1994 01 24 CC Minutes"
JANUARY 24, 1994
Special Study Session of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 6:00 P?M. by Mayor
PRESENT: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena
Mayor Pena advised that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the following matters as a City
Council and at 7:00 P.M. to meet jointly with the Community Services Commission to continue
Council Discussion
Council Member Sniff reviewed some of the past history of the Commission and stated that he
had a level of concern as to whether this Commission is the best way to go. He noted that
Council Member Perkins, sometime ago, surfaced the idea of a Cultural Affairs Commission,
which he could support if it was City-sponsored with staff support. He suggested that it be nine
members; and that it would be desirable for certain organizations to have membership and that
they have a broad umbrella scope over the cultural activities within the City. He also wished
to see the Community Services Commission be reconstituted as a Parks and Recreation
Commission in light of the new Parks and Recreation Department.
Mayor Pena asked what the focus and duties of the Cultural Affairs Commission would be and
why couldn't those duties be assigned to the Community Services Commission. He suggested
that perhaps the name of the Commission needs to be broadened. He felt that if the Commission
isn't doing what the Council wishes, then perhaps it's because they haven't been given direction.
Council Member Sniff felt that one of the reasons the CSC has not been as effective as it should
be is because its interests are too fragmented and they meet only about 50 hours per year. He
felt that the only way these Commissions can be effective is to have singular focus. He further
added that his intent is not to remove the current Commission Members, but rather keep them
on the Commission and give them a new, singular focus that of parks and recreation.
Council Member McCartney asked if the intent was to eliminate the human relations? function
entirely and Council Member Sniff responded in the affirmative.
City Councill 2 January 24 1994
Community Services Commission
Mayor Pena had a concern with eliminating the human relations functions based on the cultural
diversity in the community. With the building of the new high school and the fact that so many
high schools are dealing with violence on their campuses, we need a commission to deal with
those issues.
Council Member Bangerter believed that there has been a lack of direction to the CSC. When
they were given direction on the Parks Master Plan, they did an excellent job and their work
plan" is good. She agreed that the human relations aspect should not be eliminated. If two
Commissions are formed, then human relations should be a part of one of them. She also
wished to see the current Commissioners given an opportunity to serve on one of these two
Commissions, if that is what's decided. Also, they need to be given very clear direction and
the Council has to share in the responsibility.
Council Member Perkins felt that the Council is looking at three things which he considered to
be very important for the future of the community: 1) a Parks and Recreation Commission that
is focused; 2) a Cultural Affairs Commission to be an umbrella organization for the arts in the
City and; 3) perhaps a Human Relations Commission which he felt was very important and was
not sure that it should be combined with either of the two Commissions being discussed. The
Parks and Recreation Commission needs to be focused on those issues alone.
Mayor Pena expressed concern that there isn't enough work for three different commissions, nor
is there enough staff to devote the time to three commissions.
Council Member Sniff advised that he regularly attends the meetings of the Community Services
Commission and felt that possibly the Council has been remiss in not clearly directing them, but
he felt that the only way things can be done with people who meet only twice a month is to
focus their functions.
Council Member McCartney commented that everyone seems to feel that the Council has been
remiss in giving direction to the Commission but, in forming commissions, you have to look at
the needs of the community and what has changed during the last five years. One thing that
seems to be changing is the demographics of the City we're moving more toward a family-
oriented City and away from being known as a retirement community the new high school and
proposed elementary school is evidence of that change and the City has addressed that need by
creating the Youth Advisory Committee. He believed that the seniors also have a great need and
noted that a third group is the residents of mobile home parks and the people who have low-
income housing needs and child-care needs. He liked the idea of a focused commission and
suggested a Community Resources Commission", which would be made up of youths, seniors
and the human relations element that is currently part of the Community Services Commission
to look at affordable housing issues and child-care issues. He supported the Parks and
Recreation Commission and the Cultural Affairs Commission, but suggested that perhaps we
need a third commission to deal with these other issues.
