CC Resolution 1991-0682 ^ ? RESOLUTION NO. 91-68 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DETERMINING THAT THE USE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IS OF PUBLIC BENEFIT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD IN WHICH THE PROJECT IS LOCATED AND DETERMINING THAT THERE ARE NO OTHER REASONABLE MEANS OF FINANCING SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency the Agency") desires to purchase real property described in the attached Escrow Instructions Exhibit A") the Agreement") in order to complete a street widening and improvement project which will be of benefit to the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 and the immediate neighborhood in which the Project is located; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 33445 provides that the Agency may, with the consent of the legislative body, pay all or part of the value of public buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements upon a finding that such public improvements are of benefit to the Project Area or the immediate neighborhood in which the Project is located and that there is no other reasonable means of financing such public improvements available for the community; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby find, determine, order and resolve as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445: i) the proposed street improvements for which the property is being acquired are of benefit to the Project Area and the neighborhood in which such improvements are to be situated; and ii) no other reasonable means of financing the improvements are available to the City of La Quinta. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 17th day of September 1991. AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Franklin, Rushworth Sniff & Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 09/11/91 BIB] 07-31-1998-U01 08:20:04AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 68-U02 2 ^ ? I *i'IBIT A* DUZE 18*R* CWwIEl * 1.U UUZ!Z IL *LK DRS*, 3 12251 liD 56U-252i ni 519 568-6283 w-imi * * Nw-I 8218* *a Aullut *i, 1891 0ONC*fl*!EON It.1 **IIY 1, 1993, *t *t latel than Pa** outeide 0 5u0l*v 8 * 15. 1992, Z vLLl * be bauded DepoaLt thmg* I.o* I0I000.0D u eua,0e0.0u 4 *1 elcuing *eete Ln ILiet 11111 Deei 0.80 eonneatieu *th tale a*av. Ieooui *uu.t *ed 0.00 * awi*z*:;w e and ini * in' *uutrimnta nuoi..aiy ZOI m to a*Ly v*th t*eue i&.t*ctiou., v*oh yea ewe to *8e *royidad *eia can ha*e ia.