOP OF STAND-BY GENERATOR _ ELEV. ±7'-0" AFG. TOP OF MACRO CELL CABINET r ELEv. +6 -a AFG. WISH GRADE EXISTING WROUGHT IRON DOUBLE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS CONCRETE LEV. V-0" REF. GATES TO BE RELOCATED HERE CURB AROUND PROPOSED MONOPALM 2 1 WEST ELEVATION PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS CONCRETE EQUIPMENT CONCRETE PAD PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS (2) MACRO CELL EQUIPMENT CABINETS PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A PPC, MOUNTED ON PROPOSED UTILITY H-FRAME PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 54 GALLONS DIESEL STAND-BY GENERATOR —EXISTING HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER#78-080 PROPOSED LIVE SHRUBS, SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS, TYP. — THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS 15 PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 QF 02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS QE 01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS QD 12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION QC 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION QB 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS QA 09/03/15 90%ZONING DRAWNGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJ R CHECKED BY: J B PROJECT INFORMATION. CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: SOUTH & WEST ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: REV.: A-4 F --D HEREIN. AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF SMARTLINK. WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF SMARTLINK, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DR' PROPOSED TOP OF MONOPALM FRONDS ELEV. ±60'-0" AFG PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA CENTER_ ELEV. ±53'-0" AFGiM -?1 irr H 1 i PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A PPC MOUNTED ON PROPOSED UTILITY H-FRAME TOP OF STAND-BY GENERATOR ELEV. ±7'-0" AFG. TOP OF MACRO CELL CABINET ELEV. ±6 -8 AFG. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS CONCRETE CURB AROUND PROPOSED MONOPALM GRADE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF (12) ANTENNAS, MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOPALM PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS RRU'S +A2 RADIOS, (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF (12), MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SURGE SUPPRESSOR TYP. OF (2) MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOPALM PROPOSED LIVE PALM TREE, TYP. OF (2) (MIN. 36' BTH) SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 60'-0" HIGH MONOPALM PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 54 GALLONS DIESEL STAND-BY GENERATOR (BEYOND) PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS (2) MACRO CELL EQUIPMENT CABINETS EXISTING WROUGHT IRON FENCE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A METER PEDESTAL EXISTING HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER #78-080 AND PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS POWER P.O.C.-1 PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS (2) MACRO CELL EQUIPMENT CABINETS II PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 54 GALLONS DIESEL STAND-BY GENERATOR PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A PPC MOUNTED ON UTILITY H-FRAME PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 100A METER PEDESTAL EXISTING HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER #78-080 ---1 PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF (12) ANTENNAS, MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOPALM PROPOSED TOP OF MONOPALM FRONDS ELEV. ±60'-O" AFG PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS RRU'S +A2 RADIOS, (4) PER SECTOR, (3) SECTORS, TOTAL OF A / .^ �n (12), MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS HIII PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNACENTER r � pp 6�y li r p' Jl�il ELEV.±53'-0�AFG -' 11. II AN` I, Lem Till -� --- Lul PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SURGE SUPPRESSOR TYP. OF (2) MOUNTED -- ON PROPOSED MONOPALM —PROPOSED LIVE PALM TREE, TYP. OF (2) (MIN. 36' BTH), SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS _ PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS //_60'-0" HIGH MONOPALM TOP OF STAND-BY GENERATOR EXISTING WROUGHT IRON FENCE ELEV. CA IN AFG. TOP OF MACRO CELLL CAB ELEV. ±6'-8" AFG. T -- FINISH GRADE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS CONCRETE / `PROPOSED LIVE SHRUBS, SEE PROPOSED LIVE SHRUBS, SEE CURB AROUND PROPOSED MONOPALM LANDSCAPING PLANS, TYP. LANDSCAPING PLANS, TYP. EXISTING CONCRETE CURB TO REMAIN PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS CONCRETE CURB AROUND PROPOSED MONOPALM 1 1 NORTH ELEVATION 2 1 EAST ELEVATION THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS 15 PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 QF 02/05/16 REVISED PER PLANNER COMMENTS QE 01/20/16 PHOTO SIMULATIONS QD 12/14/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION QC 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION QB 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS Z A 1 09/03/15 90%ZONING DRAWNGS REV. I DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJ R CHECKED BY: J B I PROJECT INFORMATION. CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: NORTH & EAST ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: REV.: A-5 F --D HEREIN. AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF SMARTLINK. WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF SMARTLINK. LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DR' POINT OF CONNECTION: LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING MAIN LINE AND TIE PROPOSED VALVES INTO MAIN. CONTROL VALVE TO BE 12' ABOVE HIGHEST HEAD - SEE DETAIL. LOCATE ALL EQUIPMENT IN PLANTER AREAS - SHOWN FOR CLARITY ONLY. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING STATIC WATER PRESSURE AND TO NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCY. FAILURE TO DO 50 MAY RESULT IN CHANGES TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. CONTROLLER LOCATION: CONTROLLER IS BATTERY OPERATED. LOCATE CONTROLLER ON INSIDE OF REMOTE CONTROL VALVE BOX. FINAL LOCATION TO BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO MAKE FINAL HOOK-UP OF FIELD WIRES. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE A. IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ROUTINE INSPECTION. ADJUSTMENT AND REPAIR OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND ITS COMPONENTS. REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS TO THE EMISSION DEVICES. REPAIR OF ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DONE WITH THE ORIGINALLY INSTALLED COMPONENTS OR THEIR EQUIVALENTS. B. PLANTING MAINTENANCE SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO: REPLENISHING MULCH. FERTILIZING. PRUNING. HEEDING ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS. SPECIAL MONITORING OF THE SPECIMEN PINE TREE WATERING PROGRAM AND MAINTENANCE OF GUYING. INSPECTION NOTE PRIOR TO ANY LANDSCAPE INSPECTION, THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL COMPLETE A FIELD INSPECTION TO VERIFY THAT THE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED DESIGN PLANS. AFTER THE INSTALLATION HAS BEEN DEEMED IN CONFORMANCE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL SUBMIT A CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE LETTER TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND SCHEDULE A CITY LANDSCAPE INSPECTION. WATER USE CALCULATIONS: PROJECT LANDSCAPE AREA: 444 SQUARE FEET THIS PROJECT IS LESS THAN 500 SF. AND IS THEREFORE EXEMPT FROM A51WI (MWELO) MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. L IRRIGATION PLAN THIS nnrllMFNT AMC THE IDFAp ANn DFSIrNC NM, FRANCIS HACK LN IRRIGATION NOTES: 1. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL BUILDING AND PLUMBING CODES HAVING JURISDICTION, AND PER THESE PLANS, NOTES AND DETAILS. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE OF MANUFACTURER AND MODEL AS SPECIFIED, UNLESS APPROVED IN ADVANCE IN WRITING BY THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST, CODES SHALL PREVAIL. ALL IRRIGATION PIPES, VALVES AND WIRING ON PLANS UNDER PAVED AREAS OR HARDSCAPE ARE SHOWN SCHEMATICALLY. INSTALL PIPES, VALVES AND WIRING IN PLANTING AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 2. PROTECT EXISTING SYSTEMS AND ALL PROPERTY FROM ANY DAMAGE FROM THIS WORK 3. WORK PERFORMED UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL INCLUDE FURNISHING ALL LABOR MATERIALS, TOOLS, MACHINERY, NECESSARY TO INSTALL A COMPLETE IRRIGATION SYSTEM, INCLUDING TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, ETC. INTENT OF THE SYSTEMS IS TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE READY -TO -USE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM, FULLY OPERATIONAL AND GUARANTEED, WHICH PROMOTES VIGOROUS AND HEALTHY PLANT GROWTH, WITHOUT FURTHER COST TO THE OWNER 4. PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID, EXAMINE THE SITE AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, WITH THIS PLAN. S. PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK, ARRANGE A MEETING WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, CITY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, OWNER'S REF'IRESENTATIVE, OR DULY APPOINTED REPRESENTATIVE. 6. PLAN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. LOCATE ALL VALVES IN SHRUB / GROUNDCOVER AREAS ONLY. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND TO EXIST DURING INSTALLATION BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND THE SITE, NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT / OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK T. ALL MATERIALS SHALL MATCH EXISTING, OR BETTER INDUSTRY STANDARD, AS APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. S. ALL PLASTIC FITTINGS SHALL BE INJECTION MOLDED SCHEDULE 40 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE AND SIDE GATED. 9. INSTALL ALL WORK PER APPLICABLE IRRIGATION DETAILS IN THIS SET OF PLANS. 10. COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF THESE MATERIALS WITH ALL OTHER LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS TO AVOID INTERFERING (IE: PLANTING OF TREES AND SHRUBS, ETC.). 