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SP 2000-047 La Quinta Court (2000)
I� p� -city -of .Quinta� f� La Quanta Court Specific Pian July 2000 Applicant: JDD, LLC c/o G.J. MURPHY �R Design Team: Conway Architecture, Inc. _ z *# Hacker Engineering, Inc. , John G. Vogley & Assoc., ASLA G.J. Murphy Construction r CO WAY r� ARCHITECTURE, INC, gpI�6O�.�.�;° CITY COUNCIL _ _. a DATEHoward A subsidiary of & Seibert, Inc. - 600 University Street, Suite 1818 ":; D3 d ` os rpt �l Sea171e, VVA 988101 I HCl.'•".: - } 223-4999 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY _ A. Authority and Scope, ................. ___ ................_....._...._........_ ..-_._........,.__,.. B. Purpose and Intent .................... ........ ...... ......... ..._......... C. Project Overview ................. ............................. . . �..__........_.. ........-- --... D. The Process & Findings .................................................................. II. DEVELOPMENT PLAN - ....... ......._. - ..�_...�__.._,.....__..._.__. A. Project Description .............................................................................. ----- _.. . 1. Existing Site — Zoning and Characteristics 2. Architecture Land Use — Site Plan 3. Development Standards---------------------------------------------------------- B. -------------_----------_B. Landscape Description ----------------------------------------- .._................ x ..... _... .,.—....... III. SITE CIRCULATION . ....................................�.....�.-., A. Overview B. Vehicular.............—_------.__._._..........._.----------........_..._-_,--•---._.._...._.....—...___�_._ C.. Pedestrian IV. GRADING/UTILITIBS/DRAINAGE/FLOOD CONTROL ..................... _...... ____................... .. A. Grading Plan .......................................................................... ------------•----•---- -•- B. Drainage Plan ............... . C. Sewer Plan D. Water Plan E. Other Utility Plan ............................... ............... ....__.....w._. ............. ..... _.._.......... . V. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS VI. PHASING AND IMPLEMENTATION VII. DESIGN GUIDELINES A. Overview B. Architectural Guidelines C. Sign Program ............................. -.......................... .._................... ...,._�__...- -- VIII. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES AND MAINTENANCE APPENDIX 1 - APPLICABLE GENERAL PLAN POLICIES Conway Architecture, Inc. A subsidiary o1 Emick Howard & Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA TABLE OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Regional Location Map Exhibit 2 Vicinity Plan Exhibit 3 Zoning and Land Use Designation Plan Exhibit 4 Tentative Parcel Map Exhibit 5 Site Land Use Plan Exhibit 6 Landscape Concept Plan Exhibit 7 Landscape Elevation Studies Exhibit 8a Landscape Detail Studies Exhibit 8b Landscape Detail Studies Exhibit 8c Landscape Detail Studies Exhibit 8d Landscape Detail Studies Exhibit 9 Circulation Plan Exhibit 10 Preliminary Grading Design Exhibit 11 Utilities Plan Exhibit 12 Illustrated Architectural Treatments Exhibit 13 Sign Program Exhibit 14 Monument Signs Exhibit 15 Sign Details LIST OF TABLES Table I Land Use Summary Table 2 Compliance Summary Table 3 Proposed Plant Pallet ATTACHMENTS City of Coeur d'Alene Review Comments Conway Architecture, Inc. A subsidiary o1 Ernick Howard & Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA I. INTRODUCTION/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Authority and Scope In accordance with the CELSOC Planning and Zoning guidelines section 65450 Specific Plans, a planning agency or property owner may cause the preparation of a specific plan for the development of a particular piece of property. The La Quinta Court Specific Plan demonstrates implementation of regional commercial zoning criteria consistent with the General Plan in both land use and intensity. Approval of the La Quinta Court Specific Plan is subject to city council findings as listed in The City of La Quinta Zoning Code section 9.240 Specific Plans. B. Purpose and Intent The purpose of the enclosed site development permit submittal for the La Quinta Court Commercial Development is to ensure that this proposed development satisfies the requirements of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code and all allowances which may be granted as a part of the Specific Plan approval process. The proposed regional commercial development is consistent with the approved General Plan, protects the public health, is compatible with adjacent zoning and uses, and is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. The following preliminary site development, building development, signage, and landscaping documents depict the character and components of the La Quinta Court Development. Ultimately this development will provide the citizens of the Central Coachella Valley with a high quality commercial center. C. Project Overview The La Quinta Court Development is located in the Central Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quinta (See Exhibit 1 — Regional Location Map). The site is bounded to the north by State Highway 111, to the south by Washington Street and to the east by Simon Drive and an adjoining developed parcel (see Exhibit 2 — Vicinity Map). The site is currently vacant and undeveloped, and has no significant scenic or natural features. The site has no significant landscaping. The project is currently composed of Parcels 2 — 7 of Parcel Map No. 18418. The subject properties will be joined by a parcel merger and all existing easements within the project will be vacated and/or abandoned. The total proposed site area is 229,739 GSF (5.65 acres). The property will be subject to a R.O.W. acquisition along the Washington Street frontage concurrent with the reconfiguration of the Washington Street R.O.W. The project will dvelop four separate buildings for use by commercial tenants consistent with the Regional Commercial zoning designation and the General Plan. The proposed range of uses is: Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 1 A subsidiary of Emick Froward 5 Seibert, Inc. ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard Seibert, Inc. E3G Grl.;--;y Slrael. Qiate TEL 205. 223, aoga FAX 206. 22:, aS90 Dele Frank & Associates, Inc 7900 SE 28th St., Ste, 405 Mercer Island, WA 98040 tel. 206.275.4130 fax. 206.275.4131 HACKER ENGINEERING, INC wa WAUu : xr enie nw•.mc 57370 29 Palms Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.3 65.7010 Email: hacker@eee.org John N. Vogley & Assoc., SLA 45-179 Panorama Dr. Ste. C P31m Desert, CA 9260 ML760.776.6677 Eas. 760.776.6679 email: �vi i Caa gre ner coctaca: josh Vogley Avi Bct-.Halakhmi G.J. Murphy Construction ,mom» P.O. Box 1124 Palm Desert, CA 92261 tel: 760,340.9423 Fax: 760.568.4429 email: ahhbaja@aol.com drawlnG title 1 It I C C)NWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard k Seibert, Inc, Gnc teC" sc•.c.r E3c Vn�-,:Ier Sirerl. �r1i'c TEL _-:-223. 4999 F^- 200. .23. 4990 Dale Frank & Asscciates, Inc 7900 SE 28th St., Ste. 40. Mercer Island. WA 9&D.0 tel. 206.275.4130 lax. 206 275 4131 HACKER ENGINEERING, INC Ovl ^K1,1li'I.UMIO Y.'rvfYlvUIW�.vL 57370 29 Palms Hwy 5ulte 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.365.7010 Emall: hacker@eee.org John N. Vogley & Assoc., ASI. 45-175 Panoruna Dr. Ste. C Palm Dese:., C -IL 9260 reL 760.776.6677 fax. 760. 76.66'9 email: frTCagre-net con taCrs: jorh d'081cy .in &-t-H'a3aic!t_-rfi G.J. Murphy Construction a-�-V= P.O. Box 1124 Palm Desert, CA 92261 tel: 760,340.9423 fax: 760.568.4429 email: ahhbaja@aol,com dr,owing flfle ! 1 MOR IS • W1 LIM • Restaurant e� • Grocery Store V Art Gallery - Golf Cart Sales Bank • Real Estate Agency !� Motorcycle Sales Retail Commercial Space Ilk All other uses permitted in the Regional Commercial Zone The project will not provide pad site development, the project will not include fast food restaurant tenants, and the project will not provide gas station or associated automotive service uses. ^! In addition to the buildings, the project involves associated site improvements, e landscaping, parking, and right of way improvements. No project phasing is proposed. Requested Entitlements P The applicant is seeking approval from the City of La Quinta for this Specific Plan to be submitted in conjunction with a Site Development Permit Application, a Parcel Merger, a conditional use application for automotive and motorcycle sales and an Environmental Assessment Application. The applicant also retains the right to file for a Development Agreement in conjunction with this project and the associated right of way x' improvements. k D. The Process & Findings The following four required findings are necessary to approve the project: L Consistency with General Plan. The proposed development is consistent in use and intensity with the Regional Commercial designation of the General Plan (see Appendix 1). 2. Public Welfare. The plan or amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. The proposed project is consistent with city development standards, engineering standards and fire department requirements designed to protect public welfare. 3. Land Use Compatibility. The specific plan is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. The proposed development is consistent with the commercial character and uses of the F properties and major arterial streets surrounding the subject parcel. The project is r Conway Arch1tecture, Inc. Page 2 A subsidiary of Emiek Howard & Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA appropriately buffered from adjacent uses; uses to the east and north, and proposed uses to the west are commercial. 4. Property Suitability. The specific plan is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. The project is located at the SE intersection of State Highway 111 and Washington Street; two primary arterial streets identified by the General Plan as "appropriate locations" where "commercial development should be facilitated to occur..." The project will encourage commercial uses identified by the city as "high tax revenue -generating types of uses." Utilities and city infrastructure for the project are readily available and will meet project demands. The project complies with city development standards. II. DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. Project Description 1. Existing Site — Zoning and Characteristics The subject site is located in the Central Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quinta. The site is bounded to the north by State Highway 111, to the south by Washington Street and to the east by Simon Drive and an adjoining commercially developed parcel. The site is zoned CR — Regional Commercial and is consistent with the General Plan Designation M/RC — Mixed Regional Commercial. The site is subject to a NR — Non Residential overlay designation prohibiting the inclusion of residential uses. As stated in chapter 9.70 the purpose and intent is ..."to provide for the development and regulation of regionally oriented commercial areas located along the Highway 111 corridor as shown on the general plan. The CR district is intended to provide a broad range of goods and services serving the entire region." Relevant Permitted uses listed in chapter 9.80.40 include: Retail store under 10,000 sq. ft.; retail stores 10,000 — 50,000 sq. ft.; miscellaneous services such as ...videotape rental, and other similar uses; dry cleaners; banks; restaurants; and galleries displaying sculpture. Existing zoning and General Plan designations as well as existing uses are described on Exhibit 3 — Zoning and Land Use Designation Plan. ' The project site is currently vacant. The site has no natural features and no significant landscaping features. The frontage along Highway 111 has been t improved with curb and gutters. Fire hydrants are installed on approximately 400' centers. The frontage along Washington Street has been improved, however, h Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 3 A subsidiary o1 Emick Howard d Seibert, Inc. ,�CC(NR) 4CC(NR) .Proposed i 4Commercia), '�Shoppinq �Ctr T i PLAZA ONE -ELEVEN LA QUINTA M/CR(NR) CR(NR) Commercial Shopping Center CC(NR) CC(NR) Commercial Shopping Center General Pian M/RC Mixed Regional Commercial CC Community Commercial MDR Medium Density Residential (NR) Non—Residential Overlay Z RM Medium Density Residential s HIGHWAY 114 M/RC (NR) CR(NR) Vacant i HAPPY POINT RM MDR Residential Community M/RC (NR) C'R (NR) Automotive Dealership CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. ■ sumdlary o: I& Ids Inc. Dn. Union Squor. 