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SP 121-E La Quinta Resort (1997) - Amendment 4 (Technical Appendices)
11'y l t, p. 2 03 1997 1 CI1 .' OF LACq'UiN11ti ' PLANNING, DEPA' TMENT La Quinta Resort Specific Plan Amendment 4 Technical Appendices I Noise Analysis (Original Study Longer Applicable) II Historical Inventory III Traffic Impact Analysis (Original Study Revised as Applicable) Supplemental Traffic Analysis Comments & Responses IV Air Quality Study V Residential Noise Assessment Supplement Prepared for KSL Desert Resorts, Inc. The City of La Quinta, California August, 1997 Forrest K. Haag, A5LA Design s Land Planning 20 Corporate Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 ph (114) '119-0554 fax ("114)'719-0564 is APPENDIX I Noise Assessment (Study Void Per Revisions to the Current Project Description) J. J. Van Houten & Associates, Inc. 2691 Richter Avenue Suite 108 Irvine, CA 92600 John J. Van Hoiden, P.E. { isuktn_q F-ngineei in Acoustics David L. Wieland P-mFpal Consultant J. J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. May 2, 1996 Forrest K. Haag, ASLA Design & Land Planning 18002 Skypark Circle, Suite 1 & 2 Irvine, CA 92614 Project File: 2715-97 Subject: Noise Assessment for the La Quinta Resort Maintenance Facility Dear Mr. Haag: Measurements have been obtained and an analysis has been performed to assess the projected noise environment in the vicinity of the project site and to determine compliance of the project with appropriate standards. Tile following sections of this study provide a description of the project, the applicable standards, the future noise exposures at the site, an assessment of impact, and, where necessary, viable mitigation measures. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project involves the relocation of the golf course maintenance facility and the hotel gardening/landscaping maintenance facility to one site at the southeast corner of Avenue 50 and Eisenhower Drive. (Refer to Figure 1 for the site plan). To the north and east of the project site are existing single family homes. South of the proposed facility are two areas that are planned future residential developments. There is an existing 6' high wall along the entire eastern property line between the project site and the adjacent homes. The project will consist of one large maintenance building, parking for hotel and maintenance facility employees, and a drive which employees will use to access the facility and that maintenance equipment will use to access the golf course and hotel grounds. NOISE STANDARDS The City of La Quinta General Plan (Chapter 8.0 - Environmental Hazards Element) requires a commercial project to perform a noise study if the 2691 RichlerAvenue project is within 1,000 feet of a residential use. The study shall make Suite 108 Irvine, CA 92606 1 714/476-0932 FAX 714/476-1023 FORREST HAAG, ASLA Project File 2715-97 recommendations that help mitigate any noise from the project and ensure that outdoor noise is less than 75 dB CNEL in the storage yard and less than 60 dB CNEL at surrounding residential parcels. Refer to Appendices I and II for a description of the A -weighted measure of noise level and the CNEL measure of noise exposure. EXTERIOR NOISE LEVELS The project site is currently exposed to noise generated by traffic on Avenue 50 and Eisenhower Drive. It is estimated that the future community noise equivalent level (CNEL) at the maintenance building will be 65 dB due to traffic on Avenue 50, and 58 dB due to traffic on Eisenhower Drive. These estimates are based on a level -of -service "C" average daily traffic volume (ADT) of 30,000 vehicles. (Note: Level -of -service "C" traffic volumes are generally considered to provide the highest noise levels for a given roadway configuration.) Measurements obtained at the site indicate existing ambient hourly noise levels of 43 to 56 dB(A) due to traffic on the arterials during the late afternoon and early morning hours. PROJECT RELATED ACTIVITIES The following characterizes our understanding of the activities that will occur at the proposed facility: Golf Course Maintenance • The staff will begin arriving at the facility at about 5:00 a.m. during the summer and about 6:00 a.m. during the winter. • Within the first hour the employees receive their assignments and prepare their equipment. About 20 pieces of equipment leave together during this hour, including tractors and backhoes from the storage area south of the maintenance building. • The employees return 4 hours later with half the equipment for a lunch break. After lunch the employees return to work with the equipment. • At the end of an 8 -hour workday the employees return with all of the equipment. • During the work day there are sporadic noise events involving equipment maintenance, as well as equipment leaving from and returning to the maintenance facility. Hotel Gardening/Lanrlscape Maintenance • Employees arrive at the facility by 7:00 a.m. There will be a total of 40 employees during the peak season. 2 J. J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FORREST HAAG, ASLA Project File 2715-97 • After receiving their assignments the employees go to their assigned work areas on foot or by electric cart. The employees return 4 hours later with half the equipment for a lunch break. After lunch the employees return to work with the equipment. • At the end of an 8 -hour workday the employees return with all of the equipment. During the work day there are sporadic noise events involving equipment maintenance, as well as equipment leaving from and returning to the maintenance facility. • On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays up to five lawn mowers will be taken to the work areas by electric cart. • One John Deere tractor and two pickup trucks will be used at the site for hauling equipment, trash and clippings. PROJECT- RELATED NOISE LEVELS Based on our observations at the existing facilities there will be three primary sources of noise associated with the operations of the proposed maintenance facility. These are: 1) Activities in the employee parking lot, primarily car door slamming; 2) The maintenance equipment leaving or returning to the facility at the beginning and end of the day, as well as at lunch; and 3) The tractors and backhoes. The following summarizes the unmitigated noise levels measured for each of these sources: Refer to Appendix III for a complete listing of the measurement data. Using the measured data and the assumptions identified in the previous section an analysis was performed to estimate the maximum hourly noise level that will be experienced at the existing and future homes. (Refer to Appendix IV for the analysis.) This value was then used to estimate the exterior CNEL at the homes, taking into consideration any existing mitigation. The results of this analysis are provided in Figures 2, 3, and 4. Referring to the figures, the CNEL that will be generated by the project at the existing homes to the east is estimated to be 50 to 59 dB. At the future homes to the south, the estimated CNEL will be 60 dB. The estimated average maximum noise level that will be generated at the existing and future homes by activities at the maintenance facility are summarized as follows: J. J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ....... . . .......... I� Noise Source- 7F Car parking/door slam Equipment leaving/returning Tractor/backhoe ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT FORREST HAAG, ASLA Project File 2715-97 A�reraat Maxlmurri Raise Level 'Existin Homes. Future.Hbmes 78 dB(A) 76 dB(A) 75 dB(A) 73 dB(A) 79 dB A 77 dB(AA As indicated in the previous sections it is estimated that the exterior CNEL generated by the proposed maintenance facility will comply with the City's standard of 60 dB at all existing and future homes in the vicinity. However, the CNEL metric does not address the annoyance potential of the maximum noise levels generated by the maintenance facility noise. This is better accomplished by looking at the maximum noise levels generated by the single events at the facility, the time of day at which they occur, and the frequency with which they occur. MITIGATION OF SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS Analysis indicates that there are no significant impacts associated with the proposed project relative to the City's standards. However, the maximum noise levels that will be generated by vehicle movements and maintenance activities are considered excessive when experienced at the nearby existing homes. Therefore, it is recommended that the following mitigation measures be considered in order to minimize the annoyance potential at these homes: 1. Work bays facing the east should be kept closed prior to 7:00 a.m. each day. 2. Locate the noisiest equipment (e.g., tractors and backhoes) at the western side of the proposed maintenance building. Employees utilizing equipment and the parking areas near the residential locations should be required to a) Minimize the application of power and equipment acceleration, and b) Avoid car door slamming and excessive vehicle acceleration. The need for noise control at the future residential areas to the south should be considered at the time these areas are developed. Mitigation measures such as noise barriers and sound rated windows may be used to minimize annoyance to the future homeowners. CONCLUSION Measurements have been obtained and an analysis has been performed to assess the "with project" noise levels in the vicinity of the proposed La Quinta Resort maintenance facility. The results of our analysis indicate that the proposed project will not generate a significant impact at the nearby homes relative to the noise standards identified in the City of La Quinta's General Plan. However, the annoyance potential of the facility noise levels is considered significant. Mitigation measures have been provided to minimize the annoyance. 4 J. J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. D If you have any questions please contact the undersigned 714/476-0932. Very truly yours, J. J. VAN HOUTEN & AS OCIATES, INC. ohn J. n Houten, P.E. Consu 'ng Engineer in Acoustics mjsC:Votus\work\wordpro\PROJECTS\2700-24\2715r1 5 FORREST K. HAAG, ASLA Project File 2715-97 i David L. Wieland Principal Consultant .. .Ns. J. J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. E, I WIN Figure 1. Site Plan I I. nilfi ] oq�.d� PROPOSED RF-911>EjATIAL f I Il 04,14p CASTING ker.ORI, OOLP t—ri h R1 1. F, 'ITIA OO L L OTITITHTIT� 41 I z/frI1T11111IfI{I1{Illl}irlrl�/ /I d, SANTA ROBA COVE EXIOTIN6 ENTRY To L-A OVINTA C70LI, CILUD Figure 2. ESTIMATED COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVEL (CNEL) Project: La Quints Golf Resort Position: Existing residence near northeast corner of project site Source: Maintenance facility Time of Day HNL, dB(A) 07:00-08:00 47.0 08:00-09:00 47.0 09:00-10:00 47.0 10:00-11:00 47.0 11:00-12:00 47.0 12:00-13:00 47.0 13:00-14:00 50.0 14:00-15:00 47.0 15:00-16:00 47.0 16:00-17:00 47.0 17:00-18:00 44.0 18:00-19:00 44.0 19:00-20:00 40.0 20,00.2 L00 40.0 21:00---22:00 40.0 . YrzG�.A..Y riT...MINI 'SYW� i }f/! 4 l y�'; .✓'xryV C ny` -yry.��yyw. �Ff1 i f j CNEL: 50.0 dB REMARKS: S 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 Time of Day Figure 3. ESTIMATED COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVEL (CNEL) Project: La Quinta Golf Resort Position: Existing residence near southeast corner of project site Source: Maintenance facility Time of Day IINL, dB(A) 07:00-08:00 44.0 08:00-09:00 44.0 09:00-10:00 44.0 10:00-11:00 44.0 11:00-12:00 44.0 12:00-13:00 44.0 13:00-14:00 62.0 14:00-15:00 44.0 15:00-16:00 44.0 16:00-17:00 44.0 m 17:00-18:00 44.0 18:00-19:00 z 19:0'-X20:00 40:4 J 20.00--21:004o. - 0 21:00-22:00 40.0 z ? .� o CNEL: 58.8 dB 06:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 16:00 20:00 22:00 00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 Time of Day Figure 4. ESTIMATED COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVEL (CNEL) Project: La Quinta Golf Resort Position: Future residences to the south of the project site Source: Maintenance facility Time of Day IINL, dB(A) 07:00-08:00 47.0 08:00-09:00 47.0 09:00-10:00 47.0 10:00-11:00 47.0 11:00-12:00 47.0 12:00-13:00 47.0 13:00-14:00 63.0 14:00-15:00 47.0 15:00-16:00 47.0 16:00-17:00 47.0 17:00-18:00 44.0 18:00-19:00 44.0 .19:00-20:00 40.0 20:00-21.00 40.0 21:00-22:00 _ .. ..--AQ.Q. CNEL: 59.9 dB REMARKS: a 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 Time of Day t APPENDIX II Historic Resource Evaluation Mellon and Associates Historic Preservation Consultants J La Quints Hotel Historic Resource Evaluation May 1997 Submitted to: Forrest K. Haag, ASLA Planning & Design 18002 Skypark Circle Irvine, CA 92614 Submitted by: Mellon and Associates Historic Preservation Consultants Knox Mellon, Principal Pam O'Connor, Project Manager Marcy Roth, Architectural Historian Jayne Kistner, Research Historian LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California "Those who know and love the California desert have come to look on the La Quinta Hotel as an ideal resting place." "Perfect in all appointments man has contrived for creature comfort, unique and unheralded it waits in quiet those who know and love the desert, those who would regain their long lost days of peace and poise." California Southland, February, 1928 History of the La Quinta Hotel Resort The La Quinta Hotel Resort is located below the Santa Rosa Mountains in the City of La Quinta within Southern California's Coachella Valley (Riverside County). Sited in a cove the hotel's location was sheltered from raging desert winds and offers a mild and pleasant winter climate. According to local lore the hotel began as the shared vision of two World War I soldiers. Walter Morgan and Fred Ickes promised to seek out the "driest, warmest, most enjoyable climate" as they battled on the bitter cold European front line. Morgan followed their dream to the Southern California desert and came across La Quinta's sheltered cove area. Born in 1894, Morgan was the youngest son of San Francisco's Morgan Oyster Company's owner, John Morgan. The younger Morgan established the Desert Development Company and acquired 1400 acres of land in the early 1920s in the area generally known as Indio (the nearest settlement). Morgan's vision for a secluded desert retreat began in 1925 when he hired a rising young Pasadena based architect Gordon B. Kaufmann. The hills and desert landscape provided a dramatic backdrop for Kaufmann's resort design. Kaufmann developed a project which drew on regional and Spanish influences evolving into a style now known as Spanish Eclectic/Mediterranean. The design incorporated elements which would become Kaufmann's "signature details" including "loggias, arches, chimney pots of multitudinal forms, ramadas for dining and private patios enclosed by walls." (Muntz; 1992, p. 31) In 1926 construction of the Main Hotel and 6 guest cottages, known as casitas, began. The relative isolation of the site and/or Morgan's and Kaufmann's penchant for quality control led to fabrication of building materials onsite. Adobe bricks were fired in kilns behind the hotel. Roof and floor tiles were also hand fabricated. Local craftsmen included: Crane Bruner, Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation I May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California superintendent of construction; Manning Burkett, carpenter; C.N. Sinclair, masonry; Joe Valenzuela, roofing; L. P. Pratt, plumbing; Ralph Allen, electrical; and Thomas E. Allen, sewer system. Porch furniture was also made in hotel shops. (California Arl,s and Archilecture, 1930). Morgan and Kaufmann began working with the resort's interior designer, Charles Ray Glass of Pasadena's Cheesewright Studio, while the project was in the planning stages to ensure a harmonious design.. California Southland observed "the charming interiors fulfill in perfect measure the promise held out by the exterior of this quaint hostelry." (February, 1928) The craftsmanship and quality of building materials along with excellence of architectural design and attention to detail resulted in an award-winning project which was published in numerous magazines including prestigious architectural journals. The American Institute of Architects Southern California Chapter awarded its Certificate of Honor to the La Quinta Hotel design in 1930. Morgan's vision included the landscape and grounds as significant elements of the resort experience. The siting of buildings in relationship to each other and natural features of the environment had been carefully considered and executed by Kaufmann (see Site Plan, Figure A). Morgan also hired golfer Norman Beth to design a 9 -hole golf course on the hotel grounds. Upon completion of the main hotel and six caritas, the La Quinta Hotel held its grand opening on January 29, 1927 (the hotel actually began operations during the 1926 Christmas holidays). The Coachella Valley Submarine (8-19-27) observed "all through the season the demand for accommodations was greater than could be supplied, and the company [Desert Development Company] decided to increase their capacity." Fourteen more caritas were quickly built. The hotel was an immediate success. California of the Southland proclaimed: "Those who know and love the California desert have come to look on La Quinta Hotel as the ideal resting place. Sunshine in boundless measure from the blue shy above, from the great level stretches covered with countless yellow desert daisies, temps one to lie in the sun like the little lizards and attain Nirvana, forgetting care for a length of happy days. Yet here under palm shaded pergola or in cloistered seclusion, like the tale of Aladdin's lamp, a cool cup of orange juice or the odors of Arabian coffee will appear with metropolitan service." Morgan used his marketing savvy to build a clientele for his desert resort. The high architectural quality was acknowledged by prestigious professional journals. Lifestyle magazines featured articles on the resort and its visitors. Morgan cultivated business and social connections including the Hollywood entertainment industry. As the La Quinta Conlcxt Statement notes: Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 2 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California "The hotel had a feature the movie stars were looking for --privacy. Those who frequented the hotel included Marie Dressler, Greta Garbo, Delores del Rio, Ginger Rogers, Bette Davis, William Powell, Joan Crawford, Joel McCrea, Marlene Dietrich, Katherine Hepburn, Clark Gable, Richard Widmark, Robert Montgomery, Charles Boyer, Erroll Flynn, Frank Capra, and Ronald Coleman... Frank Capra ultimately came to live at the hotel until his death." (Moriquand; 1996, p. 35). Morgan himself lived on the Hotel grounds in a Monterey style house designed by Gordon Kaufmann. Like the hotel, all materials, including adobe brick, tile roof, floor tile and casework were made on site. The house was featured in the February 1934 issue of Architectural Record, a national architectural journal. Unfortunately, Morgan's enjoyment of the house and hotel he created was short lived. He died in 193 1. Morgan's death and the impact of the Depression left the Hotel in financial turmoil. B.J. Bradner, an attorney and hotel investor, was appointed receiver for the hotel and property which he oversaw until after World War II. Under Bradner, hotel experienced a resurgence in the late 1930s. Kaufmann was commissioned again and "an extensive program of improvements .... chief among which was the installation of the new swimming pool" was undertaken. (Isl Heraldo de Lu Quinta, December, 1938) The demands on resources for World War Il led to closure of the hotel in 1942 which lasted until the end of the War. In 1945 Chicago theater owner John Balaban purchased the hotel. In the min -1950s Leonard Ettleson owned the property. He sold it to Landmark Land, Inc. (Ernie Vossler and John Walser) in 1977. The hotel was acquired by KSL in the 1990s. Over its lifetime the La Quinta Hotel has evolved to maintain the high level of hospitality for which it is known, added amenities and activities while maintaining the historic character which sets it apart from other resorts. Gordon B. Kaufmann, Architect of the La Quinta Hotel Resort "Gordon Kaufmann was distinguished by a brilliant, impeccable virtuosity. In rapid succession he produced exquisite examples of Old World Renaissance --Italian, Spanish, English, French --excellently adapted to their setting and use in the new play grounds of Southern California. Never resorting to blind reproduction, he showed a creative imagination in the composition and proportion of exterior masses and a subtle mastery of detail and ornament. Pervading all his work was a spirit of rich and graceful elegance." Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 3 May, 1997 P, LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California Harris Allen, 1937 (quoted in JCK, p. 40) Gordon Kaufmann, designer of the La Quints Hotel, was one of Southern California's most accomplished architects. Born in 1888 in London, Kaufmann studied at the Whitgift School, Croyden (1899-1904) and the Polytechnic, London (1904-05). After his formal schooling he worked through Europe, Canada and the U.S. gaining experience. Eventually he settled in Sotithem California. In 1921 he joined the AIA, and was supported by well-known architects Reginald D. Johnson and Octavius W. Morgan. Kaufmann began his Southern California practice with Johnson joining the Pasadena firm of Johnson and Coate (Johnson, Kaufmann and Coate, 1921-25). In 1925 he began his own practice and the La Quinta Hotel was one of his early commissions. Within five years Kaufmann established himself as one of Southern California's best and most popular architects. Architectural historian Jan Fuery Munzt notes that by 1930 Kaufmann had designed "a large number of California -style mansions, Scripps College, buildings at Caltech, commercial buildings in Westwood, La Quinta." (Muntz; 1992, p31) During the 1930s Kaufmann's work shifted to large commercial and industrial projects including Boulder (now Hoover) Dam. In the 1940s he worked in national defense and collaborated on public housing projects. His career ended with his untimely death in 1949 at the age of 61. Kaufmann was honored as a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. During his career he was awarded the Legion of Merit, a Certificate of Honor from the AIA for the La Quinta Hotel (1930) and a Gold Medal at the French Exposition (1937). Some of Kaufmann's most notable projects include: Edward Doheny House, Greystone (1925); Harold Janss House (1926); Milton E. Getz House (1926); Scripps College Site and Master Plan (1926); Alson Clark House and Studio (1927); Royal Laundry Building (1927); Cyrus Pierce House, La Quints (1929); Scripps College, Browning Hall (1929); California Institute of Technology Athenaeum (1930); Holmby Building (1930); Scripps College, Dennison Library (1930); Boulder Dam and Power Plant (1931); Parker Dam and Powerhouse (1931); TVA Norris Dam and Power Plant (1933); Grand Coulee Dam and Power Plant (1933); Santa Anita Park and Los Angeles Turf Club (1934); and Los Angeles Times Building (1936). The Grounds and Buildings of the La Quinta Hotel Designed by renowned Southern California architect, Gordon Kaufman, the La Quinta Resort was constructed in 1926-27 with an L-shaped main building consisting of lobby, offices, game room, corridor, salon, open-air dining area, patio, and service wing. Eight guest casitas were ready at the resort's opening, and 14 more added the following year. Early landscaping included a walled garden bordering part of the main wing's north facade and the east service Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 4 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California Harris Allen, 1937 (quoted in JCK, p. 40) Gordon Kaufmann, designer of the La Quinta Hotel, was one of Southern California's most accomplished architects. Born in 1888 in London, Kaufinann studied at the Whitgift School, Croyden (1899-1904) and the Polytechnic, London (1904-05). After his formal schooling he worked through Europe, Canada and the U.S. gaining experience. Eventually he settled in Southern California. In 1921 he joined the AIA and was supported by well-known architects Reginald D. Johnson and Octavius W. Morgan. Kaufmann began his Southern California practice with Johnson joining the Pasadena firm of Johnson and Coate (Johnson, Kaufmann and Coate, 1921-25). In 1925 he began his own practice and the La Quinta Hotel was one of his early commissions. Within five years Kaufmann established himself as one of Southern California's best and most popular architects. Architectural historian Jan Fuery Munzt notes that by 1930 Kaufmann had designed "a large number of California -style mansions, Scripps College, buildings at Caltech, commercial buildings in Westwood, La Quinta." (Muntz; 1992, p31) During the 1930s Kaufmann's work shifted to large commercial and industrial projects including Boulder (now Hoover) Dam. In the 1940s he worked in national defense and collaborated on public housing projects. His career ended with his untimely death in 1949 at the age of 61. Kaufmann was honored as a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. During his career he was awarded the Legion of Merit, a Certificate of Honor from the AIA for the La Quinta Hotel (1930) and a Gold Medal at the French Exposition (1937). Some of Kaufmann's most notable projects include: Edward Doheny House, Greystone (1925); Harold Janss House (1926); Milton E. Getz House (1926); Scripps College Site and Master Plan (1926); Alson Clark House and Studio (1927); Royal Laundry Building (1927); Cyrus Pierce House, La Quints (1929); Scripps College, Browning Hall (1929); California Institute of Technology Athenaeum (1930); Holmby Building (1930); Scripps College, Dennison Library (1930); Boulder Dam and Power Plant (1931); Parker Dam and Powerhouse (1931); TVA Norris Dam and Power Plant (1933); Grand Coulee Dam and Power Plant (1933); Santa Anita Park and Los Angeles Turf Club (1934); and Los Angeles Times Building (1936). The Grounds and Buildings of the La Quinta Hotel Designed by renowned Southern California architect, Gordon Kaufman, the La Quinta Resort was constructed in 1926-27 with an L-shaped main building consisting of lobby, offices, game room, corridor, salon, open-air dining area, patio, and service wing. Eight guest casitas were ready at the resort's opening, and 14 more added the following year. Early landscaping included a walled garden bordering part of the main wing's north facade and the east service Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 4 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California wing. Two oval pathways dominated the layout of the casita area south of the main building (Architectural Record, November, 1933, pp. 348-349). Major building expansions occurred in the 1960's and 1980's; over 100 buildings comprise the resort today. Approximately 15% of the buildings at the resort are fifty years old or older in their entirety or in part. This historic fabric includes remaining original elements of the 1926-27 hotel building --the lobby, game room (now the registration area), corridor, salon, portions of the original dining area, a north -south arcade along the exterior of the original salon, and the east facade of the west wing. The 20 casitas built in 1926 and 1927 (containing room numbers 101 to 15 1) survive with a few superficial alterations, along with the oval concrete pathway configurations from the original landscaping design. In addition, there are two historic houses on the property --the La Casa complex at the southwest corner, and Morgan house at the northwest corner. All structures were designed in Spanish Eclectic style popular in Southwestern United States during the twenty five years preceding World War Il. Common stylistic features of Spanish Eclectic style are low-pitched red tile roofs, adobe walls finished with stucco, prominent use of arched openings, and asymmetrical facades. Decorative details include tile vents, patterned tile door and fireplace surrounds, tile floors, and tile -roofed chimney tops. The Original Resort Plan A plan of the hotel from 1933 (Architectural Record, November 1933) shows a rough L- shaped configuration for the main hotel building, oriented north -south, with another wing on an east -west axis, with a covered outdoor dining area, game room, and lounge extending south from the southern facade of the east -west wing. A small L-shaped office building was located to the east of the east -west wing. A large, walled garden was nestled in the corner formed by the north and east facades of the two wings. To the north and west of the hotel building was a large garage court partially bordered by a low wall with widely scalloped top. The garage court contained three buildings housing chauffers' and maids' quarters, service yard and garages. A driveway led east from the court to a parking lot. Twenty cottages, or casitas, were located south of the main hotel building, arranged around a system of angular pathways with two centrally located elongated ovals. As hotel functions expanded and evolved, the garage court and its buildings were replaced. The rectangular garden was redesigned, a large central fountain added, and its original northeast corner opened to extend at a 45 degree angle northeast to a new plaza area. The original garden walls are gone, except for a small fragment which extends east from the northwest corner of the original garden. New buildings have been added at the east end of the lobby wing and along west side of the old service wing. Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 5 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL Original Hotel Exterior Lobby Wing - North Facade La Quinta, California The original hotel building was comprised of two wings, the lobby and salon wing running east -west with entry at the north facade, and the service wing running north -south and entered from the interior of the lobby wing and from various doorways on the east elevation. A dining area was located within the juncture of the two wings. Both wings share the common characteristics of side -gabled, low pitched, red -tile roofs and adobe walls with stucco covering, and shuttered casement windows. The lobby/salon wing was comprised of two attached structures --a one-story portion at the east, and a one and one-half story facade enclosing an open- air arcade and part of the original dining area at the western end. On its north elevation, the one-story portion presented a symmetrical facade, with a shallow central porch supported by four massive columns with plain-fasciaed capitals, and side rooms. Entry was through a double door with decorative tile surround and intrados bearing the legend "La Quinta" in blue letters centered over the opening. The porch floor was square saltillo tile. Flanking the entry were two casement windows. The porch side rooms had centrally located decorative stucco vents. Most of these original character defining features of the north facade of the lobby building remain although the decorative vent at the east porch room has been filled in, and the porch overhang extended in front of the main entry. A one story room has been added to the east end, with ramada supported by heavy columns similar to those by the entry added between the new room and adjacent office building. Originally, the roof of the arcade building (western end) rose slightly higher and presented a plain north elevation with side bays projecting out with slightly dropped roof over side bays. The central portion contained a large arched opening, with decorative tile vent above, articulated by column capitals at slightly above mid -height, and led into an outdoor arcade. The left side bay contained three evenly spaced window openings and had a gabled, red tile roofed chimney. The right (west) bay also contained three evenly spaced window openings. A garden wall extended north from the east end of the side bay to enclose the garden on its east side. The arched doorway remains, as does the decorative vent above it and three windows to the west of the doorway. Alterations to the north facade of the arcade building include filling in of the east bay's window openings, a new light fixture to the left of the opening, and removal of the garden wall. Service Wing - East Facade The service wing ran north -south and comprised two attached one-story buildings, the northern one with slightly lower roofline than the southern one. Both buildings had irregular fenestration along their eastern facades comprised of paired windows with decorative wood Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 6 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California screens, arched and flat-topped doorways, shuttered casement windows, and small recessed windows. The original fenestration of both buildings' east facade has been heavily altered. Two original windows with wood screens at the southern end of the wing have been replaced by an arched, double -door opening to Montanas Restaurant. A formerly shuttered casement window at the north end of the southern portion has been given a permanent wood screen. In the northern portion, doors have been converted into windows and vice versa. Lobby Wing - South .Facade The original rear, or southern, facade of the lobby wing contained an open dining area at its west end, accessible by a loggia leading west from the arcade along the west wall of the original living room, or salon. At mid -point of the southern facade, the living room projected southward and had a large, multi -paned window in the center of its southern wall. Going eastward, a patio area separated the salon from the final extension off the southern facade created by the game room located at east end of the lobby building. A small office wing was set back from the southern facade at extreme east end of the lobby building. Remaining original features include arched window opening of the former living room, southern end of the arcade, and patio area created by "U" formed by original dining area, the loggia (now enclosed), and arcade. The lobby wing's southern facade has been altered beyond recognition due to enclosing of patio area and open air dining room. In addition, the original dining room area has been extended southward to create the Frank Capra Rooms. Additions to east and west elevations have extended original floor plans of the lobby/salon and west wings and obscured their original elevations. Original Hotel - Interior Lobby The original lobby had a flat wood beamed ceiling, stucco walls, saltillo tile floor, and a fireplace with decorative tile surround in middle of south wall. A double doorway led through eastern end of southern wall to game room, while a double door in south wall led to the patio. A third interior double doorway in the west wall led to a corridor, off of which appeared to be a bedroom to the north. At the east wall of the lobby, columns delineated the threshold to a group of three office spaces. The lobby's original walls, wood ceiling, fireplace and door openings are intact. The double doors originally leading to game room and patio have been removed, and columns at east end of room have been replaced by a solid wall. Game Room (presently the Registration Area) Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 7 May, 1997 LA QUINTA 13OTEL La Quinta, California Early photographs (hanging on west wall in present registration room) show the game room originally had a tile floor laid out in a square pattern and a narrow tile baseboard. The walls were stucco and the flat, slightly raked ceiling timbered. French doors at north and south ends of west wall gave onto patio area; centered between two French doors was a casement window. A fireplace with decorative tile surround and bracketed mantel sat in center of south wall. The fireplace with its surround and mantel (with an added low brick wall at floor level), wood ceiling, stucco walls, and tile baseboard (overpainted) remain. New additions to the room include a 7 -foot high paneled wood dado along the east wall, removal of the original French doors on west wall, and a stationary window in place of original casement window on that same wall. The original double door between lobby and the game room has also been removed. Corridor The original corridor leading west from lobby to original living room had a flat stucco ceiling, a single opening on north wall giving out onto a bedroom (now restroom's) and a tile floor and baseboard. Built into south wall were two bookcases, each with three shelves with rounded fascias and slightly curving interior corners. The floor, ceiling, and bookcases remain. Alterations include a new door opening in north wall leading to a restroom and removal of French doors leading to the original living room. Living Room (presently the west room of the Santa Rosa Lounge) Referred to in 1933 plan as the Living Room, this large rectangular room had a steeply pitched wood ceiling with wood trusses, stucco walls, and tiled floor. A fireplace with decorative surround and stucco mantelpiece was located in the center of the north wall, and another, larger fireplace with decorative tile surround and stucco mantelpiece was located on the east wall slightly south of its midpoint. At the north and south ends of the east wall were French doors leading to patio. At center of the south wall was a large, multi -paned, arched window. Along west wall were three sets of French doors leading out onto the arcade. The original ceiling, walls, fireplaces (although the fireplace on the north wall has a low brick wall at bottom), and door and window openings remain. Alterations include installation of wall-to-wall carpeting (the tile floor may survive underneath) and removal of French doors along the east wall which originally led to patio and corridor. The French door at south end of west wall has been replaced by a single door. The former rear patio originally bounded by the exterior walls of lobby, rcgistration room and living room (now part of the Santa Rosa lounge) was closed in during 1980's to create an expanded lounge area. Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 8 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL Arcade, Dining Area, and Loggia La Quinta, California The arcade which runs south from front to rear of lobby building appears to retain its original wood timbered shed roof covered with red clay tiles, stucco walls, and tile floor. Supported on east by western exterior wall of former living room, the arcade is supported along its west side by a series of heavy square columns. The former dining area was originally an L-shaped collection of three open-air rooms and occupied the arcade building and the southern portion of the west wing, extending south to form the western part of the "U" created by dining area, loggia, and arcade. All had wood ceilings, stucco walls and tile floors. The main dining room, at eastern end, had stucco window openings above three double doorway openings in south wall which led to a loggia spanning length of that room and an adjoining dining room. Entry to dining room was via double door openings at east and west ends of room. A second dining room of roughly equivalent proportions occupied the western end of building, and was extended, through the loggia, south into a third dining space. Remaining original features of first two dining rooms consist of ceilings, walls, wall openings, fireplace with decorative surround on north wall of second dining room, a decorative tile panel on wall above that fireplace, and general configuration of space. These two rooms are now occupied by Montanas restaurant. Alterations consist of wall-to-wall carpeting and enclosure of original loggia. Renovation during 1980's added decorative elements such as attached spiral columns and a bar. The third original dining area has been expanded to west and south, renovated for banquet space, and is now the Frank Capra rooms. The Casitas The 20 casitas in the 100's series were built in 1926 and 1927. They appear to have undergone only superficial modifications: removal of screen doors and replacement with paneled wood doors, glassing in of some screen porches, and proliferation of landscaping, at times quite luxuriant. Single fan lights accompanying many entry doors could be a modern addition. The casitas are remarkably intact. All share the same general stylistic characteristics: • a side -gabled, simple compound ground plan with occasional irregularities; • adobe walls with white -painted stucco covering; • low-pitched red tapered tile roof laid in a regular pattern; • unenclosed eaves with little or no overhangs; • exposed wood rafters and roof beams; • covered porches with tile floors; • exterior end gable wall chimneys capped with miniature hipped roof adobe brick bell towers; • the decorative vents; Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 9 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California 10 stucco vents at roof pitch; • deeply recessed wood casement windows (larger ones with shutters, smaller ones without) and sash painted blue; • paneled blue wood single doors (some with single side lights); asymmetrical front and side elevations. Beyond these constants, numerous variations occur. Porch overhangs take the form of a continuous roof, shed roof, or dropped roof. Porches may be full- or partial -width or consist of a porch and room. They may be supported by heavy round columns, square piers, or wood posts. Occasionally a low wall encloses a porch on a third side. Although the side -gable compound plan predominates, front -gable plans occasionally occur. Some screened -in rear porches retain their screens; others have had screens replaced with glass. The original pathway system also survives, most notably the elongated ovals which presently contain flower beds of petunias and rose bushes. Notable variations of casita exteriors include: No. 101, S. Marcos - front gable plan with exterior end chimney on porch No. 105, S. Emilio - distinctive bell tower chimney top faced with adobe, post -and lintel porch support No. 109, S. Gorgonio - wood posts supporting roof covered with bougainvillea Nos. 114-117, S. Nicholas - rectangular plan, porch spans entire front elevation No. 119, S. Onofre - unusual front gable plan, tile vent in porch wall No. 120, S. Pedro - lush plantings against casita walls No. 122, S. Quintin - shed roof over porch No. 125, S. Rafael - wood tie beam supports porch roof No. 126, S. Rafael - small porch has no columns No. 130, S. Timoteo - one of few remaining screen porches at east elevation No. 131, S. Timoteo - tiled vent on north facade No. 148, S. Jacinto - porticoed entryway on west elevation has high wall on north side. La Casa La Casa is a complex of two buildings and a courtyard surrounded by a low stucco wall situated at extreme southwest corner of the resort. It appears to date from the 1920's. The two buildings are oriented on an east -west axis, and form the north and south boundaries of the courtyard. The east and west courtyard boundaries are formed by low stucco walls, the western wall unornamented and containing opening into the courtyard. The eastern courtyard wall contains a fireplace with chimney at its midpoint, flanked by deeply recessed wood casement Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 10 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California openings with tile surfaced stucco seats below. The building situated along the north side of the courtyard, "El Laibreri," has an irregular rectangular ground plan, with slight projections along its north wall. Its main elevation, the south facade, presents two elevations, a single story, plain facade with central double door opening at the west end, and an asymmetrical, 2 -story facade with a low, stucco -walled, stepped entry to a single arched door at its west end and an exterior stairway across the facade leading east to a second story, covered landing toward east end. A stucco planter with tile trim extends east from the stucco entry along the length of exterior stair. The second -story landing has a decorative tile vent in its southern wall. The exterior stairway has a decorative stucco step pattern along its bottom edge. Underneath stairway is a low ceilinged entry area with two rectangular and one arched niche and a side door. At its east end, the two-story facade has a single door opening a few steps below ground level. Decorative wood brackets support the shallow second -story overhang, which has a large square central window with metal grille. The second building, which forms south side of courtyard, is L-shaped and is comprised of two components, a two-story, side -gabled rectangular structure immediately adjacent to a smaller, one-story structure, both oriented east -west, and a smaller, single story rectangular structure oriented north -south and projecting north into courtyard. The northern, courtyard - facing elevations of both buildings are unomamented, save for an exterior staircase with an elaborate ornamental wrought iron railing, painted tile decorated risers and plain tile treads which runs toward eastern end of east -west building to a landing which abuts entrance to the "Lacily" room. An interior stucco chimney capped by a Mission -style tower rises from north elevation roof line at midpoint. Entrance to north -south wing is via a single door at north elevation. Exteriors of both buildings appear to retain their historic features, with little or no alteration, as does courtyard wall. A large, tile -topped table in center of courtyard appears to be a later addition. The interior of La Sala room appears to retain most of its original historic fabric, which consists in main room of a steeply pitched wood ceiling with wood trusses, an octagonal fireplace hood supported by spiral columns and console brackets (the fireplace appears to be unused at present), and a heavy wood -shuttered casement window in east wall. A double, arched doorway in west wall of main room leads into a pantry, with original wood cabinets and distinctive tile floor hand -painted in a black and white concentric diamond pattern. The interior of Cactus Room has no outstanding details. Walter Morgan House The Monterey -style Morgan House is situated at the northwest end of the property, just Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation I I May, 1 997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California north of the Tennis Club pool. Designed by Gordon Kaufman, it was built in 1926-27. Its ground plan is rectangular, with a projected room at first floor western elevation. A 2 -story building, oriented on a north -south axis, with a garage structure at northeast corner, it is side - gabled, with red tile roof, deeply overhanging eaves and exposed rafters. The walls are adobe covered with plaster. The east elevation has a slightly projecting north bay containing formal entry, a single door with a wide fascia stucco surround with scalloped detailing at lintel topped by a simple entablature. Above entry, at second story level, is a rectangular decorative tile vent. The southern bay contains at second story level a French door which opens onto a shallow balcony with wrought iron railing and supporting entablature. At northern end of eastern facade, a single story building with a porch covered by a shed roof supported by square columns extends to east. This extension has a window in middle of its south facade. The house's south elevation has an exterior chimney topped by a decorative finish with tile vents and brick crown. A shed roof, covered with red tiles, covers a porch and rests on a wood beam supported by three heavy Doric columns. The chimney is flanked at first floor level by two doors and at second floor level by a casement window on its eastern side. The west elevation has a balcony running length of facade at second story level, with square wood slatted railing and wood posts supporting porch roof and exposed rafters on underside of balcony. At second floor, French doors open onto balcony at northern end, while two small casement windows occur at southern end. On first floor, French doors occur at the northern end and a large casement window sits in mid -center of southern end. The north elevation has casement windows with unpainted wood sash at second floor level, topped by wood planking to the eaves. First floor north elevation has a door at east