1990 09 04 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3:00 P.M., Mayor Pena presiding, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: Council Member Bosworth CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager, asked that first reading of the Ordinance be removed from Item No. 11. Council Member Rushworth asked that Item No. 10 on Consent Calendar be removed and made Item No. 9 on the Business Session agenda. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Pena announced that the City has a baseball game tomorrow night at 7:00 P.M. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS- None BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONTINUED DISCUSSION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF HILLSIDE ORDINANCE JERRY HERMAN, Planning Director advised Council that the Planning Commission considered the proposed motion of the City Council and supported it on a 2-1-2 vote with the following changes; a. The word hillside" should be changed to read Open Space". b. That staff should be identified as specific members or departments. Mr. Herman presented maps illustrating the properties that are conditioned by approval conditions on various tract maps and depicting the toe of the slope. He also presented a map illustrating properties owned by the City; CVWD and other public agencies. Mr. Herman explained that the original Hillside Ordinance was adopted in September, 1969 and to date no projects have been submitted to the Planning Department for approval. Since that time, they have talked to various public agencies about how to start acquiring property and have talked to some property owners about development potential. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 2 September 4, 1990 Mr. Mark Moran has submitted a proposal with regard to hillside preservation that is included in City Council's packet. However, the Planning Commission didn't feel they had time to review and respond to it. Mayor Pena questioned whether Staff had a chance to review Mr. Moran's proposal, and Mr. Herman advised not. Council Member Sniff commented that if we can go forward with an Implementation Plan, he suggested that Mr. Moran's comments and suggestions be made a part of the Environmental Conservation Committees considerations. FRED WOLFF, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, Chairman of the Environmental Conservation Committee, stated he was puzzled at where the Hillside Ordinance is going. In April, the City Council adopted a policy to convert privately owned land into public ownership with emphasis made on no loss to the present owner. He proceeded to outline the chronology of this issue. He questioned the City's policy of allowing applications to be filed, if there is no intent to approve them. Mr. Wolff stated that at no time did the ECC recommend that the City acquire all the open space land. ECC members agreed that City Council should negotiate with other agencies that purchase land. Mr. Wolff noted that staff's report states that the Planning Commission voted 2-1-2 that the City Council take no action on the report at this time; whereas, the minutes reflect that the Planning Commission, in fact, chose not to make a recommendation to the City Council. He advised that he reviewed Mr. Moran's report and agreed that there are some portions that should be considered. He advised that the Committee approved the Council's proposed motion with some minor revisions. In conclusion, he hoped that the Council will stand by their action in April. Mr. Kiedrowski commented on Item 6G, advising that the City Council has not enacted a moratorium, which is why we cannot deny an individual from filing an application. Mayor Pena asked if the Environmental Conservation Committee considered Mr. Moran's proposal and Mr. Wolff advised not. Council Member Sniff felt the City Council should decide if they want to go forward with an Implementation Plan, which will develop recommendations back to the City Council to make further decisions at a future date. This is an attempt to examine the subject over the next year, and come forth with periodic reports with a final report on or before the expiration of one year. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 3 September 4, 1990 Discussion ensued with regard to the action taken in April and the direction the Council wishes to go at this time. Mr. Kiedrowski explained that City Council has already adopted an Ordinance that allows significant controls on any development that is Hillside. Council has the ability to review any change of the General Plan and zoning that deals with the open space. Council Member Sniff stated that this process would be helpful to get the City to that point as Council will examine the General Plan next year. In the mean time the Hillside Ordinance is in place and this is just an examination of and looking to possibilities of acquiring some of this land by dedication or other means. In the meantime everything is still in place and effective. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth to adopt an Implementation Plan as follows: 1. The City Manager shall assign City Staff personnel the responsibility of carrying out the program adopted by the City Council on April 17, 1990 as a high priority item. 2. Assigned staff and the Environmental Conservation Committee shall review and evaluate the options presented in the Staff Report plus all other pertinent material. 