City Councill 3 January 24, 1994
Community Services Commission
Mayor Pena expressed concern that three different commissions may become diluted and
suggested that perhaps the name of the Community Services Commission needs to be changed
and possibly expanded to a nine or eleven member body. He felt that they could handle all of
the issues being discussed here if the Council were to give better direction and guidance.
In response to Council Member Bangerter, Mr. Bohlen advised that the Commission doesn't
always get together in committee groups during their meetings. He flirther advised that when
you have people who are self-motivated and they have interests on that committee, he has seen
them take the ball and run with it when the Council has given them latitude to do that. He
believed that the leading of the Council is imperative. He noted that because they are down a
member, two individuals don't make a committee they need three members on each committee.
Council Member Perkins didn't have a problem with forming still another commission. He
recognized the staff-time involved, but felt that the Council has to look at the future. He didn't
feel that one commission can handle all the functions needing to be addressed and that will be
coming up. He was not satisfied that the existing Commission has been able to do the job with
or without the Council's direction because of the diversity of responsibilities and the confusing
way in which it was set-up.
Council Member Bangerter wished to see something done to expand the cultural aspect as she
felt that there's a need to get into performing arts, which are almost always money-makers.
Council Member McCartney felt that if there are needs in the community, then the number of
commissions doesn't matter, but they do need to have goals and objectives and a work plan.
He referred to the Seattle work-plan, which he felt was a good example.
Mayor Pena wasn't opposed to a cultural affairs commission given that they have enough to do
and that they are focused enough to do so. He suggested that it could be reviewed in a year to
see how it's functioning.
Council Member McCartney suggested forming three, five-member commissions. A Parks and
Recreation Commission, a Cultural Affairs Commission to look at the arts globally, and a
Community Resources Commission to deal with affordable housing issues, child care issues,
senior issues, etc.
Mayor Pena questioned the status of the Art in Public Places Commission if these three
commissions are formed and Council Member Sniff felt that it should remain intact as it has a
singular focus.
Council Member Perkins favored the idea of three commissions, but suggested that the Cultural
Affairs Commission have more members, possibly nine, because there are established groups
in the community already and this should be an umbrella group for them all to be represented.
City Councill 4 January 24, 1994
Community Services Commission
Council Member Sniff suggested that the Cultural Affairs Commission and Parks and Recreation
Commission have seven members with the Human Relations Commission having five members.
Following a discussion regarding the number of members, the Council concurred on seven
members on each commission.
Mayor Pena felt that it's incumbent upon the Council to monitor these commissions and. make
sure that work plans are developed and followed.
Council recessed
Commission Members Present: Mr. Bernard, Mrs. Dickens, Mrs. Frances? Mrs. Nard,
Mrs. Seaton, Chairman Best
Chairman Best advised that the Commission was meeting at the same time the Council was
meeting at 6:00 P.M. Minutes of said meeting are attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit
A??) to discuss the same issues the Council discussed. Regarding the creation of a Cultural
Affairs Commission, he advised that the Commission is concerned about what it would do to the
current CSC and wished to hear from the Council in that regard.
Mayor Pena advised that the Council has had a lengthy discussion on various possibilities with
a consensus being arrived at of forming two new commissions and reconstituting the CSC to a
Parks and Recreation Commission. The two new ones, in effect, would have the responsibilities
of the two remaining CSC committees cultural affairs and human relations. Each of these
commissions will have seven members and a very focused work-plan. The Council wished to
hear the opinion of the CSC members.
Ms. Francis, Commissioner, favored the idea of having three separate commissions advising
that when she and Mrs. Nard met regarding culture and fine arts, it became apparent that the
work was too monumental for a sub-committee of three people.
Mrs. Nard, Commissioner, agreed saying that in order to accomplish their goals, it will take
more people and was pleased with the direction the Council seemed to be going. She added that
human services has not been touched and it's needed in our community.
City Councill 5 January 24, 1994
Community Services Commission
Mrs. Seaton, Commissioner, supported the idea of three commissions and asked if the various
elements of their work-plan will be pulled into these three new commissions and Mayor Pena
advised that it would.
