CC Resolution 1999-078d_Z) RESOLUTION NO.99-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AND ADOPTING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION LQCEA), COMMENCING ON JULY 1, 1998, AND TERMINATING ON JUNE 30, 2000 WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta, hereinafter referred to as City11, and the La Quinta City Employees' Association, the recognized organization representing its members, hereinafter referred to as Association", have met and conferred over wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment pursuant to Government Code Section 3500, as amended; and WHEREAS, the City and the Association have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the period commencing on July 1, 1 998, and terminating June 30, 2000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City does hereby approve, ratify, and authorize implementation of each economic and non-economic benefit and right set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Association, attached hereto and executed on June 1 5, 1 999, and incorporated herein as Exhibit 11A", and said to the extent the City may legally do so in accordance with the time constraints of said Memorandum of Understanding. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California this 1 5th day of June, 1 999 by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None J0Hi#.PEN;;o?r City of La Quinta, California BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)esoIution No.99-78 MOUILQ & Employees Adapted: 6115199 Page 2 ATTEST: AUNDRA L. JU OLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN C. HONEYWELL', City Attorney City of La Quinta, California BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) EXHIBIT A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding Memorandum) is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA City) and the LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION Association) WHEREAS, the City and the Association have met and conferred in good faith wizh respect to the wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment of City employees and all other subjects within the scope of bargaining under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act Government Code Section 3500, et seq.), and have reached an agreement that they wish to set forth in writing in the form of this Memorandum; NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Association agree as follows: SECTION 1: TERM. This Memorandum shall take effect on July 1, 1998, and shall remain in effect through and including June 30, 2000. ECTION 2: SALARY. The Schedule of Salary Ranges Schedule), which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and by this reference made a part hereof, shall be in effect during the first year July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999) of this Memorandum. The Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and by this reference made a part hereof shall be in effect during the second year of this Memorandum July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000). The Schedule set forth on Exhibit 1 provides a 1.00% cost-of-living increase based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers in the Los Angeles- 397iO156l(?OOO5?261401. a06/02199 1 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)R'vers??e-o?an?e area herLflaf PI) as T?a5ur?d April 1957 o Apri? a?4 o?Qed p) etr?acr1ve o J'?l? 1 199? o al? sal?-?y ra??eg for hose err?pl?yee& pl??ed as f the date cf approval of this MO?J y o?h parties: the 5?.?edj1e for:h o? xh?bi? 2 prov?de5 5? additional Cost-cf-living 1n?-?e3?e based on the easured fro? F?r?a?y 998 to Fe?r?ary 9?9? o al? aal&ry ri?. goB. EcT:o? 31 REJLLTK CARE A?I? BAB?LrTY covtNA? Du?ing t?e firs: year July 1. 1998 t?cugh une 30, 1?99) f ths the C?ty and its employees h?l1 o?trib?te the following atnont? per rnonth toward healt? are nsursn?e: ty mployee ontr?but??n Contribu?ipn roup Medi?al, Dental? Vilior., and L?fe ns?rpr.Ce 1oyee only 308.?3 0 E?ployee Dependent(?) 69?.22 $45.30 ur?ng t.?e secon? year July 1, 1S39 hrough J?ne 30? 2000) of hi Me?orand??, the ity its employees shall co?tr?bute ht ollowin2 an. ou'i ts pe? month towar? ea1th are 1surance City Employee Contribution Contri?u-??? aro?p edi?a1, Dental, ar?d Li?? Insurance rnPloyee Cnly 30l.63 0- E?.ployee pl?s Depe.?.der.t?s) $?84.?8 $44??o The e?n;loyee cOfl?ribution hall be p??d y pay?oll deduction as a cor:?itio.? of en?ollment anc COfltjn?OU? ins?'*a?ce cQverage. The 3I7;0??:?q26J? *?% 2 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) benefits, terms and conditions of coverage shall be governed by the formal plan documents. Infertility benefits will no longer be included in the coverage. City and Association agree to meet and confer in good faith in April of 2000 in order to evaluate future costs and the allocation of costs for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance. SECTION 4: EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PROGRAM. All employees, with prior approval of the City Manager, will be reimbursed for the cost of books, tuition and lab fees in connection with classes or instruction which have been determined by the City Manager as related to the employee's assigned duties with the City. The total of such reimbursement for all employees shall not exceed $5,000 during the term of this Memorandum. Reimbursement will be made only after employee's submission to City Manager of proof of satisfactory completion of the class or instruction with a grade of C or better, or equivalent, and City Manager's approval of such reimbursement. SECTION 5: MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. Except as limited by the terms of this Memorandum, the City retains sole and exclusive right to manage its operations and direct its work force using any or all of the powers and authority previously exercised or possessed by the City or traditionally reserved to management, including bu? i?ot limited to the right to determine its organization and the kinds and levels of services to be provided; to direct the work of its employees; to assign work from one classification of employees to another, including work 397/0156100005:3261401 a06102/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)currently performed by employees in the classifications covered by this Memorandum; to establish work standards and levels of required performance; to utilize part-time or temporary employees; to pay wages and benefits in excess of those required by this Memorandum; to select, modify, alter, abandon, or modernize methods of conduct- mg its operations; to build, move, modify, close, or modernize facilities, machinery, processes, and equipment; to establish bud- getary procedures and allocations; to determine methods of raising revenues; to sublet and subcontract work except work currently per- formed by City employees; to take all necessary action in the event of an emergency; to establish and amend rules of conduct and to impose discipline and discharge; to establish and amend rules for safety and health; to select, hire, classify, reclassify, assign, evaluate, transfer, promote, demote, upgrade, downgrade, reprimand, discipline, suspend, discharge, lay off, and rehire employees; to determine job content and to create, combine or modify job classi- fications and rates or classes of pay; and to exercise all other customary powers and authority of management, regardless of whether the City has exercised such power previously. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to restrict grievances concerning any part of this Memorandum. In the event of an emergency, the City may amend, modify or rescind any provision of the Memorandum. Such amendment, modificati)n or rescission shall remain in force only for the period of the emergency. The City shall have the sole and complete discretion to declare that an emergency exists for the purposes of this Section. 397IO1561?OOO5I32614(1 aO6/O2?99 4 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)SECTION 6: NON-DISCRIMINATION. All personnel decisions and actions, including but not limited to appointments, promotions, demotions, transfers, layoffs, and discharges, shall be made without regard to race, color, creed, sex, marital status, age, national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other unlawful consideration. Further, the City shall not discriminate against any employee based upon his/her activity on behalf of his/her membership in any employee association or group. SECTION 7: HOURS. Employee hours of work shall be as stated in the City's Personnel Policies unless superseded as provided herein. SECTION 8: HOLIDAYS. City-paid holidays shall be as provided in the City's Personnel Policies unless superseded as provided herein. SECTION 9: VACATION. 