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CZ 3045 La Quinta Resort (1980) - Riverside County Records
,y 11411i[it) DI trlt t. i a OufnW (:ir(rnge of tome 3046 tuur►h `>ui'evvimirial i)isirit t IT Hearing010—e. 3/20/80 Rel,i'ted isles. "Al 121-L Agenda Item: R1VLRSlDL COUNTY PI ANNtN11 ULPARTMLNT 51`A1 r K PC1V i App iL,ant. Landmark Land Co, �� �; T Pc of iter roc at.; Change e of Zone R-2, R-'5,& W-1 to R-2 R-5 i) Logotion: West of Eisenhower Dr., adjacent to the La t)u i n t;a Hotel 11) Parcel ',ize: Approximately 1.7 acres !a) Lxisting heads: Lisenhower Drive t,) lxisting Lauri Use. Vacant, Golf course under construction Flood control facilities y) �;urrounding Land Use'. Hotel units and Planned Residential gevelopmen, 5) Existing zolriltg. R-2, Rw5 W-1 gSurrounding loving; R-3 14-1 10 General Man HemenLs r Land Ilse: SP 121'-r indicates various uses Arlen Space & Conservation; Urban Cove (ollimur1ities Circulation; risenhower - Major 100' R/W ll tetters: None opposing/supporting as of this writing. 12 Lnvi rt omenta l EA No. 12204 was submitted and a negative Assessment declaration was filed on 12/19/79. No appeal was filed within the specified time period. 'lanning Con0derat~ions i 1m Purpose of til i s' request is to meet 'the redesigned development plan dei i rpd by the apj licant: the proposal does not increase the number ui approved units. RL COMMENDAT ION: APPROVAL ori'. Chdtlg)V of Zone .3045 R-2, fit -a, and W-1 to R.,2 and R15, based on the - following, I The proposal is t Witt) the adopted Specific Plan 121-E. V The proposal is consitth1Ie With it other similar uses in the L4 Quinta area. F,MM.dJp i/?0/80 Cage No. J, lEA tier. SXAI'T USE 01MY M IRONMENTAL INFOtiMION TORN Pleana complete Parts Land XX of this form and provide all of the udditionall, matdhala requested in Part III. Failure to do so may dela-- the review and ¢, JCeaaihA—q your project. If you are unable to provide the information, or you need assitftrincc, pl"sc feel ftee to contact the. Environmental Quality Section of theL Planning Dopamwit at (714) 787-2331. PAla X1. General Information 1. What in tha total acreago istvol.vedZ hupfiled for cyio if "Yes."provideCasa N4mber. Alsoprovide the �X if. kwr.,n and Environmental Impact, Deport Number, if applicable. Case No µ lm (Parcel trap, Zone Change, etc.) BA No. 11'3(If Kncrrci) EIR No. 4 I at Applicable) 3. Additioaa:l commentsY o' eh to su 1 y pp y regardingS E your br ojecL. (attach an additional shoat if necessary) PART XI: Enviroamontal Quuationaire 1. "Id the project within an A.l,qui.st-Prlol.o Special Studies Zone? Ydn �. tta X o determine it youry project is located in a Special Studies ZOOC, contACt the ox refer to the Special Study Zona# Haps available at the Public Information Counter of the Planning bepartment. If tha praJect in within a zone, refer to ordinance 547.1, or discuss the situation with the planning Depart t+ant Ceologiar. If a fault hazard repoort is necesary, complete tile investigation prior to submitting er_nli ur appcation and rovide fs copies -of the report Vith this toren. If A Waiver of the requirdments is grantad, submit _a�copy of the waiver with this form. x. ' %a the project located Within a hatard management zone or liquifaction arca, as sh6tt7a on mAps of the "Seismic Safety Element technical, Report?" Yea � , , Vo To deteimi4a if your project is subject to the geologic hatarda noted sboya you should consult the 4%eismic Safety S Safety Element technical Report?" which is available at the Public Yuformation Counter of the Planning D'epartmeat. Xf the answer to questions Dry is "yes';" contact the Environmental Quality 5ectioo to discuss appropriate meas>{res to minimize the hazard. incorporate ary mitigation measures into the project .design prior to submitting the application or indicate iso the space provided below the results of your discussions With the knvironmdntal Quality Sec"ion.. Y 'rea? yen tiv k 3. If, our P is it project is in the desert area within n blounand hazard n The Pl&enitg offices in xtsdio and kiverside will provide you u",.,h information roncernirg blovsand hazards. You'mroy Ulla wti,st- to contact the U.S. Sail COP rvat on SoxwiCo- if your project is subject to blweand hazards, submit a blcnrsand control plan with the application.. (Also refer to Section 14.1of ordinance 460,, if Your prcj`ect is a pgscal wap or subdivision). 4. In utter service available at tha project site? Yes X No., Y„ It."'doo how fax must the cater line(s) be extended to provide sarvice? 'Hwa,ar of feet or wiles Vuxther explanation; w In sewer service available at 010 project- site? Yes No' . x. 1 if "Ia." hov fax must the scvet lines) be extended to pt0vi.dt\ ;* rgidA7 Ht*tbQr of feet or miles Turther ,expjaaat ons ti G. Additional Comments' i�J1TCt l:Ix Additional riatccriala .. .. : Y<t ,*`«�,f � ,_ • The following itemv Must be submitted with this fbrrmt s 1, At lalast three (3) panoramic photographs (cnlot prints) o the project sites, ox ur aerial photo of the site: 2, A r_loar photocopy (Xdedo c at similar copy) pp P ion of the U.S. of the Yo xiatlt:r of the project etite�,. to port Ga,olbgical Sn'rVe quadrangle Mnp uri d�:j,ineatiug the bun Also note the title Of the ratp. I cexttf-y, that I have, itiveatighted the ttand the anso6r:i ate true questions in Parts ? & xI ' .: . and correct to the. beatl of my kh ge. eiftme mid Title'! of POVson Complrti,ting Form Signati�'e PROPOSED ZON11"r7 . 1i: c ?, 3045. 1 i R-2-101000'.,%, R,.5..., R-2-8,0100 ` f ' .,010:000 R -12-10,000--t t L�r ��.�.�_-I6 _• i �` .��.. . cct w w kR-5 Rw2�, 0b �� a, ,.._,.. � � z cu at65 .. y ® u `a r 1%�4 f x d Ap.p. J. i=, DAVIDSON ASSOC. -a LOC. MAP Use Rw2, R-5:_. -A TOR�2 a R_5 .. m Dist LA QUINTA _ Sup -Mt. 4 3b 5 S�c� `i. S.�R; S� .��stt�ss� � 8k� Ci..._ og,35 3�3 " ,� 1...1.....»..1...1.:» 0TH, A Ciirculcl`oon E185-NHOWER M': 'MAJ. 100 Elemoot 5OTN AVl F flool � ~ s — LN,, km Rd: Bk, !2. el21 . Data'2/ 15 /80 OrdWn 8y MO' 1 EASjPC C WTY P ANN/NG 9'�AR r tu i January 15, 1981 ASSQCIATFS LAXDRARK LAND COMPANY R-5 to X-2 (Area 5) W.0, 6004 That portion of section 36, Township 5 South, Ranjw 6 Bra st.; San Borniard;nd, Base and Meridian, descrit)ed as followsz Oon:menc.in8 at the renter of said Section 36 Thence N, 89°45130"W, along the Southerly line of the Northwest One-- quarter of said Section, a distance of 864.55 feet; Thonce N.00'1030"E. ; a distance of 438.66 feet to the point t,f begin- ning of ne parcel of land to be described; Thence Soutbwestar;l.y on a non-tat*Lgent curve conca-vtO to the Northwest, having a radiva of 136.00 f mIL through an angle of 107°275:2", an are length (1f 255: 08 feet, (the 'Itilt:ial radia:, lim bears N. 86'50' 319"L.) ; Thence X, 75x'41'29" I4, ; a distanceof 27.90 feet; Tbunce Northwesterly oil as curve concnVO to OW NO tbea:st, I vine, a radiu;s cs 1.39.00 feet through an angle of 47'04149"4, an are Scn8t;11 cif 114.22 feet~ j Thence N, "8"36' 40"W.., a distance of 88.59 fQc.t ; Thence NorLbWesterly on. a cur.*e Wnca'1e to H10 SoratIMUSt, havix.R a radius of 61,00 feet through all angle of 99°35113"., an arc lengLb cit 106 03 teefr Thence Nortli a distance of 266.96 feet; Thence tast a distance of 401,,31 feet -1 Tben,ee $, 03'001 "l . ; ;.. 'distance of 299.67 feet to Lbo Point of beginning. The above described parcel of laxad contains 3,526 aac,aos� more or fess, ;MTS 1W)nb J. F. bAVIt)$ON ASOOCIATtS NVIL N INE�ERING w PLANNING 8URVEYINO r rzNV1ACt+ttumNTAL ANALYSt$ 41UC"(ia�`;�fg7,wt,Ik�'Cn.�rr'IE�11hut R tics �'ti,C410 K"'.' A4 IP 14 NW11bid-- G` LF11 1Wt,�, V .4 1 G ±,°�f�4 6 1,�'�f'2tdk�C�il�11d� t r IC. PAJ 1.1 Ua F 1 Y.".yfi C. OVtit' f Cv1AU;,nE icNt � �:' �,nUi"�,"ia'.IA fir. ;;BC ... ... ..: .. ..._; .. .,........ �'XISTING ZONING CZ 3045 i j I b � i �i .I ,R-5 R-5 1 R-2-10,000 �-� I !� R-1 R-2-101000 �� ,i 1 ✓� �J %! 1` 1. R-5 R-2.13,000 L__. .. _Zj , s � 1 e" R-2 -.81000 R..-.5R-5 R -i �I R- uj R-5 CU x266 l A 1, EI"TI-IR-2-8 ,0001 ..R-2-10,0000 va R-2-(,000 1 ✓'{ 1 `•1..41 .... _. � � ._..� � R-2 -8;000 R-55 50TH 1 R-2-7f00-0,""'" � �'., �v 2-8,000 i.kk Q N. Cl � APP, J, F. DAVIDSON ASSOC, LOCATIONAL MAP Use R'2, R-5 6 W-1 TO R-2 6k R-5 III NO, LA 4UI NTA Sup. Dist,. 4 sec, :36TS.,R. GE Asselsoris Bk.631 P�.S,SB , ~ ,...._.._..r.n......-�, :,••-- 5OTH AM Circulation EISENHOWER DR, MAJ. IOa l � dement $OTH AVIV, N1AJ 100' o ryY sIT 0 Rd, 8k, Date 2 / 121_.... `�..' �... 0. 1 - i 5 / 80 E*(3Wn By Ni I Ioao' RIVERSIDE' COIJ) IIVl ING D4PARrM6"N7" N- Arrr UJI Q TiA-I-JLM _ 203. 5 890 481 4011,E 240,001 204, N 890 48' 40" 14 161.611 205, S 000 11' 20" W 109,94` 1. N 890 45' 20" W 864.38' 2. N 000 14' 30" E 438,66' 3. RADS N 860 501 3911 t 4. R-136.00` A=1070 271 5211 1=255.081 5. N 7,150 41' 2911 14, 77,901 6, RW13a,00' AL 470 04' 49. 1„-114.721 7. N 260 361 40" W 88.59" 8. RM61.00' A=990 35' 13" L-106.03' 90 N 000 001 00" W 266.96` 10, N 900 00' 00" E 401.31'' 11. S 030 09' 2111 E 299,67' 17. N 510 48', 071' E 273.211, 0 13. N 79 ?.2' 46" W 226.30 14.. R�133.00' A=31"0 55' rG L=74.12' 15 N 470 26' 50" W 01.78' 16 5 440 22' 26" I4 290.06' 17: N 500 06' 07" W 848.,20' 18 RAD=N 250 47' .02" 1± 19. R=300.00' 0360 20' 58" L-,190,321 20,. 8=300.00' A=440 19' 24" L=232.08' 216 N 540 53' 20" W 34,76' 22. RADwN670 16' 55" W 23 C�==141.00,' A=130 10' 42" L=32.43` 24,. RAD=Mf0 27' 37" W 25. R-159.00' A=420 15' 44" L=117.28' 26. N 510 48' 07" 5 56.11' 27. S 590 58' 00a" 123.91" 28, RAD=S 100 33" 56" C 29 N 590 58' 00" W 487.72' 30. N 500 12' 00" W 430.43' 31, N 380 18" 0011 C 16.68' 32. Rm150.001 D=720 31, 05" L=189 85� 33, S 220 24' 58" W 86.541' 344 11 150.0(`' AY670 4,2' 50" 1..=117.28' 35 , N 890 52' 12'" W 300.00' 36. S 780 45' 08" W 746.15' 37. 5 44" 30' 02" W 40.00' 38. N 380 10' 00" t 449.00' 35. N' 770 57' 00" E 073.00' 40 RAD= N 600 29' 32" E 41, 8,9584.00' A=120 03' 38" L=122.93, 42,. N 17" 21' 12," W 40,57' 43. 5' 700 12''47" W 803,47' 44`= 11~"100.00' A=600 42' 58'" Lt`105.97" 45. C AD1 -'N 800 30' 11'' W 46 5 530 30" W 19.77 47. S 10') 41 ' 00" 1: 54.00' 48. S 310 410 00 E 70.471 49. R=416.00' D-02° 41' 27"Ls19.54' 50. S 240 42' 4911 E 32,00' 51, S 710 40' 00" E 663.13` K. RAD=200 291 3311 W 53, R=141.00' P�050 541 47" L=14.55' 54. R=141.00' A=460 47' 22" L=11.1.5' 55. RAD= N140 341 4,611 W 56, N 700 51' 40" W 508.28' 57. R�500.00' A-250 07' 13" L=219.22' 58, RAD=5440 151' 3311 W 59,. R=100.00' A=550 14' 16.11 L=96.41' 60. S 530 30' 30" W 51.23' 61. N 690 15' 00" 6 810.83' 62. N_170 27' 03" W 22.25' 63. S 700 12' 47" W 7.43' 64 N 170 Tl' 1211 W 60.02' 65. R=300:D0' A=230 29' 00" L=122.96, 66 N770 57' 0011 E 36.50' 67 N 490 09' 48" 5 34.97' 68. N 490 09' 48" R 234.35' 69. RAD=5870 56' 5511 W 70. RmI OM 00' A=240 34' 44" L--450-431 71, NZ50 45' 14" W 59.64' 72. R=80-00 A=140 Oil 17" L=19.58' 73. RADD=y7y7�00 23, ry28,1 W2 31" } t.=28-68' 74. 75. S070 55' 59" W 1.08.42' 76. R=520.00' A=180 141 559" L=165.63' 77. S100 19' 001! 5 149.69' 78= R=55.00' A=890 581 06" L--86.361 79. N79" 39' 06" D 325.50' 80. R=141.00' A=040 131 5211 L=10.1' 81, N790 39' 0611 R 82. P150.00 A=790'39' 06" L=208,531 83, N00' 00' 00" 5 77.82' 84. R=300.001 0240 14' 30" 4=126.93 85, N240 14' 3011 W 178.37, 86, 5240 14' 30" 5 79.03' 87. N020 03' 05" W 505.261 88, R=520.00' A=180 13' 47" L=165.451 89. N160 10' 42" C 268.97' 90. R=180.00' A=060 11' 12" L-19, 4' 91a RAD=5670 38' 06" E 92, R=180,00' A=470 41' 05" L=149,81' 93. N 250 19' 11" W 589.57' 94. R=480,00' A=180 09' 34" L=152.13' 95. N 430 28' 451" 14 58,41' 96. R=850.00' A=030 20' 07" L=49,48' 97. R=850.00' W Oc') 42' 19" L=758.821' 98, RAD=N 600 33' 411t 6 99 R=480.00' A=250 30' 00" 1=273,63' 100. S 350 031 41" W 20,00' 101. R=500.00' A=250 30' 00" L=222.53" " _ o ' " L=155.08 " 102, R'830.Q0 Ay10 42 19 103. N 490 51' 22'" 2 20.00' 104, R-1000,00' A=200 i5' 00" L=353.43` 105. N 750 11'_19; W 120.00' 106. 17=500.00` A=270 30' 00" L=239,98` 107, N 190 26' 01'" E 154.97' 1 0 r "" =225.22' 108, IZ-'300..,00 A_�43 00 50 L 109. MAO =N 230 34'49" C 110, N 550 13' 26" W 381.30' 111, N 610 28' 00" W 411.80' 112, N 350 10` 00" W 566.54' 113 N 300 28' 00" W 49.20' 114. N 450 21' 35" W 62.94' 115. N 080 43' 19" W 533.17' 116. N 090 01' 30" W 195.79' 117. N 250 06' 02" W 118,90' 118, S'770 44' 09" W 141.23' 119, S 220 21' 54" W 472,80' 120, N 250 061 02" W 3.67' 171, S 080 43' 15" C 192,27' 122. Is 090 011'30 C 496,03'' 123. S 30')' 28' 00" 2 94.30- 124. 