end and three irregularly placed casement windows. A low wall extending north from the west end of facade, partially enclosing a courtyard formed by north wall of main building, northern addition (originally the garage) and a third low wall running east -west. Features of the courtyard interior include a shed roofed arcade along west wall of the garage, tile -faced circular gutter openings below the flat roof of the west elevation, and a £replace built into the northern courtyard wall. The exterior of Morgan House retains its historic fabric and character -defining features in their entirety. Interiors of the house also retain their original configuration and most of original finishes. Significance of the La Quinta Hotel Buildings and Grounds The La Quinta Resort Hotel established the 20th century identity of area now known as City of La Quinta. Nineteenth and 20th century settlement patterns and development of La Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 12 May,1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California Quinta parallel that of many other Southern California communities. Early homesteaders and citrus growers first constructed buildings and created an economic base and springboard for community growth. What set La Quinta apart, and established the area's unique identity, was the La Quinta Resort Hotel. So strong the identity and presence of the hotel, the area became known as "La Quinta" and ultimately incorporated city was so named. Businessman Walter Morgan's vision of a desert resort recognized total experience should to include quality accommodations (buildings and grounds), and services to complement the natural beauty of surrounding desert lands. Morgan also possessed the vision to hire architect Gordon Kaufmann who would become one of Southern California's most distinguished architects. Kaufmann's "signature details... loggias, arches, chimneypots of a multitude of forms, ramadas for dining, and private patios enclosed by walls" were embraced in resort's Spanish Eclectic/Mediterranean styling. Morgan and Kaufmann used local craftsmen, materials and building techniques. The buildings' adobe was fabricated on site as were the tiles used on roof, floors and as decoration. Morgan combined natural setting and expert architecture with his marketing savvy to inform the world about his desert gem. The resort's high quality was acknowledged through extensive publication coverage in magazines including prestigious architectural journals. Kaufmann's design which allowed for privacy along with Morgan's marketing abilities established La Quinta Hotel Resort as a high quality safe haven. Patronage by Hollywood's entertainment industry celebrities heightened and reinforced this image over the decades. The La Quinta Hotel with Casitas, La Casa and Walter Morgan House, constructed in 1926-27, are over fifty years old. Each possesses local architectural integrity in terms of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and feeling. The architectural styles, execution and quality of workmanship and materials include original elements, expressing a historic sense of time and place. The significance of La Quinta Hotel and Casitas, La Casa and the Walter Morgan House is directly related to the "Resort Industry" context articulated in the "City of La Quinta Historic Context Statement" (Moriquand; 1996). The La Quinta Hotel was the catalyst for the development of the resort industry in La Quinta attracting people of means and importance to the area. The La Quinta Hotel, Casitas and grounds (elongated ovals, relationship of Casitas to each other and to Hotel building) are eligible for designation as a City of La Quinta Historic District and meets three of the landmark criteria (a historic resource need only meet one criterion to qualify). Under City Criterion A, this Historic District "exemplifies or reflects special elements of the city's cultural, social, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering or architectural history." The La Quinta Hotel Historic District is highly significant since its Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 13 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California inception in terms of its contribution to the city's cultural, social and economic history. In fact, the Hotel set the standard of development quality and tone for the entire City. Under City Criterion B, this Historic District "is identified with persons or events significant in local, state or national history." The Hotel Historic District is associated with its visionary developer, Walter Morgan, one of the City's first entrepreneurs. This District also possesses a rich associational social history linked both to the Hotel's clientele and its staff who helped build the local economy. Under City Criterion C the La Quinta Hotel Historic District "embodies distinctive characteristics of a style, type, period or method of construction, is a valuable example of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship or is representative of a notable work of an acclaimed builder, designer or architect." The La Quinta Hotel Historic District meets this Criterion in a number of ways. The hotel was a seminal work of one of Southern California's most important architects of the early 20th century, Gordon Kaufmann. The design of the Hotel incorporated elements that were to become Kaufinann's signature details. The Hotel was featured in significant architectural journals of the period and prestigious commissions such as the Los Angeles Times Building, California Institute of Technology Antheneum, and Hoover Dam followed Kaufmann's success with La Quints Hotel. Local craftsmen, building techniques and materials, including on-site fabrication, were integral to the construction process and quality of buildings. The Walter Morgan House is eligible for designation as a City of La Quinta Landmark under Criteria B and C. It was designed by architect Gordon Kaufmann for La Quinta Hotel developer Walter Morgan. The significance of these personages are detailed above. The Morgan House may also be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places both for its local significance in association with Walter Morgan and as an intact example of architect Gordon Kaufmann's work. La Casa also appears eligible for designation as a City of La Quinta Landmark under Criterion A as a good example of the architectural history of the City and under Criterion B by its association with the La Quinta Hotel and clientele. As City landmark eligible any proposed work on these historic buildings should conform to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. The buildings are also required to use the State Historic Building Code which provides greater flexibility in achieving requisite levels of safety while allowing for the preservation of significant character -defining building features. Finally, the historic buildings of the La Quinta Hotel Resort and their relationship to each other create a significant and unique environment. This aspect of the Hotel combined with its high level of hospitality sets La Quinta Hotel Resort apart from other prestigious service resorts. The La Quinta Hotel Resort should consider expanding its marketing to include a growing segment of affluent travelers seeking unique experiences in historically significant buildings. Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 14 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California REFERENCES Architectural Record. "Portfolio of Low Cost Houses," November, 1933. Architectural Record. "House of Walter Morgan," February, 1934. California Arts and Archileclure. "La Quinta--the Lure of the Desert," January, 1930. California Southland. "Queen on the Desert," February, 1928. Coachella Valley Museum and Archives Coachella Dalley Submarine. 11-19-26,2-4-27,8-19-27. County of Riverside, Hall of Records, Assessor Office. County of Riverside, Riverside Public Library El Heraldo de la Quinta. December, 1938. Reprinted by the La Quinta Historical Society. The Hislory of La Quinta, The Gent of the Desert. La Quinta Historical Society, 1990. How to Apply the National Register Crileha for Evaluation. U.S. Department of the Interior, 1991, Huntington Library, San Marino. William M. Clarke Photograph Collection La Quinta City Hall La Quinta Historic Landmarks and Residences. Prepared by Fred Rice, La Quinta Historical Society, March 1, 1991. La Quinla Hotel Legend. February 25, 1927. La Quinta Municipal Code. Historic Preservation, Title 7, Sections 7.02-7.10. Los Angeles Central Library Moriquand, Leslie. City of La Quinta Historic Context Statement, 1996. Muntz, Jan Furey. "Gordon B. Kaufmann: California Classicism," in Johnson, Kaufmann Coate: Partners in the California Style. Scripps College, Claremont, CA. 1992. Riverside l:'nlerprise Counly hVition, "La Quinta," May, 1927. Queen of the Desert. La Quinta Hotel, September 1985. The Date Pahn. January 28, 1927. Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 15 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California FIGURE A Source: The Architectural Record, November 1933. Ora 4-� Tj �77 "I CL :40TEL �71 zS''j Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 16 May, 1997 I; 1 I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY FI. A PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of this report is to document the following in graphic and narrative form: • existing roadway and traffic conditions; • probable traffic changes related to the proposed project; and (' • mitigation measures required to meet City minimum level of service requirements and traffic engineering design standards. The scope of the study complies with Riverside County specifications as set forth in the November 1991 Traffic Impact Study Report Preparation Guide (developed by the Transportation Planning and Development Review Division). The analysis herein employs the 1994 update to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) to analyze levels of service via the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) package prepared under FH'WA sponsorship and maintained by the McTrans Center at the University of Florida Transportation Research Center. I. B EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Site Location and Study Area The proposed project is entirely within the 622 -acre La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area, which in turn is located within the City of La Quinta. Amendments are currently proposed to Planning Area I, which is comprised of 70.0± acres extending west of Eisenhower Drive, east of Calle Mazatlan, south of Avenida Femando, and north of the existing Santa Rosa Cove Community. Amendments are also proposed in Planning Area II, which includes 27.7± acres located south of Avenue 50, east of Eisenhower Drive, and west of the existing Duna La Quinta residential project. The 2.1 -acre vacant site for the proposed hotel employee parking lot is located south of Avenue 50 and east of Eisenhower Drive, in Planning Area II. The existing parking area for the La Quinta Hotel employees is located in Planning Area I at the rear of the hotel, west of Avenida Obregon and north of Calle Mazatlan. There is currently a paved parking lot with 160 parking spaces for hotel employees at this location as well as a neighboring lawn maintenance/storage area that can accommodate 17 parked vehicles. Five key intersections were analyzed: (1) Eisenhower Drive @ Avenida Fernando; (2) Eisenhower Drive @ the La Quinta Hotel main entry (located south of Avenida Fernando); (3) Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50; (4) Avenue 50 @ the Site #2 residential access (opposite the existing entry to the La Quinta Golf Club); and (5) Eisenhower Drive @ the employee access to the proposed parking area in Site #2. I-1 Based upon estimates of the trip generation of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan (assuming build -out of all potential residential development and full occupancy in the peak season) the daily traffic volume along Calle Mazatlan and Avenida Fernando will remain below the daily capacity established for local streets by the City of La Quinta (3,000 N vehicles per day) with two exceptions: (1) Calle Mazatlan (west of Eisenhower Drive), and (2) Avenida Fernando (between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Drive). Calle Mazatlan Calle Mazatlan, west of Eisenhower Drive, has a projected ultimate daily traffic volume of 3,680 ADT. However, two factors influence the carrying capacity of this roadway link. First, Calle Mazatlan has 80 feet of pavement at this location (more than double the 36 feet of pavement typically associated with local residential streets). Secondly, the segment of Calle Ma2atlan west of Eisenhower Drive has no direct residential frontage (so residents are not backing out of driveways impeding the flow of through traffic). Therefore, this portion of Calle Mazatlan functions as a collector street and is projected to operate well below the General Plan collector street capacity of 13,500 vehicles per day. Further to the west (where Calle Mazatlan narrows to a 36 -foot curb -to -curb width) Calle Mazatlan will have a total daily traffic volume of 2,160 ADT (72% of the 3,000 ADT environmental capacity). Avenida Fernando Under year 1999+project conditions with full occupancy, Avenida Fernando (between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Drive) is projected to have a daily traffic volume of 2,900 ADT. With full development of the enclave and the addition of 450 daily trips, Avenida Fernando will ultimately carry approximately 3,350 vehicles per day. However, this segment of Avenida Fernando is located adjacent to a commercial use (La Quinta Hotel) and primarily serves through traffic with very limited indirect residential access. This segment of Avenida Fernando provides 36 feet of pavement curb -to -curb and should be considered a sub -standard (curb -to -curb width less than 40 feet) collector street. The 3,000 vehicle -per -day capacity established by the City of La Quinta for local residential streets should not apply to the portion of Avenida Fernando between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Drive. Conclusions Based upon the analysis of the key intersections in the project vicinity, it was determined that all of the intersections currently operate, and will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service with or without the project. Although the proposed project would create a minor change in the year 1999 peak hour intersection delay, the change would not be sufficient to change the level of service at any of the key intersections. Although the project will add traffic to local residential streets, these increases are within the scope of the original specific plan and will result in traffic volumes consistent with the General Plan classifications. Recommendations Areawide improvements to the circulation network will not be required with or without the project to accommodate year 1998 peak hour traffic demands, as discussed in Sections VLC and VII.B. The following mitigation measures are recommended to reduce potential circulation impacts associated with the proposed project. I-3 r LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California La Quinta Hotel Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 18 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California La Quinta Hotel Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 19 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California r La Quinta Hotel Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 20 May, 1997 r r I' HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQEP.HC0 Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 211 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1082 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1082 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 0.98 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: LT from Major Street SB NB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 422 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1018 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1018 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.97 Step 4: LT from Minor Street WB EB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 662 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 400 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.97 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.97 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.97 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 388 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 955% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) EB L 22 388 9.8 0.0 B EB R 23 1082 3.4 0.0 A NB L 31 1018 3.6 0.0 A Intersection Delay = 0.5 sec/veh 6.5 M � r r ; �u•,rr x!F i rp .S.' \.. y= r • L ��� 'lam' 4 i"' ��iv� F, ;"� 1w � � .•, Ile ••. �$.. �• lfflAn♦ �rr��.k' •ry �f,Sp w � � s•.. �r. w+ `� ..`i y i� � 7►' 4111_ • t�.. a.:' r LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California Casitas--La Quinta Hotel Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 22 May, 1997 LA QUINTA HOTEL Walter Morgan House La Quinta, California Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 23 May, 1997 pr a LA QUINTA HOTEL La Quinta, California La Casa Mellon and Associates, Historic Preservation 25 May, 1997 r r APPENDIX III Traffic Impact Study Endo Engineering 28811 Woodcock Drive Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (714)362-0020 FAX (714)362-0015 1 AS AA AV � Am r1 a At Prepared by: Endo Engineering August 1997 Endo Engineering Traffic Engineering Air Quality Studies Noise Assessments August 25, 1997 Mr. Forrest Haag Design & Land Planning 20 Corporate Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: La Quinta Resort Specific Plan Amendment Number 4 Traffic Analysis Dear Mr. Haag; Endo Engineering is pleased to submit this ,analysis of the potential circulation impacts associated with Amendment Number 4 to the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan. The project would allow the existing hotel employee parking area on Avenida Obregon to be relocated into a new parking lot located east of Eisenhower Drive and south of Avenue 50 in Planning Area 11. The removal of the existing parking area, the stadium tennis court, and 18 hotel rooms in Planning Area I would allow the development of 119 single-family residences and the relocation and expansion of the La Quinta Hotel Health Spa. The project also includes the development of 110 single family dwellings in Planning Area 11. This study follows the format and methodology specified by Riverside County in their November 1991 Traffic Impact Study Report Preparation Guide. It details in graphic and narrative form: (1) existing circulation conditions; (2) probable traffic changes related to the proposed project; and (3) recommended mitigation measures. We trust that the circulation information provided herein will be of value to the City of La Quinta in their review of the potential impacts and conditions of approval associated with the project. Should questions or comments develop regarding the findings and recommendations within this report, please do not hesitate to contact our offices. Cordially, ENDO ENGINEERING 042X, gu -&Cto Vicki Lee Endo Registered Professional Traffic Engineer TR 1161 ROfESSlp��! LEE TR 1161 �a�3i �98 4 o CAL �� 28811 Woodcock Drive, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-1330 (714) 362-0020 FAX: (714) 362-0015 It, TRAFFIC ANALYSIS THE LA QUINTA RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT #4 CITY OF LA QUINTA AUGUST 25, 1997 Prepared For: KSL Desert Resorts, Inc. 56-140 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 564-1088 Prepared By: Endo Engineering 28811 Woodcock Drive Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-1330 (714) 362-0020 Table of Contents Section Title Page I I INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ................................ I-1 A. Purpose and Objectives B. Executive Summary II PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ....................................... II -1 A. Summary of Development III AREA CONDITIONS ................................................. III -1 A. Study Area B. Study Area Land Use C. Site Accessibility IV PROJECTED TRAFFIC ............................................... IV -1 A. Site Traffic B. Through Traffic C. Total Traffic V TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ................................................ V-1 A. Site Access B. Capacity and Level of Service and Improvement Analysis VI FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS ................................. VI -1 A. Site Accessibility B. Traffic Impacts C. Off -Site Improvements Needed D. Compliance with General Plan Circulation Policies VII RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................... VII -1 A. Site Access/Circulation Plan B. Roadway Improvements C. Transportation System Management Actions APPENDICES 1. 1997 Traffic Count Data 2. Development of Residential Trip Generation Adjustment Factor 3. HCM Unsignalized Intersection Methodology and Worksheets 4. HCM Signalized Intersection Methodology and Worksheets 5. Traffic Signal Warrants 6. Guard Gate Stacking Worksheet 0 List of Figures Number Title Following Page II -1 Regional Location...................................................... II -1 II -2 Study Area and Key Intersections ................................... II -1 II -3 Site Development Plan - Planning Area II ........................... II -2 II -4 Site Development Plan - Planning Area I ............................ II -2 III -1 Existing Transportation System ...................................... III -1 III -2 Anticipated Transportation System ............................ I ..... III -2 III -3 Typical Street Cross -Sections - La Quinta ........................... III -2 III -4 Current Traffic Volumes (Peak Season) .............................III -2 IV -1 Directional Distribution of Existing Parking Area Traffic ......... IV -3 IV -2 Directional Distribution of Proposed Parking Area Traffic ....... IV -3 IV -3 Directional Distribution of Proposed Residential and Spa Site Traffic .................................................... IV -3 IV -4 Existing Parking Area Traffic ........................................ IV -3 IV -5 Proposed Site Traffic .................................................. IV -3 IV -6 Estimated 1999 Non -Site Traffic Volumes .......................... IV -3 IV -7 Estimated Total Traffic Volumes ..................................... IV -3 VI -1 Existing Lane Geometrics............................................. VI -1 VI -2 Required Lane Geometrics............................................ VI -1 ll List of Tables I Number Title Page IV -1 Estimated Site Traffic Generation .................................... IV -1 V-1 Unsignal.ized Intersection Peak Hour Delay and LOS Summary .............................. V-3 V-2 Signalized Intersection Peak Hour Delay and LOS Summary ............................... V-6 iii The proposed parking lot shall include approximately 250 paved parking spaces and no fewer than the number of parking spaces being eliminated from the existing offstreet parking lots (approximately 177 spaces). 2 . The La Quinta Hotel has six shuttle vehicles available at present that can accommodate up to 20 passengers per vehicle. These shuttles shall be utilized to transport employees between the new parking lot and the hotel, and other work areas at the La Quinta Resort, as needed. The project shall include lane geometric improvements at the one access point proposed in Planning Area 11 as shown in Figure VI -2. These include a raised median on Eisenhower Drive to prevent left -tum access. 4. Clear unobstructed sight distances shall be provided at the access location proposed for Planning Area II. 5 . The proposed site access design shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and the Community Development Department during the development review process to insure compliance with City access and design standards. 6 . If the Fire Department requires secondary or emergency access for the residential development proposed in Planning Area II, it shall be provided. 7 . Provisions shall be made to accommodate pedestrians on Avenida Fernando between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Drive. Several options are available, subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer and the Community Development Department. A walkway shall be provided via striping on the pavement and/or installation of a sidewalk on Avenida Fernando. Planning Area II Residential Development Area Recommendations The following mitigation measures should be implemented in conjunction with development of the residential areas within Planning Area II. Avenue 50 shall be fully improved adjacent to Planning Area II by adding curbs and gutters to the south side of the roadbed, as required by the City. 2 . The existing transit stop adjacent to Planning Area II on the south side of Avenue 50 shall be replaced with a covered bus shelter in conjunction with roadway improvements along the south side of Avenue 50 associated with development of Site #2. 3. The site access proposed on Avenue 50 opposite the existing median break for the entry to the La Quinta Golf Club (located approximately 270 feet east of Eisenhower Drive) shall be gated, allowed full access, and controlled by stop signs on the minor legs. This access point shall include a means for vehicles that enter by mistake to turn around and exit without activating the gate. I-4 Guard Gate Queuing Recommendations 1. The hotel should always include a reservation number on the guest passes to allow the hotel guests to utilize the right entry lane at the guard gate. This mitigation would in and of itself effectively eliminate all project -related traffic impacts at the guard gates. Other mitigation strategies that would reduce current and future vehicular queuing impacts include the following: 1 . A second guard should always be available during peak traffic hours to process vehicles in the left entry lane. 2. Hotel guests that arrive before their room is ready and visit the golf clubhouse should be given gate passes and instructed to use the right entry lane to minimize delays at the guard gate. 3. A map should be provided with each hotel guest pass, and gate instructions should be printed on the back of the guest pass that direct hotel guests to use the right entry lanes at the gated entries and prominently display guest passes in vehicles. 4. Signage should be provided at the gated entries indicating that residents and hotel guests with passes should use the right entry lane. 5. If the procedural changes identified above are implemented but the queue of vehicles in the left entry lane continues to extend longer than three vehicles, the guard gate at Calle Mazatlan should be relocated westerly to provide as much stacking distance for vehicles as possible and minimize the potential for queues of vehicles extending out onto Eisenhower Drive. I-5 �a I I H. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT II. A SUMMARY OF DEVELOPMENT Project Location The proposed project is entirely within the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area, which in turn is located within the City of La Quinta, in the southwestern portion of the Coachella Valley. Figure Il -1 depicts the La Quinta Resort in its regional context, south of Highway 111, which provides the primary regional access to the City of La Quinta and is a major transportation route through the Coachella Valley. The La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area includes 622± acres that have been divided into five Planning Areas to more effectively address each unique development environment within the Specific Plan boundary. Amendments are currently proposed to Planning Area I, which is comprised of 70.0± acres extending west of Eisenhower Drive, east of Calle Mazatlan, south of Avenida Fernando, and north of the existing Santa Rosa Cove Community. Amendments are also proposed in Planning Area II, which includes 27.7± acres located south of Avenue 50, north of the Resort Dunes Golf Course, east of Eisenhower Drive, and west of the existing Dune La Quinta residential project. The existing parking area for the La Quinta Hotel employees is located at the rear of the hotel, west of Avenida Obregon and north of Calle Mazatlan (see Figure 11-2). There is a paved parking lot with 160 parking spaces for hotel employees at this location as well as a neighboring lawn maintenance/storage area that can accommodate 17 parked vehicles. The 2.1 -acre site for the proposed parking lot is located within Planning Area II of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan. It is located south of Avenue 50, and east of Eisenhower Drive, as shown in Figure II -2. For ease of reference, the two proposed development areas are referenced herein as: Site #1 (on the west side of Eisenhower Drive) and Site #2 (on the east side of Eisenhower Drive) as shown in Figure 1I-2. Site #1 includes only a portion of Planning Area I of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan (all of Parcel 7 and Parcel 8 as well as part of Parcels 12 and 13). Site #2 includes all of Planning Area H of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan. Figure II -2 illustrates the study area and the key intersections. Five key intersections were analyzed, four of which currently exist and include: (1) Eisenhower Drive @ Avenida Fernando, (2) Eisenhower Drive @ the La Quinta Hotel main entry (located south of Avenida Fernando), (3) Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50, and (3) Avenue 50 @ the Site #2 residential access (opposite the existing entry to the La Quinta Golf Club). One key intersection evaluated, Eisenhower Drive @ the access to the proposed employee parking area in Site #2, will exist only if the project is approved and constructed. Project Description The La Quinta Resort Specific Plan provides a range of land use categories as well as zoning and development regulations for the 622± acre site. The proposed project is an update to the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan to relocate the existing parking areas (for hotel and landscape maintenance employees) into a new proposed parking lot, as shown in H-1 riverside LQ 'iFVE ndo Engineering Figure II -1 Regional Location Banning_ Cabazon • Moreno Valley 4 Hemet Suri City Elsinore • Q Murrieta Temecula. Hot Springs A _._._._._._._._.San Bernardino Count+ Riverside County • Desert Hot Springs Cathedral City Palm >Ranc"o Springs irage Indian _ Wells Palm' •- Desert In La 11i 74 Quinta Project Site Salton Sea San Diego County Scale: 1" = 13.3 Miles Figure II -2 Study Area and Key Intersections • Key Intersection =] Proposed Development Site Parking Area i�ndo Engineering W _ot Scale: 1 " = 1100' Figure II -3, the Site Development Plan for Planning Area II. The proposed parking lot site 1 is currently vacant and surrounded by the Dunes Golf Course. Proposed Parking Lot The proposed project includes a paved lot with approximately 250 parking spaces, and no fewer than the number of parking spaces being eliminated from the existing off-street parking areas within the La Quinta Resort. The proposed hotel employee parking lot would be constructed on 2.1 acres located south of Avenue 50 and east of Eisenhower Drive, in the middle of three golf course holes of the Dunes Golf Course in Planning Area II. Access to the proposed employee parking lot would be via a new driveway on Eisenhower Drive, south of Avenue 50. The proposed driveway would be restricted to right -tum access and geometrically designed to prevent left -turn access until Eisenhower Drive is fully widened, and adequate sight -distance is provided for left -turn ingress. The existing hotel employee and landscape maintenance parking lots can only be accessed by driving through the La Quinta Hotel grounds and past guest accommodations. By 6:00 A, eighty-one cars were observed to be parked in the hotel employee lot and a total of 139 cars were observed parked there by 7:30 AM on a typical weekday. Since the demand for employee parking does not exceed the available parking supply in the hotel employee parking lot, the adjacent landscape maintenance parking lot with 17 spaces was observed to be utilized primarily for temporary equipment storage. The La Quinta Hotel has six shuttle vehicles available at present that can accommodate up to 20 passengers per vehicle. These vehicles will be utilized to shuttle employees between the new parking lot and the hotel work sites, as needed. Proposed Development in Planning Area II In addition to the employee parking lot proposed in Planning Area II, future single family residential development is proposed adjacent to the south side of Avenue 50, east of Eisenhower Drive. The existing RL zoning on 18.5 acres in Planning Area II would permit the development of 110 single family dwelling units. A total of 6.0 acres in Planning Area H are zoned GC to permit the development of a golf course. Proposed Development in Planning Area I Once the existing hotel employee parking lot in Planning Area I is relocated to Planning Area II, the land in Parcel 8 that was utilized for parking will be developed with medium density residential land uses per the current RM zoning at a density of 4-8 dwellings per acre. The currently vacant adjacent land in Parcel 8 will also be developed with medium density residential land uses (per the current RM zoning at a density of 4-8 dwellings per acre). Figure H4 is the Site Development Plan for the residential development anticipated in Planning Area I. As shown in Figure II -4, a total of 119 new single family dwelling units (with up to three bedrooms per unit) are proposed for development in Planning Area I. That total includes 84 dwelling units in Parcel 8 (with access to Calle Mazatlan) and 35 dwelling units in the western portion of Parcel 13 and the southern half of Parcel 12 (with access to Avenida Obregon). There are currently six buildings (multiple keyed to provide 18 existing hotel rooms) located in Parcel 13 that will be removed to allow the 35 new dwelling units to be constructed. Parcel 12 is currently a parking lot and any parking spaces removed will be replaced. II -2 Figure II -3 Site Development Plan 1 'F Planning Area II .4..�.` �. � . s ,. �(.`yr�—`—Lal:_ r x*�^+R �x �r-•�•+�.. ,. �..r •r• t`.. ".�• - — ell bow Ci �! �� i5h i kms, : +r •_,�! �. +, � �r —• �' V''+•��. �7 ...y't a:a '_ } � •-- i4 .,. _ + if i fin„/`• � 7�-�. 4'�.� y \� y1 � � _ '� � . i• L s � r l S � , l y ! `t r � � 4`r, �.: f �""` �,.� _ . _ +tib'' � a ... � } • y r� ' � �� ) '"�� `"`' •~��9�� '��''!� `� L�. • LTJ "° i• Endo Engineering noz i" MEN C.. . Figure II -4 Site Development Plan (Planning Area 1) ' I r 1 1 I 11�111 1111111 �Wndo Engineering 19 UNITS �41 I.N 16UNITS _ If P+s.r .arm LT.- 7,. + 14 �� C�p�` LA QUIIA'A T RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL`L'.I6 TABULATION ® `17 UNITS h- m JL � Iwr Source: Design and Land Not to Scale �w 1o —�yw ' I r 1 1 I 11�111 1111111 �Wndo Engineering 19 UNITS �41 I.N 16UNITS _ If P+s.r .arm LT.- 7,. + 14 �� C�p�` LA QUIIA'A T RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL`L'.I6 TABULATION ® `17 UNITS h- m JL � Iwr Source: Design and Land Not to Scale F7 As shown in Figure II -4, a spa will be constructed in Parcel 8 south of and adjacent to the existing tennis courts with access to Avenida Obregon. The stadium court will be removed. This facility will provide approximately 22,000 square feet of building area and a will replace the existing 6,000± square foot spa located within the La Quinta Hotel. The area within the La Quinta Hotel that is currently occupied by the spa will be converted to office space to better accommodate the existing hotel administrative staff. No change in staffing is anticipated as a result of this conversion, other than the additional staff required to operate a 16,000 square foot larger spa facility. It is anticipated that approximately 90 percent of the spa patrons will be residents or guests of the La Quinta Resort. The remaining 10 percent is expected to come from areas beyond the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan boundaries. Zoning and Land Use Category The La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area is designated for Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, Tourist Commercial and Golf Course Open Space uses by the City of La Quinta General Plan. Property adjacent to the La Quinta Resort is designated by the General Plan for a variety of land uses including; Low Density Residential uses, Medium Density Residential to the south, and Santa Rosa Mountains Open Space to the north and west. Project Phasing If the proposed project is approved, the new parking lot could be constructed by the end of 1997. Once the new parking lot is available, the previous parking areas will be replaced by uses that are consistent with the adopted La Quinta Resort Specific Plan. It is anticipated that construction of the residential uses and the spa would be completed near the end of 1998 or the beginning of 1999. II -3 a Pi III. AREA CONDITIONS III. A STUDY AREA The study area was developed through coordination with the City of La Quinta. As shown in Figure H-2, it includes the following key intersections: (1) Eisenhower Drive @ Avenida Fernando; ( (2) Eisenhower Drive @ the La Quinta Hotel main entry # (located south of Avenida. Fernando); (3) Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50; (4) Avenue 50 @ the Site #2 residential access (opposite the existing entry to the La Quinta Golf Club); and (5) Eisenhower Drive @ the employee access to the proposed parking area in Site #2. III. B STUDY AREA LAND USE The project site is located entirely within the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area. The La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area is designated for Low Density Residential, Tourist Commercial and Golf Course Open Space uses by the City of La Quinta General Plan. Property adjacent to the La Quinta Resort is designated by the General Plan for a variety of land uses including: Low Density Residential uses, Medium Density Residential uses to the south, and Santa Rosa Mountains Open Space to the north and west. Project Site #1 includes several existing land uses including: a parking lot for the employees of the La Quinta Hotel and landscape maintenance personnel, vacant land, recreational development (a stadium tennis court), hotel guest parking and 18 hotel rooms in six buildings. Site #1 is surrounded by Planning Area I of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan and other similar residential uses on all sides. Project Site #2 is currently vacant. The Dune La Quinta single family residential development is located east of project Site #2. The La Quinta Golf Club is located immediately north of Avenue 50 opposite Site #2. A gated residential development (Santa Rosa Cove) exists west of Eisenhower Drive, opposite Avenue 50. The land south of project Site #2 is developed with three holes of the Resort Dunes Golf Course. III. C SITE ACCESSIBILITY Area Roadway System Figure III -1 illustrates the existing transportation system in the study area. Regional access is currently available from Eisenhower Drive, Avenue 50 and Avenue 52. Direct access to Site #1 is proposed from Avenida Obregon, Calle Mazatlan and Avenida Fernando. Direct project access is proposed to Site #2 from Avenue 50 (east of Eisenhower Drive) and Eisenhower Drive (south of Avenue 50). Avenue 50 is a designated truck route east of Eisenhower Drive. The four -lane divided roadway has a raised median but does not have curbs, gutters, sidewalks or streetlights adjacent to the project site on the south side of the roadbed. There is a median break at the j r, t Figure III -1 Existing Transportation System pi�,ye 0fi 3D ��rDfi Gate 2U 2U 2U ��e���a 2U 4D o La t" Quinta 2U Hotel I• �y 4 4D f 4D Avenue Gate " 50 2U Calle Tam ico CES N - 2U �C L� 7 R3 Q T 26 Avenida Montezuma 'Legend 2U Number of Through Lanes D = Divided U = Undivided STOP Sign ❑ All -Way Stop Intersection O Signalized Intersection = Project Site �1' Endo Engineering J Scale: 1 " = 1100' existing La Quinta Golf Club access (located on the north side of Avenue 50) approximately 270 feet east of Eisenhower Drive. Eastbound traffic on Avenue 50 can make a left turn into the La Quinta Golf Club from the existing left -turn pocket on Avenue 50. Traffic leaving the La Quinta Golf Club via this gated access is controlled by a stop sign and allowed to make left or right turns onto Avenue 50. Eisenhower Drive is a four -lane divided primary arterial between Avenue 50 and Avenida Fernando. It narrows to a two-lane undivided roadway south of Avenue 50 and a three - lane divided roadway north of Avenida Fernando. The intersections of Eisenhower Drive with Avenida Fernando and Avenue 50 are both signalized. Figure III -2 depicts the future transportation system in the project vicinity, based upon the Circulation Element of the La Quinta General Plan. Figure III -3 provides typical master planned street cross-sections for roadways in the City of La Quinta, including right-of-way requirements. Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50 are master planned primary arterials in the project vicinity. Primary arterials have 100 to 110 -foot rights-of-way. They provide four travel lanes and a 12 to 18 -foot median. Avenida Fernando, Calle Mazatlan, and Avenida Obregon are not master planned streets. Traffic Volumes To evaluate the existing peak hour conditions at the existing key intersections, two-hour turning movement counts were made during morning and evening peak travel periods by Counts Unlimited at three key intersections on Thursday, April 24, 1997, and one key intersection on Tuesday, August 12, 1997. Manual traffic counts were made from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at each of the existing key intersections to ensure that the peak hour was addressed. Morning and evening traffic counts were also made at the intersection of Avenida Fernando and Avenida Obregon and at the intersection of Avenida Fernando and Calle Mazatlan on Tuesday, August 12, 1997. These counts were utilized in conjunction with land use information and trip generation information to estimate peak season traffic volumes within the residential area adjacent to the La Quinta Hotel. The traffic count data is provided in Appendix 1. Figure III -4 depicts the current morning and evening turning movement volumes at the existing key intersections (following the application of a 7% seasonal adjustment factor for the April counts). Since the traffic counts were conducted in April (but the peak traffic season in La Quinta occurs in March) a 7 percent seasonal correction factor was applied to the peak hour count data collected in April to increase the traffic volumes to more accurately reflect peak season conditions. Daily traffic volumes were estimated from the peak hour counts by assuming that 10 percent of the daily volume occurs during the peak hour of travel. This factor was derived from available traffic count data for the vicinity and verified by the City Traffic Engineer. The August traffic count at the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50 was proportionately adjusted to match the peak season projections from the neighboring key intersections of Eisenhower Drive @ the La Quinta Hotel main entry and Avenue 50 @ the Site #2 residential access. The peak season daily traffic volume for Calle Mazatlan near Eisenhower Drive was developed from existing land use data and a trip generation rate of 7.5 trip ends per dwelling unit for country club residential areas. Based upon a comparison I11 S endo Engineering Figure III -2 Anticipated Transportation System � Primary Arterial .......R Collector Scale: 1" = 1100' Figure I11-3 Typical Street Cross -Sections (La Quinta) Major Arterial R/W 120' 12' 39' 18' 59. 12' Pkwy 3 Lanes Median 3 Lanes Pkwy Primary Arterial I�/w 13/w 100'-110' 1 32'-34' J2'-19' 32'-34' 12' Pkwy 'low 2 Lanes Median 2 Lanes Pkwy F Secondary Arterial FVW R/w No 88' 2' 64 2' Pkwy Pkvv3+ Collector la/w 64'-74' 1 40'-50' 12' Pkwy 2 Lanes kwy VV Source: City of La Quinta General Plan (10/92) ndo Engineering Figure III -4 Current Traffic Volumes (Peak Season) Q .x"I Qin G � 0/0 #/1 37/74, 0/1 dpie��d 740 800 Gate 1 � qO .680 1,150 o La i Quinta 1100 a O Hotel �s 6/20 JCOm UN 14/21 venue Gate 1910 50 3,450 CD L3 'x-49/4 CO 0 50111 g r 105/100 2/26 !: o/0 °° 18/59 41/1 J f r' ,- te 7W6-. #03/26-• 0/0� 31/16 LSv T r' N � v C 4t � 3 RS Avenida Montezuma Legend 2154/104 AM/PM Weekday Peak Hour Volume 5,000 Daily Volume Estimated from 1997 Peak Hour Counts or Based Upon ITE Trip Generation Rates iVndo Engineering Scale: 1 " = 1100' of the August traffic counts to the projected traffic volumes, the residential uses adjacent to the La Quinta Hotel have an August occupancy rate of approximately 20 percent. Transit Service Transit service is provided in the study area by the SunLine Transit Agency through the SunBus Transit Service. A SunBus route serves La Quinta Monday through Sunday, every 60 minutes from 6;06 AM to 7:26 PM. The route extends along Avenue 50 past the project site and along Eisenhower Drive, with stops at the La Quinta Hotel seven times per day. A transit stop is located on the south side of Avenue 50, just east of Eisenhower Drive, adjacent to Site #2. Transfers to Route 111 are possible every 25 minutes. Route 111 extends along Highway 111 from Palm Springs to Indio and Coachella. Existing Relevant TSM Programs There are no Transportation System Management plans in effect in the study area at present. However, the City of La Quinta has adopted a Transportation Demand Manage- ment Ordinance (Municipal Code Chapter 9.162). The La Quinta Hotel has six shuttle vehicles available at present that can accommodate up to 20 passengers per vehicle. These vehicles will be utilized to shuttle employees between the proposed parking lot and the hotel. III 11 1_11 IV. PROJECTED TRAFFIC IV. A SITE TRAFFIC Project -Related Trip Generation ResidentiaUSpa Trip Generation Table IV -1 summarizes the project -related peak hour and daily trip generation forecast. The trip generation for the proposed single family dwellings (SFD) in both Site #1 and #2 has been increased by 20 percent to adjust for the potential for multiple keys (the two and three bedroom units will have separate keys for each bedroom),I Table IV -1 Estimated Site Traffic Generation Land Use Quantity AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily In Out Total In Out Total 2 -Way RESIDENTIAUSPA USES Site #1 SFD (210)a 119 DU 29 83 112 98 53 151 1,450 Minus Exist. Hotel (310) 18 Occ Rm -6 -5 -11 -8 -6 -14 -160 Residential Subtotal 23 78 101 90 47 137 1,290 Spa (493)bOff-Site Trips 16 TSF 1 1 2 4 3 7 60 Site #1 Subtotal 24 79 103 94 50 144 1,350 Site #2 SFD (210)a 110 DU 28 78 106 91 49 140 1,360 Subtotal 52 157 209 185 99 284 2,710 PARKING RELOCATION Hotel Employee Lotc 160 spaces 28 0 28 5 26 31 390 Shuttled 3 3 6 3 3 6 20 Subtotal 31 3 34 8 29 37 410 TOTAL PROJECT 83 160 243 193 128 321 3,120 a. Adjusted for multiple keys by increasing the trip generation by 20 percent. b. Includes the expansion in the spa use from 6,000 square feet to 22,000 square feet. The daily rate was taken from the SANDAG "Trip Generation" Manual. The use off-site was projected to be 10 percent. c. Based upon a 2.5 -hour morning count and a 3.5 -hour evening count at the hotel employee parking lot west of Avenida Obregon. d. Estimated number of shuttle trips based upon parking lot counts. 