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SP 2001-052 Omri & Boni (2001) -Figue Rest (Superceded SP 2016-0004)
OMRI & BONI SP 01-052 k F; 1 Approved bY: Qat peso Planning Commission `Z] City Council 0 Community Dev. Dept. Initials -- Case No. Exhibit - With Conditions LXHIBI`I yup i - 0 G b l 1 l l l l l 1 l 1 l 1 1 l CONTENTS Cover Introduction / Executive Summary Vicinity Map Overall Vicinity Map Detail Grading Plan Entitlement Request Architectural Site Plan Development Plan Design Guidelines First Floor Plan Materials Color board Elevations Sections Project Materials Operational Guidelines Landscape Narrative Electrical Site Plan Site Light Fixture Cut Sheet Exhibits Page 1 2 A B C 3 D 4 5 E 6 F G H I J F [—OM–RI AND BONI RESTAURANT I. INTRODUCTION / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Authority and Scope LA QUINTA, CA In accordance with CELSOC Planning and Zoning guidelines section 65450 Specific Plans, a planning agency or property owner may cause the preparation of a specific plan for the development of a particular piece of property. The Omri and Boni Specific Plan demonstrates implementation of commercial zoning criteria consistent with the General Plan in both land use and intensity. Approval of the Omri and Boni Specific Plan is subject to city council findings as listed in the City of La Quinta Zoning Code section 9.240 Specific Plans. B. Purpose and Intent The purpose of the enclosed site development permit submittal for the Omri and Boni Restaurant Commercial Development is to ensure that this proposed development satisfies the requirements of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code and all allowances which may be granted as a part of the Specific Plan approval process. The proposed development is consistent with the approved General Plan, protects the public health, is compatible with adjacent zoning and uses, and is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. The following preliminary site development, building development, signage and landscape documents depict the character of the development. C. Project Overview The Omri and Boni Restaurant is located in the central Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quinta (see exhibit 1 – regional map). The site is bounded on the south by Lake La Quinta Drive, west by Washington Street, east by Caleo Bay and north by vacant commercial land (see exhibit 2 – vicinity map). The site is currently undeveloped and has a minimum of landscape features, generally on the west and south sides as part of the original entrance to the Lake La Quinta Project. The project will develop a single building consisting of a fine dining restaurant and an attached commercial rental office building. Additionally appropriate parking and landscape improvements are planned on the easterly portion of the site. Stanford Leonhard Bishop Architects -2- OMRI AND BO—N-1 RESTAURANT REQUESTED ENTITLEMENTS LA QUINTA, CA The applicant is seeking approval of the City of La Quinta for this specific plan to be submitted in conjunction with a Site Development Permit Application. D. The Process and Findings The following four required findings are necessary to approve the project: Consistency with the General Plan The proposed development is consistent tin use and intensity with the General Plan. Public Welfare. The plan or amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. The proposed project is consistent with city development standards, engineering standards and fire department requirements designed to protect public welfare. Land Use Compatibility. The specific plan is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. The proposed development is consistent with the commercial character and uses of the properties and major arterial streets surrounding the subject parcel. Property Suitability. The specific plan is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. The project is located at the intersection of Washington Street and Lake La Quinta Drive, a major arterial and a local collector street, a location of which the General Plan finds appropriate for the type and intensity of the proposed project. The project complies with the city development standards. Stanford Leonhard Bishop Architects J --^ 3 Ej i, u , E :JM 5 INDIAN WELLS 9 - I ^�T� �� �' —� � � ►' —' ..� � 6uxvan.,.,.