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SP 2002-062 Jefferson Square (2008) - Amendment 2
I� Jefferson Square Amended Specific Plan 0 1 a C i u a f L Q, U 1 F1 t c -I Applicant RegencU Morinita - LA QUINTA LLC Design Tearn K_TGY Group: Inc. DRC: Inc. Closson 8 Closson tprQ�C b C �l Planning ommission ",Q City Council C?A —6 _ 435 O Planning Dept. Initials Case No.�' Exhibit '-] With Conditions k. 15E -C) V J% � 1 Approved 2004 ,mended 2005 mended Version October 2007 Specific Plan Jefferson Square Amended Specific Plan Prepared for: Regency Marinita -La Quinta, LLC. 14200 Culver Drive, Suite S Irvine, CA 92604 Original Specific Plan Prepared by: Dudek & Associates, Inc. 75-150 Sheryl Avenue, Suite C Palm Desert, California 92211 October 2007Amendment Prepared By: %TGY Group Architecture and Planning 17992 Mitchell South Irvine, CA 92614 Development Resource Consultants, Inc Civil Engineering 1701 Rimpau Ave. Suite 101 Corona, CA 92881 Closson & Closson Landscape Architecture 12452 Vista Panorama Santa Ana, CA 92705 Approved Revised Version January 20, 2004 City Council Amended Specific Plan June 2005 AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN OCTOBER 2007 City of La Quints Planning Comments added 3124108 October 31, 2007 Jefferson Square Specific Plan Jefferson Square TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION A. AUTHORITY AND SCOPE B. PURPOSE AND INTENT C. DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION D. PROJECT LOCATION E. PROJECT OVERVIEW F. REQUIRED FINDINGS H. PROJECT SETTING A. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING B. EXISTING SITE CHARACTERISTICS C. SURROUNDING LAND USE III. PROJECT MASTER PLANS A. SITE PLAN B. PHASING PLAN C. LANDSCAPE PLAN D. CIRCULATION PLAN E. GRADING PLAN F. DRAINAGE PLAN G. SEWER PLAN H. WATER PLAN I. OTHER UTILITY PLANS IV. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS A. PRINCIPAL USES PERMTTED B. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS V. DESIGN GUIDELINES A. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES B. SIGN GUIDELINES C. LIGHTING GUIDELINES D. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES VI. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES A. HOURS OF OPERATION B. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT C. MAINTENANCE October 31, 2007 2 4 4 4 4 7 8 9 15 15 17 20 20 22 25 25 25 28 28 29 29 30 40 41 41 42 42 43 Specific PIan Jefferson Square LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1, Regional Location Map S Figure 2, Vicinity Map 6 Figure 3, Existing Land Use Designations 11 Figure 4, Existing Site Conditions 16 Figure S, Site Plan 18 Figure 6, Land Use Plan 19 Figure 7, Phasing Plan (Deleted) Figure 8, Preliminary Landscape Plan 21 Figure 9, Circulation Plan 23 Figure 10, Conceptual Grading & Drainage Plan 26 Figure 11, Conceptual Utility Plan 27 Figure 12, OSH, Shops 2, Fresh & Easy Elevations 31 Figure 12.I, OSH, Shops 2, Fresh & Easy Elevations 32 Figure 13, Shops 1 Elevations 33 Figure 13.1, Shops 3 Elevation 34 Figure 14, Drug Store Elevations 35 Figure 15, Pad A Elevations 36 Figure 16, Preliminary Site Sections 37 LIST OF TABLES Table 1, Site Plan Compliance 7 Table 2, Land Use Summary 20 October 31, 2007 3 Specific Plan Jefferson Square INTRODUCTION A. AUTHORITY AND SCOPE Section 65450 of the California Government Code grants local planning agencies the authority to prepare a specific plan of development over a given piece of property. Consistent with this authority and in accordance with La Quinta General Plan, General Land Use Policy 4, the City is requiring that a Specific Plan be prepared for the proposed commercial center. In order to approve the project, the City must make the findings required by La Quinta Zoning Code, Chapter 9.240: Specific Plans. B. PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this Specific Plan document is to address the land use issues associated with development of Jefferson Square in sufficient detail to ensure that the subject site develops in a manner which is consistent with the General Plan; protects the public health, safety and general welfare; is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties and is suitable and appropriate for the subject property (Zoning Code 9.240.010.E). Ultimately the project seeks to provide the surrounding residential neighborhoods with a high quality and convenient commercial/retail center. In both text and illustration, this document depicts the character and configuration of the various components comprising the Specific Plan and establishes a foundation document that will govern further development of the site. In this way, the Specific Plan will serve to implement the City of La Quinta General Plan by specifying appropriate land uses, intensity of use, and development standards which are consistent with General Plan goals, objectives and policies. The specific plan is a flexible document, which allows minor modifications to accommodate minor changes to floor areas or tenant uses. Minor modifications to the specific plan are within the Community Development Director's power to approve, and do not require further consideration at public hearings. C. DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION The Jefferson Square Specific Plan is organized into six sections. Section I provides a regulatory context for the project and an overview of key project elements. Section II, provides a context for project planning and design by briefly describing the project's existing setting in terms of regulatory land use designations and surrounding land uses. Against this background, Section III presents the primary master plan components of the Specific Plan. Section IV describes the development standards to which the project must adhere. Section V contains design guidelines with respect to landscaping and architecture to ensure that the project is of a high quality and is well integrated into the community character, and Section VI discusses key operational guidelines for the project The majority of the document remains as approved as the Amended Specific Plan, June 2005. New proposed amendments are shown in bold italic print New figures are provided as necessary to illustrate the current design. D. PROJECT LOCATION From a regional perspective, the Jefferson Square Specific Plan is located in the Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quinta as shown in Figure 1, Regional Location Map. Locally, the project site is bounded by Fred Waring Drive and a residential development on the north; October 31, 2007 4 Specific Plan Jefferson Square Jefferson Street and a recently completed retail center within the City of Indio on the east; an existing well site, city park area, and retention basin buffer the site from FIGURE 1, REGIONAL LOCATION MAP October 31, 2007 5 Plmso" &VD DEERT HOT SPRINGS ------- ---- -------- L" I VISSTA CHINO IAN RAWMCW RD., fAALIVI �SPMRINGS 'k PAM MM SEW FREDWAUNG .4NDLAN YVFLLS Source. Dudek & As=kAes Dmwn*ml " Regional Location Map C:OACHELLA AVENA 60 MIA NOT TO SCALE 1 Specific Plan FIGURE 2, VICINITY MAP October 31, 2007 Jefferson Square r LLJ LLJQ Sou ce: Dudek $ ASSdCldf9t %l y"rn BERMUDA DUNES a . F— W W L" FRED WARING ' DRIVE C INDIO w u - !A QUINTA r _�,--�zs_ _ ars• - - y t�. ORAWW. ME CIII r Vicinity Map I& ASSOC IATES FtGI�RF'WC7 NOT TO SCALA 2 LLJ LLJQ Sou ce: Dudek $ ASSdCldf9t %l y"rn BERMUDA DUNES a . F— W W L" FRED WARING ' DRIVE C INDIO w u - !A QUINTA r _�,--�zs_ _ ars• - - y t�. ORAWW. ME CIII r Vicinity Map I& ASSOC IATES FtGI�RF'WC7 NOT TO SCALA 2 Specific Plan Jefferson Square residential along the west; and single family residential exists along the southern periphery of the site. As shown in Figure 2, Vicinity Map, the project area consists of a rectangular 10.79 acre parcel of land, containing Assessor Parcel 604-521-004. The existing site conditions consist primarily of sandy soil sloping to the east at an approximate 1% grade. There are no unique physical or topographic features on site or in the immediate area. E. PROJECT OVERVIEW Project Summary The project proposes development of a neighborhood commercial/retail center on an approximate 10.79 acre site. The project will result in creation a single site area. Future submittal may be made to create individual parcels, but that subdivision is not requested at this time. The development will include the following uses: • Market • Drug store • Retail/service shops • Bank • Restaurant (possible use in shop buildings) In addition to the proposed buildings, the project will include associated parking, street improvements, pedes trian sidewalks, landscaping, an above ground retention basins as well as underground retention facilities and utilities. For the most part, the Specific Plan will be consistent with the allowable uses and development standards of the site's neighborhood commercial general plan and zoning designations. The adoption of the Sped Plan would allow drive-thru windows at the proposed drug store and bank building. A reduction in landscape setbacks from the City's standard of 15 feet to 5 feet minimum along the project's western boundary is also being pursued (refer to Figure 5). The Specific Plan would provide a total of 362 parking spaces on site, meeting Parking Standards of the Zoning Ordinance, and would implement a reciprocal parking agreement among all uses on site which will be made part of the conditions of the Building Management Association. A comparison of the Site Plan with development standards from the La Quints Zoning Code is shown in Table 1 Site Plan Compliance. Table 1 _Site Plan Compliance Development Standard CN Zone Specific Plan Min -Max Bldg Site (acres) 1-20 10.79 Max Structure Height (ft) 35 35(l) Max Structure Height (ft) 150 feet from Arterial Hwy. 22 22(2) Max Number of Stories 2 1 Max Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.25 0.25(3) Min Building Setback - Primary linage Corridor (ft) 30 30 October 31, 2007 7 Specific Plan Jefferson Square Table 1.Site Plan Compliance Development Standard CN Zone Specific Plan Min Building Setback -from OS and Park District (ft) 30 30(4) Min Building Setback from Residential Districts (ft) 30 30 Min Landscape Setback -Primary Image Corridor (ft) 20 20 Min Landscape Setback -from OS and Park District (ft) 15 5(5) Min Landscape Setback -from Residential Districts (ft) 15 15 Min Setback from interior property lines 0 0 Building Landscape 5% 