1998 10 08 CC Minutesd_U LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL
OCTOBER 8, 1998
Special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council/Planning Commission was called
to order at the hour of 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Pena, followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Council Roll Call:
PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena
Planning Commission Roll Call
PRESENT: Planning Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Chairman Tyler
ABSENT: Planning Commissioner Kirk
Calvin Cree, P.O. Box 25, Rancho Mirage, President of DevQn Group Inc., advised that
they are in the process of developing 1 30 residential units in the Thermal area,
adjacent to the north boundary of Airport Boulevard. He advised that if they are
unable to remain unincorporated, the existing homeowners would prefer being annexed
by La Quinta as opposed to Coachella, and he hoped the City would consider including
this area in their future annexation plans.
Ms. di Iorio, Planning Manager, advised that this is a continued discussion of
land use and circulation issues for the General Plan update. She then introduced
consultants, Denise Ashton and Mark Blodgett, of David Evans & Associates,
and Steve Sasaki, of W. P. A. Traffic Engineers.
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Denise Ashton, 23382 Millcreek Drive, Laguna Hills, consultant with David
Evans & Associates, thanked the City Council and Planning Commission for their
feedback and advised that, as a result of this meeting, a land use plan would be
prepared and used as a basis for the General Plan. She advised that at the last
meeting, it was noted that the City is looking at potential annexations to the
north in the Bermuda Dunes area, as well as eastward to the Thermal Airport.
By looking at existing land uses, approved specific plans and tract maps, and
land use change requests from property owners and developers, they have
identified opportunity sites" for land use alternatives. In reviewing the City's
main traffic corridors, she advised that, in anticipation of City growth to the
east, there is a need to find a way to get traffic from that area into the City.
She noted that there are a number of vacant parcels in the north Bermuda
Dunes area that would accommodate a vision of in-fill and commercial
development, with resort development in the middle area of the City. To the
southeast there is potential for economic development. Under the low-density
land use plan alternative, a large portion of the commercial property to the
southeast would be converted to low-density residential, resulting in an increase
in the number of residential units with build-out, but decreasing the commercial
square footage and average daily trips. This alternative assumes agricultural use
in all of the Thermal area.
In response to Mayor Pena, Ms. Ashton advised that the seasonal density of the
proposed golf course units was determined by multiplying the acreage by the
allowable density in the General Plan.
Mark Blodgen, 23382 Millcreek Drive, Laguna Hills, consultant with David
Evans & Associates, gave a brief explanation on how they calculated the trip
generation rates.
Council Member Sniff questioned there being a consistency of current
agricultural uses toward the southeast as he believed there's a consistent
erosion of agriculture uses instead.
Ms. Ashton agreed, but advised that the purpose of this alternative is to show
the existing agricultural uses, which are shown in somewhat of a holding
Mr. Tyler pointed out that the proposed Southwest Community Church and the
Garden of Champions tennis complex will be major traffic generators.
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Mr. Blodgett advised that those traffic figures, along with other known projects,
will be calculated into the General Plan, as well as traffic figures for future build-
out over the next 10-1 5 years.
In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Blodgett advised that a manual
produced by the Institute of Transportation Engineers was used to calculate the
traffic figures. They also looked at traffic generation studies for the Southern
California region, as well as looking at individual uses.
Council Member Perkins felt traffic is one of the most critical issues that the
City will face, pointing out that the CityZs off-season traffic has increased.
Mr. Blodgett then commented on the CityZs transportation network, noting that
the City has done a lot of things right over the last 1 5-20 years.
Council Member Sniff felt there's a need to plan for better than adequate
circulation to the southeast and into the City, possibly even constructing it
before the need arrives.
Mr. Butler was concerned about converting commercial property in the
southeast to low-density residential because the people in that area will need
commercial services. He asked if the General Plan would accommodate the
need to acquire property rights for the purpose of widening the streets to handle
the increased traffic circulation.
Ms. Ashton advised that it would be part of the land use plan. She also pointed
out that there is a 35-acre commercial parcel in the PGA West area. She then
reviewed the high-density land use alternative plan, wherein various parcels
would be converted into medium-density residential, mixed-regional commercial,
and tourist commercial. The urban mixed use at the Village center would be
changed to medium-density residential, with a neighborhood commercial
overlay. In regard to the Thermal area, she advised that they looked at general
land use policies showing low-density residential, transitioning to very-low-
density residential and a pocket of commercial park. She then compared the
statistics of the two land use plans as follows:
d_UCity Council Minutes 4 October 8, 1 998
low-density i'Ian high-density olan
number of residential units 11 O00 1 5,300
commercial land 5.2 million sq. ft. 27 million sq. ft.
average daily trips 300,000 900,000
population 34,000 73,000
In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Ashton advised that the Thermal area
included in this particular study is south from Airport Boulevard to Avenue 64
and out to Polk Street.
Mike Wells, P.O. Box 281, Thermal, Chairman of ThermallOasis Community
Council, stated that he believed the residents of the Thermal area prefer
remaining unincorporated because of restrictions the city would impose on their
lifestyle. He noted that everyone is making plans for Thermal without asking
for their input and they would appreciate being included.
Mayor Pena advised that this is only a broad-based planning session and that
their input and concerns would be taken into account should the City look to
expanding toward that area.
Council Member Henderson felt the City would want to know what their
concerns are long before starting any kind of annexation process, noting that
the purpose of this discussion is to determine if thereZs a consensus of the
Council to even approach the residents.