*ed tbreagh chLcago itle a *A atindard ve*age policy 0 titIC *niuian* vith the L**iLLty *i the total *n,Lde*atLon on the llwing deier*h*d * *zup*rty * the:" **atnta, *ew*t1 1 RL**n&4e, *aIe CI o*Lgeluiai z,,t im 1100k 114 *I lenta CewuelLta at Vale La luLuta, uuLt 112, 9C eh** by *p on SUe Au Beck 1U9 aIu(u) 71-80. La the of fLee ci the *u'1.ty Recewdew qi Rlwu*.ide cmty. * CZIl 0? LL Q* * theLi *ee RuaL-' ID: If urn' of wemerdi genewal gnj peoiL dlutrLot levice not del*quentj o*yeUfltU. eon1tLaui and zeemnatLani Liw1*ing eneeptLon. of eLI, ga., i:lne*ali and *ly10eu*e*g, vitliou* iig** 0 *ia:age Cfltiy), Zeu*igt1ouup rLghti1 zigbt,a af wey *nd cuementa fez' UbLLO utLLitLeu. dL.tz'ict.. vatez' co*inLes, alley and *tz'eetai *ppie*wnIal t*i, if any, eameemed *ie*ant to the piovicien of Chaptel 498, Statutea 0 1883 * the Itate el ceLUe*ia. Ilul. eftly the pz'ez'atlena and aI*ua:1*n:a *n*LoateU * an * a. eg * * ulciwivi 5) yageme lIz-rn Zn.*ranae Preu*im ntereut OD *ut Dead of Reuozd * T.W.A. Nort*agu Th.Il:*a8 I;*aL*, * * p 1*wv;i31 aei*Let**u duCU * lilt. * * ewe avewe tame ewe eub*eit te ie-*eeeeaeat, La' aiC*d*ee vL* t*e Statutac of the state of CalLfernia. &:q pzeration of euch taaei az'e to be handled nuteide *e escrow. A-i BIB] 07-31-1998-U01 08:20:04AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 68-U02 2 ^ ? 5 SENT Dy:xerox TeI*coPiI! 7020; 9-ID-Bi 11:DOAM 5*45*17* 71* 725 41oo;# x* 2UUuffeaue th. Ep1*Y*atI *u * d.me*Lbed abwve k.*wi a.' 8L140 i*iibw": Dg*ye* Li QULuta, * 923I* II *e*Lei, a*e. to the fateping *aatguwt1cu. 114 * the aaid datm vLLL h114 you *ay * 114 Ln*tius'entl DeumlaUl el Urn to e*Ly the:wv*h, *evLbd *U hoLd the ang &*atna**m gmLLyei**e te mi iay *y ena*rmnaeu *uauu*a;y to p*aee t&tL. *n the aan*** aLLmd *or. 3D=R ED * U'. D ED IU* 1- * w*vznm wu* w a *e*D5 Dwlel'u 8Lp.tuze all_________________________ *ig*ture LVI NOW! DZUZ*, & CIL?CEN* a: ov * QU* add**..a 970 2ud niqet Add*eaei 7e**OI flalie imtadm *iy0tt** Ca. 84149 * Ca. 9Z313 I A-2 BIB] 07-31-1998-U01 08:20:04AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 68-U02 2 ^ ? I SEWT IY:X,rox JeI*cop1ur 1020; u-io-gi 1i:01AI 5845*17* 71 725 4100;i 5 PAG!a ***i-' 5218-Jc CI,mALPROYUDis YW ARE FW?NIfl u*iuwi'* AS VOU*YSu L in the *.. N meV be uneeee* w * I. I.PftpIV wich th* *iUen* * * Ut *iW * veu efe mue*rIaei I. lee he **peii*ed iwIi* the pe*iiuwy el tiele ii*iew *y Iimdi *IgIn*qj WI'h efty beMs, DevI*3t teet * m3u*Ii**. citle miii*y te be nedilmi I. Uw u*ewe ml Dide lILfe. * *., I*ft II*evdeUeiu ci Ihe **emwieftu eeeei*.d tee,' tee ceinpiete thia ei**ew, laW funil NW *cwnimIe *iII be teirneni CC Cave b* fece?- by seW Wile legiev Ce*piny. im* ifI* I' fetwiIitg r.ee1* * e"d lee* ei**ae* tIUl I,**ii,e *i,i*v. wIih e Ie*. 5aY*e NW 15 II5*iaIIeri. Idle IIIIWCIWC mIDwc eaclew qlv*1 Ileemid Uw E*aw Aet, ihapi * Ii*ew Ce"**IIV. bw. Ii iu*ited em m* juih NTu*IMeatt with Ken buib. eav* aeci lift eiieIeit* title iuiiw** ieiyipa** U hg amid etiiev I*"*. at Ce teftieci tee it eg eltie b*uw*Mt m wilt emb* I. Imseiee Cwiipeiiy. bw Ce WYIpiv with the tntq*tIeea I. *a L Thi *im1wiII Ui,iIIw wwaI*ei*e prev* ler en LIe eel' I* *hitI bi mete Ift ecc.