SP 2000-043 Point Happy - Amendment 1 (2002)COD Library CopV � I ning Common F� 4a31 ClCouncil Communi aev. Dept �. ...� rnitl '- — - Case No. P_ Exhlbf CITY OF LA Q UINTA POINT HAPPY AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043 APPLICANT: Madison/ PTM La Quinta, LLC DESIGN TEAM: Dudek and Associates Lantex May 21, 2002 SPECIFIC PLAIT -2000-043 POINT PIAPPY, LA QUINTA. TABLE OF CONTENTS LINTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 3 A. AUTHORITY AND SCOPE........................................................................................... 3 B. PURPOSE AND INTENT...............................................................................................3 C. DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION....................................................................................3 D. PROJECT LOCATION................................................................................................... 3 E. PROJECT OVERVIEW..................................................................................................6 F. REQUIRED FINDINGS..................................................................................................6 G. REQUEST FOR RELIEF OF CONDITIONS #54 & #57 ............................................... 7 II. PROJECT SETTING.................................................................................................................7 A. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING.............................................................. 7 B. EXISTING SITE CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................8 C. SURROUNDING LAND USE........................................................................................8 IIl. PROJECT MASTER PLANS..................................................................................................12 A. SITE PLAN....................................................................................................................12 B. PHASING PLAN...........................................................................................................15 C. LANDSCAPE PLAN.....................................................................................................15 D. CIRCULATION PLAN................................................................................................. 24 E. GRADING PLAN..........................................................................................................27 F. DRAINAGE PLAN....................................................................................................... 31 G. SEWER PLAN...............................................................................................................31 H. WATER PLAN.............................................................................................................. 31 I. OTHER UTILITY PLANS............................................................................................33 IV. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS.......................................................................................33 A. PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED.................................................................................35 B. PROPERY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS..............................................................35 C. SPECIAL SECTION.....................................................................................................36 V. DESIGN GUIDELINES..........................................................................................................36 A. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES..............................................................................36 B. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES.......................................................................................42 C. SIGN PROGRAM.........................................................................................................43 VL OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES.............................................................................................48 A. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT....................................................48 B. MAINTENANCE..........................................................................................................49 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Regional Location Map.........................................................................................................4 Figure2 — Vicinity Map..........................................................................................................................5 Figure 3 Land Use Designations........................................................................................................10 Figure 4 — Existing Site Conditions......................................................................................................11 Figure5 — Land Use Plan.....................................................................................................................13 Figure 6 — Conceptual Building Mass..................................................................................................16 Figure7 — Phasing Plan........................................................................................................................17 Figure 8 — Landscape Concept..............................................................................................................18 Figure 9 — Illustrated Landscape Elevation..........................................................................................22 Figure 10 — Landscape Details..............................................................................................................23 Figure11 — Circulation Plan.................................................................................................................26 Figure 12 — Conceptual Grading Plan...................................................................................................28 Figure 13 — Rock Outcrop Sections A-D..............................................................................................29 Figure 14 — Rock Outcrop Section E.................................................................................................... 30 Figure 15 — Conceptual Drainage Plan................................................................................................. 32 Figure16 — Utility Plan........................................................................................................................ 34 Figure 17 — Illustrative Architectural Treatments.................................................................................38 Figure 17 — Color Illustrative Architectural Treatments.......................................................................39 Figure 18 — Sign Program —Builder.....................................................................................................44 Figure19 Sign Program — Building...................................................................................................45 Figure 20 — Sign Program — Detail — Monument Signs........................................................................46 LIST OF TABLES Table1 Land Use Summary..............................................................................................................12 Table 2 — Site Plan Compliance............................................................................................................14 Table 3 — Proposed Plant Palette..........................................................................................................19 Table 3A — Plant Palette — Amendment to Specific Plan.....................................................................20 APPENDIX A May 1, 2002 Letter from City of La Quinta to Madison/P.T.M. La Quinta L.C.C. 1. City Council Resolution No. 2002-59 — Case No. Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 2. Conditions of Approval — Final, Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 3. City Council Resolution No. 2002-58 — Environmental Assessment 2000-395 Addendum 2 I. INTRODUCTION A. AUTHORITY AND SCOPE Section 65450 of the California Government Code grants local planning agencies the authority to prepare a specific plan of development over a given piece of property. The Point Happy Specific Plan implements the current General Plan designation for the project site, Community Commercial, by maintaining consistency of land uses and intensities. In order to approve the project, the City must make the findings required by La Quinta Zoning Code, Chapter 9.240: Specific Plans. B. PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this Specific Plan document is to address the land use issues associated with development of the Point Happy in sufficient detail to ensure that the subject site develops in a manner which is consistent with the General Plan; protects the public health, safety and general welfare; is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties and is suitable and appropriate for the subject property (Zoning Code 9.240.010 E). Ultimately the project seeks to provide the residents of La Quinta and the surrounding communities with a high quality commercial center. In both text and illustration, this document depicts the character and configuration of the various components comprising the Specific Plan and establishes a foundation document that will govern further development of the site. In this way, the Specific Plan will serve to implement the City of La Quinta General Plan by specifying appropriate land uses, intensity of use, and development standards that are consistent with General Plan goals, objectives and policies. C. DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION The Point Happy Specific Plan is organized into five sections. Section I provides a regulatory context for the project and an overview of key project elements. Section II provides a context for project planning and design by briefly describing the project's existing setting in terms of regulatory land use designations and surrounding land uses. Against this background, Section III presents the primary master plan components of the Specific Plan. Section IV describes the development standards to which the project must adhere. Section V contains design guidelines with respect to landscaping and architecture to ensure that the project is of high quality and is well integrated into the community character and Section VI discusses key operational guidelines for the project D. PROJECT LOCATION From a regional perspective, the Point Happy Specific Plan is located in the Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quinta as shown in Figure 1, Regional - Location Map. Locally, the project site is bounded by Highway 111 on the south, Washington Street on the east, a vacant rock outcrop on the west, and the Whitewater Channel on the north. The project site is shown in Figure 2, Vicinity Map. The project consists of Assessors Parcels 604-050-002 (7.534 acres gross) and a portion of 604-050- 035 (1.965 acres gross). CaVN-3 mE` Regional Location Map - r, '�•�y'�'F AFF _ ® � &ASSOCIATES W.M Na i a NOT TO SOLE DESERT HOT fi SPRINGS CUCG RIC.ND i_ h6 9 RAMONI WTHC7US4NDtiitYl$ ... •+! r� PAM SPRINGS I F,.., .0 r OATFiEgR/1! CRY h �*, moi. •'r' xM. f t -� ;,s' - •� FfNWK SMTPA DR "� x!^4¢ I " '1 7 ✓ CLUB OR RAXCOMM -7HO 1 f r- - --- ' AVENUE as PALn D I SERI -- 1 + i `w..l + �- -�- �� "� INDiD i`-- --------------- ,: INDIAN WELLS i a i P tst •` �.,.` ,. I Y jam''- �iuw.e 8 { COACHELLA QUIND i t �• s""" . w VENUE 60 2 $ `'• I" f f AVENLE 62 tt CaVN-3 mE` Regional Location Map arft�,wt MADISON DEVELOPMENT PRIEST VUKSIC A,RCHITECTS, ® � &ASSOCIATES W.M Na NOT TO SOLE Mwavc MLC- Vicinity Map PREST MAMON VUKSIC P DEVELCPMEI T ARCHITECTS & A S S Q C F A T 1C S X CRµ1'11C --1-'CN ?+!orad Tw h C—r- Y..� MILE (S Ya i W RE Na SPECIFIC PLAIN -- 2000-043 POINT T HAPPY, L:1 E. PROJECT OVERVIEW Project Summary The project proposes the development of a commercial center on a 9.5 -acre site. The project will result in the creation of 12 individual lots ranging in size from approximately .5 acres to 1.1 acres. Each lot contains a building pad suitable for construction of structures. One lot proposed for a service station contains two building pads. The site will contain the following range of uses: Restaurant (sit down) Fast Food Restaurants Bank/Institutional Retail Space Office Service Station Hotel * Please review development regulations special section "C" The buildings are subject to height limitations imposed by the City of La Quinta. Under special section "C" buildings might be as high as 3 stories while still adhering to the principal of the La Quinta height restrictions. Those buildings would include associated parking, landscaping and utility improvements. Requested Entitlements To facilitate this project, the developer is seeking approval from the City of La Quinta of an amended Specific Plan, and Site Development Permits for individual structures. The proposed service station required approval of a Conditional Use Permit. F. REQUIRED FINDINGS According to the La Quinta Zoning Code, Chapter 9.240.010.E, the City Council must make four specific findings in order to approve the amended Specific Plan. Each finding is listed below followed by a discussion of how each is satisfied by this project. The project's success in meeting the required findings is supported by the facts presented throughout the Specific Plan document. 5. Consistency with the General Plan. The plan or amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. • The project is a commercial center, which is consistent with the General Land Use designation Community Commercial. 6. Public Welfare. Approval of the plan or amendment will not create conditions niaterially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. • The site plan for this project is consistent with City development standards, which are established to protect the public health and safety. 