1993 06 01 CC Minutes[ LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 1, 1993 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 P.M. by Mayor Pena, foUowed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Hunt, City Manager, asked that approval of Final Tract Map 26251 Landmark Land Co. be added to the Consent Calendar; and advised that the Council has received revised language for the resolution re: Public Hearing No.2; and that the Council has received some information regarding AB939. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that Final Tract Map 26251 be added to the Consent Calendar noting that the need to take action arose after the posting of the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Council Members SnifflMcCartney that the Council Minutes of April 26th and May 24th be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS Council Member Ban gerter advised that Judy Vossler Woodard, General Manager of La Quinta Hotel, has advised that all the proceeds from their Fourth of July Celebration will be donated to the Home-Alone Program. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Pena presented Pam Stull, Engineering ReceptionistlClerk Typist, with a plaque expressing the City's congratulations and appreciation for having been selected the Employee of the Month for May. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 2 June 1, 1993 PUBLIC COMMENT Nancy Marks, President of La Quinta Arts Foundation, presented the Council with a hinding proposal for the next fiscal year and expressed the Foundation's appreciation for their continued support and cooperation of the City of La Quinta. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE None BUSINESS SESSION 1. PUBLIC USE PERMIT 91-009- A REQUEST FOR A ONE-YEAR EXThNSION OF TIME FOR A PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED CHURCH DEVELOPMENT ON +4.2 ACRES AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND ADAMS STREET IN A R-1-12,OOOIPD ZONED AREA. THE PROJECT WAS ORIGINALLY APPROVED IN 1991. APPLICANT: DESERT BAPTIST CHURCH, PASTOR THEODORE D. KOROLUK. Mr. Sawa, Principal Planner, advised that the applicant has requested a one-year time extension, noting that the project is presently in plan-check. Staff is not recommending any new or modified conditions. MOTION It was moved by Council Members SnifflMcCartney to approve a one-year extension of time for Public Use Permit 91-009 Desert Baptist Church), pursuant to the recornrnended conditions of approval. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-124. 2. CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT FOR JOINT POWERS AGENCY BETWEEN THE COACHELLA VALLEY GOVERNMENT ENTITIES RELATING TO SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP. Mr. Genovese, Ass't. City Manager, advised that the SunLine Services Group is being created primarily to handle regulations, licensing and policy enforcement of taxi-cabs. These regulations have been handled under Surline previously and they have experienced problems in the past. Staff has gone to great lengths in reviewing the agreement and the City Attorney has been involved in the discussions with the attorneys for SunLine in getting the language we desire in the document. Council Member Sniff questioned the depth of the City Attorney's involvement and review of the agreement. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 3 June 1, 1993 Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that she has reviewed it as to form. She had a problem with the first draft because there was no provision for the SunLine Board to review these agreements that can be entered into between any two entities. Therefore, she asked that the language in Section 8.1.2 be included requiring the Board of Directors to approve any implementation agreement. Staff, City Attorney and Mayor Pena responded as follows to questions posed by Council Member Sniff: 1. Mayor Pena advised that there are transit funds which come from the Federal Government which can only be used for administration of transit services and cannot be used for administration of taxi services, which is why a separate group is being formed. 2. Ms. Honeywell advised that legally, this agency will be separate from SunLine, but the board and staff will be the same. 3. Ms. Honeywell advised that she has reviewed the agreement as to the legal form of it the decision as to whether or not to create the separate agency is the Council's decision. 4. Mayor Pena advised that the cab operators have been involved from day one" in the implementation of the regulatory process. 5. Mayor Pena advised that the approximate cost of operation is between $40,000- $50,000 annually. The funds come from a $1 flag-drop fee as well as fees imposed on the cab companies from licensing. 6. Mayor Pena advised that the cab owners have a loose-net association from which representatives have attended the meetings public hearings). 7. Mayor Pena advised that the City gave up the ability to charge a business license fee to cab operators, which was running about $2,000 annually. 8. Mr. Genovese advised that the new agency is necessary in trying to deal with some of the unique concerns of SunLine in dealing with taxi-cabs as opposed to transit operations. He noted that the regulation of taxi operations has been under SunLine for the past couple of years. Council Member Sniff felt that there should be a separate entity, as there is a perceived conflict of interest. