1993 05 25 CC MinutesU MINUTES JOINT ME?MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION May 25, 1993 Mayor Pena Called the joint meeting of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Design Review Board together at 7:03 P.M., and led the flag salute. ROLL CALL: Councilwoman Bangerter, Councilmen McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, and Mayor Pena. Plannin? Commissioners Adolph, Marrs, Mosher, Elison, and Chairwoman Barrows. Desi?n Review Board Members Anderson, Campbell, Curtis, Rice, Wright, and Chairman Harbison. Mayor Pena thanked everyone and asked each member to introduce themselves and give a short background of their history. BUSINESS ITEMS: PLANNING ISSUES. Planning Director Jerry Herman explained the process as it is now. a. Councilman Sniff asked if staff periodically reviewed with the Boards what their roll is, legally. Staff replied that with each new member copies of the rules and procedures that each board has adopted as well as have the City Attorney speak to the Commission/Boards regarding the Brown Act, etc. b. Boardmember Curtis questioned the Board's recommendation for Simon Plaza in regards to its desire to move the project on and yet the Board's desire to review the project before the final product was sent to Council. Staff stated the Planning Commission did approve the project after making modifications and sent it on to the City Council. It would be returning to the Planning Commission and Design Review Board for review through the normal process. Chairman Harbison stated the Design Review Board receives the projects in a very early stage and sometimes it makes it difficult to understand the final project. The Board does not want to be a hindrance but would like to review the project before final working drawings are started. Mayor Pena stated this was the purpose of the Board. c. Boardmember Campbell stated his concern that the Board have the authority to continue an item if they were uncertain or uneasy with a project being sent on. Mayor Pena stated the City did not want to see any project get stuck in the BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:20:39PM-U01 CCMIN052593-U02 U bureaucratic process, but should the Board have any concerns then those items should be reviewed further. d. Boardmember Anderson stressed his concern that the staff work as a first line to determine that all the information has been accumulated before the project gets to the Design Review Board. He suggested that a checklist be made to assist staff. e. Commissioner Elison stated she would like to see the projects proposed in conjunction with the adjoining projects. In particular, sign programs are the biggest problem. Mayor Pena stated that it might be beneficial to have a mock- up submitted with each application. He went to discuss possible suggestions such as video presentations in the new City Hall. Boardmember Wright asked if all plans would come before the Design Review Board. Staff explained that not all applications are required to have Design Review Board review. He went on to explain which type of projects would be reviewed by the Board. Questioned were raised as to how a two-story residence was allowed to be constructed on Washington Street. g. Commissioner Elison asked if the members could discuss height restrictions for structures within La Quinta. Mayor Pefia asked staff to explain the current regulations. Planning and Development Director Jerry Herman stated that the SR Zone limits buildings to one story, 17' in height. The remainder of the City is an R-l Zone which is 27', which will relate to the R-2, R-3, all residential zones. Therefore, two story units must comply with the height regulations for tract maps along Washington Street and Highway 111, all units within 150 feet must be one story and vary in height from 17' to 26'. Discussion followed regarding where the finish floor height was measured from and tract heights throughout the City. h. Commissioner ElIson expressed her concern that the houses be more energy conservative. Boardmember Anderson explained to the members the process a house goes through regarding Title 24 and stressed these were the bare minimum requirements. Members discussed developer costs regarding meeting Title 24 requirements and the possibility of the City enforcing stronger measures for energy conservation. It was suggested that the Design Review Board and staff investigate ways this could be done. It was also suggested that the Design Review Board have a representative from the Gas Company and Imperial Irrigation District address the Board concerning ideas that could be implemented. Commissioner Wright questioned the Board's authority to enforce restrictions when the City Code allowed it. Members discussed a checklist that developers would have to comply with in order to insure that an applicant doesn't need to resubmit a project over and over again to design a project the City wants. PCJTM5-25 2 BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:20:39PM-U01 CCMIN052593-U02 U Discussion followed regarding how much control the City should have over design. J. Commissioner Adolph expressed his concern that the City had no design plan for the Highway 111 corridor. He felt there would be less stress on the City and the developer if they knew what the City wanted. Discussion followed regarding the Highway 111 vision, the Washington Street image, and the Village look. k. Councilman Perkins asked staff if there were any standards the City gave to developers to build by and how long would it take a project to get through the approval process. Staff stated there were only standards for the SR Zone and it would take approximately 2-3 months to get a project through the approval process. Mayor Pena suggested the Design Review Board work on establishing these standards. Members discussed how the Council/Commissions/Boards obtain knowledge of how the CouncillCommission/Boards vote and feel concerning the different projects. 