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SP 2000-049 La Quinta Professional Plaza
CI TY OF L ' UINTA F iA QUINTA PROFESSIONAL PLICA SPECIFIC PLAN I ,Mr 7im-, t {�1!ci 4fanning Commission E -City Council �Community nev. Dept. Initials Case Na.`" v, ° 9 Exhibit 'tb Conditions 4 AAI.M 4'3 [t YLQFMi NATIC1N it l.. LIAN.K i����yESSI�+T. vLfhkL ARCHTTECTS Qj La Quinta Professional Plaza - Specific Plan - Resolution Number 2001-049 Approved April 17, 2001 Prepared for: McDermott Enterprises Post Office Box 163 Palm Desert, California 92261 Prepared by: Dudek & Associates 75-150 Sheryl Avenue, Suite C Palm Desert, California 92211 Prest Vuksic Architects 74-020 Alessandro, Suite C Palm Desert, California 92260 T. K. D. Associates, Inc. 2121 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 1 Palm Springs, California 92262 April 18, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ................................ ..................... ....... ..,. 1 A. AUTHORITY AND SCOPE .................................... , ...... 1 B. PURPOSE AND INTENT ............................... . ............. 1 C. DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION ........................................ 1 D. PROJECT LOCATION ............................................... 1 E. PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................... 2 F. REQUIRED FINDINGS ............................................... 2 II. PROJECT SETTING.............................................................. 3 A. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING ............................. 3 B. SURROUNDING LAND USE ........................................ . . 5 III. PROJECT MASTER PLANS ........................................................ 6 A. SITE PLAN ......................................................... 6 B. PHASING PLAN ...... .............................................. 7 C. LANDSCAPE PLAN ................................................. 8 D. CIRCULATION PLAN ............................................... 9 E. GRADING PLAN .................................................... 9 F. DRAINAGE PLAN .................................................. 9 G. SEWER PLAN ..................................................... 10 H. WATER PLAN ..................................................... 10 I. OTHER UTILITY PLANS ............................................ 11 IV. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS .......... . . ..................................... 11 A. PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED ...................................... 12 B. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ................. , .......... 12 V. DESIGN GUIDELINES........................................................... 13 A. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES ........... . ...................... 13 B. SIGN GUIDELINES ................................................ 14 C. LIGHTING GUIDELINES ............................................ 16 D. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES ......................................... 16 VI. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES.................................................... 17 A. HOURS OF OPERATION ............................................ 17 B. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT ..... ................... 17 C. MAINTENANCE................................................... 17 April 18, 2001 - Page i r LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1, Regional Location Map Figure 2, Vicinity Map Figure 3, Existing Land Use Designations Figure 4, Existing Site Conditions Figure 5, Site Plan Figure 6, Land Use Plan Figure 7, Conceptual Building Mass Figure 8, Phasing Plan Figure 9, Temporary Bank Detail Site Plan Figure 10, Temporary Bank Elevations Figure 11, Temporary Bank Floor Plan Figure 12, Temporary Bank Circulation Plan Figure 13, Temporary Bank Landscape Plan Figure 14, Landscape Concept Figure 15, Circulation Plan Figure 16, Grading Plan Figure 17, Drainage Plan Figure 18, Sewer Plan Figure 19, Water Plan Figure 20, Bank Building Elevations Figure 21, Bank Building Floor Plan Figure 22, Bank Building Roof Plan Figure 23, Conceptual Office Building Elevations Figure 24, Monument Sign Figure 25, Bank Building Sign Program - Bank Name Figure 26, Bank Building Sign Program - Bank Logo LIST OF TABLES Table 1, Land Use Summary............................................................... 6 Table 2, Site Plan Compliance.............................................................. 7 APPENDIX Appendix A, Drainage Agreement between Lake La Quinta and Palm Desert National Bank. Subject: Palm Desert National Bank Drainage Plan as it Relates to the Lake La Quinta Master Drainage Plan. January 23, 2001. April 18, 2001 - Page H I. INTRODUCTION A. AUTHORITY AND SCOPE Section 65450 of the California Government Code grants local planning agencies the authority to prepare a specific plan of development over a given piece of property. Consistent with this authority and in accordance with La Quinta General Plan Policy 2-3.1.9, the City is requiring that a Specific Plan be prepared for the La Quinta Professional Plaza. In order to approve the project, the City must make the findings required by La Quinta Zoning Code, Chapter 9.240: Specific Plans. B. PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this Specific Plan document is to address the land use issues associated with development of the La Quinta Professional Plaza in sufficient detail to ensure that the subject site develops in a manner which is consistent with the General Plan; protects the public health, safety and general welfare; is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties and is suitable and appropriate for the subject property (Zoning Code 9.240.010.E). Ultimately the project seeks to provide the residents of La Quinta and the surrounding communities with a convenient source for banking and a unique center for professional office space in a campus -like setting. Through text and illustration, this document depicts the character and configuration of the various components comprising the Specific Plan and establishes a foundation document that will govern further development of the site. In this way, the Specific Plan will serve to implement the City of La Quinta General Plan by specifying appropriate land uses, intensity of use, and development standards which are consistent with General Plan goals, objectives and policies. C. DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION The La Quinta Professional Plaza Specific Plan is organized into six sections. Section I provides a regulatory context for the project and an overview of key project elements. Section II, provides a context for project planning and design by briefly describing the project's existing setting in terms of regulatory land use designations and surrounding land uses. Against this background, Section III presents the primary master plan components of the Specific Plan. Section IV describes the development standards to which the project must adhere. Section V contains design guidelines with respect to landscaping and architecture to ensure that the project is of a high quality and is well integrated into the community character and Section VI discusses key operational guidelines for the proj ect. D. PROJECT LOCATION From a regional perspective, the La Quinta Professional Plaza Specific Plan is located in the Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quinta as shown in Figure 1, Regional Location Map. Locally, the project site is bounded by Avenue 47 on the north, Washington Street on the west, Caleo Bay on the east and vacant land on the south. The project site is shown in Figure 2, Vicinity Map. The project area consists of approximately 4.96 acres, containing Assessors Parcels 643-090-021; 643-020-012, 016, and a 0.15 acre sliver of Tract Map 24230. The twelve parcel site consists of vacant rough graded desert land, partially disturbed from the previous land use on-site (single dwelling unit). &ASSOCIATESI April 18, 2001 - Pagel DRAWING ME: Regional Location Map PREST VUKSICKSIC ARCHITECTS isAsgpC kTE$ N.J..b W rem. rw cmnp4, r,nj— T K D FIGURE NO. NOT TO SCALE 1 - J� llel L n� _A i I' .. Z PIERSON BLVD. r"F DESERT HOT" SPRINGS DILLON ROAD ••�°` t:.�' t..� �,ry �•y,1 . . .......... -------- VISTAC91119P C Q s•ys.4ir T rn .� Q ... Z —_r i � OUSAND PALMS RAMON Ra, r..• `rc#' a PALM SPRINGS 0 a� w � " `. - •r"w ��'f CATHEDRAI CITY E...� rt � 1171" SINAIRA ,.re•h.. 6 .4t'4.f RY CLUB OR, • # :I`'tl RANCHbTAIRAGE 10 "NeMu "n � O'-jj I 1'•,: PALMI IERT 3 AVENUE 44 — ..__A,,s�INDIAN WELLS I ' IND[O ti -- +-,•, i s, W - -�— COACHELLA LA OUINTA"" NLS i L E ____ v Y r it 71—__'?}•�AVENUE 62 1z i. � a�'•..... _ ppb . ^c Source; Dudek & Assoclates DRAWING ME: Regional Location Map PREST VUKSICKSIC ARCHITECTS isAsgpC kTE$ N.J..b W rem. rw cmnp4, r,nj— T K D FIGURE NO. NOT TO SCALE 1 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Professional Plaza s, E. PROJECT OVERVIEW Project Summary The project proposes construction of a 5,000 square foot single -story bank, and 48,500 square feet of office space broken up between four single -story and seven two-story buildings with associated parking, landscaping and utility improvements on site. Parking will consist of 214 spaces with access taken from Washington Street, Avenue 47 and Caleo Bay. To promote the campus like nature of the development, the two-story buildings are clustered with the second story elements [ ' linked with balconies. Requested Entitlements To facilitate this project, the developer is seeking approval of a Specific Plan and a Site Development Permit from the City of La Quinta. A tentative parcel map application being is also being filed concurrently. Subsequent site development permits for the balance of the site will be submitted as it is developed. F. REQUIRED FINDINGS According to the La Quinta Zoning Code, Chapter 9.240.010.E, the City Council must make four specific findings in order to approve the project. Each finding is listed below followed by a discussion of how each is satisfied by this project. The project's success in meeting the required findings is supported by the facts presented throughout the Specific Plan document. Consistency with the General Plan. The plan or amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. The project is a office facility and, therefore, a permitted use in the Regional Commercial (CR) category. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the plan or amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The site plan for this project is consistent with City development standards which are established to protect the public health and safety. In accordance with the General Plan, a bank and office complex at this location will provide a public benefit by making office related services more accessible to the citizens of La Quinta and surrounding areas. 3. Land Use Compatibility. The specific plan is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. The site is separated and buffered from uses on the north, east and west by adj acent roadways and landscaping. A block wall provides additional buffering to the east. General plan land use and zoning to the south are identical to the project. Hours of operation will be conducive adjacent land uses. The proposed office uses will not generate excessive noise or other nuisances. April 18, 2001 - Page 2 4. Property Suitability: The specific plan is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. • The project is appropriately located at the intersection of an major arterial and a local roadway. • The project is at a location within the City to allow convenient access to banking and office facilities by all residents. • The site has been rough graded and all utilities are readily available. • The site plan complies with City development standards. H. PROJECT SETTING A. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Element The 4.9 acre project site located at the northwest corner of Washington Street and Avenue 47 has a General Plan land use designation of Mixed/Regional Commercial (M/RC). In addition to regional retail and business uses, General Plan Policy 2-3.1.1 states: "Other businesses permitted in the M/RC category include major office uses, such as corporate headquarters or regional service centers, research and development facilities, major community facilities and/or major medical -related facilities." Circulation Element Washington Street is major arterial signalized at Avenue 47, a local street. The development of the property is consistent with the goals and objective outlined in the Circulation Element in the General Plan. The site provides access the adjoining undeveloped property to reduce traffic, consistent with Policy 3-3.1.2 which states: "The City shall require new development to provide local streets which serve the needs of direct access to abutting properties. " The buildings to be constructed at the site will be consistent with the general development Mediterranean/early Californian "theme" along Washington Street. The site also incorporates landscape elements required along the primary image corridor, consistent with Policy 3-4.1.1, which identifies: "Special roadway image corridors and Citygateways which evoke a unique identity and character throughout the City shall be designated on Figure CIR-S, Streetscape Image Policy Diagram. " Open Space Element The site has not been defined as an area that includes outstanding and significant natural or manmade features, there are no steep topographical constrains, nor does the site fall under any of the criteria for Open Space designation or constraints. However, the General Plan identifies a historical structure, the Burkett Ranch, which was one of the original homesteads in the area. The site was occupied by Burkett family till the 1990's when the main house was damaged by fire and later demolished along with the other improvements on the property. An archaeological survey of n ws,nc s rq sl April 18, 2001 - Page 3 the site was completed for the purposes of the development, which concluded that the project will have no effect on any historical resources. Thus, development of the site is not in conflict with the goals and objectives of the Open Space policies in the General Plan. Park and Recreation Element The site has not been defined as a park in the General Plan, nor is it adjacent to any park facilities. The site falls within the two mile service radius of the Westward Ho Community Park. Washington Street has been defined as a Pedestrian Hiking Corridor, as such, the site will provide a sidewalk to facilitate pedestrian movement along this corridor. In addition, sidewalks will also be provided along all three street frontages as well as throughout the site. Thus, development of the site is not in conflict with the goals and objectives of the Park and Recreation policies in the General Plan. Environmental Conservation Element Development of the site will not damage any major community assets, habitat, water resources, or any other significantresources in relation to the Environmental Conservation Element as described in the General Plan. The site provides setbacks along Washington Street to provide scenic vistas, consistent with Policy 6-1.1.2 which states: "The City shall utilize street corridors to provide scenic vistas of the Coral Reef and Santa Rosa Mountains. Landscape set backs along streets shall be required pursuant to Policy 3-4.1.1 in the Circulation Element in the General Plan. " Due to the previous historic structure on site, the parcel was researched by an archeologist to identify any impacts, consistent with Policy 6-2.1.2 which states: "The City shall require development applications to be reviewed by a qualified archaeologist and/or historian, as appropriate, prior to final approval to idents any project -related impacts to historical and/or archaeological resources. " Infrastructure and Public Services Element The development of the site will not be in conflict with the goals and objectives of the Infrastructure and Public Service policies in the General Plan. The site will be integrated into the City's system of potable water infrastructure consistent with Policy 7-1.1.3, which states: "The City shall require that all new development provide adequate potable water infrastructure facilities that will connect with the main potable water distribution system. " The development will be integrated into the City's system of sewage collection system consistent with Policy 7-1.2.4, which states: "All new development shall tap into the City-wide sewage collection system prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the City. " The development will also be integrated into the City's drainage system consistent with theLake La Quinta Drainage Plan and Policy 7-1.3.5, which states: "The City shall require that new development provide adequate on and off-site stormwater April 18, 2001 - Page 4 i rill, collection and detention/retention facilities to contain and convey stormwater to the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. " Environmental Hazards Element The site has not been identified in the General Plan Environmental Hazards Diagram as an area that includes seismic, soil or flood hazards. The development will adhere to all environmental hazard requirements, such as Policy 8-1.1.3, which states: "The City shall continue to require that all structures and foundations be designed and constructed to resist seismic forces in accordance with the criteria of the Uniform Building Code. " The development will be office by nature and will not create noxious fumes or hazardous materials in accordance with Policy 8-4.1.1, and will only create refuse compatible with standard refuse collection congruent with Policy 8-4.2.1. No hazardous waste has been identified on site to be currently on site. In addition, the project will not create any excessive noise and will adhere to the noise Policies outlined in the General Plan. Air Quality Element The development is being proposed in an area that is served by existing utilities, including roadways, and is being developed in accordance with General Plan Land Used designations. Thus, the development will be integrated into existing infrastructure, avoiding leapfrog development, and reducing vehicle miles and their associated air pollution, consistent with Policy 9-1.2.4, which states: "The City shall discourage leapfrog development to reduce vehicle miles traveled and trip generation. ...the City shall encourage growth to occur in and around activity centers, transportation corridors, and under utilized infrastructure systems. " In general, the development of the site will not adversely impact air quality beyond established, allowable limits. Zoning Existing General Plan and Zoning designations for the site and surrounding properties are shown on Figure 3. The existing zoning of the project site is Regional Commercial (CR). Zoning Code 9.70.030 states that the purpose and intent of the CR zone is: "To provide for the development and regulation of regionally -oriented commercial areas ... The CR district is intended to provide a broad range of goods and services serving the entire region. Representative land uses include corporate headquarters, regional service centers, research development facilities, major community facilities and/or major medical facilities." B. SURROUNDING LAND USE In order to provide a context for project planning, surrounding land use is shown in Figure 4. The prof ect site is bordered on the north by Avenue 47, a two lane local street with a 60 foot wide right- of-way. Vacant land zoned CR is situated directly across Avenue 47 from the project site. OCA ATE 9I April 18, 2001 - Page 5 47TH AVENUE Q -na F— w LU 1 � f � LDR RL 0. ZONING @R Regional Commercial District Gad Low Density Residential District GENERAL PLAN WRC Mixed/Regional Commercial LDR Low Density Residential 2.4 du/ac WRC 6Q J p/L V m i n LDR Gad NOTE: GENERAL PLAN PUBLIC SERVICES POLICY DIAGRAM DESIGNATES THIS SITE AS "EISENHOWERAT LA QUINTA MEDICAL FACILITY (PROPOSED)" oRawlNGimE: Existing Land Use Designations PRIEST VUKSICIC A„ ITEC�TS i Int 2 &ASSOCIATES AW T K D FEET FIGURE NO. LA QUINTA PROFESSIONAL PLAZA 10 0 20 40 60 3 DRnwiNG nnE: PRIEST Existing Site Conditions VUKSIS fmc,dv ITE &AssocFATEs (D P4� r / c-01. ro;— T K D FEET 104 FIGURENO. 