Mrs. Dickens, Commissioner, supported the idea of three commissions and felt that the Council
has their fingers on the pulse of the community.
Mr. Bernard, Commissioner, commented that it was one of his early recommendations to have
three commissions and also commented that many people do not move here for the golf or the
arts and that groups in the community need to be considered. However, he was not in favor of
the Youth Committee because he felt that the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Human
Relations Commission and Cultural Affairs should address the needs of everyone from youth to
Chairman Best felt that the proposal is a great one. He felt that the staff person assigned to
deal with commissions is very important. He believed that the reason the CSC did so well in
the area of parks and recreation was because they had the staff person assigned to that function
with the City.
Council Member Perkins was pleased to see that both bodies were thinking along the same
lines and felt that the three areas assigned to the CSC was too confusing to be workable.
Council Member Bangerter commended the CSC on their excellent Work Plan. In order to
carry out the goals of that plan, the Council is going to have to allow them the resources and
staff necessary. More importantly, each of the three commissions must have a work plan and
Mayor Pena commented that the City of La Quinta has always been inclusive rather than
exclusive and by expanding our commissions we will be able to bring in a broader range of
people to focus on those issues where their focus lies.
Mrs. Seaton asked if the current commissioners will have the opportunity to sit on one of these
commissions and Mayor Pena advised that it is the intent of the Council that the Commissioners
will have that opporturnty.
Council then discussed the timing aspect and then concurring on letting the CSC remain in
existence until the framework of the three commissions is established.
Mr. Best suggested that during this interim period that the CSC continue advising the Council
on the grants and continue with the New Leaf Award Program and the La Quinta Beautiful
Program, as well as make recommendations on the structure and duties of the new commissions.
City Councill 6 January 24, 1994
Community Services Commission
Council Member Perkins felt that the most important thing they could do is discuss and make
recommendations as to how the three commissions will function in the future. He also wished
for their minutes to reflect all points of view.
Mr. Hunt, City Manager, advised that staff will begin working on this matter and hope to have
some preliminary information for the next CSC meeting. It will probably be a couple of months
before staff can get back to the City Council. Staff understands there will be three, seven-
member commissions and basic functions.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
City of La Quinta California
JANUARY 24, 1994
A regular meeting of the Community Services Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in the La
Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairman Best led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Norris Bernard
Commissioner Lawrence Best Chairman)
Commissioner Aldine Dickens Arrived at 7:00 P.M.)
Commissioner Susan Francis
Commissioner Nancy Nard
Commissioner B.J. Seaton Vice Chairwoman)
STAFF PRESENT: Clint Bohien, Parks & Recreation Director Joined at 7:05 P.M.)
Cristal Spideil, Secretary II
ommissioner Dickens phoned from Los Angeles and indicated she would be late to this evenings
meeting due to traffic and road conditions as a result of the recent earthquake.
It was moved by Commissioner Nard/Francis to APPROVE the minutes of January 10, 1994 as
Mayor's Breakfast at the La Quinta Hotel, 7:00A.M., February 3,1994. The speaker will be Sandra
R. Smoley from the State of California Health and Welfare Agency, and the topic of discussion is
Health Care Reform... What It Means to Small Business and the California Comeback".
Jone at this time
None subriiitted
MINI-24 1
A. City Council and Community Services Commission Joint Meeting
Chairman Best reviewed the Staff Report which included the background and recommendations of the
Commission in regards to a Cuftural Affairs Commission, the future status of the Community Services
Commission, and the Commission's Work Plan which was created by direction of the Council.
A. Commission Discussion of Joint Meeting Topics
Chairman Best noted that staff had done a good lob of laying out the work which the Commission has
accomplished at the parks, and would like to see the development of the Handbook and the work done
in regards to the Community Grant process mentioned as well. Chairman Best informed the
Commission that he will inform the Council that the recommendation was from a divided Commission.
Commissioner Nard added that the Commission was seeking direction from Council and wanted to
make clear that the Commission's recommendation was not set in stone.
