CC Resolution 1989-102^ : RESOLUTION NO. 89-102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA CONSENTING TO AND APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF CANCELLATION OF A PORTION OF A LAND CONSERVATION CONTRACT Government Code, Section 51280, *e.) WHEREAS, Myrone E. Glass and Rose B. Glass, husband and wife, entered into a Land Conservation Contract with the County of Riverside pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 Government Code Section 51200 et seq.), which contract is dated January 1, 1977, and was recorded February 28, 1977, as Instrument No. 32801 in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California; and WHEREAS, upon the incorporation of the City of La Quinta on May 1, 1982, the Coachella Valley Agricultural Preserve No. 72, Map No. 377 was divided by the adopted City limits, whereby a 3.375 acre portion of said agricultural preserve is located within the incorporated boundary of the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 51235, the City of La Quinta has acquired all rights and responsibilities specified under the Land Conservation Act of 1965, including the right to enlarge, diminish or disestablish an agricultural preserve within its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by Landmark Land company of California, Inc., a successor in interest of the subject property, to cancel and diminish the Land Conservation Contract for a portion of Agricultural Preserve No. 72, Map 377, located within the incorporated area of the City of La Quinta pursuant to Government Code Section 51280 et seq. and a public hearing having been held by the City on April 18, 1989; and BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02 ^ : WHEREAS, the City Council passed, approved and adopted Resolution No. 89-45 Certificate of Tentative Cancellation of a Portion of a Land Contract) on April 18, 1989; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, Environmental Assessment No. 84-034 was prepared on the overall Oak Tree West" project and related applications and a negative declaration was adopted based upon the finding that although the project could have potentially significant environmental impacts, mitigation measures incorporated into the design and conditions of approval will mitigate these impacts to the extent feasible. Cumulative impacts, including the loss of agricultural land, were recognized at the City Council's adoption of the EIR for La Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 1, of which this project is a part, and the Council's adoption of a Statement of overriding Considerations; and WHEREAS, the landowner has proposed, if the cancellation is approved, that the land be used for the following alternative use: Specific Plan No. 85-006, Oak Tree West", which is approved for golf course and residential development on the site as part of the approximate overall 1020-acre project having 2245 residential dwellings, 400 acres of golf course development and 40 acres of resort, retail and office commercial; and WHEREAS, the amount of the cancellation fee, pursuant to Section 51283 of the Government Code has been determined and certified by this City Council to be $10,158.00; and WHEREAS, the landowner has satisfied the condition to be met pursuant to Resolution No. 89-45 by payment to the Treasurer of Riverside County of the total amount of the cancellation fee of $10,158.00; BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED by the City Council as follows: 1. The cancellation of the contract for that certain 3.375 acre portion of Coachella Valley Agricultural Preserve No. 72, Map 377, located within the incorporated area of the City of La Quinta, is hereby approved; and 2. The Certificate of Cancellation of a Portion of a Land Conservation Contract, a copy of which is attached hereto is approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, FOUND, DETERMINED AND ORDERED that the City Clerk shall file and record copies of this resolution, map, and boundary description in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County and with the Director of Conservation, State of California. 2- BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02 ^ : PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 6th day of September, 1989 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None /\naI* JOHN a or City of I**Quinta, California NDRA L. JUHOLA, ity Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: C. HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 3- BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02 ^ : CERTIFICATE OF CANCELLATION OF A PORTION OF A LAND CONSERVATION CONTRACT Government Code, Section 51280, et seq.) WHEREAS, Myrone E. Glass and Rose B. Glass, husband and wife, entered into a Land Conservation Contract with the County of Riverside pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 Government Code Section 51200 et seq.), which contract is dated January 1, 1977, and was recorded February 28, 1977, as Instrument No. 32801 in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California; and WHEREAS, upon the incorporation of the City of La Quinta on May 1, 1982, the Coachella Valley Agricultural Preserve No. 72, Map No. 377 was divided by the adopted City limits, whereby a 3.375 acre portion of said agricultural preserve is located within the incorporated boundary of the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 51235, the City of La Quinta has acquired all rights and responsibilities specified under the Land Conservation Act of 1965, including the right to enlarge, diminish or disestablish an agricultural preserve within its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by Landmark Land Company of California, Inc., a successor in interest of the subject property, to cancel and diminish the Land Conservation Contract for a portion of Agricultural Preserve No. 72, Map 377, located within the incorporated area of the City of La Quinta pursuant to Government Code Section 51280 et seq. and a public hearing having been held by the City on April 18, 1989; and WHEREAS, the City Council passed, approved and adopted Resolution No. 89-45 Certificate of Tentative Cancellation of a Portion of a Land Contract) on April 18, 