9.1 Accrual. Vacation accrual shall be as provided in the City's Personnel Policies unless superseded as provided herein. 9.2 Buy-back. Vacation buy-back shall be as provided in the City's Personnel Policies unless superseded as provided herein. SECTION 10: SICK LEAVE. Sick leave shall be accrued as provided in the City's Personnel Policies unless superseded as provided her??n. SECTION 11: PERSONNEL POLICY AND JOB DESCRIPTION AMENDMENTS. The City and Association have agreed to modify certain portions of the City's Personnel Policies as set forth on Exhibit 97IOl561O?OO5/326I4OI a06IO2?99 5 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) 3 attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, to become effective upon the date of execution of this Agreement by the last party to ratify it., Additionally, the parties have agreed to the job descriptions attached hereto as part of Exhibit 3 for the positions of Building Inspector II and Deputy City Clerk. SECTION 12: COMPUTER PURCHASE PROGRAM. The City agrees to continue the Computer Purchase Program Program) as set forth on Exhibit 4 and by this reference made a part hereof, and to fund the Program in the amount of $29,750 for Fiscal Year 1998-99, and again in Fiscal Year 1999-2000. Any employee who has participated in the Program and has paid his/her loan in full may participate again if there is money available after those employees who have not previously participated have been funded. SECTION 13: SOLE AND ENTIRE AGREEMENT. It is the intent of the parties hereto that the provisions of this Agreement shall supersede all prior agreements, memoranda of agreement or memoranda of understanding, or contrary salary and/or personnel rules and regulations, administrative codes, provisions of the City, whether oral or written, expressed or implied, between the parties, and shall govern the entire relationship and be the sole source of any and all rights which may be asserted hereunder. This Agreement is not intended to co?.flict with federal or state law, The Association and the City agree that all personnel rules not specifically included herein shall be incorporated herein by this reference. The City reserves the right to add to, modify or 397'OI56]O?5I3261401. a06102199 6 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) delete from its personnel Rules, subject to its obligations under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act. SECTION 14: WAIVER OF BARGAINING DURING TERM OF ThIS AGREEMENT. During the term of this Memorandum, the Association agrees that it will not seek to negotiate or bargain with respect to wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment, whether or not covered by this Memorandum or in the negotiations preceding execution of this Memorandum, unless required by specific provisions of this Memorandum. Despite the terms of this waiver, the parties may, by mutual agreement1 agree in writing to meet and confer concerning any matter during the term of this Memorandum. This Memorandum is hereby executed by the parties hereto as set forth below. CITY OF LA QUINTA DATED: /?-q9 1999 By LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION /1 DATED: 397?O1561?Ooo51326I4OI. a06102/99 7 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)1.60 VEHICLE AND SEATBELT POLICY: City and Association agree that the three 3) individuals employed by City as Building Inspectors shall continue receiving the car allowance they are currently receiving in the amount of $320 per months so long as they remain continuously employed in that position. Any individual hired as a replacement for one of the three current Building Inspectors shall not receive a car allowance but will be eligible to use a City pool vehicle. If required to use a personal vehicle, such employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of $.32 per mile. All employees who are currently assigned a City vehicle for their job duties will continue to be provided access to a vehicle for Fiscal Years 1998/99 and 1999/2000. In addition, a vehicle pool will be established in Fiscal Year 1998/99 for use by employees to conduct City business. Pool vehicles will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis. The pool will be administered by the Finance Department. An employee must check with the Finance Department prior to using his/her own vehicle on City business. If there is no pool vehicle available, and the employee cannot wait for one to become available, the employee may use his/her personal vehicle and be reimbursed at the current rate. City shall make City pool vehicles available on a priority basis for those employees who are required to travel off paved roads on City business. If a pool vehicle is not available, and the employee must use his/her personal vehicle to travel off paved roads, the employee shall not be required to travel off paved roads if he/she reasonably believes that to do so would cause damage other than normal wear and tear) to the vehicle. The employee shall inform his/her supervisor of such concerns, and the supervisor shall give alternate instructions. Employees required to use their own vehicle for City business and who receive either a monthly allowance or mileage reimbursement therefor are required to provide proof of a valid California drivers' license and of vehicle insurance for both liability and property damage. The City requires a copy of the drivers' l.ice?se at the time of hire and at the time of each re?r?d renewal. The Personnel O?fice maintains these records and is responsible for notifying employees when their license needs to be renewed. An employee who loses his/her license or has his/her license restricted so as to prevent driving on City 397O1561O?()005!326I779. 5IO7!99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) business is responsible for notifying the Employee Relations Officer immediately. The City has an agreement with he Department of Motor Vehicles DMV) wherein the DMV notifies the City when an employee's license is restricted or revoked. If the DMV notifies the City prior to receiving notification by the employee, disciplinary action may result. proof of insurance must be shown at the time of hire and annually by those employees who drive their own vehicles on City business Policy limits are determined by the employee, but must meet minimum state standards. If an employee has an automobile accident while on City business, the employee's insurance policy shall be provide primary coverage for both liability and property damage. If there is no insurance policy in place, the employee shall be personally responsible. The car allowance or mileage reimbursement paid by the City is calculated to cover the cost of insurance purchased by the employee. NC) employee who has not been required to use his/her vehicle for City business shall be required to provide proof of insurance. Employees must wear seatbelts at all times when in a vehicle on City business. 397,OI56l?OOO5!3261779 aos/07,99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)3.40 PROMOTION: When it has been determined by the City that a vacant position will be filled by promotional appointment, the Employee Relations Officer shall authorize a competitive promotional examination in order to fill the position, as set forth in these policies. When an employee is appointed to a promotional position, that employee shall be paid at the step in the higher salary range which is at least a five percent 5?) increase over the salary he/she received in the lower step, in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.15. Any employee who is promoted within City service shall be required to complete a six-month probationary period in the new position successfully If the employee's former position is still vacant, the department director may recommend that the employee be reinstated to the former position. This reinstatement must be approved by the Employee Relations Officer. If the employee's former position is not vacant, the employee may be appointed to a position of the same classification in a different department with the recommendation of the department director and approval by the Employee Relations Officer. If no vacancy exists, the employee will be laid off from City employment. In the event a Level I position is eliminated and replaced with a Level II position, the City agrees to first consider employees in the Level I position, and to make every reasonable effort to promote an existing employee to the new Level II position. However, if after due consideration of existing employees, the City determines that no employee is qualified for promotion, the City retains the right to conduct outside recruitment. 