1993 11 30 CC Minuteso MINUTES JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. PLANNING COMMISSION. AND DESIGN REVIEW BOARD November 30, 1993 Mayor Pena called the joint meeting of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Design Review Board together at 7:03 P.M., and led the flag salute. ROLL CALL: Council Members Bangerter. Councilmen McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, and Mayor Pena. Plannin2 Commissioners Adolph, Marrs, Abels, Elison. and Chairwoman Barrows. Desi?n Review Board Members Anderson. Campbell. Harbison, Rice, Wright, and Chairman Curtis. Mayor Pena asked staff to give an overview of the application process. A/B. APPLICA?ON PROCESS AND DIRECTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: Planning & Development Directar Jerry Herman informed the members that staff had been working with the Design Review Board on the application process to get a more comprehensive application. Recommendations have been made by the Design Review Board, Planning Commission. and staff is making those changes to both the application and handouts. Council Member Sniff asked if there could bc some means whereby a new project could be presented to Council prior to any review process for a conceptual approval and then go through the application process. Staff stated this had been difficult as it still had to be noticed through the paper and agendized and the City Attorney had always been hesitant to allow this. Planning Commissioner Ellson suggested this be done through the Planning Director's report to Council. Mayor Pena expressed his concern that a preapproval might limit the direction of the Planning Commission and Design Review Board. Council Member McCartney suggested that better communication might be of more assistance. Council Member Perkins stated his concurrence that the Planning Commission and Design Review Board should not be hampered in their recommendations and yet the Council should be kept aware of what is being proposed. Council Member Bangerter agreed and expressed her concern that Council's opinions might bias the Planning Commission and Design Review Board. She went on to express her concern that information regarding projects is being presented to the Council late and doesn't allow time to evaluate the issue. Board Member Harbison stated that the Design Review Board was struggling with applicants appearing before them with incomplete submittais. Mayor Pena asked staff if incomplete BIB] 01-27-96-U01 01:08:16PM-U01 CCMIN113093-U02 oJci?t Meeting November 30, 1993 Board Member Harbison stated that the Design Review Board was struggling with applicants appearing before them with incomplete submittals. Mayor Pena asked staff if incomplete appucations were being accepted. Staff explained that many applicants State they are pressed for time and need to appear before the Design Review Board and can't wait another month, then staff will place the item on the agenda and inform the applicant that the additional information is needed. Sometimes the information makes it in time and sometimes it doesn't and the application is held over because the Design Review Board will not review an incomplete application. Staff reiterated this was one of the areas that the Board is working with staff to put into the application process so this is not able to happen again. Council Member McCartney asked staff to explain the application process. Staff explained the process and stated that the purpose of the application process is to gain as much information from the applicant as possible to allow the Design Review Board, Planning Commission, and City Council to make a decision. This process is subject to change until the desired result is accomplished. Mayor Pena suggested that suggestions be taken from the public to help give input from the other side. Staff discussed with the Members different scenarios and the costs and application process involved. Commissioner Marrs asked if a developer in the audience would like to give input into the discussion. Mr. Allan Levin, Sunrise Company, stated that the City, for the most part. was comparable with the oLher cities in the Valley. He further stated that delays by the City could cause the developer to miss his market and the financial impact could be great. Board Member Wright stated his frustration with receiving plans to review that are not drawn complete for the Board to review. The applications are more for a conceptual review than for architectural review. Discussion followed regarding the different projects that had been submitted incomplete. Board Member Campbell stated his frustration with the number of projects that had been approved without the Design Review Board fully knowing what would be built. Chairwoman Barrows stated that there must be minimum standards whereby the Design Review Board, Planning Commission, and City Council could approve a project. Board Member Wright expressed his frustration that the Design Review Board was unable to require the developers to resubmit their plans with all the information required for them to make a decision. Commissioner Adolph stated the Design Review Board should be able to demand the information necessary to make a decision and hopefully the new applications will supply that information. Board Member