5% Interior Parking Lot Landscape 5% 5% Park ng Spaces (1 space per 250 sq. ft.) 362 362 1. Not including architectural appendages, such as a root parapet or tower, up to 41 ieet. 2. Not including up to 10% of the building mass, which will extend up to 36 feet. 3. Building size may be slightly reduced or enlarged during final design. However, the maximum FAR of 025 will not be exceeded for the entire site, or at any individual lot. 4. The development standard is 30 feet; however, the current site plan setback is 33 feet. 5. The project's western property line along Monticello Park averages 11 feet, with a minimum of 7.5 feet and maximum of 24.7 feet. The development standard is for 5 feet minimum; however the current site plan minimum setback is 7.5 feet. Requested Entitlements To facilitate this project, the developer is seeking the City of La Quinta's approval of an amended Specific Plan, and a Site Development Permit to develop the Specific Plan area, F. REQUIRED FINDINGS According to the La Quinta Zoning Code, Chapter 9.240.010.E, the City Council must make four specific findings in order to approve the project. Each finding is listed below followed by a discussion of how each is satisfied by this project. The project's success in meeting the required findings is supported by the facts presented throughout the Specific Plan document. Consistency with the General Plan. The plan or amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. - The project proposes development of a commercial/retail center that will serve the surrounding neighborhoods, which is consistent with the allowable uses under the site's Neighborhood Commercial (NC) General Plan Land Use designation. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the plan or amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. - The site plan for this project is consistent with City development standards which are established to protect the public health and safety. - In accordance with the City's General Plan, the proposed commercial development is consistent with the sites NC land use designation, which envisions commercial land uses such as: food and drug stores; personal October 31, 2007 Specific Plan Jefferson Square services; small restaurants; and financial institutions, which will serve the daily needs of adjacent neighborhoods. Land Use Compatibility. The specific plan is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. -The subject property is general planned and zoned Neighborhood Commercial. The commercial property is physically separated and buffered from planned residential uses along the north by intervening roadways and landscape/sidewalk easements. Residential development to the west is buffered from the site by an existing 6' high block wall, a city park, well -site, and retention basin. An existing 6' high block wall located atop a 2' berm, separates the site and existing residential to the south. -The Specific Plan would be compatible with planned land use on the City of Indio property to the east. The parcel of land immediately east of the site and Jefferson Street has been developed for commercial use and lies within the City of Indio. -Hours of operation will be consistent with adjacent land uses. -The proposed uses will not generate excessive noise or other nuisances. 4. Property Suitability: The specifrc plan is suitable and appropriate for the subject properly. -Consistent with the NC land use designation for the site, the Specific Plan area is appropriately located at the intersection of two primary and major arterial roadways. -The project is being proposed in a location that will allow convenient access to commercial and retail uses by the surrounding residential communities. -The site will require minimal grading, and all utilities are readily available, and can be routinely extended to serve the proposed uses. -The site plan complies with City development standards, and implements General Plan Goals and Policies. H. PROJECT SETTING A. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING The 10.79 acre project site located at the southwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street is designated as Neighborhood Commercial (NC) in the City' s General Plan. As stated in Table 2.1 of the City's General Plan, the NC land use designation supports: "The development of commercial land uses which serve the daily needs of the adjacent neighborhood on parcels of 10 to 20 acres. Typical land uses include food and drug stores, personal services, small restaurants, and financial institutions. This designation generally occurs at arterial and major arterial October 31, 2007 9 Specific Plan Jefferson Square intersections." Consistent with the City's General Plan designation, the subject property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (CN). The City of La Quints Zoning Code, Section 9.70.060 states that the purpose and intent of the CN Zone is: "To provide for the development and regulation of small-scale commercial areas located at the intersections of arterial highways as shown on the General Plan. The CN district is intended to provide for the sale offood, drugs, sundries, and personal services to meet the daily needs of a neighborhood area. " Existing General Plan and zoning designations for the site and surrounding properties are shown in Figure 3 Existing Land Use Designations. The Jefferson Square Specific Plan would result in development of commercial and service oriented land uses on an approximate 10.79 acre site located at the intersection of two major arterial roadways, which is consistent with the city's existing General Plan and zoning designations for the site. The intent of the Jefferson Square Specific Plan is to establish a site plan, design standards, and specific allowable land uses that will facilitate development of a commercial/retail center that will cater to the surrounding residential neighborhoods, and complement the City and surrounding community through the use of decorative architectural and landscaping themes. Circulation Element The Jefferson Square Specific Plan area is bordered by Fred Waring Drive on the north, and Jefferson Street on the east. The City's General Plan designates Fred Waring Drive as a Primary Arterial, and Jefferson Street as a Major Arterial. Both roadways are also designated as Primary Image Corridors in the General Plan. The development of the property is consistent with policies and programs outlined in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Policy 4: "Encourage expansion of ridership and the service area of the public transit systems operated by the Sunline Transit Authority within the City. " The project includes the provision for a bus stop on Jefferson Street. The project will identify a Transportation Demand Coordinator in accordance with City Ordinance (Section 9.180.030), who will be responsible for coordinating ride sharing, bus ridership, flexible work schedules, and other Transportation Demand Management program among employees. Policy 5: "As a means of reducing traffic associated with work-related out -migration, make every reasonable effort to enhance the City's job/housing balance. " The project will result in the development of a commercial/retail center on the site which would provide for increased job opportunities in a housing rich area. October 31, 2007 10 J WELL r SITE I PQ CITY PARK �-- � 1 z LDR Gad W a RETENTION 1 r D BASIN a J � A i i GENERAL PLAN NC Neighborhood Com LDR Low Density Resident P Park Facilities S.—. aclekaAsodau LDR Gad 1,E MEMORIAL PLACE ' ZONING mercial CH Neighborhood Commercial al 4 DU/Ac Gad Low Density Residential P12 Parks & Recreation 0 U ca VRAWNG MU Existing Land Use Designations I& ASSOCIATES W. 0 115 ,SO 3 Specific Plan Jefferson Square Policy 6: "Develop and encourage the use of continuous and convenient bicycle routes and multi -use trails to places of employment, recreation, shopping, schools, and other high activity areas with potential for increased bicycle, equestrian, golf cart and other non -vehicular use. " The project will include development of meandering pedestrian sidewalks and "on road" bicycle lanes fronting the development along Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street. A functional network of internal pedestrian walkways and bicycle racks will also be provided on site. Open Space Element The site has not been defined in the General Plan as an area that includes outstanding and significant natural or manmade features, there are no steep topographical or geotechnical constrains, nor does the site fall under any of the criteria for Open Space designation. Thus, development of the site is not in conflict with any of the City's Open Space policies, goals and programs. Park and Recreation Element The site is not identified in the General Plan as an existing or proposed city park and/or recreational facility. Development of the Specific Plan area would not result in an increase in population generating a need for additional parkland or recreational facilities. The City's General Plan identifies Monticello Park as being located immediately adjacent to the site's western boundary. The project will include the development of pedestrian sidewalks and "on road" bicycle lanes along Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street, which would facilitate pedestrian movement between the site and the adjacent parkland. A functional network of internal pedestrian walkways and bicycle racks will also be provided on site. Thus, development of the site is not in conflict with any of the City's Parks and Recreation policies, goals and programs. Natural Resources Element Development of the site will not degrade any aspects of the natural and man-made environment which are of aesthetic, environmental or cultural value to the City. Development of the Jefferson Square Specific Plan will be consistent with many of the policies and programs outlined in the Natural Resources Element of the General Plan. Air Quality Policies - Policy 2: "The City shall strive to maintain a balance between housing and commercial and industrial growth within the community to reduce the length of commuter trips. " The project will result in the development of a neighborhood commercial/retail center on site, which would provide the local community with a convenient location for buying goods/services, which they would otherwise have to travel out of the area to obtain. Policy 