5 450 21135" 101,69' 125. S 360 29' 45' E 475,60' 126. S 550 13' 26'' C 435,621 127 S 610 28' 00" E 382,381 128. S 440 19' 25" E 32.00` 129,. S 450 40' 35" W 22.86' 130, R=176.00" A=110 39' 40" L=35.82" 131, RAO=N 320 39' 45" W 132. S 300 12' 33" C 146.72' 133. RADS 240 07' 26" E 134. R=150.00' A-120 33' 5311 L=32,89' 135. RAO=N 360 41' 19" W' 136. R=250.00' A=790,00' 00" L=344.70" 137. R=150,00" A=570 41' 07" L=151.02' 138, R=100,00' A=910 15' 00" L=159426' -0 18 41 " ' 139 , 1v 32 E 212 .: 50 140, R=300,00' A=480 41' 19" L=254.93' 141 RAO= N 090 00' 0011W 142. Rt�300.QO' A=050 15' '40" L=27.65' 143, RA11= S 030 44' 2011 E r 144: ' R=300.00 A=170 33' 01'f L�91.891 145, N 180 14' 23" W 90,.,37' 146, N 330 b'�' 5-" W 79,26' 147, RAD=N 140 08' 48" W 148, W-300,001 A-200 241 25" L=106.155 149, RAOW N 060 15' 37" E 150.. R=300.00' A=2.00 46' 3811,L=108,79" 151. RAO= N14 0 31 01" W 152, S 560 05' 1.0" W Moll, 153, R=584.00' A--100 2.4' 3511 L=106,10" 154, S 450 40' 36" W 126.28' 155. N 440 19' 25" W 7,37'' 156. S 420 46' 33" W 6.80' 157. N 460 54' 10" W 218;37' 158. N 4.80 52' 00" W 438,93' 159, N 450 20' 08" W 339.32' 160. N 50o 16' 22" W 265,02' 161. RAIZ- 160 07' 42" W 162, R=300400' A=210 00" 30" L=110.00' 163. RAD --37 0 08' 12" W 164. N 000 06' 42" E 110,93' 165, N 260 04' 00" W 36,1,4' 166. N 000 06' 42" W 741.29' 167, N 310 05' 05" W 485.89' 168 RAD= S 180 49' 19" ,5 169, R-180.00' A=670 41' 11" L=212,.64' 170, S 030 29' 30" W 160.60` 171. S 280 001 30" E 214410' 172. N 090 01- 30" W 22,17' 173; N 310 05' 05" W 120,311 174, RAD= S 280 07' 09" W 175, R=300.00' A=210 02' 39" L=110;19' 176, R=300.00' A=040 39' 46" L=24,41' 177, N 740 48' 00" 'E 96.08' 1784 S 180 421 30" E 459.191 179, S 000 06' 42" W 9,17' 180. S 310 051 J5"'E 30,78' 181 s 000 06' 42" W 747.40'' 182. N 260 04' 00" W 79-86' 183, N 620 34' 45" E 77.48' 184, S 450 20' 08'' E 277,72' 185. S 500 16' 22" E 159,271 186. S 460 34' 10" E 518,88' 187,: $ 48" 2'1' 171" 'E 218.40' 188, N 420 46' 33" E 148,34' 189, 11=300.00' A-320 42' 26" L-171,25' 190. N 560 05', 10"'E 133.76' 101, R-315.00' A=090 30' 40" L=52446' 192, RAC)= N 43° 25' 3011 W 193, N 330 54' 50" W 111,19' '194, R=300,00' A=040 051,3511 L=21,43' 195, 5'.180 14' 23" E 75.55' 196. S 330 54' 50" E 99,76' 197, R,-,1000,00' 0140 30' 00' L=253,07' 198,N'6i10 41' 19" W 178,82' 109. R�1000,00' A=220 31' 00" L=302.99' 200, RADL- N 500 49' 4111 E 201, R=1000.0(1' A=070 44' 32" L=135.181 202, RACE= S 580 341 1311 W C Z 3045 Cu 22801 A a C Z 304.5 4, V 10 !' J I 0\ 1 COP cr- I cu �8 .. I 1` ;nTN-�------ ti©mem ou i m wvr- MMU . Rd, 8k, pg,12 Data2�15/80 ONO BY MOI �- lood RwL�"RSIE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARrUE-NT c 1. OFFICE OF, ME CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR County of Riverside, State of California 1. 10 j,13o p.1n. J)oing, the tim set for heazinq on the aPplication of 1&nmar9 ; WI4 compaxayer Caso �:o. 30454 frit 01110ngi* thO lzoh .-.q on �certai xx property loo tcd, A o LA Quix`,ta 1)"tri.ct ',r I;;-2 'tO R -5 r, a d f r q .._r0U1 It- a and to t— , the. �"° t�i1 t�� C��. d the a1 l�lr r for lctrx A . stat.f. ;fit appea nij that no orae pros t Vish d t o sPoak cera 010 VUlt�terf the chaiman doclare-d this hearinq closed cord Zklr On zotion .+ u'pe x� visor McC'4ldsst .secan4ad by supervisor as ;rado of ded by tho Plivirnling Co=VWiSq on$1 aiad o%' f:y COU% ael i '110trUotad tc prepare an ordinatice io effect the chAnci0 s for adoption by, the tt`iu4, 11011 Call reflulted -is Zollows: Ayeaa ,i rahavio ecord- Schroeder And McCandiouz U001 r 'Neons Absents Young. +OV .P � , 11,,,W fi�.�,E.wrilli Yep 1 kY .1 Pilfk9ei�'r,Yl� I heroby e tntify that the frir (oing ii fol, true urrcfi COMICI C"'lry of clt) (-It(IVr trlxtda (jrIcj rerU't+e[wci ori WITNESS my hood olid the st 01 of IIID firarerrf Of SuPOW"Surs Doled,. DONAM U. SULLIVAN, Clerk of tht:! Boord of Supervisors, If f'Al! in Lind for the Cnunly of Riverside,Stoto of,,Coliforrijo . - f MT BOARD TRANSMITTAL .r. TO Poard of Supervisors +PROM: Planning Department TATE: _ July 7, 1980 _ CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 3045 (EA W1'2204) La Qui nta District S �J �CT� Landmark Land Company Fourth Supervisorial District R-2 to R-5, R-5 and W-1 to R-2 BAC KOROUND The applicants, (Landmark Land f'o., P.O. Box 1000 La Quinta, California 92254) request a change of zone. from R-2 to R-5, 'R-5 to R-2 and W-1 to R-2 within the area, of Specific Plan 121-E. The appl i cavi: has complied with the California rnvi ronnrental Quality Act 1970. Environmental Assessment No. 12204 was submitted and a negative declaration issued December 27, 1979 The 7 plicant submitted this request to -fulfill conditions of approval contained in the ohdi ti ars} for tact '; Ajjprav�ed by the Board on November 20, 197'9 re- uizoningi cts prdp" �` os a` "n c s ci ng quired! lines. ne!mUms .0 nd:t 4`r�a7 Use uas No. 2286 eQondi t on t lea,,, t<weggj red same. The change of zone as requesG i s consi stent with �pecIfi c P1 an 12-21�-�. "Ch ancjes prolaysed do not allow any additional units or 7i1craased ensity. 4 RECOlV1WNDATIOW The Planning Commission and Staff recommend APPROVAL of change of zone 3045 from R-2 to R-5, R-5 to R4 arid W-1 to R-2 in accordance with Exhibit 2 1 rd ` kevin hl, Fanning S�nor"_Planner '"r / �� _ GL,, WRK 0 THE BOA90 is (101`0) PREPARED BY CDUNTY COUNSEL PLANNING' DEPT, i Wits) ,r PATRICA Nt MMI, dJA. 014WOR i 'i' NOTICE Off' HEARING BEFORE '� gt BOARD Or SUPERVISORS 01~' RIVU1"�SxDE COUNTY ��.. ON ZON1; CHANGE IN1-lE''La' Ou"" DjsLrict 'NOTICE xS BERM GIVE14 that a public haAr. ing at which all i.l teraStr;t perst ll,t t.)ill be hard, will be hold before t110 Board of Of Riyop,, 6c County,- Calir-oPni.a, on the 111thAlar. , County A dlni ii i strative Centery 11080 Lemon Street, Rivtrs!,de, on 'Tucsclsly, 5cw1,1~.ember 1 0 at 5, ;�0 �.m... orgy 'tbe appl. cataon of �aar�tiuia,�lt —in ca.�;.0-barge of zranc� {`ti^+cm an.Mli� 8rri����a,Zsr.�.ami a. aee7�1 nc[5� It �tr (Zy i� �1?�a,mly nincron es�cntia de ,•�l �i �z�lcrt I�r �c3 Ca� �(tv tercc�urse, wiO (��1°s1� od G11�11 consexyatic ,'�'0 �c�l�tac.13w�5 {g1�G2C1 �rre� cott��:��q �onG�rc�l��it1►at�tG11 etc+ve�.c7piq�tzt��'G�1,r1 I2-�� (Ct1u.�,ti�` �. am.,y c1w11,1 inch:>) ral. suoh ohcr 7a11C.� a.� l.�le3fi.11:s1 iilay►�I a�y,pxr�1,�siat°t, 017 property 1,ccatcd on the .West side of T�� �lc+nl�o�a� S� Iaa', North w111t1 ll�yrat 11 of 50th Avcmuc and more patticiAlar l.y desc i.bod ns f,"01.10wo : Portioll or secH.on 1, T6S, RGE and section Sia, T5S, Or 51l11�"�M LOCATIONAL MAP F s.` e; rml,h . t� ✓� � cy 1 1 'y a1hh qt i he St �� p1 o)l MAY ;3i.11�111,1.`l; t � " 00311m(ln`t4 /111 1�c.,]..lcsn a;�`�'t �•t��:�� J)Sr �. �.1a.oaL:. y " 1 1 Wx:i,�l;�Lola o„ "Lhc. C' rr } oi' L11c or 11m n .� �lc ar and lir hc.rza �1 n at11�1 rya.lt ca opposition L .tl �� ", anew >1aay� r loll the tijilo of 'l1la hmir ing + BY 0111IM Or TI11'a )WARD 011 SUMMISORS DONALD D, SULLIVAN) CLtRX 13Y l)e'1q< ,, Wtlplos; Deputy a r DAIY Voik NEWS ASSOCF+� ED DESERT NEWSRAPOS, INC, DESERT.ADVERTISER -- ONCE A WEEK 45.140 TOWNE STREET REMIT TO PHONE-: {714) 347.3313 DRAWER NNN, INolc], CA41Pc7RNIA',:2201 Mardi , 19 80 1 IN ACCOUNT WITH eRi.verside County Pjamning Commission *4080 Lemon St. N:.nth Floor �Riversicle, Calif. '92501 PLEASE AVTOF1N THIS STUB WITH YOUR REMITTANCE FOR PnOPGH CREDIT r Legal #13.0$0 Daily News Classified REMIT TO: DnAwtvt NNN • INDIO, CALIFORNIA 02,101' ALL ACCOUNTS DUE AND Y-AYADLE 16x11 of MONTH ro1.1:oWIND DATE INCHES LINES F'iiewbus BALANCE 2 3 TOTAL INCHES — TOTAL Notice. of Public Hearing Lege #'134-80 ....� g Pu` ll' sh t March 5. 1980 10 y1 . 6 1 e12 13 14 i6 17 r 18 1, rE 19 GJ;,..«w,�.... 2'1 _ �5 27 28 25 30- _ NET AMOUNT. 1 � 59 31 .... PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) S'rATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside C am a citizen of the 'United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal cicrk* of the printer of the DAILY NEWS a newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub- lishcd daily in the City of Indio, County of Riverside and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, under the date of September 14, 1959, Case Number 2628; that, the notice, of which the anne:ccd is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said )newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit. ;111111 the year 19 .—. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.. r ".y� sic;rtA•rtritt: *Printer, Foreman of the Printer, or Principal, Clerk of the [Tinter, 80 at India, California, PROOF OF 11 This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp PU11LICNOTICC- ` NOTICE Or, PUBLIC „HEA1tING BE'voitE TILL it u,49WE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION , TO _ .. VONSID"It AN Proof of Publi 7'0 AMEA��I'N� US11. i4 ORDINANCE � NOA1' 3QUiNTA DISTRICT FFECTING 1� IC NOTICE IS 11EIREDY I OVEN the t a public hearing Will be It f ld before the rover. sl'do County Planning Com• ralssion to consider an a)nendrrlent to Ordinance NO, r 348, 111verside County Land LCse Ordinance, Said amends gent would v.hange the zone Bern 1t•2 (Multiple Fatally Dwellings), A-$ (Open ,Area Ctnbining Gone•Residdntial I11,volopment) & W.1 tWater� (!ourse, Watershed and Conservation Arm) to, 11.2 (Multiple ratrrily Dwellings) 4 a-6 (open Area Cornbining ¢ Zonedtesidentlal Develop. ment) or such other zones as the commission may find ap'- prappriate, on property, loeated on the West side of Eisenhower Drive, North and South of 50th Avenue and more particularly described as follows: j :Portlon of Saction 1.,`N% 11a" olid Soction 86, T68, i RBL, S.B.B. & M, Ij Said public hearing Will be held on'rhursday, March 20, 1580, at 1:40 p,m, In room 302 Ar County Adnnnlstrative Center, 40200 Oasis Street, Indio, California, at which ilihe and placepertinent testimony will be heard, illy order of tile Riverside County Planning C'olrimis- sign, County of 121vers)de, State of California, C RANGE Olr ZONi, CASO ND. 3045 1t1VGR9IDL COUNTY PLANNING DEPART= NT 4080 Lemon Street, Ninth l),4or PU13LICATION Riverside, Ca Pi2501 K Patricia Nemeth, A>:,P, Planning Vlt�otiir Legal 1.3480 Publish March 5, 1530 9 _ M 'giwdr�^-�.'�"'.�1�1e0OYr11MH� C I'.0 may - ?xa400* !_�_...�—..,.-.fit.... .0 l cu 286 N` I , u N W I rqCirGula�t App, J. 5, DAVIDSON ASSOC. Use R-2, R'-5 aW�I TO R -z FJc R-5 . Dist UA QUINTA Sup, Dist. 4 Sec,�s T� s Sqk. 8E A$sessar`s %,631 Pg.U,38 on EISENFiOWER Df , MJ; I0O' Element 50TH AVE, MAJ, I00' Rd. 8k, Pg. 1l gDate 2 / 15 / 80 Drawn BY M m i 1 I I ?xa400* !_�_...�—..,.-.fit.... .0 l cu 286 N` I , u I� �D»7�=1-JLw N 50TH o: z SITE 4© R N W I rqCirGula�t App, J. 5, DAVIDSON ASSOC. Use R-2, R'-5 aW�I TO R -z FJc R-5 . Dist UA QUINTA Sup, Dist. 4 Sec,�s T� s Sqk. 8E A$sessar`s %,631 Pg.U,38 on EISENFiOWER Df , MJ; I0O' Element 50TH AVE, MAJ, I00' Rd. 8k, Pg. 1l gDate 2 / 15 / 80 Drawn BY M m i I� �D»7�=1-JLw N 50TH o: z SITE 4© R 2 PROPOSED - ZON! � C Z 045 ! -10000` - -2-8,0100 I 1 Ia ` . f�- 2-10,006-VR_ 5 I - C...''- I .� R,.,.µ.. R-2 %p 0$ 0 � Q - - CU 22136 l W f , n � R- , 00 R-5 IN q loie r -2-71000 y' ' ,M Q v. ti ,_.r` LOCATIONAL MAP App. J, F, OAVIDSON ASSOC, Use R � , fit R-5 Ek W-1 TO P-2 AC Sup, ListR-5 Diz;t. LA t�UI NTA SupCLOt. 4 Sec.36 T,5 S+,R, 6E t�sotorIs' Bk, 631 Pg 36, 1 t3 54TH _ a AV5. Circulati ' on EISRNHOWPR DRQ MAJ. Ioo , Elment SdTN AV, MAJ, ° 100' SITE 121 own 8Y Moi Rd Bk.,93 a 2/'15IS0 - rf Li'Q(J PLANWN - QE1�i'4/11 %rn�%0%% N q '1 w . I l00O�,[RIVERSIDE_ r0='10.14JL RIVERSM COUNTY; PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4080 'LEMON STREET NINTH FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIF,�)RNIA 92501 TO. LA OVINTA CHAMBER nR f nVY%RCE DEPT OF BLDG & SAFETY DEPT OF FIRE PROTECTION COACHELLA VALLEY r0 WATER DIST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT ROAD DEPT 14ATER QUALITY CONTROL ISD # 7 SUBJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE CASE' N0. 3045F. -�, R-5 & W-1 to R-2 & R-5 La Quint a District (EA No 12204) J. F. Davidson & Assoc. 3426 Tenth Street Riverside, Ca 9250 Your comments and recommendations are toquested prior to March 13, 1980 ,so dist they tray be included in oar staff report regarding this item. COMMENTS Thto Departillont has to objection 'to 't,ho pr opo aed cholntr,c Of IZ0140' t'r7.o,r to any rr,nident,i(;0. development, it gill bo nese sa.ry to obtain a fln.ii ra:3 form from 4,11111 Xit'pa1"tIPIeYi't; I,'*' T i cera p DATE y� e l,, rl. N�}'L'ut1`tlzncl I4 ';l , .A�: iin. tSu ex'Wi;;c�:t The public hearing on this matter t4ill be held on Thursday March 20) 1,980 should you Fri§h td bd Ptdbent (Igtuo D itdiNAL O �fjA#ItNd tPAATMNT) 4080 Lth% bTF.V, tIVCt si a, SAL 'oRtJ 9250 ) w RI ERSIDE COUNTY ELANNII G DUAT, 4080 LEMON STREET y NINTH,FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, 92501 TO: LA OU'xNTA OHAMRFR OF r()MP!EACE DEPT OF BLDG & SAFETY LC BUJ DEPT OF FIRE PROTECTION' COACH.ELLA VALLFY CO WATER DIST MAR 7 1980 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT kOAD DEPT mVIERSII7E CpUNTI' WATYR QUALITY CONTROL BD # 7 PLANNING 00"AMiISSCON SUBJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE CASE N0. 