600 U01v.oly Street, #tale Sector, - Wo - 96f 01 TEL 206. 223. 4999 FAX 206. 222�. 4990 7W0 fIE 99th 4L, &AL 4W &a 01 li cL1mnw 101. 201LEMA"o IML ■oUM4111 HACXM qK;NMWr' W_ oa I$ 57'BYO29 PWm Hwy su to 202 Yom VWW. CA 122#4 MwNK M3653131 14m:760.M.7010 EM1119: j"N_-V4W1q&Aw*t_ ASIA 46.173 pzbo as DL 6r. C Palm >;yreL CA 9R250 .�. Avi GJ. Mwphy c..I PA a= 11M PSOM Duet, CA UM Wk 7 W 340.0W fte 70a 109.44M .Id: drawing title F.X H#elT. �-.- HIGHWAY ILIMI ftl 7777nW. 77 PARCEL I PN 5403-020'-"007 SIMON MOTORS CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary or £rnicx Howard Seibert. Inc. Ong Unlon Square we vntr4ntry s1r..a, /�aaa sear"., we 00101 TEL 266. 223. 4999 FAX 296. 233. 4990 GO* Frank & Avaocla . ki(C, 7900 SE nth Sl.. Sm, 405 M rew Island, WA MAD tm, 2g1 2n.4130 lax. 206.275.4131 HACKER Fri INMRING, INC i3 5 73 70 39 Pal ms !vy SWev 207 Yucca valky, CJI 42294 Phone: 76+0365.3131 TAX: 760..365.7010 Erroll: hader#eee erg A'SLA +sans puwfta. 0(. soc c Palin Da"3% Ci 9m60 teL 760.7n4677 Fax. 760.776467+ gnrau: tri cxgta y�,*ary. Avi 1kt4 aakfjm G.J. Murphy Constructivr, P.O. IBM ;t24 F,Wn DOW, CA #7161 taxa: i60.5i6.4Q,p erne: Ai+iobt�pa440pi.eyxn I HIGHWAY 99� CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A enbddiu7 of Ltmick Howard k Seibert, Inc. One union Squore 600 Unlrerslly S1rse1. VB1B Mille, Wa 98101 TEL 206. 223. x999 FAX 206. 223. 4990 DSI@Fre * &Aeeo0lrlee, Ins:. 7100 BE 9661 St, Ste. 406 M- ser IaYrrd, WA SBM M. 206—NA190 MR. 906576.4151 HACRFR ENGINEERING, INC. ena�ow�rcwr+vwcrwwc 57370 29 Falms Hwy Sults 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92264 /hone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.365.7010 Email: hackerVae,org Jobe Ne Val & Asmw. AKA 45-175 Penenma Dr. Ste C PdmDamn CA 97260 eel 760.776.6677 ficL 760.776.6679 40001 jr77@Rz=l caawma Joab Vegief Ad Bet-HilAhW GJ. Murphy Cornu aftoftmM Y.U. Boer 1124 FRIM fir CA MR M: 760,840,9423 %c: 760,566.4428 wMil:eI N , 10 e0 xwm drawing title Site Plan EXHIBIT 5 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA the City of La Quinta is in the process of implementing a ROW acquisition along the north side of Washington Street in order to reconfigure the westbound lanes. The proposed development will participate in the design and construction of these ROW improvements. The project is currently composed of Parcels 2 — 7 of Parcel Map No. 18418. The subject properties will be joined by a parcel merger and all existing easements within the project will be vacated and/or abandoned (see Exhibit 4 — Tentative Parcel Map No. 29791). The total proposed net site area is 229,739 GSF (5.27 acres). The total proposed net project area is 183,895 GSF. The aggregate total of land dedicated to landscape buffer and deeded to the city is 63,885 GSF or 26% of the gross site area. No project phasing is proposed. 2. Architecture Land Use — Site Plan The site plan with conceptual building mass is shown in Exhibit 5 — Site Plan. This specific plan proposes the construction of 4 buildings linked by site circulation and architectural elements clustered around a central parking area. Two intersecting primary pedestrian pathways have been developed. Allowance has been made for trellis shades, fountains, and an interior project area for the possible inclusion of public artwork. An easement will be created to accommodate GTE equipment installation. Specific Plan Approval will include the building locations, parking and drive-through circulation, service locations, and landscaping plans. The basis for the calculation of parking demand and use allocation is City of La Quinta Zoning Code Table 9 — 12 Parking for Nonresidential Land Uses. "General retail uses 50,000 GFA and greater... 1 space per 250 sq. ft. GFA. " The conceptual building sizes are summarized in Table 1 below: i 1 Building size is conceptual and may be modified, to a maximum of 4%, subject to conformance with parking and design criteria contained in the Specific Plan, see table 2. d 2 Land use may be modified subject to conformance with the Regional Commercial Zone and parking and design r criteria contained in the Specific Plan. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 4 A subsidiary of Emick Howard & Seibert, Inc. Table 1 La Quinta Court Land Use Summary Building Size Use Building 1 27,968 GSF Restaurant (includes outdoor seating), Grocery Store, Mixed Commercial retail Building 2 11,382 GSF Commercial Retail BuildinE 3 9,221 GSF Real Estate A enc , Restaurant, Commercial Retail Building 4 4,397 GSF Commercial Retail Total 52,968 GSF i 1 Building size is conceptual and may be modified, to a maximum of 4%, subject to conformance with parking and design criteria contained in the Specific Plan, see table 2. d 2 Land use may be modified subject to conformance with the Regional Commercial Zone and parking and design r criteria contained in the Specific Plan. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 4 A subsidiary of Emick Howard & Seibert, Inc. The project provides landscaped parking areas containing 116 parking stalls. These areas include 7 handicap accessible spaces dispersed to serve all proposed structures. Three (3) spaces have been eliminated to accommodate and appropriately screen a GTE telecommunications equipment installation. Landscape islands break up the parking. * Integrated into these parking areas are enhanced pedestrian walkways with shade trellis. This internal pedestrian walkway system will connect the project businesses to the street sidewalks in 5 locations. Building entries have been shaped to allow overhang and trellis cover and to provide generous landscaped plw: a areas. Architectural building elements have been used to enhance pedestrian walkway views and to create a consistent contemporary theme for all 4 buildings. Small-scale water fountain features are proposed at two building entry areas. A prominent location at the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street has been set aside for the incorporation of public artwork. Outdoor lighting for the project will be designed to enhance project features while meeting all local Outdoor Lighting Control Ordinance guidelines. Building heights do not exceed 22'-0". Trellis elements have been integrated with landscaping and monument signage to enhance prominent project areas and to provide interest and variation at less prominent locations. The proposed buildings do not exceed one story. r Architecture, Inc. y of Emlck Howard 3 5101b®rt, Inc. 3, Development Standards �* i! The La Quinta Court Development occupies a prominent corner site at the intersection of two major regional roadways. To avoid a typical strip mall 1 approach, the project proposes to enhance this comer by bringing the buildings and landscaping to the street and surrounding the parking in the center of the tenant will occupy the main corner with development. A prominent restaurant other commercial uses located in buildings organized along the street frontage. The project has carefully integrated the architecture with the landscape buffers surrounding the parking and with the internal pedestrian circulation to enhance the user experience and create a high quality addition to the City of La Quinta. ! Three driveway access points will be provided to the site. A right turn -in and right turn -out access will be provided along the Highway 111 frontage. The project will enhance the generous landscape buffer at this entry with pedestrian the -� circulation and site signage treatments designed to take advantage of rocky [ desert landscape. A right turn -in and right turn -out access will be provided along R4 the Washington Street Frontage. Here, a landscaped boulevard style entry is incorporating signage similar to that used on Highway 111. Lastly, two- proposed way access will be provided from Simon Drive. The intersection of Simon Drive and Washington Street will be configured for left turn access from Washington to Simon as a part of the City's ROW improvements. The project provides landscaped parking areas containing 116 parking stalls. These areas include 7 handicap accessible spaces dispersed to serve all proposed structures. Three (3) spaces have been eliminated to accommodate and appropriately screen a GTE telecommunications equipment installation. Landscape islands break up the parking. * Integrated into these parking areas are enhanced pedestrian walkways with shade trellis. This internal pedestrian walkway system will connect the project businesses to the street sidewalks in 5 locations. Building entries have been shaped to allow overhang and trellis cover and to provide generous landscaped plw: a areas. Architectural building elements have been used to enhance pedestrian walkway views and to create a consistent contemporary theme for all 4 buildings. Small-scale water fountain features are proposed at two building entry areas. A prominent location at the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street has been set aside for the incorporation of public artwork. Outdoor lighting for the project will be designed to enhance project features while meeting all local Outdoor Lighting Control Ordinance guidelines. Building heights do not exceed 22'-0". Trellis elements have been integrated with landscaping and monument signage to enhance prominent project areas and to provide interest and variation at less prominent locations. The proposed buildings do not exceed one story. r Architecture, Inc. y of Emlck Howard 3 5101b®rt, Inc. The building setback along Washington Street has been reduced to 20'. In consultation with Community Development Staff this is proposed in order to offset the Washington Street ROW acquisition of approximately 16,522 GSF; to provide a greater amount of interior on-site landscaping and to enhance on-site pedestrian amenities. In consultation with Community Development Staff one minor variation on the City zoning code is proposed: The proposed project area currently complies with parking demand requirements (see table 2 below). Three required spaces have been waived to accommodate the creation of an easement for the installation of GTE communications equipment. A single drive-through with 7 spaces for auto stacking is proposed. These 7 spaces will be credited toward the required parking demand to establish a maximum allowable project square footage of 56,000 GSF. This parking credit may also be used to provide enhanced interior project landscaping. This allowance has been recognized as appropriate in similar commercial development projects (see the attached City of Coeur d'Alene Zoning Code excerpt and planning review comments). The maximum allowable restaurant square footage (20%) is 11,200 GSF. This specific plan seeks approval for 12,000 GSF of sit- down restaurant use (no fast food is proposed) and 1000 GSF of patio dining use, an increase of 3%. A destination dinner restaurant will occupy 18.5 % of the 23% proposed total. The peak demand for this tenant will not coincide with normal commercial retail operating hours. A conditional use permit application has been filed in conjunction with this specific plan to allow the .use Of automotive, motorcycle and vehicle sales with �► exterior display at buildings 2 and 4 (See Exhibits 8b & 8c). This use is consistent and appropriate with adjacent uses. Exterior display areas will be developed in conjunction with city requirements. M t A comparison of the La Quinta Court Development Plan with the City of La Quinta Zoning Code is shown in the following table: Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 6 A subsidiary of Emlck Howard & Seibert, Inc. B. Landscape Description The landscape design and implementation of La Quinta Court will incorporate the City of La Quinta Design Guidelines. Being located at one of the most prominent locations in the City and the Coachella Valley, it will aspire to set and demonstrate the highest possible standards of landscape design and execution, enhancing the project and the community. The landscape design shall follow a "Desert Spring" theme, using water conserving, low maintenance plants similar to the landscape concept developed for the City of La Quinta I Highway l I 1 Corridor, and the better commercial developments in the area such the Eagle Hardware store (now Lowe's). The street landscaping on Washington Avenue and Hwy i 1 I (see Exhibit 6 — Landscape Plan) will incorporate a mixture of medium and large flowering trees, together with open - form shrubs, drifts of low groundcovers, succulents, and occasional specimen plants such as multi -stem Ocotillo or a dwarf palm. The planting will be done on undulating earth 3 Maximum structure height equals 22' with in 150' of a primary image corridor. 