1993 08 03 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1993 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 P.M. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff? Mayor Pena ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Hunt, City Manager, advised that the Council has received a supplemental staff report relative to Business Session No.5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that the Minutes of July 26, 1993 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanirnously. ANNOUNCEMENTS None PRESENTATIONS None PUBLIC COMMENT Fred Wolff, 77-277 Calle Ensenada, addressed the Council cornmenting on the magnificence of the new Civic Center and expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Council for their foresight. Mayor Pena said that thanks also goes out to previous City Councils who had input into this project. Kiki Haynes addressed the Council representing Drum Line" and asked for Council's financial support for this new group. They are plamiing a public presentation on August 2Sth and are trying to raise $1,500. Mayor Pena suggested that they write a letter outlining the details and Council will consider the request. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 2 August 3, 1993 At this time, Kevin Scott, instructor, and one of the students did a short presentation. He advised that the tunds are needed to purchase 200 chairs for the audience, stage, lights, P.A. and soundboard. Additionally, they are currently paying $751hr1y. for use of the room in the Youth Center for practice. WRITmN CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from BIA regarding a meeting with the City Council and City Manager. Council Members Bangerter and Mccartney advised that they would not be able to attend a meeting during the week of August 23rd and Mayor Pena suggested that the remaining Council Members and City Manager meet with them. Council Member Sniff suggested that the meeting be postponed until October or November. The City Clerk was asked to schedule a meeting in October or November. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP REVISED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT. Council Member Sniff brought up a point of order, noting that on June 15, 1993, a motion to table this issue was passed and there has been no motion to take the issue off of the table. MOTION It was moved by Mayor Pena/Council Member Perkins that the issue of the Surime Services Group Joint Powers Agreement be taken off the table for consideration. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, believed that subsequent to the motion to table being made, there was additional discussion in which staff was asked to bring back an agreement which took the Council's concerns into consideration. The proposed agreement before the Council at this time, is a new draft; however, it's within the Council's purview to consider it or not. Council Member Sniff commented that the motion to table was not specific to the proposal it was board and directed to the issue. Council Membe? Perkins agreed that there is a point of order issue, however, he believed that the City should give a response one way or the other. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 3 August 3, 1993 Council Member Bangerter expressed concern that the staff report did not indicate the fact that the matter had been tabled, but knowing that it had, she was not prepared to discuss it at this time. Motion carried with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pena voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 93-163. 2. REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON PLOT PLAN 93-504 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND SECURITY GUARDHOUSE FOR THE QUARRY" LOCATED SOUTH & EAST OF LAKE CAHUILLA. APPLICANT: WINCHESTER ASSET MANAGEMENT FOR LA QUINTA GOLF ESTATES). Council Member McCartney abstained from this issue due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, reviewed the staff's report and presented site elevations. He noted that the applicant has submitted architectural and landscaping plans for the maintenance building security guardhouse which include the floor plans, roof plans, exterior elevations, section views, preliminary grading plan, and preliminary landscaping plans. The maintenance building is located near the northeast corner of the project on the southerly half of the property which includes most of the golf course and all of the residential units. The security guardhouse is located on Schwabacker Road which is the entrance into the project site from Avenue 58. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the Plot Plan. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that the Council accept the report of Planning Commission action on Plot Plan 93-504 to allow construction of a maintenance and security guardhouse for The Quarry" located south and east of Lake Cahuilla. Applicant. Winchester Asset Management for La Quinta Golf Properties. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member McCartney absent. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-164. 3. REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON PUBLIC USE PERMIT 93- 015 TO ALLOW THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF A CELLULAR ANTENNA ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 81-600 AVENUE 58(1W COMPLEX). APPLICANT: PACTEL CELLULAR. Mrs. Leslie Mouriquand-Cherry, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff's report BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 4 August 3, 1993 advising that PacTel Cellular has negotiated a lease with liD to attach microwave dishes and whip antennas to an existing liD tower for which the City requires a public use permit. The existing tower is located behind the buildings in a fenced-yard area at liD' S complex on Avenue 58. The tower is 100' high and PacTel proposed to add another 18' at the top with the addition of three whip antennas. Microwave dishes will be attached to the tower at the 60' points. Additionally, a 484 sq. ft. equipment building is proposed to be built near the tower of split-face, concrete block to match the existing liD equipment building. The applicant has agreed to paint the tower and antenna equipment a light blue to make it as invisible as possible. The Planning Commission has reviewed and approved the subject application. In response to Council Member McCartney, Mr. Herman advised that liD has transmission lines running through the City, but was not sure of their height. Richard Macknicki, General Manager of IID, advised that there is a 161,000 volt line on the southeast corner of the property which is about 120' high. Council Member McCartney, felt that 100' is adequate so, he would have a difficult time supporting anything higher, as he believed that it would set a precedent. Council Member Sniff agreed that there is a concern about setting a precedent and suggested that the matter be set for public hearing and in the meantime Council could ask staff to develop guidelines and criteria for these kinds of antennae. Council Member McCartney added that while the area in question is not very populated at the present time, it will be in the future. He supported the suggestion of setting the matter for public hearing. Council Member Perkins believed that since there are no guidelines at the present time, it is a legal request and did not believe that it would be setting a precedent. He supported approval of the request and asking staff to develop some guidelines. He didn't believe that the applicant should be penalized for lack of criteria and guidelines. MOTION It was moved by Council Members SnifflMcCartney that the matter of Public Use Permit 93-015 to allow the installation and operation of a cellular antenna on property located at 81-600 Avenue 58 by PacTel be scheduled for Public Hearing on September 21, 1993. Motion carried with Council Members Bangerter and Perkins voting NO. MINUTE?' ORDER NO.93-165. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 5 August 3, 1993 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney to instruct staff to draft policies and guidelines for installation of antennae for Council's consideration. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 93-166. 4. CONSWERATION OF RECOMMENDATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FUNDING FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993194. Mr. Boblen, Parks and Recreation Manager, advised that the Community Services Commission received grant applications totaling in excess of $50,000. He then reviewed the reason why certain applications were screened out. He noted that there is $25,000 budgeted in the 1993/94 FY for this program. Following are the recommendations of the Community Services Commission: Adams Truman PTA Earthquake Committee $1,928 YMCA Child Care Program $4,000 Round Table West $1,200 Friends of the La Quinta Senior Center $3,328 Friends of the La Quinta Library $3,157 C. V. Community Concerts Association $4,071 C. V. Public Education Foundation $1,181 Palm Desert H. S. Band and Color Guard $ 928 C. V. Boys and Girls Club $3,483 C. V. Children's Theater $ 500 Total Funds $23,776 Council Member Sniff commended the Community Services Commission on their review and recommendations. However, he was concerned about the Historical Society not receiving any funding as he believed that the Council has made a commitment to them for the writing and publication of a book on the history of the City. In order to continue the Council's obligation and commitment, he recommended that $5,000 be allocated to the Historical Society, making the total funding for this program $28,776. Mrs. Kennedy, Chairperson of the Community Services Commission, explained that there was some incomplete information in the reconciliation submitted by the Historical Society and the Commission adhered to their guidelines and criteria in making recommendations. She added that Mr. Rice was out of town and was unable to attend the meeting. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 6 August 3, 1993 In response to Counci em er Bangerter regarding C app ication of the Boy Scouts, Mrs. Kennedy advised that there had been a problem with getting proper reconciliation information from them. Council Member Bangerter commended the Community Services Commission on a job well done, but wished to see some support for the Historical Society. Council Member McCartney concurred, with a condition that reconciliation of previous funds be made in accordance with the criteria. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney to approve the recommendations of the Community Services Commission regarding the 1993/94 Community Services Grant Funds and add $5,000 for the La Quinta Historical Society, making the total program funding for 1993/94 $28,776, and direct the reconciliation of their records in the future and that they produce the book in its entirety during the next fiscal year. Motion carried with Mayor Pena voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 93-167. 5. CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT AWARD TO CONSTRUCT THE SENIOR CENTER. Mr. Reynolds, Public Works Director, advised that three bids were received for construction of the Senior Center. The low bid was submitted by James T. Dunphy in the amount of $1,767,109.00 which is over the estimate of $1,512,500.00. One of the reasons the bid was over the estimate was due to the extensive hardscape and landscaping which is in excess of that required to make the Senior Center functional. It was an effort on the designer's part to tie the Center into the ultimate plan for the landscaping and improvements for the entire Civic Center site. Another reason is due to a 60% increase in lumber since the estimate was prepared. The Council has two options at this point: 1) Reject all bids, re-advertise and scale down the sitework; or 2) Eliminate the sitework portion of the project and award a contract for the building only. Should the bid be awarded, the building portion would be $1,199,570 and Mr. Reynolds suggested that $48,200 be included for kitchen equipment. He advised that the sitework can be re-designed, put out to bid and placed on the Council's September 21st agenda for award of a contract. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 7 August 3, 1993 Tom Doezi, Landscape Architect, advised that in a scaled-down plan, what would be left would be those items of hardscape and landscape that are essential to the function of the Senior Center. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to: 1) Award a contract, subject to the approval of the Riverside County Economic Development Agency, for the building portion only to James T. Dunphy Company in the amount of $1,199,570.00 plus $48,200.00 for the kitchen equipment. 2) Authorize an amendment to Harris and Associates contract for office engineering services in the amount of $12,500 per month. 3) Authorize entering into an agreement with Earth Systems consultants for geotechnical services at an estimated cost of $6,714. 4) Direct staff to scale down the sitework portion of the project and return to Council with bids on September 21, 1993. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-168. 6. CONSU)ERATION OF PROPOSAL TO UNDERGROUND POWER LINES AT THE EISENHOWER DRIVE/AVENUE 50 INTERSECTION. Mr. Speer, Ass't. City Engineer, advised that there are four utility poles and an existing underground power vault conflicting with pending street improvements on the Eisenhower Drive/Avenue 50 project. lID has had a legal responsibility to relocate the power facilities to a new location at its expense that does not conflict with the forthcoming street facilities. There are two alternatives: 1) relocate the poles and leave the power lines overhead; or 2) eliminate the poles and place the power lines in underground conduits and vaults. He then reviewed each alternative and noted that the City has a General Plan policy of requiring all new development to place all on-site and adjacent off-site power lines in underground facilities if the lines carry less than 12,000 volts. He also noted that undergrounding is the most reliable power service and that liD is willing to cover an estimated 75% of the total undergrounding cost. If undergrounding is selected, staff recornrnended a conditional approval. The $20,000 estimate prepared by IID for the City's share carries no guarantee. The city's share of the work will be determined by negotiation, not a competitive bid. Therefore, Mr. Speer recommended that the Council request: BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 8 August 3, 1993 1) lID to hold harmless the City for all costs related to the lID proposal that are above $20,O()(); and 2) lID to hold harmless the City for any delay claim submitted by Granite Construction related to utility relocation work, be it pole relocation work, or utility underground work. In response to Council Member Bangerter, Mr. Speer advised that lID is actively involved in this project and have assured that the work will be done in a timely manner. In response to Council Member Mccartney, Mr. Speer advised that Eisenhower would be complete by October 15th and that the total project will be completed by the end of the year. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney that staff be directed to proceed with the undergrounding of the power lines on Eisenhower Drive/Avenue 50 subject to the following conditions: 1) lID to hold harmless the City for all costs related to the lID proposal that are above $20,000; and 2) lID to hold harmless the City for any delay claim submitted by Granite Construction related to utility relocation work, be it pole relocation work, or utility underground work. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-169. 7. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION SETTING AN ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLE POLICY Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that the City's General Plan has established the City's interest in supporting alternative fuel vehicles and SunLine Transit Agency will be distributing an RFP to Valley cities in August which can provide money to the City to supplement the purchase of new alternate fliel vehicles or conversion of existing standard fuel vehicles at no cost to the City. The money for the purchase or conversion will come from mitigation monies from the Colmac Energy Corp. and Southern California Gas Co. The anticipated conversion cost per vehicle is between $2,500 and $5,000. The supplemental money for new vehicle purchases is between $3,500 and $7,000. In response to Council Member Bangerter, Mr. Herman advised that the action being requested of Council will not limit the City to compressed natural gas, the General Plan BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 9 August 3, 1993 Policies are much more broad. Ms. Tracy Daly, Director of Resource Development for SunLine Transit Agency, urged Council's approval noting that if the cities proceed with alternative fuel vehicles they can demonstrate to all fleet owners, and general consumers alike, how easy it is to convert and how much more cost-effective CNG is as a transportation fuel. She hoped that some day they will be coming back with electrical vehicles as well. Council Member McCartney was very supportive and commended SunLine for their leadership, but noted that there are other fuel alternatives like methanol and that any alternative should be based upon economics. He wished to look at other alternatives before deciding to go with compressed natural gas. RESOLUTION NO. 93-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN ALTERNATIVE FUEL POLICY. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney that Resolution No. 93-67 be adopted. Council Member Perkins also urged consideration of other alternative fuels. He also commented that the Council is willing to take these funds from SunLine and yet we're not willing to support the SunLine Services Group JPA and questioned the philosophy. Council Member Bangerter responded that the JPA does not just address alternative fuels, but other issues also. Motion carried unanimously. 8. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ADOPTING POLICIES TO ENCOURAGE CONTRACTS WITH FIRMS AND VENDORS RESIDING IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. Mr. Genovese, Ass't. City Manager, advised that pursuant to City Council direction, staff has developed an incentive/preference program for local contractors and vendors. The resolution presented for consideration establishes a program which will rebate to the contractor an amount of one percent of the purchase price of all supplies or equipment purchased in La Quinta utilized in the performance of the contract. The rebate credit has no maximum limitation, however, it is limited to the sales tax to be received by the City. The program is intended to assist with enhancing the local economy, however, because BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 10 August 3, 1993 of its limitations, staff has also developed a Redevelopment Agency program aimed at increasing the use of La Quinta contractors and residents. Council Member Perkins expressed appreciation for staff bringing this program forward. In response to Council Member McCartney, Mr. Genovese advised that once adopted, staff will begin developing implementation policies. In response to questions by Council Member Sniff, Mr. Hunt, City Manager, advised that the program will be administered by the City Manager's office along with the Finance Department with existing staff. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that contractors will be required to submit receipts and they will then receive a 1 % rebate for materials and supplies purchased locally. They can be required to sign a certification that the materials and supplies they purchased were for the projects constructed locally. RESOLUTION NO.93-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, ADOPTING A BUY IN LA QUINTA INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR CONTRACTORS WITH THE CITY. It was moved by Council Members Bangerter/Perkins that Resolution No.93-68 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 9. CONSWERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BONDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,260,937.72. Council Member Bangerter and Mayor Pena abstained from this issue due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. Mr. O'ReilIy, Finance Director, advised that a portion of the Phase V Cove Improvements includes sewer system installation which is to be funded by a bond issue in the amount of $2,260,937.72. The bond debt service will be covered by assessments to the properties receiving the benefit. He recommended that resolutions be adopted determining unpaid assessments and providing for the issuance and sale of bonds and that the Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement be approved and that the City Manager or his designee be authorized to negotiate for professional services for construction inspection, survey' administration, compaction testing and centerline monumentation. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 11 August 3, 1993 RESOLUTION NO.93-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND THE MANNER OF PAYMENT THEREOF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.92-i It was moved by Council Members McCartney/Perkins that Resolution No.93-69 be adopted. Motion carried with Council Member Bangerter and Mayor Pena absent. RESOLUTION NO.93-70 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BONDS FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.92-i IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,260,937.72. It was moved by Council Members McCartney/Perkins that Resolution No.93-70 be adopted. Motion carried with Council Member Bangerter and Mayor Pena absent. MOTION It was moved by Council Members McCartney/Perkins that the Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement be approved. Motion carried unanimou sly with Council Member Bangerter and Mayor Pena absent. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-170. MOTION It was moved by Council Members McCartney/Perkins that the City Manager or his designee be authorized to negotiate for professional services for construction inspection, survey, administration, compaction testing, and centerline monumentation in an amount not to exceed the budgeted amount of $391. 000.00. Motion carried unanimously with Council Bangerter and Mayor Pena absent. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-171. 10. CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT WITH THE LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993/94. Mr. Genovese, Ass't. City Manager, advised that the proposed agreement with the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce provides for a contract payment amount of $140,000 for the 1993/94 fiscal year for services as outlined in the Exhibit as submitted. Included in the contract amount is $15,000 for conducting the Mainstreet Marketplace! event. They are proposing six events at a cost of $2,500 per event. He further advised that if the contract is approved, there will need to be a $15,000 appropriation from the Redevelopment Agency Reserve Funds as there was $125,000 budgeted prior to the request being made for funding the Mainstreet Marketplace. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 12 August 3, 1993 Scott Cadow, President of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, advised that they had originally intended to fund the Mainstreet Marketplace through business sponsorships; however, today's economic envirorment has not allowed that to happen. They believe that this is a popular and successful event and hope to have three in the Fall and three in the Spring. Council Member Sniff stated that he supports the Chamber of Commerce, but wished to have a report back on the first Mainstreet Marketplace event and funding be made on an as needed basis. Council Member Perkins felt that there needs to be some consistency and continuity to the events and suggested that they consider nine at specifically-established times and dates. Council Member McCartney agreed to requesting a report back and would like to see them do at least three events and then look at how successful they are and any possible changes that should be made. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve the Contract Services Agreement with the Chamber of Commerce and appropflat? $15,000 from the Redevelopment Agency Reserve Funds to the Professional Services Account $7,500 Project Area No.1 and $7,500 in Project Area No.2). Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-172. 11. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO.232 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 2.04.020 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney that Ordinance No.232 be adopted on second reading. Passed by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 13 August 3, 1993 ORDINANCE NO.233 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAFFER 9.145-HC HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ZONE) OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. CASE NO: ZOA 93-034- CITY OF LA QUINTA. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/McCartney that Ordinance No.233 be adopted on second reading. Passed by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTMN: None ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DAThD AUGUST 3, 1993. 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND SAFETY. 3. REJECTION OF CLAIM BY ATTORNEY R. SEBASTIAN GIBSON ON BEHALF OF MICHAEL AND RUTH ANN SHULBY DATE OF LOSS JANUARY 7, 1993. 4. AWARD OF BID FOR TREE TRIMMING PROJECT 93-6. REMOVED) 5. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF LA QUINTA ACCEPTING A GIFT. 6. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST TO ATTEND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT ASSISTANTS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO FROM AUGUST 11-13, 1993. 7. ACCEPTANCE OF LA FONDA MEDIAN LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 92-18. 8. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CVAG FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR THE WHITEWATER/WASHINGTON STREET BRIDGE. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 14 August 3, 1993 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that the Consent Calendar be approved as amended, removing Item No.4 and approving Item No.5 by RESOLUTION NO.93-71. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93- 173. BUSINESS SESSION... continued... 