SP 1996-027 Jefferson Plaza (2014) Amendment 2CITY OF LA QUINTA
SP -96027
(626) 288-1218
(626) 215-4826
NOV 2 4 2014
The site is at present vacant, it consists of a gentle sloping terrain with the
C.V.W.D.. Storm drain channel at the north edge of the property. The site is
covered with desert scrub bush and grasses. Including a few clumps of creosite
bush. The adjoining properties have been studied in conjunction with projected
development and have not called attention to any adverse or extraordinary
circumstances surrounding the area beyond the variances outlined herein. This
project will be developed in accordance with ordinances and/or circumstances
stipulated by the City of La Quinta.
The subject property has a C.R. (Regional Commercial) designation in place and is
within the general plan use designation as Mixed Regional Commercial. The
specific uses and requirements of the C.R. zone relevant to this project is
outlined in Section 3.2.4.
3.20.1 Outdoor Sales
In addition to those land uses permitted in the C.R. zoning district, the outdoor.
display and sale of merchandise shall be permitted pursuant to the following
�1) Merchandise shall not impede efficient and safe vehicular and pedestrian
(2) The merchandise shall be removed and the premises shall be cleared of all
debris and restored to its original condition upon completion of the display and
sales event.
3.20.2 Zoning Standards
Jefferson Plaza will be developed following the framework of the general zoning
requirements of the C.R. zone of said City.
3.20.3 Deviations from Zoning -Code jn
the following development standards are proposed as deviations from the City
of La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. A brief justification for the request is included. Parking Stall Size
The City of La Quinta Zoning Code requires a 9 foot by 20 foot parking stall
situated on a 26 foot aisle with a 90 degree parking angle. The applicant is
proposing 9 foot by 19 foot parking stalls on 26 foot aisles with a 90 degree
parking angle. In areas of overhanging conditions, a 9 foot by 17 foot stall is
recommended. The deviation of one foot in the length of the parking stall will
result in the more efficient use of the property while maintaining an efficient and
safe circulation system. This design feature is based on the experience of the
applicant through the construction and ongoing operation of over 400 stores. Number of Parking Stalls Provided
The number of parking spaces proposed for both the Home Depot and. other
retail uses is 1,146, exceeding the 770 spaces required by the City by 49
percent. With some 400 Home Depot facilities in operation, Home Depot is
acutely aware of the particular and unique market conditions associated with their
facilities. Based on this practical experience, the parking provided is necessary to
serve the needs of the public and will remove the potential for any negative traffic
and parking impacts to surrounding properties or public streets due to overflow
parking conditions. Percentage of Landscape Area Provided
The increase in the number of parking spaces provided, as discussed above, has
a direct impact to the amount of landscape area that can be provided on the
project site. The design and materials proposed will ensure the desired effect of
softening the visual impact of the development while establishing a high quality
and visually pleasing environment. The parking field meets the City's
requirement of 5 percent minimum landscape coverage. See exhibit 2.90.2.A
"Landscape Plan" for tabulation of area. Additionally, the overall site including
the public parkway provides 12.6 percent of landscaped coverage.
3.20.4 Permitted Uses
Regional Commercial:
• Retail stores under 10,000 sq./ft. floor area per business
• Retail stores', 10,000-50,000 sq./ft. floor area
• Retail stores', over 50,000 sq./ft. floor area
• Food, liquor, and convenience stores under 10,000 sq./ t. floor area,
open less than 18 hours/day2
• Food, liquor, and convenience stores under 10,000 sq./ft, floor area,
open 18 or more hours/day2
• Plant nurseries and garden supply stores, with no propagation of plants
on the premises, subject to §9.100.120 (Outdoor Storage and Display).