1. To ensure that a "worst case" condition was assessed, the trip generation forecast associated with the residential units was increased by 20 percent to address the potential for greater traffic impacts associated with their possible future use as lease -back hotel rooms. The 20 percent adjustment factor applied to increase the residential trip generation rate was developed to reflect the potential trip generation of 203 resort hotel rooms. IV -1 Appendix 2 details the process by which the 20 percent adjustment factor was developed and verified through a literature search of trip generation studies for similar destination resort hotels. When compared to the range in trip generation rates for four similar resort hotels surveyed by Austin -Foust (5.0 trips/ room/day to 6.4 trips/room/day), the trip generation rate utilized in Table IV -1 was found to be conservative and appropriate. The trip generation for Project Site #1 includes the expansion and relocation of the existing spa, as well as an adjustment for its potential use by off-site members. The trip generation forecast for Site #1 also takes into account the removal of 18 existing hotel rooms. As shown in Table IV -1, the trip generation forecast for the proposed changes in residential, hotel and spa uses on-site includes an increase of 2,710 daily trips. Of that total, 284 trips will occur during the evening peak hour (185 inbound and 99 outbound) and 209 trips are projected to occur during the morning peak hour (52 inbound and 157 outbound). Parking Lot Trip Generation The parking lot relocation proposed will not generate new trips except for those trips associated with the employee shuttle. However, it will cause a redistribution of 390 existing trips. Approximately 410 daily trips will be affected by the proposed change in parking lot location. Thirty-seven of those trips will occur during the evening peak hour and 34 will occur during the morning peak hour. Since the project consists of a relocation of an existing parking lot adjacent to Avenida Obregon, the vehicles entering and leaving the hotel employee parking lot were counted during six hours on April 29, 1997. The counts were made during the morning hours between 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM and during the evening hours between 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM. A total of 81 vehicles were parked in this lot at 6:00 AM. The number of parked vehicles observed in this lot increased to 111 by 6:30 AM, 131 by 7:00 AM, and peaked at 139 by 7:30 AM. The hotel maintenance parking area located adjacent to the hotel employee parking lot is currently being utilized to store equipment and material. No parked vehicles were observed in this parking area. As shown in Table IV -1, the existing parking area accommodates approximately 28 inbound trips during the morning peak hour of adjacent street traffic. During a typical weekday evening peak hour, a total of 5 inbound and 26 outbound trips occur at present at the employee parking area. It is estimated that the total number of trip -ends associated with the existing parking area on a typical weekday is 390 (195 inbound and 195 outbound trip - ends). The proposed project will also include approximately 6 shuttle bus trips during the morning peak hour, 6 shuttle bus trips during the evening peak hour, and approximately 20 shuttle bus trips on a daily basis, to transport the employees to their work area. Project -Related Trip Distribution and Assignment Traffic distribution is the determination of the directional orientation of traffic. It is based upon the geographical location of the site and land uses which will serve as trip origins and destinations. Traffic assignment is the determination of which specific routes project -related traffic will use, once the generalized traffic distribution is determined. The basic factors affecting route selection are minimizing time and distance. Other considerations might be the aesthetic quality of alternate routes, number of turning maneuvers, and avoidance of congestion. Site access locations directly affect the project traffic assignment. IV -2 Parking Area Traffic Distribution The project -related traffic distribution associated with the hotel employees destined to and from the existing parking areas was determined by interviewing the workers on April 29, 1997 as they entered the parking area. The primary routes currently utilized to access the employee parking area are Avenue 52 and Avenue 50. Secondary access routes include Highway 111 to Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive. The directional distribution of current trips to the existing hotel employee parking lot is shown in Figure IV -1. After the proposed employee parking lot is constructed, access on Eisenhower Drive will be restricted to right -turns. The employees will approach the parking lot from the south along Eisenhower Drive, as shown in Figure IV -2. The shuttle buses (included in Figure IV -2) that will transport the workers from the parking lot to their work areas will need to make a U-turn at Calle Tampico to approach the parking lot along Eisenhower Drive. Residentia0pa Traffic Distribution The traffic distribution for the residential area (including the spa relocation) is shown in Figure IV -3. The access for two residential clusters in Site #1 will be to the north along Avenida Obregon. One residential cluster will take access to the south along Avenida Obregon. The other three clusters will have access to the west onto Calle Mazatlan. The three clusters with access to Calle Mazatlan will ingress through the Avenida Fernando gate, but will egress through both the Avenida Fernando gate and the Calle Mazatlan gate. The existing 18 hotel units as well as the future spa relocation have access to the north along Avenida Obregon. Figure IV -4 presents project -related morning and evening peak hour and daily traffic volumes in the study area with the hotel employee parking area at its existing location. Figure IV -5 depicts the project -related peak hour and daily traffic volumes in the study area and incorporates the proposed residential uses, parking lot relocation and expansion, spa relocation, and adjustments for the removal of the existing hotel units. IV. B THROUGH TRAFFIC The estimated through traffic or non -site traffic for the year 1999 is shown in Figure IV -6. These traffic volumes were developed by applying a 10 percent annual growth rate for two years to adjust existing volumes to the project build -out year. Construction is anticipated to be completed by the end of 1999. IV. C TOTAL TRAFFIC Figure IV -7 shows the total traffic volumes within the study area upon project completion. The total peak hour volumes shown in Figure IV -7 were developed by first subtracting the existing on-site parking traffic (shown in Figure IV -4) from the 1999 Non -Site traffic volumes (depicted in Figure IV -6) and then adding the project -related traffic (shown in Figure IV -5). The regional growth factor applied to daily traffic volumes in the project vicinity were not applied to the streets west of Eisenhower Drive. Since the potential for future development in the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan is limited, the total daily traffic volume shown for Avenida Fernando, the main La Quinta Hotel entry, Avenida Obregon, and Calle Mazatlan reflect the existing traffic volumes shown in Figure III -4 rather than Figure IV -6 which includes a growth rate. The daily traffic volumes associated with complete development of The Enclave is discussed in Section VI. IV -3 Figure IV -1 Directional Distribution of Existing Parking Area Traffic 'Legend 100% Percent of Existing Parking Area Traffic Ir IV Engineering nue 0 T Scale: 1 " = 1100' r14 Figure IV -2 Directional Distribution of Proposed Parking Area Traffic iFVEndo Engineering 01 Legend 100% Percent of Proposed Parking Area Traffic Scale: 1 " = 1100' Figure IV -4 Existing Parking Area Traffic pC�ye ,fit} Fid rFt 0/0 0/0 0/0 00 0-* Kr Q r ��O 0/4� �?r Gate o P�e�e,a a o La Quinta 0 Hotel out Employee � Hotel Parking Lot (Bike #1) -p 0/0-+ cav 010 a Avenue Gate 190 50 Q +010 l 14/2 o Q 14/2 a 0/0 ��� 010 j oro o/os I + o/off o 0/13 ► a oro-. a a 0/0-+ 0/0-4 to/o ri o 0 C ? RS Q Avenida Montezuma 01 Legend t154/104 AM/PM Weekday Peak Hour Volume 5,000 Daily Volume Estimated from 1997 Parking Lot Counts inch Engineering Scale: 1 " = 1100' Figure IV -5 Proposed Site Traffic 4-154/104 AM/PM Weekday Peak Hour Volume 5,000 Daily Traffic Volume we iVndo Engineering Scale: 1 " = 1100' Figure IV -6 Estimated 1999 Non -Site Traffic Volumes fi ;;110 w o 0J1 t!0 41189 r' N Q 011a 28158 N �mC d� Gate p,4e o La <nlo0 1�a 0Quinta 100 HotelN O 8/25DL-. .92 C17/26L c enue 1 g Gate 2 820 50 3,450 -6015 CM C 00 w L56/13 127/120 &.4 32127 ' 0/0 .j 4 `� 20/65 T f' 49/1} 73l30J � !gt91/91 a 107/27-� 0101 36/18 t_(/0 100CMi o s N C csi �as Ca Avenida Montezuma legend ti54/104 AM/PM Weekday Peak Hour Volume 5,000 Daily Volume Estimated ITEndo Engineering Scale: 1" = 1100' Figure IV -7 Estimated Total Traffic Volumes e 0 Cm CD CO 'x-1/0 a o 011 1/0 63199 4 r' C a 46/48c. 740 1.600 Gate 8c �� 2 830 2g�4 P`1e Cl 1,950 C ' ~ T N Y o La rn er Quinta 1390_ N Hotel N 16/30-#'*' v s� _ N M..I a Cn25/31-j Avenue rip Gate 4.260 50 ,680 4 X60/5 C 1-56137 9D �9 o 119/140 r r r 32/27 22173 28170 49/1 J n ? t" 79135 go � ,n 116/114-• 120135 �Q. N 6/181 42/22 'Q LO 3/29 w CO CI- i © e_o YM Caom'] M �C CU 7 w Q 0 Avenida Montezuma Le end 1154/104 AM/PM Weekday Peak Hour Volume 5,000 Daily Traffic Volume FA ndo Engineering Scale: 1" = 1100' V. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS V. A SITE ACCESS The proposed project includes an update to the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan to permit the relocation of an existing parking area (for hotel employees) into a single new parking lot. The proposed paved parking lot will provide approximately 250 parking spaces to be constructed south of Avenue 50 and east of Eisenhower Drive. The existing parking area is located in relatively sensitive surroundings. The hotel employee parking lot can only be accessed by driving through the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Fernando and traveling south along Avenida Obregon, passing through the La Quinta Hotel grounds. Site #2 would take access at two locations. The Site #2 residential access would be gated and located directly opposite the existing median break and gated entry to the La Quinta Golf Club on Avenue 50. This intersection would provide full access (via left and right turns in and out) for residential traffic associated with Site #2. The employee parking Site #2 access would be located on Eisenhower Drive (south of Avenue 50) and be restricted to right -tum access. If adequate sight -distance can be shown, the access to the employee parking access may be modified to provide left -turn ingress when Eisenhower Drive is fully improved to a 4 -lane divided roadway. The shuttle vehicles will transfer up to 20 employees per vehicle from the proposed parking lot in Site #2 to their work areas. The shuttle buses will enter the parking lot by traveling northbound along Eisenhower Drive and turning right into the employee access. Since left - turn ingress will be prohibited, the shuttle buses will need to travel east on Avenue 50, south on Washington Street, and west on Avenue 52, in a large loop to approach the employee parking area from the south, or travel past the access and make a U-turn at Calle Tampico. In addition to the parking lot relocation, Amendment Number 4 to the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan includes the development of two residential areas and the relocation of the existing La Quinta Hotel health spa. The residential area in Planning Area I includes 7 residential clusters that will take access from three different directions. Two of the residential clusters will take access to the north along Avenida Obregon and Avenida Fernando. The relocated health spa will also have access to the north along Avenida Obregon. None of the access locations will require signalization. Each new access point will be controlled by stop signs on the minor legs. Five of the residential clusters will have access to the west onto Calle Mazatlan. These units will take ingress via the Avenida Fernando gate and egress from both the Avenida Fernando gate and the Calle Mazatlan gate. The residential area in Planning Area II is proposed south of Avenue 50 and east of Eisenhower Drive. Since the residential area is bounded by a golf course to the south, it will only have one access location (at the existing intersection of Avenue 50 and the La Quinta Golf Club entrance). This intersection will not warrant signalization and will be controlled by stop signs on the minor legs. V-1 V. B CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE AND IMPROVEMENT ANALYSIS Roadway capacity has been defined as the maximum number of vehicles that can pass over a given roadway during a given time period under prevailing roadway and traffic condi- tions. By comparison, levels of service are a relative measure of driver satisfaction, with values ranging from A (free flow) to F (forced flow). Levels of service (LOS) reflect a number of factors such as speed and travel time, traffic interruptions, vehicle delay, freedom to maneuver, driver comfort and convenience, safety and vehicle operating costs. Peak hour traffic creates the heaviest demand on the circulation system and the lane config- uration at intersections is the limiting factor in roadway capacity; consequently, peak hour intersection capacity analyses are useful indicators of "worst-case" conditions. The relationship between peak hour intersection capacity and levels of service is provided in Appendix 3 (Table B) for unsignalized intersections and Appendix 4 (Table C) for signalized intersections. The City of La Quinta has defined Level of Service "D" as the minimum adequate intersection service level during peak hours for planning and design purposes. Existing Traffic Conditions Two of the key intersections in the project vicinity (Eisenhower Drive @ Avenida Fernando and Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50) are controlled by a traffic signal. Two of the key intersections (Eisenhower Drive @ the La Quinta Hotel entry road and Avenue 50 @ the La Quinta Golf Club entry) are controlled by stop signs on the minor leg. The fifth intersection (Eisenhower Drive @ the proposed employee parking lot entrance) will be constructed in conjunction with the project, and will be controlled by a stop sign facing vehicles exiting on Eisenhower Drive. Existing Unsignalized Intersection Analysis The measure of effectiveness for unsignalized intersections is average total delay per vehicle. The 1994 update to the Highway Capacity Manual (TRB Special Report 209) includes an unsignalized intersection operational methodology which is the basis for determining unsignalized intersection delay. The two existing key unsignalized intersec- tions were evaluated with the methodology outlined in the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). A general discussion of this methodology is included in Appendix 3. The Highway Capacity Software (HCS) package is a direct computerized implementation of the 1994 HCM procedures, prepared under FHWA sponsorship and maintained by the McTrans Center at the University of Florida Transportation Research Center. HCS Release 2.1d was employed to assess the two unsignalized key intersections in the project vicinity. Computerized HCS worksheets for the unsignalized intersection analyzed are included in Appendix 3. Current average total delay per vehicle values and the corresponding level of service values for the two unsignalized key intersections are provided in Table V-1, assuming existing lane geometrics. As shown therein, both unsignalized key intersections currently operate at level of service A (LOS A) during both morning and evening peak hours. The average total intersection delay ranges from a low of 0.2 seconds/vehicle to a high of 0.6 seconds/ vehicle during the peak hour. LOS A at unsignalized intersections corresponds to average total delay values below 5.0 seconds/vehicle. V-2 Table V-1 Unsignalized Intersection Peak Hour Delay and LOS Summarya Unsignalized Intersection No -Prosect With Project Change In Intersection Move w/ Most Delay intersection JMove w/ Most Delay Intersection Dela /LOS Move Dela /LOS Dela /LOS I Move Dela /LOS Delay LOS Existing Conditions - 1997 Eisenhower Drive @ La Quinta Hotel Access - AM Peak Hour 0.2/A EBL 10.3/C Not Applicable — - - PM Peak Hour 0.5/A EBL 9.8/B Not Applicable — — Avenue 50 @ La Quinta Golf Club - AM Peak Hour 0.6/A SBL 5.1/13 Not Applicable — ----- - PM Peak Hour 0.4/A SBL 4.5/A Not Applicable — — Project Build -Out Year - 1999 Eisenhower Drive @ La Quinta Hotel Access - AM Peak Hour 0.2/A EBL 13.0/C 0.4/A EBL 14.0/C 0.2 No - PM Peak Hour 0.6/A EBL 12.7/C 0.8/A EBL 14.3/C 0.2 No Avenue 50 @ La Quinta Golf Club - AM Peak Hour 0.6/A SBL 5.58 1.2/A SBL 6.28 0.6 No - PM Peak Hour 0.4/A SBL 4.8/A 1.1/A SBL 6.18 0.7 No a. Delay=Average Total Delay (seconds/vehicle). SB=southbound lane. LOS was determined from the delay (0-5 sec./veh.=LOS A; 5-10 sec./veh: LOS B; 10-20 sec./veh.=LOS Q 20-30 sec./veh.=LOS D; 30-45 sec./veh.=LOS E; 45+ sec./veh. = LOS F) per 1994 HCM page 10-12. Based upon 1997 traffic volumes and intersection geometrics and the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual Unsignalized Operation Methodology implemented by the latest release (Version 2.1d) of the Highway Capacity Software (8/11/96). Appendix 3 includes all of the HCS unsignalized intersection peak hour worksheets. V-3 Table Noise Survey: Golf Maintenance Equipment N Ln Ln I Ln I I 25 65.1 61.9 52.2 2 63.3 60.4 49.9 58.0 8 43.9 61.5 57.5 46.5 50 55.4 50.3 42.4 25 65.1 61.9 52.2 Lmax 41.8 38.3 39.1 58.0 54.1 43.9 50 55.4 50.3 42.4 Le 57.1 53.1 43.6 Lmax 65.1 61.9 52.2 Lmax 41.8 38.3 39.1 C:%LOTS rM1M5MYV0RKC,0LFSURV.WK5 J. J. Van Houten & Associates Location: Maintenance facility Note: (A) Equipment Items 1 & 2 at 50' (B) Equipment Items 3, 4, 5, & 6 at 50' C Quiet ambient Date: April 23, 1996 Time, From: 12:45 am To: 1:35 pm Source Source of Noise: Maint. equipment at a distance of 50' from the line of travel SLM Height: 5 feet Noise Monitor LDL 812 S/N : AO 176 Fast ]Slow Calibration B & K 4230 S/N: 584757 Atmospheric Condition Time: 1:30 PM Wind Dir.: NIL Temp: 102 de.9 F Rel. Humidity: Low Operator. Van Houten Sheet I of 3 Table Noise Survey: Golf Maintenance Equipment Note: H I (J (K N I Ln I Ln Ln 25 73.9 75.5 72.4 72.1 2 8 73.3 7�.6 72.0 69.1 64.9 65.9 63.0 71.31 71.31 71.0 68.4 50 56.1 58.4 58.9 25 73.9 75.5 72.4 72.1 Lmax 44.0 40.1 45.4 64.9 64.9 65.9 63.0 50 56.1 58.4 58.9 55.6 Le 67.0 65.6 64.6-1 62.6 Lmax 73.9 75.5 72.4 72.1 Lmax 44.0 40.1 45.4 43.2 C:%LmS,rrB,23R5MVVORS,RV.WKS Location: Maintenance facility (H) Tractor, MF 255 at 50' (1) Tractor, MF 250 at 50' (J) Tractor, John Deer 5300 at 50' {K} Tractor, John Deer 850 at 50' Date: April 24, 1996 Time, Start at 4:45 am Source iurce of Noise: Maint. equipment a distance of 50' from the line of tr CSLM Height: 5 feet Noise Monitor x� LDL 812 S/N : AO176 ❑Fast L Slow Calibration X❑ B & K 4230 S/N: 584757 Atmospheric Condition Time: 07:30 am Wind Dir.: NIL Temp: 74 deg F Rel. Humidity: 35 % Operator. Van Houten J. J. Van Houten & Associates Sheet 3 of 3 NOISE SURVEY PROJECT: La Quinta Resort Maintenance Facility POSITION: 1 On site, 50' from Ave. 50; 2 On site at eastern property line; 3 On site at eastern property line; 4) On site at future res. property line DATE: 04/28/97 TIME: FROM Noted TO SOURCE OF NOISE: Traffic, birds DISTANCE TO SOURCE: Varies SLM HEIGHT: 5' NOISE MONITOR LDL 700 LDL 870 x LDL 812 SERIAL NUMBER: CALIBRATION B & K 4230 SERIAL NUMBER: ATMOSPHERIC CONDITION TIME OBSERVED: 16:30 WIND DIRECTION: nil SPEED: nil TEMPERATURE: 94 R.H.. DATA RECORD OF OPERATOR (S) JVH J.J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES SHEET OF POSITION #1 POSITION #2 POSITION #3 POSITION #4 TIME 16:00 TO 16:20 16:33 TO 16:43 16:45 TO 17:05 17:10 TO 17:30 N Ln Ln Ln Ln 1 2 66.9 51.1 50.0 54.1 8 61.1 45.7 45.1 52.4 10 25 51.9 43.0 43.0 49.9 50 44.0 41.1 41.4 46.5 90 99 Leg 56.2 44.8 42.8 48.5 Lmax 72.5 65.6 55.6 56.9 Lmin 37.5 36.7 35.8 38.5 NOISE SURVEY PROJECT: La Quinta Resort Maintenance Facility POSITION: 1 On site, 50' from Ave. 50; 2 On site at eastern property line; 3 On site at eastern property line; 4) On site at future res. property line DATE: 04/28/97 TIME: FROM Noted TO SOURCE OF NOISE: Traffic, birds DISTANCE TO SOURCE: Varies SLM HEIGHT: 5' NOISE MONITOR LDL 700 LDL 870 x LDL 812 SERIAL NUMBER: CALIBRATION B & K 4230 SERIAL NUMBER: ATMOSPHERIC CONDITION TIME OBSERVED: 16:30 WIND DIRECTION: nil SPEED: nil TEMPERATURE: 94 R.H.. DATA RECORD OF OPERATOR (S) JVH J.J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES SHEET OF r J.J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES NOISE SURVEY PROJECT: La Quinta Resort Maintenance Fa POSITION: 1) On site, 50' from Ave. 50; 2) On site at eastern proper line; 3) On site at eastern roe line; 4 On site at future res. property line DATE: 04/29/97 TIME: FROM Noted TO SOURCE OF NOISE: Traffic, birds DISTANCE TO SOURCE: Varies SLM HEIGHT: 5' NOISE MONITOR LDL 700 LDL 870 X LDL 812 SERIAL NUMBER: CALIBRATION B & K 4230 SERIAL NUMBER: ATMOSPHERIC CONDITION TIME OBSERVED: 06:00 WIND DIRECTION: SPEED: 0 TEMPERATURE: R.H.: DATA RECORD OF OPERATOR (S) JVH SHEET OF POSITION #1 POSITION #2 POSITION #3 POSITION #4 TIME 05:40 TO 05:55 05:58 TO 06:13 06:15 TO 06:30 06:32 TO 06:47 N Ln Ln Ln Ln 1 2 59.6 50.7 52.2 55.7 8 49.2 45.7 48.4 52.7 10 25 43.1 42.9 45.7 49.9 50 40.7 41.7 44.0 47.4 90 99 Leg 50.1 43.3 45.5 49.3 Lmax 70.3 54.2 57.2 57.6 Lmin 34.5 37.8 39.2 42.3 J.J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES NOISE SURVEY PROJECT: La Quinta Resort Maintenance Fa POSITION: 1) On site, 50' from Ave. 50; 2) On site at eastern proper line; 3) On site at eastern roe line; 4 On site at future res. property line DATE: 04/29/97 TIME: FROM Noted TO SOURCE OF NOISE: Traffic, birds DISTANCE TO SOURCE: Varies SLM HEIGHT: 5' NOISE MONITOR LDL 700 LDL 870 X LDL 812 SERIAL NUMBER: CALIBRATION B & K 4230 SERIAL NUMBER: ATMOSPHERIC CONDITION TIME OBSERVED: 06:00 WIND DIRECTION: SPEED: 0 TEMPERATURE: R.H.: DATA RECORD OF OPERATOR (S) JVH SHEET OF NOISE SURVEY PROJECT: La Quinta Resort Maintenance Facility POSITION: DATE: 04/29/97 TIME: FROM TO SOURCE OF NOISE: Noted DISTANCE TO SOURCE: Noted SLM HEIGHT: 5' NOISE MONITOR LDL 700 LDL 870 x LDL 812 SERIAL NUMBER: CALIBRATION B & K4230 SERIAL NUMBER: OBSERVED: DIRECTION: TUBE: DATA RECORD OF OPERATOR (S) JVH J.J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES SHEET OF Tractor @ 20' Honda 5.5 HP Lawnmower Passb 20' Tractor Idle @ 60' Lawnblower Passb 20' TIME TO TO TO TO N Ln Ln Ln Ln 1 2 73.7 67.6 56.1 80.0 8 73.2 67.1 56.0 80.0 10 25 71.4 66.9 55.6 79.5 50 70.2 66.6 55.2 77.9 90 99 Leq 70.1 66.4 55.3 78.0 Lmax 73.8 68.4 56.3 80.1 Lmin 56.5 64.4 54.4 73.9 NOISE SURVEY PROJECT: La Quinta Resort Maintenance Facility POSITION: DATE: 04/29/97 TIME: FROM TO SOURCE OF NOISE: Noted DISTANCE TO SOURCE: Noted SLM HEIGHT: 5' NOISE MONITOR LDL 700 LDL 870 x LDL 812 SERIAL NUMBER: CALIBRATION B & K4230 SERIAL NUMBER: OBSERVED: DIRECTION: TUBE: DATA RECORD OF OPERATOR (S) JVH J.J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES SHEET OF APPENDIX IV Analysis of Peak Hourly Noise Levels Table 1. Calculation of Composite Unmitigated Sound Level at the Existing Home to the East Reference Point (0, 0)- X Direction: Y Direction: MEASURED SOUND LEVELS Source' No. Description 1 Employee Parking Lot 2 Equipment Leaving 3 Tractors 4 Ambient 5 6 7 8 9 10 Northeast corner of vacant lot East-West North-South easuremen,11 125 H 250 H Dur 1000 H :2000 Flz Distance, ft 65 min, 62 61 50 53 50 5 75 67 61 50 58 20 80 75 68 50 60 5 56 48 53 - 40 30 37 34 28 UNMITIGATED RECEIVER SOUND LEVELS Source 5rc-R No. Description Distance. Receiver Position 1 Employee Parking Lot 2 Equipment Leaving 3 Tractors 4 Ambient 5 6 7 8 9 10 90 130 178 . . Monte# 63 Hz 125 H 250 H :_:500 H2 1000 H :2000 Flz 4000 Hi ..8000 H 65 65 61 62 61 57 53 50 77 75 67 61 61 58 55 50 80 75 68 60 60 60 56 48 53 48 40 40 39 37 34 28 dB(A' 65 67 67 44 .:ck 49 54 45 41 56 COMPOSITE: 65 62 55 51 50 47 44 39 Position ;: Unweightetf Octave _Band I HNL, dE3 jElev 63 H 125. H 250,H 50O.Hz 1000 H 2000 H 4000 H 8000 Hi, 20 -310 0 -70 -310 0 49 49 45 46 45 41 37 34 -110 -310 0 64 62 54 48 48 45 42 37 -120 -420 0 58 53 46 38 38 38 34 26 49 44 37 37 36 33 31 25 dB(A' 65 67 67 44 .:ck 49 54 45 41 56 COMPOSITE: 65 62 55 51 50 47 44 39 Table 2. Calculation of Composite Mitigated Sound Level at the Existing Home to the East BARRIER ATTENUATION 3urce No. Description Receiver: Barrier: Left end of barrier: Right end of barrier: Type (0 wall, 1 berm) 1 Employee Parking Lot 2 Equipment Leaving 3 Tractors 4 Ambient 5 6 7 8 9 10 nces Ht 5 6 L 38 52 4 78 52 9 107 71 4 MITIGATED RECEIVER SOUND LEVELS �urce No. Description 1 Employee Parking Lot 2 Equipment Leaving 3 Tractors 4Ambient 5 6 7 8' 9 10 Position Octave Band Barri Lj,dB,, 63 H4 Elev. 63 H 1267--H2 250 Hz 500 H 20 -310 0 40 40 39 33 27 22 58 0 48 42 42 -100 -980 48 40 33 33 0 0 44 37 37 36 -70 -310 0 -5 -5 -5 -6 -110 -310 0 -5 -5 -5 -6 -120 -420 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 Unweighted. Octave 'Band Htl. Lj,dB,, 63 H4 125 H 250 H 500 H 1000 H "2000.:H . 4000 ld '"8000.H 44 44 40 40 39 33 27 22 58 56 48 42 42 38 33' 251 53 48 40 33 33 32 27 17 49 1 44 37 37 36 33 31 25 W 42 47 39 41 COMPOSITE: 60 57 58 45 44 41 36 29 5Q Table 3. Calculation of Composite Unmitigated Sound Level at the Existing Home to the Southeast Reference Point (0, 0): Northeast corner of vacant lot X Direction: East-West Y Direction: North-South MEASURED SOUND LEVELS UNMITIGATED RECEIVER SOUND LEVELS Source No. Description Receiver Position Measuremen Distance, fl Dur rein - 63 H 125 H 63 H Measured 125 H Unweighted 250 H 1500 H Octave Band Leq, d6 : 1000 H 2000 H 4000 H -;: 8000.H A Leve dl3{A Source Description No. Employee Parking Lot 50 30 5 2 Equipment Leaving 65 65 61 62 61 61 57 53 61 58 55 50 50 65 67 1 2 Equipment Leaving 50 20 -850 0 77 72 77 80 75 75 67 68 60 60 60 56 48 67 3 Tractors 50 37 37 5 30 33 31 25 41 5 53 48 40 40 39 37 34 28 44 4 Ambient 6 7 5 8 6 9 7 COMPOSITE,82 _ :..4. 79 71 .65 65 63 60 54 1' 8 9 10 UNMITIGATED RECEIVER SOUND LEVELS Source No. Description Receiver Position Src-Re Distance, ft Position -100 Elev -850 0 63 H 125 H Unvreighted.Octave 250.:H 500 H Band HNL, 1000 H d[3'; :2000 H 4000 H $000 HzdB 1 Employee Parking Lot 541 -70 -310 0 34 34 30 31 30 26 221 19 34 2 Equipment Leaving 20 -120 -850 0 80 78 70 64 64 62 58 53 70 3 Tractors 20 -120 -850 0 77 72 65 57 57 57 53 45 64 4 Ambient 49 44 37 37 36 33 31 25 41 5 6 7 8 9 10 COMPOSITE,82 _ :..4. 79 71 .65 65 63 60 54 1' Table 4. Calculation of Composite Mitigated Sound Level at the Existing Home to the Southeast BARRIER ATTENUATION Source No. Description Distances 'Ht Position Octave Band Barrier Attenuation; dB 63 H S- '. B- 250 H2 500 H Elevj 63 Hz 125 H2 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 H 2O00 H2 4000 H . 8004, H 25 24 20 16 12 74 71 62 55 53 47 41 33 71 Receiver: 58 5 -100 -850 0 27 49 44 37 37 36 33 Barrier: 25 6 0 Left end of barrier: -110 0 Right end of barrier: -110 -980 Type (0 wall, 1 berm) 0 1 Employee Parking Lot 721 180 4 -70 -310 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -6 -6 2 3 Equipment Leaving Tractors 10 10 10 10 3 4 -120 -120 -850 -850 0 -6 0 -5 -6 -8 -6 -7 -9 -8 -12 -14 -10 -12 -17 -15 -20 -18 4 Ambient 5 6 7 8. 9 10 MITIGATED RECEIVER SOUND LEVELS Source' No. Description 1 Employee Parking Lot 2 Equipment Leaving 3 Tractors 4 Ambient 5 6 7 8 9 10 COMPOSITE: 28 60 56 41 76 12 64 56 54 49 43 35 62 Unweighted Octave Band' HNL dB tt 63 H 125 H2 250 H2 500 H ,:1000 Hi 2000 H2. 4000 H : 8000 H 29 29 24 25 24 20 16 12 74 71 62 55 53 47 41 33 71 66 58 49 48 45 38 27 49 44 37 37 36 33 31' 25 28 60 56 41 76 12 64 56 54 49 43 35 62 Table 5. Calculation of Composite Unmitigated Sound Level at the Nearest Future Homes Reference Point (0, 0): X Direction: Y Direction: MEASURED SOUND LEVELS Northeast corner of vacant lot East-West North-South Source No. Description Measuremenl Distance, ft Dur min Octave Banti HNI_j dB A -Leve Measured Unweighted Octave Rand Leq; d6 : A -Leve dB(A) 63 H2 125 H ,_ 250 H 500 H '.1000 Hz 2000 H 4000 Hz 8000 H2 1 Employee Parking Lot 50 4000 H 8000. H 5 65 65 61 62 61 57 53 50 65 2 Equipment Leaving 50 1 Employee Parking Lot 20 -70 77 75 67 61 61 58 55 50 67 3 Tractors 50 50 50 5 -130 -130 -580 -580 80 75 68 60 60 60 56 48 67 4 Ambient - 30 49 53 48 40 40 39 37 34 28 44 5 6j 6 7, 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 I COMPOSITE: 74 71 63 57 57 55 52 46 63 UNMITIGATED RECEIVER SOUND LEVELS Source Src-Re Position Unweighted Octave Banti HNI_j dB A -Leve No. Description Distance, ft dR F _ Y Elev 63 H 125 H 250 H 500 H 1000 H 20QO.H 4000 H 8000. H Receiver Position -180 -580 0 1 Employee Parking Lot 292 -70 -3101 0 39 39 35 36 35 31 27 24 39 2 Equipment Leaving 3 Tractors 50 50 -130 -130 -580 -580 0 72 0 69 70 64 62 57 56 49 56 54 49 49 50 45 45 37 62 56 4 Ambient 49 44 37 37 36 33 31 25 41 5 6j 7, 8 9 10 COMPOSITE: 74 71 63 57 57 55 52 46 63 FWl Figure 3-5 Coachella Valley Blowsand Region rt}esert Hot Li Sprin(]S iL. lxl� I, � '■ Blowsand Hazard Zone \ r^� — Active Blowsand Zone �� lei �r �'\ • Sky Valley ' - \ . Palm \ N. \ Springs - �\ ' \ \ \ ' Thousand \ Cathedral Palms \ - \ ; City • \ ij 1 I � • 1 I 1 1 '\ ;Rancho Palm Mirage_ Desert I Y . • 1� I Y , I i Indian ; ----I - ' Wells ; ;Coachella; . I I I , Project-----------I Site I I i VEndo Engineering Note: Derived from C.V.A.G. Blowsand Control and Protection Plan, June1977 Scale: 1" = 19,400' rig Traffic Signal Warrants The justification for the installation of a traffic signal at an intersection is based on the warrants adopted by Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration. There are 11 types of traffic signal warrants including one for minimum vehicular volume, interruption of continuous traffic, minimum pedestrian volume, school crossings, progressive movement, accident experience, systems organization, a combination of warrants, a four-hour volume warrant, a peak hour delay warrant, and a peak hour volume warrant. The installation of a traffic signal should be considered if one or more of the warrants is met; however, the satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily sufficient justification in and of itself for the installation of signals. Delay, congestion, approach conditions, driver confusion, future land use or other evidence of the need for right-of-way assignment beyond that which could be provided by stop signs must be demonstrated. Improper or unwarranted signal installations may cause: (1) excessive delay; (2) disobedience of the signal indications; (3) circuitous travel on alternate routes; and (4) increased accident frequency.1 Rural volume warrants (70 percent of the urban warrants) apply when the 85th percentile speed of traffic on the major street exceeds 40 mph in either an urban or a rural area, or when the intersection lies within the built-up area of an isolated community with a popula- tion under 10,000. All other areas are considered urban and urban warrants should apply. Peak hour traffic volume signal warrants were checked for both currently unsignalized key intersections and at the proposed access to the new parking lot proposed in Site #2. Rural warrants were applied to the three unsignalized key intersections because the existing speed of traffic on the major street exceeded 40 mph. To meet the one-hour signal warrant, the peak hour approach volume on the minor leg must exceed 75 vehicles per hour on a one - lane approach, and 100 vehicles per hour on a two-lane approach. Since the highest approach volume on the minor leg under existing, 1999 ambient, and 1999+project conditions never exceeded 78 vehicles (two-lane approach) in the peak hour, none of the unsignalized key intersections met the one-hour signal warrant. Refer to Appendix 5 for the signal warrant worksheets. Existing Signalized Intersection Analysis The measure of effectiveness for signalized intersections is average stopped delay per vehicle. The 1994 update to the Highway Capacity Manual includes a signalized intersec- tion operational methodology which is the basis for determining signalized intersection delay. The Highway Capacity Software (HCS) package is a direct computerized imple- mentation of the 1994 HCM procedures. HCS Release 2.4d was utilized to evaluate the one key signalized intersection in the project vicinity. The 1994 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) signalized intersection capacity and level of service methodology addresses the capacity and level of service of intersection approaches as well as the level of service of the intersection as a whole. The analysis is undertaken in terms of the ratio of demand flow rate to capacity (V/C ratio) for individual movements during the peak hour and the composite V/C ratio for the sum of critical movements or lane groups within the intersection. The level of service is determined based upon average stopped delay per vehicle. 1. Caltrans; Traffic Manual; Revised 3/1/95; pg. 9-1 and 9-2. V-4 Average stopped delay is the total time vehicles are stopped in an intersection approach during a specified time interval divided by the volume departing from the approach during the same time period. It does not include queue follow-up time (i.e. the time required for the vehicle to travel from the last -in -queue position to the first -in- queue position). A critical V/C ratio less than 1.00 indicates that all movements at the intersection can be accommodated within the defined cycle length and phase sequence by proportionally allocating green time. In other words, the total available green time in the phase sequence is adequate to handle all movements, if properly allocated. It is possible to have unacceptable delays (LOS F) while the V/C ratio is below 1.00 (when the cycle length is long, the lane group has a long red time because of signal timing and/or the signal progression for the subject movements is poor). Conversely, a saturated approach (with V/C ratio -2� 1.00) may have low delays if the cycle length is short and/or the signal progression is favorable. Therefore, an LOS F designation may not necessarily mean that the intersection, approach or lane group is overloaded and LOS A to LOS E does not automatically imply available unused capacity. The morning and evening peak hour levels of service were determined for the intersections of Eisenhower Drive @ Avenida Fernando and Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50 with the methodology outlined in the 1994 HCM. A brief discussion of this methodology is provided in Appendix 4, in conjunction with the corresponding LOS criteria and HCS worksheets. The current peak hour intersection delay, volume -to -capacity ratios, and levels of service for this intersection are provided in Table V-2. The intersections of Eisenhower Drive @ Avenida Fernando and Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50 currently provide acceptable operation (Level of Service B) during the morning and evening peak hours with existing intersection lane geometrics. Average stopped delay values range from 5.6 seconds/vehicle during the morning peak hour to 9.6 seconds per vehicle in the evening peak hour. LOS B corresponds to average stopped delay values between 5.0 and 15.0 seconds per vehicle. Year 1999 Ambient Traffic Conditions Unsignalized Intersection Analysis Table V-1 provides the unsignalized intersection average total delay per vehicle and LOS for year 1999 ambient conditions at the key unsignalized intersections. Table V-1 also includes the delay and LOS values for the key intersection movement with the most delay. Existing intersection lane geometrics were assumed for the year 1999 ambient scenario shown in Table V-1. It can be seen from Table V-1 that both of the key unsignalized intersections will operate at LOS A under 1999 ambient conditions. The 1999 ambient average intersection delay will either remain the same or increase by 0.1 second/vehicle when compared to existing 1997 conditions. The delay values for the movements with the most delay at the two key intersections will increase by up to 2.9 seconds when compared to existing conditions. Signalized Intersection Analysis The 1999 ambient LOS values shown in Table V-2, indicate that both signalized key inter- sections will provide acceptable operation (Level of Service B or better) during the morning and evening peak hours with 5.7 to 10.2 seconds of average stopped delay per vehicle. Existing intersection lane geometrics were assumed for the year 1999 ambient scenario. V-5 Table V-2 Signalized Intersection Peak Hour Delay and LOS Summarya Signalized Intersection No -Project With Project Change In Avg. Delay V/C LOS Avg. Delay V/C LOS Avg. Delay LOS (Sec.Neh.) Ratio (Sec./Veh.) Ratio (Sec./Veh.) Existing Condition (1997) Eisenhower Drive @ Avenida Fernando - AM Peak Hour 5.6 0.202 B Not Applicable — - - PM Peak Hour 6.1 0.192 B Not Applicable — — Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50 - AM Peak Hour 9.6 0.235 B Not Applicable — — - PM Peak Hour 6.9 0.188 B Not Applicable — — Project Build -Out Year (1999) Eisenhower Drive @ Avenida Fernando - AM Peak Hour 5.7 0.245 B 6.0 0.257 B 0.3 No - PM Peak Hour 6.2 0.233 B 6.6 0.278 B 0.4 No Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50 - AM Peak Hour 10.2 0.284 B 11.2 0.296 B 1.0 No - PM Peak Hour 7.0 0.228 B 7.6 0.239 B 0.6 No Average Delay = Average Stopped Delay (seconds per vehicle). Based upon the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual Signalized Operation Methodology implemented by the latest release (Version 2.4d) of the Highway Capacity Software (8/11/96). See Appendix 4 for the signalized intersection HCS worksheets. V-6 Year 1999+Project Traffic Conditions Unsignalized Intersection Analysis Table V-1 provides the unsignalized intersection average total delay per vehicle and LOS for 1999+project conditions at both key unsignalized intersections. Table V-1 also includes the delay and LOS values for the key intersection movement with the most delay. Existing intersection lane geometrics were assumed for the 1999+project scenarios shown in Table V-1. It can be seen from Table V-1 that both of the key unsignalized intersections will continue to operate at LOS A under 1999+project conditions. At the two unsignalized key intersec- tions that currently exist, the average intersection delay will increase by up to 0.7 second/vehicle when project -related traffic is added to the 1999 non -site traffic volumes. Signalized Intersection Analysis Average stopped delay values shown in Table V-2 for 1999+project conditions during peak hours will range from 6.0 seconds/vehicle to 11.2 seconds/vehicle. The average stopped delay during peak hours at the intersections of Eisenhower Drive @ Avenida Fernando and Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50 will increase by up to 1.0 second/vehicle during the evening peak hour when compared to year 1999 ambient conditions. The 1999+project LOS values shown in Table V-2, indicate that both signalized key inter- sections will continue to provide acceptable operation (Level of Service B) during the morning and evening peak hours. Existing intersection lane geometrics were assumed for the 1999+project scenario. V-7 VI. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS VI. A SITE ACCESSIBILITY The access locations to Site #2 have adequate capacity for the uses proposed. The residential gated entry will be constructed along the south side of Avenue 50. The access to the employee parking lot will be constructed along Eisenhower Drive, south of Avenue 50. Additional access provisions may be required by the Fire Department for emergency access. The existing lane geometries at the key intersections are shown in Figure VI -1. The recommended lane geometries at the key intersections are shown in Figure VI -2. Site #2 Employee Parking Lot Access The access to the employee parking lot will be located along Eisenhower Drive, between Avenue 50 and the bridge located adjacent to the south boundary of Site #2. Because of the slight elevation associated with the bridge, this access will need to be offset from the bridge to ensure adequate sight -distance. The employee parking lot access will be restricted to right turns only to minimize the potential for traffic impacts on Eisenhower Drive. A raised median or striping with raised pavement markers will be needed along the centerline of Eisenhower Drive to prevent left -turn access. If adequate sight -distance can be provided, the employee parking lot access may be modified to allow left -turn ingress when Eisenhower Drive is fully widened to a four -lane divided roadway. Site #2 Residential Access The residential area proposed in Planning Area lI is located south of Avenue 50 and east of Eisenhower Drive. The proposed residential area will only have one access location, at the existing intersection of Avenue 50 and the La Quinta Country Club entrance. This gated access is projected to operate at acceptable levels of service without signalization and will be controlled by stop signs on the minor legs. The residential access on Avenue 50 will be located opposite the existing median break for the La Quinta Golf Club entry (approximately 270 feet east of Eisenhower Drive). The residential site access will allow left -turn and right -turn ingress and egress. A new westbound left -turn pocket will be constructed in the raised median at the residential site access. This access point should include a means for vehicles that enter by mistake to turn around and exit without activating the gate. Site #I Residential Access The residential area proposed in Planning Area I includes 7 residential clusters that will have adequate access from three different directions. Two of the residential clusters will take access to the north along Avenida Obregon and Avenida Fernando. The relocated health spa will also have access to the north along Avenida Obregon. None of the access locations will require signalization. Each new access point will be controlled by stop signs on the minor legs. Five of the residential clusters will take access from Calle Mazatlan. These units will take ingress via the Avenida Fernando gate and egress from both the Avenida Fernando gate and the Calle Mazatlan gate. VI -1 Figure VI -1 Existing Lane Geometrics ��ndo Engineering Exclusive Right -Turn Lane •--- Through Lane Exclusive Left -Turn Lane Optional Through/Right Lane Optional Through/Left Lane Optional Right/Left Lane iue Scale: 1" = 1100' 7 Figure VI -2 Required Lane Geometrics endo Engineering Exclusive Right -Turn Lane <— Through Lane Exclusive Left -Turn Lane E� Optional Through/Right Lane Optional Through/Left Lane �— Optional Right/Left Lane Scale: 1 " =1100' Daily Traffic Volumes on Local Streets As shown in Figure IV -5, the proposed project will add 800 daily trips to Avenida Fernando and 230 daily trips to Avenue 50 (assuming exclusive ingress from Avenida Fernando). Under year 1939+project conditions, the daily traffic volumes along Avenida Fernando will increase to 2,900 ADT, and daily traffic volumes along Calle Mazatlan will increase to 3,680 ADT just west of Eisenhower Drive. Although most of the potential development west of Eisenhower Drive associated with the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan will be completed with the proposed Specific Pian Amendment, there are up to 60 additional lots to be developed within The Enclave. Assuming a daily trip generation rate of 7.5 trips per dwelling (approved by the City of La Quinta for country club residential uses), full development of The Enclave could add up to 450 daily trips to Avenida Fernando. When these future trips are added to the daily volumes shown on Figure IV -7, the daily traffic volume at the Avenida Fernando gate could reach 2,400 ADT during the peak season (assuming full occupancy). Daily traffic volumes on Avenida Fernando east of Avenida Obregon could reach 3,350 ADT during the peak season. Alternate Access Although visitors to the new development in Site #1 adjacent to Calle Mazatlan will be directed to enter by the Avenida Fernando gate, they will not be prevented from utilizing the Calle Mazatlan gate. If project -related traffic were assigned to the nearest gate, the number of vehicles coming to Site #1 via the Calle Mazatlan gate would equal the number of vehicles exiting the site on a daily basis. Therefore, the daily volume at the Avenida Fernando gate would decrease by 230 vehicles per day, and the traffic volume at the Calle Mazatlan gate would increase by 230 vehicles per day. A shift of 230 vehicles per day from Avenida Fernando to Calle Mazatlan would not have a significant impact at any of the key intersections or change any of the recommended mitigation measures. Therefore an HCS analysis for the alternative project loading was not performed. Capacity of Two -Lane Streets Although collector streets and local streets are both two-lane undivided roadways, their daily capacities are quite different. Two-lane streets can carry more traffic if they are built to function as collector streets rather than local streets. The capacity of a collector street is determined by the "physical"' ability of the roadbed to carry traffic. The capacity of a local street is determined by the "environmental" capacity of the roadway, which reflects the need to reduce traffic in areas where vehicles back out of driveways and pedestrian activity occurs. The "environmental" capacity incorporates consideration of the character of the existing residential development in the area, public safety concerns such as emergency access and bicycle and pedestrian hazards, and the perception of area residents that high environmental standards should be set to maintain their quality of life. The "environmental" capacity is lower than the physical capacity because it takes into account the existence of direct residential frontage and pedestrian activity. A residential street must also serve the needs of the people who live on the street. Their concerns typically include: (1) being able to safely ingress and egress their property, (2) safe pedestrian travel along and crossing the street, (3) safety for school -aged children, (4) noise and air pollution. VI -2 Two-lane collector streets have the primary purpose of intercepting traffic from intersecting local streets and carrying these vehicles to the nearest major street. Collector streets typically include two travel lanes with limited access control (e.g. no direct residential frontage where vehicles back out of driveways onto the roadway). Collector streets have a curb -to -curb widths of 40 to 50 feet, typically without a median. The La Quinta General Plan indicates that collector streets have a capacity of approximately 13,500 ADT. This "physical" capacity represents the volume of traffic that the roadbed can physically accommodate without unacceptable delay. Two-lane local streets are designed primarily to provide access to abutting properties with the movement of traffic given secondary importance. Local streets include direct residential frontage on one or both sides of the street where vehicles back onto the roadway. This direct residential access and the presence of pedestrians and children at play typically reduces the carrying capacity of local residential streets. Local streets have curb -to -curb widths of 36 to 40 feet without a median. Two-lane roadways which do not fit within the arterial or collector classifications are considered local streets. The La Quinta General Plan indicates that local streets have a capacity of 3,000 vehicles per day. This capacity is not a "physical" capacity based on unacceptable delay but rather a perceived or "environmental" capacity. Compliance of Local Streets with General Plan Capacities Access to the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area is primarily provided by two roadways, Calle Mazatlan and Avenida Fernando. Although the function of these roadways is similar to that of a collector, Calle Mazatlan and Avenida Fernando are constructed with curb -to - curb widths of 36 feet (except where Calle Mazatlan flares to 80 feet in width west of Eisenhower Drive and east of Avenida Obregon). Therefore, Calle Mazatlan and Avenida Femando may be considered local streets with an environmental capacity of 3,000 ADT (except Calle Mazatlan west of Eisenhower Drive). As shown in Figure IV -7, Calle Mazatlan will have a peak season daily traffic volume of 1,330 ADT near Avenida Fernando under Year 1999+project conditions. East of Avenida Obregon, where the roadway widens to approximately 80 feet, Calle Mazatlan will have a peak season daily traffic volume of 2,160 ADT under year 1999+project conditions. At the Calle Mazatlan gate west of Eisenhower Drive, the peak season daily traffic volume is projected to reach 3,680 ADT. Other than the proposed project, there is little potential for future development to increase the traffic volume on Calle Mazatlan. As shown in Figure IV -7, Avenida Fernando has a projected daily traffic volume of 1,950 .ADT west of Avenida Obregon under