EA 1994-287 Travertine & Green (Coral Canyon) - 1995 Final EIR Vol IIVOLUME II FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TRAVERTINE AND GREEN SPECIFIC PLANS MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM State Clearinghouse No.#94112047 Lead Agency: City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Contact: Jerry Herman EIR Prepared by: The Keith Companies Environmental Division 2955 Red Hill Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Contact: Saundra Jacobs May 1995 a PP 9987 -SFJ -12501 -MMP ' L TABLE OF CONTENTS The Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) consists of two volumes: VOLUME I Introduction History of Proposed Project Land Exchange Environmental Assessment Summary of Topical Responses Bighorn Sheep HMP Multi -species HCP Comments and Response to Comments • VOLUME II Mitigation Monitoring Program 9987 -SFJ -12501 -MMP mi L'IGt1 r IOl'i% �v�O1V� i c�Rl� vv A11�r� �cEpv�c f1111jv t'Rl�vi.All�i t✓��Et,�1.'ISY Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Miti ation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prier to Tentative 3.2.1 The proposed internal circulation layout map, Specirl shall be subject to the review and Plan, Site_ lan approval of the City Engineering and ,Approval Public Works and Community Development Department during the development review process to insure compliance with City access and design standards. (T,G) 3.2.2 During the site plan check, the City's Building and Safety and Engineering/Public Works Department shall ensure that clear unobstructed sight distances have been provided at all intersections proposed onsite. (T,G) 3.2.4 During the Specific Plan map check, the City Engineering/Public Works Department shall ensure that Jefferson Street is constructed to its master planned secondary arterial cross-section in conjunction with adjacent development on-site. (T,G) 3.4.19 During the plan check, the Engineering/Public Works and Building and Safety Departments shall review the proposed project for the inclusion of bicycle lanes. The provision of bicycle lanes should encourage the use of alternate modes of transportation. (T,G) Occupancy Permits Site Plan Approval Specific Plan Approval Site Plan Approval Revised April 1995 1 12501 1595 9999.WPD 00 Design Plan Design Plan Specific Plan Design Plan Design Plan Review Site Plan Review Review of Plans Review of Plans Engineering/Public Works Department an( Coachella Valley Water District, Geotechnical Consultant Building and Safety and Engineering/Public Works Department Engineering/Public Works Department Engineering/Public Works, Building and Safety Department MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Tentatiy-C Man, ific Plan. Site Plain Approval Continued ... 3.4.20 Safe and convenient pedestrian paths Specific Plan should be provided to encourage walking Approval as a mode of transportation between related on-site facilities. (T,G) 3.5.9 Final site design shall be prepared in Site Plan concert with the City of La Quinta and Approval CVWD to implement strategies to supplement the amount of recharge to the underground aquifer through the use of site design techniques, and the utilization of tertiary treated wastewater and/or lower quality potable water, where applicable. The Engineering/Public Works Department and Coachella Valley Water District shall review and approve the final site design for its use of recharge techniques and tertiary treated water. Developer will agree to participate in a groundwater replenishment program operated by CVWD which may include dedicating some land for groundwater recharge facilities. (T,G) Revised April 1995 2 12501 1595.9999. W PD.00 Design Plan Review of Plans Engineering/Public Works, Building and Safety Department Design Plan Design Plan Engineering/Public Review Works Department and Coachella Valley Water District MITIGA.uON MONI'l uRIA(y AND KEPO-Ai INv rROcrit" t-nECnL1ST — Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior t Tent time 3.6.8 The applicant shall ensure that a Map, 5'pecitxc geotechnical consultant monitor the Plan Site Plan project by reviewing the tentative map Anuroyal prior to approval and overseeing the site Continued , , , development, excavation, grading, and foundation construction phases. Monitoring the site development will allow for design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. (T,G) 3.7.3 All proposed stormwater protection facilities shall be privately constructed, operated and maintained. Prior to project approval, a condition to the project shall be included which will require the developer to have a mechanism in place to be responsible for the ongoing operation and maintenance of these facilities. (T,G) Tentative Map Approval Tentative Map Approval Design Plan Design Plan Tentative Map Review Tentative Map Review Geotechnical Consultant/Community Development Department Geotechnical Consultant/Community Development Department Revised April 1995 3 10-1 12501.1595.9999. W PD.00 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior tg Tentative 3.11.1 In accordance with Policy 5-2.1 of the map.specific City's Park and Recreation Element, the Plan, Site Plan applicant will provide 20.26 acres of A. V P r va public park land on-site and/or the Continued ... payment of in lieu fees to the City's Finance Department. Prior to tentative tract map approval, the applicant shall consult with the Park and Recreation Department to determine final parkland mitigation. Furthermore, the applicant may consider mitigation of parkland by acquiring a portion of the Green Open Space areas. (T) 3.11.2 In accordance with Policy 5-2.1 of the City's Park and Recreation element, the applicant will provide 2.37 acres of park land on-site and/or compensate for the lack of dedicated public park land through the payment of fees to the City's Finance Department. Since the Green Specific Plan provides for 231.2 acres of natural open space, the applicant would be able to satisfy the City's park land requirement by dedicating a portion of or the entire natural open space area to park land. Prior to tentative tract map approval, the applicant shall consult with the Park and Recreation Department to determine final parkland mitigation. (G) Revised April 1995 12501.1595.9999 WPD 00 Tentative Map Tentative Map 4 Tentative Map Approval Tentative Map Approval Submittal of proof of fees/dedication Submittal of proof of fees/dedication City's Finance Department/Park and Recreation Department City's Finance Department/Park and Recreation Department 0 11 jJ GAlrOINMuNh ujdN(6 AND AzPO.KjiN(Y ritOGilcAIK Lv CA.L1ST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to lentative 3.14.1 The Sheriffs Department shall be map, Sneci%c consulted during site planning and design Plan Site Plan of tract maps to ensure that adequate Approval provisions for law enforcement Continued ... protection/prevention are designed into the projects. The applicant will show to the Community Development Department, proof of consultation with the Sheriff s Department, prior to approval of the tentative map. (T,G) 3.14.2 The Fire Department shall be consulted during site planning and design of tract maps to ensure that adequate provisions for fire protection/prevention are designed into the projects. The applicant will show proof of communication with the Fire Department, to the Community Development Department, prior to approval of the tentative tract map. (T,G) 3.14.9 If electric service is extended to the project site, the developer would be required to pay all extension costs from the existing lines. The applicant will coordinate with Imperial Irrigation Districts (I.I.D.) in establishing a credit mechanism as future connections are tied into the Specific Plans electric lines. (T,G) Tentative Map Tentative Map Tentative Map Revised April 1995 5 12501.1595.9999. W P D.00 Tentative Map Approval Tentative Map Approval Tentative Map Approval Submittal of proof of consultation Submittal of proof of communication Submittal of proof of funding mechanism Sheriff s Department, Community Development Department Community Development Department City Finance Department/ Public Works Dept. Ca' MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section rior to Tentative Man, Specific Plan. Site Platt Approval Continued .. . 