CC Resolution 1992-067^"B ii RESOLUTION NO. 92-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN EMPLOYEES TO ACQUIRE FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE AGENCY FOR SURPLUS PROPERTY. BE IT RESOLVED, by the La Quinta City Council, that the employees whose names, titles and signatures are listed below shall be and are hereby authorized as our representatives to acquire federal surplus property from the California State Agency for Surplus Property under the Terms and Conditions attached hereto and marked Exhibit A". NAME TITLE SIGNATURE TOM HARTUNG, Building & Safety Director /* * Category I ROGER HIRDLER Ass't. Buildin & Safet Director Category I PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of July, 1992 by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Franklin, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Council Member Bohnenberger City of La Qu nta, California ATTEST: **AUNDRAL.JUHOLA'* City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 67-U02 ^"B I a Resolution No. 92-67 APPROVED AS TO FORM: STRA**, YOCCA, *ARLSON & RAUTH STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 55 CITY OF LA QUINTA I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 92-67 adopted by the La Quinta City Council on July 7, 1992. SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 67-U02 ^"B II JUN*1b-1*92 *9 25 FROM r*ElEF;'*L *ERL)1*:E* i*i*5b4b4*7 *. 04 * TERMS AND CONDITIONS' A) THU QONBI CRTlFIBS THAT. I) It ta' a *bItc a*;*t'e *prot'it i*tj**ti'o* er or*artlz&tion, **tmpt ftott tt*attO* under Sec*iOn * I oftbq *mte*l Rt"ta* Cod* or 95'; with;n the *ea*j* gf Swi1o* 2)3(3')' oftbe F*ettl Pwperty and Administra*iv* Sei*vjc* Act of * at *rntt'dert, a*d the tegutat*ou ofthe Adtniet'irttor of *reraI *2) lea pttblk agitttr.tIw p*pcrty i:n*ratlal aDd will It *ael by the r*ip:'tnt rot certy*rtg out Or PrO*oIin8 for tht rqs*entt ofS gi**fl lolitloal area public purp*wE. or. if non*r*fit ****emp1 inIti**ti*n or or*tu'*tion. the property *: teedot for and *L'tI he by the recipient for etl*catiO*a or p*bl*c healtb * i*lult'* * for aurb purpo*, or for proatarr*s rot o*dcr L'ndt'N*duatt, The property is *ot teirtg a**iretl OT Ity Other p*rpote, or for *te or otttar d*ributiot,:*r'*p*a.mlnl U*c*ttai'le the *tate, *xctpt w*th prior appro*l 0f the state * tll cotta aDd *r'ttts ittcid*nt to dotario*, Thu't t?1ttaa*tOfl *h*II iltr**$*et PC 1,64' 973. * IX.**Ibed*tic* Am*Ddmeut* of 1972, at ats'tendttt. B) THE *NllE AOftE* T* *NE FQLLOWING FEIs*l(AL COli DlTlO*s: I) All he.a*f propetty shall ltt*oatl w uwfor the purp*ae(t) for which a*ulte4 Witbin *flr yt*r of receipt and shall he continuel in uae for i*eh p**tefs) torv* yaar*orn1tie date the ptop*, y'trttplaottl in' uaa l* tIe e'ent the propeny it' rtotto plaoett i* *te, or Contintet in u*. th* d*tree shall i*r"erdi't*ly tot's the state agency aDd, at the *o*'s.apetwe. rti*rt tL*b *ro*rty to tht ttatr * Or' other,r*' m**r tbe property a*'ailab* for transfer' Or other dispotal by thr uSi,b)1,,at dettmi* ly the $tate a*r*y. ta*t agettety,, pr'oVWalt * it 2) Sueb s-I ltatndli*g or ute limitations at Ste impotol by tiateral Servic'e$ Alministration O*A) on a*y itetrr(;) of pto*rty listed hereon 3) In tse e"en't t* *topetiy'ia'*ot'* saedor ha ndletl asre*ui* by D)(I) and 2), titlr' and riht to the potte*t'.Otn ofauch propeiy shaU at the Option OfOSA re'ert to the United $tat* 0:, Aji*nc*' and u*tn dentaed the do'er a?*II re*'e i**h pto*rtyto rtc* per*n U *SA or ila l*igtroe' thall djtscrt. C) TH* 1)ON*E ACRE* To TH* *OL*OWiNG CQ*DlTIONS lIrt PQs*IO DY THE STATE AGENCY A*P*lCAIDLE TO ITEMS WITII A UN*T ACQUiSl"tQN.COSTO**5,OOOOR *Q*E AND PASS *NGER ItIOTOR VEHICLtiii. RIEQA RDLI'.SS OF ACQ*1S*ON COST. EXCE* VESSELS 50FIEETQR MORE l* LENGTh AND AIRCRAI"T.' I) Thq p**pert,y ahiD,lsa*md atily for thc p*s) for which i*w'r'etl and for *o ot* p*r*s) 2) Thi* i*all he a per*d af'twtr**tion thicit will expire after stsch property has beco uterl fo* the pttrpo*c(*) for which acquired ror' I period of 18 months from, the l*te, LIte, property * ii' *se, *ept for stch items of mjor aluipment, listed hereon, on wht'ch the Itate igettor dts*tea a further period of rettn*t-" 3) In tIe rvtr*t the pr'opeety'I: ttot ao utad at teqw'rcd by C)( 1) intl 2) atal fedetal r*tric*ont IB)( l)a* 2) ha* e*pired then dtie and right to the po*ttion oft*ch pr**rty she II at tiscoptioboftIte state aaes'y revert to the State of*tifor'*a and the doner hall releste s**h property to such lerton as the state a*rey sIsal ditrect. D) T*E**5sAOREES,TOThB FCLLOWI)'1O T*RMS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIOhiS.' 