1999 03 16 CC Minutesing -> 10Yh LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 16, 1999 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None Mayor Pena introduced La Quinta High School student, Desiree Morales, who is *?job shadowing? the Mayor today. PUBLIC COMMENT None Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with labor negotiators Ski Harrison, Tom Hartung, and John Falconer, regarding negotiations with the La Quinta City Employees Association pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Meet and Confer Process. 2. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(3)(C) concerning Spanos project that has several threats of litigation on file from prior public hearings. 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT Joyce Sivley, 79-775 Westward Ho Drive, asked if the work being done on Jefferson Street and Westward Ho Drive is related to the sewer line construction that the residents have been waiting for since 1 992. She also noted that there are three new developments going in on Miles Avenue in lndio, and felt the City should have annexed the golf course because the City is going to lose the sales revenue from the golf course when the entrance is moved to Miles Avenue. ** * * * * * * * * BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 2 March 1 6, 1 999 Rosita Shamis, 78-955 Del Monte Court, asked the Council to consider a contribution of $4,000 to help send eight teachers from Truman Elementary School to the McCalIum Theater this summer for one week of training as part of the McCalIum Aesthetic Education Program. She advised that the teachers will be bringing the program back to the classes in the fall, and noted that reports show that students academic levels are increased when exposed to music and the arts at an early age. The School District has agreed to fund $4,000 for four teachers to attend the training, and is asking the City to match that amount to send four additional teachers. This will help make Truman Elementary School a focus school for the entire School District. Kajsa ThurGnsen Frary, Director of Education for the McCallum Theater, advised that the program is modeled after the Lincoln Center Institute in New York. The components of the program consist of the teacher training at the workshop, followed up by professional artists working with the teachers and students in the classrooms, and the students attending live performances at the McCallum Theater. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Frary advised that the works of art being studied are music, theater, and jazz tap dancing. Council Member Adolph advised that he has attended the live performance portion of the program and observed that the children were very attentive to the program. In response to Mayor Pena, Ms. Frary advised that the teacher training is a five-day workshop. Council Member Sniff suggested referring it to staff for discussion during the budget process. Council Member Perkins felt it should be brought back earlier than that if the workshop is to be held in June. Council Member Henderson understood that the $1 000 that the Council contributed to the McCallum Theater earlier this fiscal year was for this program. Ms. Shamis noted that the Cultural Arts Commission has voted to support this program. Council concurred on referring this to staff to be brought back for Council's consideration. BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 3 March 1 6, 1 999 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Genovese, City Manager, asked that Consent Calendar Item No.1 3 Amendment to Korve Engineering Contract/Montero Estates Noise Study) be moved to Business Session Item No.3. Council Member Perkins advised that he has a presentation to make to the City Engineer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the City Council Minutes of March 2, 1 999, as submitted. Motion carried with Mayor Pena ABSTAINING. ANNOUNCEMENTS None PRESENTATIONS Captain Singerton, of the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, introduced La Quinta Explorers Club Advisor, Deputy John Doyle, who then gave a brief presentation on the Explorers Club Program, and introduced Associate Advisor, Community Safety Officer Damen Butvidas, and La Quinta Explorers Club Members Adam Sambrano, Tammy Gutierrez, and Monica Santianos. Council expressed their appreciation for the program. * * ** ** * * * * Council Member Perkins made a humorous presentation to Chris Vogt, Public Works Director. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE 1. LETTER FROM THE CITY OF INDIO REGARDING SPONSORSHIP IN EAST VALLEY INDEPENDENCE DAY FESTIVAL." Council Member Sniff wished to see an agenda for the event, and suggested referring this to staff for more information and possibly agendizing it for April 6, 1999. Council concurred. BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 4 March 1 6, 1 999 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 16, 1999. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER?S REPORT DATED JANUARY 31, 1999, FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY. 3. AUTHORIZATION OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE PLANNING MANAGER TO ATTEND THE ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO, APRIL 29-MAY 2, 1999. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR COUNCIL MEMBER ADOLPH TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE IN NEWPORT BEACH, APRIL 22-23, 1999. 5. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GUEST BADGES TO THE DINAH SHORE GOLF TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD MARCH 22-28, 1999, IN RANCHO MIRAGE. RESOLUTION NO.99-44) 6. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA-CITY OF INDIO-COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE-CVAG REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE PROJECT PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AND FINAL DESIGN OF THE JEFFERSON STREET ULTIMATE IMPROVEMENTS FROM AVENUE 54 TO INDIO BOULEVARD. 7. ACCEPTANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATIONS FOR JEFFERSON STREET AND MADISON STREET. 8. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.4 FOR PROJECT NO.98-07, WASHINGTON STREET AND MILES AVENUE WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS TO INCORPORATE DESIGN CHANGES. 9. AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT SECURITY ASSOCIATED WITH TRACTS 24890-8 AND 24890-9, KSL LAND CORPORATION. 10. AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT SECURITY ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 28776, KSL LAND CORPORATION. 11. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 28458-1, THE EXCHANGE GROUP. RESOLUTION NO.98-45) BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 5 March 1 6, 1 999 12. APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 99-197 FOR AN OUTDOOR DRAMA TO BE HELD APRIL 2, 1999, FROM 7:00 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. IN THE OPEN DESERT SOUTH OF CALLE TECATE ON CITY-OWNED AND CVWD-OWNED LAND. APPLICANT: DESERT SPRINGS CHURCH/DESERT PARABLE PLAYERS. 13. SEE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO.3. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with Item Nos. 5 and 11 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 99-44 and 99-45 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.99-27. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF AN APPOINTMENT OF TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE CIVIC CENTER ART PURCHASE COMMITTEE DURING THE LA QUINTA ARTS FESTIVAL. Ms. Horvitz, Community Services Director, advised that two Council Members need to be appointed to serve on the Civic Center Art Purchase Committee during the La Quinta Arts Festival. Council Member Henderson stated that she has always questioned the current procedure because of the limited budget that the committee has to deal with, and she suggested that a Special City Council meeting be called on Thursday afternoon, wherein a committee would be selected to go to the festival and review the art, then come back to the Council with a recommendation for purchase, with the funds coming from the Art in Public Places APP) Fund. This would allow the Council to set the budget for the purchase after the art has been reviewed. Council Member Adolph agreed that the current procedure is somewhat of a problem, and stated that he supports making a purchase based on quality, not the amount. Council Member Perkins didn't see a need for making a big production out of this, and felt the current procedure has worked pretty well in the past. Council Member Sniff felt that Council Member Henderson's suggestion is a good idea, but wasn't sure of its practicality. He supported the idea of using the APP Fund, and suggested that the cap amount be increased. He felt it's BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 6 March 1 6, 1 999 best to stay with the current program this year, and possibly make some changes next year. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that she didn't see any problem with utilizing the APP Fund for the art purchases. Mayor Pena suggested giving each Council Member $2,000 from the APP Fund for them to make individual art selections. Council Member Sniff felt it should be a committee decision, and suggested increasing the cap to $7,500. Council Member Henderson felt if the cap is raised that it should be for the purpose of purchasing a more expensive piece of art, not for purchasing more pieces just for the sake of spending the money. Council Member Perkins felt if a not to exceed" amount is allocated, that the committee should have the discretion of determining how many pieces to buy. Council Member Sniff agreed. There was a brief discussion regarding who has served on the committee during the last few years resulting in Council Members Sniff and Adolph volunteering to serve this year. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to appoint Council Members Adolph and Sniff to the Civic Center Art Purchase Committee, and to raise the cap to $7,500 with no leeway percentage) and utilizing the Art in Public Places APP) Fund. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 99-28. PUBLIC COMMENT Carol Bishop, Principal of Truman Elementary School, introduced the school's music teacher, Mary Little, and distributed a news article reporting that fine arts empower children by increasing their reading and math scores. She urged the Council to support the request discussed earlier under public comment in regard to the McCallum Aesthetics Education Workshop. Council Member Sniff advised her that this has been referred to staff, and will be brought back to Council for consideration. BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 7 March 1 6, 1 999 2. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING SENATE BILL NO.223 FACILITATING THE RESTORATION OF THE SALTON SEA. Mr. Wilson, Management Analyst, advised that the Salton Sea Authority has requested the City's support for Senate Bill No.223, which will provide the ability to form an Infrastructure Financing District related to the restoration of the Salton Sea. He advised that several local cities and agencies have voted to support the legislation. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Wilson advised that he wasn't sure what the boundary lines are, but believed they are the heavy black lines and streets shown on the map contained in the staff report. Council Member Sniff felt the boundaries should be better defined on the map. Council Member Henderson didn't have a problem supporting the legislation. Council Member Sniff stated that he would support it, but wished to have further definition of the area. RESOLUTION NO.99-46 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING SENATE BILL 223, SALTON SEA AUTHORITY INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING DISTRICT. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 99-46 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH KORVE ENGINEERING TO INCLUDE MONTERO ESTATES NOISE STUDY, SOUND WALL DESIGN, AND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FORMATION INTO ORIGINAL SCOPE OF SERVICES. Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that on February 24, 1 999, staff met with residents of the Montero Estates in one of the backyards fronting Washington Street, and discussed what had occurred at the February 1 6 study session, wherein the Gordon Bricken Noise Study was discussed. He advised that the proposed amendment to the Korve Engineering contract, which is broken into different sections, is for a total amount not to exceed $98,177. The acoustical study section will cost approximately $17,000, and will take noise measurements for homes fronting Washington Street and Avenue 50 to BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 8 March 1 6, 1 999 determine if a sound wall is required and if so, if it will create any additional noise in the interior portion of the tract. The sound wall design section of the contract amendment will cost approximately $27,000. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Vogt confirmed that the sound study will analyze if building a sound wall will result in any impacts that will increase the sound in the interior. Mayor Pena asked if it was made clear to the residents that building a sound wall may increase the noise in the interior. Council Member Henderson noted that not only did staff mention it at the February 24 meeting, but one of the homeowners spoke about the traffic noise increasing at her property in the interior portion of the tract after some improvements were made on the lot next door. Council Member Perkins cited some examples in other cities where sound wall construction has increased the interior noise, and voiced some concern about the same things happening here. In addition, he noted that some of the Laguna de Ia Paz residents have been watching this, and have suggested that they need the same thing. Mr. Vogt advised that the study will also include the reflective noise that would occur across the street. Marc Dallanegra, 78-496 Calle Seama, read a letter signed by 35 Montero Estates residents which stated that they feel it's the City's fiscal responsibility to remedy the noise problem at no cost to the residents because the property is owned by the City and because the growth and promotion of the community is responsible for the noise problem. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, noted that traffic noise has increased and will continue to increase in many of the neighborhoods, and he felt it?s ludicrous for residents to think that the City should be responsible for maintaining the status quo on noise levels. He also objected to City funds being spent to study the problem. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Vogt explained that one section of the Gordon Bricken report stated that an 8-10' high wall would be sufficient and in another section it stated that a 10-1 2' high wall would be required. This inconsistency in the report is another reason for doing a final study with the exact mitigation. In regard to level of service Page 13 of the staff report), he advised that the General Plan calls for 60,000 vehicles per day on Washington BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 9 March 1 6, 1 999 Street at build-out, which would reduce the level of service from D" to F". However, since traffic tends to take the path of least resistance, after some of the traffic shifts to other streets, the level of service would return to C" or Council Member Henderson noted that a landscaped median on Washington Street is proposed for the future and should have some impact on the noise problem, and she felt it should be addressed in this study as to whether or not it will decrease some of the requirements. She also felt that perhaps the medians should be moved forward in the CIP. Mayor Pena felt at some point a policy should be considered to determine when the City is going to pay for a noise study. Mr. Vogt advised that he has looked into that as part of the developer fee process, and in looking only at Jefferson Street, Washington Street, and Fred Waring Drive, the cost estimate for placing sound walls along existing developments is $1 5 million. Council Member Sniff felt the criteria that is used should be a significant defined area such as Montero Estates or Laguna de Ia Paz. He didn't have a problem instituting this incremental effort for the Montero area because it's been an issue for a long time. The next steps will be determined after some well-defined information has been received. Mayor Pena agreed, but felt at some point it's going to be necessary to develop a policy because of City growth and traffic increase. Council Member Adolph noted that the current setback requirements should prevent noise from being a problem with developments in the future. In response to Council Member Adolph, Eldon Lee, of Korve Engineering, advised that the micro analysis will be subcontracted out to Gordon Bricken Associates. Council Member Adolph advised that he wasn't in favor of building a 1 2' high wall, and felt that landscaping should be utilized to help mitigate the impacts. Council