397/0156104)00513261779 305iO7?? BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z )3.50 RECLASSIFICATION: Where the duties of an existin9 position have changed so as to necessita?e reclassification, such position shall be reclassified by the Employee Relations Officer to a more appropriate classification, whether existing or newly created. The Employee Relations Officer must approve all new classifications, and the City Manager is responsible for reclassifications for all department directors and executive positions. Regardless of the circumstances, the Employee Relations Officer may require a competitive examination, and no incumbent shall have a right to be appointed to a reclassified position. No person shall be appointed or employed to fill a reclassified post unless the position has been approved by the City Council and incorporated into the Classification plan, as provided herein. 397iO1561(?()0()5/326I779. a()5107/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)3.5S LAYOFFS/REDUCTION IN FORCE/RECALL: Subject to City CoUflcil approval, the Employee Relations Officer may lay off permanent and probationary workers at any time based upon; 1) lack of work; 2) budgetary reasons; 3) elimination of programs; or 4) elimination of services. At least two 2) weeks written notice shall be given to any employee who is to be laid off. If less than two weeks notice is provided, the employee will be paid for the difference between the date of layoff and two weeks. Remainder of policy remains the same except for the third paragraph, which reads as follows:] Reduction in Force RIF) When it becomes necessary to reduce the work force in the City, the Employee Relations Officer shall designate the job classification, division, department, or other organizational unit in order to effect a reduction in the work force. Contract, temporary, part-time, seasonal, or probationary employees in the same job classification as ones proposed to be reduced within the City shall be laid off first. Although the Employee Relations Officer may elect to do so, he/she is not required to allow laid off employees to bump" employees in other classifications unless the employee has previously successfully held a position another classification, in which case the laid off employee would be considered for layoff, if any, from the previously held classification, along with others in that classification, in accordance with the Order of Layoff" set forth below. 397IO1561O?O()()5i326I779 ao5,07/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) 4.45 EPOTISM POLICY: Except as specified below, an applicant for employment by the City who has a relative employed by the City may not be denied the right to apply for employment and compete in the examination process. Following the examination, if the applicant is successfully certified as eligible for employment, the applicant may be denied employment if the Employee Relations Officer and the City Manager determine that such employment would create a prohibited relationship. A prohibited relationship may result under the following circumstances: 1. One employee would have a supervisor-subordinate relationship with another member of his/her immediate family as defined in Section 1.25.51) 2. Two members of the same immediate family would be under the jurisdiction of the same immediate supervisor. 3. One employee would have access to confidential or financial information concerning another member of his/her immediate family. 4. One employee would have the power or authority to make recommendations or decisions about another member of his/her immediate family which could or would have a financial or other impact upon the employee's relative. 5. One employee would have the authority to discipline a member of his/her immediate family. The City Manager reserves the right to identify additional circumstances in which a prohibited relationship may occur. Any immediate family member of the City Manager, Finance Director or Employee Relations Officer will not be considered for employment in any capacity by the City. For the purposes of this para9raph? immediate family member is defined as: grandparent, parent, spouse, child, aunt, uncle, or first cousin by marriage, adoption or blood. When the eligible candidate is refused appointment by virtue of this section, the name of the candidate shall remain on the eligibilitiy list for openings in the same classification as otherwise provided in these policies, where no prohibited relationship may occur. In no case may an employee participate directly or indirectly in the recruitment or selection process for a position for which the employee's relative has filed an employment application. Where twa relates are working in the same department, division or office at the time these policies are adopted, or if an event 3q7IO156lO?OS(3261779 a(),107199 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)occurs in which a familial relationship is established between two employees who work in the same division or office i.e., if a marriage results in a spousal or in-law relationship) the relationship shall not be deemed as prohibited relationship1 unless the employees' mutual employment creates a legal conflict of interest. As stated above, if a familial relationship exists or is established, the employees may continue in their positions so long as the conditions of a prohibited relationship are not met. If, in the determination of the Department Director, such a prohibited relationship does or would exist, the Department Director shall submit the reasons for his/her determination to the Employee Relations Officer for review. The Employee Relations Officer shall have one 1) week to investigate the Department Director's findings and determine if a prohibited relationship does exist. If the Employee Relations Officer's review confirms the existence of a prohibited relationship, he/she shall submit his/her findings to the City anager who will make the final determination as to the existence of a prohibited relationship and inform the Employee Relations Officer. At this time, the Employee Relations Officer and Department Director shall proptly inform the employees of the City's intention to transfer one of the employees to a vacant position of comparable pay and duties in another City division or office, provided that the transferee is qualified therefore and that no offer of employment to fill the vacant position has been made to any other eligible candidate. If a position of comparable pay and duties is not open but one in a lower classification is vacant, either of the employees may elect to voluntarily demote to the lower position, provided that the vacant position is in another department, division or office; that the employee is qualified to fill the position; and that the position has not been offered to another candidate. Any voluntary demotion which occurs as a result of this section shall be in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 3.45.2. In the event that a transfer or voluntary demotion is not feasible within the time limit set herein, the affected employees shall decide which of them will resign from City employment. If a transfer or voluntary demotion is not feasible and neither employee has submitt?? a letter of resignation within three week following determination that a prohibited relationship exists, the Employee Relations Officer and Department Director, with approval of the City Mmanager, shall determine which of the employees shall be terminated in good standing. 397JO1S6I(?()5I3261779 a()s/o7?99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) Regardless of which procedure is utilized transfer, voluntary demotion, resignation, or termination in good standing) it shall become effective one month aftger the City Manager has concurred with the Employee Relations Officer's determination that a prohibited relationship has been established. This one-month limit may be extended up to an additional two months with written approval of the Employee Relations Officer, provided that personal or organizational considerations mandate such an extension. Except as hereinafter provided, an employee who has been terminated in good standing because of the operation of this section may be reinstated to the position which he/she held at the time of termination, or to a position of equal seniority, status and pay. In order to be eligible for reinstatement, he/she must be reinstated to a position in a department, division or office where a prohibited relationsh?p would not be established or reestablished); the position must be open; and the employee must meet the qualifications for the position. This right of reinstatement shall be effective only through the 90-day period immediately following the effective date of termination, and the terminated employee shall have the same right to reinstatement as employees who have voluntarily resigned in good standing, up to an additional nine months. The decision of the City Manager, based upon his/her review and recommendations of the Department Director and Employee Relations Office to transfer, voluntarily demote, resign, or terminate an employee in good standing pursuant to this section), is not subject to any appeal or grievance procedure. 