SP 1998-032 The Quarry (2002) Amendment 1, . I * . The Keith Companies I mrl<c In C cc CL 4p CL 01 THE QUARRY RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AUr 2�?n A Prepared For: The City of La Quinta, California Prepared By: THE KEITH COMPANIES PALM DESERT Planning, Engineering, Environmental Services, Land Surveying, Public Works, Water Resources & Consulting Services 73-733 Fred Waring Drive - Suite 100 Palm Desert, California 92260-2590 (760) 346-9844 August 26, 2002 APPLICANT/OWNER: John Shaw THE QUARRY RANCH, LLC 1 Quarry Lane La Quinta, CA 92253 760-770-1100 Prepared By: THE KEITH COMPANIES PALM DESERT Planning, Engineering, Environmental Services, Land Surveying, Public Works, Water Resources & Consulting Services 73-733 Fred Waring Drive - Suite 100 Palm Desert, California 92260-2590 (760) 346-9844 Contact: David Dawson, AICP, Principal Planner August 26, 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................. 1-0 2.0 INTRODUCTION......................................................... 2-0 2.1 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION ................................. 2-0 2.2 AUTHORITY AND SCOPE ..................................... 2-0 2.3 PURPOSE AND INTENT ....................................... 2-1 2.4 PROJECT LOCATION ......................................... 2-1 2.5 PROJECT OVERVIEW ........................................ 2-1 2.5.1 PROJECT SUMMARY ................................... 2-1 2.5.2 REQUESTED ENTITLEMENTS ........................... 2-4 2.5.3 SITE HISTORY AND MITIGATION ........................ 2-4 3.0 PROJECT SETTING....................................................... 3-0 3.1 EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING ...................... 3-0 3.2 SURROUNDING LAND USES .................................. 3-1 3.3 CIRCULATION PLAN ........................................ 3-2 3.4 UTILITIES .................... ........................ .... ...3-2 4.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 4.1 ARCHITECTURAL .......... ........................... ......4-0 4.2 LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES .................................... 4-0 5.0 SPECIAL STUDIES/HILLSIDE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT .......... 5-0 5.1 SITE PLAN ............................................ ......5-0 5.2 GRADING PLAN ............................................. 5-5 5.3 HYDROLOGY STUDY ........................................ 5-5 5.4 GEOLOGIC/SEISMIC/SOILS AND ENGINEERING STUDY................................................... .5-11 5.5 CONDITION MONITORING .................................. 5-11 5.6 VIEWSHED STUDY ......................................... 5-11 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3 -1 -Surrounding Land Uses ...................................................... 3-2 4-1 - Recommended Plant Palette .................................................. 4-1 5-1 - Hydrology Study Channel Capacity ............................................ 5-6 5-2 - Hydrology Study Channel Water Depth ......................................... 5-7 5-3 - Cross Section of Channel .......................... . ......................... 5-8 5-4 - Depth and Plotted Curves for Channel .......................................... 5-9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2-1 - Regional Location Map .................................................... 2-2 2-2 - Vicinity Map............................................................ 2-3 2-3 - Quarry Ranch TTM 30651 ................................................. 2-6 2-4 - Parcel Map 28617 ........................................................ 2-7 2-5 - Aerial Photograph of Entire Quarry Area and Santa Rosa Mountains ............... 2-8 3-1 - General Plan Map ........................................................ 3-3 5-1 - Site Plan/Grading Plan .................................................... 5-1 5-2 - Aerial of Quarry Subdivision/Quarry Ranch Specific Plan Area .................... 5-2 5-3 - Specific Plan Area Ridgeline Depiction ....................................... 5-4 5-4 - Slope Study ................_..... ............ ........................ 5-10 5-5 - Cut and Fill Quantity Statistics and Graphics .................................. 5-11 5-6 - Hillside Drainage Culvert at Tom Fazio Lane South ............................ 5-12 5-7 - Hillside Drainage Culvert at Tom Fazio Lane South ............................ 5-13 5-8 - Viewshed/Pad Cross Section Study, Parcel 1 .................................. 5-15 5-9 - Viewshed/Pad Cross Section Study, Parcel 2 .................................. 5-16 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3 -1 -Surrounding Land Uses ...................................................... 3-2 4-1 - Recommended Plant Palette .................................................. 4-1 5-1 - Hydrology Study Channel Capacity ............................................ 5-6 5-2 - Hydrology Study Channel Water Depth ......................................... 5-7 5-3 - Cross Section of Channel .......................... . ......................... 5-8 5-4 - Depth and Plotted Curves for Channel .......................................... 