1994 11 15 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 15,1994 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council on November 15, 1994 was called to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bangerter, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pefia ABSENT: Council Member McCartney MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to excuse Council Member McCartney. Motion carried unanimously. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Council Member Perkins asked that a Closed Session i?m be added to the agenda regarding an emergency personnel issue that came up after the agenda was posted. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Perkins/Sniff to add a personnel item to the Closed Session agenda under Government Code Section 54957. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve the City Council Minutes of November 1, 1994 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS None PRESENTATIONS None PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Hayden Bower, vice-president of the Friends of La Quinta Senior Center, advised that the Friends are requesting assurance from the Council that they will remain in control of the equipment and furnishings they purchase for the Senior Center to protect their use. He expressed appreciation to the City for building the Center as well as the $40,000 provided to assist in furnishing it. The Friends have raised a like amount through fundraising efforts, donating many hours for the purpose of equipping and furnishing the Center. Some of the audio-visual equipment they have purchased is very expensive. They requested that only trained personnel be allowed to operate the equipment and that the equipment be used at the Senior BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 2 November 15, 1994 Center only. He said the Friends and the City Council have the same goals for serving La Quinta's senior citizens. Mayor Pena advised that staff is currently developing policies on the use of public facilities and will take the Friends' concerns under consideration. Mr. Wally Reynolds, 79-?60 Fiesta Drive, advised that the sewer line was recently extended along Fiesta Drive and Roadrunner Lane in the Westward Ho area. The City arranged for laterals to be installed at each lot for future connection, but each homeowner's hook-up cost is approximately $6,000, which includes $2,000 that the City fronted for the installation of each lateral. He asked the Council to consider establishing an assessment district to pay the City's $2,000 portion, thus enabling residents to afford earlier sewer installation. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, advised that the residents must begin the process by circulating a petition in favor of the assessment district. He advised that road improvements can be included with the petitioned assessment if the residents wish. Upon receipt of the petition the Council can consider the assessment district and schedule public hearings. Mayor Pena asked if the low-income sewer installation assistance program would apply to residents in the Westward Ho area, once an assessment district has been established. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the assistance program can be instituted in any project area, provided they are low and moderate income units. Mayor Pena asked if it's necessary to have the assessment district in place before applications can be received for the assistance program or if it can be project-specific. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that staff will need to examine how the program is structured to determine if it will only pay for the assessment cost. Council Member Perkins suggested that a fact sheet be prepared for residents of that area to inform them of the procedures necessary to form an assessment district. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Mrs. Juhola, Administrative Services Director, advised that the following additional correspondence has been received: 1. A letter from Diners Club Matches regarding Business Session Item No.2. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 3 November 15, 1994 2. A letter from Planning Commission Chairman Don Adolph relating to Business Session Item No.3 regarding The Village Task Force. BUSINESS SESSION CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-058 TO PERMIT TWO TEMPORARY SIGNS ADVERTISING A HOLIDAY BAZAAR AT THE NEW SENIOR CENTER. APPLICANT: FRIENDS OF THE LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the Friends of the La Quinta Senior Center have requested permission to locate two signs to advertise their Holiday Bazaar". The first sign will be located on City property at Avenida La Fonda and the second on private property at the comer of Highway 1 11 and Washington Street. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve Special Advertising Device 94-058 subject to the recommended conditions of approval. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-250. 2. CONSIDERATION OF TEMPORARY NO PARKING" ZONES AND SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-055 FOR THE DINERS CLUB MATCHES GOLF TOURNAMENT ON DECEMBER 5-11 AT PGA WEST. APPLICANT: IRWIN KENNEDY. Mr. Herrnan, Community Development Director, advised that the applicant has requested approval of temporary No Parking" zones and off-site directional signs for the Diners Club Matches Golf Tournament December 5-11, 1994. A permit to allow two event- sponsoring inflatable balloons was also requested. He advised that the applicant's requests are similar to previously-approved special advertising devices for other events such as the Skins Games and Bob Hope Classic. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Herman advised that the Sheriff's Office and Public Works Department have both reviewed the No Parking" zones request. Lieutenant Denver Pittman, Riverside County Sheriff's Department, advised that the event is similar to past events and he didn't anticipate any problems with the request. RESOLUTION 94-70 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ESTABLISHING CERTAIN TEMPORARY NO PARKING" ZONES ON JEFFERSON STREET, PGA BOULEVARD, AND AVENUE 54 DURING A SPECIAL EVENT TO BE HELD DECEMBER 5, 1994 TO DECEMBER 11, 1994, INCLUSIVE. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 4 November 15, 1994 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to adopt Resolution No. 94-70. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve Special Advertising Device 94-055 permitting off-site directional signs to the Diners Club Matches Golf Tournament and approving the two additional devices inflatable balloons) as requested, subject to recommended findings and conditions of approval. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-251. 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN APPOINTMENT OF A CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO ATTEND A WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE MEETING WITH THE LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that a representative from the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce was present and available to answer any questions. In response to Council Member Bangerter, Ms. Dallas, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, advised that they are requesting a representative from both the City Council and the Planning Commission, as well as City staff. The initial goal of the task force is to get a first-hand information exchange going regarding development of The Village. The number of workshops have not been pre-determined and the task force will decide if they wish to meet semi-annually, annually, etc. at their first meeting. Council Member Sniff felt that the City should appoint one member from the City Council, one member from the Planning Commission, and the Community Development Director to the task force. He volunteered to serve on the task force and noted that additional members could be added if needed as the task force evolves. Mr. Don Adolph, Planning Commission Chairman, advised that the Planning Commission would appoint a representative to the task force at their next meeting. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Perkins/Bangerter to appoint Council Member Sniff, one Planning Commissioner, and one staff member from the Community Development Department to serve on the committee. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-252. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED NOVEMBER 15, 1994. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 5 November 15,1994 2. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FEE STRUCTURE AND A STANDARDIZED APPLICATION FORM FOR FILMING IN THE PALM SPRINGS-DESERT RESORTS AREA. 3. APPROVAL OF EXTENSION TO TIlE WASTE MANAGEMENT CONTRACT FOR THE RECYCLING BIN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM. 4. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' NEW LAW AND ELECTION SEMINAR IN SAN DIEGO, NOVEMBER 30- DECEMBER 2, 1994. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended with Item No.2 being approved by RESOLUTION NO.94- 71. Regarding Consent Calendar Item No.3, Mayor Pena asked if there are any recurring problems with replacement of the recycling bins. Ms. Patty Sommerville, representative of Waste Management of the Desert, advised that the program is monitored closely and there is no record of any recurring replacements. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-253. STUDY SESSION 1. REVIEW OF PROPOSED JEFFERSON STREET ALIGNMENT BETWEEN AVENUE 58 AND AVENUE 62. Mr. Speer, Senior Engineer, advised that the Jefferson Street Alignment Study was initiated in May 1993 during the entitlement process for The Quarry development because of some concerns voiced by the residents. The alignment study was paid for by The Quarry developer. Workshops were held with the landowners to determine their needs and concerns regarding the issue and a proposal was drafted that has been generally well received. Upon Council's direction, a formal process will begin, which will include Planning Commission and City Council public hearings. He referred to a layout of the proposed alignment pointing out that a portion of the property involved is Bureau of Land Management BLM) property and is considered wilderness land. Roadways are prohibited on wilderness land, but Congress has agreed to move the wilderness boundary back far enough to allow Jefferson Street to be routed around the mountainous rock outcropping. Plans for the proposed Jefferson Street BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 6. November 15, 1994 alignment have already been incorporated into subdivision plans by two large landowners in their proposed developments. The only current opposition is from the Bureau of Reclamation BOR). They own property where the proposed alignment makes a sweeping curve at the west end of Avenue 58 near PGA West and that property has been identified as a potential site for a groundwater recharge basin. Staff will continue to negotiate with them. Mayor Pena asked if the entire parcel is needed by BOR for the recharge basin. Mr. Speer advised that further discussions with them need to be conducted to determine their needs. Mr. Speer advised that some of the landowners have indicated that they prefer Jefferson Street to be two lanes. Based on the ultimate build-out of proposed developments in that area through a traffic study, it was concluded that Jefferson Street should be four lanes with the exception of a 200-foot portion. Council Member Perkins expressed concern about the proposed four lanes being interrupted by a short segment of two lanes and felt the street should be four lanes throughout. In response to Council Member Bangerter, Mr. Speer advised that there will be sufficient reduction in the wilderness BLM land to not impact the alignment of the street. Council Member Sniff concurred that the street should be four lanes. in response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Speer advised that the road width will allow for a center-turn lane. Council Member Bangerter complimented staff on a easily-understood report. Council concurred that staff should proceed with scheduling public hearings for the proposed street alignment. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS All reports were noted and filed. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 7 November 15, 1994 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. Mrs. Juhola, Administrative Services Director, advised that last year Council canceled the first meeting in January due to the holidays, and asked if they wished to cancel it again this year. She noted that City Hall will be closed for the New Years holiday on Monday, January 2, which is the day before the scheduled City Council meeting. Council Member Sniff preferred to go ahead with the meeting. After some discussion it was determined that the decision to continue or cancel the January 3 meeting will be decided at the December 6 meeting. All other reports were noted and filed. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS DISCUSSION OF CHARTER CITY STATUS. Council Member Perkins, advised that Council had previously discussed considering a charter city status, but decided to wait for the outcome of the City of Palm Springs' decision to become a charter city. He wanted to know if the Council is still interested in considering the issue. He suggested that the issue be placed on the ballot for next fall if the Council is still interested and sufficient information has been obtained. He supported pursuing its consideration. Mayor Pena asked Council Member Perkins if he has received any positive or negative comments from City of Palm Springs representatives regarding their charter city status. Council Member Perkins advised that the only feedback he's received is that a city pursuing charter statuS should make every effort to include everything needed in the initial setup; any changes accomplished after a charter is adopted must be accomplished through an election process. He believes that charter city status has benefits and suggested that the issue be scheduled for a study session for Council consideration. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that her previously-prepared report would be updated and distributed to Council. Council concurred that the issue should be scheduled for a study session. Staff will contact the City of Palm Springs to obtain information. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 8 November 15, 1994 2. DISCUSSION OF FRITZ BURNS PARK POOL SURVEY. Mayor Pena abstained due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. Council Member Perkins advised that he was appalled at the Council's decision on November 1, to not review the survey regarding the Fritz Burns Park pool program and also disturbed that the Council failed to recognize a Council Member's request to have the survey returned to Council for review. He expressed concern that the survey is scheduled to be distributed to the public without Council's review. He wants to know if the public is being asked if they are willing to pay for the pool along with asking them if they would like to have one. He was concerned about spending the funds proposed for construction and maintenance of the pool, noting that the maintenance cost amount alone could fund seven additional sheriff deputies. He felt that the recent election should warn all public officials that the public wants government to cut costs, reduce government. and reduce crime. The planned pool construction will increase costs, increase government, and not reduce crime. He stated that the City of La Quinta doesn't have a high crime rate presently, but believed that it will increase as the City grows. He was also concerned about the City's infrastructure. He felt that the City should consider the difference between what it would like to have and what it needs. He believed that it's ludicrous for the survey to be distributed without the Council's review. Council Member Bangerter apologized if Council Member Perkins was offended relative to the survey. The reason she believed the survey should go forward without Council's review was because of the timecrunch, and the need to get survey results before awarding the construction bid. She had confidence in the staff preparing the survey because of the success of their other programs. The Parks & Recreation Department staff are the ones working with the needs of the community and are qualified to know what questions to ask on the survey. She believed that the Council should *?own" whatever they put their stamp of approval on and the staff should not be placed in any uncomfortable or compromising Situation because of any disagreement amongst the Council. She added that the funds earmarked for the pool project were set aside for the pool and cannot be used for police protection. Council Member Sniff said he too had confidence in the staff preparing the survey. He felt that La Quinta's children and families' needs are paramount; that public safety is important, but feels that La Quinta is a safe city. The City must address many and diverse needs that are costly to construct and maintain such as streets and public facilities. He believed that recreational facilities are an important need of the community; more important than medians and landscaping. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 9 November 15, 1994 Council Member Sniff advised that a portion of the pool funds were allocated from Landmark Land Company to mitigate the loss of Jefferson Street and the access to Lake Cahuilla aquatic area and must be used for an aquatic facility. The Quimby funds must also be used for parks. The Council promised the residents several years ago, that it would provide a diverse number of recreational services for the residents at the Fritz Burns Park. He felt it is important and imperative to go forward with the project, noting several responsive construction bids were received and those bids must be responded to within 60 days. A survey was done previously, but the current survey is being done to accommodate those who still have some concerns. He believes that the aquatic center should be self-funding as much as possible without needlessly restricting its use. Council Member Perkins believed that the Parks & Recreation staff is very capable, but because the City Council has the ultimate responsibility and decision, they should review something this important before it is distributed to the public. He said he wasn't suggesting that the Landmark designated-funds and the Quimby funds be used for anything other than parks, but noted they can be used for the betterment of the parks themselves. He's not sure the City can afford the pool facility and because the actual cost is still unknown, he's concern that it might become necessary to dip into reserve funds, or funds for other purposes; thus putting staff in a difficult position. He made reference to a previous comment by Council Member Sniff regarding the inability of a current City Council binding a future City Council to current decisions. He felt that times change and the City's promise to provide the public a swimming pool can be provided by making arrangements with the school district for use of the high school pool; thus enabling the City to find out what the actual needs are for a swimming pool. He's not sure the residents are willing to pay additional taxes to provide a pool at the Fritz Burns Park. The user fees charged at municipal pools never cover the total expenses involved. There are many unknowns related to the pool use such as what days and hours it will be open and what kind of aquatic programs will be offered. He's not sure the City should continue increasing staff. The Parks & Recreation Department has increased from one staff member a year ago to possibly seven to nine people to operate the pool. He felt the pool will be an albatross that the City will regret. Council Member Bangerter advised that Council will be able to discuss the aquatic program, hours, etc. when the pool construction bids come before the Council. The survey results are intended to help the Council to decide what programs are needful. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the survey is scheduled for printing within a few days. The survey questions are aimed at determining what types of programs are needed. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 10 November 15, 1994 CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION 1 ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM. Council Member Perkins advised that last year he suggested rotating the position of Mayor Pro Tern annually, but recommended that Council Member Bangerter continue as Mayor Pro Tern for a second year. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to appoint Council Member Bangerter as Mayor Pro Tem for a second term. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 9?254. 2. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE/BOARD ASSIGNMENTS. Council Member Sniff asked if any Council Member would be interested in serving in his place on the Chamber of Commerce Education Committee, noting that the meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. After some discussion, Council concurred that the seat on the Education Committee will remain vacant for the present time. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Perkins/Bangerter that all other committees remain the same as the previous year. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-255. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to Closed Session and until the hour of 7:00 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with real property negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 regarding negotiations for proposed commercial development including price, term of payment for property located at the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Jefferson Street Tim Ealey, negotiator for Midland Properties. 2. Conference with labor negotiator Tom Hartung regarding negotiations with the La Quinta City Employees Association pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6- Meet and Confer Process. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 11 November 15,1994 3. Conference with legal counsel concerning potential initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(C) One Case. 4. Discussion of a personnel matter pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT None PUBLIC HEARINGS TENTATIVE TRACT 28034- A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE 19 ACRES ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 58 AND 300' WEST OF MADISON STREET INTO 25 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS. APPLICANT: NEIL KLEINE. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the proposed application is to subdivide 19 acres into 25 single-family lots. The average lot is approximately one- half acre, ranging from 19,000 to 43,000 square feet. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the application on October 25 with no opposition present at the meeting. Mr. Neil KIeme, 78-710 Avenida La Fonda, the applicant, advised that they will provide staff with a project name, noting the previously-selected name conflicted with another project. He asked Council to consider amending Condition No.19 which requires a six-foot-high, solid masonry wall around the perimeter. The rear of the project borders the La Quinta Sculpture Park which is enclosed with a four-board, equestrian-type fence. He requested that the masonry wall be required only on the remaining three sides of the project, thus allow viewing of the sculpture park and lake from the three lots on the rear portion of the project. He advised that they will construct a central water retention basin as required in Condition No. 28 and not continue their pursuit to have that condition changed. He referred to Conditions Nos. 62 and 63 regarding the requirement for continued monitoring of the project site for archaeological findings. Upon recommendation of the planning staff, he hired an archaeologist, Dr. Chris Grover, to do a Phase I archaeological study of the site. The purpose was to determine if there is any evidence of archaeological findings on the surface of the site, history of archaeological value on the site, or necessity for further procedures during the process of the project. Dr. Grover's report states that there is no evidence, or history, of any archaeological finds on the site and no further monitoring of the site should be required. Dr. Grover has provided an additional letter which verifies that no additional monitoring BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 12 November 15, 1994 is required. He asked Council to show that Condition No.62 has been completed and eliminate Condition No.63. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Kieme advised that he prefers private lot retention basins because he felt the lots are large enough to accommodate their own basins. People buying large lots usually do so to get away from the housing-tract look which usually has the large retention basin at the end of the street. Mr. Herman advised that the perimeter block wall was required because the project is identified as a private, gated-community which calls for security walls. He advised that having a split-rail fence on the north side is a contradiction in terms, but staff doesn't have any problem with modifying the condition. He advised that the City has never received such a variance request before. Mr. Herman advised that engineering staff strongly prefers a central retention basin as opposed to individual lot basins. The condition as noted in the staff report is the condition recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr. Herman advised that the purpose in requiring archeological monitoring during the grading process is because artifacts turned up by the bulldozer will otherwise be disregarded. This condition is per CEQA requirements. This area is rich in paleontology sea shells) and staff prefers to have that monitored to handle CEQA and the environmental impacts of development in that area. He read a portion of Dr. Grover's letter which advised that an archeologist should be contacted if any artifacts turn up during grading. The required monitoring is not for the single-family house construction but intended for construction of roads, retention area and any trenching for utilities if needed. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Herman confirmed that staff was satisfied with the conditions referred to as they are written in the staff report, but didn't have a problem with modifying Condition No.19. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, preferred the original language in Condition No.28 as opposed to the modified language recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Department, advised that he is comfortable with the original language or modified version of the Planning Commission; however, based on the lot sizes, he felt the most suitable type of retention basin is the common basin, not private individual lot basins. Ms. Honeywell advised that the language concerned her because she doesn't want developers to be misled into thinking that on-site, individual retention basins are actively under consideration by Council when actually it is against the recommended policy. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 13 November 15, 1994 Mayor Pena advised that the policy issue could be discussed in the Joint Planning Commission meeting scheduled later in the evening. Ms. Honeywell advised that, currently, the City doesn't have a specific policy, but the policy staff is trying to develop will require common retention basins. Council Member Perkins asked Mr. Cosper how private lot, retention basins are monitored. Mr. Cosper advised that if private lot retention basins are allowed special conditions would be placed on the project to ensure that proper design and maintenance of such basins would be enforced through CC&Rs of the homeowner's association. The problem with private lot retention basins is that once a homeowner fills his retention basin with a pool, etc., his water is then pushed into his neighbor's property. The homeowner's association can enforce the policy by requiring the homeowner to reconstruct the retention basin, provided a pool hasn't been put in its place. If a private lot retention basin situation existed, the City would require an irrevocable easement to allow the City to maintain those facilities. He advised that the City of Rancho Mirage allows these individual basins on minimum lot sizes of one acre and other cities have allowed them on two-acre minimum lots. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sm.ff?Perkins to maintain the language of Condition No. 19, requiring the wall; that the original language be returned to Condition No. 28, and retain Condition Nos. 62 and 63 as-is. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.94-256. RESOLUTION NO.94-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 94-283 FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28034 AND APPROVING THE MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN FOR THE PROJECT. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to adopt Resolution No. 94-72. Motion carried unanimously. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 14 November 15, 1994 RESOLUTION NO.94-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 28034 WITH REVISED CONDITIONS; A REQUEST TO CREATE A 25-LOT SINGLE-FAMILY SUBDIVISION. It was moved by Council Member Sniff/Bangerter to adopt Resolution No. 94-73. Motion carried unanimously. Council recessed to Closed Session as delineated on Page 10. Council reconvened. JOINT STUDY SESSION WITH THE LA OUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION A joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and Planning Commission was called to order at the hour of 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Pena and the roll call for the Planning Commissioners was as follows: PRESENT: Planning Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, Chairman Adolph ABSENT: None 1. DISCUSSION OF REVISION TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, advised