*Cence with the eIiewiq Ini*ietIrnii tl If * ww*CEtnd 1*i Deid 1 *I * pveewe Itelalneni b* * eyiwi 15*1. ieee eegu* ti*?qby, Ci *w h.ldai iw eiiketIw* end i*kiit IAteeiuI VwiCeeh en Ihi beth Ii t*is Clitimufit. bi Chergi mu * end UedIt Ih* wI*y tile 1.:A 1 eny luhit ehDwn en 9i**lieia* Iletuppint IUnP*'P*d 1.1 futUfe plymefti ml I'1e hittii* pem* Wi*a met 15ege tnn,-** peinimisti NW itefete mortpp *emju** *LibyFNAdiiri** the pait ii Uwitiet* *uli WI mid *`eeeeUwE%. * P*erete teems. *I 1 kteil let WlIISii*C evellabli tee *uu. ielekdq all Ilium, l*Ii*g U. tag bill. ia.ept tam' en * ituP.Tlv tees miwepig I.. this eeni*. i *CeiaIee w'telt leeli en ruilal tIalument C,-* *eu *i Nl*. Ye. am tee c*uItei WI teali eq eali * Met.iv**t, Wilt cdli! will CCUC*t eel vevill ehish leiqiti itiw tee tie ci.. ci eesci*1 whit he but*wii vma ift ivIt* tee ties wfttvwy. N. ed*ww*l alelut hie* en ui"ieilnted temieb. a) Adept fw i"e iecet Ii*Mi* p.lii* U aiC MEbMitteed eh lelilidingi aliweel en pe*i** lal** miwe* it Wilt gegiew NW piwuw i,eeIfth'fte teicUst ci * Im*rwtIww IIwft 1, ee ene U Canes'. Ye. iniw u*e*thet viemiumi wi sell se*Ieet hive bein aid I'll UleI the peIICle* hive NI befli Iiyp*tlwilllIe* lii Pie event edit LftII ltiattvitee ic ltIMIC*eW teeb'i*w NW IC net in iuh emeuni1 if twin. Ce melt *euifemasit5 el ccv *iftg ielciiv*dtWL* ye. atith-Iteed teeevtieev eltilileeMI t*VSPCIC tee Miii ieiw*,* IIqu*CWiefttj Ifti adlitleetti pi..iwn* ill *IW8eii Item *i'e l*i, ** *ee*ditlen ml efip IftIvimetiti teNv#mdfr*i* lila I'M*. If hucaiteri *:mi. IA hi Iamai*nel hi islieleetel title Ieurai,ce calied Iw. I hti*iaed etwi it wwwctIWItheravilh* Itelil eviiiU IRt'*enii teWivel in title etem. ec dailcitW tee. deleilleed with eei,y aisle lnuui*ee b*. aevlft,5 a- bin eam*muiecn* w lI**eed ewuw *.,, a- UW * eel e*mply* witli the tee* in. ci-it*u* 1 theN ielwgt**w. * U. vutee wwai i'iwtftccemanl f-Eq Inicil *tees a- tetint e* *ettw***e II e.ew* inew*pietee litlifti-ti * with sir ejilteli *INttieni. AUhiat it'.eti en ccv w**briteiia ISV eeftdeimnistit * cvi'.' Ce.. *ewn by tivee mirew ii. ml vuit i*ge dl liakee II' eIj**emmw NWeev **watiuu en the bails eVe 0 1v *o,i*, *OlI op I. tile ite"'imeui are teecw* S*I1'r ep* Iceevi ewettee eee'ieew, lit-i diflftqv*y, elitaici en pirteesel eid,u iceel pruplity ewi * tiveiqie thie ugnv, which espeef C lien en aiwe et'cibid p'ePIIlv, NW t'nt are tees tee he *w*eettetl ltsav.vl* L All disbuwuyiiitia W fte* eeellI* lmiivv'nantt eel this UC?Caw shell lee mallet VNlt1si137111ID, tee the Umipietesi party Ci icIwlencee witti tihjvel iterew irevUtiaftit *em ml e* it bw.,-etei IwreIL Deilvur ccv tItle imlicy tee hyw tee beister * Ihet a-lw cctii eu*imieevNWa, * lithe Iii,*ltl*fitII liii * hive ccl been cetiptiel with at ti*W time hitein iteevited. yeeu etc eleveithelets tee ceemaleetee the mme * Men as the catitlitiena eacept U iee tittili lievee Ileeft teetipilad tilRh* inteat I Itwil hivi mite VYitteft deihittd tiipm a IW Ifte feiwn DIMAND OR i:NAN*CFMi*INsThUClloN) *iO* *Loifl?