1992 05 20 CC Minutes; MIN??ES J?IN'I? MEE?I'ING F H? NNIN? S SI?? May 20, 1992 Mayor Pena called the joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission together at 7:10P.M., and led the flag salute. ROLL CALL. Councilman sniff, Rushworth, Franklin, and Mayor Pena Plannin? Commissioners Mosher, Marrs, Elison, Councilmember Franklin moved to excuse Councilmember Bohnenberger and Councilmember Rushworth seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. Commissioner Marrs moved to excuse Chairwoman Barrows and Commissioner Ladner and Commissioner Elison seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. Mayor Pena introduced Principal Planner Fred Baker who in turn introduced the consultants for the General Plan update, Mr. John McNamara, Mr. Tim Campbell, and Mr. Mark Peterson of BRW, Inc. to the Council, Commission and audience. Mr. McNamara reviewed the Elements of the General Plan in regard to areas discussed at previous workshops. Tonights presentation would consist of Elements pertaining to Circulation, Open Space, and Parks and Recreation. Following a presentation by BRW members qf the audience made comment. 1. Audrey Ostrowsky, inquired where parks would be provided at the top of the Cove. 2. Commissioner Elison inquired why there was no mention of entertainment in the commercial zones. 3. Commissioner Marrs stated he felt the very low residential should allow two story units. 4. Mayor Pena inquired where churches would be provided for. 5. Ms. Janet Phillips inquired where mobile homes would be allowed in the downtown area. 6. Commissioner Ellson stated she felt the General Plan should specify where churches should be allowed. 7. Mayor Pena stated he felt there was too much commercial/offices zoned for Washington Street a major arterial. 8. Mr. Wally Reynolds stated that when parks are being considered at to location, the Council/Commission should consider the tranquility of the property owners in the area. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:36:46PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1992-U02 ; 9 Mayor Pena stated he felt that the areas that were designated as trails/paths that the City knew could never be allowed should be removed i.e., All American Canal). 10. Commissioner Elison stated that swimming facilities should be provided for the different communities. 11. Commissioner Marrs inquired if the City was considering any golf cart lanes. 12. Ms. Audrey ostrowsky stated there should be more bike paths provided for alternative modes of transportation. 13. Mr. Joe Hammer inquired why south Highway 111 was to have four lanes. 14. Mr. Wally Reynolds asked why Westward Ho Drive was a collector street. 15. Commissioner Elison asked why Park Avenue was not a collector street and whether bridges were being planned for on Dune Palms and Adams Streets. There being no further discussion, Mr. McNamara thanked everyone for their input and turned the meeting back to Mayor Pro Tem Sniff. Mayor Pro Tern Sniff thanked everyone for their attendance and stated a notice would be mailed notifying everyone of the next meeting. This joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission was adjourned at 8.57 P.M. PCJTM2-12 2 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:36:46PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1992-U02