1) Frotrt *`dat", tI r*el* * property lis* hereon and Itrough the perind(s) of time the coodliont ampoted *y I) and * a*e rera* in effeot, the done* ha. II not sell. trade, tr.*, krtt, bitt', catonilalize. ereutnher', or otherwise dispo'r. of such property, *r remo* h pe*mirently, for use outtite the state, without the prier approval Qf GSA under U) or the state ata*' under C) The pr'ocree'ts fro* any sate, trade. ietse. loat hail*ent, eT***mbtlt'oe. or other disposal ofthe property, wheni*b ietiO* is pulhori*ol by GSA or by the state agcrcy, shall he r'tmitted prompt*y by the dottee to tl$A orthe state agercy,at the caisettayhe. 2) In the e'Ont any oftlte property listed herron is told, traded, leased, catted, bailtd. cinniba*ized. enrurthered. orotherwi.* disposed ofby the dot"re from the date it r*c*lv*: the property tbrou;b the period(s) of ti*e the coeditions iT*posel by B) and * re*it n effect, without the prior approval of *SA or the state agercy, the donee.at the optior ofGSA or the state atercy, thall pay to GSA or the state *gency as the eate rnay he, the proceeds ofthe dispo* or the fatr r'ar'kvl value or the fair rental sal* of the property at the time of a*b dis*sa*. as d**r'r'nlted by GSA or the state a*rcy, 3) Ifat any titne, frors the date itreceivet the troperty through the penot(*) of time the conditio*s impoted by *)ard *rer'ain in effe't, any of the property listed hereon is no Ion*rs*ttabte.usa**. orfurther neoted by tt'e donte for the purpose(s) for * acquired, the dor*e shall prornptly notify the St*tr a1eney, int shall.aslsreotel by the stats a*tcy, riturn the property to the state agency. retesse the protterty to another donee oranother state ager'ey or ij depart*rt or' a*ney of the tjnitcd *tates, sell, or' otherwise ti'tposc of the property. The pr*eet'. from any *te shall he remitted promptly by the doteeto the stalt a**y 4) The donee sIsall mike repctt* to tIe state *teney on the use, *ondi5ton, and looation ofthe prop'rty listed hereon, and or, other *rtirent r**atters it may Ir' requitet frotr time to tiata Ity the tatate agircy. t* At the option oftbe atatea*IKy. the dottee may sbro*te the conditiort set forth in C) an4 the terms. Toser'satiO*, and teatmietiont pertitent the*lo tn 15) Ir * ttl'an atraotrsa: as * Irthetata.teagteec'f* E) THE DONEE AOREES TO THllt'*Q*LCWl*O Co*DITlON$, APPLICADLE TO ALL lT*MS OIr FROFEPTY LISTED *EREON: I) Tte property aOq*t'etl II', taa docee ia OD iD * is, *ler'e iS* b*is, ritbout warruasy of ary *d. 2) Where a donet *rr'set' iuttrirt'a 4L'* darstages to or' lots of property dtte to fire or' other h**rds ml where lost or ordamap to donated pro*rty with ute*piretl terms. eor'diti*rs, s't*r*tiOO:, Or tettr*ction, *curs, the state agen* will he entitlert to reimbtttstr'sent from the dotter vttrt ofthe *iari* * of an amcttftt equal to the ttDaziorti* portiort of the fair *alue of the darnaged or d*troytd donated iterat. F) TERMS ANII CONDlTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE DONATION OF AIRCRAl'f' AND YESSEl,S * FEET OR MQR* IN LENGTII) lfA*ING AN ACqUISITION COST OF $$.%Q OR MOILI', REOAl( IDLESS OF THE *URPO$E leOlt WHICH *CQU!REllst Thr losation shill he s*b**t' to the tevim, conditions, reservations, and rttstrictions set forth in the Conlitiottal *tau*er, *r'ttrst e*etetted by the attth* dosee tepr*iw?*I*. a BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 03:02:03PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 67-U02