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SP 1997-031 Miraflores (1998)
SPECIFIC PLAN VILLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Quinta, California Prepared for City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: (619) 777-7063 Fax: (619) 777-7155 Prepared By: CATELLUS 5 Park Plaza, Suite 400 Irvine, California 92614 Phone: (949) 251-6100 Fax: (949) 251-8837 NOVEMBER 1997 Revised April 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS/SPECIFIC PLAN CITY OF LA QUINTA 48th AVENUE & JEFFERSON Project Overview II. Project Description III. Site Development Standards IV. Development Criteria V Application & Process VI. General Plan Amendment PROJECT OVERVIEW Catellus Residential Group has submitted an application requesting, the City of La Quinta to approve the proposed residential development at 48th , Avenue and Jefferson. Located in Riverside County, at the east- ern edge of the Coachella Valley, the project site is situated one half mile south of State Highway 111 at the northwest corner of Jefferson and 48th Avenue. ,► The proposed development consists of 86 single family dwellings, 118 senior apartment casitas, a Village Green and !� Park, extensive green areas and pedestrian walkways, and a se- nior recreation/pool facility. Through the assistance of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, the project is affordable to very low through moderate income levels. Village on the Green implements the goals and objectives previously established in the City of La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area #2. Approvals requested from the City in- clude a Tract Map, a General Plan Amendment, and the adoption by reso- lution of this specific plan. MISSION STATEMENT The Catellus Residential Group team will plan and deliver a unique com- munity environment that will serve as a template for future residential de- velopments in the City of La Quinta. To this end, we will create a visually distinctive, environmentally sensitive neighborhood consisting of a vari- ety of housing that relates to the desert and is unique, comfortable and connected by attractive open space, landscaping, and well -lighted street/sidewalk systems. Village on the Green embodies the latest in com- munity design and development approaches to establish a high quality res- idential enclave that will be a timeless asset for the City and its residents. LA QUINTA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT GOALS A sense of community is created by establishing an engaging relationship between the individual homes and the legible public realm. The residents are able to claim this proudly as their neighborhood through the realiza- tion of the following goals: Creating a pedestrian network to establish easy walking use of the com- mon areas and site amenities. The neighborhood can thus be created that encourages social interaction and a sense of security. Making the use of cars easy and convenient but not allowing them to dom- inate the site. Giving preference to pedestrians and moving the garage doors back from the street. Page 2 Preserving the small hill that gives the site its character. This hill has been utilized as a common area to look out across the valley floor and to serve as a reference point as one moves through the site. The development embraces the unique views that dramatically envelop the site. Opportunities to experience the vistas of the mountain cove occur throughout the public spaces and circulation system. The strong summer climate has been respected by orienting the homes primarily east to west around a courtyard to reduce after- noon exposure and to allow for the capturing of prevailing breezes. The historical land survey grid that has given structure to both agri- cultural and urban uses of the area is respected by utilizing the his- torical patterns of the valley along Jefferson and 48th Streets. Windbreak plantings, orchards or other devices have been interpreted as appropriate ways to address the edge conditions of the site. The desert offers powerful landscape precedents. The development builds upon these and has areas inspired by the native, the cultivated and the oasis landscapes found in the desert. Common open spaces are developed to afford residents active and passive recreational uses. These areas relate and integrate with natural perimeter amenities of the site such as the evacuation channel and the sand hum- mock. COMMUNITY/CITY STAFF INPUT Working closely with the City staff and elected officials, Catellus con- ducted 2 community meetings to gather resident input on the proposed Village on the Green project. Community attendees and city officials pro- vided a wide range of ideas and suggestions aimed at improving the de- sign and character of the planned community. Additionally, the project team met frequently with the City staff to discuss community input as well as entertain new ideas and concepts provided by City planners and housing authorities. Village on the Green reflects the "best and brightest" of contemporary community planning and development approaches in concert with the dis- tinctive La Quinta desert environment and local housing market. Many excellent ideas emerged from the community and City meetings, ideas which we believe have improved the overall project as well as its individ- Page 3 ual neighborhoods and community facilities. Our goal is to create a new community that will add significant value to the City of La Quinta and be viewed as an important and welcomed addition by City residents and officials. PROJECT VISION More than just housing, our vision for the Village on the Green com- munity includes such key components as distinctive entrances and edges, strategic vehicular and pedestrian linkages, recreational and social opportunities, and a diverse resident population that enhances sustainability and overall quality of life. We have established a strong community framework for the new housing within the context of the I City and desert environments. Elements such as recreation, landscap- ing, project themes, signage and opportunities for social and recre- ation activities will be strengthened to provide a true sense of place �- for the residents. At the housing level. design elements will showcase distinctive themes and styles (La Quinta Hotel - Spanish Colonial), exteri- or features (e.g. functional courtyards) and neighborhood ambiance to provide unique, quality housing responding to the needs and desires of the "stakeholders" and enhancing community pride. COMMITMENT TO PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP The Catellus team has a long and successful history of working in public/private ventures with a wide range of municipalities and govern- ment agencies. In these relationships, the team has gained valuable knowledge of the model methods and practices necessary to achieve shared goals by establishing strong relationships through creative partner- ing and ongoing communication. The lessons learned from these prior successes will contin- ue to be employed at Village on the Green to ensure that this project will meet expectations - of the City and its residents. COMMITMENT TO QUALITY Nothing is more important for success in today's highly competitive world than a com- mitment to, and meaningful demonstration of, quality. The Catellus team has consistently been recognized for its commitment to quality through a variety of honors, awards and com- mendations for design and engineering excel- lence, commitment to customer satisfaction and involvement in public service. Page 4 an LEGEND COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE 49T#4 STREET • PALM• • LSM DESERT' N 42ND AVENUE • ' BERMUDA vo r DUNES s FRED WARING_OWE pSTQ` MLLIS AVEKVF INDIAN �y4 INDIO WELLS "LLAGE fltluTlriMilli! THE Ifl1/MIRY ; City of La Q u i n t a, California lug i9WP�f 4YM • f fnw. xwnpAVENUE 50 I vLA OUINTA df f•un audit gIF71 "LLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Q u i n t a, California CATELLUS Area Mafia NOT TO SCALE November 1997 PLANNING OBJECTIVES Following is an articulation of the planning objectives that have guided the design and development of the Village on the Green. 1. Village Housing Concept. The housing encompassed by the communi- ty has been designed to create a strong, distinctive character for the neigh- borhoods. Important elements of the housing include focusing one-story elements, casitas style housing, front door terraces, outside courtyards, re- duced street widths, landscaped parkways and garages set back from the street. The one-story scale of the homes, and the introduction of defined entry areas, will evoke a strong pedestrian quality. 1'1 %N I Varied roof forms (predominately gable ends), complimentary colors and textures will be used to create diversity in the over- all mix of housing, but doing so in a cohe- sive manner to tie the community together as a whole. Visually stimulating exterior colors are vital to enhancing the look of the housing. We have employed a color consultant to prepare the overall color program in order to create a distinctive community. The color pro- gram creates a solid foundation and acts as one of the guiding elements for the quality of the housing over the long term. 2. Recreation Areas. The focus in the design of the neighborhoods is the integration of a hierarchy of active and passive recreation areas for play, relaxation and social gatherings. Soft landscaping and hardscape ele- ments such as outdoor seating, tot lot, picnicking facilities and green courts, are incorporated. This will encourage the interaction and care by the neighborhood resident members and taking full advantage of the out- door seasonal experience the local desert environment has to offer. The community is focused around a large "Village Green" and a "Village Park." These park spaces will provide for the larger community -level and active recreation functions. These dominant outdoor spaces plus green parkway street edges and spaces are unique elements creating a sense of place for the neighborhoods and the community as a whole. 3. Pedestrian Walking/Exercise. The housing/open space -recreation el- ements are linked together by a hierarchy of walkways located within and outside of the street parkways. These pedestrian walkways provide for safe travel to surrounding uses, a source of recreation and exercise, and a unifying and identity forming element assisting in linking the community with its surroundings in a cohesive and attractive fashion. Page 5 4. Signage. A unique element in creating a visually appealing housing community is the context and success of its character image theme and signage concepts. We intend to create a strong sense of arrival and place by incorporating a "village" theme and signage concept by developing a unifying monumentation and sign character and carry it in a consistent manner through the complete project site. The locations of these entry el- ements are key to provide a graceful transition from the community en- trances to individual neighborhoods. These entry elements will be inte- grated with landscaping to backdrop and frame these elements. The com- munity and the neighborhood -level recreation areas will also have signage that will embody the overall theme of the community. Particularly significant will be the "gateway" statement planned for the in- tersection of Jefferson Street and 48th Avenue. This area is planned as a distinctive, desert -inspired doorway to the community and city by utiliz- ing the undulating hummock and natural flora and hardscape to establish a visual "welcome" to La Quinta. The gateway signage is consistant with the city's primary gateway signage concept. This concept will be smaller in scale and tucked into and inte- grated with the hummock setting. Natural boulders will be sensitively placed to enhance the signs appearance and integration with the natural desert landscape setting of this area. 5. Landscape Design Concept. The conceptual landscape palette stems from the project goals to create a unique sense of place that utilizes, as much as possible, native plant material as an emphasis to the vil- lage character. The palette is shaped from each of the three land- scape concepts of Natural Desert Landscape, Agrarian Landscape, and Oasis Landscape. Each landscape type incorporates plants that embody the concept. The natural desert landscape is emphasized at Wo the gateway sand hammock and retention basin, and along the pro- - -VT ject edges at 48th and Jefferson where Palo Verde and Mesquite ' trees, with Ocotillo, lantana, and Texas ranger shrubs will be plant- ed. The agrarian landscape is represented at the project entries where citrus and palm trees reflect earlier periods when agriculture was a means of livelihood. The Oasis landscape makes the strongest statement of the project at the Village Green, and again at the Village Park, Seniors Commons and Senior Park. The Oasis palette includes California pepper and evergreen elm trees, with bougainvillea, natal plum, and India Hawthorn shrubs. The boulevard concept will be lined with canopy trees, and an emerald edge turfparkway. Page 6 *� 6. Community and Housing Walls/Fencing. The perimeter community wall will be masonry with a stucco finish incorporating the style and char- �'', t acter of the architectural "village" concept. The wall will not exceed 6 feet in height. Where the perimeter (rear home yard) wall meets sideyard re- turn walls, a pilaster will be located at the intersection. To maximize sight- M�i i . - lines and the street character at certain project corners and edges, the walls Jwill angle at 45 degrees to permit additional landscape planting and spa- tial openness. The homes' courtyards will be separated from the front yards and street with a low masonry stucco finish wall that flows with the architectural el- evation. The wall will have a finish and color to complement the homes. Each wall will tie into the adjacent home three feet behind the garage face to expand the usable space of the courtyard. A tubular steel fence (not to exceed 6 feet) with self closing hinges and lockable latch will be installed at the seniors recreation area. This fence will enclose the pool area per applicable safety codes. The objective of the senior rental boulevard edge is to be open and integrated with the single family home edge without walls and gates. The landscape and housing at this edge condition will be zipper like in its integration and compatibility. 7. Site Lighting Plan. To emphasize the unique sense of place and maxi- mize the usability of the pedestrian walking edges and spaces, lighting is proposed to reinforce the pedestrian experience and to provide added ve- hicular safety at intersections. The style and character of the fixture will be reflective of the Village theme. Street lights are placed along the main boulevard and at the senior apartment loop street, and bollard lights are placed at pedestrian paseo locations. The senior rentals will receive light from fixtures attached to the buildings. Entry signage for the community will also be up -lit. In recognition of the City's dark sky ordinance, all lighting will be low intensity opaque light fixtures. Page 7 CONCLUSION: As described within this document, the Catellus team has marshaled all of the elements necessary to plan, develop and market this exemplary residential community envi- sioned by the City and its planners. Our team has brought together the diversity of skills, talents, expertise and creativity as well as the depth of management and financial resources represented by our cor- porate commitment. We look forward to working in partnership with City officials, staff and community residents to create one of the finest residential project in the Coachella Valley. Page 8 PROJECT DESCRIPTION EXISTING SITE CONDITION The site is trapezoidal in shape and is undeveloped. Variable topography with sand dunes ranging in elevation from 42 to 67 feet in elevation, with several sand hummocks exists currently. Site drainage flows west towards the evacuation channel. The soils are sandy, and the site is exposed to the harsh winds and heat typical of the local desert environment. EXISTING SITE EDGES The project's eastern boundary is Jefferson Street, which serves as the La Quinta/Indio boundary. 48th Avenue is the southern border of the site, and the intersection of 48th and Jefferson has been designated in the La Quinta General Plan as a secondary easterly gateway entry to the City. The northern property line of the site serves as the border between La Quinta and Indio, and the western edge is defined by the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. PROPOSED 48th AND JEFFERSON EDGES Along 48th and Jefferson Avenues, a 6 foot wide concrete walkway will run the length of these edges. The walk will meander through a 10 foot right of way zone and ±20 foot landscape setback area. The walkway elevation will undulate with the proposed sloping terrain. SURROUNDING USES In the City of Indio, to the east of the project across Jefferson lies a mobile home park, and to the north is presently vacant land with commercial zoning. Across the Evacuation Channel to the west are the administration facilities for the Desert Sands Unified School District. An Imperial Irrigation District electric power substation is south of the project along 48th, surrounded by the currently vacant future residential property of Rancho La Quinta. OFF -TRACT CIRCULATION Traffic circulation for the subject project area has been studied twice. The first study occurred when the Environmental Impact Report was prepared for Redevelopment Project #2, and the second study occurred when the City up- dated its General Plan in 1992. The traffic study for Redevelopment Project #2 concluded trip generation from new development within Project Area #2 would increase by 58,000 trips per day at build out with the traffic volume on Avenue 48 estimated to be 12,000 ADT. As a result, a mitigation measure in the EIR called for streets designated as arterial streets in the project area to be upgraded to accommo- date the increased traffic volume. The "Village on the Green" project will generate 1,678 trips per day. Avenue 48 is already widened to its arterial Page 9 V I L I A (ff" E ON THE (3'I"t FuEN City of La Quinta, California CATELLUS Jr Aerial Map NOT TO SCALE November 1997 Future Home Depot X6d cial c` L � Future W Commercial ¢ ut C Z O Deser v_ UnW SchoolPROJECT Admini-� 51TEd ice► 0 WEST ON 48TH AVENUE ;77777= widim _ 5 ` © EAST ON 48TH AVENUE © SOUTH EAST TO SUB STATION O NORTH WEST AT SCHOOL MAINTENANCE FACILITY Mobile HomesNORTH STORM EAST A ONG LA QUINTA O EAST ON 48TH AVENUE O MAIN ENAN ENORTH EAST O OCH ILTML O NORTH ACROSS PROJECT CHA Q 'jo 48THAVENUE {� tylion . Future Rancho La Quint. Housing Existing Housing CTty Of LA QLINTA Site Analysis Study Sv P�nn�r D)gfi CAFELLUS ol O NORTH EAST ACROSS PROJECT �i EAST ACROSS PROJECTSOUTH FROM 48TH SOUTH WEST FROM 48TH AVUE (VIEW OF SANTA ROSAENUE MOUNTAINS) a) (VIEW OF SANTA OSA MOUNTAIN! ® NORTH ON JEFFERSON STREET M SOUTH ON JEFFERSON STREET ® EAST ON 48TH AVENUE mll� SOUTH WEST FROM JEFFERSON ST. SOUTH WEST FROM JEFFERSON ST. (DWEST ACROSS NORTH END OF (VIEW OF SANTA ROSA MOUNTAINS( (VIEW OF SANTA ROSA MOUNTAINS( PROJECT FROM JEFFERSON STREET SOUTH ON JEFFERSON STREET PROJECT STATISTICAL SUMMARY PROPERTY: La Quinta LOCATION: 48th and Jefferson Avenues OWNER: City of La Quinta, eventual land transfer to Catellus Residential Group LAND USE: High Density Residential LANDAREA: SINGLE FAMILY SENIOR RENTALS TOTALS/AVG, ACRES: 22.4 Acres 12,0 Acres 34.4 Acres NUMBER OF UNITS: 86 118 204 DENSITY. 3.8 du/acre 9.8 du/acre 5.9 du/acre CONSTRUCTION PERIOD: 6/1998-1/2000 Denotes receipt of first round tax credits PLAN TYPES: 3 2 5 PLAN SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1-1789 A-660 SF 2-1923 B-865 SF 3-2093 UNIT MIX: 1-25 (30%) A-94 (80%) 2-29 (33%) B-24 (20%) 3-32 (37%) 86 (100%) 118 (100%) TOTAL LIVING AREA: 166,860 SF 82,800 SF 249,660 SF RECREATION OPEN SPACE AREAS: 10 1,3 66 SF 49,370 SF 156,900 SF STREETS (Row Width) 345,111 SF 100,107 SF 445,218 SF OFF STREET PARKING: 344 133 477 (Includes 2 in garage & 2 in front of garage) ON STREET GUEST PARKING: 242 62 304 HANDICAP PARKING: 0 1 1 X] street configuration which is capable of handling 21,000 cars per day at Level of Service "A" As a condition of approval, the Village project will also widen Jefferson Street to its ultimate arterial configuration along its Jeffer- son Street frontage. These street improvement measures will more than ade- quately handle the traffic generated by the Village project. The second traffic study prepared for the 1992 General Plan update used a city-wide build -out model to determine the appropriate arterial street config- urations for use in various locations of the city. The land mass on which the "Village on the Green" is situated is designated as "mixed commercial" and its assumed trip generation rate in the build -out scenario trip generation model was calculated using 500 trips per day per acre, or 18,000 trips per day for the entire "Village on the Green" project area. The Village project will generate only 1,678 trips per day, substantially less than the allowable 18,000 trips for the subject site as used in the trip generation model to determine ap- propriate arterial street configurations. COMMUNITY CIRCULATION The community circulation network is composed of a logical hierarchy of roadways from 36', 32' and 28' wide streets, two community entries, a boule- vard, a single family residential and senior rental street, and rental vehicular parking courts. These elements are elaborated in greater detail as follows. ENTRIES Two distinctive community entries are proposed, one at the east end of the project site and one to the west. Both entries will have an 84 foot wide right of way. A 10 foot wide median will separate two 20 foot traffic lanes, a 6 foot wide parkway planter, a 5 foot wide pedestrian walk, and 6 foot planter adjacent home side yards. Both project entries will allow entry from 48th via a left turn lane for east bound traffic and a right turn for west bound traffic. Traffic exiting the site will turn right to travel west and left to cross 48th and proceed east. The eastern project entry will permit access from 48th Avenue with a right turn entry and right turn egress. As residents and visitors enter the community, they will be greeted visually by a sense of greenness, openness and order. The visual entry elements are visually connected and flow with the Village Green and Village Park setting a quality image. The community entries are back dropped and reinforced by the park setting, tree lined streets and the homes' yards. BOULEVARD The boulevard street extends from the western entry to one block east of the Village Green. The boulevard will have a 58 foot wide right of way comprised Page 10 of two 18 foot travel lanes with parking on either side and flanked on each side by a 6 foot landscaped parkway and 5 foot wide pedestrian walkway. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL STREETS The residential streets branching from the boulevard have three different street widths. A 28 foot curb to curb dimension comprised of two 14 foot travel lanes and no parking permitted; a 32 foot curb to curb dimension comprised of one 14 foot and one 18 foot travel lane with parking permitted on the 18 foot lane only; and thirdly, a 36 foot curb to curb dimension comprised of two 18 foot traffic lanes and parking on both sides of the street. All residential streets will have a 6 foot parkway planter and a 5 foot wide pedestrian sidewalk. Where parallel parking lanes occur, an additional 4 foot parkway planter "choker" will soften the streetscape and block the sight line of parked cars. Street inter- sections will include handicap depressions meeting A.D.A. Standards. SENIOR RENTAL STREETS The senior rental street will have three access points through the single fami- ly development. The 32 foot wide street will have one 14 foot and one 18 foot wide travel lane with parking on one side of the street. Also, a 5 foot parkway planter and 5 foot wide pedestrian sidewalk on each side of the street is pro- posed. A 24 foot wide drive aisle loops around the senior commons open space area. The apartment auto courts will have a 20 foot width at the entry, and a 24 foot width where vehicles are back to back. VEHICLE PARKING Parking will not be permitted along the median entry drives at 48th Avenue Along the boulevard, parking will be permitted on both sides of the street. Parking for the senior rental residential streets will be permitted on one side of the street and only in designated areas. Restricted parking in the senior rental will be regulated by the property management company. Single family streets will have parking on one side of the street in parking bays that alter- nate from side to side of the residential street. No parking areas for the single family streets will be clearly signed and enforced as part of the Home Own- ers Association CC and R's/towing policy. TYPICAL LOTS Single family lots will be rectangular in shape with the exception of a few lots as depicted on the site plan. The average lot size is 6250 SE Setbacks for the three floor plans are 5 foot minimum from property lines. The single family housing will incorporate a zero lot side yard concept. This concept maximizes the useable size and the use efficiency of the housing side yards. SITE LANDSCAPE CONCEPT The project landscape will work in concert with the architecture to create a Page 11 F 1 UTILIZE 'CHOKER' TO NARROW STREET -' WIDTH 6 ENHANCE LANDSCAPE 'J NO 9- PARKING LOCATIONS LOT f U) of two 18 foot travel lanes with parking on either side and flanked on each side by a 6 foot landscaped parkway and 5 foot wide pedestrian walkway. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL STREETS The residential streets branching from the boulevard have three different street widths. A 28 foot curb to curb dimension comprised of two 14 foot travel lanes and no parking permitted; a 32 foot curb to curb dimension comprised of one 14 foot and one 18 foot travel lane with parking permitted on the 18 foot lane only; and thirdly, a 36 foot curb to curb dimension comprised of two 18 foot traffic lanes and parking on both sides of the street. All residential streets will have a 6 foot parkway planter and a 5 foot wide pedestrian sidewalk. Where parallel parking lanes occur, an additional 4 foot parkway planter "choker" will soften the streetscape and block the sight line of parked cars. Street inter- sections will include handicap depressions meeting A.D.A. Standards. SENIOR RENTAL STREETS The senior rental street will have three access points through the single fami- ly development. The 32 foot wide street will have one 14 foot and one 18 foot wide travel lane with parking on one side of the street. Also, a 5 foot parkway planter and 5 foot wide pedestrian sidewalk on each side of the street is pro- posed. A 24 foot wide drive aisle loops around the senior commons open space area. The apartment auto courts will have a 20 foot width at the entry, and a 24 foot width where vehicles are back to back. VEHICLE PARKING Parking will not be permitted along the median entry drives at 48th Avenue Along the boulevard, parking will be permitted on both sides of the street. Parking for the senior rental residential streets will be permitted on one side of the street and only in designated areas. Restricted parking in the senior rental will be regulated by the property management company. Single family streets will have parking on one side of the street in parking bays that alter- nate from side to side of the residential street. No parking areas for the single family streets will be clearly signed and enforced as part of the Home Own- ers Association CC and R's/towing policy. TYPICAL LOTS Single family lots will be rectangular in shape with the exception of a few lots as depicted on the site plan. The average lot size is 6250 SE Setbacks for the three floor plans are 5 foot minimum from property lines. The single family housing will incorporate a zero lot side yard concept. This concept maximizes the useable size and the use efficiency of the housing side yards. SITE LANDSCAPE CONCEPT The project landscape will work in concert with the architecture to create a Page 11 i .e_ Residence Property Line/ Community Wall SECTION THRU PROJECT EDGE SECTION TI -IRU BOULEVARD (Parking both sides of street) Evacuation Channel Home O, Lot Jewalk ie Owner Lot SECTION THRU NEIGHBORHOOD STREET `(Parking one side of street) Sidewalk Home Owner '5'[6'1 32' Parking 6' 15+ Home Owner Lot ��— Lot SECTION THRU SENIOR RENTAL DRIVE (Parking one side of street) SECTION THRU VILLAGE PARK VMLAGE ON THE GREET City of La Q u i n t a, California CATELLUS Site/Street Sections NOT TO SCALE 4-28-98 strong sense of place with a village character. The village is broken down into social zones that provide the definition of place to the project. CITY OF LA QUINTA GATEWAY The corner of 48th Avenue and Jefferson is intended to be a remnant of the native desert landscape. The topography will consist of undulating hum- mock rising above the surrounding streets at the intersection and sloping down into an arroyo to the north. A low wall will have uplighted signage for the City of La Quinta's signage element and will be accentuated by rock out- croppings, informal clusters of date palms and flowering desert plants. The hummock will be covered with decomposed granite and desert plantings, while the arroyo will be covered with boulders, cobble and unmown grasses. A meandering decomposed granite path will wander along the edge of the ar- royo and through the hummock. VILLAGE COMMUNITY EDGE AND ENTRY The village edge will include meandering walkways, sloping/rolling terrain, with desert plant materials and slope groundcovers. Point of entry areas will be defined through row planting of date palms with an understory of orange trees and a ground plane of turf. THE VILLAGE GREEN This centrally located open space is intended to serve as a pleasing commu- nity gathering spot with a large open turf play area surrounded by a prome- nade with shade trees, pedestrian lighting, benches and site furnishings. THE VILLAGE PARK This park features an open turf play area and tot lot that is sunken slightly below the street to provide visual separation from the road. The landscape character at the perimeter blends with the adjacent wash. THE SENIORS' PARKAND COMMONS The recreation area will include a pool and spa, trellis -shaded areas as well as sunning areas. The seniors' park will include a rose garden at the southern end with the opportunity for residents to have a cutting garden along the edges of the central open turf area. A tree -shaded plaza in the park will also incorporate seating areas and game tables. FRONT YARDS AND STREETSCAPE Streets are shaded by a canopy of trees planted within the parkway. Front yards will have terraces with low walls to encourage interaction between neighbors. Small turf areas will provide visual relief while desert planting will occur adjacent to structures. Page 12 i ol No 4f 3 Ir M -A SECTION THRU SECTION THRU BOULEVARD SECTION T11 VILLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Quinta, California 4 Architect: Studio E Civil Engineer: Southwest Civil Engineering C A T E L L U S Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects r SECTION THRU PASEO SECTION THRU COMMONS SECTION THRU SENIORS PARK VILLAGE CSN THE GREEN Site Sections City of La Quinta, California 4 Architect: Studio E Civil Engineer: Southwest Civil Engineering C A T E L L US Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects SINGLE FAMILY UNIT DESIGNS Three floor plans have been designed to attract a range of moderate in- come buyers from young families to move down retirees. Each of the homes' floor plans is focused around an exterior courtyard. Interior spaces such as the kitchen, nook, family, living and dining rooms look onto and have access to the courtyard. The courtyard spaces are the organizing element for the floor plans. The homes also feature flexible spaces pro- viding various living options for the floor plans. The formal dining room can option as a small living room or parlor space and the living room can option as a den, or a home office or even another bedroom. The kitchens, nook and the family rooms are designed as a living unit or great room that becomes the most active and used area of the home. Each of the plans are well suited to support a family lifestyle in an informal setting that is so prevalent in Southern California. The plans feature front terraces oriented to the street to encourage social interaction with the neighborhoods and provide a level of warmth and character for the homes as viewed from the street. The two car garages have been pushed back from the street with the terrace element of the house pulled forward to further diminish the presence of the garages as viewed from the street. Long drives are created that enable the integration of reduced drive aprons and a turf strip within the driveway. The master and the secondary bedrooms are located to the rear or more private area of the house and are distanced from the active public living spaces. The master bedroom is located away from the secondary bed- rooms via a transition hallway or vestibule space to enhance privacy. The master bedroom and bath view on to private garden spaces with the master bedroom having access to the contained patio space. Each of the plans has the laundry room located inside the home with cabinetry for storageand untility sinks. PLAN 1: Plan A is approximately seventeen hundred square feet in size featuring three bedrooms and two and one half baths with an optional formal living room, den/home office or a library. This plan is focused to attract a younger newly forming family or an older couple. The home is less formal in its layout and is oriented to a less formal lifestyle. The kitchen features Page 13 an island sink with this space oriented onto the courtyard. The courtyard is located to the front and center of the plan on the lot. The front terrace element is oriented to the street with a patio wall exten- sion to define green space. PLAN 2: Plan B is approximately eighteen hundred fifty square feet in size featuring three bedrooms with an optional fourth bedroom with three baths. The living room can be optioned as a den/office, library or bedroom suite. The dining room can be optioned as a small parlor entertainment area. This plan is focused to attract a more mature family that is possibly moving up with in the local area. The rooms are more spacious and are more formal in their layout well suited for a larger family and active senior couple who are looking for a semi- formal lifestyle. The entry terrace element is oriented to the street and drive leading to the entry. The courtyard will be enclosed at the front ele- vation by a low wall. The courtyard creates a unique garden opportunity that will be enjoyed from inside the wall from the house as well as from outside the wall looking from the street. PLAN 3 Plan C is approximately two thousand square feet in size featuring four bedrooms and three baths with an optional den/home office. This plan is focused to attract a mature move up or a senior couple who are oriented to a more formal living environment. This plan features a combined dining and family room with a large kitchen with a center island sink. The home has a strong see through quality viewing from the entry of the home to the rear oriented courtyard space. The kitchen, nook and the family room are oriented onto the courtyard space in a more formalized great room setting. The plan features a center loaded entry terrace creating an arcade element protecting the windows of the interior public spaces of the plan. The mas- ter bedroom opens out to a generous private master patio that is separated from the rear public courtyard space. SENIOR RENTAL UNIT DESIGNS The senior rental homes include one and two bedroom plans. The plans are sized and configured with the California Tax Credit Allocation Com- mittee (TCAC) requirements for seniors classified multifamily housing. Two percent of the senior units will be handicap accessible in confor- mance with ADA standards. The plans feature an entry terrace oriented to the garden courts or the drive. This space provides for social interaction with neighbors and a pleasing exterior space to entertain or watch the ac- tivity of the housing neighborhood. This element creates an inviting com- Page 14 ponent of the architecture enhancing the street and the garden edges of the project. Parking is provided in close proximity to the units with carports that are integrated with the buildings. The carports will incorporate a stor- age locker for convenient housing of items. Guest parking is provided on street along one side of the drive. A washer/dryer stubout is offered for each plan with a central laundry facility at the main recreation space. The PLANA mail box locations will be dispersed con- veniently throughout the neighborhood and designed as social interaction nodes. The interior units will have light penetra- tion from two sides for the units that in- corporate the carports and from three sides for the units that are paired only. The paired homes will have a small scale reminiscent of the La Quinta Hotel ca- sitas units. This plan is approximately seven hundred square feet in size with one bed- room and one bath. The plan opens up to a spacious living room, dining and kitchen space. The bath is accessible to the public portion of the unit plan and with direct adjacency and access to the bedroom. PLAN B This plan is appoximately eight hundred fifty square feet in size with two bedrooms and one bath. The plan opens up to a spacious living room, din- ing and kitchen space. ARCHITECTURE INSPIRATION AND CHARACTER The community is threaded together by a cohesive village oriented archi- tectural character. The architecture is inspired by the Spanish Colonial Re- vival building style of the La Quinta Hotel which is an interpretation of the great Spanish ranchos and missions that once populated southern Cali- fornia. This project has an intrinsic richness of style and character creating a unique sense of place having impressionable value and quality. Village on the Green will have this same character by the sensitive interpretation of this Spanish Colonial style and elements of the La Quinta Hotel. The elements of this style include simple yet strong architectural wall massing with simple roof forms incorporating gable ended roofs. Win- dows and doors will have recesses and articulated openings. Thick walls, Page 15 barrel tile and sand finish stucco will be the main material elements of the homes exterior elevation. Tile, see through iron fence elements and wall pop out/trim elements will accent the walls of the exteriors. The village theme will express a balanced composition expressing order but will offer a variety of elements and materials to provide variation and richness with- in the common architectural theme. Page 16 PLAN 1 3 bdrm, 2 1/2 ba approx 1710 sq.ft. VILLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Quinta, California Architect: WFA, Architecture and Planning C A T E L L U S Studio E Architects Civil Engineer : Southwest Civil Engineering Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects Ii i -- L� r'y }i Conceptual Roof Plan PLAN 1 vs" -1 •_o. STREET ELEVATION ALTERNATE VILLAGE ON TIM GREEN City of La Quinta, California Architect: WFA, Architecture and Planning eoho E CArchitects A T E L L U S Civil Engineer: Southwest Engineering Landscape Architect :Ridge Landscape Architects PLAN2 3 bdrm, 2 1/2 approx 1875: VILLAGE ON THE GREEN M17 t V o f T. i n. — 1 .-. e -v _ l n -✓ "_ a.0 �1.11111.Qw Uuiiiornia Archltact: WFA, ArchReoture Arid Plaww W 4C A T E L L U S Glvil Studio s Archu«tg ngim ar; 8outhwvast civilL'wwgineering Undscapa Arch teat : Ridge Landscape Archltecta 1'-0" COTI 'PT)tllal D1.-,.. JL - _- —_ — v v a A A u 11 6D Conceptual Roof Plan U A' VR LA,GE ON THE STREET ELEVATION ALTERNATE GREEN City of La Quinta, California Architect: WFA.ArchitecturenndPhiminc Studio E Architects C A T E L L U S Civil Enginner: Southwest Civil Engineering Landscape Architect: Rldp Landscape Architects iaflr�.IflfY1 MIN ;' O. •11 IOU f•rr �l �fi MN 1! 1 ffP iKui�,fyyn jai llyG,�1 11111fIN���~{� .+Y/tf riM WFII Iff1,1 �Wr�MOM N/•• 1, EL I ■� ■ft ■Iti ■� A� a,J.:L 1 s�E ^'.:: ri1:141111Y;1F+�:ii;j�h� - mmgja ;IN----, IF. . .FIf. . .�. ; � rf r,�rr 1.1^Iiyr+1 �r,..,�i, ilE♦f!t � ' � e= t�f1tM R • ! � ISOImm I RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ,...1s'y...' FEE STREET ELEVATION M �i f . •V.t N y A5 Conceptual Elevations terrac( PLAN 3 3 bdrm & den, 21/2 ba approx 2010 sq.ft. 1'-0" VILLAGE ON THE SCREEN Conceptual Floor Plans City of La Quinta, California Architect: WFA, Architecture and Planning C A T E L L U S Civil Engineer : Studio u hewest Civil Architects Landsenpe Architect: Ridge landscape Architects Conceptual Roof Plan "LAN I/8" -r -o^ STREET ELEVATION ALTERNATE REAR ELEVATION RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION LEFT SIDE ELEVATION STREET ELEVATION VILLAGE ON THE GREEN Conceptual Elevations City of La Quinta, California Architect: WFA, Architecture and Planning Studio E Architects 4C A T E L L U S Civuhnginmr: Southwest Civil Engineering Landscape Architect : Ridge Landscape Architects "LAN- A 660 SQ.FT. 1/4" = V-0" MULTI -FAMILY CASITAS PIAN B 865 1Q.FT. Conceptual Floor Plans SIDE ELEVATION (ONE BEDROOM) 7 - SIDE ELEVATION (TWO BEDROOM) :::► E.s - - b.It COURT/STREET ELEVATION (ONE BEDROOM/TWO BEDROOM) Conceptual Elevations A8 VILI AAGE ON nffi GFXE City of La Quinta, California Architect: WFA, Architecture and Planning ts fC A T E L L U S CivilEn`ineer: Southwe.t�tNoolueeriaxr Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects 1/4" = 1'-0" Conceptual Floor Plans MULTI -FAMILY CASITAS r Mk�vI_ �l City of La Quinta, California Architect: WFA, ArcWtectore m d Phim(ns C A T E L L U S t ouffi s Arehte Clvll En�inner : [3onthweet Clvll EngineerIng Landwape Architect: W fte Landwape AreNteew PAN .> > COURT/STREET ELEVATION (ONE BEDROOM/ONE BEDROOM) ti Conceptual Elevations I�7 1/4" = V-0" MULTI -FAMILY CASITAS Conceptual Floor Plans r"' d ` �% ..A. 4*Yrs COURT/STREET ELEVATION (TWO BEDROOM/TWO BEDROOM) Conceptual Elevations A10 VILL NGE ON TIDE GFXEN City of La Quinta, California Architect: WFA, Architecture and Planning A+ Studio R Architects C A T E L L U S CivilEngtnecr: Southwest CivilEnginecr#ng Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects recreation bldg. terminates axial view w/ expanded elevation frontage grade & direction change to articulate access to pool area - raise pool slightly above street 1/8%]1-0• large arch to create big-.