Council Member Sniff agreed, but felt there is significant interest in moving
In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Wells advised that the boundaries of
the Community Council are everything south of Coachella, east of La Quinta to
the foothills and canal on the east and south of the County line on the Oasis
side of the Salton Sea. He noted that Mecca has their own community council.
The historical boundaries of Thermal are south of Avenue 54 to approximately
Avenue 66 and from La QuintaZs eastern boundary to the canal on the east.
There is currently an application for community of interest for that area for them
to retain their rural lifestyles.
Council Member Perkins advised that the City is just taking a broad look at the
area and would not start anything without the cooperation of the people.
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Mr. Wells noted that everyone is interested in the airport, but not the Thermal
Village, and he felt if the City is going to consider annexation of the area, that
it should go all the way to the canal and not leave the Thermal Village out.
They prefer remaining unincorporated, but if they are annexed, a number of
residents would prefer being a part of La Quinta as opposed to Coachella.
In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Wells advised that the latest
census shows Thermal with a population of 4,500, Oasis with 4,900, and
Mecca with 4,000.
Council Member Sniff asked if the City should decide to move eastward and
leave the heavily populated area intact and in the County, would they prefer the
City think globally and go all the way to the canal, to which Mr. Wells
responded yes.
Council Member Perkins noted that they would have a greater voice in the City
if the whole area was annexed.
Mr. Wells advised that they have approximately 1 500 registered voters.
Chevis Hosea, 55-920 PGA Boulevard, Vice President of Land and Commercial
Development for KSL Land Corporation, felt it's important to keep in mind that
La Quinta is a world class destination resort community, with golf as its biggest
asset. They have over 250,000 guests at their resort each year and are
planning to build another golf resort. He then commented on the success of the
La Quinta Hotel, as well as their residential market statistics, noting that La
Quinta has approximately 25% of the valley's market share of high-end, pre-
retirement, second, third, and fourth homes. He noted that the tourist
commercial uses are a great economic driver for the City.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Hosea advised that they are actively
planning another hotel, hopefully at The Ranch, and plan to convert the present
hotel site at PGA West to residential.
Curt Ealy, 777 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, an attorney representing
the Kohl Ranch, advised that the owners of the Kohl Ranch, which is a 2,100-
acre ranch located south of the airport, are very interested in becoming a part
of La Quinta. They have an approved specific plan with seven overlay zones.
The first priority consists of a concept of primarily residential with some
industrial near the airport. The remaining zones progress into increasingly larger
industrial parcels, with the seventh being entirely industrial.
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Jack Cotton, 84-850 Avenue 58, Thermal, advised that he owns a 41-acre
parcel on the northwest corner of Highway 86 and Avenue 58, which is
deadlocked for water. If he can get his property zoned commercial
manufacturing, he will support being annexed into La Quinta.
Council Member Sniff stated that the comments from the audience have given
him a little different perspective and he wished to hear from them again in the
future. He felt the City needs to continue moving forward, with some deliberate
speed, with an exploratory process toward possible annexation of all, or part of,
the area to the southeast.
Mayor Pena agreed and encouraged the people to stay in communication with
staff for the purpose of continuing in a direction that will benefit most people
in that area.
Council Member Perkins complimented staff and the consultants. He was
particularly pleased that they are traffic-oriented from a standpoint of what is
going to happen in the future. He felt the Council is concerned about the CityZs
future and has emphasized that the people in Thermal will be a part of any
process to move in that direction.
Council Member Adolph agreed that pre-planning for traffic is important,
especially since the City has few north/south streets. He noted that La Quinta
is basically a bedroom community that needs more commercial businesses and
hotels to bring in the revenue needed for infrastructure, especially if the areas
to the north and southeast are annexed. He felt pre-planning is important, both
financially and aesthetically for the image that the City wants.
Mr. Abels agreed with the direction the pre-planning is going, and in regard to
the shortage of north/south streets, he noted that Council Member Sniff fought
to retain Adams Street some years ago.
Mr. Robbins concurred with CouncilZs comments.
Mr. Tyler felt the City's traffic issue is somewhat unique, noting that it doesnZt
have full control of its two major north/south streets Jefferson and Washington
Streets) because they are shared with neighboring cities. He hoped to strike a
balance in the middle between the low-density and high-density alternative land
use plans.
Council Member Henderson wished for staff to obtain some contact information
for Mr. Wells and the Community Council and perhaps pursue a joint meeting
with them to get a feel for their official word.
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Lilly Higgins, of Thermal Chamber of Commerce, felt their Chamber got slighted
when it was announced on TV that the Thermal City Council was in favor of
changing the name of the Thermal Airport. She advised that Thermal has no
City Council and that neither the Chamber of Commerce nor the Community
Council were included in that decision.
Council Member Henderson felt it is important for Council to consider how much
and what parts of this area are appropriate for tourist commercial because that
will be vital to the economic growth of the community. She also expressed
some disappointment about Council not receiving written copies of the
consultant's presentation for easy reference.
Council Member Sniff suggested an intermediate or moderate-density land use
plan with a significant effort made to maintain, wherever possible, an
agricultural character should the City decide to annex the area toward the canal.
He suggested the City continue to move forward with the annexation toward
the southeast, possibly all the way to the canal, and didn't wish to give up on
an annexation of some nature in the Bermuda Dunes area. He felt it's essential
for the City to maintain diversity and not be totally oriented in one direction.
Mayor Pena thanked the audience for their attendance and encouraged them to
stay involved in the process.
Ms. Ashton stated that she had hoped to get direction and come to a plan
during the meeting, but will work toward a medium-density land use plan to
bring back to Council.
There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to
adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
A L. JUHOLA, City Clerk
City of La Quinta, California