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 4 June 1, 1993 Council Member McCartney felt that a regional approach to regulating cab services makes sense; however, if it's going to be a separate agency, it should be totally separate with a different board, manager and staff. He felt that there is a direct conflict between a bus agency and the franchising of cab companies. He was pleased to hear that there are public hearings being held as the public needs to be part of the process. Mayor Pena pointed out that a completely different agency would result in additional costs. In response to Council Member McCartney, he advised that Valley-wide, there are about 300,000 cab rides generated. Mayor Pena suggested that this matter be continued for two weeks and ask a representative from SunLine to be present to answer some of Council's questions. Council Member Perkins had no problem with having SunLine present to answer questions, but he didn't believe that the City wants to get into the regulation of taxi cabs as it's very time-consuming. Council Member McCartney wished to continue this matter for additional information before approving another regulatory agency. He had a high level of discomfort with the lack of objectivity between a bus provider and with them not choosing to award a franchise operation. He felt very comfortable with the free-market concept of allowing cabs to come into existence to meet demand. He also wished to know what kind of comments were made at the public hearing; what the issues are and if there are any legal issues pending. Council Member Bangerter believed that even if there is no legal" conflict, there is a perception" of a conflict. Also, there are many technical questions which need to be answered. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that the matter of the Joint Powers Agency for the SunLine Services Group be continued until June 15, 1993. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-125. 3. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES BETWEEN TIlE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. Mr. Genovese, Ass't. City Manager, advised that the current agreement for law enforcement services expired November 29, 1992. Since that date, we have been operating on an interim basis. The reason the agreement is outstanding is because the issue of booking fees had not been resolved. That issue has now been resolved. The BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 5 June 1, 1993 agreement runs for four and one-half years beginning June 1, 1993, which is also the beginning date for the charge for booking fees. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Genovese advised that the cost of the agreement is contained in the proposed budget. The agreement will be in full force and effect for 5 years whereas the actual level of service will not be we can continue or decline services based on the terms addressed in the agreement. Council Member Bangerter questioned what the problem would be in continuing approval of this agreement until the budget is adopted. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that there would not be a significant problem in waiting another couple of weeks to approve the agreement. The County would need to give us some kind of notice before discontinuing services. The agreement is structured based upon the number of hours we use. If the Council decides during budget deliberations to cut the service, the number of hours can be decreased. Therefore, the form of the agreement is primarily to set up the relationship, but not to set the precise level of service. In response to Council Member Bangerter, Captain Dye advised that the 64 hours of service is based upon 3 officers on the day shift; 3 officers on swing shift; and 2 officers on graveyard shift and doesn't include the Target Team. Mayor Pena asked if there is anyway to recoup the booking fees from the individuals booked. Mr. Genovese advised that currently they are only charging for arrests that are mandatory. Captain Dye advised that mandatory arrests are certain arrests like DUI s where there isn't anyone to release them to, or child abuse cases. In order to recoup some of the expenses, the City Attorney would have to draft a procedure the problem is, much of the time the individuals don't have the money to pay the booking fees. Council Member McCartney questioned what benchmarks are used to measure performance. Captain Dye advised that call volume, response, closure rates and the use of statistics from one year to the next are used to measure performance. Council Member McCartney believed that if we are going to spend $1.8 million for a service, we need to establish benchmarks in which to grade the service. He wished to see some system of grading the service incorporated into the agreement. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 6 June 1, 1993 Captain Dye noted that the City receives a quarterly report which is an analysis of police activity over the prior quarter. In response to Council Member Perkins, Captain Dye advised that over the past two years, the average response time has been four minutes. In response to Council Member Sniff, regarding the experience of the Officers some are six-months out of training, up to 14-years of service. The City doesn't contract for a Sergeant, but we have the Watch-Commander who does go out on patrol. Council Member Perkins was pleased with the service being provided by the Sheriff's Department. He noted that the Council sets the level of service by establishing the number of hours of service. Council Member McCartney asked if we will be able to document a change by increasing the number of hours from 56 hours to 64 and Captain Dye responded that if everything stays the same, there should be a documented change. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve the agreement for Law Enforcement Services with an effective date of June 1, 1993 between the City of La Quinta and County of Riverside with the level of service and cost for such service to be determined. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-126. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EISENHOWER DR. & AVENUE 50 STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Speer, Ass't. City Engineer, advised that this project was originally scheduled to be constructed during the current fiscal year. The plans and specifications were completed a year ago and the project was bid. However, due to mounting adverse economic impacts, all the bids were rejected and staff was directed to re-evaluate the Capital Improvement Program. The CIP was completed and as a result, this project was rescheduled for constniction in the 1993-94 fiscal year. There is some State hinding up to $194,130 available for this project if the contract is awarded by June 30, 1993. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Speer advised that the State pays a specific percentage of the construction cost. In this year, they will pay 21.57% of the construction cost. Council Member Sniff asked if it's appropriate to go forward with this project at this time, given the City's financial uncertainty. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 7 June 1, 1993 Mr. Hunt, City Manager, advised that staff believes that we can fund this project from both the City and RDA funds in the proposed 1993-94 budget with the caveat that the State's budget is still an unknown. In response to Council Member McCartney, Mr. Speer advised that if we do not move forward with this project, we could move forward with it in the future in a different cycle of funding for 5B300 funds. We would have to stay Out for four cycles if we lose these funds we would have to wait for two years to reapply. Mso, he noted that the amount of monies the State appropriates to the program changes from year to year. He added that these funds were applied for two years ago. Council Member Sniff suggested calling for bids and if at the time the bids are received, we chose not to proceed, then the bids can be rejected. MOTION It was moved by Council Members SnifflMcCartney to authorize the call for bids for construction of Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50 improvements and directing the City Clerk to advertise the Notice Inviting Bids. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-127. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR CIVIC CENThR CUSTODIAL SERVICES. Mr. Hartung, Building & Safety Director, advised that staff has investigated the matter of providing custodial services for the new Civic Center on-staff or contracting it out. Staff recommends that it be contracted out and that the Council authorize a request for bids for said service. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney that staff be authorized to request bids for contract custodial services for the Civic Center. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-128. 6. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT LAFCO TAKE PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX THE CITY OF LA QUINTA INTO RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE AREA 152 COMMENCING WITH FISCAL YEAR 1994/95. Mr. Speer, Ass't. City Engineer, advised that this matter is before the Council as a result of the 1987 Federal Clean Water Act in which the City is required to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDES) Permit by May 1994. Currently, the cost of compliance with the permit is unknown. The County Service Area 152 was specifically set up to provide a vehicle for assessment of NPDES Permit costs. In order to be included in the Service Area, we need to submit an application to LAFCO by early June if we want the option to assess FY 1994-95 permit compliance costs. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 8 June 1, 1993 RESOLUTION NO.93-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THAT LAFCO TAKE PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX THE CITY OF LA QUINTA INTO RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE AREA 152 COMMENCING WITH FISCAL YEAR 1994-95. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins that Resolution No.93-45 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS TO THE SELECTION COMMIT TEE FOR THE CABLE TELEVISION CONTRACT RENEWAL CONSULTANT. Mrs. LiCalsi, Administrative Analyst, advised that on May 4, 1993, the Council approved the RFP for soliciting bids for a cable television consultant to assist in negotiating the renewal of the City, 5 cable franchise. At that time, Council indicated that they would like to select two Council Members to serve on the Selection Committee. She added that Colony CableVision has agreed to pay the full Costs of the consultant. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Perkins/Mayor Pena that Council Members Bangerter and Sniff be appointed to serve on the Selection Committee. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-129. 8. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 31, 1993. MOTION It was moved by Council Members BangerterlMcCartney to receive and file the Treasurer's Report dated March 31, 1993. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-130. 9. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO.228 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.32- R-1 ZONE ONE-FAMILY DWELLINGS) OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. CASE NO: ZOA 93- 032- CITY OF LA QUINTA. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that Ordinance No.228 be adopted on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 9 June 1, 1993 AYES: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JUNE 1, 1993. 2. APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE ON AGING FOR TITLE V PROGRAM. 3. APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP AND RELATED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 26251, SANTA ROSA COVE LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that the Consent Calendar be approved as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-131. STUDY SESSION 1. INTERVIEW OF APPLICANT FOR ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE. Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk, advised that five applications were received for the Art in Public Places Committee and those interviews were scheduled for 7:00 P.M. However, because Mrs. Carreiro could not be present at that time, she was scheduled to be interviewed at this time. She noted that the position being filled is that of Jerry Herman's which expires June 30, 1993. The Council proceeded to interview Mrs. Carreiro. 2. REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 1993194 BUDGET. Mr. Hunt, City Manager, advised that the greatest uncertainty with the City's budget is actually with the State's budget and until they resolve their budget crises, all cities in California remain at risk. The proposed City budget takes a very conservative approach to the State's budget crises and has assumed the worst case scenario. Additionally, the BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 10 June 1, 1993 improper withholding of the City's RDA funds by the County has added a further challenge to balancing the budget. The options before the Council are 1) to wait until the State resolves its budget cnses; or 2) continue to move forward with the programs and activities the City has or wants to begin in FY 1993/94. Staff, believing that the Council wants to move forward, has prepared a budget document that offers continued high-quality municipal service and a fully-funded City and RDA capital improvement program for 1993/94. This will require the use of approximately $244,000 of the City's General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance to balance the document. This budget is actually a transition" or a bridge" budget until the State completes its budgetary process, no City is really going to know their own financial situation. Staff recommends that the Council review and modify as appropriate and adopt the FY 93/94 budget either on June 15th or July 6th. Staff further recommends that it be directed to return to the Council after all pending issues are resolved or by November 1993, wffichever occurs first, for a full analysis of the City's budgetary status. He also proposed a quarterly report to the Council regarding revenues, expenditures and status of programs and activities in order to remam on top of the budgetary trends and to make modifications to the budget based on anticipated outcomes rather than after the fact. Mr. O'Reilly, Finance Director, advised that staff has been updating revenues and have stayed on a conservative course. He reviewed the various fees which are vulnerable to State raid during the coming months. Regarding the expenditures, there has been an overall reduction. He noted that the RDA Project Area No.2's $800,000 budgeted repayment to the General Fund is the major contributor to the 13.6% Unreserved Fund Balance. At this time, each Department Director proceeded to give a brief overview of their budget with the following comments being made and direction given: Council asked for staff to review the possible use of Community Service Officers in addition to sworn personnel. Regarding the Parks and Recreation Department, Mr. Hunt advised that the matter of forming a new department will be presented to the Council on June 15th as a closed session item. Council discussed whether or not to include a Contingency Fund this fiscal year with no decision being made. Mayor Pena asked for a breakdown as to what the Contingency Account has been used for during the past three years. Council Member Sniff asked to see some research done as to cost of purchasing a City vehicle(s) and eliminate the auto allowance. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 11 June 1, 1993 Council Member McCartney also wished to see the total maintenance cost for the City's vehicle fleet. CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of on-going litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) International Treasury Management/Denman Iowa Trust Discussion of personnel pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Personnel Manning Schedule Meet and Confer Issues Council adjourned until 7:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS None PUBLIC COMMENT Rob bie Stanford, 51-863 Avenida Obreg on, questioned the status of Phase V Cove Improvements; cost of landscape maintenance for new Civic Center; and what effect the Eisenhower/Ave. 50 improvements will have on Phase V Cove Improvements. Mr. Hunt, City Manager, advised that the bid Kenko submitted for Phase V is still alive and that a new call for bids was published last week with a bid opening scheduled for June 23rd. Mayor Pena advised that staff will reply to the remainder of her questions in writing. Jeanette.....52-640 Avenida Navarro, addressed the Council expressing concern about the bougainvilleas at the new Civic Center their cost and maintenance problems. She also expressed concern about there being a median in Calle Tampico and the need to irnprove the remainder of the streets. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 12 June 1, 1993 PUBLIC HEARINGS TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 25691, EXTENSION #2- A REQUEST FOR A ONE- YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR A PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED SUBDIVISION MAP WHICH ALLOWED 39 RESIDENTIAL LOTS TO BE DEVELOPED NORTH OF MILES AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY ONE-QUARTER MILE EAST OF DUNE PALMS ROAD ON +9.3 ACRES. THE PARCEL IS ZONED R-1 ONE- FAMILY DWELLING). APPLICANT: RICHARD L. DEMAN. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that the applicant, Richard Deman has requested a second one-year tirne extension. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the request. Some of the conditions were amended and the applicant has agreed with all of them. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO.93-46 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SECOND ONE-YEAR EXThNSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO.25691 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A 39- LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON A 9-ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 25691- RICHARD L. DEMAN 2ND EXThNSION OF TIME. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that Resolution No.83-46 be adopted as submitted subject to recommended conditions. Motion carried unanirnously. 2. STREET VACATION 93-025 PORTION OF THE ADAMS STREET & 58TH AVENUE RIGHTS-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO THE QUARRY" PROJECT, LOCATED SOUTH AND WEST OF LAKE CAHUILLA. APPLICANT: WINCHESTER ASSET MANAGEMENT FOR LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES). Council Member McCartney advised that he would be abstaining due to a conflict of interest. He then left the dais. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that the proposed vacation relates to paper streets which will facilitate the development of The Quarry project. The Planning Commission made a finding that the roads are not necessary for Street purposes. He then reviewed access to adjacent properties which has been agreed upon by the adjacent BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [ * City Council Minutes 13 June 1, 1993 property owners and developers of The Quarry project. He then noted that Council has received a modified resolution. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Jeanette. commented that streets and roads are needed and should not be vacated. There being no one else wishing to speak, the PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO.93-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VACATING PORTIONS OF THE ADAMS STREET AND 58TH AVENUE RIGHTS-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO THE QUARRY?' PROJECT. CASE NO: STREET VACATION 92-025 APPLICANT: WINCHESTER ASSET MANAGEMENT. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that Resolution No. 93-47 be adopted. Motion carried unanirnously with Council Member McCartney absent. 3. APPROVAL OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR INITIAL STUDY/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO.93-260 FOR THE WHITEWATER RIVER/WASHINGTON STREET BRIDGE WIDENING PROJECT. Mrs. Mouriquand-Cherry, Associate Planner, advised that an environmental review has been conducted for the Whitewater River/Washington Street Bridge Widening Project. A mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared as a result of the environmental review. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO.93-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 93-260 FOR THE WHITEWATER RIVER/WASHINGTON STREET BRIDGE WIDENING PROJECT AND ADOPTING THE MITIGATION MONITOIIING PLAN FOR THE PROJECT. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 93-260 WHITEWATER RIVER/WASHINGTON STREET BRIDGE WIDENING PROJECT. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 14 June 1, 1993 It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that Resolution No.93-48 be adopted as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 4. PUBLIC USE PERMIT 93-014- APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL TO ALLOW THE INSTALLATION & OPERATION OF 116' HIGH MONOPOLE & CONSTRUCTION OF SUPPORT BUILDING FOR CELLULAR TRANSMISSION, LOCATED WITHIN THE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT SITE AT 80-420 52ND AVENUE. APPLICANT: PACTEL CELLULAR BOB BALLMAIER). Mr. Herman advised that the applicant has withdrawn his appeal. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins that the Council concur with the request of PacTel Cellular for withdrawal of their appeal re: Public Use Permit 93-014. Motion carried unanimously. MINU? ORDER NO.93-132. STUDY SESSION INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE AND CONSIDERATION OF APPOINIMENTS. Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk, advised that the position being considered at this time is the unexpired term of Jerry Herman, which expires on June 30, 1993. Also, the term of Kay Wolff is expiring June 30, 1993 and the Arts Foundation has recommended that she be reappointed. The Council then conducted interviews of the following individuals: Lia Gilbert Katherine Hull Kathy Smith-Schooley Gail Young applied, but did not appear) Rachel Carreiro was interviewed earlier in the meeting) Following interviews, the Council concurred on amending the Municipal Code at the next meeting to increase the membership of the Arts in Public Places Committee to reflect three 3) at large" appointments as opposed to one 1), which increases the membership from five 5) to seven 7) members. They also concurred on making one appointment at this time with the remaining two, as well as the Arts Foundation Member being BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 15 June 1, 1993 appointed at the meeting of June 15th to be effective at the time the amendment to the Code becomes effective. The Council also asked that the Arts Foundation appointees be clarified. The Council then balloted for one at-large member. The ballots are available for viewing in the City Clerk's office. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bangerter/Perkins that Kathy Smith- Schooley be appointed to the unexpired term of Jerry Herman which expires June 30, 1993 and that she also serve a full two-year term beginning July 1, 1993. Motion carried unanimously MINUTE ORDER NO.93-133. Council adjourned to Redevelopment Agency Meeting. Council reconvened. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Mayor Pena advised that he has a tape regarding the conversion of the SunLine buses to natural gas which he will circulate among the Council. He advised that SunLine is the first transit agency in the Country to convert its fleet to natural gas. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Mrs. Juhola reminded the Council of the Volunteer Firemen's Appreciation Dinner on Thursday evening at La Quinta Hotel. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ITEMS a. Review and Discussion of Technical Traffic Committee. Council Member Perkins commented on the traffic installations in the City and how inadequate they've been with the latest being the new revisions to the Washington/Hwy. 111 intersection. He believed that we need a traffic committee maybe a sub-committee to the Technical Traffic Committee) to review the traffic layouts. BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02 [City Council Minutes 16 June 1, 1993 Mayor Pena suggested that staff prepare a history and makeup of the Technical Traffic Committee; when they meet; and how the membership can be amended. Mr. Hunt, City Manager, asked Council's desire for reviewing the budget. Council concurred on further review at the Study Session on June 15, 1993. CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of on-going litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) International Treasury Management/Denman Iowa Trust b. Discussion of personnel pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Personnel Manning Schedule Meet and Confer Issues Council reconvened with no action being taken. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. City of La Quinta California BIB] 01-20-96-U01 01:22:57PM-U01 CCMIN060193-U02