- element ig-:element at axi; exposed wood parasol trim above windoh extend walls into landscaph VILLAGE ON TFIE GREEN n City of La Quinta, California 4 Architect: WFA, AreWtwtu"IC AreMW,&andY ng C A T E L L U S Civil Engineer: Son h iandecaps Architect: iti fto Iandnapo Architects great room kit. + 1 Itititi� ■ ■■ ■■■ � �, lease office� tL A .r Z r K C ilia 1,11 Is it, -ago �, reference classic spanish colonial architecture of the In quinta inn expand impact of building's width (and terminus of axis) w/ landscape elements X Conceptual Elevation Recreation/ Pool Facility CASITAS Senior Housing reinforce axial impact W/ rectangular shaped pool 'leading' to recreation building define pool area w/ arbor element to frame view W/ foreground element All X Conceptual Plan ". WNW, 90 1 M—, 1, INMINNOW ° A91,111 reference classic spanish colonial architecture of the In quinta inn expand impact of building's width (and terminus of axis) w/ landscape elements X Conceptual Elevation Recreation/ Pool Facility CASITAS Senior Housing reinforce axial impact W/ rectangular shaped pool 'leading' to recreation building define pool area w/ arbor element to frame view W/ foreground element All X Conceptual Plan PROJECT GOALS • CREATE A SENSE OF: PI_4CE =NCOLRAGE '4IOV-BOQ1OOD 14-EpAC10N AND COtiIMLNITr'AC;_I-E.S &&'ABLE EO4 GATT-€QNGS • PROVIDE OPEN SP4CE5 `OR ACTIVE AND PASSIVE 45C?EA"ION SCALE OF ST',-ETS DDR' ANCE PEDE'RIAN C4CL.LA FON PROVIDE Pn2,lF=_CREATION A2EAS 'NIT, STRONG PEDES -PIAN _Nr_S To LOMES • ALLOW SPECIFICS OF S17E;a?OGQAM TO DEFINE OL,51NG • DESIGN -OL.St G TLjA- IS SIMP'_E AND ECO:N'O.MICA_ TO 3--) NI"-. EMPHASIS ON SITF CONDITIONS AND E\TE?IDR SPACES • CREATE AN OVERALL VLLAC-� C�A4ACTER AND S-ENSE OF PLACE CREATE A CO&WL,'\'ITY PAR, TO SE?VE AS A GATLERNG PLACE =O4 NZ -CI- 0<_OOD -:I 90 Z,C`IVE AND PASSIVE SITE CONCEPT STATEMENT TIE PRO -ECT _ANDSCAPE '14LL VIOR, WIT• -r -:-E A4C.-ETECT�.RG To CREATE A ,^',-2ONG SENSE OF :P -ACE NIT-, A. vL�AGE C,aA2ACTE4 E VLe6C� 15 040KEN DOWN N?O SOCIA'_ FG•`,ES. DESC,'OED AS FOJ_OW51 CITT OF LF Qt NTA GArff'NAr .L€ CO4NE4 OF 4138 AVENLE A\D EFFE2SON IS IN -%DED 7. 0 BE A 4-W, A',- OF ?.-= 7E-:;F.`'_AND ScAPE TI -E TOPOGRAPI y NP_•_ CONSIST OF 7w-)'.;LATNG -IAMOC�S 41SNG A30'/` -'-E 9�"-C -ti7NG S -S A 1 "--- INTI-RSEC?Ipft SLOPING COMIN By"O AN 624070 .O T: x:04 A CL,' .,NG _OVI WA_'_ NI- SIGNAGE �O4 TI -E CIrT OF '_A 0JNTA AND 'WL- 9E ACOENT-: ED Bl ?OO, O� C?0�'!'G5 N�C4NIAL C�_LLSTER$ OF DAl E PA -MS AND=LO'NI-PING DESER" ALL BE COVERED W -.- DECOMPOSED GNIT- AND SPORADIC DESERT 'M PANT •\GS A440Y 0 NL_ .7 CO'JE4EJ '/'ll'�. 4A HOLLDE25 COa2' E PND L3 M0'flti GWA SSSS A MEA �v7E4NG DE�:OMPO:�c7 G2A'aT= �A-=• rll WANDER ALONG Tl'_- E -. = DGE OF'A4?01 O A\D 7,QCI_.0-' "'.E .i:.Mti7oC.S TIE VLLA[-,E =OG9 14 L- NC -DE MEA%Dc2NG WA_c'NA)S. N'_.EQE G4' -DE A._o'N /I DESERT PLANT MA-ERIA'_S AND SLOPE G40' NDC0•JE4S ?ON- OF EV`.Y I.KGAS T!E_ 7F DEFNED T''OIJG14 20 V! '-AN-NG bF DA- Pt, -MS 'NIT A\ JNDF2ST041 OF ORA.\GF TVEFS AND A GROUND --ANE-OW �� TIE MEDIA\' Nll_'_ .:AVE A\ _P_I- -%- MONI-MlINT SIGN T14S OPEN SPACE IS INTENDED 'O sE4VE AS 6 cotiFMi.Pl"I GA-.,E21NG SPOT "J[__ JI A LA2G.� OPFN 7 P.. AT A2E4 SLv ROLT:DED 91" A PROMENADc NT.a SIADF r¢EES. AEDES-41A\ LIGL-'NG. aENC'.LS AND 51--E F, 'N;Is-+',•.G= s , S-PA42 AND C QVMP'\S T -F 4"'ECREA rIO'ti AREA NLL NCL' -4,)E A POOL A%1_ SPA. TWLL-6 AREAS AS NE,.L AS AREAS -.-c SEND, 5 PAR, NL -'NC_ -DE A QOSc GA?DEN. A' T. -E 501 -EPN END NI -I- -..E OPPO.VT�N-) FC„`. 2F_� �. SIDENTS TO �!/P A CLJ'TNG GARDE -- N ALONG ` EDGES OF PEA E CENTRAL ON T-gRF AREA -RE 5•.ADED a_ASA AT T -E NO4 f� END OW "LE- PARK COILLD'N'CO4PO4A'E SEA -NG A.2EAS AND GAME TAOLES TI-4S pt.'. C N PE ARL='NL_ PEA' AN OPEC' T-4= PLAT 42EA +� AND TO" . O SUNKEN SLGIT9E.0td TI¢ '* . HOL.LEVARD ORO/O JISL,/' `rPF.4A`ION "•-E 40AJ T.. ANDSCAPE C-IA2t,C'E4 Ir'� tR ',-E MIT ER PJ_ BLEND III-, -`L+E i-ACEN- HA5..I . ?pn T4�.'D.5_ANj? sT,r�TscA 'f 4'E' S 'rre_ BE S"nD_D 91 A CA\OPYOc TREES PL,ANTED'8I-:8N T-E-A?,'JJA'� F40N- TAODS - r, NLL'. A.VE TERRACES WI':a'_OW NJA.LS TO ENCO ,'AGE N FRACTION 9E"NEF:N' /. SEG -`30? i SMA 7.4F AREAS ,N- PROV )E VIS A 4 LEr Nut F DFSCR' PI AN' NG WL- OCCL':' AD-ACEN` All 0. I� � QOM � * �� •.� ■ I 4 r GATEWAY VILLAGE ON THE GREEN Illustrative Site Plan City of La Quinta, California 1•• = �;��'_��" ArchiLect: Studd, L•' Architects E T T �7 S c Civil Engineer: SOuthwevt Civil Engineering r� E L L U C A 1 I,undscape ArchileaL Midge Landscapc Architect~ \ 16L SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS STREET CONDITIONS Street Edge Street width Parking on Parking off Right of Side walk Side walk Garage set House House side Conditions curb to curb street/ guest street/ way/Parkway size location back from terrace set yard set back residence (all off street back of side back from from back of underground walk back of side side walls utilities will walk be located within this area) Streets 36' Parking on both sides Two cars per 6' 5' Curb parallel 25' min. for 10' min 10' min. Boulevard of streets. Parking driveway/ both sides of front entry, building 5' along the senior rentals is designated garage street garages, and min. low for the seniors and (4 cars total) 10' min. for wall/fence parking along the side entry element SFD is designated for garages. the SFD. Streets 36' Parking on both Two cars per C 5' Curb parallel 25' min. for 10' building 10' min. Detached 32' sides of a 36' width driveway/ both sides of front entry, 5' min. low Home Drive 28' street. Parking on one side of a 32' garage e street garages, and g g wall/fence width street. No (4 cars total) 10' min. for element parking is permitted side entry on either side for a garages. 23' width street. Streets 32' Parking on one side of 1.25 covered 5' 5' Curb parallel 10' min. to 3' min. - low 5' min. Senior Rental street at a min. ratio of carport space both sides of perpendicular wall/fence Drive .45 parking spaces per unit (No parking side per unit street carport stall element of street will be located within signed No Parking parking courts and enforced by the property management company's towing policy) Streets 24' backup No parking Min. one N/A N/A N/A Carport N/A N/A Senior Rental isle width allowed covered column Parking from parking except for carport per setback 2' to Courts stall to designated unit allow for mid parking stall stalls span planting -nA-p+ SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMMUNITY EDGE CONDITIONS Community Right of Way Landscape Overall Maintenance Location of Housing rear Accessory Housing side Sidewalk size Perimeter (R.O.W.) lot distance (R.O.W.)/land responsibility the yard setback structure yard setback and location Edge distance from scape lot set of the area perimeter from setback from from Conditions from back of (R.O.W.) to back from (including community property line property line property line 5' Min. curb (all off property line back of curb sidewalk) wall as it Owners property line street to property relates to the Association underground line property line Northerly N/A N/A N/A utilities will Centered on 5' Min. 5' Min. 5' Min. N/A Indio Edge be located Property property line within this Management area) Company Southerly 10' 20' 30' Home Centered on 5' Min. 5' Min. 5' Min. 6' Min. 48th Avenue Owners property line Edge Association Easterly 10' 20` 30' Home Centered on 5' Min. 5' Min. 5' Min. 6' Min. Jefferson Owners property line Avenue Edge Association Northerly N/A N/A N/A Senior Rental Centered on 5' Min. 5' Min. 5' Min. N/A Indio Edge Property property line Management Company Westerly N/A N/A N/A Home Centered on 5' Min. 5' Min. 5' Min. N/A Evacuation Owners property line Channel Association SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS INTERIOR LOTS/PROPERTY LINE CONDITIONS Typical Front yard Front yard Side yard set Side yard set Rear yard set Height limit Accessory Building to Building/Lot terrace set garage set back to back from back from structure set building side Conditions back from back from property line back of side property line back from and rear set back of back of side walk property line backs sidewalk walk Detached Train. 25' min. for Home Lot For building front entry, 5' min. for garages, and low wall or 10' min. for fence side entry garages. Attached 10' min. Rental for building Housing 3' min. for Buildings low wall or fence 5' Min. 10' min. to 5' Min. per perpendicular U.B.C. carport stall 5' Min. 5' Min. 5' Min. 5' Min 25' Max 35' (Leasing office will have vertical tower element) All other structures will be one story. 20' maximum profiles. 5' Min. 5' 10' Min. 10' SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS WALLS AND FENCING CONDITIONS Location of Walls/Fencing Height Description of Material Relationship to Property Line Maintenance Responsibility Community perimeter (48th and To be determined Masonry stucco finish Center of property line Outside of wall -Home Owners Jefferson edges) height per acoustical report Association Inside of wall - Property Owner Community perimeter 10' max. height Masonry stucco finish Center property line Property Management Indio/Senior Rental edge (2'-6" max. retaining condition) Community perimeter 10' max. height Evacuation Channel edge Side Yard or Rear yard to Street 6' Max Rear Yards (yard to yard) Side Yards (yard to yard) Front Yard Courtyard Walls Terrace Walls Side yard Returns Tubular Steel Atop 4'0" max. retaining wall condition Masonry stucco finish 6'-0" Max Wood, #2 red cedar or better 6'-0" Max Wood, #2 red cedar or better 6'-0" Max. 4'-0" Max 6'-0" Max Masonry stucco finish or Tubular Steel Masonry stucco finish or Tubular Steel Masonry stucco finish Gates 6' Max Wood or Tubular Steel Center property line Home Owners Association (H.O.A.) Center of property line Outside of wall - H.O.A. Inside of wall - Property Owner Center of property line Home Owner Variable location to property Home Owner line. Fence may align off the building in a zero lot configuration and may vary from property line by virtue of recipricol side yard easement Setback 10' minimum from Home Owner front property line Set back 5' minimum from front Home Owner property line. Establishes H.O.A. front yard maintenance edge No Relationship Home Owner No Relationship Home Owner 5' Min. Typical 5'1 10' 1 E7B LOT PROPERTY LINE (Typical) 5' 1 r--1 r"7 AA C c # 5` 10'Min. N Min.1 10'Min. _ 5'SIDEWALIK & PARKWAY CURB 28' _ _ _ _ v 32' or 36' CONDITION VARIES I I VMAGE ON THE GREED City of La Quinta, California CATELLUS Building/ Lot Setbacks NOT TO SCALE 4-28-98 Boulevard/Parkway ILLAGE ON THE GREEN Building Setbacks City of La Quinta, California Senior Rentals NUT TO SCALE CAT E L LU S 4-28-98 u CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PALETTE CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PALETTE Botanical Name Common Name Caliper Size/Remarks Melia Azedarach China Berry 1.5" Schinus Molle California Pepper 1.75" Ulmus Parvifolia Evergreen Elm 1.75" 24" Box (Open Space Canopy Tree) Gleditsia T. Inermis Shademaster honeylocust 1.5" JacarandaMimosifolia Jacaranda 1.75" Olea Europea Olive 1.5" 24" Box Acacia Pendula Weeping My All 1.5" Olneya Testosa Desert ironwood 1.5" Pithecellobium Flexicaule Texas Ebony 1.5" Prosopis Alba Argentine Mesquite 1.5" (15 Gal. Residential Front Yard/ Street Tree) Prosopis Glandulosa Texas Mesquite 1" Rhus Lancea African sumac 1" Tamarix Aphylla Athel Tree 1" (15 Gal. Hummock Tree Mass/Perimeter Grove) Washingtonia Robusta Mexican Fan Palm 12" (15" Brown Trunk Open Space Skyline Tree) Cercidium Floridum Blue Palo Verde 1" Parkinsonia Aculeata Jerusalem Thorn F, (15 Gal) Desert Grove Phoenix Dactylifera Date Palm 16" Washingtonia Filifera California Fan Palm 16" (10-15' Brown Trunk) Pinus Eldarica Mondell Pine 1" (15 Gal Evergreen Screen) Schrubs and Groundcovers PERIMETER Caesalpinnia Pulcherrima Barbados Pride Fouquieria Splendens Ocotillo Lantana Spreading Sunshine Yellow Lantana Leucophyllum Frutescens Texas Ranger Page 17 OPEN SPACE (VILLAGE PARK/HUMMOCK Cassia Artemisioides Feathery Cassia Dalea Greggi Trailing Indigo Bush Dasylirion Wheeleri Desert Spoon Encelia Farinosa Desert Encelia Hesperaloe Parviflora Red Yucca Leucophyllum Laevigatum Chihuahuan sage Salvia Greggii Autumn Sage Santolina C. Lavender Cotton FRONT YARD /PARKWAYS MMON AREA Baccharis Centennial Baccharis Sarathroides Bougainvillea SP Cassia Artemisioides Galvesia Speciosa Lantana Montevidensis Leucophyllum Frutescens Rosmarinus Officinalis'Prostrata Rosmarinus officinalis Tuscan Blue Verbena Tenuisecta Turf -Hybrid Bermuda NCN Desert Broom Bougainvillea Feathery Cassia Island Bush -Snapdragon Purple Lantana Texas Ranger Prostrate Rosemary Upright Rosemary Moss Verbena OASIS (SENIOR'S RECREATION AREA/VILLAGE GREEN/ COMMON AREAS NODES) Bougainvillea SP Bougainvillea Carissa Grandiflora Lantana Montevidensis Phormium Tenax Tiny Tim Phormium Tenax Sunrise Pittosporum Tobira Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum Tobira Variegata Raphiolepis Indica Rosa SP. Dwarfs U Natal Plum Purple Lantana Dwarf New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax Dwarf Tobira Variegated Tobira India Hawthorn Dwarf Roses Page 18 COMMUNITY MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY The single-family homes will be maintained by a professional property management company as agent for the home owners association (HOA) which is governed by the community's CC and Rs. This portion includes the private streets and all of the landscape improvement areas, excepting the homeowners backyards, and the homes. The home owners association will assure all public edges of the community are maintained in mint con- dition to assure the value of the community is sustained over time. The senior citizens rental community is to be maintained by the project's property management company. The property management company will maintain all of the property improvements, including the project street. In both of the housing projects, the HOA and the rental property manage- ment companies will enforce the street parking on the streets designated for no parking and for parking on 1 side only. The Coachella Valley Water District will maintain the infrastructure elements within the street and any infrastructure elements running outside the roadway. Page 19 LEGEND �—. BOW. M14 PWMSSI a SODIJM 20FT. POLE LIGHT ALLINg" BASE COV92 MOV. TYPE 3 tM4TIT4 GLSTi>ILYI 141JORBCBdT SGN L I LGW ON PERMA POST NET LOCATION MOV 32W. MIJOQ@5(HdT BOLLARD MOV. NOTE TTE L IG'nM DBNG CONCEPT 6 BASm ON TFC CITY Ce LA OL INTA DAM WY CRDNANL>= THE 9TREUT LIGHTING DESNB N TFE MERSECTIOI4a My. TLE ROADWAY UGFBNB DBNG DCB NOT OOWLY MT14 TIE IEB GALWNATNG ND+ ISNM 9OCTTY) OR AMBM.AN NATIONAL ROADWAY L QHTNG RP -B BY IES. 114 as 1 6T 6 2 4 d 3 �i���lll■f �■Ilii�i�!��i�1�������f! .I L . 1 I ;4 AVENUE 4 S LlitJ "ffwxNE ellaceun sol uM THE � J�+DVILLAGE, O�,r GREEN Conceptual Lighting Plan city of La Quinta, Calif ornia LIGHTING DESIGNERS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS H1151 AIRWAY AVE. SUITE P.GB CGSTA MESA. CA 92526 L 5 TEL (714) 43 —1327 ay�pF9N+�1ED FAX (714) 432-1727 scue r . rive CAST AUAt<4.M FNAL SRN ALLNf lA/ VEST CAP AND DOA£ 2C11 ALLMFA.M POLE 4' OD. STRAIGHT TL04G 207-0' CAST AIIMdAI 2 -PEC! BASO COVER POLE BASE FIXTURE SCALE Wr s T -W KY -O' —CAGY AL ASLM PHAL �.— SRN ALLMNM VEST CAP AND DCM,E T[++P61L°D GLASS L" KY -C' AL.L&VLM POLE 4' OD. STRAIGFR TL04G CAST NAI.*LM 2 -PEC! BASE- COYER POLE BASE FIXTURE SCALE irr a T -O' �� l,�10111 1BASEItT AR SPACE! 40 4 VERTICAL yy 36 3 TES X El - CON%.If .AS REM • 9' OF CB4TM ROLM BOLLARD FIXTURE N UPLIGHT FIXTURE; m VILLAGE ON THE GREED Conceptual Lighting Details I� city of La Quinta, CaliforniaLEOTRC DE10"ERSL E RS L6 X,DH IRW S161 AIR AVE. 51117E COSTA MESA, CA 82626 TEL: (714) 432-1327 4/C66.611AR6 FAX: (7 14) 432-6736 LEGEND: aYMBEL _.,DESCRIPTION METAL FENCE 42" NIGH FRONT YARD WALL • • • • . • • • • • 5'-O" NIGH WOOD SIDE YARD AND REAR YARD WALL 5'-0" HIGH PERIMETER WALL PROJECT ENTRY SIGN o� CITY OF LA OUINTA SECONDARY GATEWAY .fir /����► � JWmAnamaa'''� f AVENUE 48 V ELAGE ON THE GREE City of La Quinta, California Architect: Studio E Architects Civil Engineer: Southwest Civil Engineering 4C A T E L L U S Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects �Jr� 1~ PQ PQ P4 F z \I Wall Plan 1" = 60'-0" L7 w \I Wall Plan 1" = 60'-0" L7 METAL FENCE lz6END rte" F1G►�t; r 4 G.Rir� F-IWMU'1I @ Feel-- CITY SECONDARY GATEWAY '9 fir --yrvc-co "NlcH Wl ^L i- f 6xYx1& CNU W^,L- PERIMETER WALL cL� L^qo,"m rm� i x6 rk?�- ak s 1�x4 Z�FFes. zx� 4ejP; ZX 4 �i�^ jiA 2X6 �`1 VILLAGE.: onthe .GREEN I,�END QQ �2IMDExsb� t't161-t G`1u si6N w/ f�s'T� �lN� ® d"Nfi m N s; --r CRS OO MNL--" PROJECT ENTRY SIGN F' N lsGeACV7 t P NA,6f--- &�Wr;A- gyp% GL?� PA�E� REAR/SIDE YARD FENCE FRONT YARD WALL VML&GE ON THE GRFEN WALL AND SIGNAGE DETAILS City of La Quinta, California 3/4" Architect: Studio S Architects Civil Engineer. Southwest Civil Engineering 4C A T E L L U S Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects L8 AVENUE 48 AVENUE 48 GATEWAY - PULMNARY L4MSCAPE PLAN z 0 En x w w w w ti VILLAGE ON Tfffi ]`REE City of La Quinta Secondary Gateway City of La Quinta, California 4 Architect: Studio E 1" = 20'-0" Civil Engineer: Southwest Civil Engineering C A T E L L US Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects VULLAGE ON THE GREEN Front Yard Plan City of La Quinta, California Architect: Studio E Architects Civil Engineer: Southwest Civil Engineering CA T E L L U S Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects Lto PLAN 1 SCHEMATIC PLAN 2 STREET LA QUINTA 9 4 PLAN 3 ;_** of 12! y CA a DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA PHASING The single-family detached homes will have a model phase followed by 3 production phases. The model phase includes Plans 1, 2 and 3 located at lots 41, 42, and 43. A portion of the improvements along 48th Avenue and the Village Green will be built during the model phase. Phase one con- struction includes the completion of the right-of-way and landscape set- back improvements along 48th Avenue, 27 units of housing, the east pro- ject entry, and a portion of the Jefferson Street improvements. The second phase includes housing for the completion of 25 homes located at the center of the community. The third t` wphase ofSFD housing construction will ~'�„ • k "" '' ,.