1998 08 18 CC Minutes^U, LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1998 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: Council Members Adolph MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to excuse Council Member Adolph. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT None Council recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Pena abstained from participating in Item No.2 as he has consistently done in the past. 1. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) regarding potential litigation. 2. Conference with City*s real property negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning the potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located at the southeast corner of Highway 111 and Adams Street. Property Owner/Negotiator: Chris Clarke. 3. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) regarding existing litigation: Western Empire Industry, Case No. 302768. 4. Evaluation of Council-appointed position City Manager, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.6. PUBLIC COMMENT None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Genovese, City Manager, asked that Consent Calendar Item No.1 6 be moved to Business Session Item No.12. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 2 August 18, 1 998 Council Member Henderson asked that Consent Calendar Item No.7 be moved to Business Session Item No.13. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to move Consent Calendar Item No.16 Consultant Selection Process for Phase V Improvements) to Business Session Item No.12 and to move Consent Calendar Item No.7 Economic Development Marketing Program) to Business Session Item No.1 3. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to approve the City Council Minutes of August 4, 1 998, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS None PRESENTATIONS None WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE None BUSINESS SESSION I CONSIDERATION OF A FUNDING REQUEST FROM THE LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR MAINSTREET MARKETPLACE. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that on August 4, 1998, Council formed a sub-committee to meet with the Chamber of Commerce about their funding request for $35,000 to produce six Mainstreet Marketplace events. After meeting with the sub-committee, the Chamber revised their request and have submitted a new funding request for $20,000 to produce four events. Council Member Henderson felt the meeting with the Chamber was meaningful and supported their modified request. She believed that the Chamber is aware of Council's support for their efforts and that their concern is in regard to the subsidy for Mainstreet Marketplace and for the best utilization of economic development funds. She realized that the time factor has placed a strain on the program, but believed the Chamber is strongly committed it. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 3 August 1 8, 1 998 Council Member Sniff believed the City and Chamber have a positive relationship and advised that the sub-committee has encouraged them to initiate a process in which they can be more creative in dealing with business solicitation and business retention. The Chamber has indicated support for it and he hoped they would be prepared to discuss it during budget hearings next year. Council Member Perkins stated that he is not a strong supporter of Mainstreet Marketplace, but would support the modified request because he did not want to impose his thoughts on the business community. He felt this has provided an opportunity for the City and Chamber to work together to come up with a program that is acceptable to both. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to authorize staff to amend the contract for services with the Chamber of Commerce to include provisions for a Mainstreet Marketplace Program at a minimum of four events and allocate $20,000 thereto. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-135. Council Member Sniff pointed out that Council is trying to allow the Chamber as much creative and discretionary latitude within the budget as possible and that the motion allows them to provide more than four events if they so choose and find it feasible within the budget constraints provided them. Council Member Henderson wished for the Chamber to provide a copy of their IRS 99Q Forms. Council concurred. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES FOR AB939 SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998199 WITH HILTON FARNKOPF & HOBSON, LLC. Mr. Herman, Community *Development Director, advised that six firms responded to the City's RFP for AB939 services and that the Consultant Selection Committee has recommended the firm of Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson in an amount not to exceed $40,000. An option would be to reduce the contract to $20,000 and have Waste Management of the Desert provide the remaining services identified in the contract at no extra cost. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman advised that the Consultant Selection Committee asked that the firm selected be asked if they would be willing to share the responsibility with Waste Management and Hilton BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 4 August 18, 1998 Farnkopf & Hobson has indicated that they have no problem with it. However, the recommendation of the Consultant Selection Committee is to approve the contract in an amount not to exceed $40,000. Council Member Sniff questioned why EcoNomics was not selected, noting that they have been providing the City's AB939 services for some time. He felt there is some value to continuity. Mr. Herman advised that the selection was based on the rating structure of the Consultant Selection Committee. Mayor Pena advised that he served on the committee and that their selection was based on the interviews and questions, as well as the firm's experience. The selected firm rated higher than EcoNomics. Council Member Henderson felt that most of the services are routine in nature and do not require familiarity with the City, but rather an understanding of the system. Council Member Sniff stated that he would support the recommendation. Council Member Henderson noted that some businesses are contracting out a portion of their shredded paper waste stream and she questioned whether or not the City is receiving that diversion credit. Mr. Herman advised that staff will look into it. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consultant Selection Committee's recommendation to award a contract for services to Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson, LLC for AB939 services for Fiscal Year 1 998199 in an amount not to exceed $40,000 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 98-136. 