Chairman Best reviewed the recommendation of staff regarding the future status of the Community
Services Commission. The recommendation consisted of restructuring the Parks & Recreation and
Human Services Committee into one Commission. No standing committees would be created.
Commissioner Bernard asked what the recommendation of the Commission was. Chairperson Best
indicated that the Commission has made no recommendation on this subject. Commissioner Bernard
asked what the Commission's recommendation would be if we were asked, as a body, by the Council.
Commissioner Nard recalled that the Commission was going to Coundi for direction with this matter,
therefore a decision or recommendation was not necessary at this time. Chairman Best added that due
to the Commission being split in several directions there could not be a consensus for a
recommendation. Commissioner Seaton stated that since the appointment of the Parks and Recreation
Oirector and the growth of the City, it was inevitable that a Parks and Recreation Commission would
be necessary.
Chairman Best stated that the combining of a Parks and Recreation Commission and Human Service
Commission under the Community Services Commission would not be beneficial, and that the Human
Services Commission would not get the attention it needs and deserves. Due to staffs focus on parks
and recreation, there is the possibility that human services would not be addressed as much as parks
and recreation would be.
Commissioner Bernard does not think the needs of the community have been explored as far as human
services go. The questionnaire mailed over a year ago was geared towards Parks and Recreation and
barely touched on Human Services. Commissioner Bernard feels a Human Services questionnaire is
necessary to find out what the needs really are. Commissioner Bernard added that the city is more
than golf and the arts, and that the common people look forward to more things than golfing and
viewing art. The Commission concurred.
MIN1-24 2
Chairman Best reiterated that the Commission discussed, at the Councils request, the Cuftural Affairs
issue, a very divided Commission made a recommendation, but as to the other 2 items on the agenda,
the Commission has not discussed it and therefore does not have a formal opinion or recommendation.
Commissioner Seaton indicated that the Work Plan has a lot of human services items, as well as parks
and recreation items. Chairman Best recalled that during his time on the Community Services
Commission, almost nothing has been done in regards to human services, which is due in part to the
departure or reassignment of Commissioners. Chairman Best recalled that a past Commissioner was
interested in Red Ribbon Week, and nothing more has been done on behalf of human services.
Commissioner Be?nard asked if the Commission members are receiving the minutes from City Council
meetings, and then read from the December 21,1993 minutes regarding a comment made by a Council
Member. The minutes read the future of the Commission should be discussed first because the Work
Plan would be irrelevant if changes were made". Commissioner Bernard's opinion is that since the
addition of a Historical Commission and Youth Advisory Commission, that the Commissions future has
already been decided.
Commissioner Seaton indicated that she has spoke with two Council Members and was pleased to hear
them say that the Council has not given the Commission enough direction, or proper direction which
could explain the Commission's feeling of floundering because there was lack of direction.
Chairman Best explained that every other body, aside from Council, is job specific. Their function and
propose is very clear. He feels that it's time to split the Community Services Commission into job
specific Commissions. Commissioner Nard concurred.
Commissioner Bernard stated he would hate to see the Commission break up because he feels the
Commission can do something for the community if everyone gets their heads together. if parks and
recreation and human services are under one commission, the Human Services portion would not get
the attention it needs. The Youth Committee and the Human Services Committee should be one
Commission to better focus on those needs, and keep the Parks and Recreation Commission separate.
Chairperson Best encouraged the Commission to make their opinions and ideas known during the joint
session with the Council, and he will respond to questions directed to him, and then will ask the
Commission for additional comments. Mayor Pe?a will chair the joint meeting.
Commissioner Francis asked if any discussion or questions would be asked by the Council of the
options other than recommended. Commissioner Nard asked if it was possible for the Council to pick
and choose from the options the Commission provided and come up with a completely different option.
Chairman Best indicated the Council could do what ever they feel necessary or appropriate.
The Commission discussed past options, votes, and discussions of the Commission regarding the
Cultural Affairs issues.
To clarify statements made at past CSC meetings Cristal Spidell, Secretary II asked Chairman Best
if copies of the November 8th and 22nd minutes would be helpful to the Commission, as well as the
Council. Chairman Best agreed that the Commission would need a copy, and the meeting recessed
at 6:35 P.M.