year 1999+project conditions, and 2,900 ADT west of Eisenhower Drive. With full development of The Enclave and full occupancy, the daily traffic at the gate could increase to 2,400 ADT, and the daily volume west of Eisenhower Drive could increase to 3,350 ADT. The only roadway link projected to exceed 3,000 ADT under year 1999+project conditions is Calle Mazatlan (west of Eisenhower Drive). Since the segment of Calle Mazatlan (with 80 feet of roadbed) west of Eisenhower Drive functions as a collector, Calle Mazatlan will be operating well below the General Plan collector street capacity of 13,500 vehicles per day. Further to the west where Calle Mazatlan narrows to a 36 -foot curb -to -curb width, Calle Mazatlan will have a total daily traffic volume of 2,160 ADT (72% of the 3,000 ADT environmental capacity). Avenida Fernando, between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Drive, will be carrying volumes approaching the 3,000 ADT environmental capacity under year 1999+project peak VI -3 season and full occupancy conditions. With buildout of The Enclave, this segment of Avenida Fernando is projected to exceed the environmental capacity for a local street by approximately 11.7 percent. Although daily traffic volumes on Avenida Fernando may exceed its 3,000 vehicle -per -day capacity under buildout peak season full occupancy conditions, this condition will seldom occur. Furthermore, Avenida Fernando (between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Drive) is located adjacent to a commercial land use (the La Quinta Hotel) and primarily serves through traffic, with limited direct access. The limited residential frontage allows forward facing entry onto Avenida Fernando, rather than forcing residents to back out of their driveway onto the roadway. This segment of Avenida Fernando provides 36 feet of pavement curb -to -curb and should be considered a sub -standard (curb -to -curb width less than 40 feet) collector street. The 3,000 vehicle -per -day capacity established for local residential streets should not apply to the portion of Avenida Fernando between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Drive. Guard Gate Operations Access to the residential area adjacent to the La Quinta Resort, as well as a portion of the La Quinta Hotel, is restricted by two guard gates. Both the guard gate on Calle Mazatlan, (immediately west of Eisenhower Drive), and the guard gate on Avenida Fernando (immediately west of Avenida Obregon) are manned 24 hours per day. Both gates provide two ingress lanes and one egress lane. The function of the guard gate is to restrict access to only those people who have a valid reason for visiting the site, and to identify all visitors for security purposes. Motorists utilizing the gates include: (1) residents, (2) visitors to the hotel, (3) visitors to the golf course, and (4) visitors to the residential area. Residents of Santa Rosa Cove, The Enclave, and the Tennis Villas are identified by a sticker, and the residents are waved through the right entry lane at each gate with a minimum of delay. Although the majority of the traffic at the Avenida Fernando gate (approximately 90 percent) is related to residents, the majority of the traffic at the Calle Mazatlan gate is related to the hotel and the golf course. Visitors to the hotel are currently provided a color -coded day pass, but typically pass through the left entry lane to verify their name, vehicle license number, and hotel room. Since the golf courses are open to the public, anyone who wishes to visit one of the golf courses, may pass through the gate using the left entry lane after the guard records their name and vehicle license number. When residents anticipate guests, the names of the visitors are left with the guard, and are verified when the visitors arrive. Calle Mazatlan Gate The left ingress entry lane to the Calle Mazatlan gate currently allows three cars to queue between the guard gate and Eisenhower Drive. When the queue extends longer than 3 cars, it either extends into the travel lane along Eisenhower Drive, or it extends to the north, potentially blocking access to the resident's right entry lane. The queue for the left entry lane periodically exceeds 3 cars (particularly under peak season conditions) at present. Visitors to the hotel represent approximately one-half of the vehicles utilizing the left entry lane. Although a color -coded pass is provided to each guest, the hotel guests are routinely queued at the guard gate to allow the vehicle license number, visitor's name, and reservation number to be obtained by the guard. Although the right to enter the gate is VI -4 demonstrated by possessing a color -coded pass, the security personnel need to be able to identify vehicles within the resort area.. If the reservation numbers were always clearly identified on the color -cooled passes when they were issued, and the passes were visible S within the parked car, the hotel guests could utilize the .right entry lane and reduce the I demand for the left entry lane. i Since visitors to the golf course do not have to pre -register to visit the golf course, data on each car must be individually recorded to maintain security. However, the process is fairly simple and can be completed within 30 to 45 seconds per car. When there are visitors to the residents of the area, their names are checked against a list of anticipated visitors. If clearance was properly requested prior to the arrival, the visitors can be admitted within a 30 to 45 second time interval. If the clearance was for the wrong day, or was not obtained, the guard is required to call the residence and request clearance. This process can require several minutes to complete. Fortunately, this does not happen very often. The Calle Mazatlan gate has a significant number of vehicles drive up that are looking for the La Quinta Hotel. Visitors often miss the entry on Eisenhower Drive, and drive up to the guard house for directions. These motorists contribute to the queue in the left entry lane. Since the right entry lane is waved through, there is no appreciable delay (except when the right entry lane is blocked by a queue from the left entry lane). When this occurs, the guards attempt to direct traffic to clear the right entry lane and allow the residents to enter without delay. Traffic counts were taken in August during the morning and evening peak traffic hours at the Calle Mazatlan gate. The highest peak hour approach volume counted was 48 vehicles from 7:15 AM to 8:15 AM. Assuming a random arrival time, a 45 -second average processing time, and that 90 percent of the traffic utilizes the left entry lane, the queue of vehicles will extend 3 cars or less 91 percent of the time (see the worksheet in Appendix 6). If it is assumed that the traffic to the golf course and the hotel currently represents only 60 percent of the peak season, the arrival rate at the left entry gate increases to 72 vehicles per hour. Assuming a random arrival time and a 45 -second average processing time, the queue of vehicles will be 3 cars or less only 34 percent of the time, and will be greater than 10 cars 32 percent of the time. However, during peak periods, a second guard typically assists with the processing, and the average processing time diminishes. Assuming a random arrival time and a 30 -second average processing time, the queue of vehicles will be 3 cars or less 87 percent of the time during the peak season. With the addition of project - related traffic in the left entry lane, the queue of vehicles will be 3 cars or less 45 percent of the time during the peak season. If the hotel guest passes have a reservation number marked on the card, the hotel guests could be passed through the right entry gate. The arrival rate to the left entry lane would be substantially reduced, and the queue of vehicles will be 3 cars or less 96 percent of the time during the peak season. The addition of project -related traffic would not impact the queue in the left entry lane, and would have a negligible impact at the gate. Avenida Fernando Gate Although visitors to the hotel with guest passes are allowed through the Avenida Fernando gate, this seldom occurs. This gate is not utilized as an access to the golf courses. VI -5 Consequently, almost all of the current use (approximately 90 percent) is related to the existing residents of The Enclave, the Tennis Villas, and Santa Rosa Cove. The residents are provided stickers for their windshields, and are waved through the gate in the right entry lane. The traffic through the Avenida Fernando gate was counted during morning and evening peak hours in August. The highest peak hour volume recorded was 24 vehicles during the hour beginning 7:45 AM. Because residents are waved through, there is almost no delay and almost never a queue in the right entry lane (even with adjustments for increased volumes for the peak season).1 Since the Avenida Fernando gate does not currently serve a significant amount of golf course or hotel traffic, there is almost never a queue. Once the project traffic is added to the left entry (assuming "worst case" with the entire ingress from Avenida Fernando to the 84 units in Site #1), the queue of vehicles will be 3 cars or less 94 percent of the time during the peak season. However, when the queue extends more than 3 cars, the queue could interfere with traffic through the intersection of Avenida Fernando and Avenida Obregon. If the hotel guest passes consistently have a reservation number marked on the color -coded card, the hotel guests could be passed through the right entry gate. There would be a minimal amount of traffic in the left entry lane, and the project would have a negligible impact at the gate. Guard Gate Recommendations There are two different types of mitigation that would reduce the vehicular queuing at the Calle Mazatlan guard gate. One mitigation would be to provide additional reservoir space for vehicles to queue without backing out onto Eisenhower Drive. The entry gates could be relocated to provide additional stacking room for vehicles entering by the left entry lane. Although this can reduce the time that queues of vehicles extend through the intersection by up to 10 percent, the expected improvement is relatively minor. A second type of mitigation involves a change in procedures at the guard gate. During peak hours a second guard is often utilized to reduce the average vehicle processing time. However, the second guard can be called away to handle other security problems which results in sizable queues of vehicles. If a second guard were always available to help process vehicles during the peak hours, most of the vehicle queuing concerns would be eliminated. Reducing the average processing time from 45 seconds to 30 seconds by utilizing a second guard could result in a 53 percent reduction in queues longer than 3 vehicles under peak season conditions. An even greater improvement could be achieved by having the hotel always include a reservation number on the guest passes. This would allow the hotel guests to utilize the right entry lane at the guard gate, and achieve a 62 percent reduction in queues longer than 3 vehicles. The signage for the La Quinta Hotel should also be upgraded to include signs at the Calle Mazatlan gate directing motorists to the north. Often it is unusual events that cause queues of vehicles to form. For example, when the second guard is called away and the first guard is occupied with trying to contact a resident to verify a visitor, a queue can quickly form. When a car or delivery truck enters the wrong lane, and the guard must direct traffic to permit the vehicle to maneuver into the correct lane, a queue can form. 1. The traffic study assumed that the residential area in August was at 20 percent of full occupancy. i rVI. B TRAFFIC IMPACTS The following circulation impacts are associated with the proposed project: 1. The proposed project will replace the 177± off-street parking spaces that currently exist in the hotel employee and landscape maintenance parking lots associated with the La Quinta Resort with approximately 250 spaces in a new parking lot. As a result, construction -related traffic will be generated in the vicinity of the new parking lot, following project approval and continuing until project completion. 2. A total of approximately 410 daily trip -ends are projected to be associated with the proposed parking lot in Site #2 on a typical weekday, with 31 inbound and 3 outbound trips during the morning peak hour and 8 inbound and 29 outbound trips during the evening peak hour of adjacent street traffic. These trips will be permanently re-routed from the existing parking area, a process that will reduce traffic volumes along some existing site access routes while increasing traffic on other routes in the study area. 3. The trip generation forecast for the proposed changes in residential, hotel and spa uses on-site includes an increase of 2,710 daily trips. Of that total, 284 trips will occur during the evening peak hour (185 inbound and 99 outbound) and 209 trips are projected to occur during the morning peak hour (52 inbound and 157 outbound). 4. The redistribution of hotel employee traffic will reduce traffic volumes on two-lane streets through existing La Quinta Hotel guest accommodation areas, but increase employee traffic volumes along segments of Eisenhower Drive south of Avenue 50 (a master planned four -lane divided primary arterial that is a designated truck route). 5. Construction of additional residential units will increase traffic volumes through the internal streets of the La Quinta Resort including Calle Mazatlan, the La Quinta Hotel main access, Avenida Fernando, and Avenida Obregon. 6. All four of the existing key intersections will provide LOS B or better operation (acceptable levels of service) in 1999 with or without the proposed project. The peak hour levels of service provided at all four existing key intersections will be the same upon project buildout as they are today (LOS A or LOS B). The fifth key intersection (an Eisenhower Drive south of Avenue 50) does not exist today, and will be restricted to right -turn only access. 7. All of the key intersections evaluated currently operate, and will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service with or without the project. Although the proposed project would create a minor change in the year 1999 peak hour intersection delay (up to 1.0 second/vehicle), the change would not be sufficient to change the level of service at any of the key intersections. 8. Following implementation of the mitigation measures associated with the proposed Amendment Number 4 to the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan, the proposed project will have a less -than -significant impact on all roads and intersections within the study area. VI -7 VI. C OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED 1. No off-site improvements are required to achieve adequate levels of service at the key intersections under year 1999+project conditions. VI. D COMPLIANCE WITH GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION POLICIES Consistency with City policies and standards relating to circulation will depend, to some extent, upon the final site design adopted as well as the Conditions of Approval attached to the project. However, the project appears to comply with General Plan policies and standards, as outlined below. 1. The proposed project is consistent with and will implement the La Quinta Circulation Element by funding and constructing roadway improvements along the south side of Avenue 50 and the east side of Eisenhower Drive adjacent to the project site per City requirements. 2. The project proponent has commissioned an evaluation of potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed Amendment Number 4 to the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan prior to project approval and implementation of appropriate mitigation measures per City requirements. 3. The traffic analysis indicates that key intersections in the study area will operate at LOS B or better during peak hours (which complies with the minimum Level of Service D specified by the City of La Quinta to ensure that traffic delays are kept to a minimum). 4. The project will provide sufficient off-street parking to replace any parking spaces to be eliminated. 5. The residential Site #2 access shall be located opposite an existing median break on Avenue 50 (approximately 270 feet east of Eisenhower Drive) per City Policy 3- 3.1.3. 6. The proposed internal parking lot layout and site access design shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and the Community Development Department during the development review process to insure compliance with City street access guidelines and intersection design standards developed to ensure traffic safety per City policies. 7. The existing transit stop adjacent to Site #2 on the south side of Avenue 50 shall be replaced with a covered bus shelter in conjunction with roadway improvements along the south side of Avenue 50 associated with development of Site #2. 8. The La Quinta General Plan includes a policy that the capacity of local streets be established as 3,000 ADT to reflect the environmental concerns of adjacent residents and pedestrians. Although Avenida Fernando and Calle Mazatlan are local streets in some portions of the La Quinta Resort, they function as collector streets in areas where they are projected to carry more than 3,000 ADT under peak season full occupancy buildout conditions. VII. RECOMMENDATIONS VII. A SITE ACCESS/CIRCULATION PLAN The following mitigation measures are recommended on-site to reduce potential circulation impacts associated with the proposed project. The proposed parking lot shall include approximately 250 paved parking spaces and no fewer than the number of parking spaces being eliminated from the existing offstreet parking lots (approximately 177 spaces). 2. The La Quinta Hotel has six shuttle vehicles available at present that can accommodate up to 20 passengers per vehicle. These shuttles shall be utilized to transport employees between the new parking lot and the hotel, and other work areas at the La Quinta Resort, as needed. 3. The project shall include lane geometric improvements at the one access point proposed in Planning Area H as shown in Figure VI -2. These include a raised median on Eisenhower Drive to prevent left -turn access. 4. Clear unobstructed sight distances shall be provided at the access locations proposed for Planning Area H. 5. The proposed site access design shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and the Community Development Department during the development review process to insure compliance with City access and design standards. 6. If the Fire Department requires secondary or emergency access for the residential development proposed in Planning Area 11, it shall be provided. 7. Provisions shall be made to accommodate pedestrians on Avenida Fernando between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Drive. Several options are available, subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer and the Community Development Department. A walkway shall be provided via striping on the pavement and/or installation of a sidewalk on Avenida Fernando. Planning Area H Residential Development Area Recommendations The following mitigation measures should be implemented in conjunction with development of the residential areas within Planning Area II. Avenue 50 shall be fully improved adjacent to Planning Area II by adding curbs and gutters to the south side of the roadbed, as required by the City. 2 . The existing transit stop adjacent to Planning Area II on the south side of Avenue 50 shall be replaced with a covered bus shelter in conjunction with roadway improvements along the south side of Avenue 50 associated with residential development of Site #2. VII -1 F 3 . The site access proposed on Avenue 50 opposite the existing median bream for the entry to the La Quinta Golf Club (located approximately 270 feet east of Eisenhower Drive) shall be gated, allowed full access, and controlled by stop signs on the minor legs. This access point shall include a means for vehicles that enter by mistake to turn around and exit without activating the gate. Guard Gate Queuing Recommendations 1. The hotel should always include a reservation number on the guest passes to allow the hotel guests to utilize the right entry lane at the guard gate. This mitigation would in and of itself effectively eliminate all project -related traffic impacts at the guard gates. Other mitigation strategies that would reduce current and future vehicular queuing impacts include the following: 1. A second guard should always be available during peak traffic hours to process vehicles in the left entry lane. 2. Hotel guests that arrive before their room is ready and visit the golf clubhouse should be given gate passes and instructed to use the right entry lane to minimize delays at the guard gate. 3. A map should be provided with each hotel guest pass, and gate instructions should be printed on the back of the guest pass that direct hotel guests to use the right entry lanes at the gated entries and prominently display guest passes in vehicles. 4. Signage should be provided at the gated entries indicating that residents and hotel guests with passes should use the right entry lane. 5. If the procedural changes identified above are implemented but the queue of vehicles in the left entry lane continues to extend longer than three vehicles, the guard gate at Calle Mazatlan should be relocated westerly to provide as much stacking distance for vehicles as possible and minimize the potential for queues of vehicles extending out onto Eisenhower Drive. VII. B ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS On -Site Roadway Improvement Recommendations When adjacent development occurs, Avenue 50 shall be fully improved adjacent to the site by adding curbs, gutters and streetlights, as required by the City. Modification of the raised median shall be undertaken to provide a westbound left -turn pocket at the access to the residential area in Planning Area II. The existing transit stop adjacent to Planning Area II (on the south side of Avenue 50) shall be replaced with a covered bus shelter in conjunction with roadway improvements along the south side of Avenue 50 associated with development of the residential uses proposed. Eisenhower Drive shall be improved adjacent to Planning Area II by adding additional pavement, curbs, gutters to the east side of the roadbed, as required by the City. LNiia Off -Site Roadway Improvement Recommendations Areawide improvements to the circulation network will not be required with or without the project to accommodate year 1999 peak hour traffic demands. VII. C TSM ACTIONS The La Quinta Hotel has six shuttle vehicles available at present that can accommodate up to 20 passengers per vehicle. These shuttles will be utilized to transport employees between the new proposed parking lot and the hotel, and other work areas at the La Quinta Resort, as needed. VII -3 Appendix 1 1997 TRAFFIC COUNT DATA 7', r r Appendices 1. 1997 Traffic Count Data 2. Development of Residential Trip Generation Adjustment Factor 3. HCM Unsignalized Intersection Methodology and Worksheets 4. HCM Signalized Intersection Methodology and Worksheets 5. Traffic Signal Warrants 6. Guard Gate Stacking Worksheet CITY OF LA QUINTA EISENHOWER DRIVE / AVENIDA FERNANDO TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT AM / PM PEAK HOURS APRIL 1997 25424 Jaclyn Avenue • Moreno Valley, CA • 92557 0� 0 10 100 zo A 0� O A COUNTS UNLIMITED 7TTY OF LA QUINTA 25424 JACLYN AVENUE Site Code : 00093719 I 'IS:EISENHOWER MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W:FERNANDO 909-247-6716 File I.D. LAQFE7AM ('"ATHER:SUNNY/WINDY Page 1 TOTAL VOLUME EISENHOWER FERNANDO EISENHOWER FERNANDO Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Total ite04/24/97 ------------- .•-----------------•. --- --------- ----- —--- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------ --- .,ak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 "plume 3 156 80 1 0 1 57 445 2 32 0 22 accent 1% 65% 33% 50% 0% 50% 11% 88% 0% 59% 0% 41% ex total 239 2 504 54 ,Highest 07:45 07:15 07:30 07:00 I)lune 0 50 29 1 0 1 11 129 0 9 0 7 1 total 79 2 140 16 PHF .76 .25 .90 .84 rERNANDO EISENHOWER 80 • 156 • 3 32 445 1 80 156 3 478 �--- 239 ' �-------- 717 ' 57 0 137 80 32 32 191 0 0 54 22 22 • TOTAL VOLUME 1 2 0 7 1 Intersection Total 3 799 5 0 2 FERNANDO 1 0 1 683 1 57 156 22 179 57 EISENHOWER 50� 4 445 445 COUNTS UNLIMITED "CITY OF LA QUINTA 25424 JACLYN AVENUE Site Code : 00093719 1N/S:EISENHOWER MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W:FER1{ANDO 909-247-6716 File I.D. : LAQFE7AM WEATHER:SUNNY/WINDY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME EISENHOWER FERNANDO EISENHOWER FERNANDO Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Total Date04/24/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------_-----.---------------------..-------------------------- 07:00 2 35 20 0 0 0 14 92 1 9 0 7 180 07:15 1 35 16 1 0 1 13 114 1 11 0 5 198 07:30 0 36 15 0 0 0 11 129 0 4 0 5 200 07:45 0 50 29 0 0 0 19 110 0 8 0 5 221 Zr Total 3 156 80 1 0 1 57 445 2 32 0 22 799 08:00 0 27 16 1 0 1 7 84 1 13 0 7 157 08:15 0 27 11 0 0 0 10 66 0 5 0 9 128 08:30 1 29 16 1 0 2 12 79 0 8 0 1 149 08:45 0 26 3 0 0 1 7 61 1 10 0 7 136 Hr Total 1 109 66 2 0 4 36 290 2 36 0 24 570 -------------------------------------------------------------------- *TOTAL* 4 265 146 I 3 0 5 1 93 735 4 I 68 0 46 1 1369 PeakHour AnalysisByIndividual Approach for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 07:00 08:00 07:00 08:00 Volume 3 156 80 2 0 4 57 445 2 36 0 24 Percent 1% 65% 33% 33% 0% 67% 11% 88% 0% 60% 0% 400 Pk total 239 6 504 60 Highest 07:45 08:30 07:30 08:00 Volume 0 50 29 1 0 2 11 129 0 13 0 7 Hi total 79 3 140 20 PHF .76 .50 .90 .75 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 Volume 3 156 80 1 0 1 57 445 2 32 0 22 Percent 1% 65% 33% 50% 0% 50% 11% 88% 0% 59% 0% 41% Pk total 239 2 504 54 Highest 07:45 07:15 07:30 07:00 Volume 0 50 29 1 0 1 11 129 0 9 0 7 Hi total 79 2 140 16 PHF .76 .25 .90 .84 COUNTS UNLIMITED f QTY OF LA QUINTA 0 0 25424 JACLYN AVENUE Site Code : 00093719 S: EISENHOWER 1 1 MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W: FERNANDO 0 909-247-6716 File I.D. : LAQFE4PM (RFATHER:SUNNY/WINDY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME EISENHOWER FERNANDO EISENHOWER FERNANDO T Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound I Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Total ( ite 04/24/97 ---------------- -..------------------ —---------------------------- —,------------ —------ —-------- ----------------- -,..-- !ak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 Unlume 1 363 45 0 1 0 21 219 0 69 1 45 rcent 0% 89% 11% 0% 100% 0% 9% 91% 0% 600 1% 39% rn total 409 1 240 115 Highest 17:15 17:00 17:30 17:00 lure 1 99 10 0 1 0 7 62 0 24 1 11 . total 110 1 69 36 PHF .93 .25 .87 .80 t I EISENHOWER �I riRNANDO 45 • 363 45 363 1 69 219 0 1 288 I 409 i 1 697 21 1 67 45 69 69 182 1 1 115 45 45 mfolf.1W'MUM Intersection Total 765 64$ 0 • 21 363 45 408 21 EISENHOWER 240 219 219 2 FERNANDO 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 FERNANDO 1 1 0 COUNTS UNLIMITED :ITY OF LA QUINTA 16:00 25424 JACLYN AVENUE 16:15 Site Code : 00093719 (/S: EISENHOWER 17olume 1 363 MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 0 2 29 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W: FERNANDO 69 1 49 909-247-6716 89% 11% 60% 0% File I.D. : LAQFE4PM EATHER:SUNNY/WINDY 88% 0% 58% 1% 41% Pk total 409 Page : 1 251 TOTAL VOLUME Highest 17:15 EISENHOWER 16:00 FERNANDO 16:30 EISENHOWER FERNANDO 17:00 Southbound 99 Westbound 2 0 Northbound Eastbound 65 0 24 Left Thru Right I Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Total )ate 04/24/97 ----------------- 36 ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHF .93 .31 16:00 0 67 7 2 0 2 12 42 1 23 0 16 172 on 04/24/97 16:15 0 86 12 0 0 0 7 48 0 10 0 9 172 .6:30 0 75 10 1 0 0 5 65 0 16 0 14 186 0 16:15 0 85 12 0 0 0 14 53 0 5 Q 9 188 0% Rr Total 0 313 41 3 0 2 38 208 1 64 0 48 718 .7:00 0 87 8 0 1 0 3 56 0 24 1 11 191 17:15 1 99 10 0 0 0 4 47 0 14 0 15 190 1.7:30 0 84 13 0 0 0 7 62 0 18 0 9 193 0 .7:45 0 95 14 0 0 0 7 54 0 13 0 10 191 69 Hr Total 1 363 45 0 1 0 21 219 0 69 1 45 765 TOTAL* -- 1�-676 86 3 1 2 59 427 1 133 1 93 1483 leak Hour Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 17:00 16:00 16:15 16:30 17olume 1 363 45 3 0 2 29 222 0 69 1 49 )ercent 0% 89% 11% 60% 0% 40% 12% 88% 0% 58% 1% 41% Pk total 409 5 251 119 Highest 17:15 16:00 16:30 17:00 Jolume 1 99 10 2 0 2 5 65 0 24 1 11 I total 110 4 70 36 PHF .93 .31 .90 .83 )eak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 Volume 1 363 45 0 1 0 21 219 0 69 1 45 ?ercent 0% 89% 11% 0% 100% 0% 9% 91% 0% 60% 1% 39% Pk total 409 1 240 115 Highest 17:15 17:00 17:30 17:00 Jolume 1 99 10 0 1 0 7 62 0 24 1 11 1i total 110 1 69 36 PHF .93 .25 .87 .80 i t CITY, OF LA QUI NTA EISENHOWER DRIVE /GATE ENTRY TO CLUB TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT - - 'AM / PM PEAK HOURS APRIL 1997. O N N A V %4 V a 10 O %0 _ N ' A CO O� O A — 25424 Jaclyn Avenue • Moreno Valley, CA • 92557 COUNTS UNLIMITED ?ITY OF LA QUINTA 0 25424 JACLYN AVENUE Site Code : 00093708 /S:EISENHOWER 6 MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W:GATE ENTRY TO CLUB 0 13 909-247-6716 File I.D. : LAQEI7AM REATHER:SUNNY/WINDY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME EISENHOWER EISENHOWER GATE Southbound Northbound Eastbound Thru Right Left Thru Left. Right Total ate04/24/97-----------------------_-----------_--_-_-_-----------------_---_---_--_----__-_-----_-----_-_--_-_,...--------------_ aak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 07:00 07:00 07:00 luee 160 11 9 506 6 13 rcent 94% 6% ra 2% 98% 320 68% rS total 171 515 19 Highest 07:45 07:30 07:15 blue 51 4 1 144 4 6 i total 55 145 10 PHF .78 .89 .48 DATE 9 0 20 11 6 6 0 13 13 EISENHOWER 11 • 160 6 506 0 11 160 0 512 ' 171 ' ' 683 ' 39 IJ TOTAL VOLUME Intersection Total 705 r- 688 0 9 160 13 173 9 EISENHOWER 515 - • 506 506 0 I- 1 1 `ITY OF LA QUINTA IS: EISENHOWER E/W:GATE ENTRY TO CLUB rEATHER:SUNNY/WINDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EISENHOWER EISENHOWER GATE Southbound Northbound Eastbound Thru Right Left Thru Left Right Total ry 04/24/97----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTS UNLIMITED 25424 JACLYN AVENUE MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 909-247-6716 TOTAL VOLUME Site Code : 00093708 Start Date: 04/24/97 File I.D. LAQEI7AM Page : 1 07:00 36 3 0 106 0 1 146 Q7:15 38 0 3 127 4 6 178 17:30 35 4 1 144 1 2 187 0:45 51 4 5 129 1 4 194 Hr Total 160 11 9 506 6 13 705 '8:00 34 2 4 86 5 4 135 08:15 30 4 5 78 1 4 122 18:30 27 3 3 89 5 2 129 8:45 31 2 4 67 1 0 105 Hr Total 122 11 16 320 12 10 491 - TOTAL* 282 22 1 25 826 1 18 23 ( 1196 leak Hour Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: Peak start 07:00 07:00 07:15 "olume 160 it 9 506 11 16 lercent 94% 6% 2% 98% 41% 59% A total 171 515 27 Highest 07:45 07:30 07:15 lolume 51 4 1 144 4 6 Ji total 55 145 10 PHF .78 .89 .68 leak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: Peak start 07:00 07:00 07:00 'lolume 160 11 9 506 6 13 >ercent 94% 6% 2% 98% 32% 68% Pk total 171 515 19 Highest 07:45 07:30 07:15 lolume 51 4 1 144 4 6 I total 55 145 10 PHF .78 .89 .48 07:00 to 09:00 on 04/24/97 07:00 to 09:00 on 04/24/97 COUNTS UNLIMITED ITY OF LA QUINTA EISENHOWER 25424 JACLYN AVENUE Site Code : 00093708 .,IS: EISENHOWER 19 MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W: GATE ENTRY TO CLUB 909-247-6716 File I.D. : LAQEI4PM EATHER:SUNNY/WINDY 356 0 237 Page : 1 394 TOTAL VOLUME _-_-_.___-_-----_„___EISENHOWER -- --_ _ EISENHOWER (GATE Southbound Northbound (Eastbound Thru Right Left Thru I Left Right Total Rate 04/24/97 ----------- ------------------------------------------------,.__---------,.___--------___-----------.__----_-----_--____-- ,eak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 17:00 17:00 17:00 uolume 356 38 26 218 19 20 lercent 90% 10% 11% 89% 49% 51% Pk total 394 244 39 Highest 17:15 17:45 17:00 'olume 97 8 8 61 7 6 .ii total 105 69 13 PHF .94 .88 .75 GATE 26 TOTAL VOLUME 0 64 38 19 19 103 EISENHOWER 39 38 - 356 19 20 218 0 38 356 0 237 ' 394 ' 631 -� 26 TOTAL VOLUME 0 64 38 19 19 103 Intersection Total 677 F— 620 0 26 356 20 376 26 EISENHOWER 244 - 218 218 C K 0 0 39 20 20 Intersection Total 677 F— 620 0 26 356 20 376 26 EISENHOWER 244 - 218 218 C K 0 ITY OF LA QUINTA IS: EISENHOWER E/W: GATE ENTRY TO CLUB EATHER:SUNNY/WINDY COUNTS UNLIMITED 25424 JACLYN AVENUE MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 909-247-6716 TOTAL VOLUME Site Code : 00093708 Start Date: 04/24/97 File I.D. : LAQEI4PM Page : 1 EISENHOWER 16:00 EISENHOWER GATE "olume 356 38 20 242 Southbound Northbound Eastbound 48% 52% Thru Right Left Thru Left Right Total rate 04/24/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17:00 olume 97 8 4 67 7 6 I 16:00 68 4 6 52 9 8 147 0:15 92 4 5 57 1 2 161 5:30 74 4 4 67 3 4 156 1: 5 88 8 5 +66 2 7 176 Hr Total 322 20 20 242 15 21 640 _7:00 83 11 8 47 7 6 162 17:15 97 8 7 49 6 6 173 7:30 87 7 3 61 5 3 166 1:45 89 12 8 61 1 5 176 Hr Total 356 38 26 218 19 20 677 xTOTAL* 678 --58 1 46 460 1 34 41 I 1317 aak Hour Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: Peak start 17:00 16:00 16:45 "olume 356 38 20 242 20 22 ercent 901 10% 8% 92% 48% 52% Pk total 394 262 42 Highest 17:15 16:30 17:00 olume 97 8 4 67 7 6 ..i total 105 71 13 PHF .94 ----------------------------------------------------- .92 .81 eak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: Peak start 17:00 17:00 17:00 "olume 356 38 26 218 19 20 ercent 90% 10% 11% 89% 490 51% rk total 394 244 39 Highest 17:15 17:45 17:00 olume 97 8 8 61 7 6 _i total 105 69 13 PHF .94 .88 .75 16:00 to 18:00 on 04/24/97 16:00 to 18:00 on 04/24/97 CITY'OF LA QUINTA . AVENUE 50 / STREET JUST EAST OF EISENHOWER TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT AMTPM PEAK HOURS APRIL 1997 O� X O 0 N A' co O • A 25424 Jaclyn Avenue • Moreno Valley, CA • 92557 COUNTS UNLIMITED ITY OF LA QUiNTA 25424 JACLYN AVENUE Site Code : 00093728 /S: SIDE STREET MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W: 50TH AVENUE 909-247-6716 File I.D. LAWAM WEATHER: SUNNY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------____-__--____-__--_---_-----___-__---- 50TH AVENUE 50TH AVENUE Southbound Westbound Eastbound Left Right Thru Right Left Thru Total -ate 04/24/97 -------- —-------------- —--------------------------------------------------- _..------------ ---_-------------___------ eak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 07:00 07:00 07:00 .Voluae 4 9 98 46 38 70 ercent 31% 69% 68% 32% 35% 65% A total 13 144 108 Highest 07:00 07:15 07:00 oluee 0 4 21 19 15 16 i total 4 40 31 PHF .81 .90 .87 0 • 9 4 38 0 46 0 9 0 4 84 0 ' 13 ' 97 ' 46 jOTH AVENUE 46 0 TOTAL VOLUME - 98 107 98 9 144 98 38 38 215 218 0 70 70 108 Intersection Total 4 265 74 70 0 0 50TH AVENUE 0 0 COUNTS UNLIMITED ITY OF LA QUINTA 25424 JACLYN AVENUE Site Code : 00093728 /S: SIDE STREET MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W: 50TH AVENUE 909-247-6716 File I.D. : LAWAH EATHER: SUNNY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50TH AVENUE 150TH AVENUE Southbound Westbound lEastbound Left Right I Thru Right I Left Thru I Total ate04/24/97 -------- ------------- —---------------------- ------------------ --.----- ------------- ----------------------- ---------- 07:00 0 4 19 18 15 16 72 n7:15 3 1 21 19 14 15 73 7.30 1 3 25 5 6 24 64 0:45 0 1 33 4 3 15 56 Hr Total 4 9 98 46 38 70 265 8:00 1 1 20 3 3 15 43 08:15 1 0 25 2 4 17 49 '8:30 2 1 24 3 3 13 46 8:45 1 1 is 2 4 10 33 Hr Total 5 3 84 10 14 55 171 ------------------------------------------------------- ` ...POTAL* 9 12 1 182 56 1 52 125 1 436 eak Hour Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 07:00 07:00 07:00 "olume 4 9 98 46 38 70 ercent 31% 69% 68% 32% 35% 65% vk total 13 144 108 Highest 07:00 07:15 07:00 olume 0 4 21 19 15 16 .i total 4 40 31 PHF .81 .90 .87 eak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 07:00 07:00 07:00 jlolume 4 9 98 46 38 70 ,ercent 31% 69% 68% 32% 35% 65% A total 13 144 108 Highest 07:00 07:15 07:00 olume 0 4 21 19 15 16 i total 4 40 31 PHF .81 .90 .87 COUNTS UNLIMITED [TY OF LA QUINTA 93 25424 JACLYN AVENUE Site Code : 00093728 IS: SIDE STREET 1 1 MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W: 50TH AVENUE 909-247-6716 File I.D. : LAQ4PM ATHER:SUNNYg Pa e TOTAL VOLUME __ ___ __W_____ 6 --------------------------------------------------------------- 50TH AVENUE 50TH AVENUE 11 Southbound Westbound Eastbound 17 Left Right Thru Right Left Thru Total 04/24/97-------------------------------____-----__---_-__-----------__------------_--_-___----__-__-_-___---_-___-------_--___ ��te ?ak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 04/24/97 Peak start 16:00 16:00 16:00 'Zoluse 11 6 93 4 1 70 ?rcent 65% 35% 96% 4% 1% 99% rk total 17 97 71 $ighest 16:30 16:45 16:00 (Am 7 4 25 2 1 23 _i total 11 27 24 PHF .39 .90 .74 60TH AVENUE 0 93 99 6 11 1 1 1 70 70 0 0 0 6 11 1 0 4 6 0 11 5 17 r i ON TOTAL VOLUME 170 71 Intersection Total 185 4 4 93 93 178 0 11 81 70 0 50TH AVENUE COUNTS UNLIMITED ITY OF LA QUINTA 25424 JACLYN AVENUE Site Code : 00093728 IS: SIDE STREET MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 Start Date: 04/24/97 E/W: 50TH AVENUE 909-247-6716 File I.D. LAQ4PM 7 THER:SUNNY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50TH AVENUE 50TH AVENUE Southbound Westbound Eastbound Left Right Thru Right Left Thru Total -ate 04/24/97.•------------------------------------,.-_-_____---------------------------________------------------------------------ 16:00 0 1 25 0 1 23 50 16:15 0 0 26 0 0 14 40 6:30 7 4 17 2 0 22 52 a4:45 4 1 25 2 0 11 43 Hr Total it 6 93 4 1 70 185 1:00 2 1 8 0 0 8 19 17:15 4 4 17 0 1 15 41 '7:30 4 1 14 0 1 11 31 1:15 a 3 13 1 0 37 37 Hr Total 13 9 52 1 2 51 128 .TOTAL* 24 15 1 145 5 1 3 121 1 313 oak Hour Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: Peak start 16:30 16:00 16:00 S7olume 17 10 93 4 1 70 ercent 63% 37% 96% 40 1% 99% rk total 27 97 71 Highest 16:30 16:45 16:00 olume 7 4 25 2 1 23 i total 11 27 24 PHF .61 .90 .74 ------------------------------------------- oak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: Peak start 16:00 16:00 16:00 volume 11 6 93 4 1 70 ercent 65% 35% 960 4% 1% 99% ,k total 17 97 71 Highest 16:30 16:45 16:00 olume 7 4 25 2 1 23 i total 11 27 24 PHF .39 .90 .74 16:00 to 18:00 on 04/24/97 16:00 to 18:00 on 04/24/97 CITY OF LA QUINTA EISENHOWER DRIVE /AVENUE 50 TURNING- MOVEMENT COUNTS AM / PM PEAK HOURS AUGUST 12, 1997 10 0 N f A V O� V 25424 Jaclyn Avenue - Moreno Valley, CA - 92557 a x O �O N A 0% A ITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Code : 00096708 f /S: EISENHOWER 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 12/W: AVENUE 50 File I.D. LQEI50AM WEATHER: SAY Page 1 TOTAL VOLUME EISENHOWER AVENUE 50 EISENHOWER AVENUE 50 Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Total Date08/12/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------.._-_------------_-_--_--------_------------------ reak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 08/12/97 ?eak start 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 Volume 13 63 20 it 16 31 8 315 22 12 16 6 Aercent 14% 66% 21% 19% 28% 53% 2% 91% 6% 35% 47% 18% I total 96 58 345 34 Highest 07:30 07:30 07:30 07:00 Volume 4 19 5 3 5 10 2 97 4 4 4 3 1i total 28 18 103 11 .)HF .86 .81 .84 .77 AVENUE 50 EISENHOWER 20 63 - 13 20 63 13 ' 96 ' 1 454 ' 31 31 TOTAL VOLUME 16 58 16 11 109 11 Intersection Total 13 533 51 16 22 AVENUE 50 12 315 31 358 8 16 44 20 12 12 78 16 16 34 6 6 �— 425 11 8 63 6 80 8 EISENHOWER 345 � 315 - 315. CITY OF LA QUINTA 07:15 COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. 07:15 Site Code : 00096708 i/S: EISENHOWER Volume 12 83 23 11 17 909.247.6716 8 315 22 17 Start Date: 08/12/97 u/W: AVENUE 50 Percent 10% 70% 19% 19% 29% 52% 2% 91% 6% File I.D. : LQEI50AM WEATHER: SUNNY 11% Pk total 118 58 345 Page : 1 i., Highest 08:00 TOTAL VOLUME 07:30 07:30 y .----------------------------------------------..__---------_---_-_________----_--_------_-____--_--_--__-----------__-_---_--------- EISENHOWER 08:00 AVENUE 50 Volume 4 EISENHOWER AVENUE 50 3 5 10 2 Southbound 4 9 Westbound 1 Northbound Eastbound 18 Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Total .81 Date08/12/97-_-.�---------------------------------------------------------_-----_--_------------------__----_-_----__a.-_---_-__ .84 .73 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: l )7:00 4 12 1 2 1 7 4 68 8 4 4 3 118 07:15 3 14 8 S 5 7 1 68 5 2 7 1 126 16 07:30 4 19 5 3 5 10 2 97 4 3 3 0 155 19% )7:45 2 18 6 1 5 7 1 82 5 3 2 2, W Hr Total 13 63 20 11 16 31 8 315 22 12 16 6 533 )8:00 4 19 7 2 2 6 1 61 3 9 2 1 117 Volume 4 J8:15 6 18 6 2 1 1 1 63 4 3 4 1 110 08:30 1 25 4 4 0 6 1 65 9 3 1 1 120 )8.-45 1 21 6 6 3 3 1 48 6 0 6 2 103 Ir Total 12 83 23 14 6 16 4 237 22 15 13 5 450 -------------------------------------------------- tTOTAL* 25 146 43 1 25 22 47 M------- 1 12 552 44 1 27 29 11 1 983 Peak Hour Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 08/12/97 Peak start 08:00 07:15 07:00 07:15 Volume 12 83 23 11 17 30 8 315 22 17 14 4 Percent 10% 70% 19% 19% 29% 52% 2% 91% 6% 49% 40% 11% Pk total 118 58 345 35 Highest 08:00 07:30 07:30 08:00 Volume 4 19 7 3 5 10 2 97 4 9 2 1 Hi total 30 18 103 12 PHF .98 .81 .84 .73 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 08/12/97 Peak start 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 Volume 13 63 20 11 16 31 8 315 22 12 16 6 Percent 14% 66% 21% 19% 28% 53% 2% 91% 6% 35% 47% 18% Pk total 96 58 345 34 Highest 07:30 07:30 07:30 07:00 Volume 4 19 5 3 5 10 2 97 4 4 4 3 Hi total 28 18 103 11 PHF ,86 .81 .84 .77 CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Code : 00096708 /S: EISENHOWER 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 /W: AVENUE 50 File I.D. : LQEI50PH WEATHER: SUNNY Page : 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VOLUME EISENHOWER AVENUE 50 EISENHOWER AVENUE 50 Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Total Date08/12/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 Feak eak start 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 Volume 13 289 12 36 4 7 4 150 9 5 4 3 percent 4% 92% 4% 77% 90 15% 2% 92% 6% 42% 33% 250 k total 314 47 163 12 nighest 17:30 17:15 17:30 17:00 5 82 1 10 1 4` 0 45 2 2 1 1 ,Voluiae total 88 15.89 7 4 .78 I .87 .75 ►VENUE 50 EISENHOWER 12 289 13 5 150 7 12 289 13 162 L— 314 476 } 4 4 20 12 5 5 32 4 4 12 3 3 7 7 TOTAL VOLUME 4 47 4 36 73 36 Intersection Total 13 536 26 4 9 AVENUE 50 �-•------ 491 36 4 289 3 328 4 EISENHOWER 163 150 150 CITY OF LA QUINTA 16:45 COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. 16:00 Site Code : 00096708 71/S: EISENHOWER Volume 13 289 12 909.247.6716 7 7 4 150 Start Date: 08/12/97 JW: AVENUE 50 6 10 -'ercent 4% 92% 4% 74% 13% 13% File I.D. : LQEI50PH WEATHER: SUNNY 6% 50% 19% 31% 'k total 314 53 Page : 1 F 163 32 TOTAL VOLUME Highest 17:30 ----..---------------------------E EISENHOWER ----------------------------- 17:30 -----------------------------------------------------__----- AVENUE50 Volume 5 Southbound 1 'Westbound 4 2 Northbound Eastbound 2 7 2 4 Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Total Date08/12/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 SHF .89 .74 .6:00 6 44 2 5 1 3 1 23 3 2 2 3 95 16:00 to 16:15 3 62 7 6 4 6 0 27 4 7 2 4 132 4.6:30 6 46 7 2 0 2 2 30 1 5 1 1 103 36 6:45 1 67 3 12 4 2 1 20 4 2 1 2 119 92% Hr Total 16 219 19 25 9 13 4 100 12 16 6 10 449 7:00 4 58 5 5 1 0 1 38 0 2 1 1 116 X7:15 2 70 3 10 1 4 2 30 1 1 1 1 126 17:30 5 82 1 12 1 1 0 45 2 1 2 1 153 0 7:45 3 9 1 2 1 37 6 1 0 0 141 ,r Total 13 289 12 36 4 7 4 150 9 5 4 3 536 .-------------------------------------------- !TOTAL* 29 508 31 1 61 13 ---------------- 20 1 8 250 21 1 21 10 13 1 985 leak Hour Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 beak start 17:00 16:45 17:00 16:00 Volume 13 289 12 39 7 7 4 150 9 16 6 10 -'ercent 4% 92% 4% 74% 13% 13% 2% 92% 6% 50% 19% 31% 'k total 314 53 163 32 Highest 17:30 16:45 17:30 16:15 Volume 5 82 1 12 4 2 0 45 2 7 2 4 Ii total 88 18 47 13 SHF .89 .74 .87 .62 Weak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 )eak start 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 Volume 13 289 12 36 4 7 4 150 9 5 4 3 ')ercent 4% 92% 4% 77% 9% 15% 2% 92% 6% 42% 33% 25% I total 314 47 163 12 Highest 17:30 17:15 17:30 17:00 Volume 5 82 1 10 1 4 0 45 2 2 1 1 1i total 88 15 47 4 ?HF .89 .78 .87 .75 r.• CITY OF LA QUINTA AVENIDA OBERGON / AVENIDA FERNANDO TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS AM / PM PEAK HOURS AUGUST 12, 1997 0� a X O .O 40 N - A - OD O� O A 25424 Jaclyn Avenue: Moreno Valley, CA • 92557 ITY OF LA QUINTA 0 COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Code : 00096727 rJS: AVENIDA OBERGON 6 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 2/W: AVENIDA FERNANDO File I.D.: LQAOAFAH WEAK; SUNNY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME AVENIDA FERNANDO AVENIDA OBERGON __________________- AVENIDA FERNANDO Westbound Northbound Eastbound Left Thru Left Right Thru Right Total Date08/12/97 --------------------_--_--____------_---_-_--___--_-----------___---------------_---_________--________--_---__--__.-_- leak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 08/12/97 4,eak start 07:45 07:45 07:45 Volume -16 24 2 6 11 2 ryercent 40% 60% 25% 75% 85% 15% 1k total 40 8 13 Highest 08:30 08:00 08:30 "olune 5 9 1 3 5 1 ` �i total 14 4 6 11HF .71 .50 .54 K 0 1VENIDA FERNANDO 0 2 TOTAL VOLUME 24 26 24 0 40 24 0 16 39 57 16 11 11 13 2 2 Intersection Total 61 r-- 26 16 2 0 2 18 2 AVENIDA OBERGON 8 - 0 AVENIDA FERNANDO 0 17 11 6 AVENIDA FERNANDO CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Code : 00096727 /S: AVENIDA OBERGON 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 /W: AVENIDA FERNANDO File I.D. LQAOAFAM WEATHER: SUNNY Page 1 TOTAL VOLUME AVENIDA FERNANDO AVENIDA OBERGON AVENIDA FERNANDO Westbound Northbound Eastbound Left Thru Left Right Thru Right Total Date08/12/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__-_-__---------------- 30% 700 86% 14% k total 40 7:00 1 5 0 1 1 0 8 07:15 4 4 0 1 3 0 12 47:30 1 4 0 0 3 0 8 7:45 5 5 0 1 2 0 13 ur Total 11 18 0 3 9 0 41 8:00 5 3 1 3 3 1 f 16 �_3:15 1 7 0 1 1 0 10 08:30 5 9 1 1 5 1 22 3:.45 2 3 11 2 3 0 11 ,, Total 13 22 3 7 12 2 59 COTAL* 24 40 3 10 21 2 100 eak Hour Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 08/12/97 yak start 07:45 08:00 08:00 Volume 16 24 3 7 12 2 ^3rcent 40% 60% 30% 700 86% 14% k total 40 10 14 highest 08:30 08:00 08:30 Volume 5 9 1 3 5 1 i total 14 4 6 .a .71 .62 .58 ------------------------------------------------------------ eak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 08/12/97 :ak start 07:45 07:45 07:45 Volume 16 24 2 6 11 2 Dercent 40% 60% 25% 75% 85% 15% R total 40 8 13 highest 08:30 08:00 08:30 Volume 5 9 1 3 5 1 total .71 .50 .54 CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Code : uuvio/L/ S: AVENIDA OBERGON 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 W: AVENIDA FERNANDO File I.D. : LQAOAFPM WEATHER: SUNNY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME AVENIDA FERNANDO AVENIDA OBERGON AVENIDA FERNANDO 0 Westbound Northbound Eastbound Left Thru Left Right Thru Right Total Date08/12/97__..__..»__..___________________.,.._____..__.._.._-..-___..__-.._..__..____-_____,._..___..-....________.._..__...__.____.._,._______..