CC Resolution 1993-006^C RESOLUTION 93-6 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ACCEPTING THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE FROM THE CITY OF INDIO TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE DETACHED FROM THE CITY OF INDIO AND ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ANNE*ON NO.7, LAFCO 92414) WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta, by its Resolution 92-39, concurred in the proposed detachment from the City of Indio and the annexation to the City of La Quinta of approximately 1.418 acres of uninhabited territory located on the easterly terminus of Vista Grande Drive; and, WHEREAS, the City of Indio adopted Resolution No.5725 approving the transfer of property tax revenue from the City of Indio to the City of La Quinta for the area proposed to.be detached from the City of Thdio and annexed to the City of La Quinta; and, WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta and the City of Thdio are the agencies whose area of responsibility for service would be affected following the detachment from the City of Indio to the City of La Quinta of the area designated by the City of La Quinta as Annexation No.7. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta that it hereby accepts the property tax revenues from that area proposed to be detached from the City of Indio and annexed to the City of La Quinta by its Annexation No.7. PASSED, APPROVED and ADO PIED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 2nd day of February, 1993, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Banqerter, Mccartney, Perkins, Sniff and Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None City of La Quinta, California Rzsocc.062 1 BIB] 08-14-1998-U01 09:12:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 93-U02 06-U02 ^C IL I RA L. JUHOLA, ity Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California RESOCC.062 2 BIB] 08-14-1998-U01 09:12:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 93-U02 06-U02 ^C LI EXHIBIT *A* SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AMENDMENT NO. 8 AND REORGANIZATION TO INCLUDE ANNEXATION NO. 7 TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND CONCURRENT ANNEXATION TO THE CITY'5 LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 89-1 LIFO NO. 92-41*4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that portion of the West One-half of the Northwest One-Quarter of Section 28, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, described as follows: 8eginnlng at the most Northerly corner of Tract No. 3505 as Shown by map on file in Book 57 of Maps at Pages 7 and 8, inclusIve, Records of Riverside County* State of California. Said point bears Northeasterly on a curve concave Northwesterly haying a radius of 3500.00 feet through an angle of 13*O4'13", an arc length of 798.41 feet from the Northwest Corner of said Tract No. 3505, said curve also being the Southeasterly Right-of*Way line of the Coachella Valley *ater District hereinafter referred to as C.V.W.D.) Stormwater Channel per C.V.W.D. Document No. 050728-2-003 as Instrument No. 49888, Recorded June 6, 1960, Records of Riverside County, State of California; Thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly Rlght-of*Way line on a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 3500.00 feet through an angle of 10035.39.., an arc length of 647.16 feet to a point of intersection with the Northwesterly Right-of*Way line of the La Quinta Evacuation Channel per C.V.W.D. Document No. 050728-2-010, as Instrument No. 12329, Recorded January 23, 1978, Records of Riverside County, State of California the initial radial line bears 53304j 54"E); Thence 532 27'05"W, along said Northeasterly Right-of-Way line, a distance of 655.62' to a point In the Northeasterly line of Lot 10 of said Tract No. 3505 which bears N34 22'34"W formerely recorded N34021'45"W)* a distance of 127.20 feet from the Southeast Corner of said Lot 10. Said Northeasterly line of Lot 10 being radial to said curve of the Southeasterly line of the hereinbefore described C.V.W.D. Stormwater Channel. Said Northeasterly line of Lot 10 also being the Northeasterly line of said Tract No. 3505; Thence N34022'34"W along said Northeasterly line of Lot 10, a distance of 85.70 feet to the most Northerly corner of Lot B" of said Tract No. 3505. Said point being at a distance of 120.00 feet Southeasterly, measured radially from said hereinbefore described Southeasterly Right-of*Way line of C.Y.W.D. Stormwater Channel. BIB] 08-14-1998-U01 09:12:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 93-U02 06-U02 ^C 1 I Page 2 EXHIBIT A" City of La Quinta Annexation No. 7 Sphere of Influence Amendment No. 8 cont'd. Thence Southwesterly on a curve concave Northwesterly having & radius of 3620.00 feet through an angle of 00o40.40*, an arc length of 42.82 feet to the most Easterly corner of Lot 9 of said Tract No. 3505 the initial radial line bears. S34022*34"E); Thence N33 41*54"N formerly recorded N33041*05"W) along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 9. said line also being the Northeasterly line of said Tract No. 3505 and radial to the hereinbefore described Southeasterly Right-of-way line of the c.v.w.o. Stormwater Channel, a distance a 120.00 feet to the most Northerly corner of said Lot 9, said point also being the most Northerly corner of Tract No. 3505. said point also being the Point of Beginning of the Parcel of land being described. Said Parcel contains 61160.17 square feet, or 1.418 acres, more or less. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: *I,IDI *`* A,,' No. D.L. wE*DLE SURVEYING DATE DAVID L. wEDDLE P.L.S. 5570 CITY OF LA QUINTA ANNEXATION NO. 7 SPHERE OF INFLUNENCE ANENDMENT NO. 8 LAFCO NO. 92-41-4 BIB] 08-14-1998-U01 09:12:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 93-U02 06-U02 ^C 11 EXHIBIT A" IN ThE CEly O* IA QUINTA, COUNTY O* RivERSi** STATE O* CALIFORNIA, SPHERE OF IN*UENcE A*dEND*ENT NO.8 AND REORGAN*ZATION TO INCLUDE ANNDCATION NO.7 TO ThE Cily OF LA QUI**TA AND CONCURRD(T ANNEXATION TO ThE CiTY*S LANDSCAPE AND UGHTlNC ASSESSMEI*IT DISTRICT NO.89-i. LAFCO NO. 92-41-4 SEC. 28. I.5S., R.7E.* S.B.M. SEPTEU9ER, 1992 F A, NW. COR SEC. 28 N.W. 1/4 N.W. 1/4 S4*11*31Ej* $OLFTH*AST*T RIQHT * * C.v.w.D. STOFWWATEft CHANNEL pot C.V.*.D. DOCUIaN! MO. C5072l*2*O** As IN$*uuEIqT MO. 49888, * V,, COUNrY.:TATE*CAL$;* JIJN* 1.19.0. RECOftOS * v)OZ * 4* \. LL* * 1' I $ * * * R-*62O.OO' NOPtTHWESTERLY R*HT or w * * *42.82' UNE ThE LA QUINTA * $4 * I TRACT NO. MO. 12321, Pt(CoftD* *O5 * STATE * I. 57,7ha * L.*, 44. * SW. 1/4 NW. 1/4 COIL SL COIL LOT 10 0*S C. 28 *0. * HWY. 111 I * VICINITY LAAP 0 Sc 100 200 NOT To SCM SCM l*-1w CITY 0? IA QUINTA ANNEXA71ON NO 7 PRLPARED IT PRPARW UNDER THE SLJPER'**ON or. Cell) 771-1672 DL. WEDDLE * l'*.xA,,'NO *TE cii) 7?8-9675 *AX * CA nil' * *70 *TL' 1/30/13 I.. * *.` t I BIB] 08-14-1998-U01 09:12:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 93-U02 06-U02