4: "The City shall encourage growth around activity centers and arterial streets to October 31, 2007 12 Specific Plan Jefferson Square provide more efficient travel patterns and transit service. " Policy 5: "The City shall promote the development of alternative modes of transportation to reduce motor vehicle emissions. " The Jefferson Square Specific Plan would be developed at the intersection of Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street, which are designated as Primary and Major Arterials in the General Plan. The project will provide alternative transportation amenities including; a bus stop along Jefferson Street, and "on road" bicycle lanes and pedestrian sidewalks fronting Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street. Energy and Mineral Resource Policies - Policy 1: "The City shall encourage the incorporation of energy conservation features in the design of all new construction and the installation of energy-saving devices in existing development. " The proposed project shall comply with the City's energy conservation plans as identified in the City's General Plan. The City shall review all project related design and building plans to ensure compliance with energy saving techniques and policies, including compliance with Title 24 building standards of the California Administrative Code 1604(f). Biological Resource Policies - Policy 1: "The City shall continue to participate in regional efforts to protect wildlife habitat, including suitable habitat for rare and endangered species. " Policy 2: "Staff shall review all development applications for vacant land for their potential impacts to existing wildlife and habitat. " Policy 3: "Native, drought -tolerant desert plant materials shall be incorporated into the new development to the greatest extent practical. Invasive, non-native species shall be discouraged. " Prior to the mass grading activities, the project site was intensively surveyed by a qualified biologist for the presence of sensitive biological resources. The associated survey concluded that there were no sensitive biological resources within the site. The City's required design and environmental review and conditioning process will ensure that the project does not adversely affect any identified sensitive species. The project's proposed landscaping palette incorporates the use of native drought -tolerant plants (see Landscape Guidelines below). Paleontologic Resource Policies - Polic 1: "The City shall require the preparation of paleontologic resource analyses by a qualrjted paleontologist for all development proposals which occur in areas of High Sensitivity. " According to Exhibit 6.8 of the City's General Plan, the project site is located within an area of "low" paleontologic sensitivity, and therefore would require no further studies or conflict with any relevant General Plan policies and programs. October 31, 2007 13 Specific Plan Jefferson Square Water Resource Policies Policy 1: "The City shall support the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) in its efforts to supply adequate domestic water to residents and businesses. " Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the developer shall secure the necessary commitments from CVWD for the project's domestic water needs. Policy 4: "The City shall ensure that surface water resources are protected. " Policy 6: `All development plans shall be reviewed for their potential to create surface and groundwater contamination hazards from point and non point sources. " In accordance with the Federal Clean Water Act, the project will be subject to the permit requirements of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The construction contractor, in consultation with the lead agency, shall be responsible for filing all required notices with the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), preparing the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and implementing required Best Management Practices (BMPs). The City's required design and environmental review and conditioning process will ensure compliance with the City's applicable stormwater drainage standards. Infrastructure and Public Services Element Development of the site will not be in conflict with the policies and programs of the Infrastructure and Public Service Element. The necessary public utility infrastructure is readily available to the project site from the surrounding development, and the associated extensions are anticipated to be routine once construction begins. The project will incrementally increase the need for public services within the City, and therefore the developer will contribute the appropriate development fees to help fund the expansion of these services within the City. Environmental Hazards Element The site is not identified in the Environmental Hazards Element as being located within an area that is susceptible to a significant risk from seismic, liquefaction or flood related hazards. Consistent with policy 5 of the Geologic and Seismic Hazards section, all structures on site will be built in accordance with the latest version of the California Building Code (CBC). The City's standard protocols for tentative tract map review, conditioning and approval, will ensure compliance with the relevant goals, policies and programs of the Environmental Hazards Element. Cultural Resource Element According to Exhibit 9.1 of the City's General Plan, the project site does not contain any identified cultural or historic resources on site or in the immediate vicinity. Development of the property will be consistent with policies and programs outlined in October 31, 2007 14 Specific Plan Jefferson Square the Cultural Resource Element of the General Plan. Policy .2: "The City shall consider the identification of cultural resources as an integral part of the planning process. " Policy 2.1: "The City shall make all reasonable efforts to protect cultural resources under its regulatory control. " Prior to the mass grading activities, the project site was intensively surveyed by a qualified archaeologist for the presence of cultural resources. The associated survey concluded that there were no archaeological resources within the site. Construction specifications will be included, which require the contractor to immediately halt grading or any other construction activity, if a buried cultural resource artifact/site is accidentally uncovered during grading operations. The specifications will require that the developer or contractor notify the City and summon a qualified specialist in order to determine the appropriate action for documenting and preserving a find. B. EXISTING SITE CHARACTERISTICS Existing site conditions are shown in Figure 4. The subject property is vacant, and contains sparse areas of desert scrub vegetation. The site has recently been mass graded and generally slopes to the east at an approximate 1% grade. Elevations on site range from approximately 50 feet above sea level (asl) along the west to approximately 40 feet asl at the eastern boundary. There are no unique physical or topographic features on site. Off-site improvements include a traffic signal, and existing curb and gutter (with handicapped access) at the northeast corner of the site (Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street intersection), and four electrical transmission line poles, which flank the northern periphery of the site. The site is also bordered by 6' high masonry walls on the southern and western boundaries. Curb, gutter and deceleration lane improvements have been completed on Jefferson past the northern entry drive to the site. C. SURROUNDING LAND USE In order to provide a context for project planning, surrounding land use is shown in Figure 4. The subject property is bordered on the north by Fred Waring Drive, which is a six lane primary arterial roadway with a 120 foot wide right-of-way. The Esplanade single family residential subdivision is located directly across Fred Waring Drive, north of the project site. The project site is bordered on the east by Jefferson Street, a major arterial with 120 foot wide right-of-way. Property to the east of Jefferson Street is within the City of Indio's jurisdictional boundaries and it has been developed as a retail center. The Heritage Palms Golf Resort is located across Jefferson Street to the southeast. Land use immediately west of the site includes an existing well site, City park, and an existing retention basin associated with the recently developed residential subdivision (Monticello) further to the west. The rear yards of approximately seven single family residences of the Monticello, neighborhood exist along the southern periphery of the site. These homes are separated from the project site by an elevated berm with a six foot high masonry block perimeter wall. October 31, 2007 15 SlNrj-[� 5A]\Illl.Y R5-SJD-EfNT1A-1 N rl'21'W WN42't N4� 36 q3. WELL SITE 74' 0 Ln 1+0.5 Acres CITY PARK cant Rough LLl Graded hJ lL . ......... (02 LULC z LLI LLJ > LLJ RETENTION BASIN 0 LU 5mv) 2 SIN FA W M-11= 0 flE N1 MEMORIAL PLACE TAMW,W�, 151,,r Existing Site Conditions Specific Plan Jefferson Square III. PROJECT MASTER PLANS A. SITE PLAN As shown in Figure 5 Project Site Plan, the Specific Plan would result in development of a Market, Drug Store (with a drive-thru), assorted retail and service oriented shops, possible restaurant uses, and one bank (refer to Table 2, Land Use Summary). The building areas of the seven potential building footprints are illustrated in Figure 6 Land Use Plan. The proposed footprints may be modified (enlarged or reduced) during final design, however, a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.25 will not be exceeded over the entire site. For the most part, the Specific Plan complies with the development standards of the site's Neighborhood Commercial (CN) zoning designation. Since drive-thru establishments are generally not allowed within the City's CN zoning district, the Specific Plan seeks the City's discretionary approval to allow drive-thru windows at the proposed drug store and bank buildings. The project provides landscaped parking areas containing a total of 363 spaces. If the square footage of any of the buildings changes, the number of required spaces also changes. The site plan will accommodate this change by providing the correct amount of spaces using the 1 space per 250 sq. ft. ratio for general retail uses that