SP 1997-029 The Centre at LQ (2005) Amendment 4 Superseded�i THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN 97-029 AMENDMENT ##4 JUN - 7 2005 F JUN 2 Prepared For: Stamko Development Co. 2205 Poinsettia Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Telephone (310) 282-0477 Prepared By THE KEITH COMPANIES Palm Desert Division 73-733 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 100 Palm Desert, California 92260-2590 Telephone (760) 346-9844 The Keith Companies Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 _ The Centre at La Quinta IPROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of La Quinta previously approved 99.3 acres of property located east of Adams Street, south of Highway 111, and west of Dune Palms (Figure 1-1). The entire property is designated M/RC — Mixed Regional Commercial on the Land " Use Element of the General Plan and is zoned CR — Regional Commercial on the City of La Quinta Zoning Map (Figure 1-2 and 1-3). Those designations allow a variety of commercial activities as well as high density residential use so long as there is an affordable component. This project will amend Planning Area II (PA II) by: • Realigning the road circulation to eliminate the loop street and incorporating a single access street from in front of the WalMart store to Adams Street. That access will swing to the north. The new access will be private. (See Figure 1-8) • Reconfigure the drainage retention basin in the southern part of the amendment area. ® Provision of a new private access between the lot at the southwest corner of Dune Palms and Hwy. 111 and the property immediately to the west (See Figure 1-4). The originally proposed road extending Auto Centre Way South out to La Quinta Drive has been revised. A new street, traversing PA II from Adams Street to La Quinta Drive, will take its place. To facilitate traffic flow, the eastern most end of the created road will align with the existing Wal-Mart retail center road on the east side of La Quinta Drive. Auto Centre Way South will be extended as necessary to meet up with the new road (Figure 1-4). Access to the PA II will be from Adams Street, Auto Centre Way South, or La Quinta Drive and all three will utilize standard right-in/right-out access. Amendment #4 allows for an additional access point between two abutting parcels in Planning Area III along Dune Palms Road at the northern end near Highway 111. No additional accesses to public streets are proposed. 1.10.1 Purpose and Intent This Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 (the "Specific Plan") establishes updates and incorporates the design and development principles contained in the Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan, to facilitate the revision of Planning Area II as defined in the Specific Plan, thereby facilitating its orderly development. Land uses will maintain a floor area ratio (FAR) not to exceed 0.25 consistent with the Specific Plan, although the La Quinta City General Plan (General Plan) allows a FAR of up to 0.35 for this project site. Page 2 of 19 6/3/2005 P Lit !7, Ut Lo— L/I wh LA wt WESTUARD Ho D 4. '7t ir ELI, vTA 1170 A s"" Eli, PROJECT VICINITY LOCATION MAP J.U. N14 RIK MR EL I rp jE RAND McNALLY (2004) KOT TO SCALE Th. Kimh Compania. Figure 1-1 I TC IIIIIIII 1 ­MDA LEGEND Roads IN GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION�t Eli, I,0NOT TO SCALE ,,, I "Aw Figure 1-2 r' c: Township/Range Sections Railroads — City Limits z ------ Planning Area 9 1 --�-• Planning Area # 2 V Y� � City Sphere of Influence p �u Residential Land Uses r� LUor 1� V LDR Very Low Density up to 2 du/ac r I LDR Low Density up to 4 du/ac T� MDR Medium Density up to 8 du/ac MH DR Medium -High Density up to 12 d u/ac HDR High Density up to 16 du/ac _ Hillside Overlay Agriculture/Equestrian Overlay Q I DR laud ' Community Commercial NC Neighborhood Commercial CP Commercial Park ICC O Office TC Tourist Commercial VC Village Commercial „ Other Land Uses — I Industrial li MC Major Community Facilities P Park Facilities OS Open Space G Golf Course Open Space W Watercourse/Flood Control balb.— MC ILM IN GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION�t Eli, I,0NOT TO SCALE ,,, I "Aw Figure 1-2 r' c: z V Y� � •� a v p �u r� LUor 1� r I s• LCR Q I DR LO l:oR 1`411}i IN GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION�t Eli, I,0NOT TO SCALE ,,, I "Aw Figure 1-2 PROJECT SITE 19 THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA 40382.13.000 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO.4 t aN 19 THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA 40382.13.000 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO.4 AMENDMENT T NO.9l AREA STREET TO BE VACATED-� a SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT AREA NOT TO SCALE lITI[ONA L, ACCESS TO Ili T The Kaltf� Companies Figure 1-4 Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 The Centre at La Quinta The State authorizes cities and counties to adopt specific plans that are consistent with the intent and purpose of their General Plan. Such a plan includes development regulations, guidelines and development that are necessary for the systematic implementation of the General Plan. The Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan and this amendment ensure a quality development consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City, and implementation of the General Plan. The establishment of zoning and development standards is set forth in the Specific Plan to guide the development of the subject property in such a way as to implement the General Plan while providing a degree of flexibility to allow future development to respond to changes in society and the economic marketplace which will occur over the build -out. The Specific Plan, while largely relying on the CR — Regional Commercial District