4 Includes 7 drive-through stacking spaces credited toward parking total. Allows for reduction of 3 spaces to accommodate GTE equipment installation. 5 Building size is conceptual and may be modified subject to conformance with the approved parking and design criteria. The Specific Plan seeks approval for a 56,000 GFA maximum to accommodate future market conditions. Conway Architecture, Inc. A subsidiary o1 Emick Howard & Seibert, Inc. Page 7 Table 2 La Quinta Court Compliance Summary Develo m,ent Standard Category Pro used S ecific Plan Max Structure Height CR Zone Provided b S ecific Plan Max Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 22 } 22' Min. Building Setback —Hwy. 1 11 35 500': I •22 Min. Building Setback — Washington Street Min. Building Setback 30' 50' 20' — Simon Drive Min. Landscape Setback — Hwy. 1 11 20' 20' Min. Landscape Setback —Washington Street 50' 20' 50' Min. Landscape Setback — Simon Drive 10' 20' Min. Setback from Interior Property Lines 0' f 10' Building Landscape Area 6' landscape buffer provided Interior Parking Lot Landscape 5%5% Parking spaces 5% 5 % % Drive -Through Stacking Spaces 212 2 Loading Areas 7 7 Total Allowable GSF based on Parking Provided' Total % Restaurant Use based' 56000 2 52,968' on Table 9-12 20% 23% B. Landscape Description The landscape design and implementation of La Quinta Court will incorporate the City of La Quinta Design Guidelines. Being located at one of the most prominent locations in the City and the Coachella Valley, it will aspire to set and demonstrate the highest possible standards of landscape design and execution, enhancing the project and the community. The landscape design shall follow a "Desert Spring" theme, using water conserving, low maintenance plants similar to the landscape concept developed for the City of La Quinta I Highway l I 1 Corridor, and the better commercial developments in the area such the Eagle Hardware store (now Lowe's). The street landscaping on Washington Avenue and Hwy i 1 I (see Exhibit 6 — Landscape Plan) will incorporate a mixture of medium and large flowering trees, together with open - form shrubs, drifts of low groundcovers, succulents, and occasional specimen plants such as multi -stem Ocotillo or a dwarf palm. The planting will be done on undulating earth 3 Maximum structure height equals 22' with in 150' of a primary image corridor. 4 Includes 7 drive-through stacking spaces credited toward parking total. Allows for reduction of 3 spaces to accommodate GTE equipment installation. 5 Building size is conceptual and may be modified subject to conformance with the approved parking and design criteria. The Specific Plan seeks approval for a 56,000 GFA maximum to accommodate future market conditions. Conway Architecture, Inc. A subsidiary o1 Emick Howard & Seibert, Inc. Page 7 SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA mounds among croppings of tan native boulders and rocks (See Exhibit 7 — Landscape Elevation Studies). Use of turf shall be limited. All other planting areas (except for groundcovers) will be covered with decomposed granite, stabilized and compacted, and tightly set rocks. Groups of Washingtonia Palms (hybrids of the stocky California Fan Palm and the slender Mexican Fan Palm) will enhance street corners, site entrances and building entries (See Exhibits 8a — 8d Landscape Detail Studies). Other exotic palms such as the Guadalupe and Pindo palms will add interest in specific locations with their blue foliage. Mediterranean and Sago Palms will be used as specimens and focal points, especially in plazas and courtyards. The parking lot will be shaded with wide canopy trees. Where space is limited (for example: near buildings) or where screening is desired (such as between the site and the adjacent car dealerships), columnar, evergreen trees will be used. Annual flowers will be planted in restricted locations such as around monument signs, entries and in large decorative pots. Plaza areas developed, as outdoor display for commercial uses will be treated in conformance with City of La Quinta Zoning requirements. Landscape Development Standards: plant materials will meet or exceed the standards for landscape as set forth by the City of La Quinta zoning ordinance and applicable Highway 111 image corridor design guidelines. Landscape Palette: please see the following plant list and the conceptual landscape plan. Landscape Maintenance: a landscape maintenance manual shall be submitted as part of the general planting specifications. The following is the proposed plant palette for the La Quinta Court Project. Plant material identified with an asterisk is proposed for use along Highway 111: Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 8 A subsidiary of Emick Howard 6 Seibert, Inc. Table 3 Proposed Plant Palette Qty Key & Scientific Name Common Name Size Caliper Shade/Canopy Trees 5 C.L. Chilopsis linearis* Desert Willow (multi stem) 24" box 1.5"-2.0" 12 A.S. Acacia smallii* Sweet Acacia (multi) 24" box 1.5"-2.0" 6 A.A. Acacia aneura Mulga 24" box 1.5"-2.0" 6 A.W. Acacia willardiana* Palo Blanco (multi) 24" box 1.5" 28 P.C. Prosopis chilensis `Colorado' Chilean Mesquite 36" box 2.5"-3" Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 8 A subsidiary of Emick Howard 6 Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA Table 3 Proposed Plant Palette Qty Key & Scientific Name Common Name Size I Caliper Columnar Trees 15 A.S. Acacia stenophylla Shoestring Acacia 36" box 2.0"-3.0" 8 B.P. Brachychiton populneus Bottle Tree 36" box 3.0"-4.0" Palms 40 W.R. Washingtonia robusta* Mexican Fan Palm *hybrid 8712716' n/a 18 P.D. Phoenix dact lifera Date Palm 12716720' n/a 3 C.H. Chamaerops humilis* Mediterranean Fan Palm 36" box n/a 5 B.A. Brahea edulis Guadalupe Palm 6710714' n/a 7 B.C. Butia capitata Pindo Palm 8712' n/a 5 P.R. Phoenix roebelenii Pigmy Date Palm 3 stems n/a 3-------11 C.R. Cycas revoluta Sago Palm Specimen n/a Shrubs 40 C.A. Cassia artemisioides* Feathery Cassia 5 gal. n/a 40 C.N. Cassia nemo hila Desert Cassia 5 gal. n/a 30 C.P. Caesalpinia pulcherima* Red Bird of Paradise 15 gal. n/a 25 D.P. Dalea ulcehra* Indigo Bush 5 gal. n/a 50 L.F. Leocophyllum frutescens* Texas Ranger Green Cloud 5 gal. n/a 50 L.F. Leocophyllum frutescens* Texas Ranger White Cloud 5 gal. n/a 12 T.P. Thevetia peruviana Yellow Oleander 15 gal. n/a 30 B.R. Bougainvillea `Rosenka'* Bougainvillea Spp. 5 gal, n/a 25 C.E. Calliandra erio hylla* Fairy Duster 5 gal. n/a 25 C.Ca. Calliandra californica Baja Fairy Duster 15 gal. n/a 60 G.N. Grevillea noellii Grevillea 5 gal. n/a 70 L.Fc. Leuco hllum fr. compacta* Dwarf Texas Ranger 5 gal. n/a 40 R.P. Ruellia peninsularis Ruellia 5 gal. n/a 40 D.P. Dalea pulchra* Indigo Bush 5 gal. n/a 30 G.C. Grewia caffra Lavender Starflower 15 gal. n/a Cacti and Succulents 15 F.S. Fouquieria splendens* Ocotillo 7 canes+ n/a 25 E.G. Echinocactus grusinii Golden Barrel Cactus 5 gal. n/a 25 F.C. Ferocactus cylindracus Red Barrel Cactus 5 al. n/a 12 O.B. Opuntia basilaris Beaver Tail Cactus 5 gal. n/a 20 O.S. Opuntia Santa -Rita Santa Rita Prickly Pear 5 gal. n/a 20 Y.E. Yucca elata Soaptree Yucca 15 gal. n/a 5 N.L. Nolina longifolia Mexican Grass Tree 15 gal. 1 n/a 20 D.W. Dasylirion wheeleri* Desert Spoon 15 gal. n/a Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 9 A subsidiary of Emlck Howard & Seibert, Inc. Table 3 Proposed Plant Palette Qty Key & Scientific Name Common Name Size Caliper 30 D.A. Dasylirion acrotriche* Green Desert Spoon'gal. n/a 50 H.P. Hesperaloe parvifolia Red Yucca 5 gal. n/a SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA Goundcovers 3' o.c. A.R. Acacia redolens* Acacia Redolence 5 gal. n/a Table 3 Proposed Plant Palette Qty Key & Scientific Name Common Name Size Caliper 30 D.A. Dasylirion acrotriche* Green Desert Spoon'gal. n/a 50 H.P. Hesperaloe parvifolia Red Yucca 5 gal. n/a Vines and Espaliers 20 B.S. Bougainvillea San Diego Red Bougainvillea 5 gal. n/a 20 B.B. Bougainvillea Barbara Karst Bougainvillea 5 gal. n/a Goundcovers 3' o.c. A.R. Acacia redolens* Acacia Redolence 5 gal. n/a 2.5' o.c B.C. Baccharis centennial `Stam' Desert Broom Hybrid 1 gal. n/a T o.c. D.G. Dalea greggi* Prostrate Indigo Bush 1 gal. n/a 2.5' o.c L.M. Lantana montevidensis Training Lantana Purple 1 gal. n/a 2.5' o.c. L.M. Lantana montevidensis Training Lantana Gold 1 gal. n/a Mound n/a Turf* Bermuda #328/Annual Rye Seed n/a Grass n/a Drifts of Annual Color Seasonal Flowers (in limited Flats n/a locations) Non Organic Materials 60 Boulders* Baja Select (Permion treated) 2'-to'6' n/a n/a Cobble Stones and Pebbles* Baja Select 3" -to 6" n/a n/a Decomposed Granite* Desert Dust, Stabilized and 2" layer n/a Compacted n/a Mowing Strip* Colored Concrete, 6" wide n/a NOTES: Only ,plants and materials marked with asterisk (*) will be planted at HW Y 1 1 as per rlantmg Palette/Guidelines for Highway 1 11, City of La Quinta. Plant quantity is estimated. Exact numbers shall be included in the final planting plan. III. SITE CIRCULATION A. Overview Exhibit 9, Circulation Plan, illustrates the project site access and internal circulation. The site has been organized to meet maximum efficiency goals. Unlike typical commercial development planning, La Quinta Court has integrated enhanced pedestrian circulation, landscaped pedestrian spaces, shade and wayfinding devices, water features, and dedicated space for public art. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 10 A subsld3ery cl Ensick Howard 6 Seibert, Inc. Preflminar'y Bldg Etati n Mest Elevation 4 ��.5 C!•: L1 K k'C •s'+, j� -I 2�£ i y {'.� r E L I - n. .o - .East Elevation forth Elevation SCals: IA( IF=fir•®" 0 0 i C► r Souter Elevation CONWAY ABCWTECTURE Inca SWWddkM 4d i ice, Las. One uluars Swam f40 IkAsrrl� SksN�. }lAs�: S9i71fN4 1Vc aB.fDf TE}, x06. 223. 4990 fAX Taff. 22S. 49R0 Drip FM* & AftDa1" rsi fAL f'lf27SMID iK7r} J iAt$l one kobomm" jmIR1cTv"* AMA 66••1751A i Dcik. C UL Mraw"n isr.7lL77f1a7� GJ, KnptTv OCA, �+ti►i PAL 00 U16 PMOMMAGMS V& WC Ml* We"*mL=F" drawing title BW 2 Lvdscaipe /T EXIA IT 7 1 ov ' CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard Saibert, Inc. Un• UM". scuc.♦ f.GCV••�.t•Slly Slr.tl, /1318 to+nom. W. 5PA103 4EL 206. 123 4499 Fix 246. 223- A990 Deb Fm*a AASGOWAN.ft 7900 SE.20th 8L, go. 406 merew114VIC, WA 96040 taL 200275A190 last 209.27"131 HAOtER ONOMFERIW, INC V 57370 29 Palms Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Va►ky, G 9229A Phone_ 760.36S.31 31 Fax: 760.165.7010 Ema11: hmEW44"An jam N. V"O" k A—m&.. s>1>La IS1; 5 Pacammr M. Sic C maim Deas; CA 92260 vi Wd77a8477 fL& 740.776.4679 .a.MI: Wr4UMs W Ad O04WJim11a1 GJ.