3045 R-2, R-5 & W --I to R-2 & R--5 La Quinti District. (EA No. 1.2204) J. F Davidson & Assoc. 3426 Tenth Street Riverside, Ca 92501 Your comments and recommendations are requested pr, i.or to _ Marchi 13, 1:980 , so that they may be inal.uded in our staff report regarding this item. `COMMENTS: ! } Tile Poad DdPartrient has nO CC"4.11chnt U1t)1icv0m' C10T Right of ��ay and/or- nts Shall 'a0 socured throuyki tract mapt parcel rt�c o conditiO"al a per�� �, or plot 00 prbcedUreS« i to dcC",I F r1i if'o f I DATE -(t> The public hearing on this mss ._ y c - � ter wi1.1. b� held on. Thursday � :_ March 20, 1980,__ _ , should ;►oU tAgh td bo- iz� eni+ (i AiM O f401)tfTM-tT9ALO �s-jd /3 RIVERS -1.10t COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT I� r+ CFUr'N7 I age ' P I..,ANNIN(a COMMI5SFON II E. SIU�� ,� S`� ; � �LA1EIi M. KA72ENSTEJN, Chairman, Rub"daux I KAY S. CENICEROS, Wentri' DAVID W, TGR BEST, Ctillm— JESS E. LILLIBkIUGr, C0f0"a RUSSELL I:, CAMPBELL, Blythtl KAY H.OLESEN, Palm Oesert MARION V, ASHLEY, POWs e PATRICIA NE.MCTH - A,I.P. -- PLANNING OIRECTOR February 13, 1980 4000 LeMON STREET, 9th FLOOR, RIVFAgIDG.CALIFORNIA 925101 THE DAILY NEWS P 0 DRAWER NNN INDIO CALIF. 92201 RE: LEGAL NOTICES + Changes of "Lone Case Nos: 3096, 0445,,�T3012. Gent I emen s Enclosed are legal notices pertaining to the above Mentioned Change of Zone Cases to appear one time only in "The Daily News" on WEDNESDAY, March 5, 1980 , in order to comply with Ordinance requirements. Please do -riot publish the locational maps,. Kindly furnish our office with the Affidavits of Publication in duplicate, and your bi11 in tr pli.cate, Thank you, Yours very truly, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia Nemeth, AXP, Planning Director Barbara Watso570W ecretary BW -.sic Zncl : Legal Notices 3 ' 40 / RIVERSIDE COUNTY P� ANNING DEPARTMENT r ` ;tri rcfiu9VrY PLANNING COMMISSIQN Y • Ml ii: '►f RIVERSIUL a,:.,.^, f ELMERKKATZENSTEIN,Chairman, RtibldouK ""- KAY S. CENjrF-ROS, Hamot DAVID W. TER BEST, Colima- ' JESS B. LILLIBRIOGE, Corinne. RUSSELL E. CAMPBELL, Myth• KAYH. OLE5EN. Palmi Desert MARION 1i, ASHLEY, Porn# PATRICIA NEMETH - A.1,P. — PLANNING DIRECTOR 4000 LEMON STREET, 9th FLOOR, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 02501 w SUBJECT, Change Of Zone Case Requests Applidant t Please find enclosed a copy of legal notification in connection With your petition for Change of Zone. it is suggested that you be present or represented at this hearing. Failure to do so may be construed as a Waiver of your right to present additional evidence, In the event you appoint someone to represent you at the hentit9t a letter signed by yourself giving such authorization must be on filo with the Pl.annifig Commission at the time of the hearing. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Eni:ls% Notice of Hearing Receipt for Fees Paid co Owner Representative NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BLf,0RE THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO LAND USE ORDINANCE'N0. 348 AFFECTING THE LA QUINTA.bISTRZCT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Riverside County Planning Con>tnission to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 348, Riverside County Land Use Ordinance. Said amendment would change the Zone from 11-2 (14ultiple Family Dwellings) ,`R-5 (open g Area Combining Zone"Residential Development) & . (Water- - course, Watershed and Conservation Areas) to R-2 (Multiple Family Dwell.ingo) & R-5 (Open Area Combining Zone,-Residential Dt-velopment) or such other 'cones as the Commission, may find appropriate, on property located on the West side of Eisenhower Drive, North and South of 50th Avenue. and more particularly described tis follows: LOCATIONAL MAP {II r 1 Fortiori of Section 1, T65, R6E and Section 4� 11A. J 111 AYE. 36, T5s, R6E, s.B,Bo & M co ::Yi3tma 3 d S1 1 E W AA�� W Said public hearing will be held on Thursday, Larch W, 198o at Ic40_F_, M. in Room 302 A, County Administrative Center, 46,209 Oasis Street, Indio, California, at which gime and place pertinent testimony will he hea,r'd= 8y order of the 12iver•tide County Planning GohA*ssi ono County of riverside; State of California, CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NG, 5045, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING 05PARTMEN�I' Riverside, Ca 92507. 4080 Lemon Street, Ninth Floor PUBLISH ONE TIME ONLY DAILY NMas ies Patricia ,C6 92501 Planning Directo► PUM t SH ON WEDNESDAY tIARCII 5 1980 PN"Jf NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO LAND USE DISTRICT ORDINANCE NO. 348 AFFECTING. THE LA QUINTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: a public hearing will be held before the Riverside County Planning Commission to consider an amendment to Ordinance No, 348, Riverside R-5 to County Land Use Ordinance. Said amendment would change the zonse from � .�. --R;2-7000, R--2-8000, and R-Z-10;0()Q; R-2-7000, R-2-8000, R-2-lO,t700 to R-5 W-'I .-,__.._..:. or such other" Mies as the Commission may find appropriate, on property located ON THE WEST SIDE OF EISENHOWER DRIVE, north and south of 50th Avenue_ and more particularly described as follows portion of Section 1, T.6S, R.6E and Section 36, T.5S, R.6E, S.B.Q.&M. Said public hearing will be held on a«toriCounty Administrative Conter 46-209 Oasis Stre0t, X�idio, at in Raortt 3021, � p.nt« California, at which time and place p rtinenh testimony will be hoard. By order of the Riverside County PlanningC0111nt7ssion, County ;of Riverside, State of California, CHANGE 05 ZONE CASE NO, r 304 _— RIVERSIDE80 CStreeti,LANNINGi DEPARTMENT PUBLISH ONE TIME ONLY .� 40 . NOT LATER THA` patriciaeNemethCA zA�7Ri Planning Director s CHANGE OF 7.0NE CASE NO. 5 MEETING: 3-20M80 PAGE 1 MARION V ASHLEY_ RUSSELL E CAMPBELL RONALD W SULLIVAN k. 42365 ACACIA 320 S PERRIS BLVD PERRIS CALIF 92370 P 0 DRAWER C BLYTHE CA 92225 HEMET CA 92343 JESS E LILL15RIDGE KAY OMEERIAL DAVID W TERBEST P 0 BOX 443 719 WEST 11TH STREET CORONA CA 91720 MOT / ORS 83-095 HIGHWAY 99 CALIMESA CA 92320 INDIO CALIF 92201 ELMER KATZENSTE&N ADVANCE PLANNING RIV CO PLANNING DEPT DRAFTING SECTION RIV CO ASSESSOR OFFICE 3986 ADEN WAY RIVERSIDE GA 92506 FL 4080 FIFTH FL RO80 IVERSIDENCAT92501H RIVERSIDENCAT9250 T DEPT OF BLDG & SAFETY NCA NINTH L DEpT OF FIRE PROTECTION 210 WEST SAN JACINTO AVE R 501 RIVERSIDE F 92501 PERRIS CALIF 92370 �CIR UL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIV RIV CO ROAD DEPT 4080 LEMON ST 8TH FL PkAmP�fX+'A1'Acau R3 ? I J 02 ATTN: DON BOLING HEALTH FINANCE BLDG RIV CA 92507 RIV CA 92501 W X tl �uii fallY RD XIX LA QUINTA C IMBER Of OLIO DEPT or OE'V ORST 4060 EIVGE 618> 1t�d1NC lVN KXI �X9�R�Xr1a� X P 0 Box 1155 LA QUINTA CA 92253 P DOX 1180 RJIJd1>C OiX ;1' -� RIV OA 92602' 1dA'IEiI QUALITtf'CMT ttGL GO 47 )�AX�f�x �>��t�KJz�k�H�X R4>I1�X Nl 9 50�'THWES`'CR�i Et1TEiiPI~.tSCS YtiC 301110 001#10 VALLEY ' SKY 1 203 COLORADO RIVER BASIN REGIOid Xk%lXJt LAGUM !NIGUEL CA 92617 3-271 HWY III* W 21; PALM DEQ«B;T CA 92260 lJORTal S KAM40 SEcukl iY TITLE CO, #49 P 0 BOX 69 P O BOX 56+! LA t1UtF1TA CA 99263 P O BOX 7632 pAjjojjAjjA CITY CA 91409 LA QUIRTA CA 92263 A J WIWAJIIC p �95G WILSHIRE BLVD 4960 VDtt 10100 SANTA MIX4tCA BLVD 2200 LIDS AIMLES CA 90067 0 Box 69 LPt gUltiTA CA 92253 LCIS X16CLES CA 1 ��R�►.JUtli�7�3�C COACHELLA V'ALL4Y WATO, DIST RNOyLKECMTOR- P 0,U0k 1058 d o OR PLAZA 1011 O YORK NEW YORK 10020 CO'ACHELLA CA 92236 1 AMGt OFZONE CASE 110. S OPMEETING-03.20--tap ME 2' J F M—WIDSON& ASSOC LAND14ARK LAND CO 34��r� � s p o sox inoo RIV CA 925Q1 %A QUINTG CA 9225 - : r'a :'..c.:7 ",. �. I,..- .,... i'dt[.. ,...; , , it. ¢ .`s:i[. q: t c ia- a•i T': f: 'ti' ::{ • t . . - .t,a i.. .y; i,i; :'. f.E #. !. , `,(;' k} `t{ t # •kE i' t 1 i ( , i p { r k { [I :. s 1 t { ; : p { }E , +' a} a .a ••{ , ! tf{ ;t}y.I fi i . € .• f i:.tj .,j x iii € lj t jl c .i t. '{{sf t I � .{ r j # .I ,I FF 1 a pl : 7 vE l€ i, � ,ddj i tt. ,1°I 'i ks:.t •kki j, t s• „43,:•t a 4 t .l tt f x 1 I [ I. xE } f 3 } to,„ j r I s . ff; 3 . ,i4 q } Et ..� s ? : ,,;, 3.@ ..f Et: ,•€ t 1 i� .� �pp .I �, r � f '3 .� 1 �, •1� .� �} [[ E =�t �._ � � � ,� t I 3 c•,, , r• q� i� +.} :: i 4,:ir.:is•,.. •.• ,.,i l,''r9}�•. 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'lt t l ,;t s jl :tj.. t=E •s t [ i f 'i€ +� :1 •I i € ,: j, .,.s;ls�i,: q ! i z,• ,s :EEE , x s ,J : i s33 t i • � :{i. t� rs ;Ij '1 4 � . t�t :•i.;•�,; { I : •t: ,.t i €.:•� tE(( jI � j 11 1`1:+• •� � s :ai i�i� } :: i i , j � j .:� � }j ;I ;. d . { } ,!° " 9;: � ; :i• 7 Ii I c`, _` s l l l G. j'( , i 4�"' € i � i z t i s a,.. { {�, .i; 1.. , ii : l�k i.€: : _ + 'a , �. • j s ; I ;t:' 'i 4 tt j1; .{ i:{ �,�'j, '� r.i.. �•i I, �': ;i} .; ii k �_jj 7 tj ii, .Ei',.xlt: 11 f I{ I i63' € i � j � s i f 3 4�' € �..9 s t i! ,1 E• tE €�jI , r 4� I :1 s 4, �tlz i I• s 4 � '€ I r # i 3 ! s s f t{ r t i r 1 ( 6 i• r: t a 7 i '$ i• •f E"r a, •� 3 � t• � 3 �rs, j I r tl ! {{ 4 4 o: € ff J 3 ! i. ct: t 9 7 3i 1,:, it j '� ,3 : c � •i i f l' � €• � t i j:i"s i€t �"•� �� �=a ,si ¢ � (x �' j ¢_ j t , i 3 •a( + :: I' :I. •;l ., : tjl to { :� {{ s� ( :, � 6; t� : •} i } o i i .3•"r' �: l j � � •�. Lt 1 � E � r j .3 iri , i' _, 'k j� € �,. : • t.. t� �j � �� , q I` .,.....E.i, � �. ,i�.l.i�..Fil...�IT .€.i,i{.t'ti�� Zoning District: --La Quinta Change of Zone 3U45 PC Hearing Date: 3/20/80 Fourth Supervisorial District Agenda Item: g Related Files: SP 121-E RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT 1).. Applicant: 2) Type of Request: Landmark Land Co. Change of Zone R-2, R-5,& W-1 to R-2 & R-5 3;) Location: West of Eisenhower Dr., adjacent to the La Quinta Hotel 4) Parcel Size: _ Approximately 11 acres 5) Existing Roads: 6) Existing Land Use, Eisenhower Drive �' Vacant, Golf course under construei:ion Flood control facilities 7) Surrounding Land Use., Hotel units and Planned Residential Development 8 Existing Zonings R-2, R-5 W-1 9� Surrounding Zoning: lb) General Plan Elements: R-' W-1 Land Use: SP 121-E indicates various uses Open space & Conservation: L'�rban Cove Communities Circulation: Eisenhower -Major 100' None opposing/supporting as of this writiting. 11) Letters: 12) Environmental EA No. 12204 was submitted and a negative Assessment: declaration was filed on 12/19/79. No appeal nd, filed within the specified time period was Planning Considerations: The purpose of this request is to meet the redesigned development plan desired by the of approved units. the applicant. The proposal does not, increase number . ! RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL of Change of Zone 3045 R-2, R-5, and W-1 to R-2 and R-5, based on the following 1) The proposal is consistent with the adopted Specific Plan 121i5. in the La Quinta area. 2) The proposal is compatible with other similar uses i;MM:ajp March 20, 1980 (REEL 615 SIDE 1 1.575-1616) 1;40 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO 3045 (EA 1.2200 (13.19- acres, westerly of Eisenhower Landmark Land Company Dr., northerly and southerly of R„-2, 'W-1 and Ras to R-5 and R-2, etc. 50th Avenue) La QuintaArea Fourth Supervisorial District (The hearing was ,opened at 1:44 p.m, and closed at 1:46 p.m.) STAFF RECOMMENDATION# Approval of Change of Zone Case No.3045 from W-1, R-2 and R-5 to R--2 and R-5 in accordance with Exhibit 2 Amended. The purpose of 'this requestwas to meet the redesigned development, desired by the applicant, and would not increase the number of approved lots. Bob Kipper of J. F. Davidson, representing the applicant, concurred with staff's - recommendation. There; being no further testimony, the hearing was closed.at 1:46 p.m FINDINGS; The proposed zoning is consistent with adopted Specific Plan No. 121-E and is compatible with other similar uses in the La Quinta area. and ON: Upon m tarn by Commissioner Olesen, seconded by Commissioner Campbell MOTION: Upon motion carried, the Commission recommended to the Board of Supervisors approval of Change of Zone Case No, 3045 from R-2, W-1 and R-5 to R-5 and R-2 in accordance with Exhibit 2 Amended, based on the above findings and the recommendations of staff. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Commissioners TerBest, Li l l i bri dge, Ashley, Campbell, O1 esen and Kai zenstein NOES: None ABSST: CorGniss'iover Sullivan P9,COUNTY Pt./►NNING DF:pARy iQ/n`5ttf-#*/tt 9th Floor ICAmew 9256 (d1 � NO C,d/y1` NORToN kNOy 92253 s t _ k LAIN THIS ' TA ,vrq[)Wf ovTAt H AN[ti ii :' Of. "I n iff�:ax�k7.rYtt.f Yt lx A19AC'I tt Cl fMtlG it, Ilt f'AVfik I', E Ea tYl E k EI�t nl LipL LA OUINTA NpY I» F r rf,. iv"¢7q7 t1,,I ' t ff `trIfw ttax k`bff,+17 nw >f� rpt�M WVC.�; ,..�. �.