regulations, also acts to augment the City's Zoning Ordinance by providing design guidelines and unique development standards. This Amendment will be incorporated into the Specific Plan so that those goals are met and the property is consistent with the Specific Plan and the General Plan. 1.10.2 Project History On July 15, 1997, the City of La Quinta unanimously approved Resolution 97-64 (Specific Plan 97-029), Ordinance No. 306 (Development Agreement), Resolution 97-62 (Environmental Impact Report), Resolution 97-66 (Conditional Use Permit), Resolution 97-63 (Tentative Parcel Map 28525) and Resolution 97- 65 (Site Development Permit 97-603 for a proposed mixed commercial development on 87 acres of property located at the southeast corner of Highway 111 and Adams Street in the City of La Quinta known as The Centre at La Quinta. Those approvals allowed for the development of 275,000 square feet for 9 new car dealerships pads and/or auto related commercial pads on 2 of the 9 pads and a development of a 400,000 square foot mixed regional commercial center in three planning areas. Planning Areas I and II encompassed the auto center component and Planning Area III was designated for the mixed regional commercial center. Planning Area I is built out and Planning Area III has 291,602 square feet of commercial uses built, with additional square footage under construction. Previous amendment #3 expanded Planning Area III to include 12.33 additional acres. This afforded the creation of three new commercial parcels: 1) 2.69 acres located at the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road; 2) 1.41 acres immediately south of the first parcel and fronting Dune Palms Road; and 3) a parcel of 8.23 acre just south of parcel 2 and also fronting on Dune Palms Road. Page 7 of 19 Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 The Centre at La Quinta 1.20.1 The Project The Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan envisioned Planning Areas I and II as an auto mall and/or a mixed regional commercial development. Planning Area I has over the years, developed as car dealerships instead of the commercial development. Coupled with the building of the auto center, Planning Area I and II have on-site and off-site improvements, including La Quinta Drive from Highway 111 to the south of Planning Area II, consistent with the Specific Plan. This Amendment will revise Planning Area II to address: the circulation of Planning Area II, reconfiguring the retention basin in PA II, vacating the proposed street in PA II in favor of a west/east running street connecting Adams Street and La Quinta Drive and aligning with the existing Wal -mart retail center road on the east side of La Quinta Drive which will continue to Dune Palms Road in front of Sam's Club, and allowing for an additional access point in Planning Area III between two parcels. Road work will allow for improvement of curb/gutter, landscaping, necessary infrastructure, entries, traffic signals, on-site lighting, parking, infrastructure, and signage necessary. Specific internal circulation will depend on the ultimate users and the configuration of the buildings. 1.20.2 The Process Relationship to the General Plan Implementation of development within The Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment #4 area will carry out the goals and policies contained in the General Plan in a planned and orderly fashion. All development within The Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan and this Amendment shall be consistent with the provisions of the General Plan. The General Plan Land Use for the site is shown in Figure 1-3. Among the relevant provisions of the General Plan that will be implemented upon the development of The Centre at La Quinta and this Amendment include: 1) Land Use — General Plan delineates the Highway 111 corridor as a Mixed/Regional Commercial (M/RC) land use. The proposed project is consistent with the approved land use. The Specific Plan sets for the maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for the project at .25, well under the maximum FAR for M/RC uses (.35). 2) Circulation — The Circulation Element of the General Plan outlines the design and location of required street improvements to complete the transportation system, and required street improvements to complete the transportation system in the City. Page 8 of 19 6/3/2005 PROPOSED RIGHT IN RIGHT OUT ACCESS CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN NOT TO 14CALIE IL ACCESS 1[pOM Th. Kalrh Compania. Figure 1-5 ISpecific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 The Centre at-La-Quinta.- 3) tLaQuints 3) Roadway Image Corridors — In addition to roadway improvements, the project will implement special roadway corridor improvements which will evoke the rl unique identity and character sought by the City of La Quinta. 4) Water Quantity and Quality — The Specific Plan outlines the use of drought tolerant planting and irrigation techniques and incorporates a grading concept designed to retain storm water on-site to assist in the recharge of groundwater supplies. 5) Infrastructure — The Specific Plan incorporates plans to complete the infrastructure which lies adjacent to the project site. Relationship to Zoning -and Development Processes The property is already planned and zoned for the uses in the project. Specific Plan 97-029 establishes an overall master development plan for the CR zoning classification. No substantive alteration in the development concept is contemplated by this amendment. Development that occurs on the acres being revised in Planning Area II will be consistent with the approved Specific Plan and therefore the City's Zoning Ordinance. Processing of specific development proposals will be done in accordance with the Specific Plan and Zoning Ordinance provisions. Relationship to Other Agencies In addition to City approvals, permits will be required by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for extensions to water and sewer lines. Other infrastructure extensions will be required by the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) for electrical power, General Telephone Company (GTE) for telephone service and Time Warner for cable TV service. 