11. TRENCHES SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO PROVIDE DEPTH OVER PIPE AS NOTED PER LEGEND. BACKFILL FOR TRENCHING SHALL BE TO A DRY DENSITY EQUAL TO THE ADJACENT UNDISTURBED $OIL, AND SHALL CONFORM TO ADJACENT GRADES WITHOUT DIPS, SUNKEN AREAS, BUMPS, OR OTHER IRREGULARITIES. ACTUAL BACKFILL ON PLASTIC LINES SHALL BE OF FINE GRANULAR SOIL MATERIAL WITH NO FOREIGN MATERIAL LARGER THAN 1/2' (05') IN SIZE. 12. THE INSTALLATION SHALL BE DEEMED INCOMPLETE UNTIL ALL EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN CHECKED AND ADJUSTED TO BEST CONFORM TO THE CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE FINISHED SITE, AND APPROVED AS -BUILT PLANS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED. PROVIDE A FULLY IRRIGATED LANDSCAPE WITH A 100% OVERLAP AND MINIMUM OVERSPRAY ONTO ADJACENT PAVING AND STRUCTURES. COORDINATE IRRIGATION HEAD AND PLANT REPLACEMENT FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE TO ALL PLANTS (SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES IN 'PLANTING NOTES' SECTION.) ADJUST SPRAY PATTERN, SPRINKLER HEAD POSITION AND LOCATION AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO ACHIEVE THESE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. 13. ADJUST THE FLOW CONTROLS OF THE VALVES, WHEN APPLICABLE, AND ADJUSTABLE FLOW HEADS AS FOLLOWS: FULLY OPEN ALL ADJUSTABLE HEAD FLOW CONTROLS. ADJUST THE FLOW OF WATER AT THE VALVE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE PRESSURE AT ALL HEADS IN THE SYSTEM. ADJUST THE FLOW CONTROL ON ALL HEADS UNTIL DISTRIBUTION 19 EVEN AND COVERAGE IS 100% FOR THE LANDSCAPED AREA WITH A MINIMUM OF OVERSPRAY ONTO HARDSCAPE AND NON -IRRIGATED AREAS. 14. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE IRRIGATION INSTALLATION FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY DAYS (9O) MINIMUM FROM OLLNER'S ACCEPTANCE. CLEAN AND ADJUST SYSTEMS TO SATISFACTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT / OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 1r, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ALL IRRIGATION MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP, INCLUDING LABOR FOR ONE (1) FULL YEAR FROM OLLNER'S ACCEPTANCE. MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES SHALL NOT REPLACE THIS GUARANTEE AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENT OF FAILED MATERIAL. E/T IRRIGATION LEGEND SYMBOL MFG MODEL NO./DESCRIPTION ❑ RAIN BIRD RWS-M-5-C-1402 ROOT WATERING SYSTEM WITH 1402 BUBBLER (050 GPM) - 2 PER TREE (NOT RAINBIRD XBT-IO-PC EMITTER ON RISER FROM LATERAL LINE. REFER TO DRIP EMITTER LEGEND. SHOWN) 0 RAIN BIRD PE15-100 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE - 1'. ►1 WILKINS "S50 FULL PORT LINE SIZED BALL VALVE. (NOT RAINBIRD I RI RA POLY FLEX RISER/ADAPTER WITH XERI-BUG XB-10PC-1032 EMITTERS AND PC SHOWN) DIFFUSER CAP. REFER TO DRIP EMITTER LEGEND. (NOT RAIN BIRD AR VALVE KIT (AIR RELIEF VALVE). INSTALL PER DETAIL. SHOLLN) (NOT RAIN BIRD FLUSH VALVE. INSTALL 1/2' BALL VALVE AT THE END OF EACH SCH. 40 PVC RUN. SHOWN) — — — — — LATERAL LINE FOR DRIP, PVC SCH 40, BURY MIN. 12' BELOW GRADE. 3/4' AA HUNTER NODE-200 2 STATION BATTERY OPERATED IRRIGATION CONTROLLER INSTALL IN VALVE BOX AND CONNECT TO R51000 WIRELESS RAIN SENSOR PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. FINAL LOCATION TO BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. NON -PRESSURE LATERAL SC 4 40 PVC, BURY MIN. 12'. SIZE AS INDICATED ON PLANS. 3/4' MINIMUM. SYSTEM FLOW IN GPM VALVE SIZE AI STATION NUMBER • NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPUTE EXACT FLOW BASED UPON FINAL PLANTING. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT EXCEED SPECIFIED VALVE CAPACITY IN TERNS OF MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED FLOW VS. FRICTION LOSS SPECIFICATIONS. DRIP EMITTER SCHEDULE I. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL RAINBIRD XB EMITTERS TO MEET THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: ALL I GALLON - (U XB-IOPC-1032 (I GPH EACH) ALL 5 GALLON - (2) XB-IOPC-1032 (I GI EACH) 15 GALLON - (3) XB-IOFC-1032 (I GF'14 EACH) 24' BOX - (4) X15-10PC-1032 (I GPM EACH) 2. THE NUMBER OF EMITTERS INDICATED ON THESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BASED ON PLANTING INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO PLANTING PLAN AND DETERMINE EXACT NUMBER OF EMITTERS REQUIRED BASED ON EMITTER SCHEDULE ABOVE. NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT WITHIN LIMIT OF SITE WORK SHOWN FOR CLARITY ONLY - IRRIGATION IS SCHEMATIC. ALL LATERAL LINE AND MAINLINE INSTALLED UNDER AC PAVING TO BE PROVIDED WITH PIPE SLEEVING (2 TIMES LINE SIZE). �J verizon✓ 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING'D, ISTFLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VEROON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 Al2/03/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION A10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS AA 09/03/15 90% ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJR CHECKED BY: JB Landscape Architects 1/ Villamoura Laguna Niguel CA 92677 (949)661-3998 - rjc1a0sbcgloba1Pet �pNDSCRp �E�r punning o� qPn Signature 08/31/16 * Renewal Dote 12/09/15 s Dote P T DTPOFCALW' PROJECT INFORMA TION: CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: IRRIGATION PLAN SHEET NUMBER: REV.: L-y ROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING. FRANCIS HACK LN PLANT LEGEND SYM BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY. REMARKS PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA DATE PALM 36, B.T.H. I BROWN TRUNK 36, B.T.H. I SIZE AS NOTED ON PLAN 42' TALL SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS © LANTANA 'GOLD MOUND' YELLOW TRAILING LANTANA I GAL. 66 PER PLAN LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS REGAL MIST PINK MUHLY 5 GAL. 4 PER PLAN PLANTING NOTES I. REPLACE ANY ROCK MULCH THAT HAS BEEN DISTURBED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. ROCK MULCH TO MATCH EXISTING. 2. PALMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM: WD. YOUNG AND SON SI-SI0 ARUS AVENUE INDIO CA S2201 T60-34T-1906 WEED CONTROL THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PER=00 I A THOROUGH WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM, KILLING AND REMOVING ALL WEEDS FROM THE SITE AND SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE ADDITION OF ANY SOIL AMENDMENTS. THIS SHALL BE DONE FOR ALL PLANTING AREAS, SPECIFICALLY, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SLOPES AND GROUND COVER AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING STEPS: I. KILL AND REMOVE ALL EXISTING WEEDS. 2. IRRIGATE ALL AREAS TO BE PLANTED FOR (2) WEEKS. 3. KILL AND REMOVE ALL NEWLY GERMINATED WEEDS. 4. REPEAT STEPS 2 AND 3. 5. PLANT SHRUBS AND PALMS. SOIL TEST AFTER SOIL HAS BEEN SET IN PLACE AND PRIOR TO ANY SOIL PREPARATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH SOIL TESTS OF THE S1TE FOR AGRICULTURAL FERTILITY AND TO DETERMINE PROPER SOIL AMENDMENTS. TESTS ARE TO BE PERFORMED BY A MEMBER OF THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTUTRAL LABORATORIES IWTH COPIES SENT TO THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SOIL PREPARATION THE FOLLOWING 15 PROVIDED FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL BE MODIFIED AS NECESSARY GIVEN THE RESULTS OF THE SOILS TEST. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE PREPARED TO PROVIDE DELIVERY SLIPS AND EMPTY FERTILIZER BAGS ON SITE FOR VERIFICATION OF MATERIALS. I. BAC<FILL MIX FOR USE OF PLANTING ALL SHRUBS. S PARTS BY VOLUME ON S1TE SOIL 2 PARTS BY VOLUME OF ORGANIC AMENDMENT I LB. 12-12-12 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER PER CUBIC YARD I LB. IRON SULFATE PER CUBIC YARD OF MIX 2. PLANT TABLETS FOR ALL SHRJBS: 4-21 GRAM AfiRIFORI"I FERTILIZER TABLETS PER 15 GALLON STOCK PLANTING PLAN I I SCALE: 1-10--- 11 THIS 11111WINT III 111 11111 111 I IIIINO llll: ....ATFlI HFRFIN AC AN INCTRIIM FNT lI, PRf)FFCSI fINAI CFRVIII ARF THE/11/1111 11 1M11TI INK I I I III ARF NIT TO 11 11111 IN W111 F OR IN PART FIR ITHFR IRI,IIIII WITHII IT THE WRITTFN 111111111111/11 11 CMARTI INK I I I IT 11 I INI AWFIII II)R ANY 1'1111N M IIIIIII ANY 111111 11 11111 IIRAWINIS WI TIOl IT THE API verizonN/ 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING 'D', 1ST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 Al2/03/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION A10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS AA 09/03/15 90% ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJR CHECKED BY: JB RJCLA Landscape Architects 11 Villamoura Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949J 661-3998 - rjcla®sbcglobalnet VpNDSClp �E�r punning o� qPn Signature 08/31/16 * Renewal Dote 12/09//5 s Dme P r DTPOFCAOF PROJECT INFORMATION: CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: PLANTING PLAN SHEET NUMBER: REV.: L-2 RIVAL OF TI-.= I SECTION maim IRRIGATIdy 6YSTEn PARTI- GENERAL A Thie sect onn tM Nrnlahinga maer of all s per ,T,, III 'pcetw rovide laa to paevapl¢te op -able landscape rrlgat w;nIt-. a• 1 w M drawings meWding ens rollawing: L Tr¢td,utg. eto � IliNg arc tea ma,wlal> and rorilling I,_. 2. brigat eye pwmn iI1 d,,g but not limited o: piping, backrlow pre on derides end'djo t valves, fining.. . •pray Maas, t 1. .parse, wiring ana feral adJ 6-ta ea aalarminsd bytt,a 3r PIP, !o Insure eI, P,,M and Oviform dl-VlbuLion. 3. Pipe mecuoA o pump atatlona, water meters end backfiaw ,rev-uon devlde.co 4. Pa ,g ana Irmpec or Irngat on system. 5. Glaen-up 'end maintenance B. The conditloru of tM Contract end Division I apply to Wes .action a• fully a• If repeated h_ein. 1ID GENERAL RE4LIREnENTS A coda t• et, a b. tMLe or sw,e ana nwml aI coeaL and mauom locally go�voar'ning this work providing tMt ary regWram_a or tM Drewin� d °6 Ificatlw., no! ewfllcting therewith but eidn exceeding t,e by Coda I, a shall govern, -lane written pemie,o tM cwvery le granted lM Architect. B. Conform to thitequlrem of lM reference Infometdn haled below a cept where more atelrg .quo- are slows I,at •ph- In I. moat cwrmrt net or cwnvuctiw aom.n�t-iL I. American Socixy for tasting Material (ASTM), ror teat methods spedncally rafw-led in then .salon. 2. IMtl_writ_'e Labwaton¢e I-,, for uL wire- and cable•. c. Work Involving eub•tantw plimmng for IAtal tat- of copper piping, backflow prevention devices and I- rotated work at, II be executed by a ucenaed end bonI- plumbing contractor. Any nacea.ary permit• •hall ba omalnsd Fiw to _sTrI rig work D. 6pamnad depth or preaawa -apply liw,, lat_ala and pitch or pipes as aeaeed In Mb newt- era minmum.. 