�... t51gTIiTltluYkgM _ VRf N1R jltlGai &»» -fib pM°U� N1 pAIru .54 � 453 .0 e �7�1"It� 'r x.331,2 Res do7lt� �� VA3 4 Linc 7c�ri i tag Change e Ka N: n I A L waT qhv _. _WAY n�nudrkdNn Y_ Y tit fJ a ti j hj t khNNl �p kyplAl. 4l1'kHHgt.tlitl Y7 ti prT INgC7 i•1k rhir .,... ._ ..--,• . 1+kW119 kx tIlo f19Y tl 0 YNtt TAX a RIVERSIDE C0:1ttIY FMWING € EPARTMEN ENVIRONMENTAL WALITY SECTI(ir iNITrAL STUDf: CHANGES OF ZONES RID GPAS AD -W T IDrM INFO, REQUESTED: _ DATE ME NOINITIALSNOW- - a. DETEr-14I'tA i 'f. EA NOW Negative Declaration. Positive Declaration: Other: 8ACXG.RCUNO (See De e«,,anation s ,Findings) Applicant[Representative Address: Project. Description - Project Location-,_- of the of S_c ;- _ T District/Area: Environzental Setting -,, EVALUATIG t 1:. Is the site subject to any of the fellawflng natural hazards? Yes- Y Surface failt rupture Ground. subsidence _Fire LiquefactT€:n Flood or drainage Expansive soil Si nificarit groundshaking Ground cracking noise (aver 50 dRA) - Landslide or radsTidr Erosion Other 2.Does the site encerpass or is it adjacent to any biologically sensitive area? Yes^ No 3.. Does the site encorpass cr is it adjacent ;.o any archaeologically sensitive area or historical site? Yes._. 'Ito., 4., is the project consistent with General Pian Elements? Yes No � Land Use Open Space Scenic Highways Circulation Seisric Safety Public Services & Facilities Housing Safety Recreation Conservation Noise Other 5_ hill the project create any hazardous or annoying conditions? "fes No Dust Traffic - dioise Other 5- UM the Project have a si ice-' s �. ,_ ; *! g .r? YES No � ,�- �' .cr'LCciee, a. iec `. £TS Yr�e air ��,a:lty ft's �.�e area or rE '�"`� _ If sow what are the e�issi.o.s figures? 7., kill the- project have any significant visual' irpacts? Yes N � -- �--- --' RIVER - COUlI f Y PL AikINING €IEPAR T HEN PE 8- OR - 4 - RIVER* d EMM Si IEE f -NINTH FLOOR RIVERSIDE,; -CALIFORNIA 925yul AJ 114 E AS PROVIDED BY ARTICLE XX ' OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY LAND USE ORDINANCE ORDINANCE Nb 341$ 1rMPd:7;"; . Aft FALSE OR. M-ISLEADOG F.1F0F,%--A IOit SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR. DENY; G TRIS APPLICATION,.; SIGNATURES M"M ADDRESSES 0.' Al—I OWUIERS AS ShOWN IN THE OFFICE OF THE CGU ri'( RECORDEIR MST BE INCLUDED. Tr -.E ACCEFTiANCE OFTHIS APFLICATION DOES NOT. CO STIVE A FUNDIUS 3Y THE PLis;{SUNG _ DERE GR THAT TKE APPLICAT IOU FS COUSIST M WiT1 Tire RIVERSFs�E COUNTY GcfiEtZ L P!�s i. Ohtaf4l Instructions as to Esddisltl:tal dc�.'t3, maps, and t"eq�rired. inTOtTIatiiOn front the R versi de - County PFanni 3 DeparGt_nt before filing this petition. Fo rn ::o PD 77-3== - t�?PIl3 S -I 5-77: TYPE or� PRN CIN INK-): i, THE PETITIONER REQUESTS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 348 BE AAS#ENDED TO RECLASSIFY PROPERTY' FROM ZOO k-2 TO R5 TV4 W -t To R-2 ZOO R-5 To XIEF R-2 - (give Legal description n� propertygive exact, legal dsscripti`on as recorded.: in the -Office of -,-he- County Recorder -stayhe at; ached: 1 plat map of this property is attached hereto and made a part or this petition.: Location. and community L4 .Odi&4 Jz- �, - APPd_ICAiFd' J. F. Dc�yrdson ASSe�rQfes PHONE ( 7t41 696-o84+ INIAILINa ADDRESS 342b itrt�-� Sf-' tZii�ets�� �. 925t�i ' (Street) - (City)- t5tate (Zip Code t?=�#idER(s)' LQr�alr�►a>~k Ln:+�1 Co. PHONE (-714) 345- 2ege MAILING ADDRESS PC- Bog_ 000 TE State) (City) State) Zip Code) - ��- &� - DATE a G�,ATdr..r Or APPLICANT c�t..d Lhorit r for, '-his Applicationis Hereby Giver.;. - , / 1 DATE - SIGNAT LRE OF PROD .1r SIGT` ...dei Wr`lt authority Ray be a ? ched j - F;, _ DATE 1rMPd:7;"; . Aft FALSE OR. M-ISLEADOG F.1F0F,%--A IOit SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR. DENY; G TRIS APPLICATION,.; SIGNATURES M"M ADDRESSES 0.' Al—I OWUIERS AS ShOWN IN THE OFFICE OF THE CGU ri'( RECORDEIR MST BE INCLUDED. Tr -.E ACCEFTiANCE OFTHIS APFLICATION DOES NOT. CO STIVE A FUNDIUS 3Y THE PLis;{SUNG _ DERE GR THAT TKE APPLICAT IOU FS COUSIST M WiT1 Tire RIVERSFs�E COUNTY GcfiEtZ L P!�s i. Ohtaf4l Instructions as to Esddisltl:tal dc�.'t3, maps, and t"eq�rired. inTOtTIatiiOn front the R versi de - County PFanni 3 DeparGt_nt before filing this petition. Fo rn ::o PD 77-3== - t�?PIl3 S -I 5-77: LIST OE PROPERTY=OWNERS AND OTREKS FOR.` -- r: DATE` - DATE_OF REARING - ADDRESS AGENCIES FOR COMMENT TRANS.} MAILED: ALL COMMISSIONERS -ADVANCE PLANNING-: ASSESSOR`S UFFLCE -_ T- APPLICANT - - :OWNEP.: -_ REP: PROPERTY OWNER/LIST ATTACHEfI- _ certify order penalty of perjury that. = asiage Prepaid ,to Notices were mai l ed, p on indicated by I hex'ehy, Z 9 (;COTE F A CHECK thy_ . Ii ant,'other`inter,eszed perso_s --- d property owners pP day o MAILED... the the attached 1 1st on_ K" . ��►C#i i�iAbiE OF OWtE S' BES IDE• LIST AS NOTICES r MARK: , TO 8E PLACED s si nature a 7647* C -17`-Z ` 4«. ' i _ ; - Ek, Comment Notice of Etr, Aiken, A o,H, Team IN Nearin A nnav A. C,"S. Cement ' Teennmittal Ilotice of Nadrin A ", Carnai ,�,, Plncd Cnotral T9 RN.: Chk-i Folder, Wk.Sht., Appl., EAP Init.Stu0i Plat, exhibit t cass lio, CMZ 3045 APp11setlnn RedoLved by_ r Ate AM Parko Dant. y Aoplitettan Checked by tldee + 1:of ..Caaenetc Yr .., .... Water. ua�"ittY:.c`,e �•,.. .. -fix.._ ��//JA�LL Cneo Cleared by,_ KILO —;. bata�-�'t' !! DV4N0 :;. i OCII era --nee. Other Cover... Applicant J. F. Davidson & ASSOCiateS Fhannt_ 686- 84i 3426 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92501' u Addresat tote' 'Lip Coda 1. ndmatrk 'Land Co: 1 � y W111u owner. n Aaaraeat P.O. Box 1000 La Quint', CA 92253 Zip Code - - Strnot City .State Represattlativo t Fhone t,^ �- Hailing Address' tate Z1 Coda 1, SublecttQZ: R-2 to 9-5, R-5 to R-2, W-1 t RR-2frailer, Fnn lafnrmntioa Hobilehore; Trovel and West of Eisenhower Dr. W & S of 50th Avg. Recreational Vehicle parka -- 2, Location.. AJO I Ito. Lots X i 3. Environmental ltnformatioil L ' ^+J --7-V S �/ no.. / 7i:�if� I E,LR, No. deed Flood. Control Fee 13.11: Reaalpb S.A. Fee 9 t r Notice of Declaration 2' 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 gee Fee $ilinFee Dote Circle one Ho. � X.$ i End Appeal rariud TOTAL FiL09 FEL $ i 4, iinlatad iilaei CMZ 1847 CU 2286-E" Ail other caseol - TR 14496 Sp 121-R Filing tea U-00 _ i, ' Pld 14273 =M—Fae� 14 A @.'$1 S 9a "- A^� 71a , 5, Receipt, fee pedok TOTAL F1L1NC FEE ,4 _ a 4 6. renal Cove Communities al Plan Area m O t o z t 12. Dc.. nirpntinnn, S, 121-E Publir. taclitien Elcr,crk Jam__,-----'--- tV m , EgUest' 13, ELareat OS, PRD, LDC, Wtr, Cr E tlaeraation Element o u, vt ` j" g: land Use Circulation Eleunnt Eisenhower Dr. Major, 100 R/W 14. icment safety t r --r--. tr vt 9, (lousing Element 15. Scenic tlishvays_,;,,__ - - 1 lo. Noise Element, 16. Seismic Safety_ ` c C 1. 11i open gpacd/Godaarvation Ruttal & Ueban 11, ! Alquist-Priolo Sheat - t J J i 18. SupetYtsdrioi: Ciotrict - 4_�_� 21, zoning R-2-7000, R-2-8000, R-2-10000 — PI -Is R-5 " io '�a�J, -v n 19, Area planning 22. 5phern of Influence Council fi i 2o, zoning Durick/Area . Quint,_ 21._ ttond Book Page 123.. a 2d. Tonl;ekiVe Dear ing onto _. _' RFAni'�G INFnatlATIM _ _ AFC F' C It. S ACTto;1 \ 25, A iin ehc oad B Y De Data __-..., _y I 1 26, plot Pian 6",leekdd �. ' 27. Aaaaeeorto Ddck/Pages -300- 26 6 theU 9 281 LagA1Description Chackad360-002,3,8$9 X00- 02-3-2 0 , 9T30�34 20, Caaa sent to draphird 30, (�3�90-015 � Lotter to 11 Oran SP him in �mmitto rU ! tla"ring Ccmmtttad 7 ._. . ai, (] Transmlttels IJ All Comminoianera/Counoll Hembora Ek, Comment Notice of Etr, Aiken, A o,H, Team IN Nearin A nnav A. C,"S. Cement ' Teennmittal Ilotice of Nadrin A ", Carnai ,�,, Plncd Cnotral - APCU Healta pant. A Airports Dir_ AM Parko Dant. DltlktingPapttI Plannin& Dirt CnUrana - .. .: Rand )O t,- 1:of ..Caaenetc Yr .., .... Water. ua�"ittY:.c`,e �•,.. .. -fix.._ DV4N0 :;. i OCII era --nee. Other Cover... AeeaTL W111u NOTICEOF HEARING 3 trORE TIE BOARD 7£ SUPER VISORS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY 014 ZOVE CHAINIGE IN THE ,.Ea. Cuinta District " BX GSVEi� that a public hearing at tdhich all interested • „ held `beorre the Beard of Supers%isor, a of !xC5 xS iiERr persons c'» ] l be heti. d, �jill be h pi.yer ide Count , California, on the l4th Floor, County ticlministr.a,tive__ Center, 4080 Lemon Street,) Riverside, on •Tuesday, Septemk�e� 2;_ 19247 at 1:80 p.m, on the application of Landmark Landor a char e of zone from _5 n Case 1J3, 3045 , ZoneR-2 (MUrl i 1e f�imi.l.v seellings) ; R-5 (open area combining zone-residential development) and �'+_L u�yatexcourse, watershed and conservation areas) z - y P t P and ultiX•le TO zone R-5 (open er',�'a coo�heg �on�sra��tY�etSaard�rnalO�irdca propraated on f ami Zy dwe 11 ngs) or .>uch r property ]ocated on the .West side of Eisenhower Dz, forth and Sou'li of 50th Avenue and more • parti.cul.arly described as folloWs : R6L and sdction 36, TSS, R6E, SBB&M. Portion of section 1, T6S, , LOCATIONAL MAR • to hi r Z. •cr V " 11 19 ��o scab RtvkiztUt COUNTY pLA,NNING COMMISSION DESLO OFFICE, ,Any person affcb t ed Ly this application may submit caritten corrirnents to, the Clerk Of the Board before the hearing 'or may°appear an'd be heard in support oropposition to the zone Change at the,t me of the hcarir�g: � ByoRDtR QF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE 2 M DO)1ALbeDanaSULLIVAN irales, Deputy By' D p ' c,'. vyry BOARD TRANSMITTAL, ',atv Rs�ri ►� , TO Board Of Supervisors FROM: Planning Department N DAYE-.,. uul Z. 1980 , SUBJECT; CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO, 3045 (EA #12204) La Quinta District q Landmark Land Company Fourth. Supervisorial Qir,tricit. R-2 to R-5, R-5 and W-1 to 9-2 BACKGROUND* The applicants, (Landmark [and Co., P.O. Box 1000 La Quinta,.California 92254) request. , q a change of zone from to R-5 a-5 to �-2 and 'W-1 to R-� Withi►1 the. area of Specific Plan 121-E, The applicant has Complied with the California Environmental Quality Act 1970. Environmental As:sessmpnt No. 12204 was subwitted ' and a negative declaration issued December 27s, 1979., The applicant submitted this requoort to fulfill conditions of approval contained aired submittal a? a change of zone due to deshe I�oard on November 20, 1979 re- quired the conditions for Tract 14496 approved by t q ange o Case No, 2285, ign conflicts proposed and existing zoning linos. ;Condition Condition #15, required same. Thz proposed do jone as requested is consistent with Specific Plan 121-E. Changes g' i .any additional -Anits or increased density: tCClM MIhCnA'1' I GaD N The Planning aCnRn�ias��oW�ln�a�n�2fneac� recommend oi`.chang� of zane 3D45 from Rw2 to R-5, 9-5 t e with Exhibit 2. 1rd Kevin k�i F�ann�n�Senn or Planner ' � - er . "`� _ SCI;: caEna OF THE eoAB6 (G COPIES) PREMIEO OY COUNTY COUNSEL 0LANNiiNO OEPT. ($ 0019S) ;mss+ .. ,,...,.. �..,...,... PATRICIA NEMETH, 1,I,W„ DIRECTOR I,,,,,'r ..,..,u., Ailsll4ntlan Pkakived sy un to, el Atsi licatior► Checked '�y � .. Date Case Ckeared 'b Y. - sQSot�i Appy. ;cant:h. Data SSOG Poney Addrean� t AZ -1 s _, Street City ,State Zi Cod�e Phone. -34+ = Z��6 Address"V:,c 1Qd0�r i.� INV ,�. Street City - q zzs3 State- Zip Code �- :+epresentative. Phonn "!ailing Address: Street City State 2iu Code. w Subject: - 'i7h� C.T � � �2 • (RjJ-TD _ Fee information ` J/ ` Location, Mobilehome Travel Trailer, and Recreational Vehicle Parka 3. wagi'zonmenzcl lnfozmat?;on - Ito.. rat : X $1.00: E.Z.R..-70. Base Flood: Control, Fee. E:h. RcceipL P.A. Fee . Notice of Declaration 1- Z 3 -4 S 6 riling Fee. Date. Circle. Otte »._ End Appeal Perod. No. Lose $2 56' TOTAL 'FILING iEF, $ � 4'. Routed mea! L' IS* Ct.V, 2Z8�,E All.. other casesr Q lint 'Fee: E.A.. Fee 3. Receipts tot ices": TOTAL P-nis G FELE 6,., General flan Arch i"anLttnnt+'enn ----•� SpIw6 ;�2.,. fiohxaa.11*20-iti0f:L'SeradnE . 7 fain3 L*se Elcments r•c,a GDl�:ljclrA.�,,�F�y..- 13. 1tecreaCion EMemerit 8:. 'Circulation ElaiaehL l4. Safety 'Exeme;It ?? ' ous ag EYement 7.5.: 'Scenic 'Highways, Noise Elentont . 6. Seismic .5afney' _ �f Il« tMen., SpaceConsezvntionE�/Zj Al quiat-Pzioto ;Shalt . 18; Suoe=visaz<_.'n3:1lia:Crict' 21. :i �oningiC: 2'• +odd �tl. /- %�"�2��c�Oo xtrea: Planning Council + �.. Sphere of Influence' .- zoning DistrintlArea___ mz;l.TeQ Z - Road. Hook. Pnge ?3 Z�►.. i Tentative ilearinq; Date; ?6 _ _ Agency Deadline Date IiSAitl'7G ItiFOPUMTI03 ACTION %�., "'lO.t blAtti :'CheC:ted S 271 Assessor's:'$a IeP'age�"dQ-,Ao.?it�OGGiC7 2.5.; Tega2 Dosc=ip �'on Chac'•ted y, ;5* Case went .to Graphles; �i'n SPI"OL Re"a"r `g Committee Steering, CoMMittee: �. Al, Carunttis:oner3)Couneil 11embers �t 77.3- 6 W- - AP' INFORMATION/NOTIFICATION CANT TYPE OR: PRINT IN 'INK. COMPLETE ALL REQUIRED_' SPACES ON BOTH SIDES. Ark= SUFFICIENT POSTAGE FOR TWO RETURN POSTCARDS: :1.. APPLICANT NAME Jr QoVlds PHONE. 