0 SPECIFIC PLAN — 2000-043 POINT HAPPY, LA QUI TTA • In accordance with the General Plan, a community oriented commercial center is consistent with the Community Commercial land use designation whose stated characteristics include retail business serving the daily needs of a multiple neighborhood area. Land Use Compatibility. The specific plan is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. The site is separated and buffered from uses on the north and west by adjacent flood channel and rock outcrop. General plan land use and zoning designations and existing land uses to the east and south of the project are also commercial. 8. Property Suitability: The specific plan is suitable and appropriate for the subject • The project is appropriately located at the intersection of two arterial roadways. • The project is located on the Highway 111 frontage and compliments the land use issues identified in the General Plan for this frontage where "The City supports encouraging and pursuing high tax revenue -generating types of uses, specifically retail commercial...", "The Highway 111 corridor should be oriented toward community and regional retail, office and commercial park uses", "Commercial development should be facilitated to occur in appropriate locations already planned and zoned, such as the Highway 111 Corridor". All utilities are readily available to the project site. The site plan complies with City development standards. G. REQUEST FOR RELIEF OF CONDITION 45 & #57 57. Since the Point Happy development has grown in stature and name recognition the developer requests this condition be eliminated as to allow the street name Point Happy to be seen at both the Highway 111 signal and the Washington Street signal. IL PROJECT SETTING A. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING The 9.5 acre project site located at the northwest corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street has a General Plan land use designation of Community Commercial (CC). The project is consistent with General Plan Goal 2-4 which states: "Community and neighborhood commercial and employment uses which are clustered in nodes at the intersections of major arterial streets ". SPECIFICPLAN —2000-043 POINT HAPPY. I_A. QUINTA. In addition to businesses offering merchandise and personal services which meet the daily needs of a multi -neighborhood area, General Plan Policy 2-3.1.1 states: "Tjpical businesses allowed in the CC category include general merchandise and/or larger specialty stores such as hardware/appliance outlets, building material/home improvement stores, automobile service stations, and service and office uses of a community scale Consistent with this, existing zoning of the project site is Community Commercial District (CC). Zoning Code 9.70.050 states that the purpose and intent of the CC zone is: "To provide for the development and regulation of medium- to large scale commercial areas located at the intersections of arterial highways as shown on the General Plan. The CC district is intended to provide for the sale of general merchandise, hardware and building materials, food, drugs, sundries , personal services, and similar goods and services to meet the needs of a multi -neighborhood area. " Relevant Permitted and Conditional Permitted uses listed in Chapter 9.80 include: "Permitted — Retail stores to 50,000 sq. ft., convenience stores, showrooms, general services, banks, restaurants (including drive thru), commercial recreational, and auto parts stores; Conditional Permitted — Service Stations, car washes, auto repair. " Existing General Plan and Zoning designations for the site and surrounding properties are shown on Figure 3. B. EXISTING SITE CHARACTERISTICS The project site is partially vacant. The eastern portion of the site originally had two elevated mounds approximately 7 to 8 feet in height. A rock out crop borders the western portion of the site. Figure 4 delineates the toe of slope. The frontage along Washington Street has been improved with curbs and gutters. Highway Ill's frontage has been improved with curbs and gutters. A new bus stop shelter and pullout is located on the Highway 111 frontage, and a bus stop has been located on Washington Street. The Whitewater Stormwater Channel (concrete sided) borders the northern boundary of the site. C. SURROUNDING LAND USE In order to provide a context for project planning, surrounding land use is shown in Figure 3. Adjacent land north of the project site is currently vacant/Whitewater River Channel. Land immediately to the west is vacant rock outcrop. The project site is bordered on the east by Washington Street, a six lane major arterial roadway with 120 foot wide right-of-way. Immediately to the east of Washington Street is a commercial center. The project site is bordered on the south by Highway 111, a four/six lane Major arterial roadway with 120 foot wide right-of-way. A shopping center is to the south of Highway 111. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK C,y V. �.n WD STp,?M wAT E R _� '� f • � ANIVF� Il /j.�� � su f 1 .til ..5f Y, •'� -�oyn� l qq •� +yam' z`7 X11 l ��, -a .,,.I I i •�, Ava mC Aer��I •p � 7.w4 •f.a m r . . Y Al QGl] WD -i- ; :_ >, / - _ f�: •m, n. _ �: b I# i �' M/RC (NR) �8 ' ": "`'-- � • rs _ - was .� - • '3"' b'�'. i .� s >w3 GENERAL PLAN � "`f ="° �-�. ,..,. •� W x,P . -_= Y 6� QmnD COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL WITH NON-RESIDENTIAL OVERLAY I Ha/R@ MIXED REGIONAL COMMERCIAL CC (NR) WITH NON RESIDENTIAL OVERLAY F 4 ] ZONING `• .,� o, CC (NR) COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL WITH NON-RESIDENTIAL OVERLAY �- , •,_ "' SOURCE: CITY OF lA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN 1992, AND ZONING CODE DRAWING TITLE: - - — - PRIEST , FVMENO,, Land Use Designation VUKSIC ARCHITECTS &ASSOCIATES APPLIC—AM MADISON NOT TO SCALE DEVELOPMEt D24WING TITLE; Existing Site Conditions PREST ® � VUKSIC 15194 ARCHITECTS &ASSOCIAT e(wdwuES Al--_ Al T (w Cetyls gy.sn nrwIC.wt MADISON NOT TO SCALE DEVELOPMENT PGURE t N III. PROJECT MASTER PLANS A. SITE PLAN The Land Use is shown in Figure 5 and Conceptual Building Mass is shown in Figure 6. The Specific Plan proposes construction of approximately 10 building clusters dispersed around a centralized parking area. The Specific Plan approval will include the parking circulation configuration, the building pad location and the perimeter and parking area landscape plans. The project site broken into twelve development parcels subject to parcel map being amended by the developer. To create a basis for establishing parking demand, site and circulation layout, specific uses and building sizes have been utilized. These uses may change or be moved among the development pads on the site through individual site development permit review. However, they are subject to the parking provided, and certain development standards. The conceptual parcel size, uses and building sizes are summarized in Table 1, Land Use Summary, below: Table 1 Point Happy Land Use Summary Parcel Parcel Size (3) Building Size(s) Stories Use (4) 1 23,000 S.F. 2,969(') 1 Fast Food 2 30,000 S.F. 5,340 1 Office/Retail 3 47,290 S.F. 9,0000) 1 Restaurant 4 35,223 S.F. 6,711 1 Office/Retail 5 28,727 S.F. 9,868(') 1 Restaurant 6 24,064 S.F. 5,350 1 Bank/Office/Retail 7 59,615 S.F. 3,974(2) 1 Service Station/Convenience Store/Car Wash 8 25,036 S.F. 8,595* 2 Office/Retail 9 22,500 S.F. 9,000* 2 Office/Retail 10 27,324 S.F. 4,000* 1 Office/Retail 11 45,793 S.F. 8,000* 1 Office/Retail 12 45,475 S.F. 8,600* 1 Office/Retail Total 414,047 S.F. 81,407(6) (1) Restaurants may include outdoor dining. (2) Service Station convenience building only. Does not include covered gas pump area or wash building. (3) Parcel size rounded to nearest foot. Parcel configurations are approximate and will be refined in the Parcel Map. (4) Land use building size may be modified, subject to conformance with parking and design criteria contained in this Specific Plan. (5) Sizes may vary if parking ratios are maintained. (6) Corr nunity Development Director may increase the building size of the overall project by as much as 10% in his own discretion. * As much as can be parked by code. 12 1 6 AA r WH r LDTAREA FL0G7RARER !,r LOT 1 23.000 SF 2,969 . LOT 2 30.000 SF 5,340 s r LOT 3 43.290 SF 9,000 G ! a LC17 4 35,223 SF 5.306 ��� ♦ i LOT 28.727 SF 9,668 LOT 6 24,064 SF 5,350 LOT 7 59,615 SF 3,974 �{ LOT 6 25,036 SF 10,000 " LOT 9 22,509 SF 9,000 FIGLRle NO OFCAwuW trltE- LOT10 23;324 SF, 4.000 � � � � PLAN LOT 11 45,793 SF 5,000 LOT 12 45,475 SF 8,600 TOTAL 414,047 SF 81,407 I IJ i I p I 4 I P I i I1Y It E _ PPY S j narF1 r NTER r,Jll AY 111 TREETFORNIA SITE PLAN CONCEPTW,L SGLE:1'=4O INSTRUMENTS 0 1 Sf3iNCE Fn9 `fir'_, yam. EY � • �o�F wd�� p ���jy PY DAMr]O. PYEFT.AIA CDYV aO����MC.� ,� _ lDIIN 1. WK9c,AlA t-19110 C� ^".Y I REVISI(WS v I I � DAa •nN •F � O A'U A1.1 f l PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS �� rvi.no o tea. ooM EMMFDLr.nE 7PARIKINGCALCULATIONSULATIONS rFEr •vmr :Hies �-�-- oT.t DFauuurrt rAwma xaworr .n My/ 1 L 1V f r y� } ToI.L.IaOiiO CounE IFF! nttl x1161 rL9rl r]rF. Tr.]I foTLLCDYYERcuL/Aw[ra PEDWYD ,� r !/ fj AL f.A�ua PFOapfD� � .]�M I IJ i I p I 4 I P I i I1Y It E _ PPY S j narF1 r NTER r,Jll AY 111 TREETFORNIA SITE PLAN CONCEPTW,L SGLE:1'=4O INSTRUMENTS 0 1 Sf3iNCE Fn9 `fir'_, yam. EY � • �o�F wd�� p ���jy PY DAMr]O. PYEFT.AIA CDYV aO����MC.� ,� _ lDIIN 1. WK9c,AlA t-19110 C� ^".Y I REVISI(WS v I I � DAa •nN •F � O A'U A1.1 f l Capitalizing on the prominent location of the project site, the Point Happy project proposes a major statement at the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 111. Rather than typical commercial centers, the proposal suggests a restaurant complex at the corner with other uses being located away from the intersection within the project site. The perimeter will include major setbacks and landscaping that will integrate the individual building pads along the street frontages. Three driveway accesses will be provided to the site. One driveway (signalized) along Washington Street, two along Highway 111. One driveway along Highway l 11, located in the middle of the parcel will provide right -in -right -out access. Another driveway will be located at the westerly property line at an existing signal. This driveway offers another opportunity to make a major statement along Highway 111. The existing rock outcrop required some excavation to extend the driveway from the lighted intersection. As part of this improvement it is planned to stain the exposed rock face. The project provides landscaped parking areas containing 379 standard parking spaces and 9 handicapped spaces. An additional monument sign will be located along Highway 111 for the service station. See Section I1I.0 for additional discussion of landscaping. Meandering sidewalks will be located along the street frontage. Pedestrian access to the bus stop/shelter will be provided to the project site through perimeter sidewalks and internal walkways. Outdoor lighting associated with the building and parking areas will be designed to comply with the City's Outdoor Lighting Control Ordinance. In consultation with City staff, the building setback along Washington Street is reduced to 20 feet. This was agreed to in order to provide more on-site landscaping (in parking areas, around buildings and along the northerly project boundary). A comparison of the Point Happy Specific Plan with Development Standards from the La Quinta Zoning Code is shown in the table, which follows: Table 2 — Site Plan Compliance Development Standard Proposed Site Plan Standard CC Zone Specific Plan Min -Max Bldg. Site (acres) n/a .49-1.1(3) Max Structure Height (ft)(') 40 36 Max Number of Stories 3 2 Max Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .30 .30 Min. Bldg. Setback-Hwy.I I I (ft)(" 50 50 Min. Bldg. Setback- Primary Arterials (ft)(') 30 20 Min. Landscape Setback- 111Hwy. l l (ft) 50 50 Min. Landscape Setback- Primary Arterials (ft) 20 20 Min. Setback from Interior Property lines 0 0 Bldg. Landscape 5% 6.0%(4) Interior Parking Lot Landscape (Z) 5% 5.7% Parking Spaces(5) 389 389 (1) Maximum structure height 22 ft within 150 ft. of Hwy 111 and Washington Street. (2) Does not include approximately 88,139 sf of setback landscaping along Hwy 111 and Washington Street. (3) Final configuration of parcels will be determined with submission of an amended Parcel Map which may be revised or amended by the Developer. (4) Estimate based on Conceptual Building Mass Plan, Figure 6. Final landscape percentage to meet Specific Plan criteria subject to site development pennit review. (5) Parking may in fact be increased or decreased as to overall project size. 14 B. PHASING PLAN The project is proposed for construction in two phases. Phase 1 will include site grading, infrastructure (wet/dry utilities to pads), parking lot and key driveway improvements (concrete curbing and planters and two coarse paving —base paving installed during Phase I with second coarse upon completion of respective pads during Phase II), creation of building pads, and perimeter streetscape improvements. Phase 2 will include structure improvements to individual pads. Such improvements will occur subject to market conditions. All graded areas remaining after Phase I will be left in a stabilized condition. Complete development of the site during Phase 2 will be subject to City of La Quinta Site Development Permit review. The conceptual development of each pad is summarized in Table 1, and illustrated conceptually in Figure 6, Conceptual Building Mass. See Figure 7, Phasing Plan, for illustration of Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phases 1 and 2 may be amended by the Developer as market conditions dictate. C. LANDSCAPE PLAN The landscape concept for the project is shown in Figure 8 and the proposed plant palette is shown in Table 3. Landscaping associated with the project consists of three basic types: landscaping around the buildings, landscaping within the parking lot, landscaping along Washington Street and along Highway 111. Figure 9, Illustrated Landscape Elevation and Figure 10, Landscape Details, provide illustrations of these landscape types. Highway 111 and Washington Street and the Parking Lot will require landscaping during first phase of project development, see Figure 7, Phasing Plan. Landscaping plans for building pads will be submitted for review by each parcel owner as development occurs in each parcel/pad area. Conceptual landscape plan approval of streetscapes along Highway 111 and Washington Street is being pursued with this Specific Plan. The landscape treatments are designed to reflect and enhance the character of the proposed buildings and the community of La Quinta. The streetscaping along Highway 111 and Washington Street will maintain a plant palette and design concept which is compatible with surrounding finished street frontages and will conform to City design Guidelines. Lighting Bollards are to be included along sidewalks in landscape setbacks fronting Washington Street and Highway 111 in a manner similar to existing development along Highway I11, see Figure 10, Landscape Details. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 15 ajo [ a - — —- —A IL_1–/11 IVU`1J0 6 PREST VUKS1 C ARCHITECTS E N C p p P o R A.T Ye o ruuai.rArc4O.A: `cna •, FVwnp qwo� �wµ PAAkING CALCULATIONS gFrlAllauw wERgF IFFT .�� TOTAL lOf LplFLy10 FOURIEFT . n,fa .fl pl AIwYyI1E gFGUM11! TOfALgEFfAIWgIEoIwqJ f�l IIEf JSIlL TALIIEITAlIugflAw(rO WOlupofl lo1AlF4g10EMgqE If• -AL M. IFFT 111gf �L36L I l,nl ILI111ff1. olAlcOuulpfwLlAnnp gEOngfp rA­ TOTAL rAA•pprg0ap0E o ]fI.M —AL •0� POINT HAPPY PAVILION CENTER NWC OF HIGHWAY 111 WASHINGTON STREEI• LA QUINTA• CALIFORNIA SITE PLAN CONCEPTl11L SCALE• 1•'a �G` 11f`ST+lIII.fE1J15OF7�� pAND p.Igl1G,AIA C!!p A,ff, JOIIq J.NEGI� . ��� PFNc A1.1 ".POINT'HAPPY.- . � SPECIFIC PLAN: - RM VV C"ANt,,,L PLEASE SEE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS SPECIAL CASE "C' ed M, III RETAIL Lu ye U) lk F z IIESTAURAW < RETOUL A landscape plan RESTA RANT will be developed for 117 Parcels 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. a PREST • Landscape Concept Plan VILIKSIG ARCHITECTS & A S S 0 C I ATI*JUS MADISON NOT TO SCALE DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC PLAN -2000-043 POINT HAPPY, LA QUINTA 19 Table 3 Proposed Plant Palette Quantity Scientific Name Common Name Size Caliper For Highway 111: Trees 21 Washingtonia filifera California Fan Palm 20' Height n/a 17 Acacia smallii Sweet Acacia 24" Box 1.5" 8 Jacaranda mimosofolia Jacaranda 24" Box 1.5" Shrubs 10 Fouqueria splendens Ocotillo 5 Gallon n/a 100 Dodonaea viscosa Hopseed Bush 5 Gallon n/a 80 Leucophyllum frutescens Texas Ranger 5 Gallon n/a 80 Calliandra californica Baja Fairy Duster 5 Gallon n/a 100 Dalea pulchra Indigo Bush 5 Gallon n/a 100 Ruellia peninsularis Ruellia 5 Gallon n/a Vines & Groundcover 150 Lantana montevidensis Trailing Lantana 1 Gallon n/a 150 Lantana in. "Golden Mound" Trailing Lantana 1 Gallon n/a Turf Hydro-stolenized Bermuda #328 n/a For Washington Street: Trees 1 Washingtonia filifera California an Palm 20' Height n/a l Acacia smallii Sweet Acacia 24" Box 1.5" 7 Jacaranda mimosofolia Jacaranda 24" Box 1.5" Shrubs 20 Dodonaea viscose Hopseed Bush 5 Gallon n/a 50 Leucophyllum frutescens Texas Ranger 5 Gallon n/a 40 Calliandra californica Baja Fairy Duster 5 Gallon n/a 100 Ruellia peninsularis Ruellia 5 Gallon n/a For Parking Lot: Trees 88 Proposis alba Mesquite 25' Height 2" 58 Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle 15' Height I" Shrubs 50 Bougainvillea spp. Bougainvillea 5 Gallon n/a 200 Baccharis pilularis Dwarf Coyote Bush 1 Gallon n/a For Buildings: Trees n/a Ficus microcarpa `Nitida' Indian Laurel Fig 30' Height 1" n/a Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda 30' Height 1.5" n/a Hesperaloe parviflora Red Yucca 15' Height 1" n/a Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle 15' Height 1" Shrubs n/a Bougainvillea spp. Bougainvillea 5 Gallon n/a n/a Lantana montividensis Trailing Lantana 1 Gallon n/a n/a Dondonaea viscose Hopseed Bush 5 Gallon n/a n/a Leycophyllum frutescens Texas Ranger 5 Gallon n/a n/a Calliandra californica Baja Fairy Duster 5 Gallon n/a n/a I Ruellia peninsularis Ruellia 5 Gallon n/a 19 SPECIFIC PLAN —.2000-043 POINT NAPPY, LA +QURITTA Table 3A - Plant Palette Amendment to Specific Plan Landscape plans subject to City approval. The following plant palette is a list of plants & trees that thrive in and climates. This is in addition to Table 3, using the same sizes, heights, and calipers as used in Table 3. ROCK: • DESERT SUNRISE FINES • 6" MINUS " SALT RIVER ROCK" • /" MINUS GREY GRAVEL • ARIZONA BROWN PAVERS • COCOA FLATS PAVERS • OAK VALLEY CRESTA BOULDERS • SLABS FOR MONUMENT SIGNS BOULDERS TO MATCH PLANT PALETTE: TREES: • ALL ACACIAS • BAOBAB TREE • ADENIUM OBESUM or Desert Rose, crimson star or Hybrid desert rose • BAUHINIA BLAKEANA • BAUHINIA VARIEGATA or purple orchid tree or white orchid tree • BURSERA FAGAROIDES, white bark tree, elephant tree pale orange bark, red bark, • BURSERA MICROPHYLLA, yellow paper bark elephant tree • CALLISTEMON PHOENICUS, crimson bottlebrush • CALLISTEMON VIMINALIS, weeping bottlebrush • ALL CERCIDIUMS • CHORISIA INSIGNIS, white silk tree • CHORISIA SPECIOSA, pink silk tree • RUSSIAN OLIVE • ALL EUCALYPTUS • FICUS BENJAMINA • FICUS CARICA • ALL FICUS • GEIJERA PARVIFLORA, Australian willow • GEOFFROEA DECORTICANS Chilean Palo Verde • MACLURA POMIFERA, Osage orange • PARKINSONIA ACULEATA, Mexican Palo Verde • PARKINSONIA ACULEATA X CERCIDIUM HYBRID • SCHINUS MOLLE, California pepper tree • TABEBUTA IMPETIGINOSA, lavender trumpet tree, pink flowered amapa, golden trumpet tree • ALL CITRUS TREES • ALL PALM TREES SHRUBS: • ACACIA LONGIFOLIA, Sydney golden wattle • ALOYSIA LYCIOIDES, White bush • BAUHINIA LUNARIOIDES, Chibuahuan orchid shrub, or red orchid shrub • BOUGAINVILLEA, ALL • CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA, Red bird of paradise • CALLIANDRA ERIOPHYLLA, fairy duster • CALLIANDRA HYBRID, Red fairy duster • CALLIANDRA PENINSULARIS, La Paz fairy duster • CARISSA MACROCARPA, Natal plum • CHRYSACTINIA MEXICANA, Domianita daisy • CLEMATIS ALL, & VINES • CORDIA PARVIFOLIA, Little leaf Cordia 20 SPECIFIC PLAN - 2000-043 PO INT RAPFY, LA QLIINTA SHRUBS (CONTINUED) • CORTADERIA SELLOANA, Pampas grass • DALEA PULCHRA, Bush dalea • DIMORPHOTHECA SINUATA, African daisy • DIOON EDULE, Palma de la virgen, Chestnut dioon • ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII, Golden barrel cactus • EUPHORBIA TIRUCALLI, Pencil tree • FEROCACTUS CYCLINDRACEUS, WISLIZENII, Barrel cactus • HIBISCUS ALL • GUAIACUM COULTERI, Guayacan, purple intense flower • TRAILING ICE PLANT • LANTANA ALL • LEUCOPHYLLUM PRUNOSUM, Seirra bouquet or blue rain sage • MACFADYENA UNGUIS-CATI, Cat's claw vine • MASCAGNIA LILACINA, Lilac orchid vine • MASCAGNIA MACROPTERA, Yellow orchid vine • MELAMPODIUM LEUCANTHUM, Blackfoot daisy • MULHENBERGIA CAPILLARIS, Pink mulhy • MULHENBERGIA DUMOSA, Bamboo mulhy • MUHLENBERGIA RIGENS, Deer grass • MYOPORUM PARVIFOLIUM, Trailing myoporum • NOLINA MICROCARPA, Bear grass • NOLINA RECURVATA, Ponytail palm • OENOTHERA BERLANDIERI, Mexican evening primrose • OPUNTIA BASILARIS, Beaver tail cactus, prickly pear • PENNISETUM SETACEUM, Fountain grass, red fountain grass • SALVIAS ALL • SENNA ARTEMISIOIDES, Feathery senna • SENNA ARTEMISIOIDES CIRCINATA, autumn flowering, desert senna, silver senna • SETCREASEA PALLIDA, Purple heart plant • VERBENA,ALL GROUNDCOVERS& OTHERS • APTENIA CORDIFOLIA, hearts and flowers • ASPARAGUS DENSIFLORUS, Sprenger asparagus fern • ASTERISCUS MARITIMUS, Mediterranean beach daisy • NATAL PLUM ALL • ICE PLANTS ALL • TRAILING GAZANIAS ALL • PLUMBAGO • MONDO GRASS • BLUE FESCUE • MORAEA IRIDIOPES • APTENIA CORDIFOLIA • LIRIOPE MUSCARI, Big blue lily turf • Day Lilies 1. Please note that final quantities will be established during City review of subsequent landscape plans. 2. Please note that final quantities for the buildings will be established during City review of subsequent Landscape Plans. 3. Please note that the final plant palette may change depending on quality of available plants. Any change would be subject to City approval. 4. Please note that the above list was taken from the noted book used by area nurseries. "LANDSCAPE PLANTS FOR DRY REGIONS" by Warren Jones These are all associated with low maintenance and water conservation. Please note that this is only a partial list of plants and with City approval and developers approval the above mentioned book is to be used as aguide. VII C ,.PE- MYRTLE" SOURCE: LANTEX f d/ CALIFORNIA-FAN'PAL_.MS CICO T ILIO W/ HARDENBERG1A DRAWING TE f'RESTJK Conceptual Landscape Treatment of Typical Elevationi Building ARCHITECTS � &A 11 SSOCiA7ES ' MADISON NOT TO SCALE DEVELOPMENT HIGHWAY I - ENTRANCE 2 TYPICAL PARKING ISLAND PLANTING 50MCE; L8MX HIGHWAY tt1 - MAIN ENTRANCE TYPICAL BUILDING FRONTAGE PLANTING BUS 0171ML i ttl WASHINGTON ST ENTRANCE Y LIGHTING 130I.1_ARDS locatod along WashInglon Shoot and Highway I I 1 Ironlogo alone sldowalk al 60' Intorvols Landscape Details PRl=ST VUKSIC � , c$GuR€Na ARCHITECTS &A.ss©CIATES ., ,.. APKr—W 10 MADISON NOT TQ SCALE DEVELOPMENT The landscaping design listed below will incorporate the City Design Guidelines to enhance not only the project but also the community. 1. The project entrance shall be visible to pedestrians and people driving in cars by accenting the entries with varying heights of California Fan Palms and Sweet Acacia trees. 2. The surrounding architecture will be accented with colorful material taken from plant palette attached. 3. Shade trees in the parking areas will consist of Palo Verde/Acacia and related desert trees with their spreading canopy habit to provide shade and a pleasing, cooling, softening effect to combat the expanse of asphalt. Groundcover will be used for the parking islands as it will also soften the hardscape. 4. Planted along Highway 111's streetscape and in specific locations around the buildings, Ocotillo will be featured as a specimen plant. This unusual plant will be used as an accent shrub to add a varying effect throughout the seasons. The vibrant, bright red, foot long clusters of flowers in Spring, will change to cool green leaves in Summer. These leaves soon drop and the Ocotillo is transformed into a severe structural contrast of thorny limbs in the Fall. 5. Entries and some larger planting groups will be enhanced by Red Yucca and various sizes of boulders. This brings the existing rocky terrain of the region into the design. 6. Buildings will be softened by berming the planter beds up to one or two feet high. 7. Pots may be used if desired as additional landscaping accents. See Section V.B. for a discussion of landscape design guidelines applicable to the project. Please note the Figure 8 landscape conceptual drawings indicate the planter location for the art in public places, which has already been approved by the City of La Quinta City Council, and is not a part of this landscape plan. D. CIRCULATION PLAN The project Circulation Plan as shown in Figure 11, is typical of a commercial center with an internal system of access aisles to serve the parking areas and multiple pads. Vehicular External access is taken from three locations. Two locations are signalized; one at the northeast corner of the site on Washington Street, and one at the southwest corner on Highway 111. A third entry is located in the middle of the site on Highway 111. This entry is limited to right -in -right -out turning movement. A main internal circulation corridor is established between the two signalized intersections. Parking isles and internal access drives serving the balance of the site intersect this corridor. A service isle is provided adjacent to the Whitewater Channel at the rear of the property. A secondary corridor is taken from Highway 111 into the center of the project. This entry provides immediate access to proposed drive-thru type businesses. A third drive-thru is located off the Washington Street entry. The signalized entry at Highway 111 provides access to a service station pad. This entry extends into the site approximately 200 feet before access is provided to the gas station pad. To ensure minimal congestion, each entry to the site provides substantial "stacking" for vehicles leaving the site, and extensive distance before vehicles entering the site meet intersecting parking isles or drives. All traffic considerations along Highway 111 are subject to Caltrans approval. 24 Pedestrian As seen in Figure 11, pedestrian sidewalks are provided along both the Washington Street and Highway 111 frontages. A bus stop (which has been replaced by a new facility meeting City of La Quinta standards) is located on Highway 111 and is connected to the internal pedestrian system within the project. The pedestrian system interconnects all buildings within the site. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK P41 Al;: 4 ilk AF PAR 6 WE WAS 42 ----------- DRAVAW. TRE:PREST Fr.LMNO. VUKSIC �1616111310 Circulafion Plan 1� ARCHITECTS ASSOCIATES APPXAM 11 MADISON FEET CITY OF LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT 0 80 760 E. GRADING Grading Concept The Conceptual Grading Plan is shown in Figure 12. This figure illustrates existing site grades, street grades and pad grades. The property proposed for development will be graded to create thirteen building pads (one pad per parcel, two pads for the service station) and parking areas and streetscapes. The site will be graded from the highest pad elevation in the northeast corner of the site (Parcel 8) of 88 feet to the lowest pad elevation in the southeast corner of the site (Parcel 3) of 81.5 feet. Approximate pad elevations for each parcel will be as follows: Parcell 84 feet Parcel l 82.2 feet Parcel 3 81.5 feet Parcel 4 81.5 feet Parcel 5 81.3 feet Parcel 6 83.5 feet Parcel 7 Service Bays 84.2 feet Parcell Market 85 feet Parcel 88 feet Parcel 9 87.5 feet Parcel 10 86.5 feet Parcel 11 85.5 feet Parcel 12 85 feet In total, approximately 103,000 cubic yards of earthwork (55,000 c.y. cut and 48,000 c.y. fill) is proposed and all grading will be balanced within the property limits without the need for borrow or disposal sites. The earthwork is fairly evenly distributed throughout the site with an average of 1 to 2 foot being added or removed at most locations. Excavation will occur along the southwest boundary of the project site to facilitate driveway extension from the signal on Highway 111. Figure 4 illustrates toe of slope and the limits of excavation into the rock outcrop. The elevation of the access road has been adjusted to reduce the limits of excavation. Figures 13 and 14 provide cross section exhibits of cuts into rock outcrop. The cross sections are representative of the varying degrees of excavation along the western border of the site. Slope of final grade will be 3/:1. Erosion Control Since the Coachella Valley experiences periods of moderate to high wind conditions, wind blown dust and sand is a concern during local grading operations. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency has instituted a plan in the Coachella Valley to curb excess PM 10 (small particle dust). The provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) will apply to construction projects over 5 acres in size. Grading operations will include provisions to reduce water and wind erosion control both during and after grading. 27 �Y O' k NNEL PLEASE SEE OE PMENT 84.8 REGULATIONS AL CASE "C' l 2 x(87.5) x{83.721" x 1.01 x{&2 fl1 x(85.351 x(8388).'. x 96,4j Tc 8059 D 82.2 w C w p {87.0 x{82.i1j i B x{87 } 84 2 83.5 =i -Ta 79.44 81.3 T 81 7.0 -� 81:5 I ••,►• ., 81.5 �. .Tc 77.78 ��$$ (,�,� Tc 7;7:62 KEY r tee— Existing Grade Contour x (80,0) Finished Grade am Pad Elevation roW.21 Ae Cross Sections Tc 77.21 Top of Curb UAWWG 1111E: Conceptual Grading Plan CITY OF LA QUINTA PREST® WKSIC 'M"a ARCHITECTS &ASSOCIATES A4R01£mOWI<OteO— e q6A� Te. k CW6 N*- APWCCANI FES` 12 MADISON DEVELOPMENT 0 80 160 MVAN+G 1IRE: Cross Sections MADISON DEVELOPMENT PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS ® ® F GUtE M AIApEAgN4 Gd8CNTKJN t&ASSOCIATES Iidead T (v �u 31� r r 1 r FEET 1111r 6 25 50 75 DRAWING T11LE: Cross MADISON PREST VUKSIC e A l&E Na Sections DEVELo MENT ARCHITECTS &ASSOCIATES ■ y " FEET L� 25 SQ 75 SPECIFIC PLAN -- 2000-043 POINT HAPPY, I A [UINTA F. DRAINAGE PLAN The Drainage Plan for the site is shown in Figure 15. The drainage plan proposes to direct runoff via parking lots generally from the northwest to the southeast. A low point will be established in the north portion of Parcel 4 and westerly portion of Parcel 2 where a catch basin will be located in the parking area. Drainage collected at this point will be conveyed via underground pipe to the east where drainage flows will be discharged into the city storm drain. G. SEWER PLAN Sewer service is provided to the site by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) via an existing 8" sewer line located on the north side of the street centerline in Highway 111. The project site sill be connected to this line at two locations, one at an existing 6" lateral near the Highway 111 and Washington Street; the other through a new line connected to an existing sewer manhole. Onsite sewer lines will be installed with stubouts to development pads. See Figure 16, Utility Plan. H. WATER PLAN Water service is also provided to the site by CVWD and is available at the property from a 12" waterline located east of the street centerline in Washington Street and north of the street centerline of Highway 111. Both domestic and irrigation water will be taken from this line. New onsite waterlines will consist of 12" domestic waterlines, 6" hydrants and 1-1/2" to 2" services as needed. Initial water improvements will involve creation of a looped water line to serve pads within the site, the connection of landscape irrigation lines (for streetscapes along Highway 111 and Washington Street), and the provision of stubouts with blow -off valves in anticipation of the future building at each pad. When buildings are constructed, the building will be connected to the water line and the blow -off valves will be removed. See Figure 16, Utility Plan. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 31 w Ebert OF DI°SWAl AE q HA 14 ' "PLEASE SEE I]EVEL[7PNkEfti'C REGULATIONS SPECfAL CASE"'C' —40= +. Lr h ;j r� Uj iii;l� t II 1.1 %r_,J�11�• f/ f �'�'� i ��f�`r,1► i r ' ! r �„1 `{. /r.. ! .. I i! �•i. ice- F. r . t f� •.^S"4' Z �� }r y. f�{ r�r •.� ��` ,-'", ..-..x '•. J z�`Ssy���1 1 ,� r •�' Q . ���..-�i�. S'am�~.v., ��f� ��y �. ., "�.t-»� � ..l f . •r ,:�.r r is ." .J � - ;� P�1"1 .`. +'- r•f�- r Z �„� �•cxrti I •'" .« '~�. , f y: µr V_.. -�- � �.iY: ,� srrc �• �i � ik 3cs. 1� � � i \\ � .`� ,� y d . j i .. Y � r � �s ' " as ^ .w,, a ��� '•, t t°``' l.E_ �! �z,. '{t r.tyti- I� 5'f KEY --► Dlrectlon of Flow°�'w Underground Storm Drafn Proposed Catch Basins CIRAW W IIIL[: Drainage PRES7 � , _ � FIGFS� NO. �.uncepivai Pian AR HILECTS .�a &ASSOCIATES 15 FEET CITY OF LA QUINTA MAOISo1V �-.-- -�� DEVELOPMENT 0. 80. 160 SPECIFIC PLAN — 2000-043 POINT HAPPY, LA QUiNTA I. OTHER UTILITY PLANS Natural Gas Natural gas service is provided to the site by The Gas Company, which has a 4" medium pressure steel gas main in Washington Street adjacent to the site. The main in Washington was constructed in the late 1950's and is likely to be located at the center of the street, although the exact location requires verification. Service from either location would require cutting and reconstruction of some street pavement which would typically be completed within one day. The Gas Company anticipates service for this project to be routine. Electric Electric service is provided to the site by the Imperial Irrigation District and is available to the property. Telephone Telephone service is provided to the site by General Telephone Company and is available to the property on Washington Street. GTE service is available to the project from a terminal located at the main entrance off Washington Street. In the case of this project, telephone cable would be extended from a pull box located in Washington Street. GTE also has facilities available for high speed internet connection (ISDN or high capacity circuits) and anticipates service for this project to be routine. Cable Television Cable Television service is provided to the site by Warner Cable and is available to the property from Washington Street. Installation of cable television would be coordinated with the extension of electrical service so that a single trench containing both facilities would be constructed. Time Warner Cable considers service for this project to be routine. VI. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The development regulations contained herein provide specific standards relative to permitted land uses in addition to site design and construction regulations to be applied within the Specific Plan area. They are intended to protect the public health, safety, and welfare and to create a harmonious relationship with surrounding land. In general, this amended specific plan is consistent with the CC Zone of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code unless a different standard is identified below. Should a development standard contained in this Specific Plan conflict with an equivalent standard contained in the City of La Quinta Zoning Code, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall take precedence. In instances where the Specific Plan does not address a particular regulation, the applicable portion of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code shall govern. The Planning Director shall have authority to approve minor adjustments during Development Permit Review, so long as he determined such adjustments are consistent with the Specific Plan Land Use Plan. 33 `PLEASE SEE C lkCE FMEMI'_.�� t REQULAFIQhiS SPEfAL CASE" i`� 3R A , 0141", am KFY I Existing 12" Water Line ............... Existing 8" Sewer Line �— Proposed 12" Water Line — — — — Proposed 8" Water Line ............... Proposed 8" Sewer Line • Fire Hydrant 'a^{ t DRAWING PRE: P ZEST I FKa'I.f1E N0. VLJKSIC ^� Conceptual Utility Plan ARCHITECTS SeA35C]CIATI5 .P, iS9E� i. 16 CITY OF LA QUINTA n�°'S° FSE; -ET DEVELOPMENT 80 160 A A SPECIFIC PLAN — 2000-043 POINT HAPPY, LA QUINTA PRINCIPALA. 1 This Specific Plan shall allow all uses identified as Permitted as a principal use, Permitted as an accessory to the principal use, Permitted as a principal or accessory use if a Conditional Use Permit is approved, Permitted if a minor use permit is approved, and Permitted as a temporary use as identified in and subject to the provisions of the Community Commercial (CC) Zoning District described in Section 9.80.040 of the La Quinta Zoning Code. B. PROPERY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS • Maximum structure height: • Maximum number of stories: w Maximum Floor Area Ratio • Building Setbacks (t) - from Highway 111: - from Washington Street • Landscape Setbacks (Z) - from Highway 11 l: -from Washington Street: • Interior Landscape (3) - parking areas: - non parking areas: • Required Parking 22 feet within 150 feet of street R.O.W., 26 feet beyond 150 feet of street R.O.W. 1 floor within 150 feet R.O.W., 2 stories beyond 150 feet of street R.O.W. kill 50 feet 20 feet 50 feet 20 feet 5% of project area (4) 5% of project area (4) (379 space required per square foot, 388 spaces provided calculated for entire site)151 -General Retail uses over 50,000 sq/ft GFA — 1 space per 250 sq/ft. -Restaurant space in excess of 20% of total shopping center ■ GFA -I space per 75 sq/ft GFA (conventional "sitdown") -1 space per 100sq/ft GFA (drive-thru fast food) (1) Number given is minimum building setback from the street right-of-way. In addition to the required landscape setback, the building setback may contain parking, driveways and similar facilities. (2) Perimeter landscape setback shall consist of landscaped area within the building setback. Number given is minimum landscaped setback from the street right-of-way. (3) Perimeter landscape setbacks shall not be credited toward the interior landscape requirement. (4) Total project area is 9.5 acres. Percentages are applicable to site as a whole, as described in this Specific Plan, individual parcels may vary higher or lower. (5) Required parking may be increased if parking and circulation is found to be inadequate during site development permit review. 35 C. SPECIAL SECTION The highest and best use of the back five lots of Point Happy has been studied extensively by the developer. The proposed uses vary distinctively. Alternative Use # 1 — The developer would develop the parcels in a "mixed use" concept utilizing retail, office and restaurant uses. This concept would be in conformity with the original specific plan. Parking would be utilized and the number of stalls required would be subject to review and approval by the city of La Quinta. Alternative Use # 2 — The developer through approval of this amended specific plan might like to utilize all or part of the parcels for a hotel. If a hotel use was selected the developer understands that while this use is allowed under the present zoning a conditional use permit would be needed. The parking requirements would be changed as the hotel use alters the required stalls. The developer has commissioned an independent parking study to be done that directly addresses a hotel use. The study is attached and listed as "Parking Study". No site plan is shown to show a hotel as no land use proposal has been submitted. V. DESIGN GUIDELINES The Design Guidelines for the Specific Plan have been developed as a method of achieving a high quality, cohesive design character for the development of the Point Happy in La Quinta. They provide specific design criteria for the development of the project, as well as encouraging creativity, imagination and a high level of harmony and consistency within the surrounding community. Adherence to the Design Guidelines will create a desirable asset to the community and enhance the project's overall value. These guidelines will govern the design quality of the project for application in the following ways: • To provide the City of La Quinta with the necessary assurance that the Specific Plan area will develop in accordance with the quality and character proposes. • To provide guidance to developers, builders, engineers, architects, landscape architects and other professionals in order to maintain the desired design quality. • To provide guidance to City staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council in the review of construction plans for Specific Plan area. A. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES The initial phase of the project will be to create access, develop parking areas, provide perimeter streetscape improvements, and to provide building pads for ultimate construction of buildings. The design guidelines contained herein are intended to ensure that the design of structures on each pad will be responsive and complimentary to its neighbors. The building design utilizes a contemporary interpretation of a Colonial Spanish style and is characterized by hipped and gabled "flat clay" or barrel clay tile roofs, flat roofs with ornate cornice details; deep set multi -paned windows, and colonial details such as shutters and wrought iron rails. The exterior wall materials will consist of a smooth exterior plaster in keeping with the Colonial Spanish style. Figure 17, Illustrative Architectural Treatments, illustrates a variety of architectural treatments ultimately envisioned for future building construction on the project site. While the building depicted in this example does not pertain to a specific building, it does depict the styles and details that are acceptable. Mass & Scale • Varied proportions are encouraged. Elements in facades should be spaced at varying intervals to create a visual rhythm. • Each building will incorporate a continuity of mass, scale and architectural features. • Continuity between pads within the project site will also be maintained. • Site development permit for parcels abutting the Whitewater Storm Channel shall include rear and side elevations facing the channel that address building articulation and landscaping. Roof Treatments • Appropriate use of flat, hip, and gable roof forms are encouraged while barns, and false roofs should be avoided. • Flat roofs may be used with the ornate cornice shown in Figure 17, and in combination with other roof forms. • The use of variable ridgelines on a single structure is encouraged. • Roof pitch may vary between elements of a structure. • Mechanical equipment may be placed only on flat portions of roofs provided that they are screened from public view and that the screening is incorporated into building design. Architectural Features and Details • All mechanical equipment including fuse boxes, heating and cooling devices and satellite dishes shall be screened from public view. Screening devices shall utilize the same materials and colors as the main structure. • The use of curtain walls is not allowed. • Exterior walls should emphasize shadow relief using recesses, bays, awnings, and covered walkways. • Building entryways should be visually emphasized. • The use of false fagade treatments should be avoided. Shaded walkways are encouraged in areas with high levels of pedestrian traffic. • Conversion of first floor windows to exterior tenant entries is allowed subject to Staff approval of architectural details. • Design articulation and enhanced landscaping of all buildings along on all north elevations (i.e. rear elevations facing the channel) shall be required. Walls and Fences • Walls are encouraged to use materials and colors, which match or compliment associated buildings. • Walls which create long, unbroken straight lines should be avoided. 