CC Resolution 1999-115d_] RESOLUTION NO.99-115 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DECLARING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY OF ACQUISITION OF PORTIONS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 769-230-019, 769-230-023, 769-230-030, 769-240-017 and 769-280-027, FOR THE PURPOSES OF WIDENING AND IMPROVING JEFFERSON STREET WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta has been investigating the acquisition of various interests in property, including a permanent, perpetual easement in property located in the City of La Quinta and identified as Assessor Parcel Nos. 769-230-01 9, 769-230-023, 769-230-030, 769-240-017 and 769-280-027, for the purposes of widening and improving the roadway on Jefferson Street from Avenue 54 to Highway 111, a distance of approximately 3.5 miles, as part of the Jefferson Street Widening Project; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 1 999, after no less than 1 5 days written notice to the record owner of the property referenced above and more specifically described and depicted in the legal description and sketch attached hereto as Exhibits A" and B", respectively, which legal description and sketch are incorporated herein by reference, the City Council of the City of La Quinta held a hearing for the purpose of allowing the record owner of the property a reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard on the following matters: A. Whether the public interest and necessity require the project; B. Whether the project is planned or located in a manner which is most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; C. Whether the property proposed to be acquired is necessary for the project; and D. Whether the offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2 had been given; and whether the City had properly exercised all of its statutory responsibilities and duties antecedent to the exercise of eminent domain against the Property; and BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_]Resolution 99-115 Jeff. St.IXochimilco Resolution of Necessity Adopted: September?, 1999 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City Council, as a result of such hearing, has determined that the public health, safety, and welfare require that the City acquire various interests in the Property more particularly described herein the Property"), for the purposes of widening and improving Jefferson Street including, but not limited to, the addition of up to two through travel lanes in each direction to provide a maximum six-lane facility) and the construction of raised landscaped medians; and WHEREAS, the Project for which the Property to be acquired is sought has previously been reviewed under applicable environmental review procedures, including a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 99-378, approved May 1 8, 1 999 in which the City determined that, after the implementation of identified mitigation measures, the Project created no significant environmental impacts; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta is authorized to acquire the Property under authority of its own charter, and Government Code 37350.5 and 40404; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, that the City Council does hereby find, determine and declare upon evidence presented to the City Council as follows: Section 1: The Project for which acquisition of the Property is required consists of the widening and improving of Jefferson Street between Avenue 54 and Highway 111, including installation of raised landscaped medians. Section 2: The property to be acquired is located within the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, and is located on Jefferson Street, and otherwise identified as Assessor's Parcel Nos. 769-230-01 9, 769-230-023, 769-230- 030, 769-240-017, and 769-280-027. The portions of Property the City seeks to acquire, and the Property interests sought, consist of the following: A. A perpetual, exclusive easement for public right of way and roadway purposes, including all use of the Condemnation Parcel for purposes incident to use of property for a public right of way, including but not limited to the construction, maintenance, and operation of a roadway, underground and above-ground utilities, and appurtenances, cable, communication, or telecommunications facilities, signage, traffic control devices, curbs, gutters, BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_]Resolution 99-115 Jeff. St.lXochimjlco Resolution of Necessity Adopted: September 7,1999 Pege 3 sidewalks, and transportation facilities such as bus bays, benches, or bus or train stops, over approximately 11 9,850 square feet of the Property more specifically described and depicted in Exhibits A-i.' and A-2.