Member Sniff hoped the acoustical study would be completed and the information brought back to Council in a relatively short period of time. Mr. Vogt advised that it would take approximately six weeks to complete. BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 10 March 16, 1999 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve Contract Amendment No.1 with Korve Engineering in an amount not to exceed $98,177 to prepare Montero Estates Noise Study sound wall plans, specifications, Engineer's estimate, and conduct, if appropriate, Assessment District formation. Council Member Henderson asked if each step would be brought back incrementally if the approval is for the total amount. Mr. Vogt confirmed that the results of the sound study will be brought back to Council in May for further discussion on whether or not to move forward with the sound wall design and formation of the Assessment District. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.99-29. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF THE 1999/2000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that the City's Economic Development Plan EDP), which was first adopted in 1 996, is reviewed and updated each year prior to budget review. The plan attempts to define the community's vision for future development. While the Mission Statement has remained unchanged from prior years, the plan itself has been updated to include the findings of the recently completed market analysis prepared by The Sedway Group. For this year, the implementation policies remain generally unchanged except for a recommendation from staff to add language to the City/Agency Private Project Investment Policy to indicate that eligible projects are those that do not significantly and detrimentally impact existing enterprises. He reviewed the target areas accomplished during FY 1998/99 as follows: completion of the Sedway Market Study; approval of The Centre at La Quinta auto mall; initiation of various infrastructure improvements; revisions to The Village development plan; annexation feasibility review; approval of affordable housing agreements with Catellus Residential Group; and initiation of an extensive marketing program. Under suggested implementation activities for the new year, staff is recommending the addition of recreation opportunities," which is geared toward exploring opportunities for cooperative ventures that might result in affordable golfing opportunities for City residents, possibly at the south end of the Cove or in the southeast section of the City. Subsidizing golf at an existing course is another possibility. Other suggested activities for 1 999/2000 are: BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 11 March 1 6, 1999 continued marketing of Highway 111 commercial sites and Agency property at Miles Avenue and Washington Street; complete design and initiate construction of The Village infrastructure improvements; enter negotiations with a live/work housing developer and analyze potential of a rehabilitation loan program for commercial and office properties in The Village; continue annexation policy discussions; conclude affordable housing agreement for Agency property at Avenue 48 and Adams Street; and enhance the City's marketing efforts. He advised that staff is looking for direction in regard to finalizing the EDP for adoption at a later date. Council Member Adolph suggested using larger print for the document in the future. Council Member Sniff wished to see the efforts prioritized, noting that less time might want to be spent on recreation and more time on things such as Highway 111, annexations, or housing. in response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Weiss advised that staff has left prioritization of the efforts up to Council. Council Member Sniff felt priority should be given to efforts leading to the greatest possible diverse revenue sources such as hotel and retail activities. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the projects can be prioritized, but pointed out that concentration on one effort, such as the Highway 111 Corridor, does not mean that it will be done because many of these projects will take years to complete. Council Member Sniff noted that the City has been dealing with The Village since March 1 984 and nothing substantial has happened. He felt there's value in selective emphasis. Mayor Pena pointed out that a shopping center has been built in The Village, along with an affordable housing complex and the Civic Center. Council Member Henderson noted that the EDP, CIP, and Council Goals are all intertwined, and felt the door should be left open for discussion back and forth between them. Mayor Pena noted that many of the issues are repeated, which could help in prioritizing them. BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 1 2 March 1 6, 1 999 Council Member Henderson felt the plan for The Village was put together with significant input from the community, and that implementation of the plan was not up to the City, but rather up to the development community. She felt that if it doesn't develop after the infrastructure is in place, then it's a market condition problem, and didn't feel that whatever has or has not happened is due to the City making inappropriate decisions. Mayor Pena agreed, and noted that anything feasible has not been turned away. Council Member Henderson noted the following two changes that need to be made in the EDP: change Garden of Champions tennis complex) to the new name; and change Desert Regional Airport to Desert Resorts Regional Airport. Council concurred on taking up Study Session Item No.3 Council's Goals) at this time. 3. DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that Attachment No.1 of the staff report takes into account all the comments made by Council at the February 1 6 Study Session, which explains why some goals are duplicated. He then proceeded to review the goals and how they relate to the EDP, CIP, and budget, as well as the current standing of each one. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Genovese advised that staff would look into abatement possibilities regarding the vacant building on top of the hill on Highway 111, and that the Civic Center Campus should be coming back to Council for further consideration within a few months. Council Member Henderson noted that several of the goals are related to infrastructure improvements, and felt the most critical one is citizen notification. She understood that it's difficult to place a time line on the projects at this time, but questioned why it's being considered under the budget hearings instead of just drafting a letter to be sent to the residents of the various areas. Mayor Pena agreed that the City needs to do a better job communicating to the residents what the current status is. Mr. Vogit, Public Works Director, advised that letters are being drafted to fit the unique situation of each area. BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10Yh City Council Minutes 13 March 16, 1999 Mr. Genovese advised that notices regarding the status will also be placed in the La Quinta Post and Chamber of Commerce newsletter. Mr. Genovese advised that improvements to the bus stops on Highway 111 have been held up by Caltrans. After a brief discussion, Council directed staff to look into the possibility of taking over control of Highway 111 from Caltrans. Council Member Henderson questioned why the Historical Society Museum is listed in Council's Goals. Council Member Sniff felt the intent was to enhance the museum in order to draw more people to The Village. Mayor Pena suggested changing the status for movie theater, transfer station, and annexation goals from currently underway" to under consideration." Council Member Adolph stated that he understood Coachella and lndio are getting closer to reaching an agreement on a transfer station. Council Member Sniff believed the City should be available and active in this issue whenever it's appropriate. Council Member Adolph advised that he was told by Mike Smith that the Bermuda Dunes residents are interested in being annexed by La Quinta, and that they want to know how the City feels about it. Palm Desert wants to include the area in their sphere of influence, rather than annex it, and the residents are opposed to that. Council Member Perkins felt the City should follow up on this without making a commitment at this time. Council Member Sniff wished to see the two annexation areas listed separately. Mayor Pena advised that he has received several calls from residents of the Thermal area as well, and felt perhaps both annexation areas should be agendized for discussion and considered in the budget. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that discussions have already begun with Kiner/Goodsell regarding next year's promotion program, which staff will be bringing forward with a recommendation during the budget process. Some parts of the program will BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 14 March 1 6, 1 999 carry over from this year such as the Dine La Quinta program, which is scheduled to go through August. Council Member Henderson noted that the EDP calls for the Dine La Quinta and Live La Quinta programs to continue next year, and although the Dine La Quinta program has been successful, she was concerned about over-doing it and felt it should be limited to once a year or every two years. She was also concerned about over-doing the TV advertising. The Live La Quinta program, which has just begun, might be successful running twice a year. She supported enhancing the City's trade show booth, and advised that she would be taking a good look at next year's promotion proposal because she felt we could be too repetitive. Council Member Sniff agreed with Council Member Henderson on the Dine La Quinta program, and felt the TV advertising segments should have a reasonably short life, except for the ad about how good it is to work with La Quinta, which he felt should be continued in some form. The ads should pique people's interest about the City, especially as it relates to business opportunities. Council Member Perkins didn't feel the City is at the point to have a strong Shop La Quinta program because there aren't that many places to shop yet. He felt the Dine La Quinta program should be done once or twice a year after the season starts. Mayor Pena agreed, and felt the Shop La Quinta program might be good when the auto mall opens. Council concurred on continuing the Study Session until after the public hearing see Page 15). Council recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT None PRESENTATIONS Mayor Pena presented a proclamation to Janki LaLani, Liz Hart, and Mia Bellas proclaiming Promise Day" in the City of La Quinta. BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 1 5 March 1 6, 1 999 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CERTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 98-369. APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28982, SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 98-631, AND TRACT 24230 AMENDMENT NO.1) A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE 10.17 ACRES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 160 AIRSPACE CONDOMINIUMS AND ELIMINATION OF A REQUIREMENT TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 47 AND ADAMS STREET. APPLICANT: MAINIERO, SMITH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR A. G. SPANOS CORPORATION. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that Council continued this item on February 16, 1999, and that the developer has requested a further continuance to April 20, 1 999. Jay Roberts, 47-790 Via Jardin, of the Lake La Quinta Homeowners Association, expressed appreciation to Council for their spirit and understanding. Dr. James Calvin, 45-51 5 Via Florence, wished to see the density cut in half, the building heights reduced to one story, and the apartment designation changed to condominiums because he felt the current proposal is out of harmony with the Lake La Quinta project, which was built after the zoning was approved. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to continue the public hearing for Environmental Assessment 98-369, Tentative Tract Map 28982, Site Development Permit 98-631, and Tract 24230 Amendment No.1) for Mainero, Smith and Associates and A. G. Spanos Corporation to April 20, 1999. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.99-30. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency. Council reconvened. STUDY SESSION...............continued 1. DISCUSSION OF COUNCIL GOALS. continued) Mr. Genovese, City Manager, continued his review of the goals as listed in Attachment No.1 of the staff report, and advised that each one will be included BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 1 6 March 1 6, 1999 in the budget documents including the CIP and EDP) as either an item for consideration or an item that staff is working on. Council Member Sniff reiterated his concern about the lack of prioritization in the EDP, and felt the focus should be on efforts that will enhance the City's revenue such as commercial development along Highway 111. Mayor Pena asked if Council wished to prioritize the items now or at a later meeting. Council Member Henderson felt the items that are revenue important are automatically top priority, and that it's difficult to prioritize the goals otherwise because of their interrelation. Council Member Sniff felt if there's any division of labor and time, that the primary focus should be on the most revenue-enhancing items. Council concurred. 2. DISCUSSION OF DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 199912000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CIP). Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that the draft Capital Improvement Program CIP) includes projects that have been prioritized for the next five years, as well as a list of additional projects. Staff has taken a conservative approach in preparing the report by basing it on infrastructure funds that are currently available. The first year of the CIP is called the Capital Budget. All of the projects in last year's CIP, which was for was $12,090,798, are completed or in various stages of design or construction with the exception of the Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trail, which has been carried over to next year's budget. The Washington Street widening project, which is scheduled to be completed by December 1 999, will be completed by the County as part of the settlement agreement on the tennis complex project. The estimated total project costs for the five-year CIP is $20,663,837 with additional projects totaling $13,751,347. Project costs for FY 1 999/2000 is $10,042, 11 7. Staff recommended the following projects be moved from the CIP to the additional projects list: Washington Street storm drain improvements; community drop off facility; fuel station at City yard; and the traffic signal at Calle Tampico and the south entrance to the Village Shopping Center. BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 17 March 16, 1999 Mayor Pena felt the City should be ready to move forward with the Washington Street storm drain improvements as soon as the La Quinta Arts Foundation is ready to proceed. Council Member Perkins agreed because of the water-ponding problem that exists. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Nickerson, City consultant, advised that the community drop off facility is for residents to drop off their hazardous materials items such as batteries, oil, and paint. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the schedule for Palm Springs' and lndio's drop off centers have been listed in the La Quinta Post, and added that staff is working on developing a drop off schedule in La Quinta for five different times throughout the year. Mr. Vogt advised that the projects proposed for FY 1 99912000 are as follows: sidewalks and handicap ramps at various locations; Washington Street bridge widening final phase); Avenue 52 widening Jefferson Street to Citrus Golf Course entrance); Calle Tampico median landscaping; 18-acre park site design only); and Phase 1 Jefferson Street ultimate improvements Highway 111 to Avenue 54). In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Vogt advised that the Calle Sinaba landscape median, which is estimated to cost $94,000, is currently on the additional projects list and can be added if Council wishes. Mayor Pena suggested the possibility of removing the raised median instead. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Vogt advised that the only constructed medians left to landscape are the Calle Sinaba median and the short median on Avenue 52 that The Traditions did not landscape. Council Member Henderson didn't have a problem moving that project up. Mayor Pena agreed. Mr. Vogt advised that staff will incorporate Council's comments from this meeting into the CIP, and schedule a public hearing for April 20, 1 999. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Vogt confirmed that if certain additional projects require the creation of an assessment district, it will be established well in advance. Currently there are no funding sources for the BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 1 8 March 1 6, 1 999 items on the additional projects list, and funding will have to be determined whenever the items are brought forward in future CIP's. In regard to projects with CVAG, the funding sources still need to be determined because there are a number of different State and Federal funding sources available. The cost estimate for the Phase 1 Jefferson Street project takes into account what is currently being done by developers in that area, and there won't be any duplication and/or removals necessary. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Vogt advised that the cost estimate of $750,000 annually for running a City-owned library was based on the Palm Desert library costs. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Nickerson advised that CVAG has agreed to fund 75% of the Phase 1 Jefferson Street Project if we have Federal funds, however, we're ahead of the Federal funding process, and if we slow down we will lose other funding sources. Therefore, the split for Phase 1 will be about 50/50, but the Federal funding will kick in during Phase 2 and result in an overall 75/25 split. Council Member Henderson noted the possibility of needing the fueling station at the City yard should Y2K become a problem. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that discussions on the Community Gardens project are currently going on with an adjacent homeowner who has substantial concerns about the project. Mayor Pena questioned why the Historical Society acquisition project is in the CIP, noting that they've already purchased the property. He also questioned the projects for the child care facility and bike rental/snack shop at the Bear Creek Bike Path, and suggested removing them from the list. Council concurred on removing the following projects: Historical Society acquisition; child care facility; and bike rental/snack shop at the Bear Creek Bike Path. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that in regard to the project for parking improvements in The Village, the parking standards have been relaxed, and it's up to the applicant to justify the number of parking spaces with studies that have been done. There's approximately $21,000 in the parking fund at this time. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Vogt advised that interim improvements on Avenue 54 between Madison Street and Monroe Street would cost BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 19 March 16, 1 999 approximately $80,000, and consist of one lane in each direction with a center asphalt median and 8-foot-wide shoulder. It would be a temporary solution that would last about two years until development takes off in that area. Mayor Pena wished to see that project moved up to this year's CIP. Council Member Adolph agreed. Mr. Genovese advised that the interim improvements would fall under maintenance and repair and could go under the operating budget. Council concurred on handling the interim improvements under the operating budget. Council Member Sniff asked how the Council felt about utilizing the area north of Calle Tecate near the oasis for a public golf course Mr. Genovese advised that a couple of people have voiced an interest in operating a course in that area, but it would require a lease agreement with CVWD. Mayor Pena stated that he would like to see some proposals, as well as exploring joint ventures with existing golf courses. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS C. V. Mountains Conservancy Council Member Sniff advised that a written request from Katie Barrows will be forthcoming in regard to agendizing the National Monument designation issue for April 6, 1 999. * * * ** * * * * * * All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS C. SCHEDULE FOR JOINT MEETINGS WITH CITY COMMISSIONS. Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk, presented a proposed time schedule for the Council to meet with the various City commissions, and asked for Council's direction. BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10YhCity Council Minutes 20 March 1 6, 1 999 Council concurred on meeting with the Planning Commission and Architectural & Landscape Committee on April 6, 1 999, at 7:00 p.m. and with the Cultural Arts Commission, Community Services Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, and Investment Advisory Board on March 30, 1 999, at 1:00 p.m. Council Member Henderson noted that the Architectural & Landscape Review Committee, which was set up as a three-member committee, is now down to two members and recently one of them had to abstain. Council Member Perkins suggested eliminating the committee. G-1. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED JANUARY 31, 1999, FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to receive and file the Revenue & Expenditures Report dated January 31, 1999, for the City of La Quinta. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.99-31. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to receive and file the Revenue & Expenditures Report dated January 31, 1999, for the La Quinta Financing Authority. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.99-32. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS None Council recessed to Closed Session as delineated on Page Council reconvened with no decision being made which requires reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code Brown Act). There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R ectfully submitted, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 04-05-1999-U01 11:43:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 16-U02 1999-U02