are 50,000 sq. ft. or greater. If restaurant uses are included on the site, the number of spaces required would be calculated using the 1 space per 250 sq. ft. ratio. The City Ordinance provides for restaurant uses that are part of shopping centers that are not in excess of 20% of the shopping center gross floor area to be allowed to use the parking ratio for the shopping center instead of using a separate restaurant parking ratio (1) Ingress/egress for the site will be taken from two locations along Fred Waring Drive, and two locations from Jefferson Street. Left turn lanes from these roadways will be provided at the western access along Fred Waring Drive, and the southern access on Jefferson Street. Deceleration lanes will be provided at the two entrances on Jefferson Street, and the eastern entrance on Fred Waring Drive. The project will also provide a dedicated right turn lane for eastbound traffic using Fred Waring Drive turning south onto Jefferson Street. Domestic water services will be extended to the site from an existing 18 inch water line at the northwest corner of the site along Fred Waring Drive, and an existing 12 inch water line near the southeast corner of the site at Jefferson Street. Sewer services will be extended from an existing 10 inch sewer line in Jefferson Street. On site drainage will be conveyed to above ground retention basins, located on the south and west sides of the site, as well as to an underground retention system. Trash enclosures will be located at various points within the project site, and will be screened from view, to the extent feasible, by landscaping. The landscape plan maintains and enhances existing landscaped areas along Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street, and will accent the project's architectural theme within the site (see Section III C for additional discussion of landscaping). 1 Section 9.150.060.D.1 Table 9-12 of the City Ordinance states "General retail uses 50,000 sq ft GFA and greater, I space October 31, 2007 17 8 AOJACHfi PRC1PEJt71�! � RECY�IJ�' C�f>Jt j a .wew I r 1 1 R 1 as au srr.4x acs r IA% ORAW a rTm Site Plan AMENDED 3-21.08 JEFFERSON ST. ' i �r AMENDED 3.24.08 KTGY c ljR *17406 r 1> Kure ■annmg ao�a v�s��•••.. w +9�0.34.2r1s 4' 40' 1w F1GlJR£NO. 29 - W SCALE 1 /4LY =1'-4' �etn - msvr I I I I I I I I I ADJAC13ff I p 1 PROP1 Rnm I I RECYCLE cmmI I I LANDSCA1M I 1 O"RITK]iVAREA tai &oSFs42 Act 1 1 ,N. OFA~ Titl.E Land Use Plan AMENDED 3.21.08 JEFFERSON ST. � i RETAIL SrMCOVERAGE I USE SQUARE PARKING 1 i 1 FOOTAGE � it TOTAL SITE AREA: 10.79 AC (470,060 SF) RETAIL SrMCOVERAGE 11924% USE SQUARE PARKING REQUIRED PROPOSED FOOTAGE RATE PARKING PARKING (05itAU_a (#SrAu4 OSH 42,500 SF 4.0/ 1.000 SF 170 FRESH & EASY 13,928 SF 4.0/ 7 000 SF 56 DRUG 13,013 SF 4.011.000 SF 52 SHOPS 16,500 SF 4.011000 SF 66 PADS 4500 SF 40/ 1,000 SF is TOTAL 90,441 SF 362 1362 OVERALL SITE PARKING RATIO 14.0/1,000 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: WITHIN PARKING AREA: 13.971 SF (6.2%) PERIMETER & BLDG ARE45: 25.185 SF (10.1 %) RETENTION AREAS: 38.619 SF TOTAL' 77.775 SF (165% Of tOtal SiLE area) RETAIL SITE SUMMARY COLOR CONC. WfrH ENHANCED STAMP PATTERN COLOR CONIC BAND W[ -H MMIJM BROOM FM5H NATURAL GREY CONIC. WITH MEDIUM BROOM FINISH PAVING LEGEND 2 AMENDED 3.24.08 KTGY GRoUP n+c �� Arch lecture ■ ann nq s■ow■mawa .rn a�aw a spa ..r.. '�� Qaiss.sr�vo (Y AG' 1w FIGINiENo. 2a - 6 SCALE 1/4(r -l' -G' ■�tia b - nma Specific Plan Jefferson Square (1)Land use and building size may be modified, and/or slightly reduced or enlarged during final design. However, the maximum FAR of 0.25 will not be exceeded for the entire site, or at any individual lot. (2)Maximum floor area allowed within the Specific Plan is 117515 square feet. B. PHASING PLAN The project will be developed in one phase. C. LANDSCAPE PLAN The purpose of the landscape plan is to establish standards that will contribute to the thematic development of the proposed project. Important to the development of a coordinated project image and identity are the project -wide enhancement of major streets, entries and internal spaces. These elements are designed to establish levels of hierarchy that will provide a varied and high quality experience at the pedestrian and vehicular level within and surrounding the project. The landscape concept and the proposed plant palette for the project are shown in Figure 8 Conceptual Landscape Plan. In general, landscape treatments are designed to reflect and enhance the character of the proposed buildings. Landscaping associated with the project consists of two basic types: October 31, 2007 20 Table 2 .Land Use Summar Use SFArea (1) Building Use(]) Number of Stories Floor Area Ratio OSH 42,547 Retail hardware 1 Fresh & Easy 13,969 Market 1 CVS 13,013 Drug Store 1 Sho Retail Shops 1 Shops 2 4,500 Retail Shops I Shops 3 7,000 Retail Shops I I PadA 4,500 Bank J 1 TOTAL 90,5290 19.26 SITEAREA 470,060 (1)Land use and building size may be modified, and/or slightly reduced or enlarged during final design. However, the maximum FAR of 0.25 will not be exceeded for the entire site, or at any individual lot. (2)Maximum floor area allowed within the Specific Plan is 117515 square feet. B. PHASING PLAN The project will be developed in one phase. C. LANDSCAPE PLAN The purpose of the landscape plan is to establish standards that will contribute to the thematic development of the proposed project. Important to the development of a coordinated project image and identity are the project -wide enhancement of major streets, entries and internal spaces. These elements are designed to establish levels of hierarchy that will provide a varied and high quality experience at the pedestrian and vehicular level within and surrounding the project. The landscape concept and the proposed plant palette for the project are shown in Figure 8 Conceptual Landscape Plan. In general, landscape treatments are designed to reflect and enhance the character of the proposed buildings. Landscaping associated with the project consists of two basic types: October 31, 2007 20 Specific Plan Jefferson Square project perimeter and streetscape; and project site and building landscaping Conceptual landscape plan approval of streetscapes along Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street is being pursued with this Specific Plan. FIGURE 8, PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN October 31, 2007 21 Aj JAi,;E1J E RESIDENTIM PROPERT'ES JEFFERSON ST. AI LJA: FNI RF ('.RF ATIONAI PARK I ANI) Is 030 9n FEET SCALE: I"= 30'-O" GROUNDCOVER LIST SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME See SHRUB LIST SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE HERNIAREA OLARRA GREEN CARPET 1 GAL 12" 0 RED HOT POKER 5 GAL — LANTANA HYBRID 'SPREADING SUNSET 1 GAL TO C BOUGAINVILLEA "OOLALA" LANTANA HYBRID 'CONFETTI' I GAL 94'O C .�— LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS PURPLE LANTANA 1 GAL @ 3' O C -IANTRMA'NEW GOLDNEW GOLD LANTANA 1 GAL @ 4. O C — HYMENOXYS ACAULIS ANGELITA DAISY 1 GAL TO C 5 GAL VERBENA GOODDINGII VERBENA 1GAL 2'O .0 �—DESERT GOLD 318 MINUS, 2- DEPTH IN ALL DESERT PLANTERS S. GAL O' CALIFORNIA GOLD 318 MINUS, 2' DEPTH IN ALL DESERT PLANTERS 000IERIA SPLENDENS _ 2 -TO 4" BAJA CRESTA FRACTURED ROCK CHRALPA 1• SURFACE SELECT BOULDERS RED YUCCA SHRUB LIST SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE TREE LIST SYMBOL KNIPHOFIA UVARIA RED HOT POKER 5 GAL .. AOACIA SALICH#A W1LLOW ACACU BOUGAINVILLEA "OOLALA" BOUGAINVILLEA 5 GAL CERCIDIUM HYBRID DESERT MUSEUM J f— CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA RED BIRD OF PARADISE 5 GAL CASSIA NEMOPHILA DESERT CASSIA 5 GAL fg —ENCELIA FARINOSA BRITTLE.USH S. GAL O' CHITALPATAMOCENTENSIS 000IERIA SPLENDENS OCOTILLO 8'HT 1Gca CHRALPA ®—HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA RED YUCCA 5 GAL • LARREA TRIDENTATA CREOSOTE BUSH 5GAL •—LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS TEXAS RANGER 5 GAL Q MUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS REGAL MIST 1 GAL 12 8TH �—MUHLENBERGIA LINDHEIMERI AUTUMN GLOW 1 GAL BUTLA CAPITATA —PINDO MUHLENBERGIA RIGENS DEER GRASS 1 GAL PALM a RUELUA PENINSULARIS BAJA RUELLIA 1 GAL TREE LIST SYMBOL BOTANICAUCOMMON SipE .. AOACIA SALICH#A W1LLOW ACACU 24, w% CERCIDIUM HYBRID DESERT MUSEUM 3w Box CERCIDIUMI FLOROIUM 11, BOX PALO VERDE CHITALPATAMOCENTENSIS .TR 80% CHRALPA �T Pu 78• BOx TRIEEIPu ,BRAHEAARMATA 12 8TH MEIOCAN BLUE PALM 1- 111110. " Fwd Wynno BUTLA CAPITATA —PINDO 120TH PALM PALO VERNiAACULEATA PALO VERDE 24, BOX y AMENDED 3.24.08 DRAWING TITLE Preliminary Landscape Plan , KTGY GROUP.I A rchltectu re Plannln oil rs�s�Ie3ao sa,mrn,r.:a cn9woi � 310.394 2823 Fd% 3103962625 FIGURE NO AMENDED 0324.08 -5E 121 Specific Plan Jefferson Square The landscape concept for the project perimeter and streetscape will incorporate limited turf areas, along with a colorful mix of water efficient groundcovers and accent shrubs. In order to integrate the project into the surrounding community and create a harmonious street frontage, the streetscaping along Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson will maintain a plant palette and design concept which is compatible with surrounding street frontages and will conform to City Design Guidelines. The retail buildings will have a residential feeling, using plentiful ornamental material in order to provide a temperate environment. Uncovered parking areas will be shaded with a combination of Palo Verde, and Desert Museum trees. Palm trees will be used to provide vertical scale and aesthetic contrasts. Tipu Trees, Acacia, and Chitalpa Trees may be used to help screen views from adjacent residential areas. Species in addition to those listed are to be considered in order to provide diversity. The associated plant materials have been chosen for their adaptability to the desert climate of La Quinta, their relationship to the existing surrounding developments, and the intended use and function with the project. Shrubs along the street perimeters shall be minimum 5 to 15 gallon size. D. CIRCULATION PLAN As shown in Figure 9, the project Circulation Plan is typical of a commercial center, with an internal system of sidewalks, walkways, and access aisles serving the various building locations, parking areas, and patio locations. On site circulation provides for both vehicular and pedestrian movement throughout the site. Vehicular External access to the