CC Resolution 1992-049^"B7 5 RESOLUTION 92-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS, CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS, AND APPROVING A SECOND ONE YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 24545 WHICH ALLOWS THE CREATION OF A 276 LOT SUBDIVISION ON A +269 ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 24545, EXT. #2 CLAYTON R. COOK, RECEIVER FORMERLY NORTHSTAR CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, INC.) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did on the 23rd day of May, 1989, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing and recommended to the City Council approval of said tentative tract request of Northstar California Corporation, Inc., to subdivide 269+ acres into 276 single family development lots, generally located east of Washington Street, north of 50th Avenue, south of 48th Avenue, and west of Jefferson Street, more particularly described as: A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, AND PORTIONS OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.B.M. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 6th day of June, 1989, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the Applicant*s request and recommendation of the Planning Commission concerning the Environmental Analysis and Tentative Tract Map 24545 and approved said application; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 26th day of November, 1991, recommend approval of a One Year Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 24545, to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 3rd day of December, 1991, approve a One Year Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 24545; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 28th day of April, 1992, consider the request of CLAYTON R. COOK, Receiver, for approval of a second one year extension of time; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 19th day of May, 1992, consider the request of the applicant and recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval of a second one year extension of time for Tentative Tract 24545; and, RESOCC 050 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 10:35:17AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 49-U02 ^"B7 WHEREAS, said tentative map has compiled with the requirements of The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" County of Riverside, Resolution 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that a Negative Declaration has been certified and the proposed tentative tract Time Extension will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and, WHEREAS, at said meeting, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts and reasons to justify approval of said tentative tract map extension: 1. That Tentative Tract 24545, as conditionally approved, is generally consistent with the goals, policies, and intent of the La Quinta General Plan in that the proposal compiles with the requirements, R-2 zoning district development standards, and design requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. That the topography of the site is suitable for the proposed land division, circulation design, and single-family lot layouts. 3. That the design of Tentative Tract 24545 may cause substantial environmental damage or in*ury to the wildlife habitat of the Coachella Valley Fringe-Toed Lizard, but mitigation measures in the form of fees for a new habitat area will mitigate this impact. 4. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, will be developed with public sewers and water, and therefore, is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 5. That the design of Tentative Tract Map 24545 will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. 6. That the Tentative Tract 24545, as conditioned, provided for adequate maintenance of the landscape buffer areas. 7. That the Tentative Tract 24545, as conditioned, provided storm water retention, par* facilities, and noise mitigation. 8. That general impacts from the tentative tract were considered within the MEA prepared and adopted in conjunction with the LB Quinta General Plan and the prior EIR with addendum. WHEREAS, in the review of this Tentative Tract Map Extension, the City Council has considered the effect of the contemplated action on the housing needs of the region for purposes of balancing the needs against the public service needs of the residents of the City of La Quinta and Its environs with available fiscal and environmental resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: RESOCC.050 2 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 10:35:17AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 49-U02 ^"B7 E 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter; 2. That it does hereby confirm the environmental determination relative to the environmental concerns for this Tentative Tract Time Extension; and, 3. That it does hereby approve Tentative Tract 24545 second one year time extension subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 19th day of May, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Franklin, Rushworth, Sniff & Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Bohnenberger ABSTAIN: None JOHN City of La *uinta, California AUNDRA L. JUH A, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: HON City of La Quinta, California RESOCC.050 3 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 10:35:17AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 49-U02 ^"B7 I CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 92-* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT 24545 SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME MAY 19, 1992 A. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant/Developer shall comply with Exhibit *`B", the Conditions of Approval for Specific Plan 84-004, and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedent in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the Specific Plan conditions. 2. Tentative Tract Map No. 24545 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 3. This Tentative Tract Map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval June 6, 1989) by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. The new expiration date shall be June 6, 1993. 4. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and, by recording a subdivision map, agrees to be included in the District and to offer for dedication such easements as may be required for the maintenance and operation of related facilities. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis, as required by law. 5. The Developer of this subdivision of land shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. 6. Per Condition No. 11 of the Specific Plan Conditions, the Applicant/Developer shall provide the following improvements as requested by Sunline Transit: o A bus turnout and passenger waiting shelter shall be provided on Washington Street. The shelter could be built by the Developer or the Developer may make arrangements with Frank Jones and Sunrise Media to install a shelter with advertising. Maintenance is the responsibility of the Developer. o Sunline has suggested standards for bus turnouts and passenger waiting shelters and are willing to work with the City and the Developer to create a mutually-acceptable design. MR/CONAPRVL.058 1- BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 10:35:17AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 49-U02 ^"B7Conditions of Approval Tentative Tract 24545-Extension #2 May 19, 1992 7. Per Condition No. 15 of the Specific Plan, the Applicanti Developer shall construct road lots A, F, I, L, and R with a minimum 36-foot pavement width, the rest of the private roads shall be constructed with a minimum 32-foot pavement. 8. Per Condition No. 34 of the Specific Plan, the Applicant/Developer shall comply with the Fire Marshal's requirements: a. Schedule A fire-protection-approved Super fire hydrants, 6" X 4" X 2-1/2" X 2-1/2") shall be located one at each street intersection, spaced not more than 330 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any frontage more than 165 feet from a fire hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1,000 GPM for two hours duration at 20 PSI. b. Prior to recordation of the final map, Applicantl Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company, with the following certification: I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." c. The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. d. Lots N", 0", and S" exceed the maximum allowable length for dead-end roads and shall be provided with a connecting through road so that cul-de-sac does not exceed 1,320 feet; or require fire sprinkler systems on those houses along the cul-de-sacs, subject to final approval by the Fire Marshal. e. Cul-de-sacs shall provide a minimum 45-foot curb-to-curb radius turnaround. f. Entry streets constructed with gates and without 24-hour guard staffing shall be power operated and equipped with a Fire Department override system. Gates shall be operable during power failures by human hands without special knowledge or force. MR/CONAPRVL.058 2- BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 10:35:17AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 49-U02 ^"B7 I Conditions of Approval Tentative Tract 24545-Extension #2 Nay 19, 1992 g. Medians constructed at entry streets shall have a minimum setback of 30 feet from the curb face of the connecting streets. h. Driveways for lots 68, 90, 92, and 127 shall be improved to withstand the loads of fire apparatus, and provide a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet. 1. A permanently mounted, illuminated address monument shall be installed adjacent to the driveway entrances for Lots 68, 90, 92 and 127. j. Requirements during phasing: The road improvements shall be constructed as required with each phase so that dead-end streets do not exceed 1,320 feet in length. k. Prior to the issuance of building permits, Applicant/Developer shall deposit a sum of $100,000 as prepayment of fire mitigation fees. 1. An emergency vehicle control override system shall be installed on each traffic signal that the Applicant/Developer is required to install or alter. Installation shall meet the specifications and approval of the Road and Fire Departments. m. If public-use-type building(s) are to be constructed, additional fire protection may be required. The fire flows and hydrant locations will be stipulated when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Department. MR/CONAPRVL.058 3- BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 10:35:17AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 49-U02