1.tuananL foor trwlchas lower ,Mnagrad.s ap mood on ,M 'coal grading plane e a r r-ioval of N. gr de vaatmeM, refilling vsr,cna., recwrpectirg end reps Nng or nmM grade vseimaM. E. Follow w..wt printed menufecturerb apecificatloA and dM-9, for Items or Infwmallon not .peciflad or grapMcally Inds- in M. moat cur-t eel or conetrucuon drawinga. F. Scaled dimes -ions are approximate aria It times it I. not pee-lbl. to Indicate offeata, orange and other related aquipmeM grapMcelly on the construction erawmcg-. c itt Mau , reepomrole ro mlror dargae caused by a ,al dot N IIII dl procamding with any l tM Contractor shell fully dreck and verity all Tth I ieione -Ill r.la,ad arclli,ectural slam-t., utinuea and lerdacapmg et, ILrniah entl Imtell required nulrga. G. Do ne tall tiv lrrigat on eyatem a shown on tN¢ can on a-,",wMr It III obvious 1M1 actual flail condition•. .ucM1 ae. physical ob.tructiws, grading eleer.p�aneiea end field dim -alone vary hom Moe¢ remrdee en et, eerotruetlw drawing . Immadiatelyobring any aucM1 diecrapenwea to tM aumnuw or t,a architect Frio o p deeding. wit, work If immediate rotificaiion i- not and sucM1 dlacropanclea exist, lM contractor atoll asswna NII roapwaib111ty for setae-ary r.vi-lone, a• dntemined by tM architect. BD Ex15TING FIELD GONDITION6 A Ra._Ve at, protect ell axiating tree., plant., mwvnem.e, structweL, herd -cape and archltact-I slam-t- hem damage due to work in thle a In tM even! oat damage aoa• occur to Inanimate o IiAt and atructuras, the iwill repalr w replace axh damage o LL. ea,isfection of the own_ or re. a Damage or Injury to Ilvmg plant materiel will be minced by tMtaconvactw at tM cwvac!«a axpeme. B. Trenching or oth_ wwk raq Iced In LHI. eactiw wdm tM Ilmb spread of sung tree> Mell be now by Mrd or by Otto' methods >o ae to prevent damages or corm to nmb., brendn. and root.. O Trsrching in area. wh-a root diamat- exceed. 2 Inches Mall ba law by hand. Exposed roots of t,le size Mall be MMly--1 Negmo vd a_nngor w burlap to 1. opwe,ed In p' ml[y to root• iMt era lase tMn 2 IricMe, lM wall of tM v-ch elan be land dimmed , maWng c can wta though roots. D. Treneil.e adjacent to I, wd_ azletlrg erase shell be eloeed within 24 Mows , and when this ie rot poesibla, tM aide or ­1cloeael to t- tree or trans affected elall be toyed w1M moi.terrecl bun.,. E. Rolecl, malnlwn and wwdlnal, work wIth I- convect., spec Vatlea, and utilities.. ExVane care shall be axerci.ed in sting aindlworking in t,a wee due Lo esrelirg util I, Convawor-... 11 be aepoAibla ror damages .uused by stoic aperet one. In tM avant W t damage does occur, tM aoa cM1 rap re site I ba pald by tM coMrawor -less wMr wrergem-le Mva a hew made with !M owner. F. use caution where tr_icl'na and piping 1-11. exi rg .a .... eld.iialk-, lardacap., path w curb•. In tM oven! Use lama ga doss occ r, tM cornractor wrll '.pal LueH damage at tM eoneraetor s 4ID REQUIRE, DODUMENT6 A ^wbmitta is I. 6ubmlt (6) six .rte of all Irrigation aqulpni-t to be w¢a, mamfactwer'e brodvr.., s-vice mama I•, guarani ., and op -a gg rvct we for approval t,, the architect pr r to begiming work nsubm�llala Mould be In a bowl corm complete with lab). or eonteait.. TM eoMraeior et, ll not pnoeeea with work In tM neid wen Min aubmiltal Ie approves in 111 livery by lM architect. 6ID MAINTEN E A TM re int-erica period I, Ircigatiw et, 11 begin I- a cartificata of completive I.. prov dad by ,M architect to tla own_. B. Tha Convector .MII warrant mat_Ial• against deFacls and guareMea workm.-hip ror fM period epemned wd_ tM maTMewnce agraem TM Contract- •fall be ra.poneibs for roordlwtlrg w 'rant, It • with mamracwr_)d1>-11 aw owwr. C. 5.ttlem-t or tr_cMa whicM1 may o during !M mwM-node p_Ioa will ba rapalraa bJ tM contractor at no axp-ea to LM ­ D, Repaid required due to verdell>m before the end of Uri maintenance period .111 b. performed at t,s contractor , exp-• E. Riw to a relera.a of rsepveelbility at !M mid of LM malnlenanea peNod, tM eonvaeew •toll eelgdule a .elk tlreugh wit, t,a ¢user or er. rapraswiativeard dlawooe and provde un rouowmg: I. Gxrwt wet-og sclndulerraqulr err• 2. Two (2) Late tM requi ed tool• ror ranovirg,'Il..s.mbling. and adjwting each type o w aprirdclw Mad, end electric conrol va Iva Four use(4d on ,M projec 3, Two r(4 keys f each control)_ unit. 4. ) quick coup)- kayo and malching swiv,,le for .adt type of quick coup)- used on tM project. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 20 PIPING G-_el Piping: A. Pipe size• Mown are nomlMl IAlde aiamel_ -lase oiMrwlae nolee. i. Pipe shall be IdaMified wIM tM following indelible merWnge: a)Marefactw-cons b) Nominal papa. nixes c)5clndule or clans. d) Rae.ure rating e) NSF (National 5anl lion Foundaelon) eml or approval. f) Data of axtru•iori.� I. Non-Reaaure Linea: (do-aveem of electric remote control valve) PVC Cla.e 200, coMorming 2. to ASTn DI185-83. Fittings; S, wegNt , 6cha�le 40, injection molded PVC, complying wit, A- OF. 84 Ili D2466, cell claeelficailon 11454-15. C. Thaaa>- Injection molded type r.h-s r.qw ..) I. Tees at, Ella- aide gated 2. leraad.d Nlppla•: A6 D2464, 6cledule E0 wit, molded LLreade. D. Joint Can-i and Rlmw: Type a. racomm-led by manufactww of pipe: and rixurge. A Manuractwed of flexible vinyl chloride compound conforming to 6TM D2855M. D360 afd 1I599. b) Filtingn: Type end make an recommwtled by tubing menutacturw. E. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES 1. El, c Remote Centro) Va Ives: As spa .- IT drawings, F. VALVE BOxE5 I. I.olallw Ball Valvm, FIU1, Valve ALLamblim, Flow 6-sore, Growling Roan, CammwicaUw came Splices. ana Wire Splices: Carew 910-12. 2, Elaclric Control valvaa, Drip Valve A­IIIi Maat_ Valvaa and Manual Dra In Valves: Carson a146-BB. G. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER UNIT I. -tic Controliw wW I. epemned on des 'gas R ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE WIRE L Lew Voltage: 2. ALLG OF UL nd approved No. 14 direct bwlal c ppa w e fw all convol wl aNa. 14 bur direct ial c.pp- wire for all A— wl- 3. Wire Colon: al Control Wire,- Red. c) common wo-aL- ,tone. )Master Valve Wires- Blues. d) 6para Wraa- Grew (labeled at t-minelicn) 4. Wra Still- Camectore: RalMird Pwute Comectora or approval aqua 1. PART 3 - ._E TION 30 PREPARAtICN A Examine field c.nditiwe priw to begimirg work daewibed in t,ie eactiw. Grading aperatiwa .toll ba completed at, approval priw lc bsgiming work B. Vdify ell dare locatlona poor to beginning work In I— sectiw. Flag all ring elaevseane cordull. Installed by otter trade•. Report ary conflict. and drodrepanclee to the architect __,,I C. Irrigation >yatam atoll be corotructed to tM sizes and grades at tin loceuon. shown on ins drawinga. D. Install alssvea, to accom A.- p1pa. and wheat under paving, Mfaacapa sidewalks, and Fella priw tI ..,Halt and conwele op_a ompac backfill around aleevea to %% Modified Roctor D_sity within 1% of optimum L moletwe comets In accordance wit, ASTn 0I551. E. EXCAVATION AND BACK FILL OF Tlill 6 4ID TrmCi excavation shall ae much ea pos.ibla follow t,a layout Mown on tM drawing-. FIAT atoll be evaigM in alignm-e and wppwt pipe continuou.iy w bottom or trench Remove -- and .-I. great- than i' In dfametw. Ova excavate a. require) fw bedding mat_lal. A Dept, of Tr-ch tin Iand.cap. areaeA 1. PN> Supply L1ne: 16' nor top of pipe to rmlM grade. 2. control Wiring: do-ectly at side end -tam of pre -tire supply Iiw. B. Depth or n-d, rwd_ asphalt paving w concrete): I. Rseewe Supply Line: 24' hom top of pipe to aggregate bass. 2. Non-Rd>ure Liw: 24' nor top r pipe 1. egreg a base. al Rping located order a>pMit paving or co A,- sMII be Irotalled with tM approprlel,, aizad •leave at, back fill with •and bedding below pipe and 6' above pipe) ti) Compact back fill mat -lei In 6' lift. at 90% mexlnNm d-ally determined in eccwdance with ASTM DI551 uelrg manual w melamcal tamping dIm. 3. Set IT, place, cap, es rid Free s test piping in LM prseerce of ,M owns ar ownw'a rapreawt ve prior to beck fell. C. 1Ndt, of Trench: I. Pipe Great_ than 3': 1 t. mi l-I 1. Pip. Lase tMn 3': 1' minimum, D. WidtN betwew Trend-aa: 1, lrrigat wcn to lrrigat 2. Irngat ve Trench and Otto' Trade Tr .:m12m minimum. E. Boring: Bwmg will only be pemlttad -Mrs pipe moat pee• undw an ob.e , Mat demo, be avoided or rem Back rill atoll match rounding eon awslty at, green. Boring uM- axiaung paving, s1cla.alke, or tore, r p may I. p-milts It contactor a own ri-k con ie .sponeible for any repairs or aamege to euUt Items It ,Mir own experoeaclw F. Back f111: Back fill of Vw 1 may not be done until all required taeurg for tM lrrigat on <yelam ML ba.- completed. G. Material: f Excavated mat-lal la gm -ally ddnaid-ad to be adequate I fw backnll op_a, one. Berwe beglmirg !M back fill operation, ineire tbackfill wlal Mee Rom dabrla and rock• grey - tMn I' it and 1• not mixed with topsoil. lheea ma,_lale aft- eapara[md hom back fill,ll, shil1 be legally dleposed of et convectors expwae. H. Beddlrg: Bed preen-¢ .apply I - .It, coroVuction grad. send 6' above and 6' halo. pipe. RemaMmo back fill may ba a. deswibed above I. Bad all electrical control wire at, commwicauon cable.ire, A -mreour ar I. pa eyoply line, wit, coAtructive grade Bandd w 6' above and batbelow wlrea 2. W-en back fill, allgMly mound filled tr- ror eet,lement alto back rill le compacted. Compact back nil to a :msa maximum III, a cordence with ASTM DI- with a madanical tamper. Do not leave rencli¢a open for a panod grealw tMn 48 hows. Open trw.lchee Nall be protected In accordance unto current OSHA regulation•. 3, Smooth tr.ncFes !o 1In grade prior to requ.elifg a walk t, ,91, rw eubatantlal oompeuan wit, the architecC. 5m POINT OF CONNECT10J(5) A. POIM of connection atoll be appr at, p.o zimatelV a. 9M.n on drawings. Correct wdarg.owd. piping end valves. ids all flanges, adapts s, or Otto' setae ary ri tinge. B I1,16TALLATION OF iIOLVENT JELD POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) 1. des Iyvlryl cM `IwdeF pipe Mall ba tit wiu, an approved Pve pipe cutter gn ony purpo>e. 2. All plastic-u-ple.tic aelvw, weld jelnie Melt use only the eoly-t acomme by the pipe marufactwar. Do not Install .01-1 weld pipe when tarpeNture. IL below 40i F. 3. Pipe ands and fitting• atoll ba wiped with M1, w approved equal, before welding eo a applied. Welded Joints et, 11 be given a minimum of 15 comma• to .eeweerore moving or Mnming. a. Pipes shill be .raMd hom Aida-lo-•des on I— bottom to allow for exp.A end cenvacuero. 5. All dmi,e- of direction ov_ 15 degree• Mall be made with appropriate ntting•. 6Wen pipe layl,S is not 1. progreea at tM end of each worung day, clone pip. and..", tight plug or rap. 1. Install pressure supply line locating tap,, elwg tM enure Iwgth of ,'¢saws supply Iln a. coordiMle F-A,'..pp1y line wI..and bedding op_ e. & No wM_ Nall ba F-ni - In tM pipe wn11 IApectI= have ba- completed aria a period of at lease 241qura Ms eiapeed ror ,Divest weld .stung at, curing. 