SP 1994-025 Green (Coral Canyon) (1995)0- f C -A, --FV C -3f; QUIP-4-l"A Green Specific Plan of Land Use City of La Quinta Prepared for Winchester Asset Management 2 September 1994 �I The Keith Companies PUBLIC AGENCY LA QUINTA PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta California 92253 TEL 619/777-7125 FAX 619/777-7011 Jeny Herman, Planning and Development Director Stan Sawa, Principal Planner APPLICANT WINCHESTER ASSET MANAGEMENT - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 41-865 Boardwalk, Suite 101 Palm Desert California 92260 TEL 619/340-3575 FAX 619/346-9368 Craig Bryant; President CONSULTANT THE KEITH COMPANIES ENGINEERING 41-865 Boardwalk, Suite 101 Palm Desert California 92260 TEL 619/346-9844 FAX 619/346-936 Mike Rowe, Operations Manager PLANNING 22690 Cactus Avenue, Suite 300 Moreno Valley California 92553 TEL 909/653-0234 FAX 909/653-5308 Richaid B. Stephens, Director of Planning Tom Nievez, Senior Planner John Harrison, Senior Planner ENVIRONMENTAL 2955 Red Hill Avenue Costa Mesa California 92626 TEL 714/540-0800 FAX 714/668-7191 Tom Holm AICD, Director of Environmental Services Saundra Jacobs, Central Region Manager Kim Ruddins, Environmental Planner SUBCONSULTANTS Thomas Olsen Associates, Inc. 2829 South State Street Hemet California 92543 TEL 909/766-4655 FAX 909/766-4658 Joan R Callahan, Ph.D. Green Specific Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS I. SUMMARY A. PURPOSE & AUTHORITY B. PROJECT II. ENVIRONMENT A. LOCATION B. GEOLOGY C. SOILS D. TOPOGRAPHY E. SEISMICITY F. HYDROLOGY G. BIOLOGY H. EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE I. GENERAL PLAN & ZONING III. LAND USE PLAN A. LAND USE SUMMARY B. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS & STANDARDS 1. Residential 2. Open Space/Recreational C. DESIGN GUIDELINES 1. Community 2. Architecture 3. Landscape Architecture IV. INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN A. CIRCULATION B. WATER C. SEWER D. GRADING & DRAINAGE E. UTILITIES F. PUBLIC FACILITIES/SERVICES 1. Transportation 2. Solid Waste 3. Fire Protection 4. Police Protection S. Community Services V. IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES & ADMINISTRATION A. PROCEDURES B. FINANCING PLAN C. PHASING PLAN D. MAINTENANCE PLAN E. AMENDMENTS VI. APPENDICES A. DESCRIPTION B. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAPS C. GLOSSARY ii EXHIBITS 1. LOCATION MAP 2. VICINITY MAP 3. ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN 4. GEOLOGY 5. SOILS 6. ELEVATIONS 7. SLOPE ANALYSIS 8. SEISMICITY 9. HYDROLOGY 10. BIOLOGY 11. LAND USE PLAN 12. COMMUNITY DESIGN GUIDELINES 13. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN GUIDELINES 14. LANDSCAPE MASTER PLAN 15. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DESIGN GUIDELINES 16. CIRCULATION PLAN 17. WATER SYSTEM 18. SEWER SYSTEM 19. GRADING PLAN 20. DRAINAGE PLAN 21. PHASING PLAN ill Green Specific Plan 1. SUMMARY A. PURPOSE & AUTHORITY The Green Specific Plan creates a master -planned resort community with a variety of residential land uses and a quality environment through comprehensive planning regulations, standards and design guidelines. The purpose of this document is to provide a foundation for a variety of uses on the Green property through the application of regulations, standards and design guidelines. The Specific Plan, when adopted by City legislative action, serves both planning and regulatory functions, as well as establishing infrastructure service needs. It will be the major device for implementing the General Plan on this property. The Specific Plan is not a static document, inflexible, and unyielding to change. It is based upon the best information available at the time of its preparation. Because of socio-economic variation, it will become necessary, on occasion, to make adjustments to the Plan to respond to changing conditions. The ability to react to unforeseen change is an important measure of the adequacy of any planning program. It is the objective of this Specific Plan to: 1) establish the guidelines to create a multi -use high quality resort oriented community; while at the same time, 2) ensure the preservation of natural open spaces adjacent the site. The authority and procedures for this Specific Plan is described in Chapter 9.16, General Plan and Specific Plan, La Quinta Municipal Planning and Zoning Code. The Specific Plan shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, Specific Plans, Section 65450 et seq. of the California Government Code I-1 B. THE PROJECT The Green Specific Plan encompasses approximately 331.1 acres in the City of La Quinta at the northeastern base of the Santa Rosa Mountains in the Coachella Valley, as depicted on Figure I-1. As shown on Figure I-2, the site is adjacent to The Quarry development, and approximately '/z mile south of the PGA West development and Lake Cahuilla in Section 29, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base & Meridian, County of Riverside, California. The proposed development consists of single family detached residential products on minimum lot sizes of 8,000, 10,000 and 30,000 square feet. The remainder of the site remains as open space, as illustrated in Figure I-3. A brief description of the proposed land uses is provided below. Table 1 also provides the breakdown of land uses by acreage and percentage of the overall property. 1. RESORT RESIDENTIAL The project focuses on providing a total of 277 resort homes oriented to the physical features that exist on the site. The overall project density will be less than 1 unit per acre. The three product types are as follows: ■ Cove Lots (Medium Density) with a minimum 8,000 square foot lot size and located in the eastern portion of the site. ■ Estate Lots (Low Density) buffering the open space and the Cove Lots on 10,000 minimum square foot lots. ■ Custom Lots (Very Low Density) located at the northwestern corner of the project site, adjacent to The Quarry and comprised of minimum 30,000 square foot lots. 2. OPEN SPACE/RECREATIONAL Approximately 231.2 acres of the site, in the central and western portions of the property, will remain in a natural condition for hiking and riding recreation. The Boo Hoff Trail will be located along the foothills and a multi-purpose trail easement will be dedicated within the Jefferson Street alignment. I-2 Land Use Green Specific Plan LAND USE TABULATION Table 1 Acres % Units Density Cove Lots 67.5 20.0 227 4.0 Estate Lots 14.1 4.0 40 3.0 Custom Lots 12.5 4.0 10 1.0 Open Space/Recreation 231.2 70.0 - Jefferson Street 5.8 2.0 - - TOTAL 331.1 100.0% 277 0.8 I-3 LOS ANGELES ANAHEIM SAN B.ERNARDINO RIVERSIDE SAN CLEMENTE PALM DESERT PALM WP SPRINGS ESCONDIDO SAN DIEGO SITE LOCATION LA OUINTA INDIO JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL r - MONUMENT COACHEL`t� ANZA BORREGO 1 k,; _ ;,� Q I 0 *414 DESERT STATE PARK J allow nomme We ea .00" so am Mosso go Me, momms 0,a on so Noma so so Menlo Me; so MEXICO LOCATION MAP 40 10000 at min lots Cantata lots 10 30000 sf min lots Coustorn lotal 277 units total I J jefferson street Sts ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN 0 500 1000 16: 9 INDIAN z ,o 0 RIDGE HIGH AY 111 H LA QUINTA W HOTEL U. M 52nd AVE. 54th AVE. PGA v WEST 56th AVE. LAKE CAMILLA a 58th AVE. THE QUARRY 60th AVE. SITE N.T.S. 62nd AVE. VICINITY MAP Green Specific Plan II. ENVIRONMENT A. LOCATION The project is approximately 20 miles east of Palm Springs; 75 miles east of Riverside; and 125 miles east of Los Angeles. The site is primarily within Section 29, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base & Meridian. The Green Specific Plan is located in the City of La Quinta on the southern edge of the Coachella Valley at the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains. ADJACENT LAND USES North Approximately '/z mile north of the site, is the PGA West development. PGA West comprises a residential community and four world-famous golf courses: Pete Dye's TPC Stadium Course, Arnold Palmer Course, Jack Nicklaus Resort Course and Jack Nicklaus Private Course. Green is southeast of and abuts The Quarry at La Quinta, a world class, Tom Fazio designed golf course and residential development. South The southern edge of the property is partially defined by the flood control facilities diverting the Guadalupe Creek south of the eastern hills. East The Lake Cahuilla County Park is east of the property, and Lake Cahuilla is approximately '/z mile further north. West Vacant, Bureau of Land Management properties adjoin the site to the west. GREEN ENVIRONMENT 11-1 B. GEOLOGY The site is primarily situated in a "saddle" between the Santa Rosa Mountains to the west and a small hill to the east. (Geologic information is forthcoming) C. SOILS The Green property is comprised of Carsitas