* attached hereto. B. A Temporary Construction Easement in and over approximately 133,375 square feet of the Property, more specifically described and depicted in Exhibits B-i'. and B-2" hereto. The scope and terms of the Temporary Construction Easement shall consist of the interests described below: A nonexclusive easement which permits the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, employees, and contractors, to enter upon, occupy, and pass over the temporary construction easement area, more specifically described in the legal description attached as Exhibit B-i" Easement Area") as deemed reasonably necessary for all purposes incidental to reconstructing and widening Jefferson Street in accordance with the approved street construction the Project"). The temporary construction easement shall include the right to perform any necessary excavation; grading; earth fill; compaction; installation of concrete forms; landscaping; irrigation; utility; and sign relocation; accommodation of private drainage facilities; and deposit of tools, equipment and material for all such necessary activities which are reasonably incidental to the work being performed on said property in connection with the Project. Such incidental activities shall include, but not be limited to, adjusting grade differentials between the planned street and the adjoining real property and/or matching existing concrete and/or asphalt paved areas, and/or natural grade areas, or such work as may pertain to on-site improvements to render the temporary construction easement area or the larger parcel to which it pertains in the same functional condition as reasonably practicable to the condition before the Project in terms of access, irrigation, and connection of public right of way improvements to the larger parcel. BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_]Resolution 99-115 Jeff. St.lXochimilco Resolution of Necessity Adopted: September 7, 1999 Page 4 The rights granted hereunder shall commence fourteen 14) days after written notification to the property owner, and shall continue in full force and effect until twelve 1 2) months after notice. Upon termination of the temporary construction easement, the Easement Area shall be restored to a condition that is functionally equivalent as is practicable to its condition prior to the commencement of the work. Section 3: The public interest and necessity require the Project, in that the City's General Plan, specifically the Circulation Element, calls for the widening and improvement of Jefferson Street in the manner contemplated by the Project. In addition, the Jefferson Street roadway widening is designed to widen the roadway with the addition of up to two through travel lanes in each direction to provide for a maximum six-lane facility) and the construction of raised landscaped medians. Section 4: The Project is located in a manner most compatible with the greatest public good and least private injury, in that the design of the roadway widening must of necessity occupy land which is immediately adjacent to the existing roadway, in order to improve the continuity of the alignment of the road to improve the traffic flow capacity along this segment of Jefferson Street. The project is designed in a manner compatible with the greatest public good, in that the Project will involve roadway widening and improvements which will allow for the addition of up to two through travel lanes in each direction which will improve the levels of service and associated idling, thereby, decreasing pollutant emissions and, with the improvements in place, public services will be enhanced by improved police and fire response times. The Project will result in the least private injury in that, where possible consistent with safe roadway design restrictions, the property chosen for potential acquisition was done so to minimize the number of property owners affected, and to avoid impacts to existing residences. Section 5: The Property to be acquired is necessary for the Project, in that the contemplated roadway widening and improvement must occur on property immediately adjacent to the existing roadway to insure the continuity of the roadway alignment to accommodate increased traffic handling capacity of the roadway. Section 6: The offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2 has been made to the record owner on August 5, 1 999. The City's acquisition agent has attempted to negotiate with the record owner subsequent to this offer, but such BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] Resolution 99-115 Jeff. St.IXochimjlco Resolution of Necessitv Adopted. September?. 1999 Page 5 negotiations have not proved successful in securing the necessary property interests outside of more formal proceedings. Section 7: To the extent any of the property to be taken herein is devoted to a public use, the City finds that the proposed use for the Project is compatible with, or more necessary to, such public use, and that the City is authorized to acquire the Property pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure 1240.510 and 1240.610. Section 8: The Project has been reviewed and approved under the California Environmental Quality Act by way of approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 99-378, approved May 18, 1 999, and the City Council finds and determines that since the time of that certification there have been no subsequent changes with respect to the circumstances under which the Project is to be undertaken, no new information of substantial importance regarding significant effects or mitigation measures or alternative which has become available, and no subsequent changes have been proposed in the Project which would require important revisions to the previous environmental impact reports, such that no further environmental review attending this proposed acquisition