CC Resolution 1992-059^"Bp U RESOLUTION 92-59 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA FINDING THAT THE CITY OF LA QUINTA HAS NO ASSISTED HOUSING UNITS AT RISK OF LOSING USE RESTRICTIONS. WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65583, as amended by Chapter 1451, Statutes of 1989, and Chapter 889, Statutes of 1991, requires cities and counties to prepare an analysis and program efforts by July 1, 1992, for the preservation of use controls on assisted housing developments; and WHEREAS, the City staff has reviewed and analyzed all potential units in the City at risk of losing use restrictions, and pursuant to such review and analysis has contacted the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, California Department of Housing and Community Development 1'HCD"), Riverside County Housing Authority and Economic Development Agency, appropriate City staff, private developers and managers of assisted housing in the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, as a result of such review and analysis the City has determined that twenty-three single family housing units in the City have restrictions imposed in connection with FmHA Section 515 and HUD Section 8 contract subsidies, including six single family housing units which were identified and brought to the attention of the City by HCD; and WHEREAS, the City is not required pursuant to Government Code Section 85583 to make any analysis or program efforts with respect to single family housing units; and WHEREAS, the City has not issued mortgage revenue bonds, has not approved any housing units pursuant to a density bonus, does not have an in-lieu housing fee or inclusionary housing program, and has not assisted multi-family housing with funds from the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency or Community Development Block Grant program; and WHEREAS, the City has completed the analysis checklist which was submitted to the City by HCD, and which is attached hereto as Attachment A, and finds as a result thereof that there are no units at risk of losing use restrictions pursuant to Government Code Section 65583 A) 8); and WHEREAS, the City has been informed by HCD, in its pubilcation entitled Housing Element Analysis: Preservation of Assisted Units", dated November 15, 1991, that in the event the City has no affected units the City must adopt either an amendment to the Housing Element of the City's General Plan or a finding adopted by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councfl of the City of La Quinta as follows: RESOCC. 054 1 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 02:41:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 59-U02 ^"Bp 1 Section 1. The City Council finds that there are no subsidized housing units at risk of losing use restrictions within the meaning of Government Code Section 65583. Section 2. The basis for the above finding shall be reexamined at the time of the next periodic update of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan, and if still valid, shall be incorporated into the Housing Element at that time. Section 3. The City Clerk and the Planning Director shall transmit a copy of this resolution to the California Department of Housing and Community Development. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 16th day of June, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Franklin, Sniff and Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Bohnenberger & Rushworth ABSTAIN: None JO yor City of La Quin a, California A Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM DAWN HONEYWELL, *ity Atto?ney City of La Quinta, California RESOCC. 054 2 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 02:41:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 59-U02 ^"Bp * a ATTACHMENT A" CHECKLIST TO CONFIRM LACK OF AT-RISK UNITS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65583(A) 8) Jurisdiction: City of La Quinta Date: June 16, 1992 1. HUDpro*ams; Section 8 Lower-Income Rental Assistance project-based programs: New Construction Substantial or Moderate Rehabilitation Property Disposition Loan Management Set-Aside Section 101 Rent Supplements Section 213 Cooperative Housing Insurance Section 221(d) 3) Below-Market Interest-Rate Mortgage Insurance Program Section 236 Interest Reduction Payment Program Section 202 Direct Loans for Elderly or Handicapped X There are no such units for our jurisdiction listed in the Inventory of Federally Subsidized Rental Units At Risk of Conversion, 1990 or subsequent updated information made available by HPD. * 1) Units for our jurisdiction in the above inventory are not at risk during the ten-year analysis period; no units are at risk until year). 2. Community Development Block Grant program CDBG) Jurisdiction has not used CDBG funds x Jurisdiction has not used CBDG funds for multifamily rental units Although CDBG funds have been used for multifamily rental rehabilitation, staff responsible for this program indicate there are no affected units because 3. Redevelopment pro*rams Jurisdiction does not have a redevelopment agency x Redevelopment funds have not been used on multifamily rental units; or RESOCC. 054 3 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 02:41:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 59-U02 ^"Bp 5 Although redevelopment funds have been used for multifamily rental units, staff responsible for this program indicate there are no affected units because: a. Income-restrictions for occupancy were not required for existing units, or b. Otherreasons: 4 FmHA Section 515 Rural Rental Housing Loans Jurisdiction has not been located in a qualifying rural FmHA area. x According to information made available by HPD, there are no such eligible projects reported by FmHA within the community or unincorporated area FmHA staff checked the status of development(s) and reported that it is not eligible for prepayment or not eligible for prepayment within the ten year analysis period. 5. State and local multifamily revenue bond programs No bond financed units eligible to terminate affordability controls within the next ten years were reported in the following publication: 1990 Annual Summary: The Use of Housing Revenue Bond Proceeds, California Debt Advisory Commission and x Local housing authority staff indicate there are no such units within the community. 6. Local in-lieu fee pro*rams or inclusionary programs Jurisdiction has not had an in-lieu fee or inclusionary program x Staff responsible for these programs indicate no affected units 7. Developments which obtained a density bonus and direct government assistance pursuant to Government Code Section 65916. Jurisdiction has no projects approved pursuant to this law x Staff responsible for this program indicate no affected units 8 Additional comments related to any of the above: * 1) Those units identified by HPD are a* single family units. REsocc. 054 4 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 02:41:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 59-U02