____ :ak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 ;.ak start 16:30 16:30 16:30 Volume 5 13 1 7 19 0 ?"yxcent 28% 72% 12% 88% 100% 0% total 18 8 19 1111 Nighest 16:30 16.30 16:45 Vpluae 2 6 0 4 6 0 L total 8 4 6 �. JF .56 .50 .79 VENIDA FERNANDO 1 13 14 0 0 33 19 19 19 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL VOLUME 13 18 13 5 44 5 Intersection Total 0 45 26 19 7 AVENIDA FERNANDO 112 5 1 0 0 51 ------ 1 AVENIDA OBERGON 8 0 -ITY OF LA QUINTA 5 it 1 1 COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Code : 00096727 /S: AVENIDA OBERGON ._._-1_____22 3 ___ I 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 ..JW: AVENIDA FERNANDO 0 1 77 0 -lercent 32% File I.D. : LQAOAFPM WEATHER: SUNNY 12% 88% 100% 0% Page : 1 k total 19 8 TOTAL VOLUME 19 AVENIDA FERNANDO AVENIDA OBERGON AVENIDA FERNANDO 16:30 -� Westbound Northbound Eastbound volume 2 6 Left Thru Left Right Thru Right Total d total 8 08/12/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 6 (Date ,Pate 4 0 0 0 4 0 8 .79 16:15 1 4 0 1 3 0 9 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 '�6:30 2 6 0 4 5 0 17 6:45 1 1 0 1 6 0 9 19 Hr Total 8 11 0 6 18 0 43 88% 7:00 2 2 0 1 3 0 8 8 2:15 0 4 1 1 5 0 11 17:30 0 4 0 1 0 0 5 6 r Total 5 it 1 1 5 l 12 0 I 34 ._._-1_____22 3 ___ I ____--_-__11---��* 1 1 30 0 1 77 leak -Hour -Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 _leak start 16:15 16:30 16:30 Volume 6 13 1 7 19 0 -lercent 32% 68% 12% 88% 100% 0% k total 19 8 19 Highest 16:30 16:30 16:45 volume 2 6 0 4 6 0 d total 8 4 6 SHF .59 .50 .79 ,eak flour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 ,eak start 16:30 16:30 16:30 Volume 5 13 1 7 19 0 "ercent 28% 72% 12% 88% 100% 0% !k total 18 8 19 Highest 16:30 16:30 16:45 Volume 2 6 0 4 6 0 [i total 8 4 6 .'HF .56 .50 .79 CITY .OF LA QUINTA' CALLE MAZATLAN / AVENIDA FERNANDO TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS AM / PM. PEAK HOURS AUGUST 12, 1997 0 N - A • V p. n x 10 o %0 N A O� A 25424 Jaclyn Avenue - Moreno Valley, CA • 92557 CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Code : 00096719 /S: CALLE MAZATLAN 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 /W: AVENIDA FERNANDO File I.D. : LQCMAFAM WEATHER: SUNNY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME AVENIDA �FERNANDO lNorthbound CALLE MAZATLAN JAVENIDA FERNANDOWestbound Eastbound Left Thru I Left Right I Thru Right I Total Date08/12/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 eak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 08/12/97 sak start 08:00 08:00 08:00 Volume 5 10 4 5 7 4 "«accent 33% 67% 44% 56% 64% 36% k total 15 9 11 highest 08:15 08:30 08:00 Volume 2 2 2 2 1 2 i total 4 4 3 _BF .94 .56 .92 1 0 ,VENIDA FERNANDO 0 4 TOTAL VOLUME - 10 14 10 0 15 10 0 0 25 C 7 7 11 4 4 5 27 5 Intersection Total 0 35 12 7 5 AVENIDA FERNANDO l fl r 5 4 0 4 C 9 4 CALLE MAZATLAN 9 --� E 0 C CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Coae : Uwoojty 'S: CALLE MAZATLAN 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 '-,W: AVENIDA FERNANDO 4 6 7 File I.D. : LQCHAFAM WEATHER: SUNNY -ercent 33% 67% Page : 1 60% 64% 36% TOTAL VOLUME k total 15 AVENIDA FERNANDO CALLE MAZATLAN AVENIDA�FERNANDO 11 Westbound Northbound Eastbound 07:00 08:00 Volume 2 2 Left Thru Left Right Thru Right Total Date08/12/97 -----_,...__— --------------- —_—------------ _..—__,____-__---_____---____--....--- --------------------- __--_____--_--_ 3 3 J :00 2 3 2 1 0 2 10 .92 07:15 2 2 0 3 0 0 7 eak start 08:00 "7:30 0 1 0 1 2 0 4 1:45 1 0 Volume 5 2 1 7 5 Hr Total 5 6 4 6 4 3 28 3:00 2 1 1 1 1 2 8 'k total 15 „3:15 2 2 0 1 2 1 8 08:30 0 4 2 2 2 0 10 Total 5 10 f 4 5 7 4 I 35 .-.��*__-__10 __.»16____I____-$ ____11__.�i----11 7 1 63 W - eakHourAnalysis By -Individual -Approach for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 08/12/97 _eak start 08:00 07:00 08:00 Volume 5 10 4 6 7 4 -ercent 33% 67% 40% 60% 64% 36% k total 15 10 11 Highest 08:15 07:00 08:00 Volume 2 2 2 1 1 2 i total 4 3 3 IIHF .94 .83 .92 P ---w eakHour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 07:00 to 09:00 on 08/12/97 eak start 08:00 08:00 08:00 Volume 5 10 4 5 7 4 ^ercent 33% 67% 44% 56% 64% 36% 'k total 15 9 it Highest 08:15 08:30 08:00 Volume 2 2 2 2 1 2 :i total 4 4 3 .'HF .94 .56 .92 CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Code : 00096719 /S: CALLE MAZATLAN 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 /W: AVENIDA FERNANDO File I.D. : LQCMAFPM WEATHER: SUNNY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME AVENIDA FERNANDO CALLE MAZATLAN AVENIDA FERNANDO Westbound Northbound Eastbound Left Thru Left Right Thru Right Total Date08/12/97----_.._..___............______-_____..___......__..___..___.�.______________________ 'yak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 I` yak start 16:00 16:00 16:00 Volume 4 6 3 5 9 0 Percent 40% 60% 38% 62% 100% 0% c total 10 8 9 aighest 16:30 16:00 16:45 Volume 2 3 2 2 5 0 i total 5 4 5 IF .50 .50 .45 N VENIDA FERNANDO 0 3 TOTAL VOLUME 6 9 6 0 10 6 0 4 18 24 4 9 9 9 0 0 Intersection Total 0 27 14 9 5 AVENIDA FERNANDO 12 r r- 4 0 3 0 0 41 ------ 3 CALLE MAZATLAN 8 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. Site Code : 00096719 IS: CALLE MA2ATLAN 909.247.6716 Start Date: 08/12/97 IW: AVENIDA FERNANDO File I.D. : LQCMAFPM WEATHER: SUNNY Page : 1 TOTAL VOLUME AVENIDA FERNANDO CALLE MAZATLAN AVENIDA FERNANDO 16:30 Westbound Northbound Eastbound 7 Left Thru Left Right Thru Right Total Date08/12/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58% 38% 620 100% i:00 0 0 2 2 1 0 5 16:15 2 2 0 1 1 0 6 -16:30 2 3 1 1 2 0 9 i:45 0 1 0 1 5 0 7 at Total 4 6 3 5 9 0 27 1:00 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 1:15 2 1 0 1 2 0 6 17:30 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 '7:45 0. 1 0 1 2 0 4 : Total 5 4 0 2 6 0 17 DOTAL* 9 10 I 3 7 1 15 0 I 44 ------------------------------------------------------------------- :ak Hour Analysis By Individual Approach for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 :ak start 16:15 16:00 16:30 Volume 5 7 3 5 11 0 °srcent 42% 58% 38% 620 100% 0% i total 12 8 11 nighest 16:30 16:00 16:45 Volume 2 3 2 2 5 0 i total 5 4 5 HF .60 .50 .55 -------------------------------------------------- ?ak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 08/12/97 ?ak start 16:00 16:00 16:00 Volume 4 6 3 5 9 0 Percent 40% 60% 38% 620 100% 0% k total 10 8 9 „ighest 16:30 16:00 16:45 Volume 2 3 2 2 5 0 i total 5 4 5 qF .50 .50 .45 Im Appendix 2 DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDENTIAL TRIP GENERATION ADJUSTMENT FACTOR CNEL/LDN INDB .. OUTDOOR LOCATION. —90— Apartment Next to Freeway 3/4 Mile From Touchdown at Major Airport —80 -- Downtown With Some Construction Activity Urban High Density Apartment —70 -- Urban Row Housing on Major Avenue Old Urban Residential Area —50-- Wooded Residential J Agricultural Crop Land —40 -- --- Rural Residential Wilderness Ambient —30— Figure II -1. Outdoor Noise Exposures at Various Locations Figure II -2. Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix Land. Use Cate oryr Residential — Single family, multifamily, duplex Residential — Mobile homes Transient Lodging — Motels, hotels Schools, Libraries, Churches, Hospitals, Nursing Homes Auditoriums, Concert Halls, Amphitheaters, Meeting Halls Sports Arenas, Outdoor Spectator Sports, Amusement Parks Playgrounds, Neighborhood Parks Goff Courses, Riding Stables, Cemeteries Office and Professional Buildings Commercial Retail, Banks, Restaurants, Theaters Industrial, Manufacturing, Utilities, `Vholesa e, Service Stations Acricultur-e CNEL, dB 55 60 65 70 75 80 Legend NORMALLY ACCEPTABLE Specified land use is satisfactory based on the assumption that any buildings involved are of normal conventional construction, without any special noise insulation requirements. CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTABLE New construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise requirements is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. Conventional construction, but with closed windows and fresh air supply systems or air conditioning will normally suffice NORMALLY UNACCEPTABLE New construction or development should generally be discouraged. If it does proceed, a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements must be made and needed noise in— sulation features included in the design. CLEARLY UNACCEPTABLE New construction or development should generally not be undertaken. APPENDIX III Noise Measurement Data Table 1 Golf Maintenance Area Equipment Noise Levels* Measurement Dates: April 23 and 24, 1996 I Bunker, Sand Pro 5000 2.0 50 64.0 2 Mower, Toro 450D 2.5 50 64.0 3 Mower, John Deer 3235 3.0 50 61.0 4 Mower, Toro 216D 2.5 50 58.0 5 Mower, Jacobsen Green King 3.5 50 59.0 6 Mower, Toro GM 3100 2.0 50 61.0 7 Tractor, M4030 2.0 50 69.0 8 Sprayer, Multi -Pro 2.0 50 65.0 9 Golf Cart, flat bed, gas powered 2.0 50 62.0 10 Skip Loader, John Deer 310 4.0 50 70.0 11 Tractor, MF 255 4.0 50 73.0 12 Tractor, MF 250 4.0 50 77.0 13 Tractor, John Deer 5300 & Chem -Pro Spraye 4.0 50 72.0 14 Tractor, John Deer 850 3.0 50 69.0 15 Pick-up Truck on street 3.0 50 55.0 16 Start-up of Aerifier 2.0 50 64.0 17 20 Items moving out to course in morning 3.0 50 75.0 * Measured with a B & K Sound Level Meter, 2203 and Graphic Level Recorder, 2306 GILOTsurM 123R5MWORK%GOLFS1HG.WK4 Appendix 2 Development of Residential Trip Generation Adjustment Factor For Site #1 To determine the appropriate increase in trip generation, the net increase in the total number of keys was determined to be 185 (203 new keys -18 keys removed = 185 keys). Then a hotel trip generation rate (8.7 daily trip -ends per occupied room) and a peak season occupancy rate of 80% were assumed to determine the trip generation potential of these units if they are used as part of the hotel. The resulting "worst case" daily trip generation forecast would be 1,287 daily trip -ends, since (8.7 daily trip -ends per occupied room) x (185 keys) x (0.80 occupancy rate) = 1,287 daily trip -ends. Based upon this finding, the trip generation forecast for the single family residential units proposed within Site #1 was increased by 20 percent to 1,290 daily trip -ends. As shown in Table IV -1 of the traffic study, the residential trip generation subtotal for Site #1 was 1,290 daily trips. By incorporating the 20 percent adjustment, the traffic study in effect addressed the development of the site as either single family residences or as lease- back hotel uses. Based upon historical data from the La Quinta Hotel, KSL projected a peak season occupancy rate of 80% with an annual average occupancy rate of 67%. Although the 80% peak season occupancy rate for the proposed project is lower than the peak season rate for the hotel as a whole, the proposed project consists of lease -back units which will be the last units to be occupied. This rate is consistent with a trip generation study of "destination resort" hotels by Austin -Foust Associates, Inc. in December 1986 which surveyed four resort hotels including: (1) Hotel Del Coronado - Coronado Island, California; (2) La Costa - San Diego County, California; (3) Marriott Hotel - Newport Beach, California; and (4) Hyatt at Hilton Head, South Carolina. Each of the resort hotels surveyed by Austin Foust was described as a luxury resort hotel that provides a range of recreational facilities, most of which are on-site and which serves as a `destination resort' as far as visitors are concerned. These resort hotels were not entirely isolated and had surrounding features of sufficient interest to encourage some off- site travel. These characteristics of these hotels are representative of the La Quinta Resort. The Austin -Foust study determined that during the peak season (the highest three months), the average room occupancy was 75 percent. With daily trip generation rates per room for the four hotels ranging from 5.0 trip-ends/day to 6.4 trip-ends/day, the Austin -Foust study recommended the trip generation rates in Table A. Utilizing the ITE hotel rate of 8.7 trips per occupied room, and a peak season occupancy rate of 80% yields an average daily trip generation rate of 7.0 trips per room. When compared to the range in trip generation rates for the four similar resort hotels surveyed by Austin -Foust (5.0 trips/ room/day to 6.4 trips/room/day), the trip generation rates utilized in the Table IV -1 were found to be conservative and appropriate. Table A Resort Hotel Trip Generation Summarya Interval AM Peak Hour 0.20 0.10 0.30 PM Peak Hour 0.19 0.26 0.45 Daily 3.0 3.0 6.0 a. Source: Austin -Foust Associates, Inc.; "Resort Hotel Traffic Study"; 12/29/86. These rates are based on a conservative 85% average occupancy rate assumption which allows trip generation to be determined on a `per room' rather than a `per occupied room' basis. While the 85% assumption is higher than the 75% typical annual average occupancy rate, it accounts for the high end of the trip generation range for resort hotels. r Appendix 3 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION METHODOLOGY AND WORKSHEETS HCM Methodology HCS Worksheets Appendix 3 Highway Capacity Manual r Unsignalized Intersection Methodology One of the key intersections in the study area is unsignalized and controlled by stop signs on all three approaches. To evaluate the ability of this intersection to serve traffic demands during peak hours, the capacity was determined for each minor approach movement and the left turns onto the minor street, and then compared to the demand for each movement. In this manner, the probable delay and level of service were estimated during the peak hour from Table B. The methodology utilized to determine the maximum capacity of the minor approach movements and the left tum onto the minor street (in passenger car equivalents per hour or PCPH) accounts for approach grade and speed, traffic mix, lane configuration, and type of traffic control. It allows the maximum potential capacity to be determined from the conflicting volumes and the critical gap associated with each type of vehicle maneuver. Once the capacity of each of the critical movements is calculated, the anticipated delay and the level of service for each critical movement can be evaluated. Typically, the movement with the longest average total delay or worst level or service defines the overall evaluation; however, this may be tempered by engineering judgment, when conditions warrant it. For example, left turns from the minor leg may experience delay consistent with LOS F operation, but the major through movements will experience no delay. If the delay is reduced for the traffic on the minor leg by installing a traffic signal, it may increase the overall intersection delay. For this reason, excessive delays on the minor legs of two-way stop intersections are only mitigated with a traffic signal when traffic signal warrants are met. This eliminates the situation where a large number of cars are delayed for the benefit of only a few cars. Table B 1994 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Level of Service Criteria Level of Service Average Total Delay (SecondsNehicle) A 5 5.0 B >5.0 and :_ 10.0 C >10.0 and :520.0 D >20.0 and :530.0 E >30.0 and :545.0 F > 45.0 Source: "Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209", Transportation Research Board, 1994; pp. 10-12. n �1 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Eisenhower Drive (E -W) La Quinta Hotel Acc Major Street Direction.... NS Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 5/5/97 Other Information ......... Existing AM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection NorthboundSouthbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC, s (�) SU/RV's (�) CV's (�) PCE's ------------ 0 2 < 0 N 171 12 1 1 0 ----------------- Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 r HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 92 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1244 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1244 Prob. of Queue -Free -------------------------------------------------------- State: 0.99 Step 2: LT from Major Street SB NB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 183 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1367 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1367 Prob. of Queue -Free -------------------------------------------------------- State: 0.99 Step 4: LT from Minor Street WB EB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 728 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 363 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.99 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.99 Capacity Adjustment Factor A due to Impeding Movements 0.99 Movement Capacity: -------------------------------------------------------- (pcph) 360 Intersection Performance Summary Intersection Delay = 0.2 sec/veh Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) EB L 10 360 10.3 0.0 C 5.8 EB R 15 1244 2.9 0.0 A NB L 11 1367 2.7 0.0 A 0.0 Intersection Delay = 0.2 sec/veh HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQEP.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Eisenhower Drive (E -W) La Quinta Hotel Acc Major Street Direction.... NS Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 5/5/97 Other Information ......... Existing PM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection NorthboundSouthbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC, s (%) SU/RV's (�) CV's (�) PCE's ------------ 1 2 0 N 28 233 1 1 0 1.10 0 2 < 0 N 381 41 1 1 0 ---------------- Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQ9A.HC0 Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Streets: (N -S) Eisenhower Drive (E -W) La Quinta Hotel Acc Major Street Direction.... NS Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 5/5/97 Other Information ......... 1999 No Project AM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection NorthboundSouthbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC,s (%) SU/RV's (�) CV's (%) PCE's ------------ 1 2 0 N 12 655 1 1 0 1.10 0 2 < 0 N 207 14 1 1 0 ---------------- Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 w IF;, HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQ9A.HC0 Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection ---------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 110 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1218 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1218 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.98 Step 2: LT from Major Street -------------------------------------------------------- SB NB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 221 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1304 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1304 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.99 Step 4: LT from Minor Street -------------------------------------------------------- WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 881 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 289 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.99 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.99 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.99 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 286 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) EB L 9 286 13.0 0.0 C EB R 19 1218 3.0 0.0 A NB L 13 1304 2.8 0.0 A Intersection Delay = 0.2 sec/veh 0.1 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQ9P.HC0 Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Eisenhower Drive (E -W) La Quinta Hotel Acc Major Street Direction.... NS Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 8/17/97 Other Information ......... 1999 No Project PM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T RL T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's M SU/RV's (�) CV's (�) PCE's ------------ 1 2 0 N 34 282 1 1 0 1.10 --------------- 0 2 < 0 N 461 49 1 1 0 ---------------- Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQ9P.HC0 Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1: RT from Minor Street -------------------------------------------------------- WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 255 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1028 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1028 Prob. of Queue -Free State: ---------------------------------------------------------- 0.97 Step 2: LT from Major Street SB NB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 510 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 913 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 913 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.96 Step 4: LT from Minor Street ---------------------------------------------------------- WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 802 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 325 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.96 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.96 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.96 Movement Capacity: (pcph) --------------------------------__a----------------------- 312 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) EB L 28 312 12.7 0.2 C 8.0 EB R 29 1028 3.6 0.0 A NB L 37 913 4.1 0.0 A 0.4 Intersection Delay = 0.6 sec/veh HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQTA.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Eisenhower Drive (E -W) La Quinta Hotel Acc Major Street Direction.... NS Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst.. ................. Greg Date of Analysis.......... 5/5/97 Other Information ......... 1999 W/ Project AM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's (�) SU/RV's (�) CV's (%) PCE's ------------ 1 2 0 N 14 656 1 1 0 1.10 --------------- 0 2 < 0 N 228 17 1 1 0 ---------------- Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQTA.HCO Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 122 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1201 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1201 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.98 Step 2: LT from Major Street -------------------------------------------------------- SB NB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 245 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1266 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1266 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.99 Step 4: LT from Minor Street -------------------------------------------------------- WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 906 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 279 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.99 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.99 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.99 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 276 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) EB L 18 276 14.0 0.1 C 7.3 EB R 28 1201 3.1 0.0 A NB L 15 1266 2.9 0.0 A 0.1 Intersection Delay = 0.4 sec/veh HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQTP.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Eisenhower Drive (E -W) La Quinta Hotel Acc Major Street Direction.... NS Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 8/17/97 Other Information ......... 1999 W/ Project PM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection NorthboundSouthbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC,s (�) SU/RV's (�) CV's (%) PCE's ------------ 1 2 0 N 43 324 1 1 0 1.10 --------------- 0 2 < 0 N 460 59 1 1 0 ---------------- Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d EI_LQTP.HCO Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 260 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1022 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1022 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.97 Step 2: LT from Major Street SB NB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 519 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 903 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 903 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 Step 4: LT from Minor Street -------------------------------------------------------- WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 856 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 300 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.95 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.95 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.95 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 284 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) EB L 33 284 14.3 0.3 C EB R 34 1022 3.6 0.0 A NB L 47 903 4.2 0.0 A Intersection Delay = 0.8 sec/veh • 0.5 U HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50—CCEA.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Main Access/LQ Golf (E -W) Avenue 50 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 5/5/97 Other Information ......... Existing AM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection Eastbound WestboundNorthbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC, s (�) SU/RV's (�) CV's (�) PCE's ------------ 1 2 0 N 41 75 1 1 0 1.10 --------------- 0 2 < 0 N 105 49 1 1 0 --------------- 1 0 1 Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50_CCEA.HCO Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 77 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1266 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1266 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 0.99 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: LT from Major Street -------------------------------------------------------- WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 154 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1417 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1417 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.97 Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 246 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 737 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.97 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.97 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.97 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 714 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) SB L 4 714 5.1 0.0 B SB R 11 1266 2.9 0.0 A EB L 45 1417 2.6 0.0 A Intersection Delay = 0.6 sec/veh 3.5 MEW HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50_CCEP.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Main Access/LQ Golf (E -W) Avenue 50 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 5/5/97 Other Information ......... Existing PM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection ------------------------- Eastbound WestboundNorthbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield volumes PHF Grade MC, s (%) SU/RV's (�) CV's M PCE's ------------ 1 2 0 N 1 75 1 1 0 1.10 0 2 < 0 N 100 4 1 1 0 ---------------- Adjustment Factors 1 Critical 0 Maneuver 1 Time (tf) 12 5.50 2.10 6 5.50 1 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 1 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 0 1.10 1.10 -------------- Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50_CCEP.HCO Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection --------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 52 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1303 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1303 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.99 Step 2: LT from Major Street WB EB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 104 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1507 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1507 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 1.00 Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 178 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 815 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 1.00 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 1.00 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 1.00 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 814 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) SB L 13 814 4.5 0.0 A SB R 7 1303 2.8 0.0 A EB L 1 1507 2.4 0.0 A Intersection Delay = 0.4 sec/veh 3.9 X o HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50_CC9A.HC0 Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Main Access/LQ Golf (E -W) Avenue 50 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 8/17/97 Other Information ......... 1999 No Project AM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T RL T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC,s M SU/RV's (�) CV's M PCE's ------------ 1 2 0 N 49 91 1 1 0 1.10 0 2 < 0 N 127 60 1 1 0 --------------- Adjustment Factors 1 0 Follow-up 1 5 Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 12 1 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 1 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 0 Left Turn Minor Road 1.10 1.10 --------------- Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver ----------_--_--_------------------------------------------------------- Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50_CC9A.HC0 Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 94 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1241 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1241 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.99 Step 2: LT from Major Street WB EB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 187 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1360 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1360 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.96 Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 297 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 684 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.96 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.96 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.96 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 657 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) SB L 6 657 5.5 0.0 B SB R 13 1241 2.9 0.0 A EB L 54 1360 2.8 0.0 A Intersection Delay = 0.6 sec/veh 3.7 1.0 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50_CC9P.HC0 Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Streets: (N -S) Main Access/LQ Golf (E -W) Avenue 50 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 8/17/97 Other Information ......... 1999 No Project PM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection Eastbound WestboundNorthbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's M SU/RV's (�) CV's (�) PCE's ------------ 0 2 < 0 N 120 5 1 1 0 ----------------- 1 0 1 Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50_CC9P.HC0 Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 62 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1288 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1288 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 0.99 Step 2: LT from Major Street WB EB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 125 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1469 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1469 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 1.00 Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 214 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 773 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 1.00 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 1.00 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 1.00 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 772 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) SB L 15 772 4.8 0.0 A 4.0 SB R 9 1288 2.8 0.0 A EB L 1 1469 2.5 0.0 A Intersection Delay = 0.4 sec/veh HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50 CCTA.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Main Access/LQ Golf (E -W) Avenue 50 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 5/5/97 Other Information ......... 1999 W/ Project AM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC, s (�) SU/RV's (%) CV's (�) PCE's ------------ 1 2 < 0 N 49 116 6 1 1 1 0 1.10 --------------- 1 2 < 0 N 22 119 60 1 1 1 0 1.10 --------------- 0 > 1 < 0 16 0 62 1 1 1 0 1.10 1.10 1.10 ---------------- Adjustment Factors 1 1 < 0 5 Time (tf) 0 12 1 Right Turn Minor Road 1 1 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 0 Left Turn Minor Road 1.10 1.10 1.10 --------------- Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50—CCTA.HCO Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection --------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 61 90 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1290 1247 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1290 1247 Prob. of Queue -Free -------------------------------------------------------- State: 0.95 0.99 Step 2: LT from Major -------------------------------------------------------- Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 122 179 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1474 1374 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1474 1374 Prob. of Queue -Free -------------------------------------------------------- State: 0.98 0.96 Step 3: TH from Minor -------------------------------------------------------- Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 369 342 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 664 688 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.95 0.95 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 628 650 Prob. of Queue -Free -------------------------------------------------------- State: 1.00 1.00 Step 4: LT from Minor -------------------------------------------------------- Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 309 336 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 672 646 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.95 0.95 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.96 0.96 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.95 0.91 Movement Capacity: --------------------------------------------------------- (pcph) 637 586 Movement NB L NB T NB R SB L SB T SB R Intersection Performance Summary 68 1290 6 0 13 628 1062 586 650 > 1247 > 1247 3.7 0.2 6.2 0.0 2.9 0.0 Approach LOS Delay (sec/veh) A 3.7 B 3.9 A EB L 54 1374 2.7 0.0 A 0.8 WB L 24 1474 2.5 0.0 A 0.3 Intersection Delay = 1.2 sec/veh Avg. 95% FlowMove Shared Total Queue Rate Cap Cap Delay Length (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) 18 637 0 6 0 13 628 1062 586 650 > 1247 > 1247 3.7 0.2 6.2 0.0 2.9 0.0 Approach LOS Delay (sec/veh) A 3.7 B 3.9 A EB L 54 1374 2.7 0.0 A 0.8 WB L 24 1474 2.5 0.0 A 0.3 Intersection Delay = 1.2 sec/veh W HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50_CCTP.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-2083 Ph: (904) 392-0378 Streets: (N -S) Main Access/LQ Golf (E -W) Avenue 50 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 15 (min) Analyst ................... Greg Date of Analysis.......... 5/5/97 Other Information ......... 1999 W/ Project PM Peak Hour Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection -------------- Eastbound WestboundNorthbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's M SU/RV's (Sk) CV's (%) PCE's ------------ 1 2 < 0 N 73 140 5 1 1 1 0 1.10 ---------------- 0 > 1 < 0 10 0 39 1 1 1 0 1.10 1.10 1.10 --------------- Adjustment Factors 1 Critical 1 < 0 Time (tf) 14 5.50 0 8 5.50 1 Through Traffic Minor Road 1 1 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 0 1.10 1.10 1.10 -------------- Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Turn Major Road 5.50 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.50 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 7.00 3.40 Intersection Performance Summary HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1d 50—CCTP.HCO Page 2 Flow Worksheet for TWSCYIntersection�r`===-_______�___`-___��~^-_ Shared Total (� I Step 1:RT- from NNSB -Minor wStreet Conflicting Flows: (vph) 66 72 Delay Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1282 1273 Movement Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1282 1273 Prob. of Queue -Free State: _----_------------------------------------------------------ 0.97 0.99 NB Step 2: LT from Major Street -------------------------------------------------------- WB EB > Conflicting Flows: (vph) 132 145 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1456 1433 650 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1456 1433 A Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 0.95 --- 1.00 ---- - 43 Step Step 3: TH from Minor Street -------------------------------------------------------- NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 342 348 L Potential Capacity: (pcph) 688 683 6.1 Capacity Adjustment Factor B SB due to Impeding Movements 0.94 0.94 > Movement Capacity: (pcph) 650 645 4.9 Prob. of Queue -Free State: -------------------------------------------------------- 1.00 1.00 1273 Step 4: LT from Minor Street -------------------------------------------------------- NB SB A Conflicting Flows: (vph) 338 330 1 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 644 651 0.0 Major LT, Minor TH 0.0 WB L Impedance Factor: 0.94 0.94 2.6 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.96 0.96 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.95 0.93 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 612 602 Intersection Performance Summary Intersection Delay = 1.1 sec/veh Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) (sec/veh) NB L 11 612 > NB T 0 650 > 1048 3.6 0.0 A 3.6 NB R 43 1282 > SB L 15 602 6.1 0.0 B SB T 0 645 > 4.9 SB R 9 1273 > 1273 2.8 0.0 A EB L 1 1433 2.5 0.0 A 0.0 WB L 80 1456 2.6 0.0 A 0.9 Intersection Delay = 1.1 sec/veh Appendix 4 HCM SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION METHODOLOGY AND WORKSHEETS HCM Methodology HCS Worksheets Pl� Appendix 4 Highway Capacity Manual Signalized Intersection Methodology The "Highway Capacity Manual" (HCM) signalized intersection capacity and level of service methodology addresses the capacity and level of service of intersection approaches as well as the level of service of the intersection as a whole. The analysis is undertaken in terms of the ratio of demand flow rate to capacity (V/C ratio) for individual movements during a peak 15 -minute interval and the composite V/C ratio for the sum of critical movements or lane groups within the intersection. The level of service is determined based upon average stopped delay per vehicle, as shown in Table C below. Table C 1994 HCM Signalized Intersection LOS Criteria Level of Traffic Flow Average Stopped Delay Service Characteristics (Seconds/Vehicle) A Extremely favorable progression with very low delay. <_ 5.0 Most vehicles do not stop at all. B Good progression and stable flow with an occasional 5.0- 15.0 approach phase fully utilized. C Satisfactory operation with fair progression and longer 15.0-25.0 cycle lengths. Individual cycle failures may begin to appear. A significant number of vehicles stop but many pass through without stopping. D Tolerable delay where congestion becomes noticeable and 25.0-40.0 many vehicles stop. Individual cycle failures are noticeable. E Unstable flow with poor progression and frequent cycle 40.0-60.0 failures. This is considered the limit of acceptable delay by many agencies. F Oversaturation with arrival flow rates exceeding the capacity > 60.0 of the intersection and many individual cycle failures. Considered unacceptable to most drivers. Source: "Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209", Transportation Research Board, 1994; pp. 9-6. r HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 05-05-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenida Fernando (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_FEEA.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 AM Pk Comment: Existing Conditions Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< > 1 < 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 34 1 24 1 1 1 61 476 2 3 167 86 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 12.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru Right Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 8.OA Green 7.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination ----------------------------------------------------------------------- order: #1 #5 #6 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 195 1755 0.174 0.111 23.5 C 23.4 C TR 177 1595 0.141 0.111 23.4 C WB LTR 172 1548 0.017 0.111 23.0 C 23.0 C NB L 177 1770 0.345 0.100 24.9 C 5.0 A TR 2689 3723 0.187 0.722 2.6 A SB L 177 1770 0.017 0.100 23.6 C 2.7 A TR 2554 3536 0.104 0.722 2.4 A Intersection Delay = 5.6 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.202 bl HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 06-24-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenida Fernando (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_FEEP.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 PM Pk Comment: Existing Conditions Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< > 1 < 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 74 1 48 1 1 1 22 234 1 1 388 48 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds * Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 10.OA Green 5.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #5 #6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 234 1755 0.316 0.133 23.1 C 22.9 C TR 212 1589 0.231 0.133 22.6 C WB LTR 204 1529 0.015 0.133 21.9 C 21.9 C NB L 138 1770 0.160 0.078 25.1 D 4.3 A TR 2689 3723 0.092 0.722 2.4 A SB L 138 1770 0.007 0.078 24.7 C 2.6 A TR 2646 3664 0.173 0.722 2.6 A Intersection Delay = 6.1 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.192 r HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-17-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenida Fernando (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_FE9A.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 AM Pk Comment: 1999 No Project Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< > 1 < 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 41 1 28 1 1 1 74 576 3 4 202 104 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 8.OA Green 7.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #5 #6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS ----- ------------- ----- ---_- ----- --- ----- --- EB L 195 1755 0.210 0.111 23.6 C 23.5 C TR 177 1593 0.164 0.111 23.4 C WB LTR 171 1543 0.017 0.111 23.0 C 23.0 C NB L 177 1770 0.418 0.100 25.5 D 5.2 B TR 2689 3723 0.226 0.722 2.7 A SB L 177 1770 0.023 0.100 23.6 C 2.7 A TR 2554 3536 0.126 0.722 2.5 A Intersection Delay = 5.7 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.245 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-17-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenida Fernando (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_FE9P.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 PM Pk Comment: 1999 No Project Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< > 1 < 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 89 1 58 1 1 1 27 284 1 1 470 58 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 10.OA Green S.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase ----------------------------------------------------------------------- combination order: #1 #5 #6 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 234 1755 0.380 0.133 23.5 C 23.3 C TR 212 1588 0.279 0.133 22.9 C WB LTR 203 1519 0.015 0.133 21.9 C 21.9 C NB L 138 1770 0.196 0.078 25.2 D 4.3 A TR 2690 3724 0.111 0.722 2.4 A SB L 138 1770 0.007 0.078 24.7 C 2.7 A TR 2646 3664 0.209 0.722 2.6 A Intersection Delay = 6.2 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.233 7�1 r HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-17-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenida Fernando (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_FETA.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 AM Pk Comment: Project �1999_W/- -_�_____________�^________-�_�_________W_v..`��__ Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< > 1 < 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 63 1 46 1 1 1 60 600 3 4 208 110 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds * Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 8.OA Green 7.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #5 #6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 195 1755 0.323 0.111 24.2 C 24.0 C TR 177 1589 0.266 0.111 23.9 C WB LTR 169 1521 0.018 0.111 23.0 C 23.0 C NB L 177 1770 0.339 0.100 24.8 C 4.6 A TR 2689 3723 0.235 0.722 2.7 A SB L 177 1770 0.023 0.100 23.6 C 2.7 A TR 2551 3532 0.131 0.722 2.5 A Intersection Delay = 6.0 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v/c(x) = 0.257 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-17-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenida Fernando (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_FETP.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 PM Pk Comment: 1999 W/ Project Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes ---- ---- ---- 1 1< ---- ---- > 1 < ---- ---- ---- 1 2< -------- ---- 1 2< ---- Volumes 99 1 48 1 1 1 56 302 1 1 489 102 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 10.OA Green 5.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #5 #6 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 234 1755 0.423 0.133 23.9 C 23.5 C TR 212 1589 0.231 0.133 22.6 C WB LTR 204 1529 0.015 0.133 21.9 C 21.9 C NB L 138 1770 0.407 0.078 26.6 D 6.1 B TR 2690 3724 0.118 0.722 2.5 A SB L 138 1770 0.007 0.078 24.7 C 2.8 A TR 2621 3629 0.237 0.722 2.7 A Intersection Delay = 6.6 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.278 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-16-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenue 50 (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_50EA.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 AM Pk Comment: Existing Conditions Eastbound westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1 < 1 1 1 1 2 < 1 2 < Volumes 60 89 30 16 27 46 40 425 33 19 85 100 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 10.OA Green 6.OA 62.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #5 #6 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 216 1618 0.278 0.133 22.9 C 24.1 C TR 239 1792 0.498 0.133 24.8 C WB L 117 880 0.136 0.133 22.3 C 22.4 C T 248 1863 0.109 0.133 22.2 C R 211 1583 0.218 0.133 22.6 C NB L 157 1770 0.254 0.089 24.9 C 4.5 A TR 2620 3685 0.184 0.711 2.8 A SB L 157 1770 0.121 0.089 24.4 C 4.5 A TR 2434 3423 0.080 0.711 2.6 A Intersection Delay = 9.6 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.235 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-16-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenue 50 (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_50EP.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 PM Pk Comment: Existing Conditions Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< 1 1 1 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 25 22 15 54 22 10 20 203 13 19 390 60 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 9.OA Green 6.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase ----------------------------------------------------------------------- combination order: #1 #5 #6 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 201 1645 0.124 0.122 22.8 C 22.9 C TR 214 1749 0.173 0.122 22.9 C WB L 192 1567 0.282 0.122 23.4 C 23.1 C T 228 1863 0.097 0.122 22.7 C R 193 1583 0.052 0.122 22.5 C NB L 157 1770 0.127 0.089 24.4 C 4.2 A TR 2666 3692 0.085 0.722 2.4 A SB L 157 1770 0.121 0.089 24.4 C 3.4 A TR 2637 3651 0.179 0.722 2.6 A Intersection Delay = 6.9 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.188 n 7 Zoning and Land Use Category The La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area is designated for Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, Tourist Commercial and Golf Course Open Space uses by the City of La Quinta General Plan. Property adjacent to the La Quinta Resort is designated by the General Plan for a variety of land uses including: Low Density Residential uses, Medium Density Residential to the south, and Santa Rosa Mountains Open Space to the north and west. Project Phasing If the proposed project is approved, the new parking lot could be constructed by the end of 1997. Once the new parking lot is available, the current hotel employee parking areas will be replaced by uses that are consistent with the adopted La Quinta Resort Specific Plan. It is anticipated that construction of the proposed residential uses and the proposed spa would be completed near the end of 1998 or the beginning of 1999. 2-3 3.0 EXISTING AIR QUALITY Various air quality fundamentals are discussed below including: criteria pollutants, ambient air quality standards, episode criteria, and demonstrated effects of air pollutants on sensitive receptors. This basic information is followed by a discussion of: (1) regional air quality; (2) local ambient air quality; (3) existing sensitive receptor locations in the project vicinity; (4) local sources of air contaminants; and (5) the regulatory setting. Appendix A includes a glossary of technical terms used throughout the air quality analysis. 