0. Cants load pipe with small amowt or back rill to prevent arching and .11PP wd_ pr.eawe. Leave Joints exposed fw mapecuon during t,hig, C. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE5 I. Ineta ll each electric control valve in a aepara ve box eo t,at cross Mndle I. 3' min. below valve box coven a. epecifled on Vm detail drawinga. 2. Coup elecvic control valve• to91,h a• epeclfled on LLB drawine. allowing a maximum or 12 ' bstwsw ch valve box. Install valve boxes n t,s .am. dVectlon and parallel with one anolMr and p_p_dlalar io paving, Mrdacape,.16-1l1. end patM- D.vALVE BOxES I. Install valve boxes with Bach type of Irigation aquipmanl so IT lop of valve box Is above flniM grade ae epeclried w tm detail drawing.. aNe box exlwslwe are not acceptable except for m,.tw valve• and mama) d�a1n valvaa. 2. Plata gravel Lunp below and around aeGT valve box prior falling valve bo as spec find on tM drawings. Place remalning pwtiw or gra n.lda valve box allowing NII access. In and scowl all fltLlig.. Valve box e atoll be fully aupportad by gravel §amp. No brick or wood support- are allowed. E. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER I I. V-Ify electrical power at location of automatic cwvoll_ unit prior to lalAtlw of aulomauc co-oll- unit. Nollfy architect Immadlataly If pow- newts le not avalleble. 2. Hardwire control)_ to t,. o ff switch and .,:l��ngg pow_ source. Comroll.r Mau not ba plugged into socket provldad ror I- aqulpm-t. 3. Irota11 autameuc convoll_ unit wows aMwn on tra E. per manufaclur_e spacinmtiwe. Cwlroll_ Ntill be tested with complete po,iV to connections. the Contractor atolls re.ponaible rw temporary power to lM Corhroll- for operation entl lmtirg p ',Dena. a. Correct alectrlc a of valve and drip valve: ae.anbly wiring to cwtroli- unit in the Aare men-Ica1 ..queride a. indicated ITLL. drawing•. 5. correct flow .,I and cone!- valve wiring to cwtroll_ wit. 6. 1n.,e Il a Laparale ground wire for salt co 011I, unit ee eIR-Fled on ,M drawings. 1. Above ground Aw It Mall be rigid galvanized pipe with the aPpr F,i e stooge. Below ground conduit •hall be PVC SCH 4m pipe with appropriate fieung.. a. Label earn automatic coa,,Ilh, unit wit, ITT. Jett_ or ramb_ de.le a .o n ve drawing,_ LMtw of numb« -11 be loca,ea in a visible locative on LM Imide panel cov- with 3' high Nryl laltare. 9. Each automatic controllw unit sMll be complat,,ly operable priw to scheduling a walk tW 91, for .ub.tanlial completion. F. ELECTRICAL WIRE 1. Low voltage Wiring: 2. Bwy control wiring In .are tr-dr a• I—- supply Iiw a. •pacified. 3. -w all 24 volt wIr.. at 20Int_va tilt, alactrlwl taps. 4. Rovlds expansion loop: at .very ,renews supplyNPIline: angle nuifg, Aide each .i.ctr"Ith I le control valve box, drip aloe it -artily Iva A- and ., 25m' Iw Intervals alorg routing. F­ , I,. loop by wrapping w rs a minimum of m ura. around a 3(4' pipe and -,drawing pipe 5. Limit .pllcingoof electrical wiring. Rovide eerie splice made It Inl-vale and drip valve a--embly valve bexee wiW Ralnbird Peute co� ecto a or approved equal. 6. Wire splice occurring at Int-vats outalde electric canvol valve box and drip. valve aeeanbll.e atoll be Imtalled In a separate valve box. 1. Rovide 111,7 electrical control wire fw avmy slacvlc remote control valve and lve des>embly. Piggy bating 11ke zones on et, same sledriwl cvetrol wire 1• not allowed. a. Install (2) Iwo spars �4-I alactrlral contol wVsa nor tM eulomatic roller unit pea'. tat Lo lM last electric contol valve on sad., lag o pre a •goply Ilnae Locate tM spar wires In ,Mir own vale. box LFadlFled. In addition to LMes •par wire•, Gnat its drawinga fw any box I- aII I l wvee Vat may be required and locate them In tM name valve tM -pare wirm. _EGEND KEY 1 4' GRATE 2 RAINBIRD ROOT WATERING SYSTEM, (RWS) REFER TO LEGEND FOR FULL MODEL sr. 3 BUBBLER.REFER TO LEGEND. 4 FINISH GRADE. 5 CHECK VALVE. 6 PEA GRAVEL. INSTALL ALL AROUND, 7 1/2' SOLED. 80 PVC RISER. 8 1/2' MARLEX ELL. 9 SWING PIPE, 12' PIPE SWING ASSEMBLY IO 1/2' MALE NPT INLET II PVC SCHEDULE TEE OR ELL. 12 LATERAL LINE. 13 4' BASKET WEAVE CONTAINER. ON TAPE ON ALL SWING JOINTS. RIPLE SWING JOINTS WITH ALTERNATING MARLEX AND PVC SCHEDULE 40 STREET ELLS. I F(-FND KFY I GREEN PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH 7 PVC SCH 80 UNION, LOCKING COVER MARKED 'RCV' 8 PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTER, 2 1/2' IN TURF AREAS, I" IN SHRUB 9 PVC NON -PRESSURE PIPE. AREAS. 10 PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE(LENGTH 3 CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE AS REQUIRED). ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL, PRIOR TO II PVC SCH 40 TEE (S S S) PURCHASE TYPE OF WATERPROOF OR ELL (S S) ON MAINLINE. CONNECTION THAT WILL BE USED. 12 CRUSHED ROCK SHALL COVER 4 PROVIDE TWO FOOT COIL EXPANSION AT EACH WIRE CONNECTOR IN VALVE VALVE BOX PIPE OPENINGS TO BOX AND COIL WIRES PREVENT SOIL ENTRY 5 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE. 13 PVC PRESSURE PIPE. 6 SOLENOID. 14 FINISHED GRADE NOTE: USE CLASS 315 PVC PIPE AND SCH 80 PVC FITTINGS FOR SIZE 2' AND GREATER. USE SCH 40 PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR SIZE 1-1/2' OR LESS. CLOSE NIPPLES SHALL NOT BE USED O SUBGRADE BUBBLER O REMOTE CONTROL VALVE (D FINISH GRADE 0 EMITTER TO BE INSTALLED 3- ABOVE FINISH GRADE Q3 IT POLYETHYLENE RISER ® VT THREADED BASE O PVC SCHEDULE 40 TEE BURIED MIN. 6' BELOW GRADE © NON-PRESSLRE PVC LATERAL LINE DIMENSION A I IS I C II TO 3- IN SIZE 24- 1 8' 1 , OE DRIP EMITTER © PIPE INSTALLATION EGEND I. NON -PRESSURE PVC LATERAL LINE 2. COMPRESSION FLUSH CAP' INSTALL IN EMITTER BOX. 3. 10' ROUND GREEN PLASTIC VALVE BOX. TOP OF BOX TO BE EVEN WITH FINISH GRADE. 4. 2 CU. FT 3/4' CRUSHED GRAVEL FO FLUSH CAP FINISH GRADE CLEAN COMPACTED BACKFILL LNDISTLI28ED SOIL LATERAL LINES - SEE SPECIFICATIONS (D RAIN BIRD BATTERY O3 SOLENOID (TYPICAL) OPERATED CONTROLLER O4 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE O WATERPROOF CONNECTION (TYPICAL) (TYPICAL) © BATTERY CONTROLLER verizon✓ 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILD/NI 1ST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY 8 CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THANAS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 Al2/03/15 MONO -PALM RELOCATION IL 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS AA 09/03/15 90% ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJR CHECKED BY: JB Landscape Architects 1/ Villamourd Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949)661-3998 - rjcla®sbcglobalnet �P, oscAp Q_EC, punning o� qPn 5 o ti Signature 08/ ai/16 Renew I Dote * 12/09/15 s Dote P T �Tf OF CA LIF OR PROJECT INFORMA TION: CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: IRRIGATION DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: REV.: L-3 DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF SMARTLINK, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN FREI,THER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF SMARTLINK, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING. PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS A.GENERAL lSco 'a of Work e. Contractor shall Nrnl.h all labor, material, land. and services necessno to Install all ds pe planting, as Indicated n the approved drawl and a, specified heroin and shall pnrormsa ll other ncidental —necessary to carry out the intent of this specification and drdwings including the following: I) Fine grading, soil preparation, planting of trees, slruba, in ves, ground covers and lawn, ta guying and sking tree,, and weed abatement. 2) one hundred -day maintenance. 3) Provide guarantee. I . All Irrigation work shall be approved by the Landscape Architect prior to any work In this _ec , being performed. 2. Agronomic Soil, Report a. Art- completion of rough grading and prior to sou preparation, the contractor shall provide the tine or planting soils, and compo.tad organic h,mua materla la by an independent agronomic son. testing laboratory (member or the California Association or Ag—Rural Labs), Representative soil sample- shall be taken in the led and a wrltter report >t shall shall be prepared by the loll ..'sa and Include recom.endatlons for eppITc tIons, preplant Fertilization, hgdromuld, alurry, and post -maintenance fert111-1c, Program, I,. Soil preparation specifications shall be prepared based on the teat results and recommendations and shall be approved by the Landscape Architect prior to .oil preparation. c. 5oi1 tests -hall be performed after soil preparation to confirm that Boll preparation was performed In compliance with preplan. sou. report and >pasc,nbatibra. Lana,cape 3. Protection of Existing Trees and Plants to Remain a. Contractor ,hall not store materials or equipment, penult burning, operate or park aquipmest under he branches of any exiting plant to remain. b. Contractor shall provide barricades, fnce. or other bar,ier. as necessary at tIr drip line to. protect existing plants from damage during construction. I. contractor shall notlry Landscape Architect in any case where Contractor reels grading or other on>tructlon called For by the plans may damage exiting plants. d. If existing plants to remain are damaged during construction, Contractor shall replace such plants or the lama spec and size as those damaged at at to the Owner. Determination or extent of damage end value or damaged plant shall rest solely with the Owner. value loss. will be calculated using the method established by the International Society of Arboriculture. Catnmin-dr, or whether to accept compensation through tree replacement or monetary settiamnt 'hall rest solely with the owner. 4. Substitutions I . Specific reference to manufacturers names and products specified . thl. Section are used as .tandard-= thi. ImplI.. no right to substitute other materials or method. without writtn approval or then Land,cape Architect I,. Installation and warrantof any approved substitution shall be contractors re.pon.Ibuity. Any chage, required For mstallatlon of any v daubetitutlon must be made to the . tTtlafaction or the Landscape Architect without additional coat to the Owner. Approval by the Owner of substituted equipment and/or dimn.lon drawings does not waive the,, requiremnta, 5. Submittals I. Prior to IretsiI.Mon, the Contractor shall submit to the Landscape Architect two copies of manufacturers (teratura, racalpt. of sale and laboratory analytical data For the Following Items! llkJrganlc Amendment. (2)fopsoll f3Kommer.1.1 Fntilizn 4 Muld, (5)Plant material b. Rarer to irrigation specification for additional submittal requirements. 