5-9 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Specific Plan proposes to develop a roughly four (4) acre portion of a small knoll, 146 feet in elevation, into two (2) premiere estate parcels to be subdivided by Tentative Parcel Map 30586 which is being submitted in conjunction with this Specific Plan. Each of the two (2) parcels will be approximately two (2) acres in size. This parcel map will be part of the Quarry Ranch subdivision, Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 30651, currently under review by the City of La Quinta. The La Quinta General Plan allows and encourages the use of a Specific Plan to create flexible development standards differing from the City's Zoning Ordinance. The Quar yRanch Specific Plan requests flexibility in regard to two (2) Zoning Ordinance requirements. The first one, Municipal Code (MC) Sec. 9.140.040(C)(1), restricts development on slopes exceeding twenty (20) percent. The second one is to request that the RL (Low Density Residential) zoning designation be used to control the development standards. With the use ofthe RL (Low Density Residential) zoning standards the Specific Plan will allow the proposed site land use designation to demonstrate a continued consistency with the General Plan and a developed density of one (1) dwelling unit per two (2) acres. Municipal Code Sec. 9.110.070 (8)(B) would usually require the application of the RVL (Very Low Density Residential) development standards in the HC (Hillside Conservation) District and a maximum density of one (1) dwelling unit per ten (10) acres. The engineering reviews relative to hillside development are still required and are included in this Specific Plan. The intent ofthe General Plan is to provide flexible development standards for the many different topographies within the City and to protect the views of the mountains. Development on the proposed slope does not affect the scenic vista ofthe Santa Rosa Mountains due to the low elevation ofthe knoll. Parcel 1 demonstrates a building pad elevation of seventy-six (76) feet and the Parcel 2 pad elevation is at seventy-seven (77) feet. It is important to note that Tom Fazio Lane South, directly in front of Parcels 1 and 2 ranges in elevation from 55.9 feet to seventy-three (73) feet. The pad elevations are in fact j ust above the road elevation with road to pad height differentials ranging from approximately three (3) feet to twenty-one (2 1) feet. Parcel 1 is 1.98 acres and demonstrates an overall average slope through the center ofthe property perpendicular to Tom Fazio Lane South of 9.41%. Parcel 2 is 2.08 acres and demonstrates an overall average slope of 13.99% as measured through the center of the property perpendicular to Tom Fazio Lane South. Some portions of both parcels do exceed 20% slope thus the Specific Plan is requesting the ability to develop in areas of 20% slope or greater. The General Plan standard in the RL (Low Density Residential) zone allows up to four (4) dwelling units per acre. This Specific Plan proposes to develop only two (2) parcels of an 18.51 acre area known as Lot I of TTM 30651. Rather than develop the entire 18.51 acre area with homes the Specific Plan will create two (2) home sites with a density in the Lot I area of the Quarry Ranch subdivision of one (1) dwelling unit per 9.25 acres. 1-0 SPECIFIC PLAN Quarry Ranch Specific Plan The proposed specific plan would technically create an approximate developed density of one (1) dwelling unit on each two (2) acre parcel. The General Plan designation of Low Density Residential (LDR) would allow development of up to four (4) dwelling units per acre with a potential maximum of eight (8) dwelling units on both Parcels 1 and 2. The minimal elevation of the proposed building pads, the protection of the knoll ridgeline and attendant minimal visual impact coupled with the low density development will allow for the protection of the views of the Santa Rosa Mountains with the approval ofthis Specific Plan. The intent of the General Plan is sustained as described within this Specific Plan. Note: Quarry Ranch TTM 30651(74.78 acres) contains Lot I (18.51 acres), a portion of which is the Specific Plan (4.06 acres) area which will be implemented by this Specific Plan and TPM 30586; TTM 30651 is currently being processed by the City of La Quinta. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION The Quarry Ranch Specific Planis organized into five (5) Sections. Section I, the Executive Summary, provides a regulatory context for the project and an overview of key project elements. Section II, the Introduction, provides a context for project planning by briefly discussing the project's required entitlements, history and existing setting. Against this background, Section III discusses the General Plan as well as the surrounding land uses. Section IV addresses architectural and landscaping guidelines to ensure that the prof ect is of high quality and is well integrated into the residential character of the subdivision. Section V presents the site plan and special studies required to mitigate the potential impacts associated with hillside development. 2.2 AUTHORITY AND SCOPE Section 65450 of the California Government Code grants local planning agencies the authority to prepare a specific plan of development on a given piece of property. The City of La Quinta's General Plan allows for flexible development standards differing from the City's Zoning Ordinance through the use of a Specific Plan. Consistent with the State of California's enabling authority and in accordance with La Quinta General Plan the Quarry Ranch Specific Plan proposes the residential development oftwo (2) parcels within the QuarryRanch subdivision. 2-0 In order to approve the proj ect, the City must make the discretionary findings required by the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 9.240.010, Specific Plans and Chapter 9.210.020, Conditional Use Permits. 