3.14.11 If gas service is extended to the project site, the developer would be required to pay all extension costs from the existing lines. A funding mechanism shall be established for the reimbursement to the developer for the extension costs as future connections are tied into the Specific Plan's gas lines. This funding mechanism shall be established with the City's Finance Department during tentative tract map approval. (T,G) 3.14.13 If telephone lines are extended to the project site, the developer will be required to pay all extension costs from the existing lines. A funding mechanism will be established for the reimbursement to the developer for the extension costs as future connections are tied into the Specific Plan's telephone lines. This funding mechanism shall be established with the City's Finance Department during tentative tract map approval. (T,G) Tentative Map Tentative Map Revised April 1995 6 12501,1595.9999.WPD 00 Tentative Map Approval Tentative Map Approval Submittal of proof of funding mechanism Submittal of proof of funding mechanism City's Finance Department/ Public Works Department/ Gas Company City Finance Department/ Public Works Department/ General Telephone _._.� .gITIGA7'I0N : ONI7Mill1 +e AND`R",�P HN[-pwoGK gM t -n CAi,.dT Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Dior to Grading 3.3.5 With the issuance of building permits, every effort should be made to create the greatest distance between noise sources and sensitive receptors during construction activities. The Community Development Department shall review the building setbacks and pad elevation, prior to the issuance of grading permits. (T,G) 3.3.6 Building setbacks and pad elevations shall be used in conjunction with: acoustic berm or berm and barrier combinations to reduce intrusive noise levels at any residential units located within the 60 CNEL contour adjacent to Jefferson Street (and/or Madison Street for the Travertine project). The Community Development Department and the Engineering/Public Works Department shall review the site plan for building setbacks and noise requirements, prior to the issuance of grading permits. (T,G) Revired April 1995 12501.1593.9999. WPD,00 Grading Permit Grading Permit d Site Plan Approval Site Plan Approval Site Plan Review Site Plan Review Community Development Department Community Development Department and Engineering/Public Works Department MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Ciraddin, 3.3.7 Residential development located adjacent Continued ... to Jefferson Street shall be carefully designed and evaluated at more detailed levels of planning to ensure that adequate noise mitigation is included to meet City noise standards. The Community Development and Engineering/Public Works Department will review the plans to ensure the incorporation of noise mitigation prior to issuance of grading permits. (T,G) 3.3.8 Building setbacks can be used effectively to ensure that all hotel'outdoor living areas are located outside the ultimate unatttenuated 60 CNEL contours of adjacent roadways. The Building and Safety and Community Development Departments will review the site plan for building setbacks and noise requirements, prior to issuance of grading permits. (T) Grading Permit Grading Permit p Aevleed April 1995 8 12501.1595.9999.WPD.00 Design Plan Site Plan Design Plan Review Site Plan Review Community Development Department and Engineering/ Public Works Department Building and Safety Department/ Community Development Department - �... � __ _____ � --•— ' '-. — .day .. y� , � p5U — }i � 1.,. ��s 11 i r I GS x �r ilV crr c ll+'I x-crxtll'hv-;iNb-,wPOn-xiNtrrxt O&AAM un CA -1,Y T Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Grading 3.3.9 Truck access, parking area•design and air Grading Continued ... conditioning refrigeration units should be Permit carefully designed and evaluated at more detailed levels of planning to minimize the potential for acoustic impacts to adjacent noise sensitive development. These will be reviewed by the Engineering/Public Works and Community Development Departments, prior to issuance of grading permits. (T) 3.4.1 Prior to issuance of grading permits, cut Grading and fill shall be balanced on-site. (T,G) Permit 3.4.3 During grading, the preferential use of Grading diesel -powered construction equipment Permit rather than gasoline -powered equipment, will reduce exhaust emission and evaporative and crankcase Hydro Carbon emissions. This will be determined prior to the issuance of grading permits. (T,G) Revised April 1995 9 12501.1595, 9999, W PD.00 Design Plan Grading Plan Grading Plan Plan Review Grading Plan Review Grading Plan Review Engineering/Public Works, and Community Development Department/ Building and Safety Engineering/Public Works Department Engineering/ Public Works Department MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section PriQX to Grading 3.4.4 Grading activities should be scheduled to Continued ... occur during the fall and winter months when rainfall in the project area is the greatest. Construction activities should be minimized during the windy season from March through June. Grading operations shall be suspended during first and second stage ozone episodes or when winds exceed 30 mph. Grading scheduling will be reviewed and approved by the Engineering/Public Works Department prior to the issuance of grading permits. (T,G) 3.4.5 Adequate watering techniques shall be employed to partially mitigate the impact of construction -generated dust. particulates. The water should be reclaimed or agricultural canal type, whenever available. Portions of the project site that are under -going earth moving operations shall be watered regularly such that a crust will be formed on the ground surface and then watered again at the end of the day. Watering techniques for the reduction of dust shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineering/Public Works Department, prior to the issuance of grading permits. (T,G) Grading Permit Grading Permit Grading Activities Grading Activities Revised April 199s 10 12501.1595,99"NPD.00 - - Site Inspection/ Review of Grading Activities Site Inspection Engineering/ Public Works Department Engineering/Public Works Department Ali i tGAt 1tUNIr1uND uld]V v ziND ArPOA i 1NG rriDGxvz M i-,,ZCA,,.I3T Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Grading 3.4.7 Construction access roads shall be paved Grading Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public Continued as the Engineering/Public Works Permit Activities Works Department/ ... Department has approved the Building and Safety infrastructure plans and issued the grading permit. Construction