MIN1-24 3
Chairman Best brought the meeting back to order at 6:45 P.M. The minutes of November 8th and 22nd
were distributed and reviewed by the Commission. The information will be distributed to the Council
if requested. Chairman Best recessed the meeting at 6:52 P.M..
Commissioner Aldine Dickens arrived at 7:00 P.M.
B. Joint Meeting With City Council
The Community Services Commission reconvened in the Council Chambers at 7:08 P.M. for the joint
meeting with the City Council.
Council Members Present: Mayor John Pefla
Mayor Pro-Tem Bangerter Glenda
Council Member Stan Sniff
Council Member Ron Perkins
Council Member Michael McCartney
Chairman Best advised that the Commission was meeting at the same time the Council was meeting
to discuss the same issues the Council discussed. Regarding the creation of a Cultural Affairs
Commission, he advised that the Commission is concerned about what it would do to the current CSC
and wished to hear from the Council in that regard.
Mayor Pena advised that the Council has had a lengthy discussion on various possibilities with a
consensus being arrived at of forming two new commissions and reconstituting the CSC to a Parks and
Recreation Commission. The two new ones, in effect, would have the responsibilities of the two
remaining CSC committees cultural affairs and human relations. Each of these commissions will have
seven members and a very focused work-plan. The Council wished to hear the opinion of the CSC
Commissioner Francis, favored the idea of having three separate commissions advising that when she
and Commissioner Nard met regarding culture and fine arts, it became apparent that the work was too
monumental for a sub-committee of three people.
Commissioner Nard, agreed saying that in order to accomplish their goals, it will take more people and
was pleased with the direction the Council seemed to be going. She added that human services has
not been touched and it's needed in our community.
Commissioner Seaton supported the idea of three commissions and asked if the various elements of
their work-plan will be pulled into these three new commissions and Mayor Pen-a advised that it would.
Commissioner Dickens supported the idea of three commissions and felt that the Council has their
fingers on the pulse of the community.
Commissioner Bernard commented that it was one of his early recommendations to have three
commissions and also commented that many people do not move here for the golf or the arts and that
groups in the community need to be considered. However, he was not in favor of the Youth Committee
because he felt that the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Human Relations Commission and
Cultural Affairs should address the needs of everyone from youth to seniors.
MIN1-24 4
Chairman Best felt that the proposal is a great one. He felt that the staff person assigned to deal with
commissions is very important. He believed that the reason the CSC did so well in the area of parks
and recreation wag because they had the staff person assigned to that function with the City.
Council Member Perkins was pleased to see that both bodies were thinking along the same lines and
felt that the three areas assigned to the CSC was too confusing to be workable.
Council Member Bangerter commended the CSC on their excellent Work Plan. In order to carry out
the goals of that plan, the Council is going to have to allow them the resources and staff necessary.
More importantly, each of the three commissions must have a work plan and goals.
Mayor Pefla commented that the City of La Quinta has always been inclusive rather than exclusive and
by expanding our commissions we will be able to bring in a broader range of people to focus on those
issues where their focus lies.
Commissioner Seaton asked if the current commissioners will have the opportunity to sit on one of
these commissions and Mayor Pena advised that it is the intent of the Council that the Commissioners
will have that opportunity.
Council then discussed the timing aspect and then concurring on letting the CSC remain in existence
until the framework of the three commissions is established.
Chairman Best suggested that during this interim period that the CSC continue advising the Council
on the grants and continue with the New Leaf Award Program and the La Quinta Beautiful Program,
as well as make recommendations on the structure and duties of the new commissions.
Council Member Perkins felt that the most important thing they could do is discuss and make
recommendations as to how the three commissions will function in the future. He also wished for their
minutes to reflect all points of view.
Mr. Robert Hunt, City Manager, advised that staff will begin working on this matter and hope to have
some preliminary information for the next CSC meeting. It will probably be a couple of months before
staff can get back to the City Council. Staff understands there will be three, seven-member
commissions and basic functions.