Gravelly Sand and Myoma Fine Sand. Rock Outcrop, found in the steeper elevations, is predominant over the project site. D. TOPOGRAPHY Elevations range from as below 100 feet above mean sea level (msl) at the northeastern boundary to over 900 feet msl at the southwestern corner. Figure II -6, Elevations, and Figure II -7, Slope Analysis, illustrates the existing topography of the project site. The bulk of the project site area contains slopes of less than 10% or greater than 20%, as described below. Slope Acres % of Site 0-10% 10-20% 20%+ E. SEISMICITY The project site, located in Southern California, is subject to groundshaking activity typical to the region. The project site is located within Groundshaking Zone III as established by the County of Riverside. Figure II -5 identifies the geographic relationship of the project site to both the San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults. F. HYDROLOGY Figure II -6 illustrates the existing hydrologic characteristics of the project site. Generally, the site contains a number of relatively small local drainage courses that flow from south to north. GREEN ENVIRONMENT II -2 G. BIOLOGY Figure II -7 identifies the predominant biological resources that presently exist on the project site. Plant species include Desert Dry Wash Woodland and Sonoran Creosote Bush Scrub. The Green property is not within any of the Environmental Conservation Areas identified in the City's General Plan and lies approximately one mile outside and to the east of the boundaries of the Santa Rosa Mountains State Game Refuge. H. EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE Presently, the only infrastructure facilities that approach the Green property are those that serve The Quarry development to the north. As discussed in Chapter IV of this document, circulation, water, sewer and storm drain systems and facilities will have to be improved and extended to the project boundaries from their present terminus within the PGA West community or as may be extended from The Quarry development to the 10 Custom lots within the Green property. I. GENERAL PLAN & ZONING 1. Land Use Element Open Space The 331 -acre Green site has the General Plan designation of Open Space (OS). The proposed development has a target of less than 1 DU/AC for a maximum yield of 300 units. Policy 4- 1.2.1 of the Open Space Element states the following: Development shall be allowed to occur in Open Space areas but only when in strict compliance with the City's hillside Conservation Zone Ordinance. The Hillside Conservation Zone Ordinance allows development to occur in areas based on the slope of the hillside. Generally, permitted uses on slopes not exceeding 20% include..... single family residential uses; and accessory uses necessary to accomplish the permitted uses. GREEN ENVIRONMENT II -3 Population Green is projected to have a population of 570 assuming approximately 2.1 personAousehold which accounts for both permanent and seasonal residents. GREEN ENVIRONMENT 111-4 M&B myomm fine serid, 0 to 5 percent slopes SOILS 0 500 1000 1650 so - 100 100 . 150 150 - 200 200 . 250 250 - 300 300 _ 350 350 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500 500 - 550 550 - 600 P C ELEVATIONS 0 500 1000 1650 I ``. 0-113% IT IEEE Los too � } } ,�I r,• �:� ; y``�i� r \ 2o0 Soo / Q-,— *,, _ S44 1.0120% 0-20 ey 69 01 { I 9 T_ t /Ml rff SLOPE ANALYSIS 0 500 1000 1650 p , mili'm WI ddw desert dry wash woodland Aj I i111111ME[-;;, I 1� -, a , , , , , '-� jff-�OL !2— - J u land -use mom % of total density Wee units rind denalty residential 87.5 20% 4.0 227 low density residential 14.1 4% 3.0 40 very low density residential 12.5 4% 1.0 10 open spoon 70% n/s n/a J231.2 jefferson street 5.8 2% n/a n/s to31.1 10096 sv2 2.4 not 277 woommm wets mNsd boundary • • • mmm* wetercou ra HYDROLOGY 0 500 1000 1650 1W Green Specific Plan III. LAND USE PLAN A. LAND USE SUMMARY The Green Property Specific Plan proposes a total of 277 single family detached dwelling units on the 331.1 acre parcel. The land use plan is depicted in Figure III -1 and illustrated in Figure I-3. The proposed development results in an overall residential density of 0.8 units per gross acre. The residential development proposed is situated on 94.1 acres, or 28% of the property, and results in a net density of 2.4 units per acre on the developed portion of the site. As shown on Figure III -1, the vast majority of the proposed development occurs in the eastern portion of the site, straddling the future extension of Jefferson Street. Ten custom lots are proposed in the northwestern corner of the site, and will gain access through The Quarry development that abuts the property at that location. Approximately 231.2 acres, or 70%, of the project site is proposed to remain in open space, preserving the significant physical features in the central and western portions of the property. GREEN LAND USE PLAN B. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS & STANDARDS 1. CUSTOM LOTS (Very Low Density) a. Permitted Uses 1) One -family dwellings 2) Home occupations. 3) Temporary real estate tract offices, to be used only for and during the original sale of the development, but not to exceed a period of two years in any event. 4) Second Units per the La Quinta Municipal Code. b. Development Standards 1) Buildings shail..b_"in l r� 'th a maximum height of thirty-five feet (28`). 2) Lot area sha 1 be not ess than thirty thousand 0 square feet (30,000 sf). 3) The minimum average width of that portion of a lot to be used as a building site shall be eighty feet (80) with a minimum average depth of one hundred twenty-five feet (1251). That portion of a lot used for access on "flag" lots shall have a minimum width of thirty feet (30'), not to exceed one hundred fifty feet (150) in length. 4) The minimum frontage of a lot shall be seventy- two feet (72'), except that lots fronting on knuckles or cul-de-sacs may have a minimum frontage of forty feet (40'). 5) The front yard shall be not less than thirty feet (30'), measured from the existing street line or from any future street line as shown on any specific plan of highways, or General Plan, whichever is nearer the proposed structure. 6) The rear yard shall not be less than twenty feet (20'); side yard setbacks shall nolbe less than ten feet (10'). 7) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required by the La Quinta Municipal Code. GREEN LAND USE PLAN 111-3 8) Minimum gross livable area shall b one thonsan six hun a care feet 3,0(lU sf} excluding the garage, as measure rom t e exterior walls of the dwelling. 9) Mechanical and Related Equipment. When ground -mounted, heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be screened from all sides. When e iment is located on pitched roofs or flat roofs, © wills and/or screening must be provided on all si es. The screening must be an integral part of the architectural design of the house. 10) Landscaping. The front yard of all lots, and in addition, the side yard of corner lots, shall be landscaped to property line per the requirements of the Design Guidelines. 11) Screening. Refuse container areas and permanently mounted bottled gas tanks shall be concealed by landscaping or block/masonry walls. 12) Underground Utilities. All electric services, overhead wires, or associated structures must be installed underground from the service pole (if any) to the new residence. 13) Driveway Materials. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and constructed in accordance with city standards. 14) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be located and directed so as not to shine directly on adjacent properties or otherwise create a nuisance, consistent with all applicable codes and ordinances. 15) Fencing. Refer to the Design Guidelines. 2. ESTATE LOTS (Low Density) a. Permitted Uses 1) One -family dwellings. 2) Home occupations. 3) Temporary real estate tract offices to be used only for and during the original sale of the development, but not to exceed a period of two years in any event. GREEN LAND USE PLAN lIl-4 b. Development Standards 1) Building height shall not exceed two stories, with a maximum height of thirty-five feet (35'). 2) Lot area shall be not less than ten thousand square feet (10,000 sf). 3) The minimum average width of that portion of a lot to be used as a building site shall be sixty feet (60') with a minimum average depth of eighty (80'). 4) The minimum frontage of a lot shall be seventy- two feet (72'), except that lots fronting on knuckles or cul-de-sacs may have a minimum frontage of thirty-five feet (35'). 5) The front yard shall be not less than twenty feet (20'), measured from the existing street line or from any future street line as shown on any specific plan of highways, or general plan, whichever is nearer the proposed structure. 