1994 10 04 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 4, t994 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council on October 4, 1994 was called to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Pena followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bangerter Mccartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Genovese, City Manager, asked that the Council Minutes of September 20, 1994 be removed from the agenda and that Study Session Item No. 2 be continued to October 18, 1994. Council Member McCartney asked that a discussion Of unit pricing for solid waste he added to Mayor and Council Member Items. Council Member Bangerter asked that a discussion regarding the Highway 1 11 corridor assessment district be added to Mayor and Council Member Items. MOTION It was moved by Council Members SnifflMccartney to add the items requested to the agenda noting that the need to take action arose after posting of the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS None PRESENTATIONS Mayor Pena presented Fred Baker, Principal Planner, with a plaque expressing the City's appreciation for being selected Employee of the Month for the month of September. PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Dennis Chappell. 74-856 Joni Drive, Palm Desert, President of Desert Contractors Association, advised that he has discussed the matter of the school district site relative to the auto mall with people connected with the School District and they indicated that they have no problem with relocating the administration center to the other site. The District is trying to get the developer to contribute funds toward off-site improvements for the new location. He asked the Council to approve the relocation of the District site and retain the previous site as commercial property. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 2 October 4, 1994 WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE None BUSINESS SESSION CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-052 FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY SUBDIVISION FLAGS FOR THE PAINTED COVE AND BAJADA TRACTS. APPLICANT: MINISTRELLI CONSTRUCTION. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that the matter of Special Advertising Device 94-052 be continued to October 18, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-213. 2. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE FOR THE 1994 LA QUINTA FINE CRAFTS, WINE AND ALL THAT JAZZ EVENT SAD 94-047). APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION. Mayor Pena referred to the staff report which detailed e request of La Quinta Arts Foundation to display various signs and banners for the Fine Crafts, Wine and All That Jazz event at the La Quinta Community Park November 11-13. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve Special Advertising Device No.94-047 permitting on and off-site advertising for the La Quinta Arts Foundation November event. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-214. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A RECOMMENDATION BY THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE REGARDING YOUTH ART WORKS PUBLIC ART PROJECT. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that the Arts In Public Places Cornmittee APP) recomrnended that the City support the concept of a on-going program titled Youth Art Works on Public Lands"; approve the EisenhowerlAvenida Colima Mini-Park as the first location to start the program, and allow the APP to utilize funds from the APP Fund to match existing and future donations received from other civic organizations to implement the program. The request is for approval of the program in concept only. Any expenditure of funds and art designs will come back to the Council for approval. Council Member Bangerter asked what type of art would be under consideration for the program. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 3 October 4, 1994 Mr. John Walling. Arts in Public Places Committee Chairman, advised that details of the program have not yet been determined it's only in the conceptual stage. Mr. Carolyn Lair, Arts in Public Places Committee Member, 58-572 Avenida Ramirez, suggested some possibilities might be landscape architecture design, and wall or sidewalk mosaics. Council Member Perkins asked if this matter should be referred to the Cultural Affairs Commission. Mr. Herman advised that, if Council wishes, staff can process the program through the Cultural Affairs Commission. Council Member Perkins believed the Commissions should be utilized and suggested this program be submitted to them for their review and comments. Mr. Walling ag?eed, but explained they wanted Council's conceptual approval before proceeding further. Ms. Lair advised that since the Cultural Affairs Commission is new and because the Art in Public Places Committee has been the recommending committee for placement of art in public places within the City, it was unclear what jurisdiction the Cultural Affairs Commission has regarding art. She noted that one of the members of Art in Public Places Committee also serves on the Cultural Affairs Commission. Council Member Sniff didn't have any problem with the Cultural Affairs Commission reviewing the program for informational purposes, but believed that the jurisdiction lies with the Art in Public Places Committee. Council Member McCartney asked if the ordinance that regulates use of Art in Public Places funds would need to be amended for this particular use. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, stated that she would look into it. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to: 1) support the concept of the program Youth Art Works on Public Lands" 2) approve the Eisenhower/Avenida Colima Mini-Park as the first location to start the program and 3) allow the Arts in Public Places Committee to utilize funds from the APP Fund to match donations received from other civic center organizations to implement the program; with the understanding that the concept will be reviewed for informational purposes, by the Cultural Affairs Commission. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94-215. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 4 October 4, 1994 4. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE ADOPTING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO FALSE ACTIVATIONS OF BURGLARY AND ROBBERY ALARMS. Mr. Hartung, Building and Safety Director, advised that during a 12-month time period from May 10. 1993 to May 9, 1994, the Sheriff's Department responded to a to?l of 2,142 false alarms. Staff anticipates that the proposed ordinance will create a financial incentive to decrease that amount. He introduced Captain Ron Dye, Riverside County Sheriff's Department, advising that they were both available to answer questions. Council Member Bangerter asked for clarification of the section regarding prohibitions on Page 5. Mr. Hartung advised that this provision would make it illegal to have a system that automatically alerts the Police Department with a recorded message, but rather would require someone from a monitoring system to place the actual call. In response to Council Member Bangerter, Captain Dye advised that there isn't any way to make a definitive determination on whether an alarm is an actual false alarm or whether someone has attempted illegal entrance to a building. He added that it is not their intention to draw a hard line, but to be reasonable; such as on windy days when many alarms are set off. If a false-alarm fine is contested, the finding will usually be in favor of the resident. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Hartung advised that the ordinance requires an alarm to be reset within 15 minutes. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Hartung advised that the $50 fine would begin with the third false alarm. Mayor Pena believed that $50 for each false alarm is excessive, but expressed hope that maybe it would encourage owners to get their alarms repaired. Council Member Bangerter asked if the ordinance provides consideration for residents who are having a problem with their system. Captain Ron Dye, advised that multiple activations of false alarms within a 24-hour period are counted as one. Council Member McCartney believed the ordinance should provide consideration for new installations and suggested a 30-day grace period because it takes awhile for all members of the household to get used to having an alarm system and usually is setoff accidentally. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 5 October 4, 1994 Captain Dye advised that the ordinance is intended LO be user-friendly as possible, but the Sheriff's Office has no way to determine recent installations. Normally, an alarm user knows if he has activated his alarm and would alert his alarm company and then there wouldn't be any response by the Sheriff's Office. Mr. Hartung advised that staff could add a 30-day grace period to the ordinance. Council Member Perkins stated that false alarm activations by an owner are unlikely to be reported because it will be shut off and reset quickly. Mayor Pena agreed, but noted that there might be exceptional cases, such as a pet being left inside that might trigger the alarm and no one is home to reset it; for such instances there needs to be an acjustment-grace-penod. In response to Council Member Perkins, Captain Dye advised that one purpose of the ordinance is to address alarm company procedures, because not all alarm companies verify alarms by contacting their customers prior to reporting the alarm to the Sheriff's Department. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Hartung advised that alarm companies are not required to have a City permit to install alarms within the City. Council Member Perkins suggested that it would be easier to regulate alarm companies and their installations through a process that requires a permit and suggested that staff consider such a process. Council concurred on adding a 30-day grace period. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to take up Ordinance No. 94-256 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 9?256 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIT'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ADDING SECTION 11.90 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING FALSE ACTIVATIONS OF BURGLARY AND ROBBERY ALARMS. It was moved by Council Members SnifflMcCartney to introduce Ordinance No.256, as amended, on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 6 October 4, 1994 AYES: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN.. None RESOLUTION 94-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ESTABLISHING SERVICE FEES FOR EXCESSIVE FALSE ACTIVATIONS OF SECURITY ALARMS. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to adopt Resolution 94-60 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE FRITZ BURNS PARK PROJECT PHASE I. Mayor Pena abstained from this issue due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, advised that, on May 17, 1994, Council authorized staff to proceed with the preparation of plans. specifications and Engineer's estimate for the Fritz Burns Community Park Project Phase I. The cost estimate to construct this project is $2,026,159 and the bids are scheduled to be opened on November 1, 1994 and awarded on November 15, 1994. Construction is scheduled to begin on December 12, 1994 and completed approximately March 31, 1995. The project consists of a 2,400 square foot aquatics building, 105' X 97' swimming pool, 26,000 square feet of pool decking, 45' X 25' tot pool, super double-pretzel slide, five shade structures with a misting system, 90.stall on-site parking lot, 2.3 acres of landscaping, full street improvements on Avenue 52 and extension of all utilities for future phases. The project is approximately three months behind schedule primarily due to extensive project review to avoid costly change-orders, and to avoid the high maintenance and operational costs of the facility. The project was reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Department, Building & Safety Department, all utility companies, fire district, Riverside County Environmental Health Department and an outside consultant for proper design: and tentative approvals have been received. Part of the review process included examining ways to limit maintenance and operational costs of the project. Engineering costs to-date is approximately $326,000. Cost to construct is estimated at $2,026, 159 with an additional $100,000 needed for testing and surveying, plus an additional cost for equipment and furnishings. The total estimated project cost is $2,704,000. Mr. Cosper asked Council to authorize staff to advertise the project and receive bids and approve the plans, specifications and Engineer's estimate for the project. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 7 October 4, 1994 Council Member Perkins understood the Council's commitment to the establishment of this park, but expressed concern regarding the approximately $2.7 million the project will cost. He believed the City should be looking at those things that are mandated and needed as well as desirable. He was unsure where the project funds will come from if not from the infrastructure funds that are needed for road improvements. The project construction will cost every resident $166, or $425 per household; and the cost of maintenance will be approximately $60 per year for each household. He was unsure that all residents will be willing to pay $166 for this project. He believes that the City should take a good, hard look at their financial Situation and be surethat this project will not jeopardize other necessary projects, nor the emergency capabilities of the City. He believed this project should be postponed until a later date since there is an existing swimming pool at the high school. He advised that he would vote against the project because he believed that the City cannot afford it. Council Member Sniff felt that the City can't afford to not fund the project that has been planned for five years and that it is imperative to move forward with it as a singularly, high priority. He believed the project is an investment in the community and should be accomplished as soon as possible. In response to Council Member Bangerter, Mr. Cosper advised that approximately $500,000 of this project has been identified as Quimby Funds. Council Member McCartney noted that the staff report indicates that approximately $1.5 million of the project funds have been approved, but the source of the additional $1.2 million is unknown until the cash flow analysis report is completed. He asked staff when the report will be ready. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the preliminary cash flow report is ready and this project has been estimated at $2.2 million in that report. There is still a gap of $500,000 between the $2.7 million and $2.2 million amounts. Staff will be finalizing the cash flow report to determine the most beneficial method of funding the project. Most likely, Redevelopment Project No. 1 funds or infrastructure funds will be used; but, because of the complexity of the loans involved, that determination has not yet been made. Council Member McCartney said he understood that it is not a question of having the funds, but rather which funds will be used. Mr. Genovese advised that there should be a sufficient balance in the infrastructure funds for this project, but the specifics have not yet been determined. Council Member Sniff stated that this action will only authorize receipt of bids and not a fmal action on the park project, noting that the bid amounts might be lower than estimated. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 8 October 4, 1994 Council Member McCartney supported the project, but wanted to make sure funds were available before beginning a bid process. He understood from the City Manager's comments that funds are available and therefore, wished to go forward. Mr. Genovese advised that there are funds available, but noting that there will be project areas that will be in debt to fund this and other projects, as has been done in the past. The $2.7 million cost estimate includes the entire project, but if it should be determined that only $2.5 million is available, then the Council will have the flexibility to eliminate some of the project options to reduce the cost. Council Member Perkins asked if funding of this project will jeopardize street improvement programs and infrastructure funding Mr. Genovese advised that funding of any project is done through a capital improvement program. Each project that is approved for a specific funding amount, ultimately reduces the amount available for the next capital improvement cycle. Council Member Perkins asked if any emergency funds would be affected by this project. Mr. Genovese advised that general emergencies are funded from the General Fund and we are not projecting any General Fund expenditures on this project. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Genovese advised that this project will not impact needed street repairs because they are generally funded with gas tax funds and general funds. MOTION It was moved by Council Members SnifflMcCartney to approve plans. specifications and Engineer's estimate for the Fritz Bums Community Park Project Phase I, and authorize staff to advertise and receive bids for the project. Motion carried with Council Member Perkins voting NO and Mayor Pena ABSTAINING. MINUTE ORDER NO. 9?216. 6. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO PALM SPRINGS REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, presented a brief report advising that Council Member Bangerter was appointed to the Palm Springs Regional Airport Commission on an interim basis and it is not time to make a permanent appointment. He submitted two resumes that were submitted previously when the Council considered an interim appointment. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Herman said he believed that the Palm Springs City Council has amended their ordinance to give the City of La Quinta a permanent seat on the Commission. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 9 October 4, 1994 Council Member Bangerter advised that the Commission meets twice a month in addition to their committee meetings, which have caused a hardship on her. Council Member Sniff believed that the two applicants should be aware of the time commitment this appointment will require. Council Member McCartney wished to interview the applicants. Council concurred on continuing this matter until the evening session to get confirmation that Palm Springs has amended the ordinance and to see if the applicants could be available for interviews, or, at least find out if they are aware of the time commitment involved. 7. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED AUGUST 31, 1994 FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney to receive and file the Treasurer's Report for the City of La Quinta dated August 31,1994. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-217. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to receive and file the Treasurer's Report for the La Quinta Financing Authority dated August 31, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.218. 8. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO.255 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING CHAPTER 5.10 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE AND REPLACING THE PRIOR CHAPTER WITH A NEW CHAPTER 5.10, ADOPTING NEW COMPREHENSIVE REGULATORY PRACTICES FOR MULTI-CHANNEL SERVICE PROVIDERS INCLUDING THOSE PROVIDERS KNOWN AS CABLE OPERATORS, AND INCLUDING PROVISIONS FOR INSURANCE, REPORTS AND RECORDS, CONSUMER PRACTICES, CONSUMER PROTECTION MEASURES, CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION-RELATED PRACTICES, FRANCHISE FEES AND ALTERNATIVE USER CHARGES, RATE REGULATION PROVISIONS FOR BASIC SERVICE TIER AND ASSOCIATED CHARGES, OPERATION PROCEDURES, AND HEALTH, SAFETY", AND WELFARE MEASURES; PROVIDING AN E?CTIVE DATE. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney to adopt Ordinance No.255 on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 10 October 4, 1994 AYES: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED OCTOBER 4, 1994. 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE MAINTENANCE MANAGER TO ATTEND THE ASPHALT INSTITUTE SEMINAR IN NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 14-16, 1994. 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE MAYOR, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR AND PLANNING DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE IN LONG BEACH, OCTOBER 23-25, 1994. 4. APPROVAL OF FORM OF CONTRACT FOR CLASS INSTRUCTORS AT THE LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE. 6. APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FOR VECTOR CONTROL AND PLAN REVIEW SERVICES. 7. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO ALLOW TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 52 AND APPROVAL TO USE THE CIVIC CENTER PARKING AREA FOR THE ANNUAL LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 10K RUN 2-MILE WALK ON NOVEMBER 13, 1994. RES) 8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A RECOMMENDATION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF THE CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPLICATION. RES) MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended with Items No.7 and 8 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 94-61 and 94-62 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-219. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 11 October 4, 1994 STUDY SESSION INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION AND SELECTION OF SEVEN MEMBERS. Council proceeded to interview the following applicants for the Human Services Commission: SIDNEY ARDEN NORRIS BERNARD JESSIE CHESTNUT WILMA GEORGE BARBARA IRWIN KATE KELLY DR. LEWINTER did not appear) RONALD PANNELL BRUCE PELLETIER could not appear) DOUGLAS RALL JOAN REBICH VICTORIA ST. JOHNS GARY STONE JOYCE WHITE KAY WOLFF Mayor Pena expressed appreciation to all the applicants for their interest in the commission and thanked them for applying. Council continued their decision to the evening session. See Page No.18) 2. PRESENTATION BY COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ON THE STATUS OF THE AQUIFER IN THE VALLEY AND THE RELATED OVERDRAFTING. This item was continued until October 18, 1994 Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency Council reconvened. Council recessed to Closed Session until the hour o? 7:00 P.M. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 12 October 4,1994 CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Real Property Negotiator Tim Ealey southwest corner of Highway 111 and Jefferson Street Midland Properties negotiations for proposal for commercial development including price and term of payment pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. 2. Conference with Legal Counsel concerning on-going existing litigation REFCO Case No. CV-92-7626-RJK pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). 3. Conference with Labor Negotiator Tom Hartung regarding negotiations with the La Quinta City Employees Association pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Meet and Confer Process. 4. Public Employee Appointment Finance Director, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. 7:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS The Mayor and City Council presented the following students of La Quinta Middle School and Adams-Truman Elementary Schools with New Leaf Awards: Grade I Grade 2 Grade 4 Natalie Aguayo Richard Guerrero Amanda Blondell Ronald Brown Kenneth Lewis Omar Carrasco Highest Achie?'er) Richard McDowell Mark Martin Yessenia Rivera Daniel Medina Christina Walker Felipe Sanchez Grade 6 Grade 7 Eric Reyes Dawn Aguilar Juan Agredano Lorena Valenzuela Hugo Arias Highest Achiey'er) Angelica Arrnendariz Chadwick Devoe Jessica Bautista Jodie Dobbs Eric Cabral Monica Garza Devin Castleberry Jesus Gomez Randy Chavez Shane Morton Brandon Day Mario Rios Dustin Brannen Matthew Roberts Misty Ewalt Eric Griffith Hector Hernandez Tawnya Jeffers Joshua Levish Erica A. Luna BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 13 October 4,1994 Grade 8 Katie Albitz Martin Angulo Eric Espejo Tonya McDanel Florentino Nuno Isabel Rico Erika M. Sanchez Robert Smaliwood Andrew Truelsen Danny Valencia Amorria Velez PUBLIC COMMENT None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. SPECIFIC PLAN 94-024 AND TENTATIVE TRACT 28019 TO DEVELOP A 91- UNIT SENIOR APARTMENT PROJECT AND A 60-LOT, SINGLE-FAMILY SUBDIVISION. APPLICANT: WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT Mr. Herman. Planning Director, referred to an exhibit that defined the layout of the entire project; retention areas, 60 single-family homes, and a 91-unit senior-housing project. A Disposition and Development Agreement with Williams Development Corporation relative to this project was approved by Council on September 20, 1994. The proposed specific plan and tract map subdivides the property and create the necessary lots for construction. The single-family homes range from 1,285 sq. ft. to 1,532 sq.ft on 5,000 sq.ft. lots. The Planning Commission has recommended approval. Ms. Betty Williams, Chairman, Williams Development Corporation, advised that hey have been successful in obtaining letters of commitment for financing both projects and received a tax credit allocation of approximately $6.2 million. In response to Council Member Bangerter, she confirmed that the project was number one in the tax allocation process. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO.94-63 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLAN 9?024 TO INCLUDE A 91-UNIT SENIOR-APARTMENT PROJECT AND A 60-LOT SUBDIVISION. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 14 October 4, 1994 It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to adopt Resolution No.94-63 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO.94-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 28019; TO CREATE A 60- LOT SINGLE-FAMILY SUBDIVISION. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to adopt Resolution No.94-64 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION.................Continued 6. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO PALM SPRINGS REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION. This item was continued from the afternoon session see Page No.8). Mr. Herman. Planning Director, advised that he distributed copies of Palm Springs Ordinance No. 1477 noting that the ordinance does establish a permanent seat on the Commission for the City of La Quinta. The seat expires on June 30, 1997. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Herman advised that he was unable to make contact with the two applicants. Council concurred on continuing this matter until October 18, 1994 and to invite the two applicants to attend that meeting. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney to continue the matter of appointment to the Palm Springs Regional Airport Commission until October 18, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94-219?. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS All reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS None BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 15 October 4, 1994 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ITEMS DISCUSSION OF REDUCTION OF THE PROPERTY TAX. 2. DISCUSSION OF REDUCTION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. Council Member Perkins felt that the Council needs to carefully consider which expenditures are necessary and which ones are not. He believed the citizens of La Quinta deserve a tax break and suggested that the City's residential property tax be eliminated completely. He believed that the City can find some funds to make up for this tax. He commented on the Landscape and Lighting District funds and that they're being used for things other than lighting and landscaping. He advised that the La Quinta Hotel, which is the business that brings in the most money, does not have median landscaping which he felt is poor management on the part of the City. He didn't see how we can have landscaped medians on other streets, but not on our major streets Washington & Eisenhower). There are Landscape and Lighting District funds available, but none designated for that median strip, and he believed the citizens of La Quinta deserve better than that. He believed that the City can reduce taxes and recover this revenue in other ways. He felt that the City should start a trend in Coachella Valley saying that we can do better with less. He favored reducing the City's expenses, and revenues if necessary, to give the citizens a tax break they deserve. He suggested that the City reduce the property tax by at least 50-75% and the special assessments as well, until such time as the special assessment funds are used as intended; such as landscaping the medians on Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the Landscape and Lighting District Assessment ftlnds must meet certain eligible requirements to be utilized, such as parks maintenance and median landscaping; beyond those requirements there is no ability to use the funds otherwise. He added that staff has been directed by Council to report back to them with conceptual ideas. Mayor Pena didn't object to Council Member Perkins' concept, noting that no one wants to pay taxes. He advised that the Council has been sensitive to the issue during the last few years and have not increased the Landscape and Lighting District Assessment tax. He agreed that the La Quinta Hotel approach needs to be landscaped properly and that Washington Street medians need to be landscaped, if only minimally. He agreed with looking at how Council Member Perkins' ideas can be implemented. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 16 October 4, 1994 Council Member Perkins understood that the Landscape and Lighting District funds would be used for maintaining the Fritz Burns Park swimming pool and didn't agree with using those funds for that purpose. While he was totally supportive of youth activiti?s he expressed concern that developing and maintaining a new park will be costly; and didn't believe that the City has a clear idea yet, of what the maintenance cost of the Civic Center is and what the Senior Center maintenance costs will be. Mayor Pefla advised that park development is mandated by the State to provide open space for the citizens. Council Member Perkins briefly reviewed the history of the Parks and Recreation Department, noting that he supported its inception at a time when the City had the ftinds. However, the City's financial situation has changed and he felt that the Parks & Recreation Department is becoming an empire and wasn't sure that is what he voted for originally. He didn't believe that the Parks & Recreation Department is making the same effort as other departments to keep expenses down. He pointed out that the City has a new high school facility that adds to our park and open space. He said that he will continue to seek the reduction in the City's property taxes. Council Member Sniff felt that it is vital for the City to develop parks; that the City of La Quinta is behind the curve and making progress in keeping assessments down. He was completely supportive of the Parks & Recreation