•. _;,qR"D' . include 31 units on the west side of the project, the buildout around the models, = and the Village Park. The apartments will be constructed in one phase. The start of construction will include all the street paving and approximately 60 units on the east side of the project. The remaining units to the north will sequence from west to east. We estimate delivering ap- proximately 4 units per day as a production rate. ROUGH GRADING The site requires approximately 100,000 cubic yards of import to bring the site up sufficiently to protect the pads from a 100 -year flood event as required. The site will be graded essentially flat with depression areas or sumps distributed throughout the site to minimize the level of import earth material. The sump areas will be used for water retention as well as collec- tion. The site drains from east to west toward the Evacuation Channel. The streets will carry and flow the storm water to this eventual point of distrib- ution for the system. The site's soft sandy materials are suitable to build upon with adequate moisture and compaction. We anticipate a 3 -foot min- imum depth of over -excavation within the fill zones to create a sub -grade sufficient to fill upon. WET UTILITIES The primary wet utilities for distribution and collection will be located within the boulevard as part of a backbone system. The onsite water main will be delivered in a 12" water main, then looping and tying in with the Page 20 1*1 eastern 48th Avenue project entry. The domestic water improvements complete a looped water system per the direction of the City Engineer. The sewer system will join an existing stub in 48th Avenue at the westerly entrance, and travel along the boulevard and the southern east -west street before branching off to other residential streets to serve the homes. The apartment sewer main extends through the senior drive and provides sewer laterals to each of the senior apartment units. The storm drain system and site drainage flows from east to west towards the Evacuation Channel. The community's drainage system protects all lots from a 100 year storm flood event. JOINT TRENCH UTILITIES Two low points will accept the project stormwater, 1 north of the western pro- ject entry and 1 at the Village Green. The storm drain system has been ap- proved by the Coachella Valley Flood Control to outlet into the channel with- out onsite retention being required. Mitigation measures for erosion and wind control will be prepared and sub- mitted to the State to comply with NPDES guidelines. Joint trench utilities are to be installed at the back of sidewalks and will in- clude electric conduits. Providers of the various utilities will be as fol- lows: Electrical by Imperial Irrigation District (IID), gas by Southern California Gas (SC Gas), telephone by General Telephone and Electric (GTE), and cable television by Media -One Cable. Each of the utilities will run along 48th Avenue and enter the site at the eastern project entry. The IID electric trunk system/backbone will be in the right-of-way joint trench, with GTE and CATV in the same trench. IID pole line conversion to underground along Jefferson will consist of a conduit system to be shared with GTE and possibly CATV. The Southern California Gas Com- pany will provide an independent trench and 3" P.E. main extending west on 48th to the project entry. No gas is anticipated for joint trench along 48th or Jefferson. In -Tract distribution will be a 4 -party joint trench system located in the right-of-way and will include IID, GTE, S.C. Gas, and Media -One. S.C. Gas will be included in the joint trench with IID upon IID approval of the Page 21 gas system. Distribution facilities for the electrical will con- sist of conduits and structures in the right-of-way, phone and cable TV will be distributed via direct bury cable, and gas will travel through the site in a 2" P.E. main with 1" service extensions. Page 22 ENVIRONMENTAL/ARCHAEOLOGICAL A biological assessment and impact analysis for residential development was completed for the subject site by James W. Cornett, Ecological Con- sultants. No officially listed plant or animal species were found or detect- ed during the field surveys. This project is not expected to have a signifi- cant adverse impact upon the biological resources of the region. A mitiga- tion fee of $600 per acre must be paid to the City of La Quinta as part of the habitat conservation plan for the threatened Coachella Valley fringe - toed lizard. A Phase I archaeological assessment was completed for the project site in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. Research re- vealed that no archaeological site had been recorded on the project site, al- though other sites had been recorded in the nearby region. A field walkover survey resulted in the recording of two prehistoric sites (ceramic scatters and a fire hearth) and two historic sites (a discrete trash dump and a dispersed historic scatter) on the subject parcel. A Phase II testing of the sites was recommended to determine their cultural/historical significance to the region. The Phase 11 testing has been completed and the recom- mended mitigation is for monitoring during the construction process. Page 23 SINGLE FAMILY LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION UNITS ® Models/Sales Complex 3 Phase 1 27 76 Phase 2 25 77 Phase 3 31 78 TOTAL 86 75 16 ". UNITS P 79 74 L 57 SENIOR RENTAL LEGEND, Villg73 a 58 25 k SYMBOL DESCRIPTION UNITS Pare 72 59 37 26 Leasing/Rec. Complex 4 � Q' 60 lage Glreen lA Phase lA 56 J 80 G 71 Model Parking Spaces) 36 27 24 IR- 81 (12 1 B Phase 1B 58 61 35 28 23 �� 82 70 TOTAL UNITS 118 Q' 83 69 62 50 49 44°I38 34 29 22 \� 84 68 63 56 J 51 55 48 45 M4odel 39 33 30 21 85 67 64 66 65 54 53 52 47 46 ModelI 40 32 31 20 86 F VILLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Q u i n t a, C a l i f o r n i a CATELLUS 6 7 8 9 10 4 8 T H A V E N U E 8 Gateway Hummock Temporary Construction Access 1 LU LU H • LU LL— LL— LU L— LL— LU Unit Construction Phasing NOT TO SCALE 4-28-98 H VELIAGE ON THE GREEN Existing Site Conditions Plan City of La Quinta, California „ - 1 = 801-01, Architect: Studio E Architects Civil Engineer: Korve Engineering, Inc. 4C A T E L L U S Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects 28 APRIL 1998 I .. RAY Mi! :@ /IMP M owc r�rl�aacrs�n�avaw�mv�csr¢rtlrx-sr VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 131 64 0 III �r as A. e. so W • m k 47 41% Ig' 40 ot 6a d 'fir _7 .8.1ST 1? 1 0iT OT G. # J LOT 2 a IR 1� 14 66 w -J!� - - - - L.: . f ) .,-. - OW RGHF 1— , , I : - lot --,-Lot VENUE. 40: r Rif L ZONE pa k TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 28601 LEGEND: POWER` IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (760) 339 - 9480 HP HIGH POINT GAS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY (800) 427 - 2200 LP LOW POINT TELEPHONE GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY (760) 342 - 0526 0.5X STREET GRADE NOTES: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: 649-03-20 SEWER & WATER COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (760) 398 - 2651 56 LOT NO. I. TOTAL AREA; 34.4 ACRES LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SCHOOL DISTRICT DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (760) 775 - 3500 2 LAND IS PRESENTLYVACANT A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH TRASH DISPOSAL WASTE MANAGEMENT (760) 340 - 2113 3 COMMON AREAS / OPEN SPACE LOTS: 'A' THRU 'G' RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M. SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF 4 LOTS 1-06 ARE SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED HOMES RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 5. LOTS 87-90 ARE APARTMENTS 6. AREA NOT SUBJECT TO FLOOD OR INUNDATION ZONE 'X" FEMA PANEL No.060709 0005 B (8/19/91) 14E Korve -Q�Klx& CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP ON. .,%TSUITE 504 ineering 5 PARK PLA7A SUITE 400, , SAN SERNARDINO, CA 020 11 RVINE. CAUFORNA 02714 TEU (909) 804-4777 FAX (09) 804-2277 (714) 251-5100 FAX (714) 251-8837 PREPARED: APRIL 28, 1998 CONTACT: JOHN O'BRIEN VfLLAGE ON Tom' GUEN Tentative Map No. 28601 City of La Quinta, California 1 = 80'-0" Architect: Studio E Architects Civil Engineer: Korve Engineering, Inc. 4C A T E L L U S Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects 28 APRIL 1998:*C2 CP ZONE fb ST 87s 76 r i.J 4? �tc— El V 78 To 74R -h- j + 115. i `A' ST. V 00• I V go 4Y 72; 2 v 17 86 25 GoT-IIs , i — LDT -F- 'zl\ -1 11. - I . I ;w og� 4 0 6 ST. 89 I U. z 23, U IN I N�0�.i 1AI t -'I". X/6G 46 ;34 20 pr Ir w %P 51 4a 46 K' io RAN WE 28 Im JB . .. . ...... NO 1 F-: 1. TOTAL AREA: 34.4 ACRES 2.. BUILDINGSQUARE FOOTAGE: 26 - PIAN 1: 1,7B9 S.F. - 46,514 SF 29 - PLAN 2: 1,923 S,F. - 55,767 S,1 31 - PLAN 3: 2,093 &F. - 64883 S.F TOTAL 86 167,164 S F 3 APARTMENT SQUARE FOOTAGE 94 1 OR: 660 S. F 62,040 S F 24 2 BR: 865 S.F. 20360 S.F TOTALS: 118 82,800 S,F= 4, SITE TUBULATION SIDEWALK . S,F LANDSCAPE S.F COMBINED FAKING: SINGLE FAMILY APARTMENT HANDICAP OFFSTRLET: 344 133 1 ONSTRFFT. 242 _ 62 0 TOTAL 586 195 1 LOT so. LOT S0. LOT SQ -NO_ FT NO FT. - -NO, , FT. 1 10 283 36 5 625 71 6,745 2 6: 400 37 5,995 72 6,745 3 6 400 38 5,995 73 5,625 4 6 560 39S,G25 74 5,625 6,555 40 5,995 75 5,625 G 6,555 41 5,995 76 7,533 7 6,232 42 5,625 77 6„379 8 6,080 43 5,995 78 6,379 9 6,080 44 5,995 79 7,179 10 6 144 45 5 625 80 5,862. 1 1 6.52 5 525 46 5,995 81 5,525 12 6 955 47 5,995 82 5,654 13 6 955 48 5,625 83 5,658 14 6,390 49 5,995 94 5,658 I 5 6,000 50 6,866 85 5,658 16 6,000 51 6,800 86 7,365 17 6,000 52 6,395 87 66, 194 18 6,150 53 6,821 88 75,364 19 6,145 54 8,503 89 113.294 20 5,995 55 8,030 90 164,102_ 21 5,625 56 5,653 A 3,667 22 5,67.5 57 7,247 B9,834 23 5,625 58 5,848 C 34,548 OPEN SPACE 24 5,625 59 5,625 L` 1,007 25 6 000 60 5,995 E 16,328 26 5,995 61 5,995 F 56,128 27 5,625 62 5,625 G 24,224 28 625 63 5 625 SUB 1,032,390 29 5 625 64 5,601 TOTAL 30 5,625 65 6,135 31 5,995 66 6,772 STRFE TS SO, F1 52 5,995 b7 5,630 PRIVATE STREET 445,217 33 5,625 6g 5,6}I •A' THRD "I" 34 5,625 69 5,625 35 5,625 70 5,625 PUBLIC STREET 19,604 TOTAL 1,497,211 (34 4 ACRES) pJN 61IC: 7A NR 98 on r 5' MIN 5' MIN 5' YIN r M.% 87, "� r - �l� - �• ..... .•A -r i 1 T I i ... - ,_P I.AN 1 PLAN 2 PLAN S_ 77 �1W OA1L (ON 7s'. Q P J -Q - --� k N,T, S. 78 �� , _ __�� ..� � ... .Y �_._-.�L�• ..-..._�y_ ., ��__ � IIS I- dJ r� I T -T 75 i 79 , s , F 1 I f 74 87 .- 59 / - 72LP` i t. .-,_ � I It 37 F288 2D 25 ri G Go LOT „F„ • � �� � Iw 27I� 24 � R . I 1_1_ _ I..I if --..- 71 „J„ ST. - - -. C 38 12 % $@ 1 49 44 ` E s 1. ! 1 �I J I f 49 - , 212 2r I 48 I I F4 / BS 33 30 21 , t ..t..l _ W I i- L i �... y _ o fn 5453 52 91 � 47 48 4 4i 4U 32~ -- � � 20 � =i �I ° :r YSeMU'. AVENUE 48 w W 1w F 02 Ix 0 CA �c w w 1z7 VU,LkGE ON Tfffi GREEN Technical Site Plan City of La Quinta, California 1'° - so' -o" Architect: Studio E Architects Civil Engineer: Korve Engineering, Inc. 4C A T E L L U S Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects 28 APRIL 1998 3 lvixvrcrslwoti>;axlArvlcurcnlu CP ZONE A �r CITY OF INDIO CMU SCREEN WALL + j _; _ It766, r&• - { ' F 5 I APARTMENTS o - Y _- ST0.55X 2 38 aQl . dS61[ 4 i + VARt e ,. ti o` S7 h'! Fi7 S? 1 •r.* - -- - 253.97YV. RETAINING PORTION - ' ®� \ '� - �. -, - •. �, =49.55' , , S/ g1, • -' ORfX1N F WALL O\Ej R,'39'; SECTION A -A / j r .. n -ST. N.T.S. '•.\ 77(90,53,78' •,,: n d.55Xi: 145x5 - �<'` 78 .'`" b F{ CMU. SCREEN WALL 10° �,Okttik I E 5 V r �,' k /rN FRsrrl $8I !~ 2A5 i ` �' 75�41 I i Je y 91 79, ••� RETA1}NNC PORTION 57 y i 4.ty' 7 11 r .. f 4. VAI71F$ 6'-2' l • / ' \ y � � r1 s' . ° ' - "A" ST. ss C^.�V / _e b81` F 53" 9D i' L=ss.ea a t4.r 73 -B 4,4/1 o SECTION B ,[ / ' a p''' "Y"°�'_.a 4 ,4' - > - N.T.S.195.12' I . .. } - I y r. CHANNEL RAS, D�-� BOfYaM \ r ,�\� 2 f f✓� I - �Y _ _. ...Il _.. _ - y.9 $ 5h8- "Si.B y .wY. � I 90 i \ ,a I , sa / a -ALL I 7i' - l•Ss,ad �' e S "„ , LOT Fr- ,�y , f .� r I =, 244, S2 FE r,r !p - 71 ''�' `-._ - __ _—,__ »:._-. _:+iRP,!�.- _.. .3 _ . _— RaJ.. - 7&_ __ 75' I• ! 75`I o. I I• II ss STT •?p, ;y '@ • �°�' �,, �.��. S- ay, I a9, % r Y_>iElA4` AB'R'S `sSX..�I' 7d' y/ `n!yp�amd055582 •5' ' 2B' - �sr23 I I p 70T$,XR ff} •� _ — Qe" ;rQ. � ,,Safe �2�� ''o fry, st.a _ � t.� C t•+ I � r 1.� f * '"i I SjF, 1 � _��' _ i g350i•a f. ° •• % / ` 1 g 5s.4 9 s., wp�, g9 34 22 W �' I -4s i 44 I ± I ' gz.a i • 68 LIP 5�1 5 I rh 48 k? 45 �.° �. 51 4P K39 ,e I t" 5, • 33 30 ~ 84 b� N� h B8 5 ' e6' � v~i b 53 , } 5i.6..7.0'g ;: fw. a•-s/�1X „ ;r' - ry=-�y7e.tG_�'sY`'! .i. .� S.�,P\_1i61'._._�j ' r f'vT f '!• i�+ ,%�' ' , E r_F.s�e 9` � ,d,7s'2R'�'___.�1''Jo 52i.o-2° °5'� �'� ��°s• '.�p � : ��>0�-•5-' _ 1IiiI S4 +7 s '�~8g 40 ic 32 ^ La-sna.a .. T, _ 1_' 3S5�3' 70, O55X 045SS% _6si0.55X W • \ 2 @.— 114 75'. RI.5 � ... ~Ra5' ]5 '- f� : v f 76' � �6 • - .... bp,5e - 75 75'�y I , R 5'- T5� .,— _ S5.5D - �� - -. _: iS ' -• 8 1 - X93'_.. `1 - Y.}3G I r 5 '�j J.4 Si. COD 7 4 b g 7 B 9 2,a �. - x,s 5' x ? sz.a 3a.a , g G12,g} sz. i , 12 13 14 15 y'k �4 I __ , 18 1 - p5'7`LQT,�B 150?.'.. EXIST RIGHT OF WAY -- ,i9-75" I -06�' T C i , RL '/ G ZONE I ' 'I 1 VILLAGE ON THE GREEN Preliminary Grading Plan City of La Quinta, California 1" = so'—o" Architect: Studio E Architects `;`4 Civil Engineer: Korve Engineering, Inc. 4C A T E L L U S Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects 28 APRIL 1998 86 PROPOSED WA TO? PROPOSED SEINER ANT TRENCH / BACKBONE IGAS, TE(E. AID CAM PROPOSED STORM DRAN wnIBUTION SERVICE LATERAL 80 81 82 83 B4 60 34 67 ix 88 86 54 76 Fa 7 ... . ......... ......... . ....... ......... 77 _5 L 78 10 41 75 79 57 , I I J, _j j.'. J, _ � `� m: _� i ° � .� A., . ` a P j 74 ... . .......... .. . . . . ....... 73 58 01 37 Le• 60 38 272 ii cz I J L. 24 ✓ 4V_ 35 2) 4 - - - - --- - - - - - j H'I 9 40 V44 43 29 22 f-1 5[ 66 51 46 42 39 t 55 I L 33 30 f21 4D J_ k 32 31 E�20 53 L _j .. ......... ... . .................. ....... . ....... ........ ... _ ........... . IX? � �21 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 le 19 A n C U) VULLAGE ON Tfffi G Preliminary Infrastructure Plan City of La Quinta, California I" = 60'-0" Architect: Studio E Architects Civil Engineer: Korve Engineering, Inc. 4C A T E L L U S Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects 28 APRIL 1998 U PIM W, 28 *R 95 ow; SP I 60' 12• sfi' 1 K' r s` e' 8' X - AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE 1% 42.1 I I VA IES 1 2 Ir - -- t ° 1%. 2% I �% 2:1 / SIDEWALK SIDEWALK --- CURB & GUIRR 'A' 'J' 'F' STREET SINGLE FAMILY NOT TO SCALE -X INDICATES PARALLEL PARKING. BOTH SIDES ` 34' 9' + 24` 4'fi 8' 16' I' 0 AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE I J z —�2:1 I�Io 2% �27 v '`—CURB & GUTTER—' POR. 'I' STREET APARTMENTS NOT TO SCALE NO PARKING EITHER SIDE x I AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE EXIST. 4 Street VARif AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE NOT TO SCALE 28 APRIL 1998 _ 2% I 2 I 54' SIDEWALK EXIST. CURB 12` 2rr AVENUE 48 NOT TO SCALE — / SIDEWALK 10f ;rAl K CURB & GO] TER 1 2 Ir - -- t ° 1%. 2% I �% 2:1 / SIDEWALK SIDEWALK --- CURB & GUIRR 'A' 'J' 'F' STREET SINGLE FAMILY NOT TO SCALE -X INDICATES PARALLEL PARKING. BOTH SIDES ` 34' 9' + 24` 4'fi 8' 16' I' 0 AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE I J z —�2:1 I�Io 2% �27 v '`—CURB & GUTTER—' POR. 'I' STREET APARTMENTS NOT TO SCALE NO PARKING EITHER SIDE x I AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE 7ti v2:1� y 21 --� Sf11EWA',K 510FWAt,1K �— CURB & CUTIFR--- POR 'C'. POR.'H'. POR.'I'STREET APARTMENTS NOT TO SCALE *INDICATES PARALLEL PARKING ONE SIDE ONLY i 84' 17' 50' 17' G' 5' 6' 20' 5' 5' 20' 6' 5' 6' 20' z LANDSCAPE LOT AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE 2:1r �„2• I f -J tifiYf'W4dK CURB SIDEWALK CURB & GUTTER ENTRY 'A' & 'F' STREET 'D' STREET NOT TO SCALE 12.3' ' 57' 20` I�' sn' LANDSCAPE G" VARI4:$ LOT EXIST I I AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE PAD i kapr . I 12% 2% RTT+05f:kJ EXIST SIDEWALK EXIST. CURB CURB & GUTTER AVENUE 48 -- NEAR INTERSECTION NOT TO SCALE r -00 PARKING BAYS 5' RADIUS `� � MIN. (IYP) ti�ay s5 z CURB AND GUTTER O° 55' EXIST. 4 Street VARif AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE NOT TO SCALE 28 APRIL 1998 I 2'1/r27 2% I 2 E X I S T SIDEWALK EXIST. CURB - 2rr AVENUE 48 NOT TO SCALE — / SIDEWALK 10f ;rAl K CURB & GO] TER 'B', POR.'C', — — 'E',- 'G', POR.'H' SINGLE FAMI1 Y NOT TO SCALE A INDICATES PARALLEL PARKING, ALTERNATING SIDES 52" I a' �2• a'. 14* 18' AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE 7ti v2:1� y 21 --� Sf11EWA',K 510FWAt,1K �— CURB & CUTIFR--- POR 'C'. POR.'H'. POR.'I'STREET APARTMENTS NOT TO SCALE *INDICATES PARALLEL PARKING ONE SIDE ONLY i 84' 17' 50' 17' G' 5' 6' 20' 5' 5' 20' 6' 5' 6' 20' z LANDSCAPE LOT AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE 2:1r �„2• I f -J tifiYf'W4dK CURB SIDEWALK CURB & GUTTER ENTRY 'A' & 'F' STREET 'D' STREET NOT TO SCALE 12.3' ' 57' 20` I�' sn' LANDSCAPE G" VARI4:$ LOT EXIST I I AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE PAD i kapr . I 12% 2% RTT+05f:kJ EXIST SIDEWALK EXIST. CURB CURB & GUTTER AVENUE 48 -- NEAR INTERSECTION NOT TO SCALE r -00 PARKING BAYS 5' RADIUS `� � MIN. (IYP) ti�ay s5 z CURB AND GUTTER O° 55' 135' / 115* o a= r C' 80' 60' 10' a, 9. 1 64. f 44, 7, LANDSCAPE i30' LOT a' VArt" I a 18.5± 3 PROPOSED � I AC PVMT OVERCAB BASE x L%IS[. AC PVMT OVER CAD BASE PAD 1-3. I I I2% w 2% PROPOSED PROPOSED SIDEWALK PROPOSED CURB CURB & GUTTER JEFFERSON_ STREET 'ARKING BAYS CURB TRAN51TIQN - DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE LLAGE ON EXIST. 4 Street PAD AC PVMT OVER CAB BASE NOT TO SCALE 28 APRIL 1998 e --A ( '$) 2% PROPOSED E X I S T SIDEWALK EXIST. CURB CURB & GUTTER AVENUE 48 NOT TO SCALE 135' / 115* o a= r C' 80' 60' 10' a, 9. 1 64. f 44, 7, LANDSCAPE i30' LOT a' VArt" I a 18.5± 3 PROPOSED � I AC PVMT OVERCAB BASE x L%IS[. AC PVMT OVER CAD BASE PAD 1-3. I I I2% w 2% PROPOSED PROPOSED SIDEWALK PROPOSED CURB CURB & GUTTER JEFFERSON_ STREET 'ARKING BAYS CURB TRAN51TIQN - DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE LLAGE ON THE GREEN Street Sections City of La Quinta, 4C A T E L L U S California Architect: Studio E Architects Civil Engineer: Korve Engineering, Inc. Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects NOT TO SCALE 28 APRIL 1998 e --A ( '$) ➢LVL WC 16 A R 96 uws rlrxnecrslnrwcxxlmvlcsRrn LTx-sa GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT The City's General Plan calls for local street widths to have a minimum curb to curb dimension of 36 feet. Village on the Green proposes the residential street widths at 32 feet wide with parking on one side with some locations narrow- ing to a 28 foot street width with no parking. The 32 foot wide street will have parking bays that alternate from one side of the street to the other. Upon approval by the City of the General Plan Amendment the streets will be implemented as private streets. The 36 foot wide boulevard street width complies with the current General Plan. Page 24 Page 25 General Plan. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The purpose of a site development per- mit is to ensure the development and de- sign standards of the Zoning Code and other supplemental regulations are satis- fied. The site development permit process provides a means of achieving this purpose through the City review of detailed plans for proposed development projects. CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN California Government Code (Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 8, Section 65450-65457) permits the adoption and administration of specific plans as an implementation tool for elements contained in the local gener- al plan. Specific plans must demonstrate consistency in regulations, guidelines and programs with the goals and policies set forth in the general plan. - _ L INTRODUCTION The City of La Quinta General Plan contains the following ele- ments: Land Use, Circulation, Open Space, Parks and Recreation, Environmental Conservation, Infrastructure and Public Services, Environmental Hazards, Air Quality and Housing. Each element of the General Plan contains a summary of key issues which direct and guide that element's goals and policies. The summary of key issues is used in this Specific Plan as the basis for evaluating the Specific Plan's consistency with the General Plan. Applicable key issues are stated below, followed by a .statement of how the Spe- cific Plan conforms thereto. II. LAND USE ELEMENT The City's vision of the future for land use focuses on preserving, main- taining and enhancing the City's high quality of life for its residents. The vision also focuses on facilitating and integrating, through appropriate lo- cation, desirable character and sensitive design, a mixture of residential and community facility uses to enhance the existing high quality of life. A Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) Category shall be estab- lished with a density standard ranging from 8-12 dwelling units per acre. The general residential product type shall be characterized by one to two-story, single-family detached homes on small lots; and one to two-story apartments. The project will have one story single family detached homes at 3.8 dwelling units per acre, with an average lot size of 6,800 square feet. The apartments will be one story with 9.4 dwelling units per acre. • MHDR use shall be allowed to be located in M/RC areas, subject to strict design and development standards, as well as, a high ratio of af- fordability. The apartments will be subject to the City's planning, review process, and will be available to very low income seniors. The single family development will also complete the City review process, and will be Page 26 priced at a moderate income level. • Project approvals and redevelopment agreements for projects in M/RC areas shall stipulate phasing of construction and responsibility for pub- lic facility improvements. The affordable housing agreement be - TW Wq4111FF_ AIL tween the City of La Quinta and Catellus + will state construction of three single fami- "�' r V, ly model homes and three consecutive phases of housing. The apartments will be �1 / 110\ I I1N1 f 1111 \I IIVti constructed in one phase. The streets for both projects will be private. The trend of walled residential subdivisions has resulted in many types of perimeter wall treatments in the City. The design of these walls and other elements of the streetscape should be coordinated to create more of a continuous appearance throughout the entire community. The perimeter wall treatment proposed at Village on the Green estab- lishes a consistent theme with the housing concept and sets the theme for the community edges. Development should not be allowed on hillsides, nor alluvial fan areas, in order to protect the scenic resources of the City. The scenic views toward the Santa Rosa Mountains are preserved and enhanced and there is no alluvial fan or hillside developmentpro- posed. III. CIRCULATION ELEMENT The City's vision of the future for circulation focuses on serving increas- ing travel demands, while maintaining safety and efficiency, as well as, preserving and enhancing the City's high quality of life for its residents. Q Village on the Green will contribute to .o. •� :.. this vision with safe circulation . 