3.1 Air Pollution Fundamentals Air pollution is comprised of many substances generated from a variety of sources, both man-made and natural. Since the rapid industrialization of the twentieth century, almost every human endeavor, especially those relying on the burning of fossil fuels, creates air pollution. Most contaminants are actually wasted energy in the form of unburned fuels or by-products of the combustion process. Motor vehicles are by far the most significant source of air pollutants in urban areas, emitting photochemically reactive hydrocarbons (unburned fuel), carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen. These primary pollutants chemically react in the atmosphere with sunlight and the passage of time to form secondary pollutants such as ozone. Although significant air quality improvements have been made in California over the past twenty years, Southern California still experiences severe air pollution problems. Oxidants and PMio (suspended particulate matter with a mean aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 micrometers) represent the major air quality problems in the desert regions of Southern California. The air quality of the Coachella Valley is determined by the primary pollutant emissions added daily, and by the primary and secondary pollutants already present in the air mass. Primary pollutants are those emitted directly from a source and include: carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulates, and various hydrocarbons and other volatile organic compounds (VOC). Secondary pollutants are created with the passage of time in the air mass and include: photochemical oxidants (90% of which are ozone), photochemical aerosols, peroxyacetyinitrate (PAN), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Criteria Air Pollutants Criteria air pollutants are those air contaminants for which air quality standards currently exist. Currently, state and federal air quality standards exist for ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), fine suspended particulates (PMio and PM2.5), and lead. California has also set standards for visibility and sulfate. Emissions of criteria air contaminants or their precursors typically also include total organic gases (TOG), volatile organic compounds (VOC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), oxides of sulfur (SOx), and particulate matter (PM). Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, toxic gas formed by incomplete combus- tion of fossil fuels. Carbon monoxide concentrations are generally higher in the winter, when meteorological conditions favor the build-up of directly emitted contaminants. 3-1 F7 Carbon monoxide health warnings and emergency episodes occur almost entirely during 1 the winter. The most significant source of carbon monoxide is gasoline powered auto- mobiles, as a result of inefficient fuel usage in internal combustion engines. Various industrial processes also emit carbon monoxide. Oxides of Nitrogen Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are the primary receptors of ultraviolet light initiating the photo- chemical reactions that produce smog. Nitric oxide combines with oxygen in the presence of reactive hydrocarbons and sunlight to form nitrogen dioxide and ozone. Oxides of nitrogen are contributors to other air pollution problems including: high levels of fine particulate matter, poor visibility and acid deposition. Seven oxides of nitrogen and two hydrated oxides can theoretically exist in the atmosphere, but only four are present in noticeable amounts. Two of these are classified as pollutants. These are nitric oxide (NO), a colorless, odorless gas and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a reddish -brown gas formed by the combination of nitric oxide with oxygen. Nitric oxide is far less toxic than nitrogen dioxide in humans. The primary sources of nitrogen oxides in the basin are incomplete combustion in motor vehicle engines, power plants, refineries and other industrial operations. Ships, railroads and aircraft are other significant emission sources. Suter Dioxide and Sulfate Sulfur dioxide (SO2) results from the combustion of high sulfur content fuels. Fuel com- bustion is the major source of SO2, while chemical plants, sulfur recovery plants, and metal processing are minor contributors. Sulfates result from a reaction of sulfur dioxide and oxygen in the presence of sunlight. SO2 levels are generally higher in the winter than in the summer (when sunlight is plentiful and sulfate is formed more readily). Recent reductions in sulfur dioxide levels reflect the use of natural gas in power plants and boilers (since natural gas is very low in sulfur). Low sulfur fuel oil is also utilized within this air basin. Volatile Organic Compounds f Hydrocarbon and other volatile organic compounds (VOC) are formed from combustion of fuels and the evaporation of organic solvents. Many hydrocarbon compounds are major air pollutants, and those classed as aromatics are highly photochemically reactive with NOx, forming photochemical smog. Hydrocarbon concentrations are generally higher in winter when sunlight is limited and photochemical reactions occur more slowly. During the winter, meteorological conditions are more favorable to their accumulating in the atmos- phere before producing photochemical oxidants. Motor vehicles are the major source of organic gases in this basin. Particulate Matter Particulate matter consists of particles in the atmosphere as a by-product of fuel combus- tion, through abrasion such as tire wear, and through soil erosion by the wind. Particulates can also be formed through photochemical reactions in the atmosphere. 3-2 PMio refers to finely divided solids or liquids such as soot, dust, and aerosols which are 10 microns or less in diameter and can enter the lungs. PM2.5 refers to tiny solid or liquid particles (with a mean aerodynamic of less than 2.5 micrometers) generally soot or aerosols that reduce visibility and can easily enter the air sacs deep in the lungs and cause adverse health effects. About 90% of total particulates are less than 5 microns in diameter, while the aerosols formed in the atmosphere (primarily sulfate and nitrate) are usually smaller than 1 micron. Particulate concentrations are generally higher in the winter near major sources, when more fuel is burned and meteorological conditions favor the build-up of directly -emitted contaminants. Photochemical Oxidant Photochemical oxidant (03) can include several different pollutants, but consists primarily of ozone (90%) and a group of chemicals called organic peroxynitrates. Ozone is a pungent, colorless toxic gas which is produced by the photochemical process. Photo- chemical oxidant is created by complex atmospheric reactions involving oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds, in the presence of ultraviolet energy from sunlight. Motor vehicles are the major source of ozone precursors (oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds) in the air basin. Ozone is formed through chemical reactions of VOCs, oxides of nitrogen and oxygen in the presence of sunlight. Peak ozone concentrations tend to occur in the South Coast Air Basin near the middle of the day in summer and early fall, when the solar radiation exposure of the air mass is the greatest, because the reactions that form ozone begin at sunrise and require sunlight to proceed. The prevailing marine air currents throughout the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB) typically carry polluted air inland as ozone -forming photochemical reactions proceed. That is why peak ozone concentrations in the SCAB are found in the inland valleys and adjacent mountains (between the San Fernando Valley and the Riverside -San Bernardino area),. miles downwind of the largest concentrations of sources of precursor emissions. Just as oxidant precursors from the coastal Los Angeles area aggravate oxidant problems inland in Riverside, precursor emissions from the central and eastern areas of the SCAB (including Anaheim) contribute to locally produced oxidant in the Coachella Valley.l A comprehensive study confirmed the transport pathways to the Coachella Valley in 1983.2 Although the extent to which the intrusion of ozone contributes to Coachella Valley ozone exceedances has not been quantified, "...it is ARB's judgment that oxidant problems in the Southeast Desert would be minimal if oxidants and oxidant precursors were effectively controlled in the South Coast Air Basin.113 In the Coachella Valley, air flow is from the northwest much of the time. Peak oxidant levels occur in the late afternoon and evening (between 4 pm and 8 pm), as pollutants are blown through the San Gorgonio Pass. Oxidant concentrations in the Coachella Valley are highest closest to the South Coast Air Basin and decrease steadily as the air mass moves east from Banning to Palm Springs and then La Quinta. 1. Drivas, P.J. and F.H. Shair; A Tracer Study of Pollutant Transport in the Los Angeles Area; Atmos. Environ. 8: 1155-1163; 1974 2. Smith, T.B. et al.; The Impact of Transport from the South Coast Air Basin on Ozone Levels in the Southeast Desert Air Basin; CARB Research Library Report No. ARB -R-83-183. 3. SCAQMD and SCAG; AQMP - Southeast Desert Air Basin, Riverside County; October 1979. 3-3 Figure 3-1 Ambient Air Monitoring Stations Operating During 1994 ----------- Trona 2,_ .........�.._,_...,...... + China r e Lake�3 lnyokem ei Ridgecrest *'•{� ' Airport ! N Kern County I • Mojave (2) j San Bernardino County �'�•� i Barstow �• • Lancaster Los Angeles j Coun ' • Victonrille •� j Phelan a Lucerne Valley '1 I Hesperia •� "`—'"`"""'""—"'"""� • Twentynine Palms I Joshua Tree ------------------,•�� Banning .i •Palm Springs Riverside County Project Site .� +►i Indio r� r•-t � [� L...�..s...,... --------------- Westmorland _ _-_- __-_�--_--__� q l �. Westmorland �• E) 1� r e Brawley �•"';� I jEl Centro Winterheaven Legend I Calexico(2)0 � MEXICO • Gaseous monitoring and particulate sanpling O Gaseous pollutant or mufti-pollutant monitoring site 6 Particulate sampling only XEndo Erg `neMn Source: California Air Resources Board Scale: 1" = 36.5 Miles Congress has the authority to defeat the plan, which would force American cities and states to mount agressive and costly efforts to clean up the air over the next 15 years or face harsh federal sanctions (such as a freeze on federal highway funds). Each of southern California's eight counties, where a total of 17 million people currently live, would exceed one or both of the new standards. The new PM2.5 standards address particles roughly one twenty-eighth the diameter of a human hair that can become lodged far into the lungs. An annual average of 15 ug/m3 and a 24-hour average of 65 ug/m3 have been set as the new PM2.5 standards. To allow for occasional atmospheric anomalies, communities would be allowed to exceed the 24-hour standard several times before being designated nonattainment. The new ozone standard is 0.08 ppm over an 8 -hour period. Communities would be allowed to disregard the three highest concentartions during each year in determining compliance. This would focus attention on long-term ozone exposures which pose a greater health risk than short-term abnormally high concentrations. Episode Criteria The South Coast Air Quality Management District monitors contaminant levels and meteorological factors on a daily basis in order to forecast high pollutant levels in stable atmospheric conditions. Such conditions are known as "episodes". Criteria for episodes are available for photochemical oxidants, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter and combinations of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter (as shown in Appendix B). Episodes are divided into three stages, depending upon the concentration of the pollutant that is predicted or reached. Effects of Pollutants on Sensitive Receptors The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has identified the following groups of individuals as the most likely to be affected by air pollution: the elderly over 65; children under 14; athletes; and people with cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis. These sensitive groups represent over 50% of the total California population.5 Demonstrated effects of specific air contaminants on health and vegetation are discussed in Appendix C and summarized in Table 3-1. The elderly are most sensitive, since the loss of lung tissue is a natural process of aging. Inhalation of air pollution accelerates this loss by reducing lung volume, and functional lung tissue. Damaged and irritated lung tissue becomes susceptible to bacterial infection. This increases the likelihood of chronic respiratory disease by reducing the ability of the immune system to fight infection and resist disease. 3.2 Regional Air Quality Southern California, with the lowest summertime mean mixing height, the lowest average wind speed and emissions from the second largest urban area in the U.S., has the worst air pollution problem in the nation. Although past programs have been effective at improving the air quality of the SCAB, it still exceeds health -based standards for ozone, carbon monoxide and PMio. Ozone levels have been reduced by 50 percent over the last 30 years, sulfur dioxide and lead standards have been met, and other criteria pollutant concentrations 5. California Air Resources Board; Facts About How Air Pollution Damages Health; 1983. 3-5 y have significantly declined. The South Coast Air Basin met the federal annual NO2 standard for the first time in 1992. Table 3-1 Health Effects of Air Pollutantsa Pollutant Concentration/ Observed Health Effects Exposure Time at Specified Concentrations Ozone 0.25 ppm/1 hour Increased frequency of asthma attacks. 0.30 ppm/1 hour Cough, chest discomfort and headache. 0.37 ppm/2 hours Decline in pulmonary function in healthy individuals. Carbon Monoxide 15-18 ppm/8 hours Can cause decreased exercise capacity in patients with angina pectoris. 50 ppm/1 hour Can cause impairment of time interval estimation and visual function. Nitrogen Dioxide 0.11 ppm/few minutes Sensory responses may be elicited or altered. Daily peak exceeds May cause some impairment of 0.45 ppm on 10% pulmonary function and increased of days in 12 months incidence of acute respiratory disease. 1.50 ppm/short term Can cause difficulty in breathing in healthy as well as bronchitic groups. Lead 3.2 ug/m3 / 7 weeks Increase in blood lead levels which may impair or decrease hemoglobin synthesis. Sulfur Dioxide/ 0.037 ppm SO annual May cause higher frequencies of acute Total Suspended average association respiratory symptoms and diminished Particulate (TSP) with 100 ug/m3 smokeb ventilatory function in children. a. SCAQMD, JY83 Annual Summary. b. Smoke is a British measure of particulate matter concentration. 3.3 Local Air Quality Local Climate and Meteorology The study area is located in the Coachella Valley, an and desert region with a climate characterized by low annual rainfall, low humidity, hot days and very cool nights. The climatological station closest to the project site is located at Thermal Airport. The annual precipitation monitored during 1995 at Thermal Airport was 3.11 inches, which was 0.05 inches below the average annual rainfall total normalized over the past 47 years. The monthly average temperature ranged from a low of 54.5 degrees Fahrenheit during 3-6 January to a high of 92.2 degrees Fahrenheit in August. Temperature extremes ranged from 28 to 126 degrees Fahrenheit.6 Wind direction and speed (which in twin affect atmospheric stability) are the most important climatological elements affecting ambient air quality within the planning area. As shown in Figure 3-2, the prevailing wind direction at Thermal Airport is predominantly from the northwest. The annual mean wind speed is 8.1 miles per hour. Calm conditions occur 2.0 percent of the time at Thermal Airport. Desert regions are generally windy because minimal friction is generated between the moving air and the low, sparse vegetation. This allows the wind to maintain its speed crossing the desert plains. In addition, the rapid daytime heating of the air closest to the desert surface leads to convective activity and the exchange of surface air for upper air which accelerates surface winds during the warm part of the day. Rapid cooling at night in the surface layers during the winter months results in a high frequency of calm winds.7 Since the dominant daytime onshore wind pattern follows the peak travel period (6:00 am - 9:00 am) in the Los Angeles/Orange County area, during periods of low inversions and low wind speeds, the photochemical smog formed in these areas is transported downwind into Riverside County, San Bernardino County and the Coachella Valley. Peak oxidant levels occur in the late afternoon and evening (between 4 pm and 8 pm), as pollutants are blown through the San Gorgonio Pass. Oxidant concentrations in the 50 - mile long and 20 -mile wide Coachella Valley are highest, closest to the South Coast Air Basin, and decrease steadily as the air mass moves east from Banning to Palm Springs and then La Quinta. Surface -based inversions in the Coachella Valley are prevalent at night throughout the year and usually persist into the day during the: winter months. Inversion conditions are associated with degraded air quality because the surface air is prevented from rising and dissipating the air pollutants that accumulate throughout the day. Radiation inversions are prevalent at night throughout the year. They limit the mixing in the lower atmosphere to a height of 200 to 2,000 feet. They persist through much of the day in winter but are destroyed early in the day in summer. Local Ambient Air Quality The South Coast Air Quality Management District maintains ambient air quality monitoring stations at numerous locations throughout the basin (see Figure 3-1). The project site is located within Source Receptor Area (SRA) 30. The SRA 30 monitoring stations are located in the City of Palm Springs and the City of Indio. The 1993 through 1995 ambient air quality data (which is included in Appendix B) indicates that only ozone and PMio have exceeded the relevant state and federal standards. Ozone Ozone air quality trends since 1976 for the South Air Basin and the Coachella -San Jacinto Planning Area indicate a parallel downward trend in the number of days exceeding the federal 1 -hour ozone standard, This has occurred despite the fact that population growth in the Coachella Valley over this period has been dramatic. 6. NOAH; Climatological Data Annual Summary, 1995. 7. California Air Resources Board; Climate of the Southeast Desert Air Basin, January, 1990. Ml January to a high of 92.2 degrees Fahrenheit in August. Temperature extremes ranged from 28 to 126 degrees Fahrenheit.6 Wind direction and speed (which in turn affect atmospheric stability) are the most important climatological elements affecting ambient air quality within the planning area. As shown in Figure 3-2, the prevailing wind direction at Thermal Airport is predominantly from the northwest. The annual mean wind speed is 8.1 miles per hour. Calm conditions occur 2.0 percent of the time at Thermal Airport. Desert regions are generally windy because minimal friction is generated between the moving air and the low, sparse vegetation. This allows the wind to maintain its speed crossing the desert plains. In addition, the rapid daytime heating of the air closest to the desert surface leads to convective activity and the exchange of surface air for upper air which accelerates surface winds during the warm part of the day. Rapid cooling at night in the surface layers during the winter months results in a high frequency of calm winds.? Since the dominant daytime onshore wind pattern follows the peak travel period (6:00 am - 9:00 am) in the Los Angeles/Orange County area, during periods of low inversions and low wind speeds, the photochemical smog formed in these areas is transported downwind into Riverside County, San Bernardino County and the Coachella Valley. Peak oxidant levels occur in the late afternoon and evening (between 4 pm and 8 pm), as pollutants are blown through the San Gorgonio Pass. Oxidant concentrations in the 50 - mile long and 20 -mile wide Coachella Valley are highest, closest to the South Coast Air Basin, and decrease steadily as the air mass moves east from Banning to Palm Springs and then La Quinta. Surface -based inversions in the Coachella Valley are prevalent at night throughout the year and usually persist into the day during the winter months. Inversion conditions are associated with degraded air quality because the surface air is prevented from rising and dissipating the air pollutants that accumulate throughout the day. Radiation inversions are prevalent at night throughout the year. They limit the mixing in the lower atmosphere to a height of 200 to 2,000 feet. They persist through much of the day in winter but are destroyed early in the day in summer. Local Ambient Air Quality The South Coast Air Quality Management District maintains ambient air quality monitoring stations at numerous locations throughout the basin (see Figure 3-1). The project site is located within Source Receptor Area (SRA) 30. The SRA 30 monitoring stations are located in the City of Palm Springs and the City of Indio. The 1993 through 1995 ambient air quality data (which is included in Appendix B) indicates that only ozone and PMio have exceeded the relevant state and federal standards. Ozone Ozone air quality trends since 1976 for the South Air Basin and the Coachella -San Jacinto Planning Area indicate a parallel downward trend in the number of days exceeding the federal 1 -hour ozone standard. This has occurred despite the fact that population growth in the Coachella Valley over this period has been dramatic. 6. NOAH; Climatological Data Annual Summary, 1995. 7. California Air Resources Board; Climate of the Southeast Desert Air Basin, January, 1990. 3-7 Figure 3-2 Annual Surface Wind Rose Summary (Thermal) 11.2% 5.5% Note: Bar thickness represents percent of predominant wind direction. Bar length indicates wind speed. Calm = 2.0% of time. Mean Speed = 8.1 mph. endo EnRineerinv The Coachella Valley is currently designated as a "severe -17" ozone nonattainment area. This designation indicates that the attainment date for the federal ozone standards is November 15, 2007 (17 years from the date of enactment of the federal Clean Air Act). Figure 3-3 depicts the number of days from 1993 through 1995 exceeding the one-hour state ozone standard as well as the maximum hourly ozone concentrations at Coachella Valley ambient air monitoring stations. Ozone levels exceeded the state one-hour standard (0.09 ppm) on 18 percent of the days monitored. The maximum one-hour ozone concentration measured was 0.17 parts per million (ppm). This exceeds the federal standard by more than 40 percent and is nearly twice the level set as the state standard. The federal one-hour ozone standard (>.12 ppm) was exceeded on four percent of the days monitored. No ozone episodes were declared at either air monitoring station during the past three years. Inhalable Particulate Matter (PMio) The Coachella Valley was reclassified in February 1993 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a "serious" nonattainment area for PMio, which means that the valley had violated federal health -based standards for particulate matter. PMio in this area comes mostly from locally generated fugitive dust produced by both human activities (on -road and off-road vehicles and construction activities) and natural occurrences (wind storms). The highest concentrations are found in the summer, when hot dry weather produces more dust. A PMio maintenance plan for the Coachella Valley is currently being developed as a separate plan from the 1997 AQMP. PMio monitoring in the Coachella Valley over the last three years indicates that (with the exception of one measured PM10 exceedance due to a high wind natural event) the area has attained the federal PM10 standard. The EPA recently released a natural events policy which exempts certain high wind events causing PMio air quality exceedances as being counted as a violation. Consequently, the Coachella Valley is now eligible for consideration by the EPA as having attained the federal PMio standard. Figure 3-4 depicts the percentage of PM10 samples exceeding the state 24-hour standard from 1993 through 1995 as well as the maximum 24-hour PMio concentrations in the Coachella Valley. As shown therein, PM10 concentrations exceeded the California 24-hour standard during 41 percent of the monitoring periods (27 sampling periods). The maximum 24-hour PM10 concentration monitored was 199 micrograms per cubic meter (nearly four times the state standard of 50 micrograms per cubic meter). The annual geometric mean concentration exceeded the state standard of 30 micrograms per cubic meter during all three years, and ranged between 40.6 and 47.2 micrograms per cubic meter in the Coachella Valley. The federal 24-hour PMio standard of 150 ug/m3 was exceeded only once between 1993 and 1995 (during 1995) when the PM10 concentration reached 199 ug/m3. The annual arithmetic mean was 52.0 ug/m3 during 1995, which exceeded the federal standard of 50 Ug/M3. The SCAQMD identified the open sources of fugitive dust (PMio) emissions throughout Riverside County in 1987 and projected them for the year 2010. Although natural/ unspecified sources comprised over 65 percent of the open area source PMio emissions in 1987 (followed by paved roads at 14 percent, and construction at 10 percent), by the year W: Figure 3-3 Coachella Valley Ozone Data Maximum Hourly Ozone Concentrations 0.18 E 0.16 a c 0.14 r•. _�° 0.12 Federal Standard (.12 PPm) aci U cc 0.10., U .{-. � State Standard E 0.08- (.09 PPm) E X 0.06 7 = 0.04 m p 0.02- .02 -0.00 0 . 00 1993 1994 1995 Year Days Exceeding State Ozone Standard 90 a� 80 c N 0 70- p ixxnm� O� a 50 co cn40�. . c.o a c 30 + o c° a) 20 0 Z 10- 0 0 1993 1994 1995 Year Source: 1993-1995 SCAQMD Air Monitoring Data Figure 3-4 Coachella Valley PM10 Data Maximum 24 -Hour Concentrations 200 4. v 0 150 :-arta•-., ,.4 Federal Standard (150 ug/m3) c U r� _o, ; { % c U 100 d O N 50 _ - „; State Standard .`� a W. (50 ug/m3) `- rr rZ, 1993 1994 1995 Year Percentage of PM10 Samples Exceeding State Standard 100 90-- 80—, as 0COmD 70_ - CO CD 0 60 X >, W 0 0 50 03 rn CU 40 aci CO CO CO 0 30-- a 20 �t, r 10 %W^ 1993 1994 1995 Year Source: 1993-1995 SCAQMD Air Monitoring Data HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-17-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenue 50 (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_509A.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 AM Pk Comment: Year 1999 No Project Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< 1 1 1 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 73 107 36 20 32 56 48 515 40 24 103 121 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds * Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 9.OA Green 6.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #5 #6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 195 1592 0.375 0.122 24.1 C 27.3 D TR 219 1792 0.653 0.122 29.0 D WB L 83 677 0.242 0.122 23.4 C 23.3 C T 228 1863 0.141 0.122 22.8 C R 193 1583 0.289 0.122 23.5 C NB L 157 1770 0.305 0.089 25.2 D 4.4 A TR 2661 3685 0.219 0.722 2.7 A SB L 157 1770 0.153 0.089 24.5 C 4.5 A TR 2473 3424 0.095 0.722 2.4 A Intersection Delay = 10.2 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.284 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-17-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenue 50 (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_509P.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 PM Pk Comment: Year 1999 No Project Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< 1 1 1 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 30 27 18 65 27 13 24 245 16 24 472 73 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 EB Left L Thru 1618 Right 0.122 Peds C WB Left C Thru TR Right 1751 Peds 0.122 NB Right C SB Right 6.OA 63.OA Green 9.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Cycle Length: --------------------------------------- 90 secs Phase combinati Lane Group: Mvmts Cap NB Left Thru L Right 1618 Peds 0.122 SB Left C Thru C Right TR Peds 1751 EB Right 0.122 WB Right C Green 6.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 .on order: #1 #5 #6 Intersection Performance Adj Sat v/c g/C Flow Ratio Ratio Summary Approach: Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 198 1618 0.152 0.122 22.9 C 23.0 C TR 214 1751 0.210 0.122 23.1 C WB L 186 1525 0.349 0.122 23.9 C 23.4 C T 228 1863 0.119 0.122 22.7 C R 193 1583 0.067 0.122 22.6 C NB L 157 1770 0.153 0.089 24.5 C 4.2 A TR 2666 3691 0.103 0.722 2.4 A SB L 157 1770 0.153 0.089 24.5 C 3.5 A TR 2637 3651 0.217 0.722 2.7 A Intersection Delay = 7.0 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.228 r HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-17-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenue 50 (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_50TA.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 AM Pk Comment: Year 1999 W/ Project Eastbound westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1 < 1 1 1 1 2 < 1 2 < Volumes 79 120 42 28 32 56 48 512 43 39 116 121 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds * Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 9.OA Green 6.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #5 #6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 195 1592 0.406 0.122 24.4 C 30.2 D TR 219 1790 0.740 0.122 33.1 D WB L 83 677 0.338 0.122 24.3 C 23.5 C T 228 1863 0.141 0.122 22.8 C R 193 1583 0.289 0.122 23.5 C NB L 157 1770 0.305 0.089 25.2 D 4.4 A TR 2659 3682 0.219 0.722 2.7 A SB L 157 1770 0.248 0.089 24.9 C 5.5 B TR 2484 3440 0.100 0.722 2.4 A Intersection Delay = 11.2 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.296 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 08-17-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E -W) Avenue 50 (N -S) Eisenhower Drive Analyst: Greg File Name: EI_50TP.HC9 Area Type: Other 5-6-97 PM Pk Comment: Year 1999 W/ Project Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< 1 1 1 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 35 35 22 70 27 37 26 267 45 28 472 73 Lane W (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 9.OA Green 6.OA 63.OA Yellow/AR 4.0 Yellow/AR 4.0 4.0 Cycle'Length: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #546 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 198 1618 0.177 0.122 22.9 C 23.2 C TR 214 1755 0.266 0.122 23.3 C WB L 171 1396 0.410 0.122 24.5 C 23.7 C T 228 1863 0.119 0.122 22.7 C R 193 1583 0.191 0.122 23.0 C NB L 157 1770 0.165 0.089 24.5 C 4.1 A TR 2632 3645 0.125 0.722 2.5 A SB L 157 1770 0.178 0.089 24.6 C 3.7 A TR 2637 3651 0.217 0.722 2.7 A Intersection Delay = 7.6 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.239 Appendix 5 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS Peak Hour Volume Warrant (Rural Areas) 500 — 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 2 > 400 = 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) I , a OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) a300 CC NCL a M w z n 200 � J O 0 100 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 MAJOR STREET -TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES -VPH * NOTE: 100 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACH WITH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 75 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE LANE. ! Wndo Engineering Source: California Department of Transportation Traffic Manua! La Quinta Resort SPA#4 Peak Hour Volume Warrant Intersection: _aM or A proach- Eisenhower Drive 2 Lanes _ @ the La Quinta Hotel entry road ~ Minor Approach: _--_-- _ ---� p1999 Ambient x1999+Pro ect 2 Lanes Rural Warrants 4 v � AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Approach _ Existing_ _ Existing 1999 Ambient 1999+13roject Southbound 183 221 245 422 510 Northbound _ 551 20 _ T667 25 _ 670 -- 41 _ _ 261 316 _519 367 Eastbound 41 51 61 e _�— _._ .. _ _ _ _- _ Meets 1 -Hr Warrant No T ^ No No No No No Intersection: Avenue 50 0 the La Quinta Golf Club entry road �Y Malor Approach: 2 Lanes _ Minor Approach: 2 Lanes Rural Warrants AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Approach e —Existing 1999 Ambient 1999+Pro ect Existing 1999 Ambient 1999+Project Eastbound 116 136 171 76 92 133 Westbound 154 187 201 _ 104 125 218 — _ Northbound _ —� 0 — 0 78 0 0 49 No No No No No Meets 1 -Hr Warrant —No64 n r r r Appendix 6 GUARD GATE STACKING WORKSHEET r Guard Gate Stacking Distance Worksheet Left Ent Lane at Calle Mazatlan Gate August Count; Peak Season with Two Guards (Arrival Rate (Veh/Hr)! 43 I , Arrival Rate (Veh/Hr). 72 Average Processing Time SecNeh i 45 Average Processing Time SecNeh 30 I I rj 0.538 rl 0.61, � I i Average Number of Customers in Queue 1.21 (Average Number of Customers in Queue 1 1.51 Cars in Queue % of Time Cars in Queue I % of Time 01 46 01 40; 1 25 11 241 2, 13 1 21 141 3 7 911 31 911 87 4 41 1 41 5 5 2 5 3� 6 11 6 2 7 111 7 111` 8' 01 8 1 1 9 ; 01 1 91 0_ 101 Oi 101 01 i Peak Season with Adjusted to Peak Season I 1 Hotel Guests Waved Through IArrival Rate Veh/Hr)1 721 1 Arrival Rate Veh/Hr) 361 Average Processing Time SecNeh 451 1 Average Processing Time SecNeh 45[ I i r 0.9 1 r 1 0.45! 1 � lAverage Average Number of Customers in Queue 1 9.01 Number of Customers in Queue i 0.8; Cars in Queue I % of Time I Cars in Queue I % of Time 01 101 01 55' 1 9 I 1 1 251 21 81 1 21 111 3 7 34 31 51 96 41 7 41. 2 5 6 I 5! 1 61 51 ! 61 01 f 71 511 7; 01 8 41 I 8 01 9 4 91 0 10 3L 681 101 OI ' i I � I Adjusted to Pk Season+Pro ecti Pk Season+Pro' with Two Guards Arrival Rate Veh/Hr 1 1031 Arrival Rate Veh/Hr i 10311 Average Processing Time SecNeh I 4 51 Average Processing Time SecNeh 3M I I 1 I i rl 1.2881 i r•. 0.8581 I Queue grows with r >1 (Average Number of Customers in Queue 6.11 ? ; Cars in Queue; % of Time 1 0I 14 1 1 . 12; 1 2 101 3' 911 45 41 8, 1 t 51 71 1 61 6 1 1 7'• 51 t 81 4 1 1 91 41 I 10r 31 Guard Gate Stacking Distance Worksheet Avenida Fernando Gate August Count -Left Lane August Count -Right Lane; Arrival Rate Veh/Hr) 31 Arrival Rate Veh/Hr 211 Average Processing Time (SecNeh) 1 451 Average Processing Time (SecNeh)' 2 k rl 0.0381 1 r; 0.012; Average Number of Customers in Queue 0.01 lAverage Number of Customers in Queue 0.0 Cars in Queue % of Time I Cars in Queue % of Time 0 961 I Ol 991 1 4 1 1 I 21 OI 2 0! 3 0 1001, 3 0 l 100 4 0 4 0 I Adjusted to Pk Season -Left Lane Adjusted to Pk Season -Right Lane Arrival Rate (Veh/Hr) 5 1 Arrival Rate Veh/Hr 105; Average Processing Time (SecNeh)I 45 Average Processing Time SecNeh 2 i t I r 1 0.063 r 1 0.058 Average Number of Customers in Queue 0.11 Average Number of Customers in Queue 0.11 Cars in Queue % of Time Cars in Queue! % of Time 01 94F 01 94i 1 6 1 i ;_5' 2j Ol 2j 0, 31 0 1001 31 0! 99 41 0 I 4! 0 I , 1 Pk Seas w/ Project -Left Lane Pk Seas w/ Project -Right Lane Arrival Rate (Veh/Hr) 41 j Arrival Rate (Veh/Hr) 141, Average Processing Time (SecNeh) 45 Avera2e Processing Time (SecNeh) 21 i I r 0.513! r! 0.0781 Average Number of Customers in Queue 1.1` Average Number of Customers in Queue 0.1 Cars in Queue, % of Time Cars in Queue % of Time I 01 49 ; 0i 92' 1I 251 I 1! 7i 21 131, 2i 1 31 71 941 3 Oi 41 31 1 141 0 51 21 1 1 51 O1 61 1 6' 0 I 71 Ol I I 71 0; APPENDIX IV Air Quality Study Endo Engineering 28811 Woodcock Drive Laguna Nigel, CA 92677 Prepared by: Endo Engineering August 1997 r AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS THE LA QUINTA RESORT SPECIFIC FLAN AMENDMENT #4 CITY OF LA QUINTA AUGUST 18, 1997 Prepared For: KSL Desert Resorts, Inc. 56-140 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 564-1088 Prepared By: Endo Engineering 28811 Woodcock Drive Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-1330 (714)362-0020 Endo Engineering Traffic Engineering Air Quality Studies Noise Assessments August 18, 1997 Mr. Forrest Haag Design & Land Planning 20 Corporate Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: La Quinta Resort Specific Plan Amendment Number 4 Air Quality Analysis Dear Mr. Haag; Endo Engineering is pleased to submit this analysis of the potential air quality impacts associated with Amendment Number 4 to the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan. The project would allow the existing La Quinta Resort hotel employee parking area on Avenida Obregon to be relocated into a new parking lot to be constructed east of Eisenhower Drive and south of Avenue 50, opposite the La Quinta Golf Club, in Planning Area IL The removal of the parking area, the stadium tennis court, and 18 hotel rooms in Planning Area I would allow the development of 119 single-family residences and the relocation and expansion of the La Quinta Hotel Health Spa. The project also includes the development of 110 single family dwellings in Planning Area Il. This study follows the methodology specified by the SCAQMD in the November 1993 Update of the CEQA Air Quality Handbook. It details in graphic and narrative form: (1) existing ambient air quality in the vicinity; (2) probable air pollutant emission and air quality changes related to the proposed project; and (3) mitigation measures to substantially reduce any significant impacts identified. We trust that the information provided herein will be of value to the City of La Quinta in their review of the potential impacts and conditions of approval associated with the project. Should questions or comments develop regarding the findings and recommendations within this report, please do not hesitate to contact our offices. Cordially, ENDO ENGINEERING Ai t : XAA &ndo Vicki Lee Endo Registered Professional Traffic Engineer TR 1161 +�pFESSEpy�� lEE Eypfl 4��. TR 1161 la /31 j981 TRAFFIC �a Of CAOI 28811 Woodcock Drive, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-1330 (714) 362-0020 FAX. (714) 362-0015 Table of Contents Section Title Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................. 1-1 - Existing Air Quality - Air Quality Impacts - Mitigation Measures 2.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ..................... 2-1 - Project Location - Project Description 3.0 EXISTING AIR QUALITY ........................................... 3-1 - Air Pollution Fundamentals - Regional Air Quality - Local Air Quality - Regulatory Setting 4.0 AIR QUALITY IMPACT ANALYSIS.. ............................ 4-1 - Impact Significance Threshold Criteria - Short -Term Construction -Related Impacts - Long -Term Operational Impacts - Relevant Planning Programs 5.0 AIR QUALITY MITIGATION MEASURES ....................... 5-1 - Incorporated Recommendations - Additional Recommendations APPENDICES A. Air Quality Glossary B . Ambient Air Quality Standards and Data C. Effects of Air Pollution on Sensitive Receptors D. PM10 SIP Control Measures E. Construction -Related Emissions Worksheets F. Operational Emissions Worksheets G. CALINE 4 Assumptions and Output I 71 � r List of Figures Number Title Following Page 2-1 Regional Location ...... ................................. • ............... 2-1 2-2 Vicinity Map............................................................. . 2-1 2-3 Site Development Plan - Planning Area II ............................. 2-1 2-4 Site Development Plan - Planning Area I ................ . . ............ 2-2 3-1 Ambient Air Monitoring Stations Operating During 1994 ........... 3-4 3-2 Annual Surface Wind Rose Summary ................................. 3-7 3-3 Coachella Valley Ozone Data ............................................ 3-8 3-4 Coachella Valley PMio Data ............................................ 3-8 3-5 Coachella Valley Blowsand Region .................................... 3-10 List of Tables Number Title Page 3-1 Health Effects of Air Pollutants ......................................... 3-6 4-1 SCAQMD Significance Threshold Criteria ............................ 4-2 4-2 Construction -Related Emissions ........................................ 4-4 4-3 Project -Related 1999 Operational Air Pollutant Emissions .......... 4-6 4-4 Year 1999 Carbon Monoxide Concentrations ......................... 4-7 It 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Existing Air Quality 1. The project site is located within the Salton Sea Air Basin, which has been designated a "severe -17" ozone nonattainment area because of violations of the federal ambient air quality standards for ozone primarily due to pollutant transport from the South Coast Air Basin.1 2. The 1997 Air Quality Management Plan indicates that attainment of the 1 -hour federal ozone standard will be possible by November 15, 2007 (as required by the Federal Clean Air Act) with the proposed control strategy for the South Coast Air Basin and control of locally generated emissions via state and federal regulations. 3. The Coachella Valley was reclassified in February 1993 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a "serious" nonattainment area for PMio, which means that the valley had violated federal health -based standards for particulate matter. 4. PMio monitoring in the Coachella Valley over the last three years indicates that (with the exception of one measured PM10 exceedance due to a high wind natural event) the area has attained the federal PM10 standard and since the EPA recently released a natural events policy which exempts certain high wind events causing PMio air quality exceedances as being counted as a violation, the Coachella Valley is now eligible for consideration by the EPA as having attained the federal PMio standard. 5. The proposed project appears to be located south of the active blowsand zone of the {Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) "Blowsand Hazard Zane" 1.2 Air Quality Impacts 1. Daily and quarterly construction -related emissions associated with the proposed project are not projected to exceed the SCAQMD significance threshold criteria and therefore should be considered insignificant. 2. Upon completion in 1999, the proposed project would generate approximately: 305.7 pounds of carbon monoxide, 35.5 pounds of reactive organic compounds, 40.0 pounds of NOx, 2.5 pounds of SOx and 3.2 pounds of PMio, primarily due to motor vehicle use associated with the project. 3. The proposed project is not considered to have a significant long-term impact on air quality, since it will not exceed any of the SCAQMD operational threshold criteria. 4. CALINE 4 modeling indicates that the one-hour and eight-hour state and federal ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide will not be exceeded at the largest intersection carrying a significant amount of project -related traffic in 1999, regardless of whether or not the project is constructed. 1. This designation indicates that the attainment date for the federal ozone standards is November 15, 2007 (17 years from the date of enactment of the federal Clean Air Act). 1-1 r 5. The proposed project appears to be consistent with the 1997 Air Quality Management Plan and the Coachella Valley PMJO SIP. 1.3 Air Quality Mitigation Measures The following measures are have been or will be incorporated in the project. 1. Cut and fill quantities will be balanced on-site. 2. The project proponent shall comply with all provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code related to construction activities. 3. Grading activities should be scheduled to occur during the fall and winter months when rain fall in the project area is the greatest. Construction activities should be minimized during the windy season from March through June. Grading operations shall be suspended during first and second stage ozone episodes or when winds exceed 30 mph. 4. SCAQMD Rule 403 shall be adhered to, insuring the clean up of construction - related dirt on approach routes to the site. 5. Adequate watering techniques shall be employed to partially mitigate the impact of construction -generated dust particulates. Portions of the project site that are under- going earth moving operations shall be watered such that a crust will be formed on the ground surface and then watered again at the end of the day. 6. Grading operations shall be suspended during first and second stage ozone episodes or when winds exceed 30 mph. 7. SCAQMD Rules 1108 and 1108.1 shall be adhered to, prohibiting the use of rapid and medium cure cutback asphalts as well as organic compounds in emulsified asphalts used during the construction process. 8. SCAQMD Rule 1113 shall be adhered to, restricting the VOC content of any architectural coating materials used on-site to a maximum of 2.08 pounds of VOC per gallon. 9. Any vegetative ground cover to be utilized on-site shall be planted as soon as possible to reduce the disturbed area subject to wind erosion. Irrigation systems needed to water these plants shall be installed as soon as possible to maintain the ground cover and minimize wind erosion of the soil. 10. Building construction shall comply with the energy use guidelines in Title 24 of the California Administrative Code. 1-2 2.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 2.1 Project Location The proposed project is entirely within the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area, which in turn is located within the City of La Quinta, in the southwestern portion of the Coachella Valley. Figure 2-1 depicts the La Quinta Resort in its regional context, south of Highway 111, which provides the primary regional access to the City of La Quinta and is a major transportation route through the Coachella Valley. The La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area includes 622± acres that have been divided into five Planning Areas to more effectively address each unique development environment within the Specific Plan boundary. Amendments are currently proposed to Planning Area I, which is comprised of 70.0± acres extending west of Eisenhower Drive, east of Calle Mazatlan, south of Avenida Fernando, and north of the existing Santa Rosa Cove Community. Amendments are also proposed in Planning Area II, which includes 27.7± acres located south of Avenue 50, north of the Resort Dunes Golf Course, east of Eisenhower Drive, and west of the existing Dune La Quinta residential project. The existing parking area for the La Quinta Hotel employees is located at the rear of the hotel, west of Avenida Obregon and north of Calle Mazatlan (see Figure 2-2, the Vicinity Map). There is a paved parking lot with 160 parking spaces for hotel employees at this location as well as a neighboring lawn maintenance/storage area that can accommodate 17 parked vehicles. The 2.1 -acre site for the proposed parking lot is located within Planning Area II of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan. It is located south of Avenue 50, and east of Eisenhower Drive, as shown in Figure 2-2. For ease of reference, the two proposed development areas are referenced herein as: Site #1 (on the west side of Eisenhower Drive) and Site #2 (on the east side of Eisenhower Drive) as shown in Figure 2-2. Site #1 includes only a portion (11.9± acres) of Planning Area I of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan (all of Parcel 7 and Parcel 8 as well as part of Parcels 12 and 13). Site #2 includes all of Planning Area II of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan. 2.2 Project Description The La Quinta Resort Specific Plan provides a range of land use categories as well as zoning and development regulations for the 622± acre development. The proposed project is an update to the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan to relocate the existing parking area (for hotel and landscape maintenance employees) into a new proposed parking lot, as shown in Figure 2-3, the Site Development Pian for Planning Area R. The proposed parking lot site is currently vacant and surrounded by the Dunes Golf Course. Proposed Development in Planning Area II The proposed project includes a paved lot with approximately 2.50 parking spaces (and no fewer than the number of parking spaces being eliminated from the existing off-street parking areas within the La Quinta Resort). The proposed hotel employee parking lot would be constructed on 2.1 acres located south of Avenue 50 and east of Eisenhower 2-1 Figure 2-1 Regional Location 1 ._._._._._._._._._._,_._._.San Bernardino _County ._._ _ _. ;._._._._._._._._. ffive*rside County 0 Desert r: Riverside Banning Cabazon Hot Springs 60 ...w 91 Moreno11 Cathedral y Valley City Q Palm Rancho Springs Mirage � Indian \'* 15 • Wells 0 74 Hemet Palm • . Sun Desert Indio 10 City 215 *� La 171 Lake Elsinore Q 74 auinta Project J j Murrieta 371 Site Salton Temecula Hot S rings Sea 79 -�._ ................ ....................,_ _._...........................