The Commission recessed at 7:55 P.M.
City Council's joint meeting Minutes in their entirety are attached as Exhibit A".)
C. Summary DIscussion of Joint Meeting
Chairman Best brought the meeting back to order in the Study Session Room at 8.00 P.M.
ommissioner Seaton was not surprised by the outcome. In her opinion the Council is giving the
ommission a chore to accomplish prior to disbanding of the Commission.
MIN1-24 5
Commissioner Francis was pleasantly surprised by the discussion because it gives the Commission the
responsibility and opportunity to do some work on three very important bodies that are to be formed.
Commissioner Francis is proud that the Council has put this in the Commission?s hands, and indicated
that it is work that needs to be done, and the Commission has been diligent in what the Commission
has done.
Commissioner Dickens believes the Council is interested in three different Commissions, and that each
will be well defined with clear objectives, and the Community Services Commission is capable of
Staff clarified Council Member McCartney's use of the term Community Resources and what he
envisioned was a human relations committee that would address the needs of seniors, the youth,
affordable housing, health care, etc. This committee would be a catch all for programs that do not fall
under the Parks & Recreation Commission.
Commissioner Bernard stated that Palm Springs has a Human Rights Commission and he hoped that
this was not the type of Commission the Council was talking about forming: staff informed the
Commission that it is not.
Commissioner Seaton asked if information could be obtained from different cities to help the
Commission to form ideas, ordinances, etc. Staff will contact the League of California Cities for any
information they may have on file, and present a report to the Commission at the next meeting which
analyzes the information received.
The Commission discussed future meetings and topics to determine the necessity of two meeting a
month. Also discussed were the terms of three Commissioners which are expiring as of June 30, 1994.
Commissioner Nard asked if each Commissioner is to bring guidelines already planned out on each
Commission. Chairman Best stated we could think about it and discuss how to approach it at the next
meeting, or they could decide tonight to start with one particular Commission and submit information
at the next meeting.
Commissioner Dickens suggested formulating the Work Plan and decide which Plan fits under which
Committee. Commissioner Bernard would like to see the guidelines from local cities. Commissioner
Francis feels the Work Plan should be the last thing to do since it is already completed and would be
easy to spread the items around to each Commission. Commissioner Dickens agreed with
Commissioner Francis, as her original thought was mainly a stepping stone to start the process.
Staff summarized that it is not yet clear what each new commission is going to be responsible for,
therefore it would be difficult to start assigning tasks. Commissioner Francis suggested that all
Commissioners could work on all three areas, and or divide into three groups and work on each new
Commission individually. Chairman Best stated that the Commissioners are already divided into
subcommittees and then suggested that those individuals work with their respective Committee.
Commissioner Francis suggested that each Committee report next week on specific duties, general idea
or duties, rough goals, etc.
MIN1-24 6
The Parks and Recreation Director informed the Commission that he has information and ordinances
for Parks and Recreation Commissions from other cities at this time, and the next task would be to
identify cities with Human Relations Commissions so that the Commission could have some information
on hand. The Cultura Affairs issue has largely been addressed.
Commissioner Francis is concerned with the staff liaison selected to the Cultural Affairs Commission.
Council Member McCartney had suggested Tom Genovese, Assistant City Manager, but no decisions
were made.
Chairman Best agreed with Commissioner Bernard to get all the information together and then decide
how to develop each new Commission. Staff will present a report at the next meeting, and the
Commission will come to the meeting with ideas on how to approach the task, and make a decision
at that time. The existing Community Services Commission Ordinance could be the skeleton for each
new Commission, and then fine tune each Commissions Ordinance.
Monday, February 14,1994 7:00 P.M.
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
Discuss Guidelines, Responsibilities & Ordinances for New Commissions
It was moved by Commissioner Nard/Bernard to adlourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled
Community Services Meeting on Monday, February 14,1994. Motion carried unanimously. Meetng
adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
Parks and Recreation Director
Secretary il
MINI-24 7