CC Resolution 1992-002^!@ El RESOLUTION NO. 92-2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, PRESCRIBING THE PROCEDURES, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SOLICITATION, SELECTION AND AWARD OF PROPOSALS OR BIDS FOR THE FURNISHING OF PERSONAL SERVICES OR PROFESSIONAL OR CONSULTING SERVICES OR FOR OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PURSUANT TO THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 3.12.280 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, adopted Section 3.l22*0 of the La Quinta Municipal Code in 1982; and WHEREAS, Section 3.12.230 of the La Quinta Municipal Code provides that the City Council shall prescribe by resolution those procedures, rules and regulations governing the solicitation, selection and award of proposals or bids for the furnishing of personal services, professional or consulting services, or other contractual services; and WHEREAS, the adoption of procedures, rules and regulations governing the solicitation, selection and award of proposals or bids for the furnishing of service contracts would be in the best interests of the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to prescribe such procedures, rules and regulations governing the solicitation, selection and award of proposals or bids for the furnishing of service contracts. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, does resolve as follows: Section 1: To the extent that any prior Resolution has been adopted by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, pursuant to Section 3.12.280 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, this Resolution supersedes the prior Resolution. Section 2: The procedures, rules and regulations herein prescribed shall have as one purpose the obtaining of contractual services of the highest quality by a cost-effective method. Section 3: The procedures outlined herein are for the negotiation and award of contracts for services including, but no limited to, the selection for professional services of BIB] 08-03-1998-U01 01:41:25PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 2-U02 ^!@ Ii private architectural, engineering, environmental, land surveying or construction project management firms shall be on the basis of demonstrated competence and on the professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the service required regardless of the expenditure required. The procedure for contracts requiring the expenditure of $200,000 or more is as follows: a) *r*ain a General Register of Firms. The City shall maintain a 1*yi3ter of firms qualified to perform work in those areas in which the City normally solicits work. The City shall annually publish a notice inviting firms to submit their qualifications and inviting those already on the list to update their qualifications. These notices shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least twice. b) Issue a Reauest for Ouplifications. When the need for services for a specific project, Requests for Qualifications RFQ'*) shall provide a general description of the project and request that the firm submit specific qualifying experience information. In general, a firm is not required to submit a detailed scope of work at this time. c) * A selection committee, to be composed of the City Manager and the applicable department head Selection Committee"), should review the firms* responses to the RFQ and establish a short list" of the most qualified firms for evaluation. This short list shall include, whenever possible, at least three firms. d) Interview or Request Pro*osals. In most instances, the fii*s appearing on the short list are interviewed by City Council or, at the City Council*s determination, the Selection Committee at this time. A request for proposal RFP") shall be sent to the firms appearing on the short list prior to conducting interviews. The RFP should solicit specific information regarding the firm*s proposed team, understanding of the project, approach, scope of work and other relevant data. e) Rate Firms * Following the interviews, the City Council or, as appropriate, the Selection Committee shall rate the top three firms in order of qualifications. f) Enter Negotiations with the Firm Most Highly Rated. The Selection Committee shall request that the firm most highly rated submit a detailed scope of work, time schedule and anticipated fee for use in contract negotiations. g) Break Off Unsuccessful Negotiations and Begin Neaotiations wj** Second Most Oualified Firm. If an agreement cannot be reached with the most qualified firm, negotiations shall be terminated. Negotiations shall then begin with the 6493u/2588/00O 2- BIB] 08-03-1998-U01 01:41:25PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 2-U02 ^!@ E second most qualified fir*. This process shall be repeated until negotiations are successfully concluded. Section 4: Those service contracts which require the expenditure of at least $50,000 but not more than $200,000 shall be awarded pursuant to the procedure outlined in Section 3 with the following modifications: a) Bv*ass the Request for qualifications. Firms will not be required to submit requests for qualifications RFQ'*) when it is determined that services are needed for a specific project. b) Establish a Modified Short List. The selection committee shall establish a short list of most qualified firms after examining the register of firms qualified to perform work in a particular area. The short list shall include, whenever possible1 at least three qualified firms. SectionS: Service contracts that require the expenditure of less than $50,000 shall be awarded pursuant to the procedure which follows: a) Maintain a General Register of Firms. The City shall maintain a register of firms qualified to form work in those areas in which the City normally solicits work. The City shall annually publish a notice inviting firms to submit their qualifications and inviting those already on the list to update their qualifications. These notices shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least twice. b) * City Manager is authorized to negotiate contract with most qualified firm from the register and shall bring the negotiated contract to the City Council for their approval. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of January 1992. AYES: Council Members Bohnenberqer, Franklin, Rushworth Sniff & Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 8493u/2588/OOO 3- BIB] 08-03-1998-U01 01:41:25PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 2-U02