•f.`! _ SanDiego Count 1210 CDD w I 1 endo Engineering Scale: V'= 13.3 Miles Figure 2-2 Vicinity Map Proposed Development Site Parking Area endo Engineering nue 0 posed ;ing Lot T Scale: 1" =1100' Figure 2-3 I Site Development Plan Planning Area II L. , ! _ -•n a _ -.yam ..•' .. ,rs e g 1 9 #i . � `�} • Lam• - icy '�� � - �-- j'- �. +',s'", t,•�'��.• '�' � � .. _ � alzawlu� 11GG�•ow cvscy�ran cllweaFi Y _ , a i � f R V Endo Engineering Drive, in the vicinity of three golf course holes of the Dunes Golf Course in Planning Area II. Access to the proposed employee parking lot would be via a new driveway on Eisenhower Drive, south of Avenue 50, restricted to right -turn access until Eisenhower Drive is fully widened, and adequate sight -distance is provided for left -turn ingress. The existing hotel employee and landscape maintenance parking lots can only be accessed by driving through the La Quinta Hotel grounds and past guest accommodations. By 6:00 AM, eighty-one cars were observed to be parked in the hotel employee lot and a total of 139 cars were observed parked there by 7:30 AM on a typical weekday. Since the demand for employee parking does not exceed the available parking supply in the hotel employee parking lot, the adjacent landscape maintenance parking lot with 17 spaces was observed to be utilized primarily for temporary equipment storage. The La Quinta Hotel has six shuttle vehicles available at present that can accommodate up to 20 passengers per vehicle. These vehicles will be utilized to shuttle employees between the new parking lot and the hotel work sites, as needed. In addition to the employee parking lot proposed in Planning Area II, future single family residential development is proposed adjacent to the south side of Avenue 50, east of Eisenhower Drive. The existing RL zoning on 18.5 acres in Planning Area H would permit the development of 110 single family dwelling units. A total of 6.0 acres in Planning Area II are zoned GC to permit the development of a golf course. Proposed Development in Planning Area I Once the existing hotel employee parking lot in Planning Area I is relocated to Planning Area II, the land in Parcel 8 that was utilized for hotel employee parking will be developed with medium density residential land uses per the current RM zoning at a density of 4-8 dwellings per acre. The currently vacant adjacent land in Parcel 8 will also be developed with medium density residential land uses (per the current RM zoning at a density of 4-8 dwellings per acre). Figure 2-4 is the Site Development Plan for the residential development anticipated in Planning Area I. As shown in Figure 2-4, a total of 119 new single family dwelling units (with up to three bedrooms per unit) are proposed for development in Planning Area I. That total includes 84 dwelling units in Parcel 8 (with access to Calle Mazatlan) and 35 dwelling units in the western portion of Parcel 13 and the southern half of Parcel 12 (with access to Avenida Obregon). There are currently six buildings (multiple keyed to provide 18 existing hotel rooms) located in Parcel 13 that will be removed to allow the 35 new dwelling units to be constructed. Parcel 12 is currently a parking lot and any parking spaces removed will be replaced. As shown in Figure 2-4, a spa will be constructed in Parcel 8 south of and adjacent to the existing tennis courts with access to Avenida Obregon. The stadium tennis court will be removed. The proposed spa facility will provide approximately 22,000 square feet of building area and will replace the existing 6,000± square foot spa located within the La Quinta Hotel. The area within the La Quinta Hotel that is currently occupied by the spa will be converted to office space to better accommodate the existing hotel administrative staff. No change in staffing is anticipated as a result of this conversion, other than the additional staff required to operate a 16,000 square foot larger spa facility. It is anticipated that approximately 90 percent of the spa patrons will be residents or guests of the La Quinta Resort. The remaining 10 percent are expected to come from areas beyond the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan boundaries. 2-2 Figure 2-4 Site Development Plan (Planning Area 1) �_�{--1 LJ � •� , f -- .1 I -I� ljj I`44 IIIIjjIIJJ((FF'' I� ��l I J \.... " 11.lil 11 W Hl1UJILU I I , .. 23UNIT9 Q c:1 1 1 i o 1 � •- — m 11 UNITS 12 UNITS _T — IJ �w ti�rrrw r N..a�w+�wwl r .F 1 .i 21 UNITS � a 1 + ' • • -� 16 UNITS _ I u< laryw y� ° °o 1 1 I I — I I I a 5 I ! � 1t' .1• I P � .I. �w uuun a a }�■x �•' Id QUINTA RESORT RV.SIDK nA1. TAWLAT10N L �--, � 17 UNITS � � I '•��,+� � -� _I iVndo Engineering Source: Design and Land Planning Not to Scale Appendices A. AIR QUALITY GLOSSARY B. AIR QUALITY STANDARDS AND DATA C. EFFECTS ON SENSITIVE RECEPTORS D. PM10 SIP CONTROL MEASURES E. CONSTRUCTION EMISSIONS WORKSHEETS F. OPERATIONAL EMISSIONS WORKSHEETS G. CALWFA ASSUMPTIONS AND OUTPUT Appendix A Air Quality Glossary Appendix A - Glossary Air Basin -- An area with common and distinctive geographical features. Air Monitoring -- Sampling and measuring pollutants present in the atmosphere. Ambient Air -- Outside air. AQMP -- The Air Quality Management Plan. ARB -- The California Air Resources Board. Attainment -- Legal recognition that an area meets standards for a particulate pollutant. AVR -- Average Vehicle Ridership AVR Requirement -- Achieving an average vehicle ridership during peak commute hours of 1.5 persons/vehicle by 1999. BACT -- Best Available Control Technology. CAA -- The Federal Clean Air Act. CCAA -- The California Clean Air Act. CEQA -- The California Environmental Quality Act. CMP -- The Congestion Management Program. CO -- Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, toxic gas formed by incomplete combus- tion of fossil fuels. Contingency Measures -- Actions which will be implemented in the event of a failure to attain or to meet interim milestones. Criteria Air Contaminants -- Criteria air contaminants are pollutants for which air quality standards currently exist (i.e. ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), fine suspended particulates (PM10), lead and sulfate). CVAG -- The Coachella Valley Association of Governments. EIR -- Environmental Impact Report. Emission Inventory -- Listing by source of pollutants emitted into a community's atmosphere (typically given in amounts per day or per year). EPA -- The Environmental Protection Agency. Federal agency with responsibility for ambient air quality. Episode Criteria -- California has adopted health advisory levels called episode criteria for ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone in combination with sulfates. Episode criteria represent short-term exposures at concentrations which actually threaten public health. A-1 Photochemical Oxidant -- Photochemical oxidant (03) can include several different pollutants, but consists primarily of ozone (90%) and a group of chemicals called organic peroxynitrates. Photochemical oxidant is created by complex atmospheric reactions involving oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds, in the presence of ultraviolet energy from sunlight. PM -- Total suspended particulate matter. PM2.5 -- Suspended particulate matter with a mean aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers. PM10 -- Suspended particulate matter with a mean aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 micrometers. PM10 SIP -- The PM10 State Implementation Plan. PPM -- Parts per million parts of air. Primary Pollutants -- Primary pollutants are those emitted directly from a source and include: carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulates, and various hydrocarbons and other volatile organic compounds (VOC). RACM -- Reasonably Available Control Measures. RACT -- Reasonably Available Control Technology. Rate -of -Progress -- Reducing pollutants contributing to nonattainment by five percent per year or all feasible control measures and an expeditious adoption schedule. Reasonable Further Progress -- An incremental reduction in emissions of relevant air pollutants that is needed to ensure attainment of the national ambient air quality standards or NAAQS by the applicable date. Risk Assessment -- Evaluation of expected health impacts on a specific population. ROG -- Reactive Organic Gases. Gases composed of hydrocarbons that contribute to the formation of photochemical oxidant. SCAB -- The South Coast Air Basin. SCAG -- The Southern California Association of Governments. SCAQMD -- The South Coast Air Quality Management District. Secondary Pollutants -- Secondary pollutants are created with the passage of time in the air mass and include: photochemical oxidants (90% of which are ozone), photochemical aerosols, peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Sensitive Land Use -- Sensitive land uses are land uses associated with indoor and/or outdoor human activities that may be subject to stress and/or significant impact as a result of air pollutant exposure. They include residential (single-family and multi -family dwellings, mobile home parks, dormitories and similar uses); transient lodging (including hotels, motels and similar uses); hospitals, nursing homes, convalescent hospitals and other facilities for long-term medical care; and public or private educational facilities. A-3 m F4, SIP -- State Implementation Plan. A document that shows the steps planned to meet federal air quality standards (outlined in the Clean Air Act). Each nonattainment area prepares an air quality improvement plan. These plans are combined to make the statewide SIP. SO2 -- Sulfur dioxide results from the combustion of high sulfur content fuels. SOV -- Single Occupant Vehicle. A vehicle with one occupant (the driver). SOx -- Sulfates result from a reaction of sulfur dioxide and oxygen in the presence of sunlight. SRA -- Source Receptor Area. The Coachella Valley is in Source Receptor Area 30. SSAB -- The Salton Sea Air Basin. Stage I Alert -- Called when ozone concentrations are projected to reach 20 parts per hundred million. A Stage I Alert indicates that the general public should avoid strenuous outdoor activities because of unhealthful air quality. Stage II Alert -- Called when ozone concentrations are projected to reach 35 parts per hundred million. A Stage II Alert indicates that everyone should remain indoors because of very unhealthful air quality. TCM -- Transportation Control Measures. TDM -- Transportation Demand Management. VMT -- Vehicle Miles Traveled (usually daily). VOC -- Hydrocarbon and other Volatile Organic Compounds are formed from combustion of fuels and the evaporation of organic solvents. Many hydrocarbon compounds are major air pollutants, and those classified as aromatics are highly photochemically reactive with NOx, forming photochemical smog. VT -- Vehicle Trips. A-4 2010, this situation was projected to change dramatically and the primary open area source category was projected to be construction (at more than 59 percent).$ Nitrogen Dioxide The federal annual average nitrogen dioxide standard was not exceeded at the Coachella Valley stations between 1993 and 1995. Similarly, the state 1 -hour nitrogen dioxide standard was not exceeded. The maximum 1 -hour NO2 concentration monitored was 0.15 ppm, which was 60 percent of the standard (0.25 ppm). Carbon Monoxide The state and national carbon monoxide (CO) standards were not exceeded in the Coachella Valley between 1993 and 1995. The highest maximum CO concentration measured during the last three years was 6.0 ppm (1 -hour average) and 2.0 ppm (8 -hour average). Other Criteria Pollutants Sulfur dioxide and lead are not monitored in the Coachella Valley. Lead concentrations dropped dramatically following the phasing out of leaded gasoline. Federal sulfur dioxide standards were last exceeded in the 1960's and the state standards were last exceeded in 1990 in Los Angeles County. These pollutants are not of concern to the SCAQMD or the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in the Coachella Valley. Existing Sensitive Receptors Land uses considered by the SCAQMD to be sensitive receptors include the following: • residences, • long-term healthcare facilities, • schools, • rehabilitation centers, • playgrounds, • convalescent centers, • child care centers, • retirement homes, and • athletic facilities. If these receptors are located adjacent to a major intersection, carbon monoxide (CO) "hot spots" may occur during times of peak use. High levels of carbon monoxide are also associated with traffic congestion, and with idling or slow-moving vehicles, depending on the background CO concentration. Therefore, projects that could negatively impact levels of service at major intersections with nearby sensitive receptors must quantify and, if necessary, mitigate potential impacts. Existing land uses that are sensitive to air quality within the study area include residential uses located east of Planning Area II and within and adjacent to Planning Area I. The current and future project -related traffic volumes in these areas are quite small. In addition, the ambient carbon monoxide concentrations in the Coachella Valley are very low. As a result, the likelihood of a CO "hot spot" that could affect pedestrians or local residents is extremely remote. Local Sources of Air Contaminants The Coachella Valley is sparsely populated, with the largest urban area represented by Palm Springs. Industrial sources in the Coachella Valley are generally limited and localized. 8. SCAQMD; AQMP Draft Technical Report III -F Inventory of Mo Emission, December 1990. WI -IJ Blowsand is the most severe form of wind erosion, occurring when barren sand or sandy loam soils are exposed to high winds, in the absence of moisture. Blowsand can cause significant property damage and expensive clean-up procedures. It contributes to high suspended particulate levels and associated respiratory problems for sensitive receptors. As shown in Figure 3-5, the project site appears to be located outside of the area designated by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) as a 'Blowsand Hazard Zone".4 This zone is defined as ".. all land, by nature of its location or soil characteristics subject to real or potential sand accumulation and/or abrasion, or land which may cause sand damage to adjacent property." Within the blowsand hazard zone is an "Active Blowsand Zone" which encompasses the area immediately adjacent to the northern site boundary. Blowsand reduction measures are required for projects located within the "Active Blowsand Zone". Blowsand reduction measures may be required of projects within CVAG 'Blowsand Hazard Zone". Controlling the Blowsand problem is intended: (1) to protect the health, safety and general welfare of any current or future residents of the blowsand hazard zone; (2) to provide for the protection of adjacent property owners who are subject to soil erosion and/or soil accumulation resulting from development activities within the blowsand hazard zone; and (3) to minimize the public cost of removing accumulated sand on public roads. Vegetative planting has been the most effective method of direct blowsand control and protection. Other possible methods include: walls, screens, fences, ground covers, soil stabilizers, and watering techniques. 3.4 Regulatory Setting Federal Clean Air Act Requirements Section 110 of the federal Clean Air Act (CAA) requires that each State adopt a plan which provides for implementation, maintenance and enforcement of the primary and secondary national air quality standards in that state. That requirement is met by the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The November 1990 amendments to the federal Clean Air Act (CAA) were intended to intensify air pollution control efforts across the nation. The CAA identified specific emission reduction goals, required both a demonstration of reasonable further progress (an incremental reduction in emissions of relevant air pollutants needed to ensure attainment of the national ambient air quality standards or NAAQS by the applicable date) and an attainment demonstration, and incorporates more stringent sanctions for failure to attain or to meet interim milestones. As a "severe -17" nonattainment area, the Coachella Valley must demonstrate reasonable further progress and attainment of the national ozone standards according to the provisions of the 1990 federal Clean Air Act. The 1990 federal Clean Air Act requires the Coachella Valley to: • identify specific emission reduction goals; • demonstrate reasonable further progress in VOC emissions; • demonstrate attainment of the federal ozone standard; and 9. CVAG;Final SIP for PM10 in the Coachella Valley; November 1990. 3-10 • provide contingency measures or actions in the event of a failure to attain or to meet interim milestones. 10 The CAA also requires that each serious ozone nonattainment area achieve actual VOC emission reductions of at least 3% per year (averaged over each consecutive 3 -year period beginning November 15, 1997 until November 15, 2007). Milestone years for VOC emission reductions in the Coachella Valley are 1999, 2002, 2005 and 2007. This requirement appears to be extremely difficult to meet in the Coachella Valley because of the limited local emissions in the area in 1990 and the rapid population growth projected for this area. All increases in VOC emissions caused by growth will need to be fully offset in order to meet both the federal Clean Air Act and the California Clean Air Act requirements. For example, the CAA requires 3% VOC emission reductions beginning in 1997. If an area experiences population growth such that VOC emissions increase by 15% over 1990 levels, then the area must develop regulations that achieve VOC reductions of at least 18% (the 3% rate -of -progress requirement plus the 15% increase from population growth). According to the Southern California Association of Governments, by the year 2020, population in the Coachella Valley is projected to more than double (from 267,000 in 1990 to 389,000 in the year 2010 and 475,000 in the year 2020). In view of the population growth projected for the Coachella Valley, the rate -of -progress requirements of the CAA cannot be met unless further local controls are implemented. 11 In view of strong evidence that pollutant transport from the SCAB to the Coachella Valley is the primary cause of the ozone nonattainment status of the Coachella Valley, the 1997 AQMP states that aggressive control of the SCAB emissions is an effective strategy to substantially improve air quality in the Coachella Valley. The Coachella -Valley is currently designated as a "severe -17" ozone nonattainment area. This designation indicates that the attainment date for the federal ozone standards is November 15, 2007 (17 years from the date of enactment of the federal Clean Air Act). The 1994 AQMP indicated that attainment of the standard would be possible with the proposed control strategy for the SCAB and control of locally generated emissions via state and federal regulations. The 1997 AQMP photochemical grid modeling carries forward the 1994 AQMP conclusions and control approach for the Coachella Valley. The 1997 AQMP demonstrates that the VOC and NOx emission reductions from existing SCAQMD and CARB rules are sufficient to meet the CAA post -1996 rate -of -progress requirements for the Coachella Valley.12 The rate -of -progress requirements for all milestone years are met by a combination of VOC and NOx reduction from existing SCAQMD and ARB rules. The control strategy provides additional VOC and NOx reductions for all the years beginning with 1999 which can be used as a contingency in the event of a milestone failure. The CAA requires the SCAQMD to develop: a Federal Attainment Plan for Ozone; a post - 1996 rate -of -progress demonstration; an ozone attainment demonstration; a PM10 SIP which incorporates best available control measures (BACM) for fugitive sources; near -terra (<year 2000) and long-term (>year 2000) transportation control measures and contingency measures (i.e. additional control measures which would be implemented in the event of a milestone or attainment failure). 10. The 1997 AQMP revision addresses these requirements and staisfies the SIP requirements under Title I of the Clean Air Act. 11. SCAQMD; Draft 1997 AQMP; August 1996; Table 8-1. 12. SCAQMD; Draft 1997 AQMP; August 1996; Table 8-4. 3-11 The California Clean Air Act The California Clean Air Act (CCAA), which is generally more stringent than the federal CAA, was signed into law in 1988 and amended in 1992. The CCAA divides nonattain- ment areas into categories with progressively more stringent requirements, based on pollutant levels monitored therein. The CCAA establishes a legal mandate to achieve health -based state air quality standards at the earliest practicable date that is generally more stringent than the federal CAA. Serious and above nonattainment areas are required to revise their AQMP to include specified emission reduction strategies and to meet milestones in implementing emission controls and achieving better air quality. The study area is located in the Coachella Valley, which is an extreme nonattainment area for ozone (based upon the state 1 -hour ozone standard). The ozone standard exceedance is attributed to pollutant transport from the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB). Since the SCAB is a non -attainment area for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and PMio, the Coachella Valley may only be able to attain the ozone standard after the SCAB reduces emissions of ozone precursors (VOCs and NOx). The CCAA requires the establishment of indirect and area source controls to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and increase average vehicle ridership (AVR). It specifies the use of best available retrofit control technology for existing sources. The CCAA requires new source review to mitigate all emissions from new and modified perp -.fitted sources. It also requires consideration of transportation control measures (TCM`s) and significant use of low -emission vehicles by fleet operators. CCAA requirements for control strategy development that are addressed in the 1997 AQMP (Revised October 1996) include: • Rate -of -progress requirements (reducing pollutants contributing to nonattainment by 5% per year or the maximum feasible); • Reduce per -capita population exposure to severe nonattainment pollutants (Ozone, CO and NO2 for the SCAB) according to a prescribed schedule; • Rank control measures by cost-effectiveness and implementation priority. Air Quality Management Plan It is the responsibility of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) to lead the regional effort to attain the state and national AAQS. The SCAQMD is charged with developing and implementing the Air Quality Management Plan and reducing emissions from industries, some mobile sources, and consumer products. The state Clean Air Act requires that the AQMP be updated every 3 years. The Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) for the SCAB was originally adopted in 1979. Subsequent revisions, as required by both state and federal Clean Air Acts, have occurred since that time. The purpose of the 1994 AQMP was to set forth a comprehensive program to lead the SCAB and Southeast Desert Air Basin portions of Los Angeles and Riverside Counties into compliance with all national and state air quality standards. 3-12 The 1994 AQMP addressed the following federal Clean Air Act requirements for all nonattainment areas within the SCAQMD's jurisdiction: 13 • updated 1990 emission inventories for CO, VOC, NOx, SOx and PMio; • revised demonstration of 15% reduction in VOC emissions by 1996 to meet rate -of -progress requirements; c • post -1996 VOC rate -of -progress requirements; an overall control strategy that met federal Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) and Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) requirements; • Transportation Control Measures; • attainment demonstration for ozone including contingency measures; • revised attainment demonstrations for CO and NO2 including contingency measures; and • Best Available Control Measures for PMio. The 1994 AQMP demonstrated attainment of the federal and state ambient air quality standards. It proposed to achieve the federal ozone and PMio standards through long-term measures that emphasized a greater reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions from on -road and off-road sources than previous versions of the AQMP. The 1994 AQMP addressed the State Implementation Plan requirements under Title I of the federal Clean Air Act while acknowledging that attainment of the national ozone standard in the Coachella -San Jacinto Planning Area would only be possible with substantial emission reductions in the South Coast Air Basin. The 1994 AQMP concluded that: (1) a control strategy that concentrates on South Coast Air Basin sources is sufficient to demonstrate attainment in the Coachella -San Jacinto Planning Area; and (2) control of local VOC and NOx emissions will have little effect on ozone exceedances in the planning area. Aggressive control of VOC and NOx emissions within the South Coast Air Basin is the most effective control strategy for ozone attainment in the Coachella Valley because locally generated emissions are overwhelmed by upwind emissions generated within the SCAB. The SCAB emissions of VOC and NOx are up to 50 times those in the Coachella Valley. Improved air quality in the Coachella Valley clearly depends on reduced emissions in the South Coast Air Basin. Photochemical modeling undertaken by the SCAQMD for the 1994 AQMP has demon- strated that the federal one-hour ozone standard will be met by November 15, 2007 in the Coachella -San Jacinto Planning Area, as required by the federal Clean Air Act. The AQMP control strategy provides sufficient VOC and NOx emission reductions from existing SCAQMD and ARB rules to meet the CAA rate -of -progress requirements for the Coachella Valley. Because local government provides the primary focus of land use and growth management decisions, no air quality management plan can succeed without the active participation of local government. Most of the control measures relating to local government are in the areas of trip reduction, energy conservation, and dust control. 13. The SCAB and those portions of the Southeast Desert Nonattainment Area (Antelope Valley and Coachella -San Jacinto Planning Area) are nonattainment areas within the SCAQMD's jurisdiction. 3-13 F11, State Implementation Plan for PMio in the Coachella Valley The SCAQMD's Final November 1990 State Implementation Plan (SIP) for PM10 in the Coachella Valley addresses the EPA's non -attainment particulate designation for the Coachella Valley and the control measures required to meet state and federal PMio standards (summarized in Appendix D). Large-scale blowsand events, which can produce high levels of PMio through natural processes, are not targeted for control. This SIP focuses on man-made dust producing activities and the reduction of blowsand intrusion into populated areas. The implementation and monitoring program of the SIP is dependent on the SCAQMD, CVAG and local governments. Local governments are asked to develop ordinances, monitor progress, and create a County Service Area (CSA) or similar funding mechanism to implement the SIP. SCAQMD Rules and Regulations The SCAQMD is responsible for controlling stationary air pollution sources. Therefore, its Rules and Regulations address a wide variety of industrial and commercial operations and require operational controls on many processes. Rule 403 controls blowing dust from construction sites, landfills, open pit mines and other operations. A 1992 amendment to Rule 403 was projected to reduce PMio emissions in the Coachella Valley by 22 tons per day. As a result of recent legislation (SB 772, chaptered in 1995), the SCAQMD is now prohibited from enforcing rules requiring employee trip reduction plans. A Regulation XV task force was formed to consider modifications to Regulation XV by exploring alternate and more cost-effective vehicle pollution strategies that are consistent with state and federal mandates. As a result, the Regulation XV rideshare program was replaced with an equivalent emission reduction program under Rule 2202, which was adopted in 1995. 3-14 4.0 AIR QUALITY IMPACT ANALYSIS The South Coast Air Quality Management District is responsible for adopting, implementing and enforcing air quality regulations within the Salton Sea Air Basin. The SCAQMD reviews and comments on environmental documents for projects that may generate significant adverse air quality impacts. The SCAQMD advises the lead agency in addressing and mitigating the potential adverse air quality impacts caused by projects both during and after construction. However, the final decision on the significance of the air quality impacts lies with the judgment of the lead agency, which is the City of La Quinta. This decision must be based upon several considerations including the following. 1) What is the intensity and type of project? 2) What is the location of the project (i.e. upwind of sensitive receptors or in areas with high pollutant concentrations)? 3) Will the project cause an exceedance of any air quality standard? 4) Will the project make a substantial contribution to an existing exceedance of an air quality standard? 5) Is the project inconsistent with the AQMP? 6) Will the project emit toxic or hazardous air pollutants? 7) Will the mitigation measures that are attached to the project mitigate the air quality impacts to the maximum extent feasible? Two types of air pollutant sources must be considered with respect to the proposed project: stationary sources and mobile sources. Stationary source considerations include emissions from construction activities and natural gas combustion, as well as emissions at the power plant associated with the electrical requirements of the proposed development. Mobile source considerations include exhaust emissions resulting from short-term construction activities and long-term changes in vehicular travel associated with the proposed project. 4.1 Impact Significance Threshold Criteria The SCAQMD has established short-term construction -related and long-term operational thresholds which they recommend for use by lead agencies in making a determination of significance that considers both primary or direct impacts and secondary or indirect impacts. However, the final determination of whether or not a project is significant is within the purview of the lead agency pursuant to Section 15064 (b) of the CEQA Guidelines.1 The SCAQMD has established significance thresholds on a daily and quarterly basis for construction -related emissions. Projects with construction -related emissions in a quarterly period that exceed any of the quarterly emission thresholds shown in Table 4-1 should be considered to be significant. Since a project's quarterly emissions are determined by averaging over a 3 -month period (including only actual working days), it is possible to not exceed the quarterly thresholds while exceeding the daily thresholds shown in Table 4-1. If emissions on an individual day exceed any of the daily thresholds, the project should be considered significant. 1. SCAQMD, CEQA Air Quality Handbook, November 1993 Update, page 6-2. 4-1 Table 4-1 SCAQMD Significance Threshold Criteriaa (Pounds/Day) Pollutant CO VOC NOx Sox PM10 Daily Operations Emissions Thresholds -Pounds/Day 550 75 100 150 150 Quarterly Construction Emissions Thresholds - Pounds/Day 550 75 100 150 150 - Tons/Quarter 24.75 2.5 2.5 6.75 6.75 a. SCAQMD, CEQA Air Quality Handbook; November, 1993 Update 4.2 Short -Term Construction -Related Impacts Short-term impacts on air quality will occur during the construction activities required to implement the proposed project. These adverse impacts will include: 1) air pollutant emissions at the power plant serving the construction site while temporary power lines are needed to operate construction equipment and provide lighting; 2) exhaust emissions from the construction equipment used as well as the vehicles used to transport the off-highway construction equipment required; 3) exhaust emissions from the passenger vehicles of construction workers; 4) particulate emissions (fugitive dust) from excavation, grading and clearing activities; 5) emissions associated with demolition of existing buildings and the removal of the pavement in the existing employee parking lot; 6) exhaust emissions from the heavy vehicles used to transport building materials; 7) emissions related to the development of on-site landscaping; and 8) emissions from architectural coating and paving materials used for buildings, roads, parking lots etc. The "worst case" short-term impact assessment below assumes that the project is approved and construction begins in 1997. Construction of the project could be completed by early 1999. Grading operations will involve overexcavation (picking up the loose soil and replacing it as a compacted fill) possibly three to five feet deep, as well as cut and fill of mounds and depressions to create the desired landform over a three-week period. Finish grading will follow (moving the top foot of soil to within an inch of the elevation on the approved plans). After the finish grading, trenches will be excavated for underground utilities and surface improvements (curbs, pavement, sidewalks etc.) will be constructed. Next, residential buildings will be constructed and the pools, landscaping and lighting will be installed. Site construction will require approximately seven months to complete. 4-2 Grading activities will disturb approximately 2 acres per day, with the work typically not occurring on more than 30 percent of that 2 acres at any given time. Work will progress from one area to another, as areas are completed or dirt is balanced. In all, approximately 11.2 acres within Planning Area I will be affected by the development proposed. Field Office Stationary Source Emissions Typically a field office is located at a construction site. Operation of a field office during construction activities would result in air pollutant emissions at the power plant supplying g` its electricity or from the use of gasoline -powered portable generators at the construction I site. Appendix E includes air pollutant emission factors associated with the generation of electricity at the power plant. In general, a 500 -square -foot field office would generate negligible amounts of air pollution (.0052 pounds of CO, .0003 pounds of ROC, .0298 pounds of NOx, .0031 pounds of SOx, and .0010 pounds of PMlo per day). Construction Period Exhaust Emissions Localized exhaust emissions will result from the use of construction equipment on-site. Exhaust emissions over a broader area will result from the transport of off-highway equipment and the construction crew to and from the site. Table 4-2 provides the "worst case" daily and quarterly emissions associated with construction activities on-site. The daily analysis is speculative in that the specific construction schedule and details regarding which construction activities could occur concurrently on-site are not available. The quarterly emissions projections represent an average of the construction -related emissions over a 3 -month period that includes emissions only on actual working days. Over the course of the construction period, up to eight pieces of construction equipment will be utilized (refer to Appendix E for details regarding the equipment type). On any given day, approximately 50% of the equipment will be operated with an average construction crew of 10. Once the actual building construction begins, the construction crew size will increase to 45 to 60 people per day.2 Fugitive Dust Emissions During Building Demolition Activities Building demolition activities will generate PMio in the project vicinity. Dust -producing operations will include the razing and removal of a total of 18,800 square feet (in eight buildings), debris storage, handling and transport operations, as well as truck travel over any unpaved surfaces on-site. Demolition activities can also create mud/dirt carryout onto paved surfaces adjacent to the project site. Spillage from trucks removing building debris from the site can also occur, increasing the amount of surface loading deposited on paved streets and thereby increasing PMio emissions in the area. The 18,800 square feet of building area to be demolished represents a building volume of approximately 225,600 cubic feet (assuming a 12 -foot building height since all buildings to be demolished are one-story buildings). PMio emissions associated with building wrecking activities can be estimated from the volume of the structure to be demolished (as shown on the worksheet in Appendix E). An estimated 94.75 pounds of PMlo will be generated and emitted on-site during building demolition activities. The SCAQMD 150 pound per day construction threshold of significance for PMIo will not be exceeded since building wrecking activities will extend over a period of six days. Therefore, 15.8 lbs. of PMio per day will be emitted during on-site demolition activities. 2. Source: Mr. Forrest Haag, Design and Land Planning, facsimile dated 8/14/97. 4-3 Table 4-2 Construction -Related Emissionsa Emissions Source CO ROC NOx Sox PM10 "Worst Case" Daily Emissions (Pounds/Day) - Construction Equip. 28.78 4.10 48.63 5.01 4.36 - Construction Crew 30.77 6.19 5.42 0.43 0.90 - Demolition Activities - - - - 15.8 - Materials Delivery 4.30 1.00 0.90 0.07 0.15 - Graded Surfaces - - - -- 35.00 Total 63.85 11.29 54.95 5.51 56.21 Daily Thresholda 550 75 100 150 150 Threshold Exceeded No No No No No Quarterly Emissions (Tons/Quarter) - Construction Equip. 0.61 0.08 1.31 0.15 0.09 - Construction Crewb 0.97 0.19 0.17 0.01 0.03 - Demolition Activities - - -- - 0.05 - Materials Deliveryc 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 - Graded Surfaces - - - - 0.31 Total 1.62 0.28 1.49 0.16 0.48 Quarterly Thresholda 24.75 2.50 2.50 6.75 6.75 Threshold Exceeded No No No No No a. Refer to the worksheets in Appendix E for assumptions, emission factors and calculations. b. Assumes 63 working days/quarter. c. Assumes construction equipment and building materials delivery trips occur on 20 days during the "worst case" quarter. Asbestos Emissions During Demolition Activities Based upon the volume of the existing structure to be demolished on-site, asbestos emissions during demolition activities can also be estimated (as shown on the worksheet in Appendix E). Demolition activities to remove the existing 18,800 square feet of buildings to be demolished would generate an estimated 13.54 pounds of asbestos emissions during the entire demolition and debris removal process. The SCAQMD has adopted Rule 1403 which outlines the work practice requirements for demolition and renovation activities involving asbestos containing materials. Any per- son(s) undertaking a renovation involving 100 square feet or more of asbestos containing material or any kind of demolition must provide written notification to the SCAQMD 10 days prior to the start of such activity. Completion of the District's notification form details the removal, handling, labeling, storing, and disposal of asbestos containing materials by the applicant. 4-4 Graded Surface PMio Emissions The primary sources of construction activity PMio on-site will include grading activities and heavy-duty equipment on paved and unpaved roads. There will be no loading or unloading of trucks, since cut and fill quantities will be balanced on-site. An average PMio emission factor for construction activities is 26.4 pounds of PMio per day per acre disturbed.3 This factor can be reduced by two-thirds through regular watering. With regular watering and 2 acres of the site per day in a disturbed state during the overexcavation phase, approximately 35 pounds of PMio will be generated on-site per day. Grading at this intensity will continue for approximately three weeks. Therefore, surface grading PMio emissions during the "worst case" quarter will total 0.31 tons, as shown in Table 4-2. Grading will be stopped if dust control cannot be effective during windy conditions. Moreover, dust control measures such as pre -watering prior to grading and extra watering daily by truck will be employed to reduce the impacts of fugitive dust on all adjacent areas. Paving Material and Architectural Coating Emissions Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions will occur as a result of surface coating and paving materials used during the proposed construction processes. SCAQMD Rule 11084 prohibits the use of rapid and medium cure cutback asphalts in the air basin (asphalt can contain no more than 0.5% by volume organic compounds). Further, Rule 1108.1 prohibits any organic compounds in emulsified asphalts. Therefore, it is expected that VOC emissions, as a result of paving activities, will be minor. The volatile organic compound content of architectural coating materials (paint, varnish, lacquer, primer, etc.) will not be permitted to exceed the SCAQMD's Rule 1113 architectural coating threshold of 2.08 pounds of VOC per gallon. Most, if not all, of the VOCs will evaporate during the surface coating application and drying process. Significance of Short -Term Impacts It can be seen from Table 4-2 that "worst case" daily and quarterly construction -related emissions associated with the proposed project are not expected to exceed any of the con- struction emission SCAQMD significance threshold criteria. Consequently, without miti- gation other than regular watering during grading activities, the project will not have a significant short-term impact on local criteria air pollutant levels. 4.3 Long -Term Operational Impacts Air Pollutant Emission Projections During the life of the project, a variety of emissions will be produced by its day-to-day operations. The CEQA Air duality Handbook details the methodology and emission factors to be used to address reasonably foreseeable significant environmental conse- quences. Emission estimates for each applicable pollutant are required by development phase in pounds per day, based on the highest day (including weekdays and weekends).5 3. Source: SCAQMD, CEQA Air Quality Handbook, 11/93; Table A9-9; pg A9-93. Refer to the fugitive dust grading emissions worksheet in Appendix E for assumptions and calculations. 4. Telephone communication with Ms. Linda Basilio, SCAQMD, on 4/30/93. 5. SCAQMD, CEQA Air Quality Handbook, November 1993 Update, page 9-5. 4-5 I Emission projections can be made for project build -out conditions in 1999 by multiplying anticipated motor vehicle, natural gas, and electrical usage rates by the appropriate emission factors (EMFAC7EP). The assumptions, and methodology employed to quantify project - related operational air pollutant emissions are detailed in Appendix F and the results obtained are summarized in Table 4-3. Table 4-3 Project -Related 1999 Operational Air Pollutant Emissionsa Emissions Source Co VOC NOx Sox PM10 Daily Emissions (Pounds/Day) - Natural Gas Combustion 0.03 0.01 3.98 Negl. Negl. - Electricity Consumption 1.89 0.09 10.87 1.13 0.38 - Motor Vehicle Use 303.74 35.38 25.18 1.38 2.86 Total 305.66 35.48 40.03 2.51 3.24 Daily Thresholda 550 75 100 150 150 Threshold Exceeded No No No No No a_ See Annendix F for assumntions and calculations. Year 1999 EMFAC7EP emission factors were assumed. Upon completion in 1999, the proposed project would generate approximately: 305.7 pounds of carbon monoxide, 35.5 pounds of reactive organic compounds, 40.0 pounds of NOx, 2.5 pounds of SOx and 3.2 pounds of Mo. These emission projections include hot start, cold start, hot soak, and diurnal emissions as well as Mo emissions associated with cars traveling over the paved streets on-site. A little less than five percent of the project -related emissions would be emitted by stationary sources and the remaining 95 percent would be emitted over a broad area by motor vehicles. The proposed project would not exceed the SCAQMD operational threshold criteria for any criteria air pollutants on a long-term basis. Air Quality Projections Future carbon monoxide levels in the project vicinity during morning peak hour traffic were assessed with the CALINE 4 computer model at the intersection most affected by project - related traffic (Eisenhower Drive @ Avenue 50). To simulate "worst case" meteorological conditions, a wind speed of 0.5 meter per second (1 mph) and Stability Class G were assumed for 1 -hour averaging periods. A "worst case" wind direction of ten degrees from parallel on the highest volume roadway link was assumed since near parallel winds result in the highest carbon monoxide concentrations at receptors adjacent to the roadway. A comparison of the projected carbon monoxide levels to state and federal standards indicates the significance of the projected concentrations. Since eight-hour traffic projections were unavailable, eight-hour carbon monoxide levels could not be projected directly with the CALINE 4 model. Caltrans has developed a recommended methodology for projecting 8 -hour concentrations from the 1 -hour CALM 4-6 r 4 forecasts. The methodology multiplies the concentrations generated by local roadways (total concentrations less background) by a persistence factor. This quantity is then added to a suitable 8 -hour background concentration. It has been determined that the appropriate persistence factor is 0.50 for the Coachella Valley. As shown in Table 4-4, carbon monoxide concentrations adjacent to the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50 will be below the 20 ppm state standard and 35 ppm federal standard (1 -hour average) upon buildout of the proposed project. Similarly, the state and federal 8 -hour carbon monoxide standards will not be exceeded in the study area. Table 4-4 Year 1999 Carbon Monoxide Concentrations a. Receptor distances are measured from the roadway centerline. The model input and output parameters are provided in Appendix G. b. Refer to the Rollback Emissions Levels worksheet for Riverside County included in Appendix G for the assumptions and methodology utilized to estimate the ambient 1999 CO concentration. Over a 1 -hour averaging period, "worst-case" traffic associated with buildout of the proposed project would contribute a negligible amount (less than 0.05 ppm) to the carbon monoxide concentration at 50 feet from the roadway centerline. The highest carbon monoxide level expected under 1999+project conditions will occur at 50 feet from Eisenhower Drive, where it meets Avenue 50. It will reach 4.6 ppm over a 1 -hour averaging period and 2.3 ppm over an 8 -hour averaging period. A project has a significant impact if it interferes with the attainment of the state 1 -hour or 8 - hour carbon monoxide standards by either exceeding them or contributing to an existing or projected violation. The proposed project will not cause state CO standard exceedances in the vicinity or contribute to an existing or projected violation. 4-7 1 -Hour Average (ppm) 8 -Hour Average (ppm) Receptor Distancesa (Feet) 50 100 200 50 100 200 1999 "No Project" Condition Eisenhower Drive @ - Avenue 50 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 1999+Project Condition Eisenhower Drive @ - Avenue 50 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 Background CO Concentrationb 4.6 4.6 4.6 2.3 2.3 2.3 State Standard 20.0 20.0 20.0 >_9.1 29.1 _>9. 1 Federal Standard 35.0 35.0 35.0 29.5 29.5 >9.5 a. Receptor distances are measured from the roadway centerline. The model input and output parameters are provided in Appendix G. b. Refer to the Rollback Emissions Levels worksheet for Riverside County included in Appendix G for the assumptions and methodology utilized to estimate the ambient 1999 CO concentration. Over a 1 -hour averaging period, "worst-case" traffic associated with buildout of the proposed project would contribute a negligible amount (less than 0.05 ppm) to the carbon monoxide concentration at 50 feet from the roadway centerline. The highest carbon monoxide level expected under 1999+project conditions will occur at 50 feet from Eisenhower Drive, where it meets Avenue 50. It will reach 4.6 ppm over a 1 -hour averaging period and 2.3 ppm over an 8 -hour averaging period. A project has a significant impact if it interferes with the attainment of the state 1 -hour or 8 - hour carbon monoxide standards by either exceeding them or contributing to an existing or projected violation. The proposed project will not cause state CO standard exceedances in the vicinity or contribute to an existing or projected violation. 