2.10 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.10.1 The Site This site consists of about 22 acres located south of Auto Centre Drive, east of Adams Street, and west of La Quinta Centre Drive. The site is currently vacant. The Centre at La Quinta is a multiple use regional commercial project designed around two main uses: an auto mall and a regional commercial center. The site has been mass graded in anticipation of development. 2.10.2 Site Plan 2.10.3 Landscape Plan Page 10 of 19 6/3/2005 Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 The Centre at La Quinta The landscape concept follows a "desert oasis" theme emphasizing water efficient materials exhibiting color and form with a de -emphasis on the use of turf areas. Parking areas will feature the concept of a high canopy tree form to reduce the conflict between landscape elements and project graphics. See the Specific Plan Section 2.70 which contains landscaping requirements. 2.10.4 Utilities Utility extensions will be moderate to facilitate development in PA II. Some upgrades may be required by the individual utility companies providing service to the property. 2.10.5 Art in Public Places Due to the different timing of buildings within the amendment area, it is appropriate to tailor Art in Public Places individually and/or pay a fee to the City. 2.20 LAND USE 2.20.1 Land Use Plan Development standards established for the existing Specific Plan will be applied to the acreage subject to this Amendment. Generally, the standards include an integrated design for street frontages, especially to the west side of La Quinta Drive south of Auto Centre Drive and the south side of Auto Centre Drive. The standards also include considerations for building setbacks, architecture, lighting, landscape treatments, public art, noise and storm water retention. The standards are consistent with the General Plan. Integration of this Amendment into the Specific Plan will ensure consistency with the General Plan. 2.20.2 Development Standards The CR zoning development standards contained in the City of La Quinta Zoning ordinance will be followed except where specifically modified by the Specific Plan and this Amendment. 2.20.3 Grading Grading Plan Planning Area II has been mass graded to establish pads for the various end users. Precise grading will be submitted for review and approval with building permits for future buildings. The grading for this area is estimated to involve 600 cubic yards for every acre (estimated one foot of grading per acre) for a total of about 13,200 cubic yards of dirt. The retention basin will have to be graded the Page 11 of 19 Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 The Centre at La Quinta size of which will be determined when more specific building, parking and landscaping plans are formulated. There will be a net balance in this PAI I. Erosion Control The grading operations shall include adequate provisions for water and wind erosion control both during, as well as after, grading operations have ceased. The details of erosion control shall be included in the project's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and PM 10 Plan consistent with City regulations and the Specific Plan. SWPPP/NPDES/PM10 Since the Coachella Valley experiences periods of moderate to heavy wind conditions, windblown dust and sand is a concern with grading operations, especially those in excess of five acres in size. Because of health concerns, the South Coast Air Quality Management District in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency has instituted a plan in the valley to curb excess PM 10 (small particle dust). The City also participates in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. The City of La Quinta requires SWPPP, NPDES and PM 10 Plans to control the wind and water born erosion associated with such grading operations. The project will comply with the City's requirements relative to these programs. 2.30 Drainage/Flood Control 2.30.1 H drolo The project lies in a Zone C flood zone as determined by FEMA. Zone C includes areas that are not considered to be subject to flooding in a 500 year event. There are no tributary flows that have to be accommodated in the development of the site. On-site flows must be managed including the City's requirement for on-site retention of storm water from a 100 year storm. 2.30.2 Flood Control Master Plan The storm water drainage system in the City of La Quinta is administered by CVWD. Generally speaking, the system consists of improvements to the natural drainage channels that run through the City. There is no planned collection system to drain individual sites into these channels as there is a capacity limitation. The development of property must include provisions to insure that no additional storm water is directed into these channels. Page 12 of 19 6/3/2005 Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 The Centre at La Quinta 2.30.3 On -Site Storm Water Retention The City, in conjunction with CVWD, requires each development to include provisions for the retention of all storm water attributed to the site in a 100 year, 24 hour event, the worst case scenario. Storm water retention will be provided on-site consistent with Section 2.30.3 of the Specific Plan, where applicable in this Amendment and City regulations. The overall drainage plans are show in Figure 1-6. 