access roads shall be cleaned after each workday. The maximum vehicle speed limit on unpaved roads should be 15 mph. (T,G) 3.4.17 The proposed project will comply with Grading Wind erosion Review of Wind Community SCAQMD Regulation XV, the City's Permit and blowsand Erosion and Development TDM Ordinance and any other relevant programs blowsand Department, wind erosion and blowsand programs, programs Engineering/Public prior to the issuance of grading permits, Works Department/ as reviewed by the Community Building and Safety Development Department and Engineering/Public Works Departments during grading and construction. (T,G) 3.6.2 The applicant shall ensure that the Grading Erosion control Review of Community soils of newly graded slopes be Permit plans Erosion Control Development protected (i.e., irrigation, straw, wood Plans Department/ chips, visqueen) to limit erosion by Engineering/ Public Works wind and water. These erosion Department prevention measures will be approved by the Community Development Department, prior to issuance of grading permits. (T,G) Revised April 1995 11 12501,1595,9999 WPD 00 MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Grading 3.6.4 Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Continued ... applicant or future developer shall have a geotechnical investigation report prepared for the project site and submitted to the Engineering/Public Works Department. Mitigation measures that are identified in this geotechnical report shall be incorporated into the report. (T,G) 3.6.6 The applicant shall ensure that preliminary slope stability investigations be completed as part of the initial geotechnical investigation prior to the commencement of grading on-site. Such investigations shall identify potential slope failure and/or rockfall hazard areas, and shall identify the specific measures (e.g., barriers) to reduce hazards and protect project development to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety and Engineering/Public Works Departments. (T,G) Revised April 1995 12501 1595.9999. W PD.00 Grading Permit Grading Permit 12 Geotechnical Investigation Geotechnical Investigation Review of Geotechnical Investigation Review of Geotechnical Investigation Y Engineering/Public Works Department Building and Safety, Engineering/Public Works Department A1111GA jlON Nl uN11 UI?I]V (y AND 1ccPOn 1 fN(r r?OGxAM CHECALiST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Grading 3.6.7 If slopes exceed ten feet, engineering Grading Grading Plans Grading Plan Engineering/Public Continued ... calculations shall be performed to Permit Review Works Department substantiate the stability of slopes steeper than 2 to 1. Fill slopes shall be overfilled and trimmed back to competent material. This will be reviewed and approved by the Engineering/Public Works Department prior to issuance of grading permits. (T,G) 3.6.9 Plans and specifications shall be Grading Plans and Plan Review Geotechnical reviewed by a geotechnical consultant Permit Specifications Consultant/Building & prior to grading. Plans shall include Safety/Engineering grading plans, foundation plans and /Public Works foundation details, including structural Department loads. (T,G) 3.7.2 Detention basins, and other Grading Permit Grading Plan Review CVWD/Engineering/ stormwater protective works shall be Plans/Hydrology Public Works Dept, constructed to protect structures from Studies 100 -year flooding. Grading plans and hydrology studies shall be submitted to CVWD, prior to issuance of a grading permit. (T,G) Revised April 1995 13 12501 1595 9999. WPD.00 u MITIGA TION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification division/Section Prior to Grading 3.7.6 Notes on construction plans shall Grading Permit Construction Plan Review Engineering/Public Continued ... incorporate all Best Management Plans Works Department Practices adopted by the Engineering/Public Works Department, prior to issuance of grading permits. (T,G) 3.7.8 The proposed project will be required to Grading Permit Construction Plan Review Engineering/Public comply with NPDES General Plans Works Department Construction Activity Storm Water permit requirements which include submittal of the Notice of Intent and fee to the California Water Resources Control Board, and development and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), monitoring plan and reporting plan. The SWPPP will include Best Management Practices (BMP) to mitigate erosion, sedimentation and groundwater effects. (T,G) 3.7.9 The applicant shall provide a hydrology Grading Permit Construction Plan Review Engineering/Public report which addresses impacts on dikes Plans Works Department/ 2 and 4. The report should address the Community following (T,G): Development Department 1. Retention of stormwater flows within the project(s). Revised April 1995 12501 1595.9999.WPD 00 Im W 11 �ITIGATIONMONIT UXING AND KEPOKIING FKOGK M (;HECALIST g Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Grading 2. Sediment transport during storm Continued ... events and the removal and disposal of these sediments. 3. Operation and maintenance of internal stormwater facilities. 4. Compliance with federal, county or community requirements for construction within a floodplain. This will be submitted to the CVWD for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits. 3.8.1 The City of La Quinta shall ensure, as proposed by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, that mitigation/compensation funds shall be made available to the Coachella Valley multispecies planning process prior to any habitat impacting activities (grading permit), due to this project. Such funds should be calculated on the basis of acreage of habitat disturbed, pursuant to a formula for fees which is equitably and uniformally applied throughout the Coachella Valley. (TG) Revised April 1995 12501 1595 9999.WPD 00 Grading Permit Construction Plan Review Plans 15 Community Development Department MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section ri to Gradinom 3.8.2 The applicant shall ensure that Continued ... individual barrel cactuses, ocotillo, mesquites, acacias, paloverdes and other native trees and plants (i.e., sensitive species: triple ribbed milk vetch, Cove's Cassia, ayenia, and shaggy -haired alumroot) be salvaged from areas to be graded by a biologist and used in landscaping to the extent possible prior to issuance of a grading permit. (T,G) 3.8.3 The applicant shall ensure that a habitat management plan HMP for the bighorn sheep is prepared by a biologist, reviewed by the Department of Fish and Game, and implemented prior to issuance of grading permits. Elements of the management plan shall include the following measures. These measures will be required even if the preparation of the HMP is stalled or prevented from being adopted. (T,G) Reviled April 1995 12501.1595.9999. W PD.00 Grading Permit Grading Permit LC Construction Plans Habitat Management Plan Plan Review Approval from California Department of Fish and Game Engineering/Public Works Department/ Community Development Department California Department of Fish and Game/ Community Development Department ��11Tl��lla�. ��101vll JRr1.v Ahl� rtE�'vnTll�v �'RVv1iAl1-1 t,IIEC,niIS1 ' Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification DivisionlSection Prior to Grading Continued ... a. Residential or commercial development adjacent to the 160 acre buffer, shall be located at a minimum of 400 feet, from the toe of slope of the