0 50 100 150 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Professional Plaza The project site is bordered on the east by Caleo Bay, a residential street with 60 foot wide right-of- way. Beyond Caleo Bay, the rear yards of approximately three single family residences of the Lake La Quinta neighborhood. These lots are separated from Caleo Bay and the project site by a two foot high elevated berm containing a six foot high masonry block perimeter wall. The Lake La Quinta neighborhood and the project site are part of the Lake La Quinta Master Plan. The project site is bordered on south by rough graded vacant land zoned regional commercial district and designated mixed/regional commercial in the La Quinta General Plan. Further to the south, to Avenue 48, lies more vacant land with identical zoning and general plan designation. The La Quinta Family Medicine Center has been approved at the northeast corner of Washington and Avenue 48. The project site is bordered on the west by Washington Street, a six lane major arterial roadway with 120 foot wide right-of-way. Properties located west of Washington Street are presently vacant, though a church is located on the southwest corner of Washington Street and Highland Drive. M. PROJECT MASTER PLANS A. SITE PLAN The detailed project site plan is shown in Figure 5. The land use plan is shown in Figure 6 to show the pads that the buildings will be orientated on. This plan proposes construction of a 5,000 square foot single -story bank, and 48,500 square feet of office space broken up between four single -story and seven two-story buildings (see Table 1) on 4.9 acres of land. The building masses of the 12 potential building foot prints and covered parking spaces are illustrated in Figure 7. Table 1, Land Use Summary Building / Lot Parcel Size' Building Use Number of Stories Building Square Footage 1 47,207 Bank2 1 5,000 2 20,780 Office 1 3,400 3 11,207 Office 2 5,000 4 8,413 Office 2 4,500 5 15,011 Office 2 5,000 6 17,507 Office 2 6,400 7 21,087 Office 2 4,800 8 7,105 Office 1 1,600 9 6,309 Office 2 1 4,800 10 16,148 Office 2 4,800 11 20,819 Office/Restaurant' 1 3,6'S2SO 12 24,581 ffice 1 4,600 Total _53^ 5S,1 y. 91.3 /ic I Parcel configurations are approximate and will be refined with submission of Parcel Map. 2 Land use and building size may be modified, subject to conformance with parking and design criteria contained in this Specific Plan. 3 Restaurant may include outdoor dining. April 18, 2001 - Page 6 wrGll 7--P-RESCT I VUK�LRIHIE_T- Site Plan &ASSOCIATES P�f� T— jv, C—*6 P -J— I K D RG'IJFENO. 0 50 FEET 100 150 LQ 5 47TH -AVENUE iE AND BUILDING SIZE FOR EACH PAD EVALUATED DURING DEVELOPMENT 2EVIEW FOR CONSISTENCY WITH PARTING SIGN CRITERIA OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN oRawlNGnnE: PRIEST IC VUK 0 Land Use Plan1011 TS ARCHITECTS 6,ASSOCIATES! �r� T (w CenPla R9res T K D FIGURE NO FEET 12 /� _ 0 50 100 150 v LU LU z_ 2 F _ 1 I� r 12 .eIf a a. �....==�irrs.•�sy. 47TH AVENUE 2 3 df :T� --^ 10 f f _ ❑ 6 I LIFA FAV • I� BUILDING/ NUMBER BUILDING OF .SQUARE LOT STORIES FOOTAGE LOT 1 1 5,000 S.F LOT 2 1 3,400 S.F. LOT 3 2 5,000 S.F. LOT 4 2 4,500 S.F. LOT 5 2 5,000 S.F. LOT 6 2 6,400 S.F. LOT 7 2 4,800 S.F. LOT 8 1 1,600 S.F. LOT 9 2 4,800 S.F. LOT 10 2 4,800 S.F. LOT 11 1 3,600 S.F. LOT 12 1 4,600 S.F. TOTAL 53,500 S.F. ..�..�.• ;._ LEGEND �r 1 Buildings H ® Parking Canopys DRAWING TITLE: PREST Conceptual Building Mass VUKSIC 101113 6111 0 ARCHITECTS &ASSOCIATES, APfiOFE410N4lCORRNWTON RoI=�� T jm Cmmpl¢ P.gec� T K D FIGURE NO FEET LA QUINTA PROFESSIONAL PLAZA 1111100111101111L -------- 0 50 100 150 7 IL I The projectprovides landscaped parking areas containing 214 spaces with three driveway accesses. Any restaurant use will require provisions for a facility that will accommodate minimum of five bicycles. Water and sewer will be taken from Caleo Bay. Drainage will be designed to channel water to the drive isles and towards one dry well at the Caleo Bay access and one dry well at the ( Avenue 47 access, each for retaining nuisance water onsite. Runoff from substantial rain events may eventually flow beyond the dry wells to Caleo Bay and Avenue 47. Avenue 47 is designed to l allow runoff flow east into Caleo Bay, and Caleo Bay is designed to flow south into Lake La Quinta, consistent with the Lake La Quinta Master Drainage Plan (1989). The loading and trash enclosures are located at various points on the site. Trash containers will be screened from view by landscaping enclosures, and may include recycling as well as standard trash containers. A satellite trash enclosure location plan will be developed and reviewed by Waste Management during the final design stages. The site plan maintains and augments existing landscaped areas along Washington Street and Avenue 47 and will add new landscaping within the project site and along Caleo Bay. See Section III C for additional discussion of landscaping. A comparison of the site plan with Development Standards from the La Quinta Zoning Code/La Quinta Professional Plaza Specific Plan is shown in Table 2. Table 2, Site Plan Compliance Development Standard CR Zone Specific Plan Min -Max Bldg Site (acres) n/a 4.9 Max Structure Height (ft) 50 354 Max Number of Stories 4 2 Max Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.35 0.25 Min Building Setback - Primary Arterials (ft) 30 30 Min Building Setback - Other Streets (ft) 20 20 Min Landscape Setback - Primary Arterials (ft) 20 20 Min Landscape Setback - Other Streets (ft) 10 10 Min Setback from interior property lines 0 0 Building Landscape 5% 5% Interior Parking Lot Landscape 5% 5% Parking Spaces 214 214 B. PHASING PLAN The site will be developed in two phases. Phase I will include the construction of Palm Desert National Bank, all utilities, curb and pavement throughout the site. Phase 2 will complete development of the site with the construction of eleven office buildings on the remaining pads. The Phase 2 buildings will be built out as market conditions warrant. See Figure 8, Phasing Plan. The landscaping and grading/drainage plans incorporate this phasing plan. 4 Not including minor architectural appendages, such towers, up to 40 feet. April 18, 2001 - Page 7 47TH AVENUE NOTE: LAND USE AND BUILDING SIZE FOR EACH PAD SHALL BE EVALUATED DURING DEVELOPMENT PERMIT REVIEW FOR CONSISTENCY WITH PARbNG AND DESIGN CRITERIA OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN DRAWING 117LE: Phasing Plan FEET 0 50 100 150 W LU U LEGEND Phase 11 Phase 112 Includes all associated parks sidewalk and aca Pad 12 (southwest corner) will include temporary b 2 Phase 2 buildings will be built as market conditions warrant. PRIEST VUKSICKSIC ARCHITECTS I&ASSOCIATES prof• . r fa c-01� P.— I K L) FIGUl� NO. 1W 8 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Professional Plaza Temporary Bank Facility In conjunction with Phase I, a temporary bank facility will be located on Pad 12 and operated for a maximum of two years before which time the permanent bank will be completed on Pad 1. The temporary facility will then be removed from the site and the building pad will be replaced with a permanent office building. If the permanent bank is not completed within a two-year period from its effective approval date, then the temporary use shall be removed unless substantial completion on said permanent bank has been pursued. The determination on "substantial completion" shall be made by the Community Development Director. Figure 9 illustrates the temporary bank site plan which has been laid out such there will be minimal disruption to the permanent curb and pavement. Figure 10 shows the building elevations, which incorporate the landscape plan as detailed in subsequent paragraphs. Figure 11 delineates the temporary bank floor plan. Due to the temporary nature of the building it will not adhere to the stringent standards of the permanent structures as outlined in Section V A. Clustered landscaping will be provided in order to mask the uncomplicated framework of the building. The signs that will provided for the temporary facility will include a logo sign and a bank title sign. These signs will use individually cut, back -lit, channel -set pieces mounted an backing plate that will be attached on the front of the building, as detailed in Section V B, Sign Guidelines. The temporarybank circulationplan is illustrated in Figure 12, with primary flow from Washington. The circulation plan is designed to allow the remainder of the site to develop, as water and sewer lines will be located in the drive isles. Parking will be provided for