�� ` 17iA -� �O,..L Y fJi 1 r N' r�- ,r.., `.w+ � • Alt' 5z;% t .Lk, tr TT HOTEL v uouiNrA I se rlwa e, Go . . 1 H . — - 1 .4. 1 e OOLF cl 7ENNi5 RESORT 0N F 1 PLANTED COVE il t 1 1 1 OMRI AND BONI RESTAURANT LA QUINTA, CA II. DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1 . Existing Site — Zoning Characteristics The subject site is located in the central Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quinta. The site is bounded on the north by undeveloped commercial land, east by Caleo Bay, south by lake La Quinta Drive and west by Washington Street. The site is zoned CR- Regional Commercial and is consistent with the General Plan designation M/RC — Mixed Regional Commercial. The project site is currently vacant. The site has on significant features and only a minimum of landscape development along the frontage at Washington and Lake La Quinta. Three sides of the site are improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk. Fire hydrants have been installed as part of the original tract development in accordance with City of La Quinta standards. Architecture Land Use — Site Plan The site plan with building location is shown on exhibit 5 — Site Plan. This specific plan proposes a single building located on the westerly side of the property with the required parking located between Caleo Bay and the building. Circulation through the parking area is via a connecting drive located along the northerly portion of the property. The parking demand calculation is based upon a usage factor of one car per 3 seats and an additional allocation of staff' parking. Because of the usage timing nature of the development, the parking for the use of the office complex is part of joint usage of the facility. It is intended that the offices will be in operation form 7am to 5 pm and the restaurant from 5:30 pm to 11 pm weekdays, with the restaurant having slightly expanded hours on the weekends. PARKING CALCULATION Area Seats Total Main dining 100 Bar 22 Office 3392 13.57 Patio 20 Employees 12 154 51.33 Stanford Leonhard Bishop Architects 4 I C)MRI AND BONI RESTAURANT LA QUINTA, CA Building setbacks are in accordance with current City of La Quinta standards. The signage requirements of the individual businesses located in this project are shown as exhibit 6 and conform to the currently applicable ordinances of the City of La Quinta. DESIGN GUIDELINES A. Overview The design intent of this project is to project a modernist contemporary vision of a fine dining experience. The juxtaposition of the sculpture of the architecture with nearby other architectural forms creates a view of the La Quinta — Washington corridor experience that is significant of inclusion as part of the Arts Center location. The project is self- contained and anticipates no additional construction. B. Architectural Guidelines The building consists of a simple and direct palette of colors and materials. The use of basic type materials displays the honesty of material use consistent with contemporary architectural forms. Only one building is anticipated in this submittal. Roof Lines and Screening Roofs are sloping and flat and incorporate screening elements to hide the multitude of equipment required by a restaurant. Additional screening walls at ground level provide privacy for other "back of house" operations. Services have been segregated from public uses to provide a positive personal arrival experience. Architectural Features The office building is located to take advantage of the views to the north and east and to provide an identification element for southbound traffic on Washington. Locating the patio/waiting area outside the bar area on the west side of the building continues the theme of openness. The large glass areas on the west side of the building allow for dramatic views of the local mountains and the lights of the village and developments on the west side of Washington. Stanford Leonhard Bishop Architects ' S' GENERAL NOTES 1 A!L LVORK SFIAIL BE DONE I.N ACCORDANCE WITl i THE 5T4.NDAPD PLANS o' PIT Or, Oi ,4 CIUINTA A!JD T`7 ST4N'DF.RD BIEL,TiCAT!CNS FOR PUBLIC v✓ORKSCONSTRLICTUP, !;.7FR E011ION AND RIVERSIDE COLINT'r'SIANDAR0, .ALJ,^ S:ECIFiCATIONS Ok'DITJAIVCENO L6 i, LATESTED! i'ON 2 T!iE CONTRACTOR SHALL! OBTAIN AIL PFRWi ASREi]UIPED BY T!YE CITY O! LA G:IiNIA OR 4'i R,NING A C`N;OE_` 3 THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING 1IINDERGPOUND UII MES .ARE SHOWN IN AI+i A PPk OY„1ATE WAY ONO' THE CONTRACTOR S`::41L DETERMINE THE FX:.CT (OC:AT!C>,V CF Au EXISTING UHL'/;f5 BEFORE CO%IMENCINi: ivORF i{ AGFEF.