397/O1S6I?OOO5:?26l77? 05!O7l? BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)5.25 BILINGUAL COMPENSATION 5.25.1 Bilingual Pay: Each full-time employee who has qualified for bilingual compensation under Section 5.25.2 shall receive additional compensation of $.25 per hour. Upon verification of the employee's qualification by the Employee Relations Officer E.R.O.), the employee shall receive bilingual compensation to commence as of the next pay period. 5.25.2 Eligibility: The E.R.O. will designate at least one full- time employee to perform bilingual services for the public to all City departments. Selection of the designated employee(s) will be based upon: 1) bilingual ability as determined by scores on a recognized standardized test selected by the E.R.O. and administrated through a testing process determined by the E.R.O.; and 2) accessibility to the public. The designated employee(s) shall provide both verbal and written translation services to the public in addition to their normal work duties. Additional employee(s) will receive bilingual compensation if, as part of their job function and duties, they provide verbal bilingualtranslation for the public within their department on a regular basis. A Department Director who determines that an employee is providing bilingual translation services on a regular basis will certify the same to the E.R.O. who shall then schedule the employee to take a standardized test. 5.25.3 Retesting: Each employee who is authorized to receive bilingual compensation shall be retested every other year in the month of July, beginning in July 2000, and must successfully pass the retest to continue receiving the additional compensation. 5.25.4 Discontinuing Compensation: If the bilingual skill is no longer needed or the employee is no longer required to use it or ceases to possess it, the Department Director shall terminate the bilingual compensation by written notice to the E.R.O. The E.R.O. may also terminate the bilingual compensation if he/she makes a like determination, and shall notify the Department Director. In either case, the Department Director shall notify the employee. An employee not receiving bilingual compensation shall not be required to perform bilingual services. 397?I56?(k)o()5I326I779 305/07/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) 6.05 WORK WEEK AND OVERTIME: The work week for City employees shall begin at 12:01 A.M. on Monday, and end at 12:00 P.M. midnight) on Sunday. The basic work week for full-time employees shall be forty 40) hours, rendered in units of eight 8) hours per day. The City may assign a different work week when it is deemed to be beneficial to the City. Except in cases of emergencies, the City will provide a two-week advance notice of schedule changes. For any illness or emergency absence from work, the employee must notify his/her supervisor within the first half-hour of normal reporting time unless extraordinary circumstances prevent such notification. Each Department Director is responsible for establishing a specific department call-in policy and procedure, and for insuring that each employee is advised of the policy and procedure. General non-exemDt Dositions: For general non-exempt positions which do not meet one of the FLSA exemption categories, overtime shall consist of time actually worked in excess of forty 40) hours in a work week. Floating holidays, sick leave, vacation or compensatory time will not be included as time worked for purposes of calculating FLSA overtime. Legal holidays, for which City offices are closed, will be recognized as time worked for purposes of calculating overtime. If state law should change to mandate that public employees be paid overtime after eight hours work in one day, the City agrees to amend Section 6.05 to reflect such change. Overtime for general non-exempt employees shall be compensated in one of the following two ways: A. As paid time at one and one-half the regular rate of pay; or B. As compensatory time accrued at one and one-half the regular rate of pay. Prior to authorization of overtime, the employee and his/her supervisor shall agree as to how the employee shall be compensated paid time or compensatory time) If the employee and supervisor cannot agree on the method of compensation, the supervisor may ask another employee to perform the overtime work. If the supervisor requires that a particular employee perform the overtime, but they are unable to agree on the method of compensation, the employee shall be given his/her choice of compensation paid time or compensatory time) Compensatory time is vested time, and must be used or paid upon termination of employment. 397IOI561?OOQ5:326I779 a()s107,99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)7.20 LEAVE OF ABSE?T WITHOUT PAY: Any regular or probationary employee who is absent from work and not on leave of absence with pay shall be considered on leave of absence without pay. Leave of absence without pay shall be approved in advance and in writing. Any employee requesting a leave of absence without pay shall utilize all of his/her accrued compensatory time off, administrative leave, vacation time, and sick leave, if appropriate, prior to the start of the leave without pay. Determination of the granting of leave of absence without pay is not grievable. An employee who does not receive prior written approval for leave of absence without pay may be disciplined for such period of absence. Remainder of policy 7.20 remains unchanged.] 397IO156IOO(X)5?3261779 ao?lo7I99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)9.25 DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSION: An employee may be temporarily removed from his/her duties without pay for a period up to sixty 60) working days based upon serious misconduct or repetition of past problems for which the employee has been reprimanded. The nature of the offense, its severity and the circumstances dictate the length of the suspension. Recurrence of the same or similar offenses may result in a second or third disciplinary suspension of progressively increased duration or in dismissal from employment by City. A disciplinary suspension is given when formal warnings or written reprimands have not been effective, or when the misconduct warrants more than a reprimand. Employees may be immediately suspended where there is a clear threat to the safety of other employees of the public. 397IO?561?OOO5I326I779 aosI07/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)11.70 DISPOSITION OF APPEAL: Within ten 10) working days of receipt of the Hearing Officer's findings of fact and recommendation, the City Manager shall adopt, reject or modify in whole or in part the recommendation of the Hearing Officer, and shall so notify the employee, respondent and the Hearing Officer. The City Manager's decision will be final and binding. The City manager shall not be involved in the disciplinary process at any point other than simply being made aware that disciplinary action is proposed, or in the event that the discipline involves a department director) until receiving the Hearing Officer's findings of fact and recommendation, and shall make his/her decision based upon an independent review of the record from the appeal hearing and the Hearing Officer's findings of fact and recommendations. The City manager shall modify or reject the Hearing Officer's recommended decision only for just cause, supported by substantial evidence in the record, as set forth in the City Manager's written final decision. 