606401344 MAILING ADDRESS 3424 T691+:1 15 NO Street/P.O.BaX Apt. Not/Suite No, City State Zip Code . OWNER NAMF; Landmark ,LQYid 66. 2.. PHONE. MAILING ADDRESS P6. 1309 1600 No. Street/P.O. Box Apt.; No./Suite No. Ld X04 C<a'. 922 City State Zip Code 3. REPRESENTATIVE PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS No. Street/P.O. Box Apt, No. Suite No; PLANNING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Case Number Date Received:.-,".: Date Complete/Incomplete Notice Mailed By In compliance with`Government Code Section 65943 you are: hereby notified that dour recent application described below is Compete and has been accepted b the Riverside County Planning. Department on the date indicated. Please refer to the case number given be- low in all communication with this department regard ing this application. Case Number., Date Accepted By i 1+ I la° 11' 30' Y mool. 36' p, AAb'ur• e9' 640• w 111, N-160,00' A'{l° N' 01, 1.111,116, - A:r. a m4 11` 143. 1 401,6 i 10. ° N1066,W' A•t4 I/' 44• LNSO, u' 111, 6100,tb' A•fl° t1' dp• 1-111,116, 36 mol ■ 60 tet is, 1116. 11. ° , Att a $4,-w 39,66' A 3t° JA• al' t: 2tJ,s6' of. A•Iw.Oo' Alloys It' 1Y Alums, )2, 110p.90 A•14° 01' 11• L+1330, 140, a -mad. A,a° 41^'10. WWII!' 1. w to it'. t1' w11.t0, 'IL 5[10.71° W 11. 4 _ 141, IAM 069° ad' opt M A, A• 114 W, 34, Wit'It, 14.. J 4.00i Mt0° it, 21• C•ta'a 112. A•300,001 1.06° 161 40' L+11.16• j, N t6° 340 '40' Y MA' /5, Sol, SS' 69• N. its.at. 161, AAO+ 163° 44, t0•'[ - - A. 0.91.00, -&•too is, 1' 1.106.03, 11. .'•510.00' NAA° 1/' 69' 1-iscir III, A'mq;004 A•il° II' oJ` 11 N 40° 4'l' -00• Y 10114.060... 1t. SIO° it, do, 1. 140,62,4%, a IN :1' W 0 50,71' '- to, w 9o° 00''00•C 401,1, 10, ''1010,00"'Also°'sa, 06. 1.0,34, 146 0.14° 114, 61• Y h, is, lle S all 409, ill t 10.6I, h. 0196 39, 06'.1 J21.60' 161, aA0•a 146 Co. a• it It, w 116 46, all 3 t1b11'' - 90 11-141,00 1'640 W St' 1.10 At' its. X•100.100, A•No 24, 16' 1.106.as,. lt, a no 12, 4A' Y tit;t6, At. w19° i, Co. 1,4,60, 11► MIE,1i'O!° 16•')1. u. a+lt,.ou, 1.11° is, $A• 4.16;1-, u. Alia 00' A•l4p 34, o6* i+216 11, 116. 1.100,60° A•too 46' So, vloclof 11. N 41, it, Ad, w 11.11, oi, .X600 ou' a6" i It At, 'Mil, AAM also 31' 01•:w - to 6 U4 it' It' w 250,01- 04. 6.36o W, A•24° 14, 10" vlte.93' Ill, 1 116 05, lo' Y Ism, 11. N 506 oil al"it ta,td, is, X266 14• vl,. w.1J0 14' ISA, A•SA6.00, Altai 14.31. 1.106,10' is. . AA9•w ill 41, oil 2 0 Sol.14° 30•.{ 19.0), 116 S 46' 407 34+ Y 111.19' 10, K,JW 00'.4.340 t0, 16•:1.140,1),.. 6t. A041p). 03' y "S to,.. :.563, N N° t4, 2S- Y ),3/,'. - !0, 6.300.00' A-440 IN 34' [•131 01' 16 a,5la.a0, 6.190 jr 41" tiles is, .156. ; 41° 46, 134 Y 1,66,. ' Il, a 60 $1, )6• w 34.16, 'N '0140 l0' at. 1 068 to. let 1 46° 31, 10• w IIA: 10 It. Wha61° IN IS w 00. 1+136 03' 6.068 11 Itr 1.11:44' I�, w 400 6t' 60' Y 436:91,. Is. 0.141,00'.6•It' t0' 6t, 1-52.13' 91 Am."I° 36' d6. 1 111, w 456 20. of, w its, It, 14. AAO•ao04'tT 3/' A : 04 A90V W' A'4/° 41' aS' C•145,11' 110, A 100 14' 111 w 115 0A'' 76, A+169 60, Alit' 16'.441 4.111 t1' ata tlo it, 11.0 w S1' 09' 111, Ma• 160 At, 41, w N.• 77. A 110 46, o1' 1 61.11- s SA° 36, 70• L Ifl.}i" 14, 9S. "tWOO, N1a° Jh L -WAS' 4 410 29, 6S` Y 69.41, its Ip, 9•s0O 09• wI4:60" 3J• 0110.W'.. 00-1), 04' it, w IL AA114 100 33, 31' I ►6,. 0.656,16" Old 20' oil 1.45,49' :.IAI« a 004 1i' 42, 1 i10; 9)' 2►•. N 60 Sa', dr Y 401,7t- al. O."O.00' A•:104 6t' 191 (4166.}!•16l. w 264 04' b0• Y 36 141. 'ld. N ado 12'.00• Y 410.41, 11.: AAo,A too )7' at. t 166, w 004 oil At. Y 741,4}• it a 34° 16- oo• t 13,6'" N. 0•490 oo' A'Ii8 30, co' htil,6), tet, A 314 06' on Y li1,0' 3t A+I SO.bO'.p,Ji° JI' as- was Ad' 100, 1ISO 0), 411 w 70 00' lib AAO. 5,.10° Is. 11. 1 - J). $ Ito t4, Aa' w 1654' ' 101 A+500,00, A•2is 36, 66' 1+I11.61' - 169. A•1/0,00' Pit? 41- ii` 4'111,14-- Jo, A•tio.60'' 1°910 4j: SO' WWII, lot- 6•87L00' 6.100 42' 101.095 04. Ila, S 01°:34' 3o' w tW,W" Is. a O5° it, it' Y'560.00, lo). 1h 49° 51, It,.1. ib 00' 111. b 26° 06' Sd' t Iiclp, ?A'• S 706.is, 'as, N 146 11' 104, WON O0' 1,106 13' 00' 1.1S).4)'... .111 A 096 at, )0, Y it:lt^ ...- 1t, S 44°10' oil of 40,00' los. :N. 7s° II' 19. w'lto,00, it). A Ill 'Od" 65• M 436.i1' - 16• N 10 19' 00' 6 449.00' 106, 1:500,00' 0'71°' so, 00. 14219,91, IIt. W1+ 6:t6° aD 09" p . 34,% N J)° Sl" Qt• [ 911'.00, 101 :N 51° 11, at* 6 Iscov :05. 1.01,00' A•210 02" Jo' 1.1161}' 'b. A4l N 4o6:ra, U'..t 101. A'w10 a0' 1,410 00' 50'.06)6.12' - 116. 34)00.00.' A4046 34':46. 1-14,41- 61. 11514.001.. Ills' a)' A''1+112.11,.. lot (d0•N il° 14191 1 111, w 140 4f, b0. 11Lo1' 42. N 176 t1• le Y 40,61' lid, b 656 Is. Is. 4 341'10' 119. S 14° 41' 30• I. 459..11!'' '4),' S /o° )t' 41' Y 663,11" - Oil w'. 614 46' 00' Y /11 AO' 114 S 00° 06''' It. w 4:11' :. 44: 0.100.00' 1.60 41' SA" 1.106,911 Ill. N'1i° 10' 00' 4 564,14' 160 S sip 0i, as" t wid. 41 IAo,N 066 30' Il" w 111. A 70° 70, O0' 19-61,20'. lat. S 000 06' 41• Y. 141.40' - 44' t U° )o' JO• Y 39.17' 134,. :0.46° 21. IS, w it 04. 114. N 464 04' ad' w 11.66'. 4t,S lo° 41'.(W• 1 64,00, 116, 0 00 43' i5• N s31.t1" 193 N it' 14' 46' t 11.44' 46, $ 11' 41' 00' t 10.41' w. 1 01° at, w to 196.19,.- lot 5 ISO 10, 063 1 till)),,.. 41: Alm on, 4.026 41- 11' 1.10,14 IA N ISO b6, as, if III W. Idi, 3 so" 11, it" C 179,6)' lo, } 14° 62' 49• t 31,00' - 111. 6 I)° 44' Irl'°w 14103' Itd, ! 464 >a la' [ dI6s60, 1t. S n' 40-00.116);1) 119 3 fl° tl' $I• w u2 16` 16), s 4e0 at, I. Y 11140, 62, RAD -100 W Y 120 A ISO 06, 62, w Im. lei, w 410 46' 23' 1 141.11, 4). 34141 toe POS' S4' 414 1.1435' III. t 00 43, 16" t 127.2)'' 194. 1464,00' A•!26 41, t6' 1`111.21' 66. 9.141.96, 1-410 410 1t"1.11.111 la, 5 Doi 01. so. 1 496 03' 190, w Seo oil 104 L 1123.11- 55. AA6,a14' 34' a' Y It), 1)00 )a, 00° l 04 w)" 191. 3•)ti,aa, A 096 30,:10'' 1-0.46,:' S6. a 106 /1l 40• w too, IN. 114, 3.45° tl'J1, t lot 61' 193, AAO• N 4i° IS, t0, Y - 62. 1•500,00' woo at, 1)°:1•t11,If' IIS. S us no 4S' t 411.to, 'I',I, a 136 14,' So, Y III,I4- w'. AAO -i466 it, Sl' w 116. I be* is, t6, 1-410.61, 196, A•2a0.60.' A•049 OS' I5, 1,'4,111 it, A•106,00' NS/6 N, to, 1•Mdl, 1241. 1 Ito w Co. I jp w 195. S to 14' I3• t )1 i6` S 611 36,_ 'to* to /t.1s. Its, - :1' 446 1A' is,, t 34.60- 596, S 13454' tat t 0. 15' It. X al° It, 001 I Near Ill. 1 41° 40, I5' 0'tt w. 104. NWOOMWI Allo° 16' Oki' 1.111.011 AI', N its sit AI° Y it, IS- In. Ohm, 34116 fl, 40• t•34,OY 194, A A11 41' it, w 111.01' 43, 1 too w At. & 1,w 111, AAIrN 146 39' 4t" Y 149, Wood,06' A•924 It' 69' L-10 151 0 0 114 it, 11' Y 60.03, 112, 1 ib° It, JI' t 146.11' 206 140. 1194 it- 0120 [„ all A'300,bo, 1.426 too O6' 341)1,11' till, AAo•5 too oil 26` t tot, 0.1600:66' A'.W 44, it- t+145.1,1, it, 0116 It' 00' I $also' 114, A•l60 0o, A•Ito is, $1, L•31,41' 161140' t 564 J4' 11' w 1). w 406 09' 41' t 12'34:, 1)1, M64 346 A1' l6' it to 3. 6 at? 41' 404 t 240,09, 66. X 400 09' 4A• 1 III I1' IM, A•t60,69' 34116 00, 1w, 1,144,1o' 164, 4' 99° 4e, I6' 1 m Al' 161. 6 964 14' to, w to9.0i, MAP No 14 OOI` SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS CHANGE OF OFFICIAL ZONING' PLAN LA QUINT/ - DISTRICT CIAANGE OP ZONE` CASE NO. 3045 AMENDING OOOINAN08 N0, 348 ADOPTO BY 'ORDINANCE NO, 148,1924 ON F1 811LIARY 3, 1981 Fri CRSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 1' R n, 46' 30, it aL is- - - t. _.II 00' It' b• 1 411,36{ ._- h. RAO.2t7° W. U. Y 701 41n60.p0' '' `+ - • 101.001 PIP Df• 1M 161,02' 1414 74 N l•/{0,4T- 1, AA/1 / eS' b'. JI' 1 )le Yt6l M' N+ Y N.{I' . Illr� Nim,00 1.144 If' DO+.I+i{Lt{1 Is, i no f1' /1+ t 111.50' 1+ A+1 x, W' e•IOtA Ji' k' 11lAi,gii :r 84(1.0101 1,411 01• I1+ IHt;M" e• A f{0 11' N• Y t/.M' Il. 360./10YN tA• Y Ib, '1.100,00' F/44 41' It+ tom.N' 4. MIA,DO' l+ Ito N' 11' 4+11111'•. 11. biAO 41' 6.20 a, Ito 1•)0.11 - t. Y H' 141, 110•,36 090 Oo'-60• u 1421 A•100.00' LD1° Iti U• Gt)dl' 11' k• Y Y 11' 6, X041.40' LM, Ai I1• Silicas. 1S, SAY° 1S' N+ Y 101 4Y •N. 0.110.06' *.Ito 1/' N' 1.Iwi1' IU. 600• ' 441 t0• t IN, NIZOA , 4.111 11' at, 6 / CO' b' Da- IS 611.f/+ 10. A 10, a0' 00'-1.101.11' - -PP. Me It, d• t 116,61• YO. 4.61.00' A•01l N' m• 1.01.111 t•fl.Al• NL h l: II' 11' 4 50.11' - 11. S O), d+ Il•:.E )N,U' d 1t_ Alt' So, • f 111.10' 14, N ill 14' el' Yf6 is, 16). 04-111/° Co. 4•.Y 11, u.1t0 PtA' q•"Y.1)1.11'. W - 6.161'0100 1.04, Il' St7 1..10,41'... at Aro »' d• 1 4 141, A•100 00' A.144 14, 1!' L140,4di' . 14. $111.00. 1.110 u. St• f+41i1. U. N Il' 1/' t0' h 11.11' 10' t1. A+4id 00• Alto W d` L•t06. 61' 141 W. Y 066 If, 11• ( ' j Ito„ 1+300.001 A•204 UL•'y ' 11. 1 44' tt' t1." Y FM.O{• - It. A AOA d' 0)• r 114.70' q. MAI' ° -t1. 0�lui.UT d+ta 1/ q° L�Ifi fT 1D1.l1' IfL. ° RAD. 411 Il. oi- u - 132. Y N° Of' l0• Y 11.01+ . 1A, IAO•X b° 1r of- t - u, -Yt/° N• rf• Y 171 11, - a6, itt° la• 140' t it.ot• ° Isl. 1.544,001 l 10 14' ll' L•Ia1.10' It. 4.100.00' A•36' to' St• i-110 )I, BY. hot' 61. ad, Y 1401 t6' 114 S 134 /0' IS, u 126,10' X1176.60' 4.444 if, N+ Lim 411' so A.120.00' A•to to u" he 6 440 N' 14• y ).7f' tP; Y ell 61' t6. 11 36. is, 09+ 1616' 10' It' 1 76/,t7+ 114, 1 All N' w 116.50. It. AAO•Mi4 Ii' N Y40 - 11•14O 1►+G6 b I1, 1!• to 19. U' - Ill 0 460 14, 10.5.)11,11' W i 111.00' A -to 10' It• l+k 41 it X00.611• it 06 1 - 1fd, R 40° $1, bo' u'. imw - 21. AAD•4Aa tt' 1f• h W. A+100,00' 6.41, 41• Pe• L•Ilf.al' isQ.. ain11 1601 o, 604 A+IN.06. A•413 11' N• l+lll.te• - t) N ill it! 136 F sity i6' 1.t• got t IC 36 61°'ll' Ol• 4 N IN a 04, A•446OO l+Ih of 14• L+161,11' Nt. 11 144 D1' U' Y t1, S N° N' 'q* I Itl. tI- H, 6AD•f to, 11`61" ( .. IA. i1 At' 1e' 4i' Y" 41' N - 4 IW, .4')60.00• Ltl 6D' till Lal14.00' t 3: WW ), 04' Ill ' y. tf. ° N t1 SI' 0q• 1 /YI�Jt' 4.650.40' A•Y16 WP 04. 1'11.11' 161. 0.410.001' A•Ibl U' 10' 01511.1111 111. q 00 04' 42" 1 110.11' 16, 4 N° it, Co. Y 410,41' - 11. h 38 N' 00" 1.11.4x' N. 06'Y SO1. 'SI' 41• r 765. N 11,'011 00• Il 36,14• iN N 00' d' 4t• Y t41. 1t' - It. A+160,00'p•)t° 711' Oil l+1t9.0f' N. b/00 04• 1+214 10. 00. 1•411.U' lop S ISO 0), 41 Y 20 01' IU -0 31' OV Os' Y 144,46' Ilp.. IAO+ S 104 4f' 1t• i), a 211 14' So. Y 04.E4i 111 4•II6.od' A'1/4 41' S0' fill 11.5011 00' a+$' i0' O6• L47t.111 lot t 119, 0.164.00' A-60411 It" 1+112.64' 11•1" to, Si. h 361 it, IT Y Up all, R-$* 01 A•lo° 411' 1t• (.111 01' 101 - 44001 it, t t0 W. Iia1 pi It, 1111 Y Ito .W' Ill 1 too 00' 10. �. S 444 As, oi• 5 13611' 1.i. S 464 t, 01. 5 104. Haltom, i•t00 it, 00. 4+151.41' 100. Y 150 it' Its u I10,00' 1 114 I0+ Ift, 5 66001' 1.0• Y 12.1) 40.00• Is. A° 11' lb• t 1' F 16,6)' too. 4+100.011' A•Jf1 .Ib' DO' l4NJA' 14:1. 0 111 5i' as, Y It0,11' }fl ASD, 1 140 Oil 00' M. A )4l w Ob• t 61).00' - a• AAD• N t0' 29, 101 N Nn M' 0t• t'Ill.$). Y 115 1.700.00' 041' dt' 79" 1..I IO.IH it• t 41, 4.636, C0' 1.114 01' J1r 11111,01' 100. A•1 ad, b,4$4 all So. L•225.12. lot. SAd'X 130 !1'44" 115 4+140.1' A•01, it' 16. 1.+11 ,10 I1, N 17° t1.' It• Y 40.641•. 1- 110, 4 ss! I1' Ir1` tl 711, f0' Ill. N 14' 40' a5. 1 16.04' IIA, f 104 41' b" 431 110/ 11' 1/' Y. 107,411 1.4. Id- - h Ito IS, Co. U 411 W' t. /s1.11' 119. 1 10 (4. 1!• ( 4$ej we 4.160.00' 4110, 11' 101 1+103.41' Ii. M6•X We U' Ilt. 0 k4 101 61' Y /36.1/ dtlu'. 1 O1' 4s." t ,I). )II11) w u - AA' 'f W' b' 10• Y 71,11' IU-. N 100 1t, 00• R 4.70' 114. if Sol 111 A, u 104. S 010 01" 11• Y 411.10' .4). 1 IOe 61e.M1 ' 10. S 11.01 0.O lit. N 00141' N• Y 211.11• 101. N 164 0/' 40` Y )9,14' 101. h Ito N' 136 t Mill' a 4t. 1) SO, 1+116.001 111 t1.+ I+14,11' 10. 11. h o9' 61' 114' if F1S.tl' j1.. N 230 P1' of- It lid i0' IN1 f 4i4 10' 00. 1 211,11•'. 4 165, 1 e0 i1.' 1i" At. t S 11° It' N`�t 14.00' 4401 M. t 6,4).1)0 6 - le- s 11 44' W. Y tit Is. l' Ilf.tl' IM '.t 460 14' Ing t ill," - RAD -66 1.f. n' u• 5 110'. 1 Ito 1t' N• 5 441.60' 6 Ito. A Y° 01 0 I/t, t 4e a' Yt^ t 11,4.46' fi. 1.141,00. Woo 441 U• t•14 If 01.' Y i,6)' lit. 1 Otl 41' iP 1 191.3)' lee. N 444 Id !r• t 161.140 Jb h•141.00' PU° /N R. 1111.11' it, 121 f 09, 51 �y' 11./t Ol' 109 1.100,00' A67t/ 401 16. 1•Ill.k' 190• 1361 OV ►AQ•A14/ 7l' U' Y N• R 10° IP b+ Y 601,13. 023 S 10 10''00•'E 04 W"' 1611 111 IS, It" 0.114 00' A•Of' JIl' 1o• 1,114.44' N. p•500�000 A•tSl 4)' U' 1.110.21' 41° )Pili• 1 lbl t1. t1t.. 1 30 t1' 161 t 41cid. 111. RAO- R 17° 8' 10• k. 0104441 76' 71• Y lit. 1 N' t1." ti• t 411 it' IN, F Joe 11+ Sol u 111'M10, /6 I1 A•100,00' 1+11, 14, . 1.36.41' let. 3 610 136 00• t W k• 191. 1+100.06' A•P14.Oh' 1f` 1+ti,11' . 10. 3 61' J61 i0• Y it, I). ttt. S 440 Is, Il' 1 It 1' - . t 146 1/' 71' t1.. 1 11'1`- pl. A Aga 111 do• t Swill 111. a1 Y it "1 1»: a Is' 4D' S1• Y t4 es' 1 tt{. 