with 13 spaces, including 1 handicap space. After the temporary facility is removed, additional spaces will be added upon clearing of the temporary site for a permanent building as to comply with the final site plan as previously illustrated in Figure 5. Landscaping will be used to enhance the temporary bank facility, see Figure 13. The temporary bank site will be screened with canopy trees, large shrubs and vines as to create a residential atmosphere. Palms trees will be added for accents, but placed in locations were they can be easily accessed for future relocation. Though the site is temporary, it will be densely landscaped to create as pleasant of an environment as possible. Landscaping will be consistent with the overall landscape plan for the site. Interim utilities for the temporary building will be designed such that it will operate independently from the remainder of the site, allowing permanent development to take place without interference. Water will be provided from an existing meter located at the southwest corner of the site off Washington Street. Sewer will be provided by a temporary sewage tank. A separate grading plan for this facility will be incorporated into the overall site. Upon completion of the permanent bank, these utilities along with the temporary building will be removed from the site and a permanent office building will be constructed in its place according to the site plan. At which time the utilities for the office building will be connected with the rest of the site. C. LANDSCAPE PLAN The landscape concept and the proposed plant palette for the project is shown in Figure 14. In general, landscape treatments are designed to reflect and enhance the character of the proposed buildings. Landscaping associated with the project consists oftwo basic types: project perimeter and streetscape; and project site and office complex. April 18, 2001 - Page 8 F— W W rr z 0 G z C0 a G 125' Exl 30' DRIVEWAY i LANDSCAPE STRIP 9' LANDSCAPE STRIP PROPERTY LINE NOTE: Detail Flans will be provided during Final Engineering. 4' CO� CTION BUFFER W a aw kn Z3 0 r W I0' LANDSCAPE STRIP 0 N Key Map 47k1AVENUE E J F' EJ L i>l 11 l � Ej r� • Not to scale oanwiNG TITLE: Tem orary Bank Detail Site Plan PREST VUKSIITECTSS ARCH 6iASSOCIATES y .... rarer T fw C -*I- NO— T K D FIGURE NO. 1 1 1 1 1 FEET 0 20 40 60 DRANANG TITLE: Temporary Bank Elevations PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS A P ��.fiu w..cl•::Pl r,a� T to C-01. N9— T K D ( FIGURE NO NOT TO SCALE 10 PALM GROUPINGS SIGN: 0 SIGN: BANK NAME CANOPYTREE I" ���' �Illlllil#11111�1�11�1�'' III11 1- TALL SHRUBS I,�IIIIIIII111111�U1e + ei_..- � _-. :=�'�►:: r..e-��c�'�.St ii' _�. 4�xLJ1.. -. _�.vr i.. s: �� -�5, �.--'�vcaw.�� SHRUBS FRONT ELEVATION ACCENT PLANTS k�rl1MEDiUM CANOPYTREE IIII!''` ����111111111111� - � -��Illlllll :._ ;�►� .�Illlllllll;r : SHRUBS r MEDIUM SHRUBS REAR ELEVATION llllllllillllllfslll�111111�Ullll�1111 II�IIl��11111111111111i111111111111111 _ SCREEN SHRUBS y 1 C RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION DRANANG TITLE: Temporary Bank Elevations PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS A P ��.fiu w..cl•::Pl r,a� T to C-01. N9— T K D ( FIGURE NO NOT TO SCALE 10 DRAWING ffU: PRES" r " milli Tem orar Bank Floor Plan Temporary A &SSOCIATES �=1� T K D HGURE NO. i i 1 LA QUINTA NOT TO SCALE 1 1 H I W rr z 10' LANDSCAPE STRIP iP-45k ......... .... o -� WALK UP G ATM Q L 29' EXISTING Ccr.SS lP J' •............ �........ 4' CONSTRUCTION BURR DRIVE UP TELLER 6®'X24' TEMPORARY BANK S - 30' DRIVEWAY J """""'�'' 9' LANDSCAPE STRIP ............ PROPERTYLME- w O } IO' LANDSCAPE STRIP N LEGEND ORight entrance, right exit only =...� Bank Circulation Key Map 47[HAVEtNUR Not to scale oRnwiNG nne: PRIEST � PASSOCIATE9 Temporary Bank Circulation Plan ARCHVUKSI ITECTSS AfliOFE4pN4LCORWRRTON P.of�:mef T. fm cmop . P.o!. T K D FIGURE NO. FEET ca 12 _ _ 0 20 40 60 - — - coLonFuL SchlnUs molls GaIlPornia pepper tree 36'-Hox — Battle tree (3RCC4v,D COVEFS Acacia eallctna Weeping Wattle d' TRU"Lau AN&M S Garlssa 'Paxwaod Sea Boxwood Beauty I -Solo 3' o,c. SOD M#xtd Bermuda 12' D E THROUGH LANE � TEMPORARY BANK all plantora By Desert i?ock and Supply • PLANT LEGEND Oleander 5K5a! ` .. ...w �. 4. Tracy .. I 64'X24' TEMPORARY HANK Palrre J I ` • r D t H 7 6roundcovars 9 LSCAPE S sym 10' LANDSCAPE STRIP �`r� TRASH--� 5 R T ' scIaoe4evG r>�s SCREENIVO a43UM 4 50D PLAN7NO 30' DRIVEWAY PALAJ c�oWuuGs —25' EXISTING ACCESS WASHNIGI M Srs�r 5yrnbol 5clentfPu. Flarna Ge+mman Nemo Plant Size SchlnUs molls GaIlPornia pepper tree 36'-Hox BracFychiton populneus Battle tree 36" -Box Acacia eallctna Weeping Wattle 3b" -Sox tool I rxicntffic Name Common Nerve Plant'mg Sisa Phe+dilx dactyllPera Date palm 18' - 20' Ht. Waehingtanla robusta Nlexft[ai fan palm - 14' Ht. Ghamaerops hum111s Mledecfiterrcrlean fan palm 36' -Box Laal 5cientffic 1•larno Gomrron Namc .Plant' Sizes Anwal Color Scaeonal Qty. 6" os. FIGURE NO. Lru+tana Nc+w eSard' New Fold lantatio I-Gnlo 3' a -c. Lantana mantCviGensis Purple IgntalK7 I-GalO 3' o.¢. Garlssa 'Paxwaod Sea Boxwood Beauty I -Solo 3' o,c. SOD M#xtd Bermuda DA Poser bold 2" depth In all plantora By Desert i?ock and Supply Nerlum olecnder Oleander 5K5a! Laal 5cientffic 1•larno Gomrron Namc .Plant' Sizes Anwal Color Scaeonal Qty. 6" os. FIGURE NO. Lru+tana Nc+w eSard' New Fold lantatio I-Gnlo 3' a -c. Lantana mantCviGensis Purple IgntalK7 I-GalO 3' o.¢. Garlssa 'Paxwaod Sea Boxwood Beauty I -Solo 3' o,c. SOD M#xtd Bermuda DA Poser bold 2" depth In all plantora By Desert i?ock and Supply 2'-3' dia. 'Gresta' Souldcrs Dcxrt Roatc and 5uppl DRnnvnNG TITLE: Temporary Bank Detail Landscape Plan P RESTSIC ARCHITECTS ARC , I &ASSOCIATES T K D FIGURE NO. "Tom l ' 1 1 � 1 1 NOT TO SCALE 1 3 TYPICAL CANOPY TREE MONUMENT SIGN --, SPECIAL PAVING DATE PALMS • E4M i L4'4�CAAPE ALONG STREET I ENHANCED LANDSCAPE f CORNEA DRAWING TITLE: Landscape Plan COLORFUL 51m GROUNDC.OVERS LA OUINTA SHADE REOUASEMENTS 2'-4 S To FOR PARKNG AREAS SCREEN PARVJ40 ss•rsc'-ems vvaevra+w enua we • edYY� N Baf d gM+g e!m sirl a aluaatl - _ - i01#1 erm M �AHQ 1MY Fob W h f W Nolo � rme s<'.9e.eex 14 bg Wei W1061 e4 R S� ,�-y —w,i�_M1�a.� -¢rewg+ebia 5a rcina ld rwYravae aff �aYr pfOR+O@�oL yYU±�]. W9�IMd�u !\i _ — Iii4'AM1.f fC4 iJCGYAl1 s�5 BMeDE t:0 '. mol M✓•?e nan a ]Y We.aa!lr+a ^ A'eB e4 R __ w.n.e. wxlY Isax uyR e4 WdlVD I I ar va. vn arm e<JVlY Bere we9ralw NeP..^+I •qR - `'n. Il'd rwe vn ov✓da [6 Y�Oa NwY 7X bl e¢R }ye eqR' eme C'r !rte hone 6' Tperrr Yr . m I'4 R I 1l ^+r Yee B'aL pYM V! ebrila aCrer elelb 6 x BBS e¢ R 1:4 ae1 rl , alel orae of Maob N (Wag BYA I PLANT LEGEND ___ 51mnEPk Ham Common elm�a 51m ^rosayb @�S Moe-a111.b rea^quP ARCHITECTS I&ASSOCIATES y�ed ecru eedeaea anrn=^ rae ss•rsc'-ems vvaevra+w enua we x+'-ismr Nbldv 'W=sarkb+em1 yt•198-eor � rme s<'.9e.eex SPECIAL PAVING MCKAf u sm PRESTI VIJKUKSIC r , G) ARCHITECTS I&ASSOCIATES B.Ba�o a« r derma y c B a I+aea T N D F%;u;E NO NOT TO SCALE 14 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Professional Plaza The landscape concept for the project perimeter and streetscape will incorporate a colorful mix of water efficient groundcovers and accent shrubs. In order to integrate the project into the surrounding community and create a harmonious street frontage, the planting palette will consist of the same planting material currently used in the adjacent projects. Areas of turf will be incorporated along Avenue 47, and the three entry areas will be identified and accented with decorative paving and Date Palms to provide scale and interest. The office complex will have a residential feeling, using plentiful ornamental material in order to provide a temperate environment. Uncovered parking areas will be shaded with a combination of Mesquite trees, and Tipuana tipu trees. Palm trees will be used to provide vertical scale for the two story buildings. Bottle trees will be used in spaces adjacent to buildings for screening. Small areas of turf will be incorporated into the courtyard landscape for the office buildings. Date Palms will be included along the main drive through the site which runs from Washington to Avenue 47. D. CIRCULATION PLAN The project Circulation Plan, as shown in Figure 15, is typical of professional office buildings with an internal system of access aisles to serve the 214 surface parking spaces surrounding the office buildings. The 214 parking spaces include a credit for 15 stacking spaces at the bank, as well as 74 covered parking spaces. The site plan proposes three driveway connections into the parking lot, one from Washington Street, one from Avenue 47, and one from Caleo Bay. The Washington Street entrance is a restricted access, right turn in with a deceleration lane and a right turn out with an acceleration lane. The Avenue 47 and Caleo Bay entrance ways are unrestricted two way accesses. E. GRADING PLAN The project Grading Plan is shown in Figure 16. The property proposed for development has been rough graded to an average elevation of 62.5 feet with minimal earthwork needed to accommodate the proposed bank and office facility. Precise grading of the site will require establishment of pads for the bank and eleven office buildings as well as the creation of parking lots which effectively convey surface drainage flows to appropriate discharge points. In total, approximately 8,000 cubic yards of earthwork is proposed and all grading will be balanced within the property limits without the need for borrow or disposal sites. The earthwork is fairly evenly distributed throughout the site with an average of less than one foot being added or removed at most locations. Initial grading will only result