1 10 N ^' r 11 throughout the project site. • Local Streets - All roadways which do not fit within the arterial or col- lector classifications are local streets. The local street system is de- signed primarily to provide access to abutting properties, with the movement of traffic given secondary importance. Upon approval, Village on the Green will incorporate 32 foot wide res - y idential streets with parking on one side. The reduced size will serve as Page 27 a traffic calming device and create larger landscaped parkways. The City shall establish intersection Level of Service "D" as the mini- mum acceptable Level of Service. At build -out, the project entry/egress points will achieve a peak hour Level of Service "A." • The General Plan shall ensure the creation of an attractive streetscape that will further enhance the identity and character of La Quinta. Parkway landscaping adjacent to the curb, a five foot curb parallel sidewalk and tree lined streets emphasize the pedestrian experience and quality of this proposed neighborhood. Special roadway image corridors and City gateways shall be designat- ed, which evoke a unique identity and character throughout the City. Designated as a secondary gateway entry to the City, 48th Avenue and Jefferson Street will receive special treatment with a preserved sand hummock and "City ofLa Quinta"entry sign. Primary image corridors shall be defined as streets in the roadway net- work which are the major urban design statements of the City. Primary image corridors shall consist of heavily landscaped areas within and contiguous to the street rights-of-way. Jefferson Street has been identified as a primary image corridor and will receive heavy planting within a twenty foot landscape setback • Secondary image corridors shall be defined as streets in the roadway network which are the secondary urban design statements of the City. Secondary image corridors shall consist of streets with landscaped areas within and contiguous to the street right- of-way. Secondary image corridors shall be consistent with primary image corridors relative to similar landscape material. Secondary street image corridors shall empha- size the use of lower profile indigenous canopy trees, ac- '"-'centuated with the use of citrus trees in various nodes. 48th Avenue has been identr"f red as a secondary image corridor and will receive hemy planting within a twenty ' w foot setback area. The secondary gateway treatment may rely more on the use of land- scaping, street lighting and monument signage as the major elements of design. The corner of'48thAvenue and Jefferson Street will rely on landscap- ing, the preservation/enhancement of'a sand hummock, and a "City Page 28 R of La Quinta"entry sign. Along primary, secondary and agrarian image corridors, the City shall establish appropriate building height limits to ensure a low density character and appearance. All building heights are single story, which permits views to the mountains and reinforces the low density character. The City's streetscape quality shall be improved by undergrounding of utilities wherever possible. The existing IID overhead power lines along Jefferson Street will be undergrounded as part of the Jefferson Street improvements. Local streets in residential areas, shall have improved sidewalks within the public street right-of-way on both sides of the road. Both 48th Avenue and Jefferson Street will have a meandering side- walk six feet in width. Interior project streets will have a five foot sidewalk adjacent to a six foot parkway. Pedestrian and bicycle networks should be developed which link activi- ty centers in order to facilitate recreational walking and biking and to establish non -automotive transportation as a viable alternative to dri- ving. Internal bicycle and pedestrian walkway are incorporated within the community, as well as ties to other city designated pedestrian and bi- cycle networks via 40 Avenue, Jefferson Street. IV. OPEN SPACE ELEMENT The City's vision of the future for open space focuses on the protection, preservation, and enhancement of the different types of natural and man- made open spaces in the City. The City shall require development applications to be reviewed by a qualified archaeologist and/or wildlife biologist prior to final approval, in order to identify any project -related impacts to cultural resources and habitat areas of threatened and endangered plant and wildlife species. As part of the project submittal, an archaeological and biological as- sessment/impact analysis were completed. The findings are found in the appendix reports. • The City shall support the maintenance and perpetuation of the Habitat Page 29 Conservation Preserve for the protection of habitat areas of multi ple threatened and endangered wildlife species, including the Coachel- la Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard. The project is required to pay a $600.00 per acre mitigation fee for the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard. V. PARK AND RECREATION ELEMENT The City of La Quinta's vision of the future for im- proved parks and recreation acreage and facilities focuses on providing a wide variety of parks for all City residents to enhance the quality of life through the provision of a community -wide, conveniently accessed network of facilities and activi- ties sensitive to the recreational needs and desires of the citizens of La Quinta. Park and recreation uses should be located in proximity to residential uses to facilitate pedestrian access and should include the provision of appropriate facilities. Village on the Green provides ample open space to the community. The gateway sand hummock andArroyo Retention Basin, the Village Green, the Village Park, the seniors recreation area, the seniors paseo link, and the Paseo connection to Jefferson Street, all provide open space to community residents. Drought tolerant plant species should be used to reduce the impact on the potable water supply of the City. Many native and drought tolerantplant species are utilized in the community's plantpalette. VI. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ELEMENT The City's vision of the future for environmental conservation focuses on the protection and stewardship of the natural environment as a major com- munity asset for the future quality of life in La Quinta. The City shall utilize street corridors to provide scenic vistas of the Coral Reef and Santa Rosa Mountains. The boulevard street for the project provides vistas west to the Santa Rosa Mountains, enframed with street tree plantings. y Scenic corridors, vistas and viewsheds of the Santa Rosa and Coral Page 30 Reef Mountains should be preserved and enhanced. Views to the west of the Santa Rosa mountains are enhanced with the placement of street trees along the boulevard. In addition, the low one story building heights allow for the unobstructed views to the westerly Santa Rosa Mountains. • The City shall require that new development provide adequate potable water infrastructure facilities that will connect with the main potable water distribution system. The potable water system for the project will connect to the City'.s main distribution facility and will be a looped system within the pro- ject. • The City shall require that new development provide adequate on and off-site stormwater collection and detention/retention facilities to con- tain and convey stormwater to the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. The project site provides a retention basin at the- Village Green capa- ble of holding a 100 year storm flood occurrence. The storm drain system for the project has inlets located at strategic low points, with outflow to the channel. • The City shall require the under -grounding of all existing and proposed overhead electrical lines, less than 12.5 kilovolts, to enhance the visual quality of the City. The overhead power lines currently in place along Jefferson Street Page 31 • The City should be protected from the adverse impacts of stormwater runoff, including property damage, as well as water quality. ` . `` "t The project is designed with a pri- mary retention basin to provide on- site storm water retention during t - flooding, and a secondary basin to account for Jefferson street runoff. Ail VII. INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES ELEMENT The City's vision of the future for infrastructure and public services recog- nizes the importance of a functional, efficient and cost effective system of infrastructure and public services, as well as, its linkage to a high quality of life. • The City shall require that new development provide adequate potable water infrastructure facilities that will connect with the main potable water distribution system. The potable water system for the project will connect to the City'.s main distribution facility and will be a looped system within the pro- ject. • The City shall require that new development provide adequate on and off-site stormwater collection and detention/retention facilities to con- tain and convey stormwater to the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. The project site provides a retention basin at the- Village Green capa- ble of holding a 100 year storm flood occurrence. The storm drain system for the project has inlets located at strategic low points, with outflow to the channel. • The City shall require the under -grounding of all existing and proposed overhead electrical lines, less than 12.5 kilovolts, to enhance the visual quality of the City. The overhead power lines currently in place along Jefferson Street Page 31 0 PROJ ECC'I- ENTRY will be undergrounded in conjunction with the street improvements. • The City shall require that all new development and redevelopment projects be served with underground communication facilities. Telephone service will be provided within the project in an underground joint trench, with below grade service extensions to individual units. VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ELEMENT • The City shall continue to require that all structures and foundations be designed and constructed to resist seismic forces in accordance with the criteria of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). All structures within the project will be built in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, and will include the necessary measures to resist siesmic forces. • The City shall require the soil on newly graded slopes to be protected (i.e. stabilization, irrigation, straw, wood chips, visqueen) to limit ero- sion by wind and water. All newly graded slopes will be protected to limit erosion by wind and water. • A hydroseed treatment of stabilizing plant material will be applied to all newly graded slopes. Overhead irrigation will provide the neces- sary water for plant growth. Stabilized planting material will be applied to all newly graded slopes. • The City shall require the proper design of street stormwater facilities to avoid nuisance water ponding and the production of mosquitoes. All street storm work facilities will be designed and constructed to avoid nuisance water ponding. • Flow lines for storm water traveling in the street will have positive flow to storm drain inlets. Proposed flow lines for storm water have positive flow to storm drain inlets. • Street lights directed in a downward light pattern will be located along Page 32 the main boulevard, at street intersections, and at project entries to pro- vide safe conditions during nighttime hours. The lighting will comply with the city's dark sky ordinance. IX. HOUSING ELEMENT t 4yyp�r� *A LIP!, The City of La Quinta has a State of California Cer- tified Housing Element. The Housing Element notes the City's vision of the future for housing to focus on encouraging the provision of suitable hous- ing for all City residents whle maintaining and en- hancing the City's high quality of life for its resi- dents. Through its housing programs, the City will facilitate and encourage the production of a variety of new housing to meet residents' needs, while pre- serving the overall low density character of the City. The City will continue to pursue opportunities for development of af- fordable housing in lower density land use designations. Consider cre- ative forms of housing development, including single family subdivi- sions and senior citizen housing developments. Village on the Green will incorporate single family detached housing and senior housing at lower densities. • Develop medium density residential uses within the Mixed/Regional Commercial land use designations that enhance creative site planning and provide for affordable housing opportunities. The project of a unique site plan to provide 86 single family homes and 118 senior apartments affordable to moderate, low and very low incomes. • Prepare an implementing mechanism which establishes development density standards for residential development at varying densities up to 16 du/ac for areas not subject to the Non Residential Overlay. This Specific Plan designates the development standards and densi- ties to direct the implementation of the project. Require a mixture of diverse housing types and densities in new devel- opments guided by Specific Plans within the Mixed/Regional Com- mercial area to enhance their people orientation and diversity.. Village on the Green proposes through this Specific Plan to develop low density single family courtyard homes and medium density senior apartments. Page 33 • Through the use of the Specific Plan, Tract Map review, and zoning standards, the City will encourage the residential development to be de- signed to preserve and enhance important environmental resources, maintain important areas as open space, and provide access to alterna- tive transit systems. The Specific Plan designates open space at the Village Green, at the Village Park adjacent the City's evacuation channel, at the seniors common area, and at the retention basin adjacent Jefferson Street. A paseo connection from the project will provide access to a designated future Sunline Transit bus stop along Jefferson Street. • The City will fast track the review of all affordable housing projects. In addition to pre -application meetings with City staff, the project team will meet with Building Department officials at the time of con- struction drawing plan check submittal to assure all requirements are met for City staff to quickly and efficiently process the necessary ap- provals and permits. Page 34 Case Number: Date Received: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM Please complete Parts I & II of this form and provide ALL of the additional materials requested in Par III. Failure to do so nigy de1gy the review and process of your project. If you are unable to provide the information, or you need assistance, please feel free to contact the Environmental Quality Section of the Community Development Department at 619-777-7125. PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. What is the total acreage involved? 36 Acres 2. Is there a previous application filed for the same site? No _ If "Yes", provide a Case Number. Also provide the Environmental Assessment Number, i - known, and the Environmental Impact Report Number, if applicable. Case No.: (Parcel Map, Zone Change, Etc.) EA No.: (if known) EIR No.: (if applicable ) PART II. EXISTING CONDITIONS Project site area: 1,568,160 SF or 36 Acres (Size of property in square feet and acreage) 2. Existing use of the project site: Vacant 3. Existing use on adjacent properties: (Example: North, Shopping Center; South, Singl Family Dwellings; East, Vacant, etc.): North, Vacant Commercial Sites in City of Indio• South and I.I.D., Sub—Station; East, West, La Quinta Evacuation Channel 4. Site topography (describe): (If any portion of the site exceeds 5% slope, attach topographic display of the proposal site; if less than 5% slope, please provide elevations corners of site): Varying elevations from 45 to 67 5. Grading (Estimate number of cubic yards of dirt being moved): 100,000 Cubic Yards 6. Are there any natural or man-made drainage channel areas through or adjacent to the property? Yes x No (If "Yes" submit a display of such drainage channel areas.; Describe the disposition of these channels/areas should the proposal be implemented. 7. Are there any known archaeological finds near or on the proposed site? Yes x No Phase I survey, Phase II testing and Phase III limited data recovery have been completed. 8. Describe any cultural or scenic aspects of the project site. Views West to Santa Rosa Mountains. 9. - Describe existing site vegetation and their proposed disposition should the proposal be approved. Insignificant Desert scrub to be blended with Soil material during rough gradi (If any significant plant materials, e.g., mature trees, exist on the site, please prepare a site plan that illustrates their number, type, size and location.) 10. Describe accessibility of proposal site to the following utilities; gas, water and electricity (If proposal site does not have immediate access, further describe necessary extension of services and provide a graphic display, 81/2" x 11" that indicates their present location in reference to the subject site). Gas is available at Jefferson & 48TH, Water is available from Jefferson, Electric is available along 48TH. 11. Additional comments you may wish to supply regarding your project. (Attach an additional sheet if necessary.) PART III. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS The following items must be submitted with this form: 1. At least three (3) panoramic photographs (color prints) of the project site, or an aeria photo of the site. (Photo Board in city possession) 2. A clear photocopy (Xerox or similar copy) of the appropriate portion of the US Geologica Survey quadrangle map, delineating the boundaries of the project site. Also note, the title of the map. I certify that I have investigated the questions in Parts I, II, and III and the answers are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. J611W ,_ 4 Name & title of perso4 completing form store of applicant •'A/z•.vC 19 I tI 3. Q '< Ci '`�+• ` `' ti_- AVENUE 1 -yi.'e raiaaCn • '• ( { fifer i 'CO12 m 61 i�"I I` wy 1. li Cx=za a'141 72, +'30 CTralier *r` , �~ n'•• j i• . RL ' o -.... ITrailer Park Trailer Park d �:..I ,I . •a, ` Well, Well ta �' 11 co C)�� vNuE 33'' Well 09 Y rI3-r 32 \, Wac .:VIII � • R=�. - \ II , ..�:��•� ,Jp ... .'r• � �y r rt ?� I'�} AVENUE!!4T_--r-��— �� •30 Well , Wv _.- Wa'se�';1 .1 USGS 7.5' Series La Quinta Quadrangle (1959; PR 1980) Figure 1. Project Location. 3 City Of La Ou ut to Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 9223 (619) 777-712 FAX: (619) 777-7155 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. Date Recvd. Fee Related Apps.. APPLICATION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVAL SITE DENTLOPIMENT PERINUT applications are reviewed at a public hearing by the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 9.210.010, of the Zoning Code. Thep urpose of the review is to ensure the development and design standards for permitted uses are complied with. APPLICANT CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP (Print) \L-kll ENG ADDRESS 5 PARK PLAZA, SUITE 400 Phone No. 7, 4-251-61 on )CITY, STATE, ZIP: TEVIN ', CA 92614 Fax No PROPERTY OWNER (If different): CITY OF LA QUINTA 714-251-8837 (Print) i\L-ULENTG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico Phone No. 760-777-7100 CITY, STATE, ZIP: La Quinta CA 92253 PROJECT LOCATION: 48TH & JEFFERSON PROPOSED USE AIVD/OR CONSTRUCTION: Fax No. 760-777-71.01 86 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED AND 118 APARTMENTS (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL, DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): Portion of South half of South East Quarter o ia 7'4 Township 5—South Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian A.P. 4649-03-20 A I Uonn.4OR StB\ITSSTON REQLTRE\fENTS� B Development plans (gee separate plan submittal requirements sheet). A completed Environmental Informal form with required fee, unless categorically exempted by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. A public hearing notification package containing :assessors map pages marking the subject property and all parcels %%ithin a 500 foot radius of the subject property; a typed list of the parcel owners within the 500 foot radius, which has been certified by a title company, architect, or engineer; and two (2) sets of ttiTed. self-adhesive, addressed labels for the above parcel owners. Filing fee for Site Development Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee. %Kith remaining; related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. .............. �.MNM HHHNMHHMNH SIGNATURE OF APPLICA.\T SIGNATURE OF PROPERT` �\-\ER(S) IF NOT SAME ASAPPLICANT: DATE / '77 DATE DATE (Separate irritten withorin• ht• owner- to slthmit application may he snhmitled) NOTE: FALSE OR \iISLEADING I\FOR.MATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROU DS FOR DENTING APPLICATION. A I Uonn.403 First American Title Insurance Company 3625 14th Street Riverside, California 92502 Phone (909) 787-1700 Property Owners Certification I.CERTIFY THAT ON THE ATTACHED PROPERTY OWNE LIS WA PRE� BY FIRST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY PURSUANT TO APPLE TION REQUIREMENTS FURNISHED BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. SAID LIST IS A COMPLETE AND TRUE COMPILATION OF THE OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ALL OTHER PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN t=' FEET (PERSONS OWNING MULTIPLE PROPERTIES SHALL ONLY BE COUNTED OUNCE) OF THE PROPERTY INVOLVED IN THE APPLICATION AND IS BASED UPON THE LATEST EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT ROLLS. NA.IE: TITLEIREGISTR. ION: CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FILED IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE INCORRECT OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION MAY BE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OR DENIAL OF THE APPLICATION. 