2.30.4 Nuisance Water Nuisance water attributed to the project will be collected and directed to areas within the landscape area. The amount of nuisance water is expected to be reduced due to the use of water efficient landscape and irrigation materials. 2.40 Utilities The project site is well served by utilities and is situated in a corridor planned for a relatively intense scope of commercial and residential development. Moderate utility extensions are anticipated in conjunction with the project. 2.40.1 Sewer Plan Sanitary sewer facilities for the City are provided by CVWD. The nearest sewer main is located on the west side of the site in Adams Street. The project will gravity flow to the main in Adams Street. No up sizing of facilities will be required. Figure 1-7 shows the schematic design for sewer facilities. 2.40.2 Water Plan Water facilities for the City are provided by CVWD. An 18" main exists in Highway 111 down La Quinta Drive then extending through Auto Centre Drive to Adams Street. In addition, an 18" main has been constructed in Highway 111 from La Quinta Drive to Dune Palms Road and a 12" main will cross west/east from Adams Street through PA II. Figure 1-8 shows the schematic design for water service in PAII. CVWD Well Site A 0.55 acre well site was dedicated to CVWD in PAII. CVWD has not developed the property. That well will help serve the proposed development. No additional well sites are needed. Page 13 of 19 6/3/2005 CONCEPTUAL [DRAINAGE PLAN NOT TO SCA LIE CESS ]POINT TI-ia K.Mh Compenies Figure 1-6 "l ullWAY 7 71 CONCEPTUAL SEWER PLAN NOT TO SCALE L ACCESS POINT The IG®ICh Compenl®® Figure 1-7 HxGHWav CONCEPTUAL WATER PLAN NOT TO SCALE ACCESS POINT The Kelfzh CoMpsnlawjMlffmjj,,j= Figure 1-8 Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 The Centre at La Quinta 2.40.3 Electrical Plan Electric facilities in the City are provided by the IID. The final design for service will depend on local calculations for specific building proposals. All electric utilities will be underground. 2.40.4 Other Utilities Natural gas is provided by the Southern California Gas Company. Television cable service is provided by Time Warner. Telephone service will be provided by GTE. Waste disposal service is provided by Palm Desert Waste Management. Plans for incorporating recycling facilities shall be considered with the development in each Planning Area. Facilities shall be reviewed for compliance with all City ordinances by the Community Development Staff upon submission of each Site Development Permit application. For additional information see Section 2.40.4 of the Specific Plan. Mixed Regional Commercial Development The General Plan standard Floor Area Ration (FAR) of 0.35 would normally apply to property with the Regional Commercial designation. However, the Specific Plan limits the maximum FAR to 0.25. Amendment No. 3 maintains this standard. Taking into account City requirements for parking, setbacks, open space, storm water retention and current commercial development patterns, the project site for Amendment #4, as is true for the balance of La Quinta, will rely on surface parking with two story construction. Maximum building heights will be 40 feet. Other development standards are as specified in Zoning Code Section 9.90.040. 2.50.2 Infrastructure Phasing See Section 2.50.2 of the Specific Plan, Permitted/Conditional Uses The CR zone list of "Principle Uses" permitted and conditionally permitted, as outlined in Section 9.80.040 of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code, are allowed in Planning Area II as modified by this Specific Plan. Those uses will be controlled through the approval of the Site Development Permits. Page 17 of 19 ' Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 The Centre at La Quinta n 2.50.3 Design Guidelines All applicable design guidelines contained in the Specific Plan will apply to the area covered by Amendment #4 (See Section 2.50.5). r2.60 Circulation 2.60.1 Overview The project area has frontage along Adams Street and Hwy. 111 which have been fully improved. As the property develops, to the west side of La Quinta Drive will be required per City standards Street improvements will require pavement, curb, gutter, median, sidewalks, bike improvements, as required, and traffic signals (as warranted). Access to the PAII will be through accesses at Adams Street, Auto Centre Way South and La Quinta Drive. Internal circulation and the location of access will depend on development patterns dictated by specific uses (See Figure 1-5). Other circulation issues (e.g., public transit) are discussed in Section 2.60 of the Specific Plan. 2.70 Landscape 2.70.1 Landscape Concept The landscape concept follows a "desert oasis" theme emphasizing water efficient materials exhibiting color and form. Parking areas will feature the concept of a high canopy tree from to reduce the conflict between landscape elements and project graphics. Street frontages will concentrate form and color consistent with other frontages already developed within the Specific Plan. 2.70.2 Landscape Development Standards PATI, especially the undeveloped portion associated with this Amendment, will meet the minimum standards for landscape as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. It will also be consistent with the City's Highway 111 Design Theme, if applicable, except as outlined in the Specific Plan. 2.70.3 Landscape Palette Landscape materials selected for detailed landscape plans shall be chosen from Exhibit 12 as contained in Section 2.70 of the Specific Plan. Page 18 of 19 Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #4 The Centre at La Quina 2.70.4 Landscape Maintenance Landscape maintenance will be consistent with Section 2.70.4 of the Specific Plan. 2.80 Signage 2.80.1 Signage Concept Signs for development on the property will be reviewed by the City during the Site Development Permit approval. All signs will be consistent with the Specific Plan. Page 19 of 19