1994 06 20 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 20, 1994 Special Meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 1:00P.M. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT None BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION?ION OF PRELIMINARY FISCAL YEAR 1994/95 BUDGET. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the new budget format includes two separate documents as opposed to the previous years' one document. This allows for a supporting document which identifies each of the line items specifically, pertinent to each department. Additionally, it gives justifications as to the specific increases. He expressed appreciation to all Department Directors for their assistance and in particular, Rich Parzonko, Finance Director, who assembled a whole new format in a short time-frame. A significant accounting format change is the consolidation of all City operational appropriations into the General Fund. Other funds having operational expenditures previously accounted for within their fund will provide a reimbursement" to the General Fund. The benefit of this format is the ability to account for all City related operations within one fund. Schedule A provides an organizational overview of funding available and expenditures for all City, Redevelopment Agency and Financing Authority operations for the current and upcoming fiscal years. The General Fund represents a conservative balanced budget. It does provide for some increased service levels and additional services, some of which will need additional review as the Council proceeds with review of the budget. There is an addition of 7.07 full time employees: BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 2 June 20, 1994 4.40 Aquatics Program staff 0.67 Recreation Program staff 1.00 Senior Center Activities Coordinator 0.50 Management Information Systems Technician 1.00 Public Works Maintenance & Operations Maint. Worker I Additionally, a new School Resource Officer has been included in the Police Department's Budget. Also, at Council's direction the New Leaf Award Program will be increased in the final budget document. Mr. Genovese noted that the aquatics staff has only been budgeted for six-months because Fritz Burns Park will not be on-line for the full fiscal year. On June 7th, Council adopted several policies regarding the 1994/95 FY budget. Issues that are specifically included in the proposed budget are: Establishment of a reserve for the civic center bond issue in both the infrastructure fund and general fund; Development of an Economic Development Plan is included in the Redevelopment Agency; and Development of a Request for Proposal for Agency-owned property at Avenue 48 and Dune Palms. Centralization of all capital improvement projects into one fund is a proposed procedural change in the new fiscal year. Schedule A reflects the aggregate total of all funds contributing to CIP's as a Transfer In? and any Other Agency' contributions are recorded as revenue in the CIP Fund. Mr. Parzonko, Finance Director, reviewed the graphs included in the budget document and explained the revenue comparisons between FY 1994/95 and previous fiscal years. He noted that Riverside County is projecting a 3% growth rate throughout the County, but even though La Quinta is probably ahead of that, a conservative figure was used. Regarding Transient Occupancy Tax, a projected growth rate of 3% was included. There has been impressive growth in Sales Tax due to the Highway 111 shopping center. Regarding Building Permits, 1994/95 is projected to be somewhat lower than the previous year, as there was a major development in 1993/94 Rancho La Quinta. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Parzonko advised that there are no actions pending in Sacramento that should impact city revenues. In response to Council Member McCartney, Mr. Hartung advised that the reason for the conservative figure for building permits is because there was a high level of activity BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 3 June 20, 1994 during FY 1993/94 which we have not anticipated will be duplicated during FY 1994/95 Council Member McCartney felt that in reading various publications, i.e. Wheeler's Desert Letter, we are not in a sliding-back" situation from last year, but rather a flat" period and that perhaps we're being ultra conservative. Mr. Genovese noted that historically, we have been very conservative with this particular line item since it is a one-time revenue source. Mayor Pena suggested that there could be revenue opportunities through franchises such as with the telephone companies getting into cable broadcasting, etc. In response to Council Member McCartney regarding the Landscape & Lighting District, Mr. Genovese advised that the $157,000 is the balance on hand from the previous year which is being maintained as a reserve amount. Council Member Mccartney felt that since this is basically a zero-based budget, the reserve should be a credit to the FY 1994/95 budget rather than carried as a reserve. Mr. Genovese advised that for the reserve, we just use the actual revenues versus the estimated actual expenditures based on the Landscape & Lighting District reports. The purpose of establishing a reserve is because the tax monies are not received until December, therefore, the burden would be on the General Fund to expend those funds. Council Member