Department, noting that he agrees that their operations should be cost effective; recovering hinds wherever possible through their programs. He agreed that the medians should be landscaped and maintained, even if only minimally, but believed the City is doing its best currently. He believed that the citizens are well served by the Council and well served by the staff. He supported the plans for the pool; noting that the Council will have the ability to deny the bids if they are unacceptable, or eliminating any options they deem unaffordable. Council Member Bangerter concurred with Council Member Sniff. Council Member McCartney agreed that the City has attempted to cut expenses of the pool construction, noting a $815,000 cost reduction through the agreement with T.I. Maloney, and attributed those savings to the Park & Recreation Department staff. He believed the City has made every effort to live within the budget. 3. DISCUSSION OF UNIT PRICING FOR SOLID WASTE. Council Member McCartney referred to a memorandum he submitted to Council regarding unit pricing relative to solid waste, noting that La Quinta residents are currently paying for six cans of trash per week, regardless of the number of trash cans they actually use. The City is trying to do their part to reduce the wastestream at the BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 17 October 4,1994 landfill to comply with AB939 requirements. One way o reduce the wastestream and encourage recycling is through unit pricing, which has been very successful in other parts of the country. In 1993, the California Integrated Waste Management Board CIWMB) commissioned Boos Allen to study the top 30 programs and develop a case study in best practices. That inforrnation has been surnmarized and is available at no cost, in three resource books through CIWMB. In almost every community where unit pricing has been utilized, there has been a significant reduction in residential tonnage disposed. He referred to the City of Santa Monica's use of unit pricing which reported a 32% decrease in disposal of residential waste and a 13% increase in waste recycled. He believed he City should investigate this method of pricing which basically allows the consumer to control their own cost of solid waste disposal as it supplies an economic incentive to recycle. There are four different rate systems used: 1) variable can system, which allows the resident to decide the size and amount of cans used; 2) bag system, which essentially works on the same principle as the variable can rate but uses colored trash bags instead: 3) weight system, which charges residents according to the weight of their individual trash, and 4) hybrid system. Council Member Perkins felt that it's an excellent idea, but expressed concern that it might encourage illegal dumping. He believed, though, that the residents should be given an incentive to recycle. Mayor Pena suggested the issue be referred to CVAG's AB939 Committee and also to Waste Management of the Desert for their commentS. 4. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Council Member Bangerter advised that the property owners involved with the forrnation of the Highway 111 assessment district are meeting on October 5, 1994 at 9:00 a.m. They have requested that a couple of the Council Members attend their meeting to answer any questions that might come up. Council Member Sniff and Mayor Pena offered to attend. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, advised that he would be attending the meeting and would distribute the Feasibility Study at that time. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02 City Council Minutes 18 October 4, 1994 STUDY SESSION Continued 1. INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION AND SELECTION OF SEVEN MEMBERS. This item was continued from the afternoon meeting see Page No.11). In response to Council Member McCartney, Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that there isn't any problem with a City employee serving on a commission as long as it does not directly conflict with his/her duties as an employee. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Honeywell advised that a person may serve on more than one City commission. MOTION It was moved by Council Members SnifflMcCartney to appoint the following individuals to the Human Services Commission: Jessie Chestnut.........................3 Year Term to Expire June 30, 1997 Kate Kelly..............................3 Year Term to Expire June 30, 1997 Barbara Irwin...........................2 Year Term to Expire June 30, 1996 Victoria St. Johns......................2 Year Term to Expire June 30, 1996 Kay Wolff...............................1 Year Term to Expire June 30, 1995 Gary Stone..............................1 Year Term to Expire June 30, 1995 Norris Bernard..........................1 Year Term to Expire June 30, 1995 Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-220. Mr. Norris Bernard advised that he will be resigning from the Parks & Recreation Commission within the next two weeks. Council adjourned to Closed Session to discuss matters as delineated on Page 11. Council reconvened with no action being taken. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 01-19-96-U01 02:29:30PM-U01 CCMIN100494-U02