1999 06 22 CC Minutesd_[ LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 22? 1999 Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 1:30 p.m. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: Council Member Adolph PUBLIC COMMENT Renee Solomon, 48-208 CaIle Florista, asked that Council consider including additional covered parking structures at the Senior Center in next year's budget, and that a temporary canvas covering be installed for this summer. She stated that they would also appreciate covered parking for the SunDial bus for the handicap. Gertrude Cheney, 54-255 Avenida Carranza, also spoke sang) in support of additional shade structures at the Senior Center. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with legal counsel regarding Washington Street Bridge Widening bid dispute pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) and 2), based upon written communication from Banshee Construction Company, Inc., dated June 10, 1999, which is available for public inspection. Council recessed to Closed Session. Council reconvened with no decision being made in Closed Session which requires reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code Brown Act). Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency. Council reconvened and left the meeting of the Redevelopment Agency open in order to consider the 1999/2000 budget concurrently. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 2 June 22, 1999 CONSENT CALENDAR None BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 98-09, WASHINGTON STREET BRIDGE WIDENING. Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that on June 1 5, 1 999, staff recommended that the bid submitted by Banshee Construction Company, Inc. be rejected due to inconsistencies in the bid, and that the contract be awarded to the second low bidder, E. L. Yeager Construction Company. He advised that after some discussion, the matter was continued, with the City Attorney being directed to review the issue. He advised that the City Attorney has reviewed the issue, and that staff's recommendation remains the same. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to declare Banshee Construction Company's bid for Project 98-09 non-responsive, and award a contract to E. L. Yeager Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $2,428,700.05 to construct Capital Improvement Project 98-09, the Washington Street Bridge Widening project, and approve the execution of a Reimbursement Agreement between the Imperial Irrigation District lID) and the City for costs of certain improvements requested by lID. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.99-80. Jeff McDermott, 1 600 E. Steel Road, Colton, of Banshee Construction Company, Inc., quoted a section of the Public Contracting Code, which states that, the date and time shall be extended by no less than 72 hours in the event that the Officer, Department, Board, or Commission issues any material changes, additions, or deletions to the invitation later that 72 hours prior to bid closing." He noted that they received the bid addendum at 11:45 a.m. the day of the bid opening, and he felt they had done everything they could to submit a proper bid. Council recessed to the Financing Authority. Council reconvened and left the meeting of the Financing Authority open in order to consider the 1999/2000 budget concurrently. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[ City Council Minutes 3 June 22, 1 999 2. CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 199912000 PRELIMINARY BUDGET. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that staff is projecting a $1.5 million increase in General Fund revenues in FY 1 999/2000, with the more significant increases being in sales tax, franchise tax, motor vehicle in-lieu fees, and General Fund interest. The proposed balanced budget contains a surplus of $26,119, plus approximately $20,000 for items that were budgeted at last year 5 amounts, but the actual requests came in lower, resulting in a total surplus of $46,119. He advised that the draft marketing plan for the upcoming year is also contained in the staff report. Mr. Falconer, Finance Director, gave a brief overview of the budget process and format, noting that any changes made today will be incorporated into the final budget for adoption on July 20. He then reviewed various charts for staffing levels, General Fund revenue, community profile, and budget summary by fund, as well as charts for General Fund operating expenses and expenditures by component, including the Redevelopment Agency and the La Quinta Financing Authority. He also reviewed the funding sources and expenditure categories for projects in the Capital Improvement Program. The total projected budget for all funds is $45,431,392. Sandra Hawks, 78-770 Spy Glass Hill, stated that she was pleased with the improvements being made throughout the City, but felt three areas still need to be addressed: a sidewalk along Avenue 50 between Washington Street and the schools for children to use; street repairs on Avenue 50 at the storm channel; and a bus stop at Avenue 50 and Washington Street. Mayor Pena advised that SunLine is looking at the bus stop issue, and noted that many of the children use Park Avenue to access the school. Council Member Henderson pointed out that the Washington Street Bridge Widening Project will include a sidewalk along Washington Street to Avenue 50, as well as a new bus shelter. Mayor Pena expressed appreciation to staff for i?ieir work on the budget, and noted that it includes a lot of money for capital improvement projects, and that the City tries to balance the budget with the monies it receives. Council Member Sniff felt that the budget is extremely well done. He suggested including RDA compensation as it?s a nominal amount, and many other cities are doing it. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 4 June 22, 1 999 Council Member Henderson stated that she felt it's an exciting document, and that some exciting projects are coming up next year. She believed that what is happening on Highway 111 has played a major role in the financial status of the budget. Council Member Perkins felt that it's great what the City is able to do now compared to how things were five years ago, and asked if there's anything in the budget to help improve the screen in the Council Chamber so that the audience can see what the Council is seeing on their monitors. Mr. Genovese advised that there are monies budgeted for a new camera, and that staff hopes to add a computerized video system. Council Member Perkins didn't have any problems with the budget, including the budget for the Redevelopment Agency. Mayor Pena pointed out that the Council has a lot of different funds to deal with, and that those funds are limited as to how much and how they can be spent. He believed the Council would do whatever it can to address the resident?s concerns that have been mentioned. Council Member Sniff commented about the City's conservative approach to spending, and noted that public safety is a significant part of the budget. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Genovese advised that there's no increase in police patrol hours this year. Council Member Sniff felt it's important for the City to continue its promotion program, particularly through economic development. He also felt that it's imperative that the City continue to grow and develop along Highway 111, and believed development of The Village is important. Mr. Genovese advised that over $225,000 has been budgeted for marketing, but it doesn't include the adc'?Lional efforts of the Chamber of Commerce, nor other events and programs LIlat the City has in place. Council Member Sniff believed the Chamber ha's done a superb job, and wished to see the City's economic development effort continue, and to use creativity in making some slight changes. Council Member Perkins noted that the City relies mostly on the recommendation of the Chief of Police regarding the number of officer patrol hours needed. He felt the Sheriff's Department is doing a fine job. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[ City Council Minutes 5 June 22, 1999 Council Member Henderson referenced a statement in the staff report regarding the financial requests from the Chamber of Commerce and the La Quinta Arts Foundation being less than what they asked for last year, and noted that the requests are less than what the City approved, but not less than what was requested. She was pleased, however, that they are working toward being independent. Council Member Perkins agreed, and was pleased with the financial information that they're providing. Mayor Pena noted that Proposition 21 8 has impacted the City by causing it to use General Fund monies for some of the districts, specifically the Landscape & Lighting Assessment District. He hoped that the City would send letters of support for legislation that is currently before the Senate, noting that it will return some of the monies taken from the cities a few years ago. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Falconer advised that the $65,000 budgeted for a new permit tracking system will include a new server and software that will be used to track the status of permits as they go through the City. He didn't know what the upgrade costs will be. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Genovese confirmed that monies are set aside each year for replacement of vehicles, based on a depreciation schedule. He advised that a Citywide facilities system is being implemented in much the same way. Mayor Pena and Council Member Henderson agreed with Council Member Sniff on the RDA compensation. Mayor Pena referred to Attachment #2 of the staff report, and suggested that the amount shown for schools be listed as one line item under Council's Contingency Fund, and that the AB939 requests be listed simply as AB939 Program Funding. Council Member Henderson noted that that would change the Special Projects Contingency Fund amount on Page 29 of the Budget Supporting Document from $25,000 to $35,000, and would eliminate the La Quinta Schools Contribution. Council Member Sniff wished to see the Special Projects Contingency Fund amount increased again to $40,000. Mayor Pena and Council Member Henderson agreed. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 6 June 22, 1 999 Council Member Perkins advised that when the grants are made, he wished to concentrate on those organizations that are either located within the City or are a definite asset to the City. Council proceeded to review the budget allocations as follows: Contracts: La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Council Member Sniff supported the Chamber's request. He felt the reduced amount is in line with what Council requested last year in regard to the Chamber becoming less dependent on the City while still producing a valuable product for the City. Council Member Henderson also supported their request, and complimented the Chamber on their newsletter and for being open on weekends. She was also pleased with their continuing concentration on business retention. Council Member Sniff felt their change in emphasis from economic development is a positive move since the City is making