*CIWL Ifitliwyicyita depoaliel INALL U! op ANY IlisiUC? IN TIllS ISCROY UNLISS 011111 IN VAITIN. IV ALL PAITIIS AFFIC?tD 4.IRIIY. in the *i'tl *IftIllcliftU **`iWI ciii mile ieeticuu sir*ud with teespiet tee Iliji dictew** lleiW.IWdIIPIrLii:*:IliifCSPlliISleerW*:iaIVt*eIhI.Zll * a*.Y'w*ee*l:c.t0ien. tee dee eltitit tile jeeliewdaUl bi Pile a wit liii inlirpleediir a- ebtein an e'da' Iveem the ceut feequIiitg tile partIes itlevalied iIii1ete in iwh ee.rt lle* seveiti itilela aid i*ia man*.a ehiin*lces. lit teic eveena iueeh lftietpleee* iii it b*euItliC* *ti,tii Ipie lailt cc fully veeleasid a- *tghu5ad Irwi, eli IlgatIwit see itriher IC? *Uti any a- all dutlui et ebligeileit Imistel Iilieei Ce. it hip Celuaw. a- the liattlee ICliitiv till te*iCiIy l8'* tm limV y*u itt aid., CEp*iNu. a- leciemble itiwney'. Ices eei**d Ci *ificd ISV lsu. the immwit theqa- tee be used NW a LI-IR I tenet tee be Yeniwe* by the leitti it luth illlI. IL Vail die *lOT tebehelil ileble a- the Wilielinet Ci *pi*tftki tee ta feim. m.*v Cf imesutim weelidity eel eny init**fti depeil CCI It this Iffie', ri ci tee Weiit lip, CuIheefity. Ci vights ml e*y itatten eieiiiuv'g the me, ner I- lalliwe Is teimply with efty eel *e puevitlegie Ci IR* Iaieeniees. wReteemi. me ethel lac*uinent flied he*eel, el tifeTted tee icfCEI* ant vew *liei tme*ff thili be limited tee the teillicapliti eef such ewiwy, IRS tiwiteente U ether doctinie us vice ived by Ve. at Ugyaw heeldeFe a- a- tile dltpaeitlseei II isti. it agicilaiwee *ith the wtiitin i,iI,w*e.tt sicaptetf by peu lit this Cliteew. ii. Mi parties hereto lwthev eel?.', *itiy NW liveralip, Cu Ilal een*WIIflWi, as well it Sc *nlfy NW hell yw hetictieti Ireem NW igeiMS Cii Cease, d**leai *Iiniii5, et'**ey't tees, enpemie, eblIgaeleem NW ilibliltiet eel a* kind Cf tit*ffC *l,*di* I,, * 5el*?* yeqi lftcw sustaIn lii geneleetleen wi* if Critlitg eLit eel Ihie Cigrew, aitti ywi w*Lch eel thee wwlrtllrel In all laiteewisi papers NW ether lree*ity end nle,iS:**deh;.f:bllYCJl*YeIIShel.llefl tpmft the righti, titles NW InteT5ee:t Ullewi tee pret,gi ye.r ilgieli NW IlIlIwiftily IPst eeliictsv* *eu witilef this aurceirait. cell ii pap maitti reiseesaille attwtssip*i less a- m'irt mitt U IMP Ce k*rij by *eu. 4 A-3 BIB] 07-31-1998-U01 08:20:04AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 68-U02 2 ^ ? 