3. CONSIDERATION OF JOINT USE OF FACILITY AND SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH COMMUNITY GARDENS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY. Ms. Horvitz, Community Services Director, advised that Community Gardens of Coachella Valley CGCV) is requesting a Facility Use Agreement for City-owned property adjacent to the Eisenhower Park for the purpose of a community garden. The capital improvement costs associated with this project are estimated at $30,000. CGCV is also requesting funding in the amount of BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 5 August 18, 1998 $5,200 in Business Session Item No.4 to provide technical assistance and supervision of the garden location. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Horvitz advised that the improvements would consist of a block wall along the rear property line, wrought-iron fencing along the front property line, and a watering system, with the water meter to be installed by CGCV. They are also requesting picnic tables, a shade structure, and signage. The CGCV would plant vegetation to keep prevent soil erosion on the slope. A six-foot buffer zone is proposed on the north side adjacent to the residential property. CGCV has indicated that in order for them to move forward, they would have to have both requests approved $30,000 for capital improvements from the Capital Improvement Fund and a Community Service Grant for $5,200 for administrative costs. The administrative costs include supervision of the location, which would be CGCV's responsibility. Twenty plots are proposed. Council Member Henderson felt that it sounds like a good idea that has run into some problems. She supported the use of the property, but*not $30,000 for improvements and has made it clear from the beginning that she would have a difficult time supporting the next level of funding. Council Member Perkins supported the project, but not the funding for the number of people involved with the project. Mayor Pena noted that the discussions began with the City providing the land and now it has moved to the City also providing the improvements and administrative costs as well, which he has a problem with. Steve Merritt, 78-1 75 Avenue 42, Bermuda Dunes, Executive Director of Community Gardens of Coachella Valley, advised that the $30,000 is not a requirement on their part, but rather to make the property consistent with the park. The administrative costs are minimal to make sure that the property continues to look good for the City. They hope to raise the funds for administrative costs in future years. All that they need is fencing, but cannot afford to construct a block wall. He advised that their original criteria included fencing, water and funding for administrative costs. Council Member Henderson did not recall fencing being a criteria. She noted that the property behind the museum has water and she felt it would enhance that facility to have the garden there. Council Member Sniff pointed out that $1 60,000 has been allocated for park improvements and stated that he felt there might be some logic in making some BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 6 August 18, 1998 improvements such as a retaining wall, block wall, irrigation system, etc., to be consistent with the existing park. If CGCV should later decide to move to another location, the improvements would be in and the property would be basically compatible with the existing park, which could then be enlarged as previously discussed. Mayor Pena said that*he realized the lot is an extension of the City*s image for the park and that the improvements are not necessary for the*operation of the community garden. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Merritt advised that the Senior Center proposal did not include material costs. Mayor Pena continued to have a problem with the administrative costs. Council Member Sniff agreed. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Merritt advised that they would not be willing to move forward without funding for the administrative costs. Mayor Pena questioned moving forward with the improvements if Council does nof support the administrative costs. Council Member Perkins was concerned about using the park improvement funds for the special interest of 20 individuals or families and not for the general public as they were originally budgeted and could not support either of the funding requests. Council Member Henderson also questioned the City making improvements on property for the use of a limited number of people who may be charged a user fee. Mr. Merritt noted that 20 is only a beginning number and that they expect that number to increase. They will be able to accommodate 40-50 users by just changing the size of the garden beds. They only proposed the user fee to help them be self-sufficient in the future. He preferred not charging a user fee and was willing to take it out of the contract. Once the project gets going, they should not have a problem raising funds. He advised that they usually charge a refundable deposit. Council Member Henderson viewed this much like Little League, soccer, or any other similar organization that has some type of community goal in mind, and she did not believe that any of them need to ask for community tax dollars to BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 7 August 18, 1998 support their particular program. She asked what it would cost for the City to run the program, to which Ms. Horvitz*responded that she did not know, but could look into it and report back to Council. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that most of the City's recreation programs are self-funded due to the fees that are charged. Mr. Merritt noted that some of the larger cities administer their own community gardens, but he felt it made more sense for those here in the valley to be administered by one organization. Mayor Pena felt the Council may not have a problem providing the land or even the improvements, but he felt the program should be self-sufficient and was not in favor of providing that funding. Mr. Merritt stated they could not commit to run the program and take on the liabilities without the administrative funding. They currently have funding contracts with Palm Desert and Indio to build community gardens in those cities. Council Member Sniff supported making the improvements, but had some level of concern with the administrative costs. He asked if they could come up with the administrative funds if this matter were continued to September 1 5, noting that Council's commitment to make the improvements would be contingent upon them receiving the administrative funding. Mr. Merritt advised that they could try, but that it would be helpful to have some level of support from the Council. Council Member Henderson noted that the City has already shown their support by funding them $2,500. She was willing to have the item come back and could see the benefit of going ahead with the improvements. Council concurred on continuing this item. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to continue the matter of the Joint Use of Facility and Service Agreement with Community Gardens of Coachella Valley CG CV) to September 1 5, 1 998, and to request that CGCV make an effort to secure the administrative cost funding. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 8 August 18, 1998 In response to Mr. Merritt, Mayor Pena advised that Council would relate their support for the organization to any potential contributors. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-137. 4. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT REQUEST BY THE COMMUNITY GARDENS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY. Council concurred on continuing this item in conjunction with Business Session Item No.3. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to continue the matter of the Community Services Grant request by Community Gardens of Coachella Valley to September 1 5, 1 998. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-138. 5. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT REQUEST FROM THE LA QUINTA VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY. Ms. Horvitz, Community Services Director, pointed out to Council that four Community Service Grant requests have been received for a total of $19,500, excluding the Community Gardens of Coachella Valley request, and the total amount currently available in the Special Projects Contingency Fund is $18,800. The were no changes to the staff report as submitted to the Council by the Community Services Department and on file in the City Clerk*s Department. Bruce Pelletier, 54-255 Avenida Herrera, President of the La Quinta Volunteer Fire Department, advised that their pagers are outdated and that, although the County will repair them, it takes up to two months to get them back, resulting in slower response times. They have more specialized equipment than any other city in the valley, but the pagers are needed in order to get the equipment to the people as quickly as possible. Council Member Sniff expressed appreciation for the Volunteer Fire Department and asked if the County would not replace the pagers, to which Mr. Pelletier responded no. Council Member Perkins supported their request. Council Member Henderson concurred. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U, City Council Minutes 9 August 18, 1 998 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Community Services Grant request in the amount of $4,500 for the La Quinta Volunteer Fire Department. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 98-139. Council concurred on taking up Business Session Item No.7 at this time. 7. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT REQUEST FROM THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DIVE TEAM. Ms. Horvitz, Community Services Director, advised that the Riverside County Sheriff's Dive Team is requesting $2,000 to purchase necessary radio equipment. Tom O'ReiIly, 44-490 Sealy Drive, of the Riverside County Sheriff's Dive Team, advised that they are a non-profit organization that specializes in underwater recovery services. The County provides them with some indirect assistance, but the volunteers use their own personal equipment. He then gave a brief review on the type of recovery services they provide and advised that this would be a one-time request and not a continuing cost. Council Member Perkins expressed appreciation for their organization and supported their request. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. 0'ReiIly advised that they submitted funding requests to all nine cities, as well as the Desert Water Agency, but have only received two responses to date, with both Indian Wells and Palm Desert denying their requests. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Community Services Grant request by the Riverside County Sheriff's Dive Team in the amount of $2,000 from the Special Projects Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-140. 6. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT REQUEST FROM THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted to the City Council by the Community Services Department and on file in the City Clerk's Department. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 10 August 18, 1998 Council Member Perkins questioned why they were asking La Quinta for $10,000 when Rancho Mirage has only contributed $4,000 and Indian Wells $2,500. Ms. Horvitz, Community Services Director, advised that a large percentage of their clients are from La Quinta. Their per client cost is approximately $480 and they have estimated that 20 La Quinta residents will go through the program this. year. George Gaglini, 39000 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, Director of Resource Development for Barbara Sinatra Children's Center, advised that their funding requests are proportionate to the number of clients from each city. He noted that they requested $5,000 from both Rancho Mirage and Indian Wells. There is no cost to the client. Council Member Sniff felt it is important for the City to support groups that provide tangible value to the City's residents, but could not support $10,000 and suggested $1,000. Council Member Henderson noted that this is another non-profit organization that has apparently received some significant endowments to get it in place and now that the program is operational with clients, they are asking the cities tQ underwrite those costs. She could not support more than $1,000. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve a Community Services Grant in the amount of $1,000 to the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-141. 8. CONSIDERATION OF Ai*Amendment TO CHAPTER 13 OF I-A QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that the proposed ordinance provides for the recordation of conditions of approval for tentative tract maps and more specifically, defines the scope of lot-line adjustments. It also allows the use of mini-maps for any changes and streamlines the process for developers while yet protecting the City. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to take up Ordinance No.326 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U, City Council Minutes 11 August 18, 1 998 ORDINANCE NO.326 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 13 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE LQMC) RELATING TO SUBDIVISIONS; ADDING SECTIONS 13.12.170 AND 13.16.100 RECORDATION OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL), SECTION 13.20.115 AMENDMENT OF FINAL MAPS AND PARCEL MAPS), AND AMENDING SECTIONS 13.32.020 AND 13.32.060 LOT-LINE ADJUSTMENTS). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to introduce Ordinance No.326 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Adolph ABSTAIN: None 9. CONSIDERATION OF DESIGN CONCEPTS AND LOCATIONS FOR ARTWORK TO BE INCLUDED IN THE WASHINGTON STREET BRIDGE-WIDENING PROJECT. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, reviewed three art design options submitted by the artists, Juan and Patricia Navarrete, for the Washington Street bridge-widening project between Calle Tampico and Avenue 50. The original amount set aside for the artwork was $24,999, of which $3,000 was for the design and the remainder for the construction. He then reviewed the costs related to each of the three design proposals, advising of the additional funding allocation needed for each design as follows: Design #1 $30,500; Design #2 $22,500; and Design #3 $15,000. There will be an additional cost of $20,000 if artwork is added to the retaining wall adjacent to Duna La Quinta. Council Member Perkins preferred tubular Design #1 with the leaf. Mayor Pena also preferred Design #1. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Herman advised that the concrete wall is two feet high. Juan and Patricia Navarrete, the artists, advised that they were available to discuss the concept drawings. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 12 August 1 8, 1 998 Council Member Sniff liked Design #1 with the palm leaves, but was opposed to the vertical posts on each side of the mountain design. He felt they would detract from the general appearance. They should either be eliminated or reduced to half the proposed height to make the center design more effective. He suggested two additional small peaks be added to each side and that the concrete wall be 30 inches high instead of 24 inches. Ms. Navarrete agreed with changing the ends and commented on the blowing sand design. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Speer, Senior Engineer, advised that the walls have to be a minimum of 1 Y2 feet above the concrete rail. He did not see any probler*s with the proposed design in regard to engineering standards. Mr. Speer then responded as follows to several questions asked by Council Member Sniff: the standard minimum wall height on each side of the bridge is 3Y2 feet; the 4*' width between rails is not considered a safety hazard and is a Caltrans standard; and, increasing the height of the concrete walt to three feet, plus two feet of metal work, is not a problem, but it also increases the costs. Mr; Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that reinforced structural concrete needed for the wall would cost approximately $700 per cubic yard. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Vogt advised that he felt the effect of any additional dead weight" would be insignificant, but that the outer beams may need to be increased in size. Council Member Henderson supported the changes suggested by Council Member Sniff, but felt 2'*3" was sufficient for the wall height. She liked the palm leaf design, but felt the vertical lines make it too busy." In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Navarrete advised that the overall length of the bridge and artwork is 1 26 feet and advised that they could come up with some different concepts for Council's consideration. After a brief discussion, Council concurred on continuing this matter to September 1 5 to give the artists an opportunity to prepare some additional design concepts for Council's consideration. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U, City Council Minutes 1 3 August 1 8, 1 998 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to continue the matter of the design concepts for artwork for the Washington Street bridge to September 1 5 and ask the artists to take Council's comments into account in preparing additional design concepts. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-142. 10. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE TO THE ANNUAL LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 24; 1998. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted to the City Council by the City Clerk's Department and on file in the City Clerk's Department. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to appoint Council Member Henderson as the voting delegate and Mayor Pena as the alternate to the Annual League of California Cities Conference. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-143. 11. CONSIDERATION OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT SERVICES FOR A FRITZ BURNS POOL EXTENDED SEASON. Mayor Pena abstained due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted to the City Council by the Community Services Department and on file in the City Clerk's Department. Mayor Pro Tem Henderson supported the request, but questioned the need to fund it from the Special Projects Contingency Fund. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that an alternate fund would be the General Fund Emergency Reserve Account. Council Member Perkins preferred using the Special Projects Contingency Fund Account. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 14 August 18, 1998 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to approve an expenditure in the amount of $3,000 *extending the season at the Fritz Burns Park Pool) from the Special Projects Contingency Fund and authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with the Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District. Mayor Pro Tem Henderson noted that this would keep the pool open on weekends through September and October. Motion carried with Council Member Adolph and Mayor Pen a ABSENT. MINUTE ORDERNO.98-144. 12. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO PREPARE A DESIGN THEME, ASSESSMENTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND Engineers*S ESTIMATE NECESSARY TO DEVELOP THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that this is for approval of the Consultant Selection Process and RFP for Phase V improvements listed in the CIP. He then reviewed Phases V-Athrough V-D, which includes the Village Commercial District theme, the Cove and Westward Ho residential areas, as well as the Sagebrush, Bottlebrush, & Saguaro residential areas and the assessment engineering for setting up a sewer assessment district for the installation of the remaining sewer facilities. He advised that a number of meetings will be held for the Village Commercial District theme and prototype street. The Consultant Selection Committee will consist of the City Manager, Public Works Director, Senior Engineer, Community Development Director, and Planning Manager. Council Member Henderson was concerned that the prototype street may delay getting the assessment districts and improvements underway if it is tied to those improvements. She asked if the process for developing the Village Commercial District theme would hold up moving forward with the needed infrastructure, to which Mr. Vogt responded no and advised that many of these projects will be running concurrently. He advised that placing it all under one contract will make it easier to control and coordinate. The individual projects will be brought forward for bid approval as they are ready. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that those portions having an assessment district could be tied together depending on the amounts, as issuing bonds for an assessment district under $1 million doesn't make financial sense. As for the prototype street, minor modifications could be made, but not major improvements such as sewer that would require tearing up the streets again. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 15 August 18, 1998 Council Member Sniff felt the prototype street has become somewhat of an impediment and should be set aside; and that the theme concept be developed, which would then determine how the streets will look. Council Member Henderson suggested pulling the prototype out. Council concurred. Mr. Vogt advised that the theme would be for the design of everything, including sidewalks, but not necessarily the construction. The $500,000 set aside for the prototype street was for construction and this is for establishing the design theme, not the construction. The prototype street can be removed or if Council wishes for some construction to take place, it can be included, but delayed until the theme is established. Council Member Sniff asked what infrastructure would go in The Village if the prototype street is removed, to which Mr. Freeland, Senior Engineer, responded streets, curbs and gutters, sewer, water, and storm drain improvements, but no sidewalks. Mr. Genovese noted that some of the design decisions cannot be made until the contract is awarded. Council Member Henderson was concerned that the infrastructure will be held up while The Village is designed. Mr. Genovese asked that matter be continued to give staff an opportunity to determine what the sewer amounts will be for these particular improvements. Council concurred on continuing this matter until the evening session. 13. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MARKETING PROGRAM. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that the proposed RFP is for the preparation of an economic development marketing program. There have been significant funds included in this year's budget for various components of a marketing effort, including funding for a Management Analyst to assist in that program. Staff recommended that since that position has not been filled, that the salary savings be utilized to hire a consultant to help develop a marketing program for next calendar year. The RFP that was recently distributed for a BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 1 6 August 1 8, 1 998 market study should be completed by the end of the year and could be used as a tool for the City*s marketing effort. Council Member Henderson felt two Council Members should be appointed to serve on the Selection Committee and volunteered to serve. She also wished to have the consultant meet with the Council for input. Council Member Sniff and Mayor Pena also vo!unteered. Mayor Pena suggested that the proposals be presented to the entire Council. Council Member Sniff felt Council should discuss this issue prior to the presentations. He felt it should be highly focused and was concerned that it might be diluted and become ineffective. Mayor Pena suggested moving forward with the RFP and scheduling the proposals to come back before Council. Council concurred. Mr. Weiss advised that staff is working with RSG to determine who the RFP should be sent to and suggested advertising in The Desert Sun. Council concurred and directed staff to develop a short list from the proposals. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to authorize staff to issue a Request for Proposals RFP) to prepare an Economic Development Marketing Program and schedule interviews before the City Council with the responding firms, not to exceed five firms. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-145. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED AUGUST 18, 1998. 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MAYOR PEN A, MAYOR PRO TEM HENDERSON, COUNCIL MEMBER ADOLPH, THE CITY MANAGER, AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE IN LONG BEACH, OCTOBER 24, 1998. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 17 August 18, 1998 3. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN THEIR APPLICATION FOR A FEDERAL EMPOWERMENT ZONE DESIGNATION FOR EASTERN RIVERSIDE COUNTY. 4. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING 5B2026 FOR LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND FUNDING. 5. APPROVAL OF FUNDING REQUEST FOR COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY. 6. AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP) TO FIVE FIRMS TO UPDATE THE GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT AND TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL WITH THE SELECTED FIRM. 7. SEE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO.13. 8. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 28797, RJT HOMES, LLC. 9. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP FOR PARCEL 28805, KSL LAND CORPORATION. 10. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 28640, T. D. DESERT DEVELOPMENT. 11. APPROVAL OF THE CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER*S ESTIMATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998199 VARIOUS CITYWIDE TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 12. APPROVAL OF AWARD OF Contract FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT NO. 98-08, HIGHWAY 111/PLAZA LA QUINTA TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 13. APPROVAL OF AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE STATE LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM SLTPP) FUNDING TOWARD MILES AVENUE; WASHINGTON STREET TO ADAMS AND WASHINGTON STREET TO THE WHITEWATER CHANNEL. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 18 August 1 8, 1 998 14. APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND Engineers*S ESTIMATE TO CONSTRUCT VARIOUS CITYWIDE SIDEWALKS. HANDICAP ACCESS RAMPS, AND BUS TURN-OUT IMPROVEMENTS. 15. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 18915 PALM ROYALE. 16. SEE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO.12. 17. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, DATE OF LOSS, JUNE 3, 1997 THROUGH MARCH 17.1998. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with Item Nos. 3,4, 8, 9, and 10 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 98-88 through 98-92 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-146. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF CITY ENTRANCE MONUMENT PROJECT DETAILS. Mr. Freeland, Senior Engineer, gave a brief presentation regarding the City*s entrance monument project, advising that on July 7, 1 998, Council directed staff to install full-scale mock-up signs at the Lumpys and Home Depot sites. The large sign was 8'-10*' high and 30* long and the smaller sign was 68%of the larger sign at 6*-1 0" high and 20*-1 0" long. He then showed photographs taken from different angles of the two different size mock-up at both locations and asked Council for further direction. Council Member Perkins suggested using the larger monument sign at the Home Depot site and moving it somewhat southward and back. Council concurred. After a brief discussion, Council concurred on also using the larger sign at the Lumpys site and staff advised that they will bring the final design back on September 15 for authorization to bid. Council recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U, City Council Minutes 1 9 August 1 8, 1 998 7:00P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CERTIFICATION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 98-360, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28867- FOR RECONFIGURATION OF TRACT 28470 TO CREATE AN ADDITIONAL 32 RESIDENTIAL LOTS ALONG DEL GATO DRIVE, MASTERS CIRCLE, CLARET COVE, AND LATROBE LANE WITHIN THE TRADITION CLUB. APPLICANT: WINCHESTER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC. Mayor Pena abstained due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. The Mayor Pro Tern declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Ms. di Iorio, Planning Manager, advised that this is a request to reconfigure existing lots at the Tradition Club to create 32 additional single-family residential lots, which are in Phases 2, 3, and 4 of Tract 28470. The lot sizes range from 13,904 sq. ft. to 25,506 sq. ft., with widths ranging from 71-154 feet and depths from 1 55-305 feet. The Kings Alcove street will be deleted and the affected lots will be double-loaded onto Del Gato Drive. She advised that on July 28, 1998, the Planning Commission recommended approval with a modification that lots along Del Gato Drive have a minimum width of 100 feet, which will create fewer lots than the applicant has requested. Mike Rowe, 41-865 Boardwalk, Suite 101, Palm Desert, of Winchester Development, representing Tradition Club Associates, advised that they are in agreement with the proposed conditions. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Mayor Pro Tern declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO.98-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR AMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 98-360, A SUPPLEMENT TO MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 20 August 1 8, 1 998 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 96-333 FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 28867, TO RECONFIGURE 92 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL LOTS LOCATED WITHIN TRACT MAP 28470, SOUTH OF CLARET COVE AND TALKING ROCK TURN AND EAST OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS WINCHESTER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC.) It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to adopt Resolution No.98-93 as submitted. Motion carried with Council Member Adolph and Mayor Pen a ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO.98-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING Tentative TRACT 28867 TO RECONFIGURE 92 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR A TOTAL OF 124 LOTS, LOCATED WITHIN TRACT MAP 28470, SOUTH OF CLARET COVE AND TALKING ROCK TURN AND EAST OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS WINCHESTER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC.) It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to adopt Resolution No.98-94 as submitted. Motion carried with Council Member Adolph and Mayor Pena ABSENT. 2. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28738 TO SUBDIVIDE 8.27 ACRES INTO 22 SINGLE-FAMILY AND OTHER COMMON LOTS WITHIN SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002 ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF SOUTHERN HILLS AND WEST OF FUTURE WINGED FOOT, ABUTTING THE JACK NICKLAUS TOURNAMENT GOLF COURSE WITHIN PGA WEST. APPLICANT: KSL LAND CORPORATION. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Ms. di Iorio, Planning Manager, advised that this is a request to subdivide 8.27 acres into 22 single-family lots ranging from 11 562 sq. ft. to 1 6,586 sq. ft. and other common lotsIocated on the southwest corner of Southern Hills and future Winged Foot, abutting the Jack Nicklaus Tournament Golf Course. The Planning Commission has recommended approval subject to findings and conditions. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 21 August 18, 1998 RESOLUTION NO.98-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28738 A 22 SINGLE- FAMILY AND OTHER COMMON LOT SUBDIVISION ON 8.27 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SOUTHERN HILLS AND FUTURE WINGED FOOT IN PGA WEST KSL LAND CORPORATION. It was moved by Council Members SniffiPerkins to adopt Resolution N6. 98-95 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. CERTIFICATION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 98-358, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-058 FROM LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, AND CHANGE OF ZONE 98-087 FROM LOW- DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND FRED WARING DRIVE. APPLICANT: H. A. ANDERSON. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that this is a General Plan Amendment and Change of Zone request from Low-Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial) for ten acres located at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive, which is adjacent to an existing ten acres with the Neighborhood Commercial designation. The Planning Commission has rec6mmended approval. Donald Hay, 44-1 55 Goldenrod Circle, spoke in opposition to the change, advising that a number of his neighbors are bpposed as well, but were unable to attend due to the hearing being held in the middle of August. He felt that allowing the land-use designation to change would have a dramatic effect on his neighborhood and was uncomfortable that no plans have been submitted with this request. He purchased his property based on the existing land-use designations of the surrounding properties and was concerned that this change may affect the eventual land use of the parcel between this project and his neighborhood. He urged Council to stay with the plan that was approved in 1 992. Linda Hay, 44-1 55 Goldenrod Circle, echoed her husband*s comments and stated that children play in the retention basin at the edge of the development. She noted that US Homes across the street is also concerned about how the BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 22 August 18, 1998 proposed change will affect the residential property values in Heritage Palms. She did not feel that this is what La Quinta needs at that corner. Bill Baker, 44-1 50 Goldenrod Circle, advised that he, too, is opposed to the zoning change. Patrick Sheridan, 44-585 Blazing Star Trail, felt the project is too big for the area and that the residents should be given notice of the development proposal in a more timely manner. Nelda Beyha, representing the H. A. Anderson and Jefferson Street Partners, felt that those objecting to the proposal might feel different if they knew that the residential property is in escrow and due to close by the middle of December; and there will be houses there. In response to Mayor Pena, Ms. Beyha advised that the buyer is requesting to expand the designation to 20 acres in order to build 200,000 square feet of building space for a grocery store, drug store, etc. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Herman advised that the Ralphs Shopping Center is only 4-5 acres in comparison to the proposed project. Staff's recommendation for approval was based on the following criteria: a buffer area exists between the commercial and residential areas; the General Plan limit for Neighborhood Commercial is 20 acres; and a 10-1 5 acre commercial project exists across the street. The County zoning designation for the property to the north is urban. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman advised that the applicant owns the entire 80 acres at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive. The 20-acre parcel between the existing residential and the commercial center is the property that is currently in escrow. It is also zoned residential and will serve as a buffer between the existing residential and the proposed commercial. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Herman advised that, when the undeveloped residential area is built, there will be some type of wall buffer between it and the commercial center. The new residential area wilt also be required to be compatible with the existing Cactus Flower development. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman confirmed that that residential area would be developed with the knowledge that the commercial property exists. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 23 August 1 8, 1 998 Mark Pierce, 48-701 Highway 111, of US Home Corporation, advised that he was not opposed to the expansion of the commercial aspect, but is concerned about the impact of this particular application. They feel an expansion of the commercial corridor along Jefferson Street would be inappropriate relative to the surrounding uses, particularly with the 388-acre Heritage Palms center across the street. They feel that staff has not adequately reviewed the impacts of the sound and light pollution that this project would have on the surrounding uses. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Pierce advised that their 11-acre commercial center on the southeast corner was planned as a complimentary use to La Quinta*s General Plan. He suggested that any expansion of the commercial center should be extended westwardly. They feel the proposal is incompatible with their land-use plan, which was designed to be compatible with La Quinta's land-use plan. Should the change be approved, he asked that restrictive conditions be placed on the project in regard to building heights, setbacks, landscaping, and operating hours, especially in regard to drive-thru restaurants. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Pierce advised that their 11-acre parcel abuts up to residential property, but with a residential street as a buffer. Mr. Hay was even more opposed to extending the commercial center westwardly toward Cactus Flower, and he felt the zone change should not be made until the developer lets Council know more about what will be going into the commercial center. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. Council Member Sniff advised that he was somewhat uncomfortable with this and suggested continuing this to September, given the fact that this is the middle of August. Mayor Pena agreed and advised that he was also uncomfortable with some of the issues and had been prepared to move forward with a denial on the zone change. Council Member Perkins felt the residents have an honest concern and he, too, was uncomfortable not knowing what would be going on the property and asked for the applicant to provide some type of sketch. He would not support the request now or in September without some type of idea what would be going in. He saw some value in keeping the parcel consistent with the property across the street. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 24 August 1 8, 1 998 in response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman advised that meeting notices were mailed to surrounding property owners for both the Planning Commission and City Council public hearings. Council Member Henderson advised that she was uncomfortable with what she is not" hearing, but she was not uncomfortable with dealing with this in August because the Council has maintained that this is a year*round city. She supported continuing this item to provide time to get additional information, but felt, sooner or later, the Council needs to address the bigger picture of what Jefferson Street is going to be. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that, ultimately, there will be hearings on that issue, but that process is still a little time away. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to continue the request for a General Plan Amendment and zone change for H. A. Anderson to September 1 5, 1 998. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 98-147. 4. CERTIFICATION OF MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 98-359, SPECIFIC PLAN NO.98-032 TO ALLOW 28 RESORT RESIDENTIAL UNITS, RECREATIONAL BUILDING, AND RELATED AMENITIES, AND APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98-040 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF 28 RESORT RESIDENTIAL UNITS AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF QUARRY LANE AND TOM FAZIO LANE NORTH IN THE QUARRY AT LA QUINTA. APPLICANT: LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the proposed Specific Plan and Conditional Use Permit is for 28 resort residential units in The Retreat at the Quarry. The Planning Commission reviewed this request on July 28, 1 998, and has recommended approval subject to conditions. Chris Shultz, 41 865 Boardwalk, Suite 101, Palm Desert, of Keith International, representing La Quinta Golf Properties, advised that they are in agreement with all of the conditions. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 25 August 1 8, 1 998 In response to Council Member Henderson, Mike Rowe, 41865 Boardwalk, Suite 1 01, Palm Desert, representing La Quinta Golf Properties, advised that the uncovered parking will be used for over-flow. Council Member Henderson suggested they consider using obelisks for street signage to provide a continuous coordinated look. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO.98-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 98-359 FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 98-032 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98-040, TO ALLOW RECREATIONAL AND RESORT RESIDENTIAL USES AT THE RETREAT AT THE QUARRY LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 98-96 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO.98-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN 98-032 FOR THE RETREAT AT THE QUARRY LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to adopt Resolution No.98-97 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO.98-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98-040 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF 28 RESORT RESIDENTIAL UNITS AT THE RETREAT AT THE QUARRY LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 98-98 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 26 August 1 8, 1 998 BUSINESS SESSION continued Council concurred on taking up Business Session Item No.1 2, which was continued from the afternoon session. 12. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO PREPARE A DESIGN THEME, ASSESSMENTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND Engineers*S ESTIMATE NECESSARY TO DEVELOP THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT continued). Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that staff has reviewed this with Bond Counsel who feels that any challenges that come up with the assessment district funding issue can be resolved. Therefore, staff recommends moving forward with the RFP process as presented by staff. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to: 1) approve the Consultant Selection Committee; 2) approve the issuance of a Request for Proposal RFP) for Professional Engineering Services to prepare plans, specifications, and engineer's estimate for Phase V-A Village commercial area), Phase V-B Cove area), Phase V-C Westward Ho area), Phase V-D Sagebrush, Bottlebrush and Saguaro area), and the assessment engineering for public sewer installation and design services and development of the Village Commercial District prototype street); and 3) direct staff to receive proposals from qualified firms and negotiate terms of a Professional Services Agreement with the most qualified firm as determined by the Consultant Selection Committee to be considered by the City Council at a future date. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-148. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Palm Springs Desert Resort Convention & Visitor's Bureau Council Member Henderson asked if staff has reviewed CVB's investment policy, to which Mr. Genovese, City Manager, responded yes and added that the major concern is that they primarily use LAIF as their major investment. League of California Cities Administrative Services Committee Council Member Henderson reported that there was some discussion at their meeting in Sacramento regarding SB1 785, which is a Bill dealing with animal shelters and carries with it, the possibility of some unfunded mandates from the State to the cities. The League is seeking additional information regarding additional liabilities to cities before recommending a position. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U, City Council Minutes 27 August 1 8, 1 998 ** All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS A-2. BOND CLOSING DINNER. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the bond closing dinner is tentatively scheduled for September 19, 1 998. C-2. RE-ALIGNMENT OF GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk, advised that the City's election schedule was changed in 1 993 from even to odd-numbered years at the urging of the County Election Department, who offered a 50% discount on election costs for cities making this change, in an effort to equalize their workload. November 1 997, was the second election held under this arrangement and the City has seen a significant drop in voter turnout since the election schedule was changed. She advised that the staff report contains an outline of the procedure for changing the election schedule back to consolidate with the Statewide general election held in even-numbered years. Should Council wish to pursue this change, staff can prepare an ordinance for presentation at the September 1 5 Council meeting. Within 30 days after the second reading of the ordinance, notices would be mailed to all registered voters, informing them of the change in the election date, as well as the change in the terms of the officeholders. Council Member Sniff felt the City has tried the change for two elections and has seen a significant decrease in voter participation. He felt that it is imperative for the election schedule to be changed back to the Presidential election cycle to encourage increased participation by voters and supported agendizing it for September 1 5. Council concurred. BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 28 August 1 8, 1 998 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE BUS STOP AT WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111. Council Member Perkins commented on the heavy use of the bus stop at Washington Street and Highway 111 near the Auto Club, advising that he and Council Member Henderson are going to look into some Wpe*of bus stop at the Auto Club, as well as on the other side of Washington Street. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that SunLine has funded a bus turnout for Dune Palms Road and Highway 111. Mayor Pena and staff will talk to SunLine about getting a bus shelter there as well. 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING EMPOWERMENT ZONES. Council Member Sniff wished to have staff provide Council with information on empowerment zones and how they affect La Quinta. 3. DISCUSSION REGARDING CHANGING THE SPECIAL MEETING DATE. Council Member Henderson asked Council to consider changing the joint meeting with the Planning Commission on October 1 to another date as she has another meeting in Long Beach. Council concurred on rescheduling the meeting for the following week. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to Closed Session as delineated on Page 1. Council reconvened with no decision being made which requires reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code Brown Act). BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02 ^U,City Council Minutes 29 August 1 8, 1 998 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Re y submitted, LA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 10-05-1998-U01 01:50:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 18-U02 1998-U02