37 O Cornice Detall 1 Foam form with plaster finish OCornice Detail 2 Foam form with plaster finish O Exposed Rafters 48 to 6x12 douglas fir rafters with stain finish G) Arched Openings 0 Clay Pipe of Terra Cotta Details Q Wood Shutters 0 Canvas Canoplps O Eave Details Foam with plaster finish O Fiat Clay Roof Tile US Tile Scratched Madera Rustic Blend 0 Recessed Niche Detail ORecessed Niche Surround Foam with plaster finish of Stone O Recessed Niche Detail with recessed light fixture l� Stone of Plaster Bowl Detail Q Gable Roof DMW04 RIM Illustrated Architecture Treatment @o Hip Roof 0 Arched Window Detal QStonework Wrought Iron Window betail ® Entry Roof Detail "] Covered Verandas/Walkways 0 Stone Window Sill OStone Wainscot v0 Wall Cap Detail Foam with plaster finish (D Handpalnted Tile Detail O Doors and Windows with True Divided Lites O Irrigated Clay and Stone F3GtFE NJ. Pots for Landscapping QStonework at Main Entries ® Raised Planters with Stone "] Caps for sitting gg Cantera Stone Columns Tuscan style Exposed Wood Trellis PRIEST VUKS1C F3GtFE NJ. A€i ETEcT 6 AssacIATES AMICANe "] MADISON DEVELOPMENT NOT TO SCALE DRAWING 711LE: Color illustrated Architecture Treatment PRE:ST VUKSI�C F.UZC No, ARCHITECTS &ASS AMICM E glATE MADISON NOT is SCALE DEVELOPMENT Lighting • Exterior lighting, when used, should enhance the building design and the adjoining landscape. • Lighting standards and building fixtures should be of a design and size compatible with the building and adjacent areas. • Lighting shall be restrained in design and excessive brightness (nightglow) avoided. • Standard design techniques should be employed to shield parking light fixture. Parking lot light poles should be equipped with a flush lens and should not exceed a maximum height of 24 feet. Signage • Signage should be designed with appropriate scale and proportion and should relate visually to buildings and surroundings. • Sign colors, materials, and lighting should be restrained and harmonious with the building and site to which it principally relates. • The number of graphic elements on a sign should be limited to the necessary minimum and should be composed in proportion to the area of the sign face. • Each sign should be compatible with signs on adjoining premises and should not compete for attention. • Tenant signs may be used if exterior doorways to individual suites are added in the future. Tenant signs shall be unobtrusive, consistent with the building vernacular and placed beneath the first floor arcade. • This signage program is conceptual only. A detailed sign plan shall be submitted for each tenant or building consistent with the Specific Plan Sign Program prior to issuance of a building permit. Car Ports Carports should be designed to be architecturally compatible with the proposed building motif. All carport structure shall be made of wood. Pre-engineered, lightweight steel structures are not allowed. Materials and Colors • The facade plays an integral role in appearance and should use a continuous palette of similar materials and colors. • Restraint should be exercised in the number of materials and colors selected for a given structure. Accent colors should be limited to one or two per structure. • Acceptable construction materials are steel, wood, brass, stucco, concrete, plaster, ceramic tile, aluminum and glass. • The following indicates selected colors and materials that establish the working palette that is intended to serve as a basis for architectural cohesiveness for the proj ect. 40 P SPECIMC PLAN ! 2000-043 POINT HAPPY, LA +QLiINTA PAINT COLORS Manufacturer: Dunn Edwards (or equal) BASE COLORS These would be used on large wall surfaces, but could not be used as accents. 1. Pearl White SP 70 (This is generally off-white) 2. Stonish Beige SP 68 (This is generally light adobe) ACCENT COLORS These colors would be used for accent walls and architectural elements. 3. Rosewood SP 126 (This color is generally brown with a reddish hue) 4. Ryan's Eye DE 3028 (This color is generally chocolate) 5. Burnt Cedar DE 906 (This color is generally coral) 6. Fandango SP 354 (This color is generally light brown with a reddish hue) 7. Rijn Shot DE 3138 (This color is generally a light olive or dark sage) 8. Mauve Niagara (This color is generally a rich, purple color) MATERIALS (to be similar or equal) ROOF TILE Manufacturer: US Tile Style: Flat, non -glazed, scratched clay tile or Two piece barrel tile Color: Madera Blend or Rustic Madera STONE COLUMNS, SURROUNDS, SILLS AND WAINSCOTS Canterra Stone/Pattern: Cafe II or Exterior Simulated Stone Manufacturer: El Dorado Stone Color: Tuscany Country Rubble WOOD TRELLIS AND RAFTERS Wood: Douglas Fir or Cedar Stain: AceWood Stain Color: 139 Fruitwood or Early American #1159912 EXTERIOR CEMENT PLASTER Finish: Smooth, fine sand finish, with fines approved by the developer. Finish shall be an integral color or if painted shall be with elastomeric paint only. Color: Refer to Paint Colors 41 SPECIFIC PLAN- 2000-143 POINT HAPPY, L'A QUINTA WINDOWS Material: Steel Aluminum, or Wood Frames with true divided lites. Color: Dunn Edwards Rini Shot DE 3138 as listed under Accent Color Glazing: Clear or Light to Medium Bronze Tint with approval. CANVAS AWNINGS Any color or style (approved by the developer) which reasonably resembles one of those listed under Accent Colors. WROUGHT IRON Color: Dunn Edwards Ryan's Eye DE 3028 as listed under Accent Colors Color: Dunn Edwards Rim Shot DE 3138 as listed under Accent Colors with approval. B. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES General Guidelines Groundcovers shall be used to enhance the appearance of the project and protect the soil from erosion. Tree bark and shredded wood products, which are lightweight and subject to wind and water erosion, are prohibited. Water efficient landscape materials, including native plants, with drip irrigation shall be used whenever possible as a means of conserving scarce water resources and minimizing maintenance costs. Landscaping shall be designed to screen above ground utility equipment, service areas and trash containers. Homogenous, visually subtle plant materials shall be selected for use in these areas in order not to focus attention on the objectionable items. Entryways Areas which serve as a focus of vehicular traffic, such as entries, shall be accented by the use of colorful shrubs and groundcovers for enhanced visual interest. These shrubs and groundcovers are to include plants contained in the plant palettes. Project entries shall utilize vertical accents such as palm trees to provide a sense of arrival to the facility with California Fan Palms. Plant materials at project entries shall be located so as to avoid interfering with motorist sight lines. Plant combinations shall leave an area 3' high to 6' vertical height open to allow for clear vision of approaching cars and pedestrians. Buildings • Primary building entries shall be accented by the use of colorful shrubs and groundcovers for enhanced visual interest. • Plant materials shall be used to soften long stretches of blank wall surface. • Landscape materials shall be selected with colors and textures which enhance architectural elements. 42 SPECMC PLAN — 2000-043 POE*Tr HAPPY, LA ¢i3INTA Streetscapes • Streetscapes shall incorporate informal masses of trees and shrubs. • Streetscapes fronting the project shall maintain a plant palette and design concept which is compatible with surrounding finished street frontages. • Streetscapes shall incorporate rock outcroppings within berming, thereby relating to the Point. • Streetscape along Highway 111 shall conform to specific city guidelines as follows: - For proposed plant palette, see Table 3. - For Landscape Concept Site Plan, see Figure 8. - For details of entrances to the project and the bus stop, see Figure 10. Parking Lots • The design of parking lots shall include provisions for canopy trees to provide shade for parked cars. • Parking areas shall be partially screened from adjacent roadways by the use of low walls or berms. C. SIGN PROGRAM The purpose of this criteria is to establish the sign standards necessary to insure coordinated proportional exposure for all tenants while maintaining integrated compatibility with the project's architectural design. The program is intended to allow each business room for creativity within limits of their store front width. Figures 18, 19 and 20 illustrate special concept sign locations and letter styles and installation details. GENERAL CRITERIA All signs and their installation must comply with all local building and electrical codes. 2. No animated, flashing, or audible signs will be permitted. 3. No exposed lamps shall be permitted. 4. All tenants must have sign installed prior to opening for business and must maintain the following signs: a. Individual metal Channel Letters with Plexiglas faces, interior illuminated. Recommended colors are: Red, Blue, Yellow and White or other color with Developer approval. b. Individual back -lit "halo" letters. C. The detailed sign plans specific to each tenant and/or owner must be submitted and approved before issuance of a sign permit. d. Lighted box with architectural elements matching building design. 5. Upon removal of any sign by tenant, any damage to the sign band face will be repaired by tenant or by Landlord at tenant cost. 6. Detailed sign plan shall be submitted for each tenant or building consistent with the Specific Plan Program prior to issuance of a building permit. 43 to , f��`�� R �� � • ' -. Or' 'W� �41. x �� iY '• � t '�j DRAWING TITLE- Sign Program PRIEST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS � j I&ASSOCIaTLs F �• --c- PW - I T.- I- C -P rkq- POINT HAPPY ASPUC.A t 18 SPECIFIC PLAN CITY OF LA QUINTA MADISON NOT TO SCALE FJEVELOPMEM 12 CUOtaM cut: acrylic 1;2" Ictt'cring opmyed todesimd color. >.. Mounted flat: to aluminum camicr plea Ce Mth mechanical fasterlirlg (eee below) Vertical slgn supppOtto oupplicd 6y oth-o v.i GT manufacAm g of canopy /0I �s OW aluminum custom color to match canopy mnuntcd With otud o stern thru canopy !Gr•pnmcts) Into aertJ el meLel +Owipe ae ghaQ n 1 I thud of at-tachmcnt I PdJuaitritnrt oe v /F.I aCSay pIatc "Ix F: i1L ,f 0'. W'16 ai•LiR=hC� PAIrLm tem4uh»?mpy Grxrllne Letters at t=-ivji to r tre POIIJ111r,pfly i MOUI ITInG TECH}IIOUF5 I .Al ID ELECTRIC DF_THL FOP. ChI HI IEL LE IIFrMot ` � wv caryr iJ - bnn IAlp rx. TTI .4V tiyl. 14» 1.in. Irwn • M� abn..,ry * I - I .� matt= � -e �„c•,,.. .. FOR II I1r,Ppy ��•� j MUNI I1IM6 lEfHWIOM5 pr rJJP ELECIM CMAJL 1'09 C14 n H1 EL LETTIT, � m o.. .-7 I LJ P0111I IL�pPY � F4GUIIIIIIG IECf II IIOLIFS - I IC' ELECT PJC f'E I'IL FOR CH -.I II IFL LET'fFF WA e � .I 5. I },�wln.�,•, r r 1 n.. orNMNG TITLE: A PRIEST p-- '.RE Sign Program Detail VUKSIC ARCHITECTS & wSSOCIAaTEIS � I �� r •1 { n A' FOR II I1r,Ppy ��•� j MUNI I1IM6 lEfHWIOM5 pr rJJP ELECIM CMAJL 1'09 C14 n H1 EL LETTIT, � m o.. .-7 I LJ P0111I IL�pPY � F4GUIIIIIIG IECf II IIOLIFS - I IC' ELECT PJC f'E I'IL FOR CH -.I II IFL LET'fFF WA e � .I 5. I },�wln.�,•, r r 1 n.. orNMNG TITLE: PRIEST p-- '.RE Sign Program Detail VUKSIC ARCHITECTS & wSSOCIAaTEIS CITY OF LA QUINTA �,,. MADISON DEVELOPMENT NOT TO SCALE 19 r� W So brisk RLM I SPECIFIC PLAN — 2004-043 POINT HAPPY, LA QUINTA Acceptable signage on doors and windows is as follows: a. Signage to be attached directly on the storefront glass or to be hung in the window openings. This applies to signs that may indicate the name of the store or business, professional designation, symbol and/or Logo. b. No illuminated signs are permitted without the express written approval of the Landlord, and the City of La Quinta Community Development Department. C. Numbers identifying the address of the premises. d. A sign listing the store business hours. e. A sign or signs displaying the credit card(s) accepted by the merchant. f. All signs must be prepared in a professional manner. g. Signs may not be hand lettered or scripted presenting an unprofessional appearance. h. No signs or posters may be placed outside the demised or leased line of the premises. i. Advertising banners attached to the outside of the store area are not permitted without express written permission by the Landlord and City. 8. All signing shall be of materials compatible with exterior building colors, materials, finishes, and of a high quality of fabrication. 9. Except as noted in this signage program, no signing is permitted which does not directly relate to the primary service or function of the tenant's activity. Sign copy will be restricted to that specified in the individual sign section. 