various uses on site will be taken from two locations along Fred Waring Drive, and two locations along Jefferson Street. Deceleration lanes will be provided at the two entrances on Jefferson Street, and the eastern entrance on Fred Waring Drive. The southernmost access on Jefferson Street and the westernmost access on Fred Waring Drive will provide left turning lanes into the site from these peripheral roadways. The remaining two ingress/egress locations will provide restricted, right turn in -right turn out access only. The project will provide a dedicated right turn lane for eastbound traffic using Fred Waring Drive turning south onto Jefferson Street. On Jefferson Street, the left turning lane into the project will be a minimum of 650 feet south of the intersection with Fred Waring Drive. On Fred Waring Drive the left turning lane will be a minimum of 540 feet west of the intersection with Jefferson Street. Jefferson Street is designated in the general plan as a major arterial. Fred Waring Drive has been designated as a primary arterial, but is being reclassified as a major arterial. The half -width of a major arterial is 60 feet of right of way and 51 feet of pavement. The current half -width right of way for both streets is 55 feet, and both streets are proposed to receive an additional 5 feet of dedicated right of way. The project will dedicate an additional 9 foot wide and 100 foot long right of way to accommodate the dedicated right turn lane at the southwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street. The 12 foot wide and 50 foot long standard Sunline bus turnout on Jefferson Street has been completed. October 31, 2007 22 1 I 4 I I ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL 1 PROPERTIES 0 LANDSCAPE ! RET ON AREA 18,180 SF 1.42 ACI I I ADJACENT RECREATIONAL PARK LAND I I JEFFERSON ST. 9 II I' Legend II I OSignalized Intersection I I I © Unsignalized Intersection II II. © Restricted Access - Right Turn in/Right Turn out II I ^ Bus Stop II li I I ------------------- Pedestrian Circulation II ----- Vehicular Circulation II I I I I Osh TrucK Loading II i I - Fresh N' Easy TrucK Loading II Drug Store TrucK Loading 11 11 II II II I r 9 N AMENDED 3.24.08 CIRCULATION PLAN �3 REGENCY CENTERS Jefferson Square '� KTGY GROUP, INC. 03.24.200$ 36 Executive Park, Suite 100 Architecture ■ Planning Irvine, Callfomla 92614 Te 1411 5" St,SuIte300 Santa CA 90401 9 La Quinta, California Main 310.394.2623 Fax 310.394.2625 Irvine • Santa Monica . oamario • Denver 0 All RlgntS Reserveo ■ � .. f : - t i Specific Plan Jefferson Square The Specific Plan would provide a total of 362 parking spaces on site, and would implement a reciprocal parking agreement among all uses on site which will be made part of the conditions of the Building Management Association. The City of La Quinta Municipal Code No. 9. 150.080.A8(b) requires that projects containing a total of 351- 450 parking spaces, which take access from a major or primary arterial, to maintain a minimum distance of 70 feet from on site parking spaces and/or parking isles to provide for stacking. However, in lieu of implementing the 70 -foot throat requirement, the project will incorporate deceleration lanes at both of the Jefferson Street entrances into the site. If the total number of parking spaces changes, the minimum distance from on site parking spaces and/or parking isles also changes. The site plan provides for this by using a standard of a 90 -foot throat, required for projects containing 451 or more parking spaces, in the deceleration lanes at three of the site entrances, as noted above. Direct access to the drugstore drive through lanes would be taken from the easternmost accessway location along Fred Waring Drive. A right turn would be provided approximately 50 feet from the right-of-way, into two 12 foot wide drive-thru lanes located on the north side of the drug store building. Each lane would provide enough stacking to accommodate up to seven automobiles (-120 feet) per lane, without obstructing the accessway. Drive-thru traffic would exit the property at the northernmost ingress/egress location along Jefferson Street. The westernmost accessway along Fred Waring Drive will provide access into the interior parcels via a 30 -foot wide lane located between Fresh & Easy and Shops 3. The westernmost entry will serve as the primary truck access for Fresh & Easy, with those trucks then continuing out the perimeter drive to exit at the southern accessway on Jefferson. Bank A will also have drive-thru lanes. Direct access to the drive-thru at Bank A will be from the southern accessway along Jefferson Street. To screen views of waiting cars from the street, each drive thru will have a 4 foot wall or a combination of a wall and berm totaling 4 feet. The primary internal circulation corridors extend from all access points on Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive. Delivery trucks will access the loading docks at the rear of OSH by entering the southern accessway on Jefferson, and they would exit the site at the westernmost accessway on Fred Waring Drive.. A service isle is provided along the rear of the OSH and Fresh & Easy stores, allowing for trucks to make a simple backing entry into dock areas, and then to drive forward to an exit point of the site. (see Figure 9). A loading dock is also provided at the rear of the drug store with access from the easternmost accessway on Fred Waring Drive. The internal access isles have been designed to create a functional network for vehicular movement throughout the site and associated parking isles. The southern site entrance on Jefferson Street provides a direct route to shops on the southern end of the property and to OSH . Pedestrian Pedestrian sidewalks and on -street bicycle lanes are provided along both the Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street frontages (see Figure 9). Sidewalks will be designed 8 feet wide and on street bicycle lanes will be 4 feet wide. A functional network of October 31, 2007 24 Specific Plan Jefferson Square sidewalks and walkways are provided within the site to link individual building sites, and facilitate safe pedestrian movement throughout the development. A bus stop will be provided along Jefferson Street which will be linked to the internal pedestrian system. E. GRADING PLAN The developer will submit a PM 10 Plan (dust control plan) for the project in accordance with the applicable City and Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) standards and codes, prior to the issuance of any grading permits. The project Grading and Drainage Plan is shown in Figure 10. The subject property has already been mass graded to an average elevation of 45 feet above sea level. Precise grading of the site will result in development of seven building pads, an above and underground retention system, and associated parking areas designed to convey surface drainage flows to appropriate catch basins on site. The site will be graded from the highest pad elevation of 48.5 feet in the southwestern corner of the site to low pad elevations of 44.5 feet at the Jefferson /Fred Waring corner. In total, approximately 50,000 cubic yards of earthwork would be required, and all grading will be balanced on site without the need for borrow or disposal sites. Since the site has already been mass graded, precise grading would only result in minor deviations from existing grade. The associated earthwork will be fairly evenly distributed throughout the site with an average of less than one to two feet being added or removed at most locations. Final grading will match finished elevations on surrounding properties and will not result in significant manufactured cut/fill slopes. Precise Grading Plans are subject to review and approval by the City according to standard engineering protocols. F. DRAINAGE PLAN The project's construction contractor, in consultation with the City of La Quinta, shall be responsible for filing all required notices with the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), preparing the Strom Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and implementing required Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the project. The project drainage plan proposes to direct surface runoff into a number of catch basins located throughout the site (see Figure 10). Stormwater will be conveyed from the individual catch basins into an underground storm drain system, and ultimately to an underground retention system located near the center of the site and above ground retention basins, located on the west and south sides of the site. All stormwater will be retained on site. The exact size and design of the proposed storm drain facilities will be determined by the final engineering design and will be reviewed by the City via standard plan check protocols to ensure that the drainage is adequately addressed. G. SEWER PLAN Sewer service to the project is provided by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) via an existing 10 inch sewer line within the right of way of Jefferson Street along the site's eastern property line. As shown on conceptual sewer & water plan, the project will construct 2 - 8" onsite sewer main (Private). One 8" main will run south east corner of project from front side of OSH Building and will be connected to existing 10" sewer main in Jefferson Street. This line will pick up sewer laterals for OSH building & Shop 1. Another 8" sewer main will be constructed in northeast side of project which will start from existing manhole located in Jefferson Street. This will extend westward into the central portion of the site, where a proposed manhole would be located and then ninety October 31, 2007 25 Specific Plan Jefferson Square degrees south and north long the front of the Market where it would terminate at a manhole near shops 2.Sewer laterals for Shops 2, Fresh & Easy, Shops 3, Drug Store and Pad A will be connected to this sewer main. FIGURE 10, CONCEPTUAL GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN October 31, 2007 26 r f A PORI'GR - TIE MORRE Sr 91W11�[ Af THE NGWREASI 01. Trm D. W. mgr a, SR m RANGE 7 um, SM aowxo 0 BASE me MURCV I AS. N. WB) STAR] 50 FI ;," Is aw "m ON ROOM Of SUTEY OR RE IN ROM A PAVE 0 Of RECORDS, r. or SSAM1-. wAutmE coumn. STATE OF CALwol I. 101E PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS I FOLLOWS'. COMMEMC (I AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SEL)ON M TIERCE MONO THE NORM SE7.9CN LRE K SECTION 20, SRAM H1I21'1C IESr, IM25 FEET: IND" SOUTH 00'31.12- EAST, 5&00 FEET TO THE TTA PONT OF RD.aBHO TNDNS RUNNING RARMUAL TO AGO FEET SDUTN a THE NORTH OF SECTIM 20. SOUTH NEST. 701.92 FEET: THENCE SCAM 072070' EAST. 1111.