Wright asked the Council to define their responsibilities regarding referting a matter back to staff or the Planning Commission. Mayor Pelia stated the Board should be able to state their reasons for objecting to a project and either pass it back to staff or on to the Planning Commission. Council Member Sniff stated that the Design Review Board, Planning Commission, and City Council all play a roll in the process but the developer should not be burdened with the cost of having his project examined over and over again by each PCJTM11-30 2 BIB] 01-27-96-U01 01:08:16PM-U01 CCMIN113093-U02 oJoint Meeting November 30, 1993 group. The project should be dealt with and passed on with the issues the group is concerned with. Discussion followed regarding different projects that had been passed with less than desirable results. Council Member Bangerter stated that she felt the frustration was with the Design Review Board not receiving the information necessary to make their decisions. Commissioner Elison stated her feelings that the Design Review Board should not be required to send a project on to the Planning Commission until they felt they could make a decision on the information submitted. Discussion followed regarding setting design standards that the Design Review Board, Planning Commission, and City Council could agree on. C. HIGHWAY 11 CORRIDOR Mayor Pena suggested that the Council should perhaps give the Design Review Board and Planning Commission an assignment to set guidelines for some of the sensitive areas of the City, such as Highway Ill. Council Member Sniff agreed and further stated that during the process, reports be given to the City Council regarding the direction that is being taken to be sure the Council agrees with that direction and their would be cooperation between the groups to reach the same end result. Council Member Perkins suggested that if the developers knew what the City was looking for in the guidelines it would shorten the review process and this might help the City financially to be accommodating to the developer. Council Member Sniff felt that there needed to be some traffic engineering involved in this project in the beginning so that they are not only aesthetically pleasing, but will also be functional as far as their accessibility on and off of Highway lii. Board members felt the major land owners should be involved in this process. Council Member McClrtney stated the process needed to be started in order to get some decisions. Discussion followed regarding some suggestions as to what would be desirable for the Highway lii corridor. Following the discussion, staff stated that an outline would be available for Planning Commission and City Council review. Council Member Sniff stated his concern that both ends of Highway ill should have some unique type of signage to state you are entering Ia Quinta'. Commissioner Elison stated the Council needed to define what the look should be and also the circulation as to what streets should have access. Commissioner Marrs stated the need to see diversity in the City and not be a cookie-cutter" City. Council Member McCartney expressed his concern that the City get as much public input into the study as possible. In addition, the City should consider putting out an Request For Qualifications to several architectural firms to give the City several conceptual drawings of Highway Ill to give as much creativity as possible into the process. Commissioner Abels suggested that every person in La Quinta be contacted regarding the Highway Ill project to gain their input. Mayor Pena asked what materials were available regarding previous studies on Highway Ill. Staff stated there was the 1986 Traffic Study done PCJTM11-30 3 BIB] 01-27-96-U01 01:08:16PM-U01 CCMIN113093-U02 oJoint Meeting November O, 1993 by BSI and other reports that had been accumulated. Mayor Pena suggested that for a nominal fee members of the community could be utilized. Mavor Pena called for a seven minute recess. D. COUNCIL/COM MISSION/BOARD REPORTS: Planning Commission Chairwoman Barrows asked that as each of the groups are getting together to discuss Highway lii it might be an opportunity to discuss some energy efficiency standards as well. Discussion followed as to what standards are currently in place. Council Member Sniff stated hat the City needed LO develop standards that are particular to the desert such as eaves and overhangs. Staff stated there was an opportunity to look into this issue during the Zoning Ordinance update. City Clerk Saundra Juhola reminded the Council that they were to have a joint meeting with the Community Services Commission on December 4, 1993, and it appeared that two members would not be able to attend. Mayor Pena suggested the meeting be rescheduled. Council Member Bangerter suggested it be rescheduled for January on a Saturday. The City Clerk would report back to the Council with a tentative date. The City Clerk asked if the Council wished to have an open house this year. t was determined to hold an open house on December 17th from 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. with refreshments. There being no further business, Mayor Pena thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting. PCJTM11-30 4 BIB] 01-27-96-U01 01:08:16PM-U01 CCMIN113093-U02