Perkins asked if there would be any funds available to landscape the medians on Washington and Eisenhower. Mr. Genovese advised that there are no capital improvements in the FY 1994/95 budget for the Landscape & Lighting District. However, there could be flinds available through the Infrastructure Fund or the Redevelopment Agency. Council Member Perkins asked if the Council could get an approximate cost of some basic landscaping. Council Member McCartney wished to see a summary of all legal costs represented in the budget. Mr. Genovese advised that staff will be providing a consolidation page for various elements of the budget including legal fees, facilities costs, etc. Council Member Sniff expressed concern with the budgeting for the Airlines Task Force and the Regional Business Assistance Center, stating that he has not seen any results from that program. BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 4 June 20, 1994 Mayor Pena suggested continuing with the appropriation for both organizations, but requiring Council approval prior to paying a bill and in the interim, requesting a status report. Terry Green, representing College of the Desert Regional Business Assistance Program), submitted some statistics, data, and goals and objectives for the next year for Council's review. Council Member McCartney referred to the MIS and wished to make sure that the staff has the proper support services for a smooth implementation of the information systems. He wished to see a technician having an emphasis on training and be a problem solver. We also need to begin developing an in-house resource to handle the system's implementation. He felt that since this position would affect all departments, it might be more appropriate to budget the position out of the City Manager's office rather than the Finance Department. Mayor Pena suggested rolling the position into contracts management and Council Member Perkins also suggested including grants coordination in with this position. Mayor Pena then suggested maintaining the one-half position at this time and reviewing it at a later date, possibly in six months to determine if the position needs to be expanded. Council Member McCartney then commented that we need to look at a scanner that may be more than we need at the present time in order to take care of future needs. Mayor Pena felt that the Council needs to grapple with programs that are not self- supporting and to what extent the Council wishes to operate programs that cost the City without returning any revenue. He referred to some of the programs in the Parks and Recreation budget, such as in-line skate hockey Council Member Sniff felt that it would be prudent to put whatever emphasis we can on programs that are partially or totally self-funding and then move to the other programs when funds and personnel are available. Mr. Bohlen, Parks & Recreation Director, advised that relative to the in-line skate hockey there is a one-time cost built into the budget for equipment. Mayor Pena felt that some of the programs are worthy and should be kept, but there are others that we're not ready to proceed with at this point. He preferred to see some of these funds put into law enforcement. BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 5 June 20, 1994 Council Member Sniff felt that if the youth had more to do and more diverse and interesting activities, they may not be getting into trouble and then we wouldn't need additional law enforcement. He felt that we're making a significant effort in law enforcement and that the results have been good, but it's time now to emphasize activities for the youth that might be marginal. He felt that diversity is very important. Council Member Perkins didn't think we can equate law enforcement with youth services. He felt that youth services are very important, but agreed with the Mayor that there should be a certain amount of revenue coming in from the participants. He felt that we need a balance and that we're very fortunate for a city this size to have the limited number of law enforcement officers that we have, having been able to keep the crime rate down the way we have. He reiterated that we do need to see a break-even point in some of these programs. We also need to look at whether or not we're providing services for La Quinta residents or for the area. With our financial condition, we need to take a hard look at the programs and decide what we're going to support and at least try to achieve a break-even point. Mayor Pena agreed saying that he does wish to see us proceed with some of the programs, but did not believe that we can afford to proceed with the program as proposed. He also expressed concern about funding these programs in future years as the City grows. Council Member Bangerter asked if the programs delineated in the budget weren't placed there as a result of a survey of the residents. Mr. Bohlen advised that some of the programs are a result of a survey and some are the result of discussions with Council and other discussions relating to de-annexation issues from the Parks and Recreation District. Council Member McCartney stated that everyone wants to get the youth to say yes to something positive. He saw every effort being made in the budget to look at what the anticipated revenue would be and what the net cost would be. He noted that you never know the response to a program until it's up