2.3 PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this Specific Plan document is to address the slope development issues associated with the development of two (2) parcels, each with a single family residence, in sufficient detail to ensure that the subj ect site develops in a manner which is consistent with the General Plan, protects the public health, safety and general welfare, is compatible with zoning on adj scent properties and is suitable and appropriate for the subject property (Zoning Code 9.240.01 O.E). Ultimately, the project seeks to provide two (2) premier estate locations within the Quarry Ranch subdivision demonstrating compliance with the intent of the hillside conservation ordinance. In both text and illustration, this document depicts the configuration of the various components comprising the Specific Plan and establishes a factual and quantitative foundation to allow discretionary decisions to be made governing the development of the two (2) sites. In this way, the Specific Plan will serve to implement the City of La Quinta General Plan by specifying the development standards which are consistent with General Plan goals, objectives and policies. 2.4 PROJECT LOCATION From a regional perspective, the Quarry Ranch Specific Plan is located in the Coachella Valley within the southern boundary of the incorporated City of La Quinta, southwest of Lake Cahuilla CountyPark as shown in Fig. 2-1, Regional Location Map and Fig. 2-2, Vicinity Map. Primary access to the site is from Madison Street at Avenue 5 8, via Quarry Lane to Tom Fazio Lane South. The project area consists of 4.06 acres and is described as Parcels 1 and 2 on Tentative Parcel Map 30586. 2.5 PROJECT OVERVIEW 2.5.1 Project Summary The project proposes to subdivide 4.06 acres of land positioned in Lot I of TTM 30651 (Quarry Ranch) consisting of 18.51 gross acres, into two (2) parcels. Parcel I is proposed to be 1.98 acres and Parcel 2 is proposed to be 2.08 acres. The remainder of Lot I is to become a golf course and undeveloped land. The two (2) developed parcels will be part of the Quarry Ranch subdivision. 2-1 .. ' T Quarry Ranchq ica,ua'vr�F-P� Y 4 om � `�� �� i t - • ��r� '> •'rte -'-, �. N - ,�� i 'a; r} ti-:a"-t`r �' I •�~ -: � \ �_-- � �,f y `t,r? yl" �, foo ?t}� lr• r ; "� ti moi° r+ '�,r". "r r 4v � '��� � °}-"-^'-+� '_~..�'' h) �� �•.- o � J � j '.A LiCFV siIM1 r F__„ ; �1 ��, rE`•'-'�V . no RLS%- �.' v �'` , {� � -�} ;� fie ; �`�..• _ � -� ^ ' � .._ I - � F I �'� f - a,_,' �'�',°-� ���-:.: 'L j �: - � k I [ s � w"�y�'�. •�' ^"4 '3 3'- p' t•F '`t +- i� - i. .. r � � i— `9 _ � � �i � '� - '�� -dr" t"� ;+� �s l._ L ter �.••"''; �.- - ,L•(' Sy t'`-]«_ .w�! {` ti I` _ J - ii } `4 C i ' . s i141 NIX d <{ . ` h �.- 'lip ,�,' •.� ^rte 71-.tom; 4L ikx e_ z r44. ( TI t o 'Lm141 RcSFJ'NA N d. u • . -a its -~ - �.-ff-1lM1-Td 1 .v' Srr_'`s ��l ._._ I - 5�% ITI Regional Location Map The Keith Companies ITKCN Vicinity Location Map The Keith Companies Figure 2-2 SPECIFIC PLAN Quarry Ranch Specific Plan 2.5.2 Requested Entitlements To facilitate this project, the applicant is seeking approval of a Specific Plan, a Conditional Use Permit and a Tentative Parcel Map from the City of La Quinta. General Plan policy states that a Specific Plan shall be used for all projects proposing flexible development standards differing from the City's Zoning Ordinance. The Specific Plan discretionaryreview is necessary to allow the use of the RL (Low DensityResidential) zoning ordinance standard. This will continue the existing General Plan/Zoning Ordinance consistency in the Specific Plan. Additionally, relief is sought via the Specific Plan to allow development where the slope gradient exceeds twenty (20) percent, (M. C. Sec. 9.140.040.(B)(2)(c), Hillside Conservation Regulations). Approving the Specific Plan will allow grading on the knoll (146 feet in elevation) in areas that have slopes of 20% or greater. 2.5.3 Site History and Project Mitigation June `02- Tentative Tract Map No. 30651 was submitted proposing a golf course and twenty-eight (28) lot residential development known as Quarry Ranch. The two (2) parcels discussed in this Specific Plan have been submitted in a parcel map fonnat with the Specific Plan and will be included in the Quarry Ranch subdivision, TTM 30651. The General Plan provides for the approval of flexible development standards differing from the City's Zoning Ordinance via a Specific Plan when the intent of the General Plan goals are met. Bypositioning the pads for ridgeline protection, the use of appropriate landscaping, grading and the use of earthtone natural materials in construction per the standards of the Hillside Conservation Overlay District the project will further blend the single family homes with the hillside. The mitigating engineering/design considerations, grading, hydrology, slope studies, biology studies, archeological and viewshed studies associated with this project assist in meeting the goals of the General Plan relative to species preservation, archeological artifact preservation, public safety and viewshed protection. Aesthetically, the site will be developed in a manner consistent with the standards of the Quarry Ranch and the Quarry development. Additionally, the City of La Quinta development standards will ensure that the site plan is consistent with public health and safety interests. 2-4 i LAK vow YAP rr-r* IN THE CITY of LA QUINTA. COUNTY OF I{IVERS 04 STATE OF CAUFORMA WEEr 3 OF 7 STEM 9 L�T�C_. L y JY 0. 3P651 . BMV A SUB%M=W Or LOr A' AND TTit; RaAOAMR PARM OF PAR= UV AAa 2J&V AN FILE kV BOOK 10t PAGE' PS AAV 99 Lig' A4RCM I:M 1°ARW S 1. 2 AALD J ar PARCa AW Na .2j?F" ON RLE Ov a'17K f" PACS 10 AAV f 1 CIF PARt`af2 HAPS A - Pa97fDV CF LOTS A; r AAV 'e OF TRACT HAP A82 2P7?S &V F1LE W BOOK 2♦0, AWEY 1 ThA'LY W 11 [NC1.LCt V OF Aa"A AAV A PG qWV aF ?iW AVRW &E-MLF OF SEL7XW 28, TOkrhWt6P B SOWN R.AAWCE 7 EAST. SAN BERMAMW AtT:7 AZW AC M To VW CrjA'3AL Pur aF SW LAAO AUM ar AE DI5TI="W ar'F,'4E THE KEITH COMPANIES - PALMA DESERT DINASION APRIL.. 