buffer. Within this 400' foot setback, the first 100 feet from the toe of slope shall include a trail easement. The balance of the setback area shall include limited private or semi -private recreational uses (i.e., target golf course). (A target golf course would provide greater opportunities to revegetate the golf course with native vegetation. However, replanting or transplanting native vegetation does not replace lost habitat from development). The 400 foot setback shall be verified by the City Public Works Department during plan check. b. A conservation easement shall be established over the 400 foot setback area. This conservation easement will provide an additional buffer for the preservation of off site archaeological resources. Revised April 1995 17 12501.1595 9999.WPD 00 MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section ri r to grading3.8.3 c. Public pedestrian access from the Continued ... Travertine site to the 160 acre buffer would not be restricted. This access shall be verified by the City Public Works Department during plan check. d. All turf areas and water features will have biological (i.e., mosquito fish) and chemical treatment programs to control insect vectors that might transmit infectious diseases to sheep. e. Deleted per Planning Commission recommendations. f. Prior to building permit issuance and where aesthetically practical, outdoor lighting shall be directed at the ground and shielded away from the bighorn habitat to reduce impacts to nocturnal animals. g. Building materials shall be limited to non -reflective, non -glare surface materials, including paving, roofing material, paint and exterior material. Revised April 1995 12501.1595.9999.WPD 00 18 CCl .AIITIGA71ON MONJ1'URllvv AND tcEPuxt11Nu PROtYKAM uj&Cm�Sl Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section ri r to Godin h. Sound barriers (i.e., berms, Continued ... landscaping) shall be installed at the toe of the slope of the 160 acre buffer area. Barrier material and height shall be consistent with Specific Plan Policy. i. Streets providing access to the estate lots areas shall be located on the north side of the residential units to reduce reflective car lights. j. The Homeowners Association for the developments shall assist the City in enforcing strict leash laws for pets, by posting of signs, providing residents with information on the adverse impacts of domestic pets in wildlife habitat areas and by reporting violations to the City. k. Provide educational material to project residents and guests explaining the ecological requirements and behavior of peninsular bighorn sheep. Revised April 1993 19 12501 1595 9999.WPD.00 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action_ Mechanism -of Verification Division/Section Prior to Grading 3.8.4 The applicant shall comply with the Grading Permit Habitat Approval from California Continued ... CDFG requirements for mitigation of Management California Department of Fish taking desert tortoise habitat prior to Plan Department of and Game/ issuance of grading permit (e.g., Offsite Fish and Game Community replacement of about 200 acres of Development potential tortoise habitat in the Department Chuckwalla Bench area, at a ratio of 1:1). (T) 3.8.5 The applicant shall ensure that the Grading Permit Habitat Approval from California existing Palm Springs Round -tailed Management California Department of Fish Ground Squirrel habitat is protected Plan Department of and Game/ as a habitat area by a design and Fish and Game Community maintenance habitat area plan. Prior Development to issuance of a grading permit, this Department plan shall be prepared by a reviewed and approved by CDFG. (T) 3.8.6 The applicant will shall obtain a 1603 Grading Permit Streambed Approval from California Streambed Alteration Agreement for the Alteration California Department of Fish Department of Fish and Game and a 404 Agreement/ Department of and Game/Army Permit from the Army Corps of 404 Permit Fish and Corps of Engineering/ Engineers any impact to the onsite blue Game/Army Community line streams prior to issuance of grading Corps of Development permit agreement will be accompanied Engineering Department by a mitigation plan, and will meet the requirements of the CDFG. (T,G) Reviled April 1995 20 1250 L 1595.9999,WPD 00 A2iiiGA,t1uNlviuNli uAIALYHND rcaPlilc1iNCy i-90crAliM unCCA,i-i 3T Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Grading3.8.8 The applicant shall have a focused Grading Permit Grading Plan Approval from California Dept. Continued ... survey performed for the desert tortoise, California of Fish and Game/ conducted prior to the issuance of Department of Community grading permits for all phases. (T) Fish and Game Development Dept. 3.9.1 A street lighting plan depicting all Grading Permit Street Lighting Approval from Community exterior lighting shall be prepared Plan California Development according to the Outdoor Lighting Code Department of Department, 9.210, Dark Sky Ordinance and City Fish and Game Engineering/Public standards. Street lighting standards shall Works Department be incorporated into the plan which direct light downward. Lighting shall not travel outside property boundaries. Prior to issuance of grading permits, this plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Community Development and Engineering/Public Works Depts. (T,G) 3.13.1 Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Grading Permit Phase I Phase 1 Community applicant shall ensure that a Phase One Environmental Report Review Development Environmental Site Assessment is Site Assessment Department, prepared for the Travertine Specific Plan Engineering/Public agricultural area. The Phase One report Works Department shall be reviewed by the City. All recommendations contained in the Phase One report shall be adhered to prior to issuance of grading permits. (T) Revised April 1995 21 12 501 1595.9999. W PD.00 C' MITIGA TIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST 3.4.8 During grading, SCAQMD Rule 403 shall Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public be adhered to, insuring the clean up of Activities Works Department construction -related dirt on approach routes to the site. (T,G) 3.4.13 Construction operations affecting off-site Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Community roadways shall be scheduled for off-peak Activities Development traffic hours and shall minimize Department and obstruction of through -traffic lanes. Engineering/Public (AQMP Control Measure 3.a. Truck Works Department Dispatching, Rescheduling and Reporting [ROG, NOx PM]). (T,G) Revised April 1995 22 all 12501,1595.9999 WPD.00 ~� i Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Timing of Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Grgdia 3.14.6 Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Grading Permit Phase 1 Phase 1 City of La Quinta, Continued ... developer will provide proof of funding of Environmental Report Review Finance Department the required fire mitigation fees to the Site Assessment and Riverside County City of La Quinta Finance Department Fire Department and the Riverside County Fire Department (T,G) During Grading 3.4.2 During grading, construction equipment Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public using diesel drive internal combustion Activities Works Department engines will use a diesel fuel with a maximum of 0.05% sulfur and a four degree retard. (T,G) 3.4.3 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Grading 