1989; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, Environmental Assessment No. 84-034 was prepared on the overall Oak Tree West" project and related applications and a negative declaration was adopted based upon the finding that although the project could have potentially significant environmental impacts, mitigation measures incorporated into the design and conditions of approval will mitigate these impacts to the extent feasible. Cumulative impacts, including the loss of agricultural land, were recognized at the City Council1s adoption of the EIR for La Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 1, of which this project is a part, and the Council's adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations; and 4- BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02 ^ : WHEREAS, the landowner has proposed, if the cancellation is approved, that the land be used for the following alternative use: Specific Plan No. 85-006, Oak Tree West", which is approved for golf course and residential development on the site as part of the approximate overall 1020-acre project having 2245 residential dwellings, 400 acres of golf course development and 40 acres of resort, retail and office commercial; and WHEREAS, the amount of the cancellation fee, pursuant to Section 51283 of the Government Code has been determined and certified by this City Council to be $10,158.00; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, in regular session assembled on September 6, 1989, that; 1. Landowner has complied with the condition to be met as set forth in Resolution No. 89-45 by payment to the Treasurer of Riverside County of the total amount of the cancellation fee of $10,158.00, the receipt for which is attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, FOUND, DETERMINED AND ORDERED that the City Clerk shall file and record copies of this resolution, map, receipt and boundary description in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County and with the Director of Conservation, State of California; that having completed all of conditions, the landowner is now entitled to this final certificate of cancellation which provide as follows: 1. The Coachella Valley Agricultural Preserve No. 72, Map 377, recorded February 28, 1977, as Instrument No. 32801, in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County California, be amended by deleting therefrom the area described by boundary description thereof, attached hereto as Exhibit A". 2. The Land Conservation contract between Landmark Land Company of California, Inc., successor in interest to Myrone E. Glass and Rose B. Glass, for the subject property, and the City of La Quinta, successor in jurisdiction to the County of Riverside for the incorporated property, said contract dated January 1, 1977, and recorded February 28, 1977, as Instrument No. 32801 in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, will be cancelled as to a 5- BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02 ^ :portion of said contract the real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of Califo ja, described in attached Exhibit A", which is made a p t f is resolution. City of L Qui ta, California City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN C. HONEYWELL, *ity Attorney City of La Quinta, California 6- BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02 ^ : AG*ZCL'L**RAL *EsERv* LAND *AK * WUST 1* **at portto* o* t*a Sout**ig-* q**r*er * t*e Sau***eat *uir'.*r *t Sac*ton 9* T*wnu*i; 6 8ou:**: Ri*g* 7 *a8t *R1 * iig* and Mar*diin9 * aa tallowa.' Cauae*ciug at t*i *ou:*weet cerDer *t *aid Se*tien 9, thCDCt * CO 10,1 31* w along * W.a* lime ot *a*d ZaC*io* * a dia*a*ce of *0*OO fGe* to a po**t on th* Nort* * *f way *in. ef AyC**e *4 a*d tba TPIU* FOX*? CT IEGZNNZ)1G: * continiat*g Na*t*er1* o* am*d We.: * N OO* 10" *`*1' * 4ii*anee of l2IO*a4 feet to t*e *orthw!it corfier o* * South*..* quarter 0d* the *out*wet quarter of emid **et*ou 9; Th*n*. H 9* 45,1 59,1 * * the North * Cf a.*d S**t**we.t quRr*er * t*e Sout*w.g* quar*m:' a *iatan*. of *22.74 feet * the Wee*eriy right of wg* **ne of Jet!er.on *tr*e:; The*c. S O2'09" 10" * e1o*g acid WCat.rly rL'ght of way ime a dietaa*e at 1281.27 feet to t*e Horthgr1* right of wey line o* aa*d Avenue 54; he*ce S *9A 58" *"g" w a1.*g laid Northerly r*ght of way line a digte**e of *88.95 feet to thu point of b.ginn*ng. Ux*.pti** t*erefroa the Iaaterly 30.00 feet. Said pared ggUt1i*a 3.*75 Acres. P!EPAIED UMDER * S*FN*VZ*zo* QF* DAT* w:;,:;3i. * BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02 ^ : *TTN*8oN ST*E*T F*ZG*T O* WAY * *iIteri* * Te.* * t*e fOli:WLZI( *8uer*be* pareeL: * *a: * o* the S*LIt*weu: quarter *f tbg Saut*we.t *`1arter * Sea:1o* *, To*D1hi; 8 S.ut*; Range *, * S8* Dur*Ird**0 * *nd *er*di.n, d8gar*b.* 88 fo1*owe** ZO5*Cfl**flg at t*C 5e*th*e*t cor*.r *f maLd 8eqt*4*n 9, t*anc. * O*. *o" * W ujeag t*e Wee: * *f UILa SCCtiQfl 9 1 **e*anau * 2O.*O **eet *o a point *n t*e Nert* r*g*t of *ay 1*ne af AYe*Ue 54 una t*e *I* OZNT *? BKG*NN!X*,* T*ea*. *on*1*u*3g Northerly *n eai* Wuet. line N 00e * *`*1" W a **Ut81Ce at 1*8O.O4 feet t* t*e Nort*weit corner ot t*C *a*t*W8.t *uar*8r Qt *he SOUth*.it q*arter a* li*d CC***o* S', * N 89* 45" *g" * a*oig the Nort* *in. of i**d SOUt*WUUt *uartcr Cf the Se*th*e.t quarter a d*e*eno8 at 122.74 feet tC t*e Weuterly r*ght of wa* 1**e of *CtfCVUOU 3t*e.t; *hen*e S C2**9" *O" I aloag caid Wewte**y rig*it of wuy 1*ie s d*eta.08 at 128**2? feet to the Nort*er1y r*ght at wey line of ei*d Avenue 54; T**noe S 89W 58" 29" w * laid *OFther*y right Gf way Line a d*etaie. of l5U,*5 feet to the pwi*t ef begliaLug. 9aid *ar*ei *O1taLa8 O.8U2 Aorem. UN*:R * SUPENVZUrCX V?: w *, DATE* BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02 ^ : p* I Z2. 74 *( a S * AC. IN d I I SVa 4 I * 3a **SSVa\.a* 7*/w *t*a * a **vENUE *4 * * * r4 aaa*--z *`ry A Lr A **aaaaa* BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02 ^ :STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 55. CITY OF LA QUINTA I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 89-102 adopted by the La City Council on September 6, 1989. *SAUNDRA L. JUHOL*ty Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 07-24-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 89-102-U02