CC Resolution 1990-090#= CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 96-90 A Resolution OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN INHABITATED CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND CONCURRENT DETACHMENT FROM THE SOUTHERN COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ANNEXATION #5. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta adopted Resolution 90-4, acknowledging receipt of the petition for Annexation and authorized the submittal of the appropriate Annexation application to the Local Agency Formation Commission LAFCO); and, WHEREAS, LAFCO held a Public Hearing on November 1, 1990, and approved Annexation #5, and concurrent detachment from the Southern Coachella Valley Community Services District, and designated the City of La Quinta as the Conducting Authority; and, WHEREAS, the City Council considered said Annexation request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on December 4, 1990; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, the City Council heard and considered all written and oral protests/objections of all interested persons. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. The Annexation area is inhabited. 2. Written protests have not been received, but if received, represent less than 25 percent of the registered voters or less than 25 percent of the number of owners of land owning less than 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory. 3. The territory described in Exhibit A-I through A-S, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, be, and the same is hereby annexed by this Resolution to the City of La Quinta. 4. The territory described in Exhibits B-i through B-S, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, be, and the same is hereby detached from the Southern Coachella V*ley Community Services District. 5. The City Clerk is hereby instructed and directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to LAFCO, along with any other required submittals. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 4th day of December, 1990, by the following vote, towit: RESOCC. 005 1 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Franklin, Rushworth, Sniff and Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None City of La Quinta, California *SAUNDRA L. JUH*A, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM * * DAWN HONEYWELL, Cit*Attorney City of La Quinta, California City of La Quinta, California RESOCC. 005 2 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= PftQPQ$ED 4NNEXATION *UNDARY T.5 * E..S6.* 50 **fT6s..R.?*sa.M. I 3 I w z 5 0 0 scAIl.I.*ooo 0 * 8 * 0* * e w 0 3 0' 77- AVENUE 52 SEE SHEET 2 PREPARE*u*R THE SU**ISION OF * A. No. 4*3 4 OOCuM*NTNO 89i1752 P) BEING S*CT*ONS 4,9.815 AND PORTIONS OF SECTO* IO*2I822* CITY OF LA QUINTA T.6&.R.7E..S.B.* ANNEXATION NO.5 PREPAR*D BY. J.F. Oeviduo* As8oc**tes, n.* LAFCO NO. q*-iq-4 P.O.* I*8I7 PGIm Oesed,CA * 619) 346-*91 *YHIBIT A-i BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= AVENUE LII WWQ) 0 AVEMJE C. **L * 1000 EXISTING CITT U*IT LINE *OPOSEO ANNEXATION *UNDARY OOCUMENTNO. 8911752 p) *NG SECTIONS 4,9815 AND PORTIONS OF SECTONS IO*I822, CITY OF LA QUINTA 6S. R.?E. S.8.