2002 uLxmagBE At= eer ei+A+ea evarr xAbr wr ama vfAr arr pc Lm fr Lor Ir A: swArr o ALS1f0� Lr r Auly rvt nor nw AAtAT AVA mrra nv AWY A Pif A061f a gT O1' Spir lW JJfii Ji1Rl ATA Jyn-r; it`/M Al AR:#'r1'i lAM A W SM -0 'XI "r N CM=rAIM AAO 0- W OW AM Rr PiWmap &av)wsxpwm 7v myl of AwmLrAwA M WM svr MWA urr AW tW pClAC Lltlf NI6MR JM !QJ AMI I�A[JB IOPS'X N7o/Y. IOMAMLAALAp.oe ;feaa AY ABM 9>aCfL�iSt.NRY AAFFS +Yb goi �elen[4 g Aoa1CYA0f/ tY K m[ f+4 elks AY x eo- oV � AAC& ii AMDa fl[ 4M ANX M7 A QHS AK M �-1J ASI AmmJ<+[ =ON MWAW bfiOC7 DOAW ="= AC 30 90&=CM 11 S! MV AW T R M AMC Ar l�le4? ffYi>0 MO D AML40 = S�IM]K1LKi ACPSACM� mC At *Ar � Y�� � PA=M =vWm a '>p!! PYwrci ztwm S ow f A r Awr Y / xm" A1M o [ABR IW W%ff tr PC ems' A k'Zw 'r At 00 MR W.M MEMW W= jrw mc \` '� i APWO ma v A JMW. AM N nW UP AR JIM is ~-AS fJ ° 1sAmmm .b, amwr� fd� f I mAM AB= AN ASC A1Q7 Af aiiM'� IYI / ACI r UC AEC= A®i�AAIAL O. IW At AMi11MB! All >DMAY i'ilii Amll� 0 f I I Ki Y'J AeuY. ASi4 rr� All G6t[iCiY FQr RNC AAl *9W*9W IW ,�'+V P• #XKJ PWM AiX # u w+t csw r enwrc J� i[E�O MD Arr fUfPs�i !F ,I.FIR = INS i I E Y I T is rtN� spinOff u sY�eRi erA�'MGYL Aeaselm AerJc rtAM As amAAos Aes mJ4 u ®MA®Bf SAS AWUVcWAKL aRarA9LJL omerxra®om M � I --------�f -.--._i_.� Lr i. -e... resrrFAa$`L.v�mme La J. •1� f C % CD N W f "Uor M6 >7Jaa i ILL A ASW T 1 f 7 N ! N 1 r4� 04 ,- N 1N�i7. e� tS,�'a�rra N[lilIyi � uaur LOT ml'r a m a x m, to IAV La�i7 �t _ _ _ • - - - r� y- �! IAReL6Q. Ala -1--\ a PJLL faf/IOJa Lo CD IV I M Ar = err r fJ somRJ. C=Wff Y lrOM.w Anw Ar-sasrrom. MGM= Nom SHEET 3 Or 4 SHEETS .BARGE. MAP NO.2 6.17 : m ma &W r. 1w � arms LM a 1•� A oa 1 9 13 Im ra01C sxrr+wAr 4w s Emu map r resww w. M a 'Olror AS M WWW' [ r[R Hoer wo. 3x171. As >vlowl 7m1� Ilr rm > T YJ L SAX. A� r ii.' FIMr1LS MW 15 OF rvs. AfAum o. Smnv LAND Assoc ms. IAS OCMJWR 2001 0, wolum FWAO MP&M a AS MW O mICJ m lu Y V. FUNK mm am 2a ft. UHLM N= rear c mew± .rte Mcm uR !! I I , -�wa m�an�s[ �V I l IR I�Irri ir�7d't >R.'•�+, _ iiio ` +�116� - f-) IIFR771C DATA FM ILL 2N/1-7� Olf, lMi� NOTED Sol r rJtc 1 u �� w ra RL r> 3 i'M[ • T s 1 y r7 . mmumm LW Z' �A. I • s i 7K _ i-) "=an om mm RS. 45M. OJE. u m "M 12" Aa L IM"Y LAW l Lw a ' I 011E11FLiE n �+► ! E E� �ar�oes �eae oAu ra olo� ai.a woiEs UK IV 1) i F.-Aff Wo M .R an �e 1 j I y le/r Dole= FAM or war I I arE wer s 1 f ' i / ,-gloss ,We`w — sages sail I I� ocaa DIMM 'l' 16 I s 1 s`m& 11-100 R r er. W)pm Ls, a ati � war�/a7em s PAlAML ! 1 I� awear SLor R' is �a ani ra' a stab X a est .... �" 11a.4 GYIl i7g7:. K 3 !%L fH4 ! RR K M:� R 11F R91L C S it R/R M �Y. i.re A rl ...-_..- --� Irl' }r �' __�__ Fi!L•' AVMGM Ilya �NEFS<.1 Mb K AL Location Map The Keith Companies j=jmjj,,= The Quarry Ranch Figure 2-5 SPECIFIC PLAN Quarry Ranch Specific Plan 3.0 PROJECT SETTING 3-1 EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING The 4.06 acre Specific Plan site area is located just south of the Quarry development and is accessed via Tom Fazio Lane South. Two (2) parcels are proposed with Parcel l being 1.98 acres and Parcel 2 being 2.08 acres. The General Plan designation is LDR (Low Density Residential) and the existing zoning designation is RL (Low Density Residential) The anticipated purpose of the General Plan designation LDR, as explained in the General Plan is as follows: "The land use designation is the most prevalent in the City and the planning area. It supports the development of single family attached and detached development, both in a country club setting and in standard subdivisions. Equestrian uses may be appropriate on larger lots. The clustering of smaller housing units, including condominiums and townhomes, may be appropriate in this designation, with the provision of common area amenities and open space when governed by a Specific Plan." Zoning Code Sec. 9.30.030 states that the purpose and intent of the RL zone is as follows: "To provide for the development and preservation of low density neighborhoods (two (2) to four (4) units per acre) with one (1) and two (2) story single-family detached dwellings on large or medium size lots and/or, subject to a specific plan, projects with clustered smaller dwellings, such as one and two-story single family attached, townhome or condominium dwellings, with generous open space. " 3-0 SPECIFIC PLAN Quarry Ranch Specific Plan RL ZONING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE FOR THIS SPECIFIC PLAN Minimum lot size Minimum lot frontage: Maximum structure height: Maximum number of stories: Minimum front yard setback: (non garage portions of dwelling) Minimum garage setback Minimum interior/exterior side yard setbacks Minimum rear yard setback Maximum lot coverage Minimum livable floor area excluding garage Minimum landscape setbacks adjacent to perimeter streets 3.2 SURROUNDING LAND USE 7,200 sq. ft. 60 ft. 28 ft. 2 20 ft. 25 ft. 5/10 ft. 10 ft. for existing recorded lots and 20 ft. for new lots 50% 1400 sq. ft. 10 ft. minimum at any point, 20ft minimum average over entire frontage The Specific Plan is also compatible with the zoning on adjacent properties. The Zoning Ordinance designations for the surrounding properties are RL (Low Density Residential) and allow the identical densities (RL zoning, two (2) to four (4) units per acre) as are allowed on the project parcels. Rather than develop the entire 18.5 acre area of Lot I with homes, the Specific Plan will create two (2) premier estate home sites with a density in the "panhandle" (Lot IofTTM30651,Fig.2-3) area ofthe Quarry Ranch subdivision ofone (1) dwelling unit per 9.25 acres. The surrounding land will remain in golf course use or in the current natural state. To provide a context for project planning purposes the General Plan designations for properties surrounding the Specific Plan area are shown in Table 1 below. Figure 3-1 provides a map showing the configuration of the General Plan alignments in the area. 3-1 TABLE 3-1 - SURROUNDING LAND USES DIRECTION/EXISTING GENERAL PLAN ZONING LAND USE NORTH/GOLF COURSE G (GOLF) RL (LOW DENSITY) AND AND 3 LOTS WITH HOMES, GC (GOLF COURSE) THE QUARRY SOUTH/UNDEVELOPED LDR (LOW DENSITY RL (LOW DENSITY LAND, GREEN SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL) AND OS RESIDENTIAL) AND OS PLAN, APPROVED, 277 (OPEN SPACE) (OPEN SPACE) HOMES) AND THE SANTA ROSA MOUNTAINS EAST/UNDEVELOPED LDR (LOW DENSITY RL (LOW DENSITY LAND RESIDENTIAL) RESIDENTIAL) WEST/UNDEVELOPED LDR (LOW DENSITY RL (LOW DENSITY LAND RESIDENTIAL) RESIDENTIAL 3.3 CIRCULATION PLAN The traffic pattern previously approved in the Quant' subdivision will be utilized for this project. Access will be via Quarry Lane onto Tom Fazio Lane South. Ingress and egress easements will provide access to Parcels 1 and 2. The circulation pattern can be seen in Fig. 2-5. 