SP 1994-024 Seasonsy1 Ol Ilk rr,}� A 1 L Y- CDD Library Copy CONTENTS Introduction Project Description Goals, Policies and Objectives Existing Conditions and Constraints Community Design Element Neighborhood Concept Open Space Concept Circulation Concept Landscape Design Architectural Design Land Use and Density Element Land Use Plan Housing Element Single Family Affordable Senior Garden Apartments Circulation Element Conservation, Open Space and Recreation Public Services and Utilities Seismic Safety and Safety Element Phasing and Implementation Element This Specific Plan responds to La Quinta's ordinance 348. It is a planning document intended to provide a comprehensive analysis and development criteria governing the orderly development of this project in conformance with the City of La Quinta's General Plan. It will control and regulate the way in which the subject property is planned, developed and r maintained by both the City and the developer. Companion documents and reports which were used in the preparation of the "Seasons"/ and "Seasons Villas" o A Geotechnical Investigation o A Biological Survey Report Project Description The subject property consists of approximately 25.22 acres within the City limits of (Southwest portion) La Quinta. The project is bounded on the North by vacant and golf course property and the Whitewater Channel; East by vacant and shopping center under construction; south by and City Hall and west, vacant land. The "Seasons" is proposed to be a low to moderate income project. It is planned for a 91 unit seniors garden apartment complex. This project will be gated, streets will be private. Units will consist of one and two bedroom garden apartments, a pool and clubhouse. The "Seasons Villas", a 60 unit single family home subdivision will consist of 5,000 sq.ft. lots, public streets with a wall and screen landscaping as a buffer to the school site. The single family neighborhood is located contiguous to a 5+ acre public park (detention basin) which runs along the boundary of the site in proximity to the Whitewater Channel. Thus providing a substantial greenbelt area. vlciml-Ty MAP :r SITE The 60 residential units and the 91 senior units will be developed in a neighborhood concept. There will be a mixture of housing types. When adopted by the City Council of La Quinta, this specific plan will revise the existing zoning from R-2-4000 and R-3 to permit the uses as identified herein, and will become the land use ® regulation for the project. o The project will adhere to high standards of land planning for the location, design and development uses. o It will adhere to high standards for appearance, aesthetics, safety and convenience. o It will create a sense of community identity employing sound, and creative architectural, design and landscape standards consistent with the desert climate and topography. o Provide for development which will protect the environment, meet the market demands and will be appropriately phased. GALLE TAmMr-D SITS FLAB Existing, Conditions and Constraints The areas to be developed are located on the gently sloping terrain of the Coachella Valley. The site is currently undeveloped raw land in a central section of downtown La Quinta. The new Ralph's Center is underway, and there is an existing medical office complex at Desert Club Drive and Calle Tampico. The planning concept for "Seasons" and "Seasons Villas" was to create a seniors rental project located in close proximity to shopping, city services, medical care, and appropriate recreation. The single family for -sale homes, "Seasons Villas," is planned for low to moderate income families. Both projects have public utilities adjacent to the site at Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive. The new Senior Center is nearing completion and is across Tampico Street from the site. Ooen Space Concept The "Seasons Villas" is located contiguous to the 5 acre park that abuts the Whitewater Channel. There will be a landscape greenbelt buffer separating the elementary school and the single family residences. The "Seasons" will have pedestrian pathways throughout the property, as well as a recreation center with pool and clubhouse. There will be a great deal of attention paid to landscape design. The architectural integrity of the project will be protected through stringent controls and ° guidelines applied to each phase of the development. The base calor of all structures will be limited + to the spectrum of white, cream, tan, sand, light brown, mauve and other earth tone. Primary colors will be allowed for accents only. Roofing materials will be limited to concrete - based material for spanish tiles. Four basic roof forams will be considered as acceptable: f" hip, gable, shed and flat. C 11 C Landscape Character Since both the "Seasons" and "Seasons Villas" are higher density projects, landscape design and installation is a "key" factor. Screen planting will be a significant element of design. A variety of plant materials will add character and visual diversity to the projects new scope, creating a neighborhood of long standing and substance. A 6" wall will be constructed around the perimeter of the project, as well as each single family home, providing a visual screen as well as a sense of privacy. The perimeter screen r will be enhanced by landscaping within the public right-of-way. f L F L a Land Use and Density Element The Land Use and Density Element is designated to promote a balanced and functional mix of densities and land uses consistent with the City of La Quintals desire for orderly, attractive and quality development. This element establishes a comprehensive pattern of land uses and densities compatible with the site's natural setting and community's goals and objectives for affordable housing. Land Use Summar ACRES DENSITY NO. UNITS Residential ll+/- 5.2/Ac 60 Garden Apt. 9.22 10.2/Ac 91 Park 5.0 --- ---- 25.22 Ac � I � I � F Housing Element The housing element for The Seasons" establishes standards and plans for the location and development of housing consistent with the nature of the project. Unit type, site plan features, development intensity, building coverage, lot size and height limits are specified for each housing type. Any housing type or combination of units may occur within the areas designated on the land use plan. SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED UNITS Conventional single family living units on individual lots. GARDEN APARTMENTS/COTTAGES These units will be of a higher density single story construction and will be located at the periphery of the property. They will be clustered and will have views of the recreation complex. L -TYPICAL SITE FU0 TYPICAL ELEVAJ IOUS Circulation Element The Circulation Element has been designed to accomplish the following: 1. Provide for a transportation system which supports the land use designations. 2. Promote efficient, safe and effective movements of all segments of the population. 3. Promote the utilization of public transportation when available. 4. Protect the environmental quality of the project. 5. Minimize traffic flow within residential areas. 6. Provide for alternatives to total dependence on the automobile. Conservation en S ace and Recreation Element CONSERVATION The Seasons" project will be developed with emphasis on the conservation and management of natural resources. The basic objective will be to protect natural resources, prevent their destruction and preserve their ecological value. Standards for the conservation, management and use of natural resources include: -Support the use of the La Quinta Redevelopment Project in the elimination of flooding conditions to the site and surrounding area. -Elimination of ground water contaminations through the regional prohibition of septic tanks and support of a regional sewage treatment plant. -Prevention of soil erosion using appropriate design criteria and careful placement of landscaping. Public Services and Utilities WATER Domestic water will be provided by Coachella Valley Water District. SEWER Sewer services will be provided by the Coachella Valley Water District. The Developer will dedicate seweer line easements and will install sewer improvements within the project. PUBLIC UTILITIES All public utility transmission lines for cable television, electricity and telephone will be placed underground. REFUSE COLLECTION Refuse collection will be provided by a franchised holder with the City of La Quinta on a schedule established with the City. F- L L- I I I I f L