* NO. PREPARED 8Y. ANNEXATION 5 J.F. *BVIdSon ASsoc1ates* Inc. ii P.0.BQ* 12817 Poz* OIItd,CA 92255 LAFCO NO. qo I T 619) 346-5691 EXHIBIT A*2 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= LAFCO ANNEXATI* PA* * 0 * IT LNUE t *53 x 3 S 112 OF SE* 10 w I w LII U, IC AVENUE 54 iO II 14 I I * AVENUE r- 55 5 e I PM. I*?9I C *M.90I85-85 5 0 C a If* * * i4 *VD. F73 SEE SHEET 4 EXISTING CITY LIMIT LI*lE PROPOSED ANNEXATION 80UIIDARY OOCu*ENT*IO. 8911752 p) BEING SECTIONS *, 9a IS AND PORTIONS O* SECTD* 10,21822, CITY OF LA QUINTA T S. R.7E. S.B.P& ANNEXATION NQ 5 PREPARED BY. J.*. Davidson Associates, Inc. P.O* 1281? Pc* D#*ed,CA 92255 LAFCO NO. * * 619) 3*6-*91 EXHIBIT A-* BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= SUBJ*Ct LAFCO A*EXAPON PAflE * PROJECT ** LOC*7*'W * * *OeNo WY * * TE CiTY OF LAQUIWTA I IL, SEC 21 I $W 1/4 OF SEC 22 I I I I I AVE* 2* *7 5. SCALE EXISTING CITY UMIT LINE PROPOSEO ANNEXATION * **DARY DOCUMENJNC. 8911752 P) BEl* SECTIONS 4,9815 AND PORTIO**S OF SECT)OIS *I*22, CITY OF LA QUINTA T.6S*R.7E..S.9.* ANNEXATION NQ 5 PRPARED eT: JP.O..F*i*BaI7vIPdGl:oD,n$.Ad*sCAs9o2c2*te8, Inc. LAFCO NO. * 6*9) EXHIBIT A-4 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= *----- *---- C.- * %cf J.F. Daviduon Aaaociateu1 Inc. * tj a'' * * *-- January 10, 1990 PN 8911752 * C CITY CF LA *INTA * * *- COUNTY Cl RIVER8IDE, STATE Cl CJ*LIYQRNXA * * * * ANNEx*TT* *O. 5 * LAYCO NO._I*l7*f*' LXGAL D*SCRIPTICII Sections 4, 9 and 15 according to the Official. Plat thereof, of Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of Riverside, State of California TOGETHER with the West one-half of the Northwest one quarter and the South one-half of Section 10 according to the Official Plat thereof, of Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian in the County of Riverside, State of California. ALSO TOGETHER with the Northwest one-quarter of the-- Southeast one-quarter and the North one-half of the------------------------ Northeast one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 21 according to the Official Plat thereof, of Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of Riverside, State of California. * ALSO TOGETHER with the Southwest one-quarter of Section 22 according to the Official Plat thereof, of Townehip 6 *`*-.-.-.L: South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian,-**in the County of Riverside, State of California **k* ** *`* * * * *A*0 * Prepared under the supervision of * JA*ES R OOR* * Date: * *A * J r *ywI*IT- * BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= DETACHMENT PLAY P* OF Jo,, * **AT * A'D IM W*ATl* *llE I'Ar'C[L(* D(*OEO&N IlI fly 7 AflAtijiD DOCUM(ntIr I; *WA CAnVOF 111 limficH ccJtP'*r)0H mc,"'.' OAIE V I IND*x AND VICiNITY MAP CNOT TO SCA E) JO 14 A- as C- PiL I4* r* otn i 14 A-Ir * a X#*L * * EXISTING CITY PREPARED UNDER ThE SUPERVISION OF LIMIT LIN* PROPO*ED DETACHMENT BOUNDARY *IARISSA CROWTHER PLS NO 6152 EaLJ* * In* 1180 TOTAL ACRES DATE*** OoCuM*NTND. e911752 P) CITY OF LAQUINTA5 COUNTY- OF BEING SEC. 5 AND PORYJONS OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA SE*ONS,o2I a 22, T. 6 S, R.7 E., S.B.M DETACHMENT FROM ThE PREPARED BY-- COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY J.* Da*sd*on A**ocjates, In* SERVICE DISTRICT * 20:7 De5*(I5 CA 9*2* LAFCO NO. 6I*) EXHIBIT B BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= Su*ECT DETACIIMENT PLAT PAGE 2 * 3 PROJECT JOB *O TnISPLAt$SOt!LYM(*O Iti LOCATiNG THE PAACEU$I)E$CIbflLQ*tT)* K- a-- *y * * DocL*E*L Its *OT A PAT* OF T*E *TTE* * THT** DA*E MAY*99 SEE SHEET 3 lb 15 AIRPORT 2: 2 vo CITY OF LA QUINTA I SW 114 OF SEC 22 0 U, I 3 2 LI AVENUE 25j 27 5B SCALE.