in minor deviations from existing grade. Final grading will match finished elevations on surrounding properties and will not result in significant manufactured cut/fill slopes or reliance on retaining walls or other structural devices for slope retention. Although the building development will be phased, the entire site will be graded, and the pads will be rough graded and built out as market conditions warrant. Precise Grading Plans are subject to review and approval by the City according to standard engineering protocols. F. DRAINAGE PLAN A portion of the project site is addressed by the Hydrology Report and Drainage Plan prepared for the Lake La Quinta Tentative Tract No 24230 in August 1989. The Lake La Quinta plan provides a master drainage concept within the 151 acre area bounded by Avenue 47, Avenue 48, Washington Street, and Adams Street. In summary, the master plan identifies appropriately sized storm drain facilities to collect and convey surface flows for the 100 year storm. Drainage collected from on April 18, 2001 - Page 9 47TH AVENUE 1STORY OFFICE e 3,400 SF. Of y I • 2 Sff74Tt 2 STORY 1 STORY BANK I jI OFFCE ORiCE 5,000 SF. l '1 h S'OdR SF. 4.5005F. I rti 2 ST= OFFICE S.M SF. LEGEND Restricted access - right turn in/right turn out OUnrestricted 2 way access ]3 Access to adjacent property E Elevator S Stairs -••� Bank Circulation DRAWING 11U: Circulation Plan r;l � CYAssOCi®TES up ttd LU T K D FIGURE NO. LU FEETca ...........•'• � 5 _ 0 50 100 150 z I �. $ 2. STORY 2 sroRY S O OFFICE 4,600 SF. 4,600 SF. IV jj 2 STORY Z I I I IE I 4 OFFICE 6,400 SF. <...... E / .. S ���,,,jjj aeon I• i ,STORY s I OFFICE 4,600 SF. 1STORY OFFICE / ! �......... C /RESTAURANT 3,fi00 SF. - - - - 2 ST= OFFICE S.M SF. LEGEND Restricted access - right turn in/right turn out OUnrestricted 2 way access ]3 Access to adjacent property E Elevator S Stairs -••� Bank Circulation DRAWING 11U: Circulation Plan PREST VUK3IC ARCHITECTS � CYAssOCi®TES eon P4 --,d T r.. C-01� NO.- T K D FIGURE NO. � p � - � � ► � � FEETca � 5 _ 0 50 100 150 LEGEND x64.1 Existing Grade 47TH AVENUE jm�- Tap of curb -- = �.-------------- — — . High Point Top of Pavement 6X3 7C 63.83 , ^ _ — _ _ _ ; ���-�'.,,.'►a� �.,'+.r T 6 63.7. 1STORY OFFICE L'E' _�-'•-��� "� +M1_•� PAD 63.0 A _ +T T��•., �I 2 STORY 2 STORY r. r_/ •., . I 1 PAD 63RAMC OFFICE STORY "' ;- .. �.___ 63.k OR9COFFICE, i 64.3. �' tk 2 1 Y i . SB OFFICE PAD 62.0 l ! h ` Li 624 f fP i 11 x625 'F+fr�i r E` W .6 f 1 TC exs �. IF1 94 1 11110 CJ y �r7W , 2 STORY 2 STORY OFFICE 1'r OFFICE PAD 625 ! 67C 6 PAD 63.0 2 STORY J 624 �I +!• Z I I z STORY OFFICE PAD 62.0 ,i TG 61..5s "62.3° C o TC I LIJ z STORY I ! O�FFICE PAD 61.5 �{ I a 15TORY - j IJ rr OFFICE." TC 6,7..2 PAD 62.0 l 59. x61.2p1 STORY OFFICE { /RESTAURANT �•2 11 TP PAO 63.0 I 1 }� NOTE: ' l 1: EX STING SIZE HAS BEEN ROl1GH GRADED j 2: PRECISE GRADING WILL BALANCE ON SITE WITHOUT EXPORT OR IMPORT OF FILL MATERIAL DRAWING ME: Conceptual Grading Plan PR EST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS Upjp 61ASSOCIATES (D A xi¢scePsacrsvaa. P.uf--d r 1w c-0- Pro— T K D FIGURE NO. LA�, , - FEET to 16 _ _Wit 0 50 100 150 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Professional Plaza site development is then discharged and retained on-site within the manmade Lake La Quinta at the center of the site. The proposed 4.9 acre La Quinta Professional Plaza is situated at the northwest corner of the master plan area. A portion of the site (3.7 acres) is not a part of the master drainage plan, although it naturally drains into the Lake La Quinta system. The development of the site will represent only an small incremental increase in the drainage plan total area, and the existing system should easily be able to accept this incremental increases. In cooperation with the Lake La Quinta Homeowner's Association, the development of the site will be consistent with the runoff volume assumptions of I the master plan and be accommodated by the Lake La Quinta storm drain system. See Appendix f A for the signed drainage agreement between the Lake La Quinta Homeowner's Association and the applicant. The Drainage Plan for the site is shown in Figure 17. This plan proposes to direct surface runoff via parking lots towards one dry well at the Caleo Bay access and one dry well at the Avenue 47 access to retain as much nuisance water onsite as possible. Runoff from substantial rain events may eventually flow beyond the dry wells to Avenue 47 and Caleo Bay. Avenue 47 is designed to allow runoff to flow east into Caleo Bay. Caleo Bay is designed to flow south in the gutter to a catch basin where it will enter the underground storm drain system and ultimately discharge to Lake La Quinta. In agreement with the Lake La Quinta Homeowner's Association the runoff from significant rain events, including the 100 -year storm, is allowable to flow offsite, consistent with the Lake La Quinta Master Drainage Plan (1989)6. The final drainage plan will be reviewed by the City via standard plan check protocols to ensure that drainage is adequately addressed. G. SEWER PLAN Sewer service is provided to the site by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) via an existing 15 foot sewer line located approximately five feet east of the street centerline in Caleo Bay. The line for sewer service will require direct connection to the sewer line and require an additional manhole, therefore resulting in some disruption to the curb, gutter and pavement of Caleo Bay which will be made in conjunction with the entry way construction of Caleo Bay. Within the property, sewer will continue westerly from the stubout where it will split in a "Y" configuration. The westerly route will serve five office buildings, where as the easterly route will serve the remaining six buildings and the bank. Sewer laterals will be installed at each development pad. See Figure 18, Sewer Plan. H. WATER PLAN Water service is also provided to the site by CVWD and is available at the property from an 18 inch water line located approximately 13 feet west of the street centerline in Avenue 47, as well as a 12 inch waterline located approximately 13 feet west of the street centerline in Caleo Bay. Domestic, irrigation, and fire flow water will be taken from these lines. The new water main construction will require direct connection to the water line and will therefore result in some disruption to the curb, gutter and pavement of Avenue 47 and Caleo Bay. New onsite waterlines may consist of an 8 inch and 12 inch lines, with domestic and irrigation lines connected to the main line as needed. Initial water improvements will involve the creation of a 5 Drainage Analysis, Dudek Engineering, Palm Desert CA, January 15, 2001. 6 Drainage Agreement, Palm Desert National Bank, Palm Desert CA, January 23, 2001. April 18, 2001 - Pagel 0 LEGEND I —> Direction of Flow i 47TH AVENUE 0.53 Slope —_—_—i--._.r_—_—____-------------------� Flow Line .... p Dry Well NP High Point 1 STORY OFFICE I PRD 610 2 STORY 2 STORY 1 STORY RAMC ��� f • OFFICE OFFICE I PPD 632 µ T PRD 610 2 STORY s I/ I 8l.M 1 OFFICE 6'8 ��J ,�, PAD 62.0 1 71 .7 _ . . 1 jr j _ i s -j :...a ...1 ° Q P z, .s ,� w lw o.,sar 1 1 i � 1 -T- 2 STORY i o — 28TORY OFFICE O •� 5 F% S21i3 �� ~ OFFICE PAM W.5 1 A= PAD 63.0 2STORY I E Z I I OFEiCPAD 62.0 I L 0-11 M i _ G s ` % $ I � � FL 2 J` [ ? STORY ■ 4 lr OF19CE f I• fJ 5` PAD 61.5 1 STORY fey + OFFICE CI PAD 62 0 0 r 1 STORY OFFICE f � r /RESTAURANT / 15 1i SO PAD 630 !r I I I 1 I r I J . f DRAWING ME: Conceptual Drainage Plan P11E8T WKSIC ARG"TECT�S 9 , I&ASSOCIATES (D P4 ---d T jn C-01. P,4— T K D FIGURE NO. + QiUINTA PROFESSIONAL► + FEET 17 _ _ 0 50 100 150 DMWING UU: PR EST �1 Sewer Plan VUK ARCH ARCHITECTS! 6iASSOCIATE9 P.e1�d r 1a c� eroie, T K D FEET 0 50 100 150 18 looped water line to serve the pads within the site, the connection of landscape irrigation lines (for streetscapes along Washington Street and Avenue 47), and the provision of stubouts with blow off valves in anticipation of the future building at each pad. The bank will be connected first, followed by the additional office buildings as they are constructed. See Figure 19, Water Plan. I. OTHER UTILITY PLANS Natural Gas Natural gas service is provided to the site by The Gas Company, which has a 6 inch medium pressure steel gas main in Washington Street adjacent to the site. The main in Washington was constructed in the late 1950's and is likely to be located near the center of the street, although the exact location requires verification. Service to the La Quinta Professional Plaza would require cutting and reconstruction of some street pavement which would typically be completed within one day. The Gas Company anticipates service for this project to be routine. Electric Electric service is provided to the site by the Imperial Irrigation District (IID). When the Lake La Quinta project was constructed, full underground electric utilities were installed for the eventual development of commercial properties between Washington Street and Caleo Bay. IID has 12.5 kv primary underground line which runs along the North side of Avenue 48 then in a northerly direction along the west side of Caleo Bay up to Avenue 47. The project would be served from the electric line in Caleo Bay. IID anticipates service for this project to be routine. Telephone Telephone service is provided to the site by Verizon and is available to the property from Caleo Bay. Verizon serves the Lake La Quinta project area from a terminal located at the main entrance off Washington Street. In anticipation of future development, distribution lines and manholes were installed in Caleo Bay to facilitate convenient connection of the commercial properties lying between Caleo Bay and Washington Street. In the case of this project, telephone cable would be extended from a pull box located in Caleo Bay adjacent to the interior property line. Verizon also has facilities available for high speed internet connection (ISDN or high capacity circuits) and anticipates service for this project to be routine. Cable Television Cable Television service is provided to the site by Time Warner and is available to the property from Caleo Bay. Time Warner maintains a 2 inch underground conduit in Caleo Bay. The project would be required to extend the 2 inch underground conduit from the existing system in Caleo Bay into the property. Installation of cable television would be coordinated with the extension of electrical service so that a single trench containing both facilities would be constructed. Time Warner considers service for this project to be routine. IV. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The development regulations contained herein provide specific standards relative to permitted land uses in addition to site design and construction regulations to be applied within the Specific Plan area. They are intended to protect the public health, safety and welfare and to create a harmonious relationship with surrounding land. In general, this specific plan is consistent with the CR Zone of the City of La Quinta April 18, 2001 - Page 11 LEGEND !� ••• Existing 18" Water Line — Existing 12" Water Line 47TH AVENUE Proposed Onsite 8" Water Line ---------- --- — —�_� — _ — ---- — — --� Fire Hydrant 1 STORY OFFICE - ,^ 4'i 3,400 SF. 2 STORY 2 STORY 1 STORY BANKjLJj ;Llk OFFICE 5.000 SF- _ _ ' - V 5,000 SF. 4 L!T _I LJ I L I 2 STORY OFFICE t 5,000 SF. '. f F_ �1 EPP Ir 1 CLu Lufl_ f 1 I !..-1 i f Z j 25fORY O 2 STORY OFRCE OFFICE 4600 SF. j 4,800 SF. F 11 / 11 2 STORY } z -- 0 OFflCE Q 6.400 S.F. m El of 2 STORY ���JJJ 4aopo sF. I� - 1STORY ; OFFICE i 4600 SF. ,STORY OFFICE i /RESTAURANT 3,600 sF. ! f r�l� TM • i.�.sF1.i �..� w�kY i..IMM��a. �.i �� 1 NOTE: f` 1.- EXISTING SITE HAS BEEN ROUGH GRADED. ! 2.- PRECISE GRADING WILL BALANCE ON SITE WITHOUT EXPORT OR IMPORT OF FILL MATERIAL, j DRAWING TITLE: PREST IC VUK 01181 , Water Pian TS A�RCHITEGTS,ssocxTxs T K D FEET0 ca-7� 50 100 150 Zoning Code unless a different standard is identified below. Should a development standard contained in this Specific Plan conflict with an equivalent standard contained in the City of La Quinta Zoning Code, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall take precedence. In instances where the Specific Plan does not address a particular regulation, the applicable portion of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code shall govern. A. PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED This Specific Plan shall allow all uses identified as Permitted as a principal use, Permitted as a accessory to the principal use, Permitted as a principal or accessory use if a Conditional Use Permit is approved, Permitted if a minor use permit is approved, and Permitted as a temporary use as identified in and subject to the provisions of the Mixed/Regional Commercial (M/RC) Zoning District described in Section 9.80.040 of the La Quinta Zoning Code. B. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS • Maximum structure height': 35 feet • Maximum number of stories: 2 • Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 0.25 • Building Setbacks' — from Washington Street: 30 feet — from Avenue 47: 20 feet — from Caleo Bay: 20 feet • Landscape Setbacks' — from Washington Street: 20 feet — from Avenue 47: 20 feet — from Caleo Bay: 10 feet • Interior Landscapelo — parking areas: 5% of project area — non parking areas: 5% of project area • Required Parking — Banks: One space per 250 square feet (sf) Gross Floor Area (GFA). — Office Buildings: One space per 250 sf, minimum of 30% of required spaces shall be covered by a trellis or carport structure. — Restaurant: One space per 250 sf, hours of operation will limit use along with parking management in conjunction with CR zone. — A facility to accommodate a minimum of five bicycles shall be provided for any restaurant use. — Other Uses: Parking provisions of the La Quinta Zoning Code Section 9.150 shall apply. 7 Not including minor architectural appendages, such towers, up to 40 feet. Building on Pad 5 shall not exceed 28 feet in height. 6 Number given is minimum building setback from the street right-of-way. In addition to the required landscape setback, the building setback may contain parking, driveways and similar facilities. 9 Perimeter landscape setback shall consist of landscaped area within the building setback. Number given is minimum landscaped setback from the street right-of-way. 10 perimeter landscape setbacks shall not be credited toward the interior landscape requirement. April 18, 2001 - Page 12 V. DESIGN GUIDELINES' 1 The Design Guidelines for the Specific Plan have been developed as a method of achieving a high quality, cohesive design character for the development of the La Quinta Professional Plaza in La Quinta. They provide specific design criteria for the development of the project, as well as encouraging creativity, imagination and a high level of harmony and consistency within the surrounding community. Adherence to the Design Guidelines will create a desirable asset to the community and enhance the project's overall value. These guidelines will govern the design quality of the project for application in the following ways: • To provide the City of La Quinta with the necessary assurance that the Specific Plan area will develop in accordance with the quality and character proposed; • To provide guidance to developers, builders, engineers, architects, landscape architects and other professionals in order to maintain the desired design quality; • To provide guidance to City staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council in the review of construction plans for the Specific Plan area. A. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES The building design of the mixed use complex utilizes a contemporary interpretation of Early California Spanish Architecture. Utilizing smooth textured plaster, mission clay tile roofs, deep recessed overlays, simple (but bold) detailing, interspersed with natural stone to provide the development with a sense of character. The bank building sets the tone for the remainder of the development. The hexagonal element that raps around the corner should become a landmark for the development. The stone and tile tower at the south end of the building identifies the main entrance of the bank. The architecture proposed for the project is shown on Figure 20, Bank Building Elevations. The bank building floor plan is shown in Figure 21, and the roof plan in Figure 22. To promote the campus like nature of the development the two-story buildings are clustered, with each building cluster's second story element linked with balconies. Many of the office buildings within the complex will be two-story and linked by covered walkways and connecting balconies. This will give continuity and ease of movement through the spaces, and give the office portion of the development its own identity. Figure 23 illustrates the architectural treatment of the conceptual office buildings. Mass & Scale • Varied proportions are encouraged. Elements in facades should be spaced at varying intervals to create a visual rhythm. • Each building will incorporate a continuity of mass, scale and architectural features. • Office square footage will be distributed among multiple buildings as to break up building mass. Roof Treatments • Appropriate use of flat, hip, shed, and pitched gable roof forms are encouraged while barns, 11 The temporary bank facility as previously detailed precludes Design Guidelines. April 18, 2001 - Page 13 DRAWING TLE: Bank Building Architectural Treatment NOT TO SCALE LEGEND COPPER SHEET ROOFING B� CLAY TILE TYPE; TWO PIECE CLAY MISSION MANUFACTURER; DELEO TILE COLOR; FIRESTONE BELLA C EXTERIOR ACCENT WALLS PAINT; PITTSBURGH PAINTS COLOR; # 522-5 EARL GREY OD STONE ADOQUIN COLOR; CAFE 2 E EXTERIOR WALLS PLASTER; PAINTED SMOOTH FINISH PAINT; PITTSBURGH PAINTS COLOR; # 522-4 WHIPPET F STONE ADOQUIN COLOR; NARANJA G STONE --VENEER COLOR; OZARK MOUNTAIN PATTERN; LEDGER O SIGN; BANK NAME (SEE FIGURE 25) O SIGN; LOGO (SEE FIGURE 26) PREST VUKSIC R KSIC ARCHITECTS &ASSOCIATES ovw�urwawanwon r4 -1.d T- /m comae P,.!- T K D FIGURE NO. 20 DRAWING TITLE: Bank Building Floor cow , r r , r r , PRIEST VUKSICIC Plan ARCHITECTS F PNFE4pW1LCOIbOM110N I&ASSOCIATES1 r , �r� Tm,,, ra C�q6 T K D FEET NO. i3 10 20 30 MFIGURE .__._.._---_t----------1--------------------- ---------- - - -� I I I I r r r ------------ ---------r -I -----•-- I ------ -1+ -�- I -- r r j j I I DRAWING TITLE: Bank Building Floor PRIEST VUKSICIC Plan ARCHITECTS F PNFE4pW1LCOIbOM110N I&ASSOCIATES1 �r� Tm,,, ra C�q6 T K D FEET NO. i3 10 20 30 MFIGURE 21 DRAWING TITLE: Bank Building Roof Plan PRES VUKSIC A �"!TETS &ASSOCIATES nT�d r fa c� r.i� T K D FEET FIGURE NO. , -Q-. _ 0 10 20 30 22 DM\MNG TITLE Conceptual Office Architectural Treatment LEGEND AD SMOOTH TEXTURE PLASTER (TYPICAL) @B 2 PIECE CLAY MISSION TILE C@ 12" DIA STEEL PIPE COLUMN D, 6" DIA STEEL PIPE RAILING E CERAMIC TILE DOME F 114" x 3" STEEL BARS AT 4" O.C. 7' DEEP OVERHAND ELEVATION TOWER ID SOLID CORE WOOD DOOR FLOOR TO CEILING WINDOW W/ ALUMINUM FRAME K 2' RECESSED WINDOW (L RECESSED SHEET METAL LOUVER STEEL PAN STAIR WITH CONCRETE TREADS ® 12" SQ. 6" DEEP RECESS O@ STAIR 0 4' DEEP OVERHANG © 5'OVERHANG 3' OVERHANG 2' POP OUT COLUMN PRESTr VU KS IC ARCHITE1110 CTS &ASSOCIATES 0 z� P.f_i.d Tm,,,fm iia R.!