� ,O (;E FUf1Y RESPONSIBLE FOP. AN'YANDAL DAMAGES WH{CHMICHT BE OCCASIONED cY HLS FAIWRf TO 0,4-tY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY.AND A. i UNDERGROUND UTILITIES C THE CC.14rRACTCR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOI/AI, REPIACLIAENT, OR KUCA:ATION OF A.! 1 RFGULGTOPY, WARNING SIC,NS STREET NAJV,E SIGNS AND TRAFFIC CONTROI SIGNS, W'F AND LOCATION SHAH 8E APPROVED 0 THL CITY ENGINEER FRAFfIC STRIPING, LEGENDS .:ND PAVEMENT M:.PKfRS, 7'IPE !,Nv ! CC4TION5 SH4L 8E P PPh%Jl'; f. S? I HE CITt' ENC-NEf R 6 THE CONTRACTOn” SHA, Nor' GT DISTURB EXISTING S!Jf'✓EY M1IONL{"!EA/T.5 OF, EE!•iC!+ftARxN hLOIED O,1' THE PiANN OR FOUND OURUVG C'ONSTRULiON REMOVAL AND REPLAC6YFNT SHA, BE DONE BY ARFGISTEFED CPA ENGINEER t111rH AN 4 C E NJI.:BER 3E:'CW 33?Gb, ORA LICENSED 64.ND SLJr VEYCk' ONI Y ? GP.AOING SMALL BE!N ACCORDANCE UviTH THE ENGINEEPfi) GRADING RF QUIP AlENTS OF THE UNIr OPJ.1 BUILD!NC CODE, LATEST EDITION, AND SOILS REPORT i'DATED PREPARED 6Y 8 THE CGNTkAI_'TOR S: Au NOTIFY THE CITY WiL;+NG INSPECTOR AC 4OUR5 PRIOR TG ANY C=.E4 N,_ W iSH04G pE CIEARING AND EACH' PHASE OF CO:"JcTpUCTIOV Ar 17GC' ^%-�07� DUF7NG ROUGH GR4DI'h'G OPEPATIONS AND PF,Ii:R!0 CO!JST UC7,CNCf PERI I NEN, OP 4I.NAOE SIRUC!UN(' I -b 'OkARY DR'JNAI=f CONTROL SHALL BE PROVIDED D TO PREVENT PON. DWG WATER AND CAM.4 GE TJ. -^.C'- _FNT PRC,1E771 II: CCNSTRUCT!ON GPERA.TICfJS AN'DM4INTF,NANCE X EO:IIP,1IENF V.III;I:v ti NE HAI! MILE OF i 0101 N CXCUPANCY Sr:PL GE PERFORMED ONLY DURI:N'G THE TIME PERIODS AS TOLIGWS OCF i ST 70 APR 101H AIONDA I: RiDA, y q?A,, TOS 30P.1 SAT F 004M 705 00PM MAY IS, TO SEPT.. 30TH: AIONDAY. ,.ROAYc 00-n,1 !0 ; 01/0 SAI 8004M TG ' DCP..1 11, [, Pn 5114!1 EF PRC1F118ITE0 ANY TLA -1F ON SUNDAY OR FEDERAL HOLIDAY I I. AFTER CLEARING, EXISTING GRO;IND 54011 BE SCARIFIED f0 A A'IUAAM IA! 0.'c' c:;J ; FI._ FNTIRf 511E GRAS RFCOMMENDCD BY THE SOILS REPORT. 12 nIAXIMUM.CUTANDPILISLGPES-2:1 PADS SH41L BE COMFACTED TOA MIM.MU'1 OF ^-S`: RELATIVE OEN5rT y PER A S %M SPECIFICATIONS AND ABC'✓f MENTIONED IL MIN!MLIM BUILDING PAD DF.PJNAGE SHA, BE DF 4!.NAGESWAESSH40fFA'!IIvSVUAI OF 03 DEEP AND SF CO1,S7nLICTFF: AMINMAUM OF 2FRGAI THE TOP OF CUT OR FILL SLOPE S MINA UM SION CX SIVAi ES SWMd U G5`: s ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO!.WAIUM OF NINE! 1"0l 7fRCE MT OF ""A:Mul,! DENS�TY'A' PFTERMINLD BY 1111 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SET!GN NO.'0100R DE7ERtiIINF.DIN.4i:CORDANCEiS'IrH7HE UTJ!FC!RM NiILDNC=CODE SECTIUIV NO'00 OR EOUBM Lf NT, AS DE.FEPMMED EY THE OTY ENCiNEO'. Ic AL STRET SECTIONS ARE TENT<TIVE,THE MIMMU,'A 5F-C7ICN'S 2'A C.,-1 I, [' •(JSHED A. E, BCDi!OIJAL SCI, TESTS.HAIL BE TAkfN'..FTER ROUG4 GR.AOWG TO DETERMINE E),'.e,_ 7 Sf C TION P.FOLI,'REM:MS CI':'Y E'Ji>UJEEF. TO APPROVE FI•'JAl STREET SFCTLO,\' !.' :CATiONS OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS SHAiI BE DETEFMINF)By I FiE 5r7IL ENCINEEF OR .4PPRC:'FD TEST, NG AGENCY ANO Sri.A1! 5E6 . 5FfC)ENT)N BOTH HORIIONT!( AND VERLICA.f-LACEMEIJf TO FROV'IDF RE:EESEI:'TALM E TF,,TINC- O! ALL FLLI PLACED, T%571NG.NAF.F_AS OF A CRITICAL WFURE OF SPECIA! EAIPHASE' SNAIL Ef kV 4DDITICf, TO TF{' WAMAL RFPRESFN1?11v; SNAP, ;NGS !R a_f! UNDEn'GROUND EACUMES, VVITH LATERALS, SH41i Ef iN PLACE AND INS'F'ED PRIOR TC P-VIFJG, IIJCILOWC 6L'! NOT 1 4.11TE0 TO 'Ht FOLLOWING SEWER, "'A'ER, EIFCTR+!-, CAS, AND OR Ai.^I-'GF I V THE FfN'AI L/N*1TV LINE BACKNU REPORT FROM THE PROJECT 5011 Eh'C!NCrf.' SHALL eNC1UCE AIv AP: f.'C:VAL ST:+TJ.1 E`J! MATTI iE 640:FIli IS-`U!::BfE FOR THE fNTEN17ED USE 20 THE i.NA: COMPACTION REPORT -'ND .4PPROVAr rk W THE 501,5 5 fNCINL ER H411 ICNIAIN THE T1'r'F OF FIELD T.L571NG PFRFORAITC EACH TEST=HAL' EF 1,DCiNT1'I; WITH THE METHOD OF OUAIINI.NO FHE W v;,:CE DFNJ ;T'! W'41`IHEP SANE+CONE OF DRN'E RING Af'D SHALL 8E NOTED, FOR EACH TEST 5LIFF!C7ENT /•1,C'<LM(!M DE`J&TY CURVES 51{ALi BE USED 6Y THE FIELD TECHNICIAN i All TRAVELED V, 10.5 MUST BE CLEANED DAILY O'ALI CIR1, '.I!10.A!:D 15RI5 DEr;;!TE- O,^I I HEM AS 4 RESUL T OF Tr{,=GRAD!NG OPERATION CLEANING IS TO EE CONE TO THE SATSFACTIO.N OT THE Cf,I C-NC=k'VFER FLOCK IVAUS.ARENOT FAP" OF THE GRADING