is necessary. Section 9: The project has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission, and is in conformance with the General Plan. Section 1 0: The City Council hereby declares it is its intent to acquire a permanent, perpetual easement in a portion of the above-referenced Property, as more particularly described in Exhibit A-i" attached hereto and a temporary construction easement in a portion of the above-referenced Property, as more particularly described in Exhibit B-i" attached hereto, in the City's name in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of California. Section 11: The law firm of Rutan & Tucker, LLP, City Attorney for the City of La Quinta City Attorney") is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and prosecute in the name of the City such proceedings in the Court having proper jurisdiction thereof, as may be necessary for the acquisition of the Property described herein, and to prepare and file such pleadings, documents, and otherwise prosecute such actions as may be necessary in the opinion of such attorneys to acquire for the City the Property. Such attorneys are specifically authorized to take whatever steps andlor procedures are available to them under the Eminent Domain Law of the State of BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_]Resolution 99-11 Jeff. St.iXochimilco Resolution of Necessity Adopted: September 7, 1999 Page 6 of California, including, but not limited to, seeking orders for prejudgment possession of the property. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 7th day of September, 1 999, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None HNPEN?,ajr City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: RALJOLA,CityCle rk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: YJ:'f?Le;? DAWN C. HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY ARN 769-240-017): IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THOSE PORTIONS OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8 AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE WEST LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 3 OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION RECORDED APRIL 7, 1999 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 147656 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9; THENCE SOUTH 89"52'15" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 136.74 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9; THENCE NORTH 89?5B'06" WEST AND PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET. NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, A DISTANCE OF 50.88 FEET THENCE NORTH 00?01'54" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 17.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 47.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8; THENCE SOUTH 89?58'06" EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 50.84 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8; THENCE NORTH 89?52'15" EAST AND PARALLEL WITH AND 47.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, A DISTANCE OF 104.16 FEET; THENCE NORTH 43"48'29" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 37.45 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'53'22" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 364.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01?3"04" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 209.68 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID WEST LINE OF PARCEL 3, BEING PARALLEL WITH AND 60.00 FEET WESTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT NO.147656; THENCE SOUTH 02?12'15" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 618.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COMPRISING 5,454 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. ND 032 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_]I EXHIBIT A" PERASEMISEN4TCO(NTSYPT) 60' 160' 240' SCALE i"--80' a; 4 0 N I" z I? 0 cv, N 0 0 + Wa) Lfl 0 r0? I LL'LnCr0? 769-240-0i7 I- *? NO 5476 1J' PTR 2096459 WCL? 00 4 XOCHIMILCO I-'. *N + 60. 30' N IN. RIW 5,454 S.F. o??u 00 AREA OF PROPOSED a c',WH iz + C" PORTIONS OF THE SE i/4, SE i/A, SEC. 8 AND THE PR. 15' CONSI. VARIES 5, SW i/4, SW i/A, EASEMENT TYP) SEC. 9. T.6 S., 0? R.7 E.. S.B.M. N 43e45??g.? + N 00'0I'54"E S 89'Sa'.0 E-NB9'52'15"E 17.00' 4' 104.15' 50 68' 135.74' 0 N 8g'5B405 w S 69152'15'W 0 0 cl,0 C,'L 54TH AVENUE 0? SW COR. SEC. 9 03 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates 74-410 Highway 111 Palm Desert, CA 92260 August 9, 1999 JN 20-301477 Page 1 of3 EXHIBIT Bi" legal Description Temporarv 15' Construction Easement APN 769-240-017 In the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, those portions of the Southeast quarter of Section 8 and the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 9, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M., more particularly described as follows: Comrnencing at the point of intersection of the West line of Jefferson Street as described in Parcel 3 of Right-of-Way dedication recorded April 7, 1999 as Instrument No.147656 of official records of said Riverside County and a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Northerly of the South line of said Southwest quarter of Section 9; thence South 89o52l15?? West along said parallel line, 136.74 