397/0156104)00513261779. ao5107/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) 12.55 FORMAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDIRE: Step I: If the employee is not in agreement with the decision rendered in the informal grievance procedure, he/she shall have the right to present a formal grievance to the Department Director within fifteen 15) working days after the occurrence of the incident causing the grievance, if applicable. Otherwise, the right to file a grievance petition shall be waived. All grievances shall be submitted in the format prescribed by the Employee Relations Officer, and no grievance petition shall be accepted until the form is complete. The written grievance shall contain a clear, concise statement of the grievance and the facts upon which it is based; rule, regulation or policy allegedly violated; and the specific remedies sought. The Department Director will render a written decision within five 5) working days after receipt of the written grievance. Step II: If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved in Step I, the employee shall have the right to submit the written grievance to the Employee Relations Officer within five 5) working days after the Department Director's decision is received by the employee. The Employee Relations Officer will render a written decision within five 5) working days after receipt of the written grievance. Step III: If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step II, the employee may appeal within five 5) working days, and the City and Association shall mutually select a mediator from the State Mediation and Conciliation Service to consider the grievance. The mediator may consider written documents and/or oral statements, and shall render a written advisory decision to the City Manager within ten 10) days. The City Manager may accept or reject the advisory decision of the mediator, and will render a written final decision within five 5) days of receiving the mediator's advisory de ision. The decision of the City manager shall be final and conclusive. If mutually agreeable, a meeting may be conducted involving all affected parties at any step in the grievance procedure prior to the rendering of a decision. 397IO1561(?OOO5I3261779 a05107/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Ste? Contact File Decision Informal Supervisor N/A Immediate Step I Formal Department Direc?or 15 working days 5 working days from Informal from filing Decision Step II Formal Employee Relations 5 working days 5 working days Officer from Step I from filing Decision Step III Formal State Mediator! 5 working days 5 working days City Manager from Step II from receipt of Decision M e d i a t 0 r 5 advisory decision 397/oI56I?OOO5I326I779. a06/02/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)14.10 HOLIDAYS: Days which are designated as paid holidays by the City CouflCil shall be legal holidays for City employees unless otherwise specified. A holiday falling on Sunday will be observed the following Monday. A holiday falling on Saturday will be observed the previous Friday. 14.10.1 Re?ular full-time emDlovees are entitled to the following ten 10) paid holidays each year: New Year's Day January 1 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 3rd Monday in January Presidents' Day 3rd Monday in February Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 Labor Day 1st Monday in September Veterans' Day November 11 Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November Day after Thanksgiving Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Day December 25 In the event an employee is reguired to work on a holiday, he/she shall be entitled to: 1) a minimum of four 4) hours straight time either paid or in compensatory time); 2) eight 8) hours Holiday Pay; and 3) if the minimum four hours takes the employee over forty 40) hours for the week, he/she shall be paid at time and one-half for all hours worked over 40. In the event of a conflict between any provision of this section and Section 14.35.5 Call-back), the affected employee shall be given the greatest benefit provided under the two sections. Floatin? holidays: Regular full-time employees are also entitled to two 2) floating holidays each calendar year, to be selected by the employee provided the employee's supervisor deems the selected day(s) compatible with work schedules. Both floating holidays must be taken within the calendar year in which they are earned. In the event of the employee's ailure for any reason to take such floating holiday(s uring any calendar year or prior to his/her termination of employment with the City, he/she shall be entitled to compensation for the floating holiday(s) not used. Probationary employees may use their floating holiday(s) if necessary. 397!O1561?OOO5;326 1779 ao5107!99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)14.15.2 LIMITATIONS: A. Vacation is earned annually and is computed on the basis of number of months, or major portion of a month, actually worked within a calendar year. Additional days of vacation are earned on the anniversary date of the regular employee. C. No vacation shall be credited for time during which a regular employee is absent from duty without pay in excess of thirty 30) days. D. All vacations shall be requested in writing in advance, and taken at such time as approved by the Department Director. The Department Director shall either approve or deny a vacation request within three 3) work days after receiving the request. Failure to obtain prior written approval may result in loss of apy for unapproved time off. E. Each vacation day shall be considered eight 8) hours. F. Vacation leave may be taken in increments of one 1) hour or more, approved by management. G. Illness during a vacation period shall not be considered as sick leave. H. Employees absent due to sick leave or other approved leave of absence shall continue to accrue vacation leave unless such absence exceeds thirty 30) consecutive days, in which case there shall be no accrual of vacation leave during the period of absence. 397Iol56lOOOO?,326I 779. ao5/07199 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) 14.35 OVERTIME COMPENSATION: Overtime compensation shall be provided to City employees as follows: 14.35.2 General Non-exem?t and Part-time Em?loyees may receive overtime compensation in the form of paid time or compensatory time off, at a pay rate of time and one- half, for all hours worked in excess of forty 40) in one work week. For purposes of calculating overtime, floating holidays, sick leave, compensa?ory time used, and vacation wilL not be counted toward the 40-hour work week. All overtime must be approved by the Department Director prior to any accumulation of hours. Cash payment of overtime shall be limited to fiscal budgetary restrictions, and employees are encouraged to receive overtime compensation as compensatory time off in lieu of cash payment. Employees in these categories may accrue compensatory time up to a maximum of forty 40) hours. The Employee Relations Officer may allow accrual beyond the maximum if circumstances warrant. All compensatory time shall be requested three 3) days in advance, and shall be granted by the department director unless the time off adversely impacts the organization and/or work load. The remainder of policy 14.35 is unchanged.] 397,OI56IO4)()O5?326I 779 a05107/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z)14.35.6 STANDBY: Employees occupying a position designated by the Department Direc?or and approved by the Employee Relations Officer as appropriate for standby pay are required to be subject to call by telephone or other approved methods. Standby assignments shall be scheduled in advance by the appropriate Department Director, and shall be automatically forfeited if the employee is unavailable or unfit when called for duty. Employees working standby assignments shall be paid twenty-five dollars $25.00) per work day, and thirty-five dollars $35.00) per holiday. In addition to the standby pay, an employee called for standby work shall be compensated at time and one-half, either with pay or compensatory time at the employee's discretion, from the time the employee enters the City limits until he/she leaves the City limits. All employees placed on standby must be able to reach the City limits within twenty 20) minutes under normal driving conditions. 397?O1561?OOO5J326?779. a05107/99 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) 0 EDITORIAL CHANGES BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) 0 time covered employees begin to work or are required to be m readiness for work until the time the??' are relieved of work responsibilities. On-dury" time mcludes the following safety-sensitive ftmctions 1. driving the vehicle; 2. performing maintenance on the vehicle; 3 inspecting the vehicle; 4 loading or unloading the vehicle; 5 supervising or assisting the loading or wiloading of a vehicle; and 6 waiting to load or unload the vehicle or to be dispatched. C Covered employees shall not engage in any of the following behaviors while pefforming or waiting to perform a safety-sensitive fimetion: 1 a. report to du?y or remain on duty in a safety-sensinve capacity when using any drug; b. possess while on duty; c. consume at any time; and d. test positive. Note: Prescription drugs may be allowed, as needed, pursusntto advance notification to the appropriate supervisor, along with the doctor's recommendation regarding instructions and possible side effects as they relate to the employee's job duties. 2. Al?QIiQ1 a. report for duty or remain on duty in a safety-sensitive capacity while having a blood alcohol level of 0.02 or greater; b. use or possess alcohol while performing safety-sensitive fillictions; c. perform safety-sensitive flinctions within four hours after using alcohol; and d use alcohol for eight hours after an accident or until tested, whichever occurs first. 