#*JrOW Qnsbucum ►ate >w � Tbi9='i�lfii7 Ae r�s�A-t29 %V6 ar/eeal4dMdt,W n LamiscW perms Moronrt1 Sign Area ::� :.� 1 p ' Fi 1 _ e � '�` fir• a � 1 ol 7 CONWAY ARCffiTEC'!'URE 1 Inc. 1 # AwNirry of Sdberl. Inc. o" V"l.,1 Squat* coo W4 -,stir /1516 SMBIa, We 9tltC1 TEL 206. 22` 4999 fA) 206. Z23. A990 Mb FW* 4ANEXUbM ■L 7 61Em81.ft4w NWpw kmw*4,11A SM40 UL >06MAM lot.2OLM4131 MACM DOCAdER IV %INC $7370"PN1M Hwy Suke 202 Yom Wily, U 92264 Fboiw: 760.365-3131 I Far. 760.36S.7010 Emma ttaY mooem orq Jails 76 Vqo" i Amur- �J t i 4S1F5?"UmpnK Dc sm C Pr. Ds, CA im10 id 707riAM etlotacrc � 'f cordbucdm },L ift 1124��aa Tom, amort. CA :m It M34 $40 ftdc 700,M440&am: orowing fille Unftcap' dads Qutdw Motomycle Dupla on N w �i �7 �F s � i R , 1 p ' Fi 1 _ e � '�` fir• a � 1 ol 7 CONWAY ARCffiTEC'!'URE 1 Inc. 1 # AwNirry of Sdberl. Inc. o" V"l.,1 Squat* coo W4 -,stir /1516 SMBIa, We 9tltC1 TEL 206. 22` 4999 fA) 206. Z23. A990 Mb FW* 4ANEXUbM ■L 7 61Em81.ft4w NWpw kmw*4,11A SM40 UL >06MAM lot.2OLM4131 MACM DOCAdER IV %INC $7370"PN1M Hwy Suke 202 Yom Wily, U 92264 Fboiw: 760.365-3131 I Far. 760.36S.7010 Emma ttaY mooem orq Jails 76 Vqo" i Amur- �J t i 4S1F5?"UmpnK Dc sm C Pr. Ds, CA im10 id 707riAM etlotacrc � 'f cordbucdm },L ift 1124��aa Tom, amort. CA :m It M34 $40 ftdc 700,M440&am: orowing fille Unftcap' dads Qutdw Motomycle Dupla CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A wubmildiary of Emck Howard Seibert, Inc. 0.1's V�;I. Sq--• 6',X,Ptald 0 S.0,a. �0 4010, WL 20". 223, A999 Fn; 2U6 223. 4990 Dole, Frwlk & Aftodmb*6 Un 70100 $E 2M 83., &A- 405 mw4w Wow, Wk ON40 W 206"!i.A*0 Ux 2W.216AI31 HAMP Et#GINC-LRW,, tN( C- 11170 21 calms 4*'y Suitt 202 Yut<A Vol*, CA 97204 Fowm: 760..365.3? 3 - Fax: 7603GS.7016 Emall- twftef0eet." jaim N. Tog" a Amoc- ARI" 4S. 175 Pamanam rK. Sw- t-.Lm L)mm, CA 92!fA-' u,L 760776.a617 760.776.6679 --a- Irs "011— caat.-m )mh Vasky A.1 86m-fliaish-m1 W. mur" C"MIJUMM 0116 am 1134 ftift ONIK CA Imi 11L. MLSO."Z; Landscape Details Outdoor Carl Dis�y E: X IA I BIT 8c 10 0 �1 A4 A to A r�I � V Perspective of Fountain Plaza eca le: no scale CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A aubaidia" of 11mick Howard k Seibert, Inc. One UM— Sq.- 600Universily Streel. 61137E Seoll le. Wo 98101 TEL 206. 223. 4999 FAX 206. 223. 4990 Dale Frw* & Asecx9a aa. Ino. 7000 SE 2111h St, Ste. 405 Meroer island, WA 98M lat 200MM4130 iu. 200275AI31 HACKER ENGINEERING. INC. 57370 29 Palms Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92264 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 740.365.7010 Email: heckerien.org jets K va6U.! A Assoc. AIL 4i 175 parm1nu.I)r-W !. Pohn D=w% CA 1RY2 W MJ_ 760,776.4677 fu 760.776.16479 m d'L Ir77f4srr.0" xraeuw junh it'c10VI Aii D" Ilriaklr._ G.J. Murphy mon PA. &Z U24 Palm Duet. at 9=1 0* M-14IM94a Its: 7#i4SA.4420 emri: abhblijaM�ll.com drawing title EXHIBIT 8&d I'D PLAZA LA QUINTA \\� Local intersection with left turn access to Simon Drive Signalized Arterial intersection Unrestricted Access Restricted Access - right turn Wright turn out Site Entry `— ' V� Major Circulation Pattern Pedestrian Circulation Pattern Bus Stop Service Circulation CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. ■ RUM111d#Mry of art, Inc. 0.0 union Squo,o 890 Vnl:.nllx SIM01. 015113 Sr0111a. we 85101 TEL 20s. 225. 4909 FAX 206. 223. 499D LIDS F1�eMSIrA�lfJ1iM�M,1110. 1"=SKMft1e;,SL4M Mons i11+WILTA lot sDUMAM 0111114 BDL27&4M muza cwt SAMMINQP s F0x9FAMMHwy sww 2W YV= VMS/, CA 0264 M11105.7010 )I"xir80117•Amos. N 0-175 r OLS. c P"PaskCASM 11111L T a.Tra, M fim F.F.-73.40 P.E.-77.9 F.F.-73.40 P.E.-77.9 HIGHWAY no FLN 1x1 \ o 7]yt \ \ \ E� .a �ti✓ r II 1 \ ° t \ \ \ \l a, Nrrov7Jb' "7.44' II, C; PlAm F.F.-7.7.35 'yrs PE. -72.85 24 s -231- O F.7-,-72.80 P:E.-72.3 i F.F.-73.00 P.C.-72.5 lir y;� �' acrn7rw 7a, Pe' I� r. Y r I CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard be Seibert, ]nc. On* Union Squor. 600 university 51nd. #1818 See111e, We 98101 TEL 2076. 223. 4999 FAX 206. 223. 4990 Dale Frank E Associates, Inr- 7800 SE 2&h SL. Ste. 405 Marcrr kataiid, WA 98040 let 206-nnA730 fax 206.275.4131 HACKER MNEERINC, INC. 57370 29 Ps1R15 Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Valk►+, CA 92284 Phooe: 750.365.3131 Face: 760.365.7010 Erroll: backcfoete.orq John N. Vsgkp is Assoc, ASPJ, 45-175 Panamumw Dr. Sn C Palo Dcmm-k CA 9220 cel.. 760,776467-77' fe 760 77646731 email•. J'r7igann �C ���.-Joah Vnsk7 3� Ari 11c'1.31.rakhead y; G.J, Murphy Construction PA. bas 1124 Prim Deceit, CA 93261 W: 780,7!x21.10433 tax. 760-S6d.44n ~: aFiiibv)s0*Q 00rn SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA B. Vehicular Site access is available in three locations. Two primary access points, Highway 111 and Washington Street, both offer limited right turn -in and right turn -out access. The third point of entry is from Simon Drive. The adjacent intersection of Simon Drive and Washington Street will include left turn access from Washington to Simon as a part of the City of La Quinta ROW improvements. The Highway 111 access establishes a main internal circulation corridor servicing the primary and secondary parking areas as well as the gated primary service drive. The Washington Street access adjoins the primary parking area. All traffic considerations along Highway 111 are subject to Caltrans approval. C. Pedestrian Meandering pedestrian walkways within the landscaped buffer are provided along Highway 111 and Washington Street. These walkways interconnect with site pedestrian circulation at 6 logical points around the site. (See Exhibit 9) A primary pedestrian system is proposed which interconnects all buildings on the site. This primary pedestrian system intersects and crosses the vehicular circulation at logical points. Each building is provided with perimeter circulation that incorporates shade devices, landscaping and awning cover to protect patrons, shade the buildings and assist in wayfinding. Fountain water features are proposed for both of the building -1 entry areas. An area for the possible inclusion of public art has been centrally located adjacent to the Highway 111 primary drive and a main cross -site pedestrian circulation walk. Shopping cart collection areas per City design standards will be added to parking area islands in two convenient locations should tenant demand require it. The existing bus stop along Highway 111 will be replaced with a new shelter per the city of La Quinta standards and will be connected to the site pedestrian circulation system. The proposed location is preliminary subject to Caltrans and Sun Transit approval. IV. GRADING/UTILITIES/DRAINAGE/FLOOD CONTROL A. Grading Plan Grading Concept The Conceptual Grading Plan is shown in Figure . This figure illustrates existing site grades, street grades, and pad grades. The property proposed for development will be graded to create four main building pads and parking areas and streetscapes. The site will be graded from the highest pad elevation (Pad = 72.9) in the northwest corner of the site to the lowest pad elevation ( Pad = 72.3) in the southeast corner of the site. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 11 A subsidiary of Emick Howard d Seibert, Inc. Approximate pad elevations for each parcel will be as follows: Pad 1 72.9 Feet Pad 2 72.85 Feet Pad 3 72.5. Feet Pad 4 72.3 Feet In total, approximately 10,000 cubic yards of earthwork (5,500 c.y. cut and 4,500 c.y. fill) is proposed and it is expected that all grading will be balanced within the property limits without the need for import or export. The earthwork is fairly evenly distributed throughout the site with an average of one foot being added or removed at most locations. The maximum departure of existing ground from proposed ground is three feet. The elevation of the access road has been adjusted to reduce the limits of excavation. No retaining walls are planned for the site. Erosion Control Since the Coachella Valley experiences periods of moderate to high wind conditions, wind blown dust and sand is a concern during local grading operations. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency has instituted a plan in the Coachella Valley to curb excess PM 10 (small particle dust). The provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) will apply to the construction projects over 5 acres in size. A Notice of Intent (NOI) will be filed with the state Water Resource Board prior to issuance of a grading permit. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Best Management Practices (BMP) guide will be developed prior to grading operations. These documents will be adhered to during construction. Grading operations will include a plan to reduce water erosion control both during and after grading operations. B. Drainage Plan The Drainage Plan for the site is shown in Exhibit 10. The drainage plan proposes to direct surface runoff via concrete gutters in the parking lots to drainage drop inlets (concrete boxes with the traffic rated grills). The drop inlets will be connected to the new catch basin in Washington Street. The existing drainage that currently enters the site from Highway 111 will be intercepted and directed into the site drainage system. The purchase of additional capacity will be required. The exact sizing, design and additional cost of these improvements will be determined during final engineering design and would be reviewed by the City via standard plan check protocols to ensure that drainage is adequately addressed. C. Sewer Plan Sewer service is provided to the site by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) via an existing 8" sewer line located in Simon Drive on the southerly boundary of the project. The project site will be connected to this line at an existing 6" Lateral that was Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 12 A subsidiary of Emick Howard d Seibert, Inc. 1 +r 1 J I� 6 0l 0 KEY,,' — -- — EXISTING GAS UNE EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE _ _ _ r _ _ w r _ _ _ _ ., EXISTING 6' SEWER UNE 1 — — — — — — — EXISTING 8' SEWER UNE EXISTING 18' SEWER LINE ---�— EXISTING 12' WATER UNE �_ PROPOSED E — OPOSE6SWRIN NOTE: r UTILITY LOCATIONS WERE DRAWN FROM EXISTING PLANS AND DOCUMENTS AND HAVE NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED 7 E Q M CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emlck Howard Seibert, Inc. One Union Square 540 tlnlvaralty S£raat, /181f S.01£18, Wo 98101 TEL 206. 223. 4999 FAX 206. 223. 4990 Dale Frenk��-, Inc 7900 SE 28th St., Ste. 405 Mercer Island, WA 98040 lel. 206.275.4130 fax. 205.275.4131 HACKER ENGINEERING, INC r»a e,cwa»xc�.xo a»rm,cww,nc I 57370 29 Palms Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.365.7010 Email: hacker@eee.org John N. Vogley h Assoc., ASIA 45-175 Panorama Dr. Ste. C Palm Desert, CA 92260 tel. 760.776.6677 fax. 760.776.6679 email: jv77®gte.net contacts: jonh Vogley Avi Bet-Halakhmi G.J. Murphy Construction P.O. Box 1124 Palm Desert, CA 92261 tel: 760.340.9423 fax: 760.568.4429 email: ahhbaja@ad.com drawing title CONCEPTUAL UTILITY PLAN EXHIBIT 11 U. rwx w...e SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Ouinta, CA constructed for this site. Onsite sewer lines will be installed with stubouts to development pads. See Exhibit 11, Utility Plan. D. Water Plan Water service is also provided to the site by CVWD and is available at the property from a 12" waterline located in Highway 111 on the north, and 12" waterline located in Simon Drive on the south (See Exhibit 11 — Utility Plan). The proposed water main will be an 18" diameter pipeline. Both domestic and irrigation water will be taken from this line. New onsite waterlines that will connect to the new 18" watermain will consist of 12" domestic waterlines, 6" fire hydrants and 1-1/2" to 1" services as needed. Initial water improvements will involve creation of a looped water line to serve the pads within the site, the connection of the landscape irrigation lines (for streetscapes along Highway 111 and Washington Street) and the provision of stubouts with blow off valves in anticipation of the future building at each pad. When buildings are constructed, the building will be connected to the water line and the blow off valves will be removed. E. Other Utility Plans Natural Gas Natural gas service is provided to the site by The Gas Company, which has an existing gas main in Washington Street adjacent to the site. The main in Washington will require Underground Service Alert personnel to provide the exact location. Service arrangements will be determined by The Gas Company when final plans and building requirements are submitted. Electric Electric services is provided to the site by Imperial Irrigation District and is available to the property. Telephone Telephone service is provided to the site by General Telephone Company and is available to the property. Cable Television Cable Television service is provided to the site by Warner Cable and is available to the property. Installation of cable television would be coordinated with the extension of electrical service so that a single trench containing both facilities would be constructed. V. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The development regulations contained herein provide specific standards relative to permitted land uses in addition to site design and construction regulations to be applied Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 13 A subaid6ery o1 Emick Howard d Seibert, Inc. larlICIr` DI nni La Quinta Court, La (Quinta, CA within the Specific Plan Area. They are intended to protect the public health, safety, and welfare and to create a harmonious relationship with surrounding land. In general, this specific plan is consistent with the CC Zone of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code unless a different standard is identified below. Should a development standard contained in this Specific Plan conflict with an equivalent standard contained in the City of La Quinta Zoning Code, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall take precedence. In instances where the Specific Plan does not address a particular regulation, the applicable portion of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code shall govern. The Planning Director shall have the authority to approve minor adjustments during Development Permit Review, so long as he determined such adjustments are consistent with the Specific Plan Land Use Plan. VI. PHASING AND IMPLEMENTATION A parcel merger will be executed prior to start of construction to combine all existing parcels. Required ROW improvements, site preparation, and utilities work will begin as soon as the required approvals are available. The entire development will be constructed in a single phase with construction beginning as soon as the required approvals are available. A contractor has been selected. The development will be sequenced to maximize efficiency and to accommodate current tenant requirements as quickly as is reasonable. Lease negotiations and project marketing to attain 100% occupancy are subject to market conditions and are ongoing. VII. DESIGN GUIDELINES A. Overview The following describes the design intent and the elements proposed that will ensure La Quinta Court is executed in a cohesive manner with appropriate scale and emphasis and with a consistent and timeless architectural language. The entire project will be constructed in a single phase. As such, no provision will be made in this specific plan for future construction apart from guidelines governing individual tenant identity. B. Architectural Guidelines The buildings have been developed as a desert interpretation of modern architecture. Regional, Latin, and southwestern influenced elements have been incorporated. Building massing and composition, the dramatic play of light and shadow, rich and vibrant color, and the use of steel trellises and stone detailing will combine to create a high quality, progressive addition to the community. Exhibit 12 depicts a composite of key project elements proposed for the four buildings. Exhibit 12 keynotes correspond to the color and material board submitted. All the elements depicted in this illustration do not occur in all of the buildings but are distributed throughout the site as described. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 14 A aubo[dfary a1 EmIck Howard d Seibert, Inc. -SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court,.La Quinta, -GA ® Building Massing A limited pallet of architectural element§ has been developed and will be varied to create compositional interest, rhythm, and harmony. This pallet is characterized by dramatic geometric forms, layered structural expression, and the integration of contrasting building elements that promote variety and enhance the play of light and shadow on surfaces. Simple masses will be accentuated with deep-set openings, reveals, inset detailing, and human scale features. The project creates a hierarchy that addresses center identity at intersections, entrances, and prominent site locations. Similar building forms enhance internal organization within the project. Primary entrances are emphasized with increased heights and the addition of overhangs and shading structures. Limited individual tenant identity is achieved with color, awnings, and signage. Project continuity will be maintained through the consistent use of architectural vocabulary and treatments. E Roof Lines and Screening Elements Roofs will be flat. Building elevations will be varied by the use of multiple parapet heights and stepped back screening elements. Shadowline reveals and simple cornice trim will be used. The drive-through canopy will be an extension of adjacent building fagade elements. E Architectural Features and Details Building emphasis will be on dramatic form and composition. Shadow relief will be emphasized with deep-set openings, trellis shade devices, awnings, freestanding columns, and varied surface textures. Walls that provide screening will be varied in height and detailed with relief and inset tile elements. The building forms will be offset against integrated landscaping and boulder arrangements. Lighting treatments will enhance the nightscape. All rooftop equipment, electrical equipment, utility meters, service equipment, and trash storage areas will be appropriately located and screened from view. Fountains, seating, and public artwork will be integrated into landscaped plaza areas and building perimeters. 0 Site and Building Lighting Lighting will be integrated to enhance building design and site amenities. Lighting will adhere to City of La Quinta Zoning Code Section 9.100.150 Outdoor Lighting. Fully shielded and appropriately filtered fixtures will be employed. Light fixtures Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 15 A subsidiary of Emick Howard & Seibert, Inc. Illustrated Architectural Treatment Scale: 1/16" = 1'-e'I CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Iioward Seibert, Inc. One Union Sq,cr- i 6OC Uni-"ily SI -1. Mete a c Slue We 9e;e' rE: 2"6 225, 19U9 Ft% 206. 223. 4990 Dale Frank & Alssxlates, Inc 7900 SE 20th St., Ste. 405 Mercer Island, WA 93040 tel 205275.4130 fax. 206 275 4131 HACKER ENGINEERING, INC 57370 29 Palms Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Phone 760 3b S.i131 Fax 760.365.701(- tmaH hack( -.r' -C"' oee Job- N V.&y & Asw<., ASM 45 17! i'anol . Dr S:, C rn P.dD—'.. Ci 92?i' 76077666-1-1 fax �d07"16.6G7� I ai�i! fr??(aym,nn Aer 6-r-1-1:1, kc::n: G.J. Murphy Construction P.O. Box 1124 Palm Dere t, CA 92261 te!760,340.9423 fax: 760568.4425 enol!: &t*b1P0d.ct m sngw ArcbiwCwnkI a'U E HIF:-�'T 1 -. -�- DARK SAGE PAINT �.:� ANODIZED ALUMINUM FOR : TRELLIS, TRE-ILLIS D� METAL -iREL LIS AND COLUMNS AOR BRACKETS AND GATES LANDSCAPING MEDIUM SAGE PAINT 10 BLACK ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 1�� STAGGERED ROOF LINE LIGHT SAGE PAINT II BLACK WOVEN AWNING FABRIC RECESSED AREA AROUND SORE=SON-. MEDIUM GOLD PAINT 12 EXAMPLES OF ACCENT TILE DESIGNS © CANTED ROOF LINE DARK EGGPLANT PAINT @ WALL -MOUNTED ACCENT LIGHT FIXTURES 21 PUNCHED OPENINGS STONE ACCENT TILE 14 GENERAL LANDSCAPE/SITE LIG-HYING 22 ROTUNDA 6 THE INTERSECTION Or WASHINGTON S T REE T AND HW`'. ' CEMENT PLASTER FINISH uj/ SANDPEBBI_E FINE IS MECHANICAL SCREEN 2 j CIRCULAR TRELLIS AROUND t�CTiJNDA TEXTURE SLATE TILE WAINSCOT FOR TRELLIS COLUMNS i ROUND PGRTICG w/ BRACKETED TRELLIS Illustrated Architectural Treatment Scale: 1/16" = 1'-e'I CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Iioward Seibert, Inc. One Union Sq,cr- i 6OC Uni-"ily SI -1. Mete a c Slue We 9e;e' rE: 2"6 225, 19U9 Ft% 206. 223. 4990 Dale Frank & Alssxlates, Inc 7900 SE 20th St., Ste. 405 Mercer Island, WA 93040 tel 205275.4130 fax. 206 275 4131 HACKER ENGINEERING, INC 57370 29 Palms Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Phone 760 3b S.i131 Fax 760.365.701(- tmaH hack( -.r' -C"' oee Job- N V.&y & Asw<., ASM 45 17! i'anol . Dr S:, C rn P.dD—'.. Ci 92?i' 76077666-1-1 fax �d07"16.6G7� I ai�i! fr??(aym,nn Aer 6-r-1-1:1, kc::n: G.J. Murphy Construction P.O. Box 1124 Palm Dere t, CA 92261 te!760,340.9423 fax: 760568.4425 enol!: &t*b1P0d.ct m sngw ArcbiwCwnkI a'U E HIF:-�'T 1 -. -�- SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA will be of appropriate size and type so as to be compatible with the building and site architecture. Parking lot lighting will not create excessive glare or nighttime glow. Pole mounted fixtures will not exceed a maximum of 24' in height. a Materials and Color Facade color and building accent colors comprise a key component of the overall design approach. Rich saturated colors will be utilized in combination with natural neutral tones to create variety and interest. Colors and materials will be compatible with and will complement the local natural landscape. Restraint will be exercised in the number of colors and materials used from building to building. Architectural elements will be treated consistently to reinforce architectural hierarchies and maintain a cohesive overall project appearance. Proposed materials include stained and natural concrete, stained and painted exterior plaster finish, stone and textured cast stone tiles and panels, wood, steel, aluminum, glass, and fabric. The following is a conceptual selection of specific colors and materials proposed for the project. (Manufacturer selections are preliminary.) PAINT COLORS Building Base/Body Colors Proposed for major building elements and large wall surfaces. These would also enjoy limited use as accent colors (Manufacturer selections are preliminary). • ICI #713 (Light Sage) • ICI #744 (Medium Sage) • ICI #582 (Dark Sage) Building Accent Colors Proposed for use adjacent to and surrounding tenant window areas and entries, on sign and trellis structures and other architectural features (Manufacturer selections are preliminary). • Sherwin Williams #SW2336 (Medium Gold) • Sherwin Williams #SW 2706 (Dark Eggplant) PROJECT MATERIALS Exterior Concrete Smooth steel trowel finish to be clear sealed, stained or painted. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 16 A subsidiary o1 Emick Howard 6 Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA Exterior Cement Plaster Trowel finish with light sand or textured finish to be painted. Stone Tile • American Slate, 12" x 12" Ungaged, "Lotus" (Sage & Gold) Steel and Wood Trellis Structures Fabricated steel frames and supports to be painted. Treated or stained wood rafters. 6 Window and Entrance Systems Aluminum storefront systems and steel entry systems with true divided lights. Frame ••� color to be black. 