{ FEET.- THENCE MOM W3"36'EAST. 57700 FEET. TO A POINT 75.00 FEET WEST OF THE HST LINE OF SECTION 20. " W " j 072720. 1167. 7M.0] FRT. m TIE REMAININGi. OF A TANDENT 2500' RADIUS CUM: CONCAVE SOUTIMFSIEKM, THENCE HRORI IH61B1LY MAID THE IAC OF SNO CITE THROUGH A CENTRAL ARGUE K 81792'. A OrSTALICE O ]IIS FEET— TO THE 1R a PONT OF TEDNNINC. ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 110521-004-. W IER 1 SEER : COCKALLEA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 4 SCHOOL: NATURAL W : ELECTRICITY : SOUTHERN CAU7 A 901901 T 17101E SEANCE : 1fIRON - AEGE)iCY CENTERS INC. 36 ETECIREE PMC SOLE IOD O NL— RYNC CMIDRI.A 11214 ------� CONSTRUCT AC PATEEENT (1.) M_AKG1 CONSTRICT PCL PAVEMENT if IER&OL IE IENCY CF71n3m ND o- CONSTRUCT HANDICAP RAMP x EOECInSE PARK 921E 100 IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 02614 •'--' (.N) 776-6021 CONSTRUCT ORATES MET DYBS uVmOPMENT M30URM COCUILTARTS INC. CONSTRUCT RETAEENG WALL 10 1701 0m1 SLATE 101 11 r I (951) 777-15 INSTALL HDPE TEE/WW A@2f= 1MY INSTALL HDPE EL" 7M MICHELL Swnl "ISE RE7NS CA OU14 f� ` k 2]TJ�t_iLtltlAt.48YfLIEC THE PROPERTY SHOWN HDIDON IS DON CONSTRUCT 12' HOPE STOOK OWN 'CN- (NEk SSMC 0 COI11EACML) PER =TA 1 THE CITY OF u R.Y.RI/C CO157RICT TRASH OKLORM DEPARTMENT REQUIm1 DM 10.11I141 SMAC: CONSIRUCT 2C HOPE STORM DRAIN SLEETS - b FEET CONSTRUCT ](T NOPE STORM DRAIN RESIDENTIAL- 30 FEET SDE - 20 FEET INSTALL 1ei(I2- HDPE REDUOA PER THE CITY OF LA OUIN A PLANNING DEPALRIMENT (SCE DE1E10PINN'T STANDARDS FOR VANA11C LODE) m - MAKIMUM MULLIGAN HEIGHT, ]S FEET PER THE CN OF u OUfIrA A.AH.LNC OPARTMFNr (SEE OESl110P1EINT STALIDAR05 FOR VMIAINRIIS m i Own PRELMNARY EARTHWORK as 1u RII 20.1(0 IIS COW.. 9X1 O UndMrOMnd S17k. AI.A C.R: TOLL FREE 1-800 227-2600 rr.M�ion I�iaR si;iaZln!� GRAPHIC SCALE (Nl�rl CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN SWC OF JEFFERSON AVE AND FRED WAKING DR. LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA . m MLS R CET Lw.W CA Ph �. 7 71 � Grli,c .. NE169�Mf. �-n nc L � a � •. T.dELN EITB[ml sR11Et sa stT 1x IRE MOM - CA 7. _" 4• AZ AL' R At` . m La rM {:•. AE0 GIM 1 NOT 1 B K V1C1N11Y MAP Mrs CONSTRUCTION NOT o- aratRucT 11- aRe AMD want a CONSTRUCT 6- CU ONLY o-• V1C1N11Y MAP Mrs CONSTRUCTION NOT o- aratRucT 11- aRe AMD want 2o- CONSTRUCT 6- CU ONLY o-• INSTALL 12X1 D. RECTANGULAR RPE FDR DRAINAGE PALO THROUGH ------� CONSTRUCT AC PATEEENT ----- CONSTRICT PCL PAVEMENT if CONSTRUCT CONCRETE S10EWALA o- CONSTRUCT HANDICAP RAMP C11R LIE CONSTRUCT CERA WU04G CATCH BASIN lJ CONSTRUCT ORATES MET 9o- CONSTRUCT RETAEENG WALL 10 CONSTRUCT Y ME PCC Room LATTER 11 96' CP UNDERGROUND STORAGE SYSTEM 1z INSTALL HDPE TEE/WW IJ INSTALL HDPE EL" 1{ UNDERGROUND STORMTRAP INFILTRATION BASK PRECAST — HOE LIE CONCRETE GALAS N/ MH ACCESS 1ST CONSTRUCT 12' HOPE STOOK OWN 111 CONSTRUCT 1HY HDPE STORM DRAW Il CO157RICT TRASH OKLORM 10 CONSIRUCT 2C HOPE STORM DRAIN 19 CONSTRUCT ](T NOPE STORM DRAIN o- INSTALL 1ei(I2- HDPE REDUOA 21 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAW MANGLE 22 INSTALL SWINE WARD WADSSIL FILTER 2] INSTALL STORINAIER TREATMENT BMP - VORTSENTRY OD OODI BASIN HV0ROOYNAIIC SEPARATOR 24 CONSTRUCT HEADWALL V CONSTRUCT IS- HDPE SROM DRAW E I lEGFNOi O BMR O TRACT BdIOIRT OF PROPBRY TWE ---------- RIGHT OF MY ------� PROPOSED TOT LIES ----- CNT01 LCE — — — — — — — —MIT IDT LINES FASODR III1ER ElSODIT TIE l — - — - — CL 9Z EAg]Blr NE \ C11R LIE dMww CMI AND gum TIP O SLOE CRELRY LI SIDLE SYMBOL WE O S-WESONE EXISTING EIIZ OF PMEIDD FIRM FLOOR L A 00500 RUNNING WAL —a-�--sus--a---U� CHAIN! IlM FENCE -- SMLO LIE FM LEE HOLE LIE c —..— — HOE LIE -----$ — DRAINAGE WE HIGH POR NETAlIO WALL — P11oPa6m SrNOm _--S — EGSTIIG SId.OIVN - - . SEALER LIE LANDSCAPE AREA Cow M1ER INE i• --L DOSRAC GAS LIE HOT A FM 000__0 U" CORdR ROE O CARE Four UE 66� 6750 FL\ PRO'OMD EEmM PRO® * - ORT.P. ElO11O015 1.011 A I'. D jl[ 1.1 NO FRE H1ORW HOOF 0" OD OODI BASIN n6Y. 9Ni11 __ mmo Sm.DON HLNNGLE 1$iaP. SWO SNDARY SEIEM MANHOLE S1 MM" MANHOLE COO SABAIY SEVEN CFNDUE K PMR ICOMESLIE CONCRETE PMR 11106 D1➢.IG OIMC1 O BMR O MICH 0151 OF CRH FACE C wRERU E CO CLEmair COC CONCRETE O DEEPEN FOCTNC d IRO me DUO dMww OTR' CRELRY 0051. EXISTING FF FIRM FLOOR R F118m WAX RI FEE ROM R. FM LEE FS Fleur SUFACE 1Bw" NTN( W HIGH POR IW MCR 0 PPE LA LANDSCAPE AREA LP LLE POR HMP HOT A FM At Four UE RIO. PRO® POC POR OF 03091" All HOOF 0" R/. RJR O MY SO STOW ORWH SON S1 MM" MANHOLE SIN SEVER MANHOLE SID STANDARD SEN STEMIALL 016.D SIR SEVER R TOP OF CUB IS TOP OF MAR R TOP OF FOOTING TOE TOE O SAE TO O 6 SIDE M. TTL TW TOP 6 RETARD MIL ISI TO OF SCIEN TWL LONWRIM Ase rEs u9. E12N:.WS D.APe�- WHD f.E rarEbacabl HAD, 00/64 HII klo. or I �Sm'm AF MiOA AMENDED 3.24.08 r r ,alm�ELL A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST DIINIFA OF THE NORTHEAST OUMNFA OF SELTIOM 20, TOWMSHP 5 SOUTH, RAKE 7 FAST, SAN BERNARDND RASE NO IEMMAN, AS 94OWN BY UNITED STATES SAID PROPERTY 6 ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF STEELY 011 AEN coat e. PILE 9 OF IECOIDS OF SURREY, RIVED COUNTY. STATE OF CALEDRFA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCIMFL AS COINOI AT THE NORTHEAST COMMON OF SAID SECTION2q TIERCE ALOO THE NORTH SECTION or 5EC10N 2D. SOUTH W -m49. HEST, 90.25 FEET, THENCE SOUTH OP31'I2• FAST, SLOG FEET TO THE TRUE POM OF BE47/14ri• THENCE RINOO PARALLEL TO AND IBM FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH OF SWOON 2D. SOUTH OPM'4e• REST, 551252 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 0020'20• LeE EAST, e14.34 FEET. THEE NORTH JVM EAST, 577.00 FEET, TO A PONT SS.OD FEET WEST OF THE EAST IEE OF SECTION 20, NORTH 002020• WEST. 7M.93 FEET. TO THE BEAM~ OF A TAINCEIR 2500' RADIUS OPE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY. THENCE NORTHWESESe.Y ALOE THE ARC OF SAID CHUTE. THROUa1 A CENTRAL AMIE W W 70'52•. A DISTANCE OF 3935 FEET TO THE TRUE POM OF IEOWMNG ASSESSORS PAROL NO, ea -m -0o4 -e 111TH 1Y11wMlS WATER ! SEER : C004ALLEA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 50104 : NATURAL GAS FLECMOTY : SOUTIEIN CAIiTDMA ED610N PHOS SERVICE : VFSRZO N AOL REORCT CENTERS, NC 1 DIFAITI E PAFK SLTE 100 PVWE. CAUFIMNA =14 (919) 77e-4078 REGENCY CEH,T76 wa 36 EXECUTIVE PARR. UNTE 100 PVWC CAUFORNA 9M74 (M9) 7TH -OM Fil�i$ OESEOP ME NT RESOURCE C1INwLTARTS MVC 1701 NEPAL AVE SUITE 101 CORONA CA. SHELL (WI) 737-1570 AM= KTY CLOP 17992 MITCHELL SOUTH RVINE; G 9M14 (949) 951-2133 THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON 6 ZONED THE OF/ PDFLA PER DEPARTMENT REw RENEW : STFIEM - 30 FEET RESIDENTIAL - M FEET 510E - 20 FEET PER THE CITY OF u GRATA FlALERNG DEPARTMENT (SEE O:VE30PMERT STANDARDS FOR VMATIO S TO MAIOMUM R1lO0N HEIGHT: 35 FEET PER THE ON W LA OUNTA PIM01O DEPARTMENT (SEE IEVE3O MEN STANDARDS FOR VARIATIONS TO CODE) -- NEWT eaNDrW ------- PROPERTY LE ---------- RGT OF, RW ---------- PIDPOGD Im UES ---- CENTER LME -- _ -- - ADM" LT LES UMKUMT --- IwIEA DLSf,EIr LE - — - — O SCE EASEMENT LE CLM LE .�. PAB AND GIVER P TOF SLOPE 21 SLOPE SYMBd. 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WATER COI7RACIDR TO REMOVE ENSIINC BLOSPEOFlCATIDNS BLOWOFF ASSOMY t REDUCER PER CVVO &-/ INSTALL 12• DP WATER MAN lj INSTALL Mf OP WATER LINE 4 (BI_ INSTALLe• DP WATER ENE INSTALL CATE VALVE MSTALL THRUST BLOCK INSTALL DO1BIE DETECTOR CHEM ASgBBLY o- INSTALL FARE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION 59 INSTALL POST INDICATOR VALVE INSTAL FINE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 61 INSTALL BEND e2 INSTALL TEE eJ INSTALL 2• DOESTC WATER SEANCE AND 2• WATER METER e{ INSTALL 2• PVC DOMESTIC MITER LINE C-200 INSTALL 2• WWWA71O1 SERVICE AND Y WATER METER TO as BE INSTALLED INSTALL2- BACK FLAW DEVICE e] INSTALL REDUCER 'TALL BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY INSTAL ESD CAP \j INSTALL e' PVC WATER LINE 71 INSTALL IO PVC WATER EINE &- INSTALL 1C DP WATER MALA SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOTES: BI CONSTRUCT SERER MANHOLE &-INSTALL B- VCP SEWER MAIN L B ®-INSTAL PVC %-40 LATERAL END s' OUTSIDE FADING ENVELOPE (Ey—STALL e• SEWER CLEANOUT O -INSTAL WYE CON4ECTNw &-CONNECT TO ERST. SEVER MAN e7 GREASE INTERCEPTOR (BY TENANT) o- am @--PROTECT IN PLACE Y�--Zennn!m— GRAPRIC SCALE (wLln) AMENDED 3.24.08 tpCPN16 ATE` FOP 1041 wa OMAN: WIPO n+. 9W73OEG90 ND.: OiMD9i NNN9EAE 1 SA° , 1THS'CTS. RYl w�9r Specific Plan Jefferson Square H. WATER PLAN Water Service will also be provided to the site by CVWD and is available to the property from an existing 18 inch water line located within Fred Waring Drive at the northwest comer of the site and existing 12 inch line in Jefferson Street at the southeast corner of the site as shown on conceptual sewer & water plan. Domestic, irrigation and fire flow water will be taken from these water lines. The project will include off site extensions to these existing water lines to facilitate the necessary on site extensions. New on site waterlines will consists of 12 inch main lines extending from CVWD's offsite service lines at two points, one along Fred waring drive and another at Jefferson Street using 12" double detector check assembly. 