1991 12 11 CC Minutesd_Yt. MINUTES JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION December 11, 1991 Mayor Pena called the joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission together at 7:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Councilman Bohnenberger, Sniff, Rushworth, Franklin, and Mayor Pena Plannin? Commissioners Mosher, Ladner, Ells on, Marrs Chairwoman Barrows Principal Planner Fred Baker introduced the consultants for the General Plan update, Mr. John McNamara, Mr. Tim Campbell and Mr. Jon Viaming of BRW, Inc. to the Council, Commission and audience. Mr. McNamara reviewed the progress of the General Plan update process as to the areas discussed at previous workshops. He stated this meeting would concentrate on General Plan Update Alternatives. Following a presentation by BRW the following comments were made by members of the audience. 1. Audrey Ostrowski: Concern for downtown commercial 2. Joe Hammer: Concern for downzoning in Alternative #2 as it would affect his property. 3. Lucia Moran: Asked that consideration be given to where low income housing is placed so as not to create a slum area by placing it all in one area. 4. Wally Reynolds: Concern for traffic problem in Indian Springs area with construction of new high school. 5. Joe Wassell: Concern for low income housing location. 6. John Musial: Concern for the financial impact of the different projects at buildout. 7. Jack MeGinty: Was objecting to people speaking who do not live in La Quinta. 8. Gary Avise: Asked how the zoning at 50th and Jefferson was determined and what the designated zoning is for a golf course. 9. Marion Ells on: Asked that the Palm Royale and Indian Springs golf courses not be overlooked. 10. Craig Bryant: Inquired what the location of public golf courses would be and asked that an adjustment to the number of dwelling units be made on Alternative #2. 11. Jim Batten: Asked how the City compensates a landowner when they rezone his property. 12. Hank Hohenstein: Asked that the City develop policies that affect the agriculture nonprofit trust and deal with trail Systems and open space. Need to establish a cultural identity. BIB] 05-13-1999-U01 10:16:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 11-U02 1991-U02 d_Y13. George Berkey: Asked that in the future goals of the City consideration be given to development of the alluvial fans 14. Marion Ells on: Discussed the location of schools, churches, and low income housing. 15. Rosalyn Davis: Need to look into the designation of schools. 16. Dale Bohnenberger: Brought up the issue of the area within Annexation #5 and how it relates to the General Plan update. 17. Katie Barrows: The Planning Commission would like to see the Annexation #5 area be low density. 18. Lindsey Lamberson: Concern for clients in the area being able to develop their land with their desired land use. 19. Kris tie Franklin: Wants to develop an equestrian trail in this area. 20. Mike Rowe: Expressed concern for his clients property in this area. 21. Morgan Ward: Concern for clients property being able to obtain the desired density. 22. Shirley McGinty: Property owners in the area want to maintain the country informal environment. 23. Bruce Thorckmorton: Expressed his concern as a property owner in the area. Mr. McNamara reviewed the statements above and as they would apply to the General Plan update 1. The Village Commercial designation is the same on all three alternatives. 2. The High Density Residential areas near Highway 111 as illustrated on Alternative #2 may affect current commercial development negotiations. 3. Be careful not to concentrate low-income persons in one area or in the same type of housing. 4. Evaluate the traffic impact of the community park and high school on Westward Ho Drive. 5. The evaluation phase will include an identification of the costs of community facilities necessary to serve the three alternatives. 6. The General Plan should take into account adjacent land uses in other cities. 7. A General Plan amendment would be necessary to change the golf course designations to other land use designations. 8. Develop along Westward Ho Drive and in the Palm Royale development existing golf courses should be included and labeled accordingly. 9. Consider residential development on alluvial fans. 10. Address the loss of agricultural land and its losslimpact on agricultural businesses. 11. Consider a local land trust as a mechanism to preserve open spaces areas. 12. There should be regional solutions to solid waste and hazardous waste problems. 13. Are we encouraging cultural diversity in terms of ethnicity or arts and crafts? 14. HigIr density housing should be located in the Village. 15. Should there be more Neighborhood Commercial nodes to reduce traffic. 16. Encourage residential clustering techniques to preserve land, such as more open space, linear parks, retention, and more cost effective development. 17. Umit maximum residential density with bonuses. PCJTh12-11 2 BIB] 05-13-1999-U01 10:16:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 11-U02 1991-U02 d_Y 18. Include a General Plan policy on church and private school locations/development standards. 19. Coordinate school locations in the Community Facilities Element. 20. What type of character is appropriate within each land use designation? There being no further discussion, Mr. Campbell thanked everyone for their input and turned the meeting back to Mayor Pena. Mayor Pena thanked everyone for their attendance and stated a notice would be mailed notifying everyone of the next meeting. This joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:17 P.M. pCJTh12-11 3 BIB] 05-13-1999-U01 10:16:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 11-U02 1991-U02