3 Drug and Alcohol a refinal to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing as required by the Omnibus Act; is deemed as a positive test; b. report to dury or remain on dury to perform a safety-sensitive Lion after reflising to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing required under the r??ulations; and c. fiLil to advise the immediate supervisor when other employees have actual knowledge that an employee is in violation of these rules. D. Dru?Testin?: Pursuant to FHWA regulations, urine specimens shall be screened for the 18 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z) appointment. Promotional appointments shall be considered probationary for six 6) months from the effective date of the promotional appointment. As necessary, the probationary period can be extended an additional six 6) months if the Department Director or designee determines that the probationary period shall be extended. The probationary employee shall be given notice in writing prior to the expiration of the original probationary period. Initial probationary employees are eligible for use of accrued paid leave sick leave, vacation and bereavement leave) after the first 3) months. A promotional probation does not Impact an employee's eligibility for leave. The probationary period shall be regarded as part of the testing process and shall be utilized for closely observing the employee's work to determine the employee's fitness for the position. A probationary employee must demonstrate satisfactory performance m order to achieve permanent status. Periods of time on paid or unpaid leave exceeding thirty 30) days consecutive or not) shall automatically.extend the probationary period by that number of days the employee is on leave. If the probationary period is interrupted by military leave for a period which extends beyond half of the probationary period, then the employee shall serve a new probationary period upon return. An employee on probationary status may be suspended without pay, demoted or dismissed by the City at any time, with?t? or without cause, and without right of appeal. A probationary employee has no property interest in contintiing employment. 3.15 FULL TIME APPO?: Employees who successfiilly complete their probationary period and who regularly work a minimum of forty 40) hours per week shall become fi?ll-time regular employees and shall be entitled to all of the benefits provided herein. 3.20 EMERGENCY APPOIN'IMENTS: To meet immediate requirements of an emergency condition which threatens life 9r property, the Employee Relations Officer may create positions and employ such persons as temporary employees as may be needed for the duration ofthe emergelicy. If not determined otherwise by an applicable provision or by an Emergency Operations Plan approved by the City Council as soon as possible, and shall be compensated at an appropriate hourly rate as approved by the Employee Relations Officer. 3.25 INTERIM ApPOINIM?NTS: If deemed to be in the best interests of the City, the Employee Reir ions Officer may authorize and approve an interim appointment in or er to fill either a temporary i.e. a maternity or military leave) or regular i.e. an employee's resignation or termination) vacancy. If the position being filled on an interim basis would normally require City Council approval i.e. City Manager), the City Council shall authorize the interim appointment. An interim appointment may be authorized for a period not to exceed six 6) months from the date 30 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z ) 0 submit a written request for an out-of-class pay adjustment to the Lm?l? Off???A Dep?rl:ment Director within ten 10) working days after the employee has allegedly qualified for the out-ofclass pay adjustment. The R?ptp?? Offi?1 Dcpaept=itDir??or shall review the request and forward a recommendation thereon to the Employee Relations Officer within five 5) working days after completing ajob audit. The Employee Relations Officer shall render a decision thereon within five 5) working days after receipt of the Lmyl??? I)?artment Director's recommendation. If the Employee Relations Officer determines that the employee has been working out-of-class for more than twenty-five 25) consecutive working days, the employee will be paid out-of-class pay effective on the 26th day and for each successive day the employee works oixt-of-c lass. If the Employee Relations Officer determines that the employee has been working out-of-class for more than fifty 50) working days within any twelve 12) month period, the employee will be paid out-of-class pay effective on the 51st day and for each successive day duiing the twelve 12) month period in which the employee works out-of-class. In determining the appropriate step for purposes of calculating out-of-class pay, the employee shall be compensated at the Step in the appropriate salary range which comes nearest to but not less than five 5%) per cent higher than the Step the employee held in the previous salary range. If the employee is subsequently appointed to the higher-level position, the employee may apply time accumulated while working out-of-class towards ling any required probationary period. If and when the employee returns to the employee's former position, the employee shall also return to the lower base pay. A regular employee working out-of-class shall continue to accrue seniority in his/her regular classification and shall be eligible to receive merit increases in the regular position. Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting management's authority to assign City employees temporarily to different or additional work duties and responsibilities for the purpose of responding to emergencies: Temporary assignment, while responding to an emergency, will be for no more than three 3) months duration, but may be extended for an additional three 3) months with Employee Relations Officer approval. Nothing herein shall prevent an employee from receiving an interim promotion to fill a position temporarily as a result of a vacancy, leave of absence, or industrial injury. Such an employee shall be compe'isated in accordance with Section 3.15. 3.35 TRANSFER: An employee may transfer from their present position to a vacant position, in the same classification, within the same department or to another depattment. For purposes of this Section, a comparable classification is defined as one with the same salary range which involves the performance of similar duties that require substantially the same general qualification. A transferred employee shall retain their rate of pay and their anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases. 32 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z!) employee may be required by their department director to obtain ajury calendar or assignment sheet weekly duling such service. The jury calendar or asMgnment sheet shall be signed by the jury clerk or commissioner and delivered to the employee's Supervisor at the end of each week to veri? jury duty or witness service. If a regular employee on an alternative work schedule is summoned for jury duty, the Department Director or designee shall convert the employee's usual work shift to a regular five 5) day, Monday through Friday shift basis. An employee required to serve on jury duty shall be entitled to the employee's regular rate of pay, provided the employee deposits any fees for service, excluding mileage, with the City. A temporary, seasonal, or emergency employee called for jury duty will not be compensated for time lost while on jury duty, but saal1 be entitled to retain the employee's jury fees. Any employee required to be absent from work on behalf of the City by proper subpoena issued by a court or other legally empowered agency, shall be entitled to be absent from work at the employee's regular rate of pay, provided that any fees, except mileage, are deposited with the City. An employee required to be present as a witness in any other matter shall not be entitled to be paid during such absence. An employee who is released by the cour? from jury dirty on any regularly scheduled work day shall contact his or her Supervisor to find out whether he or she is required to return to work. An employee who is scheduled for stand-by duty while serving on jury duty shall be rescheduled for stand-by duty after the conclusion ofiury duty, unless the employee agrees to serve both. 7.0 PREGNANCY DISABILITY LEAVE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 12945, a pregnant employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence withoutpay for up to four 4) months so long as the employee's attending physicians certifies that she is physically unable to work due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. At the commencement of a pregnancy leave of absence, employees have the option of using