FY 2002-2003 - HCD Annual Report of Housing Activity for RDAA I I At;HIV1LIIM 11 3 HCD REPORT OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING ACTIVITY FOR FY ENDING: 06/30/03 Agency Name and Address: La Quinta Redevelopment AgLna 78-445 Calle Tarn ico La Quinta, CA 97253 Hcalih & Safety Code Section 33080.1 requires agencies to annually report on their LQw• $c MN r,11P intvme Reusing Fund and It a iviti far the Departrrnent of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to annually report on agencies' activities in accordance with Section 330806. Section 330803 specifies agen6. ttst send this LM2 HCD Eche les and an A dit �R to the t nt ler Please answer each qution below. Your answers determine which BCD SCHEDULES must be completed in order for the agency to fulfill the statutory requirement to report LMIHF housing activity and fund balances for the reporting period. County of Jurisdiction: Riverside 1. Check one of the items below to identify the Agency's status at the end of the reporting period- [—] eriod❑ New (Agency formation occurred during reporting year. No financial transactions were completed). ® Active (Financial and/or housing transactions occurred during the reporting year) ❑ Inactive (No financial and/or housing transactions occurred during the reporting year). ONLY COMPLETE ITEM 7 ❑ Dismantled (Agency adopted an ordinance to dissolve itself). ONLY COMPLETE ITEM 7 2. How many adopted ,proms did the agency have during the reporting period? Two (2) How many project areas were m g9J during the reporting period? NM If the agency has one or rpiplgte SCIJED 1t F HCD-A for -each moiect a►tea. If tine agency laces i][] NQ1 cotmplgic SQHFDULi HCI A. 3. Within an area otat & of any adopted redevel ormen t project ar*sj: (a) M the agency destroy or remove any dwelling units or displace any households over the reporting period, (b) d, the agency intend to displace any households over the next reporting period, (c) del the agency permit the sale of any owner -occupied unit prior to the expiration of land use controls over the reporting period, and/or (d) did the agency execute a corarraci or agreement fir the construction of any affordable units over the next two years? ❑ Yes (any question). Complete SCHEDULE HCD-B. ® No (all questions). DO NOT complete SCHEDULE HCD-B, 4. Did the agency have any funds in the Low & Moderate Income Housing Fund during the reporting period? ® Yes. Complete SCHEDULE HCD-C. ❑ No. DO NOT complete SCHEDULE HCD-C. 5. During the reporting period, were housing units f pleteki within a proj_eei area ancVor sisted b t t e outs ro'ect - ® Yes. Complete all applicable HCD SCHEDULES D1 -D7 for each horrsiMprviect completed and HCD SCHEDULE E. ❑ No. DO NOT complete HCD SCHEDULES D1 -D7 or BCD SCHEDULE E. 6. Indicate whether HCD financial and housing activity information has been reported using method A and/orB checked below: ® A. Forms. All required HCD SCHEDULU _ELC.D1-D7,and.E are attaca . ❑ B. On-line (htrp//www, hcd.ca.gov/rda/) "Lock Report" date: HCD SCHEDULES not rek uirekl. , (lock date is shown under "Adnan " Area and "Report Change History', 7. To the best ofmy knowledge: (a) the representa gignatuire aboveand a�nfomnation reported are correct. ranee 9 2(�a Date of A ho ' ed Agency Representative er. Fin1l=J2 LCslar Title f760) 7,17-7150 Telephone Number IF NOT RE 0 UIRED TO REPORT SUBMIT CAL Till PAGE - IF REQUIRED E. IFREQUIRED TOREPORT; StBUIT 77IISPAGEAND. APPLICABLE HCDFORAfS SCIIEDULES A-E and/or PROOF, J'F E ECTRONIC RErFORHNG, SLMMIT THIS ANUALL L7THER FARMS I I7H A CdPY Dig' TIIE A[!I)IT' R EFDRT Tia THE S TATE CONTRfiL1E1{: Division ofAcmunting and Reporting ►7 3 Local 'Government Reporting Section P.O. Box 942854 Sacramento, CA 94250 Redevelopment Agency Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-Cover Pan. 1 of 1 59 Agency Name: La Ouinta Re evelmment Azmze Preparees Name; Title: Jim Simart. Consullailt Preparer's Telephone No: (714) 541-4585 1. Project Area Information SCHEDULE HCD-A Inside Project Area Activity for Fiscal Year that Ended 06/30'03 Project Area Name: P Preparer's E -Mail Address: isi ", 111 Preparer's Facsimile No: (714)1336-1748 GENERAL INFORMATION a 1. Year 1" plan for project area was adopted: 3983 2 Year that plan was last amended (if applicable): 2003 3. Was plan amended after 2001 to extend time limits per Senate Bill 211 (Chapter 741, Statutes of2001)? Ye;_ No�C 4. Currant expiration of plan: __U_.1_29/_ZO21 mo day yr b. If project area name has changed, give previous name(s) or number: c. Year(s) of any mergers of the project area: Identify former project meas that merged: d Year(s) project area plan was amended involving real property that either. (1) Added property to plan: (2) Removed property from plat: 2 Affordable Housing Replacement and/or Inclusionary or Production Requirements (Section 33413). Pre 1976 pwiect atetss no sulrsequotl� amended after 1975: Pursuant to Section 33413(d), only Section 33413(a)replacemert requirements apply to dwelling units destroyacl or removed after 1995. The Agency can choose to apply all or part of Section 33413 to a project area plan adopted before 1476. if the agency has elected to apply all or pat of Section 33413, provide the date of the resolution and the applicable Section 33413 requirements addressed in the scope of the resolution. Date: / / mo day yr Resolution Scope (applicable Section 33413 requirements): PQst-I n s r t t 7 t o : Bath replacement and inclusionary orproduction requirements of Section 33413 apply. NOTE: Amounts to reVort on HCD-A lines 3a(1), 3b-31; and 3i. can be [alien from what is reported to the State Controller's Of m (SCO) on the Statement of Income and Expenditures as part of the Redevelopment Agency's Financial Tran.wtions Report, except for the reclassifying of Transfers -1n from Internal Funds and the reporting of Other Sources as discussed below: Transfers -In front other internal funds: report the amount of transferred funds on applicable HCD-A, lines 39-j. For example, report the amount transferred from the Debt Service Fund to the Housing Fund for die deposit of the required set-aside perrentage/anxsunt by reporting gross tax increment on HCD-A, Line 39(l) and report the Housing Fund's share of expenditures for dein service on HCD-C, Line 4c. Do not report " D& funds transferred from the Debt Service Fund un H+CD-A Line 3a(3) ►viten Leporcin debt service expendhures on HMC, Line4c. Other Sources: Non -GAAP Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles) revenues such as from land sales for those agencies using the land Held for Resale method to record land sales should be reported on HCD-A line 3d. Housing fund receipts for the repayment of loam principal should be included on HCD-A Line 3h. �4 California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-A c, ti n roil mzl pwnP 1 of F 60 Project Area Name: Proiect Area No. 1 Project Area Housing Fund Revenues and Other Sources 3. Report all revenues and other sources of funds from this project arm which accrued to the Housing Fund over the reporting year. Any income related to agency -assisted housing located outside the project ares) should be repurted as "Other Revenue" on Line 3j. (of this Schedule A), if tivsproject area is ramd as baneficiaryin the authorizing r talution. Any other revenue sources not reported on lines 3a. -3i., should also be reported on Line 3j. Enteron Line 3a(1) the full 100% of gross Tax Increment allocated oriortn a r 2iicable pass Through of funds and deductions for fees (referto Sections 33401, 33446, & 33676). Compute therequired minimum percentage N'O of gross Tax Increment and enter the amount on Line 3a(2XA) or 3a(2)(B). Next, report the amount of Tax ]rx remetnt set-aside before any exemption aid/or deferral if amount set-aside l s than rgluired minimum °/ explain the difference). If any amount of Tax Increment was exempted or defetred, in addition to cgmplcling lines 3aL41 and/or 3a c_-omalete Line 4 and/or, Dine 5. To determine the amount of Tax Increment deposited to the Housing Fund [Line 3a(6)], subtract allowable amounts exempted [Line 3a(4)] or deferred [Line 3a(5)] from the actual amount allocated to the Housing Fund [Line 3a(3)]. a. Tax Increment: (1) 100%of GrQ,ssAJ ti $ 26,�,623 (2) Calculate only 1 set-aside amount: either (A) a' (B) below: (A) 201/6 required by 33334.2 (Line 3a(1) x 20%): $ 5.271.525 (B) 30% required by 33333.10(8) (Line 3a(1) x ,30%): $ (Senate Bill 211, Chapter 741, Statutes of 2001) (3) Amount of set-aside (Line 3a(2)) allocated to Housing Fund $ S 2aJL4* * If, pursuant to Section 33334.3(1), less than the minimum % of Gross Tax Increment (see 3a(2) above) is being allocated from this project.area, identify the project area(s) contributing the difference. Explain any other reason(s): )±;oundine adiusM]eni M) (4) Amours Exempted [Health & Safety Code Section 33334:2] (if there is an amount exempted, also complete question #4, next page): ($ ) (5) Amount Deferred [Health & Safety Code Section 33334.6] (if -there is an amount deferred, also complete question #5, next page): ($ �) (6) Total deposit to the Housing Fund [result of Line 3a(3) through 3a(5)): $ 5M52-4 b. Interest Income $ _3L406 c. Rental/Lease Income (combine amounts separalely reported to the SCO): $ 376.863 d Sale of Real Estate: $ . e Grants (combine amounts separately reported to the SCO): $ f Bond Administraive Fees: $ g. Deferral Repayments (also complete Line 5c(2) on the next page): $ h Loan Repayments: $ 187.260 L Debt Proceeds: $ . j. OtherRevenue(s) [Explain and identify amount(s)]: Subsidy Reimbursements $ 93,492 $ $ 93,492 k. Total Project Area Receipts Deposited to Housing Fund (add lines 3a(6). through 3j.): $ 5,965,545 California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-A 75 c..s. n I'M 111 Pana of /. 61 Agency Name: Project Area Name: EMiect Area No. 1 Exemptiort(s1 4. a. If an exemption was claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(4) to deposit less than the required amount, complete the following information: r,heckonlyone of the Health and Safety Code Sections below providing a basis for the exemption: ❑ Section 33334.2(a)(1): No need in community to increaselimprove supply of lower or moderate income housing. ❑ Section 33334.2(a)(2): Less than the minimum set-aside% (20% or30%) is sufficient to meet the need. ❑ Section 33334.2(ax3): Community is making substantial effort equivalent in value to minimum set-aside %(20% or 30%) and has specific contractual obligations incurred before May 1, 1991 requiring continued use of this funding. Note: Pursuant to Section 33334.2(a)(3)(C), this exemption expired on June30, 1993 but contracts entered into prior to May 1, 1991 may not be sub jed to the exemption sunset _ ❑ Other. Specify code section and reason(s): b. For any exemption claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(4) and/or Line 4a above, identify: Date that `(I$') fir4iny was adopted: ! Resolution # Date sent to HCD: / mo gay yr mo day yr Adoption date of =orting yam: / / Resolution # Date sent to HCD: mo day yr mo day yr Deferral s 5. a. Specify the authority for deferring any set-aside on Line 3a(5). Check only one Health and Safety Code Section boxes: ❑ Section 33334.6(d): Applicable to project areas approved before 1986 in which the required resolution was sent to HCD before September 1986 regarding needing tax increment to meet existing obligations. Existing obligations can include those incurred after 1985, if net proceeds were used to refinance pre -1986 listed obligations. Note: The defwml previously authorized by Section 33334.6(e) expired. It was only allowable in each fiscal year prior to July 1, 1996 with certain restrictions. ❑ Other. Specify code Section and reason: b. For any deferral claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(5) and/or Line 5a above, identify: Date thatig=t J. [ i "] finding was adopted: E / Resolution # Date sent to HCD: / / m❑ daffy yr mo day yr Adoption date ofMrortine y(aM finding: / / Resolution # _ Date sent to HCD: mo day yr mo day yr c. A deferred set-aside pursuant to Section 33334.6(d) constitutes indebtedness to the Housing Fund. Summarize the amount(s) of set-aside deferred over the reporting year and cumulatively as of the end of the reporting year: Amount of Prior Cumulative Amount Amount Deferred Deferrals Repaid Deferred (Net of Any Fiscal Year This Repoiliull Durillp Rgpipl3ingAmount(s) Repaid) (1) Last Reporting FY $ (2) This Reporting FY $ $ $ * * The cumulative amount of de/erred set-aside should also be shown on HCD-C, Line 8a. If the prior FY cumulative deferral shown above differs from what was reported on the last HCD report (HCD-A and HCD-C), indicate the amount of difference and the reason: Difference: $ Reason(s): Califomia Redevelopment Agencics — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-A pa"w 1 of !. c,.►, a i^rnim� r7" U �-h Pcpja3 Area No. I Agency Name: La QUinip 9pdcyelw[,not Augga Project Area Name: Deferrals (continued) 5. d Section 33334.6(g) requites any agency which defers set -asides to adopt a plan to eliminate the deficit in subsequent years. If this agency has defened set -asides, has it adopted such a plan? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, by what date is the deficit to be eliminated? —11—/ mo day yr If yes, when was the od gi iW plan adopted for the clamed deferral? — /—/— mo /mo day yr Identify Resolution # _ Date Resolution sent to HCD / / mo day yr When was the }, t ar 1 plan adopted for the clamed defeual? / / mo day yr Identify Resolution # Date Resolution sent to HCD / / mo day yr Actual Project Area Housebol Di la ed and 11nita and Bedrooms Lost Over Re orcin Year: 6. a. Redevelgilment Project Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33050.4(a)(1) and (a)(31 report by income category the number of eldeAy and nonelderly households permanently displaced and the number of units and bedrooms removed or destroyed, over the tenorting ML (refer to Section 33413 for unit and bedroom replacement requirements). Number of Households/Units/Red room n.-1 4 ArVL I L I M I AM I Total' Displaced - Elderly Displaced - Non Elderly ManlnroA -Tntat Units Lost (Removed or Destroyed) and Required to be Replaced Bedrooms Lost (Removed or Destroyed) ,and Required to be Replaced Above Moderate Units Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace Above Moderate Bedrooms Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace b. Other Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(ax])and (a)(3)based n activities atherthart thedestnsction or removal of dwelling units and hgdLQ=s =QrtW gn Line 6a. repot by income category the number of elderly and nohelderly households permanently displaced gygEth_ ear ort ng yem Number of Households Other Activity VL L M AM T Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanentiv Disalaced - Total c As required in Section 33413.5, identify, gnt the =grting y , each replacement housing plan required to be adopted before the permanent displacement, destruction, and/or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms impacting the households reported on lines 6a. and 6b. Date / / Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Date / / Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adopted. California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 CA, A ren imi HCD-A f l pane A nrA 63 Agency Name: La Quinta RedevelWmt,tg Project Area Name: PmiW Area Na. 1 Estimated Proyect Area Households to be Permanently Displaced Over Current Fiscal Year: 7. a. As required in Section 33080.4(aX2) for a redevelopment project of the agency, est+tna Aver theSUM= fid{ j ,year. the number of eldedy and nonelderly households, by income category. expected to be permanently displaced. (Note: actual displacements will be reported forthe next reporting year on Lirr 6). Number of Households Project Activity VL L M AM Total Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Total b. As required in Section 33413.5, for the guMWt fiaol identify each replacement housing plan required to be adopted before the permanent displacement, destruction, and/or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms impacting the households reported in 7a. Date / mo day yr Date / mo day yr Name'of Agency Custodian Name of Agency Custodian Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adopted. Units Developed Inside the Project Area to Fulfill Requirements of Other Project Areas) 8. Pursuant to Section 33413(b)(2)(A)(v), agencies may choose one or more project areas 10 rulfit l another project area's requirement to construct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units, provided the agency conducts a public hearing and finds, based on substantial evidence, that the aggregation ofdwelling units in one or more project areas will not cause or exacerbate racial, ethnic, or economic segregation. Were many dwelling units in this project area developed to partially or completely satisfy another project area's requirement to construct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units? ❑ No. ❑ Yes. Dateinijfd finding was adopted? / /_ Resolution # Date sent to HCD: / mo day yr mo day yr California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-A Cab A /7/1 /All t7 64 Agency Name: Lg Quinta Redevelopment ACM Project Area Name: Promml Area No. I Sales of OwnerQccu ied Units Inside the Pro'_ t Area Prior to the I?x iration of Land Use Controls Section 33413(c)(2)(A) specifies that pursuant to an adopter] program, which includes but is not limited to an equity sharing program, agencies may permit the sale of owner -occupied units prior to the expiration of the *od of the land use controls established by the agency. Agencies must deposit sale procceds into the Low and Modmte Income Housing Fund and within three (3) years from the (late the unit was sold, emend funds to make another unit equal in affordability. at die sante income leveL to the unit sold. a. Sales Did the agency permit the sale of any owner -occupied units during the reporting yea? ❑No ❑Yes $ Total Proceeds From Sales Over Reporting Year Number of Units VL L M Total SALES Units Solt/ Over Reporting Year b. Equal Units. Were reporting year funds spent to make units equal in affordability to units sold over the last three reporting years? ❑No ❑Yes $ Total Proceeds From Sales Over Reporting Year Number of Units VL L M Total SALES Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Over This Reporting Yr Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold One Reporting Yr Ago Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Two Reporting Yrs Ago Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Three Reporting Yrs Aqo _ Affordable Units to be Carustructed Inside the Project Area Within Trio Years 10. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(10), report the number of very low, low, and moderate income units to be financed by any federal, state; local, or private source in order for construction to be completed within two front thg daie of the r tt t r ntr exeareci over the ryrting_ye r, Identify theproject and/or contractuir, due of theexecuted agreement or contract, and estimated completion date Specify the amount reported as an encumbrance on HCD-C, line 6a. andlor any applicableamount designated on HCD-C, Line 7aa such as for capital outlay orbudgeted futnds intended to be encumbered for project use within two years from the reporting year's agreement or contract date. DO NOT REPORT ANY UNITS ON THIS SCHEDULE A THAT ARE REPORTED ON OTHER HCD-As, B, OR Ds Col A Col 8 Col C Col D Col E Name of Agreement Estimated Sch C Amount Sch C Amount Project and/or Execution Completion Date Encumbered Designated L M Total Contractor Date (w/In 2 yrs of Col B Line 6a Line 70 _ VLApts at LC Village 11/19/02 By 11/19/04 $850,000 $ 0 0 75 75 $ is + 1 $ Is Please attach a separate sheet of paper to list additional infotmation. California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 c,a con rmN HCD-A 65 Agency Name: iinta Rfduelwment Preparet's Name, Title: Jiro Simon.sot t Preparer's Telephone No: (714).541-4585 1. Project Area Information SCHEDULE HCD-A Inside Project Area Activity for Fiscal Year that Ended 06/30/03 Project Area Name Project Area Na 2 Preparet's E -Mail Address isimtxr +� ebn rrt Preparer's Facsimile No:7f 14) 36-1745 GENERAL INFORMATION b. 1. Year 1 a plan for project area was adopted: 1989 2 Year that plan was last amended (if applicable): 1994. 3. Was plan amended after 2001 to extend time limits per Senate Bill 211 (Chapter 741, Statutes of2001)? Yes_ No X 4. Currant expiration of plan: mo day day yr b. If ptoject area name has changed, give previous name(s) or number. c. Yeats) of any mergers ofthe project area: Identify form er proj ect areas that merged: e- Year(s) project area plan was amended involving real property that either: (1) Added property to plan: , (2) Removed property from plan: , 3. Affordable Housing Replacement and/or Inclusionary or Production Requirements (Section 33413) Pre -1976 eject areas not attbgnlIttlyarno* after 19 5; Pursuant to Section 33413(d), only Section 33413(a)replacement requirements apply to dwelling units destroyed or remo%ed after 1995. The Agency can choose to apply all or part of Section 33413 to a project area plan adopted before 1976. If die agency has elected to apply all or part of Section 33413, provide the date of the resolution and the applicable Section 33413 requirements addressed in the scope of the resolution. Date: / • / Resolution Scope (applicable Section 33413 requirem mo aay yr Post -1275 I1rQjg;! ar=-md mgt aft 1 75 7t rte' r Both replacement and inclusionary orproduction requirements of Section 33413 apply. NOTE: Amounts to report on IICD-A lines 39(l), 3b-3( and 3i, can be taken from what is reported to the State Controller's Office (SCO) on the Statement of Income and Expenditures as part of the Redevelopment Agency's Financial Transactions Report, except for the reclassifying of Transfers -In from Internal Funds and the reporting of Other Sources as discussed below: Transfers -In from other internal funds: Report the amount of transferred funds on applicable HCD-A, lines 3a -j. For example, report the amount transferred from the Debt Service Fund to the }lousing Fund for The deposit o€the required set-aside perrentagelarmount by reporting gross tax increment on HCD-A, Line3a(I) and report the Housing Fund's shah: of expenditures for debt service on HCD-C, Line 4c. Do not re art "net" rands transferred from [lie Debt Service Fund on HCD-I! Line 3a 3 when reaortinZ debt service ex V enditures on HCD-C Line 4c. Other Sources: Non -GAAP (generally Acceptable Accounting Principles) revenues such as from land sales for those agencies using the Land Held for Resale method to record land sales should be reported on HCD-A Line 3d, blousing fund receipts for the repayment of loam principal should be included on HCD-A Line 3h. California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 c.a, a m iniN HCD-A 80 Pana 1 of f, 66 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelonrnent Agengy Project Area Name: (v Area No 2 Project Area Housing Fund Revenues and Other Sources 4. Repon all revenues and other sources of hinds from this project area which accnted to the Housing Fund over the reporting year. Any income related to agency -assisted housing located outside the ptaject arm(s) should be reported as "Other Revenue" on Line 3j. (of this Schedule A), if tlnt rnjeci area is named as beneficiga in the,,mithori2ingirsoluli[trt. Any otherrevenue sources not reported on lines 3a. -3i., should also be reported on line 3j. Enteron Line 3a(1) the full 100% of gross Tax Increment allocated pngrto applicable pass through of funds and deductions for fees (refer to Sections 33401, 33446, & 33676). Compute the required minimum percentage (%) of gross Tax Increment and alter the amount on line 3a(2)(A) or 3a(2XB). Next, report the amount of Tax Increment set-aside before any exernplion aid/or deferral (if amount set -amide is less t an required rni6 mum(°lol. explain the ifferetxx:). If any amount of `fax Increment was exemptcd or deferred, in addition to minpleting lines IaL4 and/or 3AM, onplelc4 an / L'ne 5. To determine the amount of Tax Increment deposited to the Housing Fund [Line 3a(6)], subtract allowable amounts exempted [Line 3a(4)] or deferred [Lime 345)] from the actual amount allocated to the Housing Fund [Line 3a(3)]. a. Tax Increment: (1) 100%of GrossAllooat_icn: $ 12,396203 (4) Calculate anlyl set-aside amount: either (A) cr (B) below: (A) 201/10 required by 33334.2 (Line 3a(1) x L0%): $ 2.479.241 (C) 30% required by 33333.10(8) (Line 3a(1) x (Senate Bill 211, Chapter741, Statutes of2001) (5) Amount of set-aside (Line 3a(2)) allocated to Housing Fund * If, pursuant to Section 33334.3(1), less than the minimum % of Gross Tax Increment (see 3a(2) above) is being allocated from this project arca, identify the project area(s) contubuting the difference. Explain any other reason(s): (5) Amount Exempted [Health & Safety Code Section 33334.2] (if there is an amount exempted, also complete question #4, next page): ($ (6) Amount Deferred (Health & Safety Code Section 33334.6] (if there is an amount deferred, also complete question #5, next page): ($ �) (6) Total deposit to the Housing Fund [result of Line 3a(3) through 3a(5)]: $ 2,479241 b. Interest Income: $ 129.263 k Rental/Lease Income (combine amounts separately reported to the SCO): $ L Sale of Real Estate: $ m. Grants (combine amounts separately reported to the SCO): $ n Bond Administrative Fees: $ o. Deferral Repayments (also complete Line 5c(2) on the next page): $ p. , Loan Repayments: $ —_ 4 Debt Proceeds: $ . r. OtherRevenue(s) [Explain and identify amount(s)]: $ $ k. Total Project Area Receipts Deposited to Housing Fund (add lines 3a(6). through 3j.): $ 2,608,504 81 California Rcdcvclopmcnt Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-A CA, A 1111 m» POWP 7 ^f A 67 Agency Name: Project Area Name: 1'rnja:i r No, 2. Exeent on(sJ 4. a. If an exemption was claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(4) to deposit less than the required amount, complete the following information: Check only one of the Health and Safety Code Sections below providing a basis for the exemption: ❑ Section 33334.2(axl ): No need in community to increase/improve supply of lower or moderate income housing. ❑ Section 33334.2(ax2): Less than the minimum set-aside% (20% or 30%) is sufficient to meet the need. ❑ Section 33334. #3): Community is making substantial effort equivalent in value to minimum set-aside %(20% or 30%) and has specific contractual obligaions incurred before May 1, 1991 requiring continued use of this funding. Note: Pursuantto Section 33334.2(a)(3)(C), this exemption expired on June30, 1993 but contracts entered into prior to May 1, 1991 may not be subject to the exemption sunset. ❑ Other. Specify code section and reason(s): b. For any exemption claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(4) and/or Line 4a above, identify: Date that initial (15)finding was adopted: I 1 Resolution # Date sent to HCD: / /� ma day yr nT day yr Adoption date of mo day yr Resolution # Date sent to HCD: mo day yr Def rral s 5. a. Specify the authority for deferring any set-aside on Line 3a(5). Check only onng Health and Safety Code Section boxes: ❑ Section 33334.6(d): Applicable to project areas approved before 19$6 in which the required resolution was sent to HCD befoie September 1986 regarding needing tax increment to meet existing obligations. Existing obligations can include those incurred after 1985, if net proceeds were used to refimnee pre -1986 listed obligations. Note: The deferral previously authorized by Section 33334.6(e) expired. It was only allowable in each fiscal year priorto July 1,1996 with certain restrictions. ❑ Other. Specify code Section and reason: b. For any deferral claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(5) and/or line 5a above, identify: Date that initial (1° finding was adopted: Adoption date of =ortijig yearfindin 1 I Resolution # Date sent to HCD: / . /_ mo day yr mo day yr • Resolution # mo day yr Date sent to HCD: mo day yr c. A deferred set-aside pursuant to Section 33334.6(d) constitutes indebtedness to the Housing Fund. Summarize the amount(s) of set-aside deferred over the reporting year and cumulatively as of the end of the reporting year: Amount of Prior j Cumulative Amount Amount Deferred Deferrals R.enaid Deferred (Net of Any Fiscal Year This Beporting FY During Reporting FY Amount(s) Repaid) (1) Last Reporting FYM 0 $ (2) This Reporting FY $ $ $ * * The cumulative amount of deferred set-aside should also be shown on HCD-C, Line 8a. If the prior FY cumulative deferral shown above differs from what was reported on the last HCD report (HCD-A and HCD-C), indicate the amount of difference and the reason: Difference: S Reason(s): Califomia Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-A 8 Penn Z of /. v Cr{. a nn m,2'% 68 Agency Name: L&QWnta RredaelWment Agent Project Area Name: Proi t Area No. ? Deferral s (continued) 5. e Section 33334.6(8) requites any agency which defers set -vides to adopt a plan to eliminate the deficit in subsequent years. If this agency has deferred set -asides, has it adopted such a plan? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, by what date is the deficit to be eliminated? // mo Tday yr If yes, when was the original plan adopted for the clamed deferral? Identify Resolution # _ Date Resolution sent to HCD When was the 1go—,u r r� plan adopted fir the clamed defeual? / / mo day yr Identify Resolution # Date Resolution sent to HCD mo day yr Actual Prosect Area Households Dilplaced artd Units and BedroQms Lost Over Reporting Year: 6. a. Redevelopment Project Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33050.4(a)(1) and (a)(3) report by income category the number of elderly and nonelderly households pemranently displaced and the number of units and bedrooms removed or destroyed, over thee revorting wear- (refer to Section 33413 for unit and bedroom replacement requirements). Numher of Housdtolds/Units/Bedrooms c Other Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1)and (a)(3)based on activities otherthan thedestnsctiQ orremsml of dwelling- vnita and hrjrpoms reogned on Line 6a repot by income category the number of elderly and nonelderly households permanently displaced over Dumber of Households Other Activity VL L M AM I Total Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Total d As required in Section 33413.5, identify, over the r=ortigg y=. each replacement housing plan required to be adopted before the permanent displacement, destruction, and/orremoval ofdwelling units and bedrooms impacting the households reported on lines 6a. and 6b. Date / /_ Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Date / / Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing ,plans adopted• California Redevelopmcnt Agencies — Fiscal Ycar 2002-2003 HCD-A c I'M /All Pann d of A �M 69 mo day yr mo day yr When was the 1go—,u r r� plan adopted fir the clamed defeual? / / mo day yr Identify Resolution # Date Resolution sent to HCD mo day yr Actual Prosect Area Households Dilplaced artd Units and BedroQms Lost Over Reporting Year: 6. a. Redevelopment Project Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33050.4(a)(1) and (a)(3) report by income category the number of elderly and nonelderly households pemranently displaced and the number of units and bedrooms removed or destroyed, over thee revorting wear- (refer to Section 33413 for unit and bedroom replacement requirements). Numher of Housdtolds/Units/Bedrooms c Other Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1)and (a)(3)based on activities otherthan thedestnsctiQ orremsml of dwelling- vnita and hrjrpoms reogned on Line 6a repot by income category the number of elderly and nonelderly households permanently displaced over Dumber of Households Other Activity VL L M AM I Total Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Total d As required in Section 33413.5, identify, over the r=ortigg y=. each replacement housing plan required to be adopted before the permanent displacement, destruction, and/orremoval ofdwelling units and bedrooms impacting the households reported on lines 6a. and 6b. Date / /_ Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Date / / Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing ,plans adopted• California Redevelopmcnt Agencies — Fiscal Ycar 2002-2003 HCD-A c I'M /All Pann d of A �M 69 Agency Name: La Ouinta ltedevelooment AgM Project Area Name: 'ro'act Area Na. 2 Estimated Project Area Households to be Permanentl Displaced Over Current Fiscal fear: 7. a. As required in Section 33080.4(aX2) for a redevelopment project of the agency, r the number of elderly and nonelderly households, by income caegory, crpected to be permanently displaced. (plate: actual displacements will be reported for the next reporting ytw on Line 6). Number of Households Project Activity VL L M AM Total Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Total c As required in Section 33413.5, fQr 0 -le cugmi fi5cal ymr, identify each replacement housing plan required to be adopted before the permanent displacement, destruction, and/or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms impacting the households reported in 7a. Date / mo day yr Date / mo day yr Name of Agency Custodian Name of Agency Custodian Please attach aseparate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adapted. Units Developed Inside the Project Arca to Fulfill Requirements of Other Pmject Areafs] 8. Pursuant to Section 33413(bX2)(A)(v), agencies may choose one or moreproject areas to fulfill mother project area's rt:quirernent to construct new or substuttially rehabilitate dwelling units, provided the alFncy conducts a public hearing and finds, based oil substantial evidence, that the aggregation ofdwelling units in one or rnoreproject areas will not cause or exacerbate racial, ethnic, or economic segregation. Were any dwelling units in this project area developed to partially or completely satisfy another project area's requirement to construct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units? ❑ No. ❑ Yes. Date initial finding was adopted? / / Resolution # Date sent to HCD mo day yr mo day yr Numbs of Dw ling Units Name of Other Project Area(s) VL L M Total California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-A c r a ren m�� pans. 5 nf A • 70 Agency Name: La Quintit R 11A Project Area Name: P o- 't .2 Safes of Owner�eeu led Units inside the Pro' t Area Prior to the I x iration of Land Use Controls 9. Section 33413(e)(2)(A) specifies brat pursuar>t to an adapted propam, which includes but is not limited to an equity sharing program, agencies may permit the sale of owner -occupied units prior to the expiration of the period of the land use controls established by the agency. Agencies must deposit Sale proceeds into the Lmv and Moderate Income Housing 1=und and 'Aiihin three (3) Nva;s from she date the unit was sold, expend funds to make another unit equal in affordab1ty, at the same income level to the unit sold. a.aS les Did the agency permit the sale of any owner -occupied units during the reporting yea? ❑No DYes $ Total Proceeds From Sales Over }reporting Year Number of Units SALES VL L M Total Units Sold Over Reporting Year b. Egual Units. Were reporting year funds spent to make units equal in affordability to units sold over the last three reporting years? ❑No E]Yes $ Total Proceeds From Sales Over [reporting Year Number of Units VL L M Total SALES, Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Over This Reporting Yr Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold One Reporting Yr Ago Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Two Reporting Yrs Ago Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Three Reporting Yrs Aeo Af oidable Units to be Constructed inside the ProWl Area With i" Two Years H.- Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(10), report the number of very low low, and moderate income units to be financed by any federal, state, local, or private source in order for construction to be completed within two vents from the date of the greement 4l»cl exectgo over the rg2ggj>;g year• Identify the project and/or contractor, date ofthe executed zgreement or contract, and estimated completion date Specify the amount reported as an encumbrance on HCD-C, line &a. and/or any applicable amount designated on I -ICD -C, Line 7a. such as for capital outlay or budgeted funds intended to be encumbered for project use within two years from tate reporting year's agreement or contract date. DO NOT REPORT ANY UNITS ON THIS SCHEDULE A THAT ARE REPORTED ON OTHER HCD-As, B, OR Ds. Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Name of Agreement Estimated Sch C Amount Sch C Amount Project and/or Execution Completion Date Encumbered Designated VL L M Total Contractor Date wlin 2 yrs of Col B Line Ga Line 7a Adams 10/15/02 By 10/15/04 $887,000 $ 81 0 0 81 Adams 11/7/03 By 1/ 105 $7,800,000 Is 0 10 149 149 $ $ Please attach a separate sheet of paper to list additional information. 8� California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-A Q�h a nn rnal 80 Agency Name: La Uinta Redevelc amens A er Prepaer's Name Title: lionSimon. Consultant Preparer's Telephone No: ? 