1992 05 19 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 19, 1992 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3:00 P.M., by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Franklin, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena ASSENT: Council Member Bohnenberger MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin to excuse Council Member Bohnenberger. Motion carried unanimously. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mrs. Juhola asked that Temporary Closure of Tampico" be added as Consent Item No. 8. Council Member Franklin asked that Consent Item No. 6 be made Business Session No. 12. Mayor Pena asked that Business Session No. 7 be continued. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that the matter of the temporary closure of Tampico be added as Consent Item No. 8 noting that the need to take action arose after the posting of the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Council Members Franklin/Sniff that the Council Minutes of April 21, 1992 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS Council Member Franklin advised that Wayne Gardner, local resident and Rotarian, had successful heart surgery and suggested that the City send him something to wish him a speedy recovery. Council concurred. Council Member Sniff noted that long-time resident, Al Lopez, has passed on and suggested that a letter of condolence be sent to his family. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 2 May 19, 1992 PRESENTATIONS Mayor Pena presented the following members of the City's Tenth Anniversary Committee with plaques expressing the City's appreciation for their hard work in putting together very successful celebrations commemorating the City's Tenth Anniversary: Chairwoman, Sheila Hatfield Myra Bohnenberger Lucia Moran Judie Melkesian Judy Vossler Woodard Cheryl Ward Fred Rice Al Newkirk Elaine Reynolds Meg Robertson Mayor Pena presented Wally Reynolds with a Community Spirit Award" for all his hard work in obtaining grant deeds to the streets in the Indian Springs area. PUBLIC COMMENT Joe Jennings, 51-635 Avenida Juarez, addressed the Council representing an organization called Local Jobs for Local People." They understand the regulations cities face with regard to bidding of public projects, but asked that the matter be researched to determined if something can be done. He cited the economic effect on the cities when local jobs are not awarded to local companies. Council Member Sniff asked that the City Attorney be asked to research this matter. Debbie Truax, representing an organization called For the People" also addressed the Council on the matter of local jobs for local people and also cited the economic impacts on a city when local jobs are not awarded locally. Roger Ryan, a candidate for Assembly District 80 also addressed the Council on the matter of local jobs for local people. He felt that a general contractor should be mandated to hire local sub- contractors whenever possible. Joel Simpson, candidate for U. S. Congress, District 44, also addressed the Council on the matter of local jobs for local people. He supported the people who spoke previously. John Triana, 55-113 Shoal Creek, addressed the Council on the matter of the lack of restroom facilities and maintenance BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 3 May 19, 1992 facilities at PGA for the landscape maintenance workers. He advised that seven months ago he was advised that there would be some effort made to start some kind of dialogue with the builder/developer and nothing has happened. Mayor Pena advised that the developer has complied with OSHA requirements in that there are now portable restrooms on site. Mr. Triana advised that when built-out, there will be 5,000 homes with 500 gardeners, five-days a week and questioned where they will park. He also noted that the Council authorized the deletion of the maintenance yard, which is now going to cost the homeowners $2.5 million. Audrey Ostrowsky, P.O. Box 351, asked if there is going to be a health club in the new Civic Center. Mayor Pefla advised that there will be an exercise room with showers, but it is not a health club. Glen parker, 51-720 Calhoun, Coachella, asked if the City Attorney can be asked to research and report back on what can be done to protect local jobs for local people. Mayor Pena advised that she will be asked to do so and noted that the City recently let a contract for the Civic Center landscaping to a local firm and also the design of the Senior Center was awarded to a local architect. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Desert Junior Golf Assoc. requesting sponsorship. Council concurred on directing them to apply for a grant next year. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION FROM LA QUINTA ROTARY CLUB FOR CIVIC CENTER SCULPTURE. Mr. Genovese, Acting City Manager, advised that the City Attorney has prepared a resolution for Council's consideration, which accepts the donation of the La Quinta BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 4 May 19, 1992 Rotary Club and states that the City will place a plaque of recognition near the sculpture. RESOLUTION NO. 92-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING DONATION FROM THE LA QUINTA ROTARY CLUB. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that Resolution No. 92-47 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE ENERGY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM THROUGH THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION. Mr. Hartung recommended that the City take part in a State program whereby they will assist the City in the energy design for the Senior Center at no cost. Council Member Franklin asked if the City participated in this program for the Civic Center and Mr. Hartung advised that we were unaware of the program at that time. RESOLUTION NO. 92-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR TO FILE AN APPLICATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION FOR PARTICIPATION IN ITS ENERGY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that Resolution No. 92-48 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO DIRECT CVWD TO RELOCATE CERTAIN IRRIGATION FACILITIES. Mr. Reynolds advised that the CVWD has irrigation facilities located on the corner of Washington and Tampico, which are in the way of both the widening of Washington and the widening of Tampico. These facilities need to be moved and CVWD wants to do the work, but wants the City to pay for it. They claim to have prior rights granted by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1914. He recommended that we proceed with the work and put up a $28,000 deposit as requested. Council Member Rushworth asked if it would be worthwhile to challenge this and Mr. Reynolds didn't know as it is a legal matter. He couldn't find anything in the parcel map that was filed on Plaza Tampico to show any easements granted to either BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 5 May 19, 1992 CVWD or the Bureau of Reclamation. Ms. Honeywell advised that she would have to review all of the titles to the property in question to see what kind of easements were in place. It may also involve some type of water law issue. In response to Council Member Franklin, Mr. Reynolds advised that there are two properties on the northwest corner of Washington and Tampico and in order for us to abandon a part of the system, another $7,000-$8,00O is required because these properties are unwilling to give up their water rights. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth to authorize staff to direct CVWD to relocate certain irrigation facilities at an estimated cost of $28,000. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-96. Council Member Sniff felt that in the interest of getting the work done we should proceed and didn?t see the necessity of having legal counsel research the matter. 4. CONSIDERATION OF SECOND, ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 24545 276 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS ON 269 + ACRES ON THE EAST SIDE OF WASHINGTON ST., SOUTH OF 48TH?AVENUE WITHIN THE PYRAMIDS. APPLICANT: CLAYTON R. COOK, RECEIVER. Mr. Sawa, Principal Planner, advised that the request is for a second, one-year time extension for the Pyramids Tract No. 24545. The planning Commission has recommended approval of the request. Mayor Pena asked if conditions can be placed on the approval to require them to clean the area along Washington Street. Bill Watson, representing the Court Receiver, Clayton R. Cook, noted that some of the City's concerns were dust control and the maintenance of the swale along the Parc La Quinta project. He related the maintenance problems they've experienced, noting that they have been able to install some irrigation systems temporarily for dust control. With regard to Washington St., he advised that the RTC would act upon a letter from the City. Council Member Franklin asked when the Development Agreement expires and Mr. Herman advised that it expires in 1995. To date, the RTC is up-to-date on their payments. The next payment is due February 1993. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 6 May 19, 1992 RESOLUTION NO. 92-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS, CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS, AND APPROVING A SECOND ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 24545 WHICH ALLOWS THE CREATION OF A 276-LOT SUBDIVISION ON A 269 + ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 2454?, EXT. #2 CLAYTON R. COOK, RECEIVER FORMERLY NORTHSTAR CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, INC.) It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that Resolution No. 92-49 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF REPORT OF THE ENGINEER FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 IN CONNECTION WITH LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 89-1. Mr. Reynolds advised that the Engineer of Work is required annually to provide a preliminary report of the proposed assessments for the following year. He recommended that the Council approve the report advising that no rate increase is being proposed. RESOLUTION NO. 92-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE ENGINEER FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992/93 IN CONNECTION WITH LA QUINTA LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 89-1. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that Resolution No. 92-50 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO LEVY ASSESSMENTS AND SETTING TIME AND DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 89-1. Mr. Reynolds recommended that a resolution be adopted setting a date for public hearing on the levy of the annual assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 89-1 for June 16, 1992. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 7 May 19, 1992 RESOLUTION NO. 92-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY INCLUDED IN THE CITY-WIDE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 AND TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF. It was moved by Council Members Franklin/Sniff that Resolution No. 92-51 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU FOR $35,000 ADVANCE PAYMENT TO COVER SHORTFALL IN THEIR FY 91/92 BUDGET. Mayor Pena suggested that this matter be continued until after the CVB meeting scheduled for June 2, 1992. Mr. Genovese, Acting City Manager, advised that Indian Wells and Palm Desert have both approved the advance payment and Rancho Mirage has it scheduled on their next agenda. Judy Vossler Woodard advised that Indio and Palm Springs will both decide the issue on June 4th. There will be a joint meeting of the JPA and HIVC on about June 12th. Therefore, she preferred to see this matter rescheduled for June 16th. She wanted it to be clear in everyone's mind what the formula is based upon. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that this matter of the CVB be continued to June 16, 1992. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-97. 8. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ART PURCHASES. Mr. Genovese, Acting City Manager, advised that the Art in Public Places Committee recently purchased some art at the City's Tenth Anniversary Day-in-the-Park event. Mayor Pena asked for clarification, noting that they do not have the authority to purchase art without Council's authorization. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 8 May 19, 1992 Judy Vossler Woodard stated that she understood that this matter is on the agenda for Council's authorization of the art purchases. Council Members Franklin and Sniff believed that the authorization should have been obtained prior to the purchases being made. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Franklin/Sniff that the matter of the art purchases be continued to June 2, 1992, to determine the status of the purchase and to look at the art. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-98. 9. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO C. V. MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT. Mayor Pena noted that the matter of appointment to the C. V. Mosquito Abatement District was discussed at the last meeting and since that time he has been informed that Terry Miller 5 father was appointed to the Board, but the City Attorney advised that is no problem from the City's standpoint. Ms. Miller was to advise him if her father was going to accept the appointment and he has not yet heard from her. Gordon Van der Boom and Susan Harvey are also interested, although letters of interest have not been received. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff /Rushworth to continue the matter of appointment to the C. V. Mosquito Abatement District to June 2, 1992. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-99. 10. CONSIDERATION OF SELECTION OF COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW OF PROPOSALS FOR AUDIT SERVICES. Mr. Genovese, Acting City Manager, advised that at a recent meeting, the Council approved an RFP for audit services. He recommended that the Council appoint a committee to review the proposals at this time. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that Council Members Sniff and Bohnenberger be appointed to the Audit Services Selection Committee. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-100. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 9 May 19, 1992 11. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL FROM RALPH ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES FOR RECRUITMENT SERVICES FOR THE POSITION OF CITY MANAGER. Mr. Genovese, Acting City Manager, advised that the Council has received the proposed contract and brochures from Ralph Anderson & Associates for recruitment services for the City Manager position. Under their contract, they would also recruit the interim City Manager. In response to questions by Council Member Rushworth, Mayor Pena advised that he has been turning the names of interested people who have called him to Bob Murray of Ralph Anderson. Mr. Genovese advised that anyone who calls who are interested will be referred to Ralph Anderson and to his knowledge, they do not charge a fee to the applicants. He added that the firm can be asked to bring any local applicants to the Council. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, expressed concern about paragraph No. 6 of the proposed agreement. She suggested that a sentence be added stating that prior written authorization shall be given from the City for any additional services. She was also concern about No. 7, in which the fee is being paid on a monthly basis. She suggested that there be some verbiage about a retainer which would be paid upon the successful filling of the position. Mr. Genovese advised that he has contacted Ralph Anderson and they currently utilize this method of payment for all of their contracts. He added that the City has utilized Ralph Anderson four other times with no problems with the method of payment, which is to disburse the $12,000 on a monthly basis, whereas, the City Attorney is recommending that part of it be a retainer. Council Member Franklin asked if we have any idea what the additional expenses will cost. Mr. Genovese said that the difficulty in arriving at a cost is not knowing if there will be a number of candidates who live a great distance in which Bob Murray will have to travel to interview. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin to direct staff to proceed with the execution of a contract with Ralph Anderson & Associates for the recruitment of both an interim City Manager and a permanent City Manager at a cost not to exceed $12,500, plus reimbursement of certain stated expenses subject to City Attorney review and recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-101. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 10 May 19, 1992 CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF BUSINESS SESSION NO. 8 REGARDING ART PURCHASES. Mr. John walling, Member of the Art in Public Places Committee advised there was a Committee meeting at the park, however, it was his understanding that the art was not to be purchased without the City Council ratifying it. The matter was reviewed in the last Art in Public Places Committee and they are now asking for Council's authorization. Council noted that the meeting in the park was not an officially noticed meeting, which is a violation of the Brown Act and the purchases were made without Council's prior authorization. 12. CONSIDERATION OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR MEMBERS OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL ARTS AGENCIES, PUBLIC ARTS CONFERENCE IN TUCSON, ARIZONA. Council Member Franklin advised that the staff report made no mention as to the cost, how many people are attending, who is attending and what the purpose is. She also asked if the Art in Public Places Committee has bylaws and Ms. Honeywell advised that?there is an ordinance setting up the Committee, which she would have to review in order to determine if there is a provision for adopting bylaws. In further response to Council Member Franklin, Mr. Walling advised that he serves on the Committee as a representative of the Arts Foundation along with Meg Robertson and Kay Wolff. Nancy Nard serves from the Community Services Commission and the City Manager served as the staff person. Mrs. Juhola noted that the matter of appointments to this Committee is scheduled for the next agenda. Council Member Franklin noted that the proposed budget eliminates a lot of out-of-state travel and would, therefore, have to know the cost and how important it is before she could approve it. Genovese advised that the cost of registration, plane fare and hotel is estimated at $625 plus meals and local transportation costs. He noted that the file indicates four names, thus far, who are planning to attend John Walling, Nancy Nard, Meg Robertson and Kay Wolff. Council concurred that there isn't enough information to base a decision and concurred on carrying the matter over to the BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 11 May 19, 1992 Special Meeting of May 26, 1992, in which additional information can be presented. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that this matter be continued to May 26, 1992. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-102. Council Member Franklin suggested that whenever anyone goes out-of-town to a conference, they should be required to make a report upon their return and that should be made a condition of this request. Council concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER. 2. REDUCTION IN SECURITY FOR TRACT 24208, CACTUS FLOWER II WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT ON DUNE PALMS NORTH OF MILES. 3. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL TRACT 23773-1 STARLIGHT DUNES RICK JOHNSON FRED WARING AND ADAMS STREETS. 4. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 92-024 FOR TRACT 23913 QUINTERRA), LOCATED NORTH OF MILES AVENUE AT LOS MANOS DRIVE. APPLICANT: JIM WElL. 5. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR AVENUE 50 MEDIAN LANDSCAPING AT PARK AVENUE). 6. CONSIDERED AS BUSINESS SESSION NO. 12. 7. APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR THE MAYOR TO ATTEND THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS? 60TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF MAYORS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS. 8. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF CALLE ESTADO. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that the Consent Calendar be approved as recommended with Item No. B being approved by RESOLUTION NO. 92-51A. Tracy Barton, representing Quinterra, Consent Item No. 4) asked that the approval be expanded to permit helium balloons tied to the fence on weekends. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 12 May 19, 1992 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that Consent Item No. 4 be reconsidered. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-103. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that approval be given to amend the application to provide for not only a banner for 30 days, but also up to 15 helium balloons for this coming weekend only. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-104. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF STREET LIGHT POLICY FOR ARTERIAL STREETS IN COMMERCIAL AREAS AND SPECIFIC CRITERIA FOR NON-COMMERCIAL AREAS. Mr. Speer advised that he receives periodic phone calls asking for street lighting to be installed at various locations. He recommended that the Council reconsider their policy and consider street lighting on major arterials and possibly some residential streets. Mayor Pena suggested that the City's street signage also be studied, as it's difficult to read the street signs at night. He suggested illuminated street signs or larger signs. Council Member Franklin wished to see more lighting along the arterials. Council Member Sniff referred to a survey he did in 1986 when the residents #1 concern was with streets and their #2 concern was with street lighting. They particularly wished to see lighting at the intersections. Mayor Pena felt that the City also needs better signing to direct them to specific areas. Mr. Speer advised that he will develop proposed guidelines and report back to the Council. 