accrued sick leave, vacation, compensatory time-off, or administrative leave allowances, as well as disability pay, and thus, continuing to receive pay. City pay will cease when all accrued allowances have been used, and the employee shall receive leave without pay and be subject to all policies except as modified herein. The use of accrued time-off shall not extend the length of the leave. When an employee is on pregnancy disability leave, the City shall continue its share of payment for insurance benefit premiums i.e., health, life, AD&D, vision, disability, dental) for the employee and her dependents. The City's continuation of payment of PERS retirement contributions is depender upon the disability lan in effect at the time the disability leave is requested. Vacation time, sick leave, adrninjstra.?ve leave, and holidays shall not accrue during a pregnancy leave of absence unless the employee is continuing to receive their fill' customary pay by utilizing accrued sick leave, vacation, compensatory time-off or administrative leave allowances. If an employee elects to receive pay for less than their fill' customary pay, all employee benefits other than the insurance benefits listed above) will be pr?rated. Employees on pregnancy disability leave may also be eligible for benefits under the State Disability Insurance Plan SDI) or the City's Long-Term 51 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z") 0 6) months after the end of the war or national emergency. Reference Government Codes 395. 146 and 395.05.) Exceptions to this policy will occur whenever necessary to comply with applicable laws. 7.20 LEAVE OF ABSENCE OUT PAY: Any regular or probationary employee who is absent from work and who is not on leave of absence with pay shall be considered to be on leave of absence without pay. Leave of absence without pay shall be approved. in advance and in writing. Any employee requesting a leave of absence without pay shall UL;i17? all of the employee's acccued Compensatory time-off, administrative leave, vacation time and sick leave if appropriate) prior to the start of the leave without pay Determination regarding the granting of leave of absence without pay is not grievable. An en?p1qyee?o ocsi'Gt??? wnh out pay may be disciplined for Department Directors may grant an employee leave of absence without pay for not to exceed forty 40) consecutive hours. Such leaves shall be reported, in writing, to the Employee Relations Officer. A leave of absence without pay in excess of forty 40) hours must be recommended by the Department Ddirector and approved by the Employee Relations Officer. No single leave of absence without pay may exceed three months, without approval of the Departrnent Director, Employee Relations Officer and City Manager. Any leave of absence without pay of ei?t 8) hours or more shall result in a pr?rata accrual of vacation, sick leave or holiday credits. A leave of absence without pay of? 40) hours or more shall also result in a pr?rata reduction of employer paid health benefit payments and extend the employee's probationary period if applicable) for the same length of time as the leave. After thirty 30) consecutive working days on a leave of absence without pay, contributions to retirement, life insurance, medical, dental or other designated benefit plans shall be suspended until the employee. is reinstated. Upon expiration of an approved leave of absence without pay the employee shall be reinstated in the classification held at the time the leave was granted. Failure on the part of the employee to report to work promptly at the expiration of the leave shall result in the employee being deemed to have resigned from employment. 7.25 FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE: 7.25.1 STATEMENT OF POLICY To the extent not already provided for under current leave policies and provisions, the City will 54 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z#) CITY OF LA QUINTA SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES FY 98/99 EXHIBIT 1 MONTHLY BASE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE A B C 0 E 30 1,740 1.827 1,918 2,014 2,115 31 1,783 1,873 1,966 2,065 2,168 32 1,827 1,918 2,014 2,115 2.221 33 1,873 1,966 2,065 2,168 2,276 34 1,918 2,014 2,115 2,221 2,332 35 1,966 2,065 2,168 2,276 2,390 36 2,014 2,115 2,221 2,332 2,448 37 2,065 2,168 2,276 2,390 2,510 38 2,115 2,221 2,332 2,448 2,571 39 2,168 2,276 2,390 2,510 2,635 40 2,221 2,332 2,448 2,571 2,699 41 2,276 2,390 2,510 2,635 2,767 42 2,332 2,448 2,571 2,699 2,834 43 2,390 2,510 2,635 2,767 2,905 44 2,448 2,571 2,699 2,834 2,976 45 2,510 2,635 2,767 2,905 3,050 46 2,571 2,699 2,834 2,976 3,125 47 2,635 2,767 2,905 3,050 3,203 48 2,699 2,834 2,976 3,125 3,281 49 2,767 2,905 3,050 3,203 3,363 50 2,834 2,976 3,125 3,281 3,445 51 2,905 3,050 3,203 3,363 3,531 52 2,976 3,125 3,281 3,445 3,617 53 3,050 3,203 3,363 3,531 3,708 54 3,125 3,281 3,445 3,617 3,798 55 3,203 3,363 3,531 3,708 3,893 56 3,281 3,445 3,617 3,798 3,988 57 3,363 3,531 3,708 3,893 4,088 58 3,445 3,617 3,798 3,988 4,187 59 3,531 3,708 3,893 4,088 4,292 60 3,617 3,798 3,988 4,187 4,397 61 3,708 3,893 4,088 4,292 4,507 62 3,798 3,988 4,187 4,397 4,617 63 3,893 4,088 4,292 4,507 4,732 64 3,988 4,187 4,397 4,617 4,847 65 4,088 4,292 4,507 4,732 4,969 66 4,187 4,397 4,617 4,847 5,090 67 4,292 4,507 4,732 4,969 5,217 68 4,397 4,617 4,847 5,090 5,344 69 4,507 4,732 4,969 5,217 5,478 70 4,617 4,847 5,090 5,344 5,612 71 4,732 4,969 5,217 5,478 5,752 72 4,847 5,090 5,344 5,612 5,892 73 4,969 5,217 5,478 5,752 6,039 74 5,090 5,344 5,612 5,892 6,187 75 5,217 5,478 5,752 6,039 6,341 76 5,344 5,612 5,892 6.187 6,496 77 5,478 5,752 6,039 6,341 6,658 78 5,612 5,892 6,187 6,496 6,821 79 5,752 6,039 6,341 6,658 6,991 80 5,892 6,187 6,496 6,821 7,162 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z$)CITY OF LA QUINTA SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES EXHIBIT 2 FY 99100 MONTHLY BASE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE A B C D E 30 1,773 1,861 1,954 2,052 2,155 31 1,817 1,908 2,003 2,103 2,209 32 1,861 1,954 2,052 2,155 2,262 33 1,908 2,003 2,103 2,209 2,319 34 1,954 2,052 2,155 2,262 2,376 35 2,003 2,103 2,209 2,319 2,435 36 2,052 2,155 2,262 2,376 2,494 37 2,103 2,209 2,319 2,435 2,557 38 2,155 2,262 2,376 2,494 2,619 39 2,209 2,319 2,435 2,557 2.685 40 2,262 2,376 2,494 2,619 2,750 41 2,319 2,435 2,557 2,685 2,819 42 2,376 2,494 2,619 2,750 2,888 43 2,435 2,557 2,685 2,819 2,960 44 2,494 2,619 2,750 2,888 3,032 45 2,557 2,685 2,819 2,960 3,108 46 2,619 2,750 2,888 3,032 3,184 47 2,685 2,819 2,960 3,108 3,263 48 2,750 2,888 3,032 3,184 3,343 49 2,819 2,960 3,108 3,263 3,426 50 2,888 3,032 3,184 3,343 3,510 51 2,960 3,108 3,263 3,426 3,598 52 3,032 3,184 3,343 3,510 3,685 53 3,108 3,263 3,426 3,598 3,777 54 3,184 3,343 3,510 3,685 3,870 55 3,263 3,426 3,598 3,777 3,966 56 3,343 3,510 3,685 3,870 4,063 57 3,426 3,598 3,777 3,966 4,165 58 3,510 3,685 3,870 4,063 4,266 59 3,598 3,777 3,966 4,165 4,373 60 3,685 3,870 4,063 4,266 4,480 61 3,777 3,966 4,165 4,373 4,592 62 3,870 4,063 4,266 4,480 4,703 63 3,966 4,165 4,373 4,592 4,821 64 4,063 4,266 4,480 4,703 4,939 65 4,165 4,373 4,592 4,821 5,062 66 4,266 4,480 4,703 4.939 5,186 67 4,373 4,592 4,821 5,062 5,315 68 4,480 4,703 4,939 5,186 5,445 69 4,592 4,821 5,062 5,315 5,581 70 4,703 4,939 5,186 5.445 5,717 71 4,821 5,062 5.315 5,581 5,860 72 4,939 5,186 5,445 5,717 6,003 73 5,062 5,315 5,581 5,860 6,153 74 5,186 5,445 5,717 6,003 6,303 75 5,315 5,581 5,860 6,153 6,461 76 5,445 5,717 6,003 6,303 6,618 77 5,581 5,860 6,153 6,461 6,784 78 5,717 6,003 6,303 6,618 6,949 79 5,860 6,153 6,461 6,784 7,123 80 6,003 6,303 6,618 6,949 7,297 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z%) EXHIBIT 3 jijt, ii I ur BUIU)ING INSPECTOR H. 02?O?