feet to the West line of said Southwest quarter of Section 9; thence North 89?58'06" West along parallel with and 30.00 feet Northerly of the South line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 8, 50.88 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 89058t0619 West, 14.95 feet; thence North 00o07I45?l West, 31.96 feet; thence North 89055115t1 East, 163.63 feet; thence North 43050t0019 East, 24.68 feet; thence North 02o05t29Y West, 2542.13 feet; thence North 89032Y231! East, 15.01 feet; thence South 02012?15" East, 1974.17 feet; thence South 0104211811 East, 573.87 feet; thence South 4304812911 West, 37.45 feet; o?4 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_]legal Description April 9, 1999 Temporary 15 Construction Basement JN 20-301477 APN 769-240-017 Page2of3 thence South 89o52?15?l West, 104.16 feet; thence North 89058105t1 West, 50.84 feet; thence South 00o01I54I? West, 17.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 46,846 square feet, more or less. H:\GR?7?DATA\3o1477\oFFICE\WPWlN\LegaIs\769.240?o17.wpd 035 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] EXHIBIT B2" 60' 0' 80' 160' 40' Li LJ 0 0 + SCALE 1?=80? 0 7 PORTIONS OF THE A. P. N. 769-240-017 SE 1/4, SE 1/4, PTR 2098459 z SEC. 8 AND THE XOCHIMILCO SW 1/4, SW 1/4, EA OF PROPOSED Li SEC. 9, T. 6 5., F;7?I??AR R. 7 E. S. B. M. I(ZLITCE 5, 454 S. F. 777 7 Li COURSE TABLE BEARING DISTANCE N:0Y?-------------------------------------------------------------------------?IncuIn Li N89?58'06"W 14.95' LAN0 L2 NO0?O7'45"W 32.00' L3 SS9?58'O5?E 65.86' 0 L4 Na9?52'15wE 97.77' 0 L5 N43"50'00"E 24.68' No.4725 L6 NO2?12'15?? 327.22' * Exp? * 77 In 0 L7 NO29O4'29"? 2214.91' 0 LS N89?32123?E 15.01' L9 SO2?12'15"E 1974.17' L1O S01?23'04"E 209.68' Lii SO1?53'22"E 364.19' L12 N43?48'29"E 37.45' z L13 N89?52'15"E 104.16' 0 L14 Na9?58'05?W 50.84' 0 LiS N00?O1'54"E 17.00' 0+ N 5' z 0 z SHEET or 3 SHEET RDbe? &iTL,Viidm Fmst & Assoc?tes PQEF?S[ONAL N?IIE?, PL??S L LRVEYORS L? cm, 0 54TH AVENUE I.. SCALE VI?LD B[:1OK AUGUST 2, 1999 i',=80' 301477 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] KIKIBIT IA" LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY APN 769-280-027): IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 00?1i'49? WEST ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 2587.26 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4: THENCE NORTH 89?45'38" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 60.00 FEET EASTERLY OF SAID WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 00?11'49" EAST ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 2380.45 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 04?40'08" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 19.50 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 171.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 73?34'33,,, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 219.59 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 78?14'41" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 24.26 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 291.00 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11?58'35', AN ARC DISTANCE OF 60.83 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 52.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4; THENCE NORTH 89?46'44' EAST ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 259.27 FEET; THENCE. SOUTH 00?13'16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 22.00 FEET TO A POINT ON FIRST SAID PARALLEL LINE, BEING 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4; I 0F2 027 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] UHIBIT A" APN 769-28?27) CONTINUED): THENCE SOUTH 89?46'44" WEST ALONG LAST. SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 509.99 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COMPRISING 95,967 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 2 OF 2 O3? BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] N 893.04g93?6.? EXHIBIT I AL 0. 6O? 16O? 4O? 32O? SCALE i"=80? LOG' 141 I- a V l w WO+ w Cu *101 t PR. 15? 769-280-027 C,) w ESMT. PTR 21i6153 I I XOCHIMILCO I?,II w N CIL 10. USA OR 90/287657 A? TO CVWO OR 93/110270 I" AREA OF PROPOSED I S O4?A0?OB?E RIW 95.967 S.F. 50 19.50? A PORTION OF THE I I? SW 1/4 OF SEC. 4, 0 O? BS/285B25 22.OO? N e9?46'44?E SEC. A S 69??6'44?W cv, BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates 74-410 Highway 111 Palm Desert, CA 92260 August 3, 1999 JN 20-301477 Page 1 of3 EXHIBIT Bi" Legal Description Temporary 15 Construction Easement APN 769-280-027 In the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, that portion of the Southwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M., more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Northerly of the South line of said Southwest Quarter and a line with and 30.00 feet Easterly of the West line of said Southwest quarter; thence North 00?11'49" West along last said parallel line, 2587.26 feet to a point on the North line Os said Southwest quarter of Section 4; thence North 8904513811 East along said North line 30.00 feet to a point on a line parallel with and 60.00 feet Easterly of said West line of the Southwest quarters, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 89056947t9 East, 15.00 feet; thence South 0001 1'49" East, 2379.80 