2. DISCUSSION OF AESTHETICS OF NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT PROPOSED FOR WASHINGTON STREET/HIGHWAY 111 INTERSECTION. Mr. Speer advised that he has been meeting with CalTrans on the signalization equipment at Highway 111 and Washington St. the Council has received brochures showing the equipment). They are proposing a signal bridge, which is a diagonal arm across the intersection, which would accommodate all of the BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 13 May 19, 1992 lights similar to the one at Indio Boulevard and Avenue 48. He wished for the Council to discuss this possibility as many people find it aesthetically offensive. He added that he has proposed the conventional equipment to CalTrans, but has not yet received their comments. Mr. Speer noted that TDC will be making a 25% contribution toward the costs and there will be some public funds from Measure A monies they probably won't pay for the upgrade). Council concurred on letting CalTrans know that the Council prefers No. 15 and does not like the bridge. Mr. Speer asked if the Council wishes to have painted poles and they directed staff to contact the City of Phoenix to see how their's is holding up. Mr. Speer is to report back on June 2, 1992, after his meeting with CalTrans. 3. PRESENTATION OF PLANS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 92-003 EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER AND LA QUINTA MEDICAL DEVELOPMENT) THREE-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND 48TH AVENUE. Continued to June 2, 1992. 4. DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR THE VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA. John Walling, 45-190 Club Drive, Indian Wells, advised that developers who are interested in developing in The village are looking for a sign from the City that they?re willing to lend some assistance. The project he is proposing is a golden opportunity to develop a model and send a signal to the development community that the City wants to develop The Village. In order to do this, you have to prove that you have an attractive, viable product, i.e, the building and financial wherewithal to make it pay. He presented the projected costs associated with the design of a model project. They can then take the architectural design and have renderings made to use as a marketing tool. Secondly, they have a group headed by Howard Nelson and Charlene McLean to go out and contact people who would be interested to come into a project like this. Once you have the tenants lined up, it would be very easy to find a developer. In response to Council Member Rushworth, Mr. Walling advised that they are asking for $29,270 to help pay for the BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 14 May 19, 1992 architectural design and for a team to go out and solicit potential tenants. Council Member Rushworth felt that it's worth the price and that we should go forward with the proposal. Mayor Pena agreed it's City-owned land, and at the very least, we would get a building designed at a reasonable price. Council Member Franklin wished to see the matter agendized after budget review because the budget is tight this year. Audrey Ostrowski believed that infrastructure is needed before development will occur. She has land in The village and wants to develop, but she needs infrastructure. Mayor Pena advised that if she has a development plan, she should present it to the Redevelopment Agency. Council Member Sniff agreed that infrastructure is important, but this project will not preclude the City from going forward with the infrastructure improvements. Council concurred on having this matter agendized on the RDA agenda for June 2, 1992. 5. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 1992/93 BUDGET. Mr. Genovese, Acting City Manager, advised that the Council has received the City's operating budget for 1992-93 FY. It does not include the Capital Improvements, but does include the program goals and objectives, personnel, and supplies and equipment costs. Included in the staff report, it's indicated that revenues are not anticipated to be higher than last year's and some expenses have increased. As a result of several reviews of the budget, some cuts have been made to the initial submittals by the Department Heads. Excluding the funding for the CVB, we're about the same place we were last year. Staff is looking for guidance as to which programs the Council may wish to see in place that have not been addressed, as well as service levels, the Council believes need to be enhanced, or cut back. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Genovese reviewed the budget process at the staff level, with Mayor Pena stating that it would be beneficial to have all Department Heads present for the overall budget review at the staff level rather than on a one-to-one basis. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 15 May 19, 1992 Council Member Sniff believed that serious thought needs to be given to the CVB. If the amount is raised from 06% to 1.4%, that additional revenue will have to be generated and probably through the TOT. He questioned the viability of the CVB in its present state. He wished to see the travel budgets reduced by 50%, as he believes that they have been extensive in the past. He also wished to see a freeze on hiring new employees not replacement), and that expenditures be capped until this financial situation is clarified. He was opposed to not having a contingency fund. Council Member Rushworth believed that the La Quinta Hotel would rather see the City increase the TOT than curtail funds to the CVB. Council Member Franklin questioned what would be gained by an increase in the tax with Palm Desert at 8% if we go to 11% perhaps we would be turning people away. She was not in favor of a TOT increase, but is willing to look at it again in October. She also opposed the reduction in the City Attorney services she saw that as going up rather than being reduced. In response to Council Member Franklin, Mr. Genovese advised that there is a City-wide Computer Study being completed and staff will be coming to the Council in the near future relative to purchasing the CPU system. He has suggested that since the exact cost is unknown and the funding mechanism hasn't been determined, that it be a separate study. Council Member Franklin felt that some consideration should be given to alternatives to hiring more Recreation Division people. Mayor Pena noted that the C. V. Recreation District has submitted a proposal and the Council needs to entertain those proposals and give serious consideration as to the direction in which to proceed with recreation. Council concurred. Mayor Pena suggested meeting with the Departments Heads to review the proposed cuts. Council recessed to 7:00 P.M. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 16 May 19, 1992 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PLACEMENT OF GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES ON THE TAX ROLLS FOR 1992-93 FISCAL YEAR AND APPROVAL OF RATE INCREASE. Mr. Ray Burke, General Manager of Waste Management, advised that the proposed increase is in accordance with their franchise. The increase represents the increase in the dump fee as well as 50% of the CPI. In response to Council Member Rushworth, Mr. Burke advised that recycling has flattened out. They have been doing some public awareness programs in an attempt to get curb-side recycling backup. Their target area now is composting trying to put the City into compliance with AB 939 by 1995. He will be working with the City's staff on developing an ordinance in this regard. PUBLIC HEARING OPEN There being no one wishing to speak, the HEARING WAS CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO. 92-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT PRESCRIBING THE CHARGES FOR RESIDENTIAL PARCELS FOR CITY-FURNISHED REFUSE COLLECTION FOR 1992-93 AND DIRECTING THAT SUCH CHARGES BE COLLECTED ON THE TAX ROLLS. It was moved by Council Members Franklin/Sniff that Resolution No. 92-52 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 25691 REQUEST FOR ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION 39 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS ON 9.3 + ACRES ON THE NORTH SIDE OF MILES AVENUE, 1/4 MILE WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET. APPLICANT: RICHARD L. DEMAN. Mr. Herman presented staff report describing the location of subject map and a brief description of same. The Planning Commission has recommended that the extension be granted subject to the original conditions. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Jim Viccia, 45-000 Club Dr., Indian Wells, representing the applicant advised that he was present to answer any questions. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 17 May 19, 1992 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION NO. 92-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 25691 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A 39-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON A 9-ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 25691 RICHARD L. DEMAN 1ST EXTENSION OF TINE. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin that Resolution No. 92-53 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. TENTATIVE TRACT 23935 REQUEST FOR SECOND, ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION 196 SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES ON 50+ ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD. APPLICANT: SANTA ROSA DEVELOPERS TOPAZ). Mr. Herman presented staff report describing the location of the tract and giving a brief description of same. The Planning Commission has recommended approval subject to the original conditions. PUBLIC HEARING OPEN There being no one wishing to speak, the PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO. 92-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS, CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS AND APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 23935, SECOND ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TINE. CASE NO. TT 23935, EXT. #2 SANTA ROSA DEVELOPERS. It was moved by Council Members Franklin/Sniff that Resolution No. 92-54 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 4. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION ON VARIANCE NO. 92-021 TO ALLOW RESIDENCE UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT 53-185 AVENIDA BERMUDAS TO EXCEED 17' BUILDING HEIGHT. APPLICANT: JOHN GUENTHER. Mr. Herman advised that this is an appeal of a Planning Commission decision to deny a request for a variance to the 17- foot height limit in the SR Zone. The City Council subsequently scheduled this matter for public hearing on this date. Since then, the applicant has lowered the roof to BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 18 May 19, 1992 comply with the SR Zone requirements. In response to Mayor Pena; Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, recommended that since the matter was scheduled for public hearing, that it should be acted upon. PUBLIC HEARING OPEN John Guenther, 53-235 Avenida Bermudas, believed that he has been taken advantage of in this matter advising that he can Cite other homes which have similar problems and other similar variances that were approved. He did not personally receive the plan check notes. He believed that there are some problems with the process as this appeal process has taken almost three months. The cost to him is going to exceed $10,000. He said that he could not afford to wait for this meeting with the possibility of being turned down again and he did not get a feeling from the Council that there was much likelihood that the situation would change. Mayor Pena believed if the Council wasn't willing to grant the variance, this public hearing would not have been scheduled. He voiced his desire to grant the variance at that meeting and believed that a couple of others did the same. Mr. Guenther advised that he intends to pursue the matter when he determines exactly what his damages have been. Dane Hooper, referred to a comment made by the City Attorney at the time this hearing was scheduled in that she preferred that the Code be amended rather than grant variances. He commended Mr. Guenther for lowering his roof, as he believed that the Code should be adhered to. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION NO. 92-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DENYING A VARIANCE FROM BUILDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS CASE NO. VAR 92-021. It was moved by Council Members Rushworth/Franklin to adopt Resolution No. 92-55. Motion failed to carry with Council Member Sniff and Mayor Pena voting NO. The decision of the Planning Commission stands). Council Member Sniff commented to Mr. Guenther that the City Council could not make a decision prior to a public hearing, but the City Council did indicate a willingness to consider this matter in a public hearing. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 19 May 19, 1992 PRESENTATIONS Mayor Pena advised that the La Quinta Beautiful Award was won by Mr. & Mrs. John Guenther, 53-235 Avenida Bermudas. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency Meeting. Council reconvened PUBLIC COMMENT John Triana, 55-113 Shoal Creek, La Quinta, referred to the Council minutes of September 17, 1991, in which Council Member Bohnenberger stated that in the future when a large project is approved, that these issues maintenance worker?s facilities) should be taken into consideration and made a condition of approval. He asked if anything has been done since that time to enact any regulations. Mayor Pena advised that the Planning Commission has been instructed to address the issue and the matter will be brought into the General Plan deliberations. Rosalind Davis, 50-925 Calle Paloma, addressed the matter of the Council?s approval of the expansion of the La Quinta Fellowship Church commenting that the reasons given for approval were very poor. She believed that some Council Members had their minds made up prior to the meeting. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ITEMS Council Member Sniff asked that staff develop a financial and if necessary, engineering information pertinent to the implementation and approval of Phase V of the Cove Improvement Project. The Council needs accurate financial information promptly so they can make a decision about moving forward at this time, or if necessary, to scale back the project. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk, advised that a letter has been received from the Jones Agency requesting time at a Study Session to give a presentation on the Eagle Mtn. Landfill and asked if Council wishes for that to be agendized. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 20 May 19, 1992 Council concurred on not agendizing it, given the fact that the Council has taken a stand on the issue and the fact that the next several agendas are full. Mrs. Juhola noted that some additional meetings may be needed. One for a joint meeting with the Investment Policy Task Force Committee; one to interview applicants for Boards and Commissions, and one for budget review. Also, a special meeting has been scheduled for Noon on May 26th to initiate Phase V of the Cove Improvement Project. Council concurred that the joint meeting with the Task Force is not necessary, that the final report and its recommendations can be agendized for Council action. Council concurred on meeting on June 1st at 11:30 A.M. for budget review and again on the same date at 4:00 P.M. to conduct interviews. Mr. Herman, Planning and Development Director, reminded the Council of the General Plan Up-Date meeting with the Planning Commission at the School on May 20th. Mayor Pena advised that the School has asked for the Council to make an appointment to the Children's Museum. It can either be a Council Member or someone else. He asked Council to consider this and he will bring it forward again. CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of potential pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Agreement with Riverside County Fire Department parc La Quinta b. Discussion of pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) International Treasury Management/Denman Company Iowa Trust c. Discussion of personnel pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 City Council Minutes 21 May 19, 1992 Council reconvened to regular session with no action being taken. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02 BIB] 01-29-96-U01 04:34:42PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 19-U02 1992-U02