6) The rear yard shall not be less than twenty feet (20'); side yard shall be a minimum of ten feet (10'). 7) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required by the La Quinta Municipal Code. 8) Minimum gross livable area shall be two thousand two hundred feet (2,200 sf), excluding the garage, as measured from the exterior walls of the dwelling. 9) Mechanical and Related Equipment. When ground -mounted, heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be screened from all sides. When equipment is located on pitched roofs or flat roofs, _wills and/or screening must be provided on all sides. The screening must be an integral part of the architectural design of the house. 10) Landscaping. The front yard of all lots, and in addition, the side yard of corner lots, shall be landscaped to property line per the requirements of the Design Guidelines. 11) Screening. Refuse container areas and permanently mounted bottled gas tanks shall be concealed by landscaping or block/masonry walls. 12) Underground Utilities. All electric services, overhead wires, or associated structures must be GREEN LAND USE PLAN 111-5 installed underground from the service pole (if any) to the new residence. 13) Driveway Materials. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and constructed in accordance with city standards. 14) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be located and directed so as not to shine directly on adjacent properties or otherwise create a nuisance, consistent with all applicable codes and ordinances. 15) Fencing. Refer to the Design Guidelines. 3. COVE LOTS (M�d nr-Density) a. Permitted Uses 1) One -family dwellings. 2) Home occupations. 3) Temporary real estate tract offices to be used only for and during the original sale of the development, but not to exceed a period of two years in any event. 4) Churches, educational institutions, public libraries, museums and art galleries not operated for compensation. b. Development Standards 1) Building height shall not exceed two stories, with a maximum height of thirty-five feet (35'). 2) Lot area shall be not less than' eight thousand sik lhw idred square eet 8,000 sem# 3) The minimum average width of that portion of a lot to be used as a building site shall be sixty feet (60') with a minimum average depth of eighty (80')• 4) The minimum frontage of a lot shall be thirty-six (36'), except that lots fronting on knuckles or cul- de-sacs may have a minimum frontage of twenty- four feet (24'). 5) The front yard shall be not less than twenty feet (20'), measured from the existing street line or from any future street line as shown on any GREEN LAND USE PLAN 111-6 specific plan of highways, or general plan, whichever is nearer the proposed structure. 6) The rear yard shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'); sideyard setback shall not be less than five feet (5'). 7) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required by the La Quinta Municipal Code. 8) Minimum gross livable area shall be eighteen hundred square feet (1800 sf), excluding the garage, as measured from the exterior walls of the dwelling. 9) Mechanical and Related Equipment. When ground -mounted, heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be screened from all sides. When equipment is located on pitched roofs or flat roofs, wills and/or screening must be provided on all sides. The screening must be an integral part of the architectural design of the house. 10) Landscaping. The front yard of all lots, and in addition, the side yard of corner lots, shall be landscaped to property line per the requirements of the Design Guidelines. 11) Screening. Refuse container areas and permanently mounted bottled gas tanks shall be concealed by landscaping or block/masonry walls. 12) Underground Utilities. All electric services, overhead wires, or associated structures must be installed underground from the service pole (if any) to the new residence. 13) Driveway Materials. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and constructed in accordance with city standards. 14) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be located and directed so as not to shine directly on adjacent properties or otherwise create a nuisance, consistent with all applicable codes and ordinances. 