1� SIGNATURE {� DATE: `l CASE NO.: 649-030-008 :vcwd PO Box 1058 Coachella CA 92236 649-030-013 Landmark Land Co Of PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 0'49-030-018 Landmark Land Co Of n^ Box 1000 :�uinta CA 92253 649-030-021 Landmark Land Co Of PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 Property Owners 5001- 0" Radius of AN 649-030-020 (mail labels under separate cover) 649-030-006 Desert Sands Unified Sc 82679 Highway 111 Indio CA 92201 649-030-010 Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-007 Fed Deposit Ins PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-012 Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-014 649-030-015 Cal Energy O Lapis Landmark Land Co Of Cal 4401 Manchester Ave 207 PO Box 1000 Encinitas CA 92024 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-019 649-030-020 Cal Harvey Henderson La Quinta Redevopment A 45405 Via Corona PO Box 1504 Indian Wells CA 92210 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-022 649-030-024 Cal Cvcwd Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1058 PO Box 1000 Coachella CA 92236 La Quinta CA 92253 649-100-009 Td Desert Dev Ltd Partn PO Box 10246 Birmingham AL 35202 649-100-019 Td Desert Dev Ltd Partn PO Box 10246 Birmingham AL 35202 649-280-001 Simon C Rodarte PO Box 391 Tndio CA 92202 *** 22 Printed *** 649-100-010 Imperial Irrigation Dis PO Box 248 Coachella CA 92236 649-240-002 Indian Wells Rv Roundup 651 Gateway Blvd 170 South San Francis 94080 649-100-011 Cvcwd PO Box 1058 Coachella CA 92236 649-240-003 Meadow Glen Wells Assoc 30131 Town Center Dr 24 Laguna Niguel CA 92677 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico 'La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-7155 OFFICE USE ONLY Planner Case No. Date Recvd. Fee: Related Apps.: APPLICATION FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPROVAL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT applications are reviewed at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and City Council pursuant to Section 9.230.010, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to allow changes to the text, or any map or diagram of the General Plan as warranted.. APPLICANT CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP (Print) MAILING ADDRESS 5 PARK PLAZA SUITE 400 Phone No. 714-251-6100 CITY, STATE, ZIP: IRVINE, CA 92614 Fax No. 714-251-8837 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): CITY OF LA QUINTA (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico Phone No. 760-777-7100 CITY, STATE, ZIP: La Ouinta CA 92253 Fax No. 760-777-7101 PROJECT LOCATION (if applicable): 48TH & JEFFERSON Local street design standard to be reduced to 32' curb to curb REQUESTED AMENDMENT: dImens i nn., wi Lb parking_Qr, n { __ s nior rental a is. drive, 32' curb to curb dimension with parking on one side only for single family detached (al~ernative parking bays on each side of street), and "chokers at specific locat;_ons with --a-28' e-urb—t-g—c�b d REASUN 1 -UK Kf;QUEST: To create a special community with a sense of place. The street scene will be oriented to the pedestrian. (tttaagh Sh_eets_if n ed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION - LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N (if applicable): Portion of South half of South East Quarter of Section 29 Township 5 South Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian A.P. # 649-03-20 638100H I For amendments to land use or other maps, a plan drawn to scale with dimensions, showing area proposed for redesignation, indicating all improvements on site. if on 8- 1/2" x I I" sheet, one copy is to be submitted. If larger than 8-1/2" x 11", 25 copies shall be submitted. Plans to be folded to 8-1/2" x l I" size. ❑ A completed Environmental Information form with required fee, unless categorically exempted by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. j ❑ If applicable, a public hearing notification package containing Assessors map pages marking the subject property and all parcels within a 500 foot radius of the subject property, a typed list of the parcel owners within the 500 foot radius, which has been certified by a title company, architect, or engineer; and three (3) sets of typed, self-adhesive, addressed labels for the above parcel owners. ❑ Special studies as requested by the Community Development Director. Cl Filing fee for General Plan Amendment. If filing multiple application, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANTA =— , 4 DATE NAME OF PROPERTY O R CITY OF LA QUINTA (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S)* IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (If applicable). DATE (Veparate written authority by owner mqv be provided) For NOTARY+ stamp/thformation only: *Signatures must be notarized. Signature provides consent or authorization for applicant to submit application, NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A8\tonn.414 Final 9/29/97 First American Title Insurance Company 3625 14th Street Riverside, California 92502 Phone (909) 787-1700 Property Owners Certification I, CERTIFY THAT ON THE ATTACHED PROPERTY OWNS LIST A PRE ARED BY FIRST AMERICAN 1TL 1XSURrtNCE COMPANY PURSUANT TO APPL1 . WTION REQUIREMENTS FURNISHED BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. SAID LIST IS A COMPLETE AND TRUE COMPILATION OF THE OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ALL OTHER PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN st!5W FEET (PERSONS OWNING MULTIPLE PROPERTIES SHALL ONLY BE COUNTED OUNCE) OF THE PROPERTY INVOLVED IN THE APPLICATION AND IS BASED UPON THE LATEST EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT ROLLS. NAME: TITLE"REGISTM ION: CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FILED IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I UNDERSTAND THATTHE INCORRECT OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION MAY BE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OR DENIAL OF THE APPLICATION. SIGNATURE DATE: CASE NO.. 649-030-008 -vcwd PO Box 1058 --oachella CA 92236 649-030-013 Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 0'49-030-018 Landmark Land Co Of Cal -10 Box 1000 � Quinta CA 92253 649-030-021 Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-100-009 Td Desert Dev Ltd Partn PO Box 10246 Birmingham AL 35202 649-100-019 Td Desert Dev Ltd Partn PO Box 10246 Birmingham AL 35202 649-280-001 Simon C Rodarte PO Box 391 Tndio CA 92202 *** 22 Printed *** Property Owners 500'- 0" Radius of AN 649-030-020 (mail labels under separate cover) 649-030-006 649-030-007 Desert Sands Unified Sc Fed Deposit Ins 82679 Highway 111 PO Box 1000 Indio CA 92201 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-010 649-030-012 Landmark Land Co Of Cal Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-014 649-030-015 Energy O Lapis Landmark Land Co Of Cal 4401 Manchester Ave 207 PO Box 1000 Encinitas CA 92024 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-019 Harvey Henderson 45405 Via Corona Indian Wells CA 92210 649-030-022 Cvcwd PO Box 1058 Coachella CA 92236 649-100-010 Imperial Irrigation Dis PO Box 248 Coachella CA 92236 649-240-002 Indian Wells Rv Roundup 651 Gateway Blvd X70 South San Francis 94080 649-030-020 La Quinta Redevopment 7 PO Box 1504 La Quints CA 92253 649-030-024 Landmark Land Co Of Ca-- PO a:PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-100-011 Cvcwd PO Box 1058 Coachella CA 92236 649-240-003 Meadow Glen Wells Asso 30131 Town Center Dr 2 Laguna Niguel CA 9267 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SPECIFIC PLAN APPLICATION Applicant: CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP Daytime Phone: 714-251-6100 Address: 5 PARK PLAZA, SUITE 400 IRVINE CA 92614 (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) Contact Person for Project: JOHN O'BRIEN Phone: 714-251-6100 Contact Person's Company: Signature of Applicant: CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP `�� X �r _ Date: 1 Property Owner: CITY OF LA 2UINTA Phone: 760-777-7100 Address: P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 (street) (City) (state) (Zip) - I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the property which is the subject of this application, and that I approve of the action requested. Signature of Owner(s): Date: (Written authority may be attached) Project Description: Project Name: VILLAGE ON THE GREEN Project Address/Location: Parcel Size: 48TH & JEFFERSON ) Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 649-03- x Acres: 36 Acres Legal Description of Property (Give exact legal description as recorded in the office of the County Recorder - may be attached): Portion of South half of South East Quarter of Section 29 Township San Bernardino Meridian A.P. #649-03-20 Section(s): Brief Description of Request: Township: Range: To construct 86 Single Family Homes and 118 Senior Apartments, with a atewa sand hummock, Village Green Park Villa e :Commnntty Park and Seniors Recreation Area. UTILITIES AND SERVICE if none write "None" 1. Power Company: Imperial Irrigation District 2. Gas Company: Southern California Gas 3. Telephone Company: General Telephone & Electric 4. Water Company: Coachella Valley Water District S. School District: Desert Sands Unified School. District 6. Solid Waste Company: Waste Management of the Desert SPECK.A-4 Location of Property: Assessor's Parcel No.: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 48TH & Jefferson 649-03-20 Case No.: DateReceived: Acreage 40 Acres Zone Legal Description: Portion of South half of South East Quarter_ of Section 29 Township 5 South Mange 7 Ea.9t SanRern,ardino Mar_idi n Project Description: 86 Single Family Detached _dwellings, 118 Apartments Related cases filed in conjunction with this request: APPLICANT CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP 714-251— (Name) (Phone) 5 PARK PLAZA, SUITE 400 IRVINE CA 92614 (Address) OWNER(S) CITY OF LA QUINTA — -2100 (NamPl (Phone) P.O. Box 1504 78-945 CALLS TAMPICO LA 011.1ND, CA 97253 (Address) ENGINEMSURVEYOR Knrve Engineering (909)884-4777 (Name) (Phone) 290 N. D Street, Suite 504, San Bernardino, CA 92401 (Address) (:ontact Person Dan O'Rourke Phone 909-884-4777 Signature of Applican Authority for thisAcation is hereby given: Signature of Property Owner(s) -------------------------------------------- ___ y ___ _ Date (Written authority may be attached) Form 412 -2- Date- Date 13.16.070 Tentative Tract Mans, following information shall be shown on or accompany tentative tract maps unless A. The certain items are determined by the staff as not being required for a particular land division 1 . Tract number, title of map and legal description of property, not including tract name 2. Name and address of owner and land divider, and name and address of person preparing map; 3. Ownership information on additional property owned adjacent or contiguous to the land to be subdivided; 1� 4. Approximate acreage, overall dimensions, north arrow, scale and date; B" 5. Subdivision boundary line and vicinity map showing relationship to surroundin; community. )� 6.. Names, locations, rights-of-way, widths and improvements of adjacent streets, alleys railroads, and existing structures, both above and below ground; l� 7. Names, locations, widths of rights-of-way for proposed streets, alleys and easements and the approximate grades of proposed and existing streets and approximate stree centerline radii of curves; 12f 8. Streets, alleys and rights-of-way providing legal access to the property; Z 9. If private streets are proposed, they shall be so noted on the tentative map; 2� 10. Names of utility purveyors, and locations of existing public utility easements; 2� 11. Water courses, channels, existing culverts and drain pipes, including existing an, proposed facilities for control of storm waters; IJ{ 12. Land subject to overflow, inundation or flood hazard; Ir 13. Any land or right-of-way to be dedicated to public use; la" 14. Identify common areas and open spaces; 27 15. Proposed lot lines and approximate dimensions; lRr 16. Adjoining property and lot lines; Z 17. Contours, with maximum interval as follows: Slope Interval 0-2% 2' 3-9% 4' 10% plus 10' Copies of U.S.G.S. maps are not acceptable. 18. Site grading: a. Whenever any area of the proposed subdivision has a gradient of five percer or more, as measured between natural contours, the following information sh, be shown on , or accompany, the tentative map: I. The proposed cuts and fills in the subdivision; ii. The elevations of all individual building pads in the subdivision; iii. The elevations at the perimeter of the subdivision; iv. The relationship to adjoining land and development. b. The finished grade elevations on the final grading plan where the gradient five percent or more shall not vary more than two feet, plus or minus, from ti natural contour; 19. Existing use of property immediately surrounding tract; 0' 20. Existing zoning, and proposed land use (single family, multiple -family, busines industrial); Form 412 ` 1 - 1� 21. A. A list of the names and addresses of the owners of real property located within three hundred feet of the exterior boundaries of the property to be considered, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll, and any update issued by the County Assessor. B. Reports and written statements on the following matters shall accompany the tentative map: !a 1. Proposed method of control of storm water, including data as to amount of runoff, and the approximate grade and dimensions of the proposed facilities. 2. A written statement (Form SAN 53) from the health officer stating that. a. A water purveyor under permit has agreed in writing to serve all lots in the land division; or b. The land divider has an acceptable application for a water purveyor permit on file with the department of public health; or C. The land divider has agreed in writing to form a domestic water system under permit from the proper authorities to serve the lanc division; or d. The land divider has filed with the health department information regarding the quantity and quality of water of any wells existing on the property, and the estimated current cost of drilling a well on the property. Zf 3. A written statement (Form SAN 53) from the health officer stating the type of sewage disposal that will be permitted. To aid in this determination, the Health Officer may require soil percolation tests of other pertinent information. C. If the land division lies within a special studies zone shown on the map prepared by the State Geologist pursuant to the Alquist-Priolo Geologic Hazarc Zone Act, a geologic report or waiver thereof pursuant to the provisions o' County Ordinance 547 shall accompany the tentative map. If D. A program for control of soil erosion in conformity with Section 13.52.01 C shall be submitted for land divisions in blow sand areas. (Ord. 5 §1 (part) 1982: County Ordinance 460 §5.1) Form 412 ' 2' First American Title Insurance Company 3625 14th Street Riverside, California 92502 Phone (909) 787-1700 Property Owners Certification 1. CERTIFY THAT ON THE ATTACHED PROPERTY OWNS LISTtVVAS PRE ARED BY FIRST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY PURSUANT TO APPLE TION REQUIREMENTS FURNISHED BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. SAID LIST IS A COMPLETE AND TRUE COMPILATION OF THE OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ALL OTHER PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN t M' FEET (PERSONS OWNING MULTIPLE PROPERTIES SHALL ONLY BE COUNTED OUNCE) OF THE PROPERTY INVOLVED IN THE APPLICATION AND IS BASED UPON THE LATEST EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT ROLLS. NAME: N: CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 1 FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FILED IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 1 UNDERSTAND THAT THE INCORRECT OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION MAY BE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OR DENIAL OF THE APPLICATION. SIGNATURE (� �3 DATE: CASE NO.: 1AC\ - ' L.J kb r - a &�x 649-030-008 -vcwd PO Box 1058 Coachella CA 92236 649-030-013 Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-018 Landmark Land Co Of Cal ^^ Box 1000 )Quinta CA 92253 649-030-021 Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-100-009 Td Desert Dev Ltd Partn PO Box 10246 Birmingham AL 35202 649-100-019 Td Desert Dev Ltd Partn PO Box 10246 Birmingham AL 35202 649-280-001 Simon C Rodarte PO Box 391 T^dio CA 92202 *** 22 Printed *** Property Owners 500'- 0" Radius of AN 649-030-020 (mail labels under separate cover) 649-030-006 Desert Sands Unified Sc 82679 Highway 111 Indio CA 92201 649-030-010 Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-007 Fed Deposit Ins PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-012 Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-014 649-030-015 Energy O Lapis Landmark Land Co Of Cal 4401 Manchester Ave 207 PO Box 1000 Encinitas CA 92024 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-019 Harvey Henderson 45405 Via Corona Indian Wells CA 92210 649-030-022 Cvcwd PO Box 1058 Coachella CA 92236 649-100-010 Imperial Irrigation Dis PO Box 248 Coachella CA 92236 649-240-002 Indian Wells Rv Roundup 651 Gateway Blvd 170 South San Francis 94080 649-030-020 La Quinta Redevopment A PO Box 1504 La Quinta CA 92253 649-030-024 Landmark Land Co Of Cal PO Box 1000 La Quinta CA 92253 649-100-011 Cvcwd PO Box 1058 Coachella CA 92236 649-240-003 Meadow Glen Wells Assoc 30131 Town Center Dr 24 Laguna Niguel CA 92677 Form No. 1068-1 (Rev. 10/17/92) Exhibit A to Preliminary Report AMERI � c Preliminary Report First American Title Insurance Company Order No. First American Title Insurance Company 3625 Fourteenth Street, (P.O. Box 986) Riverside, California 92502 (Area Code 909) 787-1700 CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP 5 PARK PLAZA, SUITE 400 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA ATTENTION: DANIELLE LAMBERT YOUR NO. LA QUINTA PROJECT DATED AS OF APRIL 1, 1998 AT 7:30 A.M. 2100065 IN RESPONSE TO THE ABOVE REFERENCED APPLICATION FOR A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, THIS COMPANY HEREBY REPORTS THAT IT IS PREPARED TO ISSUE, OR CAUSE TO BE ISSUED, AS OF THE DATE HEREOF, A POLICY OR POLICIES OF TITLE INSURANCE DESCRIBING THE LAND AND THE ESTATE OR INTEREST THEREIN HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, INSURING AGAINST LOSS WHICH MAY BE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF ANY DEFECT, LIEN OR ENCUMBRANCE NOT SHOWN OR REFERRED TO AS AN EXCEPTION BELOW OR NOT EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE PURSUANT TO THE PRINTED SCHEDULES, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF SAID POLICY FORMS. THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FROM THE COVERAGE OF SAID POLICY OR POLICIES ARE SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED. COPIES OF THE POLICY FORMS SHOULD BE READ. THEY ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE OFFICE WHICH ISSUED THIS REPORT. PLEASE READ THE EXCEPTIONS SHOWN OR REFERRED TO BELOW AND THE EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A OF THIS REPORT CAREFULLY. THE EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS ARE MEANT TO PROVIDE YOU WITH NOTICE OF MATTERS WHICH ARE NOT COVERED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE TITLE INSURANCE POLICY AND SHOULD BE CAREFULLY CONSIDERED. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT IS NOT A WRITTEN REPRESENTATION AS TO THE CONDITION OF TITLE AND MAY NOT LIST ALL LIENS, DEFECTS, AND ENCUMBRANCES AFFECTING TITLE TO THE LAND. THIS REPORT (AND ANY SUPPLEMENTS OR AMENDMENTS HERETO) IS ISSUED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE AND NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREBY. IF IT IS DESIRED THAT LIABILITY BE ASSUMED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER OR COMMITMENT SHOULD BE REQUESTED. CHRIS RITTER -- TITLE OFFICER Page I Order No. 2100065 TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, A PUBLIC BODY CORPORATE AND POLITIC THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: IN FEE THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CITY OF LA QUINTA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTH HALF OF SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF; EXCEPT THE NORTH HALF OF NORTH HALF OF SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION; ALSO EXCEPT THE WEST 30.00 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY SET FORTH BELOW: A PORTION OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE SOUTH 890 16' 19" EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 275.35 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG AN ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 6,620.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05- 39' 2711, A DISTANCE OF 653.67 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 470 09' 01" EAST ALONG A RADIAL LINE, 10.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG AN ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 6,610.