1.5 inch to 3 inch service lines will be used for lateral extensions to individual building pads. The internal system would result in a looped network of water lines designed to serve individual building pads, fire hydrants and the project's landscape irrigation infrastructure. I. OTHER UTILITY PLANS Natural Gas Natural gas service is provided to the site by The Gas Company, which currently maintains a 4 inch gas line within the right of way for Fred Waring Drive, at the project's northwest corner. The required extensions to facilitate service to the site would be routine, and would be coordinated with The Gas Company through their design review and approval process prior to the issuance of grading permits for the project. Electric Electric service is provided to the site by the Imperial Irrigation District (IID), which currently maintains existing aboveground 92 kV and 12.5 kV transmission lines within the right of way for Fred Waring Drive along the project's northern property line. The project will extend lines from IID's existing 12.5 kV line onto the site. All on site transmission lines will be placed underground. IID anticipates service for this project to be routine. Telephone Telephone service is provided to the site by Verizon, which maintains existing telephone lines within the right of way for Fred Waring Drive approximately 400 feet west of the project limits. Verizon serves the Monticello residential development area to the west of the property from a terminal located at the intersection of Monticello Avenue and Fred Waring Drive. Verizon engineering staff do not anticipate any difficulty extending services along Fred Waring Drive or Jefferson Street and connecting to the project. Service for this project would be routine. Cable Television Cable Television service is provided to the site by Time Warner Cable and is available to the property from existing cable within the right of way for Fred Waring Drive along the project's northern property line. Installation of cable television would be coordinated with the extension of electrical service so that a single trench containing both facilities October 31, 2007 28 Specific Plan Jefferson Square would be constructed. Time Warner Cable considers service for this project to be routine. IV. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The development regulations contained herein provide specific standards relative to permitted Iand uses in addition to site design and construction regulations to be applied within the Specific Plan area. They are intended to protect the public health, safety and welfare and to create a harmonious relationship with surrounding land. In general, this Specific Plan is consistent with the CN Zone of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code unless a different standard is identified below. The proposed land uses are consistent with the NC land use designation in the City's General Plan. Should a development standard contained in this Specific Plan conflict with an equivalent standard contained in the City of La Quinta Zoning Code, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall take precedence. In instances where the Specific Plan does not address a particular regulation, the applicable portion of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code shall govern. The Community Development Director shall have the authority to approve minor adjustments during development permit review, so long as he determines such adjustments are consistent with the Specific Plan Land Use Plan. A. PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED This Specific Plan shall allow all uses identified as Permitted as a principal use, Permitted as an accessory to the principal use, Permitted as a principal or accessory use if a Conditional Use Permit is approved, Permitted if a minor use permit is approved, and Permitted as a temporary use as identified in and subject to the provisions of the Neighborhood Commercial (CN) Zoning District described in Section 9.80.040 of the La Quinta Zoning Code. B. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - Maximum structure height: 35 feet (2) - Max Structure Height within 150 feet of Arterial Hwy: 22 feet (3) - Maximum number of stories: 1 - Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 0.25 - Building Setbacks (4) -from Jefferson Street: 30 feet -from Fred Waring Drive: 30 feet -from common property line: 30 feet - Landscape Setback (5) - from Jefferson Street: 20 feet - from Fred Waring Drive: 20 feet - from Open Space/Park Districts: 5 feet minimum - from residential areas : 15 feet (2) Not including architectural appendages, such as a roof parapet or tower, up to 41 feet (3 )Not including up to 10% of the building mass, which may extend up to 36 feet. (4)Number given is minimum building setbackfrom the Street right-of-way. In addition to the required landscape setback, the building setback may contain parking, driveways and similarfacilities. (5) Landscape setback shall consist of landscaped area within the building setback. Number given is minimum landscaped area from the October 31, 2007 29 Specific Plan Jefferson Square street right-of-way. - Interior Landscape (6) - parking areas: 5% of project area - non parking areas: 5% of project area - Required Parking - Retail Stores: One space per 250 square feet (sf) Gross Floor Area (GFA). - Restaurant: One space per 250 sf of GFA, when restaurant is not more than 20% of shopping center floor area. - A facility to accommodate a minimum of five bicycles shall be provided for any restaurant use. - Other Uses: The parking provisions of the La Quinta Zoning Code Section 9.150 shall apply. V. DESIGN GUIDELINES The Design Guidelines for the Specific Plan have been developed as a method of achieving a high quality, cohesive design character for the development of the proposed project in La Quinta. They provide specific design criteria for the development of the project, as well as encouraging creativity, imagination and a high level of harmony and consistency within the surrounding community. Adherence to the Design Guidelines will create a desirable asset to the community and enhance the project's overall value. These guidelines will govern the design quality of the project for application in the following ways: - To provide the City of La Quinta with the necessary assurance that the Specific Plan area will develop in accordance with the quality and character proposed; - To provide guidance to developers, builders, engineers, architects, landscape architects and other professionals in order to maintain the desired design quality; - To provide guidance to City staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council in the review of construction plans for the Specific Plan area. A. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES The building design theme of this commercial complex strives to achieve a Mediterranean style architecture. In utilizing elements from this vernacular the complex achieves a massing and scale that is comforting and pleasing. Textured plaster, deep canopies, and trellises allow for contrast and shade, while simplified cornice detailing and the use of color unifies the different building elements within the complex. Figures 12, 12.1, 13, 13.1, 14, 15 illustrate the typical building elevations and use of the vernacular to unify and provide a sense of scale for the in-line tenants. The figures also illustrate the use of the vernacular for a typical outlying pad building and how the architectural style is continuous around the exterior of the pad building. Figure 16 shows cross sections of the site taken from various locations on the site. The elevations used for the specific plan provide a basis for acceptable materials and usage for the various buildings and do not deem to illustrate specific examples of tenants, or building occupants. October 31, 2007 30 r m,_e KTGY GROUP+Itae. ArChltec tUre ■ Plahhlhg Elevations - OSH / Shops 2 / /Fresh & Easy F a3°�° 0 01 6• 64+ 1 FIGURE NO. 8 32. 12 ICIII._11w:I c, rxensE° io3m SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SCALE -1/16':V-0' 9 4 M fl 1-W I Cold NORTH ELEVATION SCALE— 1/16'*1'-Cr zw 2!, CC' � AMENDED 3.24.08 DRAWING TRLE A,w gT( GROUP Elevations - OSH Shops 2 /Fresh & Easy NWC8 9 16* rA AMENDED 10,31.07 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE -1/ 16": 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION SCALE= 1/16":1 '-0" SOUTH ELEVATION PARTIAL PLAN N SCALE=1 /16":1'-0" WEST ELEVATION SCALE=1 /16":1'-0" SCALE= 1 /16":1'-0" AMENDED 3.24.08 II KTGY GROUP vc QR�7YY+NG F11L[ nrcn t0 cure ■ IBnn nq Elevations - Shops 1�I '': Q' 1 6' �* FIGURE NO • � '' 13 AMENDED 10 31 07 a 32 SCALE= 1 /6": 1'-0" eenseo ,on n Elevations - Shops 3 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE= 1 /16": 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION SCALE=1 /16":1'-0' SOUTH ELEVATION PARTIAL PLAN SCALE=1 /16":1'-0" El N WEST ELEVATION --SCALE- 1/16":1'-0" SCALE _1/16":1'-0" AMENDED 3.24.08 AMENDED 10.31.07 KTGY GROUP we Arc eCttlre r Cann In U, 16' 64' is URE M70 a 3Z' SCALE= 1/6":V-0" I „.,— 11— DRAWING TIRE Elevations - CVS JEFFE1 S P E it NORTH ELEVATION SCALE= 1 /16": 1-0" EAST ELEVATION SCALE= 1 /16":1`0" PARTIAL PLAN SCALE = 1 /16":1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SCALE= 1 /16":1'-0" SCALE= 1 /16":1'-0" AMENDED 3.24.08 KTGY GROUP vc n n 0, 64* FIGURE NO140 AMENDED 10.31.07 SCALE= I IW,. V-0' -ED C-7 of wiNR: m[ F Elevations - Fad A JEFFEr NORTH ELEVATION SCALE= 1/16": V-0" EAST ELEVATION SCALE=1 /16":1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE= 1/ 16": 1`0" AMENDED 10.31.07 PARTIAL PLAN r SCALE =1/16": 1`0' i - - Wig:: .. WEST ELEVATION SCALE=1 /16":1'-0" AMENDED 3.24.08 ROUP0KTGY GROUP.,- 0. . 16 64' FIGURE NO SCALE= 1 /6": V-0" JEFl SITE SECTION 1 ---------- -------- ml SITE SECTION 2 Pa RE ------- _—.-----------.- ------- KEYPLAN FRESH do EASY SITE SECTION 3 SITE SECTION 4 SITE SECTION S ,RK AMENDED 3.24.08 KTGY GROUP nuc. rc ecture ■ lannlnq Site Sections'° fY le 64� FICUPE NO. ,aM�DED 10.31.07 scALr=—+.s--v-(r Specific Plan Jefferson Square Through the use of extensive canopies, trellises, landscaping, patterned sidewalks and patios, the complex achieves a campus like environment, suitable for pedestrian movement between the various elements of the complex. Mass & Scale - Varied proportions are encouraged. Elements in facades should be spaced at regular intervals to create a visual rhythm, colonnade effect. Plaster pop -outs on the building sides, where not beneath an arcade, shall be 3'-5' in depth, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. - Each building will incorporate a continuity of mass, scale and architectural features and similar detailing. - The facade of in-line retail stores shall be off -set to help break up building mass and give the appearance of multiple buildings. - Accent features such as medallions, awnings and color banding should be utilized/encouraged, for continuity of scale between the elementsibuildings. Roof Treatments - Appropriate use of flat, hip, shed, and pitched gable roof forms are encouraged. - Flat roofs may be used with a parapet alone, or in combination with other roof forms. - The use of variable ridge lines on a single structure is encouraged. - Roof pitch may vary between buildings in the complex. - Mechanical equipment may be placed only on flat portions of roofs provided that they are screened from public