CC Resolution 1995-064 RESOLUTION 95-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AMENDING THE CITY'S EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT OF THE DESERT TO ALLOW THE CITY TO DIRECT THE FLOW OF THE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL WASTE WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta has participated with the other Coachella Valley Cities and the unincorporated County area in the issuance of a Request For Proposal for the operations, design and construction management of a Transfer Station with limited materials recovery capability; and WHEREAS, the Transfer Station is necessary due to the closure of the Coacheila and Edom Hill Landfills; and WHEREAS, the ability of the City to direct the flow of the residential and commercial waste hauled by the franchisee is important in ensuring the success of the planned Transfer Station; and WHEREAS, the amendment to the agreement as outlined in Exhibit A would not affect the recyclables picked up by Waste Management of the Desert; and WHEREAS, Waste Management of the Desert has agreed to the Addendum to the Agreement as outlined in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Addendum to the Agreement is effective immediately until the expiration of the franchise. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: The Waste Management Franchise Agreement is amended as outlined in Exhibit "A", PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 1st day of August, 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Bangerter, Cathcart, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Resocc. 151 Resolution 95~4 ,--~ JOHN ~. PEl~l~)l~layor City of La Quinta, California ~rk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM DAWN HONEYWELL, 'City Attorney City of La Quinta, California Re. otc. 151 EXHIBIT A Addendum #2 to Waste Management Contract for Refuse Collection and Disposal The purpose and intent of this Addendum is to amend Article II, Section 2.01, Article XIII, Article XV, and Article XX, Section 20.01 and 20.02 for the remainder of this contract. The parties hereto have mutually covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. Second Addendum. This Second Addendum is an amendment to the Franchise Agreement dated September 10, 1990 and will supersede the provisions of the Franchise Agreement to the extent that such provisions are inconsistent with the provisions of this Second Addendum. 2. Article II, Section 2.01 - Scope of Work of the Franchise Agreement (Page 1) shall be amended to read as follows: Sectiorl. 2.01 - Sco.~e of Work Franchisee shall transport and deliver all refuse collected pursuant to this agreement to the disposal site(s) designated by the City. The work to be done consists of collecting and disposing of residential and commercial refuse within the corporate limits of the City. It further includes the furnishing of all labor, methods or processes, tools, equipment and transportation necessary to meet the requirements of the Agreement. All collections and disposal contemplated hereunder shall be done and performed, promptly in a good, thorough, workmanlike and efficient manner to the reasonable satisfaction of the Administrative Authority, designated by the City. Franchisee shall maintain accurate records of the quantities of refuse delivered to the disposal site(s) and will cooperate with the City in any audits or investigations of such deliveries. Franchisee shall cooperate with the operator of the disposal site(s), with regard to operation therein, including by way of example, complying with directions from the operator to unload collection vehicles in designatlikd~ ~.rp~as. accommodating to maintenance operations and construction of new facilities, and cooperating with the operator's Hazardous Waste Exclusion Program. 3. Article XIII paragraph number one of the Franchise Agreement (page 9) shall be amended to read as follows: The Franchisee shall have the exclusive right and privilege within the City, to collect and dispose of refuse. Refuse is defined herein and in Chapter 6 of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code. Except as otherwise herein provided, the Franchisee shall not be required to provide service to anyone not' using containers furnished by the Franchisee. Franchisee shall transport and deliver all refuse collected pursuant to this agreement to the disposal site designated by the City. Refuse, solid waste, rubbish, and garbage shall become the exclusive property of the disposal site(s) (or other designee of the City as the City may determine from time to time) once it is delivered to the disposal site(s). The Franchisee shall not be required to collect or dispose of any hazardous waste materials except as allowed by law. 4. Article XV of the Franchise Agreement (pages 10 and 11) shall be amended to add as follows: §. If Franchisee experiences increased operation costs due to increased transportation/operational costs resulting from City designating a disposal site(s), different than the site upon which the current rates are based, Franchisee is entitled to an increase in rates charged. Adjustments to the service rates shall be requested in writing by Franchisee in accordance with the following: Franchisee must, to the satisfaction of both a City appointed auditor and the City, document increases in the transportation/operational costs, in the event the costs have been documented and substantiated, Franchisee shall be entitled to any increase not to exceed the amount necessary to recover the total net cost increases. 5. Article II, Section 20.01 of the Franchise Agreement (page 14) is amended to add as follows: Section 20.01 - Definitions 11. Disposal Site. The term 'Disposal Site" means the solid waste facility or facilities designated by the City for the ultimate disposal (by the Franchisee) of refuse, solid waste, garbage and bulky items collected by the Franchisee. The disposal site may include, but is not limited to, a solid waste landfill and a solid waste transfer or processing station, or a combination thereof. 6. Article XX, Section 20.02, paragraph 2 of the Franchise Agreement (page 15), is amended to read as follows: 2. Exclusiveness of Contract. It is agreed that the Franchisee shall have the exclusive right during the term of this contract to collect, receive transport and segregate any and all refuse, municipal solid waste, trash and bulky items generated within the corporate limits of the City, and to charge the fee in effect for such services. Franchisee shall transport and deliver all refuse, municipal solid waste, trash and bulky items pursuant to this agreement to a disposal site(s) designated by City. This section shall not, however, be deemed to prohibit any person performing gardening or landscape services, and who possesses an appropriate business license for such activity from carrying away from a customer's premises any clippings, branches, leaves and the like, generated by the gardening or landscape services performed. This section further shall not be deemed to apply to any person transporting his own refuse to a legally established dump site. CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA WASTE MANAGEMENT O~~HE DESERT, INC. THOMAS P. GENOVESE PATT~ SOMMERVlLLE City Manager General Manager Date Date