that the City's 1982 adopted subdivision ordinance is currently being reviewed for comprehensive revisions The purpose is to bring it in line with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. On October 18,1994, Council authorized staff to work with the consultant, NBS/Lowry, to complete a comprehensive revision to the City's subdivision ordinance. He advised that staff needs comments from the Council and Planning Commission to make the revisions. Mr. Jim Morrisey, consultant with NBS/Lowry, advised that the revision process is intended to receive initial comments from the City Council and Planning Commission for the purpose of incorporating them into the revision of the subdivision ordinance, which will be drafted and returned to the City Council and Planning Commission for review. He reviewed the following: * the overall subdivision ordinance revision process * the document format * issues and provisions to be included in the ordinance * updating of the ordinance BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 15 November 15, 1994 He advised that they have reviewed the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and participated with staff in a field trip of the City. The General Plan is the foundation of the City's development decisions and the subdivision ordinance will reflect many of the provisions contained within the General Plan, as well as be consistent with the State Subdivision Map Act. An environmental review is also underway. He suggested development of a review committee that should include one or two land developers. Two public workshops will be held for public comments and a second joint Council and Planning Commission workshop will be held to review the draft ordinance. He proposed that two public hearings be held before the City Council and the Planning Commission. He advised that the document format will be user friendly, but will be reviewed by the City Attorney to ensure it meets state law. He referred to an attachment which showed potential format modifications that will make the ordinance easier to read. In regards to issues and provisions to include in the ordinance, he advised that some additions are needed, such as vesting tentative maps, to ensure that the City Code is up- to-date and meets the criteria of state law. He suggested the following provisions be included in the ordinance: * a list of potential development conditions required and optional) * application and processing procedures * special design issues * health related criteria * definitions * an index He advised that the ordinance will be on computer disk and can be updated by staff as needed. He asked for comments from the Council and Planning Commission, specifically on the city review committee and composition of that committee. Council Member Perkins liked the idea of across the counter" information being readily available as well as a one stop desk" concept and asked if those two ideas were in the plans. He felt that the City's reputation will be enhanced if the process is made easier. Mr. Morrisey advised that would require merging information from various departments. A punch list" could be developed that would direct developers to the appropriate departments and?or staff applicable to their development plans, as well as designating contact people who have a broad knowledge of the various works of each department. Mr. Cosper advised that staff will pursue establishing a one stop desk" concept. Mayor Pena advised that the City had a one stop desk" staff person at the City's previous facilities and asked what position handled that desk. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 16 November 15, 1994 Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the position was a Development Technician and added that staff will look at reinstating that concept. Mayor Pejia suggested that developers/homeowners be asked what aspects of the development process they find cumbersome. Planning Commissioner Adolph asked what parameters are used to define subdivision. Mr. Cosper advised that it is any division of property or combining of property. Planning Commissioner Adolph asked if one commercial parcel would fall into the category of subdivision. Mr. Herman advised there are two types of subdivisions; four lots or less is a parcel map and five lots or more is a tentative tract map or a subdivision. Mr. Morrisey suggested that the city review committee be a small working committee of approximately seven members. He recommended the following as members: a land developer, a second consultant, a past Planning Commissioner, and a staff member. Planning Commissioner Anderson suggested that a member of the Building Industry Association be invited to sit on the committee. Mayor Pena concurred with having some type of representation from the builder/contractor industry. Council Member Sniff believed a nine-member committee would allow a more diverse and comprehensive group. Planning Commissioner Gardner asked how extensively the ordinance will be revised and what the estimated timeframe is to complete the revisions. Ms. Honeywell advised that it needs to be totally revised. Mr. Cosper advised that the consultant is on a 200-working day schedule to complete the revisions. In response to Mayor Peija, Mr. Cosper advised that the next step will be to establish the working group and schedule meetings. Council Member Perkins concurred with Council Member Sniff that the committee should include a minimum of nine members, believing all applicable occupations should be represented. BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02 City Council Minutes 17 November 15, 1994 After some discussion, Council and Planning Commission advised that they will supply staff their committee member recommendations at their next meetings. Council recessed to Closed Session as delineated on Page 10. Council reconvened with no action being taken. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. SAUNDRA L. J JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 01-19-96-U01 04:13:39PM-U01 CCMIN111594-U02