a major effort in that direction. He was also pleased that they're planning to improve the quality of the paper that they use in the newsletter. Mayor Pena felt they're enhancing the programs that the City will have in place, and that they've been very wise in how they've approached their programs this year. Doug Yavanian, 78-371 Highway 111, Executive Director of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, advised that they intend to continue working hard to provide their services and products for the community. He felt the City has made tremendous strides in economic development, and advised that they'll be focusing on business retention and expansion. They're also looking to improve the quality of the paper used in their newsletter, as well as more color, d plan to give more attention to their visitor's information service. He belic?ed that staying open on weekends has been beneficial, and advised that they will be having six Mainstreet Marketplace events next year instead of four. He also introduced Shelly Morris as their upcoming Board Chairman. Council Member Perkins advised that he was pleased to see better coordination of efforts between the Chamber and the City. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[ City Council Minutes 7 June 22, 1 999 Mayor Pena asked if they have ever considered having an under the umbrella table top" event at the La Quinta Hotel, especially on holiday weekends. Council Member Henderson suggested coinciding it with the La Quinta Arts Foundation under the umbrella" event. She agreed that Betty Harris has done a great job with the Mainstreet Marketplace events, and was glad to see it expand to six events. La Quinta Arts Foundation Council Member Sniff supported the Arts Foundation?s request. He felt their service is exceptional, but questioned why they're doing the Plein Air event instead of an event for local artists. Mayor Pena stated that he felt the Plein Air event was wonderful last year. Susan Francis, P.O. Box 777, Executive Director of La Quinta Arts Foundation, advised that they are trying to address the opportunities available for local artists to show their work, and plan to have something in the fall or at the end of the season. They also encourage local artists to apply for the Arts Festival or the umbrella shows because she felt many of them could qualify. They're also planning to increase the number of umbrella shows. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Francis advised that participants in their events pay a small booth fee, and donate a small percentage of their sales to the Arts Foundation. Council Member Henderson stated that she was disappointed to see the fall Village Fair event end because it was her favorite event. Ms. Francis advised that once they move to their new property, they plan to have an area near their building for local artists' work to be displayed on a revolving basis throughout the year. Council Member Sniff supp3rtedtheir full request. Mayor Pena concurred. Grants: La Quinta Historical Society Council Member Henderson believed there's been a continuing support from the Council to help the Historical Society, but felt that the Council has never BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 8 June22, 1999 determined exactly how to help the Historical Society purchase the museum, which they have now purchased on their own. She noted that they now have the ongoing struggle of making payments, staffing the facility, and other expenses, and felt that there could be some additional support for their efforts. Council Member Perkins agreed, and felt the Historical Society is the one organization that truly reflects La Quinta because it is the City's history. He wished to see something worked out over the next two or three years whereby the City would own the property and lease it back to the Historical Society. He wished to hold this request over until the next meeting to consider making such an arrangement. Council Member Henderson wished to go ahead with the funding request, at least at last year's amount, and then consider Council Member Perkins' suggestion at a later time. Mayor Rena supported funding last year's amount with a contingency amount for the sewer hook-up. Barbara Irwin, 77-885 Avenida Montezuma, President of the La Quinta Historical Society, advised that last year's costs exceeded their funding, and that they're putting as much as they can toward the mortgage. Their costs have escalated since they purchased the property, and their request for $26,608 is what they really need. Council Member Sniff wished to round the amount up to $27,000, and to discuss Council Member Perkins' suggestion later because it could be time consuming. Council Member Perkins asked Ms. Irwin what she thought about the City purchasing the property and then leasing it back to the Historical Society. Ms. Irwin felt, personally, that it could be a positive arrangement for the City, and tak? some of the burden off of the Historical Society. Council Member Perkins envisioned the museum being operated the same as it is now, except for the City being the landlord. Council Member Sniff felt that it would free up the Historical Society's funds to provide some enhancements to the museum. He felt the museum could be a focal point to bring people to The Village. Council concurred on a funding amount of $27,000. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 9 June 22, 1999 La Quinta On Sta?e Council Member Perkins advised that he wasn't prepared to give them funding this year because they haven't spent last year's amount, but he didn't object to letting them keep last year's funds. Council Member Henderson agreed, stating that she understood they had run into some development problems, and that she felt the City has been extremely supportive in trying to get this project going. She was disappointed that they hadn't followed through with the City's reconciliation procedures, but was prepared to let the $1 5,000 carry over to this year, and to leave the door open for them to come back later in the year should something start moving along. Council Member Sniff agreed, and felt it would be appropriate to not provide any additional funding until something tangible is produced. Mayor Pena agreed, and stated that he wasn't aware that they were providing scholarships. Honey Atkins, P.O. Box 1 999, President of La Quinta On Stage, advised that the scholarship money was donated by one of the Board members. Mayor Pena advised that he would like to see their budget. Ms. Atkins advised that they haven't expended any funds, but they continue to receive donations. She advised that after they lost their creative team, they started searching for a replacement and have received many applications. However, their standards are high, and they don't want to sacrifice them for expediency. They've recently signed an MOU with Darlene Romano, and if everything works out, she'll be their writer, director, co-choreographer, and Co- producer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keel have also joined their Board, and are very enthusiastic about the project. She advised that they would like to keep last year 5 funding, and come back for more if possible. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Atkins advised tha they've decided to not use the work developed by the prior creative team. Council concurred on allowing La Quinta On Stage to retain last year's funding. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 10 June22, 1999 Soecial Projects Contingency Fund: Council concurred on putting the whole contingency fund amount in the budget to be available for groups to request, and the grant process will not be advertised. Mr. Genovese advised that the contingency fund grant process will be discussed on the next agenda. Council Member Sniff felt that's a reasonable way to go, but wished to see the C. V. Mountains Conservancy handled separately, and supported granting them the same amount as last year. Mayor Pena felt the Mountains Conservancy and C. V. Economic Partnership should be in a separate category, as well as CVRPD and the Date Festival. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Genovese confirmed that only two requests for funding from the contingency fund have been received. Mayor Pena suggested that the two separate listings for CVRPD be lumped into one. Council Member Perkins wished to see the City proceed with covered parking at the Senior Center, and to have staff look into the issue of covered parking for the SunDial bus. Mayor Pena agreed. Mr. Genovese advised that if Council wishes, they can appropriate funds for the covered parking now, and have staff come back with plans at a later date. He felt that the costs for covered parking would be approximately $13,000. Council Member Henderson suggested leaving the $20,000 in the budget. Council concurred. See Page 1 9 for continued discussion of the budget.) BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[ City Council Minutes 11 June 22, 1 999 Council concurred on taking up Study Session Item No.2 at this time. STUDY SESSION 2. DISCUSSION OF MONTERO ESTATES SOUND STUDY. Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that Korve Engineering has completed the Montero Estates Sound Study, and that Gordon Bricken and Eldon Lee are present to answer questions. Mr. Freeland, Senior Engineer, advised that the purpose of the study was to determine the necessity and feasibility of constructing a sound attenuation structure for the residents of the Montero Estates development. The objectives of the study were as follows: to determine the type of mitigation required on Washington Street; analyze the need for a sound wall on Avenue 50; determine if a sound wall would increase or decrease noise levels to the interior of the Montero Estates development; determine if a sound wall would create a reflective noise issue; and determine if a barrier in the median would reduce levels on one half of Washington Street. In October 1 996, an analysis of all previous sound study reports for Washington Street was prepared by Gordon Bricken & Associates, and in February 1 999, a study session was held to clarify the original study. In March 1 999, Council authorized Korve Engineering to proceed with an acoustical analysis of the Montero Estates development for road noise generated from Washington Street and Avenue 50. That analysis shows that an 8' high wall along Washington Street and a 6' high wall along Avenue 50 would achieve 60 dBA CNEL for current conditions, but would be inadequate for future build?ut of traffic volumes. In order to meet the City's community noise equivalency level CNEL), the consultant has recommended the following: construct a 1 2' high wall of approximately 2,000' along Washington Street; construct an 8' high wall along Avenue 50, 300' west of Washington Street; and construct a 6' high wall for the remainder of the tract frontage along Avenue 50. Council Aember Henderson was concerned about having a 1 2' high wall. Council concurred. Council Member Sniff asked how many homes are in the Montero Estates development, and Jim Montgomery, a resident in the audience, responded 59. Mr. Vogt referred to Attachment #4 of the staff report, and advised that under the ultimate configuration of Washington Street, a 3 to 1 slope behind a 6' wide sidewalk, will allow for a 10' high wall on top of a 2' high rise. A second BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 1 2 June 22, 1999 alternative would be to have a 3' high retaining wall with a 2' landscaped slope, with a 7' high wall on top. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Vogt advised that the sound study shows that the noise going over the wall will not increase the sound levels nor impact the interior. Council Member Henderson noted that the study states that rubberized asphalt could decrease the noise levels from 3 to 5 dBA. She felt perhaps it should be considered, and asked if that would result in an 8' high wall. Gordon Bricken, 1 621 East 17th Street, Suite K, Santa Ana, of Gordon Bricken & Associates, advised that a reduction of 5 dBA on both streets would reduce the required height of the wall on Washington Street to 8' and on Avenue 50 to 6'. He noted, however, that there are no noise reduction studies done by public agencies on the use of rubberized asphalt, and that the higher end of the 3 to 5 dBA ratio is based on higher speeds. Generally, an increase of 5 mph results in a noise level increase of 2 dBA CNEL. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Bricken advised that there is residual noise from Washington Street up to approximately 300 feet. As for studies on the use of rubberized asphalt, they're limited and most of them have been done by businesses selling the product. He advised that the actual reduction achieved depends on the variables of each particular location, and suggested getting more information before making this investment. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr; Vogt advised that Palm Springs has experimented with rubberized chip seal on East Palm Canyon Drive, and that Indian Wells uses rubberized asphalt on all of its streets. The County is also looking to use it on Washington Street from the storm channel to Country Club Drive. Council Member Perkins felt that $300,000 for rubberized asphalt on Washington Street is a lot of money for a minimal reduction in noise. Council Member Sniff felt an effort should first be made to reduce the speed, which won't cost anything, and then consider the rubberized asphalt. He advised that he would have a hard time supporting a 12' high wall, and felt anything over 8' high would be totally unsightly and offensive. He preferred trying to find other remedies. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[ City Council Minutes 13 June22, 1999 Council Member Perkins noted that the speed limits on Washington Street were recently established by an engineering survey, and that lowering it beyond the established speed limit would make it unenforceable. Council Member Henderson believed the actual speeds are more like 60-65 mph, instead of 50-55 mph, and noted that the Montero Estates residents have been asking for those speeds to be reduced for quite some time. Mayor Pena agreed that speed is the primary cause of the noise, and that the first step should be to concentrate on that, in conjunction with an education campaign that the City is trying to slow down traffic in that area. The other issue that the City is struggling with is the cost and who's going to pay for it. Council Member Henderson wished to get a bid estimate on rubberized asphalt from the contractor that will be working on the Washington Street improvements. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Vogt advised that there's approximately 1 700 feet on Washington Street and 600-700 feet on Avenue 50. Council Member Henderson didn't feel that Avenue 50 is a major contributor to the noise. Mr. Bricken noted that the analysis is based on future traffic projections. Council concurred on getting a cost estimate for rubberized asphalt from Yeager Construction, and on contacting Indian Wells to find out if they've done any studies on rubberized asphalt. They also concurred on working with the Sheriff's Department to get the speed reduced. Council Member Henderson suggested setting up a meeting with the Montero Estates residents to discuss what their level of involvement will be. Mayor Pena noted that Council Member Adolph's ivritten comments have been referenced by Council, and that he, too, is concerned about the 1 2' high wall, and who is going to pay for the costs. 1. DISCUSSION OF THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS. Mr. Freeland, Senior Engineer, advised that the design concepts are to be applied to Calle Estado as the prototype street. Although the theme will only BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 14 June22, 1999 be applied to Calle Estado initially, it will be applied to all Village commercial areas and be consistent with The Village at La Quinta Design Guidelines" as adopted on July 7, 1 998. The project area consists of Avenida Montezuma, from Eisenhower Drive to Avenida Bermudas, and the area between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive south of Calle Tampico and north of Calle Amigo. He advised that on December 1 5, 1 998, a contract was awarded to Korve Engineering for the Phase V design, and on February 2, 1 999, a fiv?step method was approved to receive and incorporate public comments for the Downtown Commercial District, Phase V-A design theme. The five steps consist of the following: developing a mailing list of property/business owners; conducting two public meetings and mailing out questionnaires for public comments; incorporating the public comments into concepts for Council's consideration; conducting additional