1" insulated glass with clear or light tint. Canvas Awnings �I Black Sunbrella Fabric (100% Acrylic) with black metal frames (Manufacturer B selections are preliminary). C. Sign Program GENERAL SIGN CRITERIA These criteria have been established for the purpose of assuring a coordinated sign program and maintaining a continuity of quality and aesthetics throughout the shopping center, for the mutual benefit of all tenants, and to comply with the regulations of the City of La Quinta ("City"). Conformance with these criteria and City of La Quinta Zoning l Ordinance requirements will be strictly enforced. Any installed nonconforming or �i unapproved sign must be brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 1. Each tenant, prior to fabrication, shall submit or cause to be submitted to the landlord for approval, two (2) copies of detailed drawings indicating the location, size, layout, design, color, illumination, materials, and method of attachment. 2. The tenant or its representative shall obtain all permits for signs and their installation. 3. All signs shall be constructed and installed at the tenant's expense. 4. Each tenant shall be responsible for the fulfillment of all requirements and specifications, including those of the City. MA 5, All signs shall be reviewed on behalf of the landlord for conformance with this criteria and overall design quality. The approval or disapproval of Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 17 A subsldlery of Emlck Howard & Selberl, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Ouinta, CA sign submittals, based on aesthetics of design, shall remain the sole right of landlord or its authorized representative. 6. Each tenant shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of its sign. All signs shall be installed no later than thirty (30) days following the date tenant opens for business. 7. No occupants in any buildings shall, without landlord's approval, be allowed more than one storefront sign except for those tenants that: (1) have a storefront on more than one building perimeter wall may have one sign for each building perimeter wall with a glass storefront; and (2) face the highway may have one additional sign which faces the highway. Tenant signage shall meet the requirements of City of La Quinta Zoning Section 9.160. II. SPECIFICATIONS A. General Sign Specifications 1. No animated, flashing, or audible signs will be permitted. 2. No exposed lamps or tubing will permitted without written approval from landlord. 3. All signs and their installation shall comply with all building codes, electrical codes, other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of agencies and utilities having jurisdiction over building signage. 4. No exposed raceways, crossovers, or conduit will be permitted. 5. All cabinets, conductors, transformers and other equipment shall be concealed within the sign or a raceway behind the fascia and, if visible, painted to match the adjacent materials. 6. All letters must be mounted 3/a" from wall surface for water and debris to freely pass behind the letters. All penetrations of the building structure shall be neatly sealed in a watertight condition. B. Location of Signs Signs shall be attached to the building at the location or locations shown on Exhibit 13 — Sign Program. Banner signage, flags, temporary and promotional signage will be allowed with prior landlord approval for the purpose of promoting tenant businesses. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 18 A rubaidlary of Emick ?coward B Seibert, Inc. All such signage will be subject to the City of La Quinta Zoning Code. C. Design Requirements Tenant shall install its sign as indicated on the attached Exhibits 13, 15 or, in the case of temporary promotional signage, shall receive prior landlord approval. Maximum width and length not to exceed City of La Quinta requirements. 2. All signs shall be composed of individual channel letters with internal illumination mounted directly on the building. The channel letters for each sign must be the same color. Recommended colors are: Black, Dark Green, and Dark Red. 3. Logos will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but in no event shall said logo exceed ten percent (10%) of the total sign area. Landlord will also approve colors on a case-by-case basis. 4. Undercanopy signs (double faced) shall be designed and installed as shown on Exhibit 15. Only one undercanopy sign will be allowed per tenant. a. The color of the undercanopy sign is subject to landlord's approval. D. Construction Requirements 1. All exterior letters and signs exposed to the weather shall be mounted at least 3/a" from the building to permit proper dirt and water drainage. 2. All signs shall be fabricated using full welded construction. No light leaks will be allowed. 3. Location of all openings for conduits in building walls shall be indicated on sign drawings submitted to landlord for his approval. The structural integrity of the building wall behind the sign fascia shall not be diminished. 4. All penetrations of the building structure required for sign installation shall be neatly sealed in a watertight condition. 5. No labels or other identification will be permitted on the exposed surface of any sign except those required by local ordinance. Any required labels shall be applied in an inconspicuous location. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 19 A 8ubl Mary of Emlck Haward a WWI, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA E. Sign Illumination 1. All sign lighting will be controlled by time clock in accordance with city requirements. F. Miscellaneous No temporary or permanent signs will be permitted to be applied to the face of the storefront either inside or outside, nor within six (6) feet of the lease line inside the store, without prior approval of landlord. 2. Each tenant who has a (non -customer) receiving door may have uniformly applied on said door, in two-inch high letters, the tenant's name and address. Where more than one tenant uses the same door, each name and, address may be applied. MONUMENT SIGNS Three primary and one secondary site monument signs are proposed. The locations are depicted on Exhibit 5. Monument sign concept elevations are illustrated on Exhibit 14. Monument signage will be integrated with landscaping and boulder r arrangements (see exhibit 8a) and will not exceed an aggregate total of 100 square feet. Monument signs will be lit in accordance with city exterior lighting requirements. Monument signage will be permitted per City requirements. VIII. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES AND MAINTENANCE A. Transportation Demand Management City guidelines require the following provisions for transportation demand management: The project shall make provision for bicycle parking in accordance with City Zoning Code Section 9.150.060.D.3. 2. The project will provide an accessible walkway connection from the bus stop on Highway 111 to the buffer circulation and then to the site. 3. The project shall identify a transportation demand coordinator to promote tenant and employee participation in TDM programs, to encourage ride sharing, to promote mass -transit usage, encourage flexible scheduling, telecommuting, and other TDM programs as appropriate. Conway Architecture, Inca Page 20 A subsidiary of Emick Howard A Seibert, Inc. -a.: La, e,f R4 y-: 7, CV Trell"in 91 N lot lun C 0 NWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard k Seibert, Inc. One Un Ion Squere 600 Unive•sily Sire.1, p pie. Sca111c, We 98101 TEL 206. 223. 4999 FAY 206. 223. 4990 Dale Frank 3Aiswlvlwr, Inc. 7800 SE 28th Bt., Ste. 405 Meroer Wand, WA 88040 tel. 208.276.4130 tax. 2082/6.4131 HACKER ENGINEERD4C, INC as aal�cuc- - 57370 29 Palma Hwy Suloe 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.365.7010 Emall: hackerVeee.org jol- M vel & A -or, ARIA 45-175 Ponco ma Dr. Sw- C Palm Dsee CA 97780 eei 760.776.6677 6u. 76(L776.6679 =me.: jr77@arxr C=bWar jmh Vug1rt A,.l Bae.Flatdhmi GJ. Kurphy CDrIsuuction PA. BaorBm U24 rk 760.N0.9423 Ilio 760.568.4429 rnretl M*tW)p6MdA =M sip Imp EXHIBIT 13 a; C' -a.: La, e,f R4 y-: 7, CV Trell"in 91 N lot lun C 0 NWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard k Seibert, Inc. One Un Ion Squere 600 Unive•sily Sire.1, p pie. Sca111c, We 98101 TEL 206. 223. 4999 FAY 206. 223. 4990 Dale Frank 3Aiswlvlwr, Inc. 7800 SE 28th Bt., Ste. 405 Meroer Wand, WA 88040 tel. 208.276.4130 tax. 2082/6.4131 HACKER ENGINEERD4C, INC as aal�cuc- - 57370 29 Palma Hwy Suloe 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.365.7010 Emall: hackerVeee.org jol- M vel & A -or, ARIA 45-175 Ponco ma Dr. Sw- C Palm Dsee CA 97780 eei 760.776.6677 6u. 76(L776.6679 =me.: jr77@arxr C=bWar jmh Vug1rt A,.l Bae.Flatdhmi GJ. Kurphy CDrIsuuction PA. BaorBm U24 rk 760.N0.9423 Ilio 760.568.4429 rnretl M*tW)p6MdA =M sip Imp EXHIBIT 13 CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A imboldtau7 of Ltalck -Raward Seibert, Inc. on* Union Square WC UnN.,%lty .-Sired. 01818 sq-tflc we - selol IE t 206 223. 4999 FA) 206 723. 4990 km Meow UL SMUMAISD ftL SOLMA121 'K I F-XTUKF-PJ "F,6-7rTC�� I W7 F -T I N) O 57370 29 PoJmu Hay vplww5p IDUT fg-om Swftx 202 VIP Yo= va". CA 222" M.365.3131 Fax. 1130.365.7010 tmM.- hockardiessAmw L- [:—:i V-11--c-r! 0 " —1UP-L=D I H DH 5 P JUM X Va0cy & Amw— ARA 0-17 VWmia= M *a C P#hmDwwmCAUW ftL WQT"77 fix M79AM kt GJ. Murphy Corlsouwm PA OW 104 ftlm DOWL 0% 1=1 ow. 70140.0m #w WROM ,drawing tifflO M==CV,t sipla EXP, iSIT 14 25p' Ej Lj M -A &F[,Aq III=11_O11 I°II_Du —1 `N �1 _011 1 Y G Yy"L-rs PLAN III`II �11 2 � c �IE 1 Q I ,I f %11 SQU► E I%" u ALUMINUM -rU61NG * CL�VbT101�.I ALUMINUM -rufH A p%'lgLUMINIJI'! ISI-11_OEI %ALUMI 1 M CLA-rr- NOTE : r'�FI NT�_l'oW � ter-o�T GoLo Fzs TgR I ME r IM E US. Ell, 5iUNAITi It1 =II.0E1 ilii 111 1 CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. . •nbrddfara Of A Wtiwt� Inc. One Union Squcrr 600Un1rarally.Slsar9. /1,518 S409196.Wo 98109 TEL 2M 223. 4999 FAX 206. 223, 4990 11 ON* RV* A AKodmilM :i0. WASINIM IDL 206"IM121D 110L x,4M HACXM DKX*ER*ir., W i 57370 29 PE im "wy Sulu 202 Y%K R VMISOV. G $2244 Plane: M.305.31 31 F": M3115.7010 bmwt lra ara )Mbm X row & A—, AMRA ++3-175Pmsw_e Pabb DoM CA msa ftL W47MA6V fim 7ft AMA' avaerr GJ. MUr^ PXL i1 Pain 011111Lx'IRm ML 71111 r*SM IWO: drawing title misc. sipw 15 B. Facilities Maintenance G Facilities maintenance will be the responsibility of the project management. Maintenance will be performed in a clean, safe manner and in accordance with City of La Quinta guidelines. l� D t Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 21 A subsidiary of £mick Howard d Salbarr, Inc. AA PLANNING DEPARTMENT PERMIT REVIEW PLAN NUMBF- JOB ADDRESS: DATE: , �% , r LEGAL: 11 r� I REVIEWED BY: APPLICANT: Q LAND USE CODE: let ACTIVITY GROUP; F f— ZONE: . % SECTION: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM NO. STATUS ITEM NO. STATUS SPECIAL REGULATIONS CODE CITE COMMENTS , SHORELINE tI FLOOD HAZARD ' NON-CONFORMING 'SITE PERFORMANCE STDS. REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROVIDED COMMENTS ' ALLEY YARDS: FRONT D t STREET, SIDE �j " INTERIOR, SIDE' �` REAR 6" f (( j EAVES EE ' HEIGHT V, / LOT AREA fIMPERVIOUS SURFACE PARKING. TOTAL STD. CAR I COMPACT Y- f l. e- BICYCLE ! /a IV HANDICAP LOADING I Park9nQ Calculctlons FENCING 1 LANDSCAPING ek BUFFERYARD Ale Of ' % EVERGREEN PARKING LOT REQMT. Lb y AMOUNT REQUIRED 't NUMBER OF TREES ✓ 60 FOOT REQMT. /` Sal its Jh '✓ CURBING TYPE USED � r % <<� 'e 'r� 6r k Londsccpinq Calculctlons IRRIGATION SYSTEM MANUAL / AUTO ' ' STREET TREES ' NUMBER REQUIRED i VA-APPROVED TREE LIS �s ROOT BARRIERS FRONT/SIDE YARDL.ia INCENTIVES SPECIFIC PLAN - Appendix 1 La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA Appendix 1 APPLICABLE GENERAL PLAN POLICIES The General Plan of the City of La Quinta was adopted in 1992 and includes Goals, Objectives and Policies that were deemed by the City necessary to properly implement the plan. The key policies that affect the development of the subject property are as follows: LAND USE ELEMENT Policy 2-2.1.1 "The General Plan shall utilize the building floor area to site area ratio (FAR) as the appropriate standard for commercial land use intensity. FAR shall be defined as the gross floor area of a building divided by the net area of the commercial parcel of land. Net area is the total area of a site minus