4 54 15115 Low &Moderatelnranne klousin Funds SCHEDULE HCD-C Agency -wide Activity for Fiscal Year that Ended06/30/03 Project Area Nane: Proigrt Ar yNa 1 Preparees E -Mail Address 'sirrton clvvebn = cx�m Prepaer's Facsimile No: [7 418 Report on the status and use of the agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund." Most infatuation reported here should be based on information reported to the State Controller. Beginning Balance (Use"Net Resources Available" frau last fiscal year report to HCD) $12.682,181 a ni a tri s U_ m t i t' th n ounl for each adiummf& Use < $ > for negative announts or amounts to be subt raced S $ b. Total Adjustment(s) (indicate whether positive or <negative>) $ c. Adjusted Beginning Balance [Beginning Balance plus + or minus <-> Total Adjustment(s)] $12,682,181 2, project Area(s) Receipts and Housing Fund Rewnues a, All Project Areas, Total Deposits [Sum of amount(s) from Line 3k,HCD-A(s)] b. Other revenues not reported on Schedule HCD-A(s) [Identify source(s) and amount(s)]: $ $ $ c. Total Housing Fund Revenues Total Resources (Line ]c. + Line 2a + Line 2c.) $21,271,077 NOTES: Many amounts to report as Expenditures and Other Uses (beginning on the next page) should be taken from amounts reported to the State Controller's Office (SCO). Review the SCO's Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report. Housing Fund "nnsfess-out" to other internal Agency kinds: Report the specific use of all transferred funds on applicable lines 4a. -k of Schedule C. For example, transfers from the Housing Fund to tine Debt Service Frntd for the repayment of principal and interest of debt proceeds deposited to the Housing Fund should be reported on the applicable item comprising HCD-C Line 4c, providing tax increment (gross and deposit itmounts) were reported on Sch-As. External transfers out of the Agency should be reported on HCD-C Line 4j (e.g.: transfer of excess surplus to the County Housing Authoti(y). OtherUses: Non-QAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) receding of expenditures such as land purclTases for agencies using the Land Head for Reale method to record land purchases should be reported on HCI? -C Line4a(1). Farads spent resulting in loans to the Horning Fund should be included in HCD-C lines 4b., 4f., 4b„ 4h., and 4i as approlriate. The statutory cite pertaining to Ccxtnnrunity Ralewlopment Lain (CRI) is provided for preparers to rMew to determine the q7propriatertess of Lrnv and Moderate Income Housing Fund (LMIHF) expenditures and other uses: HCD doer not rtpresenr that line items idend7fying any erlxenditurev and odter uses are allowable CRL iv accessible on the Internet 1website: littp;i/www.leaLnft),cii,t-,ov/ (California Lov�jj beginning with SaWonr 33400 of the Health and Safety Coda 86 81 Agency Name: UA Qoint.ti Redevelopment Auer 4. Expenditures and Other Uses a AratS (1) it on of ProperQL& Building Sites 133334.2trYII & Land Assets (Investment — Land Held for Resale) * Housitte (33 334.2(6(6)1: $ (2) Housing Assets (Fixed Asset) * $ (3) Acquisition Expense $ (4) Operation of Acquired Property $ (5) Relocation Costs $ (6) Relocation Payments $ (7) Site Clearance Costs $ (8) Disposal Costs $ (9) Other [Explain and identify amount(s)]: b. C * Reported to SCO as part of Assets and Other Debts (10) Subtotal Property/Building Sites/Housing Acquisition (Sum of Lines 1 — $0 9) (1) V Time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance $2,340,804 (2) Rental Subsidies $608,830 (3) Purchase of Affordability Covenants [33413(b)2(B)] $ (4) Other [Explain and identify amcunt(s)]: (5) Subtotal Subsidies from LM1HF (Sum of Lines 1 — 4) $2.949.634 Report LMIHF's share ofdebt service. If paid from Debt Service Fund, ensure "gross" tax increment is reported on HCD-A(s) Line 3a(1). (1) Debt Principal Payments (a) Tax Allocation, Bonds & Notes $623,100 (b) Revenue Bonds & Certificates of Participation $ (c) City/County Advances & Loans $ (d) U. S. State & Other Long—Term Debt $ (2) Interest Expense $1,454,578 (3) Debt Issuance Costs $ (4) Other [Explain and identify amount(s)]: (5) Subtotal Debt Service (Sum of Lines 1 — 4) d 4 (1) Administration Costs (2) Professional Services (non project specific) (3) Planning/Survey/Design (non project specific) (4) Indirect Nonprofit Costs [33334.3(e)(1)(B)] (5) Other [Explain and identify amount(s)]: $ $ $ $2,077,678 $126,438 $316,365 $277,783 $ $ (6) Subtotal Planning and Administration (Sum of Lines 1 — 5) $720,586 82 Agency Name: La QRja &devetopment &&Pcy 4. Expenditures and Other Uses (continued) e. On/Off--Site Improvements [33334.2(e)(2)] Complete item 13 f. Housing Construction [33334.2(e)(5)] g. Housing Rehabilitation [33334.2(e)(7)] h. Maintenance of Mobilehome Parks [33334.2(e)(10)] i. Preservation of At -Risk Units [33334.2(e)(11)] j. Transfers Out of Agency (1) For Transit village Development Plan (33334.19) $ .(2) Excess Surplus [33334.12(a)(1)(A)] $ (3) Other (specify code section authorizing transfer and amount) A. Section $ B. Section $ $5,343,341 $9,135 Other Transfers Subtotal $ (4) Subtotal Transfers Out of Agency (Sum of j(1) through j(3)) $ k. Other Expenditures and Uses [Explain and identify amount(s)]: s Subtotal Other Expenditures and Uses $5,352,476 I. Total Expenditures and Other Uses (Sum of lines 4a. -k.) $11,100,374 5. Net Resources Available [End of Reporting Fiscal Year] [Page 1, Line 3, Total Resources minus Total Expenditures and Other Uses on Line 4.1.] 6 Encumbrances and Unencumbered Balance a. Encumbrances. Amount of Line 5 reserved for future payment of legal contract(s) or agreement(s). See Section 33334.12(8)(2) for definition. Refer to item 10 an Sch-A(s) and item 4 on Sch-B. b. Unencumbered Balance (Line 5 minus Line 6a). Also enter on Page 4, Line l la. 7. Designated/Undesignated Amount of Available Funds A Designated Amount of Line 6b. budgeted/planned to use near-term $ Refer to item 10 on Sch-A(s) and item 4 on -Sch-B b. Undesignated Amount of Line 6b. not yet budgeted/planned to use $ 11483.703 8. Other Housing Fund Assets (not included as part of Line 5) a. Indebtedness from Deferrals of Tax Increment (Sec. 33334.6) [refer to Sch-A(s), Line 5c (2)]. $ b. Value of Land Purchased with Housing Funds and Held for Development of Affordable Housing. Complete Sch-C item 14. $ c. Loans Receivable for Housing Activities $ d. Residual Receipt Loans (periodic/fluctuating payments) $ e. ERAF Loans Receivable (all years) (Sec. 3368 1) $ f. Other Assets [Explain and identify amount(s)]: $8,687,000 S1.483,703 $10,170,703 g• Total Other Housing Fund Assets (Sum of lines 8a. -f.) $0 9. TOTAL FUND EQUITY[Line 5 (Net Resources Available) +8g (Total Other Housing Fund Assets) $10,170,703 Compare Line 9 to the below amount reported to the SCO (Balance Sheet of Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report. [Explain differences and identify amoungs)]: S ENTER LOW -MOD FUND TOTAL EQUITIES (BALANCE SHEET) REPORTED TO SCO California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Sch C (7/1/03) 8� HCD-C 83 Page 3 of 8 Agency Name: La Quinta Redevelc Excess Surplus Information Pursuant to Section 330800.7 and Section 33334.12(g)(l ), report on Excess Surplus that is required to be determined on the fitst day of a fiscal year. Excess Surplus exists when the Adjusted Balance exceeds the g (1) $1.000,000 or (2), the aggregate amount of tax increment deposited to the Housing Fund during the prior four fiscal years. Section 33334.1.2(g)(3NA) and (6) provide that the Unencumbered Balance can be adjusted for. (1) any remaining revenue generated in the reporting year from unspent debt proceeds and (2) if the land was disposed of during the reporting year to develop affordable housing, tate difference between the fair market value of land and the value received. The Unencumbered Balance is calculated by subtracting encumbrances from Net Resources Available "Encumbrances" are funds reserved and committed pursuant to a legally enforceable contract or agreement for expenditure for authorized redevelopment housing activities [Section 33334.12(gx2)1 ,For Excess Surplus calculation purposes, cavy over the prior year's HCD Schedule C Adjusted Balance as the Adjusted Balance on the first day of the mporting fiscal year. Determine which is larges: (1) $1 million or (2) the total of tax increment deposited over the prior fouryears. Subtract the largest amount from the Adjusted Balance and, if positive, report the amount as Excess Surplus. 10. Excess u I : Com tete Columns 2 3 4 & 5 to calculate Excess S urplus for the reporting year. Columns 6 iuxl 7 track Pri r eats' Excess Surplus, Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Colunm 4 Column 5 Column $0 11. Reporting YearEnding Unencumbered Balance and Adjusted Balance: a. Unencumbered Balance (End of Year) [Page 3, line 6b] $1,483,703 b. if eligible, a4ttst the Unencumbered Balance for. (1) Debt Proceeds [33334.12(g)(3)(B)]: Identify unspent debt proceeds and related income remaining at end of reporting year $74,623 (2) Land Conveyance Losses [(33334.12(gX3)(A))J: Identify tC Qgililr year losses from saleslgtants/leases of land acquired with low -mod funds, if 49% or moresf new orrehabilittted units will be affordable to lowtL r_rme $ households 12. Adjusted Balance (fornextyear's determination of Excess Surplus) [Line 1 la minus sum of l Ib(1) and l Ib(2)] $1,409,080 Do not enter Adjusted Balance in Col 4. It is to be reported as next year's 1st day amountto determine Excess a if there is remaining Excess Surplus from what was determined on the first day of the reporting year, describe the agency's plan (as specified in Section 33334.10) far transferring, enctznbering, or expending excess surplus: b. If the plan described in 12a. was adopted, enter the plan adoption date: / / 8-3 mo day yr Sum of Tax Current Current Amount 4 Prior and Total Tax Incranent $ in Year RM4ging Year Expended/Encumbered Remaining Excess Currant Increment Deposits Over V Day 1' Day Against FY Balance of Surplus for Each Reportine Deposits to PriorFour Adjusted Excess Surplus Excess Surplus as of Fiscal Year as of Years Housing FYs Balance Balances End of Re ottin Year End of Reporting Year Fund I Bpt Yrs Ag $3,592.472 $0 $0 $0 FY 1998-99 f Rgt Yrs Ag $4,449,326 $U $0 $0 FY 1999-00 t Rpt Yrs Ag $5,254,713 $0 $0 $0 FY 2000-01 $0 $0 $0 f Rpt Yr Ago $6,513,699 FY 2001-02 CURRENT Sum of Col JAgYear's SchC Col 4minuE. Reporting Adjusted Balance larger of Col 3 or Year $1 mm f reogn FY 2002-03 $19,810,210 ($1,597,819) 1221i�y�) $0 $0 $0 11. Reporting YearEnding Unencumbered Balance and Adjusted Balance: a. Unencumbered Balance (End of Year) [Page 3, line 6b] $1,483,703 b. if eligible, a4ttst the Unencumbered Balance for. (1) Debt Proceeds [33334.12(g)(3)(B)]: Identify unspent debt proceeds and related income remaining at end of reporting year $74,623 (2) Land Conveyance Losses [(33334.12(gX3)(A))J: Identify tC Qgililr year losses from saleslgtants/leases of land acquired with low -mod funds, if 49% or moresf new orrehabilittted units will be affordable to lowtL r_rme $ households 12. Adjusted Balance (fornextyear's determination of Excess Surplus) [Line 1 la minus sum of l Ib(1) and l Ib(2)] $1,409,080 Do not enter Adjusted Balance in Col 4. It is to be reported as next year's 1st day amountto determine Excess a if there is remaining Excess Surplus from what was determined on the first day of the reporting year, describe the agency's plan (as specified in Section 33334.10) far transferring, enctznbering, or expending excess surplus: b. If the plan described in 12a. was adopted, enter the plan adoption date: / / 8-3 mo day yr Agency Name: Miscellaneous U s of Funds 13. if an amount is reported in 4e., pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(6), report the total number of very low-, low-, and moderate -income households that directly benefited from expenditures for p site/ofir to improvements which resulted in either new construction. rehabilitation, or the elimination of health and safety hazards. (Note: if Line 4e of this schedule does not show expenditures for improvements, no units should be reported here.) Households Benefiting' Income Households Households from Elimination of Level Constructed Rehabilitated Health and Safety Duration of Deed Restriction H azatd Very Low Low Moderate 14. if the agency is holding land for future housing development (refer to Line 8b), summarize the acreage (found to tenths, do not report square footage), zoning, date of purchase, and the anticipated start date forthe housing development. No, of Purchase Estimated Date SiteName/Locadon* Acres Zoning Date Available Comments Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional sites not reported above. 15. Section 33334.13 requires agencies which have used the Housing Fund to assist mortgagors in a homeownership mortgage revenue bond program, or home financing progtam described in that Section, to provide the following information: a. Has your agency used the authority related to definitions of income or family size adjustment factors provided in Section 33334.13(a)? Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable b. Has the agency complied with requirements in Section 33334.13(b) related to assistance for very low-income households equal to twice that provided for above moderate -income households? Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable 90 ���T � 85 Agency Name: La OlUirlta_RedeveloPnnt Asteney 16. Did the Agency use non-LMIHFlunds as matching funds for the Federal HOME or HOPE program during the reporting period? YES ❑ NO If yes, please indicate the amount of non -L IU- F funds that were used for either HOME or HOPE program support - HOME $ upport. HOME$ HOPE 17. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a){11), the agency shall maintain adequate records to identify the date and amount of all LMW- deposits and withdrawals during the reporting period. To satisfy this requirement, die Agency should keep and make available upon request any and all deposit and withdrawal information. QQ NgT sugmiTRECORDS QF-EPO$ITs/WITHDRAWA_1._S. Has your agency made any deposits to or withdrawals from the LM1HF? Yes ❑ - No ❑ If yes, identify the document(s) describing the agency's deposits and withdrawals by listing for each document, the following (attach additional pages of similar information as necessary): Name of document: Expenditure Detail Re ort Date of document: 06 1 30 f 03 mo day yr Name of Agency Custodian (person): Am Swan-Dra a Custodian's telephone number:760 777-7154 Place where record can be accessed: Finance Depammnt / City Hall Name of document: Date of document: qil Name of Agency Custodian (person): Custodian's telephone number: Place where record can be accessed: day yr 18. Use of Other non Low -Mod FundsJ Red evela went Funds for Housin Please briefly describe the use of any non-LMIHE redevelopment funds (i.e., contributions from the other 80% of tax increment revenue) to construct, improve, assist, or preserve housing in the community. None used. 19. Suggestions/Resource Needs Please provide suggestions to simplify and improve future agency reporting and identify any training, information, and/or other resources, etc. that would help your agency to more quickly and effectively use its housing or other funds to increase, improve, and preserve affordable housing? None 20. Annual Monitoring, Reports of Previously Completed Affordable Housing Proiects/Programs (H&SC 334181 Were all Annual Monitoring Reports received for all prior years' affordable housing projects/programs?: Yes ® No ❑ 91 California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-C 86 Sch C (7/1/03) Page 6 of 8 Agency Name: 1~a Qginto P d vela nt nt A ett 21. Project Achievement and IJCD Director's Award for Housing Excellence Project achievement information is optional but can serve important purposes: Agencies' achieve -meats can inform Others Of successful redevelopment projects and provide instructive information for additional successful projects, Achievements will be included in HCUs Annual Report of Housing Activities of California Redevelopment Agencies to assist other local agencies in developing effective and efficient programs to address local housing needs. In addition, fl CD selects various projects to receive the Directofs Award for Housing Exccllcnae. Projects are selected basad on criteria such as local affordable housing needs) met, resources utilized, barriers overcome. and project innovation/complexity, etc. Project achievement information should only be submitted for =i affordable residential project that was completed within the reponing year as evidenced by a Certificate of Occupancy. The project must not have been previously reported as an achievement. To Publish agencies' achievements in ra standard _format, please complete ixiform arion for each underlined •categort- below addressing suggested topics in a narraative formaat that clog noi� exceed two pages (see example, next page). In addition to submitting irfomtation with other HCD .forms to the State C'onouller, please submit achievanent information on a 3.5 inch diskarte and idenfifv the softrtnre typeand version. For convatience, the diskarte can be sepamtely anailal to: HCD Poficu Division, 1800 3"Strew, Sac7wneato. Cil 95814 or data can be entailed by canadring rlie file and sending it to: ataartens@hcd. cq goi or H c lacd. AGENCY INFORMA'T`ION • Project Type (Choose one of the categories below and one kind of assistance representing the primaa project type): New/Additional lainits (Previous)v Unoccupied/Uninhabitahlel: istin st nevi as c u i - New Construction to own - Rehabilitation of Owner -Occupied - New Construction to rent - Rehabilitation of Tenant -Occupied - Rehabilitation to own - Acquisition and Rehabilitation to Own - Rehabilitation to rent - Acquisition and Rehabilitation to Rent - Adaptive Re -use - Mobilehomes/Manufactured Hornes - Mixed Use Infill - Payment Assistance for Owner or Renter - Mobilehomes/Manufactured Homes - Transitional Housing - Mortgage Assistance - Other(describe) - Transitional Housing - Other(describe) • Agency Name: • Agency Contact and Telephone Number for the Project: DESCRIPTION • Project Name • Clientele served [owner, renter, income group, special need (e.g. large family or disabled), etc.) • Number and typeof units and location, density, and six of project relative to otherprojects, etc. • Degree of affordability/assistance rendered to families bypraject, etc. • Uniqueness (land use, design features, additional smiicesfantenities provided, funding sources/collaboration, befote/after project conversion such as re -use; mixed use, etc.) • Cost (acquisition, clean-up, infrastructure, conversion, development, etc.) HISTORY • Timeframe from planning to opening • Barriers/resistance (legal/financial/community, etc.) that were overcome • Problems and cueative solutions found • Lessons learned and/or recommendations for undertaking a similar project AGENCY ROLE AND AC -11 I EVE, MENT • Degree of involvement with concept, design, approval, financing, construction, operation, and cost, etc. • Specific agency and/or community goals and objectives tint, etc., 91) 87 Agency Name: La Quinta Rc evel a='iL.AZ=Y A G H'IEl'EMrL N T EXAM PL E Proiect Ty ne• NEW CONSTRUCTION- OWNER OCCUPIED Redevelopment Agency Contact: Name (Area Code) Telephone # Project/Program Name: Project or Program Descnption Hist Agency Role 93 SCHEDULE HCD-D1 GENERAL PROJECT/PROGRAM INFORMATION For each different Project/Program (areairrame/agy or nonaav devJrenlal or owner), complete a D1 and applicable D2 D7. Examples; 1: 25 mirror rehab (Nonagy Dev): Area 1: 15 Owner; Area 2' 6 Rental; & Outside: 4 Rental. Complete 3 D -1s & 3 D -5s. 2: 20 sub rehab (nonrestricted). Area 3: 4 Agy Dev. Rentals; 16 Nonagy Dev. Rentals, Complete 2 D -1s & 2 D -5s. 3: 15 sub rehab (restricted): Area 4: 15 Nonagy Dev, Owner. Complete 1 D-1 & 1 D-3. 4: 10 new (Outside). 2 Agy Dev (restricted Rental), 8 Nonagy Dev (nonrestricted Owner) Complete 2 D -1s, 1 D-4, & 1 D-5. Name of Redevelopment Agency: LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Identify Project Area or specify "Outside": PROJECT AREA NO.1 General Title of Housing Project/Program: BUILDING HORIZONS Project/Program Address (optional): Street: City: ZIP: 53-035 Avenida Herrera & 53-055 Avenida Herrera La Quinta 9Z253 Owner Name (optional): Curry, Guidino Total Project/Program Units: # 2 Restricted Units: # 2 Unrestricted Units: # 0 For prolectsiprograms with no RDA assistance da not comlete an of belnw or any of HCi} D2-Dfi. Only cram fete HCD•D7. Was this a federally assisted multi -family rental project [Gov't Code Section 65863.10(a)(3)17 ❑ YES Z NO Number of units occupied by ineligible households (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of bedrooms occupied by ineligible persons (e.g. Ineligible income!# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of units restricted for special needs: (number must not exceed "Total Project Units') # 0 Number of units restricted that are serving one or more Special Needs: #_,0 ❑ Check, if data not available (Note: A unit may serve multiple "Special Needs" below. Sum of all the below can exceed the "Number of Units." above) # 0 DISABLED (Mental) # 0 FARMWORKER (Permanent) # —GTRANSITIONAL HOUSING # 0 DISABLED (Physical) # 0 FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSHOLD #0 ELDERLY # 0 FARMWORKER (Migrant) #0 LARGE FAMILY # 0 EMERGENCY SHELTERS (4 or more Bedrooms) (allowable use only with "Other Housing Units Provided - Without LM1HF" Sch-,D6 Affordability and/or S ecial Need Use Restriction Term enter da /month( ear usin di -its, e.2. 0710112002): Re lam int Housing Units Inclusiana Housing Units Other Housing Units Provided With LMIHF Without LMIHF Restriction Start Date N/A 6/27/2003 NIA Restriction End Date NIA 6/27/2048 NIA Funding Sources: Redevelopment Funds: $169,5Cli} Federal Funds State Funds: $ Other Local Funds: $ Private Funds: $ Owner's Equity: $ TCAC/Federal Award: $ TCAC/State Award: $ Total Development/Purchase Cost: $ 169-1-50 0 Check all appropriate form(s) below that will be used to identify all of this Project's/Program's Units:. ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) ® inside Project Area (Sch. HCD-D3) [] 1NIth LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ Without LMIHF (Scar HCD-D6) ❑ No Aaency Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) 94 89 SCHEDULE HCD-D3 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING UNITSIN( SIDE PROJECT AREA) (units not claimed on Schedule D-4,5,6,7) (units with required affordability restrictions that agency or community controls) Agency: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment Project Area Name: Project Area No. 1 Affordable Housing Project Name: Building Horizons Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-D1): ❑ 6genc Developed R Non-Agencv Developed Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-D1): ❑ Rental 0 Qwner-Occupied Enter the number of units for each applicable activity below: Note: "INELG" refers to a household that is no longer eligible but still a temporary resident and part of the total A. New Construction units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW. MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. 2 F 7 2F=L 2 Of Total, Identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item 8): B. Substantial Rehabillta ion Post -931 B 1290 Definition of Value >2 ° : Cred'1 for Obli 1994 Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MO TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Of Total, Identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item 8): ❑ C. Other/Substantial Rehabilitation Pre -9 IAB 1290 Definition: Credit for Obligations Between 1976 and 1994 Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD • TOTAL INELG. = ]E3� D. Acquisition of Covenants(Post-93/AB 1290 Reform: Only Multi -Family Vlow & 'Low & Other Restrictions : Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD, TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL UNITS (Add only TOTAL of all "TOTAL Elderly / Non Elderly Units,,): If TOTAL UNITS is less than "Total Project Units"on HCD Schedule Dl, report the remaining units as instructed below. Check all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to identify remaining Project Units to be reported: ❑ Replacement Housing Units EJ Inclusionary Units (Outside Project Area) Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ No Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) Identify the number of Inclusionary Units which also have been counted as Replacement Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly b Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INEAL LG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTINELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Wmww�mimmm Im �J SCHEDULE HCD-D1 GENERAL PROJECT/PROGRAM INFORMATION For each different Project/Program are lamelagy or nona dev/rental or owner), complete a D1 and applicable D2 - D7. Ex m les: 1: 25 minor rehab (Nonagy Dev): Area 1: 15 Owner; Area 2: 6 Rental; & Outside: 4 Rental. Complete 3 D -1s & 3 D -5s. 2: 20 sub rehab (nonrestricted): Area 3: 4 Agy Dev, Rentals; 16 Nonagy Dev. Rentals. Complete 2 D -1s & 2 D -5s. 3: 15 sub rehab (restricted): Area 4: 15 Nonagy Dev, Owner. Complete 1 D-1 & 1 D-3. 4: 10 new (Outside). 2 Agy Dev (restricted Rental), 8 Nonagy Dev (nonrestricted Owner) Complete 2 D -1s, 1 0-4, & 1 D-5. Name of Redevelopment Agency: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Identify Project Area or specify "Outside": PROJECT AREA NO.1 General Title of Housing Project/Program: La Quinta Housing Program — Home Purchase Loan Program Project/Program Address (optional): Street: Various addresses — in -fill lots Cily: La Quinta M. Owner Name (optional): Various Total Project/Program Units: # 29 Restricted Units: # 29 Unrestricted Units: # 0 For pro ects ro rams with no RDA assistant do not com lete an of below or an of HCD D2 -D6. Onlytom le a HCD- 7. Was this a federally assisted multi -family rental project [Gov't Code Section 65863.10(a)(3)1? ❑ YES ® NO Number of units occupied by ineligible households (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of bedrooms occupied by ineligible persons (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of units restricted for special needs: (number must not exceed "Total Project Units) # 0 Number of units restricted that are serving one or more Special Needs: #_0 F] Check, if data not available (Note: A unit may serve multiple "Special Needs" below. Sum of all the below can exceed the "Number of Units" above) DISABLED (Mental) # 0 FARMWORKER (vermanent) DISABLED (Physical) # 6 FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSHOLD FARMWORKER (Migrant) # 0 LARGE FAMILY (4 or more Bedrooms) ability and/or Special Need Use Restriction Term (enter day/month! # 0 TRANSITIONAL HOUSINU # 0 ELDERLY #0 EMERGENCY SHELTERS (allowable use only with "Other Housing Units Provided - Without LMIHF" Sch-D( Housing Units I Inclusionary Housing Units Restriction Start Date N/A 7/31 Restriction End Date N/A 7/31 Funding Sources: Redevelopment Funds: $ 2,207.924 Federal Funds $ State Funds: $ Other Local Funds: $ Private Funds: $ Owner's Equity: $ TCAC/Federal Award: $ TCAC/State Award: $ Total Development/Purchase Cost: $ 2,207,924 to Other Housing Units Provided With LMIHF I Without LMIHF N/A N/A Check all appropriate form(s) below that will be used to identify all of this Project's/Program's Units: ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) ® Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Outsi a Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ No Agency Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) 91 SCHEDULE HCD-133 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING UNITSIN( SIDE PROJECT AREA) (units not claimed on Schedule D-4,5,6,7) (units with required affordability restrictions that agency or community controls) Agency: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment Project Area Name: Project Area No. 1 Affordable Housing Project Name: La Quinta Housing Program — Home Purchase Loan Program Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-D1): ❑ Agency Developed ® Non -Agency Developed Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-D1): ❑ Rental M Owner -Occupied Enter the number of units for each applicable activity below: Note: "INELG" refers to a household that is no longer eligible but still a temporary resident and part of the total A. New Construction Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly &Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW M D TOTAL INELG. 