CC Resolution 1990-062^#= CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 90-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND GRANTING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRAC7 MAP 25500, AMENDMENT *l TO ALLOW A SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION ON A 46.4 ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 25500, AMENDMENT #1 SUNRISE DESERT PARTNERS WHEREAS, the Planning Corrunission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 26th day of June, 1990, hold a duly-noticed Public Hearinq to consider the request of Sunrise Desert Partners to subdivide 46.4 acres into 20 residential lots and other miscellaneous lots to allow construction of 346 residential units in the R-2 Zone, located in the area west of Winged Foot, north and east of Southern Hills within PGA West, more particularly described as: A SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 12, 13, 14, 15 16, & 18 OF TRACT NO. 2164*. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 31st day Oj July, 1990, hold a duly-noticed Public Hearing to conside* he Applicant's request and recommendation of the Planning C;ommission concerning the Environmental Analysis and Tentative Tract Map 25500, Amendment #1; and, WHEREAS, said Tentative Map has complied with the requirements of The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of i97*" county of Riverside, Resolution NO. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director has determined that part of the proposed Tentative Tract is a part of and is consistent with the PGA West Specific Plan, for which an Environmental Impact Report was certified on May 1, 1984. WHEREAS, mitigation of various physical impacts have been identified and will be incorporated into the approval conditions for Tentative Tract 25500, Amendment *1 in conjunction with this tentative tract, thereby requiring that monitoring of those mitigation measures be undertaken to assure compliance with them; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts to justify the approval of said tentative tract map: BJ/RESOCC.027 1 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 09:04:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-62-U02 ^#=1. That Tentative Tract No. 25500, Amendment #1 as conditionally approved, is consistent with the PGA West Specific Plan, the goals, policies, and intent of the La Quinta General Plan, and the standards of the Municipal Land Division Ordinance in that the Tract complies with the land use designation for low density residential development. 2. That the subject site is physically suitable for the proposed land division. 3. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 25500, Amendment #1 will not cause substantial environmental damage or injury to fish or wildlife, or their habitat. 4. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, will not cause serious public health problems. 5. The proposed subdivision is development specific and will not result in any violation of existing requirements prescribed by the Coachella Valley Water District and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 6. The units proposed have been approved for use in the pro*ect. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and-- constitute the findings of the Council in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion that the previous Environmental Impact Report for the PGA West Specific Plan assessed the environmental concerns of this Tentative Tract Map; 3. That it does hereby approve the above-described Tentative Tract Map No. 25500, Amendment *1 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta, City Council held on this 3lth day of July, 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Bohnenberger, Rushworth, Sniff & Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: Councilwomen Bosworth ABSTAIN: None BJ/RESOCC.027 2 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 09:04:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-62-U02 ^#= City of La Quinta, California City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL Attorney City of La Quinta, California BJ/RESOCC.027 3 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 09:04:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-62-U02 ^#=CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 90-* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 25500, AMENDMENT #1 JULY 31, 1990 GENERAL: 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 25500, Amendment #1 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. This Tentative Tract Map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to City requirements. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City Engineer o Planning and Development Department o Coachella Valley Water District o Riverside County Environmental Health Department o Coachella Valley Unified School District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 4. That Tentative Tract No. 25500, Amendment #1 is hereby approved for 346 residential units as shown on Exhibit *`B", on file in the Planning and Development Department. 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department indicating non-automotive means of transportation within the project including, but not limited to, bicycle and pedestrian paths. 6. If buried remains or artifacts are encountered during development, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures shall be taken. BJ/CONAPRVL.029 1 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 09:04:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-62-U02 ^#= Conditions of Approval-TT 25500, Amendment 41 July 31, 1990 7. Applicant shall submit plans for street and exterior lighting of Tract to Planning and Development Department to insure compliance with all City requirements and Outdoor Lighting Ordinances prior to issuance of building permits. 8. All signing within PGA West including Tentative Tract No. 25500, Amendment #1 shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning and Development Department. 9. The Applicant acknowledges that the City has formed a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and, by recording a subdivision map, agrees to be included in the District and to offer for dedication such easements as may be required for the maintenance and operation of related facilities. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis, as required by law. 10. The Developer of this subdivision of land shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the Final Map without the approval of the City Engineer. 11. An encroachment permit for work in any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to construction or joining improvements i.e., County of Riverside). 12. Prior to issuance of a building permit, infrastructure fees shall be paid per City requirements in affect at time of building permit. 13. The appropriate Planning approval shall be secured prior to establishing any of the following uses: A. Temporary construction facilities. B. Sales facilities, including signage. C. On-site advertising/construction signs. 