PEkA1� SUBMIT FOR SEPARATE dLiIi DfNC r'ERMII 73 AIL COINS -RUCTION AREA SHA!I 8E PROPERLY POSTED AND cIG LIGHTED !N' CON%GRA! �.h'L-E t�:ITF! T! If ST ATC hl4!JUA( GF '.4ARN!NG ^;5, LIGHTS, AND DEOCES FOR USE IN TME FERFORhWNCE OF N'fiR6 1p,'IM HIGINV AYS, IN O:^^.DR E1C ELI,✓WATT ANY H4 ARM 24 TM'F 501(;: ENUiNEFR AhiD F!JGINEfR1:N'C GECIOC•i51 .SH4fi EXERCISE SUP!!:=!FNT CONTR:7i DJFWG G.L., DING AND Cl?N!;TRUCTIOf: TO. ETJSJRE CCrv1PILAJJCE WITHTHE PE4N5, SPfC!FICAPONS AND CODES 'WITHIN Ir:HR PURVIEW.' THE DE5!GN C!V!l ENGINEER 51 vW.0 Ek ERC15E �UFF!CIENT CONTROL DURI,':G GR, D.M,L(= ArJD CC:NSTRU+^.!dV 7C ffJSLiPF CCM °UANCE v✓ITH THE PLANS, 5FEC7FICAT-ONS. AND CODES 'WllHlh' 1E EiR T'LIPVIE-✓v 2' 7H.; CITY ENGINEER 4Y'LIl REVIEW F_W AFPROV.AL TI FINAi ST!!, -7 SL -OC.WS AFI-fR'USh11r.A( OFT' V:Sf UE T1575 FC7R RO.A'I'V AY S(.!B.SASE. 2-,. FHE COI\'TR4C TOR IS RESPONSI5LE TO FFFVCNT Sf;T CGN!A1, A:I;.IJ i:F ST�+R/.-W6✓ TER I•NFI:7P,g7IC:N iACIUT!E5 fiUk'ING Ci7NSTF'UCTION OF SU6SEOUENT iM?i1_nVEh1JJTS 6'r 7!-!E Cv.'JTn/.C77c WUIBEGIA T:Lv F.41OR 1 F;NA! . P7:NCr <;F cTG!c/,! DRA!IJAO( RE I't""Ohi;JN'F!LTR=TION E.1Clfi71ES THE CGN7k�CfOF Sh;4ft %-)I1 c:', IN TNF PREEfNCF CSL THE CIIY!NSPECiOR, 1, 1P!ORM1,NCE TEST DESIGNED TO CLEARLY DEMONSTRATE 7HE FOPA, !DNA 'DEC JJ:_+ THF FA;: ,TIES 2B THE ONTR`•ACFOR SHALT PRO -M— V,iNS, EROSIOnN A-NDfI!SF CONTROI!.,_4.,0PFS'45 RECL'IREE- n v THE FUGIT'VF DI%ST CONTROI F:.I N APPkC1VED FCR THIS GFOIECT J `TANL 1.1") GRYV: ELL W I'Fi 1- A C I E41 SfDF OF E1!1- NG CATC�5-•5,1 . CBE DFT RAINED SY EN6NFER. it J E!E!L' LEGEND a .._. Ih'DIC4TFN PROFOSFD CGNTCUR 11NE `��Ih•'DIC4iE fX17iNC CONTOUR UNf 65 Zi INT.JCATFS RECO. RO'JR EX!5T!1•IC DATA. IM1I911-ATF5 M4_CNA'Y W LA!l INMCA7'S FI.N'S�i CROLI'JD !O[R I,i ELEVATION IND(C,IJES FINISH SURFACE ICC'Nt •el E) EAE''✓A DON TOFOF V;AL( Tom' OF VVAL( FOOTING !h'ISH FLOOR E iFVA T!CN P;iO PLEVAP,[J!J O'VJ IMF .I'H PO!N- OF SWA LE !nJD::'A.TT=, EXISFIPJG !'dLM Tr.=E INDiCaTES F C C 50RFA': E �- AMIR ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING _ ._i/' A .UP f .' 1,..7.'. �t FF P' ,. _., PREP.:RfL,[,ND:R7�:5IITER�15.,�(;F r.'.II. I.:.FA. Com.". EEN�HI.;AFI:N� ELE'<' .. �_ ioe`4iic�s - Ct!IOF S TREE .-1PLVER•C I v.. ^ r'`f"�' ��✓=E� CITY OF LA :�UINTI�., CALIFORNIA - I DRA-,14NI, NO -ti PRECISE GRADING FLAP-. PAZ�t. °r'1Ff fv.AF1 .,,2 Fi%A [E. •lo VJ3'.:_ C^. {L '.dl4Fi ", G ,,,,,. HE_! CT, S..Y W it 11 Il Il Il I� i 1 O 5� � � r r of' •f �I rte• II IA i I F Z � r N !I tl d tl xr l r N _ rG tl sf fir. � N '�• r ~r! !r V rif N _ r`• a II III {� + �l II I if z A 8 Ill' ! �r If N to tri< I I �� � r a r tar SeN I r p N 1 II 'I I p r ll, r n N III 'tl 1 p III I � N r ll' yI F � c I u.' 9 d tl II „I 1' � R tlll�• ro a lu if v m tlN N p � lII I IW 1 ri p 1 Ir. tl r o II ` � w 111.'• •�I II R, III:. I rII I II N I N6 I l I ii ° I If• 'I r In•.� Yard WASH/NGTOSTREET tee. r ti — -ter _ l _ t 1 Building Data Main Floor Dining 2355 Bar 569 Kitchen 1737 Entry 871 Total 5532 SQ FT Office Building 1 st Floor 1261 21 2nd Floor 2251 Z Total 3512 SQ FT Main Dining 106 Bar 20 Total 124 Seats Parking Provided 65 Spaces 124/3= 41.33 Spaces 12 Employees= 12 Spaces -- _z --- _ _ � Total 53.33 Spaces 0 APN: 643-200-005 —z LEE O AY I _---- rte, I 1 Stanford Leonhard LJ, Bishop UD' Architects 73-350 EI P.— SWI. 207 Palm N.d, Ca 92260 760 776.8478 FAX 760 776.8477 a restaurant for OMRI & BONI La Quinto, California CONSULTANTS PROJ : A00 03 '•' DATE p - •. ••. SCALE16, SITE PLAN REVISIONS 11 SHEET 11A1.0 4. JAN Terrace m Q 7-"l sq ft L� O0o O� Entry 3 Office 1ST Floor 5 1,227.25 sq ft �� r7l Stanford 0 Leonhard 11 Bishop 1:1 Architects 73350 EI Poco SNk 707 Palm Run, Co 97260 760 776.8478 FAX 760.776 8477 a ' I I f � ' I a restaurant for 10MR1 & BONI CONSULTANTS PRCJ.: DATE SCALE: �J FLOOR PLAN REVISIONS SHEET V 0j A2.0 II f L Q m — -- — — — — — -- — — — — --- --- — — --- -- -- — _-- — — — — -- — -- -- — — -- ----------Z 1C Cil s I k j I I I I I ; I I i _ M I l S' ------ ---- -- ---------I------------------1 is Balcony 1 I I I ti 2ND Rnnr ----CSI ar... 2,202.88 sq ft I jI , k I 1 I I I I I ' I s i I 2 I I I i-LiA ---- ---—--—--—--—--—--—--—-- — -- —---------------------------------- ----- ---—-- — -- —-_ — I co D Stanford Leonhard Bishop Architects 77350 EI Pa.eo Suite 207 Palm Daum, Ca 92260 760 776 9676 FAX 760 776 BA77 I 1 a restaurant for