23 6 29 Q 236 29 Of Total, Identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item 8): 0 B. Substantial Rehabilitation(Post-93/AB 1290 Definition of Value }2588: Credit for Obli at)ons Sing 19941: Elderly Units Non (Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TO AL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Of Total, Identity the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item 8). C. Other/Substantial Rehabilitation Pre-941AS 1290 Definition: Credit for Obligations Between 19L6 and 1994): Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW M D TOTAL INELG. D. Acquisition of Covenants Pvst-931Af3 1290 Reform: Ont Multi-Farnil Vlow & Low & Other Restrictions): Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW V0-DTOTAi7 INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. E71 F-1 TOTAL UNITS (Add only TOTAL of all "TOTAL Elderly / Non Elderly Units"): 29 if TOTAL UNITS is less than "Total Project Units" on BCD Schedule DI, report the remaining units as instructed below. Check all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to identify remaining Project Units to be reported: ❑ Replacement Housing Units ❑ Inclusionary Units (Outside Project Area) Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ No Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) Identify the number of Inclusionary Units which also have been counted as Replacement Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. I 1 11 [--L I I E:1 I 1� 9'1 h SCHEDULE HCD-D1 GENERAL PROJECT/PROGRAM INFORMATION For each different Project/Program {area/narnelag or nona v dev/rental or owner), complete a D1 and applicable D2 - D7. Exam les; 1: 25 minor rehab (Nonagy Dev): Area 1: 15 Owner; Area 2: 6 Rental; & Outside. 4 Rental. Complete 3 D -1s & 3 D -5s. _2: 20 sub rehab (nonrestricted): Area 3: 4 Agy Dev, Rentals; 16 Nonagy Dev. Rentals. Complete 2 D -1s & 2 D -5s. 3: 15 sub rehab (restricted): Area 4: 15 Nonagy Dev, Owner. Complete 1 D-1 & 1 D-3. 4: 15 new (Outside). 2 Agy Dev (restricted Rental), 8 !Nonagy Dev (nonrestricted Owner) Complete 2 D -1s, 1 D-4, & 1 D-5. Name of Redevelopment Agency: Identify Project Area or specify "Outside": General Title of Housing Project/Program: Project/Program Address (optional): Street: Various addresses — in -fill lots LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROJECT AREA NO. 1 La 6luinta Rental Housing Program City: La Quinta ZIP: 92253 Owner Name (optional): Various Total Project/Program Units: # 22 Restricted Units: # 22 Unrestricted Units: # 0 For pirgiects1programs with no RDA assistance do not complete an of below or an of HCD D2 -D6. Only com tete HCD-07. Was this a federally assisted multi -family rental project [Gov't Code Section 65863.10(a)(3)1? ❑ YES ® NO Number of units occupied by ineligible households .(e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of bedrooms occupied by ineligible persons (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of units restricted for special needs: (number must not exceed "Total Project Units') #0 Number of units restricted that are serving one or more Special Needs: #_0 ❑ Check, if data not available (Note. A unit may serve multiple "Special Needs" below. Sum of all the below can exceed the "Number of Units" above) 0 DISABLED (Mental) # 0 FAR(Permanent) # 0 TRANSITIONAL HOUSING 0 DISABLED (Physical) # 0 FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSHOLD # 6 ELDERLY 0 FARMWORKER (Migrant) #0 LARGE FAMILY #0 EMERGENCY SHELTERS (4 or more Bedrooms) (allowable use only with "Other Housing Units Provided - Without LMIHF" Sch-nt Affordability and/or Sp eclal Need Use Restriction Term enter da (month/ ear usin di its, e.g. 07/0112002 Reylacement Housing Units Inclusianary Housing Units Other Housing Units Provided With LMIHF Without LMIHF N/A 1/23/2003 & 5(23/2003 N/A NIA Restriction Start Date N/A End Date N/A 1/23/2058 & 5/23/2058 N/A Funding Sources: Redevelopment Funds: $ 6'008 830 Federal Funds $ State Funds: $ Other Local Funds: $ Private Funds: $ Owner's Equity: $ TCAC/Federal Award: $ TCAC/State Award: $ Total Development/Purchase Cost: $ 608,830 Check all appropriate form(s) below that will be used to identify all of this Project's/Program's Units: ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch hICD-D2) j ( ) With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) Inside Project Area SCh HCt7-D3 ❑ ❑ Outside Project Area (SCh HCD-D4) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ No A enc Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) 98 93 SCHEDULE HCD-D3 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING UNITSIN( SIDE PROJECT AREA) (units not claimed on Schedule D-4,5,6,7) (units with required affordability restrictions that agency or community controls) Agency: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment Project Area Name: Project Area No. 1 Affordable Housing Project Name: La Quinta Rental Housing Program Check only one. If both apply,'complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-D1): ❑ Agency Developed ® Non -Agency Developed Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-D1): to Rental ❑ Owner-Occupied Enter the number of units for each applicable activity below: Note: "INELG" refers to a household that is no longer + eligible but still a temporary resident and part of the total A. New Construction Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly 8 Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL-INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. L:jl Li D Of Total, Identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item 8). B. Substantial Rehabilitation (Post 931AB 1290 Definition of Value X25%: Credit for Obligations Singe 1994): Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW Oil TOTAL INELG. 6 1 - :11 16 16 22 23 Of Total, identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see RD-A(s), Item 8): 11 C. Other/Substantial Rehabilitation Pte-941AB 1290 Definition: Credit for Obligations Between 1976 and 1994 : Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly d, Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MEOD TOTAL . INELG. VLOW LOW MOO TOTAL INELG. L�� El I I 1 11- 11 D. Ac uisition of Covenants(Post-93/AB 1290 Reform: Only Multi-Family Vlow & Low & Other R strlctions : Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly ti Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL IN LG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL UNITS (Add only TOTAL of all "TOTAL Elderly / Non Elderly Units,,): If TOTAL UNITS is less than 'Total Projecl Units"on HCD Schedule DI, report the remaining units as instructed below. Check all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to identify remaining Project Units to be reported: ❑ Replacement Housing Units ❑ Inclusionary Units (Outside Project Area) Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ No Assistant (Sch HCD-D7) Identify the number of Inclusionary Units which also have been counted as Replacement Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL IPELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. a JM1� : 94 SCHEDULE HCD-D1 GENERAL PROJECT/PROGRAM INFORMATION For each different Project/Program (arealnarnelagy or nona devlrentai or owner), complete a D1 and applicable D2 - D7. Exams. 1: 25 minor rehab (Nonagy Dev): Area 1: 15 Owner; Area 2: 6 Rental; & Outside: 4 Rental. Complete 3 D -1s & 3 D -5s. 2: 20 sub rehab (nonrestricted): Area 3: 4 Agy Dev. Rentals; 16 Nonagy Dev. Rentals. Complete 2 D -1s & 2 D -5s. 3: 15 sub rehab (restricted): Area 4: 15 Nonagy Dev, Owner. Complete 1 D-1 & 1 D-3. 4: 10 new (Outside). 2 Agy Dev (restricted Rental), S Nonagy Dev (nonrestricted Owner) Complete 2 D -1s, 1 D-4, & 1 D-5. Name of Redevelopment Agency: Identify Project Area or specify "Outside" General Title of Housing Project/Program: Project/Program Address (optional): Street: 52-945 Avenida Rubio LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROJECT AREA NO. 1 La Quinta Housing Program — Residential Rehabilitation Loan Program City Le Quinta ZIP: CO2511A Owner Name (optional): Dierks Total Project/Program Units: # 1 Restricted Units: # 0 Unrestricted Units: # 1 For projectstpLqgrams with no RDA assistance do not complete any of below or an of HCD D2 -D6. OnI com lets HCD-D7. Was this a federally assisted multi -family rental project [Gov't Code Section 65863.10(a)(3)]? ❑ YES M NO Number of units occupied by ineligible households (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of bedrooms occupied by Ineligible persons (e.g. ineligible Income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of units restricted for special needs: (number must not exceed "Total Project Units") # 0 Number of units restricted that are serving one or more Special Needs: #r0 ❑ Check, if data not available (Note: A unit may serve multiple "Special Needs" below. Sum of all the below can exceed the "Number of Units" above) 0 DISABLE[ (Mental) # 0 FARMWORKER (Permanent) # d TRANSITIONAL HOUSING 0 DISABLED (Physical) # 0 FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSHOLD # 0 ELDERLY OF FARMWORKER (Migrant) #0 LARGE FAMILY 40 EMERGENCY SHELTERS (4 or more Bedrooms) (allowable use onlywith "Other Housing Units Provided - Without l_M1HF` Sch-06) Affordability and/or Sp ectal Need Use Restriction Term enter da /month! ear usin lilits, e,g. 0710112002 : RV lacement Housing Units Incluslonaa Housing Units Other Housing Units Provided With LMIHF Without LMIHF Restriction Start Date N/A N/A N/A NIA Restriction End Date N/A N/A N/A N/A Funding Sources: Redevelopment Funds: $ 9.135 Federal Funds $ State Funds: $ Other Local Funds: $ Private Funds: $ Owner's Equity: $ TCAC/Federal Award: $ TCAC/State Award: $ Total Development/Purchase Cost: $ 9.135 Check all appropriate form(s) below that will be used to identify all of this Project'slProgram's Units: ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) ❑ Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) Z With LMIhIF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4)❑Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ Rio Agtggy Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) -L . SCHEDULE HCD-D5 OTHER HOUSING UNITS PROVIDED (AGENCY ASSISTANCE WITH LMIHF) (units not claimed on Schedule D-2,3,4,6,7) lack minimum replacement or inclusionary restrictions and/or not controlled by a enc or comrrtunit ) Agency: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment Project Area Name, or "Outside": Project Area No. 1 Affordable Housing Project Name: La Quinta Housing Program — Residential Rehab Loan Program Check only one: ® Inside Project Area ❑ Outside Project Area Check only ane. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-D1): ❑ Agency Developed 0 lean -A enc Developed Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate farm for each (with another Sch-D1): ❑ Rental E3 Owner -Occupied Enter the number of units for each applicable activity below: Note: "INELG' refers to a household that is no longer eligible but still a temporary resident and part of the total A. New Construction Units non re lacernentlnon inclusiona : Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly b Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. L E1____I==1 L I B. Substantial Rehabilitation Units value increase with land a 25°fe non re lacementlnan incluslona : Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Unite VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD INELG. O0E:]=== C. Non -Substantial Rehabilitation Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. D. Acquisition of Units only non ac uisition of affordability covenants for inciusiona credit : Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly A Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MC1D TOTAL INELG. a F O E. Mobileharne Owner f Resident: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG, VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. ]—J E==L -L= E] J E1:==J=0 F. Mabilehome Park Owner 1 Resident: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. A 96 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelolltnent AZogy Housing Project Name: Residential' Rehab Loan Prop -ram SCHEDULE HCD-D5 OTHER HOUSING UNITS PROVIDED (AGENCY ASSISTANCE WITH LMIHF) (continued) Note: "INELG" refers to a household that is no longer eligible but still a temporary resident and part of the total G. Preservation 1H&S 33334.2(e 11 _Threat of Public Assisted Subsidized Rentals Converted to Market : Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units OW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD T07AL INELG. 