CC Resolution 1991-032^#> RESOLUTION NO. 91-32 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 91-1 AND AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BID Assessment District No. 91-1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta has heretofore adopted its Resolution of Intention, Resolution No. 91-31 to order improvements and to form Assessment District No. 91-1 under the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913; and WHEREAS, plans and specifications for* the construction of certain improvements for *he benefit of the proposed Assessment District No. 91-1 have been prepared and submitted to this City Council; and WHEREAS, it appea*s rLecessary and desirable to submit said plans and specifications for bid in order to determine the feasibility of the installation thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of *he City of La Quinta DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER as follows: SECTION 1. The plans and specifications prepared entitled Street Improvement Plans, Sanitary Sewer Improvement Plans, Water System Improvement Plans and Storm Drain Improvement Plans'. are approved. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is instructed to submit to contractors said plans and specifications for bid at the time and place as set forth in the notices which appear in said plans and specifications, and to publish *he notices inviting bids for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 7th d of May, 1991. SEA ATT T: ity Clerk of t City of La Quinta BIB] 07-30-1998-U01 10:47:22AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 32-U02 ^#>STATE OF CALIFORNIA) 33. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) I, SAUNDRA JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of saidCity at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 7th day of May, 1991, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Rushworth& Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Bohnenb*ger & Franklin ABSTAIN: Council Member Sniff *lerk of the *ty of La Quinta SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) I, SAUNDRA JUHOLA, City Clerk of the Ci*y of La Quinta, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of RESOLUTION NO. 91-32 of said City Council, and that the same has not been amended or repealed. DATED: May 7, 1991 City Clerk of th*City of La Quinta SEAL) 04/18/91 4979u12588/20 2- BIB] 07-30-1998-U01 10:47:22AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 32-U02