3. Staff shall contact all organizations that buy or trade open space lands as identified in Section D of the Staff report obtaining commitments of action where possible. 4. Staff shall contact all owners of parcels in the open space areas of La Quinta ascertaining: a. Which owners would be willing to sell or exchange their parcels voluntarily. b. Which owners would be willing to dedicate their parcels to the City. c. Which owners would prefer to keep their parcels zoned for no development. 5. City Staff shall serve as a middle man facilitator bringing owners and appropriate organizations and entities together wherever feasible. 6. City Staff and the Environmental Conservation Committee shall develop a strategy for affected property owners not willing to participate in any Implementation program for the City Council review and approval. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 4 September 4, 1990 7. City Staff shall provide a full report not later than October 1, 1991, plus periodic informational updates. 8. We shall re-form an Environmental Conservation Committee promptly. 9. Lastly, the City Council reserves to itself all legal and planning decisions. Council Member Bohnenberger recommended adding the following to Item No. 4; d. To identify which owners would prefer to keep their parcels zoned to allow development consistent with the open space and hillside conservation ordinance. e. None of the above. Council Member Bohnenberger assumed that Item No. 2 is meant to include review of Mr. Moran's report and Council Member Sniff stated that is correct. He noted that a lot of the area around Lake Cahuilla is controlled by the BLM and understood that they are considering putting some of it out for lease for possible development and we should communicate our plans with them to make sure they don't do anything inconsistent with our plans. Council Member Sniff suggested the Environmental Conservation Committee be re-formed as follows: 1. The Committee should be advisory only. 2. The Committee shall have an initial time frame of one year. 3. The Committee shall be appointed by City Council. 4. The Committee should be composed of seven members including one from the Planning Commission, two from the Community Services Commission and four from the public sector to be appointed by each City Council Member appointing one member. 5. The Committee should organize with a chairperson and vice chairperson. 6. The committee should abide by all rules & regulations required by law and allow and encourage public comment and input. 7. The City shall provide all reasonable support...................- BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 5 September 4, 1990 8. The Committee shall meet at least once a month and provide minutes and written reports to the City Council. Council Member Sniff amended his motion be amended to add Council Member Bohnenberger's two additions Council Member Rushworth concurred. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MINUTE ORDER NO. 90-94. Council Member Sniff requested that the re-formation of the Environmental Conservation Committee be placed on the next agenda. 2. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT OF THE DESERT. Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager stated the Contract with Waste Management of the Desert expires in one year. Proposals have been received from the two purveyors in the area. Ray Burke, with Waste Management of the Desert briefly review the contract. Mr. Kiedrowski stated the City is checking into recycled paper for City use. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that Waste Management of the Desert would like to amend Title 6, Chapter 6.04.140 of the City Ordinance at a later date. Kristy Franklin, 55900 Rivera, stated that PGA West residents have tried to get recycling for two years without success. There are residents in PGA West that want recycling bins. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff to authorize the Mayor to sign the Contract with Waste Management of the Desert. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 90-95. COUNCIL ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION to discuss negotiations with Transpacific Development Co. regarding Specific Plan 89-14 pursuant to Government Code, Section 54956.8. Council reconvened having given direction to its negotiators concerning the Transpacific Development Co. and Specific Plan 89-14. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 6 September 4, 1990 BUSINESS SESSION 3. REPORT REGARDING REVISED FEDERAL INSURANCE RATE MAPS FIRM) Frank Reynolds, City Engineer, updated City Council on the Flood Insurance Rate Map. Mr. Reynolds displayed and compared the old Flood Insurance Rate Map with the revised one, and advised that there will be publicity on this issue, as homeowners should contact their insurance companies for lower rates. Tom Hartung, Director of Building & Safety, advised the Council that there would be little effect on the building pad height and explained the areas of change on the map and the requirements of fill dirt before building. Council Member Sniff suggested the City put an article in the La Quinta Newsletter and have staff prepare a document with a map and the material mentioned so the residents can take it with them to their insurance company. Council Member Bohnenberger requested the Mayor draft a letter to Congressman McCandless thanking him for his efforts in getting the Flood Insurance Rate Maps revised. 4. DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE TO ANNUAL LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE IN ANAHEIM OCTOBER 21?24. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff Pena to appoint Council Member Rushworth as the voting delegate and Mayor Pena as the alternate for the Annual League of California Cities Conference. Motion carried unanimously. Minute Order No. 90-96 DISCUSSION OF MEMBERSHIP IN NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that the City was a member in the National League of Cities two years ago at which time it was decided not to continue the membership. The membership cost is $886.00 per year which is not budgeted. Mayor Pena felt the cost was relatively cheap and felt the City could benefit from the membership. Council Member Bohnenberger felt it was important to become involved in a stronger organization. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Rushworth to obtain membership in the National League of Cities with the membership costs coming out of the Council?s travel budget. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 90-97. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 7 September 4, 1990 6. DISCUSSION OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR FIRE STATION 32. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that in the past the City has talked about the Fire Station location. Mr. Neuman has preferred that the Fire Station stay at the same location with an access road in the back. The City might possibly contribute the money for the architectural drawing & design, so that it will be compatible with other City buildings. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Rushworth to approve in Concept the Architectural Design Services for Fire Station 32 and that more information be obtained. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 90-98. 7. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO RIVERSIDE COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff to continued this item until the September 18, 1990 City Council Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 90-99. 8. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 178 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA. AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 90-057. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that Ordinance No. 178 be adopted on second reading. Motion Carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Rushworth, Sniff & Mayor Pena. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Council Member Bosworth ORDINANCE NO. 179 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 9.210.050 TO CHAPTER 9.210 REGARDING PREMISES IDENTIFICATION. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 8 September 4, 1990 It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that Ordinance No. 179 be adopted on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Rushworth, Sniff & Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Council Member Bosworth 9. APPROVAL OF RELEASE OF BONDS TRACT 19903 LA QUINTA PALMS Council Member Rushworth advised Council that there is a major drainage problem opposite the CVWD Well. He wished to see staff research the problem before the bonds are released. MR. Reynolds advised Council that the Tract was built exactly the way it was approved by the City in 1965. There was never a way for the water that collects at this point to drain. The grading plan also shows there was no requirement placed upon the Developer to do any grading on the CVWD lot and it showed it to be higher than the street. Mr. Reynolds stated at some point the lot was graded lower than the street and felt that the responsibility lies on the City, the Homeowners Association and CVWD to work out a method for drainage. There is a drain line on the back side of the lot. Council Member Bohnenberger stated that Mr. Tom Levy of CVWD has committed the Coachella Valley Water District to work with the City on this matter. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff to authorize the release of the Bond for Tract 19903. Motion Carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 90-100. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Demand Registers Dated August 7th, August 21st, and September 4th, 1990. 2. Approval of Minutes of July 31, 1990, August 7 & August 21, 1990. 3. Approval of Release of Bonds Tract 23913 JASCORP BY Windsor Projects. 4. Approval of Out-of-State Travel Building and Safety Director to Attend International Conference of Building Officials in Denver, Colorado. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 9 September 4, 1990 5. Award of Bid for One 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck to Low Bidder Dick Bretz Mazda in the Amount of $10,015.47. 6. Award of Bid for One 4 x 4 Compact Sport Utility Vehicle to Low Bidder Palm Springs Motors in the Amount of $17,654.32. 7. Award of Bid for Sewer Hook-Up and Abandonment of Existing Facilities to Low Bidder Hendrickson Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $24,072.00. 8. Designation of Congestion Management Plan CMP) Agency. ReS). 9. Approval of Amendment to Contract with Riverside County Sheriff's Department for Cal I.D. Program. 10. Removed to Business Session No. 9. 11. Adoption of Resolution of Intention of Amendment to Public Employees Retirement Contract. 12. Adoption of Resolution Amending Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority. 13. Authorization to Release Rough Grading Bond Tract 25389-1 Brock Homes Avenue 50 and Park Avenue. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff to approved the Consent Items 1 13 as amended with Items 8, 11 & 12 being adopted by Resolution Nos. 90-67, 90-68 and 90-69 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 90-101. Mayor Pena announced in the interest of time Council will pass on the Departmental Reports and Informational Items. COUNCIL RECESSED UNTIL 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS OF LA QUINTA BEAUTIFUL AWARDS The Mayor presented the July & August La Quinta Beautiful awards as follows: JULY Most Beautiful-Robert & Laurie Dowding, 53-860 Avenida Juarez Most Improved-Jeff Carlson, 51-730 Avenida Madero AUGUST Most Beautiful-David & Barbara Woodard, 51-701 Avenida Juarez Most Improved-George & Ernestina Aguirre, 52-700 Avenida Villa BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 10 September 4, 1990 PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES TO OUT-GOING BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS PLANNING COMMISSION: John Bund & John Walling COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION: Maureen Mendoza DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: Martin Langer PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET VACATION 90-012 FOR A PORTION OF AVENUE 54 APPROXIMATELY 1900+ FEET WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET AND CONFIRMATION OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION. APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY. Jerry Herman, Planning Director, displayed a map illustrating properties. The property is owned by Landmark Land Company and this will enable them to get access to their property. The Planning Commission has reviewed the matter and determined that the street vacation is in conformance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan and recommends the City Council adopt the Resolution of Vacation. PUBLIC HEARING OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION NO. 90-70 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VACATING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF 54TH AVENUE. CASE NO: STREET VACATION 90-012. It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that Resolution No. 90-70 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON WEED ABATEMENTS/LOT CLEANING AND PLACEMENT OF COSTS ON 1991/92 TAX ROLLS. a. Corning, James H. APN 774-251-003 $150.00 b. Corning, James H. APN 774-251-004 $150.00 c. Hancock, John APN 774-281-008 $150.00 d. Knell, Charles A. APN 774-263-015 $150.00 e. Latta, William Earl APN 774-085-006 $150.00 f. Rosner, Josephine R. APN 774-251-006 $150.00 g. San Fernando Airport APN 774-283-016 $150.00 h. San Fernando Airport APN 774-283-017 $150.00 i. San Fernando Swap Meet Corp APN 774-084-018 $150.00 j. Sestich, Anthony APN 774-252-016 $150.00 Mr. Tom Hartung, Director of Building & Safety, indicated that Mr. John Hancock APN 774-281-008 has paid for the lot cleaning and will be removed from the resolution. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 11 September 4, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION NO. 90-71 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSING LIEN AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON TAX ROLLS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger that Resolution No. 90-71 be adopted as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT 24507 AMENDMENT RELATING TO ANNEXATION REQUIREMENTS FOR AN EXISTING APPROVED LAND DIVISION OF 35 ACRES INTO 25 SINGLE FAMILY ESTATE LOTS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 52, 2650' EAST OF JEFFERSON ST. APPLICANT: STEVEN BRUMMEL ET.AL. Mr. Jerry Herman, Director of Planning, advised that this is a correction in Condition #35 that had a one year limitation on the approval for the Tract Map which was subject to the Annexation. The Annexation has taken longer than Planning had anticipated. An additional one year extension is requested. PUBLIC HEARING OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION NO. 90-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING CONCURRENCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION AND APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 24507, AMENDMENT #1. CASE NO. TT 24507, AMENDMENT #1 STEVEN BRUMMEL. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that Resolution No. 90-72 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL COMMENT Council Member Bohnenberger suggested City Council schedule a Joint Study Session with the Planning Commission to discuss goals and directions. Council Member Bohnenberger suggested that discussion of Christmas banners be put on the Agenda for the next Study Session. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 City Council Minutes 12 September 4, 1990 PUBLIC COMMENT None COUNCIL ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION to discuss litigation parc La Quinta, Indio Case No. 60188, La Quinta Dunes, Indio Case No. 52783, Eminent Domain, Burkett Property, Indio Case No. 60203 pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Discussion of Personnel, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, and potential litigation, Bernard Debonne, and potential conflict of interest action, Government Code Section 54956.9 a). Council reconvened with no action being taken. At 7:20 P.M., the meeting was adjourned. Resp?ctfully, Th /?(Y;*(**?? SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 BIB] 02-13-96-U01 11:05:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02