1 U° s1 I4" 1 10.15' Jtt. A•Iuoil 00 A•RA X. Op' 1+161,01' 6 Il. { 10 it' IN Y 1 111 Ito, A•lu.bo+;+�1 w' 40+ Lc1S dI' 176 WIN itit 4S^ it 110. A 61' 41 14 F Il' it, tt• Y N Os. Olt- S. 10' It' 1J' 1 146 it' IIS 1•IDUD OV A+tt1 11' do, 1+192,40' 45, N^10b.Cd' 1414 19' 00• l+17t.16' lit. IAL.S J46 61+ id. t 404 ma- A $06 40' All t it, NY" If' 0D• t JI Aa' 114, Aide 06+ h 114 )!' it1 1361.11' 101 h•1060 406 A•01' 44' )1'1.1)5 11• /t. N 49'.04' U' t JLAN 10. F 4, 041 Il' t 174.11' lit- 1AD•h lei 41' t1• Y 101 1Aso,S4a. N' 1.i" 5 101 i 441 to• 0 lit,W { + 10' Ile, A•150.00' A'1Y bit 1101 1+144. 090 rbl h M U i0' Y DLII• 2m, f all 11 rd1 /161.11' MAP NO 14,001 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS CHANGE OF OFFICIAL ZONING PLAN LA QUINTA !DISTRICT CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO, 3045 AMENDING ONDINANCtr NO, 345 ADOPTED 8Y ORDINANCE NO, 348,1094 ON FEBRUARY 31 1981 __ 1 RIVE SIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION } „ R March 20,, 1980 (REEL 61.5 SIDE 1 - 1575-1616 1:40 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE CASE. . 3045 (EA 12204) (13.191 acres, westerly of Eisenhower Landmark Land CompanyNO Dr., northerly and southerly of R-20 W-1 and R-5 to R-5 and R-2, etc. 50th Avenue) La_Quinta Area -Fourth Supervisorial District ( g was ened p at 1:44 p.m. and closed a 1:46 p.m.) The hear�n o r` STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Change of Zone Case'No.3D45 from W-1 R-2 and R-5 to R-2 and 'R-5 in accordance with Exhibit 2 Amended. The purpose of this request was to meet theredesigneddevelopment desired ,by the applicant, and would not increase the number of approved lots,. Bob Kipper of J. F. Davidson, representing the applicant, concurred with staff's recommendation. There being no further testimony, the hearing was closed.at 1:46 p.m f - P p p No. 221-E FINDINGS: Specific Plan 5 adopted zoning is consistent with proposed The ro , . - and i s compatible with other s ilii l ar uses in the La Qui>nta area. j MOTION: tUpon, motion` by 'Commissioner Olesen, seconded by Commissioner Campbell and unanimously `carried, the Commission recommended to the Board. of Supervisors approval of Change of Zone Case No. 3045 from R-2, W-1 and R-5 to R-5 and R-2 in accordance with Exhibitt 2 Amended, based on the above findings and the recommoodations of staff. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Commissioners TerBest, Lilli bridge, Ashley, Campbell, Olesen and Katzenstein,' NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Sullivan 17 M' November 26,, 1979 ASSOCIATES LANDWRK LAND COMPANY R-2-10000 (Area 2) That portion of Section 36, Township 5South, Range 6 East, San Bernardino Base'and Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the center of said Section 36 Thence N.891145'30"W., along the Southerly line of the Northwest one-quarter of said Section 36, a distance of 1687.55 feet; Thence N.00°14030"E., a distance of 56.48 feet, to the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described; Thence S.71640100"E., a distance of 663:13 feet; Thence S.24°42149"E., a distance of 32.100 feet,• Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave to the Northwest,_ having a radius of 416.00 feet, through an angle'of 02041'27", an arc length of 19.54 feet; Thence 5.31041100"E., a distance of 79.47feet; Thence S.10G41'60'IE:, a distance of 54:00 feet; Thence, S.53°30' 30" W. , a distance of 91.00 feet,' Thence S. 69°15' 00"W. , a distance of 840.83' feet; Thence S.17627'03"E., a distance of 62.82 feet; Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 584.00 feet , through an angle of 12°03'38", an arc length of 122.93 feet;.. Thence N.77°57'00''E., a distance of 36.50 feet;, Thence S.49609148"W., a distance of 269.33 feet, Thence Northwesterly along a non -tangent curve concave to the Southwest, having ,a radius of 1050.00 feet, through an angle of 22011'25", an arc length of 406.66 feet (the initial radial line bears S.87°56'551'14.); Thence; N. 24°14' 301"W. , a. distance of 257.45 feet; Thence Northwesterly along a"curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 300`.00 feet, through an angle of 24014130110 an arc length of 126.93 feet,' J. F. DAMSON ASSOCIATES CIVIL eNOINEERINs a PLANNING + SURVEYING ■ ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS X42$ TENTH STWt 0 0,b. BOX 403 0 AAASIbt..0AI.IF00N1A 92502 (7141 F99•b944' il200 S MT vtANON AVE, SUItC IV! 0 COLICK OALIFbANIA 9024 W4) 895•i602 November 26, 1979 LANDMAitK LAND WMPANY R-2-8000 ASSOCIATES Those portions: of Section 1, Township 6 South, Range '6 East and Section 36,, Township 5 South, itange 6 East., ;San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows:' Commencing at the center of said Section 36 Thence 5.00007'02'14., along, the Easterly line of the Southwest one-quarter of said Section 36, a distance of 247.65 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described,' Thence S.00°07'02"W., along said Easterly line, a distance of 620.10 feet to the Northeast corner of the Record of Survey on file in Boole 8 of Records of Survey, page 90, thereof, Records of Riverside County, California; Thence N:89052'321'14.,along'the'Northerly line of said Record of Survey, a distance of 250.00 feet; Thence N.89'52t12"W., continuing along said Northerly line, a distance of 795.28 feet to the Northeast corner of that certain parcel of land convsyed to La Quinta Cove, at al, by deed recorded June 25, 1974 as Instrument No. 78379, Records of Riverside County, California; Thenceo � ,� 06 50 W., along the `Easterly line of: said parcel, a distance of 376.07 feet., Thence S.00°06'43% , along said Easterly line, a distance of 715=76 feet; Thence 9,00606'25"W'., a distance of 49,.93 feet;, Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave to the Northeast; having a radius of 380:00 feet, through an angle of 89658'451', an arc length'of 596.76 feet; Thence S.89°5210211E., a distance of 545,03 feet? Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 62800 feet: through an angle of 37°30100", an arc length of 405.15 feet; Thence N.2568P 581iE. , A distance of 150.00 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 125.,00 feet, through an angle of 36115200011, an arc length of 80:43 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave to the Southeasty having a radius Of 125,00 feat, through an angle of 73644'00", an arc length of 160,86 feet to a point of reverse curvature (the initial radial line beats N.82'145158f1E.); J, A OAM80N A3SOCIATE'g CIVIL ENGIM�tn:'ING it PLANNING SURVeYINO . ENV,IMONMr=NtAL ANALYSIe MO TENTH STACtT i Pb bOk 499 • AIVEg9117fi, CALIFOAWA 92602 (7141611 -0644 IVO 9 10 MHNON AVE., SufiE"b" • CdLtoN, CALIOCANIA 02324 (714) 0w6.1062 r o r November 26, 1979 Landmark Land Company R-2-8000 Page 3 Thence 5.56°05'10"Z+1..`a distance of 215.77 feet; Thence Southwesterly along a. curve concave to the Southeast; hawing a radius b. of 584 - 00 feet, throw 'h an Angle :of l0 2435 , am ate length of 106.10 feet g o � 1r", g 6 ;, Thence 8.45040'35"W., a distance of 1'26.28 feet; .Thence N..440.19125"W., a distance of, 32.00 feet;, Thence N.48`52'00"W.;.a distance of 632.76 feet; Thence 14.45.020'08"W.,; a distance of 617.04 £eet;, Thence SA'2034' 45"W. , a. distance of 77.48 feet; Thence N. 26°04'00"W.,-a distance of 116,OQ Thence N. 0000613," a distance of 75]....00 feet.; Thence N.18°42'30"0.., a di tance-.of 459.19..feet Thence S. 74648100"14. , ,a. distance .of 96.08 feet; Thence ,' radius Southwesterlyalong a curve concave to the 5o�tYieast, having a o£ 180.00 feet:, through an. angle of 03'37''19"'i an arc length of 11.33 feet; Thence N:31005'05'W., .a distance df 120.31 feet; Thence.Notthwestetly along 4L non= November 26 1979,` ASSOCIATLS LANDMARK LAND R-2-7000 Those portions of Section 10 Township 6 South, Range 6 East, and Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 6 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the center of said 'Section 36; Thence N. 89646'30"W., along theSoutherly line of the Northwest one-quartet of said Section 36, a distance of 1754.15 feet, Thence Si 0061030"W., �a distance of 833:31 feet;; to the point of ' beginning of the parcel of 'land to be, described; Thenco,Southeasterly along a non-tangent curve concave, to the North- east, having a radius of 300.00, feet, ;through an angle. of 21°02'39'',, An arc length of 110.19 feet (the initial radial line bears N.49 09 E8 E. Thence S.31605105"E.,'a distance of 120.31 feet; Thence Southwesterly along a non-tangent curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 180.00 feet,, through an angle of 67041'11i1, an are length of 21L64 feet (:the initial radial line bears 5. 18° 49' 19 "E,.) 3 Thence 9:03°29'30"W:, a distance of 160.61 feet;' Thence 5.28OW 30"E., a distance of 214.10 feet; Thence S.0960113011E., a distance of 714.00 feet; Thence S.30028100"E., a distance of 143.50 feet•, Thence 9435610t0011E:,a distance n£ 566.54 feet;, Thence 9:616280Oo"E., a distance of 794.19 Ifeet; Thence S:44"19125"E:, a distance of 32,00 feetz Thence a.45°40'351iW., a distance of 22.66 feet•; Thence Southwes*er1 aloe a curve coin hwesti having a y g cave to the Nort adiuts of 176.00 feet, through a 11°3914011, an airs length of 35.82 n angle o£ feet', . DAVIDSON CIVIL ENGINEHRNO - PLANNING • SURVaYING ENVIRoNMsNtA L, ANALYSIS 306 TSN7H STREET 0 P-0, BOX 493 • RIVeftoE, CALIFORNIA 92602 (714) 066.0644 11266 S, MT, VERNON AVE„ SUITE 0 • COLTON. OALIFORNIA X9324 ( 1 u u TU 825.1089 November 26, 1979, R-2-7000 - Landmark Land Page 2 Thence S.30°12'33"E., a distance of 14'6.72 feet, Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave to the Southeast, having,a radius of 150.00 feet$ through an angle of 12633153", an are length of 32.89 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Westerly along a curve concave Northerly, having a radius of 250.00 feet, through an angle of 70600'00", an arc length of 344.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature, (the initial radial Eine bears N. 36°41'19"0.)•, Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 500,00 feet,, through an angle of 2.7°30'0011; an arc length of _239.9'8 feet, (the initial radial line bears S.42°18041"W.) Thence N.75011119"W., a distance,of 120.00 feet; Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 1000.00 feet, through an angle of 2001.5'00", an arc length of 343.43 feet;' Thence 14.35003'41"E., a distance of 20.00 feet; Thence Northwesterly along a non -tangent curve concave to the North east, having a radios of 480.00 feet, through an angle of 25°30'00", an arc length'of 215�.O feet to a point of reverse curvature, (the :initial radial Eine bears N.35603141"E.); Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of ,850.00 feet; through an ang9,e of 14002126'', an arc length of 208.30 feet (the initial radial line bears S.60 33 '41"4J.) Thence N.43028145"W., a'distance of 58.41 feet, Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave to the Northeast; having a' radius ,of 480.00 feet; through an angle of 18b00341t, an arc length of 152.13 feet;, Thence N.25619111"W.y a distance of 589,57`feett Thence Northerly along a cu'rv'e concave Easterly, having a radius of 180.00 feet, through an angle of 41.629453", an are length of 130.37 feet; November 26, 1979 Landmark Land F,-2-10000 E Area 1) Page 2 Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 136400 feet, through an angle of 107°2752"2 an arc length of 255.08 feet, Thence N.03009121"W., a distance of 179.67 feet•, Thence Northeasterlyalong a curve concave to the Southeast,, having g a radius of: 65.00 feet, through an angle of 137n370311r, an are length of 156.13 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 135.00 feet, through an angle of 51058114", an arc length of 122.45 feet to a point of reverse curvature, (the initial radial line bears N.44'281101E.); Thence Southeasterly Along a curve concave' to the Southwest, having a radius of 65.00 feet, through an angle of ll:*23'5411, anarc length of 128.65 feet to a point of reverse curvature, (the initial radial line bears S.07030'04"E.) Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 135.00 feet, through an angle of 115°27'38", an arc length of 272.05 feet, (the initial radial line bears S.7400611011E.) Thence N.80626112"E., a distance,of 64:.00 feet' • Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave, 'to the Southwest, having, a radius of 61M feet, through an angle of 132'5112 .7", an are length of 155.36 feet, Thence 5.33617'39"'W., a distance: of 227.00 feet; Thence Southerly along a curve concave to the tar , having a radius ' g g806402911 -0g 1.87.42 of 133.00 feet through an angle of an ate length of feet, Thence'S.47°26'50'+E., a distance of 69.18 feet to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 12,34 acres, more or less: OH: JIG: cb November 21, 1979 ASSOCIATES LANDMARK LAND ZONE R-2-8000 AREA (East of Eisenhower Dr.) Those povtions of Section 1, Township,6 South, Range 6; East, and Section.36,'Township 5 South, Range 6 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said section 1 Thence S.00°00'40"E., along the Easterly line of said Section 1, a distance of 845.00 feet; Thence 5.89659020"W., a distance of 130.00feet; Thence. X.41°49'00"W., a distance,of 318.00 feet; .Thence N .66°23' 2811W. , a distance of 848.49 feet; Thence 14.89048'40"W., a,distance of 159.10 feet to a point on the centerline of Eisenhower Drive, Thence N.00011'20"E., along said centerline, a distance of 270.00 feet to the centerline intersection of Eisenhower Drive and 50th Avenue, Thence S.89°5313.PE.,, along the centerline of said 50th Avenue; a ' distance of 614.86 feet; Thence Northeasterly continuing along said centerline on a curve concave Northerly, hating a radius of 2000.00 feet,, through an angle of 12017130i1, an arc length of 429.06 feet; Thence'N.77"48'52"E., continuing along said centerline; a distance of 283.18 feet to a point on the Easterly line of said Section 361; Thence 5.00'01'08"E., along said Easterly line, a distance of 106.13 feet to the point of beginning. The above described naredl of lanai contains 15.77 acres, more or less. CH;Mosct J,, F. IJAVfbSoN AttoolAtr:s CIVIL ENOINEEFiINC3 • PLANNING bUFWF-Y,INQ eNVIFIONIVIeNTAL ANALYSIS 3496 TENTH 9TAgE7 • 04, BOX 483 • 131VE010t, QA4IFOWA 02503 (1. '600-0644 11306'8. MT. V8AN0N AVF., §UITVD" + OOLTON, MIF4RNIA M241 I714�+12 10!12 1 r f, November 26, 1979 LANDMARK LAND COMPANY' R-2-10000 (AREA 3) ASSOCIATES That portion of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 6; East., San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at'.the ctRter of said Section 36 Thence S.00607'02"W., along the Easterly line of the Southwest one-quarter of said Section 36, a distance of 8671 79 feet to the Northeast corner of the Record of Survey on !Me in Book 8 of Records of Survey, page 90 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California; Thence N.89°32132"W.,'along the Northerly line of said. Record of Survey, a distance of 250.00 feet; ',thence N.89°52112"W.i continuing along said Northerly line,la distance of 795.28 feet to the Northeast' corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to La Quinta Cove, et al, by deed recorded June 25,_1974 as Instrument No. 78379, Records of Riverside County, California; Thence S.0060615OV., along the Easterly line of said parcel, a distance of 376.07 feet;' Thenrce S.00°06'43"W.,' along said Easterly line, a distance of 715,76 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described; Thence 5. W53' 021'E. , ,a distance of 390.01 feet, Thence S.00°07'38'0%, a distance of 429.90 feet; Thence N.89^05210211W., a distance of 10.03 feet; Thence Northwesterly along a,eurve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 380.00 feet, through an angle, of 89°581451 1, an arc length of 596.76 feet; Thence N.00°06'26"E., a distance of 49.93 feet 'o the point of beginning, The above described parcel of Land contains 3.14 acres, more or less. GMiJKBiapi J. F, b;AVIDSON A3900IATeS CIVIL ENGINEERING w PLANNING i SURVI=VINO ■ ENVIRO.NMtN'T'AL ANALYWO 346 ItNTH STRELt i PA BOX 493 RIVtAdIDE. OALIF&WA 0250! (71A) 601r0644' 11240 9 MT, VEANON AVE„ WITH "0" • CoLTON, CALIFORNIA ON4 (714) 026.1662 November 26, 1979 ASSOCIATES LANDMARK LAND R-2-10000 (AREA 4) That portion. of Section 36, Township 5 South; Range 6 tasty; San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows; Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southwest one-quarter of said Section 36; Thence'I4.00°07'38"E., along the Easterly line of said Southwest onelquarter, a distance of 250.00 feet, to the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described; Thence N.00607'38"E., a distance of 309.87 feet; Thence S.89054152"E., a distance of 505.50 feet; Thence 5.2903705811W., a distance of 53.73 feet; Thence Southwesterly along curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 125.00 feet, through an angle of 36°5210011, an are length of 80.43 feet to ;a point of reverse curvature; Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave to the ;Southeast, having a radius of 125.00 feet, througgh, :an angle of 7j'441001,, an arc length; of 16o,86 feet to a point of reverse curvature, (the initial radial line hears 5.23°3010211E.); Thence Southwesterly along q'curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 125.00 feet, through an angle of 36°52100' an arc length of #0.43 feet, (the initial radial line bears S.8204V 58''W.); Thence 5.29°37158"W., a distance of 150.00 feet; Thence Northwesterly along A non-tangent curve concave to the Southwest; having a radius of 620.00 feet, through an angle of 37630100", an arc length of 405.79 feet, (the initial radial line bears 5;37037158"W.); Thence 5.89652102"E., a distance of 120.00 feet to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 3.26 actesi;mote or less, 011: J10 -V Ob J. F. DAV168014 AssOdWts' CIVIL ENGINEERING m PLANNING • SURVEYING eNVISON'MENTAL ANALYSIS 3926 TENTH 5THEET • P.O. box 493 • AwOgIb6, CALIFORNIA 02502(7{9) 696.0644 112605 MT VMON AVE„ SUITE'd-f • CdLTON, CALIFORNIA 0237.4 (114)`P2 obs r November 21, 1979 ASSOCIATE LAIMMARK LAND ZONE` R-5 (East of Eisenhower Dr.) That portion of Section 1, Township 6 South, Range 6 East;, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows; Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 1; Thence 5.00 0 0'40"E., along the Easterly Line of said Section 1, • P ginning of the parcel a distance of 84a.0A feet to the Dint o,£ be of land to be described, Thence S.00°00'40"E., continuing along said Easterly line', a distance of 242.36 feet; Thence N.89°51'071"W., a distance of 1321.34 feet to a point on the.centerline of Eisenhower Drive; Thence° ' " said centerline, a d feet; N.00 ll 20 E. along istance of 816.39 Thence 5.89648'40"E.,' a distance of 199.10 feet; Thence S.66°2328"E., a distance of 848.49 feet; Thence 5.41°49'00"rE., a distance of 318.00 ;feet;, Thence N,890 591 20"E. a distance of 130.00 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion described as follows; Commencing at the Northeast corner of said. Section 1; Thence S. 00°01'40't., along the Edsterly line of .said Section 1' a distance of 1087.36 feet; J, Pr DAV141§0N A5s0otATt9 CIVIL ENGINEERfNO • PLANNINd • suRVeYINa R is I ENVIRONME'N'TAL ANgLYSlB 6426 TENTH STRW 0 90X 493 IVEAMDt, CALI#bhNIA 82502 01A) 8e6 tifl44 P. ti9tlp &. fdT, VEgNbjJ AV5„ 9017E ud" COLTON, CAL1ft6ANIA 9094 I>i�) 925.1062' November 21, 1979, Landmark Land Zone--R--S Thence N.890511070'W., a distance of 1.321.34 feet to a point on the centerline of Eisenhower Drive'; Thence N.00°11120"E. along said centerline, a distance of 82.50 feet; Thence S48.9°51107"E., a distance of 150.00 feet to the point of beginning of that portion of land to be described; Thence N.17'048'00"E., a distance of 574.06 feet; Thence S.5i*i6'451'E., a distance of 877.35 feet; Thence 14.89°51107"W,., a distance of 360.00 feet to the point of beginning: The above described parcel of land =ritains 12.39 acres, more or less. Cid : JKB cb I ASSOCIATES November 21, 1979 LANDMARKLAND' R-5''(Area 1) Those portions of Section 1, Township 6 South, Range 6 East, n 36 And Sectio., Township p 5 South, Range 6 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as followsc Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 1; Thence S600°00'40"E.$ along the Easterly line or said Section II a distance of 1184.86 feet; Thence N.89S1r07IIW. s a distance of 1321.69 feet to A point on the centerline of Eisenhower Drive (formerly Morgan Road); Thence S.00°11'20"W,, along said centerline, a distance of 1318.76 feet to the centerline intersection of said Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico; Thence 'N.8.9657100"W., along the centerline of said Calle Tampico, a distance of 1450.33 feeti Thence M9°551,06"W. , a distance of 296.91, feet, to the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be desct'ibed,• Thence N.89f II 9655 06 W. a distance of 2347.31 feet to a point on the he Westerly line of said Section 1' Thence N.00°03'451tW., along the said TJesterly line a distance of 2506.51 feet to the Northwest corner of said Section lk Thence02"E.,; along the Northerly line of Section. 1 a distance a t of 137:28 feet to the Southwest corner of said Section 36 Thence N.00606'16"W.j along rhe Vesterly line at said ISection 36 a distance of 5289.-08 feet to the Northwest corner of said Section-36; J, F, DAVIDsON ASSOCIATE CIVIL SNaINSEMING it PLANNING SURVSYINd ENVIRPNWONTAL ANALYSIS .4426 TENTH 91AM 4 P O BOX 403 ■ AIVEASIDE, CALIFONNIA,0603 1 i26o s W, V0NON AVE, BUTTE `h" ' COLTdN, CALIFORNIA MN 1714) Gt7F;•08e417141 633.1682 Landmark Lind' R-5 (Area 1) Page 5 Thence S.54°58'00"E:, a distance of 75.00 feet;_ Thence S.10015100"E.a distance of 61.00 feet; Thence S.55°0000"E., a distance of 96.00 feet, Thence S.1.3042100"E., a distance of 67.00 feet; Thence S.61°30'00"W., a distance of 110.00 feet; Thence 5.37015100"W., a. distance of 295.00 feet; Thence S.36009' 00"E., a distance of 160.00 feet, Thence N. $3°51' 00"E. , ,a distance of 80.00 feet;, Thence S.38°47'16"E., a distance of 340.36 feet; Thence S.89012'00"E., a distance of 50:00 feet; Thence N.38056100"E., a distance of 53.00 feet; Thence N.86'32'00"E., a distance of 212.00 feet; Thence S.16` °09'00"E., a distance of 185.00 feet; Thence S.84612'00"E. a distance of 307.00 feet: Thence 8.22039'00"E., a distance of 189.00 ,feet,; Thence. S.68012100"E., a distance of 386.00 feet; Thence S.42°55'00"E.,'a distance of 223.00 feet to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land •contains 265.89 acres more or less. CH: JKb' bd fig, November 26, 1979 ASSOCIATES LANDMARK LAND COMPANY R_s (AREA 2) Those portions of Section 1, Township 6 South, Range 6 East, and Section 36 Township 5 South, Range 6 East, San Bernardino, Base and Meridian, described as fol lows: Commencing at the center of said`, Section 36;. Thence N.89°45130"W.0 along the: Southerly line of the Northwest one-quarter of said Section 36, a distance of 1502.25 feet; Thence S.00°14150"W., a distance of 975.1$ feet, to the point of beginning o£ the parcel of land to be described; Thence S.18042'30"E., a distance of 459.19 feet; Thence 5.00°06'43"W., a distance of 751.00 -feet, Thence S.26004'00"E., a distance of 116.00 feet; Thence N.62°34'45"E.s a distance of 77.48 feet; Thence 5.45620108"E., a distance of 42.04 feet; Thence 5.45°20'0$"E., a distance of 575.00 feet; Thence S.48°52100"E.,,a distance of 632.76 feet; Thence 5.44619'25"E., a distance of 32.00 feet, Thence 14.45040135"E., a distance of 126.23 feet; Thence Northeasterlyalong a curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 584.00 feet, through an angle of 10024135", an are length of 106.10 feet; Thence N*560051101'E., a distance of 215.77 feet; Thence Northeasterly'along'a curve concave to the Notthwest, having a radius of 316.00 feet, through an angle of 090301.4011, an are length of 52.46 feet; Thence 5.33.0'54' 50" E. , a distance .of 290.19 feet; J,1' OAVI68ON' A8s0oIATE6 CIVIL ENOINEI RINd PLANNING r 'OWIVEV'ING • EN036NNI5NTAL ANALY81s 306'TENTH $TFIEtT i P.C. BOX 493 + HIVvMbE, CALIFCWA 92662 (714) 66W844' M00 s. Mt VERNON AVE., 6UITE "b" 0 dWON, CALIFORNIA 0324 (9111 626.1662 f November 26, 1979 R-5 (Area 2) Page ,2 Thence South along a non -tangent curve concave to the South, having a radius of 300.00 feet, through an angle of 53°56159", an arc length of 282.48 feet, (the initial radial line bears S.03044120"E.); Thence S.32°18'41"W., a distance of 212.50 feet; Thence Southwesterly along a curve concavehaving to the Northwest, a radius of 100.00 feet, through an angle of 91015100", an arc length of 159.26 feet to a point. of reverse curvature; Thence Westerly along a curve concave Southerly, having a radius of 150.00 feet, through an angle of 57°41'07", an arc length.of 151.02 feet, (the initial radial line bears S.33033141"W); Thence N.30012'33"W., a distance of 146.72 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a non -tangent curve concave to the North- west, having a radius of 176.00 feet, through an angle of 11°39140", an arc length of 35.82 feet, (the initial radial line bears N.32039'45"W.); Thence N.45040'35'''E. a u distance of 22.86 feet Thence N.44°19025"W., a distance of 32.00 feet; Thence N.61°28'00"W., a distance. of 794.19 feet; Thence N.35°10'00"W., a distance of 566.54 feet; Thence N.30°28'00"W.,, a distance of 143.50 feet; Thence N.090OV 30"W., a distance of 714.00 feet; Thence N.28°00'301'14., a distance of 214.1b feet; Thence N. 03° 29' 30" E, , a distance of 160.61 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 180,00 feet, through an angle of 71°18'30'', an arc length of 224.02 feet; Thence M4048100"E., a distance of 90.08 feet to the point :of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 19.51 acres, lriore or Less, oil.. JKt'. cb I November 26, 1979 Landmark Land Company' W-1 Page 2 Thence N.54'58'00"W., a distance of 75.00 feet; Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 350.00 feet, through an angle of 76°08'001,1,an are length of 465.07 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence, Northerly on a curve concave Westerly, having a radius of 250.00 feet, through an angle of 47°35'00'', an, are length of 207462 feet (the initial radial line bears 'N. 68 °50' 00"W.) Thence N.26°25100"W., a distance of 153.00 feet; Thence N.43°53'00"E., a distance of 283.00 feet; Thence N. 08'30' 001'14. ; a distance ,of 104.99 feet; Thence N.85630'37"E., a distances of 189.70 feet; Thence'N.64°40'49"E., a distance of 20,00 feet, Thence Southeasterly along a non-tangent curve concave to the Northeast, having .a radius of 480.00 feet, through an.angle of 18°09'34,11, an arc length of 152..13 feet the initial radial line bears N .64°40'49"E.)