feet; thence South 0404090899 East, 18.91 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 156.00 feet; thence along said curve southeasterly 200.33 feet through a central angle of 7303413319; thence tangent from said curve South 7801414111 East, 24.26 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave northerly and having a radius of 276.00 feet, a radial line of said curve from said point bears North 1 1?45?18?' East; thence along said curve easterly 57.69 feet through a central angle of 1105893499; thence tangent from said curve North 8904694499 East, 274.27 feet; L40 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_]Legal Description August 3, 1999 Temporary 15' Construction Easement JN 20-301477 APN 769-280-027 Page2of3 thence South 00o13?16tI East, 37.00 feet; thence South 890461449t West, 15.00 feet; thence North 000131161! West, 22.00 feet; thence South 8904644!! West, 259.27 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northerly and having a radius of 291.00 feet; thence along said curve westerly 60.83 feet through a central angle of 11058135!!; thence tangent from said curve North 78014141!! West 24.26 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 171.00 feet; thence along said curve northwesterly 219.59 feet through a central angle of 73034t33!!; thence tangent from said curve North 04040908!! West 19.50 feet; thence North 00011149!! West 2380.45 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 44,838 square feet, more or less. H:\GR?O\PDATA\3o1477\oFFIcE\wPWIN\?gaIs\769?2so?o27.wpd 041 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] 30.00' 99?45' L5 V[1I fliT NO. LINE, SW 1/4,SEC.4 AflIDII 7 p77??7??AREA OF PROPOSED A PORTION OF THE t TN.P.0.B. 0' T4J$ S. F. SWB,1$4 OF SEC. 4, 769-280-027 T. 6 5. R. 7 E. TABLE NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Cl 11?58'34? 276.00' 57.69' C2 73?34'33,' 156.00' 200.33' C3 73?34'33', 171.00' 219.59' LAJ C4 11'58'34" 291.00' 60.83' 0 Ld COURSE TABLE Cuc? x NO. BEARING DISTANCE E 30' Li N00?13'16'W 15.00' 0 I?') L2 S78?14'41"E 24.26' b z L3 S04?40'08"E 18.91' Cu L4 S00?11'49"E 2379.50' L5 S89?56'47"E 15.00' L6 S00?11'49"E 2380.45' 0 LLI L7 N04?40'08"W 19.50' Cu 7 L8 N78?14'41"W 24.26' 0 Ld 15' C/L 10' USA DR90??87667 U 0? 0 4' T? CVWD 0 0 0* R 93/110?70 0 7 I z CD o 0 LL 60' 0 SHEET 3 aF 3 SHEET m? 0 0 7 z 7 DU? I z NI l* Illerny III LVUI? III, 30' cm? ut PM CD 0 R 86/286S?6 0 Ns9?46'4,4"E 0 CD 0 SW COR. SEC. 4 S 89'46'44?W NIc?0 CD P.O, C. 52ND AVENUE SCALE VIELD 31:101< AUGUST 2, 1999 1"=80' 301477 P. A BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] EXHIBIT A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY APN 769-230-019): IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8 AND A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET WESTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP NO.8961 ON FILE IN BOOK 44, PAGES 67 AND 68 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE SOUTH 02oi2?15? EAST ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 25.04 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL 1 OF THAT RIGHT- OF-WAY DEDICATION RECORDED APRIL 7,1999 AS INSTRUMENT NO.147656 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINES OF SAID PARCEL 1 THROUGH THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES: 1) SOUTH 89'52'01" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 55.21 FEET; 2) THENCE SOUTH 49o50?20? EAST, A DISTANCE OF 34.07 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 02?12'15? EAST, A DISTANCE OF 158.44 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP WITH A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 171.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE FROM SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 87*47?45? WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 72?6'26", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 217.19 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 74?58'41" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 55.08 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 291.00 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15?09'18", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 76.97 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 52.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF SAID NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8; THENCE SOUTH 89"52'01,, WEST ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 155.05 FEET; 1 OF 2 J.4? BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] EIKIBIT A" APN 769-230-019) CONTINUED): THENCE NORTH 00?07'59" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 22.00 FEET TO A POINT ON FIRST SAID PARALLEL LINE, BEING 30.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF SAID NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8; THENCE NORTH 89?52'01" EAST ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 433.