0 H. Subsidy (other than any activity already reported on this form_: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD 70TAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Other Assistan e: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly &Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MO[7 707 INELG. TOTAL UNITS (Add only TOTAL of all "TOTAL Elderly / Non Elderly Units"): If TOTAL UNITS & less than "Total Project Units" shown on HCD Schedule Dl, report the remainder as instructed below. Check all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to Identify remaining Project Units to be reported: ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other' Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) ❑ Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCR -DEI) ❑ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ No Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 2002-2003 102 HCD-D5 97 SCHEDULE HCD-D1 GENERAL PROJECT/PROGRAM INFORMATION For each different Project/Program area/narnela or nova dev/rental or owner), complete a-131 and applicable 132- D7. Examples: 1: 25 minor rehab (Nonagy Dev): Area 1. 15 Owner Area 2: 6 Rental; & outside: 4 Rental. Complete 3 D -1s & 3 D -5s, 2: 20 sub rehab (nonrestricted): Area 3: 4 Agy Dev. Rentals, 16 Nonagy Dev, Rentals. Complete 2 D -1s & 2 D -5s. 3: 15 sub rehab (restricted): Area 4: 15 Nonagy Dev, Owner. Complete 1 D-1 & 1 D-3. 4: 10 new (Outside). 2 Agy Dev (restricted Rental). 8 Nonagy Dev (nonrestricted Owner) Complete 2 D -1s, 1 D-4, & 1 D-5. Nairn of Redevelopment Agency: Identify Project Area or specify "Outside": General Title of Housing Project/Program: Project/Program Address (optional): Street: various LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROJECT AREA NO.1 Market Rate Housing Construction C La Quinta ZIP: 9M Owner Name (optional): Total Project/Program Units: # 344 Restricted Units: # 0 Unrestricted Units: # 0 For prolectstprograms with no RDA assistance do not corn lets an of below or any of HCt] t]2 -D6. Only corn lets HCD-D7. Was this a federally assisted multi -family rental project [Gov't Code Section 65863.10(a)(3)]? Q YES NO Number of units occupied by ineligible households (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of bedrooms occupied by ineligible persons (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of units restricted for special needs: (number must not exceed "Total Project Units") #0 Number of units restricted that are serving one or more Special Needs: #_0 [-]Check, if data not available (Note: A unit may serve multiple "Special Needs" below. Sum of all the below can exceed the "Number of Units" above) 0 DISABLED (Mental) # 0 FARMWORKER (Permanent) # 0 TRANSITIONAL HOUSING 0 DISABLED (Physical) #€ 0 FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSHOLD # 0 ELDERLY 0 FARMWORKER (Migrant) # 0 LARGE FAMILY # 0 EMERGENCY SHELTERS (4 or more Bedrooms) (allowable use only with "Other Housing Units Provided - without LMIHF" Sch-Df Affordability and/or Restriction Start Date Restriction End Date acial Need Use Restriction Term enter da Imonth! ear usin digits, e.g. 07101/2UO2): Replacement Housing Units . Inclusions Housing Units Other Housing Units Provided With LMIHF I Without LMIHF N/A Funding Sources: Redevelopment Funds: $ Federal Funds $ State Funds: $ Other Local Funds: $ Private Funds: $ Owner's Equity: $ TCAC/Federal Award: $ TCAC/State Award: $ Total Development/Purchase Cost: $ N/A N/A N/A NIA Check all appropriate form(s) below that will be used to identify all of this Project's/Program's Units: ❑ Reptacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) ❑Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-175) ❑ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ® No A enc Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) SCHEDULE HCD-D7 HOUSING UNITS PROVIDED (NO AGENCY ASSISTANCE) (units not claimed on Schedule D-2,3,4,5,6) Agency: La Quinta Re ev to m n A enc Redevelopment Project Area Name, or "Outside":Proigct Area No. 1 Housing Project Name: Market Rate Housing (Non -affordable) NOTE. On this form, only report UNITS NOT REPORTED on NCD -D2 through HCD-D6 for project/program units that have not receivedAny agency assistance. Agency assistance includes either financial assistance (LMIHF or other agency funds) or nonfinancial assistance (design, planning, etc.) provided by agency staff. In some cases, of the total units reported on HCD DI, a portion of units in the same project/program may be agency assisted (reported on HCD-D2 through HCD-D6) whereas other units may be unassisted by the agency (reported on HCD-D7). The intent of this form is to: (1) reconcile any difference between total project/program units reported on HCD-DI compared to the sum of all the project's/program's units reported on HCD-D2 through HCD-D6, and (2) account for other (nonassisted) housing units provided inside a proiert area that increases the agency's inclusionary obligation. Ra orcin youggenr,y assisted pEyje_ets outs ile a proiect area is o rional t units do not make-up any art of total units reported on HCD-Dl. Example 1 (reporting partial units): A new 100 unit project was built (reported on HCD-DI, Inside or Outside a project area). Fifty (50) units received agency assistance 130 affordable LMIHF units (reported on either HCD-D2, D3, D4, or D5) and 20 above moderate units were funded with other agency funds (reported on HCD-D6)]. The remaining 50 (privately financed and developed market -rate units) must be reported on HCD-D7 to make up the difference between 100 reported on Dl and 50 reported on D2 -D6). 2 (reporting all units): Inside a project area a condemned, historic property was substantially rehabilitated oily or single-family), funded by tax credits and other private financing without any agent assistance. Check whether Inside or Outside Project Area in completing applicable information below: ® Insi a Project Area Enter the number for each applicable activity: New Construction Units: Substantial Rehabilitation Units: 0 Total Units: iff:�11 If the agency- did not provide any assistance to any part of the inside Project Are project, provide: Building Permit Number: Permit Date: I I mo day yr ❑ Outside Project Area Enter the number for each applicable activity: New Construction Units: II Substantial Rehabilitation Units: Total Units: Check all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to identify remaining Project Units to be reported: ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-132) ❑ Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ..__104 99 SCHEDULE HCD-E CALCULATION OF INCREASE IN AGENCY'S INCLUSIONARY OBLIGATION BASED ON SPECIFIED HOUSIN_- ' ACTIVITY DURING THE REPOR G AR Agency: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Name of Project or Area (if applicable, list "Outside" or "Summary": PROJECT AREA NO. I Complete this form to report activity separately by projector area or to summarize activity for the year. Report-, new construction and/or substantial rehabilitation units from Forms D2 through D7 that were: (a) developed the a enc and/or (b) develo ed only in a project area by a nona enc person or entity. PART I {Ii&SC Section 33413(b)(1)] AGENT DEVELOPED UNITS DURING THE REPORTING YEAR BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF A PROJECT AREA I . New Units Developed by the AgLncy 0 2. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by the AQency 0 3. Subtotal - Baseline of Aggricy AgencyDeveloped Units (add lines 1 & 2) 0 4. Subtotal of Increased Inclusionary Obligation (Line 3 x 30%) (see Notes 1 and 2 below) l 0 5. Very -Low Inclusionary Obligation Increase Units (Line 4 x 50%) 0 PART II [H&SC Section 33413(b)(2)] NONAGENCY DEVELOPED UNITS DURING THE REPORTING YEAR ONLY INSIDE A PROJECT AREA 6. New Units Developed by Any Nonagency Person or Entity 375 7. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by Any Nonagenw Person or Entity 22 8. Subtotal - Baseline of Nona egency Developed Units (add lines 6 & 7) 397 9. Subtotal of Increased Inclusionary Obligation (Line 8 x 15%) (see Notes I and 2 below) 0 10. Very -Low Inclusionary Obligation Increase (Line 9 x 40%) 24 PART III REPORTING YEAR TOTALS 11. Total Increase in Inclusionary Obligation (add lines 4 and 9) 60 12. Very -Low Inclusionary Obligation Increase (add lines 5 and 10) (Line 12 is a subset of Line 11) 24 ....................•.................. 0.00 ....... ••00000.... 0004.0••.r...►►0.....r00rl.rl0l.rr!!•rr.0r0rr0. r.0r0r►lrrrrr4.frr NOTES: 1. Section 33413(b)(1), (2), and (4) require agencies to ensure that applicable percentages (30% or 15%) of all (market -rate and affordable) "new and substantially rehabilitated dwelling units" are made available at affordable housing cost within 10 year planning periods. Market -rate units: units not assisted with low -mod funds and jurisdiction does not control affordability restrictions. A orda l unr'ts: units generally restricted for the longest feasible time beyond the redevelopment plan's land use controls and jurisdiction controls affordability restrictions. Agency developed units: market -rate units can not exceed 70 percent and affordable units must be at least 30 percent; however, all units assisted with low -mod funds must be affordable. Nonagency dev 1a ed r 'ectarea) units: market -rate units can not exceed 85 percent and affordable units must be at least 15 percent. 2. Production requirements may be met on a project -by -project basis or in aggregate within each 10 year planning period. The percentage of affordable units relative to total units required within each 10year planning period may be calculated as follows: AFFORDABLE units = Market -rate x 09 or.152 TOTAL units = Market -rate or A rdable ( 70 or. 85) (. 70 or .85) (30 or .15) California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-E 100 SCHEDULE HCD-D1 GENERAL PROJECT/PROGRAM INFORMATION For each different Project/Program (area/name/a v or nonagy dev/rental or owner), complete a D1 and applicable D2 - D7. Examples; 1: 25 minor rehab (Nonagy Dev): Area 1: 15 Owner. Area 2., 6 Rental; & Outside: 4 Rental. Complete 3 D -1s & 3 D -5s. 2: 20 sub rehab (nonrestricted): Area 3: 4 Agy Dev. Rentals, 16 Nonagy Dev. Rentals. Complete 2 D -1s & 2 D -5s. 3: 15 sub rehab (restricted): Area 4: 15 Nonagy Dev, Owner. Complete 1 D-1 & 1 D-3. 4: 10 new (Outside). 2 Agy Dev (restricted Rental), 8 Nonagy Dev (nonrestricted Owner) Complete 2 D -1s, 1 D-4, & 1 D-5. Name of Redevelopment Agency:.LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Identify Project Area or specify "Otside": PROJECT AREA NO.2 General Title of Housing Project/Program: La Ouinta Housing Program — Home Purchase Loan Program Project/Program Address (optional): Street: Com: ZIP. 79-790 Independence & 79-991 Memorial Place La Ouinta 922553 Owner Name (optional): Guzzetta/Peterson & Gardner Total Project/Program Units: # 2 Restricted Units: # 2 Unrestricted Units: # 0 Forprojects/pro-grams with n RDA assistance do not com le a an of below or any,of HCD D2-[)6. Onl com late HC •D7. Was this a federally assisted multi -family rental project [Gov't Code Section 65863.10(x)(3)]? ❑ YES Z NO Number of units occupied by Ineligible households (e.g. Ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end #0 Number of bedrooms occupied by ineligible persons (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of units restricted for special needs: (number must not exceed "Total Project Units) # 0 Number of units restricted that are serving one or more Special Needs: #_0 ❑ Check, if data not available (Note: A unit may serve multiple "Special Needs" below. Sum of all the below can exceed the "Number of Units" above) 0 DISABLED (Mental) 0 DISABLED (Physical) 0 FARMWORKER (Migrant) i-0 FARMWORKER (Permanent) # 1 FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSHOLD # 0 LARGE FAMILY (4 or more Bedrooms) # 0 TRANSITIONAL HOUSING # 0 ELDERLY #0 EMERGENCY SHELTERS (allowable use only with "Other Housing Units Provided - Without LMIHF" Sch-Di and/or Special Need Use Restriction Term enter da !month! ear usil R la�cement Housing Units lneiusianary Housing Units Restriction Start Date N/A 12/12/2002 & Restriction End Date NIA 12/1212047 to Funding Sources: Redevelopment Funds: $ 132.88 Federal Funds $ State Funds: $ Other Local Funds: $ Private Funds: $ Owner's Equity: $ TCAC/Federal Award: $ TCAC/State Award: $ Total Development/Purchase Cost: $ 132„880 Other Housing Units Provided With LMIHF I Without LMIHF N/A N/A Check all appropriate form(s) below that will be used to identify all of this Project's/Program's Units: ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) ® inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ No &gency AgencyAssistance (Sch HCD-D7) 101 SCHEDULE HCD-D3 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING UNITSIN( SIDE PROJECT AREA) (units not claimed on Schedule D-4,5,6,7) (units with required affordability restrictions that agency or community controls) Agency: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment Project Area Name: Project Area No. 2 Affordable Housing Project Name: La Quinta Housing Program — Home Purchase Loan Program Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-1011): ❑ Agency Developed ®Non -A enc Developed Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-1011): ❑ Rental 0 Owner -Occupied Enter the number of units for each applicable activity below: Note: "INELG" refers to a household that is no longer eligible but still a temporary resident and part of the total A. New Construction Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. 