14. A Noise Study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer, to be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to Final Map approval. The Study shall concentrate on noise impacts on the Tract from perimeter arterial streets, and recommend alternative mitigation techniques. Recommendations of the Study shall be incorporated into the Tract design. The Study shall consider use of building setbacks, engineering design, building orientation, noise barriers berming walls and landscaping, etc.), and other techniques so as to avoid the isolated appearance given by walled developments. BJ/CONAPRVL.029 2 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 09:04:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-62-U02 ^#=Conditions of Approval-TT 25500, Amendment *1 July 31, 1990 15. Tract phasing plans if any, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department and the Planning and Development Department prior to recordation of Final Map. 16. Prior to median cut in Madison Street, Applicant shall provide for revised landscaping adjacent to cut. Landscaping plans showing revised planting minimizing lawn and spray heads shall be approved by Design Review Board. Revised planting to be done at time median cut is made. STREETS: 17. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required by the City Engineer. 18. The Applicant shall vacate vehicle access rights, except at the street intersection of Madison Street. 19. A common area lot shall be established for that area between the Tract perimeter wall and street right-of-way for Madison Street, if not already done. 20. That the Applicant shall construct street improvements for all interior private streets to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code LQMC). 21. That the Applicant shall have prepared street improvement plans for public and private streets) that are prepared by a registered civil engineer. Street improvements, including traffic signs and markings, and raised median islands if required by the City General Plan) shall conform to City Standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the LQMC, 3-inch AC over 4-inch Class 2 Base minimum of residential streets). Street design shall take into account the subgrade soil strength, the anticipated traffic loading, and street design life. 22. Diameter of cul-de-sac streets shall be 90-feet measured from curb face to curb face. 23. All new streets in the Tract, including cul-de-sacs, shall have a curb face to curb face width that equals or exceeds 36-feet. 24. A south bound deceleration/stacking lane shall be provided on the west side of Madison Street just north of the new access gate. The lane length and configuration, including sidewalk remodeling, shall be designed and constructed per the City Engineer's requirements. 25. An opening in the median island on Madison Street for new access gate may be installed, provided left-turn lanes with adequate stacking length approved by the City Engineer are installed for the north and south bound traffic. BJ/CONAPRVL.029 3 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 09:04:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-62-U02 ^#= Conditions of Approval-TT 25500, **endrnent #1 July 31, 1990 26. If a median island opening is installed per Condition #24, a traffic signal shall be installed when traffic conditions warrant installation. The Applicant shall participate in 100% of the cost of the traffic signal. Traffic counts shall be conducted in accordance with the Conditions of Approval for Specific Plan No. 83-002. 27. Gated entrance on Madison Street shall be designed with adequate sight distance, vehicular storage and turn around subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 28. Any required right-of-way at entrance west side of Madison) shall be dedicated. Any right-of-way required along the east side of Madison shall be acquired by and at the expense of the Applicant. 29. If a median break is installed, replacement of landscaping and irrigation facilities shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 30. Street name signs shall be furnished and installed by the Developer in accordance with City standards. 31. The Applicant shall pay the required processing, plan checking and inspection fees as are current at the time the work is being accomplished by City personnel or subcontractors for the Planning, Building, or Engineering Divisions. GRADING AND DRAINAGE: 32. The Applicant shall have a grading plan that is prepared by a registered civil engineer, who will be required to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to issuance of building permits. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. 33. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The reports recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. Pursuant to Section 11568 of the Business and Professions Code, the soils report certification shall be indicated on the Final Subdivision Map. 34. Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. BJ/CONAPRVL.029 4 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 09:04:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-62-U02 ^#=Conditions of Approval-TT 25500, Amendment #1 July 31, 1990 35. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit grading plans to Coachella Valley Water District for review and comment with respect to Coachella Valley Water District Water Management Plan. Prior to final inspection or issuance of Certificate of occupancy, landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Coachella Valley Water District for review and approval. Final landscape and irrigation system approval shall be obtained from the planning and Development Department. 36. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The report's recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. SITE DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING: 37. Medalist units shall be allowed to have a minimum 15-foot front yard setback with setbacks between buildings to be minimum 15-feet. 38. Between the Medalist units and perimeter wall along Madison Street box size trees shall be heavily planted to screen view of two-story units from street. Landscaping plans shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. 39. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscaping program for the entire Tract, which shall be for the purpose of wind erosion and dust control. The land owner shall institute blowsand and dust control measures during the grading and site development. These shall include but not be limited to: A. The use of irrigation during any construction activities; B. Planting of cover crop or vegetation upon previously graded but undeveloped portions of the site; and C. Provision of wind breaks or wind rows1 fencing, and/or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The land owner shall comply with requirements of the Director of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily while being used to prevent the emission of dust and blowsand. BJ/CONAPRVL.029 5 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 09:04:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-62-U02 ^#= Conditions of Approval-TT 25500, Amendment #1 July 31, 1990 40. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a condition so as to prevent a dust and blowsand nuisance and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures as approved by the Planning and Development and Public Works Departments. 41. On-site landscaping in all common areas shall be maintained by the homeowner's association. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES: 42. All requirements of the City Fire Marshal shall be met as stated in his letter dated June 1, 1990, except as follows: a. Condition #4, prior to occupancy of first dwelling unit, Street 1D-1" entry from Madison Street) shall be constructed. 43. All existing and new on-site and off-site utilities shall be installed underground and trenches compacted to the City standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer, as may be required. 44. All requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District shall be met. BJ/CONAPRVL.029 6 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 09:04:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-62-U02