CONSULTANTS apm PROJ.: I DATE SCALE l SECOND FLOOR PLAN REVISIONS SHEET A2.1 METAL BUILDING BODY BUILDING ACCENT SPECIAL ACCENT ENTRY ACCENT COLOR PROJECT ADDRESS: CORNER WASHINGTON AND LAKE LA QUINTA Stanfordo Leonhardo Bishop Architects 73-350 El Paseo Dr. Suite 207, Palm Desert, Ca. 92260 tel (760) 776-8478 fax (760) 776-8477 OM—RI AND BO—NI RESTAURANT LA QUINTA, CA Site and Building Lighting Lighting will be very low key as the interior of the restaurant is the nighttime focus of the project. Low level bollards and simple lighting elements placed on the building will provide the required level of light consistent with Lq Quinta Zoning Code. Materials and Color Facade material and color are the key components of the project's design. The forms of the building and the application of each material project an image of the surrounding landscape and development. Colors, because of the use of basic materials are very subdued, except for the focal point of the entrance area. The use of simple strong color to identify the entry for the restaurant and the office building creates a directness of use to "make it easy" to use the building and the businesses that are located in the building. The colors in the presentation are as presented on the color and material board. COLOR • Building Base • Frazee 5442M • Building Accent • DE 1071 • Special Accent • Frazee 6345R • Entry Accent Wall • Frazee 5915N Stanford Leonhard Bishop Architects - 6 - i ©M ErfD.L. © cx*KU �TGO SI ►� t N a \1-7j ®(4) Gi-t' IN AWtA4INVM P%QA/%e OMO aL- "r f L r-- © cotrE MAS Ntgy NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION i7 Stanford 0 Leonhard L7 Bishop I Architects 71350 EI P— SO* 207 Palm Desert, Ca 92260 760.776. BA78 FAX 760 776.BA77 I V Y i a restaurant for 10MR1 & BONI CONSULTANTS o_•M,R_x PROJ.::�._...�.. DATE I SCALE; ELEVATIONS REVISIONS 11 SHEET 0 A3.0 L LONGITUDINAL SECTION CROSS SECTION 0 Stanford 0 Leonhard 0 Bishop E3 Architects 73350 EI P— SO. 207 Palm Dern, Ca 92260 760 776,8470 FAX 760 776.8477 pp j f restaurant for to MRI & BONI CONSULTANTS PROJ. 7 DATE 4 SCALE SECTIONS REVISIONS SHEET l,} A4,0 OMRI AND BONI RESTAURANT PROJECT MATERIALS Exterior Concrete LA QUINTA, CA 'Smooth troweled finish natural and stained concrete. Decorative and appropriate tooled and construction joints to minimize normal cracking and enhance applied and integral colors is part of the basic design of the project. Concrete block walls Natural grey concrete block laid in running bond with tooled horizontal and struck vertical joints forms the core division walls and decorative planter walls. Glass Walls Glass walls of tinted glass and clear anodized aluminum form the wall facing the street and the walls of the office spaces. Corrugated Metal The wall facing the parking area is covered with corrugated metal laid horizontally in a gentle curve. The openings set in a random pattern are of aluminum frame with colored glass inserts. Stucco Smooth finish stucco is used as an accent material in light warm grey. SIGN CRITERIA Only a minimum of signage is proposed for the project. A simple "OMRI AND BONI" to identify the restaurant and a simple placement of non self illuminated identification on the east and west facades of the office space will provide appropriate graphics. A sample of the text is included as part of the material board. Signs shall be in full compliance with the City of La Quinta Zoning ordinance. Stanford Leonhard Bishop Architects OMRI AND BONI RESTAURANT LA QUINTA, CA OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES AND MAINTAINANCE City guidelines require the following provisions for transportation demand management: The Project shall make provisions for bicycle parking in accordance with Zoning Code Section 9.150.060.D.3. The project has walking access from Washington. Facilities Maintenance The management of the project is the responsibility of the ownership of the project. Maintenance will be in accordance with the City of La Quinta guidelines. _ lStanford Leonhard Bishop Architects _ - 8 - Preliminary Planting Palette EARTH MOUNDS %Vly}SeiRnfl{i¢M>trrta Common Nuns 3W Capper Csnopyl Colunlur Traci ® o _ i C,4 ChN t+ linmrit - -.- Pwt11. W3. muni !Tj_ -1-4:,—b- 1.5'-10' A.S�Aistw watld I9waw Aac4lrloihi) 21'tluc_{p�S--2.0• CACTI/SUCCULENTS � 24 -t..119_' -.n: A,Bz A-64 Ib Sbo1s41 .Aerie 2a' boa d.0' -J.0' C -L L -.h-- FAVk. Lslllon 24" hoz � 1.5•4,11- -C.15 0- - LbsrHtvsS"nm L' 24" 9oz r t,$ 7' 3^ _ Q•R. 9>•EesoPm_ �_ F.W.. 24"b- MW6,4- T.P.TIpxa4T u_ �. 