3.4.4 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Grading 3.4.8 During grading, SCAQMD Rule 403 shall Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public be adhered to, insuring the clean up of Activities Works Department construction -related dirt on approach routes to the site. (T,G) 3.4.13 Construction operations affecting off-site Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Community roadways shall be scheduled for off-peak Activities Development traffic hours and shall minimize Department and obstruction of through -traffic lanes. Engineering/Public (AQMP Control Measure 3.a. Truck Works Department Dispatching, Rescheduling and Reporting [ROG, NOx PM]). (T,G) Revised April 1995 22 all 12501,1595.9999 WPD.00 ~� i M11IGA17O1V`mON1 j uRIAa AN,bicEPUA.iINv rAOvic1M unECA,i..iST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No Mitigations Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section D)ring Grading 3.4.14 During grading and construction, the Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Community Continued ... project proponents will comply with all Activities Development applicable SCAQMD "Rules and Department and Regulations". (T,G) Engineering/Public Works Department 3.4.18 Future stationary sources of air pollutants Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Community shall adhere to applicable SCAQMD Activities Development "Rules and Regulations", as monitored by Department and the Community Development and Engineering/Public Engineering/Public Works Departments Works Department during the grading and construction phases. (T,G) 3.6.8 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Tentative Map, Specific Plan, Site Plan approval. 3.8.2 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Grading. 3.10.1 A trained archaeological monitor shall be Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Archaeologist/ present during the project's construction Activities Community and grading operations to evaluate and Development coordinate the recovery of any Department archaeological resources uncovered.(T,G) 3.10.2 A trained archaeological monitor shall be Grading Permit present during the project's construction and grading operations to ensure that any work or land disruption in the off-site archaeological areas (RIV-1334, RIV-1351, and RIV-5319) are avoided. (T) Revised April 1995 23 12501 1595 9999.WPD 00 Construction Site Inspection Archaeologist/ Activities Community Development Department MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to 3.2.7 Prior to issuance of building permits, the Building Permit Design Plan Approval from Sunline Transit nstructiou project applicant will coordinate with Sunline Transit Agency, Community Sunline Transit Agency regarding the Agency Development appropriate placement of support facilities Department for the public transportation system. (T,G) 3.2.8 Prior to issuance of building permits, the Building Permit Infrastructure Submittal of Sunline Transit project applicant will contribute on a fair Fee Program proof of funding Agency, Community share basis to the cost of area wide Development improvements by participating in the City Department of La Quinta Infrastructure Fee program, which includes traffic signalization. (T,G) 3.2.9 Prior to issuance of building permits, the Building Permit Design Plans Site Plan Review Engineering/Public applicant will show to the City the Works Department/ adequate off street parking has been Community provided, according to the minimum Development parking requirements of the zoning Department ordinance. (T,G) 3.2.10 Prior to issuance of building permits, a Building Permit Transportation Site Plan Review Engineering/Public Transportation Demand Management Demand Works Department/ (TDM) Plan will be prepared. In Management Community accordance with the City of La Quinta's Plan Development Transportation Demand Management Department Ordinance. Elements which should be considered include: a. Transit stop locations and bus turnouts; Revised April 199S 24 12 501.1595.9999. W PD.00 Ml rIGA11ON mom i uRlAty ANL xEPUx1INv rROiLYK M cuPCAL Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prigr to b. Transit stops with convenient and safe Constructian street crossings; and Continued... c. Construction of shelters onsite for pedestrians and bus riders. (T,G) 3.3.4 With the issuance of building permits, Building Permit Construction Site Plan Review Engineering/Public stockpiling and vehicle staging areas Plans Works Department/ should be located as far as practical from Building and Safety noise sensitive receptors during construction activities. (T,G) 3.4.6 Any vegetative ground cover to be Building Permit Design Plans Site Plan Community utilized on-site shall be planted as soon as Review/Site Development possible to reduce the amount of open Inspection Department, space subject to wind erosion. Irrigation Engineering/Public systems needed to water these plants shall Works Department be installed as soon as possible to maintain the ground cover and minimize wind erosion of the soil. Ground cover and irrigation systems shall be approved by the Community Development and Engineering/Public Works Departments, prior to the issuance of building permits. (T,G) 3.4.11 Construction personnel shall be informed Building Permit Construction Site Plan Community of ridesharing and transit opportunities, Activities Review/Site Development prior to the start of construction. (T,G) Inspection Department, Engineering/Public Works Department Revised April 1995 25 12501.1595.9999. W PD 00 0 MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section prior—Wo 3.4.12 Prior to the issuance of building Building Permit Construction Site Plan Engineering/Public Construction permits, construction parking shall be Activities Review/Site Works and Continued. • configured to minimize traffic Inspection Community interference and comply with the City Development requirements as reviewed by the Department Engineering/Public Works and Community Development Departments. (T,G) Fripr to 3.4.16 A Transportation Demand Management Building Permit Construction Site Plan Engineering/Public Construction (TDM) plan shall be prepared and Activities Review/Site Works and Continued ... approved prior to issuance of building Inspection Community permits for the Travertine project that Development addresses the proposed 500 -room hotel Department and specifies capital improvements and operational strategies needed to meet the City's 1.3 vehicle occupancy rate goal. (T) 3.4.21 Building construction shall comply with Building Permit Construction Site Plan Building and Safety, the energy use guidelines in Title 24 of Activities Review/Site Community the California Administrative Code. The Inspection Development Building and Safety and Community Department Development Departments shall ensure that the energy use guidelines have been complied with prior to occupancy. (T,G) Revised April 1995 26 12501.1595 9999.WPD 00 ICaI MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Pri r to 3.4.22 Low emission building materials such as Building Permit Construction preprimed and sanded wallboard, wood Continued ... moulding and trim products should be considered for construction materials wherever feasible. Low emission building materials shall be reviewed and approved by the Building and Safety Department prior to issuance of building permits. (T,G) 3.4.23 Prior to the issuance of building