15) Fencing. Refer to the Design Guidelines. GREEN LAND USE PLAN 111-7 4. OPEN SPACE/RECREATIONAL a. Permitted Uses 1) Tennis courts and swimming pools, including clubhouses. A clubhouse is permitted to have customary retail shop and restaurant facilities. 2) Noncommercial community association recreation and assembly buildings and facilities. 3) Lakes, including noncommercial fishing therefrom 4) Picnic grounds 5) Parking lots, only for above -listed permitted uses, pursuant to the provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code 6) Water wells and appurtenant facilities 7) On-site identification signs, maximum size, ten square feet (10 sf). 8) Riding academies and stables, provided a conditional use permit has been granted b. Development Standards 1) Lot area. This zone is applied to those areas within subdivisions and other residential development that provide open space and recreational area and facilities for the project. Therefore, no minimum lot size is established for the zone. 2) Yards. Whenever a building is to be constructed on a lot in this zone, it shall have a front yard, side yard and rear yard, each of which shall be not less than fifty feet (50'). If more than one building is constructed on one lot, there shall be not less than twenty feet (20') separation between the buildings. 3) Trash Areas. All trash collection areas shall be enclosed with a solid fence or wall not less than six feet (6') high. 4) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required by the La Quinta Municipal Code. 5) All buildings and structures shall not exceed fifty feet (50') in height, unless a height up to seventy- five (75') is specifically permitted under the provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code. GREEN LAND USE PLAN III -8 C. DESIGN GUIDELINES 1. COMMUNITY a. Purpose & Intent The Design Guidelines have been developed to achieve a quality and cohesive design concept for the community that will develop within the Green Specific Plan. b. Theme The project wide theme of the community is best described as "Mediterranean". Individual "villages" shall contain details which are consistent with recognized features of one of these traditional styles: Italie Mediterranean, French Mediterranean, or Spanish Mediterranean. Designs for the Green Community shall be traditional interpretations of these styles, comprised of a consistent and appropriate design vocabulary that is true to the principles of the style as possible, within the constraints of location, program and budget. It is the intention of these guidelines to foster a community of unique environmental design solutions that are appropriate for the project, rather than stage set, or "doll house" architecture. 2. ARCHITECTURE The integrity of the architectural character of the project will be maintained through the application of the guidelines stipulated within this plan throughout the entire site, and for each village. Every development proposal for the Green Specific Plan shall be reviewed by the City of La Quinta Planning Director to assure it's conformance with the intent of the architectural guidelines stated and illustrated within this document. However, it is intended that other suitable designs which are not specifically mentioned in this document, but are consistent with the initial theme, may be considered and approved for use. GREEN LAND USE PLAN III -9 a. Color The base colors of all structures shall be limited to a palette of white, cream, tan, sand, light brown, mauve and other colors considered to be "earth tones". Primary colors may be used for accent only. b. Materials Roofing material shall be limited to ceramic or concrete - based materials, either flat or round -shake type tiles. 3. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE FORTHCOMING GREEN LAND USE PLAN III -10 n J Green Specific Plan IV. INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN A. CIRCULATION Figure IV -1 illustrates the circulation plan anticipated for the project. Access to the site is from Jefferson Street which traverses the eastern portion of the site in generally a north/south alignment. Jefferson Street is planned as a Secondary Arterial, with ar(eighty-eighty loot right-of- way, and sixty-four foot curb to curb d"imensio�� n. -L& streets will connect to Jefferson Street and serve the residential development. The ten Custom Lots which abut existing The Quarry development and will take access from the existing