view and that the screening is incorporated into building design. - Roof pitch on any one structure should be consistent within the limitations of the material being used. Architectural Features and Details - All mechanical equipment including fuse boxes, heating and cooling devices and satellite dishes shall be screened from public view. The building parapet heights shall be adjusted so that roof elements are screened from view. - The use of curtain walls is not allowed. - Separate screening walls, shall only be used as an exception, and shall be designed to utilize building materials and colors. - Exterior walls should emphasize shadow relief using recesses, medallions, covered walkways, trellises, and landscaping where appropriate. - Building entryways should be visually emphasized, and try to keep sense of pedestrian scale. - Shaded walkways are encouraged in areas with high levels of pedestrian traffic. - Conversion of first floor windows to exterior tenant entries is allowed subject to Staff approval of architectural details. - Accent at corners of pad buildings by using small tower features is encouraged. Walls and Fences Walls are encouraged to use materials and colors which match or compliment associated/adjacent buildings and context. - Walls that create long, unbroken straight lines should be avoided when possible by varying the parapets or with use of color and accents October 31, 2007 38 Specific Plan Lighting Jefferson Square - Exterior lighting, when used, should enhance the building design and the adjoining/related landscape. - Lighting standards and buildings fixtures should be of a design and size compatible with the building and adjacent areas. Exposed wall packs should be avoided. - Lighting shall be restrained in design and excessive brightness (night glow) avoided. - Standard design techniques should be employed to shield parking light fixtures and control direct glare and spill light emanating from these fixtures. Parking lot light poles should be equipped with a fixture and lamping that is compatible with adjacent properties, and a flush lens and should not exceed a maximum height of 18 feet above parking lot surface. Materials & Colors - The facade plays an integral role in building appearance and should use a continuous palette of similar materials and colors. - Restraint should be exercised in the number of materials and colors selected for a given structure. - Acceptable construction materials are steel, wood, stucco, concrete, plaster, ceramic tile, natural stone, aluminum and glass. - Architectural details should be painted to match the facade. - The following identifies the general colors and materials which will serve as a working palette to provide a basis of establishing architectural cohesiveness for the project (changes may occur at time of Architectural review) - Trellis structures shall be color finished metal tube structures Paint Colors: (Manufacturer: Dunn Edwards Paint Company or equal) Main BuildingColors These colors would be used on large wall surfaces, but could also be used as accents Paint 1. Amber Dawn #DE2277 2. Biscuit #DE5330 3. Golden Crest #DE5353 4. Crossroads # DE5359 S. Lustrous Yellow #DE5472 6. Aloe Plant #DE5563 7. LightAspiration #DE6185 8. Rattan Basket #DE6201 9. Calico Rock #DE6229 10. Union Springs #DE6243 11. Mesa Tan #DEC718 12. Adobe 4DEC726 Trim Colors 1. Calla Lily #DE5498 2. Marble Dust #DE6156 3. Porous Stone #DE6220 October 31, 2007 39 Specific Plan Jefferson Square Stone Eldorado Stone Bouquet/Flintstone Roof Tile Monier Lifetile Type: Slate Color. Cherrywood Metal Awnings Berridge Double Rib Panel Colors: Hartford Green & Colonial Red Exterior Cement Plaster Finish: Smooth, hand toweled and painted with elastomeric paint Color: Refer to Paint Colors Windows Material: Steel or Aluminum Frames with true divided lights Color: Ral #502 1 Glazing: Clear [Light to Medium Bronze Tint with prior written approval] Hardscape Color Accents Chrom& #C-26 Antique Cork #C-27 Westwood Brown B. SIGN GUIDELINES A detailed sign program for the Specific Plan area will be submitted under a separate sign permit subsequent to Specific Plan approval. The developer shall secure the sign permit from the City of La Quinta Building and Safety Department by submitting three (3) copies of the fully dimensioned scaled drawings as follows: a) A site plan showing the location of the occupant space on the site. b) An elevation of the occupant space drawing to scale and showing sign placement and occupant space width. c) A detailed elevation of the sign drawn to scale and showing all colors, materials, dimensions and copy. d) Fabrication and installation details, including structural and engineering data, UL electrical specification, and type and intensity of illumination (for electrical signs). e) Any other drawing, details and information as required by the City of La Quinta. October 31, 2007 40 Specific Plan Jefferson Square Since the Jefferson Square Specific Plan site is located at a secondary gateway into the City of La Quinta, the project will provide an approximate 468 square foot area at the northeast corner of the site for a City monument sign. The design and ultimate construction of the City's monument sign will be the City's responsibility, and will be completed subsequent to development of the Specific Plan at the City's discretion. Landscaping and continued landscape maintenance within the sign area shall be the responsibility of the project's Building Management Association. C. LIGHTING GUIDELINES Exterior lighting, when used, should enhance the building design and the adjoining landscape. Lighting standards and building fixtures should be of a design and size compatible with the building and adjacent areas. Lighting shall be restrained in design and excessive brightness (night glow) avoided. Standard design techniques will be employed to shield parking light fixtures from adjacent land uses and control direct glare and spill light emanating from these fixtures. Parking lot light poles will be equipped with a recessed lamp and a flush lens and not exceed a maximum height of 18 feet throughout the site. The average foot candles (fc) for the project site would be 1.8 fc, with a maximum of 4.9 fc and a minimum of 0.7 fc. D. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES The guidelines presented herein are not intended to discourage creative design or individuality. Rather, they are intended to assist in providing the continuity and desired image which will make the proposed project a unique and special commercial community center. General Guidelines Groundcovers should be used to enhance the appearance of the project and protect soil from erosion. Acceptable groundcover includes gravel, rocks or living plant materials. Tree bark and shredded wood products, which are lightweight and subject to wind and water erosion, are prohibited. Water efficient landscape materials, including native plants, with drip irrigation should be used wherever possible as a means of conserving scarce water resources and minimizing maintenance costs. Landscaping should be designed to screen above ground utility equipment, service areas and trash containers. Homogenous, visually subtle plant materials should be selected for use in these areas in order not to focus attention on the objectionable items. Entryways - Areas which serve as a focus of vehicular traffic, such as project entries, should be accented by the use of colorful shrubs and ground covers for enhanced visual interest. These shrubs and ground covers may include Bougainvillea, Purple and gold Lantana, Verbina, and Angelita Daisy. October 31, 2007 41 Specific Plan Jefferson Square - Project entries should utilize vertical accents such as palm trees to provide a sense of arrival to the facility with California Fan Palms of varying heights. - Plant materials at project entries should be located so as to avoid interfering with motorist sight lines. Plant combinations shall leave an area from 30 inches above grade open to allow for unobstructed vision of approaching vehicles and pedestrians. Buildings - Plant materials should be used to soften long stretches of blank wall surface. - Landscape materials shall be selected with colors and textures which enhance architectural elements. Streetscapes - Streetscapes should incorporate informal masses of trees and shrubs. Streetscapes fronting the project should maintain a plant palette and design concept which is compatible with surrounding finished street frontages. Parking Lots - Plant material will consist of Lantana groundcover, Palo Verde and Desert Museum trees, and Desert Cassia and Regal Mist, shrubs which will allow sight line over shrubs yet provide islands that are green. - The design of parking lots should include provisions for canopy trees to provide shade for parked vehicles. - Parking areas should be screened from adjacent roadways by the use of low walls, landscaping, or berms. VI OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES A. HOURS OF OPERATION The retail uses on site will operate from 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM, Monday through Sunday. The Market and Drug Store would also be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. B. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT According to the guidelines contained in the City's Transportation Demand Ordinance (Section 9.180.030), this project is required to make provisions for transportation demand management. In response to this requirement, the project shall incorporate the following measures: - The project shall make provisions for bicycle racks in accordance with City Zoning Code Section 9.150.050.D.3.c. - The project shall identify a Transportation Demand Coordinator to promote participation in TDM programs among employees. - The TDM Coordinator shall encourage ride sharing, bus ridership, telecommuting, flexible work schedules, and other TDM programs as feasible and appropriate. October 31, 2007 42 Specific Plan C. MAINTENANCE Jefferson Square Maintenance of buildings, parking facilities, common walkways and landscaped areas, sewers, drainage facilities, utilities, and any other improvements not dedicated to public use shall be maintained by the project's Building Management Association. On site facilities and landscaping shall be maintained in a clean, attractive and safe condition in accordance with City regulations. October 31, 2007 43