permits, Building Permit consideration should be given to the use of solar water heaters and solar pool heaters. (T,G) 3.4.24 Prior to the issuance of building permits, Building Permit consideration should be given to the use of low -polluting and high efficiency appliances. (T,G) 3.5.1 Prior to issuance of building permits, the Building Permit applicant shall participate on a fair share basis in CVWD regional water projects to bring needed water facilities to the site, and contribute water assessment fees required by Coachella Valley Water District. (T,G) Revised April 1995 27 12501 1595 9999. WPD 00 Construction Activities Construction Activities Construction Activities Water Assessment Fee Program Site Plan Review/Site Inspection Site Plan Review/Site Inspection Site Plan Review/Site Inspection Submittal of proof of funding Building and Safety Department Building and Safety Department Building and Safety Department Coachella Valley Water District 0 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to 3.5.3 The projects shall incorporate interior and Building Permit Water Submittal of Coachella Valley Conatruct_iim exterior'water conservation techniques Assessment Fee proof of funding Water District Continued ... required by the City of La Quints and Program recommended by the CVWD, prior to issuance of building permits. (T,G): a. Low -flush toilets b. Low -flow faucets c. City approval of landscape and irrigation plans 3.5.7 The developer shall prepare a Building Permit Landscaping Plan Review Community landscaping plan consistent with the City Plan Development Ordinance addressing water efficient Department/ landscaping. Said landscaping plan shall Engineering/ require 50% of landscaping to be of Public Works drought -tolerant landscaping materials. Department The Community Development Department shall review and approve the landscaping plan prior to issuance of building permits. (T,G) 3.5.10 Applicants shall sign CVWD's well Building Permit Water CVWD's Coachella Valley metering agreement and recharge Assessment Fee Approval of the Water District agreement. (T) Program Agreement Revised April 1995 28 12501 1595 9999 WPD.00 - - --,, MITIGATION' MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGI?AV CI ECKLIST -7 Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification _ Division/Section ri r to 3.6.3 Prior to any construction operations, the Building Permit Design Plans Plan Review Engineering/Public Construction applicant shall ensure that areas to be Works Department/ Continued. graded be cleaned of vegetation and other Building and Safety deleterious materials in conformance with Department "Standard Grading Specifications". This will be reviewed and approved by the Engineering/Public Works Department prior to issuance of building permits. (T,G) 3.6.10 Further analyses based on site-specific Building Permit Groundwater Groundwater and Coachella Valley groundwater and soil data shall be and Soils Soils Analyses Water District, conducted on the site by a geotechnical Analyses Engineering/Public consultant to evaluate liquefaction Works Department hazards and other related hazards. Further groundwater and soil analyses shall be reviewed by the Coachella Valley Water District, and the Engineering/Public Works Department, prior to issuance of building permits. (T,G) 3.7.5 The developer shall reuse surface water Building Permit Design Plans Plan Review/Site Engineering/Public collected in retention basins for golf Inspection Works Department course uses. The Engineering/Public Works Department shall review and approve surface water reuse prior to issuance of building permits. (T) Revised April 1995 12501 1595.9999 WPD 00 29 Cdl iL2LL I L A%\ Ll TL XAA - VL SLI • VL L/VLL LV L �/�L� .✓ MITIGATIONMONITOMNG AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation -Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prig to 3.7.7 Trapezoidal concrete channels shall be Con1truction designed with rip -rap to give the Continued ... appearance of a natural rock setting. The Engineering/Public Works Department shall review and approve the trapezoidal concrete channels prior to issuance of building permits. (T,G) 3.9.2 Buildings shall emphasize the minimization of glare by incorporating non -reflective building materials to the extent feasible. Building site plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Community Development Department to assure this measure is met prior to issuance of building permits. (T,G) 3.14.3 Prior to construction the developer shall contact the fire department for verification of current fire protection development requirements. All new construction shall comply with existing Uniform Fire Code requirements and all applicable statues, codes, ordinances, or standards of the fire department. (T,G) Building Permit Building Permit Building Permit Revised April 1995 30 12501 1595.9999 wpn Do Design Plans Building Plans Building Plans Plan Review Plan Review Plan Review Engineering/Public Works Department Community Development Department Community Development Department K41 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING P*OGRAM CIIECKL UT Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure Na Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to 3.14.4 All buildings over 5,000 square feet, Building Permit Building Plans Plan Review Fire Department, Construction excluding single family residence (R-3), Building and Safety Continued ... shall be equipped with automatic fire Department sprinkler systems. The Fire Department and Building and Safety Department shall review and approve all buildings during the building plan review. (T,G) 3.14.5 All buildings over 30 feet in height Building Permit Building Plans Plan Review Fire Department/ (high-rise) shall be equipped with a Life Building and Safety Safety Support System. The Fire Department/ Department and Building and Safety Community Department shall review and approve all Development buildings over 30 feet during the building Department plan review. (T,G) 3.14.7 Prior to issuance of building permits, the Building Permit Construction Submittal of Coachella Valley developer or subsequent home builder Activities proof of funding Unified School shall provide proof of funding to the District/Community Coachella Valley Unified School District Development in accordance with the applicable Department legislative authorized school impact fees. (T,G) 3.14.8 Prior to issuance of building permits, the Building Permit Construction Negotiation Coachella Valley developer(s) shall enter into negotiations Activities Confirmation Unified School toward a Mitigation Agreement to the District/Community mutual and reasonable satisfaction of the Development City of La Quinta, CVUSD and the Department developer. (T,G) Revised April 1995 31 12501 1595.9999. WPD 00 MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section During 3.3.1 Construction activities on-site should take Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public Construction place only during the days and hours Activities Works Department specified by City Ordinance to reduce noise impacts during more sensitive time periods. (T,G) 3.3.2 All construction equipment, fixed or Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public mobile, should be equipped with properly Activities Works Department operating and maintained mufflers. (T,G) 3.3.3 Stationary equipment should be placed Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public such that emitted noise is directed away Activities Works Department from noise sensitive receivers during construction activities. (T,G) 3.3.4 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Construction. 