1yu Tomos. _ { 36- b.. 0'•SA" M C. Flrrwarvrwa P°m^yea'1° 15 p1 N.0' C:r otw L`dibla Fig 15pir I,V - _PGF +A,W,.4clisiawil'MiAlt��� RabHil._ -.. '�-brc t.5' P,c u'c .s., � nIs 1.F t6-bry. 25•.)• Palms -M1Y.LZhY ��rot�w Mwswiuiy®Palm.h.Arid. .,�„7A1Y17 rsra C.iL amrm. • Ii riNeaWa..�m rsn !•,ku �i' ^{ew" ate. C.R. L'sw.txsauw P'elm imcn I nL IC..t Coais onwnidoida FmWmy C.ae _!� 5,9 � _'jD {(Q_�FCRWIkt p.nlna111W1a Ruellu SLt+I�.„Year _ _ ._ C.N. c&"14s��Lil. m_ C-R-,C�IPmit F� Anm Cnsu5I, Red Puda•FR..raI..r Rukhni t D.P. D.le4 k." Indlpo Audi S pL * "fidM_.�S3renllw oosl6. r tadilla4_I., rsr L.Rs I. oOhlhw h• compa:ir Ts ,.L - MA �� LR, I, llum'hulwcem _ _ Te.4. "W Gr Cloud 5 g1._ 1 No ISP. I.nuphXllumh�wrscm__ 1T-. RA Whin IM d .�' - 5 Ka 1-.-� .�- T.F Tt nvuoyyANQ _ _ _ + Y.01 Qlaenda _— 45-�.,."v 55 I, k I g, gp vi lla is MO. 1 Hong - 11.0 SM d1a CL Ct®Yanha H♦IV-.�_ ! �2ures __ �.�5 rrol, ��sJ? O.C.Mer.Uatlas I_.,..kt$two . t3 -P, swa _ Ei•IlC1t 41fc1 J1t¢OYf _ T�4.B„�i rr>•xLmNzlir� h. w 9u+a Rn► ISnra tSrlGKas 1 5 eYL.._„r._-,_".� _ Rwn Na,.�hndl� 9'a�,� � S �_ N �_.. N.1�tAWirp lr�LnHs_ - ^� _ N 1ss261r4!n tiselwi } 4lnhan L_kw Ass_�s3,�1 I nye D -ti.- A.A.17an�tGivass�wurso Eras jkwat ... li.f. N tilalla kA1 Ytsq. 5P.nti VWbpll "EaerClRrR &s. l}aq rRao ^_ 6.14 �1_?5ru.`T n'a -{• � tko� 6.mt_ �i� i 3 V. _ -_ .0.A kwlanLtwii _yWpM�A Rtes. _,_'JE_- i yr I cinlu�m-d-eawn �l _ D.C_k:Kch.ra lt�lrc�! Srsln•'_ flws+e 191 �.IiSM'd � � d?� � D.4D4%. W” cvr.lslepr1111a. _ I o +n _ L.H. I uuma w"eS *mIo YDT5nnioy Ls G,,W 1 pi von xr_n�na I]rifl. oTnmmI Cok* fJul3wrnl VswwSin lrmltv�l Ftats �- o., h..ua.nl { - -I {. ar67t 5frw.e einl Ha�h75 'ia1 ScIKA_ __ 3'.Iu a� eJ. - _ t�R'�M�M[flraNle �I�Na�9 [lehn Ihrl, Slebl' � •�^`I �k� r Rs � ___ ___ s hionr ii��p fnl�red Contac, R" ride { LEGEND Y EARTH MOUNDS CANOPY TREES 30 COLUMNAR TREES ® o PALMS C� SHRUBS i7 LOW SHRUBS/GROUNDCOVERS +- CACTI/SUCCULENTS 'r) r:;c'K `�I o r �XhT'h& k. "':T1'^ —, i0H, TJRFL: j D -TcK� ?U� ;<"-711f r/hJV1 7iz� 5 ,C Kp- UH r' r>wii 6r 1 i�-. A�,10 rL*TI$j ——(Hk0Uc:,7UT NOTE SEF 84GNEEFM PLAN FOR ROUGH CAADNG AND LOCATION OF UTLJMr. vi�Iallrl[T Ilwji/ "I Ir-�wl li erre reel n� Ami ® 1,90WES wsonwv R'uL TOTAL AREA t ACHE : 43',560 S.F PLANTNO AREA 8.860 S.F. - APPROX. 20% W&WES EXISPNC PALM Mff NOTE =of' recvath Irdw tilnW a pirkzirq louhont d Yn gkLzod d MX'S:bvm j RID'f.11E5 P.C.0 54AFACC JOHN N. VOGLEY & ASSOCIATES, A.S.L.A. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS AND LAND PLANNERS T•EL:(760)776-6677 FAx:(760)776-6677 &MAU--jv77(Jagte.net 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE C PALM DESERT, CA 92260 EARTH MOUNDS TURF DESICNED BY: MOWING BAND ® o ORAWN0 No. of F BOULDERS i7 COBBLE STONES/PEBBLES +- DECOMPOSED GRANITE r' r>wii 6r 1 i�-. A�,10 rL*TI$j ——(Hk0Uc:,7UT NOTE SEF 84GNEEFM PLAN FOR ROUGH CAADNG AND LOCATION OF UTLJMr. vi�Iallrl[T Ilwji/ "I Ir-�wl li erre reel n� Ami ® 1,90WES wsonwv R'uL TOTAL AREA t ACHE : 43',560 S.F PLANTNO AREA 8.860 S.F. - APPROX. 20% W&WES EXISPNC PALM Mff NOTE =of' recvath Irdw tilnW a pirkzirq louhont d Yn gkLzod d MX'S:bvm j RID'f.11E5 P.C.0 54AFACC JOHN N. VOGLEY & ASSOCIATES, A.S.L.A. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS AND LAND PLANNERS T•EL:(760)776-6677 FAx:(760)776-6677 &MAU--jv77(Jagte.net 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE C PALM DESERT, CA 92260 DESICNED BY: APPROVED OMRI & BONI RESTAURANT LA ouwTA CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN PARCEL 5; PARCEL MAP 27892, P.M.B. 182/63-66 ORAWN0 No. of F _ I /1001 � � AO.anlsl�nt ApPROy�{1 nnrR Landscape Narrative A. The landscape design and implementation of the project will meet the City of La Quinta Design Guidelines for and zone planting. B. Carried throughout the project, the landscape design shall follow a Mediterranean and desert theme. Using water conserving, low maintenance plants similar to the landscape concept developed for the City of La Quinta Highway 111 Corridor, supplemented with other drought tolerant plants. C. The street landscaping on Washington Avenue will incorporate a mixture of medium and large canopy- -flowering -trees,--together- with - open -form -shrubs-; -drifts -of -low -groundcovers; succulents and occasional specimen plants such as multi -stem Ocotillo or a dwarf palm. The planting will be done on undulating earth mounds among cropping of tan native boulders and rocks. No turf shall be used at the street. All planting areas (except for groundcovers) will be covered with decomposed granite, mixes with native soil and stabilized, over filter fabric. D. Groups of Washingtonia Palms (hybrids of the California Fan Palm and Mexican Fan Palm) will enhance site entrances and building entries. Mediterranean and Sago Palms will be used as specimens at focal points: - - - - -- E. The parking lot will be shaded with wide canopy trees. Where space is limited (for example: near buildings) or Where- screening is desired; columnar, evergreen trees --- F. F. Annual flowers will be planted in small quantities in restricted locations such as around monument signs, entries and in large decorative pots. G. Landscape Palette: -please -see the -planting list -and -the conceptual landscape plan. H. Landscape Maintenance: a landscape maintenance manual shall be submitted as part of the general planting specifications. January 2000 Landscape Guidelines & Notes Detailed planting and irrigation plans shall be prepared and submitted at a later stage as part of the final landscape construction drawings for the project. The plans will meet city ordinances and the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) requirements. 2. Size of all trees to be min. 24" box up to 36" box. Size of palm trees to be min 6' brown trunk. Size of large shrubs: 15 gal.; medium shrubs: 5 gal.; small shrubs: 1 or 5 gal.; groundcovers: 1 gal.-, -or flats; specimen plants: -to be selected. Turf shall be sod/seed. Height of earth mounds to be max. 3'-0" above curb or nearest pavement in areas between curb and parking lot and in front of blank windows. Height will be max 2'-6" in front of glazed walls and windows. 4. Inert materials - decomposed granite, pebbles, cobble stones, etc. will be placed over layer of filter fabric. Mowing bands shall be colored concrete to be approved by the city, 8" wide. No wood headerboard will be used. 6. Boulders will be of similar color and texture to native rocks in the surrounding desert. 7. Boulders will be size of 2' to 5'. They shall be set 1/5 of height into ground. 8. Boulders will be treated with 'permion'stain -to -accelerate'Desert Varnish' look and to repair chaffed and broken surfaces. 9. Irrigation system to be fully automated. There shall be complete separation between different plant groups - trees, shrubs, groundcovers, turf, color drifts, and pots. 10. No overhead spray heads shall be installed at street curb and in planting islands in parking lot, sidewalks and terraces. January 2000 Qty Key & Scientific Name Common Name Size Caliper Cacti and Succulents n/a F.S. Fouguieria splendens Ocotillo 7 canes+ n/a n/a O.B. Opuntia basilaris Beaver Tail Cactus 5 al. n/a n/a O.S. O untia Santa-Rita Santa Rita Prickly Pear 5 gal. n/a n/a Y.E. Yucca elata Soa tree Yucca 15 al. n/a n/a N.L. Nolina longifolia Mexican Grass Tree 15 gal. n/a n/a D.W. Das lirion wheeler' Desert S oon 15 gal, n/a n/a D.A. Dasylirion acrotriche Green Desert S )on 15 al_ n/a n/a H.P. Hes eraloe parvifolia Red Yucca 5 gal. n/a Vines and Espaliers n/a B.S. Bougainvillea San Diego Red Bou gaim llea 5 gal. n/a n/a B.B. Bougainvillea Barbara Karst Bougainvillea 5 gal. n/a n/a R.B. Rosa banksiaii Lady Bank's Rose 5 gal n/a Goundcovers n/a A.R. Acacia redolens Acacia Redolence 5 gal n/a n/a B.C. Baccharis hybrid `Stam' Desert Broom Hybrid 1 gal. n/a n/a D.G. Dalea greggi Prostrate Indigo Bush 1 gal. n/a n/a L.M. Lantana montevidensis Training Lantana Purple 1 gal, n/a n/a L.M. Lantana montevidensis Training Lantana Gold Mound 1 gal. n/a n/a Turf Bermuda #328/Annual Rye Grass Seed n/a n/a Drifts of Annual Color Seasonal Flowers (in limited locations) Flats n/a Non Or anic Materials n/a Boulders Baia Select (Pernaion treated) 2'-to '6' n/a n/a Cobble Stones and Pebbles Baja Select 3"-to 6" n/a n/a . Decomposed Granite Desert Dust, Stabilized and Com acted 2" layer n/a n/a Mowing StripColored Concrete, 8" wide n/a Preliminary Planting Palette Qty Key & Scientific Name Common Name Size Caliper Canopy/ Columnar Trees ri/a C.L. Chilo sis linearis Desert Willow (multi stem) 24" box 1.5"-2.0" n/a A.S. Acacia smallii