4-7 Significance of Long -Term Impacts Projects with daily operational emissions that exceed any of the long-term operational significance thresholds established by the SCAQMD (shown in Table 4-1) should be considered to be significant. Consequently, the proposed project will not have a significant long-term air quality impact since none of the SCAQMD operational threshold criteria will be exceeded if the proposed project is approved and implemented. 4.4 Relevant Planning Programs Air Quality Management Plan The purpose of a consistency finding is to determine whether or not a project is consistent with the assumptions and objectives of regional air quality plans. Based on this determination, conclusions can be drawn regarding whether or not a specific project will interfere with the region's ability to comply with federal and state air quality standards. The consistency determination fulfills the CEQA goal of fully informing local agency decision makers of the environmental costs of projects under consideration early enough to ensure that air quality concerns are fully addressed. This allows decision makers to contribute to the clean air goals in the AQMP and the PMio SIP. When a project is inconsistent, local governments can consider project modifications or mitigation measures to eliminate the inconsistency. Under CEQA, even if a project is found consistent, it can still have a significant impact on air quality by exceeding the SCAQMD significance thresholds.6 The proposed project would permit a conforming use to be developed on the project site. Since the La Quinta General Plan is the basis for the AQMP emissions inventories, it appears that the project is consistent with all of the key underlying assumptions associated with the AQMP. Moreover, the proposed project appears to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the AQMP. Applicable control measures contained in the AQMP should be considered as future regulations which are currently in the development stage. The inclusion of feasible control measures and mitigation measures in the project will minimize to the greatest extent feasible the potential air quality impacts attributable to the proposed project. State Implementation Plan for PMio in the Coachella Valley The proposed project will adhere to applicable City ordinances regarding fugitive dust and construction activities. Both are control measures outlined in the PMio SIP. Project proponents will also implement feasible PMio guidelines such as discontinuing grading when winds exceed 30 miles per hour. It appears, therefore, that the proposed project is consistent with the PMio SIP. SCAQMD Rules and Regulations The project proponent will comply with all applicable SCAQMD "Rules and Regulations". 6. SCAQMD, CEQA Air Quality Handbook, November 1993 Update, page 12-1. 4-8 5,0 AIR QUALITY MITIGATION MEASURES As indicated in the impact analysis, SCAQMD significance threshold criteria for construction emissions will not be exceeded during the construction phase, provided twice daily watering is undertaken during grading activities. Once the proposed project is completed, none of the long-term air pollutant emission levels will exceed the SCAQMD operational significance threshold criteria. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce the magnitude of the impacts substantially. The following measures are have been or will be incorporated in the project. 1. Cut and fill quantities will be balanced on-site. 2. The project proponent shall comply with all provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code related to construction activities. 3. Grading activities should be scheduled to occur during the fall and winter months when rain fall in the project area is the greatest. Construction activities should be minimized during the windy season from March through June. Grading operations shall be suspended during first and second stage ozone episodes or when winds exceed 30 mph. 4. SCAQMD Rule 403 shall be adhered to, insuring the clean up of construction - related dirt on approach routes to the site. 5. Adequate watering techniques shall be employed to partially mitigate the impact of construction -generated dust particulates. Portions of the project site that are under- going earth moving operations shall be watered such that a crust will be formed on the ground surface and then watered again at the end of the day. 6. Grading operations shall be suspended during first and second stage ozone episodes or when winds exceed 30 mph. 7. SCAQMD Rules 1108 and 1108.1 shall be adhered to, prohibiting the use of rapid and medium cure cutback asphalts as well as organic compounds in emulsified asphalts used during the construction process. 8. SCAQMD Rule 1113 shall be adhered to, restricting the VOC content of any architectural coating materials used on-site to a maximum of 2.08 pounds of VOC per gallon. 9. Any vegetative ground cover to be utilized on-site shall be planted as soon as possible to reduce the disturbed area subject to wind erosion. Irrigation systems needed to water these plants shall be installed as soon as possible to maintain the ground cover and minimize wind erosion of the soil. 10. Building construction shall comply with the energy use guidelines in Title 24 of the California Administrative Code. 5-1 Appendix B Air Quality Standards and Data Ambient Air Quality Standards Reference method as described by the federal government. An equivalent method of measurement may be used as approved by the federal government. Effective December 15, 1982, The standards were previously 10 ppm, (12 -hour average) and 40 Ppm, (i•hour average). Effective October S. 1984. The standard was previously .5 ppm, (1 -hour average). Effective August 19, 1983, The standards were previously 60 Vu TSP, (annual geometric mean), and 100 ugIm3TSP, (24-hour average). Effective September 13, 1985, standard changed from > 1 4(>.0532 u m (>= 9.3 ppm) to > 9 ppm (>= 9.5 pprn). Effective July 1, 1985, standard changed from > 100 ug/m (> .053 ppm) to >.053 ppm (>.0534 ppm). Effective March 9, 1987, standard changed from >_ .25 ppm to > .25 ppm. Effective July 1, 1987. The standards were previously: Primary - Annual geometric mean TSP > 75 Ug/M3, and 24-hour average TSP > 260 uglm3. Secondary - Annual geometric mean TSP > 60 ug/m3 , and 24-hour average TSP > 150 ug/,_m . ' ppm 3 = parts per million per volume ug/m = mlcrograms per cubic meter. endo Engineering Source: SCAQMD, Draft 1994 Air Quality Management Plan; Table 2-1, pg. 2-2. California Federal Air Pollutant Concentration District Method Primary (>) Secondary (>) Method Ozone 0.09 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. >' U.V. photometry 0.12 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 0.12 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. Chemiluminesence Carbon Monoxide 9.0 ppm, 8 -hr. avg. > b) Non -dispersive Infra -red 9 ppm, 8 -hr. avg. e) 9 ppm, 8 -hr. avg. Non -dispersive Infra -red 20 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. > Spectrophotometry 35 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 35 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. Spectrophotometry Nitrogen Dioxide 0.25 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. > g) Gas Phase 0.053 ppm, ann. avg. f) 0.053 ppm, ann. avg. 0 Gas Phase Chemilluminescence Chemiluminesence Sulfur Dioxide 0.04 ppm, 24 -hr. avg. > Ultraviolet 0.03 ppm, ann. avg. 0.50 ppm, 3 -hr. avg. Para-rosaniline 0.25 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. > c) Fluoresence 0.14 ppm, 24 -hr. avg. Suspended 30 ug/m3 annual geometric mean > Size Segregated Inlet 50 ug/m3 annual h) 50 ug/m , annual h) Partticulate Matter 10) 50 ugm 24 -hr. avg. >dl High Volume Sampling arithmetic mean 24 arithmetic mean 150 ug/m3, 24 -hr. avg. (PM 150 ug/m3 -hr. avg. Sulfates 25 ug/m , 24 -hr. avg. >= High Vol. Sampling Methylthymol Blue Lead 1.5 ug/m3 30 -day avg. >= High Vol. Sampling 1.5 ug/m , calendar 1.5 ug/m', calendar High Volume Sampling Methylthymol Blue quarter quarter Atomic Absorption Hydrogen Sulfide 0.03 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. >= Cadmium Hydroxide Stractan Vinyl Chloride 0.010 ppm, 24 -hr. avg. >= Gas Chromatography Visibility Reducing In sufficient amount to reduce the Particles prevailing visibility to less than 10 miles at relative humidity less than 70%, 8 -hr. avg. Reference method as described by the federal government. An equivalent method of measurement may be used as approved by the federal government. Effective December 15, 1982, The standards were previously 10 ppm, (12 -hour average) and 40 Ppm, (i•hour average). Effective October S. 1984. The standard was previously .5 ppm, (1 -hour average). Effective August 19, 1983, The standards were previously 60 Vu TSP, (annual geometric mean), and 100 ugIm3TSP, (24-hour average). Effective September 13, 1985, standard changed from > 1 4(>.0532 u m (>= 9.3 ppm) to > 9 ppm (>= 9.5 pprn). Effective July 1, 1985, standard changed from > 100 ug/m (> .053 ppm) to >.053 ppm (>.0534 ppm). Effective March 9, 1987, standard changed from >_ .25 ppm to > .25 ppm. Effective July 1, 1987. The standards were previously: Primary - Annual geometric mean TSP > 75 Ug/M3, and 24-hour average TSP > 260 uglm3. Secondary - Annual geometric mean TSP > 60 ug/m3 , and 24-hour average TSP > 150 ug/,_m . ' ppm 3 = parts per million per volume ug/m = mlcrograms per cubic meter. endo Engineering Source: SCAQMD, Draft 1994 Air Quality Management Plan; Table 2-1, pg. 2-2. Episode Criteria Air Pollutant SCAQMD and California Federal Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Ozone 0.20 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 0.35 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 0.50 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. - 0.50 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. Carbon Monoxide 40 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 20 ppm, 12 -hr. avg. 75 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 35 ppm, 12 -hr. avg. 100 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 50 ppm, 12 -hr. avg. 15 ppm, 8 -hr. avg. 30 ppm, 8 -hr. avg. 40 ppm, 8 -hr. avg. Nitrogen Dioxide _ _ 0.60 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 1.20 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 1.60 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 0.15 ppm, 24 -hr. avg. 0.30 ppm, 24 -hr. avg. 0.40 ppm, 24 -hr. avg. Sulfur Dioxide 0.50 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 1.00 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 2.00 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. 0.20 ppm, 24 -hr. avg. 0.70 ppm, 24 -hr. avg. 0.90 ppm, 24 -hr. avg. Sulfur Dioxide/ Particulate - - - 65,000% 24 -hr. avg. 261,000', 24 -hr. avg. 393,000', 24 -hr. avg. Matter Combined Particulate _ - - 375 ug/m 3, 24 -hr. avg. 625 ug/m 3, 24 -hr. avg. 875 ug/m 3, 24 -hr. avg. Matter Sulfates" 3 25 ug/m , 24 -hr. avg. combined with ozone > 0.20 ppm, 1 -hr. avg. - - - Actions to be taken Health advisory to Intermediate Stage. Mandatory abatement Open burning pro- Incinerator use Vehicle use prohib- a) Persons with Abatement actions measures. Extensive hibited. Reduction prohibited. Reduction ited. Industry shut respiratory and taken to reduce actions taken to in vehicle operation in vehicle operation down or curtailment. coronary disease. concentration of prevent exposure at requested. Industrial required. Further Public activities b) School officials in pollutant at issue. indicated levels. curtailment. industrial curtailment. ceased. order to curtail State can take action students' participa- if local efforts tion in strenuous failed. activities. First steps in abatement Glans. If Product of sulfur dioxide (ppm), particulate matter (ug/m3) and a factor (2620). " Episodes based upon these criteria are not classified according to stages. W Endo Engineering Source: SCAOMD, 1983 CARB Air Quality Data for the Coachella Valley Pollutant 1993 1994 1995 Max Value %Exceeded Carbon Monoaude Maximum 8 -Hour Conc. (ppm) 2.0 1.9 1.5 2.0 - Days 8 -Hour Conc. ?9.5 ppm (Federal) 0 0 0 - 0 Days 8 -Hour Conc. ?9.1 ppm (State) 0 0 0 - 0 Maximum 1 -Hour Conc. (ppm) 6 4 3 6 - Days 1 -Hour Conc. >20 ppm (State) 0 0 0 - 0 Days of Data 365 365 360 - - Ozone Maximum 1 -Hour Conc. (ppm) 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.17 - Days 1 -Hour Conc. >0.12 ppm (Federal) 20 13 9 - 4 Days 1 -Hour Conc. >0.09 ppm (State) 79 71 49 - 18 Days of Data 364 365 361 - - Nitrogen Dioldde AAM Conc. (ppm) (Federal) 0.0195 0.0219 0.0223 0.022 - % >0.0534 ppm (Federal) 0 0 0 - 0 Maximum 1 -Hour Conc. (ppm) 0.15 0.08 0.09 0.15 - Days 1 -Hour Conc. >0.25 ppm (State) 0 0 0 - 0 Days of Data 363 362 365 - - Sulfur Dioxide Maximum 1 -Hour Conc. (ppm) NM NM NM NM - Days 1 -Hour Conc. >0.14 ppm (Federal) NM NM NM - NM Days 1 -Hour Conc. >0.25 ppm (State) NM NM NM - NM Maximum 24 -Hour Conc. (ppm) NM NM NM NM - Days 24 -Hour Conc. >0.05 ppm (State) NM NM NM - NM Days of Data NM NM NM - - Suspended Particulate Matter (PM10) Maximum 24 -Hour Conc. (ug/m3) 125 97 199 199 - 24 -Hour Samples >150 ug/m3 (Federal) 0 0 1 - 1 24 -Hour Samples >50 ug/m3 (State) 25 23 27 - 41 AAM Conc. (ug/m3) (Federal) 46.4 48.7 52.0 52.0 - Conc. >50 ug/m3 (Federal) No No Yes - - AGM Conc. (ug/m3) (State) 40.6 45.3 47.2 47.2 - Conc. >30 ug/m3 (State) Yes Yes Yes - - Number of Samples 61 60 61 - Sulfate -State Maximum 24 -Hour Conc. (ug/m3) NM NM NM NM - % Samples 24 -Hour Conc. >25.0 ug/m3 NM NM NM - NM Visibility -State Days Not Meeting Standard NM NM NM NM NM Days of Data NM NM NM - - 1. NM=Not Monitored. 2. Data for the Coachella Valley is the higher value measured at Palms Springs and Indio. Appendix C Effects of Air Pollution on Sensitive Receptors 0 FAppendix C Effects of Air Pollutants on Sensitive Receptors i Oxidants at high enough concentrations can cause eye irritation; aggravate respiratory i disease; suppress the body's capacity to fight infection; impair athletic performance and cause growth retardation in sensitive trees. Oxidants also cause cracking of untreated rubber. Short-term and long-term ozone exposures have been found to have adverse health effects on humans and animals. Volatile organic compounds in the presence of other primary pollutants (particularly oxides i of nitrogen) lead to the formation of oxidants. VOCs also damage plants by inhibiting growth and causing flowers and leaves to fall. Carbon monoxide is essentially colorless, odorless and toxic to humans. It enters the blood stream and interferes with the transfer of fresh oxygen, thereby depriving sensitive tissues in the heart and brain of oxygen. At high enough concentrations it can impair visual function, psychomotor performance and time discrimination. Carbon monoxide exposure aggravates angina pectoris and other aspects of coronary heart disease. It may also impose increase risks to fetuses. Nitrogen dioxide at high enough exposures can cause fibrotic lung changes, broncho- striction, and acute bronchitis among infants and school children. Over several months, it can cause collapsed lesions near the leaf margin and moderate injury in sensitive plants. Nitrogen dioxide aggravates chronic respiratory disease and respiratory symptoms in sensitive groups. Suspended particulates such as soot, dust, aerosols, fumes, and mists produce haze and reduce visibility. Health concerns focus on smaller particles that penetrate deeply into and then damage the human respiratory tract. Deaths from short-term exposures have been documented and symptoms are exacerbated in sensitive patients with respiratory disease. Excess seasonal declines in pulmonary function have been found (especially in children). Typically, industrial and agricultural operations, combustion, and photochemical reactions produce suspended particulates. Lead at high enough concentrations impairs hemoglobin synthesis and nerve conduction by increasing lead levels in the blood. Sulfur dioxide and suspended particulate exposures can each cause higher frequencies of acute respiratory symptoms and diminished ventilatory function in children. In addition, these two pollutants at lower concentrations can act in conjunction to cause greater harm by injuring lung tissue. Sulfur oxides, in combinations with moisture and oxygen, can yellow the leaves of plants, dissolve marble, and erode iron and steel. Sulfates decrease ventilatory function, aggravate asthmatic symptoms, aggravate cardio -pulmonary disease and cause damage to vegetation (while degrading visibility). C-1 Appendix D PMio SIP Control Measures m Recommended PM10 SIP Control Measures For Implementation in the Coachella Valley By 19951 1. Control of Open Area Wind Erosion a. Reduce blowsand adjacent to paved roads and residential areas by: • chemically stabilizing sail surfaces within at least 100 feet (on the windward sides) of roadways or residential areas; or • establishing snow fence windbreaks within 50 feet (on the windward sides) of roadways or residential areas. b. Establish tree windbreaks immediately downwind of "habitat preserve" and other strategic open areas. c. Require property owners of vacant lots with visible crustal disturbances or active blowsand accumulations within areas of incorporated cities to restore vegetative ground covering so that at least 50 percent of the surface area is covered by vegetation within one year of planting. As an option, property owners may use chemical stabilizers to cover at least 90 percent of the property on an annual basis. d. Prohibit earth/soil moving operations on days when wind gusts exceed or are expected to exceed 30 mph per SCAQMD daily forecasts. 2. Control of Agricultural Wind Erosion Areas a. Prohibit tilling operations on days when wind gusts exceed or are expected to exceed 30 mph. 3. Control of Emissions From Unpaved Roads a. Chemically treat unpaved read surfaces: • with activity level of at least 20 vehicle trips per day; • with a targeted minimum of at least 30 -percent of all qualifying unpaved roads; • with priorities set by distance within and from population centers. b. Control dust from primary farm roads: • with activity level of at least 20 vehicles trips per day; • by using chemical stabilizers or water saturation. c. Require paving of unpaved parking lots: • with a volume of at least 3000 vehicles per year. For infrequent, but high volume usage, where "infrequent" is defined as being totally unused for at least 330 days per year, chemical stabilization may be substituted for paving provided that chemical stabilizers are applied 10 to 20 days before an event. d. Set maximum speed limit on all unpaved roads at 15 mph. 1. SCAQMD, Final SIP for PM10 in the Coachella Valley, November, 1990. Recommended PM10 SIP Control Measures For Implementation in the Coachella Valley By 1995 4. Control of Emissions From Paved Roads a. Establish sand -removal programs: • on a post -event basis, combined with routine street inspections. b. Enhance routine street cleaning (sweeping) programs. c. Reduce emissions from unpaved shoulders: • by chemical stabilization; • within 200 feet of intersections; • within 25 feet of driveways. d. Require contractors to pave construction access roads as soon as access roads are created: • paving must extend from the paved roadway into the construction area at least 120 feet in length; paving must be cleaned at the end of each work day. S. Control of Emissions From Construction/Demolition Activities a. Require watering of all active construction projects: • with multiple daily applications, if necessary, to assure proper dust control; • through the use of reclaimed or agricultural canal water when available. b. Require the chemical treatment of unattended construction areas: defined as disturbed lands within construction projects which have been or are expected to be unused for at least four consecutive days. c. Prohibit all construction grading activities on days when the wind gusts exceed or are forecast to exceed 30 mph. d. Require trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. e. Require all trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose dirt material to be covered. f. Require planting of tree windbreaks: on the windward perimeter of construction projects; only if adjacent to open lands or lots. g. Encourage the planting of vegetative ground cover as soon as possible on construction sites. Appendix E Construction -Related Emissions Worksheets Field Office Stationary Source Emission Worksheet Electric Electrical Use Air Emission Electric Land Use Floor Area Usage Rate (KwH/Yr) (KwH/Day) Pollutant Factor Emissions (KwH/S.F./Yr) (Lbs./KwH) (Lbs./Day) Field Office 500 SF 12.95 6,475 26 CO 0.00020 0.00518 ROG 0.00001 0.00026 NOx 0.00115 0.02979 Sox 0.00012 0.00311 TSP 0.00004 0.00104 Notes: 1. Power plant emission factors are from SCAQMD "CEQA Air Quality Handbook", 4/93. 2. Assumes 250 working days per year. Short -Term Construction Equipment Emissions Worksheet Project Name: La Quinta Resort Equipment Category Number of Vehicles Pollutant Emission Rate (Pounds/Hour) CO ROC NOx SOx Particulates Fork Lift - 50 Hp (G) 1 0.180 0.053 0.441 0.000 0.031 Fork Lift - 175 Hp 0 0.520 0.170 1.540 0.000 0.093 Trucks: Off -Highway 1 1.800 0.190 4.170 0.450 0.260 Tracked Loader 0 0.201 0.095 0.830 0.076 0.059 Tracked Tractor 1 0.350 0.120 1.260 0.140 0.112 Scraper 1 1.250 0.270 3.840 0.460 0.410 Wheeled Dozer 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.350 0.165 Wheeled Loader 1 0.572 0.230 1.900 0.182 0.170 Wheeled Tractor 1 3.580 0.180 1.270 0.090 0.140 Roller 1 0.300 0.065 0.870 0.067 0.050 Motor Grader 1 0.151 0.039 0.713 0.086 0.061 Miscellaneous 0 0.675 0.150 1.700 0.143 0.140 Total No. of Equipment 8 28.78 4.10 48.63 5.01 4.36 ** Note: Assumes that 50% of the equipment is operating on a "worst-case" day. Peak Quarter Construction Usage Daily Op. (Hr/Day) Pollutant Emission Forecast (Pounds/Day) CO ROC NOx SOx Particulates Fork Lift - 50 Hp 4 0.72 0.21 1.76 0.00 0.12 Fork Lift - 175 Hp 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Trucks: Off -Highway 4 7.20 0.76 16.68 1.80 1.04 Tracked Loader 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tracked Tractor 8 2.80 0.96 10.08 1.12 0.90 Scraper 8 10.00 2.16 30.72 3.68 3.28 Wheeled Dozer 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wheeled Loader 8 4.58 1.84 15.20 1.46 1.36 Wheeled Tractor 8 28.64 1.44 10.16 0.72 1.12 Roller 8 2.40 0.52 6.96 0.54 0.40 Motor Grader 8 1.21 0.31 5.70 0.69 0.49 Miscellaneous 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Worst -Case Day** 50% 28.78 4.10 48.63 5.01 4.36 ** Note: Assumes that 50% of the equipment is operating on a "worst-case" day. Peak Quarter Construction Usage Days of Operation Total Construction Period Emission Forecast (Tons) CO ROC NOx SOx Particulates Fork Lift - 50 Hp 48 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 Fork Lift - 175 Hp 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Trucks: Off -Highway 240 0.86 0.09 2.00 0.22 0.12 Tracked Loader 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tracked Tractor 30 0.04 0.01 0.15 0.02 0.01 Scraper 30 0.15 0.03 0.46 0.06 0.05 Wheeled Dozer 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wheeled Loader 36 0.08 0.03 0.27 0.03 0.02 Wheeled Tractor 18 0.26 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.01 Roller 6 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 Motor Grader 6 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 Miscellaneous 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Construction Exhaust (Tons) 1.42 0.18 3.05 0.34 0.21 Emissions (Tons/Quarter) 0.61 0.08 1.31 0.15 0.09 Year 1998 Mobile Source Emissions Inventory - Construction Crew Input Parameters Running EF Run. Exhaust Calculated Parameters Hot Start EF Project Name: La Quinta Resort Work %: 100.00 Work Trip Length: 17.37 AM Speed: 34 CO/Nox Analysis Years 1998 Non -Work %: 0.00 Non -Work Length: 8.66 Off Peak Speed: 44 ROO County: Riverside Work ADT: 120 % VMT <6,000 lbs: 87.20 PM Speed: 16 sox/pMlo/pb Area: 3 Non -Work ADT: 0 % VMT >6,000 lbs: 12.80 % Cold Starts <6,000: 52.91 Trip Length Area Riverside % ADT <6,000 lbs: 87.30 Total VMT: 2,084 % Cold Starts >6,000: 50.43 Total ADT: 1201 % ADT >6,000 lbs: 12.70 Oxides or Sulfur Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust VMT (g/mile) (g/day) VMT <6,000 lbs 1,817 0.06 109.03 VMT >6,000lbs 267 0.32 84.02 Lead Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start Hot Soak EF Hot Soak VMT (g/mile) (g/day) Total ROC VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (g_ /trip) VMT <6,000 lbs 1,817 N/A N/A (g/trip) Emis. (Yjday) (J!/trip) Emis. (e/dav) VMT >6,000lbs 267 0.00085 0.22672 0.22 395.89 3.79 209.80 0.95 46.86 PM10 Emissions 1,553.62 Running EF Run. Exhaust Tire Wear Fac Tire Wear (lbs/day) VMT >6,000lbs 267 VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (g/mile) Emis. (g/day) 0.69 184.04 VMT <6,000 lbs 1,817 0.01 18.17 0.10 181.71 VMT >6,000lbs 267 0.60 158.70 0.19 50.68 Carbon Monoxide Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start EF Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) VMT <6,000 lbs 1,817 3.79 6,886.32 71.80 3,979.49 8.88 438.06 VMT >6,000lbs 267 8.82 2,351.30 36.99 284.26 3.96 29.88 ADT <6,000 lbs 105 ADT >6,000 lbs 15 Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start EF Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start VMT (g/mile) (gldsy) (ghrip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) VMT <6,000 lbs 1,817 0.49 883.27 2.29 126.93 1.03 50.56 VMT >6,000lbs 267 5.15 1,374.96 2.05 15.75 0.98 7.40 ADT <6,000 lbs 105 ADT >6,000 lbs 15 Total SOx Emissions (lbs/day) 0.43 Total Lead Emissions (lbs/day) 0.00 Total PM10 Emissions (lbs/day) 0.90 Total CO Emissions (lbs/day) 30.77 Total NOx Emissions (lbs/day) 5.42 ROC Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start EF Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start Hot Soak EF Hot Soak Diurnal EF Diurnal Total ROC VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (g_ /trip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (Yjday) (J!/trip) Emis. (e/dav) Emissions VMT <6,000 lbs 1,817 0.22 395.89 3.79 209.80 0.95 46.86 0.86 1,553.62 2.43 127.02 (lbs/day) VMT >6,000lbs 267 0.93 246.99 2.48 19.02 0.88 6.65 0.69 184.04 2.49 18.97 6.19 ADT <6,000 lbs 105 ADT >6,000lbs 15 ►votes: Aur = Average vauy -rnps, v mrr = venrcle Mites lravetea per aay. Asbestos and PM10 Emissions From Demolition Activities Asbestos Emissions Building (Square Feet) 18,800 Floor Height 12 Volume Demolished (CF) 225,600 Emis Factor (Lbs/CF) 0.00006 Total Asbestos Emissions (Lbs) 13.536 PM10 Emissions Building (Square Feet) 18,800 Floor Height 12 Volume Demolished (CF) 225,600 Emission Factor (Lbs/CF) 0.00042 Total PM10 Emissions (Lbs) 94.752 Note: Assumes exterior walls are 12 feet high. Emission factors per table A9-10 and Table A9 -9-H of the SCAQMD "CEQA Air Qaulity Handbook", 4/93. Year 1998 Mobile Source Emissions Inventory - Bldg. Materials Delivery Input parameters Tire Wear Running EF Run. Exhaust Calculated Parameters VMT !Project Name: La Qulnta Resort Work %: 100.00 Work Trip Length: 17.37 AM Speed: 34 co/Nox Analysis Year. 1998 Non -Work %: 0.00 Non -Work Length: 8.66 Off Peak Speed: 44 ROG County: Riverside Work ADT: 20 % VMT <6,000 lbs: 87.20 PM Speed: 16 SOx/PM 10/Pb Area: 3 Non -Work ADT: 0 % VMT >6,000 lbs: 12.80 % Cold Starts <6,000: 52.91 Trip Length Area Riverside % ADT <6,000 lbs: 0.00 Total VMT: 347 % Cold Starts >6,000: 50.43 Total ADT: 20 % ADT >6,000 lbs: 100.00 Oxides of Sulfur Emissions Tire Wear Running EF Run. Exhaust VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (g/milc) VMT (#/mile) (g/day) VMT <6,000lbs 303 0.06 18.17 VMT >6,000lbs 44 0.32 14.00 Lead Emissions Emis. (g/day) Running EF Run. Exhaust Emis. (g/day) VMT (g/mile) ( day) VMT <6,000 lbs 303 N/A N/A VMT >6,000 lbs 44 0.00085 0.03779 Total SOx Emissions (lbs/day) 0.07 Total Lead Emissions (lbs/day) 0.00 [10 Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Tire Wear Fac Tire Wear Total PM10 VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (g/milc) Emis. (ghfay) Emissions VMT <6,000 lbs 303 0.01 3.03 0.10 30.28 (lbs/day) VMT >6,000lbs 44 0.60 26.45 0.19 8.45 0.15 Carbon Monoxide Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start EF Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) VMT <6,000lbs 303 3.79 1,147.72 71.80 0.00 8.88 0.00 VMT >6,000lbs 44 8.82 391.88 36.99 373.04 3.96 39.21 ADT <6,000 lbs 0 ADT >6,000 lbs 20 Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start EF Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start VMT (g/mile) (ghlay) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trig) Emis. (g/day) VMT <6,000 lbs 303 0.49 147.21 2.29 0.00 1.03 0.00 VMT >6,000lbs 44 5.15 229.16 2.05 20.67 0.98 9.72 ADT <6,000 lbs 0 ADT >6,000 lbs 20 ROC Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start EF Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start Hot Soak EF Hot Soak Diurnal EF Diurnal VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (gltrip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (#/day) VMT <6,000 lbs 303 0.22 65.98 3.79 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.86 258.94 2.43 0.00 VMT >6,000lbs 44 0.93 41.17 2.48 24.96 0.88 8.73 0.69 30.67 2.49 24.90 ADT <6,000 lbs 0 ADT >6,000 lbs 20 Notes: ADT = Average Daily Trips, VMT = Vehicle Miles Traveled per day. Total CO Emissions (lbs/day) 4.30 Total NOx Emissions (lbs/day) 0.90 Total ROC Emissions (lbs/day) 1.00 1 -17-73 = Fugitive Dust Grading Emissions Worksheet Acres Maximum Days Fugitive Dust Fugitive Dust Disturbed of Grading No Water Control With Water Control Pollutant Per day Per Quarter (Tons/Quarter) (Lbs/Day) (Tons/Quarter) (Lbs/Day) PM 10 2 1 0.03 53 0.02 35 PM 10 2 18 0.48 53 0.31 35 Notes: 1. Acres disturbed per day and grading days per quarter were estimated by Mr. Forrest Haag, Design and Land Planning per fax dated 8/14/97. 2. PM10 emission factor (26.4 pounds/acre disturbed/day) is from SCAQMD "CEQA Air Quality Handbook" 4/93 Table A9-9, pg. A9-93. 3. Twice daily watering reduces fugitive dust emissions by approximately 34% (SCAQMD "CEQA Air Quality Handbook" 4/93, Table Al 1-9-A, pg. Al 1-77. Appendix F Operational Emissions Worksheets Increase in Natural Gas and Electrical Consumption with Proposed Project Land Use Quantity Units Gas Rate (CF/Mo) Elec. Rate (kWh/Yr) Gas Use (CF/Mo) (CF/Day) Electrical Use (Kwh/Yr) (Kwh/Day) SF Residential 229 DU 6665.00 15000.00 1,526,285 50,145 3,435,000 9,405 Motel -15,000 SF 4.80 9.95 -72,000 -2,366 -149,250 -409 General Office -3,800 SF 2.00 12.95 -7,600 -250 -49,210 -135 Commercial 16,000 SF 2.90 13.55 46,400 1,524 216,800 594 Domestic Gas 47,779 Comm. Gas 1,275 Gas Total 49,054 Elec. Total 9,455 NOTES: 1. Natural gas and electric usage rates are from SCAQMD "CEQA Air Quality Handbook", 1993, except for residential electrical consumption rate of 15,000 kWh/Yr/DU provided by the Imperial Irrigation District on April 24, 1997. 2. Land use data provided by Design and Land Planning dated 8/14/97. Stationary Source and Total Emissions Worksheet Land Use Scenario Natural Gas Use (CF/Day) Electricity Usage (kWh/Day) Air Pollutant Nat Gas E.F. (Lbs./CF) Nat Gas Elec. Emissions E.F. (Lbs./Day) (Lbs./kWh) Electric Emissions (Lbs./Day) Mobile Emissions (Lbs./Day) Total Emissions (Lbs./Day) Total Emissions (Tons/Day) Proposed Project -1999 CO 0.0000200 0.03 0.00020 1.89 303.74 305.66 0.15 - Commercial 1,275 9,455 ROC 0.0000053 0.01 0.00001 0.09 35.38 35.48 0.02 - Domestic 47,779 NOx 0.0001200 3.98 0.00115 10.87 25.18 40.03 0.02 Sox Negligible 0.00 0.00012 1.13 1.38 2.51 0.00 PM10 0.0000002 0.00 0.00004 0.38 2.86 3.24 0.00 rNotes: 1. iVaturat gas and electricity emission tactors were from the SCAQMD "CEQA Air Quality Handbook", November 1993, Tables A9-11 and A9-12. 2. NOx emission factors are .00012 for commercial boilers and .00008 for domestic boilers. 3. Emission rates for commercial and domestic electricity demand are identical. 4. Refer to Mobile Source Emissions Inventory Worksheet for mobile emissions calculations. Year 1999 Mobile Source Emissions Inventory - Proposed Project Input Parameters Running EF Run. Exhaust Calculated Parameters Hot Start EF Project Name: La Quinta Resort Work %: 16.42 Work Trip Length: 17.33 AM Speed: 33 Co/Nox Analysis Year: 1999 Non -Work %: 83.58 Non -Work Length: 8.74 Off Peak Speed: 44 ROC County: Riverside Work ADT: 110 % VMT <6,000 lbs: 87.15 PM Speed: 16 SOx/PM 10/Pb Area: 3 Non -Work ADT: 560 % VMT >6,000 lbs: 12.85 % Cold Starts <6,000: 52.97 Trip Length Area Riverside % ADT <6,000 lbs: 100.00 Total VMT: 6,801 % Cold Starts >6,000: 50.70 Total ADT: 2,730 % ADT >6,000 lbs: 0.00 35.38 ADT <6,000 lbs 2,730 Oxides of Sulfur Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start Hot Soak EF Total SOx Diurnal EF VMT (g/mile) (gfday) VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (ghrip) Emis. (g/day) Emissions _ VMT <6.000 lbs 5,927 0.06 355.61 (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) Emissions VMT <6,000lbs (lbs/day) VMT >6,000lbs 874 0.31 270.91 1,065.65 0.76 4,504.40 2.21 1.38 Lead Emissions VMT >6,OWlbs Running EF Run. Exhaust 0.89 781.19 2.39 0.00 0.81 0.00 Total Lead 550.55 VMT (g/mile) (SMM) 35.38 ADT <6,000 lbs 2,730 Emissions VMT <6,000 lbs 5,927 a N/A N/A (lbs/day) VMT >6,000lbs 874 0.00070 0.61173 0.00 PM10 Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Tire Wear Fac Tire Wear Total PM10 VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (g/mile) Emis. (g/day) Emissions VMT <6,000 lbs 5.927 0.01 59.27 0.10 592.68 (lbs/day) VMT>6,000lbs 874 0.55 480.64 0.19 166.04 2.86 Carbon Monoxide Emissions Running EF Rust. Exhaust Cold Start EF Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start Total CO VMT (g/mile) (g/day) ( trip) Emis. (S/day) (ghri) Emis. (glday) Emissions VMT <6,000 lbs 5,927 3.54 20,979.0 68.61 99,215.6 8.12 10,425.42 (lbs/day) VMT >6,000lbs 874 8.33 7,277.65 34.95 0.00 3.73 0.00 303.74 ADT <6,000 lbs 2,730 ADT >6,000 lbs 0 Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start EF Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start Total NOx VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) Emissions VMT <6,000lbs 5,927 0.46 2,730.47 2.20 3,181.38 0.89 1,142.69 (lbs/day) VMT >6,000lbs 874 5.01 4,375.71 2.05 0.00 0.97 0.00 25.18 ADT <6,000 lbs 2,730 ADT >6,000 lbs 0 ROC Emissions Running EF Run. Exhaust Cold Start EF Cold Start Hot Start EF Hot Start Hot Soak EF Hot Soak Diurnal EF Diurnal Total ROC VMT (g/mile) (g/day) (ghrip) Emis. (g/day) (gltri) Emis. (glday) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) (g/trip) Emis. (g/day) Emissions VMT <6,000lbs 5,927 0.17 1,012.72 3.55 5,133.59 0.83 1,065.65 0.76 4,504.40 2.21 3,016.65 (lbs/day) VMT >6,OWlbs 874 0.89 781.19 2.39 0.00 0.81 0.00 0.63 550.55 2.32 0.00 35.38 ADT <6,000 lbs 2,730 ADT >6,000 lbs 0 Notes: ADT = Average Daily Trips, VMT = Vehicle Miles Traveled per day. Appendix G CAL5M 4 Assumptions and Output CALINE 4 Assumptions Traffic Data -- was taken from "The La Quinta Resort Specific Plan #4 Traffic Impact Study" (August 17, 1997) prepared by Endo Engineering. Traffic volumes were provided which reflect year 1999 conditions with and without the proposed project. Roadway peeds -- 34 mph for assumed for she 1999 morning peak speed, as interpolated from Table A9 -5-F in the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, November 1993 and shown an input parameters at the top of the Riverside County Rollback Emissions Levels worksheet. Meteorological Conditions -- included. 0.5 mph winds, stability class G for one-hour values, a persistence factor of 0.50 for eight-hour values and wind directions determined by iterative runs of the computer model to insure that carbon monoxide concentrations are maximized (greatest concentration for the nearest receptor). Highwgy Widths -- were derived for existing roadway cross-sections which are fully improved as 4 -lane divided roadways. Future year 1999 cross-sections were assumed to be unchanged. The highway widths input to the CALINE 4 model were given in meters and the widths included 3 meters per side, as specified for the CALINE 4 modeling procedures. Emission Factors -- were derived from the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, November 1993. The 1999 CO emission factor assumed was 4.16 grams per mile (derived by weighting the two running exhaust emission factors shown for 1999 on the Riverside County Rollback Emissions Levels worksheet based upon the County -wide VMT in each vehicle weight class). Background Concentrations--- for carbon monoxide were derived from ambient air quality data for 1993-1995 taken at the Coachella Valley SRA 30 stations. The highest concentrations monitored were assumed for 1995 conditions. The 1999 one-hour CO background concentration was deternnined from the expected increase in Riverside County VMT and the decrease in CO emission factors expected in future years, as shown in the Rollback Emissions Levels Worksheet that follows the CALINE 4 printout. The 1999 "worst case" 8 -hour CO background concentration was determined from the one-hour CO concentration based upon the 0.50 maximum persistence factor. REPORT FOR FILE 9EIS 50A 1. Site Variables U= 0.5 M/S BRG= 190.0 DEGREES CLASS= G STABILITY MIXH= 1000.0 M SIGTH= 5.0 DEGREES Z0= 100.0 CM VD= 0.0 CM/S VS= 0.0 CM/S AMB= 0.0 PPM TEMP= 7.0 DEGREE (C) { X Y Z 2. Link Description 1 285 285 1.3 RECEPTOR 2 LINK 270 * LINK COORDINATES (M) * 254 EF H W 4 DESCRIPTION 239 X1 Y1 X2 Y2 * TYPE VPH (G/MI) (M) (M) 1 --------------.---*------------------ 6 * 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 RECPT 2 _--------- 10 * A. Eisenhowe NL 0.0 300 300 300 600 AG 891 4.1 0.0 21.0 B. Eisenhowe SL 14 * 300 300 300 0 AG 831 4.1 0.0 21.0 C. Avenue 50 EL 300 300 600 300 AG 282 4.1 0.0 21.0 D. Avenue 50 WL 300 300 0 300 AG 345 4.1 0.0 21.0 * MIXW * L R STPL DCLT ACCT SPD EFI IDT1 IDT2 LINK * (M) (M) (M) (SEC) (SEC) (MPH) NCYC NDLA VPHO (G/MIN) (SEC) (SEC) __-----*------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 B. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 C. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 D. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3. Receptor Coordinates MODEL RESULTS FOR FILE f:9eis 50a X Y Z RECEPTOR 1 285 285 1.3 RECEPTOR 2 270 270 1.3 RECEPTOR 3 254 254 1.3 RECEPTOR 4 239 239 1.3 MODEL RESULTS FOR FILE f:9eis 50a * PRED *WIND * COCN/LINK * CONC * BRG * (PPM) RECEPTOR * (PPM) *(DEG)* A B C D ----------- *------- *----- *------------------------ RECPT 1 0.5 6 * 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 RECPT 2 0.3 10 * 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 RECPT 3 0.2 13 * 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 RECPT 4 0.2 14 * 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 REPORT FOR FILE : TEIS 50A * LINK COORDINATES (M) RECEPTOR * 1. Site Variables H W U= 0.5 M/S Z0= 100.0 CM BRG= 190.0 DEGREES VD= 0.0 CM/S CLASS= G STABILITY VS= 0.0 CM/S MIXH= 1000.0 M AMB= 0.0 PPM SIGTH= 5.0 DEGREES TEMP= 7.0 DEGREE (C) 2. Link Description 3. Receptor Coordinates LINK X * LINK COORDINATES (M) RECEPTOR * 315 EF H W 2 DESCRIPTION 270 * X1 Y1 X2 Y2 * TYPE VPH (G/MI) (M) (M) 239 --------------- *----------------------------- B C D *------------------------------ �. Eisenhowe NL 300 300 300 600 AG 930 4.1 0.0 21.0 B. Eisenhowe SL RECPT 300 300 300 0 AG 879 4.1 0.0 21.0 C. Avenue 50 EL 0.2 300 300 600 300 AG 426 4.1 0.0 21.0 ). Avenue 50 WL 0.1 300 300 0 300 AG 368 4.1 0.0 21.0 * MIXW * L R STPL DCLT ACCT SPD EFI IDT1 IDT2 LINK * (M) (M) (M) (SEC) (SEC) (MPH) NCYC NDLA VPHO (G/MIN) (SEC) (SEC) ------- * ----- A. 0 ----------------------------------------- 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 B. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 C. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 D. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3. Receptor Coordinates MODEL RESULTS FOR FILE f:9eis 50A X Y Z RECEPTOR 1 315 285 1.3 RECEPTOR 2 330 270 1.3 RECEPTOR 3 346 254 1.3 RECEPTOR 4 361 239 1.3 MODEL RESULTS FOR FILE f:9eis 50A * PRED *WIND * COCN/LINK * CONC * BRG * (PPM) RECEPTOR * (PPM) *(DEG)* A B C D ----------- *------- *_____*_------------------------- RECPT 1 * 0.5 * 6 * 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 RECPT 2 0.3 * 10 * 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 RECPT 3 0.2 * 13 * 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 RECPT 4 0.2 * 14 * 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 APPENDIX V Noise Assessment Supplemental Information Endo Engineering 28811 Woodcock Drive Laguna Nigel, CA 92677 D r Endo Engineering Traffic Engineering Air Qyfity Studies Noisessmenq August 25, 1997 Mr. Steve Speer Senior Engineer City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: La Quinta Resort Specific Plan Amendment Number 4 Response to Noise Comments Dear Mr. Speer; Based upon our evaluation of the streets within the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area in a traffic study dated August 25, 1997, we determined that Calle Mazatlan (west of Eisenhower Drive) and Avenida Fernando (between Avenida Obregon and Eisenhower Drive) are currently functioning as "collector" streets. Although local streets are not subject to noise studies, there is concern regarding potential noise impacts along the links of Calle Mazatlan and Avenida Fernando that are functioning as "collector" streets with the potential for peak season daily volumes that exceed 3,000 ADT upon buildout of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan. To address the potential for noise impacts, the Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model (developed by the Federal Highway Administration, RD -77-108, and currently favored by most state and local agencies including Caltrans) was utilized to evaluate motor vehicle noise levels adjacent to Calle Mazatlan and Avenida Fernando. The noise modeling addressed ultimate peak season traffic projections to ensure a "worst case" evaluation. Calle Mazatlan (West of Eisenhower Drive) Along Calle Mazatlan (immediately west of Eisenhower Drive) the projected ultimate peak season traffic volumes are projected to be 3,680 ADT. With the alternate access discussed in the traffic study, this volume could reach 3,910 ADT. Further to the west, the traffic volume on Calle Mazatlan decreases at every intersection until the projected ultimate peak season traffic volumes are projected to be 2,160 ADT (immediately east of Avenida Vista Bonita). With the alternate access this volume could increase to 2,390 ADT. Calle Mazatlan is a quiet residential street with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. Immediately west of the gate, Calle Mazatlan is approximately 75 feet wide. The closest residential units are located approximately 50 feet from the roadway centerline. 28811 Woodcock Drive, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-1330 (714) 362-0020 FAX: (714) 362-0015 The City of La Quinta has established exterior noise standards of 60 CNEL for residential areas in the Noise Element of the General Plan. As shown in Table 1, the 60 CNEL noise I contour will remain within the Calle Mazatlan right-of-way. The projected noise level at the nearest residential units is 57.4 CNEL (assuming full occupancy in the peak season and the maximum daily volume). The ultimate noise levels at the closest residential units are r projected to remain below the adopted noise standard. I• Table 1 Ultimate Exterior Noise Exposure Adjacent to Area Roadways Roadway A.D.T.a (Veh./Day) CNELb @ 50 Feet Distance to Contours (Ft.)° 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA Calle Mazatlan - West of Eisenhower Drive 3,910 57.4 R/W R/W R/W Avenida Fernando - West of Eisenhower Drive 3,350 53.2 WW R/W 29 a. ART = Average Daily Traffic Volume. b. CNEL--Community Noise Equivalent Level. The noise modeling input parameters and assumptions are summarized in an attachment. c. The distances to the noise contours are measured from the roadway centerline. R/W indicates that the noise contour falls within the roadway right-of-way. Avenida Fernando (Between Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Obregon) Avenida Fernando (between Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Obregon) functions primarily as a collector road with 36 feet of pavement. Avenida Fernando serves as an access route for the residential portion of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan area located west of Eisenhower Drive and the La Quinta Hotel. North of Avenida Fernando, there are two large residential lots setback approximately 81) to 100 feet from the roadway centerline that take access from Avenida Fernando. South of Avenida Fernando, the La Quinta Hotel has hotel rooms located within approximately 45 feet of the roadway centerline. The hotel has a 6 -foot perimeter wall that effectively reduces noise levels behind it by approximately 8 dBA.1 Immediately west of Eisenhower Drive, the projected peak season total traffic volumes are projected to ultimately reach 3,350 ADT (assuming full occupancy in the peak season). Although not posted, travel speeds on Avenida Fernando are limited to approximately 25 mph by the presence of three speed bumps. As shown in Table 1, the unattenuated 60 CNEL noise contour will extend approximately 29 feet from the Avenida Fernando centerline. The projected noise level at the nearest residential unit is 49.2 CNEL (including an 8 dBA attenuation associated with a 6 -foot block wall). This projected ultimate noise level is well below the adopted noise standard. 1. Although as a general rule -of -thumb one decibel of noise reduction can be expected for each foot of barrier height, the relatively short distance between the noise source and the noise barrier makes the noise barrier more effective than normal in this case. Even without the noise attenuation of the barrier, the noise levels projected adjacent to the roadway would meet the City standards. 2 North of Avenida Fernando, the unattenuated noise contour at 80 feet is 53.2 CNEL. With additional noise attenuation from the perimeter fence, the noise level at the two residences north of Avenida Fernando will be well below the adopted noise standard. Summary of Findings and Conclusions Computerized modeling of the projected ultimate noise levels adjacent to Calle Mazatlan (west of Eisenhower Drive) and Avenida Fernando (between Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Obregon) was undertaken. Site specific information was incorporated in the model regarding the closest noise sensitive land uses. It was determined from the modeling that a significant noise impact will not occur at any sensitive receptors adjacent to Calle Mazatlan (west of Eisenhower Drive) or Avenida Fernando (between Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Obregon). We hope that the information provided herein will adequately respond to concerns raised regarding potential noise impacts associated with the proposed project. If additional concerns arise, please do not hesitate to contact our offices. Sincerely, ENDO ENGINEERING 76 J Grego d Principal Attachment 3 RD -77-108 Noise Assumptions I. Temporal Traffic Distribution Assumed (Percent) Type of Vehicle Day Evening Night Automobile 75.51 12.57 9.31 Medium Truck 1.56 0.09 0.19 Heavy Truck 0.64 0.02 0.08 Orange County EMA representing 31 arterial intersections throughout the County and assumed to be typical of southern California arterials. The distribution of vehicular classes for roadways smaller than secondary highways were based upon the Riverside County Department of Health guideline of 2.58 percent trucks found in the OCEMA vehicular classification study. II. Road Grade Assumptions -- level terrain and roadway. III. Roadway Widths Assumed-- were based upon the traffic study and Endo Engineering field observations. I V. Speeds Assumed -- for a "worst case" analysis, the posted speed limits were assumed for the noise modeling as shown on the following page. V . RD -77-108 Input Parameters -- see the tables on the following pages. Assumptions for FHWA RD -77-108 Noise Model Roadway Speeda (mph) Half-Widthb (feet) Percent Trucks (% Medium) Calle Mazatlan - West of Eisenhower 25 20 2.58 71.31 Avenida Fernando - West of Eisenhower 25 6 2.58 71.31 a. Speed is based upon posted speed limits or conditions observed during field reconnaissance. b. The half -width is the distance from the roadway centerline to the center of the outermost travel lane. c. Truck mix for local streets are based upon the OCEMA study.