3.4.4 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Grading. 3.4.7 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Grading. 3.4.9 During construction, SCAQMD Rules Grading Permit Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public 1108 and 1108.1 shall be adhered to, Activities Works Department prohibiting the use of rapid and medium cure cutback asphalts as well as organic compounds in emulsified asphalts used during the construction process. (T,G) Revised April 1995 32 12501.1595.9999.WPD.00 - t A ^Z a• A TL a a. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST rin 3.4.10 During construction, SCAQMD Rule Grading Permit Construction 1113 shall be adhered to, restricting the Continued ... VOC content of any architectural coating materials used on-site to a maximum of 2.08 pounds of VOC per gallon. (T,G) 3.4.13 See Mitigation Measure During Grading. 3.4.14 See Mitigation Measure During Grading. 3.4.17 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Grading. 3.4.21 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Construction. 3.10.1 See Mitigation Measure During Grading. 3.10.2 See Mitigation Measure During Grading. Revised April 1995 33 12501.1595 9999.WPD.00 Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public Activities Works Department Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Timing of Mitigation Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section rin 3.4.10 During construction, SCAQMD Rule Grading Permit Construction 1113 shall be adhered to, restricting the Continued ... VOC content of any architectural coating materials used on-site to a maximum of 2.08 pounds of VOC per gallon. (T,G) 3.4.13 See Mitigation Measure During Grading. 3.4.14 See Mitigation Measure During Grading. 3.4.17 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Grading. 3.4.21 See Mitigation Measure Prior to Construction. 3.10.1 See Mitigation Measure During Grading. 3.10.2 See Mitigation Measure During Grading. Revised April 1995 33 12501.1595 9999.WPD.00 Construction Site Inspection Engineering/Public Activities Works Department lAtlirL'1\l11VLZ"VvMAVA.iL1TAJlAi%.AAA%. AL!u.0 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Actions Mechanism of Verification Division/Section pneratl nal 3.4.15 The project proponents will comply with Grading Permit Construction Plan Review/Site Community the La Quinta Air Quality Element Activities Inspection Development policies to the maximum extent feasible Department and all provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code, as reviewed by the Community Development Department. (T,G) 3.5.5 All proposed wells shall be located a Building Permit Site Plans Site Plan Coachella Valley minimum of 1,000 feet away from each Reviews/ Water District other and existing wells to minimize Inspection drawdowns from on or off the site wells. Well design and locations shall be reviewed and approved by CVWD Redline, prior to acceptance of facilities. (T,G) PriorAgEinialMap 3.1.1 To resolve inconsistencies with existing Land Use Final Map Review of Zoning Community Approy2l City General Plan and zoning map Entitlements Approval and General Plan Development designations, amendments, as requested, Land Use Map Department shall be made to the City of La Quinta Zoning Map and General Plan Land Use Map prior to final map approval. (T,G) 3.2.3 Prior to final tract map approval, stop Final Map Final Map Review of Final Engineering/Public signs shall be installed at all unsignalized Approval Works Department site egress points to control exiting traffic. (T,G) Revised April 1995 NSnI 1595 9909 wpn 00 34 1 MITIGATIONIMIONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM UIEGxLIST Erior to lr inal_L4 3.4.25 Prior to final map approval the design of Final Map Approval recreational and green belt areas should maximize the shading effect of landscaping for streets, parking areas and building walls. This shading effect could result in reduced air conditioning demand for electrical energy. (T,G) Revised April 1995 12501 1595 9999 WPD 00 3.5.2 The applicant shall pay required new Final Map development water and sewer fees to CVWD prior to final map approval. (T,G) 3.5.4 All planned wells, reservoirs, lift stations, Tract Map pressure reducing stations and booster pumping stations shall be designed to CVWD standards and reviewed by both the City and CVWD. The developer shall provide land on which some of these facilities will be located. Identified sites shall be shown on the tract map as lots to be deeded to the district, prior to final map approval. (T,G). 3.5.6 The project wastewater system shall be Final Map designed to accommodate future onsite uses of reclaimed water for irrigation at buildout of the City. The Engineering/Public Works Department and CVWD shall review and approve the wastewater system, prior to final map approval. (T) *1 Final Map Approval Final Map Approval Tract Map Approval Final Map Approval Review of Final Map Submittal of proof of payment Review of Tract Map Review of Final Map Engineering/Public Works Department/ Community Development Department C.V.W.D. Engineering/Public Works Department at Coachella Valley Water District Engineering/Public Works Department/ CVWD Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Timing of Mitigation Measure No Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Erior to lr inal_L4 3.4.25 Prior to final map approval the design of Final Map Approval recreational and green belt areas should maximize the shading effect of landscaping for streets, parking areas and building walls. This shading effect could result in reduced air conditioning demand for electrical energy. (T,G) Revised April 1995 12501 1595 9999 WPD 00 3.5.2 The applicant shall pay required new Final Map development water and sewer fees to CVWD prior to final map approval. (T,G) 3.5.4 All planned wells, reservoirs, lift stations, Tract Map pressure reducing stations and booster pumping stations shall be designed to CVWD standards and reviewed by both the City and CVWD. The developer shall provide land on which some of these facilities will be located. Identified sites shall be shown on the tract map as lots to be deeded to the district, prior to final map approval. (T,G). 