6. Product Handling a, Contractor shall Nrnlsh standard product, in raifacturer's standard containers bearing orrgmul labels showing nm, quantity, analysls, and 'amor nul-ract=, All otaus bags at,,, c shall remain on sit, unto work is completed. b. contractor shall notlry Landscape Architect 1 days prior to delivery of plant material and submit it-1.alln of plant. in each delivery. 1. clean Up a, con completion If each phase of work under this Lion time cont ractor tractor .hamve .hall clean up and reo from the are. au unused materials and debris aulting from performance the perfoance or the work The alte shall -dean be left In a broom condition, and wash down au paved area. wehin the project site. Leave walb in a clean and safe cndltin. IS. PRODUCTS I. Plant Material e. All pant. aha.11 be or the size, variety, see, and conditin as shown n the drawings and as specified herein. I'. Quality I) Plants shall be In accordance with the California State Department of Agriculture's regulation for nursery Inspections, rules, and gr ding. Root. shall be sufficiently developed to the pnimetar of the root ball to hold the root ba together, but should not display roots of 1/4' diameter or larger, vi,ib le on the perimeter or the root ba II. The root ball shall be Free of roots V5 the trunk diameter vlalbly circling the trunk, and free of roots protruding above the soil. n the avant or dt.agra ndition of mot system, the root conaittonaof the, plant. furnished by the contractor In containers will be determined by ram val of earth from she roots or t less than two plans or each specor ariety. iLhne container grown plants are from ­ssra sources, the root, of not lees than - plant. or each species or variety from each source will mple be inspected. In case the saplants Inspected are round to be defective, the Landscape Architect reservee the right to reject the entire lot, or Iota, or plants represented by the defective ...plea. I. Plants shall be true to special and variety in accordance with the American Association of Nurserymen Standards. Eadi group or plant material. delivered to the site .hall be clearly Iab,led as to .paclao and variety and nursery e. There aha 11 be no aub.titution or plant. or .ize> for those 11.ted n the accompanying plan. except with approval of the Landscape Architect. r. container stock shall have grown in the container. in which delivered for at least I. month,, but not over two year.. Samples .hall ahow no root - bound conditlona. container plants that have acked or broken ball. or earth when taken From container 'hall not be planted except upon special approval by the Landscape Architect. g. Plants not conforming to the requirement. herein placiFlad well be considered detective and such ants, whether In pace or not, will be marked a. rejected, Contractor shall immediately remove rejected plant. Rom the promises and replace with new acceptable Plante at his expanse. 2. Topsoil a. Soil to be used a. planting medium For the project 'hall be futile, well drained, of uniform quality. Kee of atones over 1-inch dametn, .tick,, oils, dhemical,, plasm, concrete, and other deleterious materlaIs. b. Imported topsoil shall be From, sources approved by the Landscape Architect which meet the standard. specified above. c. The Contractor shall provide For the testing of propo.ed topsoil by a certified agronomic soils testing laboratory and shall submit soils nelyel., recommandatlons and topsoil sample to thr Landscape Architect for approval. Import topsoil shall not be delivered to the sit. riot to Landscape Architect approval. The Landscape Architect may request additional teasing of imported toPaoil at the site to determine conformarce to the. app owed report. Rejected topsoil shall be removed at no cost to the Owner. IF If .sockplling 1. requested, locations and amounts of stookplle small be approved by the Owner. 3. Soil Amen l.— and Fertilizer Recycled material, small be used unless unavailable or cost prohibitive. a. Provide standard, approved and firer -grade quality materials, In Prime condition whn installed and cepted. call— commercially processed and packaged material and manuracturar'a guaranteed nalysis. Supply a ample or all supplied materials a companied by analytical data from an approved laboratory source illustrating ompliance, or bearing the menuracturer's guaranteed analyst, to the Landscape Architect. d. Soil Amndmelts V 5o11 sulfur - Agricultural grada sulfur taming minimum of Se percent sulfur (expressed as .lemma U.. 2) Iron sulfate 20 percent iron (expressed at IT Iron), derived from ferric and ferrous sulfate, 10 percent sulfur (expr... ad as elements l), 3) calcum carbonate - 95 percent rim, a, derived from oyster shells. 4) Gypsum - Agricultural grade Product coma lning SO percent minimum calcium sulfate, 5) Dolomite lime - Agricultural grade mineral oil conditonn containing 35 percent .1mmum magnn carbonate and 45 per minimum ra I,= carbonate, 100 paseing No. 65 IT* all provide Kaiser Dolomite 65 AG or other approved. 6) Fine and - Clean, natural fine sand Free From deleterious materlal, weed seed, clay balls, rock with minimum or SS percnt passing a No. 4 >leve and m ximum of 10 percnt passing a No. 100 .I eve. a 73711IFT7 V Fertilizer shall be polleted or granular form consisting of the percentage by weight of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash as recommended by the approved agronomic report. Plant ng fertilizer shall be mixed by the commercial fertilizer supplier. 2) Plant tablets -shall be slow release type with Potential acidity of not more than 5 percent by weight. 4. Pesticides and Hnbcides a. All chemicals used for weed control shall be registered by the State or California Department If Food and Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency with registration Identiricatlon on the label. Label shall be at job site at all times. b. All chemlcal> shall be applied as per registered label Instruction and manufacturer. recommendatlons. c. Chemicals requiring a licensed applicator must be applied by person. regi.terad with the County or Riverside Department of Aricu—lid, qualified Commisaloner ,m Office as pos ea t, lid, qualified peat control applicator a Iliicense. I. The use or any restricted materla le Is forbidden unless a special use permit Is obtained From the. County of Riverside Department of Agriculture. e. The nonselective, trenslocative herbicide shall be 'Roundup' or approved equal. C. ExECUVCN OF WORK I. Gemara a. Perform .cruel planting only during those Ill what weather and soil condition, are suitable and In accordance with Iocally accepted practice. I, Confirm location and depth of underground utilities, and ob.Vuctlons. If underground structures or utility line, are encountered In the vation of planting areas, other locations For planting ,hall be approved by the Landscape archRedt. c. All planting layout and ataking shall be accurately made In accordance with the plan.. All trace shall be a minlmum Or 3 Feet from Mprovamnt unless root barrier 1. installed. d. Ill. location. shall be approved by the Landscape rch(tect prior toe ,tin and are subject to ,pacing and dlatances required by city standards. ,. Planting Holes Planting Fnlee anal have irregular, rol lazed .Ides, and aha ll bee minimum of three time, the diameter, and one and one-half times the depth or the original plant contalner. 2. Planting of SMub. and Groundcov a. Shrub' and Groundcovnaha ll not be allowed to dry out before or w1,11e being planted. Roots shall not be exposed to the: air except while actually being placed in the ground. Wilted plant, will not be accepted. I. Plant In straight row. —amly spaced, and at Intervalsrequired by drawing,, use triangular spacing. I. Plant sad, rooted plant with Its proportionate plantior flat so11. Immediately water attar ng until entire area 1, soaked to Full depth of each hole. d. Protect plant. from damage and trempill at all e. Topdreea all groundoover and shrub areas with 2- inch layn or approved bark mulch. PALM TRUNK 4REFER TO DETAIL B) 6 HGH WATERING BERM BACKFp.-L TO BE 100% CLEAN NI.RSERY SAND FINISH GRADE IRRIGATION BUBBLER REFER TO IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR INSTALLATION OF BUBBLER ROOT BALL PLANT TABLETS COMPACTED SUBGRADE FILTER FABRIC 17 DIM. X V DEER SUMP FLED WITH U2 GRAVEL 4' DIM. PERFORATED PVC PIPE WITH CAP. NOTES- CONITRACTCR SHALL PLACE PALM TRUNK IN EXACT CENTER OF TREE WELL. REFER TO ROGATION PLANS TO COORDNATE INSTALLATION AND NUMBER OF RRIGATKXN BUBBLERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO APPROVE FINAL Hl AND LOCATION OF PALM PRICK TO PLANTING REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR FE12TLZB2 12EGUI12EMENTS OA PALM PLANTING TOTAL HEIGHT MEASURED AS SHOWN © PALM TRUNK HEIGHT II verizoW 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING 'D', 1ST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY 8 CONFIDENTIAL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USEOR DISCLOSURE OTHER THANAS IT RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 861-2201 FAX: (949) 387-1275 12/03/15 MONO —PALM RELOCATION 10/14/15 POWER ROUTE REVISION 10/01/15 100% ZONING DRAWINGS ZA 09/03/15 90% ZONING DRAWINGS REV. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: WJR CHECKED BY: JB Landscape Architects 1/ Villamoura Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949)661-3998 - rjc1d0$bcgloba1Pet �P, DSCAp �E�r punning o� qPn 5 0 W o n n Signature 08/31/16 * Renewal Nit 12/09/15 s Dote P 'I OF CA LIF OR PROJECT INFORMA TION: CHIHUAHUA 78060 FRANCIS HACK LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANDIDATE NAME: FRITZ BURNS PARK SHEET TITLE: PLANTING DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: REV.: L -4 DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF SMARTLINK, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR OTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF SMARTLINK, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS WITHOUT THE APPROVAL ED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING. ATTACHMENT 4 Smart ink Verizon Project Name: Jurisdiction: Date Application Filed: Type of Application(s): Site Address: Permit Application(s) #: Authorized Agent for Verizon Wireless Chihuahua City of La Quinta September 29, 2015 Conditional Use Permit 7810o Francis Hack Lane, La Quinta, CA 92253 Verizon Wireless is filing a complete permit application for a new wireless telecommunication facility in accordance with your code, ordinances and regulations. In filing this application Verizon Wireless expressly reserves all rights federal and state law including, but not limited to, having this application processed to a final decision without undue delay in accordance with the Declaratory Ruling o9-99 issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on November 18, 2009. Unless Verizon Wireless received written notice from you within thirty (30) days of the filing of this application, this application shall be deemed complete pursuant to Paragraph 53 of the FCC's Ruling. If you believe this application is incomplete, you must specify all missing items in writing to Verizon Wireless at the address below. Please send all information relating to this application to: Contact Name: James A. Rogers Company Name: Smartlink LLC Authorized Agent for Verizon Wireless Mailing Address: 18401 Von Karman, Suite 400, Irvine, CA 92612 Respectfully sub iYies A. Rdg&s- Land Use Specialist Smartlink, LLC Authorized Agent for Verizon Wireless RECEIVED SEP 2 9 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT @smartlink Authorized Agent for Verizon Wireless Verizon Project Name: CHIHUAHUA City of La Quinta, CA Application for Conditional Use Permit Project Description and Project Justification The Applicant (Verizon Wireless) is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the construction of a wireless tower and operation of an unmanned wireless telecommunication facility. The following project information is provided for your consideration. Project Location Address: 7810o Francis Hack Lane, La Quinta, CA 92253 APN: 770-184-011 Zoning: PR (Park and Recreation) Project Representative RECEIVED Name: James A. Rogers/Smartlink, LLC Address: 18401 Von Karman, Suite 400, Irvine, CA 92612 SEP 2 9 2015 Contact Information: 949-295-9031 Verizon Wireless Contact CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Name: Jeannie Le, Project Manager Address: 15505 Sand Canyon Avenue, Bldg. D, Irvine, CA 92618 Contact Information: 949-286-8137 Proposed Project Description Verizon Wireless is proposing the construction of an unmanned wireless cell site. Verizon Wireless is proposing the construction of a 6o-ft high antenna support structure disguised as a palm tree (MonoPalm). The proposed MonoPine will have a three (3) sector antenna array of twelve (12) panel antennas, twelve (12) RRUs + Az radios, and two (z) surge protectors. The Verizon antenna array will have a centerline height of 53-feet, with the Palm fronds Page 1 of 5 Project Description & Project Justification 9.29.15 extending up to a height of 6o-feet to screen the antennas, which will be covered with "antenna socks" to match the appearance of the fronds. The MonoPalm will be located within a 10' x 20' lease area along with two (2) macro cell equipment cabinets, one (1) standby diesel generator, and required telco and power connections. Access will be via Francis Hack Lane and the existing driveway with a non-exclusive travel path and parking area. Project Objectives and Project Coverage Verizon Wireless has determined that a radio signal strength of greater that 75 dBm is necessary to provide reliable and consistent voice and data services to customers both outdoor and in -building. Additionally, as nearby sites become overworked due to increasing voice and high-speed data services, new cell sites are needed to maintain coverage and to prevent new gaps in service. The Verizon radio frequency (RF) engineers have identified the need for a new cell site located in the City of La Quinta to improve coverage in the area. The primary purpose of the proposed cell site (Chihuahua) is to provide improved coverage and telecommunication services in the area between several existing cell sites, as shown on the accompanying radio frequency propagation exhibits. Due to high customer usage the existing nearby sites (La Quinta and SBA Parquinta) are currently performing at peak capacity. The proposed Chihuahua cell site location will provide the necessary footprint to improve in -building coverage in the residential, resort and commuter areas near the intersections of Avenue 52/Calle Sinaloa and Avenidas Bermudas. The propagation map demonstrating the Existing Coverage depicts all existing Verizon Wireless towers near the proposed site. Project Site and Compatibility with Surrounding Development The project property is located near the southeast corner of Francis Hack Park, north of Francis Hack Lane. The subject property consists of a single parcel of approximately 6.o acres developed as a Public Park. The property has two parking lots and access driveways located on Francis Hack Lane; the primary parking lot at the corner of Avenidas Bermudas and the secondary lot to the east of the dog park area. As shown on the provided Site Plans, the property is developed with a variety of recreational uses, including an aquatic center, lawn area, picnic and tot lot area, tennis courts, skateboard park and dog park. The surrounding properties and uses include: - North - Skateboard Facility and Tennis Courts A West - Dog Park and Parking Lot South - Single Family Dwellings - across streets and landscape areas East - Public Works Maintenance Yard and Fire Station Public Interest, Health, Safety, Convenience and Welfare of the City The proposed antennas will be mounted to a camouflaged MonoPalm pole adjacent to several existing Palm trees thereby minimizing its visual intrusiveness. The proposed project Page 2 of 5 Project Description & Project Justification 9.29•15 will meet all underlying City setback and development standards, and all setback and separation requirements for wireless facilities. The proposed location of the cell site has been selected to meet the objectives and requirements of the La Quinta Zoning Code, as well as meeting the radio frequency engineering project objectives previously described. Also, the proposed cell site will not affect or alter the present use of the property or of any of the surrounding properties and developments. The proposed cell site will substantially improve wireless telecommunication services, including voice, internet, data and E-emergency, in the surrounding developments, thus improving the general public interest, health, safety, convenience and welfare of the surrounding areas and the City of La Quinta. Alternative Site Analysis The original coverage search area was located west of Eisenhower Drive in the La Quinta Cove area. The La Quinta Cove area is developed as a single-family residential neighborhood, with no suitable candidates for a cell tower facility. The following alternate locations were identified and evaluated as potential cell site facilities. The reasons for not selecting the alternate locations are also addressed: Existing MonoPalm - City -of La Quinta Corporate Yard: This alternate collocation site is located on Francis Hack Lane, immediately east of the proposed cell site. This location was acceptable to RF Engineering for covering the primary coverage gap. However, the collocation was determined by Verizon to be infeasible from a land use entitlement viewpoint due to the poor stealth opportunities on the MonoPalm, and infeasible from a construction viewpoint due to the lack of adequate ground space for the required Verizon equipment. New MonoPalm -City of La Quinta Corporate Yard: This alternate site is located on Francis Hack Lane, immediately east of the proposed cell site. This location was acceptable to RF Engineering for covering the primary coverage gap, and was determined by Verizon to be feasible from a land use entitlement and construction viewpoint. However, the City intended to make renovations to the Corporate Yard to which the cell -site could potentially intrude. Therefore, the City was asking for a much higher rent for the location than what Verizon could agree in order to accommodate the potential intrusion. Thus, this alternate location was not selected. Required Findings of Approval The following findings shall be made by the planning commission and/or planning director prior to approval of any wireless telecommunication facility: Consistency with General Plan. The wireless telecommunication facility is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the general plan; Page 3 of 5 Project Description & Project Justification 9.29.15 The proposed Wireless Telecommunication Facility will provide communication services to the surrounding residential neighborhoods and travelers passing through the area. The proposed use therefore will provide increased emergency & safety communications, and strengthen the economic basis of the community. The property on which the proposed use will be located is developed as a Public Park, which consistent with both the General Plan and the Zoning designation. The proposed wireless facility is an allowed land use within the designation, with approval of the Conditional Use Permit and is therefore consistent with the General Plan. A- Public Welfare. Approval of the wireless telecommunication facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The proposed wireless telecommunication facility use will provide enhanced communication services to the surrounding area, including emergency and public safety communications, and in -residence data, internet and voice services. The proposed wireless facility will be located adjacent to the existing Public Park facilities (dog park and skateboard facility) and the City corporate maintenance yard. The nearest residence is approximately 16o feet to the south, separated by two (2) public and private roads and a landscape buffer. Therefore, the proposed wireless facility will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to the surrounding uses and buildings. The proposed wireless telecommunication facility minimizes adverse visual impacts through careful design and site placement; The proposed wireless facility utilizes zoo square feet of the 6.o acre Park parcel. The wireless facility is proposed as a "stealth" MonoPalm similar to others in the City of La Quinta. The MonoPalm fronds will minimize the visual impacts of the facility; while the proximity of existing live palm trees will provide f visual context and screening. Therefore, any adverse visual impacts of the proposed facility have been minimized as much as possible. The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is designed at the minimum height to achieve the service provides objectives for coverage within this portion of the community; The proposed wireless facility is designed to provide an antenna rad center of 53 ft., which is the minimum height identified by Verizon's radio frequency engineers as necessary to meet the coverage objectives of this site location. The 6o ft. height of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with the height of other carrier facilities in this portion of the City, and well below the maximum allowable height of ioo ft. Page 4 of 5 Project Description & Project Justification 9•29•15 A The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant's justification letter, to improve community access to wireless service. As described in the Project Objectives and Search Ring section of this letter, a significant gap in coverage and/or capacity exists for Verizon customers in this area of the City of La Quinta. Therefore, a new wireless facility is necessary to improve community access to wireless services. The enclosed land use application and exhibits are presented for your consideration. Verizon Wireless requests a favorable determination and approval of the Conditional Use Permit to build the proposed facility. Please contact me at 949-295-9031 for any questions or requests for additional information. Res ectfully submitted, -'� ames A. Ro Sers Land Use Speciali Smartlink LLC Authorized Agent for Verizon Wireless Page 5 of 5 Project Description & Project Justification 9.29•15 W, w U W Ir O N LO N L— E 4-0 ■ cu U1. 