12. CONSIDERATION OF AWARD OF BID FOR TREE TRIMMING PROJECT 93- 6. Council Member Perkins suggested contracting for the care of the date trees in exchange for the dates. Council Member Sniff related his experience in farming dates and advised that it wouldn't be feasible as the dates fall and stain whatever it is they fall on and expressed concern with the level of watering that could be expected. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Perkins/Sniff that the contract for tree trimming be awarded to Vargas Tree Service in the amount of $S, 127.00. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-174. STUDY SESSION DISCUSSION OF THE CREATION OF A LA QUINTA VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. Mr. Bohien, Parks and Recreation Manager, advised that Mr. Norris Bernard, a member of the Community Services Commission has written a letter suggesting a volunteer program. He and the City Manager met with Mr. Bernard and identified several issues which needed to be addressed, including workers' compensation, whether it should be a City or private program, recruitment of volunteers, etc. Several other programs were looked at like San Diego and Riverside and they visited those programs to see how they were operated. Staff has prepared a draft handbook which has been submitted to Council and recommends that Council review the conceptual model and provide staff with direction. Mr. Norris Bernard, advised that he has been a volunteer off and on for 23 years with six different agencies. Volunteers enjoy giving of their time, talents and love and all they ask in return is a little recognition. He felt that they could do a great deal for the City. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 15 August 3, 1993 Mayor Pena was supportive of volunteer programs noting that much of the community is dedicated to volunteerism. It's a great program to get started noting that volunteers provide help with thlngs like the Council agenda, copying, sorting, etc. Council Member Sniff expressed concern with volunteers assisting with flinctions that require some technical expertise and with compromising confidentiality of certain records. He related a situation with Riverside County in which confidentially was breached. He questioned how you discipline volunteers. He felt that volunteers are important and that the program should be further explored, but they should not be doing technical work which staff should be doing. In answer to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Hunt, City Manager, advised that the program would be acirninistered through the City Manager's office by the new Personnel/Budget Manager. Council Member McCartney believed that the proposal should be discussed with the Employees Association to get their views and make sure that they don't feel like we're trying to displace them with volunteers. He attended a workshop at the recent League's Conference and was surprised at how many cities have volunteer programs. Council Member Bangerter thanked Mr. Bernard for bringing the idea forward as she believed that anytime we can get the community involved in our City, especially at the Civic Center we should do so. She noted that cost for worker's compensation is minimal. She felt that we should proceed with the program. Council Member Perkins supported the volunteer program feeling that it's long overdue. He felt that Mr. Bernard will make an excellent coordinator. He has seen volunteer programs work well in a number of cities. He agreed that it should be submitted to the Employees Association; In response to Council Member Sniff regarding discipline, Mr. Bernard advised that there would be an advisory council involved who would get involved in disciplinary issues. Mr. Bohlen noted that it would be a pilot program and recommended that it be looked at m about a year. Council concurred on staff bringing forward more information on September 21, 1993. 2. DISCUSSION OF THE CREATION OF A CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION. Mr. Boblen, advised that on July 6th, Council directed staff to review the concept of a BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 16 August 3, 1993 Cultural Affairs Commission. Staff has contacted the Cities of Rancho Mirage, Dallas and Seattle. The Cities of Dallas and Seattle are known as premier art-oriented municipalities. Copies of their ordinances were received. He presented a report which presented the various organizational, authority and task structures of each of the three cities' commissions. It also summarized the mission and tasks of the Art in Public Places Committees and presented a draft mission statement for a City of La Quinta Cultural Affairs Committee. He noted that the City of La Quinta has a reputation as an arts- oriented community and with the Community Concerts and Round Table West located here, a Cultural Affairs Commission could conceivably bring together the all art and cultural entities as well as serve as a point of coordination for all public and, to a lessor extent, private visual and performing arts programs, activities and displays. Sharon Kennedy, Chairperson of the Community Services Commission, noted that she has presented to the Council an excerpt from Ordinance No.109 which established the Community Services Commission and believed that the