- 34'// Under general supervision. conducts field inspections of buildings, structures and installations in various stages of construcuon, alteranon and repair for conformance to codes and laws, enforces building, plumbing, electrical, occupancy and zoning ordinances and codes Semor Building Inspector The foUow:n: d?m? are nonlud for IhLs posw?on. These are 1101 10 be coitmz??d as cLL??ve or oll-inchisive. diUr? 5 be re?red and assigued. Performs daily ins?tions of foundations, fiming, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and other related construction; approves construction which conforms to City building and zoning codes and requires corrections to be rnade when deficiencies are discovered; Insects a variety of standard and complex building system elements including foundations, cement and plaster work, framing, electrical and mechanical installations, and plumbing on new construction and alterations; Reviews building and construction plans for proper design and compliance with applicable codes and ordinances; issues permits for work to be performed; Checks trenches, pier footings and forms for dimensions for compliance with approved plans; Coordinates with other City departments as necessary to obtain final approvals, clarifications, status of the job, or requirements relating to construction in progress; Approves and certifies final inspections; Investigates complaints and potential violations of building codes andlor hazards; issues notices of noncompliance regarding code requirements Performs various related essential duties as required. High school graduation or equivalent; 2.years of experience in the construction industry and the building trades involving work performed in conformance with standard building codes; or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required skills, knowledge and abilities. BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z&)1ty ol La wnta: uiAoing inspector Ak Required Licenses and Certification Requires a valid Class C California Drivers License and a safe driving record R?equires Officials KNOWLEDC1E AND ABILITIES Knowledge of- all types of building construction materials and methods; accepted safety standards; City building and zoning codes and related laws and ordinances; te;.chnical;?rLeport wri?trng t?h?ques Physical Requiremems.- * Ability to operate a variety of office equipment and tools related to the job; * Ability to coordinate eyes, hands and fir?gers in performing skilled tasks including driving; * Ability to exert moderate physical effort in medium work involving stooping, crouching, climbing and lifting; * Ability to exert a negligible amount of force frequendy to lift, carry, push, pull, or otherwise move objects. Mathematical Ability: * Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide; * Ability to compute and use fractions and decimals and geometric equations. Judgement and Situational Reasoning Ability: * Ability to apply concepts of rational thinking in interpretation of building code; * Ability to use independent judgement in fairly routine situations, such as in inspecting properties and in checking plai? for compliance; * Ability to work with'mirnrn? al supcn?ision Ability to respond to difficult and?ensiflv? pubJic)inqui?es. Language Ability and Interpersonal Communication: * Ability to comprehend and correctly use a variety of informational documents including reports, complaint leuers, construction plans, diagrams and specifications; * Ability to prepare citatir?, logs, records and reports using prescribed format and conforming to all rules ci' punctuation, gramtnr' diction and style; * Ability to comprehend a variety of reference books and manuals including municipal, codes, the Health and Safety Code and state building codes; * Ability to communicate and maintain effective working relationships with local residents, contractors, developers, coworkers, supervisor, and other City personnel verbally and in writing. Eny'ironmental Adaptability.- * Ability to work in an outdoor environment in performing inspections and in an Qffice environment. BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z') THE CITY OFLA QL'IAIA 1', DEPUTY CITY CLERK H Under general supervision, performs a wide variety of complex clerical tasks and related work in support of the City Clerk's Department This job class performs at a journey level, f a? CA? CL?k employees in this class primarily perform more complex clerical support functions such as taking meeting minutes and performing follow-up tasks for the City Council. This job class requires accuracy and attention to detail in performance of clerical work and ability to perform a variety of tasks m an independent manner. RE?QRISlQ: City Clerk me foliowin: dudes are normal for 5posidon. These are no: 0 be coiuri? hsive or dl-inclusive. Other duni be reqwred and gned. Attends City Council and Redevelopment Agency meetings in order w take minutes; Performs the duplication and distribution of Council Agenda packets; Acts as i!??Manager of the City's Telecommunications system, ic; Making clianges to voice terminals including P.C. modems; Establishing hunt groups, pick-up groups, and intercom-groups; Run call-accounting reports; Run back-up process for audix voice power monthly; Run back-up process for switch and call accounting system bi-monthly; Perform trouble-shooting functions; Assists with Council follow-up by recording Notices of Completion, Street Vacations, Nuisance Abatements, Deeds, Denial of Claims, etc.; Acts as a Notary Public; Performs back-up for switchboardlreceptionist, Deputy City Clerk I and City Clerk; attends City Council meetings in the absence of the City Clerk and records minutes; Interviews callers, both in person and on the phone; provides information or refers them to appropriate staff; Provides information ace?-?s to City records to the public and staff; Prepares documents and inputs into the Questys test & imaging system; Obtains and sends information on the City Link;" Assists with and.maintains logs for Political Reform Act filings; Maintains updates on Subdivision Agreement Bonds; Maitainsthe City?s central fiies7jncluding.con tracts, agr?ments??, deeds; Provides ass istanc?? all of rec9rds and utiii?LU?on of Ci?.Link to 5 StateICity?bull.et?n boards; Assist in- the.coqr4inationbf.pu blic ie-ktipns pr?o?f?uni; BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z() Acts as Deputy Registrar of Voters; Performs various related essential duties as required; Prepares the Council Chambers for meetings; Mails agenda and agenda reports as directed; Send faxes; Posts the City Council and Redevelopment Agency agendas; Records and mails meter cards for billing purposes; Oversees maintenance of the copier and postage machine; Responsible for posting citywide mail; Distrt?butes?nail to:si?ervisor and?City Council; Miintains law libr?y; Maintains Departi???nt PdlicyMarualg, Plans and organiz?? dinner for Council on' meet??g days. High school graduation or equivalent; at least 4 years of increasingly responsible clerical, reception and secretarial experience, including at least one year in municipal government; experience in a city clerkvs office is desirable; or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required skills, knowledge and abilities. Required Licen?es arid Certification Must be able to obtain Notary Public certification within six months of appointment. owledge of word processing methods and techniques; principles and practices of office administration, with an emphasis on records mnnagement; standard secretarial practices and procedures including business letter writing; operation of standard office equipment; municipal election process; correct English usage, including spelling, granirar, puncwation and vocabulary. Pnvsical Requirements: * Ability to operate a variety of automated office machines including an adding machine, copier, personal computer, typewriter and fax machine; * Ability to coordinate eyes, hands and fingers in performing semi-skilled tasks including typing at least 55 wpm, word processing and tnanscribing meeting minutes; * Ability to exert light physical effort in sedentary to light work involving sitting most of the time, but may involve walking or moving from one area of the office to another, and standing for brief periods of time; * Ability to exert a negligible amount of force frequendy to lift, carry, push, pull, or otherwise move objects. BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02 d_Z))Mathematical Ability: * Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Judgemem and Situational Reasoning Ability: * Ability to apply common sense understanding to perform semi-repetitive tasks such as typing; * Ability to use independent judgement in fairly routine situations, such as examining documents to be notarized. LAnguage Ability and Jnterper5onal Communication: Ability to comprehend and correcdy use a variety of informational documents including agenda reports, Dictaphone tapes and meeting minutes; * Ability to prepare call accounting reports and switch reports using prescribed format and conforming to all niles of punctuation, 1Amnl??, diction and style; * Ability to comprehend a variety of reference books and manuals including dictionary, operadons manuals for office equipment, computer software manuals and phone directory; * Ability to communicate ciftitively with coworkers, supervisor, members of the public, and other City personnel verbally and in writing. Environmental Adaptability: * Ability to work in an office environment: The City of la Quinta is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, la Quinta will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities and encourages both prospective employees and incumbents to discuss potential accommodations with the employer. eetober;4996 March1998 BIB] 06-21-1999-U01 01:03:54PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 78-U02