streets. B. WATER Coachella Valley Water District has jurisdiction over domestic water service to the Green project. Currently, domestic water service lines exist in the area of the intersection of 58th and Madison, at the PGA West location. The project is required to provide four well sites to serve the project and service connections made for domestic water. One well is required to be active prior to construction of initial phases of development. Additionally, a 2.5 million gallon reservoir is required to be built to serve the site. Precise locations, connections and design capacities of these facilities will be determined at a later date, with review and approval from the City of La Quinta and all other affected agencies. On-site improvements, as illustrated in Figure IV -2, shall include an 18' water line within the Jefferson Street right-of-way. The development off Jefferson Street will be served with 12' lines throughout. The ten Custom Lots will be served by an 8" water line, connecting to the existing 8" water line in The Quarry development. Precise alignments, locations and sizes of lines and connections will be determined at the Tentative Map stage of development. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN IV -1 C. SEWER The project site is presently served by Coachella Valley Water District. The nearest existing sewer lines available to serve the eastern portion of the project are located at 58th and Madison, at the PGA West site, approximately 2,000 feet from the project boundaries. As depicted in Figure IV -3, the existing 10' line will be extended the 2,000 feet from PGA West to the Green Property boundary. The project site itself will then be serviced with 8" sewer lines throughout. The ten custom lots located in the northwestern corner of the project site will connect to the existing 8" line located within The Quarry development which abuts the site at that location. An 8' sewer line will serve that portion of the site as well. D. GRADING & DRAINAGE The drainage facilities proposed to accommodate the flows generated by the development of the project site are identified in Figure IV -4. More detailed design, including location, size, type and capacity of drainage facilities shall be determined at the Tentative Map stage of development. Figure IV -5 illustrates the conceptual grading plan for the site. It should be noted that the grading and development proposed is consistent with the City's Municipal Code, Hillside Conservation Zone, Chapter 9.145. Figure II -4, Slope Analysis, assists in illustrating that those areas of 10% slope and greater will be consistent with the Hillside Conservation Zone. E. UTILITIES Southern California Gas Company provides the natural gas to the project site. Electric service to Green Property will be provided by Imperial Irrigation District. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN IV -2 % 15 a - I- I w ?p 010 custom lots Z. se4dcir6-lot4-47'� J;L gab 7 LIP pl�k . t--,L- entry Jefferson street FL�j Llj cove covelots CIRCULATION 0 500 1000 1650 secondary arterial oul-de-seci- looal street Z. se4dcir6-lot4-47'� J;L gab 7 LIP pl�k . t--,L- entry Jefferson street FL�j Llj cove covelots CIRCULATION 0 500 1000 1650 sxhx" 8" I 1 � a: L,'q 1 i 1 11 got 10 custom lots r r` I va U r 4 V Y LIP (_ �! _� _.. .---i`,MII1,�1',� �l+f, .� j /..�•j�� � f j'� { V y� D. �� �= a 4' 1 ,l 40 -estate lots --b P V d. J �4 lti ' Iri! rdlr i° / r S Tjf 11 4 notes • 0 Ones ■m 12" unless othwwlse noted • 2.5 mEw 900n rssWVI* rO*dre+d r 4 well site* required, 1 active , :'�_ _v p ? entry r i `a s ` 29 i J , i entry 1 � jefferson street yL.) cove lots l WATER SYSTEM 0 500 1000 1650 note : Ar7 1�� 10 custom lots j, �.;�-:=,its , P ' } ; �jr f -- � � � .. �",. 40 -,estate lots 46; r entry 7 10" extended 2000% to existing 10" line ,P11J-1-0 PGA West entry v i, 291 * am lines are 8" unless otherwise noted cove lots SEWER SYSTEM 0 500 1000 165 TOAD MIAKIMM 1 ACRE-FEET.. Om =829 cfi�- 0,.=484 cfs 1 3 ACRE-FEET 0,.