SP 1999-036 La Quinta Corporate Center (2007) - Amendment 3 -J&S Paul Professional Plaza1
July 11, 2007
Mr. Jay & Sharon Paul
J&S Paul Professional Plaza 801jr55-585 Cherry Hills
La Quinta, CA 92253 �Qpr
Dear Mr. Paul:
Staff received a letter dated May 29, 2007, requesting changes to Specific Plan 99-036. The
requested changes would eliminate the 2,000 square foot limitation on Medical Offices within
Planning Area One, and would add language to Specific Plan to allow for administrative
approvals for minor changes to the Specific Plan. Per the General Plan, the Planning Director
can determine substantial conformance in a Specific Plan, and waive the need for a Specific
Plan amendment when no new land use is proposed. Therefore, Staff prepared a memorandum
for the Directors review on July 9, 2007.
Attached is the Memorandum prepared by staff for the Planning Director. After review of the
General Plan and the Specific Plan, the Director approved your request on July 9, 2007. The
changes to the Specific Plan will take immediate effect and staff will update the existing Specific
Plan to reflect the approved changes.
In addition, the Community Development Department would like to thank you for your
cooperation in working with staff. Should you have any questions or need additional information,
please feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7125.
Very truly yours,
i-1— , A
Assistant Plan er
C: Building & Safety Department
P.O. Box 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 CD
(760) 777-7000 -FAX (760) 777-7101 (�
TO: Les Johnson, Planning Director
FROM: Eric J. Ceja, Assistant Planner
DATE: 7/9/2007
RE: Director's Determination on Specific Plan 99-036
Amendment 3
The J&S Paul Professional Plaza is located at the intersection of Commerce
Court and Corporate Centre Drive, and consists of three office buildings
surrounded by a common parking lot. Specific Plan 99-036 was originally
approved by the City Council on September 7, 1999 and approved
amendments by City Council on June 4, 2002, and March 4, 2003. On May
29, 2007, Mr. Jay Paul submitted an application for a third amendment to
Specific Plan 99-036. The proposed amendment would remove the 2,000
square foot limitation on medical office uses at the J&S Paul Professional
Plaza, and add language to the Specific Plan to allow for Director
Determinations for minor modifications to the Specific Plan. As per the City
of La Quinta's General Plan, Land Use Element Goa/ 1, Po/icy 4, Program
4.2, the Community Development Director can determine substantial
conformance in a Specific Plan, and waive the need for a Specific Plan
amendment when no new land use is proposed.
Section of the Specific Plan lists Permitted/Conditional and
Prohibited Uses for each of the four Planning Areas. Under Planning Area
One (PA1), Medical Offices (2,000 square feet or less per tenant) are listed
as a Permitted Use. The applicants have requested to amend the Permitted
Uses under section by eliminating the 2,000 square foot limitation
on medical office uses.
The applicants have also requested that minor modifications to the Specific
Plan be approved administratively by the Planning Director. Language
regarding the Directors Determination shall be placed in Section 1.20.3 -
The Process, and shall be listed under a new sub -section titled Section - Amendments. The new section shall read "Specific Plan
modifications initiated by the developer shall be submitted to the Planning
Director. If the Director determines that the modification(s) is/are minor, will
not result in a significant change in the approved project, and
complies/comply with the spirit and intent of the original approving action,
the Director may approve the modification(s) without further administrative
review. If the Director determines that the modification(s) may result in a
significant change in the project, the Director shall refer the change(s) to the
original decision-making authority."
Approval of the requested amendment as submitted.
Planning Director
ZBy• v'h
Eric Ceja
Assistant lanner
1. Applicants letter of request
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Paul
55-585 Cherry Hills • La Quinta, CA 92253
(760) 771-2910
July 9, 2007
Eric Cej a
City of LaQuinta-
78-495 Calle Tampico
LaQuinta, CA 92253
Re: Case No. SP 99-036, Amd #1
Dear Eric,
JUL 12 2001
Thank you for all the assistance given our situati6n, and
timely resolvement. Please express my thanks to Les Johnson
as well.
I am requesting a refund of $2000.00 which was given to
amend the Specific Plan. Now that it has been deemed that
such amendments can be handled at the desk level, a refund
is applicable.
To confirm, we have amended to lift the 2,000 sq. ft. limi-
tation on medical offices. And, amended conditional use,
spas & related entities.
The refund should be sent to home address above.
Thank you again!