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01- 57' 0111, A DISTANCE OF 225.01; THENCE NORTH 440 48' 00" EAST, 655.78 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, SAID POINT BEING 233.36 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER; Page 2 THENCE FEET; THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE HAVING 59' 53" LINE; Order No. 2100065 SOUTH 000 07' 52" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, 108.57 NORTH 890 32' 29" EAST, SOUTH 440 48' 00" WEST, SOUTH 450 12' 00" EAST, SOUTH 440 48' 00" WEST, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG AN A RADIUS OF 6,380.00 F: , A DISTANCE OF 667.59 200.40 FEET; 593.99 FEET; 10.00 FEET; 125.00 FEET TO ARC OF A CURVE E -ET, THROUGH A FEET TO A PO] A POINT OF CURVATURE; CONCAVE TO THE LEFT, CENTRAL ANGLE OF 050 NT OF SAID SOUTHERLY THENCE NORTH 890 16' 19" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 301.55 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND DESERT SAND UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING CORPORATION BY DOCUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 19, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 21970 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER (SEI/4) OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29, SAID SOUTHEAST CORNER BEING ALSO THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF AVENUE 48 WITH THE CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET; THENCE NORTH 000 05' 20" WEST ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 29, SAID EASTERLY LINE BEING ALSO SAID CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET A DISTANCE OF 379.19 FEET; THENCE, AT RIGHT ANGLES, SOUTH 89°54' 40" WEST A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 000 50' 20" EAST, PARALLEL WITH LAST SAID CENTERLINE, A DISTANCE OF 297.71 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 450 19' 11" WEST A DISTANCE OF 32.76 FEET TO A POINT DISTANCE 57.00 FEET NORTHERLY, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 29, SAID SOUTHERLY LINE BEING SAID CENTERLINE OF AVENUE 48; THENCE NORTH 890 16' 18" WEST, PARALLEL WITH LAST SAID CENTERLINE, A DISTANCE OF 179.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 890 44' 57" WEST A DISTANCE OF 240.01 FEET TO A POINT DISTANCT 55.00 FEET NORTHERLY, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM SAID CENTERLINE OF AVENUE 48; THENCE NORTH 890 16' 18" WEST, PARALLEL WITH LAST SAID CENTERLINE, A DISTANCE OF 1,502.09 FEET TO A POINT OF NON -TANGENCY IN THE CURVED EASTERLY LINE OF THE LA QUINTA EVACUATION CHANNEL, AS DESCRIBED IN THE FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION IN FAVOR OF COACHELLA VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, A CERTIFIED COPY OF WHICH WAS RECORDED DECEMBER 12, 1978, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 260944 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SAID CURVED EASTERLY LINE BEING CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 6,380.00 FEET; Page 3 Order No. 2100065 THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE FROM A RADIAL LINE BEING NORTH 500 33' 0511 WEST THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 000 37' 4911 A DISTANCE OF 70.18 FEET TO SAID CENTERLINE OF AVENUE 48; THENCE SOUTH 890 16' 1811 EAST ALONG LAST SAID CENTERLINE A DISTANCE OF 2,069.20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AT THE DATE HEREOF EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL COUNTY TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1998-99, A LIEN NOT YET PAYABLE. 2. THE LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES, IF ANY, ASSESSED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 3.5 COMMENCING WITH SECTION 75 OF THE CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE. 3. AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC OVER ANY PORTION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY INCLUDED WITHIN PUBLIC ROADS. 4. A RIGHT OF WAY AND EASEMENT OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, IN FAVOR 01;O THE PUBLIC, FOR ALL PUBLIC ROADS, AND RIGHTS OF WAY HERETOFORE DEDICATED, ACQUIRED, RESERVED OR ACCEPTED FOR PUBLIC USE AND ALSO ANY AND ALL PRIVATE EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY FOR ROADS, PIPELINES, DITCHES AND CONDUITS ON, OVER, UNDER OR ACROSS THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY, EXISTING FOR THE PURPOSES OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM OTHER LANDS BY MEANS OF SUCH ROADS AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING IRRIGATING AND DOMESTIC WATER TO SUCH OTHER LANDS BY MEANS OF SUCH PIPELINES, DITCHES AND CONDUITS. 5. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS IN DOCUMENT RECORDED APRIL 17, 1940 IN BOOK 458 PAGE 373 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BUT DELETING ANY COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS INDICATING A PREFERENCE, LIMITATION OR DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN TO THE EXTENT SUCH COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS VIOLATE 42 USC 3604(C), WHICH PROVIDE THAT A VIOLATION THEREOF SHALL NOT DEFEAT OR RENDER INVALID THE LIEN OF ANY FIRST MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST MADE IN GOOD FAITH AND FOR VALUE. 6. THE EFFECT OF AN EASEMENT 30 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF SECTION LINES IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, AS EVIDENCED BY PETITION DATED JANUARY 9, 1901 AND RECORDED APRIL 17, 1959 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 32692 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. 7. THE EFFECT OF A POWER LINE EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN THE EASTERLY 5 FEET OF SAID LAND AS EVIDENCED BY A PHYSICAL INSPECTION. Page 4 Order No. 2100065 8. THE EFFECT OF A RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 96 PAGE (S) 52 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. NOTE: THE FORM OF POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE CONTEMPLATED BY THIS REPORT IS: TO BE DETERMINED EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 16, 1996 AT 6:00 A.M., THE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RIVERSIDE OFFICE ONLY: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA ABA 122000496 CREDIT TO FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DEMAND ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NO. 9120049396 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 1980 SATURN STREET MONTEREY PARK, CALIFORNIA 91755 WHEN WIRING, PLEASE REFERENCE OUR TITLE ORDER NUMBER AND THE TITLE OFFICERS NAME. PLEASE WIRE THE DAY BEFORE RECORDING. PLEASE NOTIFY THE TITLE OFFICER OF YOUR INTENT TO WIRE. NOTE: COPIES OF THIS PRELIM WERE SENT TO: NOT APPLICABLE NOTE: BASE RATE APPLICABLE PLAT ATTACHED/DAV Page 5 Order No. 2100065 MEMORANDUM: THE INFORMATION HEREIN SET FORTH IS SUPPLEMENTAL TO PRELIMINARY REPORT NO. (ABOVE REFERRED TO), AND IS MADE A PART THEREOF. ACCORDING TO THE PUBLIC RECORDS, THERE HAVE BEEN NO DEEDS CONVEYING THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT RECORDED WITHIN A PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: NONE Page 6 CITY OF LA QUINTA CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUT' GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 28 AND 32 FOOT STREET WIDTHS FEBRUARY 20, 1998 CITY OF LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 28 AND 32 FOOT STREET WIDTHS TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction / Cover Letter II. Operational Merits - Susan O'Rourke, Traffic Engineer III. Regulation of Parking - Martin Stein, Attorney of Law IV. Fire Department Approval - Walt Brandes, Riverside County Fire Department V. Examples of Reduced Street Widths CATELLUS February 20th, 1998 Ms. Christi Di Iorio, Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Ca 92253 Re: General Plan Amendment for 32 and 28 Foot Wide Streets Dear Ms. Di Iorio: In support of the reduced street width to a 32 and 28 foot curb to curb dimension, Catellus has performed extensive research with our Project Design Team to address the issue. Attached please find support documents from the following: 1.) Susan O'Rourke - O'Rourke Engineering - The merits of narrow street widths are discussed from a technical, operational viewpoint, with examples from other municipalities of 32 and 28 foot wide streets. 2.) Martin J. Stein - Paone, Callahan, McHolm & Winton - A summary is presented on the structure whereby the single family Homeowner's Association and Rental Properly Management Group can regulate parking. 3.) Walter Brandes - Fire Department Planner for Riverside County Fire Department - The Fire Department requires only a 20 foot wide access lane for emergency vehicle passage. 4.) Catellus - Examples shown are of Catellus projects and other cities utilizing narrow street widths for traffic calming effects. Catellus, in conjunction with the Project Design Team, strongly supports the reduced street width and the available parking. Single family homes will have a 2 car garage plus a minimum of 2 driveway parking stalls, with an additional 120 on -street guest parking stalls. The reduced street width will permit a pedestrian oriented street scene that contributes to the unique sense of place for the community. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP r O` ?John C.O'Brien ect Manager (;ATIi1_LUS 1UNIN:NTIAL GROUP 9 I'.\n, Pi N/N tiiitit 100 1m,,,li ( 'Ni tit ),? 11\ 0)61/1 (71 1) )51 0100 FAY (71.1) ISI 8s;i7 2237 Faraday Avenue Suite 120 Carlsbad California 92006 760 431-6763 Fax: 760 431-0672 415 N. Vineyard Avenue Suite 200 Ontarlo "-Tia 91764 17-0221 t- . ; 909 937-0199 O'R0URKE February 10, 1998 Mr. John O'Brien Catellus 5 Park Plaza, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92615 Dear Mr. O'Brien: ENGINEERING The Village on the Green Development proposed for La Quinta would contain senior apartments and a single family residential component. The main boulevard is designed for 36 feet with parking on both sides of the street. From the main boulevard, local streets provide direct access to the dwelling units. These local streets are proposed as 32 foot cross-sections with parking on one side of the street only and in portions of the single family residential section as 28 feet with parking prohibited. O'Rourke Engineering supports your request for the proposed residential streets to allow a 32 foot residential street cross-section and the 28 foot cross-section in addition to the standard 36 feet cross-section. We have outlined herein a description of the desired cross-section, operational characteristics, local southern California agencies with similar standards and national data on the proposed cross- section. We are also providing data regarding the use and design of chokers or reduced street widths at intersections and mid -block locations. Proposed Cross -Section Two cross-sections are proposed in addition to the City's 36 foot standard residential street width. These sections are 32 feet from curb -to -curb with parking allowed on one side only and 28 feet with parking prohibited. For the 32 foot section, assuming eight feet for parking, there will be a 24 foot travel way. This 24 foot travel way allows for two standard lanes - one in each direction. The 28 foot cross-section provides 14 feet in each direction throughout the length of the street with no parking allowed on either side. The 14 feet allows for curb and gutter, and sufficient width to execute a right turn against the curb. The General Plan standard of 36 feet, curb -to -curb allows parking on both sides, leaving 20 feet for the travel way. Operational Characteristics 32 Foot Cross -Section - As stated above, there will be 24 feet for the travel way and eight feet for parking. This cross-section will allow the driver to access the parked car without impeding the travel way. Additionally, with parking on only one side of the street there will be fewer objects to obstruct the vision of the driver and fewer conflicting movements. This standard may in fact be very beneficial in a neighborhood marketed for families with children and for seniors. Traffic engineering statistics show a greater response time for older drivers. The parking on one side will limit obstructions for the driver. This cross-section is proposed where additional parking may be welcome for guests or for easy access to open space or recreational areas. 28 Foot Cross -Section - The twenty-eight foot cross-section, as noted prohibits parking on both sides. However, the street provides sufficient width for the travel way, curb and gutter and room to execute turns. This cross-section is proposed on portions of the streets throughout the single family detached development, where parking is readily available off-street. In all cases the internal streets will be carrying less then 300 vehicles per day individually; a volume easily accommodated be either of the proposed cross- sections. Implementation/Enforcement - Street Widths In order to restrict parking, "no parking" signs should be placed approximately every 250 feet on the restricted sides. In the event of violation, the travel way would still be at least 16 feet wide in the 32 foot section with parking on both sides and 20 feet wide if one vehicle stopped or parked on the restricted 28 foot section. The width would allow vehicles to pass and emergency vehicles access until the violator's vehicle could be removed. Local Standards - Street Widths Several agencies have adopted street standards that are less than the 36 feet required in the La Quinta General Plan. The City of Carlsbad has a 32 foot residential street cross-section which allows parking on one side only. The City of Santee has a 30 foot residential cross-section with parking on one side. The City of Chula Vista has a proposed 34 foot cross- section. The Santee and Chula Vista cross-sections allow for single loading only. These standards show support for the proposed narrower cross-section. In addition, there are several cities which have granted exceptions to allow 32 feet and less. Vista, Econdido, Del Mar and La Mesa are such examples. Photographs of streets that are 32 foot wide or narrower are attached. In fact, the sections in Del Mar were less than 25 feet in width curb -to -curb. Furthermore, on private streets, street sections routinely are less than the 28 foot section. A photograph in a Carlsbad Community shows a 22' cross-section where visitor and tenant parking is provided in parking sections perpendicular to the street. Chokers Chokers refer to the narrowing of a street at intersections and mid -block. The narrowing is achieved using widened sidewalks and/or bulbed out planted areas. The narrowing is used to: 1) announce a change in street purpose such as travelling from commercial to residential, major entry to local street and/or 2) slow traffic and/or 3) create a narrower crossing for focused pedestrian movements. The location of the proposed chokers throughout the village on the Green Development serves all of these purposes. The use of chokers is becoming more prevalent in Southern California. In the City of Del Mar, the use of chokers has recently been introduced. Photos showing these are attached. National\International Standards National efforts are being recorded showing a growing number of communities seeking to design or augment existing design to make more pedestrian friendly and slower speed neighborhoods. Techniques that render these results are referred to as traffic calming techniques or devices. One of the first design features is the narrower street. By narrowing the pavement width, the driver has horizontal limits that tend to make him slow down. The street provides a more "pedestrian friendly" environment. Two international articles, A Review of Current Traffic Calming Techniques, University of Leeds and Urban Traffic Calming Treatments: Performance Measures and Design Conformance, Institute of Transportation Engineers, (ITE) Journal both support street narrowing and use of chokers in general for traffic calming. These references are available upon request. Although the travel way is more narrow with the 36 feet cross-section due to parking, this narrow travel way only occurs when and if there are vehicles parked on both sides of the street. In the absence of parked cars, the street will not have the calming features. Furthermore, given the availability of parking off-street and the portion of senior apartments, the need for parking on both sides of the street does not exist. The additional pavement width could become a contributor to higher speeds. Conclusion As evidenced by the information provided, the 32 foot cross-section and 28 foot cross-section are accepted residential street widths. Furthermore, while there are no negative features such as sight distance or capacity constraints, there are benefits to slowing speeds and creating a more pedestrian friendly environment. The use of chokers further identifies the residential and pedestrian nature of the community. We strongly support the proposed incorporation of these design features to the design of the community. Very truly yours, O'ROURKE�CNGINEERING ztSusan E. O'Rourke, E. President Attachments February 11, 1998 19100 VON KARMAN EIGHTH FLOOR P.O. BOX 19613 IRVINE, CA 92623-9613 PHONE: 714-955-2900 FAX: 714-955-9009 E-MAIL: info®paone.com WEB SITE: http://www.paone.com Mr. John O'Brien Catellus Residential Group 5 Park Plaza, Suite 400 Irvine, California 92615 Re: Village on the Green La Quinta, California Dear John: ROBERT E. CALLAHAN JAMES R.CAVANAUGH WILLIAM R. DEVINE RICHARD J. FOSTER PAUL B. GEORGE ROGER A. GRABLE SUSAN K. HORI ALAN J. KESSEL KENNETH S. KRAMER CARY D. LOWE Ph.D. STEVEN A McHOLM KATHLEEN CAROTHERS PAONE TIM PAONE G. EMMETT RAITT, JR. JOHN F. SIMONIS MARTIN J. STEIN WILLIAM P. TANNER, III DANIEL K. WINTON .EIVED FEB 1 3 1998 BY; The purpose of my letter is to address concerns which have been raised by the City of La Quinta with respect to the enforcement of restrictive parking and no parking regulations on private streets situated within Catellus' proposed residential community currently known as, "Village on the Greens" (the "Project"). The current development plans anticipate that the Project will consist of two (2) distinct product types: (a) a single-family detached homes to be developed residential planned development (the "Planned Development") for which Catellus will form an incorporated homeowners association (the "Association") to manage, maintain and operate common area amenities and related facilities within its jurisdiction; and (b) a senior apartment complex ("Senior Apartments") to be developed by Catellus in conjunction with a nonprofit developer, and managed by a third -party management company. As I understand it, the City has expressed concerns regarding Catellus' proposal to construct certain of the interior streets within the Planned Development and the Senior Apartments to a 28 foot or 32 foot width, rather than the City's standard 36 foot width for public streets. To address the City's concerns regarding traffic circulation and emergency vehicle access through the narrower streets, Catellus is willing to restrict parking to one side of each 32 foot street and to establish "no parking" areas on both sides of the 28 foot streets. My letter outlines a proposal to help allay the City's concerns with respect to the enforcement of parking regulations on all private streets of the Project. 021198-1521 / MJS-NEW / 82076.1 Mr. John O'Brien February 11, 1998 Page 2 1. The Planned Development. A. Traffic Circulation & Parking Plan. Catellus will undertake and present to the City a traffic design program which will include the installation of "no parking/tow away zone" signs on one side of each 32 foot street and "no parking" signs on each 28 foot street throughout the Project. B. The Tract Map. All streets within the Project will be private. Catellus will have its civil engineer separately letter or number each private street within the Project. The private streets will be designated in the CC&Rs as "common area" and will be conveyed in fee simple title to the Association. C. The CC&Rs. Catellus will prepare for review by the City a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, and Reservation of Easements for Village on the Green ("CC&RS"). The CC&Rs will include extensive provisions for the maintenance, operation and repair of all common areas to be owned and operated by the Association. The Association will be vested with the power to cite and/or remove unauthorized vehicles in accordance with Section 22658.2 of the California Vehicle Code. A copy of this Vehicle Code Section is attached to this letter. D. Ciky Approval of Amendment to CC&Rs. The CC&Rs will provide the City with an opportunity to review and approve any amendments, modifications, or restatements of the recorded CC&Rs pertaining to management and operation of the common areas. The CC&Rs will include provisions which provide that the City's approval of any such amendments may be withheld, in its sole and absolute discretion, and any attempt by the Association, or its members to so amend, modify or delete the restrictive covenants pertaining to the private streets, parking/no parking areas and enforcement without the City's consent will be void and without legal effect. Language to this effect will be included in both the use restrictions and in the amendment provisions of the CC&Rs. 2. Senior Apartments. A. Traffic Circulating & Parking Plan. Catellus will create a traffic design program applicable to the Senior Apartments for review and approval by the City. As with the Planned Development, the traffic design program will include the installation "no parking/tow away zone" signs and other markings required by the City to restrict parking on the private streets. B. Leases. As an addendum to each lease of a multi -family unit in the Senior Apartments, Catellus will include a special disclosure statement which outlines the traffic design 021198-1521 / MJS-NEW / 82076.1 Mr. John O'Brien February 11, 1998 Page 3 program approved by the City. The City will have an opportunity to review and approve the text of the special disclosure statement. Please keep me apprised of your negotiations with the City. I would be pleased to address these issues directly with City representatives. Sincerely, Martin . Stei MJS/cmy Enclosure 021198-1521 / MJS-NEW / 82076.1 VEHICLE CODE § 22658 Cross References Disabled persona and veterans. designation of parking, ' Mobilehome Parke, removal of vehicles Pursuant to this removal of unaathorired vehicles from private parking section, we Civil Code 4 798.286. racilliiea, see Vehicle Cods 4 22451 IA. Quad to Improperly causing vehicle to be towed or rem create or acquire lien, forfeiture of cla[ma and liability to owner or lessee, see Chi] Code 4 3WO. Law Review and Journal Commentaries Review of selected 1990 California legislation. 