Sweet Acacia (multi) 24" box 1.5"-2.0" n/a A.A. Acacia aneura Mul a 24" box 1.5"-2.0" n/a A.St. Acacia stenophylla Shoestring Acacia 24" box 2.0"-3.0" n/a C.L. Citrus - Lemon Eureka Lemon 24" box 1.5"-2.0" n/a C.Li Citrus - Lime Bearss Lime 24" Box 1.5"-2.0" n/a O.E. Olea Euro ea Fruitless Olive 24" box Multi stem n/a T.P. Ti uana Tipu Ti u Tree 36" box 2.0"-3.0" n/a P.G. Punica aranatum Pomegranate 15 al 1.0" n/a F.C. Fig `Conadria' Edible Fig 15 gal 1.0" Ti -/a A.W. Acacia willardiana Palo Blanco multi 24" box 1.5" n/a P.C. Proso is `Colorado' Argentine Mesquite 36" box 2.5"-3" Palms n/a W.R. Washingtonia robusta Mexican Fan Palm hybrid 679'/12' n/a n/a C.H. Chainaero s humilis Mediterranean Fan Palm 36" box n/a n/a C.R. Cycas revoluta Sago Palm Specimen n/a Shrubs n/a C.A. Cassia artemisioides i Feathery Cassia 5 gal. n/a n/a R.P. Ruellia eninsularis Ruelha 5 gal. n/a n/a C.N. Cassia netnopbila Desert Cassia 5 gaL n/a n/a C.P. Caesal inia pulchermia Red Bird of Paradise 15 gal, n/a n/a D.P. Dalea pulcehra Indigo Bush 5 gal. n/a n/a G.N. Grevillea noellii Grevillea 5 gal. n/a n/a L.Fc. Leuco _hilum fr. co m acta Dwarf Texas Ranger 5 gal. n/a n/a L.F. Leoco h llum frutescens Texas Ranger Green Cloud 5 gal. n/a n/a L.F. Leoco hyllum frutescens Texas Ranger White Cloud 5 gal. n/a n/a T.P. Thevetia peraviana Yellow Oleander 15 gal. n/a n/a B.R. Bougainvillea La Jolla Bougainvillea S p. 5 gal. n/a n/a C.E. Calliandra erio h lla Fairy Duster 5 gal. n/a n/a G.C. Grewia caffra Lavender Starflower 15 gal. n/a A 1 1 '.1 1 11 1 Il 1 it d !II rll• I Il C� �. I� ,I I I,lM1 III C} III l A I it �I It It li r lr ! I I r t A r Service Yard I II 'I r ! it. II Ground RFouni r 16 ,•! ! uplighl al Polm Trees I IP til III. J I It •rr Iu + III I It'• r It t III !+p ! f II• y f � a � dre" ZZ 4z—� �.g — `rGy� •_� ` �` ��JA� �. CLQ 14 `ry~--rte Fy � tie i --- -- —ate rr — Z==—�r z- r r 1 T] Stanford Leonhard `7 Bishop M Architects 71350 EI P— S.!k 207 P.I. D.x , C 92260 760 776 8478 FAX 760 776 8477 S'6 a restaurant for OMRI & BONI La Quinta, California CONSULTANTS mRi� m. . T. PROJ.: AO0.03 DATE . SCALE: SITE ELEC PLAN REVISIONS SHEt7 A1.1 S A T E L L I T M I N I GN: Satellit Mini A DESIGNER: Jens Moller Jensen ♦ SPECIFICA- 14: The "Satellit" is a cylindrically shaped luminaire with a floating tor�shade ♦ The lamp compartment enclosure is of clear UV stabilized ess polycarbonate ♦ The reflector shade is of vandal resistant color :gnated fiberglass A Reflecting surfaces are finished in a weather resistant I Aite enamel A The upper and lower sections are tied together with diameter aluminum rods finaled with architectural nuts A Glare is oiled by an 'opaque injection molded polycarbonate circumferential arc shield ♦ ("Translucent in white versions) ♦ The concept of this original itsign is to direct the lamp lumens onto the surface of the reflector and — 260„ Dia- Fixture Maximum Catalog meter Height Wattage Number 26.0" 19.3" 1/150W/INC. SATT-MIN-70]-Grey it 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/MH SATT-MIN-373-Grey 19.3" 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/HPS SATT-MIN-386-Grey!I 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/MV SATT-MIN-399-Grey 26.0" 19.3" 1/150W/INC. SATT-MIN-455-White 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/MH SATT-MIN-439-White 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/HPS SATT-MIN-442-White 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/My SATT-MIN-426-White 26.0" 19.3" 1/150W/INC. SATT-MIN-409-Black 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/MH SATT-MIN-412-Black ben 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/HPS SATT-MIN-425-Black Isl 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/Mv SATT-MIN-438-Black thus redirect the light out- ward in a broad, IES Type V, distribution ♦ The creative use of annular rings and vertical struts convey the appearance of a satellite in stationary orbit ♦ COLORS: Grey, Black, White — with translucent anti -glare ring MOUNTING: Post Top or Extended Wall Bracket ♦ ELECTRICAL: Provided stand- ard with F -Can style ballast 120/277 Volt for Metal Halide, Mercury Vapor and High Pressure Sodium ♦ TECHNICAL DATA: Refer to technical data sheets for further details ♦ LAMPS: For use with Clear lamps LAMPHOLDER: Medium Base Pulse Rated ♦ LABELS: UL/CSA,Wet Location 157 LF 17