3.5.6 The project wastewater system shall be Final Map designed to accommodate future onsite uses of reclaimed water for irrigation at buildout of the City. The Engineering/Public Works Department and CVWD shall review and approve the wastewater system, prior to final map approval. (T) *1 Final Map Approval Final Map Approval Tract Map Approval Final Map Approval Review of Final Map Submittal of proof of payment Review of Tract Map Review of Final Map Engineering/Public Works Department/ Community Development Department C.V.W.D. Engineering/Public Works Department at Coachella Valley Water District Engineering/Public Works Department/ CVWD MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure ,No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Final Man 3.6.1 The applicant shall ensure that the loss of Approval soils though erosion shall be minimized Continued ... through conservation of native vegetation, use of permeable ground materials and careful regulation of grading practices. These measures shall be incorporated into a landscape plan to be approved and monitored by the Community Development Department, prior to final map approval. (T,G) 3.6.5 The applicant shall investigate and submit to the Building and Safety Department, prior to the final map approval, the potential for adjusting site design standards to higher levels than is required by the Uniform Building Code (UBC) for residential, resort/hotel and commercial uses. (T,G) 3.7.1 Prior to final map approval, the applicant will coordinate with the Building and Safety and Community Development Department, to determine if the Travertine or Green Specific Plan areas are subject to the special zoning district overlay (Watercourse, Watershed and Conservation Areas (W-1)). (T,G) Final Map Final Map Final Map Approval Revised April 1995 36 12501 1595.99Q9 WPn 00 Landscape Plan/Final Map Approval Final Map Approval Final Map Approval Review of Final Map Review of Final Map Review of Final Map Community Development Department/ Engineering Public Works Department Building Safety Department Building and Safety, Community Development Department icy n r 7-­� 11 • J Tl asp I A. L MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification _ Division/Section Prior -to -Final Map 3.7.4 All public or private street rights-of-way Final Map Design Plans Review of Final Engineering/Public Approval shall be designed so as to avoid nuisance Approval Map Works Department Continued ... water ponding and the production of insects. The Engineering/Public Works Department shall review and approve all future public and private street right of ways prior to final map approval. (T,G) Revised April 1995 12501 1595.9999.WPD 00 3.11.3 Prior to final map approval, the applicant Final Map Trails Plan Review of Final Community shall dedicate a multi-purpose trail Approval Map Development easement within the Jefferson Street Department alignment for preservation of the Boo Hoff Trail. (T,G) 3.11.4 Prior to final map approval, the applicant Final Map Trails Plan Review of Final Community shall dedicate a hiking and equestrian trail Approval Map Development along the Jefferson alignment which Department connects to the City and County trails system. (T,G) 3.11.5 Prior to final map approval, access to the Final Map Trail Plan Review of Final Bureau of Land Martinez Mountain rockslide will be Approval Map Management, established. This will be coordinated Community through the Bureau of Land Management, Development the responsible managing agency. (T) Department 37 11V 1/ 1./111al Ta/ 111 VL VAW At✓a ai vaa avar�u •..+ MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Final -Ma -p- 3.14.8 Necessary expansion of the on-site and Appr2y-n- off-site electric transmission lines and Continued ... substations shall be identified during the development planning stage. The developer or future home builder shall consult with the IID to ensure adequate new facilities are provided with construction of each phase of the project. The developer or future homebuilder shall show proof of communication with IID to the Building and Safety Department, prior to final map approval. (T,G) 3.14.10 Necessary expansion of the on-site and off-site gas distribution lines and substations shall be identified during the development planning stage. The developer or future home builder shall consult with Southern California Gas Company (SCGC) to ensure adequate new facilities are provided with construction of each phase of the project. The developer or future homebuilder, shall show proof of communication with the SCGC to the Building and Safety Department prior to final map approval. (T,G) Revised April 1995 12501 1595 9994 WPn 00 Building Permit Building Permit 38 Design Plans Design Plans Submittal of proof of communication with IID Submittal of proof of communication with Southern California Gas Company Building and Safety Department Building and Safety Department W MITIGA II01V MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKiIST� Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to Final Man 3.14.12 Necessary expansion of the on-site and Tentative Map Approval off-site telephone lines shall be identified Continued ... during the development planning stage. The developer or future home builder shall consult with GTE to ensure that adequate new facilities are provided with construction of each phase of the project. The developer or future homebuilder shall show proof of communication with GTE to the Building and Safety Department prior to final map approval. (T,G) Revised April 1995 3 9 12501 1595 9999.WPD.00 Design Plans Submittal of Building and Safety proof of Department communication 11\!l I LL\AAA TS !11 •L Va —A • MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to 3.2.5 Prior to issuance of occupancy permits for Occupancy Occupancy the first phase of the Travertine Specific Permits Plan, Jefferson Street must be improved to a secondary cross-section from Madison Street at Avenue 58 westerly to the proposed development. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits for the phase, the Travertine project proponent should contribute their fair share to an all-weather access connecting the southern loop of Jefferson Street to Madison Street at Avenue 60, or Monroe Street at Avenue 62, or both, as required by the City to accommodate the increased traffic loading. The fair share contribution shall be deposited with the City. (T) Revised April 1995 40 12501 1595.9999 WPD 00 Roadway Fee Submittal of City Finance Program proof of funding Department MITIGATIONMONITORING AND REPORTING PROGR.,4M CLEC IST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No. Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to 3.2.6 As an alternative to mitigation measure 5, Building Permit Occupancx the Travertine Specific Plan, shall be Continued ... served in the initial development stages by paved two-lane streets via the Jefferson Street alignment and the Madison Street alignment thereby creating a complete loop for transportation access. The Jefferson Street pavement from Avenue 58 to Madison Street at Avenue 62 will be installed in the alignment adopted by the City. In addition to new pavement on Madison Street between Avenue 60 and Avenue 62, the existing pavement segment between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60 will be widened and overlaid to accommodate the increased traffic loading. This alternative can serve the Travertine development until 50% of the residential development or until the hotel is constructed, whichever occurs first. Thereafter, the remaining complement of street improvements will be installed. (T) Revised April 1995 41 12501 1595 9999 WPD 00 Specific Plan Review Specific Plan Community Development Department MITIGA TION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Timing of Mitigation Implementing Condition or Method Responsible Measure No Mitigation Measures Action Mechanism of Verification Division/Section Prior to 3.5.8 Plumbing fixtures, including shower Occupancy (3ccupan ,I heads, toilets, urinals, lavatory faucets, Permits Continued ... sink faucets and tub spout diverts within the developments shall conform to all applicable City and state statute and codes regarding water conservation. The Building and Safety Department shall review and approve all developments to ensure that they comply with all applicable codes, prior to issuance of occupancy permits. (T,G) Revised April 1995 42 12501.1595.9999. WPD 00 Occupancy Site Inspection Building and Safety Department n