=350 cfs 6 ACRE-FEET DETENTION BASIN Jefferson street lots DRAINAGE PLAN 0 500 1000 1650 GRADING PLAN 0 500 1000 1650 Green Specific Plan V. IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES & ADMINISTRATION A. PROCEDURES The entitlement procedures proposed herein shall be in conformance with those procedures established and set forth in the City of La Quinta Municipal Code. All development applications shall be reviewed by the City of La Quinta as to their consistency with the intent of this Specific Plan. B. FINANCING PLAN The _infrastructure and public facilities improvements, as generally described in the Phasing Plan, will be financed in various ways, as outlined below: ■ Developer contribution with reimbursement agreements; ■ Developer contribution with credits against fees; ■ City of La Quinta contribution (as budgeted); ■ Public financing (Community Facilities District); ■ Public Financing (Assessment District). Final financing arrangements, including required participation agreements, shall be further determined at the Tentative Map stage of development and shall be reviewed and approved by the City of La Quinta as well as affected agencies. GREEN IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES & ADMINISTRATION `%-1 C. PHASING PLAN The primary intent of the phasing of the Green development, as depicted in Figure 5-1, is to ensure that complete and adequate public facilities and services are in place and available for the residents and visitors to the community. The construction, installation and/or extension of infrastructure and facilities necessary to serve each phase of development shall be operational prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Use and Occupancy for that particular phase. It should be noted that, the initial phasing plan shall be linked to the area to be developed first as well as the financing program selected. Subsequent phases shall be adjusted in accordance with the overall integration of physical development and financing. As development in Green and the surrounding community continues, infrastructure design and improvements may evolve and include various revisions to the phasing program anticipated and described herein. These revisions, upon the review and confirmation by the City of La Quinta that proposed revisions meet the intent of the Specific Plan and adequately serve the needs of the community, shall be permitted without an amendment to this Specific Plan. GREEN IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES & ADMINISTRATION `%-2 legend ' ` son street phase phase 11 phase III PHASING PLAN D. MAINTENANCE PLAN The primary objective of establishing the maintenance responsibilities, as described herein, is to ensure the efficient and quality care for those facilities and improvements that add to the quality of life within the community. The various maintenance areas and associated responsible parties are outlined below. Common landscape areas and/or recreational facilities within individual developments will be maintained by the particular Homeowners Association governing that development. ■ Public streets are to be dedicated to and maintained by the City of La Quinta. ■ Entry monumentation, master common landscape areas, and other areas commonly owned shall be maintained by a Master Homeowners Association established by the developer. The following matrix, Table 5-1, identifies the maintenance responsibilities for the Green Property development. TABLE 5-1 MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES GREEN IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES & ADMINISTRATION `%-4 City Homeowners -Private : Master ROA Association Common Landscape Recreation Facilities Entry - Monumentation Public Streets . GREEN IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES & ADMINISTRATION `%-4 E. AMENDMENTS Minor adjustments to the Specific Plan, including transfers and refinements of up to ten percent between Planning Areas may be administratively approved by the Planning Director. Other revisions to this document, such as alternate phasing sequences, may be proposed to the Planning Director, if necessary. The Planning Director has the authority to make certain findings that permit the Director to approve said revisions administratively. Said findings must include the following: ■ The proposed revisions comply with and implement the general intent and objectives of the Specific Plan; The proposed revisions do not result in an increase to the adverse impacts to public services and facilities that were identified and considered in the approval of this Specific Plan; ■ The proposed revisions will not increase negative impacts to surrounding property and residents; GREEN IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES & ADMINISTRATION V_5