3.4 UTILITIES The ingress and egress easement path will also provide utility access. All utilities will be underground and are readily available from their current underground location beneath Tom Fazio Lane South. 3-2 General Plan The Quarry Ranch General Plan Map LDR z 0 U) Cr W LL LL LU LDR LDR CUS N TYie Keith Companies 0 I -DR Figure 3-1 r Ni � ,r s f wl h l General Plan Map LDR z 0 U) Cr W LL LL LU LDR LDR CUS N TYie Keith Companies 0 I -DR Figure 3-1 SPECIFIC PLAN Quarry Ranch Specific Plan 4.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 4.1. Architectural Guidelines The Architectural Design Committee for the Quarry Ranch shall review and approve all building designs and have each builder obtain written approval prior to the City issuing building permits. The architectural design of the project, through the analysis of architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style and other architectural elements will be compatible with the quality of design prevalent in the City. Architecture The architectural theme for The Quarry Ranch is described as "desert architecture" and may include Spanish mission, southwest adobe, pueblo and other compatible styles. Color The predominant color of all structures should be limited to the spectrum of white, cream, tan, sand, light brown, mauve, and other earth tones. Colors outside of this spectrum should be used for minimal accents only. Materials Roofing materials should be limited to clay tile materials in barrel or shake type forms. The predominant exterior building materials should be textured or smooth finish stucco. Wood, tile and limited wrought iron should be used as accent materials as dictated by the applicable architectural style. 4.2 Landscape Guidelines The project landscaping will be designed to provide visual relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, and provide an overall unifying influence to enhance the visual continuity of the project. The existing landscape concepts of The Quarryand The QuarryRetreat developments exhibit a predominance ofpalm trees and high quality, professionally designed planting concept. Itis the intent of the applicant to continue this quality landscaping pattern. To provide guidance to landscaping design concepts, The QuarryRanch Specific Planwill use the following native plant material palette as a general guide. Species in addition to those listed below may be considered to provide diversity and flexibility in design, however, the plant material in the list provided have been shown to be successful in the soils and climate conditions prevalent in this area. Per Zoning Ordinance Sec. 9.140.040(H)(3)(b) plans will be provided 4-0 SPECIFIC PLAN Quarry Ranch Specific Plan to preserve or reintroduce drought tolerant plants. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and perimeter areas shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. Please refer to Table 4-1 for the plant material palette. TABLE 4-1 RECOMMENDED PLANT MATERIAL PALETTE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Brachychiton populneus Note: Do not plant near pools and patios due to debris. Bottle Tree Ceratonia siliqua Carob Cercidium microphyllum Littleleaf Palo Verde Cercidium proecox Sonoran Palo Verde Citrus Ruby Red Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Naval and Valencia Oranges Jacaranda mimosifolia Note: Do not plant near patios, driveways, walkways or pools and spas due to debris. Jacaranda Rhus lancea Note: Multi -trunk African Sumac Schinus Molle Note: Do not plant near patios or pools and spas due to debris. Allow adequate room for spreadin roots. California Pepper Schinus terebinthefolius Brazilian Pepper Syagus romanzoffianum Queen Palm Washingtonia robusta Mexican Fan Palm 4-1 SPECIFIC PLAN Quarry Ranch Specific Plan RECOMMENDED PLANT MATERIAL PALETTE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME VINES AND GROUNDCOVER Aptima Red Apple Note: Needs partial shade. Bougainvillea - Shrub form Barbara Karst San Diego Red Rosenka Bougainvillea - ground cover Raspberry Ice Rosenka Royal Purple Calliandra tweedi Pink Powder Puff Carissa - groundcover Boxwood Beauty Green Carpet Flower carpet Rose Ground Cover Gazania Gazania Note: Now comes in burgundy and rose shades as well as the usual yellow and orange. Hedera Ivy Note: Select varieties that can withstand heat in shade or heat in direct sun. Lantana Lantana Lonicera japonica halliana Hall's Honeysuckle Tecomaria capensis Cape Honeysuckle rTrachelospermum - staked or groundcover Star Jasmine 4-2 1. SPECIFIC PLAN Quarry Ranch Specific Plan RECOMMENDED PLANT MATERIAL PALETTE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SHRUBS Agapantha Agapantha Note: Blooms onace a year. Buxus japonica Green Beauty - Japanese Boxwood Carissa Natal Plum - Tuttlei Chrysanthemum frutescens Marguerite Note: Short-lived perennial; shrub replacement should be considered. Homeowners like green foliage better than gray -green Euryops. Euonymus japonica Grandiflora Variegated Ligustrum Wax Leaf Privet Photinia frazeri Photinia Pittosporum Wheeler's Dwarf Variegated Rhapiolepsis indica Indian Hawthorne Ballerina - Deep Pink Indiana Princess - Light Pink Rose Simplicity Note: Comes in red, pink and white and provides year-long color. Can be trimmed into a hedge 4-3 5.0 SPECIAL STUDIESMILLSIDE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT 5.1 SITE PLAN The project site plan is shown in Fig. 5-1. The small knoll is the lowest (146 feet) in elevation and the most northerly projection ofthe Santa Rosa Mountains in this immediate area, please refer to Fig. 5-2 and Fig. 2-5. This low level toe of the mountain is almost entirely within the Quarry Ranch subdivision area. Several other homes existing to the south ofthe Specific Plan area are closer to the steeper, main mass portions ofthe Santa Rosa Mountains. There is also the Green Specific Plan (277 homes, TPM 28617) approved to the south in the area between the Santa Rosa Mountains and Lot I of TTM 30651. Please refer to Fig. 2-5. The top ofthe ridgeline on Parcel I is 146 feet. The street frontage distance is a259 foot length fronting on Tom Fazio Lane South which is at a seventy (70) foot elevation. The maximum depth ofthe Parcel is 351 feet. The proposed pad height for the single familyresidence is at a seventy-six (76) foot elevation. There is a seventy (70) foot elevation change to the top ofthe ridgeline. These pad elevations, in conjunction with the maximum height allowed in the RL zone of twenty-eight (28) feet, will ensure that the low ridgeline ofthe knoll will not be compromised. The distance from the centerline ofthe road to the nearest point ofthe pad on Parcel l is ninety- seven (97) feet. The top ofthe knoll ridgeline on Parcel 2 is 108 feet. The street frontage distance is a 324 foot length fronting on Tom Fazio Lane South which is at a 55.8 foot elevation. The maximum depth of the parcel is 351 feet. Parcel 2 ofthe Specific Plan displays a proposed pad height for the single family residence of seventy-seven (77) feet. The RL zone maximum height of twenty-eight feet will provide protection for ridgeline views in that there is thirty-one (3 1) feet of elevation change from the pad to the top ofthe ridgeline. The distance from the centerline ofthe road to the nearest point of the pad on Parcel 2 is 134 feet. Parcel l demonstrates a building pad elevation of seventy-six (76) feet and the Parcel l pad elevation is at seventy-seven (77) feet. It is important to note that Tom Fazio Lane South, directly in front of Parcels 1 and 2 ranges in elevation from 55.9 feet to seventy-three (73) feet. The pad elevations are in fact just above the road elevation with road to pad height differentials ranging from approximately three (3) feet to twenty-one (2 1) feet. Parcel l is 1.98 acres and demonstrates an overall average slope through the center ofthe property perpendicular to Tom Fazio Lane South of 9.41 %. Parcel 2 is 2.08 acres and demonstrates an overall average slope of 13.99% as measured through the center ofthe property perpendicular to Tom Fazio Lane South. Some portions of both parcels do exceed 20% slope thus the Specific Plan is requesting the ability to develop in areas of 20% slope or greater. 5-0 Z/ CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SITE PLANIGRAnING PLAN OF PARCEE 1 AND 2 B£/NG A S!/BDMSION OF A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 £AST, SRW BE(MRDINO MSE AND MERIOM PROPOSED E4SEMENr FOR W5RESS, EGRESS AND PUBLIC L� U71L/71E5 TO�Jf� D 2AZ/O LANf �- —-x57,0c~ �- CES Llolll x,57.4 a —. a ---_ —------�� wewai— x 5 x57 1 SEWFR —F LINE,_ LA ~``��x57,2 -----------_ w . TOM FAZ/O LANE SOUTH WV -4301 V -Altjs 115 105 -9& w The Keith CompaniesMMI aYmwr MNW, LLC IIAE kVM Aa1 NWIS 1 AWiRr LAW 7.f -7M fW WMW DR. U WNR G 922M RE 100 PICA1 LIESERT, 41-M Bnnfwso; stim. 101, PWM DMl a Beall (leo) Sa-ve" Mair (480) 216-1126 G/ 92211 AaVTACT - JIM SMW Ayavf (760) 346-9644 CWTACT - LIFAN PALUW 2. 0 RIDGE B 207vB()— FiJL 0 -" BENCH MARKL LAND USE A.P.N. BASIS OF BEARING: /466 Lim (NO 04n r94J R1Y CO) Amw &Ww - WW 761 -*50-008 ME BEARINGS MEW ASE BW MAW VE DW SET IN A MW F05T (AVT STANW) Ar Magg5a - ML5 W FAME MV UNE W Lor C As SfA w ON nucT Ala INE SW, SLR OF AAOWROE ST. AND Mh 27724 ALB 249/1-1.1 REQa4QS a' R1VEMW AVE U&..- -64.955. ZONING* CWW,, STALE OF CN.FMM4 WW AS EJ057AVG ANO PAa9750 ZOW/AU - R -L M71T2073'W LN v s I X x sn z X o 3 N z w o LA QUERTA ' Y a AVE 54 PGAWEST LAKE CAHUiLLA l �y AVE 5 �+ QUARRY -rP"A� B C L 4 PRMCT vE sz WCAMN errr rm4r VICERM MAP Wis 0 Ae 1q 120 Figure 5-1 The Quarry i !` Ranch ** " iRd4 Yr� lv�l +r �•a" _may+^♦ t`. y�lY i /-sm ti § i o ,. . �a r 'E � ,- �� r ',,��•. m+y'=.�r . � +'rte. • s a It r ` t -P ; At w Color Site Map The Keith Companies Figure 5-2 In analyzing anypotential viewshed impact to homes in the neighborhood an important fact to take into consideration is that this small knoll does not affect the views of the steeply rising Santa Rosa Mountains immediately to the south. This fact is demonstrated in Fig. 5-3 by observing the marked ridgeline of the Specific Plan area. No portion of the proposed residential structure will be visible above this ridgeline. 5-3 4 5 r • � �+ 3 ';ri �i4 .j. . _ _ fid• '-_ "- + y! 4 5 r • � �+ 3 ';ri �i4 .j. . _ _ fid• 5.2 GRADING PLAN The conceptual gradingplan for the single familyhome pads associated with the Specific Plan is demonstrated in Fig. 5-1. The slope percentages and the disturbed and undisturbed grade percentages are available in Fig. 5-4. The total grading cut and fill quantities are shown in Fig. 5-5. The final grading plan will demonstrate rounded slopes and varied slope preparation leading up to the pad to simulate the natural hillside environment. The undisturbed portion of the slope is intended to be designated as open space. 