5 SENT Dy:X,rcx TuI*ccp1er 1020; 8-10-91 11:O2AM 714 725 Aioo;g * IL * uwd 1 wi**iIm e. *e*; 11*, ild mvmmlly te * V.. Imi euiy 9u*flHe h.ye bmmitd * ge * wid eqi mep di*t C Ve w'i*I. cauieiIle*I*ft lee ici ecry*i lei**Id ly ye" mlm*r*Iw* *ui bt I mimait vh* *Id,, *eeb* l**e e* ecia'*. *ded* * I* *II*ei bv e #-I * bf*v**WIbe fcIiwf* hb** WY WY IW'wv fudi we cm be celifted N Uw * eip*ilfilq alum. *. h * e vca' by ihi perifil hirate Ihi* m ler ah ygur v1ph4 Ileblillim C!* *wuIvW, *hiu lilnilt lien Ii,n ciur.' wig iwi e,'y 1.511 NIlILI i* *eu am en eicmw * inly en Iu iwe3.Iftl eIpvu*d f*iyw, V., *II hi*c uw PeIp*ihIhlI*ty 1 MIlfyluig ini w m'y 1 Uu pir*fmiul VIfh muaruwel *V *U. rikil. L- i*h.vque mi wWuv qrcne.gf luli biwuNIft5 eny pie*mitI *feen elwi*U if any fif liii I. thu eiiilw lily c*hei emmi* hw*v* I. uivieiUeu *euiq* peale *P WY P"m'* * if * * 1' wiuww* uicy,w. *iu feci ihel mIw?wIii d*p*ie e*lftplniiII dac**Ui. IRiIi***i* eiw eIhw IL Yew ii.*, 1 meiifll* II eliluicy Ii Ceftrn.--d.** uui*iIili pfUlil* U Iii u.rww U ehh I*eire'lw* eg ihi y.aiu tiwi V. elf. el 1411 inmileIwy igIft 1 Ihe eie* ci * menepim' wilt.' e4itIeftIl if *emenfll 11in*e*eiia if liii ci cimmi Ilem.1 *11**t*1 * etlimi Iiu*h*, mini elm. IL Y* W,aII mile me *IcuI u*imiIen wiiIw **p*eae*WIen if le.lwdIiIi piftenli *re*Ip * mv * I NW ceifew * lellil p'. lemplum. cmi Ill ceiwliwn iiei. 13. *ew *-., Ii me ieip*ieIififuiy * PiePIiIV Ill *Ie9* iv b. imeleWiny * * 1 Nw II inli UIWUYgi- Iw V. mipweIan ci IWUIN wi U WY CuPuetlen lee i*fu* * * b- *gn;.pfci*AkeIlUe In vlw'1- wI* 111 WpuigIbn In liluW * *I'*idlUwIeiIl i*iedi, *khein * IilbW* UN * III. NEil 17 cliwil ci piw u'ii*i'* en icld * * Ewe ifIRilly 1.7 gey* if * ihal wch * *k RigiIpI* any elici fern' 1 *.*-:i AViem*e' Is *ei* In liii ci*rww, II Ii eIiicil* enly a. Iciweefi ehi 91i11.i SIpiMliIW*C***.I Ye" m enpew cmgemed ulile die Iif* ci uaih *ii*n*ent end We ilijivid ci gi ie*3blIiIyei*i*wjijb*'** I,. ml C. be ew eaty IcIni Ce ecinpiw eI* lie iniwuillem eel eui le thie ee2iew. INty UW lie eiiW***U ci IUUh Ifflie any Tiwie luIiqwIIene mey Ii iiI*uIef In *unl.*wsi. I *i whWi N Cikuild iheII* E'i.9**E*i* ci die dlic If I'. liwui* wig 1. mililmI, liii mid **ifpipli legieliw uI*eN cenitilute mm he' die ei*e *uiiw*mi* if i"p.ieuiinI N Waii IiilnaitI*i Iliell me b*W yew sic 32. * e* * * It a iCsIlIei*im) CmhIw* *i, * I" iIi(*g *sIied wille pew um*any. zi. ftftI*sbe* lefiw*I * ice iedi* IprIli *WrIllltn**ge* U ilimid * Iwbi* em ulbum mifew. isine a' **-i eec* SM hmds * be 9*wi*wid * ciaew * Imi *yvnane I'd * * Ledi pm**ii*e*k * en hIlitiwunniludIit*ilctp*rIsIn* * ieivkis * elm eepv mi I * * *im mid lpp-Winy*, led I I- I______ IAY5 * * A GALUOLN* WILT. C*?! OF LA gu p A-4 BIB] 07-31-1998-U01 08:20:04AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 68-U02 2 ^ ? U SENT *y:X,r.x TeI,cepier 7020; 3-10-91 11:02Ai 114 125 *io0;# 1 3 mmsu euwiur zuc. * * A. c*e*ei *3-*45 Rg1 iVU*f WU*II A U"purtyu **4O ULmeihuwrnr Urive ALI D*I, ca 52251 LI *iuta, CA 52253 SLI *IC-a53* iii 55.