1999 03 30 CC Minutesd_Y LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 30, 1999 MINUTES Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council, Cultural Arts Commission, Community Services Commission, Historical Preservation Commission and investment Advisory Board was called to order at 1:00 PM by Mayor Pena, fbllowed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION PRESENT: Commissioners Benay, Chappie, Reynolds, Shamis, Welch, Chair Person Hull ABSENT: One Vacancy Council Member Sniff hoped that during this meeting, the Commission would provide a self-evaluation along with changes they wished to see and also hoped that the Council would express changes that they wished to see. He also felt that there is a need for understanding the agenda process. Mayor Pena suggested that the Commission's Work Plan be reviewed and hear what changes the Commissioner 5 feel needs to be made or what issues need to be addressed. Ms. Hull said that she wished to hear what the Council's vision is for where cultural arts fit into this community and how they wished to see it developed. Ms. Shamis felt that the Council needs an overview of the feelings of the Commissioners. Ms. Reynolds felt that the Commission needs to be retained at seven members pointing out that they currently have members with varied backgrounds which provides BIB] 04-20-1999-U01 01:59:34PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 30-U02 1999-U02 d_YCity Council, Cultural Arts, Page 2 March 30,1999 Community Services, Historical Preservation Commissions, and Investment Advisory Board Minutes a valuable compliment to the Commission. She also felt that they need to have a budget. She loves the Culture in the Court Yard" event and felt that it could be expanded with music, etc. She also felt that we need to sponsor workshops to educate artists and we need more artists in our artist bank. Finally, she wished that they could be more included in what's happening in the City like the meetings being held regarding The Village. Council Member Henderson suggested that they may wish to have a booth at the Community Picnic to make the public more aware of the work of this Commission and as an outreach to artists. Ms. Chappie stated that the Commission needs to know what the Council wants and agreed that they need to be more in the loop. She felt that they fell out of the loop when an internal re-organization took place. She was feeling frustration over the temporary art program stating that the artists won't sign the City's contract and that the City is at a point where it should be willing to take some risks. Mr. Welch expressed concern about how the Cultural Plan was shelved and noted that the La Quinta Arts Foundation is quoting from it, so there must be some validity to it. Council Member Henderson noted that the Cultural Plan was received and filed by the City Council. Ms. Benay understood the conservatism, but other cities have found a way to do these things, i.e. temporary art program and the Cultural Plan. She wished to find out what is missing to allow them to get things done. Regarding the number of members on the Commission, she felt that they constitute a rich diversity and didn't wish to see it diluted. Ms. Hull endorsed all of the comments made here, but felt that sometimes our focus is just on public art because it's a visual art and would like for the City to look at all of the arts. She wished to see small concerts in public places they don't have to be expensive. And she noted that the matter of dance and theatre haven't been addressed. Her frustration is that they haven't been able to do the things they want to do and noted that both Indlo and Palm Desert are having the public concerts. Council Member Adolph said that he didn't like to micro-manage and that the City Council depends on the expertise of the Cultural Arts Commission. He wished to know what their ideas are. He addressed The Village plan and hoped that once it develops it will promote cultural art in the City. Regarding temporary art, he wanted BIB] 04-20-1999-U01 01:59:34PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 30-U02 1999-U02 d_YCity Council, Cultural Arts, Page 3 March 30,1999 Community Services, Historical Preservation Commissions, and Investment Advisory Board Minutes to see it provided that it could be placed in areas where it wouldn't be prone to vandalism. He felt that once the Civic Center campus park is developed, perhaps concerts and/or performing arts could be staged on this campus. He concluded in saying that he was not in favor of reducing the number of members on the Commission. Council Member Perkins was not convinced that the Commission needs a budget. If they have a particular program they wish to sponsor or promote, they can come to the City Council for funding. He felt that budgetary matters should remain with the Council. He wasn't sure they need more members because, in effect, they are an extension of the City Council, so he felt that there is a sufficient number and is, therefore, in favor of reducing the Commission to five members. He felt that there is consensus between the two bodies on the need to increase communications as to what the Council wants. He also cautioned about trying to compete with Palm Desert in the arts and at the same time try to find something that will draw people to La Quinta in a different way than other cities. Possibly, the Civic Center campus could be an ideal place for temporary art once it is completed. He also wished to see the Commission work closely with the Arts Foundation. Council Member Henderson advised that the Commission has spent a great deal of time discussing the potential for using TOT dollars and about increasing the developers fee and asked if the Council wants them to continue discussing these matters. She said that she is not supportive of tapping the TOT for promoting the arts, nor was she in favor of increasing the developers fees. Council Members Adolph, Perkins and Sniff agreed. Council Member Henderson referred to the Civic Center design concept and wished to see the Commission spend the next year and a half working with the consultants to design an art-way that goes from the City Hall to the Senior Center. She felt that this could be a show-case for the community. She also referred to the City's entrance monuments and noted that an artist will be involved in this project. Finally, she felt that the Commission needs to know how much time to spend on the temporary art program. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that the revamping of the temporary art contract as being discussed by the Commission to make it more artist friendly, would mean that the City would be picking up the cost of transporting the art, caring for, and insuring it. The question is, does the City have the funds to subsidize the artists. She pointed out that the art in public places regulations are a part of the Zoning Code and BIB] 04-20-1999-U01 01:59:34PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 30-U02 1999-U02 d_YCity Council, Cultural Arts, Page 4 March 30, 1999 Community Services, Historical Preservation Commissions, and Investment Advisory Board Minutes it isn't clear that it can be used for these kinds of costs, as it was designed for permanent art. Mayor Pena felt that there are a number of other issues which could be focused on at this time other than temporary art. Council Member Sniff didn't wish to see the Commission involved in the monument signs, as they have reached a point of already having been designed and are no?out for bid. He felt that there is a problem with lack of singular focus. He said that there is more to art than just visual. There is a nice auditorium at the Senior Center which could be utilized for performances. While he understood the legalities of the temporary art program and the concern about the potential cost, he stated that he was supportive of a temporary/mobile art program. He also referred to the comments about the Cultural Arts Master Plan, advising that it, too, had legal problems. He suggested that at their next meeting, they bring themselves into sharp focus, after considering the comments made here today, and come down to two or thee significant things that could be accomplished over the next year. Regarding the number of Commission members, he could see the merit in both five member and seven members, but felt that some perspective could be lost by reducing the Commission to five. Therefore, he supported leaving it at seven. He suggested that events dealing with diversity and quality and with a commercial element) could give them a sense of self-worth and get them some publicity. He supported a modified budget to deal with these things, but opposed any increase to the developers fees. He also wished to see APP funds used with some emphasis on the Civic Center campus. He concluded in saying that Ms. Horvitz can include on their agendas, an update regarding development in the City. Ms. Hull, believed that there needs to be more than one meeting a year between the Commission and City Council. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PRESENT: Commissioner Wolf, Chair Person St. Johns ABSENT: Commissioners Betancourt, Davis, Lopez, Nadler, Rebich Note: This was not a valid meeting of this Commission since a quorum was not present) Ms. St. Johns advised that they are sponsoring a Youth Workshop on April 21, 1999 at the Senior Center and proceeded to elaborate on what the kids have said that they BIB] 04-20-1999-U01 01:59:34PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 30-U02 1999-U02 d_YCity Council, Cultural Arts, Page 5 March 30, 1?99 Community Services, Historical Preservation Commissions, and Investment Advisory Board Minutes want out of it and what they don't. She also noted that the Community Picnic is scheduled for May 1 5, 1999. Council Member Henderson wished to see the other Commissions notified of such events sooner so that they may be able to get involved. She suggested a City table at the picnic where each Commission could be represented. Council Member Henderson advised that they have been spending time on a skateboard park and a dog park and were probably looking for some input from the Council. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that the liability issue surrounding skateboard parks is now an assumed risk and, therefore, is covered by the JPIA. Mayor Pena felt that the first step should be to determine the need and Ms. St. Johns advised that the Associated Student Body will be assuming that task. Council Member Henderson asked if one were to be built on the City's park site on the north, how will they get there and Ms. St. Johns advised that parents drive them long distances to skate parks. Ms. Wolff felt that should a skate park materialize, that SunLine would probably establish a bus run to it. She also felt that a great number of contributions would be forthcoming, i.e. concrete, etc. Discussion then ensued regarding the need for additional ball parks in the City, and also the need to bring Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District into these discussions. Discussion then ensued regarding establishment of a dog park. Council Member Perkins wished to see us bring in something new and unique that other cities don't have. Council Member Adolph suggested as a long-term goal, that thought be given to a recreation center for both youth and adults alike. Mayor Pena commented on the need for a public golf course. The meeting concluded with general concurrence to look into a skateboard park BIB] 04-20-1999-U01 01:59:34PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 30-U02 1999-U02 d_YCity Council, Cultural Arts, Page 6 March 30,1999 Community Services, Historical Preservation Commissions, and Investment Advisory Board Minutes HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION PRESENT: Commissioners Irwin, Mitchell, Vossler, Chair Person Wright ABSENT: Commissioner Puente Commissioners felt that it's been a good year and they're delighted to have a full Commission. Ms. Irwin stated that they have just completed the standards for archaeological studies and are now going to begin work on the curation of artifacts found. They are concerned about what is happening to artifacts that are found. Are they ending up on a shelf at a University, are they coming back to the City for display or do they go back to the Indians. Mr. Wright advised that they will be taking a tour of the City soon to visit sites for potential development. Mr. Herman advised that other issues the Commission will becoming involved in during this next year include, a resource designation guidelines, a preservation plan which we tried to get a State grant for) and the General Plan contains a Cultural Resource element which they will be involved in. Council Member Sniff urged the Commission to assure that they have all the information needed and that they be sure of its accuracy. INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD PRESENT: Board Members Bulgrin, Lewis, Moulin, Osborne, Chair Person Irwin ABSENT: Board Members Brown, Mahfoud Mr. Irwin complimented the Council on their recruitment as they have a Board with very strong backgrounds. He felt that things are going well the City has a strong investment policy and a strong investment staff. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Osborne stated that the Board is comfortable with the report by Mr. Falconer regarding Y2K issues. Council Member Sniff asked if they felt there's a need to have extra cash on hand on BIB] 04-20-1999-U01 01:59:34PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 30-U02 1999-U02 d_YCity Council, Cultural Arts, Page 7 March 30,1999 Community Services, Historical Preservation Commissions, and Investment Advisory Board Minutes December 31, 1999 and the Board Members didn't believe so they had faith that the banking? system will not be a problem. Council expressed appreciation for the job they're doing. At the conclusion of the various meetings, Council briefly discussed the possibility of holding an appreciation dinner once a year for the Commissioners. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, LA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 04-20-1999-U01 01:59:34PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 30-U02 1999-U02