2. TRANSPORTATION AND CONGESTION REDUCTION ISSUES: a. Mayor Pena brought up the issue of the congestion at Highway 111 and Washington Street and explalned to the members the problems the City has been experiencing in trying to obtain cooperation from Caltrans regarding the corner. b. Commissioner Elison asked how the corner was affected by the Simon Plaza project. If the project did not materialize would the City have any problems with the right-of-way? Mayor Pena stated the City was currently in design for the bridge widening and the problem did not lie with Simon Plaza as much as with Caltrans and the reconfiguration of the corner. c. Commissioner Marrs expressed his concern about the number of and distance between signals and the persuasive arguments presented by the developers for a signal or median break. d. Commissioner Elison questioned whether there was a Highway 111 Specific Plan and if not, do they want to develop one. Mayor Pro-Tern Sniff stated he felt the Highway 111 corridor should be looked at as to what the City wants to be there. Mayor Pena stated he felt this was the time to do so before further development took place. Councilman Perkins expressed his concern that the circulation plan be considered before the traffic occurs. He further stated the increase traffic he was experiencing on Jefferson Street and with the high school being built the impact PCJTM5-25 3 BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:20:39PM-U01 CCMIN052593-U02 U would be greater. Mayor Pena stated his frustration with the City of Indio for the design of the intersection of 3efferson Street and Highway 111 3. SIGN ORDINANCE a. Commissioner Adolph expressed his concern that all the commercial buildings have a sign on every side of the building. In addition, the neon signs on the windows on the inside of the building. He felt the City should look at what is alloWed. Discussion followed regarding objectionable signs. Staff clarified the Code allowed 10% of the window could be used for signage. b. Mayor Pro-Tern Sniff stated he felt that signs were vital to businesses and they needed to be easily recognizable, attractive, and from varying directions. If people cannot find a business they become a traffic problem. Therefore, it is important to make the business easily to find. C. Commissioner Ellson expressed her concern that neon signs be eliminated that do not advertise the business, but advertise a product of the business. Discussion followed regarding neon signs. d. Members discussed the various signs that exist and the type of signs that are desirable and undesirable. e. Commissioner Adolph suggested that the City set a criteria for the amount of signage and limit the developers to just that. f. Commissioner Elison expressed her concern that the colors utilized in the center be coordinated to the color of the building. That if the sign colors cannot be governed then the building color should be. g. Mayor Pro-Tern Sniff stated he felt the issues was sensitive and it would be difficult to have uniformity of opinion regarding colors, size, etc. and all members should work together to be tasteful. 4. COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. COLORS. AND HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS: a. Commissioner Adolph stated his concern for the allowance of four story commercial buildings. Discussion followed and Mayor Pena stated it should be addressed in the Highway 111 Specific Plan. b. Boardmember Anderson asked for an explanation of the Village Specific Plan. Staff stated the Planning and Development Department had started a review of the Village Specific Plan, circulation, design standards, zoning, and expansion when the Council adopted the new General Plan. At present staff hoped to have this PCJTM5-2 S 4 BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:20:39PM-U01 CCMIN052593-U02 U completed by September. 5. QUESTIONS? AND ANSWERS: a. Mayor Pro-Tern stated he felt the diversity of the different members was a strength and everyone should look at what they can agree on and not be concerned with they cannot agree on. Everyone should be creative in their thinking and envision what is best for La Quinta and not lock themselves into one idea. He would like to see the City look more into energy conservation standards, develop a basic image for Highway 111, and allow diversity in the developments that are tasteful. A developers handbook should be prepared to help them understand what La Quinta is looking for and what the process is all about. In addition, he felt the minutes should incorporate more of the arguments and feelings of the Commissioners and Boardmembers. b. Councilwoman Bangerter stated her appreciation for each of the members for the work they do and she looks forward to hearing their comments and criteria. Members stated they would like to have another meeting in late October or early November. Councilman Perkins stated his appreciation for the Commissioners and Boardmembers doing the work they do to make the Council's work easier. e. Councilman McCartney stated his appreciation for the work of the Commissioners and Boardmembers and encouraged the members to continue with the work they are doing. f. Commissioner Marrs encouraged the Council members to attend the Commissions and Design Review Board meetings. Mayor Pena thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting. PCJTM5-2 5 5 BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:20:39PM-U01 CCMIN052593-U02