-eali aae* uo. 52*C*c *age 3 * iDOeun*I YD*lOmuu umma- umu-uuEaumum*.--mu..mmuwuu. I1 * egein Lu ooiitLugunt *a mllei b* anquimition * *j eat *eoC*7 AVYIR *anu*iy 1* *I2 and * to the clouc ef **. I. hi* euo*uw LC aLa. contingent n;ou *e*LL aucacyal e the aity emincil of th* CLty Ia *it at the * ai&LLihle eeoncil meting. 3. S*ei h*eia apeau to *y oi all titLe and eaa* charges Li ao*eation *Lth thi. t:an.aetien. I * eueimi *. uub*ct to and contLugent ujon 3i:pe*'. aD*OvaL of the Piellainary Rmp*it vithia 7 day. f *eaeipt et came fim Ian:ev loLdag. *t iuye: tails to diaapp:ov. maid re* LB *iting v*hLR the * day urn *uLid1 1a.*ev UoLdu* La to duwm *tt**a so diaa*asd by s*d lepert am apployad and thi. contingency veiled. I. igieg a*knmiLedgmi *rnipt of the ohaugu of eimeiahip *mwu. vhieh Lu zeq*ai*d hy the coizity lacoidex.s office te eccoipany doaumntu called foi herein at the 010.. or *mm*ov, ** *gerdanee with e*tiona * 50.3 of the IeVCnaie and Y*tioD *ode e *U** Lu avare be * rmtugu the feim tc eso*av umplated 8114 *igfted heleic the dc.. ci eaegww. Shmili iu*a* dco*ine to couplete maid i:eLlRin*ry Change of Own*ahip uuyei wiLL be isleumed wit* am ai*tLomL *ae.ee a*baria by t*e Cuuu* Rse.*dei fo* *eco:diug tile *ant Deed uithcat the completed *mg. *f ovne*uhi; *oim. 3uye* Lu further aware that he Li reipanaibLe icr completing the form and returniug it to thu County Aumeamol as moon am poumihIe eltuw the eleme ci *Iew.v U it La ict completed aTid returned prior to the elese ci eierw. D*:ye* Lu further aware that ** if the iota Lu ao*Leted and fo:varded to. the *ounty ce*rder along vith the document. in thiU eCarew, thu cou*ty Re*order say ILot acoipt t*a form and ahaige e:o.oo ii the Ccu*y aeao*eg dutu*ziei t*e fazzi *. LDeeupletu. PaiLure or the Duyer to camplet. and return the change ef cvnerubi; Tota tO thu *uuflt7 AE5CUI*1 vithin 45 day. after clue e* *.arev will reault, under a*thority of section 4U0. in a sen&Lti. 4. T!W 1Q*QOOeS ARE M*=U 3T JLND P*mll 3U*ER hID SELLZR WZ!H VH!CM ISCIOW IQLDER UUZ*i II*. RE OOU=NED1 NELD LZA1Z* Ca 32mpO*5!*, AND ARE 1101 A COWDZIZOU OP 11:5 a) Puceauion of uuh*ect pro*arty will he giyam to luye* herein at Oleuc 1 CUOIiT. A-5 BIB] 07-31-1998-U01 08:20:04AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 68-U02 2 ^ ? I SENT BY:XDrox JeIico*ier 7020; 8-10-91 1:Q3AM *545517* * *25 4100;a 9 b) Iiiyeu hewe*u mimv,ledg*u hL. **ght and O*11getLon to meLve Sgui *ell: LSSLdeiLte * n.u.tL* g*gm v*e1g* uvamtoi. Ree* 11Opert* lal * La mem#4guee vi* ULa 0.5. *eLqu ZaveUtmeut * malL P*pe:t* z *t af LIIO am lmeftded bi! the yag mafa* Aut *f LUI4 *Dd s.a:Loau *8IO5 *) 3* and 2I*3* I) 2* ef t*. *ali!on*l R*eMLg and ImmtAon *Ude. leawew Uoide* im authog*ued and Aft.