5.3 HYDROLOGY The QuarryRanch site is composed of a rocky hillside covered with sparse brush. The hillside slopes downward to the north at between 2% and 20%, the average being in the 10% range. An existing storm drain inlet is located just west ofthe northwest comer ofParcel l and another storm drain inlet is located in the northeasterly corner of Parcel 2. The drainage inlets were designed as part of the overall hydrology study for The Quarry subdivision. The drainage inlet near the northwest corner ofParcel l is comprised of a concrete drop structure with a trash rack leading to a 6'x8' concrete box culvert. All flows west ofParcel 1 are intercepted by this culvert. No changes to the existing grading are to be made to the contributing area for this storm drain. The drainage inlet at the northeast corner of Parcel 2 is a concrete headwall with a 30" RCP culvert. Because of its location and the surrounding topography, this inlet intercepts onlythose flows from the hillside, approximately 6 acres, most of which is in Parcel l and Parcel 2. This has not changed from the original hydrology study. A channel will be improved along the front of the two parcels to capture and route the surface flows directly to the inlet. The channel shall have side slopes of 2:1, a bottom width of 4 feet, a minimum depth of 4 feet and a lateral slope of 5% (.o5ft/ft). The worksheet for the maximum capacity for this channel, labeled "Parcel l and Parcel 2 Channel Capacity" shows that the total volume this channel can carry is over 1200 CFS. This is well in excess of the original hydrology reports Q100 of 19.1 CFS. Additionally, the worksheet labeled "Parcel l and 2 Channel Water Depth", along with the accompanying cross section, show that the maximum water depth that can be expected from the design Q 100 storm is 0.48 feet. In addition, a worksheet entitled "Depth Curve Parcel l and 2 Channel" shows a depth curve for flows ranging from 0 to 100 CFS. It should be noted that even at flows over three times the design Q100 storm, the channel still maintains a minimum of 3 feet of freeboard.The basic flow patterns have not been altered. No new areas have been graded to drain into either storm drain system; Tables 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, and 5-4, immediately following, demonstrate the hydrology analysis. Figures 5-6 and 5-7 show the existing drainage improvements at the site. 5-5 TABLE 5-1 Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 Channel Capacity Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel" . Project Description Project File c:lhaestadlfmwXquary1-.fm2 Worksheet' Quarry Ranch - Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 Flow.Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge i Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.022 Channel Slope 0.050000 fttft Depth. 4.00 ft Left Side Slope 2.000000 H: V Right Side Slope 2.000000 H: V Bottom Width 4.00 ft Results Discharge 1,223.62 cis Flow Area 48:00. ft' Wetted Perimeter 21.89 ft Top Width 20.00 ft Critical Depth 6.55'- ft Critical Slope 0.005189 ftfft Velocity 25.49 ft/s Velocity Head_ 10.10 . ft Specific Energy 14.10 . ft Fronde Number 2.90 Flow is supercritical. 5-G 0 TABLE 5-2 Parcel 1 and 2 Channel Water Depth Worksheet'for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description 0.48 _ Project File untitled.fm2 Worksheet Quarry Ranch - Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data 0.48 Mannings Coefficient 0.022 Channel Slope 0.050000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 2.000000 H : V Right Side Slope 2.000000 H : V Bottom Width 4.00 ft Discharge 19.10 cfs Results Depth 0.48 ft Flow Area 2.38 ftZ Wetted Perimeter 6.15 ft Top Width 5.92 ft Critical Depth 0.78 ft Criticbl Slope 0.008905 ft/ft Velocity 8.02 ftfs Velocity Head 1.00 ft Specific Energy 1.48 ft Froude Number_ 2.23 Flow, is supercritical. 5-7 TABLE 5-3 Cross Section Parcel 1 and 2 Channel Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description 0.022 Project File untitled.fm2 Worksheet Quarry Ranch - Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Section Data Mannings Coefficient 0.022 Channel Slope 0.050000 ft/ft Depth , , ' 0.48 ft Left Side Slope 2.000000 H: V Right Side Slope 2.000000 H : V Bottom Width 4.00 ft Discharge 19.10 ds 0.48 ft 1 4.00 ft v H 1 NTS w 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 C 0.8 - CL 00.7 C c . t 0.6 U 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2- 0.0 .2 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Discharge (cfs) 5-9 TABLE 5-4 Depth Curve Parcel 1 and 2 Channel Plotted Curves for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Project File untitled.fm2 Worksheet Quarry Ranch - Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Constant Data Mannings Coefficient 0.022 Channel Slope 0.050000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 2.000000 H : V Right Side Slope '2.000000 H : V Bottom Width 4.00 ft Input Data Minimum Maximum Increment Discharge 0.00 100.00 5.00 ds Channel Depth vs Discharge 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 C 0.8 - CL 00.7 C c . t 0.6 U 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2- 0.0 .2 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Discharge (cfs) 5-9 i CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF Ft1VERSI1:)E, STATE OF CAL1f=0RNIA SLOPE STUDY PA]fDX CCE]L I AND 2 OF Q UARR Y RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SLING A SUBDIOSION OF A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN c n DISTURBED AREA���. - ����`r/DISTUr� J%IY IJ ,//fit ti i UNDIS The Keith Companies E 4 t 41-876 Bardmlk, Suite lot, Palm arwL G 1=11 (7B0) 848-B!N A - GRADING 0AWIT LINE 77' - GRADING LIMIT SET ARA rES D UNDISru 10' CRIB WALL D AREA PARCELS 1 AND 2 1 TOTAL AREA AND .RANGE OWNER /APPLICANT: ENGINEER MAP PREPARE-: BENCH MARK: LAND USE A.P.N. BASIS OF BEARING: IXW7RY Jd1ACrl, LLC lle!' AiJTH CZ1Y°ANF5 1466 JJSA4 (Mh 11WAS 1941 RN. Co.) Av-W CXJSDW - MCor 761-050-008 [Af AJ nc � J LS'I4SS'✓ LASE fl CO 16fWS AV, 96C SL7 N A aISC MST (A17r StAWY-0) AT Ly - L�fQU At)W ELSJ L CA Sa4m AV APAC!' M7 LA LK.