— T K U FIGURE NO. NOT TO SCALE 23 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Professional Plaza and false roofs should be avoided. • Flat roofs may be used with a parapet alone, or in combination with other roof forms. • The use of variable ridge lines on a single structure is encouraged. • Roof pitch may vary between elements of a structure. • Mechanical equipment may be placed only on flat portions of roofs provided that they are screened from public view and that the screening is incorporated into building design. Architectural Features and Details • All mechanical equipment including fuse boxes, heating and cooling devices and satellite dishes shall be screened from public view. Screening devices shall utilize the same materials and colors as the main structure. • The use of curtain walls is not allowed. • Exterior walls should emphasize shadow relief using recesses, bays, and covered walkways. • Building entryways should be visually emphasized. • The use of false facade treatments should be avoided. • Shaded walkways will be provided for second story elements. • Conversion of first floor windows to exterior tenant entries is allowed subject to Staff approval of architectural details. Car Ports Car ports should be designed to be architecturally compatible with the proposed building motif. Acceptable construction materials are steel, wood, concrete and plaster. Pre-engineered, lightweight steel structures should be avoided. Materials & Colors • The facade plays an integral role in building appearance and should use a continuous palette of similar materials and colors. • Restraint should be exercised in the number of materials and colors selected for a given structure. Accent colors should be limited to one or two per structure. • Acceptable construction materials are steel, wood, copper, stucco, concrete, plaster, ceramic tile, natural stone, aluminum and glass. • Muted colors are encouraged for large areas such as walls while brighter colors may be used for accents. (Examples of muted colors include off whites, pastels, browns, ochres, and rusts.) • Architectural details should be painted to match the facade. B. SIGN GUIDELINES This sign program is conceptual only. A detailed sign program will be submitted and approved before issuance of the first building permit. The purpose of this criteria is to establish sign standards necessary to insure coordinated proportional exposure for all tenants while maintaining integrated compatibility with theprojects architectural design. A detailed sign program for the Specific Plan area will be submitted prior to occupancy permits for any permit for any permanent building. Monument Signs • Signs will be designed with appropriate scale and proportion and should relate visually to April 18, 2001 - Page 14 buildings and surroundings. The monument sign design is illustrated in Figure 24. • Sign colors, materials, and lighting should be restrained and harmonious with the building and site to which it principally relates. • The number of graphic elements on a sign should be limited to the necessary minimum and should be composed in proportion to the area of the sign face. • Each sign should be compatible with signs on adjoining premises and should not compete for attention. • Three monument signs are proposed for the development, one at each of the three site access ways. Bank Signs The signs will be made of individually cut, back -lit, channel -set pieces that will each be mounted directly to the building, to accomplish this the signs will be removed from the temporary facility. The Palm Desert National Bank logo will be located on the south side elevation on the tile to the east of the entry doors (see Figure 20). The bank name will be located on the Washington Street elevation above the projected archway located in the series of arches south of the hexagonal element, (see Figure 20). As previously mentioned, the signs from the temporary bank will be reused for the permanent bank. Each of the signs will have individually cut, back -lit, channel -set pieces. Figure 25 illustrates the bank name, and Figure 26 shows the bank logo sign. Each of these signs will be separately attached to the temporary facility, the pieces of each sign will be mounted on a backing plate and then the signs will be mounted to the building. Upon completion of the permanent bank, these signs will be removed from the temporary facility and dismantled. The individual pieces will then be transferred to the permanent bank with each channel cut piece mounted directly to the building with no backing plate. Tenant Signs • A central directory may be provided onsite. • Tenant signs may be used if exterior doorways to individual suites are added in the future. • Tenant signs shallbe unobtrusive, consistent with the building vernacular and placed beneath the first floor arcade. • All signs and their installation must comply with all local building and electrical codes. • No animated, flashing, or audible signs will be permitted • No exposed lamps shall be permitted. • All tenants must have sign installed prior to opening for business. • All signs shall be of high quality materials and fabrication. • Upon removal of any sign by tenant, any damage caused by removal will be repaired by tenant of by landlord at tenant cost. • Except as noted in this sign program, no signing is permitted which does not directly relate to the primary service or function of the tenant's activity. Sign copy will be restricted to that specified in the individual sign section. • All signs shall be kept in a "like new" condition. On notice by the Landlord, a tenant will be required to refurbish any signing which does not qualify as being an acceptable standard. • All signs and installation of signs will conform to the appropriate building and electrical codes. • Electrical service to tenant signs shall be the responsibility of each tenant. • Exceptions to these criteria must receive written approval. April 18, 2001 - Page 15 RAISED RAISED METAL LETTERS-• PAINTED METAL PANEL SMOOTH TEXTURED PLASTER +� FLUSH WITH PLASTER \ TO MATCH BUILDING o ! [ 12'-0- 15" —ADOQUIN STONE— (TENANT SIGN) — ADOQUIN STONE RECESSED 4' PUNCHED CHANNEL LETTERS (WHITE) RECESSED I' INTERNALLY LIGHTED FRONT VIEW NOTE: SIGN TO BE LOCATED AT EACH OF THE THREE ACCESS WAYS. SIDE VIEW oRAWNGTITLE: PRIEST VUKSIC Monument Sign Program IEGTS I&ASSOCIATES KD rqd r fa cors rw;.e. T FI(A.M Na NOT TO SCALE 24 z' 22'-0" PALM DESERT COPY STRECHOUT 3 P" DESERT MYM MNX 1 114H REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LETTERS WNVHTE HALO ILLUMINATION NOT TO SCALE MANUFACTURE & INSTALLTWO (2) SETS OF REVERSE CHANNEL LETTERS REVERSE CHANNEL LETTERS: FACE: .063 ALUMINUM PAINTED TO MATCH DARK BLUE VINYL (230-36) NEON: 6500 WHITE BACKS: CLEAR LEXAN *.063 ALUM. RETURNS PTM DARK BLUE VINYL (3630-36) *.080 ALUM. FACES PTM DARK BLUE VINYL (3630-36) L .063" ALUMINUM RETURNS - PTM DARK BLUE VINYL 13630-361 .080" ALUM. FACE - PTM MRK BLUE VINYL 3630-361 ALUMINUM CUP 1/4° DIA. RIVNUT &THREADED STUD - CLEAR POLYCARBONATE LETTER Wc? — POLYCARBONATE TUBE SUPPORT GTO CABLE THRU 1/2° DTA. RDOBLE SEARIGHf CONDUIT - GROUNDED CONNECTOR 60mA GFCI TRANSFORMER IN - GROUNDED METAL BOX HIGH-VOLTAGE SPLICE BOX BETWEEN — LETTERS EIECTROBIIS ELECTRODE BOOTS & — GTO SLEEVE 15mm 6500 NEON TWZ REVERSE -CHANNEL LETTER SECTION NOTTO SCALE e � INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE W/NEC DRAWING TITLE: PFE.ST (DVUKSIC Bank Building Sign Program - Bank Name ARCHITECTS .�vc..— &.ASSOCIATES s of r to C-0Ia m;-, T K D FIGUE NO. NOT TO SCALE 25 3'-0" SIGN FACE STRECHOUT PTM PTM RUS _ ... _. _.. _... BrOWN 1-1/2" WIDE MANUFACTURE & INSTALL ONE (1) REV. CHAN. LTRS SIGN. PTM DARK BLUE (3630-36) FACE: .080 ALUMINUM PAINTED AS CALLED OUT. RETURNS: .063 ALUMINUM PTM DARK BLUE VI NYL (230-36) ILLUMINATION: 6500 WHITE GRID NEON (60MA) 'PAINT LETTERS & LOGO TO MATCH: DARK BLUE (230-36), SUN FLOWER (230-25) & RUST BROWN (230-63) VINYL. 'INSTALL IN DOOR WAYAREA DESIGNATED BY CLIENT. ('FACIA IS ATILE FINISH) "POWER SUPPLIED BY OTHERS REVERSE -CHANNEL LETTER SECTION oan%MNG nnF: P 1K1=ST Bank Building Sign Program - Logo ARCHVUK51G ITECTS&ASSOCIATES (D �«:•,x.t, T K D ndc�a r /a c�Wa waw FIGURE NO. NOT TO SCALE 26 t i y Mr. Colin McDermott Palm Desert National Bank January 15, 2001 Page 2 #2432-05 As a result, the 100 -year runoff volume created by the development will only increase by 0.20 acre foot over its natural undeveloped state. This volume represents a relatively small increase (approximately 0.54%) compared to the total volume of runoff from 151 acres at the 100 -year runoff volume, which is approximately 37.28 acre foot. Another method to illustrate this small increase is to measure its impact on the water surface elevation of the lake. Lake La Quinta is about 25 acres in size, and with 0.20 acre foot distributed over the surface it amounts to about 0.10 inch elevation difference. Thus, the PDNB project will have an insignificant effect on the existing drainage system. Based upon this drainage analysis, it can be concluded that development of the PDNB site as proposed will have a less than significant impact on the existing drainage improvements and the Lake La Quinta development. We request that the Lake La Quinta Homeowners' Association endorse the PDNB project and give their consent to the project draining onto Caleo Bay and ultimately into Lake La Quinta. I Lake La Quinta Drainage Report, August 1989. Dudek & Associates, Inc. 75-150 Sheryl Avenue m Suite C r Palm Desert ■ Califomia 92211 ■ (760)341-6660 r (760)346-6118 fax 3. I Lake La Quinta Drainage Report, August 1989. Dudek & Associates, Inc. 75-150 Sheryl Avenue m Suite C r Palm Desert ■ Califomia 92211 ■ (760)341-6660 r (760)346-6118 fax SPECIFIC PLAN - Quinta Professional C. LIGHTING GUIDELINES •Exterior li htin ,when used should enhance the building design and the adjoinin landscape. • Lighting standards and building fixtures should be of a design and size compatible with the building and adjacent areas. • Lighting shall be restrained in design and excessive brightness (night glow) avoided. • Standard design techniques will be employed to shield parking light fixtures from adjacent land uses and control direct glare and spill light emanating from these fixtures. • Parking lot lightpoles will be equipped with a recessed lamp and a flush lense and not exceed a maximum height of 20 feet throughout the site. Additionally, parking light poles adjacent . to Caleo Bay are not to exceed a maximum height of 18 feet, as to further reduce any spill light onto the street. • The average foot candles for the bank area will be 1.9, where as the remainder of the site should fall below an average of 1.7 foot candles. D. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES Entryways Areas which serve as a focus of vehicular traffic, such as project entries, should be accented by the use of colorful shrubs and groundcovers for enhanced visual interest. Project entries should utilize vertical accents such as palm trees to provide a sense of arrival to the facility. Plant materials at project entries should be located so as to avoid interfering with motorist sight lines. Buildings Primary building entries should be accented by the use of colorful shrubs and groundcovers for enhanced visual interest. Landscaping should be used to soften long stretches of blank wall surface. Landscape materials shall be selected with colors and textures which enhance architectural elements. Streetscapes • Streetscapes should incorporate informal masses of trees and shrubs. • Streetscapes fronting the project should maintain a plant palette and design concept which is compatible with surrounding finished street frontages. Parking Lots • The design of parking lots should include provisions for canopy trees to provide shade for parked vehicles. • Parking areas should be screened from adjacent roadways by the use of low berms. General Guidelines • Groundcovers should be used to enhance the appearance of the project and protect soil from erosion. Acceptable groundcover includes gravels, rocks or living plant materials. Tree bark and shredded wood products, which are lightweight and subject to wind and water erosion, are prohibited. r►ssoci r�sj April 18, 2001 - Page 16 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Professional Plaza Water efficient landscape materials, including native plants, with drip irrigation should be used wherever possible as a means of conserving scarce water resources and minimizing maintenance costs. Landscaping should be designed to screen above ground utility equipment, service areas and trash containers. Homogenous, visually subtle plant materials should be selectedfor use in these areas in order not to focus attention on the objectionable items. VI. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES A. HOURS OF OPERATION The La Quinta Professional Plaza will operate from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM, Monday though Sunday. The restaurant is planned to open for dinner from 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM, Monday though Sunday, and lunch Monday through Friday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM in order to capture onsite office patrons. B. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT According to the guidelines contained in the City's Transportation Demand Ordinance (Section 9.180.030), this project is required to make provisions for transportation demand management. In response to this requirement, the project shall incorporate the following measures: The project shall make provisions for bicycle racks in accordance with City Zoning Code Section 9.150.050.D.3.c. The project shall identify a Transportation Demand Coordinator to promote participation in TDM programs among employees. The TDM Coordinator shall encourage ride sharing, bus ridership, telecommuting, flexible work schedules, and other TDM programs as feasible and appropriate. C. MAINTENANCE Maintenance of buildings and grounds shall be the responsibility of the building management association. On site facilities and landscaping shall be maintained in a clean, attractive and safe condition in accordance with City regulations. April 18, 2001 - Page 17 Appendix A Rr ' K PALM 17rsf Np71D[`IAM.,rIm. January 23, 2001 Marshall Italiano, President Lake La Quinta Board of Directors c/o J & W Management Co. P.O. Box 1398 Palm Desert, California 92261 Subject: Palm Desert National Bank Drainage Plan as it relates to the Lake La Quinta Master Drainage Plan Dear Mr. Italiano, This letter is in response to your January 19, 2001 memo, specifically clarifying drainage issues. The project site is approximately 4.96 acres, of which 3.67 acres was not included in the 1989 Lake La Quinta Master Drainage Plan. Based upon the attached drainage analysis, it can be concluded that development of the Palm Desert National Bank site to be known as La Quinta Professional Plaza as proposed will have a less than significant impact on the existing drainage improvements and the Lake La Quinta development, and that the additional 100 -year runoff volume added by the development over the stat_ . CurrBiit natural state viii ariluiirit to an iiirri'ease in the wafer level of about 0. 10 inch distributed over the surface of the lake. Interest has been raised by the residents of the Lake La Quinta community concerning the nuisance runoff as well as that of 100 -year runoff volume. To address the nuisance water, a combination catch basin/dry well will be located in the landscaping adjacent to the Caleo Bay access. Grading will be performed in such a way as to insure that runoff will be directed towards this point, and away from Caleo Bay. The purpose of this dry well will be to retain as much nuisance water onsite as possible during normal rain events. This is being done with the understanding that water above and beyond the capacity of this well during such events as a 100 -year storm will be allowed to flow off site and be addressed per the Lake La Quinta Drainage Plan. \/\lith ronar�j to 411c water that Will nen off -cite into vales Ray QtreB4, property C..'ners of the La Quiff ��ta Professional Plaza development will share some of the costs associated with clean up of the affected dry wells, the details of which are to be worked out as the development proceeds, and ultimately be incorporated into the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of the La Quinta Professional Plaza. Based on this arrangement, the Lake La Quinta Homeowner's Association endorses the drainage plan described above in regards to the 3.67 acres not included in the 1989 Lake La Quinta Master Drainage Plan. And, under significant rain events, including the 100 -year runoff volume, consent is given to allow the project to drain onto Caleo Bay and ultimately into Lake La Quinta as it is now being drained. ver -uly yours, aa r Randal D_ Miller, President/ COO Palm Desert National Bank Z,z °Colin McDermott Palm Desert National Bank Approved: Marsha-Wttafta resident Lake La Quinta Homeowner's Association Board of Directors 73-745 EI Paseo, Palm Desert, California 92260-4328 (760) 340-1145 • 70-390 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, California 92270-5100 1. & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Teams for C.mpl— P -ye fs January 15, 2001 Engineering, Planning, Environmental Sciences and Management Services Mr. Colin McDermott Palm Desert National Bank 73-745 El Paseo Palm Desert, California 92260 Subject: Palm Desert National Batik (PDNB) Continents: New Site on Washinglon and 47'' Dear Colin: 75-150 Sheryl Avenue Suite C Palm Desert, California 92211 760.341.6660 Fax 760.346.6118 # 2432-05 As per our discussion with the City and you, Dudek & Associates has evaluated the drainage situation for the proposed PDNB facility to be located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and 47'h Avenue. I ph R!1 a'" W&TWO LI 114 1f► The protect site is approximately 4.96 acres and is located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and 47' Avenue. The entire area is vacant and it naturally drains from the northwest to the southeast direction. This site is part of the large drainage area contributing to Caleo Bay Street and ultimately into Lake La Quinta through catch -basins, storm drains and dry -wells already in place. Lake La Quinta is relatively large, covering almost 25 acres. The project site is approximately 4-96 acres. The portion of the site excluded from the Lake La Quinta drainage study is about 3.67 acres (see attached map). The total area included in the drainage study is approximately 151 acres, thus, the 3.67 acres that was excluded makes up less than 2.5% of the total area - The PDNB site naturally drains to the southeast corner of the property into Caleo Bay. With the development of the site, there will be a marginal increase in the amount of flow that will go into the Caieo Bay storm drain system. The following is an estimate of incremental drainage due to the development of PDNB site: A. Area = 3.67 acres 100-year/24 hour precipitation = 4.5" Runoff coefficient = 0.73 100 -year runoff volume - undeveloped state = 3.67 x 4,5 x 0.73 = 1.01 acre foot 12 Area = 3.67 acres 100-year/24 hour precipitation = 4.5" Runoff coefficient = 0-88 100 -year runoff volume - undeveloped site = 3.67 x 4.� x 0.73 = 1.21 acre foot 12