*eted to we*wu* w**i AI*iaiL:m * *elLer f.i * to Iuyex et o*ie of ega*ev. Z* the *Y.nt leorev laidmi deia n*t m.*ye aRid ***vLtu * to *o.. of ewerwi,, Ela*w Uoldur * uth**ied end iD.t*untii to *reueed * the 1... *Dd l**r aak*vLedge. and Lm*utluda that the ebtajaLig 1 aRid *ILda*Lta ehe*L be *N male 1aaDen.**it1 and II**w leLdew * iU*el"4 and *.lLeved OS eLL irn'*w:iLhLLLt* and lib*LLty Lu ooaeea*on vLth *a* &iLia*Lte. he *tel to thia 1&naaetLon ibeLl meek and shaLl *eLy eiw**uLvely on theLa uepeo*ve attn.uy I p IUamtmRt a ei * 1 *ULoti aeua.r:iLug aRid 2I*iuiLtf Lts lememaLty and effeat. EAVE MOUMI OXAIZiG CE'? OP ZA OUZMIA p- BIB] 07-31-1998-U01 08:20:04AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 68-U02 2 ^ ? IL SENT By:Xirex TelecopLer 7020; 9-10-31 11*04AM *J 25 4100;810 n:=u ue* cOewMIV EEC. o*gi.*1 *e A* C*o*e* 43-141 MOW*T AVE., *VZ!. A * 11740 IL.euh*u*w Dgym P*LM DMURi, CL UIIEl LI QuLuta, CL i*313 519 *Ia-2C31 flR Eli IEU-5a13 iaaiov 50. 581U-JC 1'. 4 * ID-EDa. I. * m *) ai*, at bArn eupenge, chIll *utail aID". deteato!5 in aeceliance vith the pievi.*na og *ee*em 1*113.U o* the caLU** uelth end caicty 006. p*e* to eloac of em.".. 4* *epe* La buLni muld to buyer Lu Ate *aueut COndLtA* and as diaclomed to *t:yai. lupal has had Urn *or a hyu*aL inmpmtiou * *repe* and heweby welcairn. weller of. any obligation to iatfltaL* eandLtien of pEeparty OR *ka any epairu of any damage. mdi t. igepeNty * any weamen, in*L*dAng earth*aka* f*ia, YandaiiUu) d*i*g CUE". *:iod. Duyei is p'wahaa Aug property gol Dh*ie urn. e need Baa. cuity. e* Yhere La 30 prniiUI*aL gwopev*y Anoluded Lu wi'*baau *:ioe. 7. Zn the e*ut that the priua*a1. to this tran.aatiom, their aleut., or aesigna, itilia. Zsou*5ALm* *ineEittei lnitr'*enta *by 1*JLI. *FAX, *toe I Esotov Uo*d*i uav imly and ant upon such Lautwtmtions Lu the em uanhe* ac if e.*gLuaL aLpud Anetx**gn. *. Lu the pomuessieft of Sairoil coLder end 1tLCS herein ag*e tO foEVard SiWDed b*d * mpLee ci iu.tgu*tionu and?a* *et:eru wi:uiu EU houre of transmlurnion. Uieiew Solder shaLl have no liability to any party for rel*iuq upon fauaLmiLa Lus**ions vhi.h *re erroneoual* tranmitted to leorow Uo*der. 5ellur anilol melnuel agr* that vhen *eaeary to *Euit aemplianse *th oloeLni ins tguatiena, eserov Day *ly en faasimlle tiangaitted lender damandi. U. No CaL4*1;ta diaclounre Au re*ired inaauuqb aa property oon.iieration is uDder *lIe.0QO.90. ea inatwuuaioie..... 44 LVI DxILo a *Z!1.01 * A-7 BIB] 07-31-1998-U01 08:20:04AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 91-U02 68-U02