+dYTd CA 91;w A` Sr AAG .S�Fh 7. IN Sif. 100 PNM A€3Fkr, AFF _ OF RAMW P10W(4Li9J?1G-r126 Lit 97711 RCV- 64.95.56 CM7Y, SWE9�J-1GIl.1�Q4M% SWMN AS CLWrACr - .,0 w SMw PWAC (7604 .746-984r rXJST15G' NA9 PIOGSf7 2ZWW' - R -L Maozo'lrw N CVNTACr - LEAN A411YSt7 PARCELS 1 AND 2 1 TOTAL AREA AND .RANGE Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. -1,883.67 Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. Percent Color 0.00 10.00 29,9D7.88 17 10.00 20.00 54,826.53 31.4 20.00 > 20.00 91,946.26 51.6 Gi PARCELS 1 AND 2 1 TOTAL UNDISTRUBED AREA AND RANGE Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. -1,883.67 Percent Color OM 10.00 3.5 10.00 20.00 17,378.71 32.7 20.00 > 20.00 33,529.17 63.8 PARCELS 1 AND 2 TOTAL DISTRUBED AREA AND RANGE Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. Percent Color 0.00 10,00 28 024,22 23. 10.00 20,00 37,177.29 30.3 20.00 > 20.00 58,417.09 46.7 U PARCELS 1 1 TOTAL AREA AND RANGE Range Beg. Range End Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. Percent Color 0,00 10.00 18,513.15 21,5 10,00 20.00 38,995.83 45.3 20.00 > 20.00 28,548.41 33.2 !`I PARCELS 1 1 TOTAL UNDISTRUBED AREA AND RANGE 11 Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. Percent Color 0.00 10.00 1 677..1 6.2 _ 10.00 20.00 14.040.19 52.7 20.00 '> 20.00 10,901.03 41.1 1, PARCELS 1 TOTAL DISTRUBED AREA AND RANGE Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. Percent Color 0.00 10.00 16.535.19 28.5 10.00 20.00 24,685.11 41.3 20.00 > 20.00 17,647.38 30.2 IM PARCELS 2 1 TOTAL AREA AND RANGE Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. Percent Color 0.00 10.00 11,394.73 21.5 10.00 20.00 15,830.70 17,5 20.00 > 2000. 63,397.85 70.0 F PARCELS 21 1 TOTAL UNDISTRUBED AREA AND RANGE Range Beg. Range End Area S.F. Percent Calor 0.00 10.00 205.71 0.8 10.00 20.00 3,338.52 12.7 20,00 > 20.00 22,628-14 86.5 64 PARCELS 2 TOTAL DISTRUBED AREA AND RANGE Range Beg. Range End Areo S.F. Percent Color o.Do 10.00 1, 189-03 47.5 10.00 20.00 12 492.18 19,3 20.p0 > 20.00 40.769.71 63.2 _ a: jAz2 $ z QUINTA N AVE 5 PG'WESS-T^%�� LAKE CAHUILLA ` , �J AVE 5 QUARRY SM 11-40' PROJECT AVE J24 0 2a. 46 EO 1T LOCATION - - VICINITY MAP NTS Figure 5 - -7 --- 1 Site Volume Table: Unadjusted Cut Fill Net Yl Site Stratum Surf 1 . Surf2 yards yards yards Methoc par12 par12 e3371 par12 21.864.79 13036.48 (C) Grid . -, ,._ _ter � ,�,;,. -;� �, -�,•. aa��-- ti o- y, Wit$ '� f.•,.�, � - .�..'.• �'. •,�-_.. - = s.-,� -.�_ _ ! 1 � fes_ _ •. r � - _ "- - � , _ 7 Ael. no— kip. ....... Se *'Uk 7413 r j' 5.4 GEOLOGY, SOILS, SEISMIC AND ENGINEERING ANALYSIS The geotechnical study has determined that the area can be built upon safely using the specifically recommended engineering. 5.5 MONITORING PROGRAM PER CEQA STANDARDS Municipal Code Sec. 9.140.040 (H)(3)(c) requires a monitoring program for the preservation of open spaces when hillside development occurs. It should be noted that Municipal Code Sec. 9.210.020 (J) allows for the CUP approval to provide ongoing review authority for the Planning Commission or City Council to modify or revoke the CUP. Additional conditions that constitute the mitigation monitoring program per CEQA standards are as follows. 1. Require a licensed engineer to supervise the actual grading of the sites. 2. All undisturbed land on the two (2) Specific Plan Parcels shall be designated as open space per conditions of approval. 3. The appearance ofthe natural hill shall be restored as feasibilitypermits by the use of boulders and/or landscaping with an emphasis on native landscaping. 5.6 VIEWSHED STUDY The viewshed study is comprised ofthe depiction ofthe ridgeline above the slope where the Specific Planproposes the residential project (Fig. 5-4). No portion ofthe proposed residential construction will be visible above the ridgeline. Additionally, Figs.5-8 and 5-9 demonstrate line of site perspectives in conjunction with cross section perspectives of each parcel's pad position. The view impact will be minimal in relation to the massive scope ofthe Santa Rosa Mountains and in recognition of the fact that the pads are only slightly above Tom Fazio Lane South. NOTE: Thegeology/engineering, biology and archeology special studies associated with this Specific Plan are evaluated by the City of La Quinta Planning Staff per CEQA standards. 5-14 SZ= i LA gUINTA AVE 54 mmw AVE 5J CrW�111 f A QWRY IRO.II.CTULZt LOCATION VICINITY MAP NTS QUARRY RANCH SIGHT LINE EXHIBIT: VIEW 1 Itfit R n A'PTTI! LIT LETT 20' -10.00 GROUP QR1 SECTION 1 3► 1111 view �. I f I 0' 400' 800' 1200' 1600' 2000' 2400' 2800' HORIZONTAL SCALE 1 "=400' VERTICAL SCALE 1 "=100' 3200' 3600' 4000' The Keith Companies MCC 41-M Bmf Sue. iBt Pdn Bwrt CA 92211 (NO) 30"M -8 `.y mom, moommonsommoson MESON offismommommommommom awsomommommommol 0' 400' 800' 1200' 1600' 2000' 2400' 2800' HORIZONTAL SCALE 1 "=400' VERTICAL SCALE 1 "=100' 3200' 3600' 4000' The Keith Companies MCC 41-M Bmf Sue. iBt Pdn Bwrt CA 92211 (NO) 30"M -8 `.y 3 Z � QvnNra � AVE 54 PGAWMTT LAIC CN#liLlJl ` 1, QUARRY 1�J PRO tVE LOCATION VICINITY MAR NTS -10.00 GROUP QR1 SECTION 2 200' 140' 80' �)/)y QUARRY RANCH SIGHT LINE EXHIBIT: VIEW 2 0' 400' 800' 1200' 1600' 2000' 2400' 2800' HORIZONTAL SCALE 1'1=400' VERTICAL SCALE 1 "=100' 3200' 3600' 4000' The Keith Companies C 41-M ea•ds# are. 101, Pdn DnK G 9MI (M) 3W#9" 341 3 Z � QvnNra � AVE 54 PGAWMTT LAIC CN#liLlJl ` 1, QUARRY 1�J PRO tVE LOCATION VICINITY MAR NTS -10.00 GROUP QR1 SECTION 2 200' 140' 80' �)/)y QUARRY RANCH SIGHT LINE EXHIBIT: VIEW 2 0' 400' 800' 1200' 1600' 2000' 2400' 2800' HORIZONTAL SCALE 1'1=400' VERTICAL SCALE 1 "=100' 3200' 3600' 4000' The Keith Companies C 41-M ea•ds# are. 101, Pdn DnK G 9MI (M) 3W#9"