22 Pac. Review of selected 19M California legislation. 27 Pac. L.J. 470,746 (1991). L.J. 849 (1996). Review of selected 1992 California legislation. 24 PBC - LJ. 1070 (1993). Rates 2 Validity i Notes of Decisions draft. Berry v, Hannigan (App: 1 Dist. 1992) 9 Cal. Rptr.2d 211,1, 7 Cal.App.41-h 687, review denied. California statutes requiring operators of aulomallile towing and storage facilities W accept credit cards as payment from owners or vehicles whose vehicles had been involuntarily towed did not violate United States Cocistitu- Clan's legal tender provision. Berry v, llannigan (App. 1 DIXL 199'1) 9 Cal.11plr.2d 213, 7 Cai.App.4th 1187. review denied. y. validity California statutes requiring operators of sutomobilo towing and storage facilniea to accept creast cards as payment from owners of vehicles whose vehicles had been invo)untaTIly towed didnot violate equal prowtIon, inas- much as atstsstee were rationally related to goal of expe- diting recovery of vehicles. Berry v. Hannigan (App. 1 Dist. 1992) 9 Cal.Rptr.2d 213, 7 Cal .App.4th fi87. review denied. Califortila aratutes requiring operatars of automobile towing and storage facilities to accept credit cards as payment from owners or vehlclee whose vehlelea had been involantarily towed did not violate due ptvicem. despite operator's contention that he wan forced, without hearing, to relinquish Poaseasion of Lowed vehicle4 In acme of which he had lien interest, to exchange for credit card 2, Itates Bate set by towing company for towing vehicles from Private property did not exceed aLandarrl set by legiala- Lure, although ree exceeded that Perm'"' by agreement between city police depsrunent and towing co 6Ainiewin which police had cantrscwi;r rates h rged et between company were within those pe tieby v and city and pp. Iy DiflL. i�+i4) 3i Gaw enforcement 1T1ptr.2d 643,nelm 1le 26 v, PI(:i, Ina. (App. Cai.AppAth 900, rehearing denied. 4 22658.1. Damaging of fence while removing vehicle; location and notification of property owner by towing company (a) Any towing company that, in removing a vehicle, cuts, removes, otherwise damages, or leaves open a fence without the prior approval of the property owner or the person in charge of the property shall then and there do either of the following: Pe or of the damage open condition of (1) Locate and notify the owner or person in charge of the property g the fence, the name and address of the towing company, and the license, registration, or identification number of the velsicle being removed. (2) Leave in a conspicuous place on One property the name and address of the l without unnecesaat}' company, and the and shall w license, registration, or identification number of the vehicle being removed, delay, notify the police department of the city in which the proiwrty is incuted. or if the property in located in unincorporated territory, either the sheriff or the local headquarters of the Department of the California Il'ighway Patrol, of that information and the location of the damaged or opener! fence. (b) Any person failing to comply with all the requirements of this section is guilty of an infraction. (Added by Stats.1986, c. 608, § 1.) 4 22658.2. Removal of vehicles from common interest development (a) Except as provided in aubdiviaion (b). an "association", sus defined in subdivision (a) of Section 1351 of the Civil Code, of a common interest development, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 1351 of tht Civil Code, may cause the removal of it vehicle parked on that property to the dearest public garage if all of the following requirements are satisfied: (1) A sign not lees than 17 by 22 inches in size with lettering not less than one inch in height appears a each entrance to the common interest development and contains both of the following: Additions or changes Indicated by underllno; deletions by asterisks 40 to VBfIICLE CODE § 22659 (A) A statement that public parking is prohibited and all vehicles not authorized to park on the common interest development will be removed at the owner's expense. (B) The telephone number of the local traffic law enforcement agency. The sign may also indicate that a citation may be issued for the violation. (2) If the identity of the registered owner of the vehicle is known or readily ascertainable, the president of the aBBociation or his or her designee shall, within a reasonable time, notify the owner of the removal by first-class mail, If the identity of the owwr of the vehicle is not known or ascertainable, the president of the association or his or her designee shall comply with subdivision (c) of Section 2285.3. (3) The president of the asstxiation or his or her designee, gives or causes to be given, notice of the mnroval to the local traffic law enforcement agency immediately after the vehicle has been removed. The notice shall include a description of the vehicle, the license plate number, and the address from where the vehicle was removed, (b) The association may cause the removal without notice of any vehicle parked in a marked fire lane, within 1.5 feet of a fire hydrant, in a parking space designated for handicapped without proper authority, or in it manner which interferes with any entrance to, or exit from, the common interest development or Ally separate interest contained therein. (c) Notwithstanding gection 1708 of the Civil Code, the association shall not, be liable for any damages incurred by the vehicle owner because of the removal of a vehicle in compliunce with this section or for any damage to the vehicle caused by the removal. However, the owner of a vehicle removed pursuant to this section may recover for any damage to the vehicle which results from any intentional or negligent act of the association or any person causing the removnl of, or removing, the vehicle, (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, subdivisions (f) to (k), inclusive, of Section 22658 apply to the removal of vehicles pursuant to this section. (Added by Stats.1986, c. 1262, § 3.) Library References Words and Phrases (Perm -Ed.) § 22659. State or district agricultural association property Any peace officer of the Department of the California Highway Patrol or any person duly autborimd by the state agency 'it) possesaton of property owned by the state, or rented or leased from others by the state and any peace officer of the Department of the California Highway Patrol providing policing services to property of a district agricultural association may, subsequent to giving notice to the city police or county sheriff, whichever is appropriate, cau9e the removal of a vehicle front the property to the nearest public garage, tinder any of the following circumstances: (a) When the vehicle is illegally parked in locations where signs are posted giving notice of violation and removal. (b) When an officer arrests any person driving or in control of a vehicle for an alleged offense and the officer is by this code or other law required to take the person arrested before a magistrate without unnecessary delay. (c) When any vehicle is found upon the property and report has previously been made that the vehicle has been stolen or complaint has been filed and a warrant thereon issued charging that the vehicle has been embezzled. (d) When the person or persons in charge of it vehicle upon the property are by reason of physical injuries or illness incapacitated to that extent as to be unable to provide for its custody or removal. The person causing removal of the vehicle shall comply with the requirements of Sections 22862 and 22853 relating to notice. (Amended by Gov.Reorg.Plan No. 1 of 1995, § 68, eff. July 12, 1995; Stats.1996, c. 305 (A.B.3103), § 70.) Historical and Statutory Notes 1995 Legislation California State Police funds, officers and employees. The t9iih amendment by Gov.Reorg.Plan No, 1 of 1995, and property; regulations or actions adopted in adminis- in eiibd, (a) substituted "fwace officer of the Grllifornia tration of a program; responsibility for established judg- 1lighway Patrol" and "lience officer of the Uel 11lent of menta, claims or liabilities arising from actions of State the California Highway Patrol'" for two rr{crences to Police Division or Department of General Services; trans- offcel. nr tile Californisl Slate Police" in subd. (a); acid fer to California Department of Highway Patrol by Gov made nonsubatantive changes throughout. Additions or changes Indicated by underline; delotions by asterisks 41 James M. %Vright Fire Chief loudly serving the unincorporated areas of Riverside ounty and the ales of: "eaumont alimesa Canyon Lake uachella Desert Hot Sp(ings idian Wells Inolo 31 'more La ('luinta I'aeno Valley Palm Desert e rrls r ,%ancho Mirage v an Jacinto =mecula Board of Supervisors )n Buster, District 1 John Tavaglume, District 2 enable, Dislr,ct 3 ry Wilson Di Ai,cr 4 Dist/ ct 5 RIVERSIDE' COUN•I'Y I ll�l:; I)I:I'nIZ"I'MI:N l' III cuul,c'ruliulr wall 1//e ('crliJnrrlicr L)c'l/urrlllclrl r)/ 1'�u•(',�Iry crlrcl 1'7rc l'rulrcllwr 210 V`Jesl ti to Jacinto Avu,0L1U r Pcn,s, Caiit0rn13 (J)91 C),10 -6W) • FAX ('_1O:ri VP10 6910 December 9, 1997 Catellus Residential Group Attn: John O'Brien 5 Park Plaza, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92614 Re: Village on the Green Street width requirements Mr. O'Brien, As per our conversation yesterday this letter is to follow-up and clarify your question regarding street widths for the noted project. The Riverside County Fire Department can only require fire access road widths to consist of a minimum of 20 feet horizontal clearance and 13'6" vertical clearance as required in the Fire Code. Actual road widths other than fire access requirements within the City of La Quinta are established under the "La Quinta Roadway Design Standards". Should you have any questions regarding this letter or require further clarification, feel free to contact me at (760) 863-8886. Sincerely, RAY REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By'� Walter Brandes Fire Safety Specialist FIRE PREVENT -ON DIVISION PL.i,NWNG .' FCTION I"IM) t)%- 1 *1(,; 43-:09 Oasis St , 2nc FI Indio, CA 52201 (760) SUS 815W, - I.' XX (7(,0) 8(0,707, 02/20/88 FRl 14:32 FAX 713 474 UdJa r Keystone Pacific ' Property Management, Inc. I To: John O'Brian From: Marga Crummack Re: Street Widths Memo Date: February 20, 1998 Dear John: AC1.71V141. r.Lt.li'1t, Memorandum Post -it" Fax Note 7671 To Prom Co /D°pr- Co. Pnono N Phone N Fax 0 Fax N 1 have reviewed our firm's account listing and found there are several that have streets ranging from 26', 28' to 32' in width. The managers handling these accounts, to my surprise, stated that parking really has not been that big of an issue. Utially when Pl tow Policy is enacted there is a bit of an adjustment period, however, after this quiets down, parking isn't that much of a problem. As you requested, here is a list of the accounts that we manage that have: street widths less than 36 feet. Tustin Grove~, Tustin, PUD 143 homes California Court, Mission Viejo, Condo 184 units Terrace View, Mission Viejo, Condo 132 units Scrabrisa, Rancho Santa Margarita, Condo 200 units Trovare, Newport Cosat, 168 units Encore, Laguna Niguel, Condo 123 units Belterra a, Rancho Santa Margarita, Condo 126 units Calabria, Aliso Viejo, Condo 248 units Westpark Tiempu, Irvine, 397 units Linda Isle, Newport Beach, PUD 104 homes Cantacla, Tustin, Condo 208 tuiits Village Niguel 11, Laguna Nigut:l, Condo 243 units Be flora, Rancho Santa Margarita, Condo 296 units Brio, Irvine, Condo 260 units Alicante, Rancho Santa Margarita, Condo 132 units Bayview Terrace, Newport Beach, PUD 145 homes Morningside, Laguna Hills, Cur.do 260 units Casaflna, Rancho Santa Margarita, Condo 144 units Sonoma Court, Rancho Santa Margarita, Condo 130 unite I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. On a side note, this lnforcnation is confidential to our firm, so please do not distribute this listing. Thank you. 1 I.l CORPORATE OMCL: 4100 Newport Place, Ste. 350 • Ncwport kaCh, CA 92660 • (714) 833-2600 FAX (714) 833-0919 c; '� I-1 CARLSBAD OFFIC& 703 Polom■r /Airport Rd., Ste. 225 - Carlsbad, CA 92009 • (760) 603-aO00 (800) 704.9029 FAX (760) 603-8700 25' Wide With Parking One Side And Double Loaded Driveways LINWOOD STREET, San Diego, CA VILLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Q u i n t a, California GENERAL PIAN AMENDMENT Proposed 32' and 28' Street Width January 1998 27' Wide With Parking One Side And Double Loaded Driveways CAPRI ROAD, Capri School, Encinitas, CA VMIAGE ON THE GREEN Citgo of La Quinta, California O'ROURKE ENGINEERING A*. 30' Wide With Double Loaded Driveways HOOVER STREET at Macdonald, Oceanside, CA GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Proposed 32' and 28' Street Width January1998 32' Wide With Parking One Side And Double Loaded Driveways WHITMAN DRIVE, Irvine, CA VILLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Q u i n t a, California CATELLUS GENERAL T , PL I AMENDMENT Proposed 32' and 28' Street Width January 1998 32' Wide With Parking One Side And Double Loaded Driveways HARVEY COURT, UCI Campus, Irvine, CA "LLLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Q u i n t a, California CATELLUS GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Proposed. 32' and. 28' Street Width January 1998 32' V/'ide With Parking One Side And Double Loaded Driveways. Afternoon Party With Overflow Parking UREY COURT, Irvine, CA VILLAGE ON THE GREEN Citgo of La Quinta, California CATELLUS GENERAL FLAN AMENDMENT Proposed 32' and 28' Street Width. January 1998 30' Wide With Parking Both Sides And Double Loaded Driveways JACKDAW STREET, San Diego, CA VILLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Q u i n t a, California GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Proposed 32' and 28' Street Width January 1998 i _i 30' Wide With Parking Both Sides And Double Loaded Driveways HICKORY STREET, San Diego, CA VILLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Q u i n t a, California GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Proposed 32' and 28' Street Width January1998 30' Wide With Parking Both Sides And Double Loaded Driveways HAI%X STREET, San Diego, CA VILLAGE ON THE GREEN City of La Q u i n t a, California GENERAL FLAN AMENDMENT Proposed 32' and 28' Street Width January 1998 CAMEO HOMES 1103 Quail Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 955.3832 Retail Elevation LA QUINTS VILLAGE La Quinta, California FILE DOPY 0 8 4 16 KTGY GROUPNrI N s, 1 r 2 12 Y I T c N t L L o 0 U T M I N Y I N 2. C A L 1 r O N NIA • t• 14 (219) 221-2172 FAX (242) tl01-0108 � e 1222 ALL PNMKM 06/26/2002 KTGY NO. 2002219 Front Elevation CAMEO HOMES Mgr Strg rt Beacuth, CA 92658 (949) 9553832 Left Elevation 1X11 �i on Back Elevation Retail Building LA QUINT'A Right Elevation VILLAGE La Quinta, Califo is Elevation Lesend Roof Material: Concrete "S" Tile Stucco Exterior Stucco Over Trim at Doors & Windows Stucco Recess Painted Tubular Steel Rail Decorative Gable End Vents a a 4 16 7 fl1 l G ■ GR .axa. wsa�s�rsprp:■ rcwiM�N+a H �wqirer:phr rrerrew psesta . FAA 40M err Roof Plan CAMEO HOMES "0'9::H D= Ne�►part BsaciE, CA 92658 (949) 9553832 II �`��.����_ `_--' 'ter—----=1■�----^ —� Floor Plan South Retail Building QUINTA VILLAGE La Quinta, California 0 s �- 4 16 12Wkq A K7"tiYrs rC►. w�aN�*rarr%rer. wwur�Ma awR:rorwtw*wrr AL w ri KTGY NOL 2002219 CAMEO HOMES 1103 Quail Street Newport Beach. CA 92658 {949) 955-3832 Right Elevation Front Elevation Left Elevation Elevation Legend Roof Material- Concrete "S" Tile Stucco Exterior Stucco Over Trim at Doors & Windows Stucco Recess Painted Tubular Steel Rail Decorative Gable End Vents 0 8 _ �r >ll�f 4 16 KTGY GROUP. NI . /, 171001 II i T C N s L L • p U T w I IIYIMt, CALIIOA1MIA •1494 1TA1I1 mat-diedors4-1LL ,M1� ANININAD 06/26/2002 KTGY NO. 2002219 CAMEO HOMES 1103 Quail Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 955-3832 06/26/2002 Unit Plan 3 Unit Plan 1 Unit Plan 2A Typical Eight Unit .Building Plan QUINTA VILLAGE La Quinta, California Unit Plan 2B £1 4 2 8 '` KTG Y GROUP, 0.AQHlTF6 T UTc ►4 Ar, IIic rr�rsr w� 8ri,� av V YA V iif r, CA�IPa H N I A •a•�. lMel r6 1 -3128 IAA pMq •rl-tllfc qh-Nm?"P, p irar Aw mmWm KTGY NO. 2002219 CAMEO HOMES 1103 Quail Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 955.3832 06/26/2002 lL I1J WMA Unit Plan 1 670 s.f. „-- . 294" Unit Plan 2A 895 s.f. LA QUINT.A VILLAGE La Quinta, California 0 4 2 8 g \ KTCY GRC]4JF�, ,"C, •�aHxr�crv�• �4hN1[ING ■ a ■ IhY�FT■, CALIP01!!f 1A �#�T{ �y� rrr•tias PAX ALL rMtn ash-sisa KTGY NO. 2002219 CAMEO HOMES 1103 Quail Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 955.3832 Typical Eight Unit Building Roof Plan LA QUINTA VILLAGE La Quinta, California 0 4 .m. ■� KTGY ,mc. Aft! 6TIiMt TLAXXIMo It N111C G ALI F9 tMl A t*Art (tavy ft PilAi sAX Dal coo ® I#M ALL 210*M I IYtI 06/26/2002 KTGY NO. 2002219 CAMEO HOMES 1103 Quail Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 955.3832 06/26/2002 /i : fa Y r� go■i :: ��Now no .� I Right Elevation Front Elevation Left Elevation Elevation Legend j Roof Material: Concrete "S" Tile 2 Stucco Exterior Stucco Over Trim at Doors & Windows Stucco Recess Painted Tubular Steel Rail Decorative Gable End Vents Back Elevation Typical Carriage Building °8 _ 4 16 L UINT VILLAGE KT Y GR , INC. La Quinta, Califomia ; (4 iiri s aa� LRr FAA I., ani n Q Ea ALL 1001INM gy p KTGY NO. 2002219 CAMEO HOMES 1103 Quail Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 955.3832 06/26/2002 Typical Carriage Building Plan 930 s.f. Each Unit LA QUINTA VILLAGE La Quinta, California 0 4 2 8 KTGY GROUP* INC. W1ANCNl4i OTUNN IL Aif MING TRNN IreNN L ■ou N IN YIN[, CA LI►ON NIA NN •I� C NINA :" ALL NOUN IIk iYl6 KTGY NO. 2002219 CAMEO HOMES Ne+ $=CA 92658 (949) 955.3832 Right Elevation Front Elevation Left Elevation Back Elevation One Unit Carriage Building LA QUIN1'A VILLAGE La Quinta, California o s 4 16 .++KTQY �f A49MITR�TmRY }Llflll �Nila fTrn 1RYIARr OA1.APPORNIA *NOVA tMq �wFY/M OAR Cow oft -one %10 ML 0000* � KWY NQ 2002219 Elevation Legend 17 Ej Ij Roof Material: Concrete "S" Tile Stucco Exterior Stucco Over Trim at Doors & Windows Stucco Recess Pointed Tubular Steel Rail Decorative Gable End Vents Back Elevation One Unit Carriage Building LA QUIN1'A VILLAGE La Quinta, California o s 4 16 .++KTQY �f A49MITR�TmRY }Llflll �Nila fTrn 1RYIARr OA1.APPORNIA *NOVA tMq �wFY/M OAR Cow oft -one %10 ML 0000* � KWY NQ 2002219 CAMEO HOMES "*'N 105 �Qaail 5tteet Nawpart Ba�cb, CA 92658 (949) 9553932 Roof Plan Floor Plan One Unit Carriage Building 930 s.f. LA QUINTA VILLAGE La Quints, California 0 4 pmmmm 2 8 �KTv3Y s r IRYtw pRLI// aIAIl1fi 1CWY NQ 200M CAMEO HOMES 1103 [wail Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 955-3832 06/26/2002 Typical Carriage Building Roof .Plan LA QUINTA VILLAGE La Quinta, California 0 4 2 8 KTGY GROUP WC_ 9 411 M• -M 1 A La P "AX Mi04M riff liN 6 KTGY NO. 2002219 i I I I I I II 11 I I I ILI II i I o[LcI t I I I I a T I I © ry I 04 I 3 T I I f oPA I I I t I a t I I I i II it I I I I I I I II II Typical Carriage Building Roof .Plan LA QUINTA VILLAGE La Quinta, California 0 4 2 8 KTGY GROUP WC_ 9 411 M• -M 1 A La P "AX Mi04M riff liN 6 KTGY NO. 2002219 CAMEO HOMES 1103 Quail Street Newport Brach, CA 92658 (949) 955.3832 06/26/2002 Front Elevation Left Elevation Right Elevation Back Elevation Rec Building LA QUINTA VILLAGE La Quinta, Calif omia Elevation- Legend Roof Material: Concrete "S" Tile Stucco Exterior Stucco Over Trim at Doors & Windows Stucco Recess Painted Tubular Steel Rail Decorative Gable End Vents 0 8 4 16 46'0114,46IT KGY GROUP, INC AIlON17[CTu[[ rLA/IMIN, 1 9 ■ k Y L Y T •1 - 9249) 901-2122 PAX COM 11111�9111a KTGY NO. 2002219 CAMEO HOMES 1103 [wail Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 955-3832 Rec Building Plan LA QUINTA VILLAGE La Quinta, California 0 4 2 8 0 KTGY GROUP, Mc. f'1W■R MIYQ"i"L i R Y 1 K 1. 0 A 4!► v p K 1 A f a{ I a M■1 afAi.7�� /Ail ;M►j ��h/F711P +. i... w, wwu. MOW 06/26/2002 KTOY NO. 2002219 CAMEO HOMES 1103 Quail Street Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 955.3832 Rec Building Roof Plan LA QUINTA VILLAGE La Quinta, California 0 4 2 8 owl KTGY GROUP IMG. A7c M1T 707VR7 TLA.ANtm. it I 144 i • YT/9 I11 Y IM7, OALITON NIA fill (777) 771-7177 TA7 I., 771%7176 �► O ,... ALL 777717 77>•14� 06/26/2002 KTGY NO. 2002219