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COMPRISING 18,429 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 20F2 044 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] 0 0?0 *0 1>4 U' 52? Co U) H 0 m x x ft). QW? w.?ii!DL:i;:I ft) a w z o 0' Cm ID *WO? w zo r?i a o. 1 ft)? I 1 ID Ut ID ID 63+00 w U'. ffn' JEFFERSON STREET U"''. Oft) 1-- U' ft) ft) S- S- BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates 74-410 Highway 111 Palm Desert, CA 92260 August 9, 1999 JN 20-301477 Page 1 of3 EXHIBIT Bi" Legal Description Temporary 15' Construction Easement APN 769-230-019& 023 In the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, that portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M., more particularly described as follows: Comrnencing at the point of intersection of a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Southerly of the North line parallel with and 30.00 feet Westerly of the centerline of Jefferson Street as shown on Parcel Map No.8961 on file in Book 44, Pages 67 and 68 of Parcel Maps, Records of Riverside County, California; thence South 02o12t15I? East, along said parallel line, 25.04 feet to a point on the North line of Parcel 1 of that right-of-way dedication recorded April 7, 1999 as Instrument No.147656 of official records of Riverside County, California; thence along the Northerly and Westerly lines of said Parcel 1 through the following three courses: 1) South 89052l01?? West, 55.21 feet; 2) thence South 49050I20v? East, 34.07 feet; 3) thence South 020 12'15" East, 158.44 feet to a point of cusp with a tangent curve, concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 171.00 feet, a radial line from said point bears South 87047t45?l West to said point being the true point of beginning; thence along said curve northerly northwesterly 217.19 feet through a central angle of 7r46'26"; thence tangent from said curve North 7405814111 West 55.08 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southerly and having a radius of 291.00 feet; thence along said curve westerly 76.97 feet through a central angle of 1500911811; G'46 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_]legal Description August 9, 1999 Temporary 15' Construction Easement JN 20-301477 APN 769-230-019 & 023 Page2of3 thence tangent from said curve South 89?52?01" West 155.05 feet; thence North 0000715911 West, 22.00 feet; thence South 8905210111 West, 15.00 feet; thence South 0000715911 East, 37.00 feet; thence North 890521011t East, 170.05 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southerly and having a radius of 276.00 feet; thence along said curve easterly 73.00 feet through a central angle of 1500911811; thence tangent from said curve South 7405814111 East, 55.08 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 156.00 feet; thence along said curve southeasterly southerly 198.14 feet through a central angle of 7204612611; thence tangent from said curve South 0201211511 East, 206.99 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point 11A II; thence continuing South 0201211511 East, 374.53 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point 111311; thence continuing South 0201211511 East, 505.21 feet; thence North 9000010011 East, 15.01 feet; thence North 0201211511 West, 1087.32 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 24,254 square feet, more or less. 047 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_]t In In In") 1?3?IS N5S??i??F 0 z 00+19 00+09 Ii LdLd b w a NWI LIL?I 0 0 zLj bJ? I 0 0 0ILfl? I Cu 0 z CD Ir) z ii z 0 Cu Z 0 z m SHEET 3 ar 3 SHEET 0 o CD M?D Robe? Biim.ViLiam FTost & P??:SE??AL PLANIRS & LUVEyWt: I?WIZ? IL I? &? r? c'm SCALE rIELD BanK UGUST 2. 1999 1"=60' 301477 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates 74-410 Highway 111 Palm Desert, CA 92260 August 17, 1999 JN 20-301477 Page 1 of2 EXHIBIT Bi" Legal Description Temporarv 15' Construction Easement APN 769-230-030 In the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, that portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8 and the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 9, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Parcel 2 of that certain parcel granted to the City of La Quinta per Instrument No.147656, recorded April 7, 1999, Official Records; thence North 02012'15" West, along the West line of said Parcel 2, 1162.51 feet to the Southerly line of the All American Canal Right-of-Way, as shown on plat titled Right-of-Way, U.S. Government Land", Drawing No. C-6A-464, Dated July31, 1946; thence South 89054118t1 West along the said Southerly line of the All American Canal Right-of- Way, 15.01 feet to a point 75.00 feet Westerly of the centerline of Jefferson Street; thence South 0201211511 East, along said Westerly line 1162.63 feet to the North line of that certain Parcel granted to the County of Riverside per deed recorded in Book 1200, Pages 259 through 260, Records of Riverside County; thence South 89044127t1 East along said North line, 15.01 feet to the point of beginning; Containing 17,437 square feet, more or less. BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02 d_] 7Be?23o4o17 L USINT???T? EXHIBIT B2" Ln?oif?I A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SEC. 9, T. 6 S., R. 7 E. S. B. M. A. P. N. 769-230-030 0 PTR 2098459 XOCHINILCO PROP., INC. 60? I', RIW PER AREA OF PROPOSEl) Cu 0.R.99/147656 P] TCE 17, 437 S. F. 0 ii E d 0 OCY)0 1 1--LLJ L?i Co I? cv) N Cu 0 10% 0%?D N CIL ELEC. ESMT. 0 O.R.29lBK.501-33 OX T I I Lao I i 0 I 0 D * Exp.? * U 0%. RI PER 4 j 0. 99/147656 I SHEET 2 2 SHEET 53RD tm) NI Uti 0 cm? SCALE rIELD DOCIK 111=80? 301477 BIB] 11-19-1999-U01 11:54:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 99-U02 115-U02