10. All signs shall be kept in a "like new" condition. On notice by the Landlord, a tenant will be required to refurbish any signing which does not qualify as being an acceptable standard. 11. All signs and installation of signs will conform to the appropriate building and electrical codes and bear the U.L. Label. 12. Electrical service to tenant signs shall be the responsibility of each tenant. 13. Exceptions to these criteria must receive written approval. SPECIFICATIONS FOR TENANT SIGNS Individual Illuminated Letters: Individual illuminated letters will be channel metal letters or backlit halo letters. Letter faces will be Plexiglas with a 3/" white Trim Cap molding for securing the Plexiglas face to the metal channel letter. Illumination of the letters will be with neon tubing mounted inside the letter. The letters are to be mounted onto the building face. A metal raceway that will accommodate the wiring and the transformers required for the illumination of the letters shall be mounted on the inside of walls. All signs included on Page 39 of this Specific Plan. 47 SPECIFIC PLAN -- 2004-443 POINT HAPPY, LA QUINTA AWNING SIGNS In some instances an awning will be used as signage. Copy will be centered on the front occupying only 75% of lineal width. MONUMENT SIGNS One (1) main and three (3) secondary monument signs are proposed for Point Happy. Their locations are illustrated in Figure 6, and the size and configuration are illustrated on Figure 19. A separate monument sign will be allowed on the service station site (Parcel 7) subject to a separate sign application. LETTER SIZES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. In -Line shops: Tenant signs may be a maximum letter height of 16" but no less than 9" if one line of copy is to be used. 2. Freestanding Pads: Tenant signs may be a maximum letter height of 24" but no less than 18" if one line of copy is to be used. 3. In-line shops and Freestanding Pads: In the event of the double line signage being necessary, total height to be 25" top to bottom, or 10" character height, double line. 4. Sign length not to exceed 80% of Leasehold width on both in-line and freestanding pad's shops and/or 50 square feet. LETTER STYLES AND CONFIGURATIONS Letter styles are subject to developer and city approval. UNDER CANOPY SIGNS Under canopy signs are to be 12 inches high by 36 inches long double faced sandblasted signs. These under canopy signs are to be hung in the breezeway in front of the store entrance. The copy or logo colors as per attached drawings. VI. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES A. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT According to the guidelines contained in the City's Transportation Demand Ordinance (Section 9.180.030), this project is required to make provisions for transportation demand management. In response to this requirement, the project shall incorporate the following measures: + The project shall make provisions for bicycle racks in accordance with City Zoning Code Section 9.150.050.D.3.c. • The project shall provide a walkway from the bus shelter located on Highway 111 at the southeast corner of the project site to facilitate pedestrian access to the commercial uses within the project. 48 • The project shall identify a Transportation Demand Coordinator to promote participation in TDM programs among employees. • The TDM Coordinator shall encourage ride sharing, bus ridership, telecommuting, flexible work schedules, and other TDM programs as feasible and appropriate. B. MAINTANANCE Maintenance of buildings and grounds shall be the responsibility of the building management association. On site facilities and landscaping shall be maintained in a clean, attractive and safe condition in accordance with City regulations. El APPENDIX A 51h,,Ing Brngnter Man Ever May 1, 2002 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Mr. Rick Wilkerson Madison/P.T.M. La Quinta L.C.C. 71361 San Gorgino Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 SUBJECT: SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043, AMENDMENT NO. 1, AND ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-395 Dear Mr Wilkerson: This is to inform you that the City Council at their meeting of April 16, 2002, certified the Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-395 and approved Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1. The attached Final Conditions of Approval apply to your project, Point Happy Specific Plan. If the conditions require any further review by staff, the Planning Commission, etc., they will need to be done at the appropriate time. Please note Condition No. 51: "Prior to issuance of a Site Development Permit , the final Conditions of Approval shall be incorporated in the Final Specific Plan document. Applicant shall work with staff to correct internal document inconsistencies prior to final publication of five copies of the Specific Plan document." These five copies are to presented to the Community Development Department for stamping final document approval. If the conditions require any further review by staff, the Planning Commission, etc., they will need to be done at the appropriate time. Should you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FRED BAKER, AICP Principal Planner Enclosures: Final Conditions of Approval Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 and Certified Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-395 N«" Ff,!,!7 n n m 1LL RESOLUTION NO. 2002-59 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE REVISED DESIGN GUIDELINES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AN 81,407 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL CENTER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111 CASE NO. SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043, AMENDMENT NO.1 MADISON/P.T.M. LA QUINTA, L. L C. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta did on the 16th day of April, 2002, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the request of Madison/P.T.M. La Quinta, L. L C. for approval of revised guidelines and standards in a development plan including the distribution of land uses and development standards, for commercial and office uses, located at the northwest corner of Highway 1 1 1 and Washington Street, more particularly described as: PARCEL MAP 29736; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 26th day of March, 2002, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider an Amendment to Specific Plan 2000-043, a 81,407 square foot commercial development consisting of a mixture of retail, office and restaurant uses on 9.779 acres, generally bounded by; Washington Street, Highway 1 1 1, and the CVWD Storm Water Channel. The project area is located at the northwest corner of Highway 1 1 1 and Washington Street; and, WHEREAS, said Specific Plan Amendment has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended (Resolution 83-63), in that an Environmental Assessment was conducted for Specific Plan 2000-043 (Point Happy Commercial Center) in 2000,,for the overall development of the Commercial Center. No substantive changes exists which would require the preparation of additional environmental documentation. An Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with minor changes in the project. The Community Development Department has determined that no significant environmental impacts which cannot be mitigated will result from this project. Therefore, no further Environmental Documentation is necessary pursuant to Public Resources Code 21166. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said City Council did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said Specific Plan Amendment: Resolution No. 2002-59 Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 2 1. That the proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan in that the property is designated Community Commercial which permits the uses proposed for the property. 2. That the proposed Specific Plan Amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare in that the resulting land uses and circulation will require Planning Commission and City i Council review and approval of future development plans, which will ensure adequate conditions of approval. 3. That the proposed Specific Plan Amendment is a guideline; further review will be required under a Site Development Permit review process at which time project related conditions will be attached to mitigate impacts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the City Council in this case; 2. That it does hereby approve of the above-described Specific Plan Amendment request for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 16th day of April, 2002, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None JOH City Resolution No. 2002.59 -- Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 3 ATTEST: JUN EEK, CMC, City Clerk CitV of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Kj THERINE JENSON, Ci�y Attorney City La Quinta, California RESOLUTION NO. 2002-59 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043, AMENDMENT NO. 1 ADOPTED APRIL 16, 2002 GENERAL The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of a grading, construction or building permit, the applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: • Fire Marshal • Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Improvement Permit) • Caltrans • Community Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Water Quality Control Board (CWQCB) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit. For projects requiring project -specific NPDES construction permits, the applicant shall submit a copy of the CWQCB acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent prior to issuance of a grading or site construction permit. The applicant shall ensure that the required Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan is available for inspection at the project site. 3. This development shall be subject to the Infrastructure Fee Program and Development Impact Fee program in effect at the time of permit approval. Resolution 2002-59 Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 2 PROPERTY RIGHTS 4. Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. 5. 1 The applicant may be required by Caltrans to furnish additional Highway 111 right of way to accommodate the proposed bus turnout and dedicated right -turn - in lane. If so, the right of way shall be deeded to the City in fee simple. 6. If the applicant cannot obtain permission from CVWD for location of the bikepath (required below) within the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel, the applicant shall grant an easement across the north end of this property for that purpose. 7. The applicant shall dedicate or deed cross -access easements to all private lots or parcels existing or created on this property. The easements shall cover all parking and circulation areas and routes within the development. 8. The applicant shall create perimeter setbacks along public rights of way as follows: A. Highway 1 1 1 - 50 feet. B. Washington Street - 20 feet. Where public facilities (e.g., sidewalks) are placed on privately -owned setbacks, the applicant shall dedicate blanket easements for those purposes. 9. The applicant shall dedicate easements necessary for placement of and access to utility lines and structures. 10. The applicant shall vacate abutter's rights of access to public streets from all frontage except access points described herein. 11. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements or written permission, as appropriate, from owners of any abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments are to occur. Resolution 2002-59 —_ Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 3 12. Prior to placement of any privately -owned buildings or other costly structures in the City's drainage easement along Washington Street, the applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit for that purpose. The permit will require that in the event the City finds it necessary to construct, reconstruct or maintain facilities therein, the applicant shall indemnify the City from expenses exceeding those which would have been incurred with hardscape or landscaping. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these conditions of approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect" refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 13. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and landscape architects, as appropriate. Plans shall be submitted on 24" x 36" media in the categories of "Rough Grading," "Precise Grading," "Streets & Drainage," and "Landscaping." Precise grading plans shall have signature blocks for Community Development Director and the Building Official. All other plans shall have signature blocks for the City Engineer. Plans are not approved for construction until they are signed. "Streets and Drainage" plans shall normally include signals, sidewalks, bike paths, entry drives, gates, and parking lots. "Landscaping" plans shall normally include irrigation improvements, landscape lighting and entry monuments. "Precise Grading" plans shall normally include perimeter walls. Plans for improvements not listed above shall be in formats approved by the City Engineer. 14. The City may maintain standard plans, details and/or construction notes for elements of construction. For a fee established by City resolution, the applicant may acquire standard plan and/or detail sheets from the City. 15. When final plans are approved by the City, the applicant shall furnish accurate AutoCad files of the complete, approved plans for any public street improvements on storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. The files shall utilize standard AutoCad menu items so they may be fully retrieved into a basic AutoCad _- program. At the completion of construction and prior to final acceptance of improvements, the applicant shall update the files to reflect as -constructed conditions. Resolution 2002-59 Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 4 If the plans were not produced in AutoCad or a file format which can be converted to Autocad, the City Engineer may accept raster -image files of the plans. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT 16. R Depending on the timing of development of the lots or parcels created by this map and the status of off-site improvements at that time, the subdivider may be required to construct improvements, to construct additional improvements subject to reimbursement by others, to reimburse others who construct improvements that are obligations of this map, to secure the cost of the improvements for future construction by others, or a combination of these methods. In the event that any of the improvements required herein are constructed by the City after the date of approval of the original conditions of approval for this property, the Applicant shall, at the time of approval of a map or other development or building permit, reimburse the City for the cost of those improvements. 17. The applicant shall construct improvements and/or satisfy obligations, or furnish an executed, secured agreement to construct improvements and/or satisfy obligations required by the City prior to approval of a final map or parcel map, or issuance of a certificate of compliance for a waived parcel map. For secured agreements, security provided, and the release thereof, shall conform with Chapter 13, LQMC. Improvements to be made or agreed to shall include removal of any existing structures or obstructions which are not part of the proposed improvements. 18. If improvements are secured, the applicant shall provide estimates of improvement costs for checking and approval by the City Engineer. Estimates shall comply with the schedule of unit costs adopted by City resolution or ordinance. For items not listed in the City's schedule, estimates shall meet the approval of the City Engineer. Resolution 2002-a9 — -- Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 5 Estimates for improvements under the jurisdiction of other agencies shall be approved by those agencies. Security is not required for telephone, gas, or T.V. cable improvements. However, development -wide improvements shall not be agendized for final acceptance until the City receives confirmation from the telephone authority that the applicant has met all requirements for telephone service to lots within the development. 19. If improvements are phased with multiple final maps or other administrative approvals (e.g., Site Development Permits), off-site improvements and common improvements (e.g., access drives, traffic signal improvements & perimeter landscaping) shall be constructed or secured prior to approval of the first phase unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 20. If the applicant fails to construct improvements or satisfy obligations in a timely manner or as specified in an approved phasing plan or in an improvement agreement, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of building permits or — final building inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. GRADING 21. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall furnish a preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report and an approved grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer. The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or engineering geologist. 22. Slopes shall not exceed 5:1 within public rights of way and 3:1 in landscape areas outside the right of way unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 22. Prior to occupation of the project site for construction purposes, the applicant shall submit and receive approval of a fugitive dust control plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC. The Applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the city, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 23. The applicant shall maintain graded, undeveloped land to prevent wind and water erosion of soils. The land shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion and wind control measures soil stabilizing binders approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. Resolution 2002.69 Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 6 24. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide building pad certifications stamped and signed by qualified engineers or surveyors. For each pad, the certification shall list the approved elevation, the actual elevation, the difference between the two, if any, and pad compaction. The data shall be organized by lot number and listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. DRAINAGE 25. If the applicant proposes discharge of stormwater directly or indirectly to the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel, the applicant shall indemnify the City from the costs of any sampling and testing of the development's drainage discharge which may be required under the City's NPDES Permit or other City- or area -wide pollution prevention program, and for any other obligations and/or expenses which may arise from such discharge. The indemnification shall be executed and furnished to the City prior to issuance of any grading, construction or building permit and shall be binding on all heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors in interest in the land within this tentative map excepting therefrom those portions required to be dedicated or deeded for public use. The form of the indemnification shall be acceptable to the City Attorney. If such discharge is approved for this development, the applicant shall make provisions in the CC&Rs for meeting these potential obligations. 26. If the applicant does not discharge stormwater to the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel, stormwater shall be retained on-site and disposed of in facilities approved by the City Engineer. 27. Nuisance water shall be retained on site and disposed of in facilities approved by the City Engineer. UTILITIES 28. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within the right of way and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electrical vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. Resolution 2002-59 Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 7 29. Existing aerial lines within or adjacent to the proposed development and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground. Power lines exceeding 34.5 kv are exempt from this requirement. 30. Utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing, improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of trench compaction for approval of the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 31. The applicant shall install the following street improvements to conform with the General Plan street type noted in parentheses. (Public street improvements shall conform with the City's General Plan in effect at the time of construction.) A. OFF-SITE STREETS AND BIKEPATH 1) Highway 1 1 1 - Complete construction of north side of the street. Construct eight -foot sidewalk/bikepath. Modify traffic signal, median, traffic signs, and traffic markings at the west access drive to accommodate a fourth leg on the intersection. 2) Washington Street (Major Arterial) - Construct eight -foot sidewalk/bike path. Modify traffic signal, median, traffic signs, and traffic markings at the north access drive to accommodate a fourth leg on the intersection. If a hotel use is selected as described in Alternative Use #2, the a applicant shall construct a right turn lane for south bound traffic from Washington Street onto Highway 1 1 1, including necessary modifications to the existing traffic signal, curbs and gutters, traffic signs and traffic markings. The design of the right turn lane shall be subject to Caltrans and the City Engineer's approval. Additional right of way may be required to accommodate the approved right turn lane design and shall be dedicated to the City and the State as necessary. Resolution 2002-59 Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 8 3) Bike path- Pay pro -rata share of Bike Path adjacent to project site. Prorate share shall not exceed $30 per lineal foot of 8 -foot wide PCC bike path. 32. The applicant may be required to extend improvements beyond development boundaries to ensure they safely integrate with existing improvements (e.g., grading; traffic control devices and transitions in alignment, elevation or dimensions of streets and sidewalks). 33. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the LQMC, adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, and as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. 34. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using Caltrans' design procedure (20 -year life) and site-specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows (or approved equivalents for alternate materials): Residential & Parking Areas 3.0" a.c./4.50" c.a.b. Collector 4.0"/5.00" Secondary Arterial 4.0"/6.00" Primary Arterial 4.5"/6.00" Major Arterial 5.5"/6.50" 35. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved Resolution 2002-59 Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 9 36. General access points and turning movements of traffic are limited to the following: A. Highway 111 1) Full -access drive at existing traffic signal at the southwest corner of this property. 2) Right-in/Right-out drive centered approximately 435 feet east of the centerline of the westerly drive. B. Washington Street 1) Full -access drive at existing traffic signal at the northeast corner of this property. LANDSCAPING 37. The applicant shall provide landscape improvements in landscape setbacks and in on-site areas as designated in the landscape plan for this Specific Plan. 38. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. The applicant shall submit plans for approval by the Community Development Department prior to plan checking by the Public Works Department. When plan checking is complete, the applicant shall obtain the signatures of CVWD and the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner prior to submitting for signature by the City Engineer. Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the City Engineer. 39. Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. Use of lawn shall be minimized with no lawn or spray irrigation within 18 inches of curbs along public streets. PUBLIC SERVICES 40. The applicant shall provide an improved bus turnout with a City approved Bus Shelter design on Highway 1 1 1 as required by Sunline Transit and approved by the City Engineer and Community Development Director. Resolution 2002-59 Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Paye 10 The applicant shall provide an improved bus turnout with a City approved Bus Shelter design on Washington Street between the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel and Washington Street, if needed by Sunline Transit and approved by the City Engineer and Community Development Director. The applicant shall install electric power connection to provide electricity to bus shelter on Highway 111. The electric power may be connected to an existing circuit owned by the City if there is one conveniently available in the vicinity, or at applicant's expense request IID to install a new electric meter to power the circuit. The City will accept the electric meter and power circuit when completed. QUALITY ASSURANCE 41. The applicant shall employ construction quality -assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. 42. The applicant shall employ or retain qualified civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, surveyors, or other appropriate professionals to provide sufficient construction supervision to be able to furnish and sign accurate record drawings. 43. The applicant shall arrange and bear the cost of measurement, sampling and testing procedures not included in the City's inspection program but required by the City as evidence that construction materials and methods comply with plans, specifications and applicable regulations. 44. Upon completion of construction, the applicant shall furnish the City reproducible record drawings of all improvements constructed within City or Caltrans' right of way. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawings," "As -Built" or "As - Constructed" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy of the drawings. The applicant shall revise the CAD or raster -image files previously submitted to the City to reflect as -constructed conditions. MAINTENANCE 45. The applicant shall make provisions for continuous, perpetual maintenance of all on-site improvements, perimeter landscaping, access drives, and sidewalks. The applicant shall maintain required public improvements until expressly released from this responsibility by the appropriate public agency. Resolution 2002-59 Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 11 FEES AND DEPOSITS 46. The applicant shall pay the City's established fees for plan checking and construction inspection. Fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan checking and permits. FIRE MARSHAL 47. All water mains and fire hydrants providing required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate sections of the water district, subject to the approval by the Riverside County Fire Department. 48. Automatic fire sprinklers providing required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with La Quinta City Ordinance 8.08.090. 49. All interior fire apparatus access roads shall be a minimum of 20 feet unobstructed width and ab unobstructed vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches. Any portion of an exterior wall of the first story of any building shall be located within 150 feet from apparatus access as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building. MISCELLANEOUS 50. Prior to issuance of a Site Development Permit , the final Conditions of Approval shall be incorporated in the Final Specific Plan document. Applicant shall work with staff to correct internal document inconsistencies prior to final publication of five copies of the Specific Plan document. 