and running. Some programs may work and some may not, but we need to be flexible with the budget and if it looks like we're not getting the demand from the youth, we'll need to scale back our expectations. He wished to see the Youth Committee begin to influence the types of programs we offer. Council Member Sniff felt that it's vital to go forward and develop programs that are diverse and as much as possible, self-funding or at least partially self-funding and felt that the Youth Committee could look at some of these programs prior to implementation to get a sense from them as to which need primary and preliminary emphasis. He was determined that the Parks & Recreation Department go forward and do the job it was intended to do. He also wished to see periodic reports as to how the programs are doing. BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 6 June 20, 1994 Council Member Bangerter agreed with Council Member Sniff's comments and wished to move forward with the programs and get input from the youth. Council Member Perkins had no objections to the City sponsoring the various activities, but are they cost-effective from the standpoint are we doing the job we think we should be doing for the youth and young adults in La Quinta. He agreed with getting more feed-back and he also wished to see the programs reviewed on a regular basis so that we're not expending a great amount of money on just a few participants. Mayor Pena stated that he could support the programs with a regular review throughout the year, but commented that crime is a topic of conversation nation-wide and there's always a need to increase law enforcement services, noting that we only have one deputy per 1,600 residents, which is a very low ratio. Audrey Ostrowsky. P.O. Box 351, La Quinta, commented on the law enforcement services and felt that there are many things not being done properly. Council Member McCartney referred to the aquatics program and wished to see staff look at contracting out the entire operation He suggested an RFP, which would at least give us greater insight into actual costs we can expect. Mayor Pena referred to the School Resource Officer and asked if that cost can be shared with the School District. Captain Dye suggested that the City could approach the School District with such a request. He noted that the Officer will ultimately be at the high school site eight-hours per day, but until it has four classes, the officer will probably be shared with the middle school. During the summer months he/she will be used for summer relief. He believed that the Officer could be used for other purposes as the City deems appropriate. Council Member Bangerter asked if the Public Works Department anticipates being able to perform more engineering services in-house this next year. Mr. Cosper advised that it is his intent with the new computer equipment that they will be able to take on more projects in-house. Council Member Perkins suggested looking at testing the lake water in the City and purifying it for utilization in the event of a disaster. In response to Council Member Perkins regarding the establishment of a mobile equipment replacement fund, Mr. Cosper advised that we are in the process of hiring a Maintenance Manager and one of his first orders of business will be to generate an annual schedule of maintenance and safety checks on the City's equipment. BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 7 June 20, 1994 Mr. Genovese noted that the costs of the Chamber of Commerce Contract 100%) and Arts Foundation Contract 50% share) are not included in the RDA budget. Both contracts will be before the Council/Agency on June 21st and such costs will be included in the final budgets after that meeting. Mayor Pena complimented Mr. Genovese and City Staff on a very comprehensive budget. Council Member Sniff concurred that the City Manager and Staff did a superb job. Council Member McCartney referred to the prior discussion regarding a summary of legal expenses and asked that a summary of training expenses also be prepared. Mayor Pena suggested establishment of an incentive program for budget savings. Council Member Bangerter echoed the praises of the budget documents commenting that it was very easy for her to understand. She also commented on the delineation of all the department's accomplishments that it was a good feeling. Council Member Sniff suggested that it may be beneficial to list all of the accomplishments on a single sheet as a hand?out. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to direct staff to make the changes as agreed to and discussed at this meeting and submit the final budget on July 19th for formal adoption. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94?7. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to adopt the preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 1994195 as amended. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94?. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency Meeting. Council reconvened. BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 8 June 20, 1994 2. INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION. Mrs. Juhola, Administrative Services Director, noted that there are four vacancies on the Planning Commission those of Marion Elison and Donald Marrs in addition to the two newly-created positions. These are three-year terms. The City Council proceeded to interview the following individuals who submitted applications for the Planning Commission: Paul Anderson James Hanson Donald Barcus David Harbison Richard Butler Al Newkirk D. James Campbell Steve Robbins Marion ElIson B. J. Seaton Richard Gardner Tom Teigen George hanover Dennis Wish CLOSED SESSION 1. Significant Exposure to Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) One Case Council recessed until 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 2. INThRVIEW OF APPLICANTS AND APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS. Council proceeded to interview the following applicants for Art in Public Places Committee: Carolyn Lair John Walling Nancy nard Sheryl Yardumian Rosita Shamis Gail Young Note: Sheryl Yardumian and Gail Young were not present. BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 9 June 20, 1994 Council proceeded to interview the following applicants for Investment Advisory Board: Bruce Anderson Bruce Sales Diana Brown Sheryl Yardumian Helen Gilreath Note: Diana Brown and Sheryl Yardumian were not present. Council proceeded to interview the following applicants for Cultural Affairs Commission: Henry Adams Susan Francis Honey Atkins Kathryn Hull Steve Berliner Michelle Klein Aldine Dickens Toni Lawrence Note: Aldine Dickens withdrew her application and Henry Adams was not present. Council proceeded to interview the following applicants for Parks and Recreation Commission: Norris Bernard Stacy Mullen Lawrence Best Kathryn Pedersen Mike Davis B. J. Seaton Aldine Dickens Hal Summers Note: Aldine Dickens withdrew her application. Art in Public Places Committee Council took a voice vote in which the Mayor and all Council Members voted for Carolyn Lair, John Walling and Nancy Nard. MOTION It was moved by Council Members McCartney/Bangerter that Carolyn Lair, John Walling and Nancy Nard be appointed to the Art in Public Places Committee for full two-year terms beginning July 1, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94?9. BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 10 June 20, 1994 Investment Advisory Board Mayor Pena voted for Bruce Anderson, Helen Gilreath and Bruce Sales. Council Member Bangerter voted for Bruce Anderson, Helen Gilreath and Bruce Sales. Council Member McCartney voted for Diana Brown, Helen Gilbert and Bruce Sales. Council Member Perkins voted for Diana Brown, Helen Gllreath and Bruce Sales. Council Member Sniff voted for Diana Brown, Helen Gilbert and Bruce Sales. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney that Diana Brown, Helen Gilbert and Bruce Sales be appointed to the Investment Advisory Board for full two-year terms beginning July 1,1994. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94440. Cultural Affairs Commission MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Mccartney that the following be appointed to the Cultural Affairs Commission effective July 1, 1994: One Year Term: Henry Adams Honey Atkins Steve Berliner Two Year Term: Kathryn Hull Toni Lawrence Three Year Term: Susan Francis Michelle Klein Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94441. Parks & Recreation Comrnission MOTION It was moved by Council Members SnifflMccartney that the following be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission effective July 1, 1994: One Year Term: Norris Bernard Hal Summers Mike Davis Two Year Term: Stacy Mullen Katlrryn Pedersen Three Year Term: Lawrence Best B. J. Seaton Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94412. BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 11 June 20, 1994 Plannin? Commission First Ballot: Mayor Pena voted for Butler, Campbell, Newkirk & Teigen Council Member Bangerter voted for Anderson, Butler, Harbison & Wish Council Member McCartney voted for Anderson, Butler, Newkirk & Wish Council Member Perkins voted for Butler, Gardner, Newkirk & Robbins Council Member Sniff voted for Butler, Hanover, Harbison & Newkirk Butler and Newkirk were selected on the first ballot. Second Ballot: Mayor Pena voted for Campbell and Gardner Council Member Bangerter voted for Harbison and Wish Council Member Mccartney vote for Anderson and Wish Council Member Perkins voted for Gardner and Robbins Council Member Sniff voted for Anderson and Hanover Third Ballot: Mayor Pena voted for Campbell and Gardner Council Member Bangerter voted for Anderson and Wish Council Member McCartney voted for Anderson and Wish Council Member Perkins voted for Gardner and Harbison Council Member Sniff voted for Hanover and Harbison Fourth Ballot: Council concurred on eliminating those who received only one vote. Mayor Pena voted for Gardner and Harbison Council Member Bangerter voted for Anderson and Wish Council Member McCartney voted for Anderson and Wish Council Member Perkins voted for Gardner and Harbison Council Member Snirf voted for Anderson and Gardner BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02 City Council Minutes 12 June 20,1994 MOTION It was moved by Council Members SrnfflMcCartney that Paul Anderson, Wayne Gardner, Al Newkirk and Richard Butler be appointed to the Planning Commission for three year terms beginning July 1, 1994 Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94- 143. There being no flirther business the meeting was adjourned. Res?ectfully submitted UNDRALA City Clerk City of La Quinta California BIB] 01-18-96-U01 03:41:25PM-U01 CCMIN062094-U02