1989 10 17 CC Minutes E LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 1989 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger 8:00 M.), Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bosworth to excuse Council Member Bohnenberger. Motion carried unanimously. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Kiedrowski advised that the Council had asked that appointment of an Environment Conservation Committee be placed on this agenda and it was inadvertently left of f, so he asked that it be added. He also asked that a request of Simon Motors for a special advertising device be added, as it was received too late to place on the agenda. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bosworth that the matter of the Environment Conservation Committee be placed on this agenda and considered prior to the public hearings. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-108. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bosworth that the request of Simon Motors be placed on this agenda and considered as Business Session No. 3. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-109. ANNOUNCEMENTS- None CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF AN ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION COMMITTEE. FRED WOLFF, 77-227 Ensenada, felt that the proposed members of the committee are rational people and are involved in civic matters. He hoped to come up with a strengthened position with the ordinance regulating hillside development and he hoped that this will be an on-going committee to address environmental issues in the community. Council Member Sniff wished to see a permanent Environment Conservation Committee to study and recommend courses of action to the Council which would serve to protect and preserve our environmental resources. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 2 October 17, 1989 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bosworth that the Council establish an Environment Conservation Committee appointing the following individuals as committee members: Maureen Mendoza; Katie Barrows; Fred Wolff; Sharon Kennedy; and Howard Nelson, for a term of 90 days from this date, and further, this Committee shall study, review and recommend possible changes, and modifications to our recently adopted hillside conservation ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-110. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT 21846 REVISION #2 TO MODIFY DWELLING UNIT PRODUCT LOCATIONS AND INCREASE TOTAL NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS FROM 367 TO 434 ON 56.51 ACRES IN THE R-2 ZONE. PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN PGA WEST. APPLICANT: SUNRISE CO. Mr. Kiedrowski noted that the Planning Commission continued this matter, therefore, there is no report to consider. He recommended that it be carried over to November 7, 1989. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Snif f/Bosworth, that the public hearing on Tentative Tract 21846 be carried over to November 7, 1989. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-111. 2. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS ON GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS: A. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-025; SPECIFIC PLAN 87-009 AMENDMENT NO. 1); AND CHANGE OF ZONE 89-040 PERTAINING TO STREET CLASSIFICATIONS, COMMUNITY FACILITIES, REDESIGNATING THE AREA NORTH OF THE COMMUNITY PARK TO URBAN MIX AND MINOR AMENDMENTS TO THE HOUSING ELEMENT. Mr. Bower, Principal Planner, reviewed the actions to be taken at this time. Note: This item was discussed at the October 3, 1989 Meeting. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. RUPERT YESSAYIAN, P.O. Box 251, La Quinta, felt that the Tampico Subzone should have been added at the time the General Plan was adopted some time ago. The area zoned commercial, lying generally south of Calle Estado should not have been rezoned, because at that time, according to Susan Fox, consultant, there was already far too much commercial. He would not object to art galleries or pharmacies; however, a full commercial use is given to the Tampico Subzone which will further dilute the worth of existing commercial either now or in the future. He suggested that small goods and rentals Item No. 14 of the Use Groups) should be eliminated in order to be fair to other property owners who have held their land for many years. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 3 October 17, 1989 The Mayor declared the public hearing CLOSED. Council Member Bosworth felt that Mr. Yessayjan made a good pcint,adding that we should hold down the allowable uses. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Bower advised that any proposed land use will be subject to approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. City Attorney, Dawn Honeywell, advised that if the Council is going to want to eliminate some types of commercial sales, it would have to be done by deleting it as a possibility in that zone. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that the permitted uses can be amended by referring the matter back to the Planning Commission. However, this amendment would then miss this round of General Plan Amendments and would have to be reprocessed. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Bower advised that small goods is anything that can be delivered from a one-ton truck. RESOLUTION NO. 89-113 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 89-132) ASSOCIATED WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS GPA NO. 89-025), THE AMENDMENT TO THE VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN SPA NO. 87-009, #2), THE TEXT ZOA 89-04C), AND THE CHANGE OF ZONE FOR AREA 5 FROM R-3 TO VILLAGE COMMERCIAL SUBZONE C-V-T TAMPICO) CZ 89-007). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that Resolution No. 89-113 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that General Plan Amendment #89-025 including the revision to the Housing Element and revision to the Circulation Element be approved. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-112. RESOLUTION NO. 89-114 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND APPROVING THE AMENDMENT TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA INCLUDING A NEW AREA AREA FIVE), THE AREA NORTH OF THE PARK, AND MAKING OTHER MINOR CHANGES TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 87-009 VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA COMMERCIAL AREA AMENDMENT NO. 2. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that Resolution No. 89-114 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that Ordinance No. 152 be taken up by title and number only and that full reading be waived. Motion carried unanimously. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 4 actober 17, 1989 ORDINANCE NO. 152 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONING TEXT, AND CHANGING THE ZONE FOR AREA 5 FROM R-3 TO VILLAGE COMMERCIAL SUBZONE C-V-T TAMPICO). It was moved by Council Members Snif f/Rushworth that Ordinance No. 152 be introduced on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NaES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Council Member Bohnenberger Council Member Bohnenberger joined the meeting at this time 8:00 P.M.) B. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-026 FROM COMMERCIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND CHANGE OF ZONE 89-045 FROM C-P-S TO R-2 ON 36.5 ACRES AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT #1 TO ELIMINATE THE COMMERCIAL LAND USES AND RELOCATE A GOLF TUNNEL FROM AVENUE 52 TO JEFFERSON STREET AND OTHER MINOR CHANGES. LOCATION: SOUTH OF JEFFERSON AND AVENUE 50 INTERSECTION, ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF JEFFERSON, WITHIN THE OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN. APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND CO. Mr. Herman advised that this application includes the total Specific Plan for Oak Tree West as well as a change of zone for 36.5 acres. The Planning Commission has recommended that the Council amend the Specific Plan which includes increasing the size of the clubhouse and eliminating the commercial the hotel and the retail/office complex that was originally planned and relocating the tunnel from Avenue 52 to Jefferson and opening some view corridors on Jefferson to allow more visibility into the golf course. FORREST HAAG, P.O. Box 1000, La Quinta, representing Landmark Land Co., advised that he was present to answer any questions. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that General Plan Amendment 89-026 be approved as requested. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-113. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 5 October 17, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-115 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 FOR THE OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN. SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85-006, AMENDMENT l, OAK TREE WEST LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC. It was moved by Council Members Sfliff/Rushworth that Resolution No. 89-115 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that Ordinance No. 153 be taken up by title and number only and that full reading be waived. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 153 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 89-045. It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Ru5hw???? that Ordinance No. 153 be introduced on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None c. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-027 FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL AND CHANGE OF ZONE 89-046 FROM A-i-jo TO C-P-S ON 47.2 ACRES LOCATED NORTHWEST OF THE JEFFERSON STREET AND AVENUE 50 INTERSECTIONS APPLICATION BY LANDMARK LAND CO. Mr. Herman described the location of subject project advising that the request is to change the zoning on the 47.2 acres located northwest of the Jefferson St. and Avenue 50 intersections from A-i-b to C-P-S and to change the General Plan from Low Density Residential to Commercial. The Planning Commission has held a public hearing and recommends approval. He added that there are no proposed development plans for the property at this point in time. There is an application on hold by the request of the developer) for a day care center on about one acre located in the southwest corner of the property. Changing the zoning to commercial will complete the intersection of Avenue 50 and Jefferson to a commercial designation. There was some concern by the Planning Commission regarding the effect this will have on The Village and it was noted during the Specific Plan review, the Planning Commission has the right to limit the uses on this property similar to what was done on the Spanos Project. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 6 October 17, 1989 FORREST HAAG, P.O. Box 1000, representing Landmark Land Co. advised that the uses they are targeting will not lend themselves to occur in the small parcel sizes available in The village. Further, the infrastructure that is proposed in the General Plan or is in place today along the corridors Cf Jefferson and Avenue 50 lend themselves to serve a 50 acre parcel. In response to questions by Council, Mr. Haag advised that the size of the parcel lends itself to a campus type showroom commercial. Six acres will be dedicated for infrastructure; 12 acres for showroom commercial, i.e., furniture, home improvement; and 16 acres for garden office, potentially, anywhere from one to three stories. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. In response to Council Member Bosworth regarding why this change is being requested at this time, Mayor Pena advised that the applicant has commercial designated at Oak Tree West, which they have requested deletion of and are transferring it to this corner. In further response, he advised that PGA West has 20 acres of commercial at the entrance. There are 2,200 units proposed in Oak Tree West. Mr. Herman noted that the Planning Commission and City Council will have control over the height of the buildings. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger that General Plan Amendment No. 89-027 be approved. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-114. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Snif f/Rushworth that Ordinance No. 154 be taken up by title and number only and that full reading be waived. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 154 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 89-046. It was moved by Council Members Snif f/Rushworth that Ordinance No. 154 be introduced on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 7 October 17, 1989 d. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-028 AND PREANNEXATION ZONING 89-048 FOR ANNEXATION NO. 5 TO DESIGNATE THE PROPERTY WITH CITY OF LA QUINTA ZONING AND LAND USES CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT COUNTY DESIGNATIONS. APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA. Mr. Herman advised that this is the first step in an annexation process for the area generally east of Jefferson St. south of Avenue 50, west and east of Madison, and north and south of Avenue 54, known as Annexation No. 5. At the conclusion of this hearing, petitions will be sent to all property owners with these land use designations and zoning and they will then have an opportunity to respond. Based upon those responses, we will then make application to LAFCO. The Planning Commission has considered this request, which originally started out as 1,400 acres and they have recommended the land use designations and zoning that is before the Council at this time. The results of a survey sent out indicate a total of 1,334.58 acres with 1,173.16 acres of 88% responding favorably and 26.36 or 2% responding negatively and 135.06 or 10% not responding. By adding the properties east of Madison Street, the total acreage increases to 1,674.58 with a 90% favorable response; 2% negative and 8% no response. Council Member Bohnenberger referred to the two 40-acre parcels south of Avenue 54 and asked if we would be on better footing with LAFCO by including that and squaring of f that 1/2 section. Mr. Herman advised that LAFCO likes to see proposed developments before they would support annexation. He added however, that LAFCO does have the ability to decrease the area if they desire. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Bosworth to amend General Plan Amendment 89-028 to include the north half of the Section 15 and that the land use designation on that half would be very Low Density Residential and the zoning would be R-l-20,000. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-115. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that General Plan Amendment 89-028 be approved. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-116. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that Ordinance No. 155 be taken up by title and number only and that full reading be waived. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 155 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, PREZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE CITY AS DESCRIBED IN CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 89-048, PURSUANT TO SECTION 65859 OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT CODE. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 8 October 17, 1989 It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that Ordinance No. 155 be introduced on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION NO. 89-116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS, ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE GENERAL PLAN OF LA QUINTA. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that Resolution No. 89-116 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT 24889 FOR SUBDIVISION OF 426 ACRES INTO 108 LOTS FOR FINANCING AND CONVEYANCE PURPOSES IN THE R-2 ZONE ON PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET OAK TREE WEST). APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND CC. Nr. Herman advised that the proposed map is to allow division of the existing Citrus Golf Course in Oak Tree West from the future residential areas surrounding the course. The residential area will then be sold to J.M. Peters who is proposing to develop the property. The Planning Commission has recommended approval subject to conditions and the Public Works Department has recommended additional conditions as outlined in staff's report. STAN MORRIS, 4860 Irvine Boulevard, Irvine, Engineer for the project, referred to the recommended conditions and asked that Conditions 16 and 17 be deleted noting that with this particular financing and conveyance map, they are not proposing any construction. Therefore, there is no need for bonding, all of the improvements will be done with the map submitted by J.M. Peters. Regarding #23, he asked that it be amended to read that a license agreement shall be entered into prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. Regarding substitute Condition #21, he asked that it read that the applicant shall receive direct reimbursement from the City for any funds expended to obtain the easement. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. Mr. Reynolds had no problem with the deletion of Conditions 16 and 17. Ms. Honeywell recommended that Condition 18 be amended to include language with regard to the interior streets. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 9 October 17, 1989 Considerable discussion ensued regarding Condition 21, with Mr. Reynolds advising that the intent is to be able to put in the new alignment of Avenue 52 from Jefferson to Washington. Mr. Kiedrowski noted that it is intended to force these two developers to work together. He further clarified that it was never our intent to reimburse for the easement, but rather to provide for the opportunity for the applicant to ask for reimbursement for improvements to the road. Council Member Bohnenberger expressed concern that the Condition does not specify the location of the easement and Mr. Kiedrowski advised that it should read east of Washington to the west edge of Tract 24889. Discussion ensued regarding Condition 21 with Council deciding to recess to give the developers and staff an opportunity to meet and resolve this matter. Following the recess, Ms. Honeywell advised that the consensus was deletion of Conditions 16 and 17; amendment to Condition 18 to read The Schedule B street improvements required by the La Quinta Municipal Code for the street improvements in the right of way contiguous to the subdivision and for the interior private streets are waived..........."; Condition 21 will read development along Avenue 52 east of Washington Street, to the eastern edge of Tract Map 24889, the applicant shall make every effort to obtain a 60' wide easement for public street purposes from the adjoining property owner to the west". Further, The applicant may seek reimbursement for the improvements for that section of Avenue 52 east of Washington St. to the western edge of Tract Map 24889 in the following manner." Condition No. 23 will read Prior to the issuance of an encroachment permit, the applicant shall....." and in the last sentence, The agreement, which will be subject to approval of both the applicant and appropriate City officials......... The applicant advised that he was in agreement with these conditions. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Honeywell advised that the applicant understands that this is merely providing for an avenue for them to make a request, but is not promising a reimbursement from the City at any time. RESOLUTION NO. 89-117 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND GRANTING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24889 TO CREATE A 100-LOT SUBDIVISION ON A 426-ACRE SITE. It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that Resolution No. 89-117 be adopted with modified conditions as outlined by the City Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 10 October 17, 1989 4. PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT 24890 AND VARIANCE 89-010 FOR SUBDIVISION OF 404 ACRES INTO 564 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND 93 MISCELLANEOUS LOTS: VARIANCE TO ALLOW SOME LOTS TO BE 55' WIDE RATHER THAN 50' WIDE TO ALLOW DUPLEXES IN THE R-2 ZONE. PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON OAK TREE WEST). APPLICANT: JM PETERS COMPANY. Mr. Herman advised that the proposed tract map subdivides the northern part of Oak Tree West project which was previously discussed, into 564 residential lots. The Planning Commission has recommended approval with conditions. Mr. Herman advised that Condition No. 36 would have to correspond with with Tract 24889 Condition No. 21. STAN MORRIS, Engineer for the project, advised that they are in agreement with all of the conditions of approval and modified Condition 36. He asked that Condition 43 be deleted. He then described the project advising that the condos will sell in the high $200,000 to $300,000 and the homes will sell in the mid $450's. FOREST HAAG, representing Landmark Land Co. referred to Condition No. 45 regarding right-in/right-out of the maintenance facility, and advised that this is going to require maintenance workers who live in the Cove to make a U-Turn and questioned the possibility of a curb cut that would allow a left-turn-in and Mr. Reynolds stated that he could not recommend a curb-cut in that vicinity, noting that this is going to be a four lane facility carrying 25,000 to 30,000 cars each day. He couldn't see the justification for such a curb-cut. Mr. Herman noted that the request for a variance has been withdrawn and instead of duplexes, they are going for air-space condominiums. Additionally, they wish to be able to construct 28' high buildings rather than 20' high, which would need to be added as a condition Condition No. 49). The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO. 89-118 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND GRANTING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24890 TO CREATE A 443 LOT SUBDIVISION ON A 404 + ACRE SITE. It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that Resolution No. 89-118 be adopted as amended. Motion carried unanimously. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 11 October 17, 1989 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS- None BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF AN URBAN FORESTRY PROGRAM. Mr. Reynolds presented a staff report noting that the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection's Urban Forestry Program has been allocated $5 million for urban forestry projects to be administered over a five to seven year period with annual allocations for each of the first three years amounting to $633,000.00. Grant requests must not be more than $50,000 and the cost of individual trees must not exceed $65.00. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mayor Pena advised that no other City in the Valley has applied for these funds. Palm Desert is considering it and has hired a landscape architect. Council Member Crites went to a week-long seminar on this matter and has offered to come address the Council. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth, that the Council deem an Urban Forestry Program to be a worthwhile effort and authori?e City Staff to proceed with the planning process for such a program. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-117. 2. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 146 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 9.210 THE OUTDOOR LIGHT CONTROL ORDINANCE" ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT NO. 89-011). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger that Ordinance No. 148 be adopted on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ORDINANCE NO. 149 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 69-047. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 12 October 17, 1989 It was moved by Council Members Bosworth/Sniff that Ordinance No. 149 be adopted on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ORDINANCE NO. 150 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AMENDING TITLE 8 ENTITLED, BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION", AND ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, VARIOUS 1988 EDITIONS OF UNIFORM CODES CONCERNING ADMINISTRATION, BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, SWIMMING POOL, SIGN CONSTRUCTION, HOUSING AND DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that Ordinance No. 150 be adopted on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ORDINANCE NO. 151 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS 11.08.005 AND 11.08.040 AND ADDING SECTION 11.08.090 OF CHAPTER 11.08, DISORDERLY CONDUCT, TO THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. It was moved by Council Members Rushworth/Sniff that Ordinance No. 151 be adopted on second reading. Passed by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 3. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST OF SIMON MOTORS FOR TEMPORARY ADVERTISING DEVICE. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that the request is for a cold-air balloon to advertise their fifteenth anniversary. It will be displayed the week of October 21st. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that the request of Simon Motors for a temporary advertising device be approved. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-118. BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02 E City Council Minutes Page 13 October 17, 1989 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3, AND OCTOBER 10, 1989. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger that Consent Items 1 4 be approved as recommended with Item No. 1 being approved by RESOLUTION NO. 89-119. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-119. COUNCIL COMMENT COUNCIL MEMBER BOHNENBERGER suggested that a letter be written offering the City's assistance of services to the City of San Francisco and surrounding areas. Council concurred. PUBLIC COMMENT-None Council adjourned to closed session pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.9 c) to discuss litigation in particular: City of Indio/Indio Case No. 57496 Council reconvened with no action being taken There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. upon motion by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger and carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted SA?DRA L. JUHOLA? City Clerk City of La Quinta California BIB] 02-17-96-U01 02:46:32PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 17-U02 1989-U02