2J_ , ,Elm, Of Total, identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item B): B. Substantial Rehabilitation (Post 931AB 1290 Definition of Value X25°/0: Credit for Oblisla#€ons Since 1994 Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MO TOTAL NEW. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW hdOD TOTAL INELG. 1 � � Of Total, identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item S): C. Other/Substantial Rehabilitatio Pre-94/AB 1290 Definition: Credit for Obligations Between 1976 and 1994): Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. D. Acquisition of Covenants (Post-931AB 1290 Reform' Only Multi-Famil- Vlow & L w & Other Restric io s Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW D TOTAL INELG, VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW moo TOTAL INELG. O� O E:J� TOTAL UNITS (Add only TOTAL of all "TOTAL Elderly / Non Elderly Units,,): If TOTAL UNITS is less than 'Total Project Units"on HCD Schedule DI, report the remaining units as instructed below. Check all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to identify remaining Project Units to be reported: ❑ Replacement Housing Units ❑ Inclusionary Units (Outside Project Area) Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) (Sch HCD-D4) ❑With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ No Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) Identify the number of Inclusionary Units which also have been counted as Replacement Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. �� 1 11 F- I I ]� � 102 SCHEDULE HCD-D1 GENERAL PROJECT/PROGRAM INFORMATION For each different Project/Program (arealnamelagy or nonagy devlrental or owner), complete a.D1 and applicable D2 - D7. Examples: 1: 25 minor rehab (Nonagy Dev): Area 1: 15 Owner; Area 2: 6 Rental; & Outside: 4 Rental. Complete 3 D -1s & 3 D -5s. 2: 20 sub rehab (nonrestricted): Area 3: 4 Agy Dev. Rentals; 16 Nonagy Dev. Rentals. Complete 2 D -1s & 2 D -5s. 3: 15 sub rehab (restricted): Area 4: 15 Nonagy Dev, Owner. Complete 1 D-1 & 1 D-3. 4: 10 new (Outside). 2 Agy Dev (restricted Rental), 8 Nonagy Dev (nonrestricted Owner) Complete 2 D -1s, 1 D-4, & 1 D-5. Name of Redevelopment Agency: LA DUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Identify Project Area or specify "Outside": PROJECT AREA NO.2 General Title of Housing Project/Program: Project/Program Address (optional): Street: Various _ Market Rate Housing Construction Com: ZIP: La Quinta 92 3 Owner Name (optional): Total Project/Program Units: # 148 Restricted Units: # 0 Unrestricted Units: # 0 For protects/programs with no RDA assistancta do not complete any of below or any of HCD D2-06. Only complete HCD-D7. Was this a federally assisted multi -family rental project [Gov't Code Section 65863.10(a)(3)]? ❑ YES ® NO Number of units occupied by ineligible households (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of bedrooms occupied by ineligible persons (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end # 0 Number of units restricted for special needs: (number must not exceed "Total Project Units') # 0 Number of units restricted that are serving one or more Special Needs: #_0 [:]Check, if data not available (Note:- A unit may serve multiple "Special Needs" below. Sum of all the below can exceed the "Number of Units" above) 0 DISABLED (Mental) # 0 FARMWORKER (Permanent) # 0 TRANSITIONAL HOUSING 0 DISABLED (Physical) # 0 FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSHOLD # 0 ELDERLY 0 FARMWORKER (Migrant) #0 LARGE FAMILY #0 EMERGENCY SHELTERS (4 or more Bedrooms) (allowable use paly with "Other Housing Units Provided - Without LMIHF" Sch-tat and/or Special Need Use Restriction Term Replacement Housing Units Restriction Start Date NIA Restriction End Date N/A Funding Sources: Redevelopment Funds: $ Federal Funds $ State Funds: $ Other Local Funds: $ Private Funds: $ Owner's Equity: $ TCAC/Federal Award: $ TCAC/State Award: $ Total Development/Purchase Cost: $ enter da lmonth! ear usir Inclusionary Housing Units N/A Other Housing Units Provided With LMIHF I Without LMIHF Check all appropriate form(s) below that will be used to identify all of this Project's/Program's Units: ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) ❑ inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ® No Agency Assi_s_Lance (Sch HCD-D7) 1u8 103 SCHEDULE HCD-D7 HOUSING UNITS PROVIDED (NO AGENCY ASSISTANCE) (units not claimed on Schedule D-2,3,4,5,6) Agency: La Quinta Redgyr ment A enc Redevelopment Project Area Name, or "Outside":Proiect Area No. 2 Housing Project Name: Market Rate Housing (Non -affordable) NOTE: On this form, only report UNITS NOT REPORTED an HC'D-D2 thrr►ugh 11CD-D6 for project/program units that have trot receivedAn agency assistance. Ageney assistance includes either j►rancial assistance (LMIHF or other agency ands) or nonfinancial assistance (design, planning, etc.) provided by agency staff. In some cases, of the total units reported on HCD DI, a portion of units in the same prolecilprogrant may be agency assisted (reported on HCD-D2 through HCD-D6) whereas other units may be unassisted by the agency (reported on HCD-D7). The intent of this form is to: (l) reconcile arty difference between total prtyevilprogram units reported on HCD-Dl compared to the sum of all the project's/program's units reported on HCD-D2 through HCD-D6, and (2) account for other . (►unassisted) housing units provided inside a proiect urea that increases the agency's inclusionary obligation. Roorrin nonagency assistedproiectc outside a nroiect area is optional if u►tits do not rrrake-rrtt u►rypgrt I rota{ unr"ts re�nrted o►r HCD-DI. HCD-D7 RgRortinc Examples Example I (reporting partial units): A new 100 unit project was built (reported on HCD-DI, Inside or Outside a project area). Fifty (50) units received agency assistance 130 affordable LMIHF units (reported on either HCD-D2, D3, D4, or D5) and 20 above moderate units were funded with other agency funds (reported on HCD-D6)1. The remaining 50 (privately financed and developed market -rate units) must be reported on HCD-D7 to make up the difference between 100 reported on Dl and 50 reported on D2 -D6). Example 2 (reporting all units): Inside a project area a condemned, historic property was substantially rehabilitated (multi family or single-family), funded by tax credits and other private financing without any agency assistance. Check whether Inside or Outside Project Area in completing applicable information below: ® Inside Project Area Enter the number for each applicable activity: New Construction Units: Substantial rehabilitation Units: 0 Total Units: if the agency did not provide any assistance to any part of the inside Pro ect Area project, provide:. Building Permit Number: Permit Date: I I_ mo day yr ❑ Outside Project Area Enter the number for each applicable activity: New Construction Units: Substantial Rehabilitation Units: Total Units: Check all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to identify remaining Project Units to be reported: ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-132) ❑Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) 104 SCHEDULE HCD-E CALCULATION OF INCREASE IN AGENCY'S INCLUSIONARY OBLIGATION BASED ON SPECMED HQUSING AQM= DURING REPORTING YEAR Agency: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Name of Project or Area (if applicable, list "Outside" or "Summary": PROJECT AREA NO. 2 Complete this form to report activity separately by projector area or to summarize activity for the year. Report -all new construction and/or substantial rehabilitation units from Forms D2 through D7 that were: (a) developed by the a envy and/or (b) developed only in ara'ect area by a nonagency person or entity. ■... r ..................... -.... rrr.rrrrr►•.►s•rr.•+.•..+.rr.r}rr.■rrrr.■r.•••*re�s...rru►rrurr••.••.+.rrrr■rrr•rr..••rrrrru• NOTES: 1. Section 33413(6)(1), (2), and (4) require agencies to ensure that applicable percentages (30% or 15%) of all (market -rate and affordable) "new and substantially rehabilitated dwelling units" are made available at affordable housing cost within 10 year planning periods. Market -rate units: units not assisted with low -mod funds and jurisdiction does not control affordability restrictions. Affordable units: units generally restricted for the longest feasible time beyond the redevelopment plan's land use controls and jurisdiction controls affordability restrictions. Agency developed units: market -rate units can not exceed 70 percent and affordable units must be at least 30 percent, however, all units assisted with low -mod funds must be affordable. Nonagency developed (pro&vt area) units: market -rate units can not exceed 85 percent and affordable units must be at least 15 percent. 2. Production requirements may be met on a project -by project basis or in aggregate within each 10 year planning period. The percentage of affordable units relative to total units required within each 10 -year planning period may be calculated as follows: AFFORDABLE units = Market -rate x 630 or .151 TOTAL units = Market -rate or A orda le ( 70 or .8S) (. 70 or .85) (30 or .15) 110 California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-E 105 PART 1 jH&SC Section 33413(b)(1)] AGENCY DEVELOPED UNITS DURING THE REPORTING YEAR BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF A PROJECT AREA 1. New Units Developed by the Amey 0 2. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by the A enc 0 3. Subtotal - Baseline ofAe ncy Developed Units (add lines 1 & 2) 0 4. Subtotal of Increased Inclusionary Obligation (Line 3 x 30%) (see Notes I and 2 below) 0 5. Very -Low Inclusionary Obligation Increase Units (Line 4 x 52%) 0 PART II [H&SC Section 33413(b)(2)] NONAGENCY DEVELOPED UNITS DURING THE REPORTING YEAR ONLY INSIDE A PROJECT AREA 6. New Units Developed by Any Nonagency Person or Entity 150 7. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by Any Nonagensy Person or Entity 0 8. Subtotal - Baseline of Nonagency Developed Units (add lines 6 & 7) 150 9. Subtotal of Increased Inclusionary Obligation (Line 8 x 15%) (see Notes I and 2 below) 23 10. Very --Low Inclusionary Obligation Increase (Line 9 x 40%) 9 PART III REPORTING YEAR TOTALS 11. Total Increase in Inclusionary Obligation (add lines 4 and 9) 23 12. Very -Low Inclusionary Obligation Increase (add lines 5 and 10) (Line 12 is a subset of Line 11) 9 ■... r ..................... -.... rrr.rrrrr►•.►s•rr.•+.•..+.rr.r}rr.■rrrr.■r.•••*re�s...rru►rrurr••.••.+.rrrr■rrr•rr..••rrrrru• NOTES: 1. Section 33413(6)(1), (2), and (4) require agencies to ensure that applicable percentages (30% or 15%) of all (market -rate and affordable) "new and substantially rehabilitated dwelling units" are made available at affordable housing cost within 10 year planning periods. Market -rate units: units not assisted with low -mod funds and jurisdiction does not control affordability restrictions. Affordable units: units generally restricted for the longest feasible time beyond the redevelopment plan's land use controls and jurisdiction controls affordability restrictions. Agency developed units: market -rate units can not exceed 70 percent and affordable units must be at least 30 percent, however, all units assisted with low -mod funds must be affordable. Nonagency developed (pro&vt area) units: market -rate units can not exceed 85 percent and affordable units must be at least 15 percent. 2. Production requirements may be met on a project -by project basis or in aggregate within each 10 year planning period. The percentage of affordable units relative to total units required within each 10 -year planning period may be calculated as follows: AFFORDABLE units = Market -rate x 630 or .151 TOTAL units = Market -rate or A orda le ( 70 or .8S) (. 70 or .85) (30 or .15) 110 California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 2002-2003 HCD-E 105