- * EXISTING CITY LIMIT LINE PROPOSED DETACHMENT BOUNDARY 220 TOTAL ACRES DOCUMENTNO. 8911752 P) CITY OF LAQUINTA COUNTY OF BEING SEC. 15 AND PORTIONS OF RIvERSlDE* STATE OF CALIFORNIA SECTIONS 21 8 22 T 65., R.7 E., SeM. DETACHMENT FROM THE PREPARED BY COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUN*Y J.E. Dav,d*on As*ociat*s, Inc. SERVICE DISTRICT P.O.BBj 12817 * D*;G(I,CA 92255 LAFCO NO. 619) 3*6-569I EXHIBIT B-2 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= SUBJECT DETACHMENT PLAT PAGE 3 OE 3 * I j Ffl JOBN* Is SOLELY An MD PAICE* leg BY jf* * DOCUMEnT. II 4,401 APARTOF InC wIbflEN DtAOIplIO*c 1k(pt*I DATE * I $ 1/2 OF SE* 10 wLd I 1- IC. AVENUE 54 C 1.1 C- 1 ScALEI*- 3000' AVENUE 55 WN z 5 * o PM. 14791 0 z P.M*9O*S3-85 0 o InI',tn 14 BLVD. II II SEE SHEET 2 EXISTING CITY LIMIT LINE PROPOSED DETACHMENT 64Q TOTAL AC*ES *UNDARY DOCUMENTNO 8911752 *P) CITY OF LAQUINTA, COUNTY OF BEING SEC IS AND PORTIONS OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SECTIONS 21 8 22, T. 6*, R7 E., S.8.M DETACHMENT FROM THE PREPARED BY-- COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY J.* Da*,d*on Associates, I*c. SERVICE DISTRICT R0.B* 12817 P*a Dee*,CA 92255 LAFCO NO. 619) 316-5691 EXHIBIT B BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= *;J**D(TACHMENT *tAT * 4 * * *. AVENUE 53 L WW S I*2 OF SE* 10 9 PC AvtNLJE 54 C II z SCAL*i*. w C cc z C o * No 32740 OF c* SE* SHEET 3 EXISTING CITY UMIT LINE PROPOSED DETACHMENT *2O TQTAL ACRS *NOARY CITY OF LAQUINTA, COUNTY OP BEING SE* I'* AND PORTIONS OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA SECDCNS IO,21822,T.65,R.7E, S.BI& DETACHMENT FROM ThE COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT LAFCO NO. EXHIBIT B-4 a BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= w* OgvId.an*esocI.t.s1 Inc. May 24, 1990 PN 8911752 CITY OF LA QUINTA OF RIVERSIDE, STATE oy CALIFORNIA DRTACHMDiT FROk THE COACHELLA VALLEY CO*4*NITY SERVICE DISTRIC! LAFCO *O. 90-19-4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION The Northwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter and the North one-half of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 21 according to the Official Plat thereof, of Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of Riverside, State of California. TOGETHER with the Southwest one-quarter of Section 22 according to the Official Plat thereof, of Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of Riverside, State ofCalifornia. The above described parcel of land contains 220 acres, rnore or less j.r. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Prepared under the supervision of: W.ARt*SA Marissa Crowther, PLS No. 6152 * CROWTh* My License Expires 3-31-94 * * Date: *. * Nc.:** JTSIMC/vb Legal AP5 BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02 #= CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) STATE OF CALIFORNIA DETACHMENT FROM TIlE COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT LAFCO NO. 9o ii-* LEGAL DESCRIPTION The south one-half of Section 10 according to the Official Plat thereof, of Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of Riverside, State of California. *he above described parcel of land contains 320 acres, more or less. Prepared under the supervision of: FRA REY LD CENo. 32740 * No.32740 My License Expires 6-30-94 bp*4 * \<*EOc;vC*LV\\*N* Date: * *, /99* BIB] 07-29-1998-U01 11:40:52AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 90-90-U02