0 CV w QC C ^ i q .�in.•;F.,yi t i s H z W ■� W Z O C N = J V aj W �' w ga LL © - W `� it m 0 N m ' f�li lfM 7 i.All( � pr 41ff vA l�(.�Imf4i it ATTACHMENT 5 Jay Wuu From: James Rogers <james.rogers@smartlinkllc.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 6:03 PM To: Jay Wuu Subject: RE: CUP2015-0003 CHIHUAHUA - Update - Courtesy Letters Hi Jay, I received a phone call and spoke with Jim McComsey ( APN 770-280-012), one of the residents on Gato Drive. Mr. McComsey is not opposed the Verizon project, but had the following questions and comments: • Why isn't Verizon going.on tfe existing Monopalm:' — I explained that Verizon had originally looked at that location, but that it was determined that there was not adequate ground space for the necessary equipment, and that Public Works has plans for the improvement of the maintenance yard with which the Verizon facility could potentially interfere. • Noted that the Photo Sim (#6) view was from his driveway_— He does not have any issues with the views as his home and it views are oriented to the golf course. • He in uired as to the schedule for the Verizon site as he would prefer the work to be done over the Summer — I told him that hopefully the site will be approved by the Planning Commission at the end of May, and then filed for Building & Safety review in June. Construction could take place in August/September. • Early morning noise coming from the Public Worms maintenance yard is his biggest compliant — I told that Verizon could not do anything about that problem, but that I would pass his concerns onto the City. I will inform you if I am contacted by any of the other HOA representative or residents. Regards, smartlink James A. Rogers Smartlink (o) 949.861.2201 (m) 949.295.9031 (f) 949.468.0931 smartlinkllc.com Proud Sponsor of the Chesapeake Bayhawks, S-Time Major League Lacrosse Champions! www.thvbaxhawks.com This electronic mail (including any attachments) may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and/or otherwise protected from disclosure to anyone other than its intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of this electronic email or its contents (including any attachments) by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email that we may correct our internal records Please then delete the original message (including any attachments) in its entirety. Thank you. G TOFIt� TO: Honorable Chair and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager DATE: July 12, 2016 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION REGARDING EQUESTRIAN OVERLAY DISTRICT The Planning Commission requested staff to address the applicability of the Equestrian Overlay District (EOD) and whether an accompanying Zone Change for removal of the EOD is necessary when a proposed development includes no equestrian accommodations that are allowable under the EOD. Overlay Districts are identified Section 9.110.020 Types of Special Purpose Districts in the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC). There are five overlay districts as follows: • Hillside Conservation Overlay District • Sexually Oriented Business Overlay District • Equestrian Overlay District • Affordable Housing Overlay District • Low density/agricultural-equestrian residential district The LQMC states that overlay districts are to be used in combination with a base district. The purpose of the overlay districts is to regulate certain aspects of land use in the interests of public safety and protection of surrounding properties. The EOD provisions permit, but do not require, the keeping of horses and allowing facilities for equestrian -related uses beyond the individual horse owner (Attachment 1). The EOD is concentrated on parcels within the Southeast portion of the City, and the "base" districts are the Very Low Density Residential, Low Density Residential, and Neighborhood Commercial Zone (Attachment 2). The EOD provisions allow, but do not require, keeping up to two horses on a minimum one acre parcel. Thus, if a proposed subdivision consists of less than one acre lots, or a property is less than one acre, the equestrian uses are not permissible even if the subdivision or property lies within the EOD. The LQMC does not require a zone change for new development in the EOD, and the EOD regulations do not restrict new residential developments that do not propose the keeping of horses or provision of equestrian -related uses. While there are estate properties in the EOD that are not within a master planned community, where the keeping of horses and equestrian facilities has been established, many of the existing residential developments in the EOD do not provide for accommodations for the keeping of horses, but do incorporate multi -purpose trail improvements at the perimeter of the developments consistent with an equestrian aesthetic. Multi -purpose trail improvements can be observed along Madison Street, Avenue 54, Avenue 52 and along certain segments of Monroe Street. Staff advises that it is not necessary to process a zone change removing the EOD from parcels that are part of a residential development in the EOD with lot sizes proposed below the 1 acre standard. Those developments, even if in the EOD, would still not meet the EOD provisions that otherwise allow for equestrian -related uses. Moreover, a requirement of a zone change for removal the EOD accompanied with new residential development entitlement would require additional expense in planning application fees and the City Council as an additional review authority, which would be contrary to the recent development streamlining efforts. Staff is available to answer questions during the study session. Attachments: 1. LQMC Standards - Equestrian Overlay District 2. Equestrian Overlay District Boundaries 2 9.110.090 EOD equestrian overlay district. ATTACHMENT 1 Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.110 SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS 9.110.090 EOD equestrian overlay district. A. Purpose and Intent. To permit the keeping of horses (stabling and riding) for the personal recreational pleasure of city residents and to allow for facilities to provide equestrian -related recreational opportunities beyond the individual horse owner. B. Development Standards. Development standards for the EOD overlay district shall be as provided in the underlying base district regulations, subject to the additional requirements of the EOD district as set forth in Section 9.140.060. In case of conflict between the base district and the EOD regulations, the EOD regulations shall control. C. District Boundaries. The boundaries of the EOD overlay district shall be as shown on the official zoning map. (Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) View the mobile version. http://gcode.uslcodesllaquintalview.php?topic=9-9_110-9_110_090&frames=on[71712016 8:39:40 PMl 9.140.060 EOD equestrian overlay regulations. Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.140 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIAL PURPOSE REGULATIONS 9.140.060 EOD equestrian overlay regulations. A. Applicability. The EOD equestrian overlay district regulations set forth in this section shall apply to all areas of the city containing the "EOD" overlay designation on the official zoning map. These regulations shall apply in addition to the regulations of the underlying base district. In case of conflict between the base district and the EOD regulations, the EOD regulations shall control. B. Definitions. The following definitions apply in the equestrian overlay district: 1. "Accessory building" means any building subordinate to a permitted or conditionally permitted equestrian use, including, but not limited to, hay and tack barns, stables and other structures and uses customarily appurtenant to the primary permitted use. 2. "Accessory structure" means any structure subordinate to a permitted or conditionally permitted equestrian use, including, but not limited to, arenas, grandstand seating, corrals, exercise rings, and other structures associated with the permitted use. Fences are not considered structures for the purposes of this section. 3. "Arena" means an enclosure physically similar to a corral, designed and constructed so as to be used for conducting equine -related entertainment and events open to the public, including, but not limited to, rodeos, polo matches, riding shows and exhibitions, etc. 4. "Commercial stable" means any facility specifically designed or used for the stabling of equine animals not owned by the residents of the subject property, for purposes such as on -site breeding, boarding, training, riding or other recreational use as a commercial service to the owners of said animals. 5. "Corral" means an enclosure designed for use as an open holding area for horses for the purpose of confinement within that area for an indeterminate period of time. 6. "Pasture" means an enclosed holding area consisting of grass or similar vegetation, specifically used for purposes of grazing or feeding of animals. 7. "Riding academy" means a facility designed and used primarily for recreational riding, training and instruction purposes, and allowing both on -site boarding or trailering of horses to the facility. 