public meetings to review the concepts with Council's comments incorporated; and presenting it to the Architectural Review Committee and Planning Commission before final approval by Council. He then proceeded to review the design concepts as follows: ConceDt A provides for a traffic island in the center of the street; perpendicular parking; parking on both sides of the street; and approximately 1 75 parking spaces including both the north and south alleyways); at an estimated construction cost of $471,971; Concept B provides for a traffic island approximately 1/3 of the overall street length from Avenida Bermudas; a curved street for additional traffic calming effect; perpendicular parking; parking on both sides of the street; and 191 parking spaces including both alleyways; at an estimated construction cost of $571,411; Concept C provides for two traffic islands at either end of Calle Estado; angled parking in front of businesses; pedestrian crossing at mid block; and 1 65 parking spaces including both alleyways; at an estimated construction cost of $523,676; ConceDt D provides for traffic islands at Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive; narrow center median; staggered angled parking; and 1 82 parking spaces including both alleyways; at an estimated construction cost of $554,620. The last option would be to enhance the existing street by providing new curbs and gutters and resurfacing the street, as well as adding lighting with vendor receptacles and electrical equipment. The existing configuration would provide BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 1 5 June 22, 1 999 approximately 144 parking spaces, and the estimated construction cost would be $220,000. He then reviewed a conceptual drawing for the reconfiguration of the circulation plan in the downtown area that calls for Avenida La Fonda to be connected to Avenida Montezuma, dealing with the one-way traffic problems around the Frances Hack Park and the intersection at Avenida Bermudas and Avenida Montezuma. Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that staff is also looking for direction regarding public parking and the type of curbing to be used in The Village. Of the three curb options available, the residents have requested rolled curbing. As for public parking, there's been some discussion about using City-owned land on Calle Tampico for a public parking lot, as well as the City-owned property south of Ace Hardware. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Vogt advised that the property south of Ace Hardware will accommodate approximately 30 parking spaces. Linda Murray, 78-150 Calle Tampico, stated that she supports using the lot at the southeast corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Navarro for public parking. She noted that the vacant lot across the street is always filled, and that the green belt area is poorly maintained. Peter Murray, 78-1 50 Calle Tampico, advised that the apartment residents use the lot on Calle Tampico for parking. Audrey Ostrowsky, P.O. Box 351, was pleased to see the City considering a public parking area and a two-way street around the park, but felt the City is destroying her property. She also felt that the Council should meet with the property owners, noting that Donald Parker stands to lose a lot of property, and questioned why the property owners weren't notified of this meeting. Tom Kirk, 78-1 50 Calle Cadiz, distributed a petition from the residents in his area requesting that the narrow streets be retained, that alternatives to standard curbs and gutters be considered such as rolled curbing, and that the speed bump on Calle Cadiz be retained, as well as adding one on Calle Fortuna and at the other end of Calle Cadiz. Council Member Perkins advised that he's opposed to traditional speed bumps, but wouldn't object to using a wide speed hump" like those developed in Santa Monica. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 1 6 June 22, 1 999 Council Member Sniff advised that he wasn't sold on any of the designs. He felt that they are cluttered, and that they fail to address making Calle Estado what it could or should be. He suggested that the traffic islands be left intact with slight modifications to the curbing, lighting, water features, and flowers, and that ornamental brick or scored concrete be installed at the entrance ways with a water feature in the center of each entrance. He further suggested leaving the parking as-is, with center parking wherever it can be accommodated, resurfacing the streets, and installing new curbs and colored sidewalks. He also suggested that a centrally-located, 8' wide, pedestrian bridge be constructed about 8-10' above the street with a curved ramp approach, using tubular steel for the railings and having an enlarged area in the middle for people to stand. He felt these enhancements would make the street something that's not duplicated anywhere else in the valley, and that it might set a prototype for the entire village area to eventually have one or two more bridges. He felt that it would provide safety and beauty, as well as be functional. He suggested undergrounding the utilities, using gas lighting for accent. Council Member Perkins was concerned about the bridge because of height requirements, and the grade of the handicap ramp to accommodate the handicapped. Eldon Lee, 78-120 Calle Estado, of Korve Engineering, advised that the architect would review the different design concepts, and noted that the right-of-way on Calle Estado runs curb to curb, which places the sidewalks on private property. Mayor Pena asked if the property owners give their permission, could that area be used. Ms. Jensen, Acting City Attorney, believed the City would have a prescriptive easement over any of the sidewalks that have been there for seven years or more. Mr. Lee noted that the City would also have rights to any of the sidewalks that were constructed as conditions of approval. He then introduced S?wart Woodard, an architect with The Woodard Group, who reviewed Cor?epts A through D as presented in the staff report, along with three digital photos of the proposed overall circulation plan for The Village area. Mayor Pena suggested keeping the current traffic circulation and putting a roundabout at the intersection of Avenida Montezuma and Avenida Navarro. He felt that would help to slow down traffic and create more of a pedestrian atmosphere. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[ City Council Minutes 17 June 22, 1999 Council Member Henderson noted that there?s a potential safety concern for vehicles entering Avenida Bermudas from the two streets with restaurants. Mayor Pena noted that the traffic will decrease around the post office area when the new post office is built. Mr. Woodard advised that during the public meetings many of the comments dealt with the park and what to do with it. He felt that it's going to be difficult finding commercial opportunities across from a baseball field. Mayor Pena felt the idea has always been to link The Village area with pathways, and to make it pedestrian-oriented. Council Member Sniff liked the idea of a roundabout at Avenida Montezuma and Avenida Navarro, but noted that the City can?t do much about the park unless some type of land swap can be worked out with C. V. Recreation & Park District. He supported going back to two-way streets around the park, and felt strategically-located parking is extremely important. Mayor Pena suggested focusing on the Avenida Montezuma/Avenida Navarro intersection, improving the parking lot area, and making the area between the park and Avenida Bermudas more pedestrian-friendly. In regard to the prototype street, he wished to see it remain basically the same, with some enhanced pavement treatment and landscaping. Council Member Sniff agreed, but still wished to see a pedestrian bridge. He didn't feel that it would have to be 14Y2' high because the alleys can be used for deliveries. It could start at the edge of the current sidewalk, and use a small portion of the street for access. Council Member Henderson advised that she likes the center island parking, but also likes the diagonal parking. She was more prepared to stay with the existing design, and enhancing it with stamped concrete and a few islands jutting off from the sides. Mr. Woodard advised that that would require revising of the parking scheme because there's not enough room to allow diagonal parking and back-up space along with center island parking. Council Member Henderson noted that Concept D provides for both types of parking, as well as landscaping. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 1 8 June 22, 1 999 Mr. Woodard agreed, but pointed out that that concept requires traffic to use the roundabouts at the ends of the street to turn and go the opposite direction. That configuration is also not conducive to the street fair. Mr. Vogt advised that staff could look at a design with circle islands on the ends and traffic islands in the middle, and bring it back to Council if they wish. Mayor Pena liked the circle islands at the ends with the current parking configuration and enhanced pavement treatments. He also liked the idea of linking the park with the City-owned parking area. Mr. Woodard noted that parallel parking has a negative impact on providing opportunities to dine outside. Council Member Perkins asked if a plot plan without the trees could be prepared so that the parking plan is more clear, to which Mr. Woodard responded yes. Mr. Woodard stated that he felt the pedestrian bridge was a good idea, but agreed with Council Member Perkins that it would have to be 14Y2' high to accommodate fire trucks and, therefore, would result in a very long handicap ramp in order to meet ADA requirements. Mayor Pena wished to see more information to see whether or not a bridge is feasible. Council Member Sniff asked that some consideration be given to undergrounding the electric utilities and the utilization of gas lighting. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Vogt advised that the only part considered for the assessment district is sewers and, possibly, undergrounding of electric utilities. Council Member Henderson felt that the City-owned property at Avenida Bermud? and Calle Tampico should be considered for public parking. Council concurred. Mr. Vogt advised that staff will look at the funding and bring back a parking lot design. He advised that staff could also come back with a parking lot design for the City-owned lot south of Ace Hardware for Council?s consideration. Council Member Henderson wasn't sure that a paved parking lot there would enhance the area. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[ City Council Minutes 19 June 22, 1999 Mayor Pena suggested removing the mounds, leaving the grass, and chaining it off for special event parking only. Mr. Vogt advised that staff will look at different options for that lot, and see about getting it cleaned up. Mayor Pena felt the consensus of the Council is to keep the basic configuration of Calle Estado, and to enhance it with some pavement treatments and small water features at both ends, and linking it with the City-owned parking lot. Council Member Henderson noted that that would not address the parallel parking problem. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that staff intends to get additional input from the public. However, he felt it would be beneficial for staff to incorporate Council's comments into a revised design and to bring it back for Council's review first. Council Member Sniff wished to see some consideration given to the pedestrian bridge, gas lighting, and undergrounding of electric utilities. He also felt that an attractive fountain at each end with proper lighting would be nice. Mr. Vogt asked for Council's direction on the curbing. Council concurred on using rolled curbing. BUSINESS SESSION...................continued 2. CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 1999/2000 PRELIMINARY BUDGET continued from Page 10). In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Genovese confirmed that the $20,850 amount under insurance on Page E-24 of the budget document is an error an? will be corrected. Mayor Pena questioned the contract services amount of $231,970 on Page E-26, and Mr. Falconer advised that $20,000 is for the Parks Master Plan. Council Member Henderson suggested moving forward with the second phase of the obelisks pilot program. She noted that approximately 50 intersections were identified for the program, but only 1 3 obelisks have been installed, and some of them were used at parks and the Senior Center. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[City Council Minutes 20 June 22, 1 999 Council Member Sniff agreed, and suggested budgeting $15,000 for the second phase. Council Member Henderson wished to see $20,000 budgeted. Council concurred on budgeting $20,000. After a brief discussion, Council concurred on a Special Projects Contingency Fund amount of $50,000. Mr. Genovese summarized the budget changes as follows: RDA compensation will be added to the Redevelopment Budget; the school contributions will be included in the contingency amount of $40,000; appropriations for the Chamber of Commerce, La Quinta Arts Foundation, and La Quinta Historical Society will be $155,000, $75,000, and $27,000 respectively; $20,000 will be appropriated from the APP Fund for the obelisks pilot program and no appropriation will be made for La Quinta On Stage; SCRAP will be eliminated as a line item; C. V. Economic Partnership, C. V. Mountains Conservancy, C. V. Recreation & Park District, and the Date Festival will be put in a separate category; and monies will be budgeted for covered parking at the Senior Center. He suggested that the budget surplus amount be combined with the contingency account, which should bring the contingency account up to $50,000-$60,000, depending on the budget surplus amount. Council can then consider how they wish to handle the contingency account and the requests for funding at the July 6 meeting. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Fiscal Year 1 999/2000 Preliminary Budget as amended and direct staff to prepare Fiscal Year 1999/2000 Final Budget for the July 20,1999, City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.99-81. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency and the Financing Authority. Council reconvened. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBIERS? ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING Y2K. Council Member Perkins advised of a national test that will be held on 9/9/99 September 9, 1 999) regarding Y2K problems. He has some concerns about BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[ City Council Minutes 21 June22, 1999 what will happen if the City loses its electrical power for seven days, and what the City's contingency plan is should that happen. He wished to see a meeting scheduled with the City's utility companies immediately after September 9 to see where the City is with them and what assurances they can provide. He would also like to know how long the City's generator will run. Council concurred. 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING PAINTING THE LETTERING IN THE ARCHWAYS OUTSIDE OF CITY HALL. Council Member Sniff noted that the lettering in the two archways outside of City Hall blends in with the background, making it difficult to read, and he suggested painting the letters black. Council concurred. 3. DISCUSSION REGARDING MEDIA ONE'S FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TRANSFER. Mayor Pena advised that Media One is anxious to get their franchise agreement transfer agendized, and suggested that it be scheduled for June 29. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the City received a fax from Media One today wherein they requested an extension to July 7. Mayor Pena asked that it be agendized for June 29 for an update. Council Member Sniff didn't have a problem agendizing it, but noted that the Council authorized the City Manager to deal with this. 4. DISCUSO iON REGARDING A LETTER RECEIVED FROM WELLS MARVIN. Mayor Pefia wished to have staff directed to reply to the letter received from Wells Marvin. Council concurred. BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02 d_[ City Council Minutes 22 June 22, 1 999 5. DISCUSSION REGARDING A NEW POST OFFICE. Mavor Pena advised that he and the City Manager met with post office officials today to discuss the process for building a new post office, including potential locations. There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Perkins/Sniff to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Res??ctfully submitted, *XSA' UNDRA L. JUH'CiLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 07-20-1999-U01 09:28:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 22-U02 1999-U02