1989 04 18 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 18, 1989 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bcsworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Kiedrowski referred to Item 4b on the Business Session agenda and asked that an additional item regarding a contract for soils testing be added to the agenda. It was so moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Pena advised that there have been requests to have public comment" follow written communications", so it will be moved. ANNOUNCEMENTS None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON CANCELLATION OF COACHELLA VALLEY AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE NO. 72 APPLICATION BY LANDMARK LAND COMPANY. Mr. Herman advised that Landmark Land Co. is requesting cancellation of a 3.375 portion of Agricultural Preserve No. 72. He noted that the largest portion of the Preserve is located in unincorporated area. The County Assessor has re-evaluated the fee in connection with the cancellation as $10,158 which excludes the 882 acres which will be dedicated in the future for right of way purposes. He added that the request is consistent with the Oak Tree West Specific Plan and meets all the criteria for cancellation. MICHAEL BRADLEY, Atty. far Landmark Land Co., advised that if this resolution is adopted, the fees will be paid immediately and development of Oak Tree West will proceed. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council Minutes Page 2 April 18, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-45 CERTIFICATE OF TENTATIVE CANCELLATION OF A PORTION OF A LAND CONSERVATION CONTRACT GOVERNMENT CODE, SECTION 51280, ET SEQ.) It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that Resolution No. 89-45 be adopted. Passed by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIFIC PLAN 84-003, AMENDMENT 2 THE ORCHARD AT LA QUINTA TO GRANT A ONE YEAR TIME EXTENSION AND MODIFY CONDITION #4 REGARDING FUTURE TIME EXTENSIONS AND CONFIRMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATIONS. Mr. Herman advised that Mr. Gary Lohman, representing Rufus Associates, is requesting a time extension or elimination of the time limit Condition 4) for The Orchard at La Quinta' development. The Specific Plan was originally approved by the City Council on February 7, 1984 for a 60-unit hotel. In 1986 it was amended to increase the number of units to 86. The Planning Commission considered the request and recommends granting this one-year time extension and further modified Condition 4 to require the applicant to justify to the Commission further time extension requests. Council Member Sniff asked if pursuant to Condition #4, if a valid reason for the extension has been submitted. JOHN CRISTE, Terra Nova Research, 275 No. El Cielo, Palm Springs, addressed the Council representing Rufus Associates, advised that they are in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and respectfully requested the extension. Regarding Council Member Sniff's question, he advised that they are working on financing issues on the project. Council Member Bohnenberger asked if there is an anticipated development schedule and Mr. Criste advised not. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council Minutes Page 3 April 18, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-46 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS, CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND GRANTING APPROVAL OF A ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION AND FURTHER MODIFYING CONDITION NO. 4 FOR THE ORCHARD SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN 84-0C3, AMENDMENT 2: THE ORCHARD. It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Echnenberger that Resolution No. 89-46 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a. Letter from La Quinta Cove Association Regarding Council Member Bohnenberger?s Relationship with Coachella Valley Water District. Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk read this letter in its entirety into the record. The basis of the letter questioned the ethics and morality of Council Member Bohnenberger voting on issues relating to Coachella Valley Water District in light of his position with that agency. b. Letter from Steve Brummel regarding correspondence from La Quinta Cove Association. Mrs. Juhola read this letter into the record. Mr. Brummel stated that as a member of the Cove Assoc. he was not polled prior to the action being taken. He supported Council Member Bohnenberger's voting record finding, him to be fair and judicious. c. Letter from Mike Smith of J. F. Davidson Assoc. Inc. regarding correspondence from La Quinta Cove Association. Mrs. Juhola read this letter into the record. Mr. Smith supported Council Member Bohnenberger's voting record, finding his decisions fair, and based upon good, sound judgement. d. Letter from Judith Cox regarding correspondence from La Quinta Cove Association. Mrs. Juhola read this letter into the record. Mrs. Cox supported Council Member Bohnenberger's voting record, finding him to be open and honest and commented on the number of dollars that have been spent by CVWD in La Quinta in up-grading the water system. e. Letter from Bruce and Jim Cathcart of La Quinta Palms Realty regarding correspondence from La Quinta Cove Association. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council Minutes Page 4 April 18, 1989 Mrs. Juhola read this letter into the record. The Cathcarts have not found a single instance wherein Council Member Bohnenberger has compromised his integrity, or the best interest of the City and its citizens by casting his vote or using his influence to favor his employer. f. Letter from Westward Ho Property Owners' Association regarding conditions at Indian Springs Golf Course. Received and filed. PUBLIC COMMENT DOTTIE BECKER, addressed the Council stating that it is her belief that Council Member Bohnenberger has an ethical conflict. ANN YOUNG, Pres. of La Quinta Cove Association, P.O. Box 1384, advised that they have been advised by the Fair Political Practices Commission that Council Member Bohnenberger does not have a legal conflict of interest. However, the individual she spoke to stated that if it was private industry, it would be a legal conflict. They request that Council Member Bohnenberger not be allowed to vote on matters relating to Coachella Valley Water District and commented that ethics is becoming an issue nation-wide. They do not believe that his loyalties can be with both the City and CVWD. MARK MORAN, 78-635 Bottlebrush, advised that he was speaking on behalf of himself and as President of the Chamber of Commerce. He stated that he voted for Council Member Bohnenberger in both of his elections because of his expertise as an engineer and because he could help to bring needed improvements to La Quinta. STEPHEN REIN, 52-952 Obregon, stated that this is a not a legal matter, nor is it a witch hunt". They are only asking that Council Member Bohnenberger step back from decisions involving CVWD. He believed that issues involving CVWD have not been given as much consideration as other issues. LUCIA MORAN, p.a. Box 1305, stated that she was outraged at the false allegations that have been made. She and her husband are both members of the Cove Association and have never been polled on any issue they've voted on. She felt that Council Member Bohnenberger's landslide victory in the last election shows that many people in the City feel the same way. DENISE JACKSON, 52-805 Navarro, stated that she was a part of the Cove Association letter. She felt that if everything CVWD is doing in the City is okay, then one vote won't make a difference she asked that the other four Council Members decide on issues involving CVWD. She felt that this is an ethical issue. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council Minutes Page 5 April 18, 1989 LARRY ALLEN, P.O. Box 412, reviewed the past history of the water service in La Quinta noting that with $100,000 income annually from water service, the CVWD has spent in excess of seven million dollars in La Quinta in upgrading the service. He believed that Council Member Bohnenberger has always voted for the good of the community and is continuing to do so in voting for the sewer district. FRED WOLFE, 77-227 Ensenada, stated that Mrs. Young does not speak for the people of La Quinta. There are 3,000 people in the Cove and they spoke last fall giving Council Member Bohnenberger more votes in the election than any other candidate and the people knew he is employed by CVWD. Individuals working for one agency and serving on the board of another is happening all over the State because they can lend their expertise. He has found Council Member Bohnenberger to be the most moral and ethical person he has worked with. JACK ABELS, P.O. Box 1416, concurred with previous letters and speakers who supported the voting record of Council Member Bohnenberger and felt that he has done a tremendous job on the City Council and has benefited the City by his expertise. HOWARD NELSON, 54-900 Avenida Diaz, stated that he was abhorred by the accusations that have been made about Council Member Bohnenberger. He believed that the last election proved his merit and it was known about his association with CVWD. He felt that these accusations are coming from people who disagree with him on certain issues; particularly sewers. He felt that the residents needs to get behind the City Council as there are major decisions to be made. WALLY REYNOLDS, 79-860 Fiesta Drive, advised that he, too, is a member of the Cove Association and stated that not everyone agrees with the contents of their letter. He felt that Council Member Bohnenberger has done a commendable, enthusiastic job over the past several years. PETER ZELLES, 54-767 Obregon, stated that he believes in Council ember Bohnenberger and campaigned for him and will do so again. He felt that he conforms with the letter of the law and is doing what is right. C. MONTROSE, 77-550 Calle Monterey, addressed the Council on the problems of animal control in the cove commenting that there are many dogs running lose. He asked that something be done about it. LYLAH BOOTH, 53-480 Madero, also addressed the Council on the problems of dogs running lose. She asked if the hours of the Animal Control Officer could be staggered as the major problems are during the evening hours. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council Minutes Page 6 April 18, 1989 COUNCIL COMMENT COUNCIL MEMBER BOHNENBERGER stated that he has been a CVWD employee since 1974 and has been a La Quinta resident since 1981. He made a choice to work for the District because he needed employment he chose to live in La Quinta because he wanted to live in La Quinta because of the community and its beauty. He commented on some of the water, sewer and street problems that existed at that time. He ran for City Council because he felt that his experience with the District, his education as an Engineer and his background as a public works engineer were exactly what this community needed at the time. In 1984, 700 people agreed with that. With that came an obligation to live within their trust that he would do the right thing for La Quinta. In 1988 he ran on his voting record as to what he has done over the last four years and what the CVWD has done over the last four years and 1,500 agreed with his record. He, too, questioned his potential conflict of interest when he first ran and again when he ran in 1988. He made sure that he was living within not only the letter of the law, but also the spirit of the law. On both occasions, the City Attorney has stated that there is no conflict of interest and FPPC has concurred. He concluded that he has never placed the well being of the District over this City. COUNCIL MEMBER SNIFF stated that he has heard no question or adverse comment about Council Member Bohnenberger's competence, skill, knowledge, dedication or effectiveness as a Councilman. Regarding the legality, the letter agrees that Council Member Bohnenberger is within the law with respect to a legal conflict of interest. He then defined ethics" and stated that there are concerned citizens with a major grievance. He noted that ethics and morality issues are largely subjective and are basically the province of those served. He believed that if such a decision is to be made, its up to the people of La Quinta to make. COUNCIL MEMBER RUSHWORTH MOVED to give Council Member Bohnenberger a vote of confidence and the hope that he will continue to vote in all matters relating to CVWD. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Brandt, City Attorney advised that relative to the Brown Act, this issue has been agendized so he believed that the action is permissible. Motion was seconded by Council Member Bosworth. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Brandt stated that in any case, the Council cannot preclude Council Member Bohnenberger from voting. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council Minutes Page 7 April 18, 1989 MAYOR PENA advised that he has worked with Council Member Bohnenberger for over five years and has every confidence in him and in his actions. There has never been any problems with his association with CVWD and he obviously feels comfortable with his position and this is something that he has to decide. He added that he, too, serves on another agency board that of Sunline Transit Agency and various other boards and commissions and it is done throughout the State. The issue of morals and ethics is something that is defined differently by everyone. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-33. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENT DAVID M. BLACK, 80-265 Westward Ho Drive, addressed the Council on issues relating to Indian Springs Country Club. He stated that they have gone to management but they have not been responsive. The noisy water pump penetrates the neighborhood and should have been housed long ago. He also complained about the PA system being used between 6 and 8 A.M. and they're unlawfully using Westward Ho Drive for golf carts, tractors, etc. He asked that these complaints be referred to the City Attorney. Mayor Pena advised that his concerns will be forwarded to City Staff. BEN GONZALEZ, P.O. Box 208, Greenskeeper at Indian Springs, explained the watering system which is done at night. Occasionally, there is a parking problem when there is a tournament, but there is always adeguate access. Council Member Bohnenberger didn't think we re asking that the watering hours be changed, but rather that the pump be housed to cut down on the noise. He wished to see the management of Indian Springs sit down with staff and try to resolve some of these issues. Council Member Rushworth stated that another concern is the golf carts using Westward Ho Drive to go to re-fuel which is illegal as well as noisy. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO SECTION 10-08.030 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF DOG LICENSES. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that this proposed ordinance will change the effective period of dog licenses to three years to coincide with the effective period of rabies vaccinations. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council Minutes Page 8 April 18, 1989 ORDINANCE NO. 137 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 10.08.030 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE TERM OF DOG LICENSES. It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bosworth that Ordinance No. 137 be taken up by title and number only and that full reading be waived. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Sniff that Ordinance No. 137 be introduced. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 2. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO SECTION 6.08.050 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING CONSTRUCTION HOURS. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that the proposed ordinance would amend construction hours to conform with daylight savings time. Council Member Bohnenberger stated that he could not support the proposed ordinance noting that it was originally set up for environmental work conditions of field workers. Council concurred. No action was taken. 3. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST OF PROPERTY OWNERS FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that the City has received letters from individuals regarding various parcels of land who would like to annex to the City of La Quinta. These parcels are generally in the area between Jefferson and Madison and between Avenues 50 and 52. The procedure in the past has been to notify adjoining property owners to see if they, also would be interested in annexing. There is one parcel interested which is not contiguous, so it wouldreguire other properties joining in to achieve annexation of that particular parcel. Mr. Kiedrowski added that all of these properties are currently within the City's Sphere of Influence and are currently General Planned Low Density Residential. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council Minutes Page 9 April 18, 1989 MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that the requests be received and that staff be asked to survey surrounding property owners to determine their interest in annexation. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-34. 4. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICES. 4B. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR SOILS TESTING SERVICES. Mr. Reynolds advised that the City is currently under construction of Phase I of the Cove Improvement Project and we need to have construction inspection services. He has investigated the options of increasing City Staff or contracting for these services. He believed that it is more feasible to contract for these services. He recommended that the Council authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement for these services with Tn Lakes Consultants at a cost not to exceed $180,000. Additionally, there is a need to enter into an agreement for soils testing services. He recommended that the City Manager be authorized to enter into an agreement with Leighton and Associates, who had the best quotation at a cost not to exceed $83,380.00. Council Member Bohnenberger asked if both amounts are within the budget limitations for the project and Mr. Reynolds advised that they are. Council Member Sniff asked if both were the lowest and best bids and Mr. Reynolds advised that they were. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that the City Manager be authorized to enter into an agreement with Tn Lakes Consultants for construction inspection services at a cost not to exceed $180,000. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-35. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that the City Manager be authorized to enter into an agreement with Leighton and Associates, Inc. for soil testing services in an amount not to exceed $83,380.00. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-36. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council Minutes Page 10 April 18, 1989 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 27 AND APRIL 4, 1989. 3. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH GEORGE MIERS & ASSOCIATES FOR PHASE II OF CIVIC CENTER PROJECT. 4. APPROVAL OF VARIANCE TO SIGN REGULATIONS LA QUINTA ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. 5. APPROVAL OF REQUEST FROM PALM ROYALE COUNTRY CLUB FOR SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE. 6. APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP 21846-4 PGA WEST. 7. APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP 23269 TRIAD PACIFIC FRED WARING DRIVE. 8. DENIAL OF CLAIM OF KEVIN VAUGHAN. 9. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES. 10. APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE OF CALLE ESTADO FOR CHAMBER MIXER, APRIL 26TH APPLICANT: LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Mr. Kiedrowski asked that Item No. 3 be removed as a contract has not yet been negotiated. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Sniff that Consent Items 1 through 10 excepting Item No. 3) be approved as recommended with Item No. 1 being approved by Resolution No. 89-47. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-37. At this time, Mr. Brandt, City Attorney, advised that the Council will be adjourning to Closed Session to discuss existing litigation entitled Wayne William Weber and John F. Maselter vs City of La Quinta, Indio Case No. 56867. Council reconvened to regular session with no action being taken. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. upon motion by Council Member Sniff seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger and carried unanimously. Respectful N? City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:35:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES APRIL 18, 1989 Joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was held on April 18, 1989, Mayor/Chairman Pena presiding. CITY COUNCIL ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Bohnenberger, Mrs. Bosworth, Mr. Rushworth, Mr. Sniff, Chairman Pena ABSENT: None 1. CONTINUED JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL EIR AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NO. 2. Mayor Pena advised that this is a continued joint public hearing of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency on the Redevelopment Plan and Final EIR for Project Area No. 2. MARK HUEBSCH, Legal Counsel with Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth, advised that at the previous public hearing there was a lot of testimony and additional written materials presented. There has been no change since that hearing except for two items of correspondence received as follows: a. Resolution of the Board of Directors of Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District. Not submitted for the record) b. Letter from Mayor of City of Indio dated April 18, 1989 pertaining to the Redevelopment Plan and making certain objections and comments thereto; which is a follow up of a letter dated December 13, 1988 pertaining to the draft EIR. c. Letter dated March 23, 1989 from Norm King, City Manager of City of Palm Springs accompanied by a copy of an agreement between Palm Springs and City of Indian Wells. d. Letter dated April 18, 1989 from Les Pricer representing the Conservation District He noted that discussions are continuing with the Conservation District as well as other entities. Mr. Huebsch advised that the fact of this continued public hearing was published and the affidavit of that publication will be made a part of the record. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:39:27PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Council/ 2 April 18, 1989 Redevelopment Agency He recommended that because of a recent amendment to the Redevelopment Law requiring a response to written objections and because of the possibility that one or more of the letters could be construed to be objections, that when the public hearing is closed, that no further action be taken and that the matter be continued to the next meeting, at which time action will be taken. Mayor Pena then called for testimony in favor. PRESTON MATLOCK, with Matlock and Associations, representing Desert Sands School District and Community College District stated that both Districts wishe to go on record in favor of Project Area No. 2. The Districts have carefully considered the proposed projects and have concluded that the immediate financial impacts will be out-weighed by providing a better community for the citizens and future students of the City of La Quinta. They look forward to working with the staff in order to bring about more educational opportunities. BOB KRAUSE, 79-410 Highway 111, concurred with Mr. Matlock. LES PRICER, representing Soils Conservation District, advised that they are in full support of the La Quinta Redevelopment Plan. Mayor Pena then called for testimony in opposition. GAIL BROEKER, 39-265 Manzanita, Palm Desert, representing Coachella valley Archaeology Society, addressed the Council/Board stating that she has a problem with the draft EIR. According to CEQA, all cultural resources must be identified prior to making a negative declaration. The EIR does not identify any cultural resources within this redevelopment area. In conversation with the State Historic Preservation Office there are 25 recorded archaeological sites in this area and over 1100 acres have never been surveyed. FRANK SPEVACEK, Consultant, advised that when the EIR was prepared, they reviewed available documentation that was part of the City's General Plan and other resource materials that were made available to them. When that material was reviewed, there were no siteS present that would require mitigation at this time. Primarily because the project itself does not identify any particular construction activities that would take place. But realizing that that review may not identify all potential archaeological sites, they have included, that as specific development plans are developed in the project area, that a qualified archaeologist be retained to review the plans and the site to determine if any archaeological artifacts or features would be present. BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:39:27PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02 City Councill 3 April 16, 1989 Redevelopment Agency MARK HUEBSCH, Legal Counsel, advised that the draft EIR was circulated in accordance with CEQA and all comments received were included in the report. MOTION It was moved by Council Member/Director Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member/Director Sniff that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that actions relative to this issue will be agendized on the May 2nd agenda and in the interim, letters will be drafted to individuals who have submitted written and oral comments. MOTION It was moved by Council Member/Director Sniff, seconded by Council Member/Director Bohnenberger that matters relating to Project Area 2 be continued to May 2, 1989. Motion carried unanimously There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. submitted, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk/Secretary City of La Quinta/La Quinta Redevelopment Agency BIB] 02-13-96-U01 04:39:27PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 18-U02 1989-U02