8. "Stable" means a building or structure containing multiple stalls for the purposes of sheltering, feeding, boarding, accommodating or otherwise caring for several horses at one time. 9. "Stall" means a division of a stable accommodating one horse into an adequately sized enclosure for the purpose of confining individual horses within a sheltered environment as may be necessary for security, safety or other reasons pertinent to the health, welfare and daily care of each animal. C. Principal Uses. Principal uses permitted in the equestrian overlay district shall be as follows: 1. Any use permitted, either expressly or by conditional use permit, in the underlying zone; 2. The keeping of horses (including ponies or llamas) for personal use of the residents of the property only, not to include any activities beyond that necessary to continue the residents personal use. This may include limited breeding and boarding activities of a non -compensatory nature, such as for other family members' personal use. Up to two horses shall be allowed on a minimum one acre parcel. For parcels in excess of one acre, up to three horses per additional acre or portion thereof, shall be allowed. Foals under one year of age shall not be counted in the maximum number of horses permitted; 3. Accessory buildings and structures, including stables, corrals, barns, tack rooms, exercise rings, hay barns and other buildings and structures customarily appurtenant to a permitted use; 4. Farm projects (Future Farms, 4-H or similar projects) conducted by the residents of the premises. Such projects shall involve only the permitted type and number of animals by this title being trained in connection with the education of a person as a member of a recognized farm education organization; 5. Caretakers and employee housing for on -site employment; providing, that the unit does not exceed one thousand http://gcode.uslcodesllaquintalview.php?topic=9-9_140-9_140_060&frames=on[71712016 8:40:15 PMl 9.140.060 EOD equestrian overlay regulations. square feet and conforms to the setbacks in the underlying zone. D. Conditional Uses. The following uses are permitted if a conditional use permit is approved per Chapter 9.210.020: 1. Commercial stables and riding academies, as defined in this section. 2. Arenas for the purpose of conducting events such as rodeos and other equestrian -oriented entertainment. 3. Veterinary offices or hospitals, when established on the same parcel as the principal residence; provided, that only temporary boarding facilities may be established for purposes of boarding sick or injured animals, and that animals not permitted in the underlying zone may not remain at the facility. E. Development Standards. The following development standards generally apply to all properties in the equestrian overlay district. Commercial equestrian facilities/uses may be subject to more restrictive requirements through the conditional use process. 1. All accessory buildings shall be limited to two stories in height and a maximum of thirty-five feet, measured from finish grade of the pad. 2. The following minimum setback requirements shall apply: a. Pastures shall not require any setback. However, if a pasture does not extend to a property line, a minimum ten -foot setback from property line shall be provided. b. Accessory buildings (barns, stalls, etc.) shall maintain twenty-five feet from nonoverlay property lines and ten feet from overlay property lines. c. Accessory structures shall maintain thirty-five feet from any nonoverlay properties. A ten -foot setback from adjacent overlay property lines shall be maintained. d. Arenas shall be reviewed for appropriate setback and design as part of the conditional use permit process, as they are not considered accessory uses to residential equestrian. Generally, arenas shall maintain a minimum seventy -five-foot setback from any property line. e. Manure storage containers shall be set back a minimum of fifty feet from any nonoverlay property line and twenty feet from other property lines. f. Manure spreading areas shall not be established within twenty-five feet of any property line. g. No accessory building, use or operation described in this subdivision shall be established or conducted within eighty feet of any residential structure. 3. Fencing. a. Pasture and corral areas, as well as all open areas abutting nonequestrian properties, shall consist of fencing at least five feet high and of such construction as to confine the animals. Fences which are on property lines or are adjoining and running parallel to private streets or bridle trails, shall be three -rail, with a minimum height of five feet from grade, and posts spaced not more than ten feet apart. All posts shall be nominal four inches by nominal six inches minimum, with nominal two inch by nominal six inch minimum rails. This section shall not apply to property lines along any street identified and shown on the circulation element of the general plan, where specific sound attenuation is necessary based on an approved acoustic study prepared for a subdivision map. b. Fencing requirements of this section shall take precedence in the event of any conflicts with the provisions of Section 9.060.030 (Fences and walls), for properties keeping horses within the equestrian overlay district. 4. Dust Control. Corrals, stables, exercise rings and arenas, and any other disturbed soil area shall be regularly sprinklered or otherwise treated to a degree so as to prevent the emanation of dust, and in addition, all accumulation of manure, mud or refuse shall be eliminated so as to prevent the breeding of flies. Any open areas shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 6.16 whenever applicable. All nuisance water runoff must be detained on the subject property. 5. Manure Collection. Removal and treatment of manure must occur on a regular basis so as to promote the health, safety and welfare of residents and visitors to the area in accordance with the following standards: a. Stalls shall be cleaned on a daily basis. Straw, hay, sawdust or other bedding materials may be stored or composted for later disposal, but shall not be spread with manure over open areas. b. Manure shall be collected from all source areas daily and may be stored for later disposal in an enclosed http://gcode.uslcodesllaquintalview.php?topic=9-9_140-9_140_060&frames=on[71712016 8:40:15 PMl 9.140.060 EOD equestrian overlay regulations. container of adequate size. Open manure stockpiles are not permitted. Manure stored for disposal shall be removed from the property within seven days. c. Manure to be used for composting purposes shall be placed in an appropriately designed composting bin in order to properly decompose and eliminate parasites. Only composted manure may be used in any spreading operation. d. Spreading of manure may only occur in conjunction with commercial equestrian uses, and must be conducted over an adequately sized area capable of assimilating the nutrients in the spread material. Such an area may only be operated as part of overall disposal and treatment program approved by the city or established as part of a conditional use permit application. e. Method for removal of manure from the property is at the owner's discretion. Off -site delivery to agricultural or related operations for fertilizer use is permitted. On -site use of composted material is permitted in new or established vegetated areas, such as gardens, landscaping, reestablishment of pasture vegetation, etc. f. Any condition that results in odors, unsightly areas or infestation shall be deemed a public nuisance and/or health hazard and shall be abated within seven days of proper notice. All violations are subject to enforcement provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code and applicable county health codes. 6. Parking. Parking shall be provided as required by Chapter 9.150, and shall be based upon the overall use of the property or as required by an approved conditional use permit. 7. Lighting. Any proposed lighting must comply with Sections 9.60.160 and 9.100.150 (Outdoor lighting). Lighting of equestrian and related activity areas shall not occur beyond ten p.m. unless otherwise specified by an approved conditional use permit. This restriction does not pertain to general area and yard lighting associated with a primary residential use on equestrian property. 8. Loudspeakers. Loudspeaker systems or other amplified sound are limited to operation or use between eight a.m. and ten p.m. unless otherwise specified by an approved conditional use permit. F. Review and Approval Process. Equestrian uses, buildings and structures shall be reviewed in accordance with the following procedures: 1. Accessory buildings, detached or attached, as defined in this section: a. Up to four hundred square feet for each building or structure, to be reviewed with the building permit application for approval by the planning director; b. Over four hundred square feet to be reviewed through the site development permit procedures of Section 9.210.010, by the planning commission. 2. All other permitted buildings are subject to the process identified for the underlying base district and this section. 3. Conditional Use Permits. a. Conditional uses shall be required to obtain a conditional use permit in accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapters 9.200 (General Permitting Procedures) and 9.210 (Development Review Permits). All uses, buildings and structures identified in subsection D of this section existing prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall be considered as nonconformities in accordance with Chapter 9.270 (Nonconformities). Property owners of all such uses, structures and buildings shall file a site plan for the entire facility with the planning department within thirty days of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section. b. In addition to information required for a conditional use permit application filed pursuant to Chapter 9.210, the following information shall be submitted for conditional uses proposed in the EOD overlay district: i. A proposed program for storage, treatment and removal of manure produced by the operation. ii. A fugitive dust control plan, as required by Chapter 6.16 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, addressing control of dust and identification of all potential dust sources. iii. Proposed or potential tentative scheduling of any events or other activities which may produce impacts beyond the scope of the proposed uses routine operations. (Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) View the mobile version. http://gcode.uslcodesllaquintalview.php?topic=9-9_140-9_140_060&frames=on[71712016 8:40:15 PMl Equestrian Overlay District Boundaries