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• General and professional offices
' Other than convenience stores. Items sold may include clothing,
groceries, meat, drugs, jewelry, sundries, office supplies, pets,
furniture, appliances, hardware, building materials
2 With no consumption of alcohol on the premises.
• Medical offices - physicians, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors, and
similar practitioners
• Restaurants, other than drive-thru
• Restaurants, drive-thru
• Restaurants, counter take-out with ancillary seating, such as yogurt, ice
cream, pastry shops, and similar
• Health clubs, martial arts studios, and dance -studios, 5000 sq./ft. floor
area or less
• Health clubs, martial arts studios, and dance studios, over 5000 sq./ft.
I foor area
• Automobile service stations, with or without minimart
• Car washes
• Auto parts stores, with repair or parts installation on the premises
3.30.1 Screen Wall
An eight foot wall, shall be constructed along the north property line, as depicted
on the site plan. The purpose of the wall in conjunction with the landscape
treatments to be provided adjacent to the wall is to visually screen the
development from the existing development to the north of the project site. The
screen wall shall be one sided split face block with a two inch cap.
3.30.2 Screening of Rooftop Equipment
Consistent with the Zoning Code, all rooftop and wall mounted mechanical
equipment including satellite dish shall be screened from view by means of a
parapet wall. Line of site drawings showing how all equipment will be screened
shall be submitted for review prior to issuance of a building permit.
3.30.3 Utility Enclosures
Any utility enclosures including pallet enclosures, propane/generator enclosures
shall consist of masonry materials sufficient in height to screen all storage with
solid painted gates provided, subject to approval of the Community Development
Department prior to issuance of a building permit.
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3.30.4 Cart Storage
A central designated area and a minimum of two cart corrals shall be provided
for the collection and storage of carts, hand trucks and other devices used to
carry building materials by shoppers. Additionally, Regular retrieval of used
carts shall be provided by the retailer to minimize clutter and circulation problems.
The two cart storage areas and central location shall be approved by the
Community Development Director, prior to issuance of a building permit.
Designated area shall be permanent and provided with screen walls and
landscaping and proper signs.
3.30.5 Exterior Lighting
Exterior lighting for the project shall comply with the "Dark Sky" Lighting
Ordinance. Plans shall be approved by the Community Development
Department prior to issuance of building permits. All exterior lighting shall be
down shining and provided with shielding to screen glare from adjacent streets
and residential property to the north and east to the satisfaction of the
Community Development Department. Parking lot and nursery light standards
shall be a maximum 25 feet in height and shall be shielded.
All required easements, rights-of-way and other property rights shall be granted
prior to issuance of a grading, improvement or building permit for this
3.40.1 Right -of -Way Utility Easements
The applicant shall grant public and private street right-of-way utility easements in
conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans,
and as required by the Public Works Director.
Property rights required of this development include:
A. State Route 111 - 86' half of a 172' right-of-way
B. Jefferson Street - 62' half right-of-way transitioning to 81'*half right-of-way
on the southerly portion as required for dual left turn lanes and dedicated
right turn lane. The applicant may reduce the above right-of-way widths by
two feet by reconstructing the west side of the existing Jefferson Street
median two feet easterly of the existing location.
Right-of-way grants shall include additional widths as necessary to accommodate
additional -width improvements shown on the approved improvement plans.
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3.40.2 Utility Easements
The applicant shall grant any easements necessary for placement of and access to
utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, park lands, and
common areas.
3.40.3 City Entry Sign
An easement shall be granted to the City at the northwest intersection of Highway
111 and Jefferson Street. Said easement shall be for the purpose of installing the
City 'Entry Sign." Specific location and size of easement shall be approved by the
City and recorded prior to final occupancy of the Home Depot.
3.50.1 Existing Utilities
All existing and proposed utilities within or adjacent to the proposed development
shall be installed underground. High-voltage power lines which the power
authority will not accept underground are exempt from this requirements.
3.50.2 Underground Utilities
In areas where hardscape surface improvements are planned, underground
utilities shall be installed prior to construction of surface improvements. The
applicant shall provide certified reports of utility trench compaction tests for
approval of the Public Works Director.
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