the area dedicated as public street right-of-way." Table LU -4 further defines the FAR in the M/RC category as a maximum of 0.35 with a building height limitation of four stories. This is limited to the Highway 111 corridor. The proposed Specific Plan complies with the allowable floor area and height limitations. Policy 2-3.1.1 "The M/RC category shall provide areas for businesses serving the entire region with a trade area typically exceeding 100,000 people. Businesses allowed to locate the M/RC areas shall include major retail commercial tenants associated with a regional mall, off-price retail outlet and/or'power center.' Other businesses permitted in the M/RC category include regional service centers, research and development facilities, major community facilities and/or major medical -related facilities. Overnight commercial lodging uses, entertainment uses, as well as automobile uses of a regional nature, may also be included." The Plan provides a variety of building sizes and locations so that there is maximum flexibility in attracting businesses appropriate for the M/RC classification. Policy 2-3.1.2 "The maximum FAR of a project in an M/RC category shall be .35. The maximum building height shall not exceed four stories." a The proposed Plan complies with both criteria. Policy 2-3.1.1 "A Non -Residential Overlay shall be established and designated on the Land Use Policy Diagram to restrict residential uses from locating within areas with excessive traffic, noise, and other unsuitable environment conditions along Highway 111. The Non -Residential Overlay within the M/RC category shall be designated along Highway 111 from the south side of the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel (Whitewater Wash) to 660 feet south of Highway 111 (plus down to within 330 feet of Avenue 47 in Section 30) excluding the area west of Washington Street on the south side of Highway 111 behind the existing commercial development (Plaza La Quinta)." Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 1 A subsidiary o1 Emick Howard 6 Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN — Appendix 1 La. Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA .� The Plan complies with the Non -Residential Overlay by not permitting residential uses. Ir � ■ Policy 2-3.1.8 "The M/RC category shall be applied to land holdings which are generally larger I than 20 acres in size. Properties smaller than 20 acres within the Non -Residential Overlay area shall be limited to commercial uses. Properties smaller than 20 acres outside of the Non - Residential Overlay shall be single -use, either commercial or residential." t * The Plan complies with this policy. Policy 2-3.1.9 "A specific plan must be approved prior to any land division or other development approval action of projects in the M/RC areas." * The Plan being proposed is likely to be approved by the City. Policy 2-3.1.10 "Project approvals and redevelopment agreements for projects in M/RC areas shall stipulate phasing of construction and responsibility for public facility improvements." * The Plan proposes project and infrastructure phasing in Section Il. r CIRCULATION ELEMENT Policy 3-2.1.4 "The City shall establish intersection Level of Service "D" as the minimum w acceptable Level of Service. No development project shall be approved which will increase the traffic on City intersections to a level worse than a Level of Service "D" during the A.M. or P.M. peak hour without adequate mitigation. The City may approve alternatives to this policy based p upon detailed review and consideration of other factors including, but not limited to, significant social and economic benefits to the public as a whole, impending, street improvements, and locations of street segment. The methodology used to determine the traffic impacts of new development shall be generally consistent with those described in Model Traffic Analysis Guidelines of the Riverside County Congestion Management Plan (CMP)." • The improvements proposed will preclude the Level of Service from being below level "D". sk Policy 3-2.1.5 "The City shall adopt design standards for all streets in accordance with their functional classifications and recognized design guidelines. All streets within the city of La Quinta shall be designed in accordance with the standards present in Table CIR-2, City of La Quinta Roadway design Standards. Typical sections by roadway classification as shown in Figure CIR-4, Roadway Cross Sections. • The public road sections will comply with the City adopted road sections. Policy 3-2.1.7 "Development projects along Highway 111 shall dedicate right-of-way as specified by CalTrans (California Department of Transportation) to provide a maximum right-of- way of 172 feet, or as needed by CalTrans. The City will coordinate with CalTrans and the M R Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 2 A subsidiary of Emick Howard b Seibert, Inc. 117 WA SPECIFIC AP aendix 1 La Quinta Court,+ * Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CV AG) to identify regional options for relieving the growth of future traffic demands in the Highway 111 Corridor." (Right of Way width has now been changed to 140 feet.) • The Plan complies with the adopted road right of way and improvements for f Highway 111. Policy 3-2.1.9 "Installation of all new traffic control devices shall be based upon established warrants and professional analysis in order to assure traffic safety and reduce potential public liability." The Plan complies with this policy. Policy 3-3.1.1 "Access to all major and primary arterials shall be restricted to intersection locations and other approved points of ingress and egress." i Access points will be located and comply with best practice methods, Policy 3-3.1.3 "The City shall institute street access guidelines consistent with the functional roadway classifications. These shall be applied, where feasible, to all new developments. The following guidelines shall be sued to define appropriate access: a) The City shall restrict individual driveway access to Major and Primary Arterials wherever possible. b) Access to Major and Primary Arterials shall be limited through the use of medians I► and access controls to maintain street capacity. c) When permitted, access along arterial and collector streets shall be located a minimum of 250 feet from the ends of the curb returns." • The Plan complies with these provisions by minimizing the amount of individual driveways and the use of medians. Policy 3-3.1.4 "In order to enhance and protect the capacity and safety of the circulation system and reduce potential traffic conflicts, the City shall require the consolidation of driveway access points along roadways classified as collector and arterial." The access points have been consolidated along Highway 111. There is one main entrance access point along the 800 feet of frontage. Policy 3-4.1.1 "Special roadway image corridors and City gateways which evoke a unique identity and character throughout the City shall be designated on Figure CIR-5, Streetscape Image Policy Diagram." * The landscape concept will comply with the City's adopted design theme for Highway 111. In addition the Plan provides for landscape design enhancements along Washington Street consistent with image corridor guidelines. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 3 A subsidiary o1 Emick Howard 6 Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN — Appendix 1 La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA 0 Policy 3-4.1.2 "Primary image corridors shall be defined as streets in the roadway network which are the major urban design statements of the City. Primary image corridors shall consist of boulevard streets with raised, landscaped medians and heavily landscaped areas within and contiguous to the street right-of-way. Primary image corridors shall include landscape themes that are reminiscent of La Quinta's agricultural past and desert environment. Primary image F corridors may include vertical elements such as palm trees complemented with a shade - producing understory of canopy trees, such as indigenous, drought tolerant desert species. More water intensive understory canopy trees, such as various citrus species, should be used sparingly at key locations as highlights and reminders of past agricultural activities. Ground plane landscape materials should evoke a lush image through the use of drought tolerant, low maintenance plant species. Turf should be used in a manner consistent with citrus trees -- sparingly and in high visibility locations. Primary image corridors shall include street traffic signals, street lighting systems, street furniture, bus shelters, street name signs, and noise V' berms/barriers, which are designed in a coordinated and consistent theme unique to La Quinta. At key intersections, primary image corridors shall include treatments which may include special roadway paving, hardscape/screen wall arrangements and displays of public art." The Plan will comply with the adopted Highway 111 guidelines and will provide an appropriate landscape palette intermingled with a tastefully developed sign program. Policy 3-4.1.3 "Primary image corridors shall include the following roadways: Highway 111 and Washington Street." + The Plan will comply with the adopted guidelines for these streets. Policy 3-4.1.10 "Along primary, secondary, and agrarian image corridors the City shall establish appropriate building height limits to ensure a low density character and appearance." a The maximum building height within the image corridor setbacks will be twenty-two (22) feet. r Policy 3-4.1.11 "Landscaped setbacks are necessary to ensure a high quality and attractive appearance on major streets. Setbacks for walls, buildings, and parking areas may vary, if properly designed, but shall generally be as follows: ■ Highway 111--50 feet a«: • Secondary Arterial --20 feet Landscaping within these setback areas shall be consistent with the appropriate image corridor designation, if applicable." * The Plan complies with this policy. Policy 3-4.1.17 "The City's streetscape quality shall be improved by undergrounding of utilities wherever possible." P Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 4 �, A subsidiary of Emlck Howard L Seibert, Inc. r SPECIFIC PLAN — Appendix I _ La Quinta Court, _La Quinta, CA • The utilities to the site and within the site will be located underground. Policy 3-4.1.18 "Prevention of visual blight shall be enhanced by the administration of a comprehensive sign ordinance." • The Plan proposes a comprehensive and integrated sign program that relates to the scale, massing, and users of the site. Policy 3-5.1.1 "The City shall coordinate with Sunline Transit to establish transit stops adjacent to medical facilities, senior citizen facilities, major areas of employment, shopping centers and parks." • The Plan will provide for the replacement of a transit stop along Highway 111. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ELEMENT Policy 6-1.1.2 "The City shall utilize street corridors to provide scenic vistas of the Coral Reef and Santa Rosa Mountains. Landscaped setbacks along streets shall be required pursuant to Policy 3-4.1.11 in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The setbacks are as follows: Highway 111--50 feet; Other Secondary Arterials --20 feet. • The Plan complies with this policy. Policy 6-2.1.2 "The City shall require development applications to be reviewed by a qualified archaeologist and/or historian, as appropriate, prior to final approval to identify any project - related impacts to historical and/or archaeological resources." ■ A cultural resources report has been submitted to the City for review. Policy 6-2.1.3 "Appropriate measures to protect historic and archaeological resources shall be required where necessary. Where appropriate, portions of proposed projects shall be designated Open Space and delineated as such on the Conservation Policy Diagram and Open Space Policy Diagram in the Open Space Element." = No mitigation measures are proposed in the cultural report. Policy 6-2.2.1 "The City shall continue to utilize the "La Quinta Art in Public Places" program to provide public art in the City." The Plan will contribute to the public arts program by incorporating an art element in the overall design., which has been approved by the City. Conway Architecture, Inc. - Page 5 A subsidiary of Emick Howard d Seibert, Inc. I SPECIFIC PLAN — Appendix 1 La Quinta Court, La Quints, CA INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES ELEMENT Policy 7-1.3.5 " The City shall require that new development provide adequate on and off site stormwater collection and detention/retention facilities to contain and convey stormwater to the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel." • The Plan will comply with this policy. AIRQUALITY ELEMENT Policy 9-2.1.1 "In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City shall require all proposed developments to evaluate the air quality impacts of the proposed use. The applicant shall submit an air quality analysis if the project meets one of the following threshold criteria of significance for air quality or threshold levels for land uses identified in the most recent version of the South Coast Air Quality Management District's Air Quality Handbook for preparing Environmental Impact Reports. Air quality analyses for new development shall locate sensitive receptors near the project and assess probable exposure to the project's emissions. If the project will have a significant impact on air quality, the analysis must propose suitable mitigation measures as identified in the South Coast Air Quality Management District's Air Quality Handbook for preparing Environmental Impact Reports." • The Plan will not generate a significant impact on air quality. Policy 9-8.2.5 "The City shall administer the provisions of the existing Outdoor Illumination Ordinance (Dark Sky Ordinance) to help limit night time energy consumption from lighting." The Plan proposes low level landscape lighting and down focused lighting within the parking areas. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 6 A subsidiary of Emick Howard 6 Seibert, Inc. 1� 0% Turf � ��,`:rte 00 A* 11 . I No 04 00 rA --"F:j- PQ CANOPY TREES 10 Aft COLUMNAR TREES 04 SHRUBS LOW SHRUBS/GROUNDCOVERS CACTI/SUCCULENTS 04 15WH MOUNDS TURF MOWING BAND BOULDERS COBBLE-:STONES/PEBBLES 0 DECOMPOSED GRANITE Palm Grove EX1410 8b Typical Arid Zone Landscaping per City of Ty.pical EIntry .Tfeatment 0 so 40 Go. '12-0 NOTE:E- Please . see Planting Palefte, Landscape Description and Landscape Guklle1nes for adddKxu-4 informabm '_r-- . , "L W.. ,, --- T _Ypicall-Earth, Mounds A Boulders CONWALY ANCErrECTUM ISO. & ammuftw 4C a 2mbWL bm or.v sq„�,- am :, 50,mWO TEL 206. 2-13. 4W� F," 206. Z23. a*Sc WDft*&A==bftzJ.%" jofm'.N'. ASL -A 454 7i Pmmmu= D- Sm Ptim rimcm CA 922.'r tCL 7601-761w? fi.L 760,77&6675 =UiL.JT77@gmmz1 can Jab V06ki hVi 5,---kWL0U_ al NLuft 0 *n R06DEX0 11"UmmkoAm ft. Ima"mm, mmmm drawing fitbE Landscape Plan Scale: 1---60' F—X. H. I B -1 T 1-�^-:� .---HIGHWAY 1 1 r—•�+�` � - �s ..^ A a 9 1! � ' rr�i 1ar'� � rr t,,�oo '`y PRaM]cfO tkM! Sri AxsRPtamtvs)AH P 1 a.arrairr° as y ] f Sri 1\ I'll $ / „y N. ` A F.F.=73.30 ♦ r P. E. 728 1, \ , �., ` .. * '` R • i. \ rr rer `� ti`l'l .� \ Q'`'•re r�. , s 7 N, 71 111111! \ r \ ••� \\\ r' \r\ \ lr 1. ` lr No ., ' . err \ \ \ \ ,, - • "� 7: � q� r.+ � L OTEf APPR9vED DRAINAGE PLANR STORM DRAIN SPECIFICATIONSD LAYOUT 7iiUC770N NOTES i •° \ , r ,\% �, DESCRIPTION r \ �'4 '' t \ :ORSTRLICT 3' A.C. •`::. 4 ; �,. t \ r \ \CY, '0N5TRUC7 b' CURB ONLY /2` CRUSNFD A -B, �`� , \ `♦`*,,.P '� \ '� @,- •.♦ 'ONSTRltCT OMWWAY AA PRkACH �6' PER COUNTY OF R+V£RSIDE STD, pWG. :ONSTRUCT 'y' A£R COUNTY OF 701; STD. 1WE CUTTCR PER OCTA, SRO Off', N0, 2078 r` r 3YN Or+ 5S COrI5R-UT SPECIALTY CONCRPSH£C], EK7lF1FO ri"75` RADUS ETE E3PIPS. it uVSTAtt BR001rS-JfNSFN ?ti2Y' N1 —W \ ` T 9'ISTAL.L STOP Pau SAN (Dr2e2r} W/TRAFFAC CRATE ' \� c. `••` .""" AND STOP BAR tr LEGEND PER COY , @ CONSTRUCT HANDICAP VOUGLE SPACE PER DFj'Ax BLA p'UI I,- 9 CO1: LAC[ uw--JCgp ROWN ON Shru I. RAMP PER -fl-A S CONSTRUCT CURB kIOWN ON SNfET 1. r ••' . n ' I CONSTRUCT P '£APER RLN; TRASH 5Tp, OWE• No, •E03. "r ` ` 47• FNCLASLHTE. •\'•• \ I CONSTRUCT E' CURB AND G UTTER PFR r.. GONSTRLICT MFiyyDERAyT, 8• WDF -)WI WALKUAS SHOOK STD, pytG, u,IOL g00 MOAJFIFO W/IB" CUTIFRj. sAN'CUT AND REMOVE ExISTM SJDFWALN. N" Lanllrvct t Uellar W r111wi d x[rtaa.[r iq � 1 I \ P•rtUrn, enWupee Swke[iet +► Or NWiM M rn+el ldlr[[rplM ranvyeLn'q ; fk .r. cPweey l,..t w eeXer a eeuwcyn, «tw [wµn upnv6tr, a x • , \ � P^tMl aet rh3 :cr►L! a•1May rekn} w a Pr,� _ `- 3 eo++0 N nawr.mi' Pal N lnarr 4 � c4Ml5riu.1} Me M Rt 4+.7e[ re `mow ha.t re re,}t,anP. w+ur rra+lw+al rmPwr hem enr cr os � "` a9m Ie awe, AaewT e•{ wd' of .oM1 m 1w r{kl lrt 1t ! t Wr l- — 1w nhq 4Nl �^} npgr.e, rr a,7, 4M, [+s n gpeh N aLrtiwd pr �O1 the e' -0e 7 d 1ev13 Fi*r, Re-i}y} G l V.or m bu a w w t �� ihnr"n ur �' + warr[i ire •ea[!) H n 1 len [Le+�[la. ie ntlivH y nwlenlr Ow ancMeneryhmaarwe[ }AAL la Tet �Ai "*'• wn.+gr. m. ea,ne<le• u w.,, r aeMr P.a S 4M(t71} e Da ,w.a Mwr[rw RNn er kmp krrex . YWrI n imPlir" .t tr .ia En }u Os krl a w.e« cs � sorer arl 7f—�—q rl, j rx l P� + F.F.=73.50 P.E.=73.0 I F.F.=73.00 I P. E. = 72.5 I EXTEND DEPTH f00TING rte.}'.—a- 4 7 r jr r. s - .Ix F.F.=72.80 -1 N P. E. = 72.3 srru WALL XW 72 -al; �, I5 N[3AD r \ r r� YAC �KjIII ENGINEERING, INC. YuoeaNKew Gs oa7a Cnrqn, 4.leb 9 '4 � kx�fFetr�71d� r51 h �'�aora.a � R��7W1� �'� PREPARED UNDER THEwww i3tl DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: OF: No. 55606 r is a r r� Ehl1 s y]E MICNACI, O NICKER RC -1, N0, 55606 XPNCS 17-aI.OA ' APPROVED FOR PERMITTING: PLANNING 70NING COMPLIANCE: 9MAIGTUR AND SAFETY DIRECTOR TE U JERRY FRALAIa COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT DIRECTOR CJT1' OF LA OUINTA CITY OF LA OUINTA :V ra & Y 30 60 120 ' i -� GRAPRnC SCALE: 1'. 3V' a EX. r.H. 6' S/w 7 l r— F'. — L `t`-3CE 'Nt'NITfCP^S Pl,[yEOR PROP. DrOICATIL LW%OY B E rPP f$ TNy CURB FACE IPOOp BCC'N Oi PRECISE CARDING AND PAW,N[3 1 +LOT A' Iffi1IN[RAllO AS E. 8�, , PARCEL I PRS LANDSCAPING SVEWAIK MAP NO. 29791 4 c.TI.Cf,T I: P. R., S.C. I '1�it d`I WASHINGTON � rAu} EtlC r ao'K.fN p}f- ta}-a aw'•roI PnL.c. nrw.,I]. erarn I 1 MORA` A I I Y NO sCALE .I d ! PROP. I — CURFACE PROP. k Q 1)• SETB1Lk fN ru$ (a RWC p rfX R� VAWS E Q L) I PRaP, EtAf LANDSCAPINGS7aErAnk fY•• (FTP. 7A �x HWY 111 ¢ % SEC71ON E -B NO SCALE 7,jo 1 ra 11 6' STEM WALL Y GTR. CLAN! 1 � \ NO SCALE 6` CURB rAEE FA f nm rro sr.,. IL t+`A Yx•{. rr �'� rx [a nd 1e18U98TRUl'E AEYL AR • f, r O+fi[�%9 - .{ • Clr � ''+ I lNkar to the mygr APPI—d Pr the Off' wa e9`011lr fiery 19. 7001. rM :• e 1, �IofLA OlnK A ¢P f.• NIX Eji ' 1 �� r� q L''� • �.I7glp1 _ " y � `� _ .' .. t` I I ! 1 I '✓ l • J. {� �rt {7�wt ALT 14 °BONEN &y: CITY OT LA OUINTA '- SDP 2000-680 Q i-� cl-nr OF L_A OUINTA +7� t Exp, OATC: 06/7a/al PRECISE CARDING AND PAW,N[3 2 OF AS E. 8�, , PARCEL Y-. 0. N., X.L. , , , --A „ Ff�. n� '^r }M, rrnwr a• t.•.r,, riro trr+t"- MAP NO. 29791 4 c.TI.Cf,T I: P. R., S.C. kcw n}' � a.°,Ra ie mtmt�r Nr': D.N. � rAu} EtlC r ao'K.fN p}f- ta}-a aw'•roI PnL.c. nrw.,I]. erarn W.11,0040r FOR'JDD IIrh�wt-__: FILF NO. M-, a F Y = ,lb 74,r .,� F Vit. u» t -70. IV. GO y�, . an , eR Q »e r: t j , 73.16 TC .�, �, 73.16 TC \/ c� 72.66 FS•72.66 FS 71.92 FL rpm 2 HP 0.5 7.5Z 72.64 TC 0. k 4 72.14 FS 71.72 72 .,4 9 F FL 4 0 WAY 72.53 TC 72.03 FS •s,`�C 4 to 72.86 T N, 72.36 FL Np p72.57 TC SP ..9 \ w � Table 3 Qty Proposed Plant Palette Key & Scientific Name Common Name Size Caliper n/a Shade/Canop.y Trees E.G. Echinocactus rusinii -� 5 C.L. Chilo sis linearis* Desert Willow {multi stem)WboxI.511 F.C. Ferocactus cylindracus Red Barrel Cactus 12 A.S. Acacia smallii* Sweet Acacia (multi) 6 A.A. Acacia aneura Mul a 6 A.W. Acacia willardiana* Palo Blanco multi) 28 P.C. Proso is chilensis `Colorado' Chilean Mesquite 36" box 2.5"-3" Columnar Trees 15 A.S. Acacia sten h lla Sh'oestring Acacia 36" box 2.0"-3.0" 8 B.P. Brach chiton Eopulneus Bottle Tree 36" box 3.0"-4.0" Palms 40 W.R. Washingtonia robusta* Mexican Fan Palm *hybrid 8712716' n/a 18 P.D. Phoenix dart lifera Date Palm 6720' n/a 3 C.H. Chamaero s humilis* Mediterranean Fan Pahn _12'/I 36" box n/a 5 B.A. Brahea edulis Guadalupe Palm 6710714' n/a 7 B.C. Butia ca itata Pindo Palm 8712' n/a 5 P.R. Phoenix roebelenii Pi2j Date Palm 3 stems n/a 3 C.R. C cas revoluta Sago Palm Specimen n/a Shrubs 40 C.A. Cassia artemisioides* feathery Cassia 5 al. n/a 40 C.N. Cassia nerno hila Desert Cassia 5 al. n/a 30 C.P. Caesal inia ulcherima* Red Bird of Paradise 15 al. n/a 25 D.P. Dalea ulcehra* Indigo Bush 5 gal. n/a 50 L.F. Leoco h llum fratescens* Texas Ranger Green Cloud 5 al. n/a 50 L.F. Leoco hyllum futescens* Texas Ran er White Cloud 5 al, n/a 12 T.P. Thevetia eruviana Yellow Oleander_ 15 gal. n/a 30 B.R. Bougainvillea `Rosenka'* Bou ainvillea Spp. 5 al. n/a 25 C.E. Calliandra erioph lla* Fairy Duster 5 gal. n/a 25 C.Ca. Calliandra californica Ba'a Fal Duster 15 gal. n/a 60 G.N. Grevillea noellii Grevillea 5 gal. n/a 70 L.R. Leuco hilum fr. comp arta* Dwarf Texas Ranger 5 gal. n/a 40 R.P. Ruellia peninsularis Ruellia 5 gal. n/a 40 D.P. Dalea ulchra* lndi o Bush 5 gal. n/a 30 G.C. Grewia caffa Lavender Starflower 15 gal. n/a Cacti and Sur_r_ulpntc 15 F.S. Fou uieria s Iendens* Ocotillo 7 canes+ n/a 25 E.G. Echinocactus rusinii Golden Barrel Cactus 5 al. n/a 25 F.C. Ferocactus cylindracus Red Barrel Cactus 5 gal, n/a CY C*UNM APPROED dit &4 . R -45 -/It Table 3 Proposed Plant Palette Qty Key & Scientific Name Common Name Size Caliper 12 O.B. Qpuntia basilaris Beaver Tail Cactus 5 gal. n/a 20 O.S. Opuntia Santa-Rita Santa Rita Prickly Pear 5 gal. n/a 20 Y.E. Yucca elata Soa tree Yucca 15 al. n/a 5 N.L. Nolina longifolia Mexican Grass Tree 15311. n/a 20 D.W. Dasylirion wheeleri* Desert Spoon 15 gal. n/a 30 D.A. Dasylirion acrotriche* Green Desert Spoon 15 gal. n/a 50 H.P. Hesperaloe parvifolia Red Yucca 5 gal, n/a Vines and Espaliers 20 B.S. Bou ainvillea San Diego Red Bougainvillea 5gal- n/a 20 B.B. Bougainvillea Barbara Karst Bougainvillea 5 gal. n/a Goundcovers T o.c, A.R. Acacia redolens* Acacia Redolence 5 gal. n/a 2.5' o.c B.C. Baccharis centennial `Stam' Desert Broom H brid 1 al. n/a T o.c. D.G. Dalea greggi* Prostrate Indigo Bush I gal, n/a 2.5' o.c L.M. Lantana montevidensis Training Lantana Purple 1 gal. n/a 2.5' o.c. L.M. Lantana montevidensis Training Lantana Gold Mound 1 gal. n/a n/a Turf* Bermuda #328/Annual Rye Grass Seed n/a n/a Drifts of Annual Color Seasonal Flowers (in limited locations) Flats n/a Non Organic Materials 60 Boulders* Baja Select (Permion treated) 2' to'6' n/a n/a Cobble Stones and Pebbles* Baja Select 311-to 6" n/a n/a Decomposed Granite* Desert Dust, Stabilized and Compacted 2" layer n/a n/a Mowing Strip* Colored Concrete, 6" wide n/a NOTES: Only plants and materials marked with asterisk (*) will be planted at HWY 111 as per Planting Palette/Guidelines for Highway 111, City of La Quinta. Plant quantity is estimated. Exact numbers shall be included in the final planting plan. La Quinta Court 8/15/00 8:30 Square footages as follows-: Interpretation LG's over/under Interior dining 7,265 Interior Kitchen/support Interior 2,560 common exit area 180 Interior sub -total 1 0, 005 Patio 600 Fishermans Market & Grill Interior dining 1,000 Interior Kitchen/support 11000 Interior sub -total 2,000 Patio 1,000 Interior dining total 8,265 (4,735) Interior Kitchen/support total 3,560 Interior exit common total 180 Total interior area 12,005 (995) Total patio area 1,600 Total area 13,605 605 Specific plan area 13,000 Adjustments Building SIF No change Increase parking stallsAPPROVED C'" ' &te Eliminate drive-thruC� BY .=a_ - . DATE off, R . 05-6 CASE , ���-_-� FWTI 8-14-00 Ve rs,m rL 96BG 6s r- 000 �,. p V Q ja 0 IE2' a 9 Q ja IE2' a 9 ® w Z3 M 43 cc qk- c C/:) i IM LU Q U