proposed program is a duplication of the Commission noting that they have a cultural and fme arts committee. She advised that they are willing and capable of assuming more responsibility. She noted that there are hinds in the current budget for cultural events. She also wished to see the Commission work closer with the grant recipients. Council Member Perkins stated that he was not tied to forming a separate commission, that expanding the Community Services Commission would do the same thing. He did wish to see the Commissioners go out and be very aggressive without offending other cultural groups. He also wished to see all the various opportunities and events better publicized. Therefore, he wished to see this matter held in abeyance until the Council hears from the CSC with a set of goals and objectives and work-plan. Council Member Bangerter wished to see the Community Services Commission expand with a sub-committee for possibly the performing arts, as this community has vast resources which can be tapped. Council Member McCartney also suggested that the Arts in Public Places Committee be included and that a sub-committee of the CSC be established. Council Member Sniff advised that the CSC is currently developing a workplan and wished to see this matter held in abeyance. He liked the idea of networking with other community organizations. He felt that the CSC has been under-utilized for a long time and he wished for them to know that they have strong support from the City Council. Council Member Perkins asked that the CSC and APP receive a copy of the staff report and his memorandum. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 17 August 3, 1993 3. DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVE INTERIM INTERCHANGE?ON CONFIGURATION?ON AT EISENHOWER DRIVE AND AVENIDA MONTEZUMA. Council Member Bangerter and Mayor Pena abstained from this issue due to conflict of interest and left the dais. Mr. Speer, Ass't. City Engineer, presented a report and four alternatives for reconfiguration of the EisenhowerlMontezLlma intersection. The Base Alternative is currently included in Kenko's bid for Phase V construction. It's estimated that if Alternative A, Bi or B2 were implemented in lieu of the Base Alternative, it would cost an additional $15,000, $10,000 or $15,000 respectively. The latter two estimates assume the Park District will provide right-of-way at no cost. Acquisition of right-of-way could add approximately $40,000 to the project cost. Mr. Speer then reviewed each of the alternates as detailed in the staff report on file in the City Clerk's office. Council Member Perkins advised that he's a strong advocate of making the streets around the park one-way with a bicycle path. He supported contacting the property owners and the Chamber of Commerce to get their input. Council Member McCartney agreed, adding that we should want to avoid having to acquire right-of-way from the Park District. He added that generally, what is the simplest is the safest. Council Member Sniff felt that they are all viable solutions, but was not convinced about making the streets around the park one-way. He agreed that we don't want to get involved in acquiring right-of?way from the District. Mr. Speer advised that a decision will have to be made at the next meeting. Council Member Perkins suggested notifying the property owners that the City is going to try the one-way streets around the park on a six-month trial basis on the belief that most people object to change, but generally agree once they have an opportunity to try it. Following discussion, Council concurred on a making the streets around the Park one- way on a 6-month trial basis with some minor modifications to the intersectiono f Montezuma and Eisenhower with Council Member Sniff continuing to prefer to see two- way traffic around the park. Council recessed until 7:00 P.M. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 18 August 3, 1993 PUBLIC COMMENT None PUBLIC HEARINGS GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 93-043 AND CHANGE OF ZONE 93-075 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM OPEN SPACE WITH A MINERAL-RESOURCE DESIGNATION TO LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 2-4 DUIAC) AND A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM H-C HILLSIDE CONSERVATION) TO R-5 AND R-1-20,000. APPLICANT: WINCHESTER ASSET MANAGEMENT FOR LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES). Council Member McCartney abstained due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that the General Plan amendment would change the residential portion of the property which consists of approximately 55 acres from Open Space to Low-Density Residential 2-4 du/ac). The Change of Zone would rezone the residentially-designated area from H-C Hillside Conservation) to R-1-20,000 Single-Family Residential with minimum 20,000 sq. ft. lots) and R-5 Open Area Combining Zone-Residential developments) for the golf course portion of this site. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the General Plan Amendment and the Change of Zone. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO.93-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CONCURRING WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 93-255 AND APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO AMEND THE LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN, LAND-USE MAP FROM OPEN SPACE WITH A MINERAL-RESOURCE DESIGNATION TO LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. CASE NO. GPA 93-043 WINCHESTER ASSET MANAGEMENT FOR LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that Resolution No. 93-72 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member McCartney absent. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 19 August 3, 1993 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to take up Ordinance No. 234 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member McCartney absent. ORDINANCE NO.234 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE 93- 075 AND CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL DEThRMINATION. CASE NO. CZ 93-075 WINCHESTER ASSET MANAGEMENT OR LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES). DEPARTMENT REPORTS Mr. Hunt, City Manager, advised that the Council has received a list of locations selected by the Arts in Public Places Committee for the City's art purchases. The Council made a few suggestions for modifications. Council Member McCartney suggested a typewritten listing of all art for the public. Council Member Sniff suggested some kind of rack in the lobby for the placement of brochures, etc. Council Member McCartney asked where the Council's portraits will be located and the Council concurred in placing them in the Council's lounge. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION OF RE-NAMING CALLE TAMPICO. Mayor Pena surfaced the possibility of changing the name of Calle Tampico, on request of several citizens, to make it a destination street like Civic Center Drive or Village Center Drive. He noted that Mr. Cunard is opposed to a change, but a letter could be sent to all businesses on Calle Tampico to get their input. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 20 August 3, 1993 Council Member McCartney said that he likes using Calles and Avenidas. He was opposed to changing the name. Council Member Bangerter concurred, but felt that it may be appropriate to ask the people. Council Member Sniff noted that a similar effort surfaced a few years ago and he would prefer to leave the name of the street as is. Council concurred. 2. DISCUSSION OF FORMATION OF A YOUTH COMMITTEE. Mayor Pena advised that several cities have pursued Youth Commission and suggested that staff be asked to report back. Council Member Sniff suggested that it be referred to the Community Services Commission. He also said that he preferred to see the term committee? rather than ii commission' or council. Council Member Perkins suggested that the City establish definitions for committee, board, commission and council. Council concurred on referring the matter to staff, both for definitions and for a report back on the formation of a youth committee. 3. DISCUSSION OF PURCHASE OF ONE-HUNDRED TICKETS FOR SCOTT LEASON FUNDRAISER. Mayor Pena advised that he recently attended a fundraiser for Scott Leason, the Circle K employee who was shot during a robbery and left blind. The Palm Springs Angels are having a game on August 19th and are donating the gate. Tickets are being sold at all Circle K Stores for $1.00. He suggested that the City purchase 100 of them for distribution to the community. Council Member Perkins advised that many cities offer rewards for the arrest and conviction of somebody who has committed a crime within their community and asked if that would be appropriate as oftentimes it spurs informants. Mayor Pena advised that Circle K has set up a $10,000 reward. BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02 City Council Minutes 21 August 3, 1993 Council Member Sniff commented that if there is already a $10,000 reward, he would rather help this gentleman and preferred to purchase 500 tickets Council concurred. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to purchase $500 for the Scott Leason Fundraiser and provide them to the members of the community at City Hall and at the Chamber of Commerce on a first-come, first-served basis with a limit of five per family. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.93-175. 4. ADDITIONAL CONCERNS AND COMMENTS. Council Member Perkins made the following comments: a. Lighting in Council Chamber needs to be adjusted so that the big screen can be seen. Possibly the north window needs to be darkened. b. Suggested hanging the flags on the wall behind the dais. C. Presented a sample name badge which is embroidered and can be hung from a pocket which can be worn at conferences. There is a $534 cost for 110 badges, plus $176 for 15 of the plastic name badges for engraving. d. Questioned the status of the time capsule. Council concurred on burying the time capsule during the dedication/grand-opening of the Civic Center. No action was taken on any other item. CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of on-going litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Riverside County Interpleader Action Case No.234997 b. Discussion of personnel pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Meet and Confer Issues Personnel Schedule The Council reconvened with no action being taken. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. NDRA L. LA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 01-22-96-U01 05:01:30PM-U01 CCMIN080393-U02