51. On Page 39 of the Specific Plan under General Criteria add a new item to read: "Detailed sign plan shall be submitted for each tenant or building consistent with the Specific Plan Sign Program prior to issuance of a building permit." 52. On Page 35 of the Specific Plan under Architectural Features and Details add a new bullet point to read: "Design articulation and enhanced landscaping of all buildings along on all north elevations (i.e. rear elevations facing the channel) shall be required." 53. On Page 36 of the Specific Plan under Carports add a new bullet point to read: "All carport structures shall be made of wood." Delete the word steel in the second bullet point under carports regarding acceptable materials. Resolution 2002-59 Conditions of Approval - FINAL Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1 Adopted April 16, 2002 Pape 12 54. Prohibit Date Palms trees in high use activity locations including pedestrian corridors and courtyards. 55. Delete restaurant use from Parcel 12 in Table 1 (Land Use Summary). 56. Add lighting bollards to Landscape Details, Figure 10 per the adopted Point Happy Specific Plan and the Highway 1 1 1 Design Guidelines. 57. Delete the Point Happy Parking Analysis from the Final Specific Plan as it is not relevant until submittal for a Site Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit to allow a hotel occurs. 58. Allow a street name change to "Point Happy Drive" on the east side of the property on Washington Street into the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center; a street name change to "Point Happy Drive" at the signal on Highway 111 at the south driveway into the property shall be allowed only after obtaining the express written permission (and presented to the City) from the La Quinta Plaza Shopping Center owners (the shopping center on the south side of Highway 1 1 1. 59. Prior to issuance of a Site Development Permit, applicant shall submit a revised Final Specific Plan with an adjusted Land Use Plan Summary Table with actual building square footage for Parcel 4 of 6,711 square feet; and decreasing the allowable building square footage on the undeveloped Parcels (8 through 12) by 1,405 square feet allowing an overall 81,407 square feet at the commercial center to meet the 389 parking spaces required by use (Zoning Code Parking Chapter 9.150). 60. Within 90 days, applicant shall submit for approval by the Community Development Director, a revised bus shelter schematic design plan for the Highway 111 bus shelter that is limited to additional sidewalk paving behind the shelter for transit user access, a landscaping plan (consistent with the Highway 1 1 1 Design Guidelines) that includes at least three additional shade trees and boulders appropriately placed for safety, and a color sample that matches the buildings in the Point Happy commercial center to be used to re -paint the bus shelter. FILc COPY RESOLUTION NO. 2002-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING AN ADDENDUM TO A PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PREPARED FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043, AMENDMENT NO. 1 CASE NO: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-395 ADDENDUM MADISON/P.T.M. LA QUINTA, L. L C. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 16th day of April, 2002 hold a Public Hearing to consider an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-395, as prepared for Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1; and, herein referred to as the "Project" for Madison/ PTM La Quinta L.L.C.; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 26th day of March, 2002, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-395, as prepared for Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No. 1; and, WHEREAS, said applications has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (as amended; Resolution 83-68 adopted by the La Quinta City Council) in that the Community Development Department has prepared an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 97-341 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15164; and, WHEREAS, on May' 16, 2000, the La Quinta City Council certified a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2000-395 for Point Happy Specific Plan 2000-043; and, WHEREAS, the Amendment to the Specific Plan does not call for the preparation of a subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration or EIR pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15162 or Public Resources Code Section 21166, in that the Revised Project does not involve: (1) substantial changes to the project analyzed in the Mitigated Negative Declaration which would involve new significant effects on the environment or substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts; (2) substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken which would involve new significant effects on the environment not analyzed in the Mitigated Negative Declaration or substantially increase the severity - of previously identified impacts; or (3) new information of substantial importance which would involve new significant effects on the environment not analyzed in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. or substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts. Resolution No. 2002-58 Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-395 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 2 WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify a recommendation for certification of said Addendum: 1. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, as the project in question will not be developed in any manner inconsistent with the General Plan and other current City standards. The project does not have the potential to eliminate an important example of California prehistory, as extensive archaeological investigation of the site have been conducted as part of the project to implement appropriate mitigation alternatives. The applicant has agreed to implementing the necessary mitigation measures prior to site development activities and is in concurrence with project conditions relating to this. 2. The project does not have the potential to achieve short-term environmental goals, to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals, with implementation of the monitoring program, as the proposed project size will not exceed the total parking requirement within the Specific Plan. 3. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment and related applications will not have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity, in that the proposed project is undertaken pursuant to the General Plan for which a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been certified. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the City Council for this Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-395. 2. That it does hereby certify an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000- 395 in that the changes proposed to the project are a minor nature and do not require the preparation of a subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21 166 and there are no new circumstances which would require the preparation of a subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration and there is no new information or change in circumstances which would require the preparation of a subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration. Resolution No. 2002-58 �- Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-395 Adopted April 16, 2002 Page 3 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 161h day of April , 2002 following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None JO'HNJJ PENFAI Mayor City ok 11a Quin a, California ATTEST: JU GREEK, CMC, C Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M.�HERINE JENSN, Ci'tvAttorney Cit f La Quinta, Califbrnia ~jj ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043, AMENDMENT NO. 1 Prepared by: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Contact: Principal Planner Fred Baker (760)777-7125 Prepared for: MADISON/P.T.M. LA QUINTA L.C.C. 71361 SAN GORGINO RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 Contact: RICK WILKERSON , MANAGING MEMBER 760-771-1755 FEBRUARY 1, 2002 INTRODUCTION This Addendum to the previously certified Environmental Assessment (EA 2000-395) for the Point Happy Specific Plan 2000-043 has been completed pursuto the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in order to evaluate the enviaronment I impacts associated with minor changes. Proposed changes to now require further environmental evaluation. This evaluation need not take the form of another EA, as explained below, but can take place in an Addendum to the EA for Specific Plan 2000-043, Amendment No.1 . According to CEQA Guidelines § 15164, if a project does not fulfill any of the criteria enumerated in CEQA Guidelines § 15162(a)(1)-(3) then an Addendum, rather than a subsequent or Supplemental EA is appropriate. The determination that none of the criteria outlined in CEQA Guidelines § 15162(a)(1)-(3) are fulfilled must be supported by substantial evidence. As stated in CEQA Guidelines § 15162: a. When an EIR has been certified or negative declaration adopted no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in the light of the whole record, one or more of the following: (1) Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; (2) Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or NegaTive Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified 2 significant effects; or, (3) New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or Negative Declaration was adopted shows any of the following; (A) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or Negative Declaration; (B) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; (C) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (D) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. A detailed description of the initially proposed project and the current) roposed project is provided in Section (Project Site Characteristics) of this document. Using the information provided in Section 2, a brief refutation of the criteria set forth in CEQA Guidelines § 15162 is provided as follows. Subsection (a)(1) does not apply to the proposed changes to the Project because the revision is not a substantial change in the Project's scale with commensurate increase in environmental impacts from those initially anticipated and disclosed in the Negative severity of previously identified significant effects would Declaration. No new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the construction of the currently proposed project. occur as a result of Subsection (a)(2) does not apply because there are no substantial changes to he existing environmental conditions such that new and significant environmental impacts or a substantial increase in the severity of the environmental impacts would occur. As previously stated, the proposed Project is not a substantial change, with a commensurate increase in environmental impacts. In summary, the environmental circumstances under which the Project is undertaken are substantially similar to, or 3 in some cases are, improved over the conditions in 2000. Lastly, Subsection (a)(3) does not apply because the environmental analysis did not identify any significant environmental effects that werenot previously disclosed in the Negative Declaration, nor did this analysis find that any significant environmental effects previously examined in the Negative Declaration will be substantially more severe with the revised plan. In fact, some effects were determined to be less severe as a result of the project redesign. Further, this analysis did not reveal that there are any new mitigation measures that would substantially reduce one or more significant effects. In summary, CEQA Guidelines § 15164 (a) states that: "The lead agency or responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary, but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred." Given that none of the conditions outlined in CEQA Guidelines § 15162 have occurred, an Addendum to the Negative Declaration is the appropriate document for evaluating environmental impacts resulting from the revised Tentative Tract. GENERAL The proposed Point Happy Specific Plan is a commercial center consisting of nine building clusters designed around centralized parking. The project site is divided into twelve 12 buildable parcels. The uses proposed include retail, fast food, restaurant, office, bank, financial and 'a service station/convenience store/car wash. Each proposed building requires a site development permit and the proposed uses may move or change location among the development pads at time a site development review permit is processed subject to the total parking provided for the commercial center. The Specific Plan establishes guidelines and standards in a focused development plan for the distribution of land uses, location and sizing of supporting infrastructure, design and development standards, and requirements for public improvements. The revision to this Specific Plan adds additional landscape material, one additional sign type, one additional roof tile type, one additional facade type, and a project entry/street name change. In addition the plan amendment updates all previously approved building square footage and parking ratios. These proposed additions apply to the entire site. rd REVISED IMPACTS The addition of landscape, design material, street name change, and updating size and parking allocation on the project site will not change the environmental building impacts. No significant change in impacts will result in the areas of air quality, noise Population generation, use of natural and energy resources, traffic, public facility services demand, and cumulative impacts. y and CONCLUSION The La Quinta Community Development Department has determined that bas this addendum to the previously certified Negative Decla ed on environmental review is deemed necessary,ration, no further Implementation of the California Environmental Qupality Act, Section 15304 nes for A:ISP 2000-043 Amd No. 1 1E Addendum.wpd 5