1992 02 12 CC Minutes iN?MINUTES
February 12, 1992
Mayor Pena called the joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission
together at 7:06 P.M., and led the flag salute.
ROLL CALL: Councilman sniff, Rushworth, Franklin, and Mayor Pena
Planm.n? Commissioners Mosher, Marrs, Elison,
Principal Planner Fred Baker introduced the consultants for the General Plan
update, Mr. John McNamara, and Mr. Tim Campbell of BRW, Inc. to the Council,
Commission and audience.
Mr. McNamara reviewed the progress of the General Plan update process as to the
areas discussed at previous workshops. He stated this meeting would concentrate
on General Plan Update Land Use Alternatives. Following a presentation by BRW
members of the audience made comment.
1. Commissioner Ellson asked that the Green Valley Ranches be included in the
rural area, the Spanos property include parks, and that an Indian Habitat
Park be explored.
2. Mayor Pena asked that a high density park based on the developers park
requirements be added.
3. Commissioner Mosher inquired why the office' category in Alternative D'1
was not included in with the Commercial designation.
4. Commissioner Ellson asked if in the Village area a mix commercial-residential
housing above the commercial would be allowed.
5. Audrey Ostrowsky, resident, stated it was important to have a good
commercial downtown to eliminate road trips our of town for shopping.
6. Mr. Dave Avise asked how many housing units are presently built.
7. Mr. John Musial, developer, stated his concern for the maps being on such a
small scale it is hard to determine the zoning on small parcels.
8. Mr. Mike Rowe, engineer, stated his concern for high intensity traffic in a
rural area. He felt the rural designation should be in a less traveled area.
There being no further discussion, Mr. McNamara thanked everyone for their input
and turned the meeting back to Mayor Pena. Mayor Pena thanked everyone for their
attendance and stated a notice would be mailed notifying everyone of the next
meeting. This joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission was
adjourned at 8.28 P.M.