> Thence S.43°28'45"E., a distance of 58.41 feet; Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave to the SoutWw6st, having a radius a $ o t 0', g of 850.00 feet through an angle of 14 02 26 an arc length of 208.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature, Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 480.00 feet, through an angle of 250' " 213.63 feet (the 30 00 an arc length: of initial radial line bears N 60°33'41"E.);, Thence S.35603'41."W., a distance of 20.00 feet; ThenceSoutxheasterly along a non-tangent curve concave'to the Northeast, having g 1 " g a radius of 1000.00 feet, through an angle of 20.3,5 00 , an arc length of 353.43 feet (the initial: radial, line bears N.3500341"E) xhence 5.75°ll'191iE• a, distance of 120.00' feet, Thence Southeasterly along a curve coticave to the 86uthwest,'having a. radius of 500.00 feet, through an angle g of 270, 7° 30 i00 t', an are length of 239.98 feet to a point of reverse curvature;• November 26, 1979 ASSOCIATES LANDMARK LAND COMPANY R-3 That portion of Section 36, 'Township 5 South, Ra,4ge 6 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the center of said Section 36 Thence S.00007102"%, along the Easterly line of the SbithweSt one-quarter of said Section U, a distance of 867.79 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described; Thence .S.89°52132"t. , a. distance of 619.72 feett Vjence Southeasterly along a curve concave to the Southwest, 'haVin,g a radius of 11OX feet, through an angle of 3801.62011; an arc length of 119.15 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Easterly along a curve concave Northerly, having a radius of 16li.99 feet, through an angle of 61617'40", an arc length of 173.30 feet (the initial radial line bears N.380,23148"E.) Thence. N. 67'°06' 08";E. , a. distance of 181:.76 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 300,00 feet, through an angle of 23°01100't, an arc length of 120.52 feet; Thence S.89°520,52"E., a distance of 103.05 feet to a point on the 44ester1y, right of way of Avenida Serra, 50.00 feet from the centerline, measured at right angles per Riverside County 'Survey Plat 8-0; Thence 5,00605003",%, along ,said right of way line, a distance of 1.50.05 feet; Thence N,89 54'57""., a distance o p y right �. f 6,7L feet to a Point on the Westerly of way of Eisenhower Drive (formerly Morgan Road), 40.00 feet from the centerline, measured at right angles; Thence, s.oOO14'34 Ow, , along said right of way Line, a distance of 1306,60 feet; Thence N. 8,9053'3811W. a distance of 326.00 feet; Thence N.16"47145"E., a distance of 81_:65 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a curve: cone g ave to the Northwest,, Navin a radius of 312.00 feet, tirough'an angle of 160501020, an arc length of 91..67 feet; Thence N.00"05'08f1E., a distance of 41=66 feet; Thence N.89°54"52" id., a distance of 996,40 feet; J. F. DAVIOSON AdBOOIAtIES CIVIL IaNOJNetAINQ r' PLANNING a SURVEYING • E�NVIFwNME�NTAL ANALYsls W8 TENTH STAEET i P.d, 069 40 HIVERSIDE. dAUPOANIA 92502 jlidj 59B•694d ii20b S, MT. VERNON AVF j SUITE "D" + ddLToN, CALIFORNIA 82324 17i1� 625•i0!!2' November 26, 1979' Lar,Ldmark sand Company R-11 Pa it 2 Thence N 00°07'38"E., a distance of 80.00 feet; Thence N.89050:147"W., a distance of 337.00 feet; Thence N.00°0'7' 38"E. , a instance of 97.20 feet; Thence 5.89053'020'E., a distance of 67.00 feet; Thence N«00°07'38"'E., a' distance of 338.09 feet; Thence 5.89°5310211E., a distance of 20.00 feet; Thence. X.00007' 38"W. , a distance: 'of 320.43 feet; Thence N.8965310211W.,, a distance of 20.00 feet; Thence 14.00007'38"E40 a distance of 375.92 feet;' Thence S.89652'12"E.,, a distance of 20.00 feet; The o. r �i Thence 5.89 52 32 E., a distance of 25Q.00 feet to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 44.04.acres, more or less. CIT: JIM :apb ' 07-27-179 - :' w n.55k5SNEtvT1-icOLL Cr CR Tip' �c"A+c 79-34 44 A St$.SEE� 'ADD;&-5S, DESCRIPTION : Fv TqA ASHNT' ;NO t_AND' trK P21 $1LLED SEE WN TAXABLE ROLL TC 2-00 63102061-1 WjT�+ESTERM ENTERPRISES INC '- 31060 0:8w000 63,030-001-6 926 5 M/T 50110 CRM VALLEY PKY#203 TC 0-00 LAGUM 'N I MR-t CA 92677 Use RP/s3 YY/ CONVEY '013256 02/74 4.66 ACRES M/L IR Pek NE 114 OF SEC 31 TSS ME FCR TOTAL DESCRIPTION SEE'A55FS„�ORS y N U WMTEM ME ISMS INC 38 , 7 38940 413-000 a 31-434-402••' � 755 MIT 3110 VALLEY FKY4203 7 92§2, 0=G0 05e i�paw -. n .. - S. ACS IN � N� tf4 OF c,.;—EC Jl •T5S R6F`:>.; ,4 FOR TWAL IPTION SEE A-kgZSM i1APS iTPdew T3f3TF5E3 I�tC 35960 018-600 631-030-003-z 8695 ! vhLl. Pit t 301'110 Y V0203 t 92677 T 4-00 LAWA • 1: l i'1R`� YY1 CONVEY 013V% 02/74 r I firr�" W 114 t F SEC 31 T55 -11015 e:>�E 014 063 631-030-GG4�-9 1110 T444G 96oh9 Yhw''YF/. • GONVEY 025319 03/15 Pi/f I;1 KA NE !N OF 5EC 31 ISS N SF:E k5S ..,. , .� F T i�CL>r- 4.,AlJ SEE to ;AXAKE T 2 r:0 63:G3GSG1-2 C fMt -a TE C.- 0 9!��i�1 .J �u t COwvE 663"66 61/14 i'C11 t. 'c'kk -o''a.✓ 1 N11�"�Ir ry1f� es ,..,,......,..;ter•--.."—»-_.�,. ° . �`7.i"' :,7 h.Li..`�.t.t�l�Ii• Its'- �tJK .�i _ FaAFiY E. TC�+fiG GTG C�4 �+l r F 0 Wx e81 922S3 49128 .A OJiNik, CA AJtc"N"' IDA/FERNr NDCCMVEY 04490. 04173 ` °-CT 149 HB 037/0016 LA QUINTA GaL F ESTATES 1 LA aUIHTA COPE 279920 075-049 631-360-002-7 Suit 1455E � 14rT LP,0QBBOINTR9 CA 0200 0-00 CITRUS PEST ✓`s'r: . lS SOLO FOR.TR a 1976-0000. 0730b RP /8115 R 1 l CONVEY 056660 0504 26.24 AWS IN POR 114 OF SEC 36 TSS R6E FOR TOTAL Sm ASSMM M' LA IYJtt;Tfi CM 20 075-049 631-368*003-8 5325 680 0-00 HIT FO IX 69 B� C19 sox Fm TAT 6-0�ti O�Ora7-©000 79 06/74 115E F1P/IX!'Z RI/ C,�1VEY .0783 2.37 ACRM IN POR Sri 11&4rSEC T5S R6E r FOC% TOTAL DMRIPTI OSS '� , 656S480 075-60 631-360-004-9 12480 2396 WO KARM W S. 0.0 M1T F:0 530: 5564' - A RIC. 8 0076, 4.L AMES P1 IL Its POR SM 114 OF SEC 36 ISS 126E FOR T07AL DESCRIFTIIN SEE R55EaM � "APS' „ » 5ECURITY"TIYLE IPS CO ::.' 72580 070-00 -631-360-005-0 4,0 e35 M/T fi ZIT'Y TITLE PT 492 11/7 P 0 BOX 7632 PAN AMA C TY CA91409: - _ t P/ U)NOZY Y, .I-r....w./.r• ,t M A5VcEs SHEki0'.1FOR T:. Y^n 74=9;'Y ,•-.K.»rk4y. R L... �N�� � �! F C� BOX ;64 :A ,2;J,l. Aj to 022�0 Y '.. -le •tib: '... .._._ __ .. -,-. rc ii 7 CL 5SE7,�NT-RLL F04 1,45".. ;$R 19 44 b. �. e L � C w 'a.. •'t.:r'� rr• , J PY rl3A h51"kt P�(? • A56E55EE, itLL' imsp �E~Ck i*T?{ �G700 070-4�4 773-021-00'6:-0 ►"i IUNtA CGu r? / t P 0 WI X fi Y�rY ;ur,L ..f. ` civO Orta kpr�s YYr CCS - p 4YOR TO 1 IC, Si£ k srs' -pygf TUABLE PA.L TC 2-00 713021001-3 bG y 24220 015-04; 113-021:00-3 � " rt �g��ii1 CWc 24 G -GO •� O SOX 69 42253 vjluT4 CA 1 x1`41 TAXta 1976-OCOKdEY20-0: YYi "f�60 05!74 dMlL IIJ Pcq W 94'OF SEL a ij. OT;L jjEjO1PTICN SEE . ; r 73660 015-049 113-nY-Cit4 rid COVE 69 j 92W "TApk. CA XES1976-0008G1 2g-0000 .• YY/, COWEY O�Ff�,G C5/14 1x41.1/4 OP SEC 1 165 T%tA� `Ck�:�kirT ICP1 SEr A$•5ES4Ok5 b Ari r G.,r,_ru, 7yx•et�'"` •r "''%` }Ao risk E'.'19 WA 42era's 1�3�h-C�000073��' 0.04 G5r'4 , v CCNU Y' 656 ii1 PMrill 1,14 OF ; EC L"..r ttawiii►`1,1,�>�.0 P . O. LABELS C/7 304, J. E. DAVIDSON & ASSOC. LANDMARK LAND CO, 1. F. DAVIDSON &ASSOC 3426 TENTH STREET CA. 92501 ATTN. ANDY VOSSLER P. O BOX 1000 3426 TENTH STREET` W!ERSIDE, CA. 92501 R!VERSIDE, LA (1UINTA, CA. 92253 SOUTHWESTERN ENTERPRISES, INC. NORTON S. KARNO LANDMARK LAND CO. 30110 CROWN VALLEY PKY #203 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA. 92677 P. 0. BOX 564ATTN: LA OUINTA, CA. 92253 ANDY VOSSLER P. 0. BOX 1000 LA QUINTA, CA, 92253 SECURITY TITLE INS. CO. RICHARD IWIDMARK SOUTHWESTERN ENTERPRISES, INC. SECURITY TITLE PT. 492 P. 0. BOX 7632 i VALLEY PKY #203 JEAN WS�INTAKMONICA BL. 2200 LAGUNA IGUEL, CA 92677 PANORAMA CITY, CA. 91409 LOS ANOCLES, CA, 9000^7 LA QUINTA COVE #773.022-013-09 NORTON S. KARNO BOX 564 P. 0, BOX 69 LA QUINTA CA. 92253 Wi K. SKINNER 4950 WILSHIRE BLVD. P. 0. LA QUINTA, CA . 92253 LOS ANGELES, CA, 90010 11 _ AP#77.3-022-015-1 AP#773422-0162 SECURITY TITLE INS. C0; COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AARON t1. CANTOR SECURITY TITLE PT. 492 P. 0= BOX 1058 45 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA P. 0. BOX 7632 COACHELLA,, CA. 92236 10TH NEW YORK, NEW YORK PANORAMA CITY, CA. 91409 10020 RICHARD WIDMARK LA QUINTA COVE #773-022-013-9 JEAN WIDMARK 10100'SANTA 11ONICA BLV. 2200 P. 0, BOX 69 LA QUINTA, CA, 92253 lel, K. SKINNER 4950 1dILSHIRE BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA. 90067 LOS ANGELES, CA, 90010 AP#773-022-X015-1 AP#773-0224164 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AARON M. CANTOR P. 0. BOX 1058 45 ROCKEHELLER PLAZA COACHSL'.A, CA. 92236 10TH NEW, YORK, NE!,! YORK, 10020 SEC. 36 T^5$,R'6E., $8..8. a M. SEC, 1 T, 6S. R. 6£ S.B.B, Q m. 1 , a . t I" trot` tr dl. la I �i I U!:;-63 64 a t„~ ast n C 00 aao la,to M400y=. q 74 n w u .t ” R-2 is n it 1 11 :3 /ia » 36 �+ �nr9_n,lrt sa IN a'i• its �i 110 Irl NT —R-5 I R-2_ 1. Iiso ia 1@/2� 131its R-2 f. 111 171�{f w it* '� laa R-2 93' iti ,i. ut nn roa -5 �5,56...�� m __. � .v. R T5S�6E .,_. pl/�Itt IT ut to 1e, la{i•1 tat',9i6S.Ifl.6E tie -aoad /•rte 111 1W Itlror _..' roON� 1;R:2. 1D6s qt ' ,ft"i/+170 R,w5 *\;. Iso lb lIt is ta, ` R-2 N_' w LEGEND N MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS OPEN AREA COMOININO ZONE t R'S DEVELOPMENTS 0 400 RESIDE SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS RESIDENTIAL DEVELO �i A P No IaAol CHANGE OF OFFICIAL ZONING PLAN, LA QUINTS DIST R,rcT CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 304 AMENDINGORDINANCE NO, 348 ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO, 348,1924 ON FEWUARY 3, jftI RIVEA$I7E COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION J„ r n '3'/--36 . C. A 75/2 75$9 c' u 30 W /'-Wo 1 r 40 Qi 4.04:6 AC I • y ,,5.96.6. AC, .J , x A# ri rre Dat'O. G. L, 0.; R/S 8139 - AwtiSE, SOR'S A!A!� lCf 63/ PG,, 36 ` /lV i�?'SibE JNrx 44m., APRA Is67 - • t , V t- i 27.. OY E 60 :'r't � ..,,•�...i ., " J- t 1..,A tt �t .• ti , rf. f ,,�1 Coll a Ai. 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C= 344.703 TAN= 206,084 ., F CHORD= 3.18.035 CHORD BEARING= S 87 1i '18 E 46 41 0195 S 36 41 i9 E 250.000 3986.357 6552,284 019'1 0187 S 35 41 19 E 1501.000 3865.073 1041,v504 0195 ,ra � w;t CA-- 070 is 00 ARC- 183.914 TAN= 105.520 . e CHOF'D 173.505 CHORD BEAPXNG= N 88 26 i1 E -. ��mmaeemxvn.nwu'..e N p j r,.Asn'.rn•'Wrnaro-ryk'+nw*�'---Fig.-aYJ'a+tx-=+dne,=.w ra._�.z�.�.sr..w. d -.Y. exw-rkv«rv+- ,..,., rW m;:a... m.xmns,.a'W=-=kN-M....,rsr R'e+rf'.:':+�=+.y-. `� � 1..8571 a !�� 41 � 160Y000 359 wns,:F:M+ w�ssw 1.-:�.n=W-•••.••x.K;r..-Mkhmxm..Mw,r-.-w-ewM ''--.�,em,bie 71.24 X829 0198. x•.�w ,-*a r-. ••-r- .s 9, -:y. l n i P 0198 N 33 aB 4 �. � 100.004 4074.439 ! 7184 i 12 0159 C..il $� CA= 091 15 00 AIDC= 159.251 TAN= 102.206 ' CHORD 142 Y 9561 CHORD BEARING= 1+) 77 56 11 E f, F atl0 4020 , 94.5'7254.527 0199 0199 1 3210 411 E 3i2IS00 4200,5407070 a8i3 0400 � CA�. C .. 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F34 !• 4 • c� 631,6.303 tl784 w .._. 0778 N 71 46 00M s, 663.13$ 7431. 2 �3g2w,�924w.p 5673.4sd 0777 0777 1V 2a 29 �3 W r 14A'.aba 756�a599 X624.088 0244 �.i CA=3APC= 24.954_ TAN= 12.515 CHORD�y �W 24+ 532 CHORD HEARING 5 74 34 46 L� ,... 044 S 10 2d 54 141. 000' 7425:293.000 7366.014 5_ 24 5548 416 0080 �.. ~�. OL bO 2 75 59 06 G1, ' 3863. r � � '� 78 �{� �. a 0 5 k CA=S 0''79 39 0 r 6 aP,C,-- 125 « a9a37 CHORD � r R�r�frjl � 0544 N 90 00 00 -Wk